The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 27, 1863, Image 1
TEAffi~ : O THE , 0:LOBg. Per *atm In A4Viegoa,_", Three months...* ..... A Galore to uogii Oscositinuaisea el, the exptratl9ll. l hy term inbecrlimal Mt' 'i•ML.bel 'condidored pevrea wont • . r .TERMS Qr .41:?.YERTISlyc„, 60 loiertion. 2 do. 3 do. roue Ithea or ...............=::26 3734-4-3 • 60 Jae sonny 60 - 1 00 rwo squares (l2 1 00 •,. 1 60.... ' 200 three slusru, 1 ... 2 25 3.00 Over three week sod lea. than three months, 26 - cent* 2er'ellwere tor cub insertion:' .3 months. 6 month*. 12 moutho, ~...$1 50 VI 00 $6 00 '' . 3 00 SOO ..... Ax 11004 or loss, Joe aquare,....... . . Two spuk . .rei, ..... ..... .....,. 15 00 , 0 00 ' .10 00 Three squares, 1' 00 10 00.:... 15 00 Four reproof, ' ' ' 0 00 ' .13 00 00 00 ItAlf a column 12. 00-4.:-...18 00........-24 00 One column ' 20"00...._.... 1 .0 00. - ... ..... 50 00 Prolhrodonid and lineiness Cards Out exceeding fear liner, One year ~..$3 00 Aduquistixdors' and Fixerutore 11olicte, ' '' $l. TO _ . . . • Aileoillsemeuts not inerked *lt Min number of tuber duos desired, will be continesed UU fkit bld end charged se , ordlog to these terms. glje Olobt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Friday,. X[Ety 22, 1860. (For tbo 01i11.1 . 'TEM WAStlii Or v 71,4 Give me the gold that war lies cost Before the peace•ezpanding day ; The wasted the labor lost, The mental treasure thrown away-; And I will buy each rod of soil In every yet discovered land, Where hunters roam, where peasants toil, Where ninny peopled cities stand. I'll clothe each ehiv'ring wretch on earth In needful—nay, in brave attire, Vesture befitting banquet mirth, Which kings might envy and admire. In uv'ry vale and every plain, A school shall glad the gazer's , sight, Where every poor man's child may gain 'Pare knowledge free as air and light. I'll build asylums for the poor, By ego or ailment made forlorn, And none shall thrust,them from the door, Or sting with looks or words of scorn; , I'll link each alien hemisphere, Help honest men to conquer wrong; ' Art, science, laboronstre and cheer; ‘. Reward the poet_ for lily gong. In ev'ry crowded town shall rise Halls, academies—amply graced; • 'Whore ignorance may eoon be wise., And coarseness learn both art and taste To ev'ry province shall belong • • Collegiate struchiresi--and not few,' Pilled with a truth-exploring throng, -And teacheis of the good and true. Iu eery,free and peopled'clime A vast, majestic hall shall stand, A marble edifice sublime, Fur the illustr'uua of thelland, A Pantheon fur the truly great, The wise, beneficent and just, A place of wide and lefty state, To honor, or to hold th . eir dust. A temple to attract and teach, Shall lift its spire on eery hill, Where pious man shall feel and preach Peace, mercy, tolerance, good will. Music of bells on Sabbath day; 'Pound the whole earth shall gladly rise, And one great Christian song of praise Stream sweetly upwards to the 'skies. C. G. C LiliTowNsti t May, 1863. Olin CORRESPONDENCE. Letter frog). Barree Township. MAxon 11.1t.t, May 18, 1863. FRIEND LEWIS :—As it has been a long while since my last communica tion, I thought I would try to givo you a few passing and past thoughts.— Feeling my inability to write anything tbr publication that would interest or oven claim a passing glance from your many readers, I thought I might write you a few lines to, give you an idea how things are progressing in our neighborhood. ." As I am a farmer I suppose it would be natural for me to tell you of the agricultural interests of our valley.— Our grain generally looks exceedingly promising.. Nature seems to be lav ishing with unrelenting hand, verdure on every hillside; our trees are now robed with flowers of imperial beauty, and the morning air is ladened with perfume; while animated Nature seems to rejoice that gloomy old Winter has again given place to blooming Spring. Our season has been exceedingly back- Ward for agricultural 'purpose's; conse quently our farmers are now busy get ting in their spring crops, and have to labor with considerable inconvenience with the' wet weather, which we think isnow past: however, we calculate to take such things as theycomo. Yet there is some things past and passing which we . do not calculate to take as they come. Since lastwrote to you, our town ship leis taken a sudden turn in the tit° . of politics, and when last in Hun -I.lligdon I heard some of the leading mien of the great Union party talkiug ,that old Barree was now; the banner twp. pf Old luntingdon. Three cheers for t,he Old Union and General Hooker ! ThOre were some banters' thrown put by' some of the SouthdoWns that thoro could'not bo a "Union League" established in Barren township, but that matter was decided by the estab ilishiug of one of the most respectable "I.Jeagnes to be met with anywhere, ,composed pf all parties e.Teept Copper glioadtv: Barre; or no other township, boasts of better 'men than beiongs, to our 'society. iC,i#,,nirlistors of ipo Gospel take p ; deep interest 4, our national welfare, as well as ou,r spiritual, and tim Reve rends Adair and Moorehead have- ad ,dressed our societies, on fiveryttacasion Prer-PPOIo, upon the all important questipps .thatare pow (I,s,tractiqg our great Repphlic. They have not only gained many warm friends for them selves, but hayp also \you a name for true patriotism which we trust will be ' banded down to fhttnre generations, ,that they may road that Christ's am bassadors were 'lieu of patriotic virtue, WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and .Proprietor. VOL. XVIII. and that theylovcd their counttly next to their God, and that tboy were not afraid or ashamed to proclaim' it to an enlightened 'world. 'Would 'to God we, had Many more such men. Don't un 7 dOrstand mo to say that these were the only ministers in our valley that are truly patriotic, for I believe they all are so, but some we have, not , heard frOm and consequently cannot speak for. - From the news we have been reeeisN; ing lately from the army we see that we have been having another bloody conflict at and near Fredericksburg, in which some of our friends and neighbors have been wounded and massabred. We hope sincerely that • this maybe the last great conflict we shall haVe, and that our friends and neighbors may again, be restored to us,: and that:the white-winged messenger of peace may again hover over our dis tracted land, and that this unholy and unnatural rebellion may forever be put down, and the instigators of it be hung on gallows higher than Haman. "Ey,the way I was liken to forget to tell you : that a don of Copperheads• has been discovered in West township' on what is called the "Globe We believe they haveshown themselves publicly on two occasions, but I have not heard of any one being dangerous ly affected from the effluviwthat arhies from their den ; bat for fear sonic one should he injured froM recklessness' or some other cause, I thought I had bet ter give notice, that strangers might avoid danger. We understand that ono of the same specie, from Hunting don, turned up among them on Friday night, and had • argrand time of it. I believe, snakes as they , were, that they undertook to make a new Constitution• for the United States, but I am afraid they (like the one that hand ed the forbidden fruit to mother Eve) may be condemned to lick the dust, or be speared to death. I think it would be well enough for the littlemtui that wears the eagle buttons to turn up in that neighborhood, and if possible. to take charge of some of the largest of those "Snaiks."' • As I have no doubt wearied your patience with this epistle I will bring it to a close by making you an offer, which you can do as you think best with. It is this : that if you will strike from your subscription list all the cop perheads' names from Ilarree township, that wo will use our best endeavors to give you two for every one you may lose, of men that know how to appre ciate your paper, and that feel that they must support those who support them. Ipping you will tuko no offence at anything I have written, and hoping you will call the attention of tho•gen tlemon I spoke of, I am with respect, Yours, PADUCH.A. Our Army Correspondence. CAMP 6TEI U. S. CAVALRY, Near liartwood Church, May 14th, 18G3. DEAR GLOBE: You perceive by the date of this article, that we aro no lon ger at Falmouth, but we have changed our " base of operations " to be near the " robs." It is more than one month since we packed our " kit" and again entered the " field ;" since that, you. have been informed of part of our do ings, and therefore in the present let ter I shall inform your readers concern ing The Raid. Accordingly, on the 27th ult., (after my letter from Warrenton Junction,) the bugle sounded to strike tents, and in a moment all was buStle and commotion, and in twenty min utes we were on route for the Rappa hannock, bivouacking near Bealton Station for the night. Early 28th were again on our way, and arrived at Kelly's Ford about noon. After a brief delay we crossed by swimming the river and wete soon on the oppo site shore, the -rebels having skedad dled on our first approach. Wo biv ouacked about five miles from the riv er; our rest however was interrupted by Our Advance charging on a body of the enemy and wore in the saddle in a moment ready for any emergency; al though it being Midnight,' nevertheless we were right among our foes, and well prepared for them. We did not capture any that night, but oq we Went, and without much of interest occurring turned up at Louisa C. 11. Saturday, 2d lust.',`As We moved on by-ways only, we Were not expected and theie fop; the people everywhere were great ly surprised in finding the Yankees in their Midst, and so many of them, and still more was it the case when we tore up the railroad, burned bridges, cut telegraphs and everything belong ing to the 'so called Confederate Got eminent. We continued on for about ten miles, crossing the. North Ann riyor, (a branch of the linmunkey,) pas sing through Ya,ncoville, (a Small vil lage, containing . , half a dozen houses BE gm MO , • and en e store.) Hero we destroyed' one hundred barrels of whisky, 4 quantity of tobacco and store goods to a consid. erablo amount,'and finally halted at Thompson's cross roads, to give our much fatigued horses rest, and secure refreshment and sleep for ourselves.— lore we captured fifteen C. S. wag ons, (new) some •rebels, and a large number of horses and mules; frornthis point 'a portion of oar Cavalry went to lihnOVer '3unetion; burnedthli bridges over the ! Pamunkey and Chickahomi 7 , ny rivers ; they also ran a large train of cars into the river. The bridge on the latter was very long. After the . above depredations, they destroyed a large amount of bacon and_ corn, and after destroying the railroad a great deal, fell back on the main force. Wo then moved on again 1.4 the direction of James river and soon found our selves at Yaneeville cross roads, where we captured some rebels and charged on two thousand more. We remained there two days expecting a fight bat . it did not come off. We accompliShed all that was intended. In conversing with a lady at this point', she informed me that they were never's° surprised, as,:tci see our forces co near Riiihmond,. without even having a fight, or receiv ingacheek. She thought we were never going to Richniarid, and told me that there were only throe hundred men in the fortifibations add those - princi pally citizens and residents of the city. She also informed me that corn meal was $3O per barrel, and Scarce at that; butter worth - $1,50 per pound; ham at $1,25 per pound; chickens 'at $1 per pair; salt $23 per bushel, and very bard to obfain. - They seem however to bo satisfied and with very few ex ceptions aro for the South to the'last; and now after many hardships and tri als endured, we are again on our side of the river. That Rooker could spare such a force at such a time, will long remain a wonder of yankee strategy. I have not learned any reliable news of the battle as yet, but am inclined to think fightinggained considerably by it. The - weather-is delightful and we are all in good spirits. Au aid to Men. Bu ford, Capt. G. C. Crain, (commanding this regt.,) ono surgeon and two order lies, were captured on the 12th inst., by guerillas only two miles from camp. They are lurking around everywhere, trying to snatch what they don't often get—subsistence. More anon. ,' Yours Respectfully, PLINY REX. Headquarters 2d Brigade 3d Div. Ist Corps, Army of the Potomac, c ‘ May 16, 1863. DEAR GLOBE Owing to various and sundry causes, I have been for some time unable to furnish you, with the usual amount of correspondence; not by any means for lack of incidents to narrate, but rather because of a su perfluity ,of them. The fact is, we have had so much to do that there has been no time to talk or write about it. I have consequently been compelled to neglect writing, and it is impracticable now to mend the broken thread of our diary. I shall try, however, to give you an epitome of our experience since tho date of my last communication. The first item of consequence. is the expedition to Port Conway, on the Rappahannock. The brigade marched out on the 20th of April, and on the 22d marched in again. That, it '1 seems, was all that was intended, the movement being a feint, to withdraw the attention of the enemy from other points. This first expedition of the new Bup,hrtAils was not, however, made without some valuable results.— Though no opportunity was given for the display of courage, thorn was am ple scope for the exhibition of another characteriStic, the power to endure fit tigue and hardship. Napoleon, whose judgment in military matters, is cer tainly of some value, called._ this, the first quality of a soldier; and the march to and from Port Conway fully established the character of our brig ade in that respect. Through mud and in, they marched almost contin ually, for fifty hours, and when they came into camp, not RT. - 1p straggler had been left behind. The Colonel Com manding pronounced the record of that march " more valuable than that of a groat victory in the field," - and Major Vrenaral Doubleday expressed, in . a notch his sense of the goad condut i• 10 114q ad6. ' ' After that, we lay in camp again until the 28th of April, when the whole army moved Wo encamped that o g ht in a wood about four miles below piodeneksburg, and two miles from the Rappahannock. The ntßtp morning two pontoon bridges wore laid, and (ion. Wadsworthrs division crossed ; TWIG ours moved forward to tl position pear the riv i er, acting as a reserve an 4 support: Wo lay. in a EMI HUNTING-DON, PA; WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1863. -L-PERSE'VERE. narrow doll through which flows " Palls Run." Wo were protected from the view andthe.gUns of the:en emy by a . Steep hill, which was well enough, for on the 'evening of the 90th" they threw ', _quite 'a namber of shells, over our heads, some cit Which came . quite as near us as' WO desirable.' A battery . behind us in an 71eVatedpq4-, tion,..soen ppened,,anA the rebels 'after that got more than they gave, until near ,nightfall, when the firing Ceased,' Gen.,Donbleday trained our enni into: range, and our shells *ld be seen . bursting around and among their guns. I did not see one of the:'rebel shells burst, and most of them did not explode. They were three inch af fairs, cylindrical, and, perhapS'eight inches long. Thetroops were greatly interested by the novel display,. and though at first they closely hugged the shelter, it was not long before the officers had as mtiolv as they Could do to keep them under cover. ' • WC , remained in this 'position. until Saturday, May 2d, at about' 8:A. when we Marched "UP the 'river 'to• wards the' Beene' of Hooker's great, battle. The rebels had been: 010 he to, our intentions by false "Movements, and, I think, were unprepared to• see us leaving their front: They sent the shellS after is thick and fist, but no injury was done, and our battery soon engaged theirs. . It was a very hot day, and we had a hard march of it. During the after noon Woolen blnnkets and all stiperflu- ides -.were thrown mean: ,We crossed, United States Ford after tinrli;. and moved on toward the scone of action very sloWly, impeded by trains. As wo neared the 'lines, a heavy conflict was raging, and the roar of musketry was continuous and deafening.. The men concluded that we. were 'to be sent right into action, and braced their tired sinews for Abe' Work. After loading, we marched into the position assigned us, but found that we .bad left the fight on one side of us. We were however in a• position; of great importance, and, where there was a strong expectation of an attank by tint_ enemy. it was tin'hour after midnight, and we had been on the move from 8, A.M., our longest halt not exceeding half an hour. All but a few were al lowed to sleep -with their right hands on their arms. But we were not des tined to fight in the battle at Chancel lonsville. The brigade kept its posi tion until the army retired, made a reconnoissance in force, scouted, took a 'number of prisoners, had a few men wounded, and maybe hurt somebody; that was all. And now I must close, promising another letter soon, J. S. 11. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF. Details of the Great Raid by Colonel Grierson's Cavalry—Their .Remarka ble Journey from Tennessee to Louisi ana—Bight Hundred _Miles Traveled in Sixteen Days—The Work Aceom plished by the Raid—" The Most Ex traordinary Event of the Trirr." [Correspondence of the Trllomel NEW ORLEANS, May 0; '63—Evening. —Since the departure of the Columbia we have abundance of news'; the most exciting, however, is the arrival, at Baton Rouge, of the Gth and 7th Illi nois Cavalry, 000 strong, who have cut their way through the whole length of Mississippi. They started from La Grange, Tenn., on the morn ing of the 17th ult., and reached Baton Rouge on the evening of 2d May,per forming the whole distance in sixteen days,. They made a zigzag course through the State, sometimes striking east, sometimes west, but Pushing south the whole time. In this way they traveled probably about 800 miles, averaging over forty miles per day. During partof the journeWhey traveled eighty miles in twenty-eight hours, had three oneounters with the enemy, destroyed two bridges, tore up the track, and swam two rivers. The force consisted of the Gth Illi nois Cavalry, Lieut. Col. Loomis. the 7th Illinois Cavalry, Col. Ed. Prince, and six pieces of artillery, 2-pound ca liber, the whole under command of Col. Grierson, of the 6th Illinois. Nn language r am master of can properly describe this most extraordi nary event' of the war, nor can we to day estimate its value to the cause.— Qn their way from La Grange; down through the centre of Mississippi, they destroyed bridges, railroads, depots, engines, cars, rebel stores of all kinds, and in immense quantities. Their route embraced a breadth of more than twenty miles, and everything that could po used by the rebels, that fell in their - Tv, was destroyed. The telegraph, too, 'was cut in an immense number of places; in fact, so complete was the dedtr'uction, arid so.rapid and mysterious their' movements, that the rebels were bewildered, and this baud of heroes were in Raton Rouge before the rebels knew' , who they were, or what they Were, or W . horq• they came from. But I must try and give you a corn plot§ idea of-the expedition, and what it accomplished. You : Till ,pleaeo re member that, 'they only had one full night's rest the whole time; that they were tra.volingtiarougb tbe heart' of " LE • P,r1".1 fT ..J "I„,A ih r N. it, ?:rrir • --. 4tf ',! 1: • • : '7lllr.d', r'i! r...r 'I ; r •,• q• ~ the : enemy's country. , When they , started they had no more idea of reaching Baton Rouge, than We' here , bad of seeing them. ' • Some time since, Col. Griorson plan-' 1 ned an expedition to go Into the into-, riot of Mississippi, and, destroy ,rail roads, bridges, stores,'4o., which -p an was submitted to :Gen. Aran`': At that tim4 . Col; Grierson's 'extVairt Was ' an unattached brigade in Gen. Grant's army, and was stationed at La Grange,. Tenn., on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad,.dfty miles cast of. Memphis,, and three Miles' West 'of the ..innetieli` of the Mississippi Central, and the ' 1 Memphis and Charleston • The force at starting included thel 2d lowa Cavalry, Hatch,as well I as ; the 6th and 7th Illinois, already mentioned, comprising about 1,700 men. From La Grange they marched nearly due south, lialting at night five miles north of. Ripley, in Marshall Co. Next morning the column moved to Ripley, whence the 2d lowa Started for Xew Albany: At Clear Springs,* in Chickasaw' cou n ty, Col. hatch, with his command, started southeasterly, to West point, in Lowndes, county; on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. After that COL Grierson heard nothing of the 2d Tos'Vit; eicept Treeetteloilal ramotis through the rebels: ;Near Now Albany the Tallahatchie is crossed by a bridge ; „where : they first met signs of the 'enemy. On the opposite side is a steep hill; which would have enabled a few mon to hold. at hay a largo force. Iristead'of char ging on the bridge, they threw Out , skirmishers; and fortunate enough they did,. for they found the_.bridge partly destroyed. : The pickets were driven off, and the skirmishers rejoin ed the •main • column lower down, when the ,',whole force entered the town.. They ~then moved on. Pontotoc,. where they destroyed , Some :salt, the camp, and garrison equipago of a citv airy. company, and also a gunsmith's shop. A mail froth the post office was secured, and also .a, large, cp4Antity of On . the morning of the 20th, about 175 of the men who were,the•least ef fective, Ni;ith - Some prisoners, under command of Major Love, were sent back to • La Grange, iyithorders to send scouts to ',ut• the telegraph 'wires at 'Oxford. A few 'miles beyond Starkville, a tannery containing it Dumber of army boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, and a largo quantity of koathbr„was entirely destruyed.- cml=ll _ . . 25,000. In the building they found a negro chained to the floor, with an iron collar round his neck, and there kept at work day and night as a pun ishment for running away. That man was brought through 'to Baton Rouge. You may be sure he is loyal to the old flag. A march of twenty-six miles bro't the force to Louisville, Winston coun ty. Most of thq route lay through a dense swamp, frequently to the hors es' bellies in water. At ono point it was so deep the *horses swam over, and some gdt drowned, with a narrow . escape for their riders. They then pueliell on to Philadelphia, Neshoba County, where there' is a bridge over the-Pearl river, which the rebels un: dertook to, destroy, but, they precipi tately fled as our forces approached. Later in the day, a brigade under Col. Blackburn and Major Graham was 'sent to strike the railroad at De catur, Newton county. • More they captured a train of 13 cars, which was just about starting,'loaded with quar termasters' and-commissary stores, in cluding ammunition and bomb-shells in large quantities. They had scarce ly secured this train and got it on the side track, when another train of 25 ears, loaded with railroad ties, came into the depot, which was also secur ed. - Wood was piled up around the engines and tenders, set fire to, and by that means the boiler burst—the torch was applied to the train of cars con taining the ammunition and about 3,- 000 shells. When' these were fired, the main column was four or five miles off, and•the noise of their explosion led them to suppose the rebels had opened on the, dvaoce column. They hurried ori, and soon found out their Mistake'. Major Starr moved his bat talion east, and' destroyed three bridg es and. a lot of trestle-work, extending over two miles, the track torn up, rails broken and burned, and telegraph do stroyed'for nye miles. Near Gallatin, 1,400 pounds of powder, 2 wagons, 26 yoke of oxen, and a 32-pound Parrott gun were cap tured. The gun was spiked. At Union Church, 42 miles from Natchez, and 20 from Port Gibson, a skirmish occurred with Adams' Ala bama Cavalry; in which" several of the enemy were wounded, the rest retreat ing to Port Gibson. At Bpokhaven Camp of Instruction, four companies, under command of Major Starr, took two captains, one lieutenant, one surgeon, and nineteen privates, prisoners. They also cap tured a lot of Mississippi rifles; mules, ox teams, $5,000 worth of commissary stores, and $25,000 worth of army clothing. At the crossins- ° of Pearl' river, Col. Prince captured, a courier with in structions to destroy all bridges, eto., which • fortunate cireamstaoce added somewhat to the safety of the conk mand. • . . At Iraleb4rst, Col, Prin6e, of tho 7th Illinois, captured a train or about forty oars, 14oVerstl of whigh were load en with shed and aratonnitiOn. 'An other train, which had just arrived, escaped ' I:4y the baekirig out of the train by po engineer Wort) 49 could bo captura. About•fpni• nines east' Gallapit!' a battalion was 4t4clied to strike We, Prlcaris and Saultsion Baitioad, MEM ME TER*S, $1,50,.. a , year: ip. t p q 1.4 4 10, water tanks, cars andqt,llP rt orb deatroyocv . • RP. . , ' At Walls i Statithi;tn the Tiektaw, regiment.of rebel cavulr y:Was diScov ered, who were .routed .with several ; killed and wounded.; Ourlose W,as one lied and eve wounded ; , "among was Lieut. Col. Blackburn, of ' the 7th' Be W tashotit the thigh; 'au& slightly: in] the head..! - Ho - *Mc left,: with several „ 9 r . the ~woun4qa, .at, a, the injunction that, if not trehtect; . nrhen our lioyS ed th by' lake th eir ' revenge. At Sitiniiit a large amount of Goi- - ernment sugar,[ivood, and - locomotiieti; , ,were 4pfitroyeo, r The, camp of, Rughes'. and, 31ilburn's-. Partisan Ran, gars, pi g _44q4, 5 , ereek, was attack ed and destroyed, and a Mitnber of bor.' ses Captured; front here they Moved on the, .Greenville Spring woad toward- Baton Rouge., About nine-miles from Baton , Rouge the, entire commanA pf, Stuart's cavalry,.fourteen offiCere and' eighty men; were Captured; The Me' made verylittle resistance; retreating to the river, where they were surroun ded.,.„ It is , alimpst impossible to 'give you anything like a 'perfect sketch' of the sigeorcritiye. march • of this • band of 'heromi: - - Hotv they managed tO endure and bold out under the.fatigues of so long and perilous ; st march :through the . enemy's country, livi n g' us - they best cobld, sleeping butan• hour - or'two ; at a time, is' cin e of the,most replatiklible events in the. 'history of higali , war; fare. rn Comparison the deeda of Std= art,- Jackion, and ' - othei'cOpfedetstio cavalry; 'dwindlo the"-nice(; con tempti hie affairs; hot worth Speakingbf;' - At ono Place number of old 'gray , headed* men 'Caine mit - '1,6 - tha cavalry with”shoe-guns, and fired - Sere , red shotS—iipt a shot Irsis fired, in 're turnythey were i3nirt i fitrired; disurined, and their--,weapons deatroyedi This very Much astomshed'ihem •• they had been led to IdieVe.theYriotild be ed, their homes destroyed, and - every imaginable' Cruelty perpetrafid upon them. But When they - 4mnd 'the men Of `the .. ..N.Tiirth r - fighting abainst efficient rebels','they seemetf to, wake upfront a 'deluSion. They then willingly gave our men what, assistance thiy eould;ind dein undertook to act "., -" " The amount of damage done to - the rebels it is difficult to estiinate—not'a bridge or a 'railroad, not aline of tole.: graph anywhere - along the whole route, but What Was destroyed. Horses, ho - ii-Doeeeackr± r Aiion..r.qr_tlresird-to-ro4 place the worn-out ones. CiiiTTierha stock of pro Visions was brought, along, so that they had to-live on the enemy, and tolerably hard fare they had; too. Large numbers of. men offered them selves to be 'paroled as a means of avoiding the conscription of the' rebel officers. ' HupdrSdi of negroes joined the l m as they came along, bringing, all one, some two horses or mules. The success of the,expedition could be shown in no more palpable manner than the health of the men. When they reached Baton Rouge, after a sixteen days' ride with only one whole night's rest, and badly, eaPplied with food; only ,twelve men , were turned ever to We sbrgebn.• ItianYOf the men suffered froin swelling of, the legs, ,and erysipelas, from. Sitting so long in the saddle, but it was only tomporary.„ They had a very - clever way of cut ting the telegraph wires so as to avoid discovery. Instead of cutting, the wires and letting the ends bang loosely, they tied uP,the ends with strips of -heather, - so Allot ft would not be-easily seen, and yet the conneotion Svgs'ROY ered. ,„. Far in the interior they were mists: ken ,for rebel cavalry, and complimen ted upon, the fineness of their outfit.— On more than one occasion they pro fited by this ignorance. To show,you what courage and ,de,- ring will accomplish, I May :Mention that, they had nothing for their guide except one of Colton's county maps and compass. In order that your readers may form an idea of the routo of those daring men, I add a list of counties through which they passed. Starting fromlla Grange, they first struck Marshal emp ty in Mississippi, passing in sucpp,ol49 through the foiloNving Pouritiea; pall, Pontotoc, Chickasaw, \Vinstoni Noxubee, Neshota, Newton, Jasper, Smith, Simpson, Copia, Law rence, Pike, and Amite, and Helena, and East Baton Itougein Louisiana. Ai'itiverai points 'the enemy tried to catch orsurround them, but in vain. Thirteen hundred cavalry were sent after them from Mobile, a thousand came south of Port Hudson, crossing Pearl river at Columbia, and two thou sand came from the yicitiity of Green wood and Gianaaa, to cut off their re treat to La Grange. They all fell to the rear, supposing Colonel Griersop wound return. Col. Griersoir says, that had he 'had the means, or had-it formed a part of his plan, he could have -had at least two brigades of colored men who were anxious to join him, if 'he could haVe armed 'them, another 'prqof or the'da sire of the negro to be free; and his willingness to serve the• Union cause. As it Avfftl, 11.410. 500 pegging, land 1009 horses were, brought in, besides' I am indelited'tO Col. Orlerson, and hig Acting Asst: Adjutant S. L. Wood ward,_ for all these particulars,, and many More, if jllqught you had - room fur t hem:: When we first' got the news here of their arrival at Aston-Roggp, the-sto ry seemed too imprObable fqp heliel; it seemed too much like some of the re bel storios We had 40 so often: Many wotilif'n'ot•believo it Ifeleiki they ,saw the men, 40' irks with . thenz' Tuesday morning, Colonel lirierson, Colonel Prince, 3.1.aj0r Starr, idjilfant tiniv?f,•Ci ::+j. MBEMEMI IBM J , c,i,d 9.)111 11. %):11 IRE rn.•io.u+.; ~i a~~t~!~.i ME 50. - - VA -1-41V-Ip -or - . reachnd_the ( pi !If 01 pr vi lii9C: ia the aft4ol4Q9"t 4 1 . 9 1 1T14 ' Z. c( ' .-- ° few, and ;anciiitAniaittarp rt Oote cana -1 panylifilh - tifee fr eoo4ll44o , - ho' Boatim__TraDercr„, toroe _ lir_ sf theAwax - a sa aa l ii, 4 l,covxii iogunl rot. taiNariVVYMATietiiiltlit WIMP fig to:AO:0410 Colebit 'prierifinrand'hil coMPinhlAitltlfoughin" had-been made, in - it'infenofgenerally - : known, Toi,a.t9 o'clock there was such • a datherni • sign men,ant} such :heaitY, ea , -.' , -.4*(‘# Y.noffitolatione 94 Om success off • T . ,.... 0:,,ti# 74 / 1 ) 44 it 1711 never befete - 4 10 - ovitness. It was more f.,7;•,sa,ftiri . C:Vtat. Charles tii steps ''half; - ro 7nOlti. N e , Fiapery—tu short, eve's, in 9f ad th(Wroom— Was crowded tolts utraosecOlicity.— Thb band played on the balcony, then in the rotnnd*A &miff, r 050840., verpipt, og from tife, root, and. sAs-. en tly, Colenel -o,rierio n was hitro49o tr,t tip vast 'issetiablage - ,:hY ,4urgsou Smith.. ILO 'tellYn 4 - yocio ff. - figr - 04 1 niarkis.,:gigWe erifdiCtlithii tottßati and'inen niiitier .'hifzi'for Alieir . -`diiii4 and andurittied; , Ife •f ar an ‘•• e nal imumber : 0t, r 4§,u.,,:i Liwut i , v q o wail ,N r sl ! ( Ahem -14 fr0:1444Q, ,hy, Dr. otzle, alld also a private,,orAlpt, 7ttr Illinoisovircr4gargr4enefv#4--.•Elt* • unbounded*OPOK 4:1-Mi" M. Starr, of the 6th Illinois was intro dneed:•, After* ahcirt address, Coletlel ?Agee, oktbe Qth illipoin,CavAlry, iyq, $ mtpdace .pilp4 gayeAllrhif 4etol l of t I ;P. Pglll.. 149 0 4 PArtiPAT4l,l! ) ( ' sin ' or therdogge 'they reithrtl3crto to il'epiiiiq the•enemy; Mit% as seniling:oi4t 5c4134„. •In- - •butternut - uniform; sending furs* messages en the ; tel egraph, . to, varipus places. ,in , t heft., vicinity, : for , ilie:pnr, pose ocinittipdl4eM 00, a l'alie' tIale); At one pl*Cp--theylelkpinlnall' nbol4li the Movement a , the unemy i swheu.:4, large force , started ;front, 0404. efftfillst the ,Union, .parnlry ; marched direct, to the,mamp ,the s3,llels hail left, :lad dti r : s stroysd it, and thils avoided this' Iniks force itthe-same tire.' 13everal short spiseches fro Meitlieti s war - a - got:off/tank the Union nag vas unfurled in, t. k? 14,1- of the StrPhar i les for tho,ftyt r time, since • the, capture of!gie," city. ¶Lh biind 'Played'all' the, ptio . plai - liittiliniir airs:daring the. 'eveningl; and after 414 meeting had • dkspersed tI ze ktie4ts:4lo4 low) fire: citizen* retirea i An. ,the : gen tie ; man's. parlor; w ere there •Urea a gr?Ti rat In trap atfen , '0 9 liiened • - by ' i3tt nary blaolc bottleCthe- - nohtente a - Which were,'. distributed r 1 iw.l freely,: :MLitt liter, a select. few fickparno.44l , ,tho hit•N • (ilea' parlor , ; , where La, nuratt9r were waitin'.to e, iptroduced, aft 4 which Colop'e74rie'rion astonished iflit grittiL find •sail by Playing - - - on"Alise l•pianoltat flinging in •'a manner: that proved s ho was asrwell able to 4 1 +O(lItlA -04 1 ;RM. a ,cavalry. corps Alaatiniore Traitras: " c;:zzi ch: fP II 4 t , tp4l , B , 3tlrsrriatcicr of My 12. 3 .4183 C. Ily C. James, daughter of 3 1r..john!J01W0d, Wholle Wifo'. was ie cently'sent - Sontliliptin tho:Ohtnii of disloyalty, Was! .yestorday • arrested lit her father's residcnce, ;79g- . West Saratoga street, - upo,n .tho. 01ywk,0.,9f giving aid and comfort to' the ffer cas' whe investigated by'Cleadrat geheack, who committed:4er t0;.1440 , f, more Jail, in . wider that she may .be tried : 4y. th.e. civil anthoritieg wt;ider, thy? 'reaso act of Maitland. It seems that B.e ,as been cor .spin ing Me nu the • Smith, and Oa following is the copy of a letter : RICAMOND„ Yu:, March 15,• Tuea day„nopp.--,...—Xy, ar: Fannie: Your letter; have; just,been . reecive,d, , and thO pleasure it gave u@ you 'cannot ine. 'Harry . was'ioerfeetly'deli'ghted with his unifei•nii The geed klion epOkh of in your last- have been received, and were a perfect god scad,.,The qtdolue and liquors were Very rituchpeetied,—_..- Those I presented' to' our iOyeritirient as you desired, and •-the' other 'things sold at coat. Will you please forward goods to the mount of.. Abe , Icaol0;40d Ordfiriatme4igt , ol7! . • yirgh4yegrgA4ct muds for several itemo Jo ply htiy,.f!ti they aro Oqeded °groom/410f; fifill knowing yeur'prqtivegag To) ffiliogidi such orders;'*e can.reiy . tifrirclt• 40r spatehing the goods; at the earlic4, igter sible augment,„ 4i received carne de . risite of who you suspect 'is a spy, and have given it fti 'our ugther ities.- There will be a strict eye OD him; o,.Fannielif .only had .mpre such as ya4 , in'4lagYianti, li. o l'..rßtgl.Y. of our brave soldier; wpuld , he supplied in all their Nfai4t,i3, bat yqg lieve done More than guy one can imagine, •hut 'yon will ha fully: rewarded :some day; if not in this I'vopld,. you Dili, he in Heav en. ~,You say that you asgfFuitliltlt Fish is suspicious of, you. ,e 1, dear Fanny; WO botliin e , , i to 'dia him, he is n'tnertn,•Oowtirclly But you say you have a great dealofre spect for him considering he's a Y-a-u r k-e-e.. Well, according to our opinion, he is a - mighty 'little, Fisk._ Any, inan that would' make war Upon Women fa beneath notice ; bilti I acknowledge he s right: in one; respect; .that'. the ;I.Balti more ladies are more dangerous than thp men:. I'm of the opinion that if ilia men were like, the ; women, tbe;vll lainous'. Yankeee hakre.',liecu obliged to make ti retregrado' . • L' - request me to tell' you; Fan ny, to keep .quiet,iend don% let them have. anything.tin you,,can. a c t much more for ue Whore you arc„_l i tall if they - should find t igef the Yanketrofithribree Alnies 'tPflay if they wish it just before ey . - ory l meal.e- You have tokenmanyit `hitter (louver medicine, and it Won't taste abitworas than the rest. ; Harry , sUye , he ti will write by 'the neit',:tts very Wien but'. requests 'me ' to saS; 4 ;all was TigifVf — ( li'dert .} 7anny;" Naito oWa separate piece of paper When nipi r iYniakosieotit. .:How is cousin Brad ? Heigh(); •ban't you.'fau;ghl , •at the'lith about that?'; ;! . Bi4 yOn cry to him-I'lf so, iierhapa your tears land some liffeet. I mtist: how dote; bOping to, bear'froth yeti; soon': •e' ;. ' "I am, as ever;your friendir• , " ReMeniberthe gigealat Sivarlit tOwti." " " Fresh Flower and,4 49Pti PAT safe at; Lewis' Tim* Sitore „Fine Cigara and 1411::! ref sale et.' BOokbtare. r. PffttlsrfM-Of 4:4 13 ; 4 8- 400 11 . 4 14 I*: preve4 @tylet—kin .receive 4 ey4 -10; salß'fft , liziy/FrPooy. • 0-O L i Piieka'aiki"fietii . Goth' delved at Lewis Book Store. ~"viii:'; is 'to . IBM