The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 20, 1863, Image 1

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Three months'
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)or mare for cacti insertion. •
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Italia column,
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Professional and Invdne.s Cards not oxceeding f rnr linen.
One year e. 3 00
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one will be continue.] tilt Rabid out cliorged
prdine:to them. (ATM'',
Else Olabe. •
Friday, May 15, 1863,
Lines Written op ;the Death of Rob
- brt D. Walker.
BY. .1 .14. k
llelentlesi death haft torn aside
The ties that Ifund so fondly dear;
rar from Menai and home he died, :
With no one there to shed. a, ,
•Twas hut n [Mc short dap, at least
' We thought, oar loved cafe would be home;
tutqth the solemn gloom is cast
That looked for day Can never come.
But then the Lord has thought it best
To "take tor brother fro'm our side ;
"Great honor crowns his noble breast,
Fur in his country's cause ho died.
Though we arc nut alone in grief,—
There's runny more has &full..the cup,—
In God (deep we find relief—
In him we place our future hopes.
rroi tbe Globe.)
!! And Noah lo•gan to be an Intehandnutn, and he plan
ted a vinc)ittd."—GEzasts
This, dear, readers, is a beautiful
Itnafogy between Adam and Noah,
the former the father of the old, and
the latter of the new world, in the ON
ocations'towhich their faculties were
directed, as if there Avas something in
the virgin freshness of the sow to soli
cit the grateful regards of both as they
respectively inaugurated new cycles
in the history of the hittnan race.—
Adam was the horticulturist, and No
ah the. vine:dresser. The first revell
ed in his floral parterre; the latter re
, uvenatcd his energies in the culture
of the purple grape. The venerable
progenitors of the old world and the
now, both held communion with na
ture,'and watched the exuberant pro
ducts of the soil in their ripening
beauties with kindling ardor and grate
ful devotion. , The early pursuits of
man had a simplicity and grandeur
which do not pertain to that perfected
civilization which, while it introduces
manifold pursuits, dwarfs the soul of
man by the sordid character which as
sociates itself with much of human en
deairor. The pastoral Abraham, with
his immense flocks dotting the oriental
landscape, appears to want no crown
of gold to transmute him into an acf,z,-
al sovereign, for he is one already in
the breadth of his pastoral character
and the ramifications of . his business
transactions. And Noah, as he walks
among his purple grapes, appears to
marshal his countless •vines with the
air of the Roman in surveying his le
gion of subalterns. In his ago of mus
cular vigor, and with a hoary crown,
lie plants and manures and trims and
gathers in his prolific vintage, with his
face aglow with satisfaction. When
ho first issued from the ark, he select
ed a genial locality, and di.opped his
seed into the ground amid the gratula
lions eff his children. We doubt not
that this planting of the vine was -ac
companied by every befitting demon
stration. The earth had been, as it
were, purged in the laver of regenera
tion. Her baptism of Water had
quickened her capacities for yielding
her full strength for the sustenance of
her children, and all she wished was
the opportunity to develop her resour
ces and be the abna mater to them all.
Let us for a moment imagine Noah
consigning a variety of seeds to the
bosom of the earth at one and the same
time, for there is every reason to
think that tAio culture of the vine was
not an exclusive pursuit in his case,
but only a paramount object of inter
ested regard, subordinating minor cul-
AIR.S of various other kinds to this
clarling pursuit. Gatho4ng around
449-4;.s all, as a sower
be begins to sow an 41 thus Addresses
rtfhom:: u 4y children, look at me as I
give .to,earth in custody-the germ of
tfuture harvests. For rolling seasons
our earth has had no robe of vegeta
tion, for heinonis guilt had stripped her
,her 91deu garniture of and
.flowers and grain. The crown of glo
;ryilatid fallen from her iintternal brow;
but to-day .17 0 pit the first fresh jewel
this ihor .now torouet of vernal
grace. From these tiny seeds will
spring the mighty harvest. In a short
space you will gather iu your yellow
sheaves and sit in your orchards-and
have your cheek tinged in the reflec
tion of the gOlden orange, and bind
(the chaplet of grapes to your brow,
; and shout your vintage anthem with
cadence more musical because for a
year and Moro it has been suspended.
Now free is my range as thus I pass
from .spot to spot, preparing future
Samptets for you all. This mighty
'sweep of ac,tb9.l3, as ,y.atter the grain,
is iv : . hry , ! our late im-
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WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
prisonment in the ark, that it exhilar
ates my nerves. I feel that earth
will prove true to her trust, and re
store us a hundred fold:" The cere
mony is over, and rapidly is the har
vest yielded to expectant hearts.—
Noah and his family soon walk down
the colonnade of clustering vines, and
the tropic moon, like a silver shield,
seems to pause aboim the vineyard of
the new world as if the products of the
soil were more worthy of her queenly
smile of patronage than when hoaiy
crime rioted beneath her beams. At
last Noah is a king iu the natural
'world and marshals before hint its va
rious products, as once he did the ani
mals when he went into the ark. Ile
tastes the wheat and drinks the wine,
and feels lahuselfa monarch. The pro
ductions of the soil pass at once to his
use without any intervention of trade
or, commerce, - for barter is yet un
known to man. The emporium of
trade is a temple not yet dedicated by
the high priests of Mammon, with
their loins girt about with a golden
cincture. As yet the atmosphere is too
pure mill too fresh for the hot and
fiery strife of speculation. With his
wife and his sons' :wives around him,
lie moves in the refining circle of fem
inine influence and fellowship, a hale
old man, happy in the heritage of do
mestic bliss. The ark with its ponde
rous timbers is . near him, for lie can
not find the heart to demolish it for fu
el. On the mountains of Ararat, where
it first perched as a fatigued bird, it
still folds its placid wing, and he some
times clambers up the precipitous
draggy acclivity Co worship in its ho
ly ark. Perhaps lie and his boys take
a few sheaves of the yellon wheat,
and a few clusters of the grape to bind
them as a chaplet around the old oak
en sides, and the sunshine gilds the
tributary donation as he leaves it thus
far up the height.. The eagle flaps his
wing above it and the swallows build
their nests among its timbers, for it
does not appear to rot like other wood,
as though endowed with supernal vig
or. It looks down on his vineyard
1 to watch
his toil as lie trims the branches and
treads the purple grapes, fur as yet his
nature has not succumbed to infirmity
and his twain is free from the stupor of
intoxication. lie thus far enjoys, but
abuses not, the bounties of his benefi•
cent Creator. Alas I that the beauti
ful scene should ever change, and the
father Or the new world, dismissing
prudence for his superior•, yield to the
clamoring of appetite and become the
slave of sense. Allis! that the first
stain upon the regenerated earth must
be time demon blot of drunkenness—a
stain which has deepened with grow-
ing dine
(Front the United Statcsilailtuid and :Mining Register.]
FORD CO., PA., April 15, 1863
Taos. S. FERNON, ESQ., Editor IL
and Mining 11egi8ter : I enclose
you a map recently made of the .Broad
Top coal region. On it you will ob
serve the position of the Huntingdon
& Bread Top Railroad, with its bran
ches reaching into the coal field. The
Bedford Railroad is a continuation of
the Broad Top. Twelve miles of the
former are now nearly completed, giv
ing a rid! Doe from Huntingdon (on
Pennsylvania Railroad) to Bloody run,
a distance of 43 miles.- The construc
tion of the Huntingdon and Broad Top
Railroad was mainly intended to de
velop° the Broad Top coal region, and
thus far public attention lag been di
rected excluslyely in the coal interests.
The animal -reports from the region,.
published in the Register, will show
that its shipments have been rapidly
increased, whilst new developments
are being made, and the railroad bran-
ches extended.
It seems a singular fact, however,
1 that the coal of this district should
have thus far monopolized all the. at
tention—a district having within its
limits vast quantities of excellent iron
ores, lying along its main line of rail
road, easily mined, and producing when
"smelted the best quality of iron—the
,celebrated "Juniata iron."
The prostration of the iron business,
during the past few years. may account
in part for the neglect, of' this interest,
but, with the presonii lirdection and
demand for iron, it appears to mo the
time has come for the successful devel
opment of its iron ores, and the estab
lishment of ironworks along the valley
west of the coal region.
Three qualities of ore are presented
to the consideration of (lie iron manu
facturer—the proto-carbonates of the
coal measures; the brown peroxide of
irbn of the Umbral SQVi . CS, 'arid' the he
nuotito and fossiliferous iron ores of the
Surgent series.
Proto-Carbonate of Iron of Coal Metz
suros.—Very little haS heretofore boon
done to devolope these ores; during
tho period of river navigatiOii by arks,
befbre the construction of the railroad,
a few furnaces were in blast along the
Raystowu Juniata, one of these, the
Hopewell furnace, obtained a portion
of its ore from the Chancy oro bank,
up Sandy Run. Surface specimens of
iron ore are found in many localities
in the coal field', but no systomatie ex
plorations ba,vc N'ot Leon reads to do
velope the position or magnitmre of
these deposits.
The Peroxide of Iron of the tlmbral
series has been opened and worked at
a number of places •, it is found in the
upper red shale, which accompanied
by Terrace mountain, encircles the
coal field. It has been worked at Par
adise furnace, Trough creek, and at
Hopewell furnace. In 1853, J. P.
Lesley, Esq., Geologist, remarked of
this ore : "The furnace at Hopewell
has the coal within a mile of it, an im
mensely valuable deposit of cold short
iron ore outcropping behind it, an ore
which will be pursued hereafter from
I gap to gap, the whole length of Ter
1-race mountain, and upon which a hun- ,
dred furnaces might run a century."
Iron ores of the surgent series.—These
valuable deposits of iron ore are found
in the Surgent red shale, which forms
the base and part of the slope of Tus
soy mountain ; it is also found flanking
'Jacks and Black Log mountains. The
ores of Woodcock valley, along the
base of Tussey mountain, have a gene
ral range.of oaten?* nearly parallel
to, and but a short distance from, the
main line of the Huntingdon & Broad
Top Railroad. whilst the Bedford rail
road intersects them at Bloody-Run.
Between this formation and the rail
road, the scalent limestone outcrops
along the entire valley, forming a sharp
prong west of Bloody Run, and again
flattening up Black valley. The fossil
iferous iron ore is found in two seams
in the lower portion of the formation,
which are separated by an interval of
slate and sparry limestone, from two
to eight feet thick. The lower seam
or member is of the hard variety, and
the upper the soft fussiliferotts ore—
These ores have been opened at nu
merous localities along the outcrop
from below McConnellstown, in Hunt
ingdon county, to Bloody Run, in Bed
ford county, presenting an outcrop of
over 50 miles long. The upper or soft I
ore is two feet thick, and the lower or
hard ore averages 15 inches thick, giv
ing an aggregate average thickness of
ore over 3 feet. In the upper portion
of this formation, and- connected with
the lower layers of the sealent lime
stone, are found a chain of deposits or
'pockets" of hennotile iron ore; the
principal openings made in these de- !
-posits, have been at " Flack bank,"
about one mile west of Stonerstown—
there the Ore was found 4 feet thick I
and of excellent quality. llr. !Whit
ney, an experienced ore miner, in-
forms ale, that" he shafted down this
deposit 90 feet. At the Bender bank,
3 miles farther up the valley, the ore
was finund 6 feet thick ; the workings I
extending beneath the surface 135 ft.
At Cogans openi ng,near Bedford Forge, I
the deposit is four feet thick, and at
Bloody Run, near Bedford Railroad,
on lands of Hon. W. P. Schell and oth
ers, a new opening recently made by
E. Trambath, shows the 'ore 10 feet
thick, and of a superior quality. On
the same lands explorhtions arc being
made to fully develope the fossil ore ,
The iron ores of the Premeridian
and Meridian series (Warrior-ridge)
have not...yet been sufficiently
oiled in this district to determine their
size and quality. Mr. Rogers refers
to this in his report of the Geology of
Pennsylvania, Vol. 2, page 731. For
a full description of the ores of' this
district, sec Rogers' Geology of Penn
sylvania, Vol. 1, page 569, &c., and
'Vol. 2, page 729 ; at page 731 a tab!e
of analyses of the Sargent ores will be
found, giving their constituent parts
in great detail. The iron ores of this
district have been sufliciently tested at
the old furnaces to remove any doubt
as to their quality, and although no
accurate record has been kept of the
depth of the mining in the Sargent
fossiliferous ores, from which to Obtain
data fin• a calculation of quantity,
enough is now positively known to
show that these ores can be mined
(along tho entire 'l'ussey mountain
range) to a depth of fifty to ninety feet
beneath their exposed outcrops; and
this depth of' milling can be reached
by the ordinary drifts or gang-ways,
at water-level. Front a careful collec
tion of facts in regard to the position
and quantity of iron ores in this region,
I have no hesitation in presenting it
ass desirable field for iron.makei•s.—
All the materials for its manufficture
are accessible by railroad, and fuel in
the form of coko, coal and charcoal,
can be procured in ine4haustible quan
tities. The coke from Broad Top coal
is fbvorably known as a very superior
quality, and is judged to be the fuel for
smelting the ores of the surrounding
No question of supply and demand
enters into the problem of ironinaking,
for the humiliating fact is well known
by iron manuflicturers, that in the
United States wo only make about Oh
per cent. of the iron required for our
own use; the balance has heretofore
been imported from England.
If the foregoing remarks on the iron
ores of the Broad Top Baystown Juni
ata district dill have the effect of
drawing the attention of practical iron
makers to an investigation of its min
eral resources, the writer will have no
fears of the result. Already the old
furnaces at Paradise and Hopewell are
being again prepared for work, and
trust the day is not far distant whin
capital and labor will fully resuscitate
this extensive source of mineral wealth.
Very respectfully,
Resident anti * Mining Engineer; Jl. &
B. T. R. R. S. Coal Co.
GOLD Piss. LA flue assortment of
Picket and Desk Gold Pens just re-
Ceived at Lewis Book Store,
The largest stock and greatest
variety of stles of Pocket Books and
Currency liorders, outside of Philadel
phia, can be sril!! at Lewis' lioott Store.
An Interesting Letter.
We are permitted to publish thQ fol
lowing' interesting letter, written by
the brave son ofller- of this
in the mouth of Yazoo river,4llo, '63
FArrtEn.:—We are here yet.
Our boat is all ready for running the
1 , blockade at Vicksburg. We have
' bales of hay around the pilot house
' and on the side at the magazine and
on the stern. We have eight-tons of
powder on board ; it is slowed in dif
ferent parts of the boat. We have the
spar deck laid with iron logs,.hawsers,
&c., to keep a plunging shot froth coin
ing through. We have a coal barge
to take down with us; it icon the star
board side of the boat. The, port side
will he facing the batteries. . Th 3
transports are not ready yet;_ they are
getting bags of sand to protct them.
The men are wetting the bales of hay
and it looks as if we were -going to
On last night, the 15th, all the gun
boats.were ready and at half-past 12
o'clock all hands were called,and the
orders were to be ready to start down.
The Men were at the capstan ready
to hoist anchor—the •battle, lanterns
were lit—all the other lights:were put ,
out, and we were ready. to start at a ,
moment's notice. • After waiting for
more than an hour, orders. came to
" turn in," as the tran.sports - were not
ready and we had to Wait for them.—
This morning the three transports that
were going down with us canto over
and are in the Yazoo- :Every-thing is
ready and we will go 'down to-night.
There arc eight gunboats—the Mound
City, Carandolet, Pittsburgh, Benton,
Louisville, Sterlins Price, Tuscumbia,
and Lafayette.
April 17th.—We aro' now at Now
Carthage, Last night at halfpast ten
o'clock the boats were signalled and
we all got ready and started down.—
Oar boat was the third in line. We
proceeded down and were turning the
point, when the rebels sent up signals,
and then they opened their batteries
on us. The shot and shell came whis
tling all around us. It was not the
intention to fight the rebel batteries
at Vicksburg; but to run past them.—
The boats that were all over iron-clad
were to tire but the other boats- did
not fire their bow guns. The rebels
disabled two of our transports. Qne
we burnt and the oth'er ;•'‘ , /tts taken In
the canal to be repaired; if - not too
much lin m aged.
Oar boat got aground under the
rebel batteries and the rebels thought
they had us, and were preparing to
boa - rd us ; but, we let fly throe of oar
broadside guns twice. After that . they
kept on'. If they came close enough
we would have treated them with
warm reception from oar hot-water
hose. We had to cut our barge loose
before wo could get oft'. After wo got
past Vicksburg we stopped and canght
our coal barge. •
The Tuseumbla Look i•sirc of the
transport that was disabled and towed
it to shore. The rest oldie boats went
down and soon the. rebel batteries at
Warrenton opened on them; some of
our boats replied, and, I think, silenc
ed their guns, for when our'boat went
past, (which was some time after tine
others,) they did not fire at us, We
anchored a few miles below there and
this morning we came down here.
The transport that got through safe
is with us. It is to convey troops
across the river. We have about forty
thousand troops here that came across
by land. We are g oing to attack the
rebels at Grand Gulf and the soldiers
are to co-operate.
That place is about twenty-five or
thirty miles front hero. Our boat was
only struck a couple of times. One of
the balls kit our thick iron and only
dented it. There were none hurt on
our boat. There were one or two
killed on the boats and some wounded,
but I do not, know for certain how
many. None of' the gunboats were
disabled. When we were passing
Vicksburg 'the rebels set fire to a
hnikling that had sonic combustible
matter in it to make light on the-riv
er, and when it commenced to blaze it
was very light and they could see us
plainly. There arc about three regi
ments encamped here. - The others
tyre a short distance off. The Benton
is the flag ship. The Admiral is on
board of it. They fired eighty-three
shots Wont it. I counted over a hun
dred shots that the rebels fired. Ido
not think they have as many guns as
is reported they have or else they
have moved sonic of' them, and I think
they would not do that. From the time
the rebels opened on us until we got
passed Vicksburg, it was an hour and
a half. I was at the Port Engine from
the time we started until WO passed
both places, and done all the working
myself. It takes three men to run the
boat, one at the Throttle valve and
ono at each engine. There are three
engineers besides the chief' but he does
not do any of the running.. When
we aro running I go on watch at the
engines but I take my turn only. I
like it and would sooner do it than
lay around. Your son,
LIFE ERlloll9.—ltow little self-ap
pointed censors of others may know
of those whom they condemn ! It is
pitiful, the amount of pain, sometimes
ignorantly, sometimes selfishly, inflict
ed in this way. Love should be able
to quicken the irontal vision in this
respect. A careless foot may be plan
ted just as crushingly as a willfully
malicious one. Alai!' who can corn.
pate the tragic moaning of those little
words, " I didn't think," off• " I
Stoneman's Great 'Cavalry Raid
Full Account of his Exploits.
A correspondent who accompanied
General Stoneman's cavalry raid gives
the following Interesting account of the
expedition :
KELL - rsyrt.LE, RA . RPARANNOCK : En'
ER, May Bth, 1803—One - of the most
successful military enterprises-of the
kind ever undertaken in this or. any
other-country terminated, to-day. I
refer to the 'recent raid 'Of. our cavalry
to the rear of the rebel army and With
in its lines. On the lath ultimo, Gen
Stonemanrwith a portion of his caval-,
ry command, moved up the left bank
of the Rappahannock; with the inten
tion of pierci - dg the- enemy's lilies at
the most favorable opportunity, then,
I if possible, cut his lino of communica
tion and estroy public property wher
ever found. On the -14th, the first se
ries of rain storm commenced, causibg
the river to become 'sn swollen as - to.
render crossing impracticable until
the 28th ult., and even then a pontoon
bridge was used. 'Thus' the-weather
detained the expedition for fifteen
deyS. In
- the meantime tho fords at
different Points Were tested, foraging
parties were sent across the river, and
several skirmishes took place. without
any important results. On -Wednes
day, the 20th ult., the whole force was
again put in motion, and crossed the
river at 'Kelly's Ford withbut opposi
tion. General Averill immediately
moved his division to the Orange and
Alexandria railroad, - where two regi
ments of the enemy were met, and a
skirmish took place, terminating by
the enemy retiring towards Gordons
ville. In this encounter only two' of
our men were wounded.—
General Stoneman moved tlic Main
body of his domniand across Fleshman's
river, and encamped for the night in.
- open field .during .heavy, rain
storm. At this point the enemy made
a dash upon bur piekets; but did not
alarm the camp. Thursday morning
early General Buford crosses the Rap
idan two miles below Raccoon Ford,
(Morton's Ford,) and advancing up the
the opposite bank caused 'a force of
sixteen hundred rebel infantry, with
one piece Of artillery, to leave in great
haste from Raccoon Ford, where soon
after General . Gregg crossed with his
division. Here a lieutenant and -thir
teen privates of a rebel 'artillery com
pany were captured. Near this point
an army•beef contractor was overhaul
ed and 826,000 in confederate bonds
taken from him. - .
A rebel engineer with a wagon load
of material was also captured on the
road. The whole force encamped at
night one mile from the river. Friday
morning heard cannonading on the
right, which proved to be General Av
erill's command having a little fight
with the enemy at - Rapidan Station on
time Orange and Alexandria railroad.
This was the last General Stoneman
heard of General Averill. Next day,
got close upon the heels of a large reb
el force at Orange Springs, who, to
escape, abandoned wagons, provisions,
&c.; captured a lieutenant of Jackson's
stale returning from leave of absence.
At night camped at Greenwood, just
cutside of Louisa Court House. Time
town was surrounded, and Col. Kil
patrick took possession of the place at
li o'clock, A. 31., May 2d, without op•
position, capturing a few rebel soldiers.
The citizens were astounded to find,
the place in possession of the Yanketo,
and overjoyed when they became con
vinced that the Yankees were really
tit ilized human beings and that they
h:id not come to murder men, women
and children in cold blood, as was
firmly believed, and supplied the troops
freely with victuals and drink.
The track of the Virginia Central
railroad, connecting Gordonsville and
Richmond, was destroyed at different
points for ten miles, two trains of cars
burnt, telegraph wires cut and destroy
ed, and some commissary stores_were
also appropriated. During the night
a detachment of the First Maine cav
alry, doing picket duty five miles up
the Gordonsville road, was attacked
and had two men killed. The enemy
disappeared 'the moment a brigade ad
vanced, after firing a few shots. On
the afternoon of the 2d, the command
moved on through Yanceyvillo to
Thompson's Four Corners. From this
point detachments were sent out in
different directions. One party (lc
strayed a portion of the railroad be.
tween Gordonsville and Charlottesville;
another, consisting of four hundPed
men, under Colonel Wyndham, pro
ceeded to Columbia, on the James riv
er, where the Lynchburg and Rich
canal crosses the river. An un- !
successful attempt was made to de
stroy the aqueduct.
Five locks were destroyed, the banks
of the canal dug away at different
points, three canal boats loaded with
material fur the rebel army, and five
bridges were burned. A large quanti
ty of commissary stores, medicines,
&e„ were also destroyed, and several
hundred horses were captured. A par
ty under Capt. Drummond, of the Fifth
cavalry, reached the river between Co
lumbia and Richmond and destroyed
locks, levels, and set fire tog bridge
across the James river. Gen. Gregg
proceeded *to the Fredericksburg and
Richmond railroad, and destroyed at
Ashland the depot buildings, railroad
track, a train of pars, proosions, and
telepraph. .4e, sent 'detachment to
burn the railroad bridge across the
South Anna, but it was strongly guar !
ded by infantry, and the party sent
out fell back. gen. Gregg Fe.wtiod
io Thompson's Four Copiers, but a
portiolitif his command under Col. Kil
patrick, moved'oastward to the Cen
tral road, 'destroyed the bridge on that
road over. ho' South Anna, captured
and destroyed a train of ears,plllyeTts
and the railroad • track for miles, and
then passed dc.'vn the liennisula.
TERNS, $1,50 a yeah lin= advan.ce.
, ,
Another portion IV General Gregg's
command, under,:Col.- Davis, - Twelfth
- Illinois, crossed - t both roads nearer
Richmond, .destroying vtikroads, Ade"-
graphs, bridge over Brook river, and
railway trains., -.A detachment : W.9on.
Gregg's.. command also burned all the
turnpike bridges over the SOuth Anna,
to prevent the enemy making f ; flank
movement, and,catehing Gen, Stone ;
man, , in 'a trap: 'Monday, morning, the
4th, Hampton anWD., with two
brigades, attacked about,Sixty of the
Fifth cavalry, on • picliet: duty, near
Shannon Hill., A charge:of
wits met by aspqn ter,charge ;Abe rob
of advance was temporarily repulsed,
but rallying, captured.seventeen,qf the
Fifth - cavalry.- -_Our :PATO captured
thirteen.of the enemy. ,• Gen. IThford
advanced upon the enemy
command, but they fled. :
• : The night of the 4th General Gregg
moved to near Yanceville, and was fol.
lowed to that point the.; next, dayi•by
General' Stoneman with Hu brcPa
command :-: Here a "Man, a native of
North-Carolina, Came into'camp,,who
had been concealed for a
servin g Jeff. Davis. "Neal,.Yanceville
seventeen C. S. A. Wagons, with mules,
were overtaken and captured.. On the
sth the retrograde movementeommen,
ced, and - crossing the 11 , accoon Ford
the whole command .arrived at ICA
ley's Ford Friday, morning, the Bth.
Thus the' cam - hind of Gon. Stone
man remained nearly: nine days within
the enemy's lines, visited nine differ
ent counties, destroyed all lines oteom.i
munication between the-rebel bapital
and the:army •on 'the , Rappahanpoek,,
SQ they °apnet be used again for. weeks•
to come,.' destroyed the Lynchburg
canal-on whose. waters are tranSpor
ted all. the pro Visions raised in UM rich
valley of tile James; and l'romi whi - ch
source alone the rebel•army in Virgin
ia receives mere than half its supplies';
captured several hundred' horses,•and
destroyed a large quantitpof;,pUblic
property:all with only the.los's oftwo
men killed and not over: fifty woun
ded and prisoners:, Mit it:greater tri
umph than all- this has been gained.=
Tho people in the counties Visited have
had a good,look at-tfic live Yankees
and Tound thein nciilict• savages, nor
bandits. .
' Thanks to the . good.imanagoirietit
of the commanding General, thli peal.
pie whom he visited Will have lint lit:-
tle cause of complaint at the invasion.
Priva tc • property ad- piqrAte t
were nowhere interfered with, except
itrsach eases"as•are'raeogifized - br' llt
civilized nations. The people at the
same time were astounded and grati
fied; astounded in the first instance to
spa a Yankee force in their midst, and
gratified to find us a civilized people.
A few Union families were met with.
These could not restrain their tears
when they saw the dear old flag again.
The negroes joined the column in
flocks, and bugged to be taken away.
Some of these poor people were so
overjoyed that they went into hysterics;
others kneeled in the street and pray
ed, thanking Jesus for sending the
Yankees. All these people tell the
nun) story; their masters had tpld
them that if the Yankees came there
they would he sold to Cuba, branded,
and many of theM would be murdered
in cold blood. They did not believe it
The negroes everywhere gave valu
able information and acted as guides.
Hearingof our approzieh at several
points, they sat up all night and baked
batches of bread, which was' passed
out to the soldiers, with milk, water
and whatever else they had, with un
stinted ha nds.
Genl. Stoneman's Expedition—Col,
Kir*trick's Official Report.
NY4sruscrox, May 11.—The follow
lug was received at headquarters to
day :
YonlcrowN, j a , May 8, 1863.
Major General 11. W. Ifalleck, Com
mander-in-Chief United States ,4r2np :
GENERAL have the pleasure to
report that by direction from Major-
General Stoneman, I left Louisa CAL
on the morning of the ad inst. with
one regiment—the Harris Light Cav
alry rf my brigade—and reached Man
g:try, on the Fredericksburg Railroad,
at daylight on the morning of the 4th,
destroyed the depot, telegraph wires,
and railroad for several miles; passed
over to . the Broad turnpike and drove
in the rebel pickets down the turnpike
across the Break, charged a battery,
arid forced it to retire to within two
miles of the city of Richmond ; cap
tured Lieutenant Brown, aid-do camp
to General Winder, and eleven mon,
within the fortifications. I then pass
ed down to the left to the Meadow
bridge, on thp Chickahominy - , which I
burned, and ran a train of cars into
the river; I retired to Hanover town
on the Peninsula, crossed and destroyed
the ferry just in titne tp check the' ad
vance of a pursuing cavalry force.—
Burned a train of thirty wagons load
ed with bacon, captured 13 prisoners,
and encamped for the night, five miles
from the river.
I resumed my march at 1 A. M. of
the sth; surprised a force of throe hun
dred cavalry at Aylott's, captured two
officers and thirty-three imin, burned
fifty-six wagons, this depot eontaining
upwards of twenty thousand barrels
of corn and wheat, quantities of cloth,
ing, and commissary stores, and safely
crossed the Nattapony, and destroyed
the ferry again, just in time to escape
the advance of the rebel cavalry pur
suing. Tat,e in the evening 1 de
stroyed s, third wagon 'train and de-
PP.t a few miles above and west of Tap
pithannoctc, on the Rappahannock, and
from that point made a forced March
of twenty miles, being closely followed
by a superior force of cavalry, suppos7
ad to be a pertion.of " Stuarts," from
the fact that Wo captiirect.,prisonerS
trorntlie Ist:, sth, anii lOtb Virginia
. ~
Cavalry: . 1 , At isliiilOwn We liheovcro4
a foree2obeiviility2.lrit#4 , u'pla line of
battl9 Ekticliging49ldgile.on 0.,11.--7-`
Tho.fitrflogt . kovil T ttaitAoivn• t bit I
.4iiiirfuotEat7Oada.f,q . l.lfe tAtiltole, only
phinfitT 1411F 0 X.W.•0111#P.1 0 .71?
'olpil Ji. ke og_ ii.pompg Q :To' • A. 14 ft
14iFaliTiciiility, Nvlf9:yal, ptlforao-tie4a
-ratedtterofti;'-thfi'eciminattitifelii t.
COltifieltavie; , o - f the' - Etate - e — frigiO C
.A al
At 10 "':',?ti., on the 7th,. I found 'salt:.
ty and lvitecior our own brlyft, 0,14
flag wt finti,lii.Jirica at Gloßeetiter
Point. Alits 'staid '440 march about
the entire reils4Otay.fie*arch near
ly two Ikbili;etlnidletH*4been made
in less titan Arb`-'04 . 1341i a loss of
ono of6clr antlthiArei
eiiezifinen`, while
we captured and . paroleruilwards of
three hundred raen.
1 1
NO, : ~49:
I taiwPiefienletinairingiag to your
notice the_oftlettre - oLany_stair r eeptain
P. Owenl Jones - , •_flaptain Armstrong,
.Captain, gelrvin,
I slid, CBp,e . ci . 4lyAjie IrActig,,whin N oliw
teOrocrto.cerry, deepatch .. .i&„
'General frodkar.lll.o, qira in itt
,if teiltrett,
he tajitiited' and
'Captains, anititttbiitiilf, add )16qrietirp , --
but was afterwards'.cuptureilAtiOself,
ithlire - datFtiff - tiffdViraltlialtqcierilly
recaptureallS;f:auire tsiraB; and ar
rived hero this-p-ornippi. 21ptti44§,
:praiseitb6 liigfil .the Eirartnin forti
tude; taid untiringAmerg*, sitakivell
.tbroughout - , the ,ntareit ihy:TiietAtrec,9l,p
-,n'ey d)u.vjeS,eniithit`...qtAccre ~ap,r9AEL
'Of f the "Citi-til i ry; h due
or w Kinn lnit' was -wi 1 I , 16ttel
iitiorty ,or Lis li fo,:i he '-ettu
in -the , gr'eat :battle -nowseing cetritO
win I'9! himsOf t,be:PPP.Xi*ntiPl 2 .9..4l 3
Tieiyec4f9UY eninnitted laeilo% a
' uTr.lrirAirtferuff,_ . B ,,l
, colotiel-Cot m'a'h d ne, lat
vision,Ogralry . .Corpsef;:i; ,aIMC.I9.Vf.II
jme . 43
- •' 7.1
Abolitiontgu.h as ..reitliy,run .l l9d 4
- b -r
- Ple . ion"StategabelitiOniietltlietniejme
oVer"EWV-Years deeltiftng-Ml
- Government tibolislto.hmtoy
abolish ea:their:oath of allitglane:o 7 -coml
milted. perjury,; robbed t4 i - tggitiP,
the . :euston•hoilse,;ferts;iirsetials, ain't
post 'of and'been SBi p$
tang the-wsuM of all -villaibiesfbiti,U
tomptinglo abelish;free,:govraffettlt
and human liberty. itself J - - Thef,r,ahol=
itioniam includes - robbery, ntiwilei i .
treasen, in all . `tlieir 'fitoNt 'abhorrent
forms. 'Their abolitioniiri aline atille
destruction of tlur.bigheat :natiOrlit
glory that .overfifiNnted the Hopes
of the,,patriot,•okthe.surestgutirantiop
of libetly,that ev,.er::§egirt
FLO of 00 !nigh test'proSpeet`of natiOn l
al intelligence, progresS. and'grandenr.
Mit ever gladdened the :beery eft flip
philanthropist..: -From any gullty pelt
ticipation, in_ such a conibinittisin
. oft,
- telly, madness and villainy, :w r o aro
thankful that iveareeieMpt; and' ei4y .
do drop of our liked over be fettered
with such alliell,hearted passion:.
But Ahis.aktelitiortiern is not.confteed
to the',Senift. ,Thete,-are_several war
sipieuetiii"ohiefs 'Of tlijs Madile,sS in `the
North, ling they areilaperitteln'theli .
efforts tat corm p our- Whblepopulation,
-41$0101.0. 2 0slYettlareaf,- erenY l
thing . to , min. and nothitigk) loge tlAzr
aro a - sring to prevent the eonstitution r
al authorities from saving the Gove;
moot from the-vandal hands 'of Aboli
tionists, and are doing everything ptts ,
Bible to givo triumph to, this consurar
mation'of all wickedness. The great
prophet of the Northern Abolitionism
has boasted that, ns n membet' of Con;
gross ; he never voted h man Or a doll
lar for the suopressfen of the rebellion!
and when ho made this boast in-,New
Jersey, his audicapp pearly lifted : 4M,
rafters by their wild - applause!
Among the other noted _Abolition
ists of the North is Mr. Seymoult,-w-bp
has just run for Governor of Connepti r
cut, and who has held treasonable„cer 7
respondence with his brother' Abell
tionists in the South.: Another rs i Mil
Toubey, who , has boort stumping that
State for Seymour, and who, as 44nertri
ber of Buchanan's Cabinet, heippd..the
Abolitionists steal. everything they,
could get - held of.. And last Amigh
not least, is Sam Cox, of Oliiii--"glort
ous old Sunset Cox," as he was former;
ly known—who made . speech, in 09ji,
grass looking to 'the abolition of : the
Northern Confederacy with a riotiv of
independence or New England,'.
dote - from Yankee. schooltnastorsi
school-houses, and gone
oral. •
All those Abolitionists boldly deOnis
that they prefer the success Of - 'the rel
hellion to a restoration of "the '-Union
under Lincoln t Saying. thus
wo are authorized to, plfer-that they
mean far.more—they intend, to pre
vent the restoration oflito tin* And
insure the triumph. et.t.beir infernal
Abolitionism. - • •. •
All the.traitors South and all their
'abettors North ar,o Abelitionistsjor
they have " - fettling but Abolition—in,
vie w=tibolition of all 'that is clesirahli
to live for as eitizens,'of - ell that' cafe
fathers fought for, and Of - all-ark the )
oppressed.of other lands: hare': - hoped:
for. Call them, then, "kAbolitionists,-"
because, in -tho larioltage of 13enure
gard, it will have " a stinging effect.",
'true Loyalty,
Tho following unreserved epro - spion.
of patriotism 'wo take from the Mitt*
of a gallant officer in the Army of the
," It is no matter what my views or,
opinions were at, the pommencemenk
pc the rebellion; k regard . to the pros
ecution of the war. 'love of coun
try, Government, anti 'flag, and two
years' experieppc of most active cam
paigning, have unalier'ablY fixed the
opinion in thy, illd which I condonse
and pack in anutsholl in favor
of crushing armed rebellion at any
cost, ana s o y 6qt:rifle°. I love country
more than party, and ever stand ready
to sustain every policy and carryout.
every measure of the Government, tO - ;
restore the unity of the States and the
supremacy of the Constitution'. rarn
in favor of the preservation of the -
Union and the'proseentiop 'of the wart_
without an tf, a bid, or an'andr
Fresh Fhtnror apq•Parcle'n"Seacle fsf
sale at T2 . pwis' Store." -
ugx„Finc) Oigitrei mad TRbaclx)' ftw :
sale'cl,t; Bciok ,sCoro:
ALBl3 , .a—,nevir. and '141, 7
p.i.spOd 437,1ei—just i , recslivo and •Is 4
sala at Lxivrs' Book Stare