Ely 6lgbe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, May 13, 1863. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Looal Items. —Proposal Burying Ground.—We have heard that the Broad Top Com pany intend giving to the inhabitants of the region, a piece of ground about . one-mile from Coalmont to be used as a burying-ground. This has been much needed and will give the miners a chance of burying together, instead of scattering all over the country; and the location will be convenient to all. —Completed—The carpenter work of the Welch Baptist Churtll opposite Minersc l 'ille, and is rather a neat build ing. Their preacher is still receiving subscriptions, and any one desirous of giVing can have an opportunity of do ing so. Ptogressiny Slowly—The layitig, of the Switch-backs with T Rail. As a fresh lot of materials have just arrived, WO predict its speedy conpletion,— hope so, for the sake of those who are doing business upon it. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. The triennial Convention of School Directors foi the selection of a County guperintendent for the coming thi:ce years, and the , fixing of the salary for the same, as required by law, was held pursuant to previous notice, in the Court House on Monday, May 4th. The Convention Was called to order by appointing Perry Moore, Esq., -of Morris township, President . , and D. Clarkson, Esq., of Cassville, and John Gemmi Esq., of Porter township, Secretaries. The list of Directors for the county being called over by the President, the following Directors for the different districts were present and answered to their names : Alexandria Borough—Jacob Baker, John Porter, George C. Bucher, Wm. D Shaw, Ab. Piper, Tho. Walker. Barree Township—Jos. Gibboney, J. P. Love, John Smith. Brady—John S. Weston, W. J. Me- Carthey, Jacob Bight. Cass—Saml. McClain, C. Miller, M. Stever, W. W. Crotzley, George L. Smith. Cam:ilk—T. Greenland, D. Clark son, A. W. Evans. Carbon—Joseph Diggens. Clay—S. S. Glasgow, Adam Heater, C. R. MeCart hey. Cronucell—AN - ah Chileote, George W. Cornelius, Danl. lineman, Gco. 1). Eystcr, Jon'a. Montague, Jas. Smith. Dublin —W . C. Swan l Jas. E. • liar pm., John Minick. Franklin—Wm. B. Johnston, John W. Mattern, Jblin Clark, John Eb berts. Hetulrrson—D. Rupert, Saml. Eby, Tho. Doriand, John Warfel, Louis Bergans. Hopocell—Adam Stone, Jacob Sum mers, Jacob Weaver, Jonah T. Recd. Ifaxtingdon—ll. Glazier, Rev. S. 11. Reid, Dr. J. B. Loden, Benj. Graffius. .Jackson—Jobe Jackson, James 11. Lee. Juniatd—Abr'a. Speck, W - rh. Guis singer, Isaac Long, Jos. Lefford, Wm. B. White, Wm. B. Corbin. Morris—Perry Moore, M. Low, To bia Foreman, Wm. Isenberg. Oneida—Samuel Hess, Jesse Cur such, Danl Kypor, John Cochran, B. Shoemaker, ,W. G. McDivitt. Penn—Dr. J. 11. \Vintrodo, Wm. L. States, Geo. Garner, And. Crotsley, G. Brumbaugh, - S. G. Boyer. Porter—John Gemmiil, Peter Piper, H. Graffius, Jacob Neff, It. Cunning. ham. Shirley—Saral. It. Bell, J. Lukens. Springfield—Jos Ramsey, Abr Ram sey, Sato') Baker, H. C. Creamer. Tell—Johu Jones, Levi Piper, Jas. McClure. Tod—lsaac Taylor, B Muck, Perry Benson. P Smith, R. Chileote, Levi Dell, Andrew Wise, M. F. Camp bell. Mllcer-Win S Lincoln, Jos Isen berg, Isaac Kurtz, Isaac Yocum. Warrimnark—Jos Weight, Alexan der Steuart, John Kanour, West-=Dr. II Orlady, Miles Lewis, John A. Neff, Adam Lightner, James Maguire. Whole number of Directors present I.ol3—necessary to a choice, 56. • On motion, the Convention then proceeded to fix the salary before electing an officer. Tbo following sums were nominated : $5OO, 8600, 8100, and 8.700. A vote was then tak en with the following result : For $5OO, 600, 400, 700, 23 75 2 41 The sum of $6OO having received a majority of all the votes present, was 'declared the annual salary for the terM, The following gentlemen were plac ed in nomination as candidates fol. the office : David F. Tussey, Esq, of porter Township, and Eobert McDiv itt', Esq., of Huntingdon. On motion, the nominations then closed, and the Convention proceeded to the election of candidates, with the following result: David F. Tussey, 25 votes. lobert McDivitt, 83 " Robert MeDivitt having reccived , a majority of ail the votes present, was then declared elected County Superin tendent of Common Schools for this oounty for tho term of three years from the Ist of June next, in pu►su ancc with the requirements of the School Law. The Papventien theft edjournett 31.0011 E, Prest. D. Cf.ARKSON, Secretaries • ,Toirs GE rr,, HUNTINGDON, 'May 6,1863 WM. LEWIS, Editor of Globe :—ln the Globe of this morning you publish the follow- "In a controversy iv tII J. IL 0. Corbin, Esq., of this place, on Friday evening last, R Milton Speer, Esq., one of the editors of the 3lonitor, said he would sooner the rebellion should succeed than that the Loyal League party should be successful in keeping out of power the Democratic pay.'" I pronounce the above statement an absolute falsehood.. I never used any such language, nor uttered any such sentiment, to Mr. Corbin or to any other person. Nor am I " - one of the editors of the .Monitor:"- Respectfully, MILTON SPEER Gr.onE OFFICE, 1 Huntingdon, May 11th, 1863. J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ESQ., Dear Sir :—What have you to say to the above? Yours, HUNTINGDON, May 12, 1563. Wm. I.E.wfs, ESQ., Elit , er of the Globe, Dear Sir :—ln reply to the above card of R. Milton Speer, Esq., denying that he ever " used any such language or uttered any such senti ment" as that published in your paper of the 6th May, instant, I can only say, that on Friday eve ning, . the Ist inst., Mr. Speer and my self had a controversy in relation to the election of certain borough officers, when he replied, That rather than see the " Union League" succeed, (a member of which I claimed to be,) gotten up to prescribe Democrats, he would rather the rebellion might suc ceed. Accept the assurances of my kind consideration, and believe me. Yours truly, *I 11. 0. Conlin. [lt will be seen that Mr. Speer de nies having written editorials for the Monitor. We want the people to re member this denial. Who believes him THE .125TH. The 125th Regiment will . arrive in Harrisburg some time this week, to be mustered out of service. The " boys" will receive a warm reception here if the certain ' time of their arrival at the depot can be made known. Old and young will turn out to honor the bravo. Meeting of Assistant Assessors. Assistant Assessors of Internal cone previous to the Ist of January, 1863, in the XVIIth Collection Dis trict of Pennsylvania, are requested to meet at the Exchange, Hotel in Huntingdon, on SATURDAY, the 23d day of May, inst., to determine the best method, if any, of securing the Pay for their services now being with held in direct violation of the Excise Law. A full attendance is desired. KILLED AND WOUNDED.---Very few of the Huntingdon county "boys" were killed or wounded in the late battles. There may be some not yet reported. The following are the only names of men connected 'with' regi ments to which companies from this county are attached that we have 'no ticed in the published lists: Tilled. Col. Crowther, 110th Pit. Captain W. Mitchell, 125th. Wounded. Lt. A. Evans, 125th. John Brown, 110th. John Love, 125th. Sergeant James Houck, 125th. John Richards, 125th. John MeKamey, 125th. Da vid Oswald 125th. rm. By accounts from the army re ceived last week, we find that Major Miles, one of our citizens, is safe. , The 49th regiment is in Sedgwick's Sixth army corps. They were in the attack upon the Heights of Fredericksburg, and marched into the very heart of those strongholds. The enemy got in their rear and attacked them on all sides. Cot. Irwin was wounded in the foot. The regiment behaved bravely. n. Richard Miles; jr., of the 148th, Centre county regiment, a nephew of Miles, Esq., of this place, lost an arm in the late battle of Fredericksburg. WE have received from Mr. John Dougherty a reply to the Monitor of last week. It came to hand too late for this issue, NEW Goons. Fisher, Gwia and Cunningham have received lots of new good 4. Call and see them. .. Our Army Correspondence. From the 6th 11. S. Cavalry. WARRENTON JUNCTION, VA., } April 26, 1863. Dear Globe:—Since my last we have been on the march nearly all the time. We struck tents in our old camp near Falmouth, on the 12th inst., and early on the 13th were in readi ness for our march. After a delay of an hour we were on our way, going via Stoneman's Switch on the Acquiti Creek. R. It., which is guarded by the 110th P. V., 84th P. V.,• and 12th N. H. V. (In the former we served some fourteen months of our time.) We saw several of the hoys; they looked well and-are in very fine spirits, al though greatly reduced in numbers.— After passing them, our course lay in Ve4Lorly airection, and ere night-fall overtodk us, tvo found ourselves in 3fqrriqqnvillo, about twe,n ty-th roe iniles from our starting-place, and three and a half miles from Rappahannock Sta tion. Like most of the villages in Vir ginia, Morrisonville is small ; not more than six or eight houses, and scarcely worth describing. Wo made ourselves as comfortable as possible under the i circumstances encamping in the woods. Early on the 1 14th 'lvo were mounted and on our way to the river. A few moments' ride brought us in full view of the rebel pickets and their "reserve." A portion of the sth U S Cavalry, dis mounting, engaged the rebels, while we looked on. After skirmishing half an hour, and a couple of shell sent from us among the rebels, nothing else of importance occurred, until something happened which we expected, and that was—getting shelled from our position. Of course we "got up and dusted," but "nobody hurt." „ After another night in the woods we advanced to another ford above, it raining all the while. Our advance was the sth US. We met the enemy near the ford, and, after a brisk skir mish, the rebels skedaddled. Our loss was two killed and three or four woun ded. We went into camp for the night in water and mud from six to thirty-six inches in depth. Wo suc ceeded in getting our bed above the "flow" and had soon become powerless in the arms of 'Morpheus when the bit gle. sounded "boots and saddles." We were worse oft than before. Bat we were soon ready and in line for our night's scout. We fell back as we went, but on reaching a small stream called Elk Run, we fbund it had swol len too much to ford. So another de lay, which brought on daylight and the 16th. A huge raft being construc ted by the pioneer corps, the baggage was conveyed to the opposite bank; the men swain time stream. We all crossed in safety, losing only two or three horses. We had darkness again before us and as best we could, made our way to out' night-camp, at Muni sonville, the weather in the me ;'clime very inclement, and the roads almo3t impassable. We lay at "night-camp" till the 20th, when we marched to the neighborhood of Sulphur Springs, Cros sing the Orange and Alexandria R. R. at Realton Station, and encamped about fdur miles from it. Remained there till the 22d inst., when we start- , ed for this place. There is nothing going on. All is quiet in the Army of the Potomac, but! we presume something will be done ere long. The calm always precedes I the storm. It rained all the time for two days. the23d and 24th, and almost made us wish we were somewhere else. The weather just now is very fine and as pleasant as one can wish. Our boys arc all in good spirits and are determined to see Lho war through. We received two copies of your ex cellent paper sonic time since, for which you will please accept our thanks. It (the "Globe") is ever a welcome visitor. May it "always find its way into the camp of the 6th U S. More anon. Yrs. respectfully, PLINY REX, D, 6th U S Cavalry.' .1 Wm. LEWIs, Editor Globe General Hooker's Statement of the Situation. WASHIIsWTON, Friday, May 7—P. M. —General Hooker's own statement of the situation, as communicated to vis itors last night, is briefly as follows: lie has recrossed the Rappahannock with his entire army and occupied the old encampments, witliont the loss of a wagon or an ounce of provisions. lie has taken ono more gun than he has lost. He has lost, in killed, wounded and missing, about ten thousand men (oth er accounts represent it even smaller), and believes the enemy's loss to be much greater, as do other eye-witneg ses of the fighting. Twenty-five hun ched prisoners are in General Hooker's hands. He has shattered and demoralized the rebel army, while his own remains well organized and in good heart. He is himself tranquil and in good spirits. Among the reasons assigned in well informed quarters for the retrograde movement are : First—The flight of the Eleventh Corps, which rendered Gen. Sickles's movement nugatory and forced the army out of th carefully selected field of battle to which Gen. Hooker refer red in his General Order of April 30th, and compelled it to receive the ene my's attack among densely wooded hills where it was impossible to bring all or nearly all our troops into action. Second—The rising of the -Rappa hannock, in consequence of the storm, which was likely to endanger the line of communication between the army and its supplies, particularly as the railroad communication with Acquia Creek had been destroyed by the floods 'for twelve hours at Brooks's Station. Third—lgnorance of the success of Gen. Stoneman's expedition from which Gen. Hooker did not hear until he had recrossed. FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR To the Governor of Pennsylvania The Organization and the Efficiency of the Army Unimpaired.—lts immediate Resumption of,Offensive Operations.— :Aro Loss to our Forces in Re-Crossing the _Rappahannock. To the Governor of Pennsylvania: WASHINGTON, May 7th, 1863.—The President and General in Chief have just returned from the Army of the Potomac. The principal operation of General Hooker failed, but there has been no serious disaster to the organi zation and efficiency of the army. It is now occupying its former position on the Rappahannoelc, having re-cros sed the river without any loss in the movement. Not more than one-third of Gen.llooker's force was engaged. General Stoneman's operations have been a brilliant success. A part of this force advanced to within two miles or Richmond, Anti the enemy's commu nications have been cut in every direc tion. The Army of the Potomac will speedily resume offensive operations. [Signed] EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. ,per- Ho who carries a good head will generally manage to carry a point. An assortment of ,Card Photo graiihs at Lewis' 11004 Store. [Corresponaceee of the S. C. Ti Demo.] THE "SICK AHD WOUNDED. Prompt Measures for their Removal to frospithis Within the Borders of the State—The Immediate Exchange of the Wounded in the hands of the Rcb els—Governor Curtin with the Army of the Potomac, Looking After the Pennsylvania Soldiers. [l' run, thr, Itlnkbprg Id ega9h, Nay Oth ] Dispatches reeeived at the Execu tive Dhartment, late last evening, di rect from Gov. Curtin, who is now with the Pennsylvania troops in the army of the Potomac, convey intelli: genre that the sick and wounded Penn sylvanians in the hospitals connected with that army, will be immediately removed to hospitals within the borders of the States. Gov. Curtin is now rapidly engaged in perfecting arrangements by which their removal will be immediately commenced. In the meantime prepa rations are at once to be made for . ,the reception of the sick and wounded, and nothing will be left undone by the heads of Departments here, to insure the comfort of the men as they arrive, and to provide for the sick medical and personal attendance as their condition may demand. The same dispatches also announce the cheering news, that Gen. Hooker has made arrangements, by which the immediate exchange of time sick and wounded in the hands of the ene my for the rebels in like condition in our possession, will at once take place. Such of those as belong to Pennsylva nia regiments, will receive the prompt attention of the agents and surgeons of the'State, who will be in attendance for tlmit purpose. As fast as this ex change is effected, our wounded will at once be sent forward to the hospi tals being prepared for their reception. In a very few clays we expect to have every Pennsylvanian, who was wounded in the late conflicts, be re moved to hospitals within the borders of. the State. Gov. Curtin also telegraphs that the II;e1c and wounded. who have come his notice, arc in the best pos sible spirits. sf.l. far as is practicable, 'the immediate wants of the suck and wounded a will be prom ptly prov idcd for. These thus cannot fail to bu f'beer ing to those who have friends or rent tires in the army, and who may have been wounded and are now in the hos pitals on the Rappahannock. Improve Your Sight and Preserve Your Eges.—A. BIRNBAUM, Practi cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes pleasure in informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of llunting,don and vicini ty, that he has opened a Store one door west of Dr. Dorsey's, with a large and variety stock of .Spectacles, com prising Convex and Concave Glasses, such as Flint, Crystal and Scotch Pub. Lie, and particularly desires .to recom mend the superiority of the last-named Glasses. Ilk theoretical as well as his practical knowledge of Optics, and his long practice in the Occulistic science, enables him to adapt, aftet an exam ination of the oyes, those glasses which correspond with the defect of near, far or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted to any frame, of any shape or color.— Please call and examine the Spectacles. Ambrotypes and Photographs taken at all times on reasonable terms. OM. 28. Gin. MARRIED, On the 30th ult., at the residence of the bride's flither, by the Rev. T. K. Bricker, Rey. Joux WI. EnaaT, of Cass yille, and Miss MAoutE, second daugh ter of Mr.. David Rupert, of Henderson Township. 1 , 1111. ADELPIIIII MI AItIC.F. - ITA. May 9. 1903. Pnm•y nod Extra Fondly Flour . 47.00@7 75 00111111011 111 zotpet lino 0,03(0.25 113 0 i lout 45 25 col tt Meal v.:1734 I[,. 110 )) 11110 M lion) it1,50‘22.,1,90 _ Falt ntol 15 hue Red .$1,05(51.70 1130 112 COI 11, [llllllO Yellow 90 0.110 Stl Cloyer4oos, VIA the i . ,52.561.2,2 1 ninothy . 0.561'2,25 Wnill Sot92e. Ilide4 9 HUNTINGDON MARKETS COR RECTED WEEKLY Extsa randl3 Fioor 1/b1 Isa do VI, t N 1 Job 111ost fled 11 hoot 1.181 cal,ii Oat. 40 Clot -wed 0,00 1 laxseed 3.00 Illled Apple, ...................... ................... ...... 1,25 Mittel ''o l:g 15 Laid 10 10 Fide. 8 0 STRAY STEER.- Cone to we residence n the nub. ember in Franklin lownvhip, about - .147 b the let ol Felon try. n red and n bite ;potted stoer. suppose I to lin two yearn old this spiing. Tile manor is levying.' eil to 00010 lot oard, prove pt oporty, pay chat get and take it away, othoen ice it ullt be di,. posed of according to law. 31a3 13, 'N. DAN L. CONRAD. N EW' HAT STORE. .110.31 E JLEINUFACTURE. JOHN FICHTHORN Aat $ 9 $ E -01 respectfully - informs the clti7ens ofHuntingdon and adionting touutles, that be Ims taken a room in tire illl4O - of the " rianklin Hotel," in Mother Oquarv. Huntingdon. it bete lie haw on hand a heavy stock of Hats for min, boys, and children, and Will con tinuo to keep on Lind It LIMO, 81 , 4.. k m IleCollllllollllte etis tontets, Who,' ite and robin. Country mw cbaulw oho re. goested to call trefoil` in the Cale, The best qualities of ono! will bu bought or taken in ox. Change for hats. Thu public genre ally are invited to call and examine idoclt on hand. Haw road,' to order. or May kith, Haat. FARM FOR SA.I,K THE CELEBRATED FARM, KNOWN AS "ESQUIRE WRAY'S FARM," Tn Hondo son township. about fire miles fi om Hunting don, nod two and n half miles (loin Mill Creek, contain big about 230 Acres, about 100 of %shirk are cleared and under good cunt, titian, enclosed by good fences.— Thera is a good apple of chard nod also a good peach snclund on the promises. There is nbnnd ants of good water near the barn and house, and a • shearas conning through the premises. The int. pr. soments ate a good log house ueathenboai drd. and Lugo flame barn. Then, is a good saw-mill seat and ph•nty of timber on the property. P, noon a iviliog to pot liago a good farm oltould call and eminnno this property. Apply to the undersigned tiring on the 1110111 MS. HIRAM GRADY. May 13 18113-3 tn. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. the undersign d, nrpointed Auditor by the Orphans Com t of Huntingdon comity to distribute the balance in the hands of S. T Mown. tied.. Adtninista ator de hems non, fie, of James Entrekin, decd.. "ill attend to the du ties of Ids appointment tyt his silica in Huntingdon, on Saturday, the thirteenth day of Jima next. at ft o'clock. A. M., when and ashore 411 14 , 11.004 interested will pia. tout their claims, or he forayer debarred from coming in urnu the acid fund. J. D. CAMPBELL, May a : 17613 , talilo+, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOCK ENDLESS VARIETY ITARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. JLVD lOR SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, lIUNTINGDO,N, PENNA CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Apt 8, 1863 Hartziug Valley Turnpike Road Co. Notice 14 liereby given that hooks for receiving nub scription9 to the stock for the con•trliction of tine Hartz log Valley Turoplhe Bead Company, will be open on nod after the 29th :11q• irnitant, at Alexandria and Peters. bons. lly order of , SA3IIIIIL HAITIELD, JOH N N. SAVt3Ol'l.. NICHOLAS CR ESSWELL, it IitiNTI,R. JOHN CltUSWlllifi. :nay sth, 1863 3t Con. ?.-1 ii:UDITOR'S NOTICE', The undersigned Auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds at Icing from the Shetifrs sale of the Heal Estate 01 .1.. T. Dunlap. still attend to the duties of 1.1, appeintm utt at INN 0111 co in Huntingdon. on Saturday. the 1:1111 day of June nest, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and ut t er, all parties interested Will present their claim., or be forever deb:111.111m coming in upon the said fund. EZIMiII ,t EDITOR'S NOTICE. rt_ undeisigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of COIIIIIIOII Pleas of tie otingdon county ti thmtt (Imre the proceeds arising 11,n Ihr Sheriff's sale of the personal propm ty of Shively ,b Elliott, will attend to the ditties of his appointment at his office in iluntiugdon. on Satutday, the 6th day of June next. at 1 o'clock. P 231., when and ullere all parties interested will prerent their Maims or he forever debar; ed from coming in upon the so id fond J. D. CAMPBELL, Msy 6,1163. Auditor. WANTED I CORRESPONDENCE, , o dem r oll, Of hem iug Irt,m theit Equßle Cousins, will, tl ,OW to run. u i t and G iendelop Adal C.S9. lIRY3IO:CD and FESTUS, 2EI loan Infantry. . Co)/nth, Adji)(oll..) p, Plionoaraphic letters (itlalto ,, ,eit to FESTUS will receive thin attention. April 20, 1463- t° " t umTon's No.T.TcE.— Tllo' toilet signed A orthor reby giVee notice to all poisons Interested I list he has Lae:: ell 7 el 2 tted by the Orphans' Culla of Huntingdon county, to tlil:7lhitte the hinds in the !nuncio orJobin C. Watson, Koh, trinh:oe to sell the rent estate of Hiram IV:lliouien Into of It - wit township, deed., and that he wilt attend tondo clothe pf Liy appointment at 111.1 otheein the borough or Hunting don, on S.,tot day. tun Jd of May next, at 10 o'clock, A. 91,. when and where all pianos hooting chime upon the sahl f nod are required to present rho name, or be tit:- bat rod ft ont coming to for a k•11/114 , 01 the said rood Tll CO. H. CIS CM OR. April 29, 1262-84. Ainitlor . A UDITOIt'S Anditor appointed 1,,v the 1)1.1.11,1110 Coin t of Huntingdon county, tootindrlbute the balance in the hand., of doslort 11 ilhant.on, Administrator of the estate of Ilitam l%llllllllson, late of West hi, uship, deed. to and among tit leg illy entitled thereto, hereby gives notiie that be null attend to that duty ou Saturday, the 2'd of m.,v lioxt, at 100 clock.. A. M., at nbiclt to. e and lola.. alllei/alio] to present their elahni gain,tlll,...diti lon i a in be ilehamed 110111 cooling in for a Aka,. of the same. TII DJ. 11. Huntingdon, April 29, 1563.-3 t Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALT. ot, By is toe of an order of the Orphans' Coda of Hunting. don county, s, di be exposed tin 11111,111 d stile, Oil tile plead ses. lit the ionic fm mri ly uecu vied by James Brindle. do- ceased, In Hopewell tOwnship, On Saturday, the 2ad of May, 1863, =I All that ;Nob.. tract of I old slid Ito in !Innen ell hop., Ilnutinedon lull nty, I , onntled on the north by land, late of it Fi.het, on the %test by bands of Jos Fiber and Jonathon Brindle, on tho lentil by laude of Jonathan Ib Ilene and dleel, and on the root by laude of Jacob Brumbaugh nod o.onnul contaiuMg 75 wired more of Irmo. a ith :don't 3.", mesa 0(.10.d - cleared Add edl-• 111 Med. tint] 0 log Louse 111111 log cabin 1.11 thereon crock; Id. T S k t.r.—One.thiril of the pm chase money to be paid on Con!UM:llion of the hitiO t Mid Go mi in two equal a nal pat 'Mints itli i nterest, to be scent ed by the boleti awl mortgage or Judgment of the pun. chaser. Admini t .10SATII i N BRINDLE. April 2.9, 156.1. ~ Lutut <9 Jacob Bliudle, deed. r ~{),..k91,-.2 5 ,•!, ~,,..,,..,::. • „„:,2,....;!..;.115,t177-; rrir.C...;.f.;i7MlEts,,,,--,-,r. e1.41-,,:-•;-.1...-.-‘. +.9 ..0,,,,v,,,•., - 1::_ - ,, •,...-:--- . • •- • •••,-. t-': - 2- -, - - .. - , v - i-,.,z=_ -: "---- - A .READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ( - IREA.T TRUNK LINE FROM THE 3" North and North-Weal for NIL iT , ELPIIIA, NEW YORK, HEEDING, PoTTAI tux, LEBANON, AMBLE/11 N, EASEL*, ,k.e. Tr ona leave likanhauna for PIIIIADEI putt. NEW-YORE. r msn l'm•rscu.r,h t and all Inlertnatlntio Btatiou+, nt 8 A. li., and 2 GO P. M. t'ocioeia kayos 11 siota,n,ao at 2.15 A. 31., nr is 1115 at NII,-Yolo at 9,15 Ow antentrlrniag, , • Fares how II : To NElf-Y0111:, $5 15; to Pam-, 11:1-1.1•11: 15 n $.! SO. 11115511 5 1. checked th rollgh. • .• nettilliing. leave Near-I'mm at 6 A. Af , 12 XOOll. and 7 I'. 31., (PITT,IIIIRGII lixPaEls.) Lease PHILADLLVIIIA at 8 15 A. 31, and 3 30 If. i,00@5.. , Sleeping Cal 8 ill the NEW-rOFER ExYltras TRAINS. through to awl horn NTT:AII:MiI n it hout ehnoge. Pasi.9lge,.3 Is 3. the Cii , ous , 34 lhdl Road leave Ten- Ages at 85n A. 31., for 11.1.1 all Inform°. (hit.. St.] tioai and at 2.15 P. 31, for P/111.1DELPHIt, Now- YoRK. nod all Wa3, Points. Ti ai us lens n 1 1 ,A rsvll.l.9.tt 9.15 A. M., and .2.:10 P. )1., for PIIIIAOLLVISIA. HM911191790 P.M% SLW-ii)Rii. An Accomunulanon P.t•iengor Tinto TtrAniga at 6.00 A. 31., alai return 9 fww PiniAorunnt at 5,00 P. M. try-Alt tilt It train 4 ran daily, tlnalaya excepted. A Stunt ,y train 'Pave; Purtsrn.l./: at 7.30 A. 31, and L . IIIIAOLLPIII t Ilt 3.15 P. M, COMIUT TIDY, MILE OIF. Ss 190 V, Rllll EXCURSION TICHRIS at reduced lutes to and limn all tl. A. INICOLLF, April 20, ISO 3. C•nerat Suprruitendent. D. CAMPBELL, •ATTORNEY AT LAW. HUNTINGDON. l'A. GM, in the Bildt How, molly. opposite the Court House. [A1)013,1803 POTATOES---FOR SEED AND FAM- The attention of rartners. :Storekeepers, and oiling, is invited to our liege stork of all the dinerent val lotion of POTATOES, tar planting or consumption. which has been ~elected with gloat car, and pat thus purch,ing can rely upon getting the article they may want and without silo leprt sentation. We hare now Jo stole, and :miring, the following Narietleßt-,Maine MereePt, Blue Menet s, White Met eeri Jaelcson Whites, Prince Alberta, Buck Es me Peach Elea a, Cot tees. Wo ,d oiling. Pink Eyes, Early Junes. Early Pink Eyes. Sally lt) Iceman. 'Early :At ass berry, Michigan W. S. pton ts—ft um vat ions sections of the contitty, Sal th. Wet and East. All information still be cheet folly given of the 3 iehl, anality, and cultivation of the different vat leties. We will sell in hits to suit purchasers, at lowest wholesale 111 «hoot pt ice. All o w lets by mail or otherwise, accompanied niat the c tsh. pt °MO) atteuthal to. Pr °duce and Comm Pflitlll Mercliatit4, No. 4 Altell St, .and 54 Nor Ell it hat ses, Plif!mitt 41,11 15, 14,413-4,t. JE. GREENE, • DENTIST. Office removed to oppomito the Exchange Hotel. en Railroad sheet, linntingliun, Pa. Ainit 7, 1.563. DIANDS AND SHADES. _u_p t:..1 WILLIAMS, N 0.16 North Elsth Street, Thu :ilanutacturor of VENITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. st - b- The largest awl fittest a.sortmeut to the city, nt the lowest prices. Bilotti painted and Ti loaned equal to note. Stole Shades made anti lettered. Ilion 7,1863-2 m TSFEW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES GEORGE SHAFFER Has just torafted a large stock of all kinds of Boots and Shoos, which ho is pt op:tett:l to sell ut reasonable pri ces. Ladies awl Gentlemen ate requested to call and exam hie Ins stock. He also coatianea to manufacture Boots and Shoes to order in the host worktnanhke Manner. His store is in the east end of the Diamond. Huntingdon, Apill 16,1885-114 NOW OPEN J. D. CAMPDPLL, • Auditor, ILY USE, I=l 186,3. THE . 1863 - . LARGEST AND BEST STOOK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sal© LEWIS ' Verok, Ste.tionery llugio Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOOK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering! IZEI The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, ,Bed Room; Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &e., &e. Call at the "Globe" Building and examine our stock and prices. SAPONIFIER, • CONCENTRATED LYE, • THE FAMILY SOAP _MAKER, :11IIE PUMA° ARE CAUTIONED against the SPURIOUS article' , of LYE for making OAt', t.c.. now offeied for solo. The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye It that outdo by tho PENNSYLTA NIA SALT DIANUFACTURINO COSIPANY. their trade mart; for it being ' , SAPONIFIER, Olt CONCENTRATED LY E The gloat stiecEss of this twitch, km led UN PRINCIPLED PARTIES to endeavor to IMITATE It, in , ‘iolatlon of the Company's PATENTS. All MANIIIICTURERS, nuiElls or FELLERS of mon V 1 11(10[13 Lym, are hereby NOTIFIED that the COMPANY lioro employed m their ATTOENEYS, • GEORGE HARDING, Esl., of Phila., and WILLIAM BAREWELL, Esq., of Piltsb;tr,q, And that all MANUFACTURERS, USERS, er SELLERS of Lye. in violation of the right, Of the COngn , n3 . • will be PROSECUTED 01 once. The SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, Is far sole by all DI agghth Grocers and Country Stores. TAKE NOTICE! The UNITLII STATES CIRCUIT COURT, 11 - 4.BtCIR Dioti ict of Pennsylvania, No. 1. May Term, In 18S2, in suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURINU COMPANY re TIIO3IAB 0, CHASE, decreed to the Company, on NO- Tember 15. 1862. the EXCLUSIVE right granted by n patent on ned by them for the SA PON'' , lElt. Patent d.t. ted (Mawr 21, 1856. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. OFFICES; 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia; Pitt St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg April 29, 11399-2 m. C. P. KNIGHT COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Fish, cheese & provisions generally, N 05.414 & 115 SOUTH WIIARYE,S, PHILADELPHIA, Have constantly on hood an -assortment a DRIED & PICKLED FISH', &c:, viz: • Mncl:eael, Blue "IA I Beer, I Shoulders, I Cheese, Saloom, Ilerringv, Pork, Hams, Beaus, Shad, Cud Fmk, I Lard, I _Sides, Bice, April, 22,1863-2 m. • 1 4 1 .1 1 r0...577N .'"-...2'' ' 41"r"."'14 _ • INNSYLITANIA RAIL ROAD. TIMI 3 OF LHAVING OF TRAINS 113122 E H ;5, Y mr. STATION 8, O cl C - MEI A. `f. I S. Ilmnilton 6 05 Mt. Union,.. Mlll Creek, Cool biding,. 5 :1311ktintlitgEtou, Bat roe 00:Spt ncecre:L. i Bit mingham, 6 211 . 3 tone, ...... !Tip! . 6 39,11.,1t's Mule 3:oAltuo • Oi A. at.l LI V 11 rn At S •_•_.) S. VAST nd nui leav, ilnntin at 2 27 fhe M., or IT UN T ING PON &13110.1.1) TOP ItAtiacoAD.—cnAsok: OF SCHEDULE. On n u d after Monday, Ajn Paqellr, , r Trains 'a iti arrive anti depart a. fetteme UT TR ;INS, STATIONS .EVeil'g Morieg AND P. M. I A. 3T. I ' SIDINGS 14m 7 001Iluntingdon, 7 78 McConnolleloun, 7 25 (Tumult Grove,- 7 40 Maritle4burg, 55,ColThe Run. 8 02 (tough 42 Reßtx,.. 8 181 Core, 8 20 Fi•her'u Summit, ;14 A e n 8 8 4 8 5 5 fr axe°n ; I 9 051101,11esburg nn 9 10;14opowell LE fi 3a, 50 55 6 10 6 25 6 6.1 6 d 1 6 49 7 05 BEM LE I 10 4r. fS 4f, n[1011,... 7 , 24 9 03 Coltlmola, 7 34 9 12 Gran ford, AR 7 46 on 9 32 Dudley.... rth oad Top City, PAPER ! PAPER! ! PAPER!!! Tracing Paper, Inapt esslon Paper, Drawling Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper tar glowerg, Perfoi toted Paper, PirPaul hoard, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, . Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' ant Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladlea , Plain and Fancy Note l'aper, White and Colored Card Paper, In Paden nild Sheets For sole at LEWIS' Book, Stationery- and Masic Store. rOR PRESENTS TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN; ' CALL AT LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONP4Y FIORE BLANIc.:1311010; OP ViRIOIIB 81114, for IWO at I..rws• BOOK d, D SI'ATIQNPtr Unyed PE LL z CiA.IIRETTSON R CO,. of • Ifintingdort, and Subsdripittni . ,Agents to ffl" ;4410;0 FlreTAenty years United Mtge Loan. Atilottrid.t can be had to suit the means or different Individuals; the. Interest to be payable altd to be accounted (or half yearly ip gold.' Uffarctr.l3,ll_B(9r2m.. XECUTORS' [Estado of Owen Dont, deu'dl t. : Letters testamentary upon the Witt trill and testammat of Owen Boat, tote of the borough of Iltditingdon, dec'd., hare been granted to the. underalgued. All persons in delltbd are requonted to - snake Immediate lirkinient, and, those having claims will present them properly authent* noted to us. SAMUEL. T. BROWN, 0 It APFVS SIILLEA, :Executer!: April 7,1963-6 t ~DIINISTRAT,OR'S [Estate of Daniel P. Brtimbeingh,'deed.) Letters of Administration upon the estate of Daniel P. Brumbaugh, late of Hopewell township, deed, haring linen granted to the undersigned,' all, perminii bull* claims Timm the estate are requested to present them is_ the undersigned, and all persons knowing theniseliii indebted make immediate pnyinent. - " D. P. Blt BATTOH, Admlnlsir March 31, 1163-6t.* jPECIAL NOTICE.-_ On and after JULY Ist ' ISC3, the. privilege coT - 6M erring the presento of LEGAL TENDEIt NOTES J 1 - TO THE NATIONAL SIX PElt CENT. LOAN (Comttibtllyn called "Itire.Tlventies") P jII cease. *. All who xleh to invoQt in tho Five-Twenty Loan tatiatii . therefore, apply before the let of JULY next. ' • JAY COidtE. SeheCriptten Agent, API 7, ibt3-,",m. i 0.114 S. Third bt., Phlladclelda; ." .8- 6' 3 - s BRINci-,. AND &DIME, • ROEIT; MERCHANT TA4LOtt;' , . ilia St., one door 'west' of earmon's'Sto):4 !IA9 A Mfg AASOII.7II2NT OP. • - 3 • . GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. . 1 • ,R Me assortment consists or CLOTIVI, i• '-stzifinus, PLAIN AND FANCT Vdl'NG3 t . ! • " • '! I "lit the neatest and lisst that could be' found itt the dity:nikot4 winch be will take pleasure in exhibiting, and mak•kg.-s— -up to order. It will coct nothing to coil and examine his goods. Call boon. Huntingdon, April-1 Ora: NEW 0- 1 0'1' 11 1NQ A - 7" . 1 - 0 - 10 —. PRICES." M. OUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW SPRING AND ' ..ST/ALVER er, OWING. Which he offers to all who want to be 35e; c:11 AT PRICES TO rSUIT, THE TIMES. Hid Stock coprists.?; Regly-nuellfintliing f9r MEN AND BOYS, . : - :• AL° '. • :1: "1). ,:: no BOOTS AND SHOES, lIATSAND CAPS, SC., BC. Simla gentlemen desire any partien'hir kind or cut .f clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their measure they can Vaccbmtuodated at abort notice._ Call at the east .corner of the Diamond, over idnoll . Grocery: - • - MANUAL var44.11.c.; on litindon, April 7, 186.3. kJ' Pq - URSI?,ItY STOOK.L TREES, VINES, SHRUBBERY, &C., iF9 It S.4 L E . At the loweat cash price. A. J WHITE, Mh. a, North-st Huntingdork.. A "MUSE. AND TWO: LOTS, • FOR ,SALE:. The subscriber offers at private sate the property ho now occupies In North-east Ituntingdon. The house is a two-story• (mule. There is a lot of choice fruit trees upon the premises. For terms call upon the subscriber, Plural 3,1603. ' '• A. J. WHITE. COACH SHOP POlt HEN?. StOck'Tools - & Machinery for Sale. THE • UNDERSIGNED EXEC U TORS of the last soul of (tgen goat, late of the bor ough of Huntingdon, deceased. offer at private sole, all the stock tnts fixtures belonging to the Carriage Manu factory of the deceased, consisting .of a complete %semi merit of Iron, ifirteksmltfes tools; Paints, t Vainisheth Trimmings and materials for wood work:end sou/ ultt finished *oft. — • " Time will be given on good seem ity. • The shop, is in large frame hitifdlag, comprising a wood shop and sale room below. and mishit shop and trimming shop on tho t secopil stosy,—Four founts fu, a11, 7 ,-Jp4 black smith shim adjoining.c. , • The 31301,4 will be Trued for'sushsimu 1 18 . roily he 7 hgteert in. The shop trait hod ' . Mtge custom lot' tavola yesra, rant, awl Is considered one of the beat locations in iia itate. SAML. T. BROWN, GRAFFMS Ml LL1,11,, lactating, March 31, 1563,2 UNTINGDON FOUNDRY.- The basineeri of tho sahr toundry ailt bereaft% 'be carried on by, tho undor4lgned, ho ,ho at all (mem ready to maltacititina of all klude, , proMptly and at moderato ratee. All persond having un+ettled accoant9 with am iato firm, ail! COlllO forwatd and cattle the tme. J. M. , CUNNINOIIA3I. tj! 4 Marsh . , 3l, 463 4 uf.*; STRAW GOODS .•• OF ALL,TFIE SEW-STYLES, For Ladies, Misses, and Children's, Wear. French m id- Americtin SLOWLIiS. 130'SSLT RIB BONS, nail n goner tl ascot tmout of M1L,1(0.0,X! CiC4 O D.?, ` P. at the in;icet pricoal-i{i , ,7c.mnind 42 MILLINERS, will,con.nit- their in Mt est by, exnmluing my clock before. making their pnrchnnes. ' WM. II: MFRS, -„ —•.- "No. 212 ARCH. Ft; Plalndelptin, March IS, 1263-4:m. =I I ! ~ O n'. 111EI Etl2l 10 21 0 21 110 001 • WHEELER & WILSON'S 7.1! SEWINC 0 6 - 51 1 s s mina i) 1 831, P.N. Ito Ala at t . ' ce, R. A. O. KERR rc . 41 4 ' AIiTOONA.; PA., 5 AGENT 0 FORDIUR AND lIVNTIN,GDON COUTIEI.4- , tr • I DOWN TRAINS 3forli'g Even'g riIIIESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT-. ted to bo the best ever olTered-.to tha public, and their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that In the last eight years, DEMMER 'An 11 301 11 13 11 091 10 32 10 37 10 30 10 19 -0 14 9 43 9 27 9 29 9 05 8 52 8 45 8 34 8 30 - OVER 1400, WORE, of these machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured;ancl more mieffale haYe Weft' awardeMbe Pyi•V; prietors by different Pairs and Institutes than to tidy oth ers. The 31achines ate warranted to do all that Is claimed for them., Theyure Ppyrit'lpiti in several families in Al toona, and in °Tory case they gibe entire entiojaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as 'to Bid stmetiot By of the Machines, to A. W. Benedict, Joseph Wntson, li, U. Turner and B.*. Beilleman. The Machines can be 'seen anti xathilled at the store v.( the Agent, at Altoona. „ Price of No.l Machias, silver platediglais fat Left new style Ilmmer—s6l. •N 0,2, ornamental. bropze4glass foot rindirew style ilemmer—sss. N 0.3, 'Plain with old style hemmer—sl:. - [Bet: 241862-Iy. 10 00 1040 LP. 9 35 7 57 LF 7 u 0 00 1000 An 5 10 979 804 94i 7 07 is 0 40 le 7 50 KNOX:FRUIT FON AND NAB, i ' SERIES, Fur man.) years we have mule thu cultivation of' SMALL FRUITS a specialty, mid trikinsinto aecount, VATITETY, QUA& TITY and QU'SLITY, our stock of TINES and PLANTS of GRAPE'S, STRAWBERRIES, RASETET.RtIgt3I BLAOICBERRIBS, GOOSEBERRIES, CURRANTS; &0,, &c t , ie unegnalod anywhere. tab iah are after on the moot fowl. 4 table terms. Parties wishing to purchase would do Ivan to correspond, , with . nend for oxr which Will he tack to all apPllmtnts fires of charge. QUR SEE,D • STORE - AND RORTICULTU 4 ' SAL; HOUSE,- n , IS AT NO. 29 .FIETH STRIZEIT, vpberA all articles belonging to eneb no estabStehment On' be had of the best quality, Nlh 18. J Ic.,Nole. tPl' • • 13(ix 155, :1311tPSuge.ai.,- !I