BIRNI3AIIM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ON RILL STREET, Afew doors west of Lewis' Book Store, HUNTINO.DON, Pd Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken in the Best Style. .CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS A.LL AND WINTER ARRIVAL Wm.. MARCH & BROTHER, MARKLESBURG, PA., lista Jnet opened a large, new, end unsurpassed stock of Yoreign and Domestic Dry-Goode, of all kinds and quell enthraclag arerytletng In that line. ' Also, a complete assortment of GROCERIES, remarkably r,hee.p, with gumd weight and ghli tr measure, together ,erlth , QUERNSWAIIE, STANT:WARR, TIARDWATtE, MOTS & 8110 ES, &C., &C., &C., and all the Tattoos er mattera usually pt In a coun try atore, se that the t a nquiry is not " What ke has March 4: Brother got," but " What hare they not 1" Being satisfied that their largo and complete stock of the above nerved goods cannot be excelled in quality, quantity or &canoes. In this section of country, we re spectfully oak a trial, feeling eatlefled that a liberal pa tronage will be extended toward' us, by all Abo aro in need of good .rtielen at low priers. Our motto is "quick Wee and small profile." We repectfully request the patronage of all, and ee• racially our Trough Creek Talley friends. .ISterythlng taken in exchange for goods except pronri- paid for all kinds of grain, for which the highest market prices will be given. Wm. March is agent for the Broad Top Railroad Com pany at Harkiesborg Station. He is prepared to ship all kinds of grain to the Eastern markets. Having a large wardroom, farmers can store with bins until ready to ship. Xvery convenience will be afforded them. Good amity Sour by the barrel always on hand at the cheapest rates, WILLIAM MARCEL & BRO. Not iamb urg, Nov. 18, 1862. HEAD QUARTERS FOG , . NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED TIPLENDID STOCK of:NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE 'BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE Qt 21,1802. 1863. 1863. CLOTHING, H. ROMAN. EEO CLOTHING BALL AND WINTER, NET RECEIVED 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Tor Centlemon's Clothing of the beat material, and mad* In Oft, but workmanlike manner, call at 11. ROMAN'S, opposite the Fronklin noose iu Market Square, Minting _ don. P. • lluutingdon, Oct. 28, 1862. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOCK OM ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN AND 101 i SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK API. 11,11113 GOODS REDUCED . TO OLD PRICES! - - FISHER . 84SOPI Ititve juit Opened and el'er to the Public SPLENDID STOOK TELL 'SELECTED NE TV tl 0 OD,S, REDUCED PRICES THE PTJBLIO Will please pill and examine our Goode FISHER k, SON ~t 91, 1862 THE,yIRST FALL GOODS, %MST OPENED AT A; B. CUNNINGHAM'S A LARGE STOCK AND . BULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON GOOD BATIKS & INDIPJ DUAL% Taken a► Par in Exchange for Goode ,Iggyist prlooa paid in Goods tor all Wadi of CO UNT:RI'-"PR,ODUCE. FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT A. 8. EROXIM L/OWAIID ASSOOIATION, PHILADNT,PiIi A: .4 neroleat lissteletion established by special Endowment, for the Relief of the heft and Distressed, es fined with Virulent and Apulemic Diseases, and especially for the Clare of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Sperniatorrheea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new Remedies employed In the Dispensary, bent to the afflicted in sealed letter en velopea, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DN. J. MILLEN 1101.1011 TON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street,Phll adelphle, Pa. lip order of the Directors. ••• hZNA D. 11ARTWV.LL, "'resident. GP.O. PARCITILD, secretary. Dec. 31, 1362.—1 y. PAPER HANGINGS DEPOT, No. 10 Coitlandt Street, New York, Directly opposite the Western Hotel. 'he Croton Manufacturing Co., Organized In ISA under tho General Manufactnring Law of Om State of Now York) Offers at wholesale, in quantities to snit purchasers, at Manor/x[lllols' Lowest Prices, PAPER HANGINGS of every widely of style and price BORDERS to match, FIRE-BOARD PRINTS, TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES., OIL-PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, WIDE WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, and WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, STORE SHADES MADE TO ORDER AND LETTERED, Of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their awn manufacture and Importation, As their stack is large and entirely new, they ins Re Merchants, Booksellers, and Denim In these articles, to rail and examine their styles and prices, whenever they sisit the city Feb. 18,1863-ffd. TO ARMS I SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, mid see the new and elegant assortment of floods he has wit received. consisting in part of Dry Good:, Groceries, Queensware. Hardware, Clothing, Bounds., Shawls. Half, Cops, Boot:, Shea, and all other articles kept in country stores. 'which lie is offering at his Mammoth Stores. at Coffee Run Station, at unusually low prices. Tho public era invited to call and examine his Goods. Raring arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities. Ito is able to buy his goods cheap. or than other country meicliants, and can consequently, undeisell them! In exchange for goods, he takes all kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the slants of customers, he hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with which he has been heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Clain to the Eastern markets. Having a large Ware Room, far mers can store with hint until ready to ship. Every eon. venience will be afforded them. Sept. 10. 1262—tf NEW STOCK OF GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S.. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON RILL STREET, lIONTINGDON, PENNA THE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF TILE BEST, AND ALL RINDS, and every other article annuity found In a Grocery Ste ALSO— Drugs, Mamie:de, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Varnishes, Olie and Spts. Turpentine, Plaid, Alcohol. Class a n d Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY fur medical purposes. ALL THE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, • BOOTS AND SIIOES, _ and a large number of article, too numerous to mention, The public genoially will please call and examine foi themselves and lemu nay prices, Unntingdon, Oct. 20. 1062. D. P. GIVIN. Vc. 'yr_ - 6 \ • • 64 • C;f: ., %se, (*). . trIV-ir tiA; fILANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACIPIENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPCENAS, MORTGAGES, SCIIOOL ORDERS, . JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR ROUSES, NATUItALIZATIOS BOIS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of Gin $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, a ith a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teacher.. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of tho Peace and Ministere of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Amauit and Battery, and AEI ay. CIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, Comity, School, Borough mid Township Times. Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every down iption, printed to order, neatly, at abort notice, and on good Paper. New Furniture btablishnient, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on 11111 et., Huntingdon. between enunitigham's Store and Dean's National Ifonte, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of 'Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to giro hint a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. Also. Undertaking carried on, and Calm nt ads lu any style desired, at short notice. 463-Funerals attended at any place in town or coun try, by J. If. WISIt. Huntingdon, Sept. 2.1,11362-tt. WATC Ei ES, JEWELRY AND SILVER-WARE. The undersigned would respectfully invite your atteu Lion to his st ell selected stock of Vine Gold and Silver WATCHES. Fine Gold JEWELRY, acre- sv ry kind and variety of styles--comprislng all of the newest an I most beautiful designs. Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, equal to Coin—and the best make of Saver Plated Wire. Each article la war ranted to be as represented. ins- Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and satis faction guaranteed. JACOB BARLEY, (Sucre,sor to Stauffer of Harley.) No. 622 Market Bt., Pldla. Marnh 3,11303-3 m ra.r. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES Suet ramrod and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, TOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MYER RECEIVED lIIINTINGDOIip CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' DOOM", STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing raper, Train elision Piper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, • Tirana Paper, 811 k Paper far Flower', Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' 0111 Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, In Packs and Sheet:, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. CALL AT LEWIS' DOOR AND STATIONERY STOKE RUSH TO THE STORE ON EIEEME FOR PRESENTS TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN, WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, Se. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, Ac., TAKBN.—ASEBY SLAIN, AND THE BACK BONE OF " SECESII" BROKEN Bat while you rejoice at the 611Cer9f1 of our gallant troops, and the provect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Array, do not forget to call at the storo of 'WALLACE & CLEMENT, before pnrchaling elsewhere, and sea our new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots and Shoos, lanoenswiit e, Crockery Wore, Tobacco, Sugars, Ditch, Flour, Salt, and n geueral rtatortment of ttotione, ell of uhlela are of ferg on reasonable terms for cosh or produce. Huntingdon, July 10.862. J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill Streot Huntingdon, Jan. 14, 1 562-tf. p ALLISON MILLER, D E T ST, -Lye nee removed to the Brick Hon opposite the Court Ilouee April 13, 1869. lIT. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11IINTINGDON, PA Jan. 2, 1861-tL_ COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! times A. Brown sells the genuine "PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL clear as water. This Is the only kind of oil that gives entire satisfaction as an agent foe light. Bottom of counterfeits and colored cat hen oils. They emit an uffonsho smell sod anniko. A large variety also of COAL OIL ZAMA Chlinness, Glebes, Wicks. Banners, Shade., ko., soli at the very lowest prices, at the Karim - lire store, otw.ting don, Pa. 'V Z:1 C 1 )--1 ens = 3 vs -Ad tri o MI SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, The Dime Union Song Book, The Dime Military Sony Book, The American Dime Song Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for The Union, The Stars and Stripes Songster, Dixe,y's Essence of Lurnt Cork Songster Gus Shaw's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Pun, Dime Book of Etiquette, '.2l7ew Dime American Joker, The Dime and other Novels, The .Dime Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, Nos. 1 & 2, The Dirac Speaker, Kos. 1 eg 2 The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book For rale at LIITIB' BOOK. 87AT:0:th0t AND MEMO SIORF UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WILLIAM AFRICA NAS AGAIN CO3I3IZNCED TUE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE, Ills old customers and the public generally, will give hint a call. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 1821.] WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, VASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A. Itainisome assortment hint received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY& MUSIC STORE PISTOLS ‘. PISTOLS !! Colt's, Sharps', Smith d, Wesson's, and all Improved patterns of Herolliers, Pistols. Cartridges, Bowie Entree, ite. &c,, for sale at the Hardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Pa. May 21,1481 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LALLGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONIRT STORES BIRD CAGES, FLED DOW, P003TA1:79, wesnma DIMS, AIM OEM FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOM AND STATIONFAtY PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF ALL TIM DDITINGUISUED OPTIONS AND DITILIANI, FOIL SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONBRY STORE. LADIES ! ATTENTION!! - 13ALikIORALS, a handsome lot just received direct from New York, by FISHER ,k SON. YOU willfind the Largeat and Beet assortment of Ladles' Dress 0 oods at D. P. 0 WINS'.• 00AL BUCKETS and Shovels, for era by JAMES A. BROWN CALL at D. P. G' WIN'S if you want fashloaoble Goodr THI!: largest stock of De Laines in town by FISIJER & SON. B LANK BOOKS, Or VARIOUS BIM, Alt tate at LEWIS' BOOR' AND ,4 TATIONER r sro k F. Al - AMBLE YARD. The undersigned Ili would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ho is pi ens] ed to furnish at the shortest notice, 'Monumental Marble, Tomb, TAMPA and Stones of every desired si7o and form of Indian or Eastrrn Meade, highly finished, and curved with oppio priato devices, or Winn, as may milt. 'Wilding Marble, Door and Window Sills, .Se., will be fat nished to order. 11'. W. pledges himself to furnish material and %yolk manship equal to any in the country, at n fair pt fee. Call and see. before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on fill street, Hunting,dou, Da. Huntingdon, May 15,1855. MILITARY BOOKS. .REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF TILE WAR DEPARTMENT. blioillii i S. WI, The book is nn octavo of 5611) pages, iv elegantly pi in led on fine paper, with new hold typo. and hos nu admirable exhaustive index, for %Odell every officer will be grateful, the moment ilk e>e rests upon it; as no former edition has ever had an index, and the want of one has been tong felt hl the Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of IVar, contain ing ninny important corrections; also. selections from the Military AO. of Congress, including thorn passed at the lest session. PRICE $2, 00. FOR. SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, ‘ [.4 UTIIORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilham, 11. S. A, Jost publiebed and fur WI. nt LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Complete in one ♦oigmo. trice $l.OO. UNITED STATES INF ANT Y TACTICS. For the instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of the United States Infantry, including In fantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Ellie- sy men, prepared under the direction of the War Depot [ meat, nod authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War, Itfay Ist, 1561. confabs ing the school of the soldier; the school of the g company; histi notion for skit mistier. and the genital calls; the calls for skirniishers, and the school of the battalion ; including tlw articles of Isar and a dictionary of nillitin y terms. Complete in one volume. Price $1.25. For side at Lexie' Book Store. . UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into service: containing a complote system of instruction to the School of the Soldier. with n pollution ry anti:illation of the fortnntion of a Battalion on Parade, the Position of the officers. Ac.. Ac., being a first book or introduction to audio, toed U.S. Infantry Tactics, Just puir limited. Price 26 conic. For sale at it. 49 ) ( e .i c (ei: 4) .4 AL' 0, Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Complete in 2 role. Price $1.50. For anlo nt LBW'S' BOOK STORE. .a-The Books sent by mail to any mblices on the re Opt of the prim. Multi:lo°n :limy 28, 1061. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A MIMIC STO;LB, OSGOOD'S Speller. let, Td. 3d, 4th and 4th lteadors. 3reUFFET'S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Fitch's' I'li3 Meal Geogiaphy. Win roll's Physical Geogiaphy. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographies A Atlases Camp's Geography, pith Key to Mitchell's Outline 31055. Webster's and Woreehter's 'Dictionaries. Quackenbos' First Lessons in Composition. fatineketibo's Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's. Stoddard's and. Brooks' Arithmetic. Peterson's Familiar Selene, Greenleaf's and Storidard's Keys to A rithmeties. Giemilcars and Davies' Algebras. Gieonlear's Key to Algebr.t. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First lessons In Natural Philosophy. Father's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Cbild's" Gamirlch's Payson, Bunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Potter & Hammond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Conti oilers' and °Uwe Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry, Legendre's Geometry, Greenleaf 'e Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book.keephig. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by liannford & Neon Book Keeping L 3 Single and Double Entry, by Ilanaford & Payson. , Other books milt be added and tarnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery always on baud. Huntingdon, FOR EVERYBODY. WINDOW CURTAIN• PAPERS, PENS! PENS!! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C• BARNARD'S • Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens PRIG —2sets. per dozen or $2 per gross T"E".EORRUGATED METAL" PENS, made by C. BARNARD, are the best Cont- met riot and School Pont, without exception to any.— They aro used by all the principal Daubs and Government Departments, Public and Private Schools; also. by the most prominent Commercial Douses throughout the Uni ted States and Canada. Dot a short time has elapsed since have been introduced into the United States, still rt lona. ed preference is given them over all others for the follow ing reasons: The " Corrugated Metal" PENS do hot cor rode; they will not splatter or cut through the thinnest pnper ; they halo an easy gliding motion, a certainty of eguall,a diffusing the ink, softness of point, and great du rability, Tho following teallitioniala, selected from numerous others, are respect fully submitted: • _ _ _ I have 13A Cli the Metallic Pens of Mr. C. Barnard and highly stpprovo or them. C. BARSTOW, Presidcat of St. Nicholas Bank, ./Vcio nrk. We have used the Pees of Mr. Barnard, and find them to be as Le represents, and take pleasure in recommend ing them to the public. WELLS, FAIWO & CO., A. MULLIGAN, Cushier. C. Barnard's Pens haves been tried, and aro highly ap proced In this omen. S. G. OODEN, Auditor II S. Custom House, New Roth. Having tried the cot rugated tens made by Mr. Barnard I can recommend them as oxeollout. SAMUEL L. YiItEESH, ammandant Navy Yurti, Brooklyn. We add oure to above recommendations. IL B. Cltoll WELL & CO., Sow York I bfiN In•Altation in saying lint nn.rei Penn are do chledly tho bud I bare over 'hod. S. C. IIAY, 49eut United Slates Erprest Cit., ~Very nrk. {Fe can confidently recommend Mr, C. Barnard's Anti Corrosive Pens as tho best ever brought under our notice without exception. WILKINSON, STETSON & CO., Park Place, New York. • T. B. HUGHES, (Inhicr. Re kayo been using the Pens or Ni. C. Barnard, and take great pleasure In recommending theft to the public, as they are au excellent article, and 411 he rep, eseuts them to be. A.. 1. CIANTON, Upon trial no here found Mr Iturnard'u Pens to be ox taunt. FRED, PROBST .1. CO., New York. I would recommend Mr. Barnard's Pens as a soporlor article to any I have used. 001.1VIt. KIMBLE, New York. We add ours to the above, recommendations. UNDERHILL, &IV/LAND & CO., New York Of ell Pens I have ever used, Mr. Barnard's hat o given me more eatisfactlon, and I can recommend them to the public es being entirely null-cot rooter. POlttElt, Mn,, York. After eix menthe' constant use of C. Darnard'. Anti- Corrosive Pon, no can confidently recommend it as tho bent metallic pen we have ever used, finding from tho glxrre experience flint it does not actually corrode. 8. McLEAN S f.O. Now Toft C. BARNARD, Dlnnufneturer of Corrugaterl lifetel Pen, John Street, Clerhenwelt, bonqul, Tub, 18, Mt!. =I A LSO, THE HANDY BOOK Minil Li: I3' BOOK STORK TACTICS, FOR SALE HUNTINGDON, PA A LARGE STOCK ND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST IiECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE GET THE BEST I = AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent fo'r the county - C. BARNARD'S PENS Secretary Eagle Insurance CI), New York PROFESSIONAL az, BUSINESS CARDS. riALL at P. P. MIN'S if you want 'L.) GOOD GOODg. A Splendid variety of Carpets, only 25 cts. per yard. FISHER. .5; SON. T ADlES•Collars, very cheap and beau _Li • Will, nt 1). I'. G.WINT. T IQUORS, of the best, for Medieina purppses at S S. MTH'S. e • COUNTRY DEALERS can , buy CLOTHING from me in linutingtion at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I Inn a an a holesale store in Philadelphia. Apil 14, MS. 11. BOMAN. Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for sale clwap t at D. P. GR'IN'S. THE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can ale ays bo foinal at the clas/ stole of NIBIIEIt & SON. Ai.W VIOLINS, GUITARS, DY3IPIIONTANS, ACCORDEON;S AND FIFES, For sale cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY Er MUSIC STORE M. LEWIS, Polder in Make, Stationery and 31a , dral Instill meats, Iluntingdnn, Pa, -ATGUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. LADIES' FURS, a splendid variety Cheap by FISIIBR & SON. ENVELOPES— By the hoz, work, or lees quantity, for !tale at LE IVIS' BOON' AND ETA TIONER r STORE. WRAPPING PAPER! A pod art( to for ante at LEWIS' LOOK STOW? TF you Avant Carpets and Oil Cloths, call M D. P GAVIN'S whorayon tha largret ne- NOrtnlent in tont, QLi OIIOOL BOOKS, Generally in We In the Schools of the County, not of hand, will be furnkhed to order, en application at LEWIS' BOON, AND STA 7702VE/C STORV, 3 ga l rerE4 , THE CYTIIARA—The 3111 Prosbyteri.n maniodin—Tho Shaten—Theitthliee—lltinten's and Oct tint'. enlarged and imp: aced lush netore—Weiland'm :sew and Improved Method fin - the 0 id tar—Leland'lt Moor dean Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Howe's Violin Ifletructot a—Belittles Melodeon Josh uetor—Dnr• rowea' Pinno.Fortu Pittner—do. Thorough•Dnne Primer— Hou e's Di awing Room Dances—The Chorus Oleo Book— Tara's Harp, for Salo at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE TONE-IVATtE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper thnu any other place in town. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P, N ()TiJnDe.Boßn.gAOSroSt. goodsaDt t P he ‘ ; 1 1 r it e Crl Sept. %IN:. J AS. A. DROWN I) EAr c l o. " l, R lst E e C ro l c C u p t N n ! i l y t. Reckoner, In dollars and cents, to which are added forms of Notes, Rills, Re ceipts, Petitions, &c., together with a set of mural tables containing rate of interest from one dollar to tv.elve then .- and. by the tingle day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, published In 1859. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE, 1 -1 . 4 N for VELOPES, who ROOand STretail, nolo LEWIS' K ORE. Bre, • A - /ANNA 1 0 BOOKS AND STATIONERY.-- A good 115401 troent of miscall:moons and School Boolcs—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Nolo Paper— Plain nod Fancy Envelopes—lted, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and evory otltoc gullet° usually found in a Book and Stationery Storo, cau bo had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY &MUSD) STORE. DR. JOHN INIeCULLOCII, offers his profossionnl porticos to the citizens of Ilunttngdon and Vie/ pity. (Mee on 11111 elect ; one door east of Heed's Drug Stet u. Aug. 28, '55, Q, S. SMITH, Dealer iD Drugs, Medi duce, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, 01le, ,Sc. Also—Oro. caries. Coniectioneries, dm.. Huntingdon, Pa. T M. CUNNINGHAM 0 Founder, Huntingdon, PA TA3114'..S A. BROWN, t y Dealer in llztriln are, Cutlery, Paints, 01le, le., Hunt I nplun, Pn. TT ROMAN, IAL. Denier in Bendy Made Clothing, Hats Will Clll3, Boots and Shoos, 1 1 - A P. GAIN, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. hardware, Queens ware, hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. FISILER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, &c, Huntingdon, WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Or unmental Marble Manufacturer. pOCKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK ON RAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE )300K BINDING. Old Books. Magazine., or publications of any kind, uund to order, if left at LEWiS' BOOK e 0 STATIONERY STORE. DUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! If you want your card neatly printed upon enrol opal, call et LEWIS' ROOK AND srA T lON ER I" STORE. EOR TILE LADIES. superior article of Note• Payer god nil - elopes, suitable for confidlidial correspondence. 5.1 ir.lo at LEI 'IS' BOOK if STATIONERY S2'ORE. - DAPER ! PAPER Note,Post, Commercial, Foolscap Dull Flateap—a good ...cnton t for sole by the ream, half ream, colts or sheet, no LEWIS' NEW ROOK & STATIONERY STORE. D ARC II MENT DEED PAPER ." ruled, for Wu at MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, -LT • -L LEWIS' BOOK AM) STATIONERY STORE. HOOP SKIRTS with from '4 to 30 hoops, at mire. from 25 et.. to $2,00 At the cheap .t0,,,0r D. P.6WIN. IfARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, Jogs, Proton. Jars ko., kg., of superior quality. Sold only by JAMES A. BROWN. TA P. G'VIN keeps the largest, best a•eortment and cheapest shoes in toltu. Call and IIOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be sold for $1 25 et the cbeartattme of IF you want handsorr e Goods, good aacau, aeep GPM', RA II all WO of Goody, got, D. P. GWI2. 'S. BOOTS & SHOES, Hata & Caps, the lurgest assortment and cheapest to Lc haunt at D. I". (MIN'S (1 UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.:-A J large atiortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. fl UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's jrthan can be bad in town. Call and aeo thorn. TIARIA Colored Palm Hoods, best (ial- IV, only 50 eta. each. , FISHER 24 SON. ArtcA LAMP CHIMNEYS- Just recoired at the hardware store or JAS. A. BROWN TA P. GWIN'S is the place to buy • good and cheap Garpott. JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA GRAFrIS MILLER, Proprietor (YALTA at the new CLOTHING STORE of GUTMAN & CO., if you want a good article 0 , Clothing. Store room in /,qtsfee now building, in the Diu ! mond, liuntingdrzt Sept. 9, 1857 NUBIAS & OPERA QM'S 3d al•Fi . ral of the tensor:, jot orning by NOT. 11, 15r4. FiSHIM 4 SON. NV - HAT EVERYBODY WANTS. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS TEAS You How to Maw up P-ScrvEnsrla' PArc 7 -%",q gives general forms for AGREEMENTS 01 hinds, SILLS of SALE, .1.1, 4.9K5 and PEII3IGNO. It Tell. You How to draw 'op liceens and Morro - tors, Ar. YIn&VITS, POMERs of AlOOltNEr, 500E8 and DOLLS of Exrooons, IlEcrtPrsaml Hug tsgs. It Tells You The laws for the Courcriox of Dram, with the.STIEUTF.I of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property I:SEM/Th.ora ESEt.t.- TioN to 00013 o:tate. It Tells Lou how to maim an Ar,Losmovr properly, with forms for ComPOstrioY n 101 Car LITURS, and the lxsomrszir LAWS of et cry Rate. It Tells You The legal lelations existing between GUAR DIAN and Wtan, MASTEIt 1.111 APPRENTICE, and LANDIX.RD and TENiNT. It Tells Not What constitutes Liam and §l.O-tlt, and the Lawns toll/1A.01.40E DOWLR. the Wires Mom 10 PI.OOMITT, DIvOIiCS and ALIMONY. Il Tells You The Law for Wren [Ales' LIMY every State, nod the Navuosustrtox Laws of this coun try, Rod holy to comply with the same. ft Tells You The law concerning Pensions and how to olt -111111 0110. BIM the PRE-EMPTION LAWS to rontte Loom. It Taft nu The Lau. for PATENTS, with mode of proce dure In obtaining one, wititLvrenrxaENCoB. ASSIGNNIF.NTs and TAULE OF Pets. It VI: Tort Ylow To mato pow WILL, and how to ADOIIN INTER ON AN ESTATE, atth 01.0 law awl the requitements thereof In every Stale. I: Tells You The meaning of lotw Tcnics in genera) use. and explains to yon tho LLGISLATIVE, CUTIVE and dUnicIAL Powers of both the General and State GOVERNMENTS. , /t Tell. Tort llow TO KEEP Our or LAW. by 8110.1 ing how to do your lobiness legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, end resntiona litigation, by its timely consultation. - Ai; Everybody's Lawyer Is for sato at Leo to' Pools Store ~ 1::c77 - -.---... --- ..1,-V ,' -5 - ,..........---,..-- idalV , - r i,„• .., , -F - - 1 ' if i 4 )I . s ..' & 4. i '; i. ' 1 ' P e : '':''. - ' { I q. , !,,,' ,if ? -'-,,,, ) t ;i 0. 1 ,,.. ''' 3 I I IP./ ' '., n 1 ::,. , : 7 V 4 ,,, ,A1i 4 ..i‘liii'S ; ;. f, -.k., tAt.:4,t,:„ A 'A i , -- ", - A IP .r . O , ,Ni 'l. ' 0 . 1 1, V I \-.. ' iqr4lcil 4 :1, e t . ,• . 9. , . , 4 4 :; • ~t ' , ..15 . li ,i _ 1 . :JO - , , 4- ,,. t4 ' '' 1 -. st, " , 1 4 0 § . . i1i, , i t , •,/, V,, 9' i ..2f l -41,1 , 1 =; '.,') 'e''' 9,-,' ,1 04 , : , '' ,14 . ? .*':', ; ;,` . ., , s' ,?` ? ( 1 1'1 . o.&<, A 11, 1 :1' : , 4,11 11 , 10 ..,? 0,,, 5 . , - 4 , ' it L ? .,5 , , 0 0 , ',1 1 ,r 0 5 0, .. , 1 ' ' , It, • .. 4 ' G G QUICK SALES AND Anybody in want of CUURCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum 8010 of Furious Sixes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, Drawing and Ealing raper, Brund and Cl+rd Anardr. &a. de. de. de. &c. .sc. &a In the "Globe" 11nrkfit Squeiro, NBW BOOKS ! FOR SALE AT LEWIS' B 001( STORE HOUSE: A Now Pocsor MtsuAl, of Rural Architee. Stites or, Hon to hand Dwellings. Darns, Stables, and Out Da ell ings of all lands. With,, Chapter on Churches and sehool.jlonses. Price. 50 cents. THE OA EDEN: A New Pocgsr Maorst, reaction! Her ticillture; or, Bow to Cultivate Vegetables. Frans, and Flowers. With a Chapter au Ornaintullal Trees anti Shrubs, Price, 60 cents. THE FARM: A New POCKET r,eons of Practical Agri culture; or, lion to Cultivate all the Field Craps. With an Essay on Farm Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A Now POCKET )musts[ Cattle, Horse, sod Sheep Husbandry; or, How to lilted and Rear the Yorions Tenants of the Burn-Surd, ete,, etc Price, 50 rents. HOW TO TALE: A Now Pecgrr MANIAL of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Style, and more than Fire Hundred Common Mis take. Corrected. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO IIEIIAVE; A Now POCKIST 314 Nita, of Republi can Etignatte, and Outdo to Correct Personal Habits: with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative As semblies, etc. Price, 50 cents, HOW TO DO BUSINESS; A Now POCIEFT Motnat. of Practical Affairs and Guido to success in Life; mitt, a Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary or Com mercial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents. LEWIS' BOOK STORE. .FISSIER. Sr. SON OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S' FIXTUI4EB, TAPE, CORD AND 7 1 ASSALS, A PULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. J3OOTS and SHOES; the largest and cheapest assortment In town, at D. I'. Glynis SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! Just recelrod from* tho Ouondngo Salt Cutup:my, Syracuse, N. Y., to be sold on commission. either tell( le sale or retail. SOO BAKRELS and lON SACKS of SALT. Oct. al, 1160 YISIIKK to SON. TRAPTNq MUSLIN,' '• pHAPTINCI AND DRAWING PAPED Irate, and Colored Card, Paper, For sate at LEIVIS' BOOK c. 6 STATIONERY STORM ft ARPET Seeks and Fancy Bigkels - tie • • corms. By VIUNK CROSBY, OP TILE PUILADELFIiIi UIR SIIATIL PROFITS!" YAMILY AND ROCKET 11113LKS, 111'31K AND, ritArE It BOOKS, ALBUMS Mild ANNUALS, ACT 071110 t ♦LLUADLE AND INTEDE4II4O COOK, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTIIV3IENTS, SHEET MUSIC for the Plano, (lunar, dc., PC/OUT SOOES, PORTIIONNIICB /1:1P PURSES, Por LOW, will Geutlemon, COLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND 131001(S, For Sunday and Common Sc!mold, SUNDAY SCHOOL HOOKS OF ALL RMS. TOT nOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, LC, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper fur Boyn and AMUSING GAMES Yor Young Folks WISDDINO NNYELOPI:S AND CARDS, DIA RRLAGE CERTIFICATES, YISITINO CARDS, CSMIC.EIt ISCIA3IDS, 110311NO1:S, CON VERSATION CA r.D4, SONG BOOKS, From 0 M 75 colas =1 WHITE BONNET BOAED, INDRLIDLN, CANMINE, MID, MON AND MACS INNS, Arnold'a ITodgeon's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping raper of Different Sire. nod Qinditiriii I= LEWIS' CASA? BOOS, SSATIONDST AND MUSIC STOSE, where nll mho want to SAVE MONEY, go to mrko•their purehnses ROHRER'S ROHRER'S - 'ROHRER'S .ROIIRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CAMULATOR. ' , y:" ' ritncTicALscAs.cuukton. - • ' I'IL CALCULATOR. I_lo trltige-S' PR &MICA", .CALaTz; Book of .IVain .Rnies and Clactilationsfgr Plaines& Open rations, L ,v ~ ,11,1,1in 31. Rohrer, Practical- , Xin ‘'epot. an Conveyancer. Nero .f Ito, Ly J.ll. Lippin• colt &Co., This work contains 204 pages, and ups'rards of 500 Ruh* and Examples, entheiv and thorottgltly practical 'wit as arbe, in the common pureutt of Paslrmi, it Ibis all eatly pa.em.l throng)] a number of editions In rapid succeadop, and is pa onounced by all classes of business • men to be ;Ito' handiest book of reference, 1/attaining to c.dculations. boa ever been puhltoltell. Es cry exainple in 'the hook is worked oat in full nod • stated in a plain manner, so that.when a parallel case orb acs, those teferring to the work mull find no difficulty In solving it; in a' word, the general arrangement of the CALCULATOR to simple, tLut ally ohe wholcnows how to add, subtract. multiply and divide, can easily solve nay or , dinary example that art-es in business, or utrivo tit tl ' trio result ninny estimate required. „ The chief malt of the author "has boon to eschew theory' ' and philosophy in llgores, aiming only nt facts and sintalt ' city, believing that business men cat e little :thong spen ding time to discussing' Oho philosophy of 'roles,„ot the science of limes, deeming , it sulllcient for their purr mitt to be able at a moment, by reference, to art tee at' the [KO result. The CALCULATOR Milers In this respect from nil other Arttltmeties of the day mid kindred works—it is is key to prnetitnl business calculations—it to, in Otto hands of the business man, what the key to mathematical works in the hands of the teacher In the school tacitl rates time aid insures correctness. . 'XIIE WORK TREATS OX Tllii , Measorement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brfok Work, of Stone and Stone work, of grain and groin bin* of cool and coal, loins, of u owl, of solids, of liquids ci sip color, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and mba r of rooting, of plasterer's, ',Motel's, glazier's, paver's, plumbs 's, paper hanger's and uplielstel et s' work. ft treats of currency nod of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal system, of reduction and its extended •applientiou to business, of simple and compound Intelest, nod their entire application to business transactions, with thd lawn and usages governing the some, together oft!, numerous commercia/ linlia4lif legal tender, of partial letYreeet on notes, of banking and hank titscount,of equation of pay. inept and of partnership accounts, of assessment of taxed,' of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of the square root and its appllcatiou to businestof surfaces, of cm:motion ' and of many other importalt practical ;natters not within the scope of an advertisement to men tion. ' JUST TUB noorcroß TILE - - I" , . Fftriimr. the mos chant, the me,toinie, the artizail,or the professional man. It bar bronco in rateable ,auxiliary to the lawyer, the Justice of the peace, the conveyaneci, and real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the chi!' engineer and tine snrce}or, to the earpent4r and bricklayor, to the stonemason and the pls.terer,t tile paper Longer aunt litottolliterer, to the payer and Ulf tiler, &e., 4.c.t each and all u ill hni', it adapted to ttlea . TA- Hon, ornate 401 ton thin!, any book poblititiort. • AD- Price. 50 cents. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. lluntlugdon, lien,. 26, 1060. GREAT' WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES .11Y1tODERT JIINNINOS, • PreArsor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in Mc Teitinnary allege of Philadelphia, etc., etc. . • WILI;TISLL YOU Of the Origin, history and distinattra U nits of the §arious !needs of European, Aidatic, All icon nod American liorads; with the phyaicni , coin:mien and pc cullarit:es of the animal, 'end hose to ivicurtaiu hie ago by the moldier and condition of 1 is teeth; illustrated witil numerous explanatory engravings., Till: lIORSI: AND lIIS DISEASE'S , - WILL TELL YOU Of Mcmling,'llreaking, Stabling; reed ing, 0 rOUliting . ,. Shoeing, lliti the genet. al management of tho horse, %QM the , beet unnimi of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Ricking, heating, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Itit. • ing. Reath:wino., andother 'wet to it Inch he is BilbjeCt; A, itly utitumens ex ' planatoty engrayings. THE 1/0/7SE AND 7175 DISIASES WILL TKLL YOU Of the daUses,aymptalati,aud Ttatttntont of strangled, Sort, Throur, Disuunpor, Cana in, Intinen.a, Ut altehltid, I'acu• Vlonas . y; .13rokell Wind, Chron ic Cough, Roaring . and Whistling, lam., pas, :loco Moth and Uicct s, and Ue• rayed Tooth, sulk colter ale/Leos of the )loath and Ilematatory Organs. TIIII HORSE AND Ills DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the eiiimen,syniptome,aud Treatment .of Mania, Bute, Cholic, Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Dian haa..litunilice,lfepatirilien,lll.ody Urine, Simms in tiro lialueys and tiled.' der, liillain.ition and other diseam of the Stonidcli, Bowels, Liver anti Uri lorry Ulgans, TIORSE AND Ills DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the ennsvn, /4 !upturns, and Ti eat ment of Mem, Mood and Bug, npAritt, King Done, Swettnte, Ettelno, Broken Kneed, Wind (hall, Founder, ei r ockt.l Hoofs Sole Erni. cud Gino. I , ,Cfuder Scrotchen, Tinny!, and Cutip, oho, o idugrintf, Vc, tine. Epilepry, :31111(KOC) uther tuu is vet, Leg. - And THE 1101ISN AND MS DISEXSES STILL TELL YOU Of 010 CAIIPen. symptoms, and Treat ment of Evanla, Pull Evil, Wenders, Parry, Srarld Facer, Mango, Sm Locked Jaw, am o,Galls, Diseases of the Eye and Been, kc, and how to menage Castration, Bleed ing, Trephining, Itonoling, Firing,' !lonia, Amputation, Tapping, atilt oth er surgical operations. TUC HORSE. AND MS DISNASES {TILL T 5.1,1, YOU Of llarey's Method of towing hor4s; how to App,oach, halter, or Stabler Colt; boo to accustom a horse to. strange ffounds anti eights, nail how to barldle, Me, 'and, rook hint to harness; also the forni and WARRANTY. The ‘11,01.1 being hitt ko:. wilt of 15 yeats' careful study. of Ole • habits, pcßoliaritißP, wants and n oak omits of this noble and lisefOl nnAnirq. For sale at Len Its' Rook Store. • THE I'EOH.J.I4.I'_S Coo, : tc 1300 K. MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS lIRANCLIES. nt miss ELIZ#AUTON Carefully Revised by Xr. J. S. Flak Ic Tana You flow to choosoan kinds of Meats, Poultry and (huno, with ott tho various and mod approved ;nodes or dressing ;cud cooking Leof and Pork ; also the hest and simplest way of salting, pickling and curing the same. • If TELLS Too All the v.arlons and mos,tapprored mode. pr dreising, cooking, and, boniiig - mutton, tamb, Vol.e Poultry, and game of all Mkte with the (MNmrt ' Gravicc, 4.4 Btuitbgaapproprlato to each. IT MIS 1 - 0 T IL,n to eliotise 'clean, amrprnacqw Fiber all kinds, and flow to sweeten it when taint ed; also all tlio ;rations and moat approyott' modes of cooking, With the diffurent Drest legs Sauces, and Flat wings appropriath to cad:. - - IT Tama You All the Valiolls And most approved tnOdeti of preparing over 50 kinds of Iteat,Pieh i Folvl, thee; and "Vegetable Swipe,: !froths, and Slone, with the Itelieliee nud Soruoninge , appropriate to each. " , ' ' , - jr TELLS You All the varionv and most npyroved modes of cooking Vegetables of eVery- description, " also how to prepare Pickles, entsups 'and Cot riot of all kinds, Potted Meats, • Fisk; Came, 3lttsbroinne, &c.• • • ' Ix TEL.LB Yop All flio various and most approved mod2e e} preparing and cooking all - lsiods .of PluiQ ' mid Nancy PaktiT. fisiielottee, Erittors, Cakes, Co_ nfectionari, rresorres„ Jellies, and Snoet DIV 110) of every tirsorig- Sion. • . . ft TWA Ton All the veriousand most tipprOYed Modes' or making Dread, R.l. ' Aluillue, end. Dipchit, cuit, and the best method of preptit leg Coffer, Choi°lnto. and Tra, , 'and how to make s)'t ape,, Cordials, and Wince of va rious kind.. It T2/411 You Ifow to not out awl ornament n bow Carr° all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Forl, in short. how to so simplify tho irigulo 'Art of Cooking ns to bring the choicest htxgrint of the table within Um overyboil}'s reach, For Sale at Lewis' Book Sto're, TUE HORSE AND HIS' DISEASES; THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES „ THE HORSE' AND HIS DISEASES:, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, ; EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOlc. For sale at LEWIS' Beok . Stere. TIER FAMILY DOCTOR, ' ' '' • THE FAMILY DOCTOR; UTE FAMILY POCTOR; • TA LLWILE 13OOR ' Fale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETII ON rillE lIONEir BEE, • LONGSTRETII ON' THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTIIETTI ON TILE HONEY. BEE,. A VALID A8.L . 8; )300K For sf4e. at LEWIS' Book Store.' DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES powNiNg on FRUIT,and FRUIT TREES DOWNING, on FRUlT'and FRUIT TREES , A VALUABLE-BOOK, rar vale at LEWIS'Book Store.