The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 01, 1863, Image 3

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    Elje 61obt.
Wednesday morning, April 1, 1863.
Union League Meeting.
Saturday evening last a business
meeting of the Huntingdon Union
League was bletind J. S. Stewart,
"Wm. Lewis, James A. Brown, Dr. Jno.
McCulloch and Dr. R. A. Miller, were
appointed a standing business commit.
tee to promote the efficiency, and in
crease the numbers of the League by
all loyal and honorable means; and
John G. Miles, Esq., Graffus
and A. W. Benedict, Esq., were appoin
ted a standing committee to procure
The business committee was instruc
ted to make permanent arrangements
for ringing the bell and lighting up
the court room for the regular meet
ings of the League.
The following new members were
proposed and elected :
Hon. George Taylor, William C.
Wagoner, A. V. Westbrook, Charles
Doyle, William Williams, Robert King,
Adam Smearman, William 11. Shaw,
Dr. R. A. Miller
J. S. Stewart, Esq., presented the
following communication from the
Huntingdon county officers of the 125th
Regt., P. V., and they wer according
ly- elected and enrolled :
We, the undersigned officers from
Huntingdon county in the 125th Reg.,
P. respectfully ask to be enrolled
as members of the Union League of
:Captain' William W. Wallace, Co. C.
Lieut. Theodore L. Flood,
" L. Frank Wuttson,
Captain William F. Thomas, Co. I.
Lieut. George Thomas,
" John D. Fee,
Captain Henry H. Gregg, Co. 11.
Lieut. John D. Flenner,
" James Foster,
Captain William 11. Simpson, Co. F.
Lieut. Franklin 11. Lane, n
Jno. P. N. Householder, "
Major Join J. Lawrence.
On motion the meeting adjourned
to meet on Saturday evening next at
the Court louse.
Arrangements have been made to
procure speakers for the next meeting,
and the public generally are invited to
attend. Sayer.. T. BROWN, Pre.q.
Theodore IL Cremer, Sec'y.
Lines Written on the Death-of S. G. Ba
ker, Commissary Sergeant, 125th Regt.
Tie rests—the soldier's warfare's o'er,
Ile hears the clash of arms no more;
Ilia nets were brave, his cause was just,
And glory crowns his lmnored dust.
No one posqess'd more patriot zeal,
No one more brave on battle field;
He left his home and dearest ties,
And gave his life a sacrifice.
Ilia self denying traits were known
With brother soldiers or at home;
Heady for each emergency
His heart Wet flowed with sympathy
poem qpake his Inyallteart ;
Was ready with his life to part ;
Ilescorned to fill a enward's grave,
But fought, our bleeding lurid to save
Wife, infant, parents, now are left,
Of husband, father, son, bereft;
They feel the scourge, and mourn his loss,
But know it was a noble cause.
Yri;r ac LECTURE.- Rev. Silas Liver
more, of Guthrieville, Chester county,
a refugee from North Carolina, will
lecture - before the citizens of this place
9n Saturday evening next, on the rise,
progress, and temporary triumph of
secessionism, together with his own
personal experience among the rebels,
the adventures of himself and wife in
their escape frcm the rebel Statos, and
observations on the condition of affairs
in Virginia - and other seceded States.
The public are invited to attend.
AND DIRECTORS.—CeIIifiCatCS to teach
ers issued by " county superintend
ents," and " certificates by president
and secretary of board of directors to
county superintendent that schools
have been open and in operation ac
cording to law," must each have a 10
cent stamp affixed ; and that "agree
ments or contracts between teachers
and board of directors, to teach," must
each have a five cent stamp affixed.—
in the first and last instances the
stamp duty is to be paid by the teach
er. In the second, by the secretary of
the board, and charged to the district.
Heavy Robbery. Last Wednes
day night a week the safe of Adams
Express Company was robbed between
Harrisburg and Baltimore, on the
Northern Central Railway, of a sum
of money amounting to some 880,000.
A reward of five thousand dollars has
been offered for the perpetrator, and
we have heard that the Express Com
pany aro watching certain parties
whom they suspect of having a finger
in the pie. Silly-five thousand dollars
of the above anThuntconsisted of Green •
backs. The safe and a number of
Government bonds were found in the
neighborhood of Cockleysville.
GOLD came down with a bounce last
week in the East; one day it came
down to thirty-nine, and the next day
it came down to thirty-five. It creat
ed a great panic among the wholesal
ers. Cotton goods, it is supposed by
men largely m the trade, will follow
in the wake; other goods, of course,
will go along: When this does hap.
pen, foiknnes will be lost in as short a
Time as they were made. Will any
body got bitteu Caere? •
Local Items.
Six Mile Rain —Messrs. Maguire
and Givin aro sinking a shaft at their
collieries at North Point on Six Mile
Run, where they intend putting up a
large engine. They have struck both
veins of coal, the lower one,being, some
six feet thick. Their improvements
will be equal if not superior to any
thing on Broad Top. This part of
Broad Top has been improving with
great rapidity. Ono year ago, Maguire
and Givin were the only active opera
tors on this run; now all is life and bu
siness, and there aro at least ten open
ings now in full operation.
Tho POllllll. Rail Road Company
ale building a large warehouse at the
upper end of town on the canal; it is
to be occupied by Messrs. Lloyd and
Henry of Hollidaysburg. Mr. Henry,
we understand, intends making Hunt
ingdon his home; we are glad of it.—
This is just the kind of men we want
to see coming to our town. We have
drones enough; we want to see men
coming here who are enterprising and
active business men. Such men as
these will make our town improve, in
stead of taking a retrogade movement.
Conic on, Sam, we will be glad to give
you a welcome.
Kew Buildings.—Saml. T. BrONVII,
Esq., is making preparations to build
two brick houses'ou the lot adjoining
the one where he now lives. Mr. Jas.
Port is also about building two houses
down near the Baptist Church; they
will also be of brick. They will be
good investments, as renting houses
in this place are in demand. We are
very badly oft' fur good tenant houses;
wont some others try it on.
Killed. 3lr. Bnrgstresser,
an elderly man, was run over and kil
led last Thursday night by the passen
ger train on the 11. & B. T. It. It, on
its return from Hopewell. The acci
dent occurred this side of and near the
Stonerstown Bridge. ,Mr. Burgstr es
set. was walking on - the trac4lcarrying
a torch with him. When found, he
was in a terribly mangled condition,
and died a few minutes afterwards.
Soldiers Going ITrest.—Every day
last week we noticed largo trains of
troops going to the West. Tennessee
is said to be theirdestination. We are
informed by General Christ of Colum
bia that an entire division is ordered
to that State. The General commands
a brigade in this division.
—Badly Mita:ed.—On Thursday
last, the Monitor having announced
that we had purchased a barrel of
whisky, a number of thirsty gentlemen
gave us a friendly call, only to be dis
appointed, as it turned out that it was
one of the Monitor clique by the name
of Lewis that had purchased the arti
cle, and net ns. It was not the same
barrel that Owen got possession of, in
a way, and traded for board. An own
er of" a magnificent farm near Hunt
ingdon" can do many things surpris
i ugly smart.
Xot to be Found.—The magnificent
farm of two hundred and fifty acres
near town, Owen represented himself
to be the owner of, that he might the
more successfully swindle Philadel
phia merchants. Owen should be the
last thing to talk about the honesty of
any man.
G'lories in his treason.—Owen says
he will not join with us in giving cheer
to Generals Butler, Rosecrans, Hook
er awl our army. In this confession
he don't disappoint anybody that
knows his true character.
One day last week part of Musser,
Blair and Port's coal mine at Dudley
caved in while the men were at work;
fortunately, nobody was hurt. The
men crept out of a hole through the
top of the roof of the mine caused by
the fall. A horse was in the mine
when it occurred, and not being able
to Creep out through the small hole,
was compelled to remain in darkness
until he was dug out from the outside;
he remained inside two days.
Rebs.—Last Tuesday afternoon a
train of cars containing one hundred
and eighty rebel prisoners, passed
through town on their way to Fortress
Monroe to be exchanged. They were
captured in Tennessee, and were a
hard looking set of customers.
We understand that Mr. William
Riddles, who has been keeping the In
dian Queen Hotel in this place, has
leased the Exchange Hotel in Phillips
burg, Centre county, and will take
possession of it this week. Mr. Rid
dles cannot fail to give general satis
faction to all who may give him a call.
We expect to hear of him doing a good
—The Monitor says the Globe is the
organ of the "mob-league." We have
only to say that if we never get into
worse company we will never ho sus
pected of being a rebel sympathiser.—
A "mob-league?" That's complimen
tary, very, to the members of the
A. train, with some three hundred
rebel prisoners, passed over the rail
road east on Sunday last. They rec
ognized four or five of their friends
near the depot.
Snow.—Last Saturday we were
visited by a heavy snow storm; it fell
to the depth of three inches. Some
body said, "March came in like a lion
and would go out like a lamb." Don't
see the lamb at this writing.
Don't See it—The Copperhead
prophesy, " Gold going up one hnntl
red per cent."
Fresh Flower anci Garden Seeds for
sale at Lewis' Book Store.
Our Army Correspondence.
CAMP 55T11 INGT., P. y,
Beaufort, S. C., March 14, 1863.
Dear old friend Globe :—Allow me,
after a long silence, to again drop you
a few lines. We are still in South
Carolina, where we !rave spent the
last 15 months, and since the battle of
Poeataligo, Oct. 22, 1862. have been
doing nothing but the regular amount
of fatigue duty, drill and picket duty,
of which wo seem to get our full sharp.
Cos. II and C have been on the ad
.vitneed picket line on Ladies' Island,
(10 miles from camp,) 72 clays out of
tho last six months.
There is no news to communicate,
for we get most of our news concern
ing affitirs hero, from Northern papers.
Brigadier General Rufus Saxton, now
in command here, was married on the
evening of March 1111', to Miss T. G.
Thompson, of Philadelphia. The cere
mony took place in the Episcopal
Church, and was attended by large
numbers of both officers and soldiers.
The church was brilliantly lighted,
and everything passed off in the best
I see by ono late copy of the Globe,
thaTho soldiers of Illinois are still
ready to speak, in tones that must and
shall be heard, to the poor, snivelling,
weak-kneed, ''peace at any price" par
ties 51 the North. Good for the true
sons of Illinois ! but let Inc say that
the "true sons" or the Keystone State,
though far from their homes are ready
to uphold their noble brothers of the
West even to the last. So let traitors
both North and South beware.
Befbre I close I must tell you of a
presentation made, to Captain John A.
Livingston by the members of Co. H.
It consisted of a splendid sword, sash,
belt, over-coat sling, patent haversack,
and pair of gauntlets; costing in all
fifty-three dollars. The presentation
was made at roll-call on the evening of
February 16, Sergeant Hissiry,
Corporal Wogan and private Goodman,
in behalf 'of the company. It being
the first instance of the kind in the
Regiment and a complete surprise, the
Captain was so astonished as scarcely
to be able to say a word ; but he soon
rallied and made a very neat, though
short, speech, in which he thanked the
men, and promised them that he would
always strive to use it honorably for
the crushing of this unholy rebellion.
Three cheers were then proposed for
Captain John A. Livingston and given
with a will.
I have just heard that the rebels
made a dash across Skull creek on to
Hilton Head Island, night before last,
and succeeded in capturing the pickets
stationed at the plantation known as
the Spanish Wells. The picket consis
ted of nine men and one Lieut. of 9th
Itegt. Maine Vols. If this is true,
it does not speak very well of the vig
ilance of the pickets.
But my letter is already too long
so I will close promising to keep you
posted if anything unusual transpires.
More Alton. P.
P. S.—Your paper comes regularly
to hand and is most acceptably receiv
ed. I can assure you it is like an old
friend. A. J. P.
If you were to die to-night, would
you leave those dependent upon you
as well provided for as you would de
Dr. Franklin said, " a policy of Life
Insurance is the cheapest and safest
mode of making a certain provision for
one's family. It is strange that men
should be careful to Insure their hou
ses, their furniture, &c., and yet neg
lect to assure their lives, the most im
portant of all to their Ibmilies, and fhr
more subject to loss."
:co one, upon abed of sickness, over
regretted making suitable provision
for his family : at such a time, a life
policy can be fully appreciated.
The Penn Mutual Life insurance
Company of Philadelphia offers superior
inducements. It has a capital of
$1,151,789 50, securely invested. Has
paid losses amounting to $014,000, and
made dividends to the insured amount
ing to over $500,000.
The Trustees have declared a scrip
dividend of 40 per cent. oh the cash
premiums of 1862, and have decided
to receive the scrip dividends of 1853,
1854, 1855 and 11 ) 56 in payment of
The undersigned is prepared to is
sue scrip to those entitled to receive
it, and give any information that may
be desired on the subject of Life Insu
March 3,1363. Agent.
Improve Your Sight and Preserve
Your Eyes.—A. BIRNBAUM, Practi
cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes
pleasure in informing the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicini
tys that he has opened a Store one
door west of Dr. Dorsey's, with a largo
and variety stock of Spectacles, com
prising Convex and Concave Glasses,
such as Flint, Crystal and Scotch Pei).
ble, and particularly desires to recom
mend the superiority of the last-named
• Glasses. Ilis theoretical as well as his
practical knowledge of Optics, and his
long practice in the Occulistic science,
enables him to adapt, after an exam
ination of the eyes, those'glassos which
correspond with the defect of near, far
or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted
to any frame, of any shape or color.—
Please call and examine the Spectacles.
Ambrotypes and Photographs taken
at all times on reasonable terms.
Also, Segars, Tobacco and Meer
schaum Pipes constantly on band.
Oct. 2S. Gm.
On Wednesday,2sth Mareh by, Rev.
S. U. Reid, M.V. Psaaos YOUNG to Miss
Wiiurvn GAIPNER, both of Water
On Thursday tho. 19th March, in
this place, by Peter Soroopo, Esq., Mr.
On the 20th March, 1863, at his res
idence in this borough. ;RHIN Nara,
Sr., in the 75th year of his age.
The deceased was long and favora
bly known as a citizen of this place,
having resided here during the great
er portion aids life, and being at the
time of hi:, death, with one oe two cx
ceptions, the oldest citizen. lie was
an ever indulgent parent, a kind neigh
bor, a sociable companion and peacea
ble and respected citizen. Few men
have reached the " three . score and
ten" of the deceased, reckoning as few
enemies. his sun went down in a
cloudless sky; the " pitcher was bro
ken at the fountain " and the dark
valley and shadow of death was pass
ed with a calm assurance that all was
peace. As sinks the summer cloud
away, as dies the
_wave along the
shore, his imprisoned spirit bid fre
well to earth, and the weary soul sank
to rest as calmly as the still slumber
of an infant. Although suffering the
keen pangs of disease for many weari
some weeks, and racked with pain al
most too much for frail mortality to
bear unrepiningly, no murmur escap
ed him,—not outpe did he forget that
He doel.h all things well. On Priday
after'noon ho fell asleep from which he
will only awake at the Great Day, and
now beneath the tad on the hillside
repose his remains. His body was
followed to the tomb on Sunday by a
larger procession, we presume, than
was ever witnessed in this place on a
similar occasion. The Masonic Fra
ternity, of which society the deceased
was the oldest member in this neigh
borhood, were also in attendance, and
its Simple, touching and impressive bu
rial service was performed at the
grave. Peace to his ashes.
March C. Isn3
Valle) Anti r... 11.1 Family Flour
COllllllOlllll,l ,illll.ll li ll^
1t )o Floor
Cot II 11., 1...
r.%111. RLitcll heat
Fair otol Prone Bed
P.) e
Coro, prim° Yellow
Cho ro.ootl, 1+1,4 !Ls
11 I
E'tt a Family Flonr tl bbl
I:%lin do c‘u
Into Witvar
141 In btu
Clo,o s,ed
I•laevci I
Lriod Appled
I. u.l
SI•m11•1••t .••. ............
(I:+tato of 1/4.101 P. Tholobatmh, 414.4711
Lobo moo the e4lOlO of Daniel P.
1111umbaogh 11,10 Of llopow 11 11)1111shlp, deed, 110, iug
!woo granted to Iho undotsigned, all tieee , oll.: hal lug
e 1.1111 1 ,1 upon the eptate 010 replOitell 4r lavient Itt 10
the Inlklersl,ol d. and :al pelsule, hiltiteing thelliSehel
intle!rtell trill 111111, 111111/UII.IIC I/
E. P. BitilmilAra It,
111,11 eh 31,186Z-11i.
Five-Twenty United States Loan
E LL, A It]; CO., of
Iluath!plon. ale Sabwtilithlll gi•llti to dHpo eof
tie the Ts,eni 3 nnod Stales 1,111. A:110111)ti
enn ie Lad to !alit the 1111 W .•1 I S roia 111111.1,m1,; the
to ie pa.),thl, and br lot Imit
s 111,tich L',l.
- 1 - )ISSOL Cif LON R 'P N E R! P.
The pat luendiip hetetofoio exi.ding bets. eon John M.
Cunningham not Wiiil.llllolllllill4il.llll. and e it, tog on
the Huntingdon foundry mulct . the Ilia of Cunnittt:lntin
d. Mother, has been by 11.1'114 COll , llll, thil
tt3 of Mat.h.l43.thcqalved, and all the debt: dur to t. tid
ht lit ore p *Mao to Jelin M. Cuitauu,ltain, v,kv hill pa 3
till tb, debt, of tht. Came.
.1. `,l.CliNNT . :(illAlf
ruNTiNo ups FouN DR
The la,itu w of the gal.l latta.llv is ill 11,1, after
he~nt on L,l the tot,11:1.1•VIVII, also ,11/ 1w ul all
times lead) to make ca-..itt6s ut all Iota!, ptmnptlV cad
ttt 11111111,1M0 late N.
All pat,un.i hating ancaltkil rte.c.)unt, is hit Iho late
junior, a ill Canto fat a ant and 1,1 the the tome.
March 31, 15C,3.-1
Six traction ale wanted to take cliaige of the puh
a, nehOlei4 of the Itorou4ll of Illtutftuolon for n term of
sakimonth., e,ininencing on the .nth diy of 1 mil. 'rite
saki too per month will he ad folio:Ai. tr.: NO. 1. $l5;
No 2, s3s; No. 3, $33; Nu. 4, sl3 ; No. 3, ; Sn. 0, $23.
public examination of applicantv w ill be held by the
County Superintentlent Lit the School Howe on SAW: day,
filo 11th day or April, coliniencin , 4 At 3 u'ehelc, A. 31.
All applicAnti ate legniml to be urns es,'Aniinetl—none
ntlio, it ill he employed as tousle s.
113 outlet of the Boattl of Douctois.
Mooch 31, 135.1. Secretary.
A. Rare Chance for Teachers
Kishacoquillas Normal School
S. Z. SHARP, Pliucipnl null Prom ietor.
Bev. S. 11. MoDONALD. Stufv,ior of Lauguages
J. E. RIGHTER, Nofessur of .lu,lc.
This In=titution is located in one of the most healthy
and beautiful val cys 111 IN:1111S) Ivanta, and surrounded
by n highl) initial and intelligent community. Special
attention paid to the training of Teacherg—the courso of
study being similar to that of the Slate Normal School at
Millersville.obile the cost Bill belittle merlialf its high.
Apply for menhir to S. Z. SIIALIP,
Match 31-3t* liidiecoquillas, 311111111 c.. Pa.
Address "PI:0121.,:NI,"
The folloeing persona lime filed in the Office of
t Cleik of the Court of Quin ter fiession9 of limiting:don
COMIty, their petitions for licensee to keep lona or TA,
erob in said conoty. nod uldeli will ho ple,ented to the
Judge of said Coot ton the thud Monday of April cent,
for ,ilhmence:
Themes 11. regen, Coahoont,
11 illldm Julatton, 31n. klenburg,
WM. C. WAGONER, Clerk.
Cleric's Office,
31nrch 30, 1863.}
(Entatu of Job Shin, dee'd )
Letters of Administration upon thu estate of Job Shin,
Into of Crum, ell tot,nuhip, lltintingdon co., deed, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons hoeing
claims against tho estato ato tegnested to pi esent them to
the undersigned, nut all 11016%111s indebted will make tin
medmte payment.
March 55, 15G.3.-61.,'
[Estate of Henry Lloyd, deed.]
otters Testamentary upon the last will null testament
of Henry Lloyd, late of Walker township, Huntingdon
County, deceased. hare been granted to the subset Mere.
All persons indebted aro requested to make immediate
payment. and those having claims wilt pteseut theta prov
enly anthentwated to us.
March 123, IM:3-Gt. Executor
The seventeenth cession of they Institution unior the
pi °sent thincipal %sill 01)011 on Monday, May 4th. It will
bo removed too building nearer the centre of thq vibe o,
and the instt tiction will be,lll het °torero, libel al and the•
tough. Grateful for the confidence reposed in him, the
thincipal will endeavor to deserve, and be hopes to cc ,
coins a genet Gus putt °nage.
A dm of young men will be thceived for iustrection
to COMICS, mathematics, book keeping, Sc.
Per minute intbraltion, apply to
31m:1i 111, 19tI1. ; 1 .2t. '‘ ..• •, -
HERIFI4"S 5411,E5.--By virtue of
sundry units of Yend.'Exp. and Ft. Fa. to 'ma di
rected, I a, ill expoie to public sale or outcry, at the Court
Home, in the borough of - Huntingdon, ON MONDAY
the larit DAY of APRIL 181:3,- at 1:10 o'clock, P. M.,
the following Beset lb.] property to cult,
One lot of pound situate In thou village of Scotbwille,
Cloy township, Huntingdon county, fronting on Main et.
figit. and extending back 100 feet, having thereon erec
ted ?ilk Dante store-house.
Also—nne lot of graced situate In the village of Scotto.
illy, bounded. by lots of Williatit P. Taylor and Maths
Snoop°, baring tlivreou erected ono frame stable.
Alm—the undivided half part of n cm talc tract of land
situate in Clay tour ,hip. Huntingdon county, on I, bleb
defendant nos maim adjoining lands of George'lludion
on the cast and south, the Logan It azt hereinafter
tcubed of Harriet Glasgow on the licit, of Letts & Mc-
Vitty and others on the not ti, Containing CH acres, more
or leas, Of ahleh over 100 acres etc cleared, with it frame
mist null, a sax-mill, a large two-story dwelling. a large
Iv, frame bank hal n. and other on t buildings thereon.
Wing the same tract of land v, hick David Hunter devised
to niche.] and Thomas C. Ashman.
Al-u—the undivided half pint of a certain tract of land
situate In Clay too n , litp, Huntingdon county, known as
the Logan ti.tet , adjoining the 9611 Dact in this levy do
ze] ihcil, on the small east, land of Adam Heeler on the
yuith.weqt, of Haulm tila,gme Ott the north-west, and of
(abet e, containing 100 am et, 91 perches. more or leas, of
,Itialt about MO rote, into cleated, lot, lug that con a darl
loos , tool ether Into ovements, being the same [tact
0 Bich the et., rotor, of John In, Logan, dec'd.. con, eyed
In It 'mid and Tilt/111.1i C. AOllllllll. by deed totalled in
No. O. page :31 . 5, :..eize.l, taken in execution, anti
1., the property of Itichatd Ashman.
A 1,t9--( Adjuurnel ile•—,by virtue of a
n rati,u.) all that Err loin 111,9,1 age or tract
of laud in Cass tow tdtip, linutinden county, and
St de of Pennqylvanid, contatuing one Itunthedlind twen
ty not e, an 1 !MOO Or dv.. per cent for t outdo, /cc., Jul
joloing other land, rot nr.tly of Hobert Spool. deed., and
utlte,e (being the Lame tract of land uh, by deed. dat
ed 1:41; 11
Dee., 1835, was Hold ant conve3ed by David Cl ark
5,11, friptee, l 0 100110 sale of the real egtate of the sold
not,et t Speer. deed . to On %Rid J.,000 Cri,wull raid 11,.
rc 1,. DI own.) together with all and ningnlnr, the
noodi, 110)0, mater 3, w liter 0000004,
Seized, taken in execution. and to he sold :8 , 3 the
in aped ty of Jacob Drein ell and Hot ace L. Drown.
Also—All the defendant's right, title and
tat , r, it in and to ono lot of ginned situate in Tod town
-9114), llnntinplon county, Penile., adjoining land or Jan
IV. Se llt and Jotopit Ifilsnn, me log thereon erected one
t,o-story (rain how, piinted Mato, Olin fiction Stable
AIM Mil. Seized, taken in execution, end
sold ni the property - of A. J. Dunlap.
Also—The defendant's right,-title and in
torpg in sod to the lotion ins reed estate 318 acres,
11101 n 01 less. hit nate in Tod town.hip, linntingdon coup.
ty. sat eyed in tic mune of Ilenry Houck, bounded on the
northwest by land of It. moo Pencil, no r tb,,,t by until
sutteyt it to A nd , rson .0, Hot ton. eunth.weit by laud of
Philip it, nr , t, inex Cnbi-on. flirts & CO.
A1,..--107 acre., non:, or le,. situate ,or the north bide
(Jr :thouro , , Run in Tod temirLip, am VOyCti in the name el
Also—ST acr, of land, mole or leig, ill Tod
Sul li.)ed In the name of Cl. Miller oil the not th.oest by
land-, of A whew Donal.b.on. awl on the sontli-emt lay
Huntingdon & 800 Top Railroad Co land.
Also-137 aeres of h au l, mine or less. situate in lime
mhip, sun eyed In the 1011110 of ;Seal Clark, and boan
it.d en the north-wept by TiexleCs heirs and iteejainin
Mock. solidi., est by Thoin is ateliirisin, soatloeast by
Wiodino . itiiii nod a Moo %Mono:imam
Also-92 00105. more or 1t111.9. situate in same township,
curve) oil in the name of ti.humal Snare, bounded on CO
9.lllCltaSt by WOW], 1111C 1 1)11 I.; Co.. ilOlllll-11.71• t by Ohrii 101 l
Bat net and Maui, .Moathtone and L. T. Watson & Co.
Al 40-17 acros,loolo i.itu Ito in Hop:nen town.
phi P r onrveyed fu tha mune of A. D. Crest it, loanntlod on
tint north-oast by land of Philip C 0 1 .11111111), oonth•on,t
1:1,1(1 oh D tort Moont.ttn's hells. south-, est and west by
land of Patton 1 Petrehill.
Also—Defendant's right, title and Interest In and to
a tine' of land Atom.. In Minim ell township, Domini:dolt
county, starve) eil oil it hirdlits in the name of l'otor Ile:-
1111 g, David Shaffer, Sarah Les i, Morgan et Levi, Adam
Levi, liantaili herring, Puvle kit 1141111 g and Conrail
Herring, the divi4lon line to he nut accoiding to at tide
of agreement lietweeen theft ...tee% of John Savage de.
and Dr. Peter Slionebei ger, also 1500 the owner of
the other half of said tract, dated the 14th day of Novem
ber, A, 1 - 5 , IS in, and smother agreement explaining the
prior Ono bet wool the slid parties and dated the 13th Feh.
nai y, IS4I, built of a MA as tides are Intended to be
reroi ded.
.; 700 ( 771
J.Ol tro
Alto—A small part of a toast of land surveyed to Jacob
Ifildegias which has not been plevionsly sold by thu tr.,.
toes of John Savage. the first of that name, nor by the
present grantee. 011 , 1 nil the 1011t1 loot tin,. previously sold
which wao eons nod to the told John Savage, deed , by
Eduard Leving , ion and wllO by de. d dated the 22d day
of April. 1833, and leeward In Huntingdon county in
Deed nook X, pogo 402.
Aloo—All the th.fendanro right, title anti interest in all
that set fain mooonage or to net of land, situate In (hurting.
don county. Coos township. containing 140 Imes. niers or
loss, adjoining 1 nolo Tot inerl of.ltober t Speer. deceased,
mud utheis, lotting the 5.11110 tutet of land; os hich by Deed
dated 15th December, 1835. was corn ey ed by David
Clad:son, Tribtee, to Jacob ei essu ell and ii,,, ae , L.
MOWN. Seized. taken in execution and to be sold ni the
pt opei ty of .ineob Co eswell.
Also—All the right, title anti interest of
defendant in null to all that certain lot of gi mind ',Horde
in the tom 0 nit Ilar net, in Callaon township, fronting 50
feet ou Hamilton er ect, and extending in depth one hun
dred and fatty lest to Hemlock alley, being lot No. all, in
tine plan of said town—liming thereon °tolled a dwelling
saute. and other improvement..
Also—Ail the right, title mid Interest of defendant in
and to all that cm min lot of ground situate in the ton 0
of garnet, Carbon ton w)ip, Huntingdon cannily. front
ing 50 feet on Hamilton street, and extending in depth
Ild feet to Ilemloel, noisy, being lot No. 31 in the plan of
said ton on whirl, is et ceted a dwelling bongo. &c.—
Seized, taken in ex.:it:int, and 'eh' es lire propel ty of
Juuuv Dunn.
•Lo . 62
+22 vin2 10
Also—All the right, title ru.d interest of
Ihr drr.okooet ill and to 03 Iln limo acres of land more or
loss..,ituate in Union tos,n , loy. Huntingdon county, Pa.,
adjoining lands of M. Complicit, cost, hod of A. J. I'os
- or Janwn honoldson on the west. nod land of An
(haw Wise on the somh, about thin ty amen of which me
.1.,11.41. and being the unet of land conveyed to
nlll' M. Wp.e, by doe I noun A. J. Pontlewail her dated
2;:d : 2 ,ptoulaw, 105 , 1. talon in excuition, and to
be 4.1 as tins Is open ty of Mary M. Wile.
Also—All the defendant's right, title and
in let e-t din and too certain hoot of land situate In Tod
too onhip. :tdjounng lands of Isr ae l Baker, Benjamin
la, and 1411.4,, 11, log thoreon erected a to o-stoly home
w.atlter hoordut, and it Slitilio; cc ntaining fitly
lava or 11+ 4 . all or arm ly all cleared and tt a state
~rcumv,tl4,ll. £eved, 101,11 111 OXOCIIIiOII and sold no
I:ie I , lopi'lly of P.m' Shoutz.
Also— All the right, title and interest of
,kr.e4 , nt in and lo one lot of mound situate in the village
of Manor Hill, Bootee too uship, Huntingdoo county. Pa.,
fronting on the nad or sit oet lending though said village
and adjoining land of Mlle. Banmel M 3 ton, George Platt,
and h Gen.:on ma tad one too story frame house, 4a
ble and out budding.. Beizcd. taken In execution and to
be .old as the pt opt sty it Hamilton MeAlliqer.
Also—Ninnte en acres of laid eitunte in
cnko,•ll [0,1,4144 Hunting.inn counts. reljoining lands
et Peter %Vasel on the south. Jacob 11. un the wo,t,
M.', hone and othrrs. 11.“ mg thereon er,Vloll4t saw-null
1,1 robin buns. teuzed. talon to execution. and to be
sold the ttopet t 3 at Andrew mLcon.moy.
1.110, • —Diilrlvi a at Shot 111"4 , ,1iea UM take
noth, Oat inottedi 111.1 y npon the property being - hooted
daon, fifty p rent. of all bids molt, $1.60. and twenty
e pr rent. of all ludo met that SIMI, nnutt be paid to
the &Attain', or the ptopn ty mill be st up again and sold
to other Laidrt, alto n comply nltlt the above 6,111,
Sloi in - .; Sal., %%ill hold - After be math, on 310nd:in of
the lit it neck of Com t, oath tho Deeds acknowledged on
the following Wednesday.
Stivßtreh OFIICII.
Huntingdon, 11..11.24,150.1.
For many years no lime made the cultivation of
a specialty. and taLing hitt; acCoont VAItIETY, QUA.N
TITY and QUALITY, our stock of VINES and PLANTS
Is ,mervmlea 1111pOICre,‘ ii Moil wo offer on the most (ova
rabid heroin. Writes , ulshing to pinch.° would do melt
to Lorrespond with its. or send for our Pltioll LIST,
uhich still be sent to all applicants free of charge.
Is A T
ohms all at lichen belonging to such an establishment
can be had of the best quality.
MhIO. Box 155, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Box 943 P.O •
Philadelphia, P 4
The following persons have filed in the office of the
Cloths of the Com t of Omit ter Sessions of Huntingdon
their petitions fur lithuses to keep Inns or Taverus iu
said county, and which in xili be presented to the judges of
sasil cum t on the second Monday of Apt!' next for allow
ance, to ts, itt
John Dean, Huntingdon Botough,
Jacob Berger, do
Valentine hoover, elq
lima Thomas, do,
I fumy Luster, do,
Bohm t Clifton. Os bisuniss Borough,
Wsllisou Templeton, do,
John IL Bonn, Cossville,
James Carmont, Manor 11114
Samuel Coen, Sasilthithg,
George E. Little, SicAlat y's Fort,
William P. Robison, Alexandlits Borough,
James noosing, Petersburg,
John It. Hord, do,
James Chamberlain, Warriorsmark,
11. F. Hazlett, Sprite° Creek,
Philip Cs ouse, Mapleton,
John G. Stewart, AIM Creek,
John Long, Coalmont,
James Clien,on, Barnet,
James Dunn, do,
Mat ths Mara, do,
Samuel 11. Aults, Monnt Union,
S. Illy sun Musser, do,
Alexander S. Seeds, Spruce Croak,
James Harrington, Broad Top City,
Michael McCabe. Carbon temp.,
Joins S. Stiller, Huntingdon,
Sawing O. Simpson, Mill Creek,
Os.drus Stiller, Huntingdon, -
Martha March, Mcosessille,
Itonsy Chamberlain. Waterstreet,
John Shook, McCaunnistown,
&Mulct Trontwein, Fairfield,
Henry Sttouse, McConnelatown,
Samuel Staley, Jackson Wis.,
lhomas Cools, Broad Top City,
Adam Holliday, Shade (tap,
Thomas Skeins vey, Shit leysburg,
Honey Mctiowan, Burnt Cobh..
George B. Kelley, Coalruont.
Margaret Jewirua, Shade Gap.
Clerk's Office. slt r W. C. WAGON kj. l l; :k.
Huntlngslon, March 2i,1863.
VDU will find the Largest and[Best
nEsortp . 4 , 9, ot:Lti . dl . es'Pree . a Gocclea .. t ,
• rt p,
The account ar Levi l4ustbe under a •nol
nntary assignment or Jacob S. Berkstresser and J. Addi•
son Moore for benefit of creditors, has been filed in said
office of the Prothonotary of Huntingdon comity, and all!
be presented to the Court of Common newt amid county
for confirmation and allowance on the second Monday of
April, and a ill lie so Confirmed and allowed , UniCtla excep
tions are filed theist°. W. C. IVACIONEIt,
lh otbuilont ry'm face. 1
fluntingdon,.3luloli_lo, 1563
The Trust account of John Scott, kxl, Trustee of
Mlu. Sorg:" et W. Anderson. under nUcclnrattou of trait
emited by her late husband Julin - lt. Anderson. leo'd., has
been tiled in the office or the Prothonotary of Huntingdon
county, and Rill he presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of bold county on the second Monday of Apill next,
for confirmation and silent mice, and hill be so eottOrrneSl
and alimentt unless exceptions are filed thereto. • •
Prothonota r 3 is (Mice. 1 W. C. W :SOONER.
Huntingdon, Marclflo,l3l33 J Prothoutfinry.
- • • • -
We Lawthe pleasure of Informing you that vie J .
ale now prepared to offer, at our Old Stand Nal.
103, 105 & 107 North SECOND St., PIIILAD'A.
A well selected stock of
in e,ely S ariet}•. of the Infest importations, and of the
nene.d and 11n51 Lul:ionable styles.
u,ll conwiso every variety of Donner% Hata and Trim
111111g8 to tw fool in that line. of tin latest and 'most oh ,
proved balance and kyles. Suheoing an cal ly call, I re
main Yours, Itespdctlully, -
rhtiadoo.i., March ig, . • .
11:11R0 C IMATION.--Iv.HEREAs; by
is precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the
7th of January, A. D. 18132, under theirands and seals
of tho his Oeorge Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and 'fermi Cyr, mud genet al Jail deliv
ery of the 21th Judicial District of Peurisyltania. compo
sed of Huntingdon, !flair and Cambria counties; and the
Hons. Benjamin F. Patton and Witham 11. Lena his assuCi
ates, Judges of the count) of II untin4,tion, Justices as
signed, appointed to hear, try and deter mine all 111111 ever)
indictments made or•taken for or concerning all crimes,
wide!, by the inns of the State are made capital. or talon
fel of death. and other offences, mimes and misdemeanors,
which lime boon or shall hereafter be Lonunitted or perpe
trated, for orimci aforesaid-1 OM COlllllllllllll l ll to make
public piing:unction throughout my St hole bruit %Nick, that
a Court of O)cr 1111 , 1 TOlllllllOl . , of COllllllOll Pleas and
Quarter 5i,,101 0 1. Will be held nt the Court House i n the
borough of Huntingdon, err the second Monday (and 13tlr
da)) 01 April next, and those who will pro,ente the
said prisoners, 'Li r then turd them to prosecute them as It
shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Constables within saidconlity:bc then mod there in
their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, n. In. of said day, with
their recorcl4, imptieitiaus, evaminations and remembran•
cos. to do those things which to their offices respectively
, . ..
Dated at Huntingdon, the:lit:lfof 3taich, in the year of
oar Lola into thoiKilid eight iiiitiolrid antnlxty•tbree,
and tbe Silk year of Anus icon Independence.
0 F.:O. W. JULLYSTUN, Wary:
Ditoor,,orATloN.__-thttiEss, by
precept to mu directed by the Judges of the Com.
usnn Phew of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test tine
17t1, day of Jannary. 18G3, 1 inn commanded to make
Public Proclamation thronghont nny a hole bailiwick, that
a Court of Common Pleas mill be held at the Conn t House
in the borough of Huntingdon, on tire 3rd Monday (and
2Uth d.ry) of April, A. lb, ISed, for the trial -of ell is
.l`3 in said Court Mikis remain undetelmfned before
the said Judges, in hen and ollsere all jurors, witnesses, und
SWIM 0, in the trials of all issues are required.
Dated at /funtingdon, the 2-ith of March, in the ye Sr of
ant lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty-three,
and the 87th year of American Independence.
W. W.. 1 D. C. Butrekin vs itlichael Steno.
Same IS aloe.
Coo. Toun's administrator vs Brice X. Blair.
Jacob Kauffman vs Robert F. Hazlet.
T. Bauman, survivor, S.c. vs George 31. Park.
I. Bauman m a Same.
John Savage vs Hazard er Curfiaan.
Samuel Firming vs lion. I. Stewart's steer
Jinn P. Anderson`, executor vs Henry Grimly.
I. N. & 11. W. Su onpo vs Joseph McCoy.
W3l. C. WAGONER, Prot'y.
Huntingdon, 31nrcit IS, 1863.
Auspatch Jacob, farmer, Jackson,
Alexander John, J. P., Shirley,
Buckley Wm., farmer, Shirley, "
Bilger George, mason, West,
1 2:•owntiver _Andrew, merchant, Barree,
Cunningham Richard, farmer, )Vest.
Cullison Levan, plasterer, Carbon,
Cooper Samuel, F. manager, Wei.t,
Cornelius James, laborer, Porter,
Dunn David, coal dealer, Huntingdon,
Forbes John, founder, West,
Grove David, farmer, Henderson,
Hamer Solomon, farintr, West
Meredith Lewis, shoemaker. Luntingdon,
Neff Samuel, farmer, Porter,
gnerry George, farmer, Cass
hobinson W. C., farmer, Dublin,
Stine Saml. G.,
farmer, Warriorsnun k,
Stevens, jr., . \ bednego, laborer, War'mk,
Thompson Elijah, farmer, Warriorsmark,
Wakefield George P., fanner, Shirley,
Weight Gee., shoemaker, Penn,
Whittaker John, farmer, Porter,
Walker Win. S., tinner, Alexandria.
George Berkstresser, farmer, Hopewell.
Jonathan Briggs, farmer, Tell.'
J. Nalson Ball, machinist, Huntingdon.
Elias Bartol, carpenter, Huntingdon.
Samuel Coen, gentleman, Barree.
Joseph Cannon, merchant, Huntingdon.
Henry Cornpropst, farmer, Barree.
Simon Coulter, farmer, Walker.
John endsley, farmer, Cass.
Mordecai Chilcute, teacher, Tod.
William Dysart, farmer, Franklin.
Isaac Donaldson, farmer, Hopewell.
John Eberts, farmer, Franklin.
William A Fraker, merchant, Shirleysburg.
William t.inter, laborer, Brady.
Perry Ginter; farmer,-Morris.
Abednego Grazier, farmer, Warriuremark.
James Higgins, cabinet-maker, Huntingdon.
have Hamilton, manager, Franklin.
David Isenberg, farmer, Henderson.
John Ingrain, farmer, Franklin. ,
Joseph Logan, blacksmith, Barree. •
George Lininger, farmer, Walker.
John Lots, farmer, Shirleysburg.
John M. Lowden, farmer, Tell.
Miles Lewis, farmer, West.
John McCandless, carpenter, Carbon.
J.mathan K. Metz, farmer, Brady.
J. K iMeCaban, gentleman, Huntingdon.
James McCracken, farmer, Oneida.
Joshua Mergam fanner, Cromwell.
Wm. E. MeMtirtrific farmer,,Huntingden.
Henry W. Mateer, plasterer, Brady.
William McFadden, bleekstnith, Jackson._
Joel Plummer, farmer, Dublin.
William Reed, laborer, Jackson.
William Itothreck, brewer, Alexandria.
George Steffey, farmer, Jackson.
David Steever, farmer, Cassville.
James Seeds, farmer, Franklin. • ,
Joseph D Staekhouse, farmer, Brady.
Andrew Sprankle, farmer, Morris.
J. Murray Simpson, farmer, Huntingdon.
David IV hitsell, farmer, Oneida.
Thomav Withers, clerk, 'Jackson.
Robert Williamson, farmer, Barree.
Levi Westbrook, boatman, Walker. -
Nathaniel Williams, laborer, Huntingdon.
Simon Beck, farmer, Warriorsmark.
John Bisbin, mason, Alexandria.
James Colegate, farmer, Cromwell.
Wm. A. Copley, blacksmith, Warriorsmark.
Alexander Carmon, mason, Huntingdon.
Jacob Elias,
farmer, Tod.
John Eby. farmer, Shirley.
Fetterhoof, cabinet-maker, Huntingdon.
Elijah Gorsuch, farmer, Oneida.
John R. Gosnell, farmer, Criss.
Samuel Houck, farmer, Tod. -
Adam Heater, farmer, Clay.
Abraham Harnigh, farmer, Morris.
Robert Ingram, farmer, Franklin.
George Jackson, farmer,' Huntingdon.
Hugh Jackson, farmer, Jackson.
Hugh King, farmer, Shirley.
William McClown, farmer, Clay.
Samuel Miller, farmer, Shirley.
Thompson Martin, farmer, -Porter.
R. A. Miller, dentist, Huntingdon.
Lewis R. Morgan, watchman, Shirley.
Wm. P. Meholiby, - laborer, Brady.
John Nearlieof of George, laborer, War'mk
Benjamin Norris, laborer, Springfield. -
Allen Rankip, miner, Carbon.
John Rhodes, farmer, Henderson ;
John Shope,jr., farmer, Union.
Henry Spanogle, jr., farmer, Warriormark
George L.• Smith, farmer, Cass.
John Shaver, Esq., farmer, Shirley.
Thomas A. Smelker, gentleman, Shirley.
John B. Smith, farmer, Jackson.
genjwip J. Stitt, farmer, Dublin,
Thon!peon,-farmer, Brady, •• •
oriel Weight. farmer, Warriormark,
p;EGISTER'S::'..NOTIC.II , 4z , NotiaitiV
hereby given, to all persons interested,- that the Tau
owing named persons hove settled their accounts.' lei the/.
Regiuter'a OAlice, at Huntingdort,sind that the said accotletei
bo presented Air ebulitenutieri and allewattee ci ea
Orphans' Court, lb tus held at Iftintingdort,lnsari for the
county of Hintiugdoti, on' ALruifit.fe - Gtit: P. 411 WI of
April next, (1863,1.t0 wit: .
Administration account of Geo. W. kessalrilig. Ad
ministrator of Michael Detwiler, late of Clay tap; deed.
2d. Guardianship account of James A. Stewart, Admin•
intrarbr of William Stewart, la's of West township,Seekt.,'
who, In his life time, was guardian of Eliza Jane Reed and
Margaret Anne Reed, minor children of James Reed, lists'
of esid township In the comity of Huntingdon, deceased/
Stl. Account of John Y. Bay, administrator erJstrie E.
Hay, late of Porter township, deceased,
4115. Trust account of William Madden, hisistee,appoint•
al by pa Orphans' Court of Italithrgilon coun ty, tb
the Real Estate of Mu. es G. Madden, deceased.
SuPplediental add final aceininFof Jahice'Cfee awl/
B. F.. Neely. executors of Thoniss W. Neely, late of Dublin! .
township, deceased.
6th. Ototallauellip account 'of_ihtiedict Stephens. Leg, " I'
Guardian of Rebecca Hat rude, a minor daughter °Med.; :
Harmon. late of Cromwell town/111p, deceased..
7th. First and only account of SwoOpe, Req., adt
niinistrator of the estato of Sandi King, late of Onion'
toe tiship, deceased.
Mb. lluardianship account of David flicks, guardian of -
Jacob and John Rasher, minor children of Jefixs
Flusher deceased.
9. Administration account of Jan bonaltison, gidniftt•
istrafor ith the annoyed of John Shultz, late of e
Hopewell township in the comity of Huntingdon, deed.
10th. Thu udinini ;nation account ofJonathan Brindle,
administrator of Jacob Drinclle, late of pops tolvp,ship,
deceased. • •
'; •
11th. The final trust account of Henri Davis. trustee'
of Jacob Nell; deed., under the will of :Nancy Neff: deV,l: -.
12(11. nu adMiniStration acaitint ofJoseph 11'Coy and
Samuel H. M'Coy, ear... Lois of rho t,c,c3yill and testament
of kW:iris A. 11cCi5Xlato 6,/,',llrnily'ythitehip, deceased.
13th. The adninvistiiiron account Or 'Jacob Goodumb,
adnunnalittor of Rachel A. McDonald, lute of Brady town.
ship, ilectuied. r • ,
141),. Tiro acromit ol,ollbert rithiiing.all,l.:Ciar/stlats•
Peigh.tal, udw mrsti u turd with the will annexed of Henry,
lath. The,aacount of James Johiftitoniene • 'of the exca,
Wine of Hugh JoliMiton, late of Cava toe nallip, deceased.,
Inn. The Administratlim aceoutit offSemnel Cummins
and Menet CumMine. - eneeentora of-Robert gunelnins, late
of,Taclison township, deceased.
17th. Tho AahrlhiintratiOn 4CF42.111:9f Blinnei T. Brown,
Esq Adininlsitafor de book -uon' ruin' testament° of
James EntrMin, deed.
10th. Final account of Jolla Scott. .Raq., guardian of
Joe. M. Mather., a tumor child ofJessio Matthans.
19th. Filet Adininistattion account ofJoo. Scott, Esti,
Executor of the,liiet..wilL and testament of Jolnv l',Acvsu
ddrson,latif Of the horough'of Huntingdoerd - eieased."
'th. Partial Administration account of Sam'. II and
John A. Mcl'herran, Executers ofJolin Mellierran, late
of Frouldin township, deeentied.'
91st. Filial account ofJoslam
tor, nitil the a2l annexed of Iliram•Wiiillornson, late or
West tow nsiiip. deceased. ' ' -
22d. Atlininiehation account of W. 11-Johnston and
Benjamin Hartman, Adminttrators of George Burst, late
of West town:ltip. deceased.'"
23,1 The Second General, and also the separate =comas
of Jumbo 0 alii„'gticlrclian - Of Ellen:S. - Di , rsayandlficrjo
Dorsey, minor children ql Oreenberry Dorsey, late of them
lan °ugh of Huntingdon, deceased.
21th The Trust
,ateount 'John c:F.squire,
Ti ustee to sell thu real estate Of /pram Williamson, late
of WOG foritfsbitydedr - ased.
21th. The Trust account ofJolin C. Watson; ,DliqUitee
Tt ustee appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon
,county to sell Clio-Real Estate or:Thomas 31.r.lwert!, .40
coaled. • ' ' 'i - t.. t
26th. The Administration account of John Dean, Ail•
ministrator of Mary Schenefelt. late of Union. township,
Huntingdon county, Milos/ of Froderiela'Schenefelt, de.
ceased. •
27th. The Admlniatintion account of Robert Johnston,
Atlutinistratur of Jane Johliston, late ofJacktrar tent.
ship. deceased.
28th. Administration account ofJohn Reed and Oeorgri
Wilson, Administrators of the estate of William Read,
late of West township, Hun tfiigdon county. deceased.
Register'. 0171 co, _ Register,
Iluntingdon;Mcb. 17;1803. f
oSAlnini,serapcm ITT) been krrntsi_
the naersigned - un the estate ufftnrutlieWV.lMAtePT
Monet Union, P.hii litintiligdon county, de
ceased. Alt persons indebted wilt make payment, and
those harlot; claims, presets - 040m, properly autbeuticats
ed, to us.
j 1 AMES WILSON, lledde,rion
JOS. C. SELIIILEtt, Mount. Upton.
March 24,1803. -Gt.s
For further particulars, addrena • „
. Norton! Teacher,
Match 17, ).43.:- - 3I:t• • •
Cataellle, Pa
For Ladies, Misses, and Children's Wear.
4Freilch nod American FLOWERS, BONNET RIB
BONS, and a generarapartnicnt of
at the lowest cash prides—Marra/a and Rdaa.
3IILLINERS will consult their Interest by. examining
my stuck before making their purchnseu.
A 931. KRUSE:k,
• No. 218 AllOll St, phliada,
Philadelphia, March IS, 1883-Sm.
[Estate of Edward Cox, dec'tl.3
Lettere of administration upon the estate of Edward
Coo, Into of ttorree township, Huntingdon county, dee'd,
having been grunted to the undersigned, alt poisons har
ing claims against the estate are - requested to - pro gent
Own) to the undersigned, and all , persona indebted BW
make immediate pnythent: • - •
Feb. al, 1863-Ct..
- (Estate of Philip Piper, dec'tLJ
Lettere Of , Atitultitk ration upon. tho:eafitte of ;Phillft
Piper, lath of Poirter township; decid.. having been gran ,
ted to the nutlet signed, all nelsons has ing gunman ngainst
the astute are requested to 'present then, to the under
signed, and all persons indebted"mitt unlike immaliat•
pA3 molt. THOMAS D. WALKER ;
Mal th 3,1863-6 t.
[Estate of ilenavillO Shock. deed.]
Let to s.p Administiation upon tho, e.ytitto,of „Dense.
vine Shock,likte lof-Weat towushit,;''llntitibgdon 'county,
deed. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons
haring clahns against the estate ore requested to presort
them to dm undetsigned, and all persons indebted will
mote immcdisto payment. WILLIAM SHOCK,.
Wairio,ridge, 31011.3, 15133.0t.* ' Administrator
F 0.7? SAL] .
The subherther offert, at private sale tie property, he
anow, °apples in, North-oast llntitlngdon.
llouhe le a two-itoiy frame. There le a lot of choice
slit twee upon .the prom ,
For terms call upon the utibierlber, , '
Morel, 3, 1863. A. J. WHITE.
. 1.
North-east guratengdl:44.-
At,tho lowest cash price
Mh. 3
No. 10 tiixtfande sttBet , Mist York,
Directly opposite tlie.Western Hotel
The Croton - Manufacturing Co.,
(Organized in 1846, nnder the General Manufacturing
Law of the State of Now Yoik)
Offers' at wholesale;' in qiiantiffei to :aid purchasers, at
3lanufaclm 01? Lowest Prices, •
PAPER II ANGINDS of every variety of style and prim.,
BORDERS to match,
. . .
Of the latest styles. and superior finish, atl,- of, thelu own.
rnanuficture and importation. As their stock is mug
and °nth ely now, they invite atercijan (a, Booksellers, and
Dealers hi these articles, to call and examine their styles
and prices,- whenever they visit the city,
Feb. 18, 116341 U.
LL, AND7.I.INT*It AlgtlYl4,4(
Hare .lust opened a . large, new, and aliwairfaseett stock of
Foreign and Domestic Dry4lloods ' of all kinds rind coati.
ties. embracing orerytbiug In that line. Also, a complayie
assortment of
remarkably cheap, with good weight and fair meaauop,
together with
& SHOES, &.0., &C., &C.,
and all the various other matters usually krpt in a count
try store, se that the inquiry is not " What hes March di
Brother got," but " What have they not?"
Being satisfied that their large and complete stock of
the above named geode cannot be excelled iq quality,
quantity or cheapness in this section of country, we re
apeetfully ask a trial, fooling satisfied that .a liberal pa
tronage will be extended towards us, by all who ACe In
need of gboil [witch. at low pikes. Our motto is "quick
sales and small profits."
We repectfully rerpietit 'the patronage of all, and es.
pecielly our Trough Creek Valley friends.
-Everything taken in exchange for goods excel:limn:lo
,•• • ,
.ffir Cash paid for all kinds of grain, for width Os
highest market prices pill tal
Wm: 111arch'is agent for tile Broad Top Aftilioad Com-.
pony at llarklesburg Station. Yin fs prepared •to ship all
kinds of grate to ills Idtsterp plackets. Bating a large
%caravel/Pt, ftritters can stare with' him until ready. to
chip. 'Every convenience will be afforded theca. Good
amity flopr by qui parrs) aluays on band at ldis t elleappBj
Mackleeburg, Nov.lB, 1862. • •
MHE largest stoolr:UDOVatito,Witt*