The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 20, 1863, Image 2

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    03Lobc .
W.:Lefs,Editnr and F'ri3Firlator
,Vednesday . morning, May 20, 1863.
Our -Flag -Forever.
"I know , .of:no mode in which a loyal citi
aen may so well- demonstrate his devotion to
hu eountry , as , sastainipg the Flag the
;Constitution a nd the Union, under all circunv
A. DovoLis.
.4 despatch received from the com
mandant of the Tennessee division of
- the Mississippi squadron, S. L. Phelps,
on SUnday, states'that Colonel Brecic
inridge, of the Ist West Tennessee
Cavalry, with fifty-five men, dashed
across the country from the Tennessee
- :river to Linden, on the 12th inst., and
surprised arebel force more than twice
his gumbo i l., capturing Lieut. Colonel
Frierson,' captain, one surgeon, four
lieutenants, thirty rebel soldiers, ten
conseripti, - fifty horses, two army wa
gone, arms, .&e. The Court House,
which was the , rebel depot, was burn
ed:With a quantity of army supplies.
; ','lie troops, with their prisoners, re
-turned on board the gunboats.
• The Richinond Edquirer, of Fri
day the 15th, says that fighting was
4hen going on Mississippi. Grant,
-_.With one thousand men, had advanced
to Raymond, where Gen. Gregg had a
' - force'of 4,000 infantry, and a few cav
airy. Skirmishing commenced at nine
,o'clock in the morning, and at ono P.
M. the battle opened heavily. Rein
. foreements wore then arriving so rap
idly to support the Union troops that
the rebels fell back through Raymond,
making a stand at Mississippi Spring,
where they had reinforcements. The
firing in the neighborhood of Jackson
was continuous throughout the tiny.—
Raymond is a small post village, capi
tal of Hinds county, sixteen miles
southwest of Jackson, and connected
with the Vicksburg and Jackson Rail
,: rod by a branch lino, eight miles long,
•running due south.
On the summer campaign, an ed
itorial of the Richmond Enquirer has
the following: "There is evidently to
be an Retire summer campaign. The
plan of' the enemy seems to be to keep
our attention constantly excited at ev
:::try point at once, so that no part of
our whole Wide frontier may he freed
::from the urgent immediate apprehen
sion of an attack." The article further
. says, "the - Whole Yankee nation seems
to have laid out its accounts for war,
as the settled business of life, rather
than consent to peace or separation."
Our troops before Charleston are
reported to be building formidable bat
teries-on Folly Island, bearing on the
south extreme of Morris Island, and
Reabrook _island is being fortified by
Bey( ral regiments.
' Washington is at last to be purg
ed of the rebels and rebel sympathizers
who infest it. It is said that an order
will soon be issued sending outside of
Our lines all disloyal persons, male and
---The Chattanooga Rebel of the 13th
says that theloss of General Jackson
is " be lamented than a dozen
inch victoriesare to be vaunted. The
question now is of weight and endur
ance, and every fruitless victory is a
defeat. General Lee's moral battles
Must be discontinued."
THE regiments which have returned
to'Camp Curtin, there to be mustered
oat, after having served their country
well during the term they had volun
teered to serve, are throwing hot shot
into the ranks of the rebel sympathiz
ers.; "...iyogiment - from Reading, and
another from Lancaster, refused a
public reception by their -fellow-citi
gens:unless‘ the names of prominent
rebel sympathizers were stricken from
the committees of arrangement§. This
is treating
." the enemy in the rear"
with that scorn and contempt they
richly deserve. The "Democratic"
organization will discover that the
hundreds and thousands of Democrats
who, have : been and still aro fighting
the rebels, are -not of the bogus Dem
ocracy, and cannot be used by the
traitors-who now attempt to lead the
truly loyal men of the party.
From Hooker's Army.
Hooker had not recrossed the Rap.
paha:mock us was reported last week.
A dispatch from "Washington, dated
Saturday last, says
" The fact that both °floors and men,
to a considerable number, daily arrive
from the Rappahannock and proceed
to their homes, on leaves of absence, is
regarded as an additional indication
that the army will not immediately
Make a movement against the enemy.
General' Hooker's purposes and the
designs of the Government in connec
tion wftli. the war se far as the Army
of the Potomac is concerned, are; in
the absence of facts, mere matters of
conjecture: Renee there is no reliance
placeilin ruiner. ooroerni ng them.
Mr. Dougherty's Reply to the•" Mon
I have requested Mr. Dougherty to
furnish me with his reply to the mean
attack made upon him by the Monitor
of April 30th; He has kindly done so,
and here it is : Mr. D. has more
brains than the, whole faction put to-
ge then T. P. C.
Albert Owen, Esq.,—Sts :—After a
delay of two or three weeks,
you have
inserted my reasons for dissenting
from a certain political resolution.—
But Sir, in doing this, you have chang
ed what I wrote into worse than non
sense. I care not to enquini whether
this was done designedly; seeing you
have preceded my letter by a review
of your own.
I wrote that " Christian philosophy
teaches the unity of the human race—
Pagan philosophy alone questions that
You make me to say, " Christian
philosophy alone questions that uni
ty." Now, Sir, had another than my
self not copied what I did write, I pre
sume you would say that I had so
.written. An editor who mould be guil
ty of forgery, never hesitates to quibble.—
I am no philanthropist in the sense
you endeavor to hold me up to public
criticism. I have been taught that
philanthropy is only the false coin of
Having re-stated what I wrote, let
me puss in review some of your excep
tions to my letter of the 17th ult.
First. You say the Constitution de
nies the right of taxation for the re
demption of slaves. I proposed to re
lieve the people from taxation, from
debt and slavery, as you are well
aware. Did not President Washing
ton send some $30,000 to ransom cap.
tive Americans sold into slavery by pi
rate Algierians But President Wash.
ington and his Cabinet failed to disco
ver that governMents, as well as indi
viduals, were not subject to the inimi
table rule of duties. This discovery
was reserved for Albert Owen, or
whomsoever writes his editorials.
Second. You say that " I have cross
ed my own tracks, having referred to
those in slavery as hitherto relatively.
happy servants," &c.- The language I
used was embodied in a resolution of
the Huntingdon County Democratic
Convention, " as hitherto usefully em
ployed and relatively happy servants,"
whom it would be unjust to abandon
to the disorders of individualism and
the danger of competing with educat
ed and intelligent labor, in fields al
ready too narrow, until the General
Government should have enlarged the
area of industry by placing that instru
ment of labor, money, within the reach
of all those who, carry their fortunes
in their hand and industry. In this I
um sustained by the unanimous en
dorsement of the August Convention,
and since then by the Executive Com
mittee when selecting representative
delegates to the June Democratic etub
convention. Yet, Albert says, " Mr.
D. makes a point which no one but
himself can see" Now it seems to me
that in that Convention and subse
quent Committee there were men who
did see the point which Mr. Owen
fuses to see.
Third. " In charging the Democra
cy with being arrayed on the side of
pagan philosophy," &c. Sir, my ob
ject was and is to prevent a few selfish
politicians from imposing such resolu
tions on the assembled Democracy us
would seem to array the people against
a dogma of Christianity. There are
hundreds of thousands of Democrats
who cannot be influenced by the adop
tion of resolutions passed without con
sideration and by gagging those who
were opposed. The • editor prates
about the freedom of speech and lends
himself to aid in trampling down free
speech. This is Owen Democracy, not
genuine Democracy. •
Fourth. " Choose yo, John Dough
erty, whom ye will serve, if Abraham
Lincoln, then serve him," but as for
him, (the editor,) &c., &c. Now, my
dear sir, I choose not to follow either
Albert Owen or President Lintioln, nor
to bo read out of the Democratic or
ganization by men of the calibre of
Albert Owen, because, forsooth, I can
not follow him in denouncing just
measures. It is not necessary that a
man should change his political or re
ligious associations to enable !din to
serve his fellow-men. I believe The
Democratic organization natielnal shall
labor for the restoration of the Union,
by aiding in binding all interests and
all existences together, not by finding
fault with every measure of the powers
to whom we owe obedience; not by
pandering to men governed by self-in
terest—men whose motto is rule or
ruin; not by remaining* an insensible
instrument in tho hands of destiny,
but by endeavoring to comprehend a
resolution, which otherwise must ap
pear as tho bloody dream of a deliri
ous country.
Your humble servant,
A Brief but Comprehensive Platform.
—The State Teachers' Association of
Indiana, numbering 170 teachers, at
their late meeting summed up the po
litical situation in very few words by
unanimously adopting the' following
', Resolved, 1. That the Union Gov
ernment is right and the rebellion
"Resolved, 2. That wo will subtain
the right and oppose the wrong by
all the legitimate moans God has plac
ed in our power."
This is an encouraging sign from
Indiana, where rebel sympathizers
wore so numerous before the grand
voice of the Western army thundered
its denunciations of treason in their
ears, thus warning all who hope for
honor or political advancement in the
West that tho volunteers of the Uni
ted Staten would visit with stern pun
ishment all who assailed them in the
TUE Union Conferees of this Sena
torial Dierict will meet at'Bedford on
Friday the 12th 'of Juno for the pur-
pose of electing a Senatorial Delegate
to the Pittsburg Convention.
THE writ of habeas corpus applied
for in the Vallandighatn case has
been refused.
The Washington special correspon
dent of The Press says:—
" The thirteenth section of the con
scription law has received an inter
pretation, and substantially a warlike
adjudication. On the representation
of influential citizens of Illinois, that
the acceptance of $3OO from drafted
men, in lieu of service, throughout the
West, would degenerate the enrol
ment measure, and defeat the inten
tion to raise an army, Secretary Stan
ton is understood to have decided that
the section was permissive, and not
mandatory;. that it is optional with
him to receive the money or reject it;
that he is not a national treasurer;
that he gives no bond for the safe
keeping of money; has no financial of
ficers under him; has no means of en
forcing security for the immense sums
his subordinates would receive on this
commutation of military * service, and
has no time to go into the business of
hunting tip substitutes.
Solicitor Whiting, of the War De.
partment, is understood to concur in
these views. The President is also
understood to concur in their lawful
ness and policy. The clause of the
act selling exemptions at $3OO, there
fore, will practically be ignored. Con
scripts will either be left to hunt up
substitutes at their own price, or the
plan will be adopted of calling for an
equal number of volunteers at the time
the draft is ordered, to be accepted
only as substitutes for drafted men,
and receive a Government bounty of
$lOO, and the conscript's price of ex
emption besides. Any way, the enrol
ment law will not be a revenue meas
ure, but a war measure "
re_ The Department of Internal
Revenue having paid the Assistant
Assessors of this District since the is
suing of a call for a meeting of said
Asst. Assessors in Huntingdon on the
28d inst., there is, of course, now no
necessity for said meeting, and it will
not be bold.
Statement of General ,Burnside.
[From the Cincinnati Gazette of May 13th 1
George E. Pugh renewed his motion
before Judge Leavitt, yesterday morn
ing, in the United States Circuit court
fora. writ 'of habeas corpus. directed to
General Burnside, directing him to
bring the body of 0. L. Vallandigham
into court, with the cause of his arrest
and detention.
The following is the petition of Mt
Pugh :
Southern District of Ohio, ss.
To the Honorable the Judge of the Cir
cuit Court of the United States, within
and for the District aforesaid :
Your petitioner, Clement L. Vallan
digham, says that he is a native born
citizen of the State of Ohio, residing
in Montgomery county, and not enlist
ed or commissioned in-the land or na
val forces of' the United States, nor
called into actual service as one of the
militia of any State; nevertheless, on
the sth day of May, instant, betwen 2
and 3 o'clock in the morning of said
day, his dwelling house, (in which he
and his family then were,) in the city
of Dayton, and county of fontgoinery
aforesaid, was surrounded by about
one hundred soldiers, armed and in
uniform as such, and acting under the
direction of Ambrose E. Burnside, a
Major General in the army of the Uni•
ted States: which soldiers then and
there violently broke the outer door
and two inner doors of' your petition
ers said house, and entered the same,
and then and there seized your peti
tioner by overpowering numbers, and
thence carried him to the city of Cin
cinnati, in Hamilton county, in the
State and Southern district of Ohio,
where they imprisoned him, against
his will, in a building on Second or
Columbia street, then used as a milita
ry prison; and your petitioner says
that he has ever since been and now
is detained in custody, in said city of
Cincinnati. under a military guard, of
which said Ambrose E. Burnside is
Your petitioner alleges that . ho was
thus violently seized in his own house;
in the night time, without any war
rant issued upon probable 6111160, sup
ported by oath or affirmation, and in
contempt of his rights as an American
citizen. Ho says, also, that since his
imprisonment, as aforesaid, a paper
has been delivered to him (of which a
true copy is herewith annexed), pur
porting to contain a charge and a spe
cification against him, signed J. M.
Cutts, Chaplain and Judge Advocate,
on which charge and specification ho
has, been arraigned, against his will,
before a number of officers of the army
of the United States, assembled in It
room of the St. Charles' Exchange, on
East Third st e 't, in the city of Cin
cinnati, styling themselves a Military
Commission, and assuming to exercise
judicial authority at the instigation of
said Ambrose E. Burnside, as Major
General aforesaid. But your petition
er deems that he is not subject to any
such mode of arraignment or of trial,
and claims that all proceedings of that
description are, in his ease, forbidden
by the Constitution and laws of the
United States.
Therefore, and to the end that ho
may be relieved from manifest oppres
sion under color of military authority,
and that he may be charged in duo
courtle of law, in this Court or some
other, with whatsoever crime ho is in
tended to be imputed by the charge
and specification above mentioned,
your petitioner movesyour honors to
grant him a writ of habeas corpus, di
rected to said Ambrose B. Burnside,
and all persons assembled to act in
obedience to his orders, commanding
him and them forthwith to bring the
body of your petitioner before this
Court, together with the cause (if any)
of his capture and detention. " And
yourpetitionersubtnits hereby to what
soever the Constitution of the United
States in this behalf may require.
By George E. Pugh, his Attorney,
Southern District of Ohio, to wit:
George E. Pugh, being duly sworn,
says that he. makes this application for
a writ of habeas corpus, at the request
of C. L. Vallandigham, the petitioner
above named, and that he believes the
matter alleged in the foregoing petition
to be true. GEORGE E. Peat!.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence this 9th day of
A. D., 1863. Jos. R. GLIMMER.
Clerk, C. C. U. S., Southern district
of Ohio.
• District Attorney Ball said'ho was
reqnested by General Burnside to ask
the Court for a delay of half an hour,
when be would submit a statement
which was then being prepared in the
The Court granted the delay, and in
half an hour Mr. Ball submitted the
following statement, prepared by pen.
Burnside :
THE OHIO, Cincinnati, Ohio, s
May 11, -1863. -
To the Honorable the Circuit Court of the
United States, within and for the
Southern District of Ohio
The undersigned, commanding the
Department of. the Ohio, having re
ceived notice from the Clerk of said
Court that an application for the al
lowance of a writ of habeas corpus will
be made this morning before your Ho
nors on behalf of Clement L. Vallan
dighani, now a prisoner in my custody,
asks leave to submit the following
If I were to indulge in wholesale
criticisms of the policy of the Govern
inent, it would demoralize the army
under my command, and every friend
of the country would call me a traitor.
If the officers orsoldiers were to in
dulge in such criticisms,it would weak
en the army to the extent of their in
fluence ;.and if this criticism were uni
versal in the army, it would cause it
to be broken to pieces, the Govern
ment to be divided, our homes to be
invaded, and anarchy to reign. My
duty to my Government forbids me to
indulge in such criticisms; officers and
soldiers are not allowed to so indulg e,
and this . course will be sustained by all
honest men.-
Now, I will go further. We nro in
a state of civil war. • Ono of the States
of this Department is at this moment
invaded, and three others have been
threatened. I command the Depart
ment, and it is my duty to my, country
and to this army to keep it in the best
possible condition; to see that it is
fed, clad, armed, and, as far as possi
sible, to see that it is encouraged. If
it is my duty and the duty of the
troops to avoid saying anything that
would weaken the army, by prevent
ing a single recruit from joining the
ranks, by bringing the laws of Con
gress into disrepute, orby causing dis
satisfaction in the ranks, it is-equally
the duty of every citizen in the De
partment to avoid the same evil. If
it is my duty to prevent the propaga
tion of this evil in thb, army, or in a
portion of my Department, it is equal
ly my duty id all portions of it; and it
is my duty to lase all the force in my
power to stop it.
If I were to find a man from the en
emy's counti 4 y, distributing in my
camps speeches of their public men
that tended to demoralize the troops
or to destroy' their confidence in the
constituted authorities of the Govern
ment, I would have thorn tried and
hung if found guilty, and all the rules
of modern warfirre would sustain me.
Why should such speeches from our
own public men be allowed ?
The'press and public men in a great
emergency like the present, should
avoid the use of party epithets and
bitter invectives, and discourage the
organizations of secret political Sock
ties, which are always undignified and
disgraceful to a free people, but now
they arc absolutely wrong and injuri•
ous; they create dissensions and dis
cord, which just now amount to trea
son. The simple names " Patriot " and
Traitor," aro comprehensive enough.
As I before said, we are in a state
of civil war, and an emergency is upon
us which reqUires the operations of
some power that moves more quickly
than the civil. .There never was a war
carried on successfully without the ex
ercise of this power.
It is said that the speeches which
are condemned, have been in the pres
ence of large bodies of citizens, who, if
they thought them wrong, would have
then and there condemned them.—
That is no argument. These citizens
, do not, realize the effect upon the ar
my of our country, who ate its defen
ders. They have never been in the
field ; never faced the enemies of their
country; never undergone the priva
tions of our soldiers in the field; and
besides they have been•in the habit tit
hearing their public men speak, and as
a general thing of approving of what
they say; therefore, the greater respon
sibility rests upon the public men and
upon the public press, and it behooves
thorn to be careful as to what they say.
They must not use license and plead
that they aro exercising liberty. In
this Department it cannot be done.—
I shall use all the power• I have to.
break down such license, and I am
sure I will be sustained in this course
by all honest men. At all events I
will have the consciousness, before God,
of having done my duty to my -coun
try, and when I am swerved from the
performance of that duty by any pres
sure, public or private, or by any pre
judice, I will no longer be a man or a
I again assert, that every power I
possess on earth, or that is given nic
from above, will be used in defense of
my Government, on all occasions, at all
times, and in all places within this de
partment. There is no party—no com
munity—no State Government—no
State legislative body—no corporation,
body of men that have the power to
inaugurate a war policy that has the
validity of law and power, but the con
stituted authorities cif tho Government
of the United States; and I am deter
mined to support their policy. If' the
peopleado not approve that policy, they
can change the constitutional authori
ties of that Government, at the proper
time and by the proper method, Lot
them freely discuss the policy in prop
er tone; but my ditty requires me to
stop license, and intemperate discus
sion, which tends to weaken the au
thority of the Government and army;
whilst the latter is in the presence of
the enemy—it is cowardly so to weak
en it. This license could not be used
in our camps—the man would be torn
in pieces who would attempt it. There
is no fear of the people losing their lib
erties; we all know that to be the cry
of demagogues, and none but the igno
rant will listen to it; 1)11 intelligent
men know that our people are too far
advanced in the scale of religion, civi
lization, education and freedom, to al
low any power on earth to interfere
with their liberties; but this same ad
vancement in these great characteris
tics of our people, teaches them to
make all necessary sacrifices for their
country, when an emergency requires
it. They will support the constituted
authorities of the Government, wheth
er they agree with them or not. In
deed, the army itself is a part of the
people, and is so thoroughly educated
in the love of civil liberty, which is the
best guarantee for the permanence of
our republican institutions, that it
would itself be the first to oppose any
attempt to continue the exercise of
military authority after the establish
ment of peace by the overthrow of the
rebellion. No man on earth can lead
our citizen soldiery to the establish
ment of a military despotism, and no
man living would have the folly to at
tempt it. To do so would be so to seal
his own doom. On this point there
can be no ground for apprehension on
the part of the people.
It is said that we can have peace if
we lay down our arms. AU sensible
men know this to be untrue. Were it
so, ought we to be so cowardly as to
lay them down until the authority a
the Government is acknowledged ?
I beg to tall upon the fathers, moth.
ers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters,
relatives, friends and neighbors of the
soldiers in the field to aid me in stop
ping this license and intemperate dis
cussion which is discouraging our ar
mies, weakening the heads of the Go
vernment, and thereby strengthening
the enemy. If use our • honest ef.
finds, God will bless us with a glorious
peace and .% united country. Men of
every shade of opinion have the same
vitat interests in the suppression of' this
rebellion ; for should we fail in the
task, , the dread horrors of a ruined
and distracted nation will fall alike on
all, whether patriots or traitors.
These are substantially my reasons
for issuing " General Order No. 38;"
my reasons 11)r the determination to
enforce it, and also my reasons for the
arrest of the Iron. C. L. Vallandigham
for a supposed violation of' that order,
for which he has been tried. ,The re
sult of that trial is now in nay hands.
In enforcing this order, I can be
unanimously sustained by the people,
or I can be opposed by factious, bad
men, In the former event quietness
will prevail; in the latter event the
responsibility and retribution will at
tach to the men who resist the author
ity, an"d the neighborhoods that allow
All of which is resp'y submitted.
Major, General,
Com'ng Department of the Ohio
Mr. Pugh then resumed his argu
ment in support of his motion, and
spoke for nearly three hours.
Mr. A. 11. Pe"ry followed on the
part of General Burnside, in a clear
and able legal argument. Ho said ho
bad no instructions from Gen!. Burn
side, but that the General desired that
the question should be fully discussed
as to his power and ditties as a com
mander in the field. He said he con
sidered the statement of General Burn
side unnecessary ; but that it did not
profess to be a defence of his course,
but was simply given to the Court to
make known the principles upon
which he was acting.
Without concluding the argument,
the Court adjourned to this morning
at half-past ten o'clock.
General Order from Gen. Hooker.
Five Thousand Prisoners, Fifteen Col
ors and Seven Guns Captured.-18,-
000 Rebels Hors du Combat.
Headquarters Army of the Potomac,
May 6th, 1863.
Tho following order has been ,is
sued :
The Major General Commanding
tenders to this army his congratula
tions on its achievements of the last
seven days. If it has not accomplish.
ed all that was expected, the reasons
are well known to the army. It is
sufficient to say that they were of a
character not to be foreseen or pre
vented by human sagacity or resource.
In withdrawing from the south hank
of the Rappahannock before deliver
ing a general battle to our adversa
ries, the army has given renewed evi
dence of its confidence in itself and its
fidelity to the principles it represents.
In fighting at a disadvantage, we
would have been recreant to our trust,
to ourselves, our cause, and our coun
Profoundly loyal and conscious of
its strength, the Army of the Potomac
will give or decline battle whenever
its interest honor may demand. It
will also be the guardian of its own his
tory and its own arm. By our celeri•
ty and secrecy of movement, our ad
vance and passage of the rivers was
undisputed, and on our withdrawal
not a rebel ventured to follow.
The events of the last week may
swell with pride the. hearts of every
officer and soldier of this army. We
have added new bistro to its former
renown. We have made long marches,
crossed rivers, surprised the enemy in
his entrenchments, and whenever we
have fought have inflicted heavier
blows than we have received.
We have taken from the enemy five
thousand prisoners, fifteen colors, cap
tured and brought off seven pieces of
artillery, placed' hors du combat
teen thousand of his chosen troops, de
stroyed his depots filled with a vast
amount of stems, damaged his com
munications, captured prisoners with
in the fortifications of his capital, and
filled his country with fear and con
Wo have no other regret than that
caused by the loss of our bravo com
panions, and in this we aro consoled
by tho conviction that they have fal
len in the holiest cause ever submitted
to the arbitrament of battle.
By command of Major General
(Signed) S. Wumans, .
' Assistant Adjutant-General
Read onv now advvrtisements
mportant from the Missieslppi
Great Destruction of Rebel Property.
Grant Victorians at Jackson.
Operations on the Mississippi.—Capture
of Grand . Gulf and Port Gibson.—
General Grierson's Cavalry Raid.—
Great Consternation Among the Se
cesh.—Arrival of General Grierson at
New Orleans —What he accomplished
on the Route.—A Junction made with
Gen. Banks and Admiral Farragut's
Forces.—Every Railroad in Mississik
pi Cut.—Large Captures of Prisoners,
Horses, &c.—Great Destruction of
Rebel Property.—Capture of an Ord
nance Train en route for Vicksburg.—
Three thousand Loaded Shells Destroy
ed.—Burning of the Preble
N.w Yoax, May 17.—The steamer
George Washington, from New Or
leans, with dates to the 10th, arrived
at noon. Among her passengers is
Col. Jonas H. French.
An Opelousa letter of the sth states
that information has been received
from Gi:tnd Gulf and the gunboat fleet
under Admiral Porter, with the de
tails of the capture of Grand Gulf anti
Port Gibson by Gen. Osterhtms.
When the latter was nearing Port
Gibson he was met by hundreds of
families tleein , r from the interior to es
cape the rah(' of the Illinois cavalry
under Gen. Grierson, and the preva
lent opinion among the secesh that
Port Gibson was the safest place in
that region. The damage done by
our cavalry raid is irreparable.
It was rumored at Opelousa that
Port Hudson was.cvacuated.
Lieut. Col. A. C. Hill, editor of the
Era, had been placed under arrest for
having allowed a questionable article
to be published in that paper; John
E. Hayes and T. P. Tracy of the Era
have been expelled from New Orleans
for writing and publishing, the same
Quite an excitement occurred on the
evening of the 7th, at the opera, occa
sioned by the audience demanding
that the national airs should be play
ed, but nothing serious resulted.
General Sherman has ordered that
all places shall hereafter submit their
programme to the provost marshal
prior to the performance, and sugges
ting that the national airs be played.
The Era of Lhe 10th mentions a ru
mor that Port Hudson was bombarded
by our fleet on the night of the h
and all day on the 9th. Gen, Grier
son had arrived at New Orleans, and
boon presented by the Unionists with
a magnificent charger.
. Admiral Farrigut arrived at New
Orleans on the afternoon of Saturday
the 9th, from Brashea City. The Ad
miral and his officers left the flag ship
on the Red river. They bring impor
tant intelligence that Alexandria was
captured on the 6th. by Admiral Por
ter and a portion of Farragut's fleet.
Prior to the capture of Alexandria,
Fort DO Russey, on the Red river was
demolished after a fight, and a rebel
gunboat captured.
For the capture on, the morning of
the 6th, of Alexandria, by our gun
boats, the advance cavalry of Briga
dier General _Dwight dashed into the
place, thus forming a junction of Ad
miral Farragut and General Bank's
Opelousa dates of the Gth states that
our tr.ny was then on the march.—
Gen. Dwight's brigade was then sup
posed to be in Alexandria, and Geus.
Emory, Weitzel and Groves were close
behind with their forces.
A Baton Rouge letter of' the 2d inst.,
states that, Gen. Grierson's force, the
6th and 7th Illinois cavalry and bat
tery, numbering some nine hundred
men, followed by several hundred ne
groes, rode into that city on that day.
`rimy left Lagrange on. April 16th,
burned the rebel stores and Railroad
depot at Olcalona, the depot and two
heavy laden freight and commissary
trains and ordinance train at Newton,
on the Charleston and Vicksburg rail
road. The ordnance train contained
three thousand loaded shells tin• the
Vicksburg batteries, which exploded.
From Newton they followed the
railroad to Meridian, burning all
the bridges thence south on the Mo
bile and Ohio railroad to Enter
prize, where they destroyed the
rebels ordnance works, then back
to Newton and burned all the bridges
from thence to Jackson, including the
great bridge over Pearl river and
near Jackson tore up ten miles of track,
thence they followed the Jackson and
New Orleans railroad south to the
Louisiana line.
A rebel force of 5,000 At Clinton,
was evaded by making a circuit around
them, our forces destroying their camp
equipage, stores, &e., capturing 300
While crossing a branch of the Amite
river Lieut. Col. Blackburn° was se
verely wounded and left in the hands
of the enemy. They crossed the Amite
river on the morning of the Ist inst.,
ten miles from Baton Rouge, captured
a rebel cavalry picket of sixteen men
and horses, burned Capt. Wetherlee's
house, -captured his horses, and then
rode into Baton Rouge, looking rough,
but in good condition.
Every railroad in Mississippi has
been cut by them. They have supplied
themselves with fresh horses on the
route, and brought in over 300 contra
bands on horses, and nearly all of the
latter also leadimr ' horses.
The Eriz of the 6th gives the partic
ulars of the burning of the U. S. sloop
of war Preblo at Pensacola, Apr. 27th.
She took fire accidently from an open
light being carried into the store room.
All hands wore saved.
The Preble, after burning a number
of hours, blew up with terrific explo
sion. Tho U. S. gunboat Kanawha
had captured two schooners and drove
another ashore in Perdido inlet; all
were blockade runners, and one named
the Eagle had made five or six success
ful trips.
Hooker to be Reinforced—The New De
fecees. of Fredericksburg.
WASIMIOTON, May 16, 1863.—1 t is
ascertained from gentlemen returning
from the Rappallannool; that, General
Hooker seems highly gratified with his
recent visit to the President.
The river &on t of the enemy has been
recormoiGred, and the slisuovery' mado
during the night of the 4th inst., the
enemy threw up new and extensive
earthworks along the ridge of hills in
the roar and to the left of Fredericks
Under the direction of Gen. Patrick,
nllOl4ll, carcasses, and filth around the
entire army is being removed and.
burned, and other anitary measures.
are in progress. Some of the camps,
rlcluding, Gen. Hooker's headquarters,.
will probably be removed from their'
present locations to more salubrious'
It is reported to-day that every avail
able soldier now on detached service
in and around Washington, Baltimore,
and on the railroads in Virginia and
Maryland, will be forwarded to Hook
er's command, and their Places„sup
plied by Pennsylvania militia, which,
it is said, has been. toad - Bred by Gov.
J. B. Gilfe :fiber deserted *from the
3d Alabama, mid carne into our lines
night before last. -He belonged to
Rhodes' brigade. He is a native of
Fraffitford, Pa., where his parents now
reside. He says the rebel troops are
mostly back in their old encampments.
His regiment has but 150 men for du
ty. It lost 225 men in the late action,
The rebel officers' estimate of their'
loss is 25,000. The death of Jaekson
bad a great effect on the troops. Pro ,
visions are scarce. The ration is One
pound two ounces of flour, and a quar
ter pound of bacon per day. The di-
visions of Geus. Hood and . Pieketthave
arrived from the Blackwater sinco the
battle. A rumor. prevailed in the en
emy's camp, sevorat days ago, that wet
were crossing at Raccoon il i a, and the
troops were under marchiffg orders.—
The enemy has now a large force in
that direction.
Capture of Jackson, Miss
CINCINNATI, May 18.—The Chattan
ooga Rebel of May 16th, has been -re--
cowed at MurfreeshorJ. It contains a
dispatch dated Mobile, -May- 14th,.
which sayS: " Jackson is occupied
by the enemy. We fought- them all.
day, but could not hold the city."
[The above dispatch is undoubtedly
correct. General Grant we know had
whipped the rebels at Raymond on
the 12th, and on the 13th the Rich
mond papers said " the firing was
very heavy towards Jackson." The
city was probably taken that day,
and the news was received in Mobile
the next morning, which is the date
of the dispatch to the Rebel.]
The Death of Stonewall Jackson.
PorOMAC, Nay 13, 1803. '
The following lett,e - r and Order are
published in the l't:tersburg (Virginia)
Sentinel : • •
CHANcEr.r.oavILLE, May 4
To Lieutenant Gon. T. J. Jaclkson:
GENERAL :-E have just received
your note informing me that you are
wounded. I cannot express my re
gret at the occurrence. Could I have
directed events, I should have chosen,
for the good of the chuutry, to have
boon disabled in your stood.
I congratulate you upon the Victory,
whfch is duo to your skill and energy.
Most truly yours,
E. E. LEE. General.
Headquarters Army of Northern 1
Virginia, May 11,1863.
deep grief; the Commanding General
announces to the army the death of
Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson, who ex
pired on the 10th inst., at 3.15 P. M.
The daring skill and energy of this
great and good soldier, by'the decree
of an All wise Providence, aro now
lost to us. But while we mourn his
death, we feel that his spirit still lives,
and will inspire the whole army with
his indomitable courage and unshaken
confidence in God as our hope and
Let his Intim be a watchword to his
corps who have followed him to, yic=
tory on many fields. Lot 6flicers 4n4
soldiers emulate his invincible deter
mination to do cr'verything in defence
of our beloved country..
R B. LEA',
General Commanding.
• [E taco or Jacob Brindle, deed.]
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Hunting..
don county, will be exposed to public Sale, on the proud
see. at the llama fornivrly occupied by James Medic, tics,
ceased, in Hopewell township,
On Saturday, the 23d of May,1863,
at two o'clock in (lie afternoon
All that Co tofu tract of I Ma situate In Hopewell twp.,
Huntingdon county, bounded on the north by lands
late of Ddvid Fisher, on tho west by lamb Of Jas. Fisher
and Jonathan Brunlle, on the south by lands of Jonathan
Brindle and Steel, and on the east by hintle of Jacob
B Laugh and Samuel Schell, -containing 75 .acres
snore or less. with about acres thPreofcloared and cul—
tivated. and a log hula° and lug cabin barn thereon untie
TERMS ON SALE —Oneallir•rof the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the lode, and the bolero."
in two opal annual payments with Interest, to be flour
ed by the Pond, and mortgage or judgment of the mar.
Administrator of AM, Di Indio, (Iced
April 29, 1863.
The tunlernigned Anditor, appointed LO' the Court
of Common plats ot Huntingdon county to tibtribute the
prorcedd arcing front tito blicritre Cole 'of hot personel
property of Shively 1: iciliott, Bill attend to the duties of
hie uppointment nt bin office in Huntingdon. on Snturday;
the Gill day orJuuo poet. at 1 o'clock, P. IL, when end
hero it parties Interested will motent their 31110118 or.
too forever debarred from coming in impose the hid req.
J. D. CAMPBEith,
Mop 6, 1863. Auditor.
Tito undersigned Auditor hereby glees notice to
nt trenus interested Oita lie 11115 been appointed by the
Orphans' Conti of Huntingdon &unity, to , distribute the;
foods in the hands of John 0. Watson, Eng., trustee to
,sell the 6441 totate of, iliruot Williamson Into 01 'West
township dec'il., and that be alit attend to the dillies of
his appointment at his ollicein the borough of Hunting.:
don. on Saturday. the 3tl of May next, at 10 o'clock. A.
31,, when and where nll persona having claims upon the.
said fund aril required to present the same, or be dis
barred from Cowing in for a share of the said Nod
Tlit:O. 11. CHEWER,
April 20, 1863-36. tidaiir."
lIDITOWS g ned Auditor appointed by the Orphans'
COOI t of Huntingdon county, to diotribitte the balance 111
the hand+ of JoAloa iflilltunion ' Administrator of the
estate of liiram Wit Eamon, litto of West township, dolft•
to and among these leg illy entitled thereto, hereby gives'
notice that ho will attend to that duty on Saturday, the . ,
2.1.1 of May noxt, at to o'clock. A. M., at which Ito a and
p ace all paeans aro required to present their claim 4
ag anst the said fend or be debarred f, om coming in foe
a abate of the name. T11E0,11: CHEMSII,
Huntingdon, April 20, 1863.-3 t Auditor.
TG Undersigned, nppointed Auditor by the Orphans
Court of Ifuntingdon county to distribute the balance in
tito hands of S. T Drown, Esq.. Administrainr de !Amid
nen, Ac., ofJames Entrain, decd., will atteml 4o tho du :
ties of Ms appointment nt ids offite to ifutitingdnn, oft
Saturday. tim thirbouth diky of Jtino we. 9f p Oleo:
A. !d.. "hen and when, nlh persons{ interested will pre:.
sent their einittm or be forever deharrod from corninif Iti
upon the said laud. ' .4: D. CAMPBELt.
:gay 6, 166. , • Attd , tor. ^
Tho iduleridgried to dhitrihote
th, - ; S iTeoceeilii origin from Mel Flhorilfe ,191 q of Ike
slate of A. J. Duti/np, wpl ditteod the diities of his
apdoaktraklt at en 11 41.1litagall, on,
um 1311. day 0..1m0 next, at 1 o'clock, P. IL, when and
wheru all turlia, iate/reated will prevent their pillion. OF
Le forever debderciffrorn coining in upon the and fund.
?lay 6, ISW