The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 13, 1863, Image 1

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Friday, May 8, 1863.
For the Loyal League of Union
Keep step with the music of Union
- The music our ancestors sung,
When Buttes, like a jubilant chorus,
To beautiful sisterhood sprung !
0! thus shall their great Constitution
That guards all the homes of our land,
A mountain of Freedom and Justice
Fur millions eternally stand.
North and South, Eastand West, all unfurling
' One Banner alone o'er the sod,—
One voice from America swelling
' In worship of Liberty's Cud!
Keep step with the musk of Union
What grandeur its Flag has unrolled—
For the loyal, a star-lighted Heaven,
For traitors, a storm in each fold!
The glorious shade of Mount Vernon
' Still points to each pattiot grave,—
Still cries,"' O'er the lung coming ages,
That Banner of Bunker Hill wave !"
North and South, S-..,
Re'ep st,ep with the music of Union I
The forests hare sunk at its sound,
The pioneer's brow been with triumph
And labor's broad opulence crowned
01 yet shall all giant rude forces
Of nature be chained to our curs—
All States that hare madly seceded,
Return to the Stripes and the Stars.
North and South, S:o
Keep step with the music of Union !
-Thus still shall we nourish the light
Our fathers lit for the chained nations
That darklc in Tyranny's night!
The blood of the whole world is with us,
'O'er ocean by Tyranny hurled,
And [ll6- who would dare to insult us
Shall sink with the wrath - of a world,
North and South, .La.
Keep step with the music of Union !
So Scorr, the great lion-souled, cries
The flames of the Patriot flashing,
Like lightning of Houten from his eyes !
Red wrath on all copperhead c illians
Who dare trail their blasphemous slime
On Loyalty's thrice sacred 11. ,wers
That Washington sowed in our clime.
N.irth and Sotob,
Keep step with the music of Union !
All traitors shall sink at its sound;
But Patriots march en to Heaven
With its hallowed harmony crowned !
Then cheers for the Past with its glory!
For the resolute Present, hurrah !
And shouts for the starry•bruwed Future,
With 'Virtue, and Freedom and Law•
North and Suuth, &e
[eorrevoudvnee of the N. V. Tunes.]
Details of the /mporta at Operations
NAC, In the Field, Near Chancellor
tlle, Va., Friday Eveniivr
May 1-10 P. M.
Upon my return from United States
Ford, Ibiworning, the first news that
greeted my eats was the death of that
gallant and indomitable officer, Lieut.
Colonel McVicar, commanding the
Sixth New York Cavalry. It occurr
ed last night, during a brilliant and
daring reconnoissance toward Spott
sylvania Court House. The affair
was the boldest act of the advance
thus far, and as your correspondent,
"Z. W. 8.," accompanied the column,
be will detail the circumstances, as he
personally witnessed and participated
in them. He was warmly congratu
lated to-day by officers and associates
for his plucky part in the affair. The
charge of less than two hundred of our
Alen upon the whole of Fitzhugh Leo's
brigade, and the successful escape of
our force, was a fit and stirring event
for the opening of this grand battle.
The day opened with a heavy mist
hanging over the country, particular
ly near the river, which was not en
tirely dhipelled until the sun was well
up—say 8 o'clock. The morning was
quiet—neither party seemed to be ma
dy for battle.
We. brought up additional artillery
flaring. the night, as well as large
Inanition trains, and an allowance of
six forage wagons to each corps,
wi!ich were ordered to return in each
case before any more were allowed to
pass the bridges. Major Painter, of
the Quartermaster's Department, had
charge of the Ford, and regulated the
passage of wagons and artillery so
that there was no confusion, while the
total amount of transportation which
viiched this side of the river was very
rsrnaff, and not in the least cumber
Army Corps came up
Avxik . , , he night, and encamped near
the left a our position. The Third
Corps lay-hetvcen Banks' and United
S'ta i tes Fords daring the night, and
reached the fronta'bOut noon. The
troopS inaxched rapidly and with
great elgerfulnese.
The great stragetic importance of
this position grown mop and more ap
parent every hour. We hold - the Car
donsville road seciirely. By going a
half mile to the rear we find c country
road leading to SpottsS , frania Court
Ilottse—four miles to the rear is all
tither. Their . fiank is thus dangerous
ly exposed, for if they retreat they are
harassed by' flank and rear; if they
fight, they must fight in an openabld,
on equal- terms, with: perhaps great
advantages in our favor. '
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor
Evidences hourly accumulate of the
fact that the enemy is totally surpris
ed at our vigorous operations, and in a
great measure unprepared to meet us.
That he is very nervous, is evident
from 'the manner in which he falls to I
digging rifle.pits in every convenient
location. If any further evidence of
this fact were needed, it is found in the
capture at this point yesterday of a de
spatch from Gcn. Lee to an engineer
officer here, saying in substance that
he was very much surprised at this
movement, had not anticipated it, and
was unprepared to give him instruc
tions. This despatch was dated Api.
29. One more fact: McVicar cap
tured, in his charge last night, a de
spatch from Gen. Lee to Fitzhugh
Lee, ordering his cavalry brigade to
he at Spottsylvania Court House on
April 30. Thus Lee came in upon Mc-
Vicar's rear, who was also hound to
Hostilities among 'the pickets were
carried on during the night, with
slight loss. Watson's battery in
Meade's front, thus lost two men and
eight horses. Our lines were not de
veloped last night, the troops being
massed in proper locations.
The forenoon was mainly occupied
by General Hooker, his staff and able
corps commanders, in consultation, and
in making dispositions of the columns.
At about 12 o'clock, General Sykes' di
vision was sent forward ou the left, by
the Banks' Ford Road, to make an at
tack, and compel the enemy to devel
op lain strength on that bank. He
noted promptly into position, with
Weed's, no 4 Watson's, regular batte-
Tm first gun was fired by the ene
my about 12 o'clock. Heavy skim
'shine. commenced, our men entering
the field with much enthusiasm. The
Eighth Penusyli-ania Cavalry skirm
ished its the very front for some time,
and sustained a galling fire from the
enemy's infantry, but behaved with
great intrepidity. They charged and
re-charged upon the infantry, only to
be in turn driven back. Gen. Sykes
then threw forward two companies of
infantry, without knapsacks, on the
double quick, who supported the cav
alry, and checked the further pursuit
of the enemy. The action now be
came quite general between the two
forces, each seeming to be about the
same strength. The rebel division
thus engaged was that of Anderson,
part of Longstreet's old corps, and
consisting of the brigades of Pasey,
Mahone and Wilcox. Sykes fought
the latter brig Tar o —at (fames aid .
The rebels contested the ground very
vigorously, giving way only when
pressed very hard. Our troops fought
for fully an hour with great spirit and
drove the enemy from two successive
and strong positions upon ridges of
land which run parallel with the•Rap
pahannock. The distance thus gained
was mxtrly one mile, and some fifty
prisoners,mostly belonging to Virginia
regiments, were captured. They gave
themselves up readily, many of them
manifesting pleasure at their position.
About LI o'clock, just as Col. Chap
man, commanding a brigade of regu
lars, had expressed a desire to " take
another ridge," an order was received
by General Sykes from Gen. Hooker,
to suspend the attack, and retire near
ly to his former position. This appear
ed inexplicable to both officers and
men, and as the latter came back slow
ly and in good order, frequent mutter
ings were•heard among them about
being "on the retreat again." But
the sequel proved that there was a
mind oVer all, who directed what was
best for them.
The cause for this movement was
the fact that General Hooker had re
ceived information from his headquar
ters that the enemy had thrown the
greater part of his force over on this
side of the fortifications, and had also
removed many of the guns in the
lower batteries, and placed than in po
sition at the upper end of the town—
thus indicating an intention of making
an attack on us. He, therefore, sus
pended this preliminary attack at
oneo, which had been arranged as a
prelude to important operations else
and rightly surmised that if
the enemy did really mean to attack
us, they would follow up our retire
ment. At 2P. M. he remarked : "I
think I can make them come out and'
fight me on my own ground." In two I
hours the assertion was proven. The
enemy mistook our 'voluntary retire
' merit. for a check, and followed up as
rapidly as wo fell back.
General Syke's division had got in
their old position, and pickets thrown
out, when the enemy again• appeared
in force on the ridge, at the foot of
which wo lay. Our men had stacked
arms, and were at rest. The whole
division, save the Duryea Zonaves,'
were lying at nearly right angles with
the road. The Zonaves were parallel
with the road. Quick as thought Gen.
Sykes brought his men into line, the
Zonaves on the left half-wheeling into '
lino of battle like a machine. The
rebels paused a moment on the top of
the ridge, and, as if to nerve them for
the onset, gave , one of their scattering,
demoniac yells, and thou came clown
on the double quick— shooting, captu
ring; and literally running , over our
poor pickets, who scrambled behind
all sorts of obstructions. But in an
'instant more a terrible crash resound
ed from the Zonave end of the line,
and down the column rolled the most
deafening roar of musketry that in all
my war experience has ever met my
pars. It did not last, apparently, two
• minutes, but its work was effective.
This attack was very fierce, and be
ing so Ugh 11 ea Ml' lban thep RWIOII3
firing li'ad 'been, created considerable
commotion around the cr2ss-roads. It
at once . brought Gen, Hooker into the
Saddle for the first time during; the
Jay, and things were, soerdily in shape.
This onslaught was for the purpose of
retaking this very important point.—
The first thing done was the massing
of artillery near the roads, and in fit
teen minutes twenty-two guns were
sending shell into the woods, and the
roar of artillery became ten times more
deafening; than that of the musketry
had been. The work was soon done.
The contest lasted three-quarters of an
hour, and the enemy ignominiously
retired. -
Although this attack was so hand
somely repulsed, it proved to be only
preliminary to still treater operations.
At 4,30 P. 3t., Colonel Diven, who had
cavalry skirmishers on the plank road,
reported the enemy advancing in force
and driving in his pickets. He was
soon discovered deploying to the right,
and Gen. Slocum promptly met the
move by sending in Geary's division
and Bampton's battery. The attack
proved to be only a feeler, however,
and the next thing •vas a-development
still further'on our right, which was
again check-mated by Geld. Williams,
who, with three batteries of artillery
and his own division, replied very ef
fectively to the enemy's fire, which
was sometimes brisk, but never heavy.
Beyond this he did not go, except to
occasionally shell our extreme right,
under Gen. Boward, but his troops
were very placid', and the shells slid no
Fora while there was, a cessation of
the desultory and spasmodic firing
which had been going for two hours.—
But at 61 o'clock a desperate charge
was made for oar batteries command
ing the plank road. The rebels ad
vanced through the woods at a rapid
pace and got within point-blank can
ister range of our guns. A column also
came up the road wildly. Geary met
a:em with great promptness, and
wheeling a regiment 19(.0 the road. a
deadly volley was 'poured into their
advance. At the same time 'Knapp
and Hampton double-shottcd their
guns with canister, and for fifteen min
utes there was another fiery episode.
Of course the enemy were severely
repulsed and with heavy loss. Their
killed and wounded fell in the timber
in front of our batteries, and the leaves
and brush having been set on fire by
shells, the poor wretches are suffering
a terrible death.
After this hour there tVel.43 no More
vigorous attempts on the part of the
enemy. For an hour or more a sharp
shelling was kept up against d'ur ex
treme left, occupied by Gen. Meade.—
General Couch's foreesa=esteployed
curly in the afternoon and rendered
effective assistance in supporting the
celtre. General Siekles.eelumn acted
as a reserve.
The entire operations-of the day in
dicate that the enemy was engaged
mainly in feeling our lines, endeavor
ing to find a weak point, and to as
certain the strength of our position and
forces. but he was repulsed at every
point, particularly in his attempts to
retake Chancellorville, and in the in
sane charge upon 0111' batteries.
Everything goes to show 'that Lee
will open the attack early this morn
ing. [lt is now 3 o'clock A. M. May
2.] Our troops have been at work all
night, and the woods resound with the
ring of -axes. Both parties are busy
building earthworks and abatt Is. Col.-
tain changes are being made in our
lines, and we shall be fully ready for
any emergency. The greatest day in
the history of the rebellion is about
dawning. General Hooker got sonic
rest during the night, which was much
needed, but at this hour he is in con
sultation with his Corps Commanders.
His staff 1(10 prodigies of energy, and
their labors are unceasing.
Our losses yesterday arc not yet
known. We had about one hundred
killed and wounded in General Sykes'
fight early in the afternoon. Captain
Marsh, of the SeVentecnth Regulars,
was killed. Captain Overton, of Gen.
Syke's staff, was wounded—not dan
gerously; Lie.ut. Wells, Fourteenth
Regulars, wounded ; Lieut. Col. Walk
er, Assistant Adjutant General to Gen
Couch, was wounded by a piece of
shell in the arm—not seriously.
The troops acted magnifietntly.—
_Not a case of misbehavior has conic to
-my knowledge. They go into battle
with enthusiasm, and one idea seems
to animate every one—the idea of vic
tory. L. L. CROtisso.
The Operations near Chancellor vine.
1863.—Yesterday afternoon your cor
respondent, learned that the gallant
little remnant of the Sixth New York
Cavalry, Lieut. Colonel McVicar com
manding, hod started Out upon a re
connoissance towards Spottsylvania
Court House. As there was nothing
more interesting on hand, I determin
ed to see what a reconnoissance might
be like. I accordingly dashed across
the country and overtook the expedi
tion about two miles beyond our outer
The Sixth had been our advanced
skirmishers upon Slocuni's front during
our entire march, They were few in
number, and the duty required was
very fatiguing, but they had stood up
to the work manfully, and had achiev
ed for themselves a reputation for dash,
pluck and efficiency rivalled by no
other regiment in the service. So well
Were they appreciated,,tbat detail af
ter detail had been made limn among
them until but about two hundred and
fifty men tror le f t, but these were
men tried and trim.
I found Colonel MoViCar proceeding
slowly along the-road to Spott;-.ylva-
Ilia Court Llouso, stopping at every
cross road, and sending men to . right
and left, to see what might be upon
his flanks, and searching every house.
Occasionally a mounted vedette of
the enemy would be started, and there
would be a trial of speed, in which the
ho6es of, the Sixth, tired apd jaded 'as
they were, would prove mpre th a
match lur the starved rack of' bones
upon which Messrs. Secesli were riding.
Mile after mile was passed, and yet
we saw no sign of any great force of
the rebels. Citizens whom we picked
up told us there had been a hundred
troopers along a short time before; but
they were not now'to be fotind.
The Colonel watt mistaken in his or
ders which he supposed directed him
to keop on until he should meet some
huge force of the enemy. A courier,
witli a modification of the orders, had
been sent, but never reached
Ho was becoming a little disturbed
about his position, knowing that he
was a long way from any support, and
in a country where the rebels were
likely to conic down upon him at any
moment. But ho would not disobey
A t length a halt was called, at. a fork
in the roads near Spottsylvania. The
roads hero form a Y, with woods on
both sides and an open field in the fbrk,
bounded by a ravine some three hun
dred yards back. Rear and advance
guards were posted; and the maM body
dismounted. A consultation was held,
and it was determined to make a raid
upon the next farm house, and, if pos•
Bible, obtain some forage for our horses
and some fbod for ourselves. This was
just at dark.
Just as the order to mount was giv
en, the rear guard discovered seine men
stealing up through the bushes. The
sharp crack of their carbines hurried
us into the saddle. At, the first dis
charge they charged out with an un
earthly yell, which seems to be their
battle-cry, and succeeded in capturing
three or four of our men. They then
fell back and stood in the road, yelling
defiance. Springing to our saddles we
rushed into the field, and instantly
formed in line of battle in three squad
rons, awaiting the onset of the enemy.
31eanwhile we opened a deadly car
bine fire upon 1.11 , 2 m.
Corp. EriN, - ard. P. Pratt, of company
I, returning from Chancellorville,
whither lie had been sent with some
prisoners, was attacked by the rear
guard of the rebels. Four men of com
pany M. were with him, and they re
pulsed the attack and captured a Cap
tain. Ile was thedsel upon by a large
number and themselves captured, but
nnum , .;ed to c , A!apc, during tlha confa•
Finding that they would not meet
us in a fair field, the bugle was soun
ded, and the brave boys charged. with
drawn tires. The Colonel and. Lieu
tenantßeltied-tne—attyancea guard of
twenty men. The rest followed in
good order, except that the second
squadron NVIIS in advance of the first.
Captain Beardslee was ordered to the
rear to close up the column, and see
that the wounded were cared for.—
For a few moments the zip, zip.z—z—
z of the Millie balls and the sharp ring
of sabres were heard above the
noise of the shouting.
Among the first to fall was Colonel
McVicar, who was instantly killed
while attacking an officer with his sa
bre. The rebels were driven back by
the charge, and the second squadron
led by Captain George A. Crocker,
swept on in pursuit. The first squad
ron, being without officers, halted
where they were. The enemy from
the woods formed in behind the second
squadron. Captain Van Buren, of the
third squadron, rode up, and ordering
the first to follow him, charged upon
the rebels. 130 fore, the first could do
this, the Captain and Sergeant Sanders,
of Company 1, were through the reb
els and with the second. Capt. Van
Buren, being senior officer present, took
Lieutenant Philips and Lieut. Blunt
took command of the third squadron,
charging, at the head of it. They cut
through the lines, and joined the sec
ond, the first squadron following them.
They passed on down the road until
they crossed the creek, when they
formed on the opposite bank and held
the ford. Captain Beardslee, with
the rear guard and the wounded, were
cut off by the closing in of the rebels.
Taking with him a number of priso
ners whom he had captured, he re
treated tithe fork.of the road, where
the Surgeon was at work. Question
ing the prisoners separately, they said
that Fitzhugh Lee, with ibur regi
ments of cavalry had surrounded us.
Two regiments were in the road in
front, and two on our flanks:.
We had charged upon and driven
the regiments in the font, and a por
tion of our number escaped, a number
wore wounded, some taken prisoners.
Eighty men were left behind, and up•
on those two regiments charged. We
dashed into the woods, and galloped
through them at a headlong rate, re
gardless of limbs or obstructions, with
the rascals thundering at our heels.—
As we passed a farm house, the col
umn became separated. Capt. Beards
lee, with twenty-two men, reached the
party who were guarding the ford, and
lod them to our lines, while Lienten
,ant O'Neal and myself led fifty-eight
a long way through the woods, and
came safely in.
Capt. Aiken and Capt. Hermance
were wounded. Lieut. O'ncil was in
jured by a fall of his horse. Last
night fifty-two of his men were missing
but sonic of these will probably come
in today.
leorre,poridenc, of tho Now York Times )
The Great Battle of Qhancelloraville.
_Headquarters ih the fii7d, hear Chan-)
cellursville, Va., Sunday evening,
May 3, 1863-6 P. M,
Another bloody dal has been added
to the calendar of this rebellion. An
other terrible battle bus been fought,
and more fields crimsoned with human
blood. 4 few more such n days as this
will find no armies lea du either side
to fight battles.
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VAT, MAY 13, 1868,
My last letter brought up the situa
tion to Saturday morning. It was
then certainly expected that the ene
my would begin the attack as soon as
it was day, and our dispositions were
made accordingly. But the attack
did not begin. Bvents proved that
the enemy did design to attack, but he
chose to make that attack in a manner
and at a point different from what was
generally anticipated by us on Satur
day morning. Daylight grew broader
and yet .no guns. Finally, about six
o'clock, a brass Napoleon, looking
down the plank road in front 'of the
Chancellor House, saw a regiment
come into the road in column and at
tempt to deploy. One or two doses of
canister caused them to deploy rather
irregularly, and more like skirmishers
on the retreat.
Soon after, .General Hooker and his
staff began an inspection of our lines,
which occupied full two hours. Every
portion was visited, and the work of
the night was closely inspected. On
the extreme left new lines were cho
sen, and the engineer officers soon
marked out the lino and character of
the defences to be erected. When the
inspection closed, the entrenchments
were pronounced to be of the very best
character, especially those on the right,
whore the columns of Slocum and How
ard were posted.
There had been only slight disturb
ances during the night, as both forces
had been busy with their axes rather•
than their muskets. 'From Gen. How
ard's front came a report that the en
emy was engaged all night in cutting
a road past his picket line to the right.
How much attention was paid to the
fact at the time Ido not know, but
subsequent events proved that it was
very signifiean t.
The day continued to pass in a very
dull manner for a day of battle, and
only here and there was there any
thing'more even than desultory skir
mishing and picket firing.
About 3 o'clock the pickeEs on the
right of Gen. Sloctun's front reported
that from a- certain position wagons
had been seen moving in a westerly
direction nearly all day. It was at
once surmised that this might be a re
treat, but subsequent events proved
that it was part of an affair of alto
gether another nature. To ascertain,
however, what it nealkv was, General
Sickles, who was still in reserve, was
ordered to make a reconnoissanee in
heayy force in that direction. Tlds
was clone with great promptness, and
the divisions of Generals Birney and
Whipple, with Gen. Barlow's brigade,
from Howard's corps, were pushed out
to the front, Berdan's brigade of sharp
shooters huvitir ' the advance, and sup
porting Bandolph's battery. Our
troops moved rapidly and soon became
more or less engaged, especially with
the artillery and sharpshooters as skir
mishers. Berdan soon sent in some
sixty prisoners y belonging to the 23d
Georgia, including ono Major, two
Captains, and three Lieutenants. Be
ing upon the ground, I examined these
prisoners, and soon found that the
"wagon train " which we had seen
moving during the day was composed
mainly of ordnance wagons and am
bulances, and that Stonewall Jacicson
and staff were at the head of a column
of troops which the wagons followed.
Nothing more was needed to con
vince us Sat this daring opponent was
executing another of his sudden move
ments, and it was at once resolved to
checkmate him. General Sickles was
ordered to push on, and Gen Williams'
division of Slocum's column was order
ed to co-operate. Birney pushed
ahead with great vigor, and with Ran
dolph's battery soon sent to .the rear
as prisoners of war the entire remnant
of the 23d Georgia Regiment, num
bering over four hundred officers and
men. The column of the enemy which
had been moving - up this road was now
literally cut in two and Gen. Williams
had commenced a flank movement on
the enemy's right, which promised the
most auspicious results.
But at five o'clock a terrific crash of
musketry on our extreme right, an.
flounced that Jackson had commenced
his operations. This had been antici
pated, but it was supposed that after
his column was cut, the corps of Gienl.
Howard (formerry General Sigel's),
with its supports, would be sufficient
to resist the approach, and finding that
he was himself assailed in the rear he
would turn about and retreat to es
cape capture.
But to the disgrace of the Eleventh
Corps be it said, that the division of
General Schurz, which was the first
assailed, almost instantly gave way.—
Threats, entreaties and orders of com
manders were of no avail. - Thousands
of these cowards threw down their
guns, and soon streamed down the
road toward headquarters. The ene
my pressed his advantage. General
Devon's division, disaffected by the
demoralization of the forces in front
of him, soon followed suit, and the
brave General was for the second time
severely wounded in the foot, while
endeavoring to rally his men. Goal.
Howard, with all his daring and reso
lution and vigor, could not stem the
tide of the retreating and cowardly
poltroons. The brigades of Col. Bush
beck and McLean only remained fight
ing, and maintained themselves nobly
as long as possible. But they too,
gave way, though in good order, be
fore vastly superior numbers.
General Hooker now sent to the aid
of Gen. Howard the choicest division
of his army, the creation of his own
hand—the famous Second Division of
the Third Corps, oommanded _Maj,
Gen Berry. Captain Best Noon Moved
his batteries on a ridge running across
the road and after a short but sangui
nary contest, OM' further advance of
the enemy was stayedj.
Of CIMINO tljis clisqstor compollag
Op mean of Sickleo and Slocum', iyho
TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance,
had been pursuing their work with
remarkable vigor. General Williams'
division returned only to find a portion
of their works filled with the enemy.
Sickles' division could not communi
cate with the rest of the army at all
by the way they advanced,,and only
at great risk by any other route.
This was the position at drirk, and it,
did not look very promising. But our
energetic commander was more, than
equal to the emergency. New dispo
sitions to repair this disaster wore at
once resolved ripen. Communication,
was at,once had with Generals Bii•rley
and Whipple, and a night attack order
ed to restore the' connection of the
lines. General Ward's brigade of
General Birney's division, made The
attack at 11 o'clock at night, aided by
Captain Best's guns, massed on 'the
ridge in front of the enemy. Birney's
position was on the extreme left of
this new line of battle, but Ward's ter
rific attack was entirely successful,
comtnuniention was restored, and in a
charge made by the brigade, a portion
of the artillery lost by Howard was
gallantly retaken by Gen Hobart Ward.
This night attack was the most
grand and terrific thing of the war.—
The moon shone bright, and an enemy
could be seen at good musket range.
The air was very still, and the roar
and reverberation of the musketry and
artillery past all conception. Malvern
Hill was a skirmish compared with
this, save in the degree 'of slaughter.
But it was successful,—the enemy
were driven back-nearly half a mile,
and our tired men once more slept on :
their arms. That night's work
Now I come to Sunday. It wns per
fectly evident, from the position of of
fairs on Saturday night, that there
must be a change of our lines, which
would throw the enemy out of our
rear and into our front again. It, will
be seen by what skillful. generalship
the enemy was fought and checked
on front, and flank, and rear, while
this was being done.
General Reynolds' First Army
Corps arrived at United States Ford
on Saturday afternoon. It was imme
diately put into positio'n on our right,
which was withdrawn from the plank
road to the :fly's Ford Ttirt!plice;;—
This lino. was immediately foanual by.
General Reynolds and Meade, the hit
ter's position, on the lefty. having been
relieved by General Howard's Elev
enth Corps, which, notwithstaadiag
its disorganized condition, WaWati ear,
reorganized during the night - ft 4 . -14 lie
St for duty again this morning. They
were assigned the position ot?'the left,
where it was probable there - would - he - I
little or no fighting, and were protect-.
ed by the strong works built the day
before by General Meade's corps.—
Our new line now assumed the shape
of a triangle, prolonged at the apex,
the right of the line being somewhat
longer than the left. As the portion of
the lineon the right was new, time,
was necessary to fortify and inti.enah
it, and the work was carried on vigor
ously by the Fifdi and First army
corps. ,
It was very evident at daylight this
morning that the day would !wing
forTh a terrific battle. We knew that
the enemy had been reinforcing his
line all night, at the expense, 10-'
donbtedly, of the strength sof his force
on our left. Ins intention was, evi
dently, to fight for the possession of
the plank road, which it was perfect
ly apparent he must have, as that por
tion of it which we then held, was sub
ject to the enemy's assaults in frgnt
and on both flanks.
But the possession of this road was
not ebtained by the enemy saveat our
own time, at his severest cost, and af
ter ono of the most desperate", tens=
cious and bloody conflicts, for its short
duration, of the whole war. At five
o'clock, A. M., the rebels could be dis
tinctly seen up the plank road, about
a mile and a half from the Chancellor
House, which General Hooker still re
tained as his headquarters, though a
shell had gone through it the evening
before, and another had cut down a
tree directly in front of it.
Our line of battle was formed with
general Berry's gallant division qn the
right, Gen]. I3irney nest on the left,
Gen. Whipple and Gon. Williams• sup
porting. At 51 A. 31. the-advance be
came engaged in tho ravine, just he•
yond the ridge where Captain Best's
uns bad made their terrible onslaught
the night before, and where they still
frowned upon the enemy, and threat
ened his destruction.
The rattle of musketry soon became
a long continued crash, and in a few
moments, as battalion after battalion ,
became engaged, the roar sitypassed
all conception, and indicated that' the
fight would be opo of the most terrible
nature. Gen. Berry's division, which
had checked the enemy's advance the
night before, engaged him again, and
if it were possible for theta to add
more laurels to their fame, then they
did it thrice over again. The enemy
advanced his infantry in overwhelm=
ing numbers, and seemed _determined
to crush our forces. But the brave
men of Sickles and Slocum, who fought
-their columns with desperate gallant
ry held the rebels in check, and inflic
ted dreadful slaughter among them.—
Gen. -French's division was soot in - on
the right hank of oar line at about 7
A. M., and in a short time a horde of
ragged , streaming rebels running, down
the road, indicated that that - portion
of the enemy's line had been crushed.
At 8 o'clock, A. AL, Gen. :French sent
his compliments to General Hooker;
with the information that he had elnat,
ed the enemy, and was driving him
before him..
Sic; .maintained the attack upon,
his line with great endurance. The
enemy seemed determined to crush
him with the inimensity of hie forces,'
and, as subsequently shoo n from the
statemente of prisoners, five whole di
visions of the yobet (trait Iteritikreelp
itated Upon - this' portion of In , line,
for from these five - divisions -- wcr:tOolv
during the, :a j igraffafe. of =over
two thousand - prisone9.
..The exploitssof - ourgilfant;tr4slii
those dark, tangled, gloomy woods,-
may never be' trought o to
they would fill a hundrea.iiolurnes--et
It was a deliberate, desperate band to
band conflict, and the carnage was
perfectly. frightful:. Cool offipere say
that the dead. and wounded 'of il,te en
emy coveted - the ground in heaps, and
timt the rebels seemed 'utterly regard
less of their: lives, and:literally threw
themselves upon theliinizlej of our
guns. Many desperate Citrgei3 were
made during the tight, partioplarly by
Berry's divlsion...,MotVs brigade made
fifteen digtinet olittrges lainl":cuptured
seven stands of colors,---the 7th NeVa.
Jersey, Colonel Fraheine; alone •CuPtu
ring four stands of eolers -five:
hundred.prisoners. • • •
Gen. Couch's Second..o4, , corps
though only in_part„presept i ,„diC.,pc 7 ,
t was cicneral.:lAool4.:
who 'charged and drove eneiny on the flank, and it Was the' indtifilitahlit
Hancock whogallantly wontfoyilyp - -:
lief Of the karkpcessed Sielaes.
The engage s ine'nJiasillPiviihout the
slightest intermission' from 51:
to 8:45 P. M., when there 7 "witsl itlern
pOrary cessation .on;'.our'l , part;locedi.l
sionedf. by getting, out of: ammunition. ;
We, held our position for„nearly,,9,
hour`With 'the baYOnet,:and
ing re-supplied, an!order 'Was given -to'
fall back" to the vicinity of the•Chittt-f -
cellor House, which We,l'didr, in rlgeod)
order. Here the contest, „wils
tained for an hour,or more,
,pot - 8Q
verely de before, Unt with:gra:it liaireer
to' the - en e mY,'atid emisiderabfe'llYS:slqi
ourselves. •
NO. 48.
The, vicinity of the,,ChaneelhpYiiiit.
House was now .the theatre of dig!,
fight, and my - visitsto 04be
came less frequent. General 'Hooker'
maintained his headquarters there-Un-'
til 10 A. M., when it on fire;
by the enemy's shells„and : is ,no.w.„iyA:
ruins. Chancellorvillo,is i no longer Au,
existence, having, perlshed two
flame, but Chancellori j illeis'thkiti4l4,
never to 'be e ff aced, • • 7 -,%;- `-'77 11,`!
• Our now line was now Sottt
belted as to render it 4 ,safe,to witbdraVi
all our forces on that'frpcoyhich
accordingly done, and'at - 1.:36 X. M.
the muskettiy - oeit'sWr The en
gagement had )asted
had been the `Most ferrifilb of tlio - itar.
Our artillery bad lilertillynlatiglitdrOir
the enemyiand many : of the: domptpi
Ries. had . lost , hea,y)lY. in, men Alma,
selves, but the,guns-wereall
eneiny Was nowt 'rid 16 r` in:
our rear, but had oven'' shoved' tinwitt
directly in - our front, and is nmirdi rect.;
ly 'between us and our-forces in 'Fred.
crieksburg, and we were,again ,in 411),,
c.;!1,1'411611Cd uuil formidably fOrtiae'd?
position, The enciny
ground, it, is true, hut' rytt the sacrifice)
of the flower, of ,his force; five'of,his
seven divisions having been 0ut49 4
pieces in the effort, and over two tliont
and of theen'have fallen into dur:
Our right : wingi under. :Gens. 'Rey,
n ()kis and Meade was not.eitgag,ed; Saver
the divisiertuf Gen: ,llutilPhre.Yob.Wl.li9ilt
wen_ t, - tu the, w9ods . p 9, ell,emy'k
left flatilt;7itinf
their brilliant ' loader, until their-'-auf.'
/mini titui-Wtis exhausted, - • ' •
Dating the afternoon the enemy huts,
made several attempts to force_,..onr
lines, particularly- at the ayes of our
position, near the 'chancellor
but Capt. Weed - had tnaise&d,' `fat;ge;
quantity' cif artillery in sad"-f iposi;;
tion to, ropulse With, great. loss eve.. , ;
rything placed within
,its'yangs. Thq
eneiny tried several baiisi , iswaad rag':
iments at that point at differbiitlimes
during the afternoon; and they were
literally clestiNayad'hy the. fire. cif goilD
terrible guns. .IsTothieg,eanlivoiwith, l
in their range.
Our preseat position is impregnable
if our troops continue to'f!ght . as th'eF'
have to-day. Ciee. , 4ice, the 'prisoners
say, has issued an coley that oats lines;'
must be larolcen at all hazards., 1 441
,try again,
,with What they Let
felt. They can, and ''periapp 'AVM 1p
stroy themselves by attacks tirlin
Our troops aro .perfectly, ,gooLltiA l
confident. They have fought with
great, spirit and en0404;144 4i/d'tyitt'
continue to do so.
The rebel prisoneils rPpert , 'Otit
A. P. fiiiilvas Wiled this foronoon, du.
ring the sanguinary wallet
his aiy't
siop had with-Cionerai,lierry's
Genl..Berry, was hipaseif )i,:l.pre
gallantly fighting his biave
_ _ .
- • • CROUNSA.'
Headquarters Army of the' Potomac,'
• Xear'FalmoUt4 Va., Sunday"'
Evening-7-10 P.
I have arrived here fronl Chancellor,
vine, and learn of the complete sneeese
of Gen. SedgivicVs" attaCli. upon - ,the
stronghold of enemy #it Fredei
iclisharg Ireights.
The position , was brilliantly carriedi
by storm to-day by' pratt!s : glorious.
light division of the Sixth ArinypOrpi,,
capturing two whole regireents of i•eb-•
els, thoSi4teenth and Eighteenth
sissippi, one .cOrnpany,of the faincisC
Washington Artillery of New Orleans,-
and a ,part of Alewander's artillery:On
eluding in all eight guns ,aad pearly ,
one - thotisankprisoners,, The
ing'forees'wero aided" by'Qoin Gibbotij
of the Second Army cup's, who,with_
a force, came upon the tank and rear,
of the enemy, planting the Amerioan
flag upon their works before theytuid .
actually- 'ceased' firing' apOrt Itittr • chary
ging coiumn:
The captures were: Ori - iplete r : and:
our loss only moderate. Genl: sedg,
wick afterward engaged the meow,
and drove him back. At 4
P. ~ he
had advanced to the Wick Church,,4f
mike Cut oil the plan road ; tiiWards
Ohancellorsville. •
Here he, had :a severe engagnalPl4,
with j Early's diyiSion,,reintOceti, i hy
troops froM i .fJee, but repel* t*nl,
tiOd, sent in another lot.rd,prisoners. ,
The enemy is now hernmp4
tween llooker and Sedgwiek,,and
no dmiiit, fight With desperate tonacity
to eitricate.himself from his deporp:to
position, hilt the advantage,
rest decidedly, with us. 4.
pocnc..Fr SEuAu.
idedt'for sag , 41.0.1t,;W11494
FrestillOWer and•G(►t'deiq' s seds'Sor
sale Iteriti*' Statire.!
• ;
Criv,p PENS. fino assortrafoA
Poaket ; apd. Desk q 01 4,•,P6 IMPAre
eeired at Lewidßook•Stiirel.r,