Olght. a HUNTINGDON, PA * Wednesday morning, April 22, 1863, UNION MEETING. . A meeting of the loyal citizens of Huntingdon county was held in the 'Court House on Tuesday evening, the 14th inst. The meeting was called 'during the day, and although the no tice was short, there was a respectably large number of persons in attend ance. On motion of S. T. Brown, Esq., the meeting was organized by calling Hon. Jonathan McWilliams to the Chair. Dr. Wilson, Israel Oratlius, Miles Lewis, lion. B. F. Patton, and John Lutz were selected as Vice Pres idents, and Samuel L. Glasgow and Peter C. Swoope as Secretaries. On motion, John 0. Miles, S. T. Brown, Wm. P. Orbison, Grans Mil ler and John Williamson were appoin ted a committee to draft and report resolutions for the consideration of the meeting During the absence of the commit tee, Capt. James D. Campbell, Win. Dorriqjr., and T P Campbell, Esqs., ad dressed the meeting. Their remarks were to the point, and were received with repeated applause. The Committee having returned, re ported through the Chairman, Mr. Miles, the following' resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the existing war is a war of rebellion, long premeditated and planned "by Southern traitors, havimr '' for its object the' destruction of the best government on earth, and the establishment upon its ruins of an empire with slavery as its chief cor nerstone:—that in the execution of this treasonable purpose, numerous for tifications, arsenals, munitions of war, and other public property belonging to the Government, amounting in val ue to many millions of dollars, had been forcibly seized by the rebels in arms, whilst James Buchanan still oc cupied the executive chair as Presi dent of tho United States, and their crowning act of audacity, the bom bardment of Fort Sumter, after the in auguration of Mr. Lincoln, was but a more aggravated act of war upon the Government, in the series of acts of re bellion and War, committed, in pursti once of the preconceived design to overturn the existing Government. Resolved, That all these treasonable acts of positive war were perpetrated upon an unresisting government, be fore resort was had to a single act, of even defensive force, to repel the ag gressive force brought to bear against Revoked, That, to call the defensive action of the Governmentagainst such lawlessness as this, a war upon the .South.aial upon Southern institutions implies either a total ignorance of what constitutes a war, or a wilful de termination to conceal front public view the true character of the conduct of the rebels. .Resolved, That we do not indorse, but disavow the opinions expressed by James Buchanan in his last annual message, in reference to the rebellious State organizations, in the following language, viz : " course of events " is so rapidly hastening forward, that "the emergency may soon arise when "you maybe called upon to decide the "momentous question, whetheryou pos "sees the power, by foree of arms, to " compel a State to remain in the Tha -1 should feel myself recreant to "on "my duty were, I not to express an " opinion on this important subject:— " The question fairly stated, is, Has "the Constitution delegated to Congress " the power ter coerce a State into sub mission which is attempting to with "draw or has actually withdrawn " from the Confederacy ? If answer ed in the affirmative, it must be on " the principle that the power has been "conferred upon Congress to declare "and to make war against a State.— " After much serious reflection, I " have arrived at the conclusion that " no such power has been delegated to 4' Congress or to any other depart " limit of the Federal Government." We lament the promulgation of such .doctrines in a State ~paper coming from the' Executive of the United Buttes, us they virtually said to the rebels, go on with your Seceding Con ventions and your treasonable combi intttions. The Constitution has clothed ithe 'Government with no power to stop Ton.. ,llesoleed, That this is the very lan guage that the traitors themselves use to justify the rebellion, and it exerted snore influence in -precipitating it than could a-seere of ,prominent fire-eaters bare done byany course of action they could have adopted at the time. - Resolved, That it comes with an ill grace from the special political friends .of such an ex•functionary as this, to .charge that the war, thus encouraged by an official whose duty •it was to suppress it, is an abolition war—a 4 that the Government ought to lay ~down its arms, although the rebelsare. still in arms against it. Resolved, That any overtures for peace tendered to them by the Gov ernment, whilst they still maintain their attitude of armed rebellion against its authority, would be au ac knowledgment that it hai no self-pro octing power•, and would make the : people of the United States and their Government the objects of the scorn gnd contempt of all the enlightened Rations of the earth. Resolved, That the States Bights doctrines of the Buchanan Vallandig barn wing of the .Northern Democracy who are affording the rebels all the aid and comfort they can give them, by their denunciations of the measures adopted to crush their rebellion, are doctrines which sap the very founda tion of the riational Government, do stroy its nationality, and make the Constitution sa " mere rope of sand." Resolved, That it was the baleful in fluence of these doctrines brought to bear against Gen. Washington's Ad ministration; as they are now arrayed against Mr. Lincoln's, that caused the father 'of his c:Lmitry to give his warning legacy to posterity, in refer once to disunion sentiments, in the va rious forms in which it is found in his farewell address. Resolved, That when that illustrious patriot, in that address, used the fol lowing language, viz : " It is necessar3- " that you should accustom yourselves "to regard the - Union as the palladimn " of your happiness and you r.seeuri " that you should watch over it with a "jealous eye; that you should IMPOSE "SILENCE on any ono who shall over " DARE counsel you to renounce it ; that "you should give vent to all your IN " DIGNATION on the first effort that shall " be attempted to detach from the whole "any part of the confederation," be meant that men ought to be restrained by individual action and by the power of the government, from disseminating either by speaking or writing, disunion opinions. Resolved, That although we may have hitherto differed in our views as to the expediency of some of the mea sures adopted by our government for putting down the rebellion, we are now willing to lay aside all minor considerations and join heartily in the support of all measures adopted by our legally constituted authorities to sustain our armies, and the honor and integrity of the nation. Resolved, That the army of the Uni ted States is fighting for the govern ment of the Union, while the rebel ar my is fighting for the rebel so-called government, and those in the North who persistently attack our govern ment and its administration and en deavor to hold them tip to ridibule and contempt, are practically giving aid and comfort to the enemy, exposing our soldiers in the field to greater per ils, and are doing more harm to the cause of the Union than could any equal number accomplish in the ranks of the rebel army. On motion, it was ordered that - th proceedings be published in all the loyal papers of the county and in " Tho Press " of Philadelphia, and Harris burg " Telegraph."' . On motion adjourned. Union County Delegate Convention. Agreeably to the call of the Chair man of the Union County Committee, .Delegates from a number of the town ships met in County Convention, in the spirit of the State call, xithout•dis- Unction of party, in the - Court House, on Tuesday afternoon, April 14, 1863, and organized by calling Jomi G. liltr.Es, Esq., to the Chair, and appoin ting Dr. J. 11. Wintrode and Living ston Robb, Secretaries. The following Delegates were ad- inland to seats in the Convention Alexandria, J. J. Bellman, William Moore. Cassrillc, Dr. - 11.. L. Brown, Joshua Greenland. Cass, Jno Crdtzley, Christian Miller. Clay, Richard Ashman, S. L. Glas: gow. Crom well, I). Teague, Jos Cornelius. Franklin, Jonathan McWilliams, Samuel Wigton. Huntingdon, John C. Miles William Lewis: Orbisonia, Tbos.•E. Orbison, Caleb Kelly. Oneida, Win. Bricker, Thompson Hardy. Penn, J II Wintrode, Adam . Zeiglci Porter,L..ll : _linede, Jos. Green, Springfield, Thomas Ramsey. Shirleysbitrg, John Lutz. Shirley, Somalian Carothers. \Walker, Livingston Robb, litnr) Swoops. The Convention being organized and ready for business. Wm. Lewis moved that Jonathan McWilliams, John Lutz and Wm. Moore, Esqs., be a committee to wait upon the Perry Moore County Committee (which was in session in the Register's O(fice.) and tender to said Committee an invitation -to take scats in this Convention and to participate in the election of State Delegates and the business of the convention, which motion was unanimously adopted, and the committee retired to discharge the duty required of sem. An hour after, a committee from the Perry Moore Committee, composed of the following gentlemen, John W. Mattern, Jacob Miller, David Clark son and John W. Stonebraket:, appear ed in the Convention, and•stated that they were instructed to report that the proposition of the Convention to the County Committee was rejected, when the committee retired. A motion, was then made that this Convention proceed to elect a delegate to the State Convention, which motion was sustained and the Convention pro ceeded to a ballot, with the following result: Andrew G. Neff, . : 4 votes A. W. Benedict, . 19 " T. P. Campbell, . . 1 " A W Benedict having received a majority of all the votes was declared the Union Delegate from this County to the Union State Convention. On motion L. Robb, Dr. J II Win 4ode nt:d R, Ashman, were appointed Senatorial Conferees to meet Conferees from Bedford and Somerset, to select a Senatorial Delegate to the Uuion State Convention. The following, resolutions were offer ed by Dr. J II Wiutrode and unani mously adopted : WHEREAS, The Union State Com 'nittee having issued a call to the loyal citizens of Pennsylvania without distinc- • tiOn of party, requesting them to send delegates to a Union State Convention to be held in Pittsburg on the Ist of July next, we, representatives of the loyal citizens of Huntingdon county, having 'assembled hare to-day in the spirit of the State call, do most respect fully endorse the action of the Union State committee, and do resolve Ist. That A W Benedict be the re presentative delegate from Huntingdon county. to the Union State Convention to be held in Pittsburg, to put in nom ination candidates for Governor and Judge -of the Supreme Court, to be supported by the loyal citizens of gennsylvania ,without distinction of purl y. 2d. That -Dr. J. ti. Wintrode, Liv ingston Robb, and R. Ashman, be con : forces from this county, to meet confer ees froM the counties of Bedford and Somerset, whose duty it shall be to appoint a Senatorial Delegate to said State Convention. 3d. -That this Convention cordially endorse the efforts making by the Na tional •and State Administrations to suppress the unholy rebellion against the unity of the Republic, and that we will sustain with all our ability, our gov ernment, in every effort to be made to save our country from destruction. 4th. That the brave and true men now in the field imperiling their lives to gain victory to our arms, are enti tled to and do receive the heart's ear nest prayer of every loyal citizen, for their speedy success in defeating the rebellion—in restoring this country to peace and good fellowship, and for their safe return home to their fami• lies and friends. sth. That the brave men who have fallen—the brave men who hale been wounded—and the brave men who have lost their health in the service of their country, shall live in the memory of every true patriot. On motion, Resolved, That the pro ceedings of this Convention be pub lished in all the loyal papers of this county. On motion, adjourned. JOINT G. MILES, President. DM J. H. WI :STRODE, Secretaries. LIVINGSTON ROBB, COME ONE! COME ALL ! Union League Mooting on Saturday Evening next. Hon. GEO. TAYLOtt will address the loyal citizens of Huntingdon and vi cinity at the Court House on Saturday evening next, the 25th inst. The pub lic generally are invited to attend.— Seats will be reserved for the ladies, who - are also invited to be present. Local Items. -.l.l'etv Schedule on the Pennsylvania Rail Road.—On last Monday, April 20th, the Summer Sehddule went into operation. The time for the different passenger trains at this . Station is as follows: TRAINS EASTWARD. Philadelphia Express, 10.21 r. Fast Line, 2.27 A. M Fast Mail, • 9.21 A. ft Through Accommodation,ll.3s A. m TRAINS WESTWARD BaltiMol%) Express, 5.33 A. M Philad'it. Express, 6.22 A. M Fast Line, 7.05 r. nt Mail, 5.23 r. By reading the above, you will see that there is a considerable change in the running of the Passenger Trains eastward, by putting on the road two new trains. The Fast Mail east will be tt vety desirable one; its time here is 9.21 A. M. , and runs at the rate of the Express Train, making very few stops. The Through accommodation stops at all the stations on the. Road, and will be a very convenient train for the local travel. Passenger Car &owl Top City. —Mr. Lewis, the Superintendent of the Broad Top Rail Road, has made arrangements to run the Passenger Car up Shoups Run from Saxton to Dudley station, twice a day, conneei ing with the up and down trains from Huntingdon to Hopewell. This is a great accommodation, and was much needed. Before this was done, a per son wishing to make the connection at Saxton in the evening, was compelled to take passage on locomotive or coal train,—and sometimes when the track would be wet, you would come down as though the whole train was shot out of a Columbiad. —Painful Accident.—Last Saturday afternbon, Mr. James Hite, of McCon nelstown, in this county, an Engineer on the Penna. Rail Road, was very se verely, scalded by a plug blowing out of the boiler. He suffered very much with his hands, neck and knees. The burns are no*, considered dangerous, although they were extremely painful. The accident occurred just as the train had passed through Huntingdon. Mr. Hite was taken to Mr. Dean's Hotel, where everything was done to make him comfortable. -.71/ost. Finished—The storehouse of Mr. Wm. Orbison, jr., at Dudley.— Mr. Orbison intends keeping a stock of groceries, flour and feed, and from what we know of the demand at that point, we think he will do a good busi ness. This is the only feed store at the mines. —G. S. Slaysman, Chaplain in the army, is spending a few days with his family at Shirlcysburg. He has been on the sick list for some time, and is looking something the Worse for wear. Did you read the notice to the isidents on Hill Street, from the Bur gess, in regard to depositing ashes and filth in the street after they have been cleaned ? So much for having an effi cient officer—a man who will do his duty. We hope he will do all he prom ises to do in the notice; don't care much where it strikes. The Union League meeting at the Court House on Saturday evening last, was ably addressed by J. K. Me- Callan and A. W. Benedict, Esqs.— Several new names were added to the roll. A. Wp Benedict's vote against the resolutions offered in the House of Representatives by the rebel sym pathizers, was endorsed by the meet ing by a unanimous vote. —As the warm weather is fast ap proaching, we expect soon to see the Castiilian Garden, owned by Mr. E. C. Summers, once moro opened to the public. Everybody, old and young, are anxiously waiting for the time when . they can spend o, few evenings in that Eden resort. —A gentleman not far , from here bought a car load of potatoes in Phila delphia, last week, to retail in thi3 country. It seems ns little strange to go to the cities for potatoes td 'sell in the country; still if they can make " a nice thing of it," we don't blame them. The man Diane, who was charg, ed with insulting the women in the month of Pebruary last, and whose trial came off on the first part of last week, was found guilty and replaced in the county jail. —Not yet made public—The ap pointments of Provost Marshals foi• the different Congressional Districts of Pennsylvania. The " eanawl " is still dry in this neighborhood, although we understand our friends down stream have the wa ter in, and are getting readyfur work. _ The public schols opened on Monday last. The session will contin ue for a term of nine Months. General Buirwide's Order in full. The following is the te4of the late important order issued by xajor Gen. Burnside :. Madquarters Department of the) Ohio, Cincinnati Ohio, L, April 13th:1863. GENERAL CIADER,:r. .;qB. The Commanding General publishes for the information of all Concerned, that hereafter all persons found within onr lines who commit acts for the ben efit of the enemies of our country, will be tried as spies or traitors, and if con victed, will suffer death. This order includes the following classes of per sons : Carriers of Secret Mails. Writers of letters sent by' Secret Mails. Secret Recruiting Officers within the lines. Persons who have entered into an agreement to pass our lines for the purpose of joining the enemy. Persons found concealed within our lines belonging to the services of the enemy, and, in fact, all persons found improperly within our lines who could give private information to the enemy. All persons within our, lines who harbor, protect, conceal, feed, clothe, or in any way aid the enemies of our country. The habit of declaring tlyinpatldea• for the enemy will no longer be tole rated in this Department. Persons committing such offences will IA at once arypsted with a vices to being tried as above stated, or•sent beyond. our lines into the lines of their friends. It must be distinctly understood that treason ;:txpress:ed or .implied will not be tolerated in this Department. All officers and soldiers 'itie strictly ch'arged with the execution of this br.: der. By command of Major General A. E. BURNSIDE. • .., LiWIS RiCIDIOND, [Official.] Asst. Ajt7G - eneral. 1), R. LinNED, Captain and A. A. G.• • Improve, Tou Siyht curd Preserve Your Eyes.—A. BIRNI3AUM, Practi cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes pleasure in informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicini ty, that he has opened a Store one door west of Dr.DOrsey's, with a large and variety stock of Spectacles, com prising Convex and Concave Glasses, such as Flint, Crystal and Scotch Peb. tie, and particularly desires to recom mend the superiority of the last named Ghtsses. his theoretical as well as his practical knowledge of' Optics, and his long practice in the Occulistie science, enables him to adapt, after an exam ination of the eyes, those glasses which correspond with the defect of near, far or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted to any frame, of any shape or color.— Please, call and examine the Spectacles. Ambrotypes and Photographs taken at all times on reasonable terms. Oa. (tm. DIED, At the hospital, at camp, near Fair fax Court louse, on Friday April 17, 1863, after a few days illness, FRANK MN CHANEY, of Barre°, member of Co. C. 1-10th Regt. P. V. Frank was a good soldier, saw mtich rough service, and was highly esteem ed by his regiment. Ella= April 20, 1563. PAlrn Family Flour.. .37.00@7.:10 (7.otlmou uul Supet fine v 3,0000.26 Bye Flour Coin ........ 1,11 Whitt:Wheat Fair null !lima Red !lye Corn, Pi hue liellou Oats Clucm need, t , 64 lb Timothy Wool HUNTINGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLY. Esti a Family Floor LLI Esti a do I+ a.v.t A% late A% !mat Bed Wheat Rye Corn Oats Cloverseed Floxsoed Ut ied Apples Eggs Lard unm Slionbler sides Tall°, • S tun Post Office April IS, '63 'Jones Mary Ann, Myers Elizabeth, My els Mary Ann, Menet Matilda., Morningstar D., I I Moore J. C , Stork John, • S COHN, P. M. LIST OF LETT Remaining at Coffee I Buchanan Male, 2, Buller Cotholage Catherine, Cloth' Den.). J., En) Nail 8. G., Leith) , Elton Green John A., Coro Hun, .4pril 22, 1863. C. P. KNIGHT & BROS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN • Fish, cheese & provisions generally, NOS. 114 & 115 SOUTH WHARVES, rWL4DELPHIA, Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED & P/CSLEE Ryas, .340., viz: Mackerel, I 1314 Fish, I Beef, I Elleulderr,.l Cheese, Salmon, Marriage, Pork,' Hams, "' 'Beans. ybad,, Cod Fisk, Lard, Eider, Wee, Ac. Ai-ill TO. THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS 01? HUNTINGDON COUNTY. GENTLIOIEN;—in pursuance of the 43d Section of the Act of oth 1t1ey,1854, you are hereby notified to meet to Convention at the Court House In Huntingdon. on the first Monday In May, A. Iy, 1863, being the fourth day of the month, et 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select viva 'wee, by a majority of the whole number of Directors pres ent. one person of literary and scientific acquirements, end of skill and expetience In the art of teaching, as Cannty Superintendent for the three succeeding years; determine the 111110.11,1 of compensation for Die eame ; end cot tify the result to the State Snparintendent at Harris. burg, as required by the Cfitit and 40th Sections of said Act. It. McDIVII7, Co. Supt. April 22, 1863. of Huntingdon County. • 4,`Af T.-eV A . .111;;,,,t - PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS WES7'WA RD. , EASTWARD p... .0 • :I'. 'X. :4 0. r 1 b d F '4 1 g 1 4, P I ; ''. : 5 1 STA.T/ONI. 5,1 , 1 '4 r = t ;e: r 4 P . ',' E;.: ij f g .. . p- w_ . . > 1 6 - r. "l 51.3 , . M.I P. M.I A. M I A. M. I P. M.I A. 3,.1 P. 1.1 . 40 N. Hamilton, 12 28 54 6 05 Ml. Union,... 10 45 12 20 04 Mapleton, 12 11 09 ' ...... Mill Creek,— 12 00 13 Coal Ildding,.. 12 01 23 7 05 022 5 23 Huntingdon, 10 21 9 21 11 66 39 I 1 Petersburg,...llo 061 1.1. 40 43 Barron,- ..... .. 11 43 54 8 00 Sproceereel., 9 54 8 64 1/ 28 10 Birmingham, 11 10 19 6 21 Tylone 9 33 8 33 11 00 50 Tipton 10 48 35 ,Fostoria, 10 43 40 18 39 Bell's 51111 a,.. 9 14 8 14 10 39 00 8 20 7 401 6 55:Altoona,. 8 40 8 00 /0 22 .31.1 P. 01.1 A. M. A. M.I P. 11.1 4.11.1 4. IL The VAST LINE Eastskiid leaves 4 Altoona at 115 A M., and arrived lat./fp/41700n at 2 27 A.M. J D. CAMPBELL, * ATTORNEY AT LAW fIENTINODON, PA. Ollce In the Row, nearly oppoelto the Court llouAe. • [April IL, 1663 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNE SIIIP. • :Notice Iv hereby given th it the firm of 13. L. Neff & Co. has been dlseolved. their term of Partnership having ex pn ed ou the 28th day of February, 1863. All persons In debted will make payment on or before the first day of May. The books are left In the hands of B. L. Neff for settlement. April 15, 1801. NEW Sl , OOlC p -BOOTS & SHOES. -GEORGE SHAFFER ITna Just readied n Lugo stock of all kinds of Boots anti Shoes, %%Welt he Is prtnettd to sell at reasonable pr.!, ces. Ladies and Ocntlemen are refit:ea:A to call and inn Ids stock. fie at. continnon .20 inannfactUre Boots and BLoes t order in the best workmanlike. Manner. Ills Slain to in the east end of tbe Diamond. Iluntinplon, April 15, .MILNWOOD ACADEMY. A MALL' 'AND FEMALEf SCHOOL The next Sesid , n opens Wednesday, May Bth, and clos es but Wednesday of September. Ipettitwion_l; designed to lit young gentleman for business or college, nud to give young ladies a thorough and practical, as well us an °momenta, education. Com petent teachers will ho provided for every depot Intent The young ladies and gentlemen occupy buildings entire ly separate. Boarding, Tuition. de., per Session, $55,00 31thdc, hitt, lug, Ft end!, Lc., extra. For further pal ticulars, address W. IL WILLIAMSON, Shade (lap. April 15,1863. Huntingdon Co., Pa. POTATOES- 7 -POR SEED AND rANI . ILY USE, The attention of Formers. Slot chopper's, and others, is s invited to our large stock of all the differ ont oar fence of FA'IUIiS, lorplanting'or con•aurrotfon. which bas been selected with great Carl', 1111 , 1 parties tonchaqing; eau rely upon getting The article [lntl may want and . ithout tnH rcpresentatluu. WO hive loin. 111 slot 0, and at riving, the foliou log vat iriles :—Mrlinr." Mercers. Iline :Mercers, White Mercers Jackson Whites, Prince Alberts, Buck E 3 es Peach Blau s, Carter e. Weed Seedling, Pink E 3 es, Early Junes. Early Pink cc. Early Dyliernou. Early :Aram lien ry, Michigan W. Sprouts—Ruin various sections of tire country, Sat th, West :null East. _ • All infornoltion o ill be cheei fully given of tho [lmlay, end• enltivotion -of the .different varieties. We o ill sell in lots to suit inticlsoits, at looest nholesole lit:ill:et pried. ' All eiders by mall or otherwise, necetripanied nith the cash. promptly attended to. 'WOODRUFF & 0110, Produce nod Commi•miou No. 4 ARCII St., and 54 North Wharves, Phihula Apt it 15,-ISW-st. 186 3 . ciRRING AND SUMMER 'FA SII/OINTS ROBT. KWIC, MERCHANT TAILOR, hill St, one . door wool of Car MOll'3 Store, IRS A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEIfEX'S DRESS GOODS. Ills assottntent consists of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINGS, the neat st and best that could be found in the city, all of which ho will take ,leasure in exhibiting, and sulking up to order. It w ill cost nothing to call and examine hla goods Call loon. Runtingdon, Apt • E GREENE, 61M° tY• DENTIST. Office removed to oppeeito the Ezebenge Hotel, on Beihoed street, Huntingdon, Da. April 7,1889. TAVERN LICENSES.- The following persons Imo filed In the office of the Clerk of the Com t of Quat ter Sessions of Huntingdon, their petitions for licenses to keep Inns or Taverns in said county, and shirk hill be presented to tin Judges of said court on tht fourth Wednesday of April next, for al lowance, to wit: John But Os. Barnet. Thos. G. S apletou, Blairsville. W. C. WAGONER, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Huntingdon. April 7,1863. - WANDS AND SIIADES. W ILLIA VF, N 0.16 North Sixth Street, Phil Innutnetilier or - VENITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. • $l.OO nil.oo .$1,6;001.70 4 , 11-The largos( and finest assortment in the city. at the lowest prlree. Blind. pointr.d and Trimmed equal to now. Store Shades made and lottored. April 7, 1.563-thn 55.25@5,52 $1,75@)2.25 .....BU@o2c SQPIICIAL NOTICE.- On and after JULY let, ISO, the privilege of con- WI ling the present Issue of LEGAL TENDEIt NOTES IN TO TILE NATIONAL SIX PElt CENT. LOAN (commonly called —Fho.Twouties") will cease. All who wish to incest in the Five Twenty Loan must, therefore, apply before the let of JULY next. 7,00(1 ; 7.25 1,40 JAY COOKS, Subscription Agent, Apt 7,1863-3 m. No. 114 S. Third bt., Philadelphia. NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN - HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER COMING, Which lie offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT TILE TIMES. Ilia Stock consists of Ready-made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &C., SC. Should gentlemen deer° any particular kind or cut of clothing not found in the Wok on hand, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at abort notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, user Lange Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon, April 7,1163. Five-Twenty United States Loan 113 E LL, GARRETTSON & CO., of Huntingdon, are..Subeeriptlen Agents to dispose of tle Flee Twenty years United States Loan.. Amounts can lx, bad to suit Hie means of diarent individuals; the itacrest to to peyablu and to be aoetrqntal for ball yearly in gold. (3f arch 13,,1163-31p. B. L. 11 BIT, JACOB lIA R.NCAME TERMS 1863. TH E .1863. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK 014 WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now rcad3' for inspection and sale, U il LEWIS' . Book, Stationery and Nude Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES FE LOWER PRICES Than thtt same article can be bought in Pbilacielphia Or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering) FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &e., &e Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. 1 - XECUTORS' NOTICE.- 1 _4 4 [Estate of Owen Boat,deed 3 etteng teetaroeutary upon the ist will and testament of Owen Boat, tote of the borongh of Huntingdon, deed., hero been granted to the undersigned. All persons ln. &Med era rusticated to matte immedtato payment, and these Laying elale39 will present them properly &inroad. cited to us. SAM Uhl. :C. BROWN, April 7,169341. OHAFFUB MILLER, Executors, COACH SHOP FOR RENT. Stock Tools R 3 Machinery for Sale. rrHE UNDERSIGNED EXEC U . - j_ TORS of the hat will of Owen Boat, late of the bor ough of Huntingdon, deceased. offer at private aide, all the stock and fixtures belonging to the Carriage Manu- factory of the deceased, consisting of a complete assort:. Blunt of Iron, Blacksmith's tools, Palate, Varnishes, Trimmings and materials for wood work, and some un finished work. Time will be given on good security. The shop is a large frame building, comprising a wood shop and solo room below, and a paint shop and trimming shop on the second story—four rooms lu black• smith shop adjoining. The shops u 11l be leased 'branch time as may be agreed on. The shop has had a large custom for several years poet, end is considered one of Ohs best locations in the State. SAM L. T. BROWN, Match 51,1563. GRAFFUS DULLER, Executors A Rare Chance for Teachers • AT TUE ar • Kishacoquillas Normal School S. Z. Sti Principal and Proprietor. Rev. S. It. MetIONALD. Professor of Languages J. E. RIGHTER, I'rofeoeor of 3lsnilc. This Institution Is located in one of the most healthy and beautiful sal eyz in I'enno3lvania, and surrounded by a highly moral Anil intelligent community. Special attention paid to thu training of Teachers—tho course of study being !droller to that of the State Normal School at Millersville, while the cost nill be little over half no high. Apply for cheater to S. Z. SIIARP. March 31-3e o ffishocoquillxs, Milllin co.. Pa. it.DMINISTRATOII'S NOTICE. [Estate of Daniel P. Brumbaugh, deed.] Letters of Administration upon tile estate of Daniel P. Ilitimbaugh, into of Hopewell township, deed., having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons has ing claims upon tire estate are requested to present them to the undersigned. and all nelsons knowing themselves indebted will make immediate payment. E. P. BRUMBAUGH, March 31, 1863—Gt." Administrator. ADMINISTII ATO R'S N °TICE.- Lettere of Administration have been granted to the undersigned open the estate of Abram Lewis, late of 31ount Union, Shirley township, Huntingdon county, de ceased. All persons indebted will make payment, and those tinting claims, present them, properly authenticut tol, to us. :TAMES WILSON, Henderson .105. C. SECH LER, :Mount Union. Morel, 24, ISC3. -Gt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- [Estate of Job Shin, dee'd ] Letters of Administration upon the estate of Joh Shin, late of Cromu ell township. Huntingdon co., deed, hav ing been Fronted to the undetnigned, nil persons having claims against the estate aro requested to present them to the'nndersigned, and all persons indebted mill make im mediate payment. =9 V.XettersECIJTOIt'S NOTICE.- [Estato of Henry Lloyd, deed.] Testamentary upon the last .will and testament of Henry Lloyd, late of Walker township, Huntingdon County, deceased. have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted are requested to make Immediate payment. and those has Mg claims will present them prop erly authenticated to us. March 23, 1863-6 t. JAMES. 31. LLOYD. Executor SEEIRLEYSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY. The ocrenteentli session of thin Institution under the present Principal Au ill open on Monthly, May 4th. It will be removed to a building nearer the centre of the 'tillage, and the Instruction will be, no heretofore, liberal and tho tough. Grateful for the confidence reposed In him, the incipal will endeavor to deserve, cud Ito hopes to re ceive a generous patronage. A class of your.g men will be received for Instruction in clansics, mathematics, book keeping, E . .e. For minute information, apjfly to .I.I3.KIDDLII, Principal. March 24, 18 , i3. —St. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS Cl FOR SALE. The subeeriber offers at priests sale the property ha Intnow occupies in North-onset Huntingdon._ The house innstwo-story frame. There is a lot of choice fruit trees upon the premises. For terms call upon the subscriber, March 3, 11,63. A. J. WHITE. NURSERY STOCK.-- TREES, VINES, SHRUBBERY, &C., FOR SALE At the lowest cash price.. A. 3 17 1 7H7,7H Nth. 3. North-east Huntingdon TIESSOLUTION OF PARTNE R SHIP. the partnership heretofore existing between John M. Cunningham and ‘Villiam Cunningham, and carrying on the Huntingdon foundry under the firm of Cunningham & Brother, has horn by mutual consent, this eighteenth day of March, 1563, dissolved, and all the debts due to said firm are payable to John M. Cunningham, who will pay all the debts of the name. J. M. CUNNINGHAM, W. CUNNINGHAM. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY.- The business of the Said foundry will hereafter be carried on by the undersigned, who wilt bo at all times ready to make castings of all kinds, promptly and at moderate rates. All persons having an attled accounts with the Into Junior, will come forward and settle the same. J. M. CUNNINGHAM. March 31, 1603.-1 m.* COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for rale by JAMES A. 1311PIVN Ci.ALL at D. P. G WIN'S if-you want fashlonablo Good, • FOR. PRESENTS TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR 01 - KOREN, CALL AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE OU will fwd. the Largest. and .13eat it e Roo toyAt of Lafilee Dien a?...xligt r. 9-01ss.. rivox FRUIT rAtm AND 'till- ••t • • For miry' year!' 1,6 bare linple pi) ailtAntloa of IDIALL FRUITS . , , . . . • a oeetalty, and taking !pto *count •VAILIETY . , QUAX TITY and, QUALITY, our stock Br yrtizs' sza eLiZen . . of .. .. GRAPES, . - - BLAOIKEERRIEB, GOOSEBERRIES, - OBRRATITS, - Set:, Is unequaled anywhere, which we offer en the yinst'ye;.o.. ruble terms. Parties wishing td purchase would do well to correspond with no, or send for our FMCS LIST which will be sent to all applicants freikoffillares. , , OUR SEED STORE AND HORTICULTIP RAL HOUSE - IS AT NO. 29 FIFTH stittitz' ------- whereall article!, belonging to each an' estliblialiWill enn be had or tha boat quality. NM 18. N - ' Box 255, PlttabrirgbvPa. • • STRAW GOODS OP ALL MB NW *yrn.F.B„, For Ladies, Misses, and Wear: Preach and etinotican BONS, and n general assontheirtot WrILLINEIRY 000D41, at tho lowest cash prices—Wholesale and N'efota... ; • MILLINERS will constrlt theft taterpai by mai-M[Bl4 my stuck before making their pastimes: ,- • TFM, EEN.S=l;*.t• ' • Na. 218 _ Philadelphia, March 18, 1863-2 tn. 11OWARD ASSOCIATION, .' •-tIL.O;LPILI: evolent Institution established by epecial g u a for the Belie of the Sick and .Dielreseeet, afflicl= Virulent and Epidemic Discern, and especially for th Cgre.of .Diseases of the Serual-Drgaus. Medical Adelee glean gTatle, by the Acting Surgeon. -. . Valuable Reports on SpennatorrLcea, and other Dietsagell of the Se`xual Organs, endue the now Itemedtes enisgloye4 In the Dispensary, cent to the efflieted instated, letter ask Telopes, free of charge. Two or three Stiantue for pastille! Wilt-be acceptable. Address, DR.J. SKILLEN lIMIGUTON, Acting Sun, geDD, Howard AgnoClatlon, No. g South Ninth Street,Pkli• adelphla, Pa. By cadet. of the Dhoctosi. 1,7. RA H. lid./BIWNIS, 2"residast. - GEO.IPAIRCHILD, kccretary. Dee. 31, 1t162.-ly. PHOTOGRAPH.GALLERY; ON•BILL STREET, A few doorinest of Lewis' 'BoOk Store, Photographs and AnThrotypes Taken M.CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS. ' " fs."7"fr-4... `, READING ;RAIL -. ROAR , WINTER ARRANGEMENT. • CIREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE. North and . North-West _for .12111LADSLPM/lilo, I . olor, ItELDINCI, PoTTSVILLE, LE.ILOON, ACLERICTINTUVIRW,.. Trains loon lawman° for PHILADYLPRIC, ReW-TO!irft. READING, Porravina, and all Intermediate Statlonecatir, A. M.. and 200 P. M. Ninv-Yong Explere 10111:013 HARRISBURG at 3.15 A. 31., al , riving nt ERB-Tons at 10.3011t0 Mme morning. Pares from HARRISBURG : To Exya.Yonir., $515; to Pane enrxanin, $5 35 and $1 80. Baggage checked through. Returning. tenon Eris-Tone at 8 A. 51., 12 Noon, andA P. 31. (VITTSBURGII Enonuos.) LGOAT PIIILADIAPHIA at 8' 15 A. M., nod 3.30 P. M. Sleeping enre in the 3.4 . W.Y01tzt. EEPUBsS Mutsu, through to and fro. PlTTBlinttall Without change. Passengers by the CAT/MISS , . Roll, Mood leave Pont CLINToti at 5.15 A. 31., for •PIIILADELPIIIA and all Intertie• diate Stationer., and pt 8.25 P. 11, for kanaminiA, Now. Irons, and all Way Points.' Trains leavikprws•trieuxiat PITILIORLIOTTA and Wan:Vent ; and at 5.80 P. 111., for AUBURN and Pont CLINTON only, connecting for Ping Ortovx and with the CAT tiVISHA hail Road; and returning from Reiman at 8.15 A, M., for POTTSVILLE. An Accommodation Passenger BEADING it - 0.30 A. M., and returns front PHILADELPHIA at 4.30 P.M. 4c All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Porrsvitax at 7.30 A. 51., Mid AULADELPIIIA at 3.15 P. 51. .. • COMMUTATION, MILEAOE, Srasoa, and Eiowestox T at reduced rates to and (rani all papas. • 4••• . NICOLL% Coital 3uperintendent. Nov. 20, 1602 I -I. UNPIN G DON &BROAD TOP' RAILROAD.--CHANa E OF On and after WedneideP, Norenibst 1.0tb,180204,14n. ger, Trains will arrim and depart as follower. lEEMMIM VrATI°Na Evon'g I Morn'g Morn'S 3 / "l e g AND P. M. lA. Di. I --P.M. 1 P. . 1 SIDINGS. ILE 2011Tuntingaon, 40131cConnellstown„ ' 48i Pleasant Grose,— alialarklealiurg ' 20 [Mace Run. 201 (tough & Ready,.: 40 Cove. 44 I:Wier's Summit,. I ta n ?glP . ' ithn ~, I 351Riddlemturg.,,.. Ls 3 1] 4 00 4 09 4 24 4 40 4 48 6 03 6 04 6 20 5 45 *R 555 ISAAO ASHTON, Adminfßtratur. iTTRIT ..... 9 32 , Coalmont • • 9 40 Crawford ALIO 09 Dudley. IBroad Top City I WHEELER & WILSON'S o SEWINO g `.'l MACHINE. g R. A. O. KERR, ALTOONA, PA rt. tl AGENT FOR DLAIR , 'ANO HUNTINGDON COUNTIES. S,NOSUI.AI .2 k uaaaarua: HESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT ted to be the best over offered to the public, and t lair superiority is satisfactorily established by the act that to the last eight years, • - - of these machines have been sold than of any other mute ufactnred, and morn Medals Tiara been awarded the pro prietors by difterent Fella and Instilass than to any oil, ere. - The Hachines ere' warranted kaftan theble claimed for them. They are now in nee in several families In Al. tootle, end in every ease they gtye entire satiafaetten, The Agent refers those desiring information as to the emporia' By of (ho Machines, - to A. W. Benedict, Joseph Watson, B. H. Turner and E. E. Beitieman. The Ittschines Cali be eomarat examined at , the store or the Agent, at Altooni, Price of No. I Machine, silver Plated, glass foot andneW style Hemmer—W. No. 2, ornainental bronze, glass foot and new style Hemmer—VS. No.B, plain, with old style Hemmer-1M Pot. 21, 1862,1 y.. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE.STATIONERY, LADIES AND GENTLE }TEN, EVER RECEIVED IN RUNTINGDON. AT LEW ' IS' BOOS, iTATIONERIt ANH MiTSl6sTo*ri. pApEn. I-PAPER!! TAPER 1! t Tracing Paper, Impreaalon Paper.. ' Drawing Paper, -' . Tirana Paper; , Bilk:Palm for Flowery; Perforated Paper, • Flat Cap Paper, • , - Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, .Conatnelcial !into ranert'. -‘• alit Edged Letter and NatoPapery Ladies' pinta apd Fumy Noto Paper„ White and Wore* C a rd Paper, in Picks and Resta. For ealo at LEWIS' Book. Stationery and Monte 1At0a0.,,, LADIES L .A.TWENTIOtI BALM,ORALS, a handsome lot just recolveddirtiot from Now Turk, by mum &BON. IT HE larpet thieVerflitia - #4:.:; t o m 4. • -4184t,f,4.44.%) SERIES. STRAWBIERRLEIS,, BIRNBAtIM'S ,-, .~ ItUNTINGDON, in the Beat Style. DOlri Tit kiNi AOl2 3014 s 14 12 101 49 12 021 41 11 gl 25 1 11 22 06 3 11 10 7 60 11 08 7 46 1 9 , 50 1: 7 7 g 19 251 8 60 !..6 10 1512 s 8 40 ei - 10 50 10 30 10;25 , m. 10.16 A: OVER 1,400 MORD, - CAN NOW 1.3 E. HAD.