The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 29, 1863, Image 2

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    FIC Cabe,
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Wednesday morning, April 29, 1863.
Our Flag Forever.
•' 1 know of no mode in which a loyal eiti
irmit' fluty so well denionstrate his devotion to
Ats country as by sustaining the Flog the
Constitution and the Uninn,undir all ciream•
3tances. aid UNDER KyERY
Fasting and Prayer.-
• .To-morrow; Thursday, is the day
see spirt by President Lincoln, as a
day. of National humiliation, fasting;.
and:prayer, and requests all the peo
ple to abstain from their ordinary sec
ular pitrsuits, and to unite, at their
several Places
, of public worship, and
their reOpective, homes, in keeping the
day holy to tho Lord, and devoted to
the I.ll.t . mble,_discharge_of the religious
duties proper•to the solemn occasion.
"The Democracy in Council,"
The MoniOr is very unfortunate in
its reference 'omen who tuok part at
Violate gathering of the " unterrified."
It speaks of men acting as officers of
the meeting who haVe or had sons in
the army—a fact we do not dispute:—
but we think honor should he given
where.honor is due. The honor the
son is entitled to should not be given
to the father • to do s would bo steal
ing the livery of heaven to servo the
,devil in. We know, and tho neigh
bors of at least several of tho gentle-
Mep whose names appear amongst the
Ps( of officers ,of that meeting, also
know, that the Sons of , those officers
went tuto the service of their country
against the will of their fathers—and
those'sons still in the army are there
5 4 their own will, and not by the influ
ence of their -fathers. Because the
sons are loyal citizens and true patri
,, i
ots; s no evidence that the fathers are
equally so,' and we are not willing
that tho sons shall be robbed of hon
ors by. their disloyal fathers. Still, a
-greater number of the officers of the
lifeetmg, and of those whotook part
in its 'Proceedings, acted with the meet
ing, simply becan,e it was called a
."Deinocrutic meeting," and for no
- , other reason. To many mon who
have always voted the Democratic
ticket, the name carries with,it an in
fluence sufficient to destroy the better
judgment of F4ich men. They do, not
stop to inquire, to reason with them
selves:Wm:twor their party organiza-
AlOn is right or not; they. merely sat
isfy themselves that their organization
is recognized by, their leaders as the
"Deniocratic party," and without fur
ther inquiry throw up their fiats, and
:endorse every treasonable 'proposition
of their leaders.
The bassos of the so-ealh;tl Demo
eratie' party- are honest, but they per
, ,
init themselves to be influenced by
.party influence—by men who have not
the good of their country at heart—by
men who are, if not directly, indirect
pursuing just such a course as
must sooner or later result in the de
itruction of our libertieS and the best
governm6nt on earth:.
,And 'with the
strongest'evidonee from the army,
that the, conduct of:the bogus Democ
racy the Northis encouragement to
the,enemy, these honest duped masses
still give their aid to men who openly
advocate the cause , of the rebels.—
Party, with conemen, appears to be
the cafe Ter all' evils-:-and we verily
believii that if the leaders of the pres
ent bogus . Democratic organization
would teach open treason, and call up
on the party to take up arms against
the Government, thousands of the
,men who are now following such
-leaders would obey instructions, simp
ly because they:cMne from their party
leaders, and not becauSe they ._might
_:belioye,them,,to be for their own and
(their,country's best interests.
- :‘•Aye have said we believe themasses
bogus Democracy honest and
• loyal, but we' must at the same time
deny that their actions are
They aro blinded by partisan, preja•
dice and deceived by the traitors—and
If they persist in being influenced by
;aped men, then they too must go
,down to their graves remembered on
,ly to be cursed-by their children and
'their children's children, as traitors to
choir country.
"d THE Journal & Anterican of last
*oak 4 filled with very low ndsrepre
#eutatious, , for the purpose of injuring
,the influence ,of the Globe with loyal
citizens of the ebuiity,'Gut as we have
nwimi)ortant national issue before us,
cannot E;t6op to small thingi, such
Jks*fer.cling the character of•the Globe
-agiinact,he attacks of a faetibus disor
ehaet. We are gratified to
that4tileyal people of the coun
'iy--ihe true frielids of the , Goveru
ment—heartilyeddorde the sentiments
`Of Globe. -
~Topipr assort-,
pielit fois,sale.xt Lewis' .1360 k Store,
That Petition Again.
Three or four days before the issu
ing of the
_last Monitor, A. Owen, one
of its editors, requested of us by note,
a copy of the petition we had circulat
ed to prevent' W.• A. tVallace from
speaking in the Court =House, stating
that ho wished to lay it before the
readers of the Monitor. We sent him
a copy of the petition. But did he
publish it? No. It did not answer
the purposes of the lying scoundrels
that-control the columns of the tory
shoOt. • Had the petition been publish
-41 it would have given the lie to their
assertions that we carried a petition
through town to prevent Democrats
from the use of the Court House, and
to prevent the holding of a Democrat
ic meeting. The petition was to pre
vent Wallace from speaking, and for no
other purpose, and this the lying edi
tors knew when they asserted through
their paper to the contrary. Will
they dare to publish the petition ?
They also attack several of:our cit
izens for signing the petition. All
named had not signed it, neither had
it been . presented to them. Those
who did sign it are not ashamed of the
act—and hundreds of others, and ma
ny who were the political friends of
Wallace and the _Monitor clique before
the evening of- the meeting, would
low sign it.
In our time, we have come in con
tact with some very low, unprincipled
editors, but the equals - of the Monitor
clique are yet to be found. They 'can
not write one 'square without littering
a falsehood, and the stronger they
make them the more readily do they
suppose their party will swallow them.
Falsehood is their game, and treason
to the Government their aim. A par•
ty having for its organ such a paper,
must feel highly honored. We are
very thankful that we are no longer
suspected of keeping such company.
speech of Judge Taylor at the Court
House on Saturday evening last, bo
na° the Union League and citizens
generally, was ono of the most able
and patriotic our citizens ever had the
pleasure of listening to. It was not a
political speech—a partisan speech—
such as is frequently heard in political
campaigns—but a solid argument to
save our Government. Judge Taylor
is no politician, and, to our best rocol•
lection, never was. He is a patriot,
-and he sees and feels the necessity of
every true man taking a bold position
to combat the wickedness of the rebel
lion. As was well said by his Honor,
" there can bo no neutrals note—a man
must be either earnestly for his Gov
' ernment or against it." Wo will not
attempt. to give any part of Judge
Taylor's speech— it must bo hoard to
have justice done it, and wo hope the
citizens of the county will soon have
opportunities to hear the Judge.
Hon. George Taylor for Governor.
We learn that the numerous friends
Of 11011. GEORGE TAYLOR in the middle
counties, will bring his name promi
nently before the Pittsburg Conven
tion for the Union nomination for
Governor. Judge TAYLOR is well and
favorably known by the legal profes
sion throughout the State. He is a
truly loyal man—an able, honest and
popular man, and wo could support
him with a free good will.
TIIE rebel sympathizers denounce Gov
And. Johnson as an idiotic ranting Ab
olitionist, simply because he is in fa
vor of sustaining the Administration
and the Government against the at
tempts of the rebels to destroy both.
. they have not a word,to ,say
against the abolitionists of the South
—the rebels, who struck slavery the
first blow, by rebelling against a Gov
ernment that protected that institu
tion.---an institution they would have
the foundation stone of their confeder
acy. With all the opposition North
ern abolitionists could have made
against slavery during the present
century, that institution could not
have received as heavy a blow as it
has received from its warmest friends
during the rebellion.
"Iv thebernocratic meeting bold in
the Court House last week, the clique
which had Wen taken there by Lewis,
the traitor, hissed at the resolution,
applauding the Army of the Union.—
When any National measure was en
dorsed by the Democracy, this same
clignc hissed from the retired corner
which they occupied."
The above we take from the Monitor
of last week, and publish it for the plw.
pose Of showing our readers to what
thlSehoods the rebel editors will resort
for the purpose of deceiving the read
ers of the tory sheet. We doubt
whether they have a single reader
who would swallow such a silly false
hood, yet we have nodoubtthey have
agents willing to swear to the truth
of it. Uncle George could take it
down without salt.
• THE Monitor will do us a favor by
requesting its friends not to forget to
pay up when they discontinue their
subscription to the Globe. Some three
or four of the officers of their meeting
came the Nicic over us. If they don't
behave better, we may be compelled
to go to farming, but doubt whether
we can be successful in raising a crop
of stoves.
We:direct the attention of young
ladies to advertisement beaded "Wan.
ted Correspondence."
Subjugating White Men.
The Louisville Democrat says:
"Nosy, at this time, a negro brigade
is marching into Florida, under orders
of the Administration, for the purpose
of subjugating white men."
The Nashville Union, in replying to
the above, says: What sort of "white
men " are they of whom the Democrat
speaks? Are they not traitorous and
rebellious white men ? Aro they not
the disturbers of tho nation's peace,
and the violators of law and order?—
Are they not the murderers of the citi
zen soldiers of the Union ? Have
they not hung, shot and imprisoned
men for being patriots! Have they
not chased and torn to pieces tender
women - with blood , bounds? Wo do
not thibk. that such white men as tho
rebels of Florida and South Carolina
are one whit too good to be subjugated
and shot by negroes or anybody else.
If every guerilla and armed rebel in
the peninsular "Land of Flowers"
were driven into the Gulf by the negro
brigade, so that not a traitor should
be left alive to poison the air with his
breath, we would rejoice at it. _No
doubt the Democrat would rejoice to
hear that the negro brigade had been
defeated by the rebels, and would
mourn if it were to vanquish the proud
est army that the rebels ever sent into
the field. , We don't appreciate nor un
derstand such squeamish loyalty as
that of the Democrat, which is so nice
about tho instruments it employs to
destroy the rebellion. We go for using
every instrument and agent which we
may find qffective in exterminating trea
son and traitors. If we had the power
we would marshal all the eagles, vul
tures and . vampyres of the air, all the
serpents and wild beasts of the earth,
all the sharks, sea-snakes and levia
thans of the briny deep, all the lava
imprisoned in the breasts of volcanoes,
all the pestilence of Pandora's box, all
the angels in heaven, all the devils in
bell, to put down for Over the infernal
crusade against humanity, led on by
Jeff Davis and his myrmidons. The
country has had quite enough of the
Democrat's satin-slippered and kid
gloved loyalty, which revolts at the
thought of subjugating white rebels,
by any other troops except those com
posed of members of the first families.
The people are kicking fastidious ob
jections and delicate scruples to the
wind, and wherever they see a rebel
head, they intend to hit it, with the
first club or brickbat that is at hand.
grand rally of the sceesh sympathizers
of New York city, " opposed to the
Administration and the war," was held
in the Cooper Institute, on last Tues
day evening a week. It was address
ed, among others, by Fernando Wood,
the great gun of the Copperheads,
who, iu the course of his remarks,
said :
"I am for peace and for a change of
policy. Whether we have such a
change depends upon whether the De
mocrats select a War Democrat for
their (Presidential) candidate. The
election of a War ,Democrat will not be a
change; it will only be one Bet of men
stealing instead of another, and we alt
know the Democrats can out-steal any
other class of men. The Democrats
should elect a man of peace principles
and sound wisdom. In my opinion,
the next President should seek, either
openly or covertly, a conference with the
South, and there should be a cessation
of hostilities, tho war policy having
It would be well for the masses of
the Democracy, who blindly follow
such leaders, to ponder upon these de
signs of the traitors. If they want
their party eternally damned, let them
follow the direction pointed out.
TIIE following resolution, among oth
ers, was adopted by the New York
Methodist Conference last week :
Resolved, That the conduct of those
who, influenced by political affinities
or Southern sympathies, and under
the pretext of discriminating between
the Administration and the Govern
ment, throw themselves' in the path of
every warlike measure, is, in our
view, a covert treason, which has the
malignity, without the manliness, of
those who have arrayed themselves
open hostility to our liberties, and
is deserving of our sternest denuncia
tions and our most determined opposi
Fifteen refugees from Richmond, all
of whom were foreigners, wero,Ricked
up eighty miles down the Potomac,
and brought to Washington on the
22d. They had converted their funds
into gold and State stock, and appear
ed very anxious to go lumber North.
They paid $3 in rebel money for a dol
lar in gold, and $3,50 for a dollar
TUE proceedings in part of the Per
ry Moore County Committee will bo
found in to-day's Globe. No mention
is made of the propositions offered by
the County Convention to harmonize.
We publish them as we find them in
the Journal & American.
ONE hundred negro soldiers have
been recruited in Franklin county
within the last ten days. They are in
tended Tor the black regiment now
being organized in Massachusetts.
The Nine Months Men.—Ten reg
iments are to bo paid offend mustered
out of service at Harrisburg, and ar
rangements are making there for their
reception. They are expected to ar
rive next week. When our " boys"
come, we hope they will receive a
proper reception.
Fresh Flower and Garden. Seeds for
snle at Lewis' Book Store.
Treasonable. Organizations.
We make the following extracts
from the charge delivered by Judge,
Stowe, ofi_Alleghany. county, to the
Grand ,Tury of that District, a short
time ago, and commend its sentiments
to those agio eon profit by them. It
is fit and right, that the judges who
administer the law should speak out
at a time like this, when treason binds
its supporters together in secret con
clave, who with solc4nn oaths resist
and defy the laws :
" It has lately been publicly alleged,
in a manner which has attracted at
tention, that there are in the county,
organizations or persons combined to•
gother, for the purpose of interfering
with and opposing - the National Gov
ernment in raising money by taxation,
and soldiers by conscription, or volun
tary enlistment, to suppress this accur
sed rebellion which is now so severely
testing the capacity of men for self
government. Such things (if they ex
ist) aro disloyal, and, even if they
should not technically amount to trea
son, are a most serious violation of the
law, which all parties concerned may
take notice, this Court will not hesi
tate to lay heavy hands upon, if prop
erly brought within its reach. While
our brothers, sons and fathers are pour
ing out their blood like water upon
the battle-field, to preserve the unity
of tho government, it will not do for
us to shrink from working for the
same end, by a fearless and stringent
enforcement of the lows, whenever a
proper case shall arise requiring our
The Knights of the Golden Circle
Resisting the Law !
Riot in Selinsburg, Inion County.
[From the Middieburg Weekly Tribune, Apo it
It becomes our painful duty to chron
icle one of the saddest, and at the same
time one of the most daring and dam- ,
nable attempts at defying the laws and
the Government, that has yet occur-
red in this section of the country.
To make the matter clear it becom
ea necessary to enter somewhat into
When the draft was made in Oct.
last, a young man, by the name of
James Hummel, of Middlecreek town
ship, voluntarily entered into an ar
rangement, with Mr. Azariah Kreeger,
to go as substitute for the latter, who
was drafted into the service of the Uni
ted States. This arrangement was
made. Hummel took the money or
at least part of it, and went to Harris
burg, where he was sworn into the ser
vice of the United States and Mr.
Kreeger aceorengly discharged.
Hummel remained at Harrisburg a
short time and then- deserted, thereby
defrauding the Government out of the
services of Mr. Kreeger to which it
was entitled, and also Mr. Kreerer,
out of his money, by not giving value
This man Hummel, together with
some other deserters, since the time
of their desertion, have been defying
the authorities and threatened to kill
any man who should attempt to ar
rest them. They however found it
convenient to secret themselves, when
ever the guards wore about, which
fact was duly heralded by the Tory
organ, the Selinsgrove Times. Thus
things went on until last Saturday,
when Capt. Cox, who is stationed at
this place, by some means learned that
there was to be a funeral at Now Ber
lin, at which it was quite probable
that Hummel would be present. He
accordingly ordered Sergeant Kephart
anti an assistant to New Berlin, with
instructions to arrest him in church,
very reasonably presuming that there
no resistance would be made, and blood
shed avoided. But he was sadly mis
taken; these desperadoes were fully
armed for any emergency. The Ser
geant, with his assistant, entered the
church, and walked right up to Hum
mel, tapped him on the shoulder, and
commanded him to surrender, upon
which Hummel drew a revolver and
fired two loads at Mr. Kephart, when
the Sergeant fired, hitting Hummel in
the side, the ball passing (it is said)
through his lungs. He, however, dis
charged two more barrels at the Ser
geant after he was wounded. While
this scene was being enacted the
friends of Hummel, some fifteen or
twenty in number, rushed in upon the
officer with revolvers, and some with
their fists, beating and clubbing him
and his assistant, and firing their pis
tols at thorn.
We are told that there were some
eleven shots fired during the melee,
of which the officers in discharge of
their duty fired only four.
Sergeant Kephart and his aid made
their escape from the enraged rebels
without injury, except a little scratch
upon the knuckle of one of the fingers
of the Sergeant; two balls however,
passed through his coat and one rested
in the lining of his vest, which he ex
tracted on Sunday without much pain.
The last news we hare from Hummel
is, that he is not_expected to live.
These are some of the out cropings
of the devilish teachings of Frank Weir
ick, ;rack Cummings & Co. They spur
on these poor, ignorant, deluded peo
ple, to acts of treason and rebellion,
and leave them to pay the forfeit with
their lives, while these treacherous,
cowardly villains aro in their dens of
safety-, preaching up that we have no
Let the people take warning; this
is a spark from the volcano, with which
the tory organs have been threatening
us. Let the government put forth its
strong hand and nip this incipient trea
son in the bud, otherwise there May
be bloody times close at hand. ,
Richmond Sentinel, of April 23d, con-
tains the following :
CHATTANOOGA, April 'List.—Seven
more persons have been sent south be
yond the Federal lines by Gen. Rose
Twenty-foie• transports have been
landed at Eastport, eight miles from
luka with 40,000 Yankees. chiefly cav
alry. There is no immediate prospect
of a battle.
OKALONA, April 20.—A squadron of
abolition cavalry estimated at 1,500,
were advanoing on Pon totoeyesterday.
Our forces are concentrating to resist
them ; an engagement is certain to-day
unleßs the enemy retiree,.
~~ ~ . <~.~-emu
What has been Dune at Suffolk.
The Passage of the Vicksburg Batteries
Destruction of the town of Celina, &c.
lltelbel Batteries destroy° I at 'Warrenton
An Expedition to McMinnisville
Highly Important from Banks' Army
Prisoners Captured & property destroyed
What has been done at Suffolk —Report
of General Dix
WASIIINGTON, April 21.—The follow
ing despatch has been received at the
headquarters of the army:
Maj. Gen. Ifalleck, General in Chief :
deem it duo to the forces at Suf
folk to notice , briefly their gallant con
duct during the last six days.
On Tuesday, General Peck's right
was attacked, and the enemy's ad
vance was gallantly met by Colonel
Poster's light troops. driving him back
+0 the line of his pickets. Anderson's
division was engaged at the same time
on the water front with our gunboats
and batteries, and suffered materially.
On Wednesday, a rebel battery of
twenty-pounder rifled guns was effect
ually silenced, and an attack on the
Smith Briggs, an armed quartermas
ter's boat, u•as repulsed.
Repoate'd attempts have been made
on our lines, but they' have all been
The storming of the enemy's hat tory,
near the west bra cli of the Natise
mond, by General Getty, and the gun•
boats, under Lieut. Lainon. of the
navy, and the capture of six guns and
two hundred prisoners, rinses the ppe
rations of the six days against the ene
my's large force very satistitetorily.
JOHN A. ll.tx, Major General.
The Passage of the Vicksburg liatteries.
The following information has been
received hero in two days from Milli
ken's Bend, on the Mississippi river,
near Vicksburg:
On the night of the 16th, Admiral
Portersucceeded in running the Vicks
burg batteries, with seven fine gun
boats of his squadron and three trans
ports. The Benton, his flag-ship, got
opposite the upper battery, heading
the line of vessels. betbre the rebels
opened fire, which they continued from
11 P 20, until 2 A M, upon each suc
ceeding vessel as it passed them. The
only damage done was the firing of
the Henry Clay, one of the transports,
and the temporary disabling of the
Forest City, another of them, and a
shot through the Benton's hull. Our
loss was but ono man billed, and two
or three wounded. The rebel's lire
was fity less effective than was antici
pated. They burned two or three
houses in the town, as our squadron
was passing, to light the river, so as
to enable their artillerists to get good
views of our steamers as they went
down within range of their guns. On
reaching Warrenton,.Admival Porter
bombarded that village, with what ef
fect is not known.
The transport Henry Clay was fired
by the rebel shells. All hands on
board were sayed,-the pilot remaining
at his post until the flames forced him
to leave.
spatches were received here lust night,
stating that a portion of Admiral Por
ter's fleet, laden with a large number
of soldiers from General Grant's army,
have succeeded in running the batte
ries at Vicksburg, and are now in a
condition to either help General Banks
in an attack upon Port Hudson, or
make an attack on Vicksburg from
the south.
The Expedition to Celina—Destruction
of the Town.
M GPFORDVILLE, Tffin n., April 22.
The expedition to Celina has returned
to Glasgow, having destrlyed the town
of Celina, together with one hundred
thousand pounds of bacon, twenty
thousand bushels of wheat and corn,
one hundred barrels of flower, and the
saine amount of whiskey, a considera
ble quantity of sugar, coffee, tea, salt,
and other stores, and forty boats own
ed by the rebels for transporting their
supplies. The rebels admit a loss of
nin e ty frilled ; hot Col. orahan, thinks
their loss was greater. The Federal
loss was one wounded and one miss!ng.
Recapture of the Queen of the West.
Nim ORLEANS. April 14.—The news
to-day from Brashear Ciiy is of the
utmost importance.
The enemy evacuated his Crorlcs at
Centreville last night, but will proba
bly be 'captured entire, as ho is en
closed between General Grover's for
ces, on one side, and those of Generals
Emory and Weitzel on the other. He
is leaving his guns and ammunition
behind him.
The steamer Diana, lately taken
from us, will cartainly be recapturhd,
as the United States steamer Clifton
has removed the obstructions in the
river, and is rapidly aPproachinL, her.
The ram Queen of the West was
captured from the enemy in Grand
Lake at ten o'clock this morning.—
Captain Fuller, her commander, and all
her crew and officers, numbering ninety
souls, are now prisoners at Berwick Bay.
The capture of the Queen of the
West is most important, and the
whole affiar a ttictory of immense
advantage to the Union cause.
Foa•rttsss Moxacm, April 23.—The
boat from Richmond arrived to day.
Richmond papers to-day contain
telegraphic infimnation from Port
Hudson, confirming the. loss of the
steamers Queen of the Westand Diana.
The former got aground in Grand
Lake, and was blown up by a shell
from the Federal gunboat Calhoun.
The Diana was burned by the reb
els. Ono 4unclred and six prisoners,
including seven officers were captured
from the Queen of the West, including
Captain Turner, commandant of the
Destruction of Rebel Batteries at War
Special to the St. Louis Democrat
Omit°, April 22.—Our gunboats
have destroyed the rebel battery at
Warrenton below Vicksburg, and the
fleet was lying at anchor before Car
thage, on the 17th: General Grant was
to go down on the same day.
General Eliot's' marine brigade, and
General Fitch's light draft gunboats
have nearly swept the Cumberland
river of rebel cavalry who were sent
out on both sides of the river. Some
severe fighting occurred and. many
prisoners were taken.
Gen. Stonenzan's Expedition.—He cleans
out the rebel Black Horse Cavalry.
We learn from an officer who ar
rived from Warrenton Junction last
night some interesting particulars re
specting General Stoneman's expedi
The original plan having been frus
trated by the rain storms that set in
the day after General Stoneman ad
vanced, he has turned his attention
other points. Be has scoured the
country pretty well between Falmouth
and Sulphur Springs, and now rests at
Warrenton. •
&c., &c
The rebels= attempted to shell his
camp near Rappahannock Station, a
day or two since, but accomplished
Randolph's Black Mrs° Cavalry,
which have been hovering about War-
renton, have been dispersed, and their i
acting commander, Lieut. Paine, was I
made prisoner. The company or
squadron is commanded by Capt. Ran
dolph, but hels now suffering from in•
juries by a (lull from his horse some
days ago.
Lieut. Paine, who was in temporary
command, was captured on a pi-onions
occasion by the same regt., Bth Penna.,
nia, about four miles from the same
place, where they repeated the exploit.
Paine belongs in Warrenton.
General Stoneman's command has
captured sixty odd prisoners. They
have been out ten days without tents
or wagons, their stores and baggage
being carried upon pack mules.
The fords are still very high, and
only a squadron or two have crossed
the Rappahannock at any point. The'
General is exceedingly chagrined at
being prevented from making effective
movements by the April rains, and
chafes at the thought that the people
of the North may wonder that lie does
not make them, while they cannot ful
ly appreciate the causes of the delay.
Mosby and his gang are in the neigh
borhood of Warrenton:
Suecessful Expedition to
.The, town Captured with two Railroad
Trains and a Train of Wagons.
MURFREESBORO, April 24.—Some ref
ugees who have been relieved from
rebel oppression at McMinisrille, by a
highly successful expedition of Gener
al Reynolds, have arrived at Ready
vine. General Hagen telegraphs that
General Reynolds took the town, cap
turing two railroad trains and a train
of wagons. Among the number of
prisoners taken was nrs. John iklorgan.
The expedition has more important
results, as affecting the situation, than
those mulled.
The Chattanooga Rebel of the 16th
says: Dispatches from Jackson, Mis
sissippi, of the Nth have been received,
saying in substance that an early at
tack p• to be made on Vicksburg, from
opposite and below the city, and for
that purpose the Feder:its had passed
eight boats on the night previous.—
Later dispatches intimate that the reb
els General Grant to make dem
onstrations south from Corinth at the
same time.
Highly Important from Gen. Banks' Ar
my.—Two Desperate Fights with the
Rebels.-1000 Prisoners Captured, 10
Steamers and Two Gunboats destroyed.
—General Banks still Advancing.—
Capture of the Famous Pelican and
Sims Batteries.
NEW YORK, April 26. The steamer
ltori, from New Orleans, has arrived
with important advices.
On the night of the 17th inst. Gen.
Banks had reached Verniillionville.—
After a hard fight at Vermillion bayou
whore the rebels had posted batteries
and infantry, but they were driven
from them aftdr a desperate fight with
considerable loss on both sides.
Some 1000 prisoners had been
brought into Franklin, captures of
whole companies of rebels being made
at a time.
The rebels also destro-ed ten steam
boats to prevent their falling into our
hands, and two large gunboats, and
the Diana were included in the de
It was reported that General Banks
weal(' eapturo Opelousas on the 18th,
and occupy it. •
Our fleet have reduced La Rose, an
important point.
The prospects are that the rebels will
be driven out of Opeleusas county, or
all captured. Our troops are in splen
did condition.
The steamer Fulton from New Or
leans via Key West arrived hero at
noon to-day. She got aground on her
voyage down the Mississippi, remain
ing eight days and leaving the bar on
the 19th.
The New Orleans Era of the 19th,
the only late paper received, gives an
account of the military movements.
On the morning of the 17th, Gen.
Banks had reached Vermillionville.—
After a hard fight at Vormillienville
Bayou, where the rebels had_ posted
batteries and intim try, but were driven
from their position, after hard fighting.
with considerable loss on both sides.
A letter in the Era, dated in the
field above New Iberia, April lfith,
states that Col. Khaki'', with the 53d
Massachusetts regiment, entered the
rebel„ works at Bethel Place on the
morning of the 14th, planting our flag
on the parapet. Gen. Witzers divi
sion followed, and succeeded by the
whole line.
The rebels left a number of their
dead unburied, and evidences were
plenty of bloody work in their ranks.
Large stores of ammunition, &line En
field rifles and other arms were cap
Our army then marched through
Pattersonvillo, , skirmishing, continu.
ously, and reached Franklin on the
15th. Prior to Thursday night some
thousand prisoners had been brought
into Franklin, captures of whole com
panies being made at a time.
. At Franklin the qtetunbnat ,Corine
was captured with three officers of the
late gunboat Diana on board; thus re
storing them to our service. '
The rebels also destroyed ten steal:n= o ;
boats to prevent'their fulling into .Gen,
Banks' hands, and alsh two large gun
boats and the Diana.-' Included in the
destruction of those boats, were 'im
mense stores of bacon and a thousand
cases of ammunition.
It was expected that Gen. Banks
would capture Opelousas on the 18th,
and occupy it.
The expedition of Gen. Grover had
been eminently successful, and a
battle with the rebels at Irish Bend,
the 13th Connecticut charged on the
rebel line and batteries, supported by
the 2fith Maine, 25th Connecticut,
12th Maine and 97.5 t New York, and
defeated-them, leaving a silk flag and
other trophies in our hand,
The_rebel force consisted of two re
giments of Texans and three batteries,
including the Pinions Pelican 'Afid
Sims' batteries. The whole rebel.furce ,
at Bethel Place and Irish Bend mint
bored somo one thousand, posted in a
highly advantageous position,
Command of Gen. Dick Taylor,' ia son
of the late Secretary Taylor.
Important captures of horses, mules
and beef cattle, to the number of over
a thousand, were made.
The celebrated salt mine`or salt rock
was captured and the rebel works de
stroyed. The rebel soldiers were hot
loth to be captured, and 01101'16p:ire
in our hands anernore are being taken_
An abandoned rebel iron foundry
was found near Ibua containing a
quantity of shot and shell.
Onr fleet has reduced the rebel for
tifications at Bute La Rose, an impor
t tent point. The prospects are that
I the rebel; will be driven out of Ope
lousas county or all captured.. Our
troops ore in a splendid condition. •
The wounded in the late battle have
nearly all reached New Orleans, num
bering 179, where they are quartered
at the Mechanics Institute Hospital, •
Among them are Lieuts. Oliver and
Banning of the 25th Connecticut; , all
were doing well. A large number of
the rebel wounded were in the hospi
tals at Franlclingand lona.
There is nothing new from Key
Rumored Murder of Bragg by Breck
CINCINNATI, April 27.—The Commer
cial contains the following despatch :
MURFREESIORO', April 3f>.—General
Reynolds, to-day, sent in 130 prisoners
from Liberty.
'The enemy recently moved tip
from TMlaimma to Manchester. On
the 19th they received a reinforcement
of 16,000 men from Mobile.
Prisoners captured by Genl.. Rey
nolds bring an unreliable report that
Breckenridge recently shot Bragg,
and is under arrdst for homicide—
They say that Bragg bad condemned
seine Kentuckians to death; Brecken
ridge remonstrated - angrily, saying
that, "shooting .4Centuckians was
played out," and if the order was exe
cuted, he would shoot, Bragg. The
latter executed the Kentuckians, and
Breckenridge killed him.
Arrest of Another Rebel Officer,
Ntlw YORK, April very high
ly important arrest has been made iii
this city, by United States Marshal
Murray, in the person of Capt. A. S.
Parker, of the rebel navy. Parke'r had
been in this city a few days, awaiting
the arrival of some other parties, and
perfecting his arrangement prepara
tory to leaving for England, he having
been commissioned by the rebid tb
bring out one of the new iron-clad
steamers now in process of construe,
tion there. At the time of the' memo
ruble attack upon Fort Sumpter, at the
time of the breaking oat of the rebel-
Hod he commanded the iron-plated
floating battery sent against the devo
ted fort by the rebels, and took dvery
prominent part in that action.
After the capture of Fort Sunipter,
Captain Parker was transferred from
the navy to the army, and was appoin
ted captain of ordinance in the Engi
neer Department. At the time of the
surrender of Fort-Donelson he was ta
ken prisoner, but subsequently made
his escape and joined Bragg's army,
passing with him through the Ken
tucky campaign'. lie wakat the Cor
inth battle also, and directed the work
ing of a portion of the rebel artillery
in the eventful "Shiloh." For many
years previous to the breaking out of
the rebellion be was a ship captain,
sailing out of Charleston (S. C.) harbor,
and was a man of so mai' ability;''thipe
rienee, and daring, as to have been en
trusted, as stated aboVe, ivith the 'mis
sion of bringing out 'one of the new
rebel iron-Clads now building iu Eng
As might have been expected, Par
ker was utterly astonished at having
been discovered in this city by Mar
shal Murray, and undertook to show
that ho was not the man the officers
were in search of. His protestations,
however, proved of little avail, and he
was yesterday taken to Fort Lafay
ette, in charge of Deputy Marshal Peel,
lie was considered one of the ablest
volunteer officers in the rebel naval
service, and had promised great things
from the iron-clad he was to have irk
Kentucky Greets Pennsylvania,
The Louisville Journal says: ".When
the history of this War is written, Ken
tucky will he as greatly arrears of
gratitude to the Keystone', State unto
any of her other sisters, fin , its assis
tauce has been as generous and'hearty
as it was prompt. The names of Neg
ley, Shim baugh,, Wynkoop, Wil
Jordan, Brown; Nagle; Christ, and
others, omitted from
wil!OWaps be remembered In'o r
Coin mon wealth for their gaii;tift
cos. Thni r - coin mantis Wer6 among the
firs,t•called to the State by the General
Government for its defence, and there
is hardly a county from tha i) Big San
dy to the Mississippi, or from the Ohio,
to our southern border, in which they
have not visited and performed effective,
work. Among the more recent urri
vals has been the 45th Pommy's:ante,
regiment, under command of Colonel
Curtin, which is now at Camp.pick
inson, havingleft Parrs on thelOth
where it was encamped
,on the fair
grounds. The Citizen says it is olio of
the best-drilled regiments it has Seen,
and won golden ppinions Nom the par
isians for its orderly and good conduct
during its sojourn in their midst."