The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 08, 1863, Image 3

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    Ely Citobt.
tednesday, morning, April 8, 1863.
Union League.
According to previous announce
ment, an enthusiastic meeting of the
citizens of Porter township was held
at Knode's School House, on Wednes
day evening, 25th tilt., for the purpose
of forming a Union League.
The meeting was organized by call
ing to the chair Mr. Henry Knode,
Messrs. A. Anderson and W. Whitta
ker Vice Presidents, S. L. Huyett
Anderson having favored the
meeting with a patriotic song, S. T.
Brown, Esq., of Huntingdon, was
called upon, who responded in an able
and patriotic address. The frequent
and hearty applause which it elicited
fully demonstrated the fact that the
people of Hartslog were " still for the
Union," and were not deaf to its
sound unanswerable doctritw.
The Constitution and By-Laws were
read and adopted, and signed by not
less than thirty citizens.
Thanks being tendered ;Ur. Brown
for his patriotic address, the meeting,
with three cheers for the Union, ad
journed to meet - Friday evening next.
ilEmtv ANODE, Pres.
HuyErr, See.
Dr, Jones on Diseases of the Eye
and Ear.
Dr. - Xonesi - of the' city of New York,
the great Oculist. and Aurist, can still
be consulted at the 3fonongaliela
House, Pittsburg. thr several weeks.—
His success in curing diseases of the
eye and ear is without a parallel. He
operates for cataract; straightens
crooked eyes; inserts artificial eyes to
move and appear natural; cures deaf
ness and discharges of the ear ; re
moves polypus from the ear and nose;
cures ozeena,and all manner of diseas
es of the eye and ear and other.diffi
cult complaints.
March 31,1863. —2t
JoShim kennedy, otColinas
town belonvinff to 110th Re<rt died
in camp on Saturday, the 28th ult.—
His remains were brought home and
interred in this place today.
ClectiOn on Holiday created greet
eiteutent. When the polls closed the
etraordinary number of 31 votes had
been polled, electing Wm. B. Zeigler,
'llti:rgess; A. V. Westbrook ; 11. G.
Fisher and Wm.. Long, Council, and
WM. IL King, High Constable.
4.47 - Thomas T. Cromwell, '1(1..
aged and worthy citizen of Cromwell
Township, died on Alonday, 30th ult.,
at his residence at Rock Hill. He was
extensively and popularly known in
private anti public circles.
Local Items.
—•fire in Ifollidaystnirg.-011 Tues
day afternoon, the 31st of March, the
lat;ge And extensive foundry and ma
chine shop of Messrs. MeLanahan,
Stone & Co., was entirely consumed--
They were previously engaged in ma
king a heavy casting for one of the
Rolling Mills, during which operation
the casting "blew" and fired the cast
ing house in many places ; the fire soon
became unmanageable. The property
was not worth short of twenty-five
thousand dollars; it was insured for
thirty-five hundred. This is the sec
ond time a foundry has been burnt on
this lot of ground ; the former one was
owned by Kelley & MeLanahan.
• sadly Hitrt.—On Tuesday, the
31st of March, Mr. Abraham Grubb of
McConnellstown, in this county, was
badly hurt while doing some repairs to
his barn. A large piece of timber fell
and cut a severe gash in his head; and
he was in an insensible condition for a
considerable length of time. Dr. Jas.
Loden was sent for, and with his usual
promptness he Caine, and soon report
ed Mr. Grubb doing well. We under
stand that be will be about again in a
few days.
Was n't it cold on the Ist of April;
the thermometer in the morning was
down to 23 degrees. Those who se
lected this day for flitting in the coun
try, found "Jordan a rough road to
travel." This week the weather'may
be more like the genial spring, and if
so, we expect soon to see our friends
suffering from the annoying epidemic,
"spring fever : " Our winter has been
P. long one, and we will gladly welcome
the warm rays'of "Old Sol."
Mrs. Rankin has taken possession
of the Hotel at Dudley. Mr. Watson
has already commenced enlarging the
house, and, judging from the extent of
the foundation walls, it will be a largo
Hotel. The House is pleasantly situ
ated on the top of a high bill, with a
spring of the best mountain water a
man ever drank. If you want good
accommodation call to see )L's. Rankin.
—A Leviathan.—On Thursday last,
two yoking though experienced fisher
men, named Wm. Westbrook and An
drew McCoy, caught with a seine, ono
of the largest pikes over fished in the
waters of Huntingdon. It was caught
below town in the Juniata, and mows:
ured 26 inches in length, and weighed
44 pounds;
—Broad Top is doing a heavy busi-.
ness, considering the dullness in the
c,al trade. They nro shipping daily
from fourteen hundred to sixteen hun
dred tons coal; and Mr. Lewis, the
Superintendent, is working night and
day, and using his best exertions to
afford the operators every facility to
do business; he is giving general satin•
—.‘llore Rebel Prisoners.—On Tens
day, March 31st, ten car-loads, and
on Thursday, April 2d, nine car-loads
of prisoners passed through town on
their way to Fortress Monroe to be ex
changed. They looked hard enough,
and cheered heartily for Jeff. Davis.—
Suppose this would suit the Copper
—Mr. John Scott has commcnce'd
rebuilding Eagle Foundry near Broad
Top City ; it was burnt about one
month ago. Mr. Scott expects to be
able to go to work again about June.
lie is a persevering man, and deserves
The fishermen of this place aro
busily employed •in making nets, of all
kinds, in order to fish the coming sea
son. Some have already tried their
hand at this sport with great success.
Sunday last was Easter, but it
v.-a , : almost forgotten. to those who had
no Almanacs to inform them. Those
who did . not forget, commemorated-it
in a becoming manner.
The Best Way to Put Money out at
The following information we insert
in our columns for the benefit of our
readers :
:Front the Plaudelgta Ledger. -Ifarch 27.1
One of the mhst surprising things in the reer nt conver
sion of greenback notes into the popular Five-twenty alt
per cl nt. Got (lumen! loon tir par is the mu vet sality of
the call. is e happetted in. 3 erret day; at the othie of Jay
Cooke, who is the agent for the mile of these 10.1110. and
Coliverrioli virile greenbacks, 31111 found his table lite
ral!) counted with olden, and aceontpato ing drafts for Al
moot all anlottlitn. fr nil live lietunstel ton 1.01.1,141 dents
unit tioll.fin 11eb. anti tient all parte of rhe Union. The
Mile fitateni ..r to Lut nu mid Sea Jerry 4 are free tot:rill,
Venn, l‘tfilitt. New Yolk, and the New .Eng
land 'Mateo. But the %test is t elpet tally an active
taker. its well tlitough to r banks us by units ideals. The
tiniontit of tad., 13 log before us. all received dot tog the
day, annotated to c,srrfiffteri hundred thousand
ith flue iporentuistito profit of money, :ecretary Orate
must feel Maisel( mill ely ut ease. and will tubs care to
put himself beyond those money sharpers. whose chief
tautly in !tow to profit thetnorls 04 mast flow he tienbleJ
of the country mid the nece4stlieti of rho tcexsw y. 'theta
are millions of dollars lying bile all over the country. and
mule the uncertainty existed as to what Congress would
do, and the bullion btokere %tern AliCntelsfill in emitting tip
geld tin the dine/ edit of the flovcrff went Petite.. tilts Capital
WAS CI Weil.) Cies, lint as •the policy nieasurio if
the Seelerary of the TrettitlrV nre gretlll.llll tier cluprd
C•filfittelme in the therci amen) and in the future Is
and holders ate POW alizittili to Make their
tong itnensplo) ell piodurtive—Lim e the tratly and
librtO ins estineut in the his... Twenty loans et par. Al
tito-t .rely noun and shlago throughout th e country has
individual huldeu of money. to larger amounts probably
than ever beret e tit one thine. for w her natit•lnettny titkeln
Cannot. be towel. Alan yof those are new - ill, es el 111
the:. loans', and the number of ketch is likely to increase,
until the demand shall out all the Oosertunent loans on
par with. at burst the loans of the serious ilinorpollitlei
nelltp.tfilen. The countiy banks file ,Iwo ft re takers for
:la...Tires and their customer.. On the lot of Jul y this
Fet el la eats Year lo ut will, order the lea, be It - aloha. n.
-, Dorms COVNTT, Motel,
Cuffed Staler L .1001 t.
114 fitiVIII ;1,1133.T, 1 s lITSAD!LI.111
Dear fir:
I +u• by cur pApera that you are ..•!ling for the G , ,vrrn.
multi 4 new loan calk(' -I i,r , l'aentiel." expect to loa•e
.3,,,,t1) a t'r‘v thr , wand 11 Alain in spare, and Ai I hair
alt ate alp Illy nwr•i limit the Gmet nni.ot Loans alto safe
and good, filch lluu It II no duty and intuu•,l. alt the time.
to put toy inun3 into them iii ',term rum ,ter mor other
Inang ur ntorki, 1 503310 :I, get Information of lon at rat
J, . 'Why :us they cslts.l“lttve.Tecoutis•r
21M. to Sou Inks ettnuts3 111..113r. or 0111 y I.sunt 7 , tiatT
Notes. Of It in it disc . .: ,at Or Nev. Yvik,
4 ,, I for Suh.ct iptnatrvt
/ 1 0 3011 YVII the Ruud , at I`.lr /
ith. Ai I ottil.t only to l'h;lati,lphi.t, how to, 1 to get
Ow Howl.?
oth. What Inteir.t do they ietv.riad IroM and Mien mud
trL re t+ it paid, and its it paid 6i UoLt or Ll.g.ti ' •, •micro'.
(All. now itoiel ,cretin y Clime get enoti4ll (told to pay
the+ Ititelest
tli. 1101 ta,e of tiv llon,ll to, pal I In (Ivld wlirn
Nth. Can I hwee the Ilottr's with con
pPtis, or Mot (.1,..ub1e to my order
Stir What 1.17. • the!
Nth. lila 1 h eve to pa) the , ante then. :la I
Ito" pay on toy Whet 110101•0
/.1.11. SiIA is the ' , rear Lit of thu tiosernincrit. and
it hat :intiattit is It 1,1:oly to touch it the Rebellion abould
la•t a yen or tilol.pligti 7
1211,. bill Scetehtry Cluite get < 'tom C,tom
/Lotze ditties and Ihternal ltaiperme, 1110/01 0 .
r.r., mak° it co km that in iLtvrLit
cl.ll f. no I.lolllel 111. kt a t-orol to my el my tt •IgliVot
tsolthl Id, to I Ike tl.rve Iluit:l4,ait4 it 3.11 awn, er
questions 1 tell slton the letter to tll,lll.
l't y S— r—.
09iu of JAY et,EF, SOS., iidirm r,
s. IiAY CVO.: .f. Cu., B toacrs, 111 s. Ti.,,,( f
tparrilA, 31ar , ell 24 : lizis3,
Your it Mt 1.1 . the 20th inst. is received, and I 'trill
(mortally gave jolt Ihe inform aka destted by ansavensd;
your /111,1.10114 is 1/111'
1-t. d(rd•'Five.Taentied cti , e,
whtlu fitly ai r !leen& ear floods. they mot, he redeemed
Its the Cott mama t 111 (AULD at nay time alto file ,yeald,
1 !say th.ople V 11111.1 ,, that that hitt:l , st is o 11) 0 .M per
ce,lt../ 1//01.Int! Tilt') S/ X rel. Sep C. hot:reit
1.e.t,t1 tltottito a .te., la meta Platatiehtlos or
o tel. Itt to u. 4 1..01 lead. 1., ara allot the Sec
-11.1,1Q all Ith or: to c. 0., attilbt Blob
mill his e 3.1 a .t eat.t.t. or Leg.: TOIItiOIS /cc ) tear l.Jlllltry
The Bends ere nohl at l'te, the Intereit to coin
tnenee the day yon vey tic Inn''.
. .
3:11. 1 ha %c Made Ittn;;.tinont4 uitit your
B irk o r Bulikcr, it h o tall generally hate the th.ndi an
Lana. It not. 3,1 eau rend tiro 1114.11. to me by Ex test,
:Lott I \till bock the Bunch nee u 1 curt.
The Itoild:4 lay Silt per cont. Interest in (loin,
thi it per cent. et cry Mz months, oil the in st cloy of Slay
;to 1 Nut cuibrr at the )lint in Philadelphia. of at nay
usury in Nt a Yolk er dsea het e. 11 you hate Coupon
lianas. all you !owe to do ii to eat the proper Coupon PIT
111011lirl. it 3oursell or it to Hank
tut.collectien ' f you have Ilegimered Reeds. )on can
give 3 our Itftik a post at of attar u.. 3 to collect 010111u:1ga
fury on.
tilt. The dutiful on imports of all urticlos from abroad
immt be 11.1111 M (loin, and th s is the ~ay :secretaty I Int,
Eels I,N It to now being paid foto the 1 Tanury sit
the tate of 'fee Ilumind thoolnoti D. 111319 t Ad! I Lry..
o Lich hel Nice us 111.11 as lie Heeds to pay the Interest
In (hold.
- • .
Cungress pruridvd that the Bondi shall he
PAZIP ix OULU who] due.
- -
8111. 1011 C.lll Into a either Coupon Bonds payable to
the Bearer or negistered B nob napible to yOlll order.
hilt. The tinnier are In :as. tort sutr,,
the hitter in 0.11110 anionot, also f,Stnafti nod $lOOOOO.
11411. Not You Nuttl not li.tie to pa) 11113 1.11013 011
01051. 1 Itend• If your i mune 110111 1111 1 111 110011 trot exceed
ihOu; arid taint! above. SOon you null! only have to pay
otic•balt ins ninth Income Tax as it your money am iti
s.sted in Alm tgagi, or other e curaio. I eolvdder the
Gavel inuent Bond, as first of other Bondi are
taxed oneluareer per riot. to pay the juiciest 011 the Gov
ernment and the Supreme Cornet of the United
States Iran just decided that no State or City, or County
can lox CiOtelmitent Bends.
. . .
Iltft. The present bonded debt of the United States is
leis than Tim,: flummen yliwono, including the sei en
and three-tenths Ti eivntry Notes; but the Government
outs enough more in thn Amp° of Legal 'retitle; e. ]}'posits
in tin, Sub-Treasurers, ('et tincnies of indebtedness,
to intreare the debt to about eight or nine hundred mil.
Huns reel etary Ciuwe has calculated that the debt moc
reach one thott,nl seven 111,11 , 1 red 111111k08. if the it I:hel
lion Lists iigllteell 1110/lIIIS longer. It is, however. luli't
ed that it will tt,t last six mantle. longer; but even
If it does, our National Debt is ill be cm ill continued 'with
that of Great Britain ur Foote, w bilst oar rehourees are
costly greater•.
Mit. 1 have no doubt that the revenue nil! not only
be ample to pay the in dlnist y expen , e4 of the Govet ntuent
and all lamest on the debt, lint lease at least one Mind
red millions annually toward pa)log MT the debt. ami
that the Oevetittni•nt aill be able to get out of debt
again as It 11.1' tWied before—in a few years after the
chafe of tin• 4tar. -
I hope that all Ache have bile money Win at once per.
chase throe Fiie-Tuenty Year 11011 d. The right to de.
nmuil them for Legal Tenders still end on the first day of
July, 1563. an per the following authorized nutico:
On anti after JULY Ist, 18113, the poi, ilege of converting
thu preseut issue of LAM M.. TENDER. NuTESINTO TILE
NA'IIUN , L SIX PER CENT. LOAN teonnuonly called
"Skre..'rwen ties ") a ill cease.
All oho wish to Invest In the Five•Ymenty Loan must,
[het duce, apply Lane Om 11 rot of .IULY next.
JAY CO9KE, Subscription Agent.
No. 114 S. Thild Ela eel, Philadelphia.
I 690 who neglect thole Sm. Per cent. Bends, the In
trro.,t and Ptitnitial of xhich Choy will get in Gan, may
11.0 tsion to regret it. I MU, vety truly, ,tear
Subscription Agent,
At Office of JAY COOKE & CO ,
Ni). 114 S. 711IR1) 11111-IDA
The and Bunkers or your nod wijoiiiim; Cmuties
trill keep a supply of these Ilundg me h.oul, it you p refer
to go there and get therm
Fresh Flower and Garden Seeds for
sale at Lewis' Book Store.
ya.,Fine Cigars and Tobaven for
vale at, Lewis' Book Stare.
The Publisher of this favorite
Monthly, in order to reach all schools,
will send the VISITOR ono year gratis
to oneterson, (who will act as Agent,)
at any post•oflice in the United States.
This is an unparalleled offer!
Address, with 3 cent stamp enclosed,
for particulars,
J. W. DATIMIADAY, Publisher,
1308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
If you were to die to-night, would
you leave those dependent upon you
as well provided fur as yOli would de
Dr. Franklin said, " a policy of Life
Insurance is the cheapest and safest
mode of making a certain provision for
one's family. It is strange that men
should be careful to Insure their hou
ses, their furniture, &c., and yet neg
lect to assure their lives, the most h»-
portant of all to their families, and the
more subject to loss."
No one, upon a bed of sickness, ever
regretted making suitable provision
for his family : at such a time, a life
policy can be fully appreciated.
2'he Penn Mutual Life Insurance
Company of Philadelphia offers superior
inducements. It has a capital of
$1,151,780 50, securely invested. Has
paid losses amounting to $614,000, and
made dividends to the insured amount
ing to over $500,000.
The Trustees have declared a scrip
dividend of 40 per cent. on the cash
premiums of 1862, and have decided
to receive the scrip dividends of 1853,
1854, 1855 and 1856 in payment of
The undersigned is prepared to is
sue scrip to those entitled to receive
it, and give any information that may
be desired on the subject of Life Insu
March 3, 1863, Agent.
lorprove Your Sight and Preserve
Your Eyes.—A. BIRNBAUM, Practi
cal and Manufiteturing Optician, takes
pleasure in 'informing the Ladies and
Gentlemen of' Huntingdon and vicini
ty, that he has opened a Store one
door west of Dr. Dorsey's, with a large
and variety stock of Spectacles, com
prising Convex aml Concave Glasses,
such as Rint, Crysia/ and S'eoteh Feb
ble, and particularly desires to recom
mend the superiority of the last-named
Glasses. His theoretical as well as his
practical knowledge of Optics, and his
long practice in the Oceuiistic science,
enables him to adapt, after an exam-,
;nation of the eyes, those glasses which
correspond with the defect of near, far
or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted
to any framc," - orilTly - bilaTlO tiretnOr.—
Please call and examine the ,S'prelaeles.
Ambrutypes and Photographs taken
at all times on reasonable terms.
Also, Segars, Tobacco and Meer
schaum Pipes constantly on hand.
0.4. CR. am.
On the 31st ult., in the borough of
Huntingdon, at the house of M r Rob
ert King', by the Rev. J. K. Bricker.
Isllr. JOHN T. Pori' of PeterAbur t ,,.(r to
Miss SAIVIT IL MASER of Runtinzion.
On March 27th, 1863, at tho Union
Buck. Horn, by John Love, Esq., Mr.
TuomAs CLARK. of Ireland, to Miss
M.tuo.turr MArrET. of West township.
In Baltimore, on Saturday the 4th
inst., Mrs. M. B. GBAY, daughter of
Mr. Nagy of this place. Iler remains
were brought here on Sunday morn
ing, and interred in' the afternoon.
At Shirleysburg, on the 4th inst.,
CARRIE K., infant daughter of Frank
lin 11., and Charlotte A. Lane, aged
2 months and 12 days.
F.tuvy rind 'Extra Family
C't,mtooll .11111 F , ll.pui6lLe
Flour .
Cot ti 'Meal
14111106 he,at
Fair mid I 7 i via Red
Col n, ohne Vellum ......
(novel weal, VW Um
1•:x t a I , Amily I•fmtr 1-3 I• 1.1
Exti du t ' 3,75
White 1% heat L-)
Eed 11 heat ' 30
Dritnl Apples
Minn ...... .........
Slll,lllsll.r .....
T E. GItE EN ,
oak. rerouted to opposite 'the Exchange
!tote!. on Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pa.
April 7,1803.
The following porgeni Intro filed In the office of the
CI, rk of the Court of Quo ter Seelions of
their petitions (4 liceit4ev to keep inns or Tvverns in
said county, and which Hill be presented to the Judges of
said mitt on the font th Wednesday of April no,t, tor al
loonoce, to art:
John Burns. Barnet.
Thos. U. 6 opletou,
W. C. WAGONER, Clerk.
Clerk'a Office,
ITuntiirglieti. Ain II 7. ISM.
P. J WILLIAMS, So. 16 Not th Sixth Stroet,
adolphin. Hnontnelon•r of
Sy- no largest and finest assortment in the city. at the
lowest prices. Plinth painted and Tt lamed equal to now.
Slmo Spates ma& and lettered,
Apt II 7, 1013:1-21n
API) doors west of Lewis Book Store,
111711 7 214VGD 04V, PA.
Photographs and Ambrotypes Taken
in the Best Style.
On and after JULY lot, 1863, the privilege aeon.
vertlnglhe prreent flouter LEGAL TINDER NOTES TA
TO Ttu It N Allot , : A L SIX PER CENT. LOAN (commonly
called •tYlso.Twentlee") ullt cee4e.
All who 1.101 to lnveot In Olt Ftve•Twenty Loan must,
therefore, apply before the lot of .IDLY next.
JOY C)01111, •
36scrt,4ton Agent,
Aid 7,18611-31 n, No. 114 8. Thltd M. , Ithlladelphho,
- of Onen Mat, doc'd
Hera testametitart• upon the last will and testament
of linen Boat Lrt• of the borough of Huntingdon. ilec'd. i
lisve been granted to the underpinned. All persona
( T i m e d me requested to maim Immediate payment. mid
Hone having claims will precint them properly antheuti•
sated to us. SAMUEL T. DROWN,
April 7 ; 15C3-Lt. Executors.
Stock Tools & Machinery for Sale.
-Tons of 11.0 Lan will of thven root, tote of the bor.
migh of Huntingdon, deceased. offer at Kit ute s.tle, nil
the stork anti fixtures belonging to the eat lingo Mono.
Rotary of the doe. aaed. ontilating of a complete ncsol
ment of Lon, Ph, Varnbilies
'ft iniminga and outlet inla for wood work, mud, some no.
fin 1.01,1 tt Qrli.
Time trill be given on good security.
The slip 16 11 largo frmuu building, COMptieiftg n. and
shop mid solo room 11,:dolv. 111111 AI/flint 04p :11A In inning
shop on din tui, n.l ctoy—tvltr rdoul, In all,-4igl 14,1,
smith chop Adjuinin;„
. Uhe =show II ill be leaue,7 rer quell I :me m mey he agreed
on. The eI has had 11orge rthaoin for several l rant
pew, end la cun4.ielcl Lulu a Ow b.•st locatitmq ht the
IkSur, It
AT 10.11 7
Which he offers to all
..‘vho want to be
C L'O T Et U,D
nit Stock consists ‘r Bendy-made Clothing for
Should gentlemen desire nap particular kind or cut o f
clothin g not found in the stock on hula. by lensing click
measure the ) ran lie accommodated at Aant notice.
eon at hits 1611 corocr of the liminotul, ort.c Lon g 's
fhtntingtlon, 4111 7 1853.
kI)M 1 N IST It.kTO R'S NOT IC in:.
[Pirate a tr,‘,.1,1 Prolobloglh aria.]
Legle. 01 .I.loliohOt 01100 upon the came 01 Dadlel P.
1 . 111101/.011.11. I.lfr dead..
Leen 01001e.1 to the 011.1e141:10 , 1. 1111 h.1 , 10c
chime lip.l o the Mate are logos-ted to lireep:ir thew to
the 00.1eleignool. tool nil 11010009 knoxlng thorn elres
indebted t,lll tuaLe i11111.1,11211C
!..;. P. ilk VIIISALII7IT,
?torch :31, Isee:3-61.* .4.thninistiator.
Five-Twenty United States Loan
LP Huntingdon, nro Snloicrlption Agent. to dlipoie of
the Fire T‘‘enty 'ears Cuited Ftattot !dom. AIIIOIIM4
can be hod to •nit the tnronq of daret rut individunls; the
interes to be payable and to bó necountod for half 3 ently
In gold. [Match 31, ]EI33-2W.
The partnership heretofore existing bete cell John 31
Cozening 1 tat owl V.lllima Cnnlinghiu•e. HMI :err) lug of
thn llttatitiplon foundry u n der the firm of Cmiontgloutt
has hew by thlttual Coll,llt, this e'xltteoullt
day ut Match, IEO.I dirsullod. aiot nil the delfts due to,fid
h yin mlO p ‘ 1,11,1e to John 31. Clllllllllgll.llll, s 1111) u•i!! pay
all the thAtts of the some.
U•NI • ,
11,,,1.H,i,,,, , , of the Pohl Anunlry will bort:After
In. cat I it,! on by Ito alto alit he at nil
non, ready to nntl:t c.tsitngi of all kind,, inonlptly and
at 1111,101 ale late,
All pommy hat lng unsettled acconntB a ith the Into
31111101, will twit° hn unrd and Penh , the 0 , 1110.
7lutch Jh 1fi9'4 7 1. , , • ..1
A Ititic Cltan for Teachers
Kishacoquillas Normal School
S. Z. SHARI', PI hid!, II Rini Proplit•tor.
S. 11. '3IeDONII.O
J. IL 1`11,1,..0r 1.111-Ic.
'I his InstitotiOn i. butted in One of thr omit
and beauiiiiii ‘4l eon m l'enif.)hitilia, and Am:on:el. il
in' a 114:1113 noonl niel intelligeofeconnioWity. t 4 peLsal
umtl to the tiaiotog orfeaciet.i—tile of
Ito I; Leh,: ..ariiilar to thAcut the state Nuunol School nt
311110, die, xlolo the coat hill belittio over half iis
Appll for cliental . to S. Z. SHARE.
Vl-3Pf i i.hocalnulny, ,Itilitirf Co. Pa
rl rw
The fotloning rron4 1016 filed In th e Office of
I le elm!: of the Com t if it tor :esylionx of Huntingdon
county. their petitions for 11:t -es to kee p lon, or
mn•,insn.lromtty.and 111 be ineiented to the
.1.1 1 ., ofmdd emu ton tho third Mondn) of - A grit 1,001,
for 411”, t
TllOlll,l 11.
O • rliiam .101)11,tou, :Slat I.lcAlm, g.
(1,-11.'s Office, tt
Ilant,ugtion, March St\ 1643. f
I.:l,tate os job Shin, deed ]
Lotter, or Arinlitti,ttattoti upon the elt:tte of Job Slim,
lot, or Crottt,,ll tettlip: littraiiienit Co , deed,
ter title,' to the unit...wood, pel•ionN having
Ititaitist the ~bite ard wtlit, tstol to ill o , dut them to
the ail ON !Wild indebted UM i»:1110 ill,
11,i:tote pa) °wet.
A l ,lll, 1603.
.. 03 •
g 5.0 0
"1.70 n. 1.50
.4 CENtato of Henry deed
Lettrts Testrunentney noun the Lot m ill stud tentnnwnt
of Ilene) Lk* d. late oh Walker town+llll3, Huntingdon
Comity. ,1t tsc been grant.] to the Bitbvn i here.
All MT Inq noio.vl N mater Immediate
ply meat. unit those having dLilu to will pie/tout them plop.
el I p authenlicAted to
$5 2,111. ~75
.y :..513,!.60
The erventeentli Arn , ion of this ToNtitittion tinier the
pr. sent PI iucipal oil open on Monday .?toy 4th It sAll
lie ton buil,hrtg nearer the Centre or the eillao.
and the in , tt rttetton null tie, on Iteretogoo,tinea al and the.
rough. Ormolu] her the rontitNiteo reposed In hint, the
ineinal will endeavor to deserve, and be hopes to re
ceive a geinolnei nattonnge,
A clove or ontig men will be received for instruction
in eliniquit, mathematic& nook keeping, &e.
but 'inutile Information, apply to
.t. D. KIDDER, Principal.
March 24, ISA 3. -Ct.
For many years hO tiara made thu cultivation of
a specialty. and taking into account VARIETY, QUAN
TITY ond QUALITY, our.took of VINES and PLANTS
CURRANTS, &c., &43 '1
is unequaled anywhere. which 00 offer nn tho must 11!o,
rahle tellll9. l'artieu v.i. , lduh. to 1,111011.15 t. would in
to corn !Tend with 114. or scud for our PItICF: I.IST
bleb will he sent to nil npplleantv !rye of elm ge.
I 8 A T
whole all altleles belotig.tig to such au establistneu)
can be hail of tlio best quality.
13ort 155, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ft LL 15901t1.11ENT
L Six teachers are Wanted to take charge or the pub•
tic achnols of the borough of Huntingdon for a tern: of
nine months. commencing on the 20th day of April. The
salaries per month will be as follows. viz : No. 1, SIS;
No. 2, $26; No. 3, $33; No. 4, $29; No 5. 526; No. 6, $23.
A public ex:mit:et:on of applleahts will be held by the
County Superintendent at the School House on Saturday,
the 1111 tiny of April. commencing nt 9 o'clock. A. 51.
All applicants are required to be thus eratulued—ttoue
others will be employed so tench,: s,
Sly orderer tho Board of Directors.
ilrarch 31, ISO. Secretary.
• - Esenitt,rP.
Atl•lre. , •Pitolll,lN,'
Put 9.13 P. 0,
' Phil hitiphia, Pa
3.131 E?. 31. 1.1,01'D.
Exvets for
1863. THE 1863.
Ever Brought to Huntingdon,
Is now ready for inspection and sale,
Book, Stationoi y and Music Store.
Than the same article can be bought
in Philadelphia or Pittsburg.
Consists of upwards of
One Hundred Different Styles
Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering,
The Parlor, Sitting Room, Doming
Room, Bed Loom, Hall,
Store, SLiop,
Call at the "Globe" Building,
and examine our stock and prices.
Qll. E SALES.—By virtue of
sundry units of Vend. Exp. and FL Fa to me di
recto], I will expose to public sale or outcry. at the Court
House. in the botonali of Huntingdon, ON MONDAY
the Mviii DAY of APRIL, 1108, nt too P. 11.,
tile follow log described Novel ty to nit:
One lot of ground eitunte In the tlllago of Scottsville,
Clay township. Huntingdon county, fronting on Hain et.
00 hot. nod extending Wel: 100 feet, bating then on erec
ted one Dann, store-house. ,
Also--one lot of gt one.] ..ituato in the village of Seotiq..
rine, bounded. by - lots of Will Taylor nil Mathias
Snoop°. hating thereon eructed One Ironic atable.
Also—the tuolt,i.lon halt lilt Olin cot tufo pact of loud
situate in Clay ton uship. Huntingdon county. on n theft
defendant nun resider, adjoining Linde of 1./cargo 11111111011
oil the e•wt and south. the Logan tt not hotelman, de-
F.critted of Hatt let (illt..g,w on the west, of Loris Mc
l'itty and others on the nor tit:containing 401 ones. m , •1•o
of tem Lt n Inch over lOU her 69 ore cleated, pith a &lune
gilt! mill, a 9 a Ltro twa-storytintfting, a huge
ta2w tome ',Auk Lane. and other out buildings thereon.
to fog the garlic 11,•ct of loud nide!) Undid Hunter dot ised
to Richard and Thom:. C Ashman.
Alto:—the nudirlde l half pm L of a certain tract of land
, ititate In Cl•p• tor, nabip. ilinitinOlon county. Itnott n at
the Loiraii ttact.adjuhuug the 41111 tract in tilt levy In
so !hell. on the eolith eadt, land of Adm., fleeter on the
500111.0 d9t, of 11.11 list Cia•gxe on the north-weir, and of
otliel4, 1:3 net eel. 01 porches. mote • or lest, of
100 MU, ale cleared. haling Unit eon a el.
had lionqe and other same tract
,liich the eF^enters of John li. Logan, deifd . colive3,l
In liichatd and 0. A 11.111411, Ip deed recorded ilk
olnl o. rk . O. V. page 348, rialZeri. Nitro ill exieution, 111 AI
to he 101 l the propel ty of 111k:balk/ iiiiii ts•
A bto—( Adjuitrue , l sale— hy tirtuo of :1
in it of Ler. l'ocns•) nil that certain messuage or tract
or taw/ +itua h•iu Cans too nship, Huntingdon Gaup ty, unit
Stale of Venn, onstitining one hundred mot mop
tt ntleson.i allow An, of nit per gent for toads. se., n‘t.
JOining other lands bn mot ly or Hubert Speer, decd.. and
nth, 4, (briny, the B.lllle of land which by deed. it
13tis nee., sold and conveyed by Duni Clas
pot. ttostee, to in the 'tie of Site toil estate o 1 the said
Hobo: t Speer. deed, to the laid Jacob Cs e baelt and Hot
no; 1,. Thoono toeclil•t ith all and dingo nr, the build
ing+. improvenb.titv,oooll, nay s. W aldo, oilier soirees,
taken era•ution and to bo sold LIS the
property ofJaeob Cte,t til and Lim ;ace 1.. UtOV,
Alse—All the deletidant' right.. title and
into cut iu and one tat of groadd situate in 'Lou! trm st.
ship, Huntingdon satiety, Penna , adjoining land ofanint
W. ecutt and Joseph Wilson. ha, mg thereon erected one
ta..)-story Ilan, P into. ptiutvd vvhitu. IMO frame stable
and Whet untbuildtng, taken In execution, and
cold at the pi,qoo ty of )1..1.1)1)1,1p.
A4lo—The defendant's right, title nnil in
terest in and to the folluiving re It estate,viz: 318 acres.
more ur lest. situate in Tod township. Ituttingdon coun
ty. surveyed to I /to name of Ilona lfunrlt, hounded ott the
northwest by land of It. Hare Pun ell. not th.east by land
annelid to A tultison it Horton. south. e.t by laud of
Philip Barnet, now 01 . 1.11011, Dorrk 4: Co.
Ako-107 itcres. Its n e or loss. situate on the north stile
f t.itantp ti !tun In. Tv! toss nshtil, gvavt)scl in the name of
13-njani in Penn.
Also—ST macs of tool, more ca less, its Tad towrddli,
sin se3ed In the name of G. Millet on the 001 Eli west by
lands of Andy., Donaldson. and nu the south-east by
Huntingdon t !head Top Railroad CO land.
Al,--157 acre•, of Moil. mote or le•s K itootr, In cam,
toolo,lap, sor,e3rd hl the 11.110 of Neel Clock, and Irmo
-1,1 no Ili, too th-tar4t hells atol Boni:min
houth t..t ly T.t in a, to 1 .t.F. rat, wrath cast by
MO o tlo.o Zintlnel cola.
Alhn-2Cu! ,:trne
...urv03,41 Cn• 114111.: 6otind,tl Oil the
,0001-0.1.1 t by It ood, Bacon R Co.. son th.wost by Chrbaiun
I.lm net and Nvldom, ltrontl,tune and 1.. T. NV.thon Li: Co.
A4o-47 act ec, more ur less. situate in llopeu ell ton n•
shin, surveyed in the nail, of A. 0, Occult, hounded on
the nut th...xst by land of Philip Cornman, soutit-en.t, by
land 14 David Mountain's heirs. south-, est and welt by
lAnd of Patton In Petrel; in,
.11,—liefaalatiCa t Wit. title and interest in anti to
a (filet of land outage in Hopewell township. Iluntinzilon
otitity. Mllll ve il ed ou iv:m(111N fir the name of Peter I in--
I log, 1).11. Sarah Levi, Margat et Levi„
its I. I latiloilt !let tiiag. Ft cilia tek llerring and Conrad
Het ring. the tli‘Nott line to be run according to article
of agreement tw urea tile TI itster.s Of .10/11, Savage de
climed. and Or. l'eter Shotteberger. who was the ow nor of
the other hall of soil II art, anted [ha 14th day of Novem
ber. A. 1/, 191;, nail another agreement explahang the
prier one between tile said parties and dated the 1 dth Fen
t nary. 1645, both of w hich 0.114 at tides at e d to be
rocm•ded. -
0111.111 part of a tract of land Ftleellt ad to Jacol,
iliklearas o Welt h w not be , •o i‘revioidy 1010 tin. 1111.1.
teen 01 .101111,:tth, the tit ,t of that name te,l IQ, the,
!Pit-Nit g' ant,. null .111 the lard 11“ t 01111 lit^Vivtl-13
xhn h sus 0,, u005 ed tho.puld John 'go. dead.. I.y
/Au al .1 terin....eton and I, Ile by et, d d Wed the .lal
of Api 11. nod 1 eCvldol m llouting.l.m county in
In ad Book X. l eo IU2.
.114,. 111 the (I. 11 inlituri tillo and Interest in all
that cei twin inewidge ur tinet of inn l qttu ito in !looting
dell 00111I1) . COn Milting 120 Poi es. 10 - 610 uI
toljottillit; hinds ton nierly at Rola, t opeor deceased.
and otheis, being tile 5.1010 tract of land, m hich 53 Pa. d
dated 12111 Leuvubeq 10224 wad conveyed by David
e. to Jacob Cleoeu ell and fierace
lhown. Seized, taken in execution and to ho sold as the
propel ty of Jacob Creswell.
Alan—All the right, title end interest of
defendant in and to all that certain lot of wound eituate
iu the tun n of 1101 net, in Callen, tOSerltditth teollttlig 60
feat on flannitots street. anti extending in depth one hen.
tired and torty feet to Henil....k alley, being lot No. lfl, in
the plan of said town—having thereon erected a dwelling
house. stable, and other inipiovenieut..
Also--All the I iglit, 11110 and Interest of defendant in
and to all that eertrtin lot of ground situate in the ton.
.11 'tartlet. Carbon township, Huntingdon county. front
ing 50 feet on Hamilton street. and extending in depth
140 feet to Hemlock iilley, being lot No. 31 in the plan of
eaiti town. on is erected a dwelling house. 4c.—
Seized. talon in execution, and sold 115 the 1100pelly of
Jaynes Dunn.
Also—All the right: title rind interest' of
din defendant in and to tiro; th eo acres of land Into° or
leas. situate in Union township. Huntingdon county. Po.,
adjoining lands of 31. F. Campbell, ealt, land of A. J. FL'S
tlewatt ur James Donaldson un the a eat, and lond of An
drew Wise on rho south, olont thirty Hon 09 of which aro
cleni - red. and being the sumo tract of WO conveyed to
Marl 31. NVI6e, by deed ham A. J. Postlowait G. her doted
Septembor. MS. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold nU the pi openly of )[my V. Wise.
Also—All the defendant's right, title and
interest of in and ton certain tract of land situato in Tod
township, adjoining lands of linnet Unker, Denpunin Da.
her and whom, having thoreon era:lode two-story frame
house, weather WHO, and a stable; C. ntatni,,g fifty
octet. more or lee,: all or nearly all cleared and in a elate
of cultivation. Seized, taken in execution and sold as
the property of Daniel SIIODIZ.
Also—All the right, title end interest of
defemlent in and to ono Int of gron rid situate In the village
of Manor till. Barret, township. Huntingdon county. N.,
f, on tilt:: nti Iho rood or sliest leading through sold village
and .nlioining laud of Mis. Samuel Myton, lloorge Platt,
and Iota! thereon erected ono two story frame house, sta
ble and out buildings. Seized. taken In executtou and to
be sold as the property of Hamilton McAllister.
Also—Nineteen neree of lava !situate in
Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands
of Deter Wiled on the south. laceb 11. Dell on the nest,
lure's heirs and others, having thereon erected a saw-mill
and cabin house.. Solo. A, taken In execution, and to be
sold as the property of Andrew IcConitoglty,
4 1 . - oticeto Pardms•rt.—lihtlera at Uorttreoalos will tako
notice that immediately linen the ploporty being; knocked
down, fifty per cont. of all hide under $l.OO, and twenty,
fro per cent. of nil bide over that shim mud he paid to
the blieliff. or the property n 11l be no up again and Sold
to other biddorri who y.lll oomplY with the aboro tenet.
Sheriff's Stiles will hereafter -he made on Monday, of
the fret week of Court, and tho Nude acknowledged on
the following Weffneeday.
GEO. W. JOGNEM, norm.
Fassotires Oonca, tt
the ai-courre of Leri Evans, Tritsiee under a vol•
untary assignment of Jacob S. Berkstresser and J. Addi
son Moore for bonofit of creditors, 1148 been filed in solid
office of the Prothonotary of Huntingdon county, and will
be pi esented to the Court of Common Pleas of euthl county
for confirmation and allowance on the second Monday of
April, and will be so confirmed and allowed unless creep-
Ilona are Lied thet eto. W. C. ‘VAHONEIt,
Prothouulary's OBee, . 1 Prothonotary
Hunt/110ml; Maith 10, 14E-3.1
The Trust account of John Scott ,Trustee of
Margaret W. Anderson under a declaration of trust
created by her lato husband .1;11n P. Andersona deed., has
been filed In the office of the Prothonotary of If untlngdon
county. and will be presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of said county on the eecoud Mondny of April met,
for confirmation nud alto% onto. nod Milt bolo contained
and /MIA ed unless exceptions aro filed thereto.
Prothopotal y'a Officn., , -W. C. WAGQNkIit.,
thin tiogdon, - March 10,186:.1 PrOthono:aty.
Lave tha pleaaure of lutdrmtnir yon that we
ate now prepared to offer, at our OH Stand Noa.
103, 105 &HT North SECOND St., 0 •
A well nelected stock of
in every vrtriety, of the latest importations, nod of - the
newest and 11103 t fashtouahly Styles.
will comp:lac every varlet} - of llonnots. Iltitn and 2,im•
toluitg to bc found In that liar, of tlic leant nod most np
premed shapes and at.tles. Sollei.lng no early call, I re-
Malta Youre, Ittsptctfully,
m.tzt, IS, 19C.1-11.
a precept to me dircetcd. - dated imt Huntingdon, the
th of .litnuory. A. D. 1802. under the handle and atoll
of the Hun. Georg° Taylor, Pre.!dent of tho 'Court of
Common Nem, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv
ery of tho'glth Judicial District of Ponneylvania, comnp.r.
bed of Huntingdon, illelr mai Cambria counties; and the
Mona. Benjamin F. Patton and William B. Leas hie Rana/.
Moe, Judges of the county, of Huntingdon, justice. ass
eigned. appointed to he. tr, try nod determine ail nod every
Indictments nude or taken tor Or concerning all Crimea.
ei,leo by the taco of the Sta.: ate made capital, or felon
ice of Oath, and other Cl hoes mot rulstletueettOrs,
whi c h hat,. been or shall her: mile: he committed or pet pc.'
tr,,t,,m, fire, lose gt,:e.saiml-1 ant commanded to mmtnice
public prochundllon thmorth . ..out nr , hula baffle. lob; that
a Court of Oyer and Psi ;aloft . , 'or Common Pica, and
Qua, ter Seeilune, ails be held nt the Court House, in tin.
borough of Huntingdon, en the momcond Monthly (and ldth
day) or April tiara, foal throe mt I:0 it ill prosecute the
salmi pridoncre, be than and there to loosen:to them 05 it
shall ho and that all job* as of the Peace, Coroner
and Cumtablcm within said cummt;., bo non and thero imm
their propel person:, ' 01 10 o'clock. a. in. of Sold day, vitt,
their ecurds. ingtmicitione. exanduatitate and routembraa•
ee3. to du those things Ohlch to their ogle , . rcolpoet:tely
appal tam. -
Vatod at ifuntlngdon, the 21th or Mnrcli, In the year of
our ono rimomnsand eight hot - Imbed and ,lxty•tliree,
anti rho Sit It par of American Independent e.
OGO. W. JOHNSFON: - .3ittrig:
T Y ROCI, A E A 8., by
fs precept to me directed lay the Judge , : of the Coln
men Hoag of the county of Huntingdon, beaming teat the
l7th day of .1 Immory. 1103. I nut comunmodod to moime
f'roeltunatton througloott inn cL.dc bailiwick, Matt
Coot I of Common ulo is dill be held at Ore Conti lhoPe.
In the borough of fluntiogolon. ti 'ant)
Seth day) 01 Anti!, A. IS., 10,3, tot the ttlal of all I,
aim", in sold Curt r. Itlmit trinaht tn. !stet alined 12ettre
the call bodge', ultra Owl sib- Te all jlacm oit noiws, and
muitere, in-Ito Niel. , of oil Ilia, tee requited.
bated ot flog ion, the 2,flt of Match. 1n Mtn y.pti of
Pout Lott use tliouvhuil eight hundred and amxty.three,
and the Cilia year of Anmot tmti,, I timicimetniettee.
GEO. W. JoIiSSION, &cry;
A.P.ttiL 1802
W. W. &D. C. Entre/an vs 511clitel Rona,
Some id 2 mne.
Gun. Voun's Administrator vs Brice X. Distr. ,
JacobKnuffnum 91 Hobert F. !least.
" ei:coNti weEn. r -' - -
I. D.smunn, survivor, &c. vs George M. Park.
I. Emnuen " vs Same.
John eneugs vs Hazard & Cut fumn.
thonuel Fleming vs Hun. I. Steunrs's exact
tan. l'. 'Andelsonil excentor vs Henry Orlscly.
1. X. & H. W. Ts Juseph McCoy.
WM. C. WAGON'Ett, Pret'y
Hun'ingkm !I..reh 15, 11C3.
GitAND TUR011.3,.
ATlSpattll Jacob, farmer, Jackson,
Alexander John, J. P., Shirley,
Buckley Win., farmer, Shirley,
Bilgor George, minion, West,
C row never Andrew, merelient, Barree, -
Cunnirigluun Richard, farmer. West.
(Jellison Loran, plasterer, Carbon,
Cooper•Sainuel, F. in West, ,
Cornelius James, lallerer, Porter, ,
FiirbeslN founder, West,
Grove David, farmer, Henderson,
Hamer Solomon, farmer, West
Meredith Lewis, shoemaker. Huntingdon;
Neff Samuel, farmer, Porter,
Querry George, farmer, Cars
, M anson W. C., farmer, Dublin,
Stine Soul. gr., farmer, Warriorsnuirk,
Siems, , b6dhego. laborer, W'ar'mk,
Thompson Elijah, farmer, Warriorsmark,
Wakefield George P., farmer, Shirley,
Weight Geo., shoemaker, Peon,
Whittaker John, farmer, Porter,
Walker Win. S., tinner, Alexandria.
George Berkstresser, farmer, Hopewell.
Jonathan Briggs, farmer, Tell.
J. Nelson Ball, machinist, Huntingdon. -
Elias Bartol, carpenter, Huntingdon.
& tome ! Coen, gentleman, Barree.
Joseph Cannon, mbruhant, Huntin,gdon.
Henry Ours propst, farmer, Barree.
Simon Coulter, farmer, Walker.
John Crotsley, farmer, Cass.
Mordecai Chdeote, teacher,
William Dysart, farmer, Franklin. "
Isaac Donaldson. farmer, Hopewell. -
John Ebert% farmer, Franklin.
William A Fraker, merchant, Sliirleysturg
William +diger, laborer, Brady.
Perry Ginter, farmer, Morris.
Abednego Grazier, farmer, Warrinrsmark.
James Higgins, cabinet-maker, Huntingdon.
Hays Hamilton, manager, Franklin, ,
David Isenberg. farmer, Henderson.
John Ingrain, farmer, Franklin. ,
Joseph lowan, blaeketaith. Barree. •
George Lininger, farmer, Walker:
John Lotz, farmer, Shirleyeburg.
John M. Lowden, farmer, Tell.
Miles Lewis, firmer, West,
John M. , Candless, carpenter. Carbon.
Jonathan K. Metz, farmer, Brady.
K MeCaban, gentlemen, Huntingdon.
James McCracken, firmer, Oneida.
.10-dina Morgan, farmer, Cromwell:
Wm. E. MeMurtiic, farmer, Huntingdon.
Id -are W. M.i.eer, plasicier, Brady.—
Will Min McFadden, Wm
Joel P'utinner, I.,amer,
Reeil,,lahmer, t n .
William Rotlir.i.dt, brewer, Aleitandria.
George Steffey, farmer, Joekrop,
David Scorer, f,re er, Cassrille. - •
James Seeds, farmer. Franklin.
Joseph it St:midmost), farmer, Brady.-
Andrew Sprankle, farmer, Morris. -
•J. Murray Simpson, farmer, Huntingdon.
David Whitsell, farmer, Oneida.
Thomas Withers, clerk, Jackson,
Robert Williamson, farmer, reirree.
Levi 'Weeitbrook, boatman, Walker,
Nathaniel Williams, laborer, Huntingdon.
Simon Beck,'farmer, Warriorsmark.
John Bisbin, mason, Alexandria.
James Colegalc, farmer,. Cromwell.
Wm. A. Copley, blacksmith, Warrioremark.
Alexander Cannon, mason, Hentingdun.
Jacob liliae, farmer, Tod.
John Eby, farmer, Shirley.
Fetterhoof, cabinot•maker, Huntingdon.
Elijah Gorsueb„farmer, 'Oneida. . _
John R. Gosnell, farmer, Cass.
Samuel Houck, farmer, 'rod.
Adam Hooter, farmer, Clay.
Abraham Harnish. farmer, Morris.
Hebert Ingram, faimer,. Franklin,
George Jackson, farmer, Huntingdon.
Hugh Jackson, farmer, Jackson:
Hog,h King, farmer, Shirley.
William MeClown, farmer, Clay.
Samuel Miller, farmer, Shirley,
Thompson Martin, farmer, Porter.
R. A. Miller, dentist, Huntingdon.
Lewis R. Morgan, watchman, Shirley.
Wm. P. Molmffey, laborer, Brady.
John Nearhoof of George, laborer, Woeful/.
Benjamin Norris,:labprer, Springfield.
Allen Rankin,' 'miner, - Carbon.
John Rhode:4, farmer, Hendariiin.
John Shope, jr., farmer, Union,
Henry Spanogle, Jr..: river, Warriormark.
George L. §mith,•farmcr, Cass.
John Shaver, Esq., farmer, Shirley, - •
Thomas A, Smellier, gentleman, Shirley.
John B. Smith, farmer, Jackson.
Benjamin E. Stitt. farmer,
Wm. Thompson, farmer. Brady. , .
Dauld Weight. farmer, War:lung
hereby given, to ill persons intermiteir, ;lint
owing mewed persons have' settled their A.CCollfltll
to ihe -
Register'a Ogle., at Huntingdon, and that the maid accounts
will he presented ,for condensation-And vdtmettpce at an
Orpban.P.Ciani,lo beheld rat 3juytJagdptt , lii Lad for the
county of Huntingdon. on Monday, the 17th day uf
April negt,(lB63,y to wit t
let. Administration account of Geo. IV. Reese/slog. Ad
ministrator of Michael Detwiler, late of Pinftieps dac'd.
tluertienehlp account ofJemos A.Stewars, Admits
istrator of William Stewart, live of West township; deed.,
who. in hla llte time, was gnardfan of Ellie June head awl
Margaret Anne lteed. minor childrenof Jasees Recd, late
afield township in the county of Unntingdon, deceased.
3d. Account of John Y. Hay. administratorof Jana E.
Hay, late of Porter township. deceased.
4th. Trust account of Williem Madden, trustee appiiint.
ad by the 'Orpheus' Court of Huntingdon county, tascil
tho Reel Estate of Jar ea O. Madden: decedent
Gth. Supple Mental and beet account of Jenne! Curie and
B. P. Neely, executors of Tharnue W. No*, late of Dublin,
township, deceased.- ' -
eth. Cuardlontblp Awning of Fbnedict Btephona. VAL.
fluordion of Rebores /lormon. a !Moor daughter of,F01.1:
Iformon, late of Cromwell Mtn:l4lp, &treaded:
7th. Ylmr and miry oreoutit of A. W. Swoops, Ad.
mlnletrotor of the oatate of SaaA Xing, late of titan
township, demoted.
5413. Guardianship account of•Dmid 111110, gunnllanof
Jacob... Flusher and Joho Flasher minor children of John
Pitteher. deceased. ' - '
9. Adruhrietration acoonnt of Min Donaldediu, ndmill-
Setrator with the will annexed of Julio rinfitt, info of
Iluponell township Su the county of Ihintmgdm. deed.
lUth. The adurinidtrotion account Of-Jorwilbarnaritidla„
mlndurstrztor 01.1ocob Drimdie, In to of llopdsvelltewnehip,
11th. The fleet trust aclxamt of Ronry Davis. tramee
of Jeculs Neff, deed., under tho nil/ of Narserffef, deed.
11th. Tiro administration mown; or Josopla .IPeop coot
Samurai If. 51 1 Coy,:dzecutors of the lastiern had tagtamrot
of Francis A. McCoy. late of Brody township. demmaml.
17th. The administratmir account of dacrob Goodman,
administrator of Rachel .4,:r McDonald, late of Brady town.
ship, dresatecd.•' • - '
14th. Tin account of Gilbert Iforpin: artd.ehristlats
Pcightnl, ediumistrators with the mill hone-zed of (ivory
Warfel, deceased.
15th. The account ofJamee Johnston, one of the ezeo-
oleo of lingli - Jblnistonr late of Oass:township, deceased,
10th. The Ailnihristration aCeuMit c.ftlaisturi Comiolus
nod Sterret Cummins. execntore of llubert Cooluants, late
of Jackson lovishipoleceirked,
17111. Tho Admini•tration account of Samuel T. Drawn lino, Administrator de !plots nun cum testannitto Clf
James Eurrildu, deed.
15th. Fluor account of Juba Scott. Nag., snardian. of
Jos. 51. Deaths..., u unnormiriblofJes“o.Mattbeerps
of the acrourit'ofJnotScett.
Executor of the lost hill caul testaturnt of John P. A
dots:On:late of the borough yr tloutingdua. deceased.
/WI. Partial AtiMilasteatioit nccount of Sarni. II and
John A. Icrlicrran, Executors of Juror IlePherrao, late
of Fraultlin tunnship, deceased.
21m . Yinai a,rourat of Joshua Wl tinmssn . Administriu
tor, with the hill annexed of 111 rain tt Illiacnsuo, hate of
West township. deceased.
221. Administration account of Ir. IL Johnston and
Benjamin Mut:nail. Administrators of George Mural, /ate
of West township. deeosse•l. • ; "
23d. The Second General, and itfin tho opatate-rrecounta
of James 0 win. guardian of Isnou P. Pommy end Mary 11.
Dutsey, mirror children or Greenbelt( horsey, /ate of the
borough of 11 un ting.lod. decenstd."
24th. The Trust account of John C. Watson, Esquire,
Trustee to sell the real estate of Hiram Wriliaroma, Irate
of Wort township. deceased. -
25tli. 'J'rust acconnt ofJohn-C.- tratßotti,,Ninfrey
Truster appointed Orialijie Genre 91 - untip244 . l4
comity to sell the Roll etAtil, of - 14.9wen*, de.
craned.2.l2lz - Thoirdfnatisivotion- - noes - tine of Jelin- Veon. Ade
ministniror4rt.slory• Sulienefeit.-late - off Union township,
linn , fugdon County, Union of Fredcricb acheneitit, - ‘lO.
A 4
2711.. Tim Admiistration rteonurof JObiietA
loon-011,11trator of Jane JtAir.stou, late of Jock on
2.01. Administration acciaint of John Demi oneore
IN risen, Adorhustrator. or the e,trite uf 171111a d ni G Deed g ,
Tate or Wen towu.slo, Dun tingdon mom nty.dccensed.
' • •• ' DANIEL; IV.' IVO3I2.LSDOIt
oM co , Register.
Iluntiur„don, slch. 17, /003.1
Lottery of Ailtrilblitinthin-tuire'liCon'grhnted
the underrignod upon tlioestnt o of Abrinn Lewis, tote of
Mount Union. Malley townsiii¢. Ifuntingilon county, de.
ceased. Al! l ielsous indebted will mnke.paymont, And
those havin g claims, present them, properly_nu Cap Vont
ed, to tic.' - • -
wrtsox, landerign twp.,
JOS. C. SECIIILEIt, Mount Union.
Maich 21,18 , 13..M.11 1)
10 --SCII001; -,TEACHERSIcir
NORMAL saggtu t _
MONDAY, 41.PRIf. 6,1.861.:1
For further particulars, eddre!g!
Sbr/ 1 1 1 11 . Tetilllet,
narch 17, 1.46.431.*
For Ladies, Aliases; and Mildred's Wear.
4Frenelt awl American FLOWERS, 130:4SIL T. 11J.
nows, and n general- asfviiment of
at thelawost cash pricos—TVitr,fesulecinst Retail. •
-3111,1.1N1113 will conPnlt their interest by examining
my stock beret° mating their pnrebnnes.
Plittadelpliie Mitre/ 13, 1283-2 w. ,
(Estate of Etheard Cox. deed.]
Latent of administratom upon the astute. of PdVaarg
Cox. late of Barren renew/hip, Illtutlngdeftl-Tonrify76-ed:
teeing Imen 1;1 anted to tho underalgued, all persons tiny.
log unites against the estate nee requested to pro tent
tlt m to the onder,lgned, end all perilous Indebted wilt
make 11.1111.1111te payment.;
Fob. 21, 1203-430.
tr,late of Philip Equ'r; deed.]
betters of Administration upon the estate of Phillt!
Pipor, lute of Porter township deed.. having been gran
ted to the undersigned, all persons having elnlms against
the estate are requested to present them to the under•
signed. and all persons indebted will make immediate
payment. TiIt:MAD D. W.4.1.D. Elt,
31areb 3,1863-6 t
A .1) MINI ST fi AT Olt'S NOT Lep,-
. [Estate. of Donnlitle shock. gift:W:l • • Letters of Adlnittivt mien upon the estate of Dent.
yin, Shock, tote of, West towtoddai tratithnithin* empty,'
deed. hming been granted to the meter:knell, nII persons
having claims against the Watt, ate yogneste.) to present
them to tho onderAlgned. and all person 4 Indebted
matte itIVIIVAhItC pa;. malt, WILLIAM SMOCK., ,
Warrlor-ridge, Meh::3, 1 4 63-Gt.. "Ad:llll'4'6lmm. •
" :."' !Fd7f,.g * A .
The subscrlhor off<re tit prlratd MK pkotanly ho
anow occuple,s in Nartlteart Iluothigtlau. The
ltoutte is a t urn-story frame. There tae let uf eltelere
Gull hets upon the preltiaea.
For let ma call upon the sabscriher,
I'll.trcle3. ISM - • ' -" A.
11:6ES, FINES, :11111113iillY,Ad.
•• • -
At the b> refit Ellsls price.
- •,-
.141. 3. qv liorthleast'litintingdort
No. 10 66,t'tailai;:si'r f ' New York,
' Diractiy opposite the Wedtern, Hold.
The Croton Ithinnracturing Co,
( Ol genital IV 1I mul4r,tlallleagratNnufacturing
La - iiof the - St.lto of New Vuk)
Wl,, nt nholo.lo, In gium:lthlp.'enit purchasers, At
Manufacturms' Lol,e9t
PAPRit HANGINGS °revel,' Ynriety of style and prhso
BUILDERS to march, ,
Of the lato.t etylei end supeLipr. Lot h. all of their corn
manufacture and importation.. r iid thejr stock ie WS*
and entirely now. they invite Merchants. Duelreellers; Aug
Dealor4 iu these urticles, to Coll and examine tlyir,44letka
and miens, a hencver they 11dt - the city.:
Feb. 18, 1361-fa _ - _
-F4irr.4ANl) ly.rNasvAltiftv
MARKLE k SB.U.Rq. AA., •
g u y s just, opened:To LYse , now , and mieuipaSiteg slack of
Foreign an Docriestlc of all kitiiis Mid quail--
ties. embracing everything In that hue. Also, &complete.
assortinou of
GitOO,ERIES,, - -
rem/weedy chimp, with good weight and 'fair measure,
together with
& 5110 ES, LC., &C., be., .
and all the rations other neaten usually kept in a COlto ,
try store, so that the inquiry is not •• What bare March
Brother got," bet " What hare they not?"
Being satisfied that their largo and complete stock of
the above named goods °toner be excelled to quality,
quantity or cheapness in this section of Country, we, Te,
spectfally ask to trial,, feeling Satisfied that, a liberal pa.
Wattage will' be extended towards no, by all who are is
need of good artleles at low prim. Oux,motto is "quick
ealea and small protits.". -
• .
repectfully request tLe pAttOnAgo 05 all, and en.
.eclally ear Trough Crook 4a1105 frieuths,
Everytillug taku¢ la excluingli for gboils exteptpromf.
AfJ•Cash paid, fay allAiudeof groin, foyirbleb th e
bibbed market Pikes will be glvon•
Wm? March la agent for the Broad Top Waited& rein
pany in llerkleabnrg Station. He fa prepared .te ship all
nimbi of pain io.ttii.Esateru markets: 'Davies a large
viareroolu, farmers can .store• with him mail ready
ehip. livery convenience will be affurdedltheni: V e tt
amity flour by the barrel alviaie on bawd at' tbe'the
WILLIAM DIARda 4c. altoo , n
' idelleleabnrg, Nov. ha,1862. -
XrOU tl-4, JArgew`a • • . Ben t;
Ladled' Dtp3 CloodA4 -
JOHN couinfArr.
- - Executors
FOR 5 , .3L4.; I