Ely Otobc. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Mob. 25, 1863. LOCAL & PERSONAL Union Meeting. Pursuant to previous notice a large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of West township, Manor-hill, and Saulsburg, was held in the Academy building in Nom esville, on Friday eve ning, 13th inst., for the purpose of or ganizing a Union League and hearing addresset to be delivered by Samuel T. Brown and J. Sewell Stewart, Esqs., of - Huntingdon. The meeting was temporarily or ganized by calling Dr. J. F. Wilson of Saulsburg, to the chair; Messrs. Geo. - Hallman and, Henry Davis, Sr \ ice- Presidents, and Henry Neff, Secretary. Mr. Brown being called upon, came forward and delivered a most convin cing and telling speech, setting forth the absolute necessity of movements of this sort, in order to counteract the treasonable influence of a certain rellass of men in the North, who boldly avow their intention to break clown the Ad ministration, which cannot he done without the utter overthrow of our Government. - He was followed by Mr. Stewart who gave those who cannot say rebel once without saying Abolitionist ten times, such a skinning as was most grateful to loyal cars to listen to. After some . interehange of opinion concerning the permanent organization of the _Vague it was anaphnously Resolved, That the thank:3 of the meeting be tendered to the gentlemen who have so ably addres , ed its and Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Hun tingdon Journal and Globe. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening, to organize the League. J. F. WILSON, Pre4. 11. NEFF, Seeretary. CONITAtENCE APPOINTMENTS. The fOUOWillg are the appointments flit. the Juniata District, of the East Baltimore Conference: Presiding Eider—ft D. Chenowith. Hollidaysburg—A. W. Gibson. Altoona—W. R. Woodbury—N. W. Gotham, S. 11. MeGarrah. —Col. Jacob Higgins, of the 125th Penn . a. Regt., is making arrangements to re-enter the service again after their time has expired. He purposes rak ing a regiment of heavy cavalry, and we have no doulit he will get 'fumy re cruits out of the 125th. The Colonel is a good c3V ihy officer, and we would like to see him get a chance. The dragoon service is a dashing one. We are pleased to learn that one friend and correspondent, J. S. Citt, of Coalmont, where he has hec.n acting as Civil engineer. in . 10eating roads in the Coal region, for coma time, has re ceived a call at Towanda, Bradfbrd co., Pa., fin• which place he has 16f1, last week. to take charge of a liailroad in that region of country. Our good wishes go with him. Ile is a printer• as well as an Engineer, and with all a clever fellow. The people of that re gion will tied him such. —Capt. John Helileage of the 125th Regl., is recruiting a battery in the Regiment. The Captain says he is deter•ltrined to return after the Regt.. is mustered out of service; and from what we can learn. he will raise his battery without much trouble. Ife is a soldier, was in the Mexican war, and when the present troubles broke out, was one of the first to shoulder his ICOMFOFED Br .8 BOBBER OF CO. C, STII nrcr. musket. Schellsburg—.l. E Taylor, one to Le supplied. BtAlord—E IV. Kirby. Bedford Circuit—J. C. Clarke, J. \ic kindless. • Beinslmrg,—G. IV. C. Vunfot., , ,en McCotlncilsbnrg—S. Kepler Sitirlcy urg—C. Graham Pecker 031:cord—J. .11. Clarice, A. R. Hiller Pas , :ville—lt. E. Kelley, L. B. Mc Claskey. MeVeytown— J. Andersen, IV. Maxwell. Lowistown—John Guyer. Lewistown Circuit—W. A Houck J. W. Lantz. liishaeognillas W. (t‘vy - nn, W. It Whitney. Moorhead. M. L Manor Ilill—J. IVillianisburg-3. A. '\lcliel• Stinif,J. .. liuntingdon—J. Brack. Saxton—J. W. Cleave'r, one to be snpplied. J. A Coleman appointed Chaplain in the U. S. Navy ; by the Government. The next Conlu•enee will be held at Altoona, Pa. [Fur tlr.lle ] MILITARY ENIGMA I am composed of twenty-six letters. My 5 24 4 20 3 13 6 is a formidable instrument, used against the rebels. My S 9 14 19 1 18 13 2 is an object before officers' quarters. My 20 13 11 7 14 9 6 is an instru )nent feared by the rebels. 'My 20 14 25 2 10 is an instrument ,used on drill. My 15 13 14 18 21 4 • is it thing of great importance in war. My 8 26 17 2 2 is a missile. a~lyB 26 3 23 19 16 ISS is the duty of a 4 soldiers in battle. 2.(1 13 22 5 17 is an action in battle of great slaughter. My whole is the eager desire of eve ry member in Co. G, sth P. R. y. G. CAMP HILL, V.t., 1 . March ISth, 1863. Vocal Items. St. Patric]';; Day," in the Morn ing."—Last Tuesday was St. Patrick's 'day. The weather was unusually pleasant. We do not know that there were any holiday demonstrations in the Ancient Borough ; if' there were, piey' must have been of t very quiet nature. The, Irish miners on Broad Top had a procession which was conducted in .a manner to give credit to those who had charge. They turned out in the morning about three hundred strong, every man wearing a green silk sash with a rosette on his shoulder. The sashes were lined with white silk, and when the line was formed they looked well. The Stars and Stripes were placed in front of the column immediately behind the Rev. Mr. Hughes, who.had adopted this mode of celebrating the day, instead of allowing the men to collect in drinldng houses, the result pf which can more easily be imagined than described. The green flag of Ire land was iu the centre; it was a splen -did.one, and was purchased at a cost pf some hundred and fifty dollars.— Mr. Hughes and two other Rev. gen tlemen rode in advanee;and a Marshal with six Aids were distributed at proper distances along the line; all fvei.e mounted on fine horses. tl good martial band was also out, and the on ly tune they played that we could re cognize was " Patrick's day in the morning." The line was formed at Barnetstown at nine o'clock A. M.— They proceeded down the road to Mi oersviile; here they countermarched. and proceeded to Broad Top cite via Dudley, and again counterntarched and directed their steps to Barnets town, and halted at the hotel of Mr. James Dunn, who had an elegant din ner prepared for theta; after this was over they all proceeded to their homes. Not satisfied, however, some of them congregated that night and partook of an amount of" rot gut," that soon turned order into confusion,—and the next morning the most provident thing to be seen was black eyes, bitten noses and ears, and "sick like." They must have partook of fighting whisky; " that's what's the matter." The Borough Election.—The elec tion on Friday last passed off quietly. The Union Ticket was elected with but little opposition. The straight out Copperheads held two caucuses, put; up a ticket, but when they learn ed they could not drive the 103-al vot ers to its support, they shrunk from a manly contest. The following gen tlemen were elected to the several offi ces : Justice of the Peace, Win. I. Steel; School: Directors,Benj. Grafijus, Alex. Port; Constable, K. M. King; Judge, Thomas Fisher; Inspector, Win Africa; Assessor, C. Long. The Union men running but one Inspector, E. L. Everhart having received a few votes, is elected one of the Inspectors. Monitor Copperhead stock is far below par in the ancient borough. • S. T. Brown, Esq., says the Mon itor attacked himself "and most of his family last week, and his short tailed dug, Pointer, having followed his mas ter to several war meetings, (" traitor ous leagues,") is expecting an attack this week from the same quarter.— This would be more on a level with the capacity of the ex-candidate who distinguished himself in the attack, and safe too, as Pointer has too much self-respect to notice the barking of ell FS. ‘N Levlde —Pay Master.—John Brotherline, Et,q., of the Blair County Whig, has been appointed a pay master in the army with the rank of Major. How are you Major? would like to see you when you get your fixens on. —Dr. A. J. Cressmari of Martins burg is about taking up his shingle at Fair Play, where he intends offering his professional services to the people in the vicinity. Pitch in Doctor, hope you will succeed in.building up a good practice. . —New Locomotive.—Mr. Lewis, Superintendent of the Broad Top Rail Road, has purchased a new locomotive; it is a regular Camel back," and it looks as if it could pull a heavy train. That road has been very badlyAofl for power, for some time past, but through the energy of Hr. Lewis we think this difficulty- will soon be. obviated. We understand they are getting another one made in Philadelphia. —Now Sidings—The Broad Top and Penna. Railroads are each to build a new siding on the opposite side of the river to accommodate the Increased coal trade; each siding is to be a mile in length. This will be of great ad vantage to those who have the work ing the road; heretofore they have been much cramped for room. Heavy IVind.---Dg ring a heavy gale about one week ago, the- dog be longing to the watchman on the Sto rierstown Bridge was blown off while attempting to cross the bridge; he was found dead underneath next morning. He was a favorite animal. Major General Burnside and Staff passed through Huntingdon on Mon day morning on the Express Train west. 'The General - looked remarka bly well. We do not know of his des tination, but from what we can loam, we think ho takes a command in the Southwest. —The remains of John S. XeCoy, of Co. 0, 12th Regt., killed at the bat tle of Antietam, Was drought home and interred at MeConnelatown on Sunday last. Assessor.—John Dean, Esq., At torney at Law. Hollidaysburg, Pa., partner of S. S. Blair, late member of Congress from this distinct, has recent ly been appointed Assessor of Intern al Revenue, vice Thomas Campbell re tired. Mr. Dean will doubtless make a faithful officer. Another :Veto Store.—Mr. William Brown of Tyrone, is building a new store room above Dudley; he expects to have a stock of goods in it by the first of May next. William is a clever man, and we would like to sec him make money. —,Still Alt Pro. Co. are also building a large store room and office at their mines, about one mile above Dadlcyj they expect to do a large hu,ine,ts. The location is a gond one. A meetin'• of the loyal people of Union town.hip will be held at Harm ony Chapel School Moose on Stv day, the 23th init., at one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of organizing a Union League. The proceedings of the meeting held at Calvin School House was received too late for publi cation this week. —A Large Funeral.—The funeral of Mr. John Nash, ttn old and well known citizen; which took place on Sunday afternoon last, was the largest we ever witnessed in this place. Ma• sonee ceremonies were performed at the grave of the deceased by the breth ren of Mount Moriah Lodge. —A Union meting will be held at Knode's School House in Porter town ship, on Thursday evening next. —Com. Sergt. Sam!. G. Baker, of the 125th, P. V., died suddenly, in camp at Stafford Court House on the 14th inst. —Met.sr:;. Benedict and Speer have our thanks for pub. doe. INSURE YOUR LIFE, If you NV el'(' to die to night, would you leave those dependent upon you as well provided fur as you would de- RIM Dr. Franklin said, " a policy of Life Insurance is the eheape6t and safest mode of making a certain provision for one's family. It is strange that men should be careful to insure their hou ses, their furniture, &c., and yet. neg lect to assure their lives. the most. im portant, (Wall to their families, and Ihr more subject to loss." o one, upon a bed of sicknesQ, ever regretted =king suitable provision for leis fainilr : at such a time, a. life policy can be fully appreciated. The, Pout a«t fc Insurtine , Compfmy Phila,lelphia offers superior inducements. It has a capital of :11,151,789 50, securely invested. Has paid losses amounting to $01.4,000, and made dividends to the insured amount ing to over 8500,000. The Trustees have declared a scrip dividend of 40 pci•'scont. on the cash premiums of 1802. and have decided to receive the scrip dividends of 1853, 1851, 1855 and 'VW, in payment of premiums The finfieNii.ct:ed is prepared to is sue scrip to tho,:e to receive it, alit' give ;My iiicormatiOn that may be desired 011 I lie t.ni t jeet of Life Insu ranee. Il .11,LISON March 8, 15G3. Agent. Improve four Atiiyht and Preserve Your Eyes.—.l. 131.31 N BAUM, Practi cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes pleasure in informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicini ty, that he has opened a Store one door west of Dr. Dersey's, with a large and variety stock of AS:peetacles, coin priSing Convex and Concave Glasses, such as Flint, Crystal and Scotch Peb ble, and particularly desires to recom mend the superiority of the last-named Glasses. His theoretical as well as his practical knowledge of Optics, and his long practice in the OccOistie science, enables him to adapt, after an exam ination of the eyes, those glasses which correspond with the defect of near, far or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted to any frame, of any shape or color.— Please call and examine the Spectacles. Ambrotypes . and Photographs taken at all times on reasonable terms. Also, Sogars, Tobacco and Meer schaum Pipes constantly on band. Oct, 28. Gm. MARRIED, At the Jackson House, on the 17th inst. by Rev. G. W. Zahnizer, Mr. A. C. Mclburr.s.Ev, of Bloomfield, Bedford county, to Miss SUE WAYNE Of AHOOMI. Also, by the same, at, the same time and place, Mr. G. I. Mymis, to Miss Mown MCCARTNEY, both of Altoona. Also, on the 10th inst. by the same, at the Exchange lintel, Mr. JoitN D. JOHNSON to Miss BELLA WILSON both of Shavers Creek. DIED, At his residence in this place, on the 17th of March, 1503, of brain fever, JOHN C. WATSON, Esq., late Sheriff of this county,:aged 17 years, one month and fourteen days. The deceased was by birth a native of Centre county, having, for the last eighteen years been a citizen of this county, engaged, during a greater por tion of the time in the iron manufac turing business at dill Creek, and for the last three years occupying the of fice of County Sheriff, a position which he filled with ability and fidelity. As a man of business he was thor ough, ujn bt and or strict i•ntegrityi as a mtmon. di,tillguished for urbanity of wuut,ere, ithe booild qualitio* and amiableners of disposition ; and as a husband and father, for kindness of heart, generosity and affection. -A consistent and worths• member of th e Regular Baptiht ChurO, Ilk walk and eonver , :ation wore ever becoming the faith which" he prorez-7.ed Burin,; lire and withe , sed in death. His sc:.tt iii the sanetnary was seldom vacant; his duties to himself. to society, to his fa mily, his country and his God, were seldom unperformed. Almost the last public acts of his were the attend ance at Divine,worship, where his voice mingled with those of his broth- yen in prayer and praise,—and to Low ztround rho filially altar cif prayer.— The insidious disease. which had been gradually undermining the citadel of life developed itself immediately and rapidly. The icy Ibids of the destroy er had encircled its victim. Death's seal was on Lis brow, its fatal imprint on his features. Reason fled, and, un able to distinguish the voice of Friends or recognize the features ofloved ones . ; the journey - through the dark valley WaS painful and rapid; but to the loved ones who mourn his departure the comforting assurance is left behind,, that he bad "Let his house in order," and was ready at the Master's call.— Ire Las fallen in the high prime of man hood, in the midst of a brilliant and useful career, but he has fallen, we trust, with the armor on, and with weapons burnished, his work tieing done, and well done. In his sudden departure, a widowed wife and two Orphan children, have lost _a tender husband and an affeetionate•parent; society, a valtutblo memiter ; the com munity, a Christian patriot, and the church of the Redeemer, one of its brighte-t ornaments, But such are the 'inscrutable ways of Ilim who is "too v, ise to err, and too goad to be unkind." Like him may we be also ready when the Son of man cometh.— His boily was, on Friday last, consign ed to the tomb, attended by a large concourse ofiliends and neighbors. PHIL DELPIFIA MAR KEYS. Mat rL 23, lir3 l'Anc.) I:th.t Family Flutnr Ctonnino tml Supot rine ..... Ilyk, flow Coto Me.o Estilt tt Inuit lawt, Fall' ail!! lilt,, Cot 0. in low Ycllow 0.a.4 Clo‘el J. 11141 h, )tlo 1,1 I . LI I . I - ItINTINGDON MIIRKETS conRECTED IVEEKLY. 1:,1 Vannly '"0 t1.,1! Cut 11. lilt. , 11 ( . . ( I I :1... Flux 111 I 11 111 • .. ;11 111 I r.... .. 1 Inv I t N I 11;1 ,, .0 tilinful-11,.;.v hate 1,..,11 frtoM, I 10 tholLutlt 1,1,n. 0 opun the 1-100 , AL.r.un l,rn 1-10 11011111 tu , n-liip.11:1111,11,1on c”un:y 0 - v4l All 11 , 1,0, itult,l.ol wlll tilt p , unel I tint! 010, i/1,1/; ..I,lllll+, 14 erect 11,w, L T. , .1. ti, 11,111. rt, n' C 1111,1:3 '1.'11,1 un .11 IMEMMI 1 I relate t,t .101, Shin, tae. A 1 Letter; of .1.1.01.u5tta11..,, 1 .to of CLonix,,fl tom , milt.... to tip , aIl IlAriog n'.111 , 4 Ilia oqtato ropitSto.l to pi., ut them to 111,1 all 1 , c,..0xia toil lull m.:° 2r, SSC?, -.CA" (E.tate urn 0111 1.103 11, I,ll'l'll. lo Tf,tortionf tfif y upon the I pft. ‘f ill fold 1 , ..4.1111 - 1 1 of 11-ot y iflo‘ll. Lite of IValLer tom ff.ll fp, v. tiflff..f , ef I 11.1,c boon want. if to the All iff•r•of s ilf•lf fed ~re 1,111,4441 to fool,. 1 11 tnhe111ate 11131110111 and tlfu-o If.tx nth cl,linl, n 111 ple,ot them el ly attittettlicated to lit. 3.1111:3.31. LLoyD. v.v,:utor I= 1 - N110(11...\ :NI AT lON.---AV IT EIIEAS, by o pletTIA to me flurried. dated at Ilutotingdon, the 17th of Jatinao. A. D.181(2. under the hands and coals of the Ilan Urn: ge Tax ler. ihe,ideut of the Com t ul Common Plca, Uy er and Teimittel, and genet al jail della cta of the 2-1111 Judicial lh,ti lot of Penn... 3 It non, 011111pu sell of lams tinadon. /lair and Candy hi counties; and the llonm. Belli:mono I'. Patton and Ifill tam 11. Leas wean:l -mes, Judges of tho County of Iluntinodon, Justices on hignetl. appointed to he it, try and determine all and curry indtennent, made or taken tor or collect 1111,1. by the loos of the State are made capital, or felon -44 de I 11. and other uncut,. crimes and innolennotwors, n loch hate been or :dual hereafter he womb tell or 'wipe. tiated. for ct hoes ittot esaiol-1 ant coinniMllhal to 111.1110 I. li h e 1'.. 1 . 11 . 1 tic , 11 thunr{lanit tap 0 hole hailin i, 11, that It COM 1 14 tater and Tel miner. of C'ominon Pleas and Qiat ter Se,-inns. 1,111 Le held at the Com t flout° itt.tlie borough 01 Iluntingdon. on the accotel )londay n l 18th dal) of Anil nest. and throe ohm nni pu,,ecoto the I,llrl 111 . 1,111er,, 1/0 the, 111111 theta to prot(eute them ao tt dial! Le J nut. and that all Justices of the Peace, Coronet and Conhtithles 1, ithlu mold county, be limo and the.. in tledr pl °per percons. 11110 o'clock, a. In. of b:1111 day, nit). their it.conk. inque.itions, examinations and rentenibtan. con. to do tho,, things 1, Lich to their ollices te(pectiyely nivel taut. Dated at Huntingdon, the 2411, of hatch, in the year o " on , had one thoivand eight hundred and Ginty -three, and the 5711, 3 cat of Azoolit..lll Independence. (JD). W. JOU:\ :Aux, shvo_ril 1)1OULA IAT 10 N. --IV 11 EREAS, by a precept to mu dit ectrd by the Judges of tlw Coin. non Plea. of the comity of Huntingdon, laming lot the lith day of January, 1503, 1 am commanded to Mid*: Piddle Pieclaination tin tMgliont ioy mimie Lailiuitln, that a Court al Common rim, mill lie held at tiro Coat t int the borough of Itantingdon. on the lid Monday pot :toil, day) of Aprd, A. a., lsos, for the trial of all ,Ileb in sail Coact m loch Daman molLtcannned before the cilia Judges, alien:and coheir nil pi ON, 1, and suitimi, iu tho blink of all are loomed. hated at Ifantingxlon, tho :Nth of Morel,, in the year of our Lola one thoiriand eight hundred awl sixty-three, and the oitli year of American I ndependengs. GEI). Iy..IOILXSTOY, Sheri f: TAVERN LICENSES Tho ration ing pet lons base filed in the Oleo of the Cloak of the Court of Quarter I,irs&ions of thintingdon their petitions for 'loonies to keep Juno or Tmerns in said wunty , nod whirls will be ineimited to the judges of s od emu I on the sceoud Monilly 01 April next for allow. nnee, to snit: John Dunn. Huntingdon Borongli. Jacob t, , lu Valentin,. Hoover, do, I lie., Mount-, do, - Henry Lie,ter, do, Robert Offen. Ut bisoula Boroui,b. Midliain 'retool/min, do, John I). Bolin, Cast tile, James Cu, twilit, Manor Hill, linnet Coen. Fanlobw d, (Pair.co E. Littfr, 31e.11avy 'a Felt. 11illiain P. Robison, Alexandria RA ough, J 1.11103 Fleming, Peteishurg, John It Hod. do, J tuned Chamberlain, 'Win rim suguk, R.- F. ILL/lett, Spruce Creek, Philip Clouse, 'Mapleton, John G. Stowell . , Mill Ca nob, John Long, Coati - mint, ,mines Olea,on, Dal not, .1:1311ti do, ill., tin Sl.tra, do, &mind li. Aultz, Snout futon. Bryson Gnat cr, Alexander S. Seeds, Spinet , Creek, JllllO9 lii, t ington, Brood Top City, letia. I McCabe. Carbon fa p , John S. 31tIli.r, Huntingdon, fianinel H. Simpson, Mai Cieelh dl airll4 Miller, Huntingdon, :dm Ilia Mai ch, Mooi e,t ills. Hen, Chamberlain. Ilvateuitrect, John Sho o k, Mcf'onnelstown, Samuel Trantwein, Item v Stion,e, McConnelstown, Fannon stelf,ty, Jackson twp., 'I 'minas Cook, LI, oail Top City, Adam Ifoliality, 0101110 (Lip, Tinnorts Mc' .on cry, Shlrtelslimg, Henry Mcitowan, 'limit Cabins. (reorgo 11. Kelley, Coalonint. 3ilarg.trut Jeumna, Shade (lap. W. O. WAGONER, - Clerk's Office. 1 Cleik. linutingdan, Marcia 21,1661. j QUEICIFFS SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Lop and Ft Fa to me di rected, I ~ , . ill eKpo, to public ..ale or outcry, at the Corn t Home, in the boon4lll of Huntingdon, O.N MUMMY the Vltu bAY of APRIL, Iodt, at too oclock, P. M., the tolloo log deer: ,bed propel ty to : One lot of ground Atulto in tie village of Scott'', Ole, Clay too mint,. Huntingdon county, fronting , on Main it. fA let, and extending hack 10 1 3 Lot., basing thereon eree t,d one tram., Mot e:lnoe,.. .11,t—tone Int of mantel `ituala in the {Wage of :icot 1,...11.1(1”11(y let, of im Y. I'a} for and 3lathies tie nape, th:t.con cicc toil onit frame Mottle 11 1 ti it hall gll of a eui lath tract of land 0111000 ui (_'to ; n ilap. I tunlingtion cpunty. 011 01(1011 deft'11(1:111( 1111, 1 , •1.1 .5 .n 1i. , (1.1.14 1.111(15 of George Ilutition on the ettiit .Vol 4(.111:11.1. ( 1" Logan ttaot Inneinalter ac seritied of If it riot ti g tic on the trait, of Lea; & Vitty 11101 elhrt, on the lot th. containing 101 acre,. mole 01 1 1,, of uhoh uNtit 10) nt_niii •11.2 e1Q.1.(41, IL finale ;,1•1 111:11, 1,10111..11,40 lar4c iea 11 on bank It ea. and or:, out I,w:dm, thcieen. !tiling the same tiatit ofd hid .1 to Ittchttril and 'l'lva., A,1”0111, q —the rude holt p.o t of . lain trot aloud tltuar: In Clay t 100,100. Ilan ti roa eount .10:0,11 01 thn Logan It adt ,edjoliting the " att. In thli levy do. I ih. d, 00 the 501. l 11 111.1, 1.111 i Allan) Ileutvr on the son 0. t, or 11,01, t (.10.40, north.Weit, nod of 011 w,, tontant.:o2 163 a pet' twa le=o, of %thin 81:001 100 vac., nt o t le nod. havin thorecnt n .11,01- lan: . tun c and ot Ittt ittlioovamenht, holm: the saute toilet o h,ch the ::ceuh , rl oh Julia 11 r,,,g 111, deed ennu....ed to I:ol.ard and Venn.. C. Ashman, by best it/ a nded to Ile 1„ Id, 2 pee.: : token in e:•tocution, and I, 1.0 told a th, loop.s it ofllichitd ti,lintan. • A1, , --.111 that certain nießquagn or tract fpll,rel nii co. lin of 1'4,111 i} CWll.lllilug one liteolteAteol to en ty rn: 0.1 lal 1.1, WIC,' 01 Sit VW (Wit 101 1.404 .d -pon,og nth, i , n:1,113 of Rebel t Spoor, d0c , 1., And nt hoe 4, (I tho clate tlAor of land elnich dot ed kith Dr• , eon 9 , 111.11e1 • oliveycil by Iblvol son. II usb,,, to tnclte rAlo ut the real rotate of 1110 raid 51 , or. &Gil • to lien- lid Jac A, Cre•well mot llm- I..launu,ttechlu eo ttb all owl ningular, the itAro,nrorll-, e Cede. en) 0, ea tetn, eater corn eXiTlitinin. the VI 001 nit alit lhoAce In, Moen. Also—All the defendant's right, title and intorcvt in and to on€• 101 of gtonnd eilunto in Toil town 0111p, 1 11111illig , 1011 connty, Pentrt., oiljoinlng land of John NV. Scott nud Joloph ikon, lI.Lt log don con erected one tan-scoty p tinted ttbitr , one :rant, ntable oth, r out !milling , . F , i74 , 1, Like.. In elocution, and cold a, tin. pi overt:, ut t. J. 1)o Lee. Also—The ilofondutit's right, title end in tet,st ie and to the fellov.ier, rqlute, vrit: :11ti nercs. more or tuitt.tto to Tod toe n,lup, Huntingdon rune. I. sun eyed in 111 , 11:1 , 111! of IlLnry Houck, hounded t - nt the not tittee,t hp lend of It. II it., Pol, ell. pot th-ete,t by laud , ut ,;,rd to Ando.. k Hot ton, , otalt.ue,t laud el 1:31 net. tome Orinyet. Dot tiq & Al,-107 ati s, mole of 1r,3. situatu on the not lb side u. SLoup, n un in Tel toi.n.hip, sui %Ty A in lie name of IL Diallllll AI ,e—Si net r, of 1:1114, 1.10 or it 2 4 ,, in TA teen...hip. Nurveeil se the 111111)0 of li. 31illite oil the nut lbotch Ity hied, Deliehllati. and t o , the sottig,,eit he Ilutitinlloll tot Co. hind. Also-14 noes 01 lond, 01010 or Ira. r,iht if, fit Seine ourre) ed nt Om name of Nual Chult, and boun ded on limo umtltnyest Lt TliAioCri L.ita and BOO,jOIIIIII Houck. hood, o•t . by Thorn ..\llldy,n, 0,,0th.u., , ,t by 11 ~ , hhytton Itaktn nod uolotv Zinunto Wan. nen,. 001 01 or le•v, situ tin in ,une too 1.14, surveyed in the name of Sanmol Soore, bound.l on the •tootho.,.t by Wood. Bacon Co., .ontlotCC4 by Christian I not and n Oho, lb odflNtuno and b. T. IVntion ,0 CO. Al,e--17 nrl , 11.1 C at 1.,.../1.11111. m llnp. melt how n- Cl.il, su7veveil in flit min, of A. It Cl en it, bounded on ..,r :"ad 14 Philip Co 111111111. solllll-en•t. by I and jr. It t, L=t anti nest 13m Laud of PAU.° 1 . .•1te1 , in. fetolanCH light, title r.nd in and Io It 1.1 net at I:1101 , 111111h' 111 ii. 11.1,1 en tOlVllSilip, P ,loo - count). 1 , 111 teed iii tam rant nano of Peter ifer- David Hattio, : , arah Le, i, ALtrgruet Levi, Adam Ilet Inz. Fi...1.11.1: fluffing and Collf.lll iiel 1 11.1 z, the mill I.4mi line 11l Ie run mewling to article of 1,0 , ...mcnt betucr ^ n the Tithteei of John Sarage le- C00n.,1, and Dp. Shonclwrger, mho naS the owner at lLn ~iher ball of noel cunt, dated the 14th da . xof Noven, r, A. li., 160, and another agreement explaining the prior 1./11 , between the ,aid paltieF and dated thelZlth Feb reny..l:4s, barb of nide!, soil .titalei are intended to be collect. Al.ot—.l. small part ord tenet of loud surveyed to Jurob MlllOllllll5 not linen it,,,,okt-ly sold hy the tilt, lees of John SaNdge. the tilt of that. nuwe, nor the pr, •ent tit :twee, awl all the land not tint, previon4l3 Rohl conNovntl to 5.11,1 John t?n, deal.. by I)ll,:olingtiCon mil nitn Ly deal dated the *2.211 11111 bi AP.nl , 131;;:;, and ll collo,' to If untlngtion county in Donti Mob X, 1..tg0 :7 (V —. io `.,:f ,00, J l,e6 .11 4 o—A II Ow titbr and interest in all that eel tails mea-,ungr or fillet of I Liel,,,itnate in Hunting ,lon county : C4-s tots n•lup. containing 120 MINN. inure or adjoin, or; I md, foilfonderh al Bonin t deceased. an , l "the, Iwo,: 1110 .011110 !tact oft Inn). whirl, by lieed dat. , l nta c aonrd by 17au d Club-on, 'I antes. to oil .and 1101000 Ittav,n. yalc. ii, irl.en ill n - ,C . 11(1011 and I') Inn ,11 , 1 as the pion t) oi qt. ~ . -..V11 the right, title ail in tere3t of aAalant al 1 la all tl.at cot lain lot of rwoad situate tu the a or net, HI cal Lou toll nshtp, floating. co C A on Ilaalto., estending In depth 0111, (11111- anti tot (0 (O.!. t i it, 11(10k rllor, !Ping lot No. I°, in 11, , . 11,1 of -,L,J tou n—lat,t(l4 thereon oteated a duelling 1 1 , 111 Kolb. :1101 111 1 01 iniP,V(rintql 111111EMEMBEE121121=1 Ito all that cotho,t I t of 1,,t0».1 Fit te itt the tow n i;on tov.ll-lop lluntinkt.ol comity. front -1o; 50 cent ou 11.00i:ton ~tart. Purl l SA: 1111111 r: ill depth ! 1,1 to ILv.lm I, ; Ict No t h e pl.lll of t,i.l ttu n, Put Nsh;,l.l , ,I‘‘,ll:ru; hon,P. vi,-,i.t, titlo a , .1 intereq of d f falant mood t Olaf th.t r• r ~r land worn or I -11 h tt in:lf hi., 1., , ,,11110, Ilthitintrdan roomy, l'a , fp,lala,a lafria of 11. ffampladl, ra , t. land 01 A. .1. Ilt o it of aaht, P.,nald,n on the test. nod land of An :11 llr aarl .o , qlt Itm ty :pal, of arllich stun Ifsat of. .11..1 I. fug tho safor , it tcr ol land coo, cyt d to W,e, by 32,11..411 t. Pu.l.,s •It t'. 110 tEttrd 2 ' , I S 131 enawl to • - •4(1 . 1- ti`2 ~t y title end t, i t, t -• .)ret .tn,t tt•ttis oft rnt ,taateiv:l'td Loal ,•11,.101 11.,1: Ilia:jai:lln I:.t. , .1: •I 1 , it 1,1,I;; ( . 001j0111.11,11,111 11.11110 JP 1 .011,1 10111 I. 1, and all 1!':i 111•11111:44 Idly. - •,..•: a! , •Ir n...1:13 all Llvar,l and In a 511Ite • 1 • 1.0. en in t V . l utku and ,ult.l 11 , • •;•• '0,0 , 1 Slaalti. the titlit rniti interest of ,Lil nPI In I to 0,10 t org:,ml•d -I: , late ill ❑:c ',Mg , ul )1,1 , 11. 1;01. l' It tor.ll , lllp 11111,ttug , lon count). ..... I ••1'! (~,Ago Matt. . . . a , ol h.t. ili 1, on el rclyd. no too slot r frame 'town!, ,a- Lan ana not budding , . Faa lad. taken 111 oXlellllollllllllllo It, Leh] e t the N ap e :o of Ilantilton _kl.3o—Ninetern acre-, or land situate in Coolllllt 1! 101111 , 11111. - HM161140 1 011 county. ndjoioing lands if Pater Wit n 1 on tt.o ,00tat 11. Unfit nu the most, Bat ban. :1111111'hes., 1111Vilet . 11101.11 V/ (t . tvtl .1 snumdl Lent 1 .1 ://1 , 1. 101011 in e•ncutioa, and to be a- lln. in op 10' al .Imheo 31, Conangby. 1. , .1.1e 1 511 T.) ! ,. Adlitill,t; Xi - h., 1., st at 710 , rilY ns.tles n ill the pi opt•rty heing, Ituoclo , d dotn. MI., 70 1 00111. of all bids tinder $lOO, and 71001113- 1,1. , 1, , 0. Lent. ,a all I,lil-1 0101 that Hlllll, limit he le the 1311,1 ill. or the mope*. ti ill be set op again and sold to other 'Alto A ill eteliiily With llle abide tel :het title. 11 111 hereafter he made on Monday, Of the hi , .l meek - of Cow 1, and the Deeds ael.notsledgud on the following ll'ednesday. Gin. W. JOIINSTON, Sheriff. Sionti C., Meli.:2l-.10,743. SIIIIMEYSBURG FEMALE SEMINARY. The 000enteenth setetion of ((111 Tovtitutioo under the prey, tPt ittclital 111(1 open en Monti.V. 111ty 4111. It will be tenha . ..,l toe lt.ohlior, nem or the 010100 of the vtllngc, and the invtroction 11,110 het etufore, late.] and no t . tough. (lt.tieful for the contolome repostll to hint, the Principal will endeavor to tleverve, nod he holies to re ceive .1 g oceouv pan onitec. A cl cc of ,)initig men adl fie received for instruction in cla,ics, linitheinatic,, book I:crying, &c. For minute infot Illation, apply to J. B. liIDDIIII, Principal. mm ell 21, I 51•13. —Gt. KNOX FRUIT FARM AND NUR - SERIES. • Pot many realo no limo mado the colt:cation of SMALL FRUITS a specialty, and taking into account TAini:TY, QUAN TITY :Ind QUALIFY. our Audi' of TINTS :aid PONTS of GRAPES, STRAWBERRIE S, RASPBERRIES, 13.r.,Acicsnnttins, GOOSEBERRIES, CURRANTS, &a., &c., is u ne q ualed any, here, which we offer on the 111091 table tel Parties, wishing to purchase would do well to cot respond with us. 01 send for our PRICE LIST, which will ho soot to ullupplicauts flee of elmrgo. OUR SEED STORE AND HORTICULTU RAL HOUSE IS AT NO. 529 PIPTEE STREET, Micro all cuticles belonging to such an establishment can bo had of the 1)011 quality. J. KNOX, BoN:155, Pittsburgh, Pa. TCII E S, JEWELRY AND st ERA \ ARE. The mulerhuzn.ul would res,nerffully invite your atten tom to his well selected stock of Flue Gold and 5,1,er WATCILES, Fine Gold JEWEI.Ity, of eye ry Mud mind vat toty of fltArks—t • Oniprimg alt of tho ,tcwtlt beautifu( deolipm Also, S 31.11) SIVEst. WARE. equui fn cnin—ono the best motto of Silver 117zre. (Curb urticlo it war ruslid to Lo as rep. esental. ((a- Watches and Jamelly cu.:Cully ll:paired nod bulls fiction suatunteod. JACOB HARLEY, (Sum. , sr,r to Stem d Halley ) No. 622 Market St., Phila. March 3, 1.863-3ut tar. ATOIt'S NOTICI.- 1 - }l_ (Comte of Hem, it Shock. deed.] .eiters of Adurinisti at on upon the outran of Ilona , ine : , 11nelt, late or Wo,t. township, - Huntingdon count), doe'd, liming been granted to the tinder swami, all persons Laving chums agatust the estate me requested to pi escort them to the under,ign,d, rant all parsons indebted mall make immediate paymont. WILLIAM Warriorgitige, 31ch.:3,18133-61.. Mr - 1111013ft ator A. ROUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR SALE. The subscriber offers at pirate sato the property he note °couples in North-east Huntnigdon. The hones is is thm.stury flume. Photo is a lot of choice fruit trees upon the promises. For terms call upon tile subscriber, March 3, 1.503. A. J. wrirrE y4OTICE TO ALL INTERESTED. The account of Levi tvanq, Ti tzstep under q vol untary assignment of Jacob S. ihnlotregger and J. Mat son Moore for beneilt of coeditors, boa been filed jqy said office of the ProthonrAdry of 11u ntingdon coun'tY, and "will he pit tented to the Court of enlll/110U Pleas Of BARI County for cottht motion and allowance on tile second Mondo of April, mid trill be au coufirmed and allimed antes ezeop tionq m e bled th.t eta. W. C. W A.JON PI Oti10110tak) 011 Ice, V.), 1S( 3 J TGTTCI TO ALT, INTIIIRESTED.- 1. The Tract account of.Toliii.Sloit. Fsq . Trivitie of Mn. Mai y Irrt W. Ando, son. under a declaration of 11,9 t en JAM by her late lie-bond John I' Andel con, lee',l, hos boos Dial in the office of the Protlionotar3 of Ifuntlogdon county, and Will lie vresOuted to the C o urt of Caaum'a Pleas of scud county nu the second Monday of Apri l for es - intimation oand rilloa an 4 'anti Le so cootie...ed andcub hl,d OW, to. Pr.‘thOn.ltar \ 011ie, I W. C. WAr..INI;It, Ifitutingdon, ID, 1:t.1 ; thomnary. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS, ATKINSON'S NORMAL SCHOOL / COVIMENOES IN CASSVILLE, MONDAY, APRIL 6,1863. Fur flotl.eL patty aldro3a I. JUNIATA ATKINSON, Nornol Te:u•Ler. Mawll 17, Ibr2.-431.. C.SVilie, ATILLINERY and STRAW GOODS. IL e have the pleasure of In formlue you that " 0 aro nom pi epared to ofr,r, at our Ohl Stand Rua. 103, ICS ic 101 North SIe.COND St , A well selected stud: of MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, in every variety, of tho LIM importations, and of the newest and most fashionable eta lea. OUR STRAW" DEPARTMENT will cotnrisc eery vat iely of Bonnets, Hats and Trlm nano to he inlaid in hut line. of the Welt and moat alapoi nn cony cull, I no mum Ton's, Ilespectfully, EC. WARD. Philadelphia, March IS, 18n341. STRAW GOODS OF ALL TUE NEW STYLES, For Ladies, Misses, and Children's Wear. 4French and Ametican "FLOWERS, BONNET RIB BONS, and a general assortment of Ivti'LLINERT GOODS, nt thd 'lmre s t c.t•t, prices— li - 1/nlorale and Retail.' • 3117,1,1311:RS ‘s ill consult their Intel yet by examining my eta h. hereto making their 'lurch area. K It USES, No 218 ARCII It., Phihula. Philadelphia, March 15, 1883-2 m, - TRIAL LIST APK/1.4 TEII6I, 1.863 FIRST WEEK. W. W. S.D. C. Entrekict vs 3ficimel Stan°. Same is :rne. Oco. I".vnt's adrnitiiitratur vi Brice X. Malt. jaco,, Kauffman Vs Robert F. liszlet gr.CoND ITEM, I. nallMllll, ;Ur% ivur, IC. I'S George M. Park. , I. Bauman VA 8,11110. John thmigo vs •Hazard & Outman. Samuel Fleming re Hon. I. 9tortu t's execr. Jun. P. AndemoW9 executor vs Henry Orladyi I. N. & 11. W. Swoopo as Joseph McCoy. W3l. C. WAGON CR, Prot'S; Huntingdon, March 19, 1863. GRAND TCRORS. Anspatch Jacob, farmer, Jackson, Alexander John, J, P., Shirley, Buckley Wm., farmer, Shirley, Bilgor George, mason, West, Crownover Audi en', merchant, Barree, Cunninghamlehard, fanner, West. Cullison Levan, plasterer, Carbon, Cooper Samuel, F. manager, West, Cornelius James, laborer, Porter, Dunn David, coal dealer, Huntingdon, Forbes John, founder, West, Grove David, farmer, Henderson, Mane:. Salomon, farmer, West Mcredith•Lowis, shoemaker. I untingdon, Neff Samuel, farmer, Porter, Querry Gerge. farmer, Cass, imbinson W. C., - farmer, Dublin, Stine Saml. 0., farmer, Wan iorsmark, Stevens, jr., Alieli,ego, Laborer, War'mk, Thoinp , on Elijah, farmer, Warliorsmark, Wakelield Georo P., farmer, Shirley, Weight Geo., shoemaker, Penn, Whittaker John, farmer, Porter, Walker Wm. S., tinner, Alexandria. - Triaramir. 31, itrl7..—srits - r ca - am- -- - - George Berkstres.er, calmer, Hopewell. Jonathan Grigg., fa t er, J. Nekin Ball, machinist, Huntingdon, Elias Balm!, carpenter. Huntingdon. Samuel Coen, gentleman, Barree. Joseph Cannon, merchant, Huntingdon. Henry Cornpropct, farmer, Berme. Simon Coulter, farmer, Walker. John Crotsley, farmer, Cass. Mordecai Chileote, teacher, Tod. William Dysai t, farmer, Franklin. Isaac Donaldson, farmer, Hopewell. John Eberts, farmer, Franklin. William A Fraker, merchant, Shirley'sburg. William i,inter, laborer, Brady. Perry Ginter, farmer, Morris. Abednego Grazier, farmer, Warriorsmark. James Higgins, cabinet-maker, Huntingdon. Hays llamilton, manager, Franklin. David Isenberg. farmer, Henderson. John Ingram, farmer, Franklin. Joseph lot gun, blacksmith, Barree. George Lininger, farmer, Walker. John Lotz, farmer, Shirleysburg. John M. Lowden, farmer, Tell. Miles Lewis, lathier, West. ' John McCandless, carpenter, Carbon. Jonathan K. Metz, farmer;Hrady. J. K MeCahan, gentleman, Huntingdon. James McCracken, farmer, Oneida. Jo,,h ua jlprgam, farmer, Cromwell. Wm. E, MeMurtrie, fanner, Huntingdon. Henry W. Mateer, plasterer, Brady. William McFadden, blacksmith, Jackson. Joel Plummer, harmer, Dublin. William Reed, laborer; Jackson. William Bothreck, brewer, Alexandria. George Steffey, farmer, Jackson. David Steever, farmer, Cassville. James Seeds, farmer, Franklin. Joseph 1) Stacklionse,Trmer, Brady. Andrew Sprankle, fat mer, Morris, J. Murray Simpson, farmer, Huntingdon. David Wlaitsell, farmer, Oneida. „ - "! Theinas Withers, clerk, Jackson. ' ' Robert Williamson, farmer, Barree. Levi Westbrook, boatman, Walker. Nathaniel Williams, laborer, Huntingdon. TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOiB Simon Beck, farmer, Warriorsmark. John Bisbirt, mason, Alexandria. James Colegale, farmer, Cromwell. Wm. A. Copley, blacksmith, Warriorsmark. Alexander Carmen, mason, Huntingdon. Jacob Elias, farmer, Toil. John Eby, farmer, Shirley. M. FettcrhOof, cabinet-maker, lluntingdon. Elijah Gorsuch, farmer, Oneida, John R. Gosnell, farmer"; Cass. Samuel Houck, farmer, Tod. Adam [Teeter, farmer, Clay. Abraham Harnish, farmer, Morris. Robert Ingram, farmer, Franklin. George Jackson, farmer, Huntingdon. Hugh Jackson, farmer, Jackson. Thigh 'King, farmer, Shirley. William McClown, farmer, Clay. Samuel Miller, farmer, Shirley. Thompson Martin, farmer, Porter. R. A. Miller, dentist, Huntingdon. Lewis R. Morgan, watchman. Shirley, \Vm. P. Mehatloy, laborer, Brady. . John Nearhoof of George, laborer, WIWI:1k, Benjamin Norris, laborer, Springfield. Allen Rankin, miner, Carbon. John Rhodos, farmer, Henderson. . John Shope, jr., farmer. Union. Henry Spanoglo, jr., farmer, Warriornmrk George L Smith, farmer, Case. John Shaver, E-q., farmer, Shirley. Thomas A. Smeiker, gentleman, Shirley. John B. Smith, farmer, Jaelison. Benjamin E, Stitt, farmer, Dublin. Wm. Thompson. fanner. Brady. Daniel Weight. farmer, Wartiormark. V - OH 1141.1 find the BargeAt, and Best L assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods at CA111.'1174: Sack and Fancy Baskets at • - • GAVI N 'S. 'NUBIAS & OPERA CAPS, 3d arri, val of the Pel.oll, Joee opeolug by Nov.ll, 1882. v 'BPI Eft & SON. • TILE largeq stoc# of—Do Lainesjo town , , • ?mug &.5.c.”.•7. rothonotary COURT AFFAIRS D. P. EGISTER'S is botchy given, to all porsoria Interested, that thslol °Mi; newd persons have Bellied the 'accounts In the Beg let er's (Mice, at Huntingdon, and that thasald accounts 0111 ho pmelited -for confirmation' and nyclance at en Orphans: Court, to ho bold at Ilunting4n, for the of Huntingdon, ou thi dtfi day ul Aptilpext, (18eti,) to nit : • - • • Ist. Administration account of Ceo. liesselring, Ad ininietrator of 311,bael Detmler, tate of Clay twp., deo'd. 2d. tinortfinnaliip account of "amen A. Stewart, Admin. lett, tor of William Stewnu, Wu of Rest township, dee'd., who. in lila life time, wee guardian of Elise Saio Heed and )taigniet Anne lined. minor children of Jailida Read, late Ut end Lou tiship in the county of 'ffuntingdon, deceased. dd. Account of John Y. Hay, aticnitixtrator of Jane Hay, late ot Porter townehip. deceived. " " • • Trust alccoun t ut Madan, trustee appolbt ed by the Orphans' Cenreot Huntingdon connty, to sell the heel Estate of Jo cs 'hidden, deceased. ' sth. hupplenlent.il nail final account of James Cree and B. P. Neely. executors orthotuns IC. Neely. late of Dublin township. deceased. CIA OWlrdialiShip accomtt of B•nodict &opt/ann. Et; Gn mlnto of Rota.", Bannon. a minor tl.togittiti of /kW. of Cronmoil townilnp, decoased. Flun and only accuutat of .1. W. Su (Alpo, Egg., act. Ottotsll.ltor of 01 o.tnta of Sarah King. hit., of Union town-Inn, dece...ed. • Blj. TIN nhait,ll ip account of David 1110E8. gaardian of Jacob Elatthet and John Dallier, Iniuor children of John libuber, decea,ed. . • 9. Adotlitisti anon account. of John Donaldson, admits idtt nor with the will nottoxed of John ShultZ, Into of Hotpot,'ll township to tiro county of Huntingdon, doc'd. loth. The rolittinistrAtton act:unlit ofJuumhan.linindle, adoiloist tutor ulJacob Brladle,ltie of Holio%ioll etd, nobly, deceased. 11th. The final trust account of nenly Hauls. trustee of Jacob Neff, ‘lec'tl., under the will of Nuuel% 'Neff. deed. 12th. The Ildmillistration Joseph 31 ' ebY F,ll/1/1131 11. 31 .'uovtapcutors of the lag will and t6steineut of F,,sue/s A. McCoy, Into of tingdy too ovhlp, dedeatrod. 13th. The administration account of Jacob Couilman, atinnn 'slits tor Orli - 460 A, 3lcUumild , latelof - Brady , t'olyiy. ship, decensetl: 14th. The account of 011hort !fuming and Christina Peightal, nehninivtratorJ with the Will linnek,ed - df Irpry, IVarfel, deedescd.' ' " 15th. The account of James Johnston. our of the exec atoms of Hugh Johnston, lute of Oasslownship, deceased. 16th. Thu Administratiod account nt Samuel Curnmirall and Storm Cummins,_oxecutore o'f Robert Ounnuittli, late, of Jackson township, deceased. 17th. The Administration acco . upt of Samuel T. Drown, Esq., Administrator do bouts non coin testament° U James khartkin, deed. 18th. Final account ido.fols Scott, E+ q. guardian of Jos. M. Matthews, a minor child of Jessie '5l tthowil. .19th. FiterAdnilnlsttution accodut ofJno: Executor of thelnet .111 and testtnneut of John P. one dorson, late of the borough of Run tingdon, deceased. 29tli. Partial Adintitistratlen,account of Saud. 11 and John A. 31cPlierran, Executors of John 31cPherran, late of Franklin township, deceased. 21st. Fivat necOunt brJoebun Adminls)ra• tor, with the will annexed of Hiram Williamson, Lao of Webt township. deceased. 22d. Administration account of W. D. Johnston and. licnpunin Hartman, Administrabre of George Burst, late of West township, demised. , 23d, The Second floneial, end elso.the'se'parifetiiihnnta of James Owln, vat titan of Ellen P. Dorsey and Mary 31. Dor.cy, minor chiNren of 0 reenberry Burney, late of the borough or Huntingdon, deceased. I " 21th. The Ttoet account of John C. Watson, Esquire, Trustee to sell the foal estate of !Bram itlllinmauo , lets of West township, deceased. 25th, The Trent account of John C. Watson, Esquire, Trustee appointed by the Orphaus',Coprt of. Iluptlogilott county to Coll the Real, Estato of Thomas' DI. Owanty dit• coaled. 26th, The Administration account of-John,Doan, ministrator of Mary Sclienefelt, late of Maim.: tire/13361p, Ihmtingti.n county, widow of Fredarkir Mclion t efeit, da ceased. 27th. The 4ilninistr4tion nnconitt of itutiert ,. .ll3lmatnit, Adininistrst o r of Jane Johnston, We of Jnclishu ton. ship. deceased. Atinfinisti Mien account of John need and °soma. Wilson, Achninistlators of the ealitte of William Reed, late of West township, liuntlngdon connty. deceased. • --DANIEL 11'.15"03,12.1i8da1tr: RettistePs Office, 1 'treater, 11untiugdoe, 110. 17, 1863. f AINIINISTRATORS' fEsthte'of Edward Cox, deed.] •t. 3 :/ Letters of administration upon the estate of Edward Cox, Into of Burros township, ilantingdon county, deed, baring been wanted to the undersigned, nil persona bar ing claims ugitinfit the estate are requested to pre sent them to, the undersigned, arid pereutslMhbted tvfdl make immediate payment. Fel,. 24.1802-60 A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE:` [Edeete of Philip Piper, deectj Letters of Ailaiinistrittion upon the estate of Philip Pip , r, late of Porter ton uship, deed., havhd boin"gian• led to the undersigned, alt persons having dolma against the estate aro requested to present therm- to the:andet• signed, and all persons Indebted mill motto payment. - THOMAS D. WALKER,' -• PLIJLIr iI. PIPER; . - Administratays: M reh 3,1833-6 t N URSERY STOOk.-- TREES, VINES, STIREBBEIRT, At the loivelit Cash price A. J WHITED, North-east Huntingdon BEE PAPER HANGINGS DEPOT, No. 10 Cottlaridt Street New YOrk, Directly opposite the Western Hotel. The CEILOB-111 ati (Olganintl in 184 , i, undel the General Manufacturing Lave of the State of New Yet k) Offers at tt holessle, in quantities to suit purchtLeOrt, Manufactutels' Loa e 4 I' %PER II ANG I SOS ores cry variety of style and pries, Bolt DEll to match, FIR E-I.IOA RD PRINTS, , • TRAMM'A RENT WINDOW MADE.% 01 -PAINTED WINDOW t•IIADES, WIDE ISIS DOW CURTAIN PADRES, and AVI I NDOW SHAD:: FIXTURES, STORE: SHADES MADE TO ORDER AND LETTERED, Of h tlie latest 5t.003 -nod superior fittlqh. - ell of their own rnauttfactote and importation. As their stork is !Argo and euthely ucw, they, WOW Marehaats.Bokbellers, ADA Dealers In these articles,l,l rail and examine drily tit: NB and prices. w believer they ileitlho City. Feb. IS, 1663-114. , . F ALL AND 'WINTER ARRIVAL Win, MARCH 81 BROTHER, MARKLi'SBURG, lime Just opened a large, , new, and lima passed stock Of Foreign and Donmstic Dil-tioeils, of all kinds and-quali ties. embracing c'yerytiliqln that lino. Also, a cotoplOo assortment of B o remarkably cheap, call, iiop4 weight together With ' QUEINSW4IW, STONTWARE, , IfARDWAItE t ,HOOTS & SHOES, &C., '&C., and all, the various other matters usually kept in,a amt. try store, co that the inquiry is not '• What has March ,111 Brother got," bat " What.have, they nut to; " • , Being satisfied that theft largo and'complete clock of the above named goods cannot be excelled In quality, quantity or cheapness in thlilsection of country, we es speed-01y ask a trial, feeling satisfied that a liberal pa teenage wilt he extended towards us, by all who are la need of good articles at low prices. O ur motto Is "quick sales and moan. profit.", -_ , IVelrepictrully-requests' the patronnge • of ell, atid eF oar Trough Creek Valley fife Mis..„ . Ever} thillg taken in exchange fei goods except prole* sea. • Zip 9.14 "paid for oil kiwis of graiq, fur r hich highest zniticet prizes Will be given. . r t • Wm S t arch is agent fur. the Wool Ttm thiltread Com pany at Mai klesbui g ,tfitiom Ode prypored to Alp all kinds of grain to the EnNtern markets. Having a large woreroom, farmers rim store with him until resgly to AM. Every ;MA venieme tilt be-afforilett them. good amity flour,V . =the'bitrrel tqwlyit han4 at the cheapest rates. - - WILLIAM MARCEL & BRO Drl,l6l,esburg, Nov.lB, 1.582 . , H OIVAlt1) ASSOCIATION, PHYLA DPILPfirA: A Benevolent Thstitittitot Vital;ZOO by:speeial Eudoysment, for the Relief of the Sock and Distressed, aifiepted with I - fru/tut and Epiderate Diseases. and e..-pectedig for Ma Cure of Diseases of the 8ei1ta1"0, 7 9«,,5. • Medical Advice given goads, by the Acting Snrgeon. 'Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhrea. and other Dtseseee of the Sexual Organs, and on the new Rat - nestles employed In the Dispensary, sent to the arnitted in sealed letter en velopes, free of charge. Two or three Statnics for 130.11041 s will bo nieentchle• . 1 Address, DR. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Bur geon, Iloward-Actopiation, No. 2 South _Ninth Straiit,Pbil• adelpitia, Pa. Dy order of the Directors., • EZR4 D. IJAIVPIp . FLL, n iAcedent. OEO. FAIRCHILD, kecretary,' Dec. 31,1862.-Iy, NOTICE. Notice is hOrChy.g . irol3 10 .011_1101,M8 44011rirkg ['malady., Indebted or haflng unsettled accoinsts frith R. C. McGill, late of the Alexandria Foun4ry; 4 NI at his residence in Alexandria, and settle their OCCOUrik at or befoul the April court; if not, their accounts will be left in proper hands fur colfeetidn; for, on inF to the many outstanding debts. unsettled c hdition of 1113 WOKS, and the exceeding high price of stock, the undersigned has been compelled to suspend business and malce collections. All parties Interested will.plesse call linbiedisiely and settle their accounts. ' • It. 0.-mcoiLL. .• 31,1 ing -0 1 TI v CEi eased to Mr. Ic'N. ',Sy old Anna et business known as the Alexandria FOlllllll y, I take pleas. tare in returning , thanks to tho public for their pat kipd pan onage, and kindly solicit tho continuance of the iamb for sty successor, knots ing that ho will render satisfaction to all who troy favor hint with a - Call. R. C.IIcGILI o rob. 24, 1863-It. Alexandria, Pa. A LEXANDIUA FOUNDRY. r 1 Thu do 'oreighed respuctrully iathrtpathe that ito Irtq le:eked trod, It C.,:tlcPill.hie oltratang pirate nwi known ns the Al baudriu Ptidd4, and will continue thn he..11,05R and endeavor to give geuprill eatiataction to r..voling 111thIth n en% hit .atlt. 3 v '3'3111 he predoptly attended to. M. MoNALLY, Alexaadtia, Pa. Feb 2S, 1563-1 t D [SSOLUTION .OF PA R wz.g sun, ilPreby giro" that flit, firm of MU nu has beau itimolvoiLby motile) consent. And boohe of au , I. rho lino.be of w. Wilitou for 'settle went. iu thr 11(1W litAN e of Shively k AU prrsens kilOwing themial 011..hted rikas9 call nail - Nettle . . their arrouitti. Alro std dy the naw n 134.16,000 bltibtax a hulk for ullich rho Ilk:beet price will ho paid; aleo,kpides and all kind 'at taoditce taken i 4 excinuig:? by .L , , &SAUNA-I.'l JORN COX, JQIIN COCHRAN, Executor'. FOR 'SALE Alexandria, Pa.