The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 15, 1863, Image 1

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Friday, April 10, 1863.
MR. EDITOR the following lines
meet your approval I should be pleased
to see them in the columns of the Globe.
They bear the music of "Homeward
Bound." Respectfully,
Far from the home of my heart's early pride—
Onward I go, onward go ;
Fearlessly stemming the great human tide,—
Onward I go, onward go ;
Madly and recklessly rushing along,
Striving for right—oft enduring the wrong—
Wildly I wander, thus ever my song—
" Excelsior, onward go."
Manfand oft the obstructions I meet,--
Still onward go, onward g. ;
Ever undaunted, my poor willing feet
Still (inward go, onwaril go ;
Madly I strayed far away from the fold,
Grappling with dangers forever untold,
Hopefully wending my way titre' the world,—
Still onward go, onward go.
Jusner. and Hosea still ever my theme,—
As on I go, on Igo ;
Charity ever within me supreme,--
As on I go, on I go.
Fain would I succor the weary, oppressed;
Open my purse to the pour one distressed ;
Strive a ith them that ev'ry wrong be redress'd,
As on I go, on I go.
Many the wrongs I endure from the world,
Trudging along, trudging on;
Since miture's flag I so proudly unfurled,—
Trudging along, trudging on.
Oh, what a sigh as I think of the wrong—
Cruel, unnatural, unchristian wrong—
Received from the world as I trudge along.—
Trudging clung, trudging on.
"Jinn's inhumanity to follow man,"—
Mournfully true, mournful truth.
Christian and Infidel cherish the plan,—
Mournfully true, mournful truth.
Of salvation plans pray talk not to me,
'm weary such prating as weary can be;
od trill deal JuntLattreen me and thee,--
• Righteously rue, righteous truth.
Huntingdon, April 8, 1863.
IFor the cloth.}
..13y . 713 E UNKNOTV:i
"And ye ellen hallow - the rotten,
Liherty throughout the land unto nll the inhabitente
thereof: it ch.tll he ti Jubilee unto you, and ye 0.111 11 turn
every mm unto MY posien4m, and ye shall return every
men unto Mx rdnally.u—Lev. xxv, 10.
All the institutions of the children of
Israel were connected with God. They
led them to think of God, and to reflect
on Him. God prescribed their religion
in all its ordinances and observances.
lle constructed on the eternal princi
ples of justice, wisdom, and benevo
lence, the entire system of their politi •
cal government. He organized one
Commonwealth and placed all its
members under the same Divine laws.
The entire social policy of the Israel
ites was constituted in harmony with
the mind of the Eternal, and the rights
and duties of man. Their political
economy was ordained of God and in
tended as a mode/ for the world. The
frame-work of their social system and '
the externals of their religion led them
to think of God, as an ever-ruling and
ever-presiding Deity. The raiment
that Israel wore, the water that well
ed from the flinty bosom of the rock,
of which they drank, and the "angels'
food "• that fell avowal their camps, of
which they ate, were designed to teach
them the existence of a merciful, gra
cious and loving God: The very boa
se of the Jewish flimiliej were connec
ted with God. The blood-stained lin
tels and door-posts marked the Israel
itish dwellings in Egypt; for when thee
Angel of Death beheld the blood, he
passed by, and smote all the first-born
in the land, both of man and beast.—
The land of promise was also connect
ed with God : " The land shall not be
sold for ever; for the land is_ mine; for
ye are strangers and sojourners with
The Bible—God's own book—pro.
claims loudly, distinctly and audibly,
that the earth is the Lord's. Read yo,
"And Moses said unto him, (Pharaoh,)
so soon as I am gongout of the city, I
will spread abroad my hands unto the
Lord ; and the thunder shall cease,
neither shall there be Any more hail ;
that thou mayest know that the earth
is the Lord's." Read also, "Behold, the
heaven anti the heaven of heavens is
the Lord's thy God, the earth also ; and
all that therein is." Read another
portion of the Word of the I4ord c "The
earth is the J l ord's, and the fullness there
of; the world, and they that dwell
The government of Israel was foun
ded on. an equal agrarian law. The
land was God's legacy to those who
occupied and cultivated it, God gave
them the entire land-in all its rights,
advantages and appurtenances. It
belonged to them as the occupiers and
tillers of the soil. They inherited it
from God—the sole Proprietor of all
the earth. "The beavon, even the
heßvens, are the Lord's; but the earth
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WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
bath he given to the children of men." In
every state, government, or nation,
there are two classes of men very apt
to arise—the avaricious aristocracy, and
miserable paupers. Now both these
were prevented from arising in the
theocracy of Israel.
There arc men, covetous men, who,
as a common sponge, absorb the profits
of industry and toil. They spoliate
others to enrich themselves. They
amass riches from the sweat, aye, and
from the blood of others. Thoy add
house to house and field to field, and
growing proud, become' like Nebuch
adnezzar, win , when he looked upon
Babylon, with its lofty walls and bra
zen gates, its hanging gardens and
glittering towers, exclaimed, in' the
pride of his heart, " Is not this great
Babylon, which I have built ?" - even
so, this class of men, of covetous capa
city, Nebuchadnezzar-like, proud in
heart, and rich in wealth, are ever
ready, on beholding their vast do
mains, to exclaim with Selkirk of uld :
"Tam monarch of all I sum cy.
Of mr right thole is 10,10 to
Men of this stamp could never have
arisen in Israel, for God declared "the
land is mine,—ye are strangers and so
journers with me." I havO divided it
among your tribes and according to
your families, and however it may be
sold or mortgaged, at the sound of the
Jubilee trumpet it shall return to each
family's own possession according to
my division of the land.
But again: there was another class
of men that never could have arisen
under the Commonwealth of Israel; I
mean the miserable paupers, a race of
beggars—the very bane of successful
industry and national prosperity,
which, like the locusts of Egypt, de
vour the fruit of the land, blighting do
mestic happiness and plenty, and leav
ing poverty, discontent and desolation
in their course.
Families might be reduced to abject
poverty for a time. They might be
obliged to sell their possessions, `or be
come bond-men and bond-maids, but
the Jubilee trumpet proclaimed resto
ration of ancestral property and liber
ty to the captives. Let me notice Ist,
the Jubilee ; and 2nd, its consequences.
The Jubilee trumpet of old conveyed
no articulate sound. It did not speak
articulate words. It was the voice of
the living man who breathed into it,
that ct.uqed the vibration of the air
whereby , the sound was conveyed.—
The sound reached the spirit within,
through the outward car ; for the
trumpet's voice spoke audibly and in
telligibly to the spirit. Even so the
sound of the Gospel reaches the soul
through the outer car. "Hear„ and
your soul shall live." Hear Jesus say
ing to the weary and the heavy-laden
—"Come unto me and ye shall find
rest." Hear him saying to the hungry
soul—"I am the bread of life." Hear
Hint saying to the sick—" They that
be whole need not a physician, but
they that be sick." Hear Him saying
to the thief on the cross—" To-day
shalt thou be with me in Paradise."—
Hear Him praying for his very mur
derers—" Father, forgive them, fur they
know not what they do !" Hear Him
fter his resurrection, saying to his
ilisc4ples—"All power is given unto
min Heaven and in earth. Go ye,
therefore, and teach all nations, bap
tizing them into the name of the Fa
ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy
-Ghost; teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded
-on, and, lo ! I am with you always,
even unto the end of the world."—
Hear Him pleading in heaven, power
fully, irresistibly S and all-prevailingly
on behalf of all his people in every land
and in every clime. "Him the Father
heareth always." "He ever liveth to
make intercession for us."
Jesus sounds the Jubilee trumpet of
the Gospel, and we are but "ambassa
dors" for Him, beseeching you in His
name to be reconciled unto God.
The Jubilee trumpet sounded on the
great day of atonement. "Then shalt
thou cause the trumpet of the Jubilee
to sound on the birth day of the sev
enth month, in the day of atonement
shall ye make the trumpet sound
throughout all your land."
• The Gospel is an empty sound apart
from the atonement of the Lord Jesui
Christ. Apart from the finished work
ofJesus, preaching is vain, and hearing
is also vain. The Gospel is our Jubilee
trumpet, sounding forth salvation, free
and full, through our Lord•and Saviour
Jesus Christ. It proclaims "liberty
to the captives, and the opening of the
prison to them that are bound." It
jubilates freedom, and directs the sin
bound and Satan•led captives to look•
for life and liberty and peace and joy,
to Jesus, the mighty Deliverer. "If
the Son make you free, you shall be
free indeed 1" or as the poet has well
"ao is the freeman wbona the troth makes free,
And all pro gimes bt,ide.”
. But the Jubilee trumpet sounded
i -throughout all the land—oh ! how ear
-1 nestly and joyfully did the Jewish
slaves look forward to the year of Ju
bike, when the sound of the trumpet
throughout all the land would proclaim
that the years of slavery were ended,
and set the sons and daughters of bon
dage free !
Oh ! how the peal of the trumpet
would reverberate from the snowy tops
of Lebanon down to the " ancient Ki
shon "--oh ! how it would echo along
the waters of Jordan to the utmost
border even of Edom's land—oh ! how
it would ring from Dan even to Beer
sheba—proclaimi6g freedom to the
bond-slaves, absolution to every debt
or, and restoration of property to eve
ry family.
By vi,rtue of the Jubilee institution,
all suspended rights were restored, and
every family regained possession . of its
ancestral inheritance, while the bond
slave, the debtor, as well as every hired
servant of the Jewish race obtained
their liberty. -
LIBERTY ! What a blessed word—a
word of electric virtue. the birthright
of every rational man ! Liberty ! not
to one individual, family or tribe, but
to "all the inhabitants of the land."—
Oh ! if personal freedom be sweet, how
much more "the glorious liberty of the
children of God !" This is liberty,
Which monarchs canna. grant, nor all the powers
Of earth and hell confederate talco away;
A ',belt', which persecution, frau
Oppression, prisons, have no power to hind; -
Which mho so tastes, con be enslav'd no muro
'Tis lihet ty of hearl, deris"d final luoven,
Procured tt itli Ids Mood %tho gave it to ntankind,
By eltartet , sanctioned burn,
Ity the unimpeachable and no fah o tth
And [itemise of a God. Ilia other gifts
All bear the Royal stamp, that speaks them Ills,
And are august I—hut this transcends them all."
Even so, the gospel, my dear read
ers, proclaims "liberty--the glorious
liberty of the children of God," the
forgiveness of "our debts" through
the Lord Jesus Christ, and the restor
ation of a better inheritance than Par
adisaic bliss, even " a heavenly," where
we shall be put in the full possession
of our everlasting habitation, behold
the Captain of our salvation in his un
clouded splendor and dismantled beau
ty, andrmjiiT the immediate vision
and fruition of God forever.
„We proceed to notice secondly, the
conseqUenees of the Jubilee; Ist, Liberty,
and 2d, Restoration of Property:
Liberty ! glorious sound ! ” And
ye shall hallow," says God," the fifti
eth year, and proclaimliberty through
out all the land unto all the inhabi
tants thereof."
We know of no permanent and ra
tional liberty apart from the gospel of
Christ,. An open Bible and a pure
faith are the only firm buttresses of
free institutions. "Religion," says
the eloquent Kossuth, the incarnation
of Democratic principles—the Apostle
of Liberty—a Protestant not only by
birth, but also by ktinizietion, " Reli
gion," says he, " is the only basis on
which the broad development of free
dom can rest." It is impossible, read
ers, that either an ignorant or a vic
ious people can be a free people. The
rational principles of religion and the
republican principle7s of government
must be blended tog s ether, otherwise
the latter cannot exist.
Take, for example, -infidel France.
In the year 1848 a Republican form of
government was proclaimed by the
people of that land. -Liberty-trees
were Planted—a President elected—
but alas! what a vast change has come
to pass of late I The Republic no o more
—the liberty-trees cut clown, (per
haps to warn! the people,) and Napole
on, " the shadow," a traitor to his
country—a master in satanic villainy.
And why all this ? Because the
French soil is mixed with the rich soil
of gospel truth. Row vastly different
this land! But what are we tending
to ? The foundation of American In
dependence was laid by Protestants!
—men well instructed hi the truths of
the gospel—and the superstructure is
what it is—a beacon-light to suffering
humanity in other portions of the
globe. We know what Liberty and
Freedom is,—let 115 then beware of all
such who are vio'ating every tie of hon
or which bound us together, and who
have brought us into a bloody conflict
with those who we once loved as broth
ers. They are determined to destroy
everything which was once near and
dear to them—even Liberty itself. We
know what liberty is, therefore let us
cling to that glorious Union in which
we have lived for 85 years—uphold
and defend it.
The Commonwealth of ancient Isra
el had justice for its foundation, free
dom for its crowning stone, and hu
man happiness for its glory. God was
their Sovereign. God was their Law
giver. God was Iheir Landlord. On
the great day of Atonement, when the
victim had been slain, the nigh Priest,
the honored ono of the tribe of Levi,
entered into the Holy of Holies, and
sprinkled the blood upon and before
the mercy-seat, and then followed his
prayers for the people. On that day
the jubilee proclamation of freedom
sped throughout the land. The peel
ing sound of the silver trumpet burst
the lock of servitude, and brought
back the loved one to the embraces of
his family—a brother to the secret
companionship of his 'sisters—a debt
or from his prison -house, and the sold
or mortgaged inheritance to its right
ful possessor.
Secondly. /?esto,wtion to Property.—
And ye slnkll return every man unto
his possession."
If the land were equally divided
among the inhabitants of any country
in the world, there is not much likeli
hood that it would remain long so di
vided. There would be poor and
rich. God's word assures us that " the
poor shall never cease outof the land,"
an d o ur Lori himself declares to his
immediate foilowers. "Ye have the
poor always with you."
The poor are not to be ‘7lespised be
cause they are poor, nor are they to be
robbed or plundered by lordly•oppres
so2s. " Rob not the poor," says God,
because he is poor; for the Lord wit:
plead their cause, and spoil the soul of
those that spoiled them." Road also,
"The robbery of the wicked shall de
stroy them, because they refuse to do
judgment," or, as it is in the original,
"justice." We also read," Thou shalt
not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob
The Continent of Europe is at pres
ent convulsed with various plans for
regeneration. The people arc groan
ing under insufferable oppressions, ty
ranny and bondage, and can appreci
ate our own difficulties. The abso•
lute, despotic, anti-Republican powers
of Europe aro trembling. The cry is
for liberty and equality—fin. the re
generation of States and Empires and
Nations—aye, for universal emancipa
tion—and this cry is ringing through
out all Europe, even from the German
ocean to the Mediterranean sea—and
from the striait.
dandles. The 'greatest-statesmen - on
both sides of the Atlantic are decided
ly of opinion that Europe is on the eve
of a general war. The approaching
storm, will shake, we doubt not, with
Titanic force, the ancient and lordly
structures to their very centre, (for
their hypocritical conduct towards the
best government upon the face of the
cart h,) and when-they shall totter and
fall, as fall they will, unless they re
pent of their conduct toward us, and
when down, 0, God I may they never
rise any more at all for evcr. The
waves of discontent and popular feel
ing have been assailing the " ugly
rock " of despotism from year to year,
as the steady flux and reflux of the
tide the majestic cliff. Anti now, the
ocean seems gathei4ng up its mighty
billows that shalt ere long be discharg
ed upon it with terrible fury, till OA
shall be forced to succumb and then be
buried forever in the bosom of the
vastly deep."
They Echo the Resolves of the Vol
unteers I
At a mooting of the officers of the
176th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia,
held March 26th, the following resolu
tions were adopted unanimously, after
which, upon being presented' to the
non commissioned officers and privates
of the whole regiment, were likewise
adopted with the greatest enthusiasm,
without a single dissenting voice:
WHEREAS, We the officers of the
176th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia,
now stationed at Beautbrt, South Car
olina, citizens of Lehigh and Monroe
counties, Pennsylvania, believing it
due, not only to ourselves, but to our
friends and neighbors at home, regard
less of party, that we should give a
public expression of our honest convic
tions of duty towards the Federal Go
vernment, which we have sworn to
serve, and whose arm wo should
strengthen, as well by our voices as
our swords;
And whereas, It has been apparent
to every soldier in the field, that the
enemy to the prosecution of the war,
at home, not less than the open rebel
in the field, is calculated to weaken the
energies of the Republic in the strug
gle for national life; therefore, •
Resolved, That we, view with indig
nation and contempt the continued
movements of individuals at the North,
having for their object the virtual sup
pression of enlistments or drafts, by
the cry of peace and conTromise, as
well calculated, While it tends to Wea
ken the efforts of the executive for the
suppression of the rebellion, to strength
en the rebels in their unholy endear
trs to destroy the American Union.
Resolved, That this Government has
a rightful claim upon the allegiance of
every citizen; and he who stands in
the way of its rightful authority, and
fails in his fealty thereto, by a mani
fest opposition to its public acts for
the suppression of the rebellion, is a
traitor to the Government, and should
be held in strict account therefor.
• Resolved, that we view the proclam
ation of the Presinent for the emanci
pation of the slaves of rebels, and the
subsequent action of Congress in the
" Conscript Act," in arming the same
for public service, as well calculated to
invigorate and strengthen the nation
al cause, by affording the black man
the privilege of fighting for his liberty,
while aiding by his willing co-opera
tion, the loyal army in the suppression
of the rebellion.
Resolved, That we hail with joy the
patriotic movements of loyal citizens
in New York and other sections of
the North, regardless of party, for the
vigorous prosecution of the war; the
'patriotic speeches of those eminent
IDemocrats, John Van Buren, James
T. Brady and Judge Daly, at Cooper's
Institute, New York, endorsing the
acts of the last Congress,
extraordinary power on the President,
and their deflantrebukes of treason in
every shape and in all localities.
Resolved, That while we hail with
inexpressible pleasure the patriotic res ;
olutions adopted by the loyal Legisla
ture of Ohio, we burn with indignation
at the cowardly and degrading ones
passed by the Legislature of New Yu
' sey; and we feel deeply, mortified and
chagrined at the base conduct of the
lower branch of our Legislature, in
refusing the use of their hall to those
gallant patriots and Democratic Gov
ernors—Johnson, of Tennessee, and
t Wright of Indiana'
_Resolved, That while we would not
by implication efer relinquish our hon
est comv ,:ctions of public policy and
public duty 1n time of peace, yet, now,
while all the Clergies of the nation
should be concentrated towards a vig
orous prosecution of Om war, all par
ty,movements should be held in ahoy--
mice; that thus a united front may so
appal the leaders of the reb.3lllon, as to
lead them to see the hopelesoness of
their cause, and to sue for peat:- and
Resolved, That the vigorous legis
lation of the last congress, for the rai
sing of a revenue for the support of the
Government and the army; for the
raising of recruits to fill the reduced
regiments now in the field, and to
supply the places of those whose
term of service will in' a few
months expire, and in the pas
sage of the "Indemnity Act," which
gives immunity to the President for
the arrest of traitors at the North,
and which gives him the power in fu
ture to :suspend the " writ of habeas
corium," meets our__Learty approval,
and while -these nets are well calcula
te(77l-feajh the rebels that the Gov
ernment-is in earnest, they will also
impart confidence to the Union soldier
as well as citizen, that the Federal
arms will triumph, and tho Govern
ment be restored to its rightful author
ity throughout the length and breadth
of the land.
Resolved, That we, drafted men from
Lehigh and Monroe counties, acknowl
edging the right and necessity of the
Government to draft her citizens in
the present struggle, pledge our lives
to the Government to enforce the con
script laws, in any State wherein the
same may be resisted.
Fl MAD OITICERS. Colonel, A. A.
Lechler; Lieutenant Colonel, Geo. Pil
kington; Major, Win. Schoonover;
Surgeon, W. F. Fundenberg ; Assistant
Surgeon, N. R. Lynch ; Adjutant, Jos
T Walton; Quartermaster, Isaac Wool
LINE OFFlCERS.—Caitains.—Compa
ny A, Levi Smoyer ; company B, S L
Lehr; company C, C U Warnick; co.
E, Tilghman Schleider; company F,
Joseph Nicholas; company G, Lewis
P Hecker; company 11, Saml S Keller;
company I, Lewis Ilermany ; company
K., George Neitz.
First Lieutenants.— Company A,
Monroe Miller; company B, Daniel
Knauss; company C, Wm M Loder;
company D, Saml A Brown ; company
E, Peter Graybill ; company F, Alonzo
B Shaffer; company G, Jos P Cornett;
company 11, Harvey Bates; company
I, Wm G Grosscup; company K, Chas
II Foster.
Second Lieutenants.—Company A,
Levi Giering; company B, John Cul
bertson; company C, Levi Smith; co.
D, Joshua Kern ; company E, 11. H.
Wicrbach ; company F, Godfrey Buff;
company G, Wm F Hecker; company
11, Jos P B Primrose; company I, Al
len louder; company K, Philip W
Accompanying the above resolutions
was a letter from Col. A. A. Lechler,
from which we make the following ex-
Editors of the Harrisburg Telegraph :
In forwarding you per mail this day a
set of resolutions, adopted by my com
mand, I neglected to state that my
regiment is decidedly Democratic,
there being but seven Republicans out
of the thirty-six officers whose names
are attached to these resolutions. The
proportion of Democrats in the rank
and file is still greater. During the
night some prominent northern trai
tors were hung in effigy and after
wards burned. I trust the action of
thlaregiment will be felt in the north,
coming as it does from a regiment of
drafted life-long Democrats.
—lt is not necessary to comment
on such testimony. Hereafter, when
the copperheads talk of the drafted
men with derision, they must calculate
that such as these will some day re
turn, and then actions may bo substi
tuted for words.
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graphs at Lewis' Book Store.
proved styles—just . received and' for
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TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance.
The Fire from the Front
The Loyalty of the Soldiers Respon
ding to that of Citizens.
The Army Devoting Itself to 'the Purifi
cation of Political Parties
Camp near Falmouth, Va., Apr. X.
(Correspondence of the Telegraph.]
I take the liberty herewith to send
you for publication, a preamble, reso
lution and address from the 84th and
110th P. V., and 12th N. H. Whin
tears, composing the 2d brigade, 3d di
vision, 3d corps, Army of the Potomac.
It had its origin with the - 84th ,P. V.,
was written by Col. S. M. Bowman, of
that re,iiment, (now commanding the
brigade,) and by him submitted to the
84th and 110th P. V., and 12th N. 11.,
and by then't, with acclamation, en
thusiastically adopted and ordered to
be sent forth, as their views and feel
ings on the war and War matters.
Very respectfully, your obedient
servant, E. E. P.
ErrEas, The volunteer soldier left
home to Serve his country in the ar
mies of the republic, to maintain that
great and good Government, bequeath
ed to us by our revolutionary fathers,
encouraged and cheered on by the
friends he left behind; And whereas,
Before the final battle is fought or vic
tory won, there are some who cry
"peace " when there is no peace, and
are ready to give up in despair, there
by encouraging our enemies and in
creasing our calamities; therefore,
I?esoired, That the officers and sol
diers of this brigade send to their
friends and fellow citizens at home the
following address, as e4ressive of their
feelings and sentiments on the war:
Fnends and Fellow Citizens:—We
are here, as you all the bid
ding; of our beloved country; we came
hither to assist by force of arms to
m,2intain that Government, of which
every man in it has an equal share.—
It is yGur Government, our Govern
ment, the Government of each of us,
and the Government of all. But there
is this difference: You have been con
tent to remain at borne, in the enjoy
ment of your accustomed avocations;
we left homes and friends as dear to
us as yours arc to you. You are con
tent to carry on this war by force of
your opinions; we have prepared to
take up arms and meet the foe on the
battle-field. You discuss the proper
order of battle after a comfortable
dinner; we fight the battles without
dirrners7--You sleep comfortably, in
your beds; the soldier sleeps on the
cold, wet ground. You groan -nail
grumble, but don't fight ; we fight with
out grumbling ; and submit to' hard
ships and meet death without a groan.
You are free to express your opin
ions about the war in which you take
no active part; allow us who are in
the field to express ours. When we
left home you all bid us God speed;
the men gathered round and cheered
us, our mothers, sisters, wives and
daughters, smiled amid their tears, and
waved us on; even the little boys and
girls waved their tiny flags, and ex
pressing a noble and patriotic sense,
sent up manly " huzzas' for the Union;
guns were 'fired; the old banner with
its stars and stripes floated from window
and dome; every one seemed to say,
go on, my brave countrymen; put
down this wicked rebellion ; re-estab
lish the old banner on every hill top,
and if need be we will come to the res
cue. We had hoped that the war
would be short—that the misguided
people of the rebellious States would
soon lay down their arms and return
to their duty and to their allegiance.
But not so. They have only become
more hostile as their wicked cause has
become more desperate.
Thus far the war has been carried on
with a gentle hand on our part. It
was impossible to comprehend at first
the extent and magnitude of this re
bellion. The Government has treated
it like a kind and indulgent parent
would treat a refractory child ; the pa
rent has been content to exhibit the
rod and to mingle kind words with
gentle reproof; but this has only made
the child more hateful, wicked and de
fiant. The public sentiment of the
country demand this moderation, un
der the impression that the Southern
people would ere long return to their
senses. The recent elections in sever
al of the loyal States indicated this
sentiment by large majorities. But
the leaders of the rebellion; instead of
appreciating this unparalleled generosi
ty, tell us, " We spit upon your peace
offerings, we despise you, we defy you;
we ask no peace short of our subjuga
tion or a Southern Confederacy."
They tell us again, " We are your
masters, and there shall be no peace
except such as we shall dictate at the
capitol at Washington with our armies
thundering at your gates." They tell
us, as they did at the outset, " You are
knaves and cowards, and five of you
are not equal to one of us in battle
and in their incomprehensible arro
gance and sejf-deceit they still expect
to beat the reveille and have roll-call
at the base of Bunker Hill monument !
Under these circumstances we are
more than ever for the war. We are
now, henceforth and forever in favor
of carrying on the war in dead earnest.
We are opposed to all at home who
oppose the war and cry " peace " when
there is no peace, and can be no peace
except at the expense of our national
ity, our honor and our manhood_
We admonish all such as* counsel
peace and offer their sympathies to
our enemies, that they are making a
damning record for themselves and
their decandants for all time to coine,
and Wq furthermore suggest most re-,
spectfully, to all Who feel competent to
criticise the war, and tell us how bat-
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NO. 44.
ties should be. fougaand victories won,
to shoulder theintili'et Mid come down
to the front anti give liraeticalnVidenee
of their ability in the science of''-arms
and the duties, of a sfyldier.
• Finally, we see no reason fel' iion' k
ing or halting in our onwarikeiiiiet...
If the war, on our - part, wro,'
its. inception, it - 4{. right • aOll.-: - Sire
have we any reason to be discouraged:.
If is true we have loat sonejnititilts ,
and that some grand 'mistakes '144.
been made, but no cause, howeverjust,
was ever maintained without disaster.
But a candid retrospect of We 'Way
shows, on the Whole, every reason for
encouragement. In Kentucky .:ttie
rebel lines once extended as far ilorth
as BoWling Green. In Missouri.,
carried his rebel banner as fav Nerthr
as-Lexington and menaced! St, 150-i(*.
In Tennessee, Pillow ana -Floyd - held' ,
Fort Donelson 'and the rebel -army
domineered over, all the,countri f fron,
Cumberland Gap to the Missisaipo-
river. But 1802 1311. W, the eneritY"drlV. , --
en out of Missouri and Kentucky, Qin--
lambus evacuated, Island:No. 10. eftp.-
tured, tho • enemy whipped .at, Fort
Henry, fought and conquered at For
Donelson, beaten at Shilo, driVen:fronl
his strong hold at Corinth and finally
swept out of TennesSee, Itot:therit
abama and Mississippi. Since then
our arms have carried our victorioust
banner down the father of waters r .
sweeping Arkansas by the, way, sT;t:(
ing hands
. with Banks, perches. &lir
Port lliidson, and now that matehreEki
river is ours and rebel Louisiana lies
at our feet.
The enemy was caught and whcp.
pad in Maryland; and if Riehrriond,aiilt
remains to Old Virginia, it stands
like a blasted monument; dmid'a
clawless of desolation. .
_fact, the enemy - 74s been
centre, on all sides and through ; the, cetre,
and the rebellion can read Its destiny
by the light of glistening bayonets.on:
the land, and hear its doom in the roar
of cannon from the navy that •hangs
like an electric cloud, along fifteen bun !.
dred miles of the senthern,coast.
We' say without hesitation, tbat *6: -
stand pledged to this contest. , The is'=-•
sue is made up. The hand of ,destin3;-:
is upon, us. God alone holds
hand the issues of life or death., We,
arc for the war, and in flivor'of 'any
measure that will hurt the rebe!s.'
Perish trade; perish commerce,"perish
slavery, perish .everything and' every.:
body that stands in the, way, of. that
cause for whicb_wo have periled our
lives tindAile t.ndy to die, if_sual_be
the will of Heaven.
Some of our felloW•citiiensat bonie
_this. War must , bercarried on
" according _to -the Constitution."- r ,
How do the rebels carry on this war ?
Did they batter doWn the walls of Ft. -
Sumter accordinr , to the Constitution?
Do they raise and equip large armies
I to destroy us under the provisions .of
the Constitution ? Do their. piratical.-
' ships go forth on the high seas to de
stroy our commerce under the aegis of
the Constitution ? Is it Constitutioii- :
al for the rebels to destroy the-Coned; '
tution and to destroy the country,
to wage a destructive war against:lid : :
on sea midland ? Must we fight,thein.„
as if they were'especial and partiCular •
friends? No'! This conceited, wick--'
ed rebel child has ignored the Consti- •
tution of the United, States, and has:.
made one for himself—be has made, : .
war upon the household—he has, put . '"
his sacriligious 'hand at' the throat'of
his mother, and lie must be treated as
an outlaW, he must be put down-like %
any other enemy—he has no rights to „.
he protected under that Constitution,
he stands armed to destroy, The'day_
for kind reproof, for gentle admonition
is passed—there is no time , ,lefti for.
temporizing and delay. Let the hea
vy hand of wae be laid
rebel States—let the cry lie, "Lay on
Macduff, and let him be damned avhci.
cries enough !",.,until this rebellion is
fought bra triumphant - result. , •
To this end we pledge all 'we- harn„,
and all we are. - By all the saprifiCes -
already made by.tis,'hy liar&
ships already ,endured by oar country, -
men, by all the bones of our fellow--
soldiers slain, by the memories of oll1c, , „
revolutiOnary fathers--'=as icing
grass. grows and Wattr - runs,' as
sure as there is a God above; we- will- -
%stand for s tho right until _
is put down. ' .
DtintNo the reign of Bonaparte, when; '
the arrogant soldiery!adfected to des
piss all civilians, ,whom; they,,in. theire ,
barrack-room . slang,. tamed Pekins,,
Talleyrand one day asied - a general . ,
officer; "What is'the moaning - Of 'that ( '
word 'Pekin;r" 4 014" ,replied '
general, "we call all those Pekins who
aro not military." "Exactly,",replied`t,
Tallcyrand, "just as we call all people
military who are not.cia"
ALL IN, THE TRADE.TiIat was Yt.,
severe coughing fit," l remarked a,
morons sexton to an undertaker,•when,,
they Were taking a glass together:—
" 0, 'Lis nothing save a little ale which
went down the wroneway . replied
the undertaker•. 'f Ah, eh, that's just.,
likeyou," said the sexton; "you always
lay the coffin on the bier." . .
.Cer. A learned lord, speaking of.
the salary attached to a new Judge-.
ship, said it was all moonshine. Lord'
Lyndhurst, in a dry, sarcastic way,
remarked—" May be so; but Y have a
strong notion that, moonshine though ,
it be, you would like to see the first,
quarter of it."
. .
GOLD PENS.-A fine. assortment_of
Pocket and Deel.c. Gold. Pene.just re.
ceired at Lewis' Book Store.• ; _ . .
A Splendid assortment of Gilt
dow Shades, Buff Holland 'and-Oil
Cloth, just received at Lewis'- BoOk