The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 29, 1863, Image 1

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051 Die.
Friday, April 24, 1863.
'The Scriptures justly and Arleely have laid
That, the man is the lord of the land,—
"That woman in pobite should corer her head,
Nor try to assume the command.
Itut the Scriptures ne'er huight that she should nut use
filer influence in pH% ate at hone;
Est many. I'm scary to say. doje'fli r s'o',=
And their duty Is sally performed.
Now show me a title and bravo soldier man ;
it tots woman v.llO gave him his birth :
It was Mo onion who fostemd and laid all Juts plans,
/are hit loft the homestead and hearth.
Tint show me n couur.l who now hide, his head;
It in precept La g.tthered iu youth ;
'Twas woman who •aoulit him his duty to dread,
. And hid flout her offspring the truth.
Methinks I hoar some fond mother say,
Not u single son I silt vas o
For what is lay country nil unto mt.,
If my datliugo nsubt go off to war t
But R wort to those nho hale acted e 3 Lt ave,
And gave hush:nada and sons in the 4tr.ffe . ,;
f ri.reie gh ry an alts, though they be iu theb gravel;
They ore Ileum ed as toothier, and selves.
- We clip the following from a late
speech of Sas. T. Brady, a distinguish
ed New York Democrat :
If the Northern man who contem
plates the possibility of the time ever
arriving when, being on the soil of Eu
rope, an intelligent European shall say
to him---" Sir; you have no country;
you, being twenty-five millions, were
conquered by eight millions "—for that
man I wish no other punishment than
that, even in the ashes of his destrrie
tied, he may feel the bitter pang of
that insult; but for the Northern man,
whatever his political creed or par
ty, who entertains a hope and
conviction that- our country will
still retain its power and its
name on earth, I- open my arms to
receive him. I ask him, like myself,
since we are not on the battle-field, to
do all that he can in the ways of peace
to encourage our brethren in the tight;
and I say to him, as I say to you,
(and all of you, I trust, are gathering
your sympathies around me while I
say it), that, we, as we aro brethren ,
now, we may be brethren forever.— I
[Loud applause.] -We will take one of
these men and paint a picture for him.
I open to his view, as in this grand ed
,efiee, the whole of the mitten, and
however proud any other power may
sit upon a kingly couch,
with a tiara
or diadem, clothed with majesty or
beauty to whatever degree, I a-k him
to look at the figure of America, her
staff surmounted with the cap of liber
ty—her skirt having in it the blazon
ry of the sky—her head covered with
the decoration of the stars, [at this
point of the speaker's remarks, a large
national flag was suddenly unfolded on
the stage amid loud cheers,] and I ask
him to behold the spectacle presented.
I mean you caviler—you croaker.—
coward—renegade— traitor— behold,
at the bid of revolt, that America
leaves her proud position as the equal
of any Power on earth, and, as She ap•
preaches in shame and degradation
the door of this chamber out of which
she is to depart, the stars falling from
her brow at every step, and her dress
paliinr- into an ashen hue, as she goes
out of that magnificent temple, with
,her head prone to the dust, Listen to
_hot' voice, you traitors, us she speaks:
" This was not done by foreign foes,
but by the debasement and treachery
of those Ns hom I warmed upon my
heart, and who stung rue like ser
pents." [Applause] Do you think
such a scene as this remains for the
American people ? [Voices—No, no.]
E'Ven as the first Chaldean shepherd
looked from the sterile rocks upon the
_constellations, which, if nature outside
remain as it was when we entered this
building, will greet your delighted and
wondering, as its own childhocid do,
.the host American will behold the stars
of that banner [pointing to the nation
al shining with matchless luster
for ever and ever through the long
lapse of ages.
Prediction.—Tho Wash
ington (Pa.) Reporter, in a recent is
sue, puts upon record for future refer
knee, the following prediction: that, in
coming years, when peace is restored
-throughout the land, -as, by God's
blessing, and in spite of the rebels, it
will be—those men in the North, who,
in this terrible Crisis of the nation's
history, have uttered no word of en
-couragement to the Government--
who have raised no voice in condem
motion of the rebellion, but have de
nounced the powers that be, and open
ly or covertly declared their sympa
thy with the South will aver, with
cursing and swearing, that they sus
tained and supported the Government
all the ;%ytty through. Mark the pre
' diction and remember it !
.Tell an American boy of the present
;day that his grandfather Was a tory
an the revolutionary times, and he will
.resent: the 'impeachment with indig
nation. In our heraldry, the brand of
torYiSni, like the ban of bastardy, is
- ',an'ensigt of dishonor, and it will be so
Aereaftur. The tory father of today
will transmit the disgrace to his pos
terity, and their children's children
will be taunted with it to the third
and fourth generations. The words
of disloyalty uttered by them to-day
will bo bitterly denied; but they have
been engraved in the memory Of
. witnesses, and cannot be forgotten.
Tin: sentiment of their party, uttered
through the press, have been embalm
pif ip printer's Ink, and will come forth
as witnesses againgt . them Wore the
great tribunal of history.
. .
. . ,
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From the Ist Penna. Reserve Cavalry.
We are permitted to publish the fol
lowing from "John MeCallan to his fa
ther, J. K. neeithan, Esq., of this place:
BELLE PLAIN, VA., April 12,.1863.
Dear Father :--1 received your and
mother's letter a few minutes ago, and
also Thomas' letter enclosed. I was
glad to hear that all were well. We
have broken up camp to-day (Sabbath)
and again launched our boat for anoth
er voyage—the result Of which I am
sure will prove victorious to the cause
of the Union. All is bustle and ex
citement, and I have not much time to
rwrite. Our regiment drafted and
~ridopte 1 the enclosed resolutions yes
terday, which you will please have
published. I will write as soon as we
move, or at least as soon as we stop.
Ist Pa. Reserve Cavalry..
WinatEAs, We, as American soldiers
were impelled in taking up arms in
defence of our country, constitution,
and the, great principles of Christian
liberty, by a holy and chastened en
thusiasm : And whereas, our hearts
have been made to bleed by seeing our
glorious ensign riddled by missiles,
aimed at the heart of our mother coun
try; while our war-path can be traced
by the graves and blood of heroes, who
have fallen-upon the altar of Liberty,
we turn to our homes to find men, dear
to the impulses of better days, placing
the assassin's blade at the throat of our
Government, and at the heart of our de
eithated ranks : And whereas, we are
now facing our open foes, ready to
strike the black shield of rebellion till
it rings again, from the Atlantic to the
'Mississippi—so, by our trusty blades
and the memory of dead comrades do
we vow destruction to our secret one•
talcs and death to Copperheads : there•
fore be it
1. Resolved, That we maintain the
belief amongst us that we arc contend
ing against an armed foe whose inten
tions are to destroy the best and wisest
system of Government ever devised fbi•
the benefit of mankind. That after a
period of nearly two years spent in ef
forts to put down this wicked rebellion,
wo cherish the same hatted for our
enemies, and the same earnest feeling
of devotion to our beloved country and
her just cause, as we did when we en
tered her service.
2. Resolved, That, though individu
ally we represent the sentiment of all
loyal parties, yet believing it our duty
in. this hour of-our nation's fearful ti ial
to sacrifice polities and partyisms, we,
therefore, know no party, ignore all
conservatism, contemn milk and water
patriots, and hold as enemies all who,
either by their influence or actions,
openly or secretly, labor to trammel
the government in its struggle for life;
as friends and fellow.citizens those on
ly, who now with willing hearts and
ready hands, are rallying to the na
tion's rescue. And thus, while wo can
treat open enemies with all the con
sideration due them, we can only con
sider those mean, cowardly traitors in
the garb of friends, as fit objects of our
condemnation and rebuke.
3. Resolved, That, believing com
promise with traitors an impossibility,
and that peace now can only be had
by meanly cringing to the vile powers
of anarchy and rebellion, we therefore
recognize the Constitution alone,,as
our article of' negotiation ; and our
terms of peace, the Union, whole, per
fect, standing forth in the triumph and
glory of its original beauty and more
than its original strength.
4. Resolved, That we believe in the
proclamation, the confiscation net and
the conscription act, feeling the former
two designed to knock the black un
der-pining from rebellion, and the lat
ter to make that knocking effectual.—
And that wo will give the government
our hearty support in all its efforts and
measures designed to crush this rebel
lion and re-establish the Union.
5. Resolved, That we have full con
fidence in our Commanding General,
and believe him the right man in the
right place. That our regiment is in
good health, good condition and fine
spirits; that with us the harbingers of
victory to our arms and triumph to our
cause, are daily growing brighter and
stronger; and that when we again go
forth to meet the enemy, it will be
with hearts fired anew
w.t.l buoyant
hopes, and nerves strung with redou
bled and abiding energy.
6. Resolved, That us soldiers of the
Old Keystone State, and in view of
our experience in the Army of the
Potomac, since Sept. 1861, we feel hu
miliated at the refusal to allow ex-Gov.
Wright of Indiana, and Gov. Johnsen
of Tennessee, the use of the Hall of
the House of our native State, to ex
pose and unmask the deception and
intrigues that underlie this iniquitous
rebellion ; and that those who cast their
votes against the use of the Halt by
these patriots, are neither the friends
of soldiers nor the country, for bold
and fearless patriots, such as
are our friends, and an indignity offer
ed to them is an insult to us.
Whereas, misrepresentations eon•
coming the sentiments of some of our
regiments hero have gone home, and
wishing to give full, fair and unmista
kable expression to our views,
Resolved, That WO vote our hearty
concurrence in the above resolutions,
by the unsheathing and upraising of
the weapon with which we battle.
Capt. Sutherland, tato of the
iron-clad vessel Queen of the West,
and his Southern bride, were in Mem
phis lately. She was a rich rebel wid
ow with nearly 100 slaves. She intro
duced herself to the captain, and asked
" What she should do to save her
slaves?" " Marry a loyal man," said
the blunt captain—" what do you say
to me ?" " Well," replied tho fair se
cessionist, "I Suppose I can't dq bet
ter !" So tlniy wore wed.
Great Union Demonstration at the
York Hospital,
At a large and enthusiastic meeting
of the soldiers in the U. S. Military
• Hospital at York, Pennsylvania, and
the members of the Maryland Patap
sco Guards, held in the Mess boom of
the hospital, on Tuesday evening, Apr.
2nd, the following preamble and reso
lutions were unanimously adopted :
WHEREAS, Our Government is en
gaged in a terrible conflict against,
armed,rebellion and treason, and for
the maintenance of national union and
life; and whereas, it is becoming and
propel that we, the inmates of the U.
S. General hospital at York, Pennsyl
vania, representing as we do twenty
of the loyal States of this Union, and
two hundred and fifty-nine different
regiments and commands, should ex
press our sentiments; therefore
Resolved, That in the langfiage of
our lamented countryman : Stephen A.
Douglas, " there can be no neutrals in "
this war; there can be none but pat-ri
ots and traitors," and every man in
the army or out of it who is not with '
the government and does not assist it
by his influence and exertion, to put
down the rebellion; is in effect an cute
my to his country, a traitor to the old I
flag; and opposed to the constitution
and the Union of our fathers.
Resolved, • That as soldiers of the
Union, having voluntarily tendered our
service fbr its defence, we are not only
ready to assist the Governinent in its
efforts to suppres the rebellion, but if
necessary, to lay clown our lives as a
sacrifice fbr its safety; preferring to
sleep in honored graves, rather than
that the present and future genera
tions should be deprived of the bles
sings at' civil and religious liberty
Nvhieh we have so fongenjoyed.
Resolved, That we regard the oppo
sition t 6 the government now inaugu
rated under the cover or hostility to
the suspension of the writ of habeas
corpus, the emancipation proclamation
of the President, and the conscription
law of the late Congress, as a mere
pretext of certain unprincipled politi
cians who are endeavoring to divert
the popular mind in their favor, that
they may hereafter reap an advantage
in the occupancy of the high offices of
the government, fur which they never
have been, nor never will be qualified.
by personal competency, patriotism,
ar loyalty to the free institutions of
the country.
Resolved, That we will continue this
struggle for 'our nationality and the
rich blessings bequeathed to us by our
fathers; "though nine hundred and
ninety-nine were to perish, and only
one of a thousand were to survive,'"
believing that one such freeman must
possess more virtue, and enjoy more
happiness than a thousand slaves.
Resoleed, That we look with indig
nation on all party prejudice, tending
to make the loyal states a divided peo
ple, and will use our utmost exertions
to put down all attempts to create a
disloyal sentiment at the North; hav
ing left our homes to fight treason and
traitors in our front, we do not wish
to be compelled to crush any in our
rear; we are, as were the patriots of
fbriner times, for the " Union now and
forever, one mid inseparable."
Resolved, That as loyal men and
Union soldiers, we hold ourselves in
readiness to oppose by all lawful means,
those whose feelings are hostile to the
government, who have arrayed them
selves against its constituted authori
ties, and furthermore, we will follow
and implicitly obey, as we have hswe
tofore done, whoever may be placed
over us; having,jull faith that we tire
battling fur:the right, and that victory
must finally crown our efforts.
Resolved, That although we depre
ciate the horrors and necessities of war,
and arc at all times anxious Ihr
peace, we have no terms to propose to
the rebels in arms against the Govern
ment; and will accept no compromise
with them, until they lay down their
arms and voluntarily return to their
former allegiance:
Resolved, That we, the soldiers in
York Hospital, Pennsylvania, desire
to record our detestation and con
tempt for the so ealled Copperhead
party of the composed
of traitors, too cowardly to go openly
over to the enemy, but who are doing
all they can to emMtrras4 the A!lmin
istration and give aid and comthrt to
the rebels, by I%tising lalsh issues and
creating discontent among the people;
and that we Jesire to let • our hiends
at home know, that neither the leaden
pills of Jeff Davis, nor the medicated
ones of the Doctors here, have yet
purged us of our loyalty; but that on
the contrary, we are ready now as
ever, (if our health and physical con
dition permits), to resume our places
in the front rank.
Reso/ved, That we hail with delight
and give our hearty approval to the
vigorous policy of Maj. Gen. Schenck,
commanding this _Military Department;
that a copy of these resolutions be sent
to him, to the President of the Uni
ted States, the Governor of Pennsyl
vania, and that they be published in
all papers in the borough of York and
elsewhere, favorable to, the Union
About six hundred seldiers were
present, among whoin not a single dis
senting voice to the sentiments con
tained in the resolutions was found.—
Tbe meeting was spirited and enthu
siaqtic. After the adoption of the Mg
oltkticms, patriotio addresses were 40-
livered by Rev. J. A. Brown, D. D.,
Geo. W. McElroy and Dr. Henry Pal
mer. The speakers were loudly ap
plauded and the meeting adjourned
about ten o'clock in the bekt of spirits.
Tho largest stook and greatest
varlet* of styles of Pocket Books and
Currency Holders, outside of Philadel
phia, can be seen at Lewis' Book Store.
Message from Gov. Curtin. 46
• •
History of the Military Operations of
the State.—Declination of the Re-
Nomination for Governor.
The following message' was commu
nicated to both houses of the Legisla
ture on Wednesday, tho 15th inst., in
answor to the usual' inquiry, before
the adjournment, as 'to whether the
Executive had any further business to
communicate to that body :
EXECUTIVE CIIA.MBEIt., , BarriSbUrg, 1 ,
April 16:4863. 1
To' the Senate and liaise of Represent
atlas of the Conondjiwealth of Penn'
GENTLEmr.x.----In 'taking lea-vie of
you at the close ol t esston,,l think
it proper, under existing circumstitne=
I es, to go bjyond tho'fistial tornmlities.
The partiality of niY fuflow-citizens
placed me in the office which I now
hold, at a period of great public dis-
I traction, iv loch soodealminated'in the
breaking out of the 14belliOn 'which is
still raging.
1 The country- o hm] so long slumbered
lin unbroken tranquility, that we had
in this State almost forgotten the pos
sibility of any violation of our domes
tic peace. Even our militia laws had
been suffered to fall into disuse, and
' were reduced to a merely permissive
organization of afew unifiirmed volun
teer companies in rations parts of the
State. The whole mind of our people
was directed to peaceful and industrial
pursuits, conscious of no intention to
injure the rights or interests of' others,
or in any way to notate the Constitu
tion underW.l I
.C.l we had thriven; they
were unable to realize the designs of
wicked and abandoned men, even af
ter they had been publicly and hoast
ingly proclaimed. Although lb!' many
months, war had been actually levied
against the United States in South
Carolina and elseMtere. it is a fact
that the peopl6 of' this OoMmon wealth
were first startled hate a sense of the
common danger by the bmnbardment
of Fort Sumpter. The Legislature
was then it: ses-ion, and immediately
made such provision as was at the Mo
ment deemed necessary. But shortly
after its adjournment, events having
rapidly advanced, and the Capital Of
the country being in apparent danger,
I deemed it neves-ary to convene it
agitin early in 'Thy, 1801, to adopt
measures for plaving . the Sint; on a
footifig adequate to the emergency.—
This was promptly , and cheerfully
done. Five Landr,:ql-thousand dollars
had been appropriated at the regular
Session for military purposes, and to
that sum was then added authority to
borrow three millions of dollars. This
loan, notwithstanding the depressed
condition of the finances of the coon
try, and the afarm and d:strust then
prevailing, was promptly taken by our
own citizens at par; and at the sug
gestion of the Executive, laws were
passed for organizing our military for
ces, and especially for immediately
raising mid supporting, at the expense
of the state, a body of fifteen thousand
men, called the Reserve Corps, to be
ready for immediate service when re
The Government of the United
States had called out 75,000 to serve
for three months, of which the quota
of' Pennsylvania was immediately fur
The lleservu Corps was raised,
equipped, :aid disciplined by the State,
and contributed largely, under Provi
dence, in saving Washington after the
first disaster at Bull Ihin ; and from
that time we continued to add yogi- .
ment after regiment, es the service of
the country required. • .
Prom the, first moment to the pres
ent hour, the loyalty and indomitable
spirit of the freemen of Pennsylvania
has been exhibited in every way,and
upon every occasion. They have
flocked to the standard of their coun
try in her hour of peril, and have borne
.it victoriously on the battle-fields from
tfaryland, Virginia, and Kentucky, to
the far South and Southwest; they
have never faltered for a moment.--
It has been my , pride to occupy a po
sition which enabled me to become fa
miliar with all their patriotism and
scifilevotion, and to guide their ef
forts. Posterity will do them full jus
Every requisition of the General Go
vernment has been promptly fulfilled;
ad legislation in support of the cause
has been enacted without delay, and
Pennsylvania is entitled to bo named
first amongst the States that have been
throughout unflinching in their deter
mination to subdue the sacriligions
wretches who arc endeavoring to de
stroy the last temple of liberty.
The State has not been insensible to
the sacrifices which her sons have
made. No effort has been spared by
her authorities to secure their comfort
and wellltre. Under Legislative pro
vi,ions to that circa, her sick. and
wounded have been followed and cared
for, and, when practicable, brought
home to be nursed by their friends,
and the bodies of the slain, when pos
sible, have been returned for burial in
the soil of the State.
The contributions of her citizens, in
supplies of luxuries and comforts for
her volunteers, have been almost
boundless, and nothing has been omit
ted that could encourage and stimu
late them in the pertbrmance of their
holy duty. They have felt, upon eve
ry march and in every camp, however
desolate their immediate surroundings,
that the eyes and hearts of the loved
ones at home were upon and with
The result is, that Pennsylvania is
actually in a position on which it is
my duty to congratulate you as her
representative. Notwithstanding the
immense drain of her population, her
industry is thriving at home; and, so
fu• as it may not be hurt by causes
over which she has no control, must
continue to prosper. Tier finances
were never in a more healthy
; her people were never in better
That the labors, anxieties, and res
ponsibilities of her Executive have
been great and harassing,' I need not
say. I have given to them my nights
and days, with, I trust, a single eye to
the public welfare. I claim no special
merit in.this; I would have been uni•
worthy to be called a man had I done
otherwise. If lam proud of the re
.salt, it is that I am proud of the peo
ple who have effected it.
. To be .called a .freeman ofTenosyl=
vania is henceforth to havo a title of
honor wherever loyalty . , 'patriotism,
and martial virtues are 'cherished'. It
is to be observed, moreover, that • the
labors which I have necessarily under
gone, have already impaired my
- I Should taro :A:HOS Cllll9O to ap
prehend that a much' longer continu
ance of them might so break- it down
us to render me unable to fulfill the du-
ties of my position. It is to bo added
that, as the approaching season will
probably be the most eventful period
in the history of the country, I will be
able with more effect to discharge my
duties if I avoid being made the centre
of an active political struggle. ,
Under these circumstances, it has
pleased tho "President of the United
States to tender me a high position at
the expiration of my present term of
office, and I have not felt myself at
liberty , to do otherwise. than, accept
this offer.
As I shall, for all tiMse 'reasons, re
tire from office at the close of my pres
ent term, I have thought this a, not in
appropriate mode of announcing that
In taking leave of you,
I may be
permitted to say'that as, Governor 'of
the Commonwealth, I have given, as
was my ditty, and shall continue •to
an active, an earnest sdpport to
the Government of the - United States,
in its efforts to suppress the existiiig
rebellion. As a private citizen,l shall
continue heartily to uphold the Presi
dent and his Administration, as the
only means by which that result can
be obtained, or, in other words : the
countrr can be saved.
I give this as my deliberate opinion,
and shall openly, candidly, and zeal
ously het in accordance with it.
Of the varm-hearted friends to
whom I owe so much, and of the peo
ple of the Commonwealth, . who, .re
gardless of party, have never .tired of
cheering my toils and anxieties by to
kens of their generous confidence and
approval, i cannot speak with compo
sure. 1 ean do no more than express
to them the deepest, truest; and most
heartfelt gratitude.
Hoping that you may safely return
to your homes and families after your
public labors, and with the best wishes
for your individual welfare and happi
ness, I now bid you farewell.
A. Cl. C LIRTIN. •
PlllLSCETll."—Shalcspoare must have
had prophetic vision of Copperheads,
when he deser!bed the terror of the
thief'- who fears each bush an officer."
The Copperhead glides along the street
with restless or averted eyes as if con
scious'of some crime, and fearful of ar
rest and conviction. When he talks,
it is to complain of the oppression and
tyranny of the Government, although
loyal men, do not see much difference
vow in national rule, as regards sever
ity. He bewails the loss of freedom
of speech, while Copperhead orators
spout treason from the balcony of the
Girard House, or pour out, in New
York city, vituperation and abuse on
the soldier. 4 and the Government
forgetting that in times past Cop
perhead mobs stoned public speakers
in their extreme love and solicitude for
that Constitutional right. He is fear
fully alarmed at the organization of
Union Leagues, although there is no
thing secret, oath-bound or treasona
ble about them. Truly, those tories
are a wretched set. We advise them
to get, as soon as possible, into the
front ranks of the 'army, and be de
cently shot, after having prayed to be
forgotten by every respectable man.,—
If they don't, salt Wont preserve them
Isom becoming a mass of moral putre
faction to the - nostrils of this and sue
ceeding generations. "Copperheads,"
for the sake of your children,,go, get
shot, clic happy. It is your last show
before retributive justice, gets posses
sion of your worthless carcasses.
" MYNIIEER priest," queried a dubi
ous Dutchman, "do you really be
lieve that the Hebrew prophet Elisha
made iron swim?"
" I certainly do," was the quiet re
" Do you believe an axo could now
be made to swim?"
" Certainly, if he who attempted it
had undoubting faith that God would
so illustrato his power."
" Well, I have faith—here goes !"
Away went the axe into the 'lake,
and down it wont to the bottom, like
a very dense stone.
" There—l knew it would'nt 1" ex
claimed the Dutchman, chagrined at
his folly and his loss.
THE private secretary of a cabinet
minister is a wag. The other day
young man, dcidedly inebriqted,
walked into the execlitlve oh:11111)er
and asked for the Governor.
"What do you want with-him?".in
quired tho secretary,
"Oh, I want an office with a good
salary—a sinecure."
" Well," replied the secretary, "
can toll you something better for, you
than a sinecure—you had better try a
water cure."
A now idea seemed to strike the
young inebriate, and be vanished.
TERMS, $1,50 a year in. advanCe.
Our butt' as Individuals in the Pres
' ent Crisis;
This is a time,.whieli.tries the soul
of every patriot. Two .years of tre
mendous effort have passed, and, still
the' rebellion maintains its' attitude' of
defiance. Our arinies and navies are
lying imapparent,iimetivity,linterrup
ted only at. distant intervals, and then
more frequently by. reverses, trifling,
indeed, when-we consider the imMen 7 .
sity of the fictld- Of operations; but still
depressing : and :disheartening. to the
people. While such is the condition '
of things in ,the field, at home it is no
better: Treason stalks daringly before ;
us, and strains every- 'nerve to
and Yonder abortive every: measure;
either military or political ; which looks
toward tii,?.4ycipthrow of the rebellion.
Self interest, father than iratriotisra,has
been too .often the, movilig prineiple
with otif' ti c fffeers, and jealimay has too
often preferred 'the discomfiture of a
rival to the salvation of the eciuntry.=-
Every day brings to light some, as
tounding fraild, by - Which our dtrre
plenished treaSurYlS shaniefully de
pleted. Our currency hasYdepreehttod
to an alarming :extent r and•-each-dny
has rendered the financial position, of
the country still, more iinfavorable.- 7
Surely these are thnes - to cause every
loyal , man to Ponder, and 'to ask him'
self whether any portion, however
small, of the difficulties by which we
arc surrounded, can be attributed to
him, and whether he has donestvery
thing in - his power to advance the in
terests of his country. To'somejt may
not be immediately apparent. that they
can exert-any influence whatever upon
the destinies - of the - nation, unless they
occupy some important positionj either
civil or military; but there is no one
so humble that he may, not contribute
to the great work 'of rescuing the
country from the danger that threat
ens it., What we need now,.tuore than
anything else, is unity , and confidence.
And ft§: public ,expression is the aggre
gate'of individual expression, it be-
Comes the imperative duty of every one
who would see our country survive the
present shock,th close his heart against
despondency, to nerve his soul to meet
reverses with undaunted firmness„.mid,,
above all, to alloW no word of discour
agement, no sign of faltering under
any circumstances, to escape from his
lips. To a free ,people engaged in 'war,
unsuccess in any operation is a misfor
tune less on account of the injury in
flicted upon the forces engaged, than
on new:ant the' discouraging effect
upon the people at home; • And evef 4 y
citizen who yields to such discourage
ment, and leads others to do so, nay,
every citizen who does not strenuously
combat such feelings of discouragement
in himself and in. others, is guilty.; of
adding to the success of the enemy.
And after all, have wo any reason to
be t discouraged ? Not if we take a ra
tional viow'of the war—not if we listen
to the teachings of 'history: Every
groat convulsion recorded can be traced .
more or less directly, to the shock when-
the onward progress orhumauity comes
into collision with deep-rooted prejudi
ces; and sooner or later these prejudi
ces-- have been forced to yield.. And
while, in Tomer struggles, it has gen
erally been the case that might And
right have been opposed, with us they
coincide, and thus we have double as
surance of success. And already the
mdun tame lieake aro lighted, up with
the'daWning of that success;' our 'fir- _
tales, recruited-and reorganized during
a period of apparent inactivity, are
now stronger and more efficient than
at any former period of the war. Un
worthy officers ha -e been removed,
and ..inenc possessing the trite' _metal
have been ,brought tforwaid. Fearless
hands have torn the veil that concealed
those hideous frauds which were suck
ing' the, 'lire blood' of the nation, and'
have hrtinded AIM perpetrators withati
infamy which will servo 'as a warning
tO others. Recentcongressional action
has pined our financial affairs- upon.a
surer ibundation, provided for an i
, n
crease of the army, 'Measured only by
its wants. Our navy is 'now the Most
formidable ever constructed, and . can
not fail, to perform efficient.. serviee
whenever called into action. , •
Contuist — with this the position' of
the rebels. %Vial a 'bad cause; with
a depreciation 'of 'their iturrency to
twice the extent of that suffered by our
own; with' the cost' of the' material of I
war at leaste times What we pay ;
With no commerce and, no revenue;
with an unreliable' working population,
which' may at tiny time become a fear
ful enemy in their midst;' with many
of their most important towns'and a
large amount of their territory wrested
from their grasp; with a powerful
force menacing them at every point;
with all this, how can they hope for a
successful issue of the struggle ! They
do not hope 'for it, Unless it be through
the faint-heartedness and vaccillation
of the North. Let us deprive them of
this prop at once „and 'forever. Let
each ono of us see 'CO it that no cow
ardly fear finds entrance into his breast,
and that no' word,' other than' f proud
confidence and unshaken resolution, be
uttered by his lips. Encourage. the
weak, rebuke the traitor,' vindicate
your Government.wheuever it is at
tacked in your presence, and you ; may
accomplish More for your country than
many in the couneffor in the field:
THE tynchburF(Va„) Republicait,
of the 6th, says : " An Augusta,,,qeor
gia, contemporary on.the .
thority of a .gentleman just returned
from the,upper part of North,Carplina,
that tenpermy nails'are,p,issing current
: at five cents, each. haye, up;
'such 'metalie LUISis for oui ehrieney
here. Our circulating mediuMS - ah,
grains of corn - representing fir cepts, l
an quids 'of tobacco 'yepreqedttnif the,
decimal." -- ,
Oct rilountepi with.occasion
caer_4o i p
the most complete, or OPY_ t 4 c.±«.491-Thm251104-
seems the mos t . totophquodt deo Mr, promptly, elcocutinCtii.
WO hoiratyli, ovary. vodOtif ot Jab. errn LW& 4 44 4 ! 4 ‘ • • 1
r ,. - PIO)(kRAMIE 5; i r ‘: i,i:l: El 1: .1. 10 i ff
- -------- RIMCs ,---- '
BALL Tly'li'fS,
.•", •" ILL READS,
LABELS, &C., - &C., &C. •
NO. 4*
It is interesting to examine thp,mlK.
terial of the 'Union rec d
ognize, among ' the hosts a
have arisen to support the'stanAtircl 'of
moral and•eivi. r)rogi•ese, so many* "rep-
resentativesofEuropean.nations:', , Not
the hired ad re nturers,w ho in dayi °bola
sold their swords to prinee.ori .potert
torte - who - might-standin - need - ofstron-g
arms! Not,,thp same,htMOTof stran
gers whO, ivar of our revo
lution„ i3truek- down: the natimer Amliri
eans. of- thati day, I Along„ witl.l„
llarAY yeomen ,of r our,,;:outitiy,.. , „'hani
cameforth' to' its support,' 'bkmr
d'anderi•thoie 'who hai'o fdtsit Yoh
workout: , and.; erumblineslykiterast:Of
ife, ; to, hreaden,and , ..deopen
in the r. r e, air f i lernopratipi e lmeripa,
The foreign born
",citizens; haV
spining to arms at tike fearl'Of tliei
ailciiited , country, have heeht urgedf.bil
and inspired by. athorongli apprbeho
tion, of, the,, freednirt, for,,:whiph,.tbey
fought, the_ benefiteage _of-thae T.T t i i )io/4
in Whieb Iheynhaysrfonrzdf -,- aAitiorty,
unknown elsewhere.-
• • Some . of 'Cho , boldest exPleilli
war.. some .0. the noblest deeds of altli
or. hcioistn and;.sellimmolatiork,,haye
thine e by these ndopted comp}
ion's iii iu ins. Th . ey have fought 'side
by side with onr •gallant conntrYinan i ,
and op the•desolatetitttld-fieltioAtere
they together.'stemtncd tide', or
bloodyre . helli,op, thcir mingled remairis
lie' in eternal ;brotheriieptl.
great significance in this. 'lt nfightly
espected''fbat all'
should spring to-, arms'at , tt'h4ir , ifo:utki
try's call.: _Put it was,noVequally.cet,
thin that. for,eigoet's ,should hq.,VO I ,SB
cleeply impressed on them_ the loyl
for the • 'hind •'6l" their adOption,
as to !day° their .peace,ftil" hotlfela
to engage lb a '•death-sttlugg,liy..-1.
But another impplse was pow_er
col_ within their hearts:, %ley
knew that if AmdricaSllC;uftl'fit i l
its 'oiier and principle;: that 'feiit'it,b,
(NV which' they had come toliretitli6
freely .under, unoppressed' by rank),
nobility,,chut:ch, ,castp,„and .Ipoge*
ta i She d ,_system ati p
the , polifj that real liberty, that, mad?
ifv'ery man neiglibeeso
long 'as , he...acted manr`ii;alEi''ilt
danger of destruction. 'They, the -eV
patiated subjects of monarchicaloonw
tries, knew that_ in republican,
lea, they enjoyed` a Mental; phistcal,
social' liberty which they nevelt kii4lY
on the 'other side of the Allantie.LL
They-Anew, the danger--tthey, felt abb
yShole misery of anyi?i ONy NV 1 ) 1 61 1 6119 - 410.
strike at the heart of die,Ammiemi
Union: They, having tastdd thelOp
of its delights after the' hitterneis
that'drained in .their own - lands; wore
-not willing to see it dashed to the:earth
and shattered , by, the ,ruclo liancls, ge
SO, when the cliff fOr
ion loyalista gather•roUnd , the: Stil't's
.and stripes, and' fight for, the safot.l' , of
their, country, there came forth from
all parts Of the loyal - States, Jo4ing
ern's-and 'clasping hands,
tive-born patridts, a hdsL Of
•determined men, whol broirght
down-trodden Europe a neW •love for
the land which welcomed theny, - Innct
Who now offered their lives hrnyely, ap e d
cheerfullylbr its defenee. If iin thing
will thoroughly knit - ton-etlier in JOrie
united brotherhood the various 'nation
alities of this, country; thislwnr fome:x
istence.will aecomplish this resplt— f
' In "eamP, hi field, ainid the
roar 'of battle', the &Omi bf the'dying,
the silent cOrnpardoliship of death; th`ey
have,,mingled, and fought,
Upon, the painful, couches-where ; these
lines are read they lie, togetherond
will clasp treirihling 'hands as thlt
feeling of brotlierhOod'Wethillp'to their
hearts at the membrYfot-past ditiigas
skareft, and' sufferings .etniured.,,ffet-
Rita . k.fivipter. , , , :• •
A Poof'Relignide,
In discassjpg_tlie,rebel, peace, ipropo
sition the Baltimore Ant aricafi tii,nflXHA
poses:ornorthern traitors to the
never_was.awer, weAniugine,
there traitor. to the,eanse,-, 77 wle i t i tfy i ty
'that tie; »e'inniter'-hOW just pr
needfuldid- not - abotintl:• - - -It"t;ad - "ik,
in the revolution which'sectired to- ds
the blessings of. free. governinent-JAted.
if the Father of, his pountry : had ; un
ceasingly' to Contend - against,
• C an,i'tl'n — iiettiir
why should we expee
now The " CopperheadS"-of'icijday
aro to the cause ottbizi TJnion.whatthe
"varies", of.the revolution were 'to/our
forefathers; and as the, ancient traitor,s
suecoeded in inacribirig their,
upon - 016'volt ofirifitm;y,:to the; 'ab
horred of all wholove• their Country
in all time, to come, other rolls.of
( niy• aro being, propprecl,
which will gibbet ,forever
( those who
vaunt their treason to' a cause
will be hall Owed in 'the heart's of thf+
good 'and Artie - whilst ' , liberty (has-ti
home on the earth.- Then;ris ofir,case
is net,singular in this - respect - , Jet,,n9t
- the - se results 'surprise any. I,teselved
to vindicate the dause_of_hurneif right's
and of human ' progress, we, inu_sli be
prepared to encountertind
treachqry'; 'to '4i - tittle' lirtively'liglaiiSt
•every , vile agency" Called to - the- indlsf
the 'rebellion. The treachery.f - in; 'ttib
loyal .States . widelt•tbe retie' chiefs
seek to foster is' but a poor„Telianee
for them, ; has already'been Toni.
gelled fo Sticeuin b, 'to 'tilde itsfdiil lino.
anients;:to_assume the Virtue: ofiatei
otisru, although It !lath i t 1104;:autl;t1.-
ery day tliat, elapses wiiiireit ,becc9p
less and. less Viriifent 7 -44S - And" IeSP
Wh'repeat-'-;--it: it - '43Bdi
v e ij a heb, : 7 7'1;,.)-7)
Fresh Flower and Glin Tleii,Bpediaritir
!Jab? 4t. , ' 4 ll 10
' • 'm.portriciV9ikif'6l4/IVoto
gr4lisht 'Book