The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 01, 1863, Image 2

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    t().0 61,nhe.
Wednesday morning; April,l, 1863.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Our Flag Forever
of no mode in which a loyal citi
ssn _may so well demonstrate his devotion to
kts country as by sustaining the Flag the
Constitution and the Union, under an circum
-The loyal-citizens of Pennsylvania,
without distinction of party, who de
sire Cordially to unite in sustaining the
Natiotial,and State Administrations,
iri their patriotic efforts to suppress a
Sectional and unholy rebellion against
the unity of the Republic, and who' de
sire to support,. by every power of the
Got-eminent, - our- heroic brethren in
arms, who are braving disease and the
,dangers-of the field - to preserve the
Union of odt fathom, are requested to
-select s number of Delegates equal Co
. Legislative representatives of
The' State, at such times and in such
Manner as will best respond' to the
of= this call, to meet in State
Convention, at Pittsburg, on Wednes
day, the. first day of July next, at 11
o clock, A. M., on said day, to nomi
nate candidates for the offices of Gov-
Orner hod Judge of the Supremo
Court, - and to take such measures as
May be - deemed necessary to strength
en the GoVernment in this season of
- Common peril to a common country.
Chairman of the Union State Cen
tral Committee.
2 GEO. W. HAMERSLY' Secretaries.
`alt. f. HOWARD,
The Committee also passed the fol
lowing resolution unanimously, viz :
Resolved, That it be recommended
Ito the loyal citizens of Pennsylvania,
-without distinction of party, to organ
ize,- in each Election District of the
'State, Union Leagues for the purpose
of sustaining the Government in sup
pressing this causeless and wicked re
bellion, which now seeks to divide and
destroy the Republic.
desire cordially to unite in sustaining
-the National and - State Administra
tions in their patriotic efforts to sup
press a sectional and unholy rebellion
against the:UNITY OF THE RE
PUBLIC, and who desire to support,
by every power of the Government,
s-tiur heroic brethren in arms, who are
braving disease and the perils of the
-held to preserve the UNION OF OUR
FATHERS,-are requested to meet at
their usual places of holding delegate
elections, on Saturday, the 11th day of
April, 1863, and at the usual time elect
TWO DELEGATES from each district to
'represent the loyal people of the coun
be held in Huntingdon, on Tuesday of
the first week of April Court, (April 14th,
1863,) at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the pur
pose of electing Delegates to a UNION
STATE CONVENTION to be held in
Pittsburg, on Wednesday, the Ist day of
-July next, to nominate candidates for
.the offices of GOVERNOR and JUDGE
take such measures as may-be deemed
necessary to strengthen the Govern
ment in this season of common peril
to a common country.
Chairman Union County Committee.
Huntingdon, March 30, 1863.
State and County Conventions.
We :Slc all loyal men to read the
-call issued by the Union State Com
mittee for a State Convention to bo
held on the Ist of "July. Under this
call all Union men who think more of
their country than they do of their
'political parties can unite. In the
spirit of this call the Chairman of the
Union County Committee of this coun
ty has issued a call for a Union Coun
ty Convention of•dolegates to'be held
in Huntingdon on Tuesday the first
week of April Court. Let every Un
ion man . in the county who can 'sub-
Scribe to the spirit of tho call, attend
'the delegate elections
- on the Saturday
previous, and .send good delegates to
'The-war news we receive comes to
its :
,aarumers, and as such we" do not
Wick itprofitable to' the reader to pub-
lish them. When wo get news of a
reliable character, our readers shall
have it.
; 8 By them (the people) the old Uni
on is regarded as next to the Constitu
tion."—:Fulton Democrat.
Wo have been taught that the Uni
on was in existence before we had a
Constitution. If so, it should be our
'first duty to save the Union. With a
Union we would have a foundation up
on which to build a Constitution;
without a Union, we would have no
use for a Constitution. But the Cop
perheads would rather that the Union
:Should be' destibyed than that the
shertest:plank in the • Constitution
.ehould 4. disturbed. Our, Government
will save both—first and
theft She Constitution in Ate' purityt
whinali 'nations - of
pland and respect us•
" The Constitution as it is and the
Union as it was."—This is the cry of
the rebel sympathizers, and yet we
notice that the " Democratic" mem
bers of the House of Representatives
of Pennsylvania have lately passed a
resolution, among others, declaring in
favor of calling a Convention'of all, or
three-fourths of the States, for the
purpose of proposing amendments to
said Constitution. Humbug is the or
der of the day with the rebel sympa:
thizers. The plain. secret of their
movements is, they want the loyal"
people of the North to get upon their
knees before Jeff. Davis, and to prom
ise him that if ho will withdraw his
rebel forces, the North will give him
any changes in the ConstitUtion ho
may ask for, even to recognizing the
right of the South to fill all the Gov
ernment offices, and to extend slavery
to any or all the States. The lead
ing sympathizers of the North, would,
to-day, make Pennsylvania a slave
State if they could.
" AMONG the staid and sober masses
of the rural districts theivar is no lon
ger popular."—Fulton Democrat.
This assertion is an insult to every
loyal man in the rural districts. It is
nothing short of an admission. that the
people of the rural districts, rather
than fight any longer for the preserva
tion of the Union would submit to a
dishonorable peace and rebel rule, and
a dissolution of the Union. We do-not
believe that the Fulton -Democrat
speaks the sentiments of the people of
the rural districts. Wo know it does
not, if its assertion was intended to
embrace the rural districts of loyal
Huntingdon county, and we will not
permit our c.itizens to be insulted by
Copperhead falsehoods. If the war is
no longer popular with the rural dis
tricts of Fulton county, it is because
they have been deceived by the traitor
leaders of that county. The war no
longer popular with the people? Aro
we, in the face of the enemy, to lay
down our arms had confess that Wo
are in the wrong—that the rebels are
right in their efforts to destroy our
country? Are we to withdraw our
armies and permit the traitors to in
vade the North—destroy our property,
murder our loyal citizens—take pos
session of Washington, destroy our
Government, blot out our Constitution,
and upon the ruins establish a despot
ism ? No! Copperheads may preach
peace, but until the traitors lay down
their arms and ask for peace, there can
be no peace worth having; and the
sooner the " sober masses of the rural
districts" of Fulton county conic to
this understanding , of the issue, and
act accordingly, the sooner will they
have peace.
Tiiz Monitor says that as soon as
the Administration shall turn back to
the Constitution, " the loyal Demo
crats, like the floods of the North, will
descend upon the Southern rebellion
and blot it out forever." Here we have
the bold declaration of the tory sheet
that the "Democratic" party will not
go to the aid of our bravo men who
are now enduring the hardships of the
battle-field to save the Union, or an
swer to the call of the Government to
crush the rebellion, unless the Admin
istration, in the preiliceution of the war,
changes its programme and submits
to the dictation of the rebel sympathi
zers. If the President has stepped out
side the Constitution the more success
fully to strike at the root of the rebel
lion, would that justify loyal men in a
refusal to aid in saving our Govern
ment? The tory Monitor slanders all
loyal Democrats by classifying them
with the Copperheads who don't want
to fight against the rebels under any
policy the President might adopt, even
should it be, to the letter, their. notion
of the powers of the Constitution.--
Democrats with their eyes open don't
belong to the Monitor "faction of Cop
Popularity of the Conscription Law
Among the Soldiers.—The Conscription
law is as popular among the soldiers as
it appears to be unpalatable to the cop
perheads. A letter from a Brigadier
General in command at Murfreesboro,
says that its passage " electrified " Gon.
Rosecrans' army. General Hooker's.
men are of ono mind as to its value to
the -national cause. They declare
themselves ready to see its enforce
ment in person, if need be. A letter
to Senator Wilson from a Briglidier
Gen. stationed at Baton. Rouge, says
Its passage and enforcement will
certainly end this rebellion in a short
space of time: The moral effect of
such an act at this time can hardly be
over estimated. The people of the
South already regard their cause as
hopeless to a much greater extent than
is imagined; already their conscripts
desire nothing so mgch as to get to
their homes; they fight with no heart
or hope. What, then, will be their
condition when they see their fears re
alized, and that the loyal people of this
country really mean to continue the
IST OF Aptur,.—ln October last the
Monitor predicted that the Globe would
not exist after to-day. Since then we
have beet' very uneasy for fear the pre
diction might prove true, But hero
we are, and this the Ist day of April,
with a support larger than 'we have
ever had. We never like to disappoint
anybody, but the good loyal people of
Huntingdon county, have compelled
us to disappoint the Copperhead fac
tion of the Monitor. The Cilobe will
be, pulelished as usual, and furnished
fo all good loyal people at $1,50 per
Is nen Meyers a Copperhead ?
The Bedford Gazette, edited by B. F.
Meyers, a candidate for . a
scat in the
next Legislature, boiled over with
rage because we charged him with be
ing disloyal to the government ho
looks to for protection. Ben is a Cop
perhead of the worst kind, and that
our readers may have more to prove
him such than our word, we publish
below an -editorial article from the
Bedford Gazette, of the 13th :
"The Conscription Bill recently passed by
Congress, authorizes the appointment by the
President, of n Provost Marshal for every
Congressional District, "as fixed by a law
next preceding the enrohnent." This officer
is to be a kind of general agent - for the Presi
dent, (or rather the Military Dietator,) and
is to arrest deserters.froin the army, to detect,
seize, and cot fine spies, and to obey all late
Al orders and regutatiuns of the Provost
Marshal General. In short, ho is to be the
ruler, owner and keeper of the people within
the limits of his district, a petty tyrant, uni
ting in his person the powers of n civil mag
istrate, the authority of a Military command
er, and the functions of a police detective.—
When the President shall see tit to undertake
an en fat cement of the Conscription, ice shall
look with some anxiety and more curiosity for
the name of the wretch who will not scruple to
disgrace himself and the community in which
he lives, by accepting this odious mice. Let
that man, whoever he may be, makti up his
mind that he cannot Ike a peaceful life, nor
die an honorable death. Let him remember
that he makes himself the hireling of usurp
ed power, the tninion of the enemy of popu
lar liberty, the tool of a disgraced and doom
ed Administration. Let him remember that
ho becomes a voluntary instrument for the
destruction of the Contitution, and, there
fore, that the very discharge of his official
duties, makes hitn a perjurer and a traitor.
And let him be warned that the people will
not suffer him nor his masters to wrest from
them the rights guaranteed them by the
blood-bought indiutions of their fathers.—
The name of ORThan who accepts this office
will be a stench in the nostrils
. of every true
friend of human liberty htrever and forever !
The finger of scorn will lie pointed at hint as
a second Arnold, who would barter away the
citadel of his country's freedom, for the grat
ification of his own avarice and ambition.—
The people will brand him with
,shaine, for
to' do so is their only defence against the
usurpations of power. They will put a scor
pion's sting into every pato of his body. Men
will turn front him in loathing and disgust,
shunning the contaminating touch of his po
litical leprosy. The lash of popular indigna
tion will pursue him through the world, his
effigy hanging in every town and his name a
by-word among the people; and eking out a
miserable existence, he will go down to the
grave, unwept by friends and unlionored wise
by partizans."
Reader, do you think the author of
the above article a loyal man ? Does
he not call upon the people of his dis
trict to resist the Provost Marshal in
the discharge of his lawful duties?—
Does he not call upon the people to re
sist the Government ? There are Cop
perheads in this borough who will en
dorse every word of the article, but
they have not the boldness of Meyers
to make themselves as prominent.—
The Gazette is the organ of the Cessna
"Democracy " (?) of liddford county.
—Major General Sumner died at his
-home-in-Syracuse, Nev York, on the
evening of the 20th March. Ho had
just received a very important appoint
ment to the Department of the West,
and was making ready to enter upon
his duties immediately, when he was
seized with a SO.YOTO cold which settled
on his lungs and terminated in his
Gen. Sumner entered the Army of
the United States at an early period
of his life, and continued in that ser
vice almost, uninterruptedly till his
death. He was in the sixty-seventh
year of his age, and of course saw
much hard service, and was exposed
to many dangers. During the rebel
lion ho was connected with the Army
of the Potomac, and was in every gen
eral engagement in which that Army
took ft part. lie evinced great brave
ry and skill in all his military exploits,
and was especially noted for his un
flinching patriotism and loyalty. Ho
loved his country with an ardor as
strong as his bravery, and he hated her
enemies with as great a degree of in
tensity. This was shown especially in
his last and dying momea ts. It is
said that his disease was so severe that
it, for a while, deprived him of the
power of speech. As death drew
nigh, however, and a'glass of wine was
handed to him, ho took it in :his hand,
and with a great effort waved it above
his head, and spoke in a voice as clear
and distinct as ever, " God save my
country, the United States of Ameri
ca." These wore the last words of
the patriot hero ; they clearly show
where his heart was. After giving
utterance to this dying testimony of
his loyalty, ho sank rapidly, and died
BRIO. • Gxx. KNIPE.—When last in
Harrisburg we had the pleasure of
meeting the distinguished and gallant
Knipe. Ho is a soldier and an excel
lent officer, and bears his honors with
becoming modesty. , He entered the
three months service on the staff of
Gen. E. C. %Vi'Hams, with the rank of
Major; after that he raised the 4Gth
Penna. Regt., and was ordered to Gen.
Banks' army in the Shenandoah Val
ley. 'Here, while in command of his
Regiment, and while commanding the
Brigade, distinguished himself in seve
ral engagements, and for meritorious
services was made a Brigadier; if he
has a chance wo expect to hear him
earn more laurels and another star in
his shoulder straps.
OWEN has not yet called for those
thirty dollars in greenbacks we offered
him, to prove that we refused to refund
money to any advance paying subscri
ber who wished to disconlinue his sub
scription to the Globe. 'Perhaps he
has discovered that the man is as hard
to find as that farm of hiscertain - Ph11;
ib!,l elph in stove:dealers would like to see.
The Rights•of Married Woman,
The following bill, which contains
important provisions, has just passed
both Houses of the Slate Legislature.
It is entitled "A supplement to the act
to secure the rights of married women,"
passed the 11th day of April, 1848 :
"Be it enacted, &c., that the true in
tent and meaning of the act of Assem
bly to secure the rights of married wo
men, passed the 11th day of April, A.
D. 1848, and the supplements thereto,
are hereby declared to be that no judg
ment obtained against the husband of
any married Woman before or during
marriage shall bind or be a lien upon
her real estate, or upon any interest
the husband may be entitled to there
in, as tenant by courtesy."
It is said that the passage of this
act will obviate a great deal of the
difficulty heretofore experienced by
conveyancers and the legal fraternity
The report brought by the officers
of the Peterhoff that on the night of
the 24th inst., when eighteen miles
from Charleston, they saw bombs fly
ing and heard heavy guns firing, may
be correct; but it could not have been
a general attack on Charleston. The
Spaulding, which left Hilton Head on
the 26th, has arrived at Fortress Mon
roe, and says nothing of a movement
on Charleston. Richmond papers of
the 27th have also been received, and
they have no news of that character.
—Philada. Bulletin, .31-nrel4-81.
WILL BE SAE.—We call the attention
of those of our citizens with small and
large sums of money on hand, to a card
of Bell, Garrettson & Co., agents to
dispose of the Five-Twenty years Uni
ted States Loan. Millions of dollars
are being invested in these bonds dal
ly by persons of small as well as those
of large means. The bonds are called
"five-twenties," because, while they
are twenty-year bonds, they may be re
deemed by the Government in Gold at
any time after five years. They pay
six per cent. interest, half yearly.—
Call soon before the bonds are all-dis
posed of.
mind the following patriotic appeal of
the Indiana-army officers—all Demo
crats—An their recent address to the
people of their State:
The Rebels of the South are leaning on
the .Northern Democracy for support; and
it is unquestionably true that UNJUSTIFI
TION is giving AID and COMPORT to
the ENEMY. • In the dark hour of our
country's trial, there is but one road to
success and PEACE, and that is, to be
as firmly united for our Government as
the Rebels are ACIAIRST IT.
Dr. Jones on Diseases-of the Eye
and Ear,
Dr. Jones of the city of New York,
the great Oculist and .lutist, can still
be consulted at• the Monongahela
House, Pittsburg, for several weeks.—
His success in curing diseases of the
eye and ear is without a parallel. He
operates for cataract; straightens
crooked eyes; inserts artificial eyes to
move and appear natural; cures deaf
ness and discharges of the ear; re
moves polypus from the ear and nose;
cures ozccua, and all manner of diseas
es of the eye and ear and other diffi
cult complaints.
March 31,1803. —2t.
Brig. Gen. James Cooper, com
mander of the U. S. Troops at Colum
bus, Ohio, died in that city on tho 28th
ult. Gen. Cooper represented this
State in the U. S. Senate during the
Administration of President Filmore.
WE - have received the loyal proceed
ings of the 125th P. V. Regt., bat too
Into for this week. -
Qom) Piss.—A find assortment of
Pocket and Desk Gold Pens just re
ceived at Lewis' Book Store.
Which Democratic Party,
Ex-Governor Wright of Indiana, be
man his response to a serenade in o
adelphia as follows :
"lie remarked in opening that a
few nights ago a prominent Democrat
ic politician had declared on the street
that if the country were ever to be
saved, the Democratic party was to be
the saviour. lie had a word or two
to say about the Democratic party.—
There are now a genuine and a bogus
Democratic party in this country, and
it was important to know which Dem
ocratic party was meant when it was
said that the country was to be saved
by it. Thomas Jefferson was a Dem
ocrat, a genuine Democrat. lie had a
Vice President by the name of Burr.—
Burr was inside the Democratic organ
ization, and he was considered as good
a Democrat as Jefferson. Jackson
was a Democrat. 1 - fe had Calhoun in
his Cabinet. Calhoun was considered
a Democrat. Stephen A. Douglas
was a representative •of the genuine
Democratic party. John C. Breckin
ridge was also in a Democratic organ
ization. It would be well to know
whether the auditor alluded to was a
follower ofJackson, Jefferson , or Doug
las, or was ho a follower of Burr, Cal
houn and Breckinridge. (Applause.)
When you hear men talking about tho
Democratic party saving this country,
ask them whether they mean the
uine or bogus Democratic party.—
There can be no true Democrat but
the war Democrat. (Applause.)"
A splendid assortment of Gilt Win
dow Shades, Buff Holland and Oil
Cloth, just received at Lewis' Book
proved etyles—jut,. received •and fo
Bale at Ltrons' "Book Store
Prospects of Starving the Rebels out.
[rrota tlio Richmond Esnminer, March 13.]
From every quarter where our ar
mies are massed—from Vicksburg, Tul
lahoma, Charleston, and Fredericks
burg—we have the most gratifying ac
counts of the condition of our troops,
and their certain ability to cope with
any force that the enemy may hurl
against them. The only point upon
which there is room for apprehension
is, that our forces may be forced, by
want of food for men and horses, to re
linquish the strongholds which the en
emy could never dislodge them, and
that this is a grave and pressing dan
ger, we have many fears for believing.
It is a fact as well known to the en
emy as ourselves, that all the country
in the vicinity of our armies has been
stripped of its provisions and forage,
and that•the armies depend for their
existence and maintenance of their
present positions upon the railroads.—
These being facts, which none, we
think, will venture to gainsay, it be
hooves the Government to keep posted
as to the condition of these roads, and
provide that they be kept in a state of
the utmost efficiency. It is useless to
pass laws putting men into the army
and returning them to it, when they
run away if measures are not at the
same time taken to support the army
when it is gotten together. The Gov
ernment should not be content even
to keep the railroads in the condition
ill which the war found them ; it should
endeavor, and the effort would be suc
cessful, to improve upon that condition.
The better the roads, the better sup
plied would our armies be, and, conse
quently, the more certain in the resis
tance to the extraordinary efforts for
our subjugation which the enemy pro
poses to make during the coming cam
The railroads of this State are on
the point of giving out. They have de
creased their speed to ten miles an
hour as a maximum rate, and are car
rying twenty-five to fifty per cent less
tonnage than formerly. This change
in their rate of speed and quantity of
freight has been made through neces
sity. The woodwork of the roads has
rotted and the machinery_ has worn
out, and owing to the stringent en
forcement of the conscription law as
to railroad employees, the companies
have not been able, with all their ef
forts to supply either the one or the
other. We are not informed of the ac
tual condition of the railroads. in the
more southern States, but conceive
that they are little better off than our
ewn, except, perhaps, in the matter of
negro labor. The slaves along their
routes may not have had the same fir
cilities for escaping to the enemy as iu
this State.
We have ventured to call attention
to this subject because of its vital im
portance, and from a knowledge that,
owing to the great measures of finance,
impressment, &c., now weighing upon
the government, it has been overlooked.
It is not necessary for Government to
take possession of the roads. But it
should supply them abundantly with
the necessary labor and iron, and then
insist on their being kept in first-rate
_o_rder_and being workeiLeffmiently.—,
To this end Government shoiild ap
point an inspector of railroads. Rail
roads are a part, and an indispensable
part, of our military system; and if
they are allowed to-fall through II om
any causes, Government and people may
prepare for a retreat of our armies and
the surrender of much of the valuable
country now in our possession.
The Kentucky Union Platform.
The difference between a genuine
Union platform and a Copperhead plat
form, is strikingly illustrated in - the
resolutions adopted by the Union State
Convention of Kentucky, and those
sent forth by the copperheads of New
Jersey, Connecticut and other States.
In the latter, abuse of the Adminis
tration and its war measures predomi
nate, scarely a word being said against
"the causeless and wicked rebellion."
In the Kentucky platform, on the
other band, not a word is said against
the Administration or its measures—
although it is %veil known that many
of its acts are distasteful to Kentucky.
Here are the resolutions as "adopted
without debate and without a dissent
ing voice, amid the wildest shouts and
cheers :"
Resolved, That the convention ap
prove and endorse the prineiplessem
bodied in the joint resolutions upon
Federal affairs adopted by the General
Assembly' of thin Commonwealth at
its last session, and hereby reaffirm
the same.
Resolved, That the present causeless
and wicked rebellion should be crush
ed by the whole power of the Federal
Government, and the national author
ity restored over all the revolted
States, and we are in favor of devoting
our whole resources, if necessary, to
the accomplishment of that object.
Resolved, That we are opposed to
the intervention or mediation of any
foreign power in our present troubles,
preferring to settle our own difficulties
in our own way, and all propositions
to that effect which may be made by
any foreign State or nation, ought to
be respectfully, but unequivocally, de
clined by our Government.
Resolved, That the people of Ken
tucky have suffered every insult and
injury at the hands of the so.called
Southern Confederacy, and are stimu
lated by every motive of interest and
honor• to. oppose and overthrow it.—
This confederacy has sought, and now
seeks, to break up the Union, forever
dear and necessary to them, and when,
by their oft-repeated decisions, they
refused to join in the work of treason,
infamy and ruin, it trampled down
their State Constitution ; put a weak
and usurping Government over them,
and placed pretended Senators and
Congressmen in its conclave at Rich
mond, assuming to speak their voice;
it invaded their State with armies, and
carry them away from a Union they
revered to one they detested. It rav
aged by bands of maranders—not sol
diers, their fields, time and again; rob
bed them of their public revOltqes tuld
private property; destroyed their pub
lic records; hitrnod their towns and
houses; carried away their non-com
batant. citizens into: ong and loathsome
imprisonment; where many still lan
guish ; murdered many of them, some
times in their own homes; and in the
presence of their families, and some
times by-cruel and infamous deaths,
extending their atrocities even to wo
men and children, thus setting at defi
ance all the laws of civilized warfare;
and these efforts have continued and
increased with the increasing aversion
of the people of Kentucky toward ail
its wicked designs, and now threaten
to break with fresh force upon that
State and people; that, therefore, the
people of Icentucky can never cease
their efforts for their own protection,
the condign punishment of the authors
of these wrongs, and the complete
overthrow of the rebel confederacy;
and all citizens of Kentucky, if any
there be,
who refuse to support their
State and fellow-citizens against such
unprovoked wrongs and cruelties, or
profess to sympathize with such ene
mies, are false to their allegiance to
friends, neighbors, State and nation.
That, nevertheless, of one thing, the
people of the revolted and the loyal
States, and of the world, may rest as
sured, Kentucky will submit to a des
potism only when she has no power to
resist it.
Resolved, That it is the duty of the
IfSleral and State Governments to
take timely and energetic steps for
the defence of• the soil of Kentucky,
against invasion, and her people from
further plunder and ruin by rebel raids,
and we earnestly invoke their atten
tion to the subject; at the same time
calling upon all the citizens of the
State to second every effort in this
Resolved, That oar llamas arc doe
and are hereby tendered to our gallant
soldiers in the field for the brave and
devoted manner in which they have
hitherto upheld the ancient renown of
Kentucky, and bid them God-speed in
the noble work of definoling the honor
of our fiag and , preserving tho Consti
tution and Union, assuring them of
our cordial, united and unfaltering sup
port, and the prayers of a grateful
country. That we feel also the pro
foundest veneration for the memory
of the brave Kentuckians who have
fallen in the great struggle for the
Union, and the deepest sympathy for
their surviving relatives, whose just
claim upon the country are hereby
gratefully recognized.
From the Mississippi River.
Fifteen Feet of JVaterfn the Vicksbin•q
Cut off.—Six Iron-Clads and Twenty
Transports Passed Through.—Cap
tare of Fort Greenwood with all the
Rebel Troops.
NEW Yonic, March 20.—The 4 S'unday
Mercury has a special Cairo dispatch
to the effect that the rise in the Mis
sissippi has overflowed the Peninsula,
and that there aro fifteen feet of wa
ter in the Vicksburg cut-off.
A fleet of six iron-clads and twenty
transports aro said to have passed
through, carrying 15,030 men. They
are to join Admiral FarragHt, and the'
the object is kept secret, it is thought
that they will attack Port Hudson.
- Anothor (lisp:it/1i says a report has
been received announcing the complete
success of the expedition under Gener
•als floss and Quimby and Admiral
It is said that the rebel Fort Green
wood has been captured with all the
troops. No particulars are given.
Itumors . front Beaufort.—The Charleston
Expedition Delayed.—Attack Upon
Savannah Projected.—The colored
Brigade Reinforced.
NEW YORK, March 27.—The Adams
Express steamship Augusta Dinsmore,
,Crowell, from Portßoyal , March 20th.
and Beaufort, N, C., 24th, arrived at
this port this morning.
From passengeis by this vessel our
reporters glean some interesting facts
concerning naval' and military move
ments thereabouts. The project of an
attack on Charleston seems to have
been temporarily abandoned, as the
river is certainly filled with torpedoes,
and the defences are numerous and
strong enough—so it is reported—to
blow any fleet out of water attempting
to reach the city. Some of the wood
en vessels attached to the expedition,
are suffering from the attacks on their
ttneoppered bottoms by the water
worms infesting those waters. In the
attack upon, and the subsequent burn
ing of the Nashville, the Montauk,.
(iron Monitor,)
it is now. ascertained,
was injured by a sunken torpedo.
Captain Worden says : She was lift
ed six inches out of the water, and the
steel plate which protects her boiler
was so badly shattered as to require
repairing. The plate is situated under
and around her boiler, thus rendering
it the more troublesome to repair.
Savannah is supposed to be the real
point of attack now. The general
opinion prevails that wo may be able
to successfully assail this port; still
the rebels are very vigilant, scarcely
resting day or night, in strengthening
the approaches to the city and its sur
On Thursday, March 19, Word was
received at headquarters, that fears
wore entertained lest the rebels should
overwhelm and capture the negro reg
iments that had been sent to llorida.
ThoGth New Hampshire was therefore
sent to their relief. They were sent
by the transport City of Boston.
The weather at Port Royal was be
ginning to be very warm, the thermo
meter averaging 78° in the shade, and
the inen,were literally eaten up by the
Arrived at Beaufort, 24th, prize
steamship, Nicholas First, in charge of
Prize Master Everson, captured off
Wilmington, N. C., March 21st, by the
United States gunboat Victoria, while
trying to run the blockade. She had
previously attempted to outer Charles
ton, but was unsuccessful. The Nich
olas First is an aid ship of aboitt, ono
thousand tons burden, and. is said to
have boon a prize to the English in the
Crimean war. She left England, bark
rigged, and put ( Nassau, where
her. mein and mizzen masts were taken
down. When taken, she had but a
portion of her foremast standing. She
has n very valigibie cargo, consisting
in part, of sixteen tons bf gunpowder.,
and one hundred and seventy oases of
rifles. She would leave for• New York
cm the 26th March.
A Southern Voice to the Copperheads.
The Richmond Enquirer on Peace.
[From the Richmond Enquirer of Much 5111.]
From of old it was held perilous for
men to cry for peace ! peace ! when
there was no peace. The dangers of
it for us at this moment are manifold,
It encourages the planting of cotton
instead of corn ; it unsettles the minds
of our soldiers in the - field, which is
demoralization i ; it stimulates the ene
my to more vigorous prosect42m of the
war, by the idea that we aro so tired
Of it.
There are some who reproach the
Enquirer with being an advocate of
war, and not of peace. This is some
what unreasonable. Is any one of
fering peace ? Look round our whole
horizon—where is it, on sea or land,
that you discern any faintest flatter
of the " white wings?" It is all war;
all one bottomless gulf of blood, one
universal carnival of slaughter, and
ravage and ruin.
True, there is one way by which the
Southern Confederates could immedi
ately- regain all the blessings of peace;
it is by submission—by reconstruction
—by desisting from the " rebellion,"
and delivering up our ring-leaders to
the punishment of the laws they have
trampled upon. Is there, indeed, one
single citizen of this Confederacy who
would have peace at any price ? Well,
here, is the price, say at once—are we
to pay it?
But the symptons of a breach be
tween the Knit and Northivest ! May
not they be managed and turned to
account, perhaps? Why " repel" the'
Northwest by harsh and cutting 'lan
guage? Truly, we admit the language
is a very inadequate weapon against
those armed and brutal invaders; they
would never be " repelled" by vitu
perative epithet; and all the bayonets
and columbiads we can muster are
scarcely enough to repel the brigands.
But let us hell' and encourage, you say,
their intestine divisions. Yes, we . are
willing; in the way we gave rise to
those divisions at „first, we •wish to en
courage them now. That is -to 'say,
by desperate resistance and defiance.
To be plain, we fear and distrust far•
more these apparently friendly adVances
of the Democrats, than the open atrocity
of philanthropists of Massachusetts.—
That Democratic party always was
our worst enemy; and but for its poi
sonous embrace these States would
have been free and clear of the unnat
ural Union twenty years ago. It is
not the Sowards and Simmers, the
Black Republican and Abolitionists,
who have hurt us. They wore right
all along; there was an irrepressible
conflict; between different civiliza
tions, two opposite social oeganiza-
Lions; they were no more able to live
peaceably together in one government
than two hands can wear one glove.—
If we did not discover so soon as the
Abolitionists, this great truth, it was
because the Democratic party, neutral
as it was in principle, false to both sides,
and wholly indifferent to the morale of ei•
ther of the opposing communities, placed
itself between, raised the banner of the
"spoils," and—we all know the rest,.
The idea (,:f that odious party coming to
life again, and holding out its arms to
us, makes us shiver. Its foul breath is
malaria; its touch is death.
Give us the open fireman; let him be
is ferocious and greqdy as you will.—
Let our enemy appear as an extermi
nating Yankee host, we pray, and not
as a rioniocra tic Con von lion. Let him
take any shape but that! Already
we have visions of the non of feeble
knees, tender feet and undulating
spines, losing their senses and man
hood by the contact, as they did, alas!
so often before. We scent from afar
off tho old , dead compromises—absit
omen and seem to tel upon our
throats the strangulation of unclean
fingers. But it is a dream; nobody
lives in this Confederacy who will
dare to propose, or to hint even at a
distance, that we should sacrifice at
that abominable shrine all the gallant
blood freely poured out to sanctify our
nationhood. For it comes to this: wo
can have no peace now, save
.by sub
mission; no peace now save by ma
king once more an affiliation with a
Northern party, and making the De
mocracy a present of all that inestima
ble treasure of the' clearest blood that
flowed in Southern veins.
Peace! Does the - monstrous host
before Vicksburg bring us peace? Is
it peace that Rosecrans is making in
Tennessee? Does the military dis
persion of public meetings in Ken
tucky bode peace ? The now North
ern conscription, enrolling three mit
lions, and making provisions for in
stantly- commanding their service, or
exacting a heavy exemption tax—does
this look like peace? The deliberate
vestitig in Abraham Lincoln of all the
military power of a dictator, with the
treasure of the whole nation opened to
him without stint—is it to enable hint
to make peace, or war—which? .
Where, then, aro 'those indications
of peace, which we are said to be reck
lessly resisting and disdaining? Oh !
the great speech of Vallandigbam;
the touching invitation of Wilful Cox!
We greatly fear that those two wooers
of the South so fond and fain, will very.
soon be fbund, like John Van Buren,
shrieking au t for war to the knife . ; and?
if they delay or decline to recant
tlteir great and noble peace speaches„
why they will see the inside of Lin r .
coin's jails. Wo wish from our hearts ;
they were both already safely chained
up at the present writing; they have,
done us more harm, they and their
like, than ten thousand Sowards and
Sumners. We tremble to see their
unwholesome advances; still more to
see a sort of morbid craving here to
respond to them, under the delusive
idea of promoting intestine division at
the North.
Oh ! Dictator Lincoln ! look' ye up
those two peace Democrats—together
with Richardson—in some of your
military prisons!
A TREATISE ON 1300E-KEEPINO, embracing au atm,
lytical compat lion between the Single antlDonble Entry
Systems showing Wherein they ogres and wherein,
they diger, awl n herein the latter Is superior to the
forwcr, bya plain, pmetic . ,4l elucidation of both systeins;
to ohich is added a variety of business calculations ot
Interest, Discount, Equations, Average of Accounts, AT.
Also, business forms of Orders, Omits, Notes, Bills of
Exchange, Ac. By T. IL POLLOCK, PrinClpal of tho
•• Lancaster Mercaotilo Coliego."
This book will not be out of plaeo n in
the hands of any-man. It has just
been given to the public by ourefriendi
Mr. Pollock, who is . well known to
,the citizens of this county. The book
is for sale at Lewis' Book Store,