qt Oiftlyt. - :,}4.:Cr•NTINGDON, PA. W. Leimii, Editor and Proprietor. Wednesdaymiiining, June 10, 1868. Our Flag Forever. pf 'no mode in tablet a loyal cite', ten 4mirio 'tan * demons/rade ' his &wain; to hw colpitry as by sustaining the Flag the aps,3titution and at Maio», tender all cirtunt ataiaiii, and UNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION, ,REGERDLESG OE:PARTM POLITICS, AGAINST ALL ESRAiedNl`i, hOMEAND ABROAD."—STEIGIEN 'AifiOUGI.AS, • WHO ARE TRAITORS.—We are credi bly informed that a delegation in at tetidandeat a bogus Democratic meet ing Bold Ebensburg last week,march cd through 'the streets, and repeatedly cheered for doff. Davis. There are Many men in this county claiming to be Democrats, who aro not behind theirfellow traitors of Cambria in their nut-spoken treason, and we regret to know that too many loyal Democrats still amociate with such men in public meetings, and privately, for the pur pose of strengthening a party organi zation that is completely under the control of men who are worse than the leading rebels in arms against our Government. All men who claim to be Democrats are not traitors or rebel vmpathizers, but if they continue to aid their leaders in their treasonable opposition to the Government, they cannot complain if they too are "coun ted in." True Democrats simuld in quire to what organization all rebel sympathizers belong. The Vallandig hams, and every traitor in the North, in and out of our army, claim to bo members of the so-called Democratic organization. And to this organize -tic& Jeff. Davis and his rebel crew look to for aid and comfort, We dent that lluiDemoerati have an organization— s party—as they had proVious to the hist Presidential campaign. The south -ern traitors-to the- Democratic party hi 3 6Q; :with but very few exceptions, .si t re, now in arms against the, Govern- And the leading traitors North are their. sympathizers. All true De mocrats are - for their country first, and opposed to any and every organization not purely Democratic. The Vallati digham organization is not the Demo cratiolarty—it is a treasonable or innization,'and must be put down by an honest, patrioqo, public opinion. • - How TO GET UP A MEETING.—TIIO Ircti!aUcl!gbainithi 151,3?0 , 0 . . new way. to 'indy4olacir , ,friend§ to ' t urn out'when tP /POW P, idto . w." • Notices sitnilar to the following wore found Vostid iip at all - ttio mines •On Broad 'Poplin the day previouS to the " In- Ognation Meeting:" _ May 2800803 NOTICB. Notice is hereby given to all mon holding Democratise principles to re main idle on to-morrow, and attend the Democratic Mass Meeting in Hun tingdon: Any person failing to com ply with notice may accidentally meet with a surprise. This order was obeyed, and a dele gation of about 170 men attended the meeting, in charge of a committee of fifteen, who were appointed overseers to keep the " Democracy " out of trouble. When this delegation arriv ed in town, it was taken charge of by old Know No, ings, and marched to thoz,Cogrt now, where the meeting was Fesided over by a know Nothing, and the crowd were compelled to wor ship Owen, another Know Nothing.— The "Democracy" of this county are now under the control of men who were against the Democratic organiza tion when it had some character. The Bogus DemoCrecy Resisting the Draft, The bogus Democracy in most' of their public meetings speak in favor of obeying the laws, yet where they are strong enough they do not hesitate to oppose tho enforcement of the laws necessary to strengthen our .Govern merit against the rebel army of the South. It will be seen by the follow ing despatch from Reading that the bogus Democracy of Berke county aro determined to resist the draft : BEAnnio r june Enroller of Brecknock , township, Berke county, who is a member of the Society of Friends, and named Joseph Dickerson, was attacked at his residence on Thnrs day' night. ' The dwelling was much damaged. On Friday he received no tice that "his grave had been dug," and on that night three shots were tiretl at his sister's. house. This morn ing he came to Reading and resigned his commission. The attack is believed to have originated with the Knights of the Golden Circle. •; TROOPS FOR QUA BORDER.—The See ret,ary, of War had authorized Governor Curtin to raine, i 5 regiinents, viz : Ten ntinfantry and five of cavalry; to iiet'pLikeil on 'Our Southern border, to prevent and guard against raids in fu tui'e-- We are , glad'of it, as we think ibis was much needed, and may be the means of preventing serious trou bles, The Friends of Peace. Between present peace and permanent peace there is a vast difference. The friends of present peace are those who would compromise the honor and the integrity of the Government, to escape personal service, to make political cap ital, or secure self-aggrandizement.— Such peace would be more uncertain and really more dangerous than the common vicissitudes of war, in which the result of battle bangs on the mer— est chance. It would be a peace breeding constant apprehension and alarm. The Government would be unstable because unvindicated. The law would go into operation without a support, because its enforcement would constantly involve a comprom ise which would defeat its intention when those who might incur its.pcnal ties resolved to resist its power.— Those who are opposing the efforts of the National Government to put down rebellion, aro favoring the present peace to which we now refer. Such as these want peace that they may carry to success their political plans. It is not to restore the country to greatness or glory, that such hypo crites as Bill Bigler or such naturally brceded traitors as Bill Reed desire peace. They preach peace alone to promote party purpose. They offer the compromise of national honor that their party plans may succeed. Tho traitors who drew the sword and light ed the torch for ;,slavery, must bo brought to their knees in utter and complete subjection; they must be forced to accept such terms as the out raged majesty of the law and the in suited purity of the Government may dictate. They must be made to feel, in their persons and their property, that this Government is not only all powerful tx.l'protect the right, but that it is invincible when it moves to crush out the wrong. Those who support the Government in its efforts against the traitors in arms, are doing all they can to hasten the establishment of such a peace. No other power but the Government can restore this peace. Political parties aro unable of themselves to create national harmo ny or vindicate the national authority. As these are able to do that Govern ment great harm, so are they able to do it great good. This is being realiz 'ed at the present hour. The party which is supporting that'Government —the loyal men of all parties, who are rallying to its defence and mainten ance, are those who are in favor of permanent peace. But those who are opposing the Government—who are constantly clamoring for peace by as sailing the National Administration— by traducing and maligning the repre sentatives of the federal authority— these are the enemies of peace. Had the Government been supported, as it should have been, by the united mass es of the free and loyal States, the re bellion would not have lasted a year. Had the leaders of tne 'Detimeratio" party who first expressed sympathy for traitors, been arrested and dispos ed of, the traitors of the South would uow be on their knees suing for peace, and as an evidence of their sincerity, the same men would covenant to hang every doughface of the Vallandigham ilk in their possession.—Rarrisburg Daily Telegraph. Who Got up the Rebellion? Every day we hear rebel sympathi zers say that the rebellion was got up by " Abe Lincoln " and the "Aboli tionists." Hundreds of the followers of such traitors as Vallandigham, Big ler & Co., believe such silly assertions. They believe them because they aro educated to obey their political leaders. They are - white men, but few of them have the independence to think for themselves. They enjoy about the same poli tieal privileges that the "white trash" do in some of the 'Southern States. They are unworthy to be called freemen. We ask the question again—" Who got up the rebellion ?"—and ask atten tion to the following events which oc curred during the administration of James Buchanan : Doe. 10, 1800. South Carolina nee ded. Jan. 3,186 L Mississippi acceded. Jan. 16,1861. Florida seceded. Jan. 19, 1861. Georgia acceded. Jan. 31, 1861. Louisiana revolted Feb. 1, 1861. Texas revolted. Feb. 5, 1861. Arkansas revolted. Feb. 9, 1861. Jefferson Davis was elected President of the Southern Con federacy. Feb. 19, 1861. Jefferson Davis was inaugurated. Now who got up the rebellion—and who aro responsible for the great de struction of life and property since the war began? .... Loyal Governors. In closing his inaugural address, Governor Gilmore of New Hampshire, says : tln .such a contest as that in which we are now involved, lam unable to discriminate between the support of the Government and the support of the Na tional Administration. It is no time now to speculate upon the causes of the rebellion. The only facts which we need, are, that it exists, and that it is our DUTY to put it down. It was a re mark made to me by a former Gover nor of 'this State, the Into venerable Isaae Hill, in which I fully concur, that 'a man who will not stand by his Government is a coward and a traitar.''' The Income Tar. A series of important decisions, just announced by the Commissioner of In tonal Revenue, servo to clear up some doubtful points in reference to the as sessment of the income tax. Mer chants have expressed doubts in regard to the proper mode of estimating their income for the year ending with De cember last, but the Commissioner de fines the requirement of the law as follows : "A merchant's return of income should cover the business of the year 1862, excluding previous • years. Un collected alecounts must be estimated. " Old debts, formerly considered hopelessly lost, but paid within the time covered by the return of income, should be included in the statement,— Debts considered hopelessly lost on December 31, 1862, and duo to the business of 1862, may bo deducted from the profits of business. If subse quently paid, they must be included in the return for the year in which paid." In relation to the income of farmers the Commissioner rules as follows: "A farmer, when making return of the total amount of his farm produce, shall be allowed to deduct therefrom the subsistence of horses, mules, oxen and cattle used exclusively in the car rying on of said farm. The term 'farm produce' is construed to include all productions of a farm, of what na ture and kind soever. The account of stock sold by a farmer since December 31, 1862, should be included in the present assessment, but the profit re alized thereby must be accounted for in the next year's return. "Where he has included in his return produce raised by him, and fed in whole or part to stock subsequently sold, ho must account for the gain re alized by the feeding and selling of said stock. Where he has not inclu ded the produce so fed, he must return as Fonts the difference between the value of said stock on the 31st day of December, 1861, and the amount real ized for them. Fertilizers purchased by farmers to maintain their land in present productive condition will be* considered as 'repairs' in estimating in come." Occupants of boarding houses aro held to be entitled to the deduction allowed to payers of house rent. The commissioner says : "When a person boards and rents a room or rooms, the rout thereof, in lieu of rent of house, should be deduct ed from the amount of income subject to taxation." The income tax is assessed upon the actual income of individuals; firms, as such, need not make returns. Charit able, literary and scientific institutions are wholly exempted from the income tax. ON the 18th of Dec., 1814, twenty days before the battle of Now Orleans, Gen. Jackson reviewed and addressed his troops. The Battalion of Men of Color he addressed thus : " SOMMERS :—From the shores of " Mobile I collected you to arms ;Tin> vited you to share in the perils and " to decide the glory of your white " countrymen. I expected Much of " you; for I was, ,not -.uninformed of "those qualities.•which Must milder "you so formidable to an invading e. " I knew that you could endure hun ger and thirst and all .the hardships "of war. I knew that, you loved the "land of your nativity, and that, like " ourselves, you had to defend all that "is most dear to man. But you aux " pass my hopes; I have found in you, " united to these qualities, that noble " enthusiasm which impels to great " deeds." See the pictorial biography of And. Jackson, by JOHN FROST, L. L. D. pages 315 and 316, where the reader will find this address. WE had intended to take some no tice of tho hundreds of falsehoods put in circulation by the Vallandighamitos about the destruction of the Me/liter office and the "indignation meeting," but we have concluded to lot them pass for the present and make the proper use of them at the proper time. Wo have not yet seen a word of truth in any statement about either in any of the rebel sheets, except the naked facts that the Monitor was destroyed and an " indignation meeting" was held. From the Lower End. Editor of the Globe, D.E.111, Slit have thought proper to pen you a few lines from the lower end of the county in regard to two meetings hold by the bogus Demoera. cy—ono at Orbisonia, 'on the 3d, the other on the 4th; at Shade Gap. Word was given that B. B. Pptrikin and Spoor were to address those meet inn. At Orbisonia there were a few of the Monitok friends, together with several loyal Deniedrats. e nieet4 ing NV4 ArSt,4dqyCS'SCCt 1)y . Peti'ill'4l' in a tirade:of abusive language, against the Government; which disgusted the loyal men of botb'partiot. • Next came the young gun into play. ' He had dis -Or:4N-end that Petrikin'tiSpeech was not relished very Well, and ho was more mild in twaddle, but everything was wrong and unconstitutional that Lin coln had done, and that he was not elected by the majority of tho people. Well, by such nonsense, they lost more than they gained. Next, the meeting at Shade Gap came off. Hero there were some of their own stamp from Tell,' but both were mere fizzles. At this meeting, a majority of the Demo crats were loyal, and the speakers wore hissed at, and their traveling bar running oat a little too soon, they bad to close the meeting with the loss of Petrikin's hat. Had the speakers watched the hat as close as they did the bottle it would not have 'be en lost. We of Shade Gap would like to have them here again, as they do no harm to any ' person, but help the Union cause. Juno 8, 1863. WAR NEWS. PROM THE RAPPAHANNOCK General Hooker's Army Re-crossed the Rappahannock.—The First Line of Rifle Pits Carried. —Daring Bravery of Our Troops.—The'Rebels in Strong Force.--Capture of One Hundred Prisoners. WASUINGTON,IC 6. [Special Dispatch to the N. Ileralcl.) The Second Division of the Sixth Army Corps crossed the Rappahan nock at noon yesterday, on pontoon bridges laid by a detachment of the Engineer corps. The object -was a ro connoissanee in force to ascertain the motives and position of the enemy. The rebel sharpshooters made some opposition to the placing of the pon toons, but this was quickly overcome, although we lost ono or two men in the operation. After the division had crossed, there was considerable skirmishing, and the rifle pits occupied by the rebel rifle men were finally carried, and some 30 or 40 prisoners captured. Among the killed was Capt. Cross of the Fiftieth New York. The rebels still hold Fredorioksburg. Gen. Longstreet is there, and shows a strong front at the upper fords of the Rappahannock. It is believed that a large part of the rebel force has gone in the direction of Gordonsville, but with what intention can only be sur- mised. Our army is in good• Spirits, and ready for a movement forward at an hour's notice. Col. Kilpatrick's caval ry brigade arrived at •boadquarters last evening, from Yorktown via Ur bana and the Northern Neck. Since leaving Urbana, they have gathered fivo hundred horses and mules, 305 vehicles, and 250 contra bands, of whom all but fifty are valu able field hands. Major Stokes of the 40th Virginia, Lieut. Millichn of the Baltimore Artil lery, and a number of the rebel signal corps were also taken prisoners and brought hero. [Special Dispatch to the N. Y. Times.] ARMY OF n tO, June 4.—Yester day,at noon, very unexpectedly to ev erybody, the Engineer brigade was or dered to the Rappahannock with pon toon bridges, and ordered to proceed with the construction of two bridges across the river at the point known as Franklin's crossing, below the month of Deep Rim, and one mile below Fredericksburg. The batteries from the Sixth Corps, under charge of Col. Tompkins, were likewise ordered to cover the engineers in their work, and Howe's division of infantry was ordered to the spot to support the engineers and push across as soon as the bridges were laid. The only rebel force visible was a double line of pickets, who lounged about very innocently, watching our operations closely. About five o'clock, the Engineers commenced unloading the pontoons, whereupon the rebels flopped into their rifle pits, and began picking off our men. Our artillery, twenty guns or more, immediately opened with shell, and for two - hours kept up a vigorous cannonade, with but little effect , how , over, upati , tGe islith - iniLi,oLua6, It became necessary to storm the rifle pits, and at half-past six o'clock, the 26th New York, Col. Morrison, of Col. Grant's brigade, was ordered into the boats. They at once piished across under a dense fire, and landing on the opposite side, rushed upon the rifle pits with cheers. The rebels vacated and ran. Our men were instantly de ployed as skirmishers, and in a short time some of the 02d Florida were brought iu as prisoners. Other refits. of the Vermont brigade soon followed in boats, until nearly the whole of ten brigades were over. As soon as the firing ceased, the en gineers began the work on the bridges, and at 9 P. M., had ono completed, and the remainder of Howe's division passed over. Our casualties were five killed and twenty-five wounded. OurfereeS advanced cautiously across the plain, deploying skirmishers very handsomely, our right restingon Deep Run, and the left in the vicinity of Bernard Rouse. By - dark they had reached the Bowling Green road and posted pickets for the night well out towards the foot of the timbered crests on which the enemy have their strong entrenchments.' The rebels were' not discovered in fordo last night, though the prisoners stated that we should soon meet them if we kept on advancing. This morn ing enough has been ascertained to lo cate the greater portion or the ene my's force. We took .nearly HO prisoners, inclu ding ono Major. Onr crossing took the enemy greatly by surprise. Dur ing the night, Gen. Leo marched two corps back from the vicinity'of Salem Church to a position in front of our lines. Gen. Longstreet's corps has re inforced the troops in Fredericksburg and slept there last night. This mor ning they moved in a southerly direc tion. By this bold movement we have de monstrated to a certainty what be came of the enemy, besides divining his purposes. Our men behaved most gallantly, cheering as they crossed for the third time, this historic river. The move ment has thrilled the army with ex citement and impatience. The rebels returning to their fortifications Ncw YORK, Ynno B.—The Herald's special despatch from Washington, says the reports from the army of the Potomac (Sunday) represent matters as very quiet. The rebel forces in large numbers wore seen yesterday returning to the fortifications in the rear and below Fredericksburg. One of the prisoners captured on Friday below Fredericksburg, stated that it was intended soon to make a raid toward Washington. If such a design is entertained, they will find ample preparation made for their re ception. The object of the reconnoissance across the Rappahannock was fully ac complished. The Siege of' Vicksburg. CINCINNATI', Juno 4.—Our direct ad- Vices from 'Vicksburg are to Saturday, the 30th of May. For several days previous, quiet prevailed along the lino, broken by occasional cannonad ing. The Commercial's despatch says Spades are once more' trumps. We are eroctO,Tealltlkworks to protect our men, ant:o4,4lldg to blow the face out of one'o'r:tivO forts that are nearly un approachable otherwise. The idea of _carrying the place by storm seems- to be abandoned, and the safer and surer plan of starving Gen. Pemberton into submission now. finds favor every where. A deserter came into bur lines this morning. He represents that ho was sent out by General Pemberton to communicate verbally with Generals Johnston, and Loring. The former he supposed to be between Big Black River and Jackson and the latter near Port Gibson. He represents affairs in the city as growing desperate. About eighteen thousand effective men are there. Two•thirds are kept in the fortifications night and day and not al lowed to leave an instant on any pre text. A detail each evening cook the rations, consisting of three quarters of a pound of meat and the same of corn meal per day. The remaining one third is held as a reserve to strengthen any threatened point at a moment's notice. Generals Pemberton, Lee, Reynolds, Stevenson and others are in the city. Most of the sick left the city before its investment. Those who remain have excavated eaves, and live in them night and day. The valuable mer chandise in the city is also thus stored, from fear of conflagration TIM poor arc generally in their houses. Over ono hundred women and chil dren have been killed by our bombard ment. Gen. Pemberton believed his rations would hold out thirty days, but u.•ged Johnston to come to his re lief within ten days at the furthest.— The cavalry horses have been turned loose and driven toward our lines, ow ing to the lack of forage. (This has since been confirmed.) There was ammunition enough to last sixty days, with the single exception of gun caps; these were scarce. All confidently expected superhu man efforts to be made by those out side to raise the siege. They consider Vicksburg the strongest place in the confederacy. Gen. Blair had met no enemy in force, and the reports of Gen. Johnston being near are disbelieved. At all events, we aro prepared for him. Subsistence for our army comes to Lake's Landing on the Yazoo River, about ten miles from the Mississippi, by transports, and thence by teams to the different army corps. This morning, the heaviest cannon ading of the siege was kept up with out intermission for nearly three hours. New batteries have lately been put in position, and 150 guns were playing on the city. At daylight, the firing was rapid be yond belief; and the reports along the whole line averaged one per second for minutes together. The roar of the heavy siege guns was awful, and the earth was shaken by the concussion.— The weather continues hot. The roads and camps are uncommonly dus ty. The wounded are being removed to the hospital boats in large numbers, and transported to Memphis. All gOes well, considering the mag n;tAdc of the operations CHICAGO, Juno special de spatch from Chickasaw Bayou,.dated JUnc Ist, says: There is no impirtant change to re port. Gen. 'Logan has planted heavy siege guns within 100 yards' of the rebel works, and has constructed a covered way from behind the high hill, through which' the gunners pass to and fro with little danger. A bearer of despatches from Pem berton to Johnston left the rebel lines on Thursday last, and coming directly to Gen. Grant's headquarters, commu nicated the contents to Gen. Grant. • It is reported from Helena, Arkan sas, that the country between White River and St. Francis is patrolled by guerilla bands numbering from six hundred to seven hundred men, under Dobbins. Gen. Price has removed his entire force from Little Rock to Fort Smith, leaving behind but a single regiment. Marmaduke was at Jacksonport, Ar kansas. The guerillas are extremely enter. prising, and extend their operations to a point' almost within sight of Helena. CINCINNATI, June 6.—Our advises from Vicksburg are to Juno 2d, but they contain no particular news.— Gem Grant is able to press the siege and take care of Johnston, who is pos ted still at Jackson. His reported march on Memphis is not confirmed. Our siege guns are close up to the enemy's works, and are playing vigor rously on them and the town. On the Ist inst., the rebels shot three hundred horses on the river bank, being unable to feed them. General Blair is up the Yazoo. Im portant news is oxpoeted from Wm..' THE LATEST. CINCINNATI, Jane 7.—The Adams Express company have advices from their superintendent at 3Temphis to the 3d instant. A bearer of despatches from Pem berton to Johnston was captured on Thursday. The' dispatch reads : "Fo rage all gone; men on quarter rations; can hold out ton days." - On Friday Gen. Grant ordered every gun in position to throw shell into Vicksburg. In ono boar 3,600 were safely lodged in the city. The effect is not known. CAIRO, June 7.:--A steamer from the Yazoo has arrived with dates to,Wod nesday last. The a fire in Vicksburg on Monday night was caused by the explosion of our shells. One whole side of Wash ington Square was destroyed. The planting of the siege guns is progressing, and it was the intention to open along the whole line on Wed nesday. Our linos have been drawn in so close that in many places the armies aro within speaking distance. Cmcnoo, June B.—A special de spatch, dated Walnut Bills, June 2d, says Gon. Blair's expedition bad re turned without the loss of a man.— They had scoured fifty-six miles of country from the Big Black to the Ya zoo. Several bridges, grist mills and cot ton gins, which were used to 4rind corn, were destroyed, together with a large quantity of cotton marked C. S. A. Hundreds of negroes stampeded at the approaeh of our troops and follow ed them into our lines. The Johnston has not yet been hoard from definitely, and it is supposed that he cannot raise a force sufficient to at tack Grant. THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG. Detailed Account of Sixteen Days' Operations. Our Losses 5,000; Rebel Losses 3.5,000 [Corregpandence of the Chicago'Journall IN TILE REAR OE VICKSBURG, May 24, 1863.—Gen. Grant's army is in the rear of Vicksburg in a most excellent military . position, the line extending from the upper water batteries, on Walnut Hills above Vicksburg, around to the heights above Warrenton and below Vicksburg. The average dis tance of our main force from the city is two miles. Our line of skirmishers, however, is quite up to the rebel en trenchments—a few yards generally measuring the distance between our sharpshooters and the rebel earth works. A detailed account of all the opera tions including the battles and march es by which the position has been at tained, would be too long for your columns. A brief resume must answer. A three months' campaign in the front, with the attempts to reach and carry the ,enemy's right through Ya zoo Pass and Steel's Bayou, having demonstrated that the flank could not be turned in that way-7 , --the battle of Chickasaw Bayou having shown that a single column could not reach Vicks burg by a front attack on Walnut Hills. Haines' 'land 'Snyder's Bluffs proving altogether too strong for the naval flotillayand all the canal projects failing, after immense labor;-it was de termined ~to „attempt the movement which has so far proved, successful.— The history of modern warfare fur nishes few that equal it in boldness and audacity of conception, and, so far, in brilliant, triumphant execution. While the Fifteenth Army Corps (Sherman's) Was posted imfull force in the immediate front of Vicksburg, the Seventeenth (MCPWerson's)Wa.s moved by divisions and brigades' aerosa•the country from Milliken's Bend, fifteen, miles above Sherman!s. Landing, anSi encamped below. and about Carthage.. Admiral Porter rap the blockade 'with his iron clads and two trausriertS. vigorous cannonade from "Shertnants easemated batteries opened,:thothext morning, on the town.. ,Pour.,other transports followed the Admiral's fleet. The, Thirteenth Artny . Cdr'Ps (McOler nand's) followed ' thO" 'Seven tediith across the country. Things , being thus prepared, General Sliermanat mid-day on the 30th of April,, moved up,..the Yazoo on a large fleet_ of, tranperts, preceded by keven gun'boitts. Early in the morning he opened a fierce ,at tack upon Haines' and Snyder's Bluffs. The same day Porter attacked the ' batteries at Grand Gulf. The rebels were completely deceived. Their main forces were concentrated at Vicksburg and Haines' Bluff. Grand Gulf was loft with a garrison of, about seven thousand. On the 2d of May,Sher ' man renewed the attack on Haines's Bluff, and Porter on Grand Gulf. The transports ran the batteries below, and two divisions crosed over tho Mississ ippi. Grand Gulf was - cvacuarucl7an Grant had a foothold on the rebel side of the MissisSippi. In the night-time Sherman returned to Young's Point, and the next day moved his corps NM 15th) to Grand Gulfi.and joined Grant. In the meantime • Grant had, with Os terhaus' and togan's divisions, overta ken the rebel Bowen's force at Wilson's Hill, completely routing them, and taking seven hundred prisoners.— Pushing rapidly up tho line of the Big Black river, near Raymond, be met the enemy under General Gregg, and at once attacked and defeated him, with Logan's division of McPherson's, and Tuttle'sof Sherman's corps, cap turing some two thousand prisoners. Without delay, Sherman's and Mc- PherSon's corps moved to Jackson, capturing the State Capital, after a short engagement, on the 14th. Me- Clernand's corps, the head of whose column was eight miles in the rear, was at once ordered to move by Ed ward's Station toward the Big Black Bridge. MePhersdn moved along the lino of the road, through Bolton, and Sherman, on the right, towards the Bridgeport Ferry. Between Bolton and Edward's Station, at Champion Hills, the enemy ender Gen. Tilghman were found posted in a very strong position. Croeker's and Hovey's divi sions attacked thorn in front, and a very severe battle took place. Our field was fought over three times.— The rebels finally gave way as _Logan was moving in upon their flank. Gen. Tilghman was killed and his army ut terly routed. Several thousand priso ners and thirty-three pieces of artille ry were captured. The army crossed the Big Black by three columns the next morning, and moved at once upon the work in the rear of Vicksburg.— Sherman on the right, McPherson in the centre, and McClernand on the left. The enemy retreated to their entrenchments in the rear of Vicks burg, and along the line of the Chicka saw Bayou and the Yazoo. lathe night, Steele's division, of Sherman's corps, made a night attack upon the rebel works on Walnut Hills—the same which he attacked in December last— and after a hard battle of five hours'. duration, defeated - them. Our right was thus brought to the heights above the Yazoo. Haines's and Snyder's Bluffs were captured, with all , their ordnance and stores. ' The next day General Grant ordered an assault to be made on the whole lino at ten o'clock. The assault was delayed until two in the afternoon, in consequence of a report from McCler nand that he was not ready to move. Promptly at two o'clock Sherman's Corps and the right of McPherson's, under Logan, moved to the assault.— The loft of McPherson's corps waited for the right of MeClernand's. Gonl. MeClernand did not move. The as sault was, therefore, made by the right and centre. It was a moat gallant at tack. Our men, in the face of a storm of grape and canister and rifles, charg ed down bills, tip ravines and up hills, straight to the enemy's earthworks.-- The rebel ditches wore oircular and deep, and the parapets of such height that our bravo men could Da scale them. The enemy, finding that they were not attacked by our left, massed in front of Sherman and. McPherson, and were repulsed. Many bravo cers and men felt in this assault. Our troops lay close to the rebel works un til night, when they were withdrawn. Our line of supplies by the way of Grand Gulf had been abandoned for scveaal days, in , consequence of its great length. During the night after the assault, General Sherman, in per son, with a small escort of cavalry, looked up and opened a road across Chickasaw bottom, to , the Yazoo, and AUpecteded in getting despatehes thro' to Young's Point. Supply- heats canny up at once, and the army was fully provided with rutiens. gills is now our line of supplies, and the•army is well and easily provided•withr commis sary and ordnance stores.. , At the time of the first assault, the enemy was in the greatest consterna tion. All the prisoners in Vicksburi were released and sent across• the er. I believe, if McClernand bad the assault, as ordered, our $' would have taken Vicksburg. he did not, I really do not kn would not like to say that he is politician than General—more je of others and ambitious of self th'. becoming the good soldier; bat tl, the fact, if one-half that is asserteu officers in relation to his conduct at first and second assaultsis true; if it be ought not to be where be is. During the night of the 21st, tin gunboats and mortars opened upon the city and the lower batteries. During the whole night, and until ton in the morning of the 22d, a constant, heavy terrific cannonade was kept up. Sow, after daylight, the batteries of the ar my opened fire. The rebels replied from all their guns. The water batte. • rios were silenced by the gunboats, but those on the heights kept at work.. The gunboats could not fire at them, a& our army was in the rear. About midday another assault was ordered on the whole line. Storming parties of volunteers, and forlorn hopes, were advanced under cover of field batteries and sharpshooters, and supported by brigades. The men moved bravely and well into the field, and up to the works; but all in vain. We could not take the works. The men dug steps in the earthworks with their bayonets, and placed their colors on the rebel parapets, whence neither party could remove them, every man who showed himself, falling.from2 the shot of a rifleman. Our loss during the day was very severe, especially of officers. Vicksburg is defended in the rear by works fifteen feet in height, wi telt es ten feet deep—the works standing on steep hillsides, every approach pro tected by rifle-pits and covered by ar tillery. It cannot be taken by as sault, but will be taken. It is a doom ed city. .This morning a mine under ono •of th'e forts, in front of Sherman's corps, Was blown up, and the site is now in our possession. ,Xlm.gunhonts Choctaw and, Baron Pe Kalb returned last evening from. Yazoo City, one hundred mites' atytiio; on the Yazoo. Tho city capitidated: All the rebel Government stiire.s i and a partly burned ram wore destroyed. I send you a partial list 'ofcasua' tics. Our loss, so far, is aboUt• 5 killed and wounded, perhapslesa, enemy's loss, so far, is not less Seven thousand prisone , nints; - itt ti es of r ry. The quantity of small arm nanco, camp and garrison eqi that has fallen into oui•-hands, 15,000 large.; This is. the total of our. work. In sixteen .days it, bal.:. ed 160 miles, fought tire OW( the capital of Mississippi, di all communication with tin)" r' my at Tullahoma, captured oners, 92 pieces of artillory 4 stand of small arms, seven heavy fortifications on the rebel completely invested the city in the 1., and opened for us a now and perfhct lino of supplies. Daring those sixteen days, the army bad 'but four days' ra tions from the depots of supplies. The army is in excellent health, and confident of success. JACK. P. S.—Before the second assanit, upon the enemy's rear_ fortifications,. Gen. McArthur, with a portion of. his. division, crossed the Mississippi near Warrenton, and after a severe engage ment, drove the enemy and occupied the heights above Warrenton and be low Vicksburg. Col. Dollins, of the Eighty-first Illi nois, was captain of an independent cavalry company, in the three month's" service, which'• he raised at his home , at Centralia. Last summer, while in Illinois on a thirty days' leave of Mi scue°, he recruited the Eighty-first.— He was allot through the head, and fell at the head of his regiment. Col. Humphreys of the Ninety-fifth Illinois, was in Gen. Ransom's brigade. In the seecphd assault his regiment was hesitating; Gen'. Ransom called to him to move forward. Dropping his sword in a salute to the General, ho ordered; " Forward Ninety,fifth," and fell dead_ The color-bearer was shot, and fell at, the same instant. The regiment wa vered. General Ransom seized' the' colors and advanced in front of - the' lino : three line officers left their places, came to the General and took the col ors. The line advanced and those. col ors were planted on the rebel parapet,. Daring the 'same' day -the 'Colors' of the. Ninth lowa wore planted oh a rob el parapet; the color guard diggingsteps with their bayonets. The colors re mained in that position seven hours.— Ev6ry man of the Ni nth that attempted to get near them was shot by-the reb els. Every rebel that essayed to touch: them was winged by one of our sharp shooters. The Ninth brought away the flagstaff and about two thirds of the colors; the rebels have perhaps one: third. When colors:are advanced to such a position that every hand that essays to feel the staff is winged, you , can well understand that there issharp; shooting. The night after the first assault, Blair's division (formerly Dave Stu, art's,) were continuously and careful, ly moving their dead and wounded from the field. Suddenly a largo fire was kindled on the rebel parapet, and an officer inquired what our men were doing. Being informed, he replied, " We build this fire to take your woun ded out of the ditch—drive your ant balances up, and you Will not be mo lested. Our wounded and dead wore all removed, the rebels keeping up the PirorooaArn ALBUMS -110w and im proved styles—jest reeeive,d and for sale at Lewis' Book Store-