The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 18, 1863, Image 1

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Per annum in advance $1 60
Six months
'Three months - ' 30
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the term sub,crtla for nail be coast red a nen engage
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 du.
Four MI. or loss $ _0........$ 373i.....$ 20
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ter a ;Imre fur each intertien.
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4ix tines or 10.0, SI 57 .s 3 00 65 00
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Four tiquare ,, a On 11 00 "0 00
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ona &sited. wall Ite continued till rut bid anal chat god :tc
nrclitta to Ow. terms.
Office of JAY COOKE,
At JAY COOKE & Co., Bankers,
114 South Third Street,
No, 1.1562
The roolaslzmed having Lieu appointed SINISCHIP
TIUN Mi EN by the St ci °tory of the Tleasiny, In now
prepared to fornibh, nt once the
New Twenty Year 6 per ct. BOIIIIS,
of the tinite.l Stat. a .le..ign tied na o r entiea." re•
...It:instable at tin, p 10.031110 Of the Government. otter lire
yearn, and Outlier Ired by .sct of .11,1/0./V.l tub
;limy 25th. 1:032.
The G..4.:1'0N BONDS nra tiered in sums of j5O, $lOO.
VAC, and $lOO3.
The 10051.10 I. turns of ZIA), $lOO, $3OO.
Ziodo, mot $5OOO.
I 111 erest 01 Six pi r cen tam per annum %till commence
fle.o date of purtlowe mid It
v.loch qual at the present pi oniitua on
Unlit, to about I.tri G'l' PEI: CENT. PElt
Du met .1. lurch ants.eloiniea. Gapimltsta atei u I to
hire any money to invept. should know and tettiember
that thei.e 11 ri t e atn .in t trart. n ill I:ST 1101tftiAtill. up
on nll Ilailrentle. Canals. Batik latecks and Itemtribee nod
the immense of nit the Ntinufactin
tire country : and th it the lull and maple mol'l'ol4l made
for the pis went of the interval and 11quitlittion of urine'.
pnl. by Customx Pntie , , Exelos fitampspla Lit, riot tler
entail, or rye, to make the-ti Gentle the
Best, Most Available, and Most Popular
Investment in the Market
Pul•eriptiuus received nt PAR in 1.e,t.t1 Tetrier Notes.
or notes tool chick• ot t•tnks nt 11l
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iOn rl tit:s ottlre
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Cute 11.411e( , ry JAY COW:!:.
P 413.4:• 7.• •
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and all Wit),
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&if- All thn a1,0,u °inlays enc. pled.
A cuiala3 train lear. a PuLTSIII.I.I: at A. 31 , and
iIIILIDLITN /A at 3.15 P. 11.
C0.111:1TATION, :ll !LEV Z. SC Sn‘. and IlScm.sime TirErts
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UN T 1 N G 1);)N &11110_11) TOP
RA I LOOAD.—CIi . 1 / 4 N II•. OF FC111:1/1:1.E.
after Wmlnmeloy. November MI, ISC2, Pave",
inMs 111 All LI e outt deport .1b
ger 1
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4.8 3 40,Ls 7 20,11001107,1100...........90 12 1:0,30 9 11
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4 241 a 04p1ark1e.1,095, . 11 421 525
4 401 8 20,Cufree limn. 1 11 20i 813
4 401 6 .x.S,ltong.l,Y Ready, , 11 221 S. 05
if 031 8 40,Cose. 1 11 131 720
L. 041 644 LiAlier'a 1;9mtit,....1 11 C3l 745
o 20,30 0 00;,., tu ,
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9 10SaAtou
9 32. Cu.tlntobt.
• 9 10ern‘,rard.
0.910 O 6 1h911.•y.
Illioad Top City,
mAC 11
R. A. 0. ME M , '
KOSI/ uarlaair.m.
-11 to be the beat ever oared to the public. rind
Some superiority in sati.,flicturity established by the fact
'that in the last eight yearn,
OVER 1,400 MORE,
of these machines have fern soil then of any other man
wfactured. and more medals have been no anted the pro
prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth
ers. The Machines are vi to ranted to do 1,11 that Is claimed
for them. They ore no, in use In sever it finnan. in Al
toona. and in every etc they give entire satintnetfon.
The Agent refs, those desiring information as to the
sneer lot ity of the Machin., to A. W. Benedict, Joseph
Watson, E. 11. Tut tier mid E. E. Beitleman.
The 3lnchinen .or be seen and examined at the store of
the Agent. at Altoona.
Price at No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new
style Hemmer—y.6s. No. 3, or namental bronze. glass
foot and new style Ileminm—sss. No. 3. plain ' with old
style llemmer—Slf. • ifict. 21, laG2-Iy.
Tracing Paper,
Ignpreselop Paper,
Drun lug Paper,
Deed Paper,
Tissue Paper,
Silk raper for Flown,
Percuroted Paper,
Brietol Board,
Flat Cap Paper,
• Foolscap Paper,
• 'Letter Paper,
Counneteial Note Paper,
Ladies' (lilt Bilged Letter and Note Paper,
t• Ladies' Plain and Fancy Noto Paper, -
Widte and Colored Card Paper, in Pack, and Sheet:.
fur bale at LBWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store.
ry AmEs ! ATTENTION !!
BAJZIOR.ALS, a handsome lot just
rtroirrd direct from New Ytirk, by FISIIER
10.11. Bpptsiwrs. and Shoy*p
ror.ooCy itiiPsys
riA tip t a t p. c WIN!S if you want
nAqczaols Goul•
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
[For du ]
In memory of LuntErt CORBETT,
who was killed by a Minis ball thro'
the heart, at the battle of Fredericks
burg, Dee. 14th, 18 4 32, when within
less than thirty yards from the ene
toy's breastworks. He was a mem
ber of Company 0, sth filet. P. 11. V.
C. Written by J. B. S., a member
of the same. company.
Ile sleeps wheto Ito MI, 'mid the L tt tlu'd roar,
R'Sth his count Ades true and IA it 00 ;
And :Ili noblo Elm wa aL tilsoa no tr,ra,—
It leas in a liele's glove
Where OW rebel rue in his might tame twill
With nil hte power and pair;
And our gallant men flora the tugged North
- Luke patriots fonaht and diva.
Ile ylop3 on the Lill nhore blood finely fon ed,
In tho w !blest 110°11:awl ol.nde;
IThera Ito Itappithannocl: proudly flows—.
h on echo Idle the glade.
Su:,crip(i.o Agent
Vt . il.4: llm boaiting lima of the trallor Suutta
Nlel up. o'ri tha g,,,gtsey banks,
TA:I 0.9 ball:Aug 41wItit on) (Ml' C. 11111. 1 ./ mouth
}Lang 10 Choir broke:. ranks.
Ile ,‘l;e:,‘ the ble,od of our gloriJus dead
Were left on the bAcued laul;
Whale the ti tau,: ese his spills dud,
lie 1,1 a 11, I,l.lesuunniell
It, .I,..—yer. Le sieri.s, tilidi,t.tirLeil by liar,
Tht;11,01 o'er his hreihit ;
Por, ottL thoso olio eluniLer iu glory afar,
lit tikes au iromottal lest.
CAMP, 3.IINIM ' S March 5, 1863
General Kegley . and the "Peace"
Brigadier General James S. Negley,
a Pittsburger, whu has proved himself
a gallant commander and a fearless
patriot, has written a lengthy letter
to a friend in Butler county, in which
he expresses his sentiments freely in
reference to the craven conduct of
those peace " Democrats who are
calling peace meetings. and advocating
a cessation of hostilities. We append
a few extracts:
Camp at ..11 - urfreekro, Tenn., )
February ] 5. 1563.
Dz.ku : 111 ever felt a blush of
shame and anger against citizens of
my native State, it was when I learned
of this shameless party strife, aiming
to secure it cessation of hostilities; an
OM, . dive branch of peace to the
traitors who have insulted our nation
al traditions, trampled upon the graves
of our revolutionary halters, sacked
our public treasury and armories, rob- ,
bed commerce of its honor, violated,.
the sacred pledges of representatives,
hurled brands ofdiscord into our min-
cils, let loose the bitter waters of strife I
in our social circles and prostituting
every manly and womanly sentiment ,
to the hellish purpose of destroying. 1
our government. Itave they nmt
t•eated our wounded, robbed our pris
oners and outraged the dead ? Have
they not ',yokel, every compact for
the amelioration of the horrors of war?
Have they not exiled thousands front
their own firesides to perish or to live
like wild beasts in the mountains ?
Who will dare to deny that they have
committed all these barbaraties ?
1 r 31 I A. M
Yet in view of all these facts, miser.
able, shameless demagogues, cowardly
traitors at home, seek to force the Gov
ernment into an pnholy alliance with
those perfidious people. Why should
there be an effort made to shield the
Southern traitors froth suffering the
full penalty- of their crimes / Do they
not deserve it? Is it not the legiti
mate fruit of treason and rebellion ?
Let no peace, no prosperity, no safety
dwell in their lands, until they lay
down their arms and acknowledge the
Government they are endeavoring to
destroy. If war in terrible earnest
cannot conquer peace, what can ? If
the resources of a mighty people and
the determined energy and bravery of
great armies contending for their birth
right cannot crush this mushroom Con
feck!racy, what can Will it be done
by dishonoring ourselves in humbly
craving their submission, and appeal
in:, to them to restore the Government?
they would answer your appeal
with the thunder of artillery, and treat
your submissiori with defiant scorn.—
No; let it be spoken in the councils of
the aged, and taught in the lessons of
our youth, that the honor and integri
ty of our Union !' must And shall be
preserved," and that the penalty of
treason is death. Yours, truly,
P M. J P.. 1
10 2:,
Ls. 10 lb
the following in the Baltimore dmeri
can, one of the ablest and most patri
otic of the loyal journalS of the Bor
der States :
We of the Border States know no
party; and wo recognize but one poll•
cy ; that of preserving the Constitution
and saving the Union, no matter what
petty organization is trampled under
toot in the march onward to these ends.
We are ready to postpone every con
sideration which provides for political
triumphs until the Union is restored,
and the rebellion crushed, as it de
serves to be, by the pawcr of , the Gov
ernment it has defied. "Compromise,"
" peace," on terms humiliating to the
Government, and in recognition of the
light of secession, wo rerieaL, are infit
mous, and above all names for infamy
is that which goes for " peace" based
upon separolgn, disunion
re_. The largest stock and greatest
variety of styles of Pocket Books and
Pnrrensy holders, outside of Philadel
phia, can be seeilo 13 , qqk Store.
Tell truth and shim!) the devil
Ely 051rr1t.
Friday, March 13, 1863.
Union, for the Sake of the Union.
Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives
Uniting upon one Platform.
The New York papers contain long
reportsof a meeting held in Nev, York,
on Friday evening, the Gth, to sustain
the President in the prosecution of the
war. Cooper Institute Hall was
crowded to overflowing, and another
largo meeting was organized on the
outside. Hon. George Opdyke, May
or of New York, occupied the chair.—
The •meeting was addressed by Rev.
Dr. Hitchcock, James T. Brady, John
Van 'Buren, and others._ Wu regret
our space will not permit us to lay be
fore oar readers the speeches in full.
We give portionl; of Hr. Brady and
Mr. Van Buren's addresses.
Spoon of Jamaa T. Brady.
James T. Bratty• an eminent, lawyer
of New York, Breckenridge candidate
for Governor fin• ISO), a warm suppor
ter of Horatio Seymour, and a rigid
Democrat of the Southern school, spoke
as follows:
But that grave of mine, however
unnanmed or unnoticed, I want to be
distinguished by some lingering of af
fectiou in some heart that cleaves to
the recollection of him who once was,
as the.grave of one whose country was
the United States et' America. (pad
cheers.) That is my country. can
admit of no other. There is no name
to be substituted for that. There is no
flag except ours that I can ever accept
(cheers), no star to be taken out of it
(cheers), no stripe to be stolen from it
(cheers); stars to he added to it with
out number (rhea's), stripes to be ac
cumulated till the eyu tires of looking
at them; so that, with all the gallant,-
history of its hest and glorious associ
ations of its present, however gloomy
the prospect may appear to. many,
there shall be for us now and hereafter,
one country, one Constitution. one
destiny. (Loud cheers.)
Although from the first time that I
over made a speech to the public till
now, most of you have been opposed
to me, as I well understand, in political
sentiment, I thank God that it has been
permitted me to be present on au oc
casion4oo'Ni any one human :being
would attach importance to my voice
in saying that I stand up now, as I al
ways have done, for the preservation
of the Union and the Constitution of
the country. (Loud cheers.) When
I began life I heard, as I afterwards
heard, a word called Yankee. It cer
tainly does not apply to toe. But the
South has applied that word to all ofl
us at the North. Now I ten free to ;
say that I discover in the Yankee cha
racter some particular fixitures that I
no more admire than I do seine of the ;
prominent traits in the inhabitants of
the land from which I sprang. But 1 '
nevertheless accept the name of Yan
kee as applied to me in the spirit of,
our forefirthers in the revolutionary- ;
period; and if the South can find no I
more of disgrace to be attached to it
than its undying struggle for time pre
servation of this Governinent, whether
slavery exists or falls, I thank God for I
it. (Loud applause )
Yon will pardon me. my fellow-citi
zens, if I offend the prejudices of some
of you in speaking my mind Time first
speech I ever made fin- a Presidential
candidate was in behalf of a Southern
man. Front that time to this my sym
pathies have been strongly with that
portion of the Union. .llqt, gentlemen,
td make the matter pointed, if' I lived
in a house with a friend, and he an
nounced to me some day that under
no circumstances would he associate
with me any longer, I would—propose
to vintlieate what is :manly in my ma
tare by telling him that / Ny9vl , l go
somewhere where I eould find suitable
company. (Great merriment and all
plituse.) And when I came here to
night-, and :LS I pas-CA the
streets to-day, I was beset by gentle
men for whom 1 have the greatest re
spect, who wondered whether I would
speak at a meeting where gentlemen
always opposed to us in polities would
be present, amid where, perhaps, a spirit
of' freedom stronger than any that had
entered into their mauves might be
exhibited. (Applause.) Gentlemen,
I differ with mummy or you in regard to
the causes, the conduct, the prosecu
tion, and the probable results of the
war in which we are engaged. But,
with -the blessing of [leaven, whoever
may applaud and whoever may cen
sure, I would be false to thd Irish race
from which I sprang, to find here a
home and a refuge from the persecu
tion and . oppression of that detested
land to which the first speaker too po
litely referred (applause and a loss), it'
I did not use my last breath, and em
ploy the last quiver of my lips. in the
utterance ofa pray - yr to heaven against
all assailants, internal and external,
for the preservation of the American
Government. (Loud applause.)
When this war broke out, I knew
that it was urged by time South. I
hoped that it might terminate early;
1 hoped that my southern countrymen
—for such they are—would develops
among them some desire to remain
with us. I detected with regret that
they lied prepared means to make an
assault upon a Union that they ought
to love. maintained silence in regard
to it: ' you'kvill excuse my egotism,
bat I now justify myself in my own
presence. I found that they proposed
to take to themselves Fort Sumpter,
the forts at Key West and Pensacola,
; Tortugas and Fortress Monroe. I
thought it was qttite essential to the
flightily mind prosperity of the country
that we should retain these fortresses.
1 think so now. I did hope, however,
that the Southern people would put
their feet upon the necks of their lead
er, and insist upon the maintenance
of the Union. But they have inform
ed us that they would consent to no
such condition. They have told us
that if we gave them a blank paper
and pencil to write the terms of a new
compact, they would not agree to it.
Therefore it is a war declared for all vlti
mate results that can come, and I spit
upon the iVorthcra Man who tales any
position except for the maintenance of the
Government. (Hero almost the entire
audience rose tu, their feet, waved their
hats, and cheered vociferously for some
Great apprehensions are entertained
lest England should interfere. 1 have
prayed to God, on my bonded knees,
that she would. (Loud applause.)---
I Let, her but exhibit one manifestation
1 in that direction, and there is not a man
of my race that would talk about the
exemption of forty-five years of age.
(Great laughter.) He would bubble
up on his crutch, in the ardent expect
ation of spiitling the head of any one
who undertook to interfem in a matter
that belongs to ourselves. Permit me .
' however, to do justice to those wise,
excellent. and patriotic gentlemen of
England, u ho have been so just toward
us throughout this controversy. I
would disgrace myself, and insult you,
if I did mint' acknowledge here my
gratitude to those who, without fear or
hope of reward, have stood by our
cause. I would do myself injustice if
I did not admire the character of that
great man, Sohn t(loud applause)
whose last observation in regard to
The London Herald and Standard is
that he does not care much about their
censure, for neither of them, in the
markets of England, cluld affect the
price of a pinch of snuff. (Laughter
and applause ) Tho single reason,. as
you all know, why Franco and Eng
land desire to interfere in this fight,
is an acknowledgment, in the presence
of the world, that they are indebted
to us for the means of employinu , and
supporting their population..(A ppl b ause)
Now, fellow•citizens, I am met ev
erywhere, as. you ara, by the question,
" How is this thing. to• end ?" I am
sorry to say that the presupposed an
swer to that question is interfered
with by two classes of meo. First,
by the women of this country. Bach
elor as I am, no doubt this remark will
, subject Inc to cei,sure. But I say, it'
the WOMOIt the'Sorth had manifests
,ed tkut interest, whielr they should in
the success of our cause, which the
women of the South have (toile in
theirs, thousands more of men would
hare been stilll:lhded to take their po
sition in the field.- I can never find
myself es rappant with that claw of
people who manifest something like
pleasure . at the SUCCOSS of our
What it this war (,out? It certain
ly has grown into a war; it certainly
is h war of the North against the
South. And when I lathed with South.-
emus, as 1 did with 'hree, in Philadel
phia last Sunday, as acdcnt .S'ee:ssion
ists and as bitter opponeats as I can find
anywhere—as bitter as those tell) cluster
in presenee of Jeffersaa Dan's hinis:l . l--
I said, " Gtihtleinen, you mast admit
that there. is a moral superiority in
the people, with whom I am associat
ed, when you can talk to the freely
what I would not thar.. to soy at the
South. exceptthe peril of exist
ence." [Applause.] .And I said to
them, as I say to you, how is this
thing to end? I say, with your p
mission, gentlemen, to my friends of
the Democratic party, whom I cannot
meet one by ono on the street, and
who, perhaps, would not value my
opinion if I did--Sir, how do you pro
pose to end it? The South say to
you, " You are all Yankees; we pro
pose no association with you, and will
consent to none." Have you ever
seen a man with a.- whito face upon
him or a black face upon him who
would pursue, for the sake of society,
the person who spurned him ? [Cheers.]
You ask foe bury this is to end. With
the feeble powers that I Inure possess
ed since I arrived at man's estate, I
have struggled for that which I would
contend for if the Constitution were
restored or continued, that is every
right which the South can justly claim
under that sacred instrument. But
they say, we will make no peace. 'tk,
They propos.) that there shall be
two governments on this soil, armed
governments. Sir, I cannot consent
to any such condition: [" No !"]—
Rome and - Sparta, Carthage and Ath
ens, were all republics; this was
taught to you in your primer. Each
of them was a military power. I re
fer you to The Federalist and the arti
cles of Alexander Hamilton in regard
to the possibility of maintaining sepa
rate organizations of government on
this continent. When you can an
swer them let me see your treatise or
hear your discourse, and I will be sub
missive, as I hope I always have been, I
to the voice of reason. But, Mr.
Southerner, listen to me and the mon
who have stood by the South against
the denaneiations ofpresses—and,gon-
Bernell, I see them represented on this
platforni—listen to me, who with, the
feeble capacity that I possess, have in
'sisted always that you should have all
the rights to which you are entitled.—
You say no. Hr. Lincoln was elected
President, but you went into the can
vass. lie was chosen President, and
yet there was a majority in both
branches of Congress against him. I
defy you to point out a single "het of
the Government which should have
provoked any hostility on your part.
Butt as long as there is breath in my
body—if you make it a question be
tween the South and the North—l
should think I was unworthy of the
mother who bore mo if I did not go for
any portion s,ustained hy the Cofistitut
1 lion of the United States. [Applause.
Before I vaw the ruins of the Old
World I
thought I should shed
a tear
over them, but when I discovered that
they were the steppingstones by
which the human race rose to its pres
ent height, they became a pleasant
sight to me. Here. civilization has
found its last There is
no place to which to go back; civiliza
tion knows no regurgitation; it has
no re.fluent wave. The people of the
South in the single State of Virginia
would never employ the necessary
physical power to redeem that exhaus
ted soil. Nobody will say, after my
discourse closes, that I have been
very eulogistic to the speaker, but se
riously in the presence of my God, in
the exercise of the best capacities that
I know how to employ, I say to my
friends of the South, however gallant,
and chivalric and persevering may be
their struggle in the field, all history
will be false, all analogies fallacious,
every promise to the human race an
absurdity, if this people, who have
conquered the barren East, and con-
Tiered the ocean, and are willing to
l conquer all circumstances of privation,
shall not own the whole of this conti
!lent, befbro this country expires --
1 [Loud and continued applause.]
I Speooh of John Van Bunn,
History will record that the worla
never witnessed a rebellion againgt a gee
ernmental authority bcfore, where the reb
i els could not lay their finger upon a thing
Ito- show that either their property, their
ltberty, or their rights had been, in the
!slightest particular, invaded. [Great
Applause.] This being the fact, the
city of New York sent forth 80;000
men to quell this rebellion. Her capi
talists advanced $300,000,000 to put
down this rebellion. The State of
New York sent 200,000 men, and I
am to argue, in the face of these facts
and the past history of this contest,
that the rchellioei is atrociously un
just, and that the war in which we
have engaged with the South is right-
Cully prosecuted by us in vindication
of the Constitution and the Union.=
[Applause.] Now, what is the condi
tion of this contest' Tisey were not
I satisfied with what I have detailed,
but they announced they were going
I to establish a Republic, the corner
-1 stone of which should be slavery, and
they are now engaged in that task, in
j endeavoring to establish a Republic
lon this continent in 180:3, the corner
! stone of which shall be slavery. Now,
f went to Herkimerin MS - tolaya
corner-stone, but it was not this.—
[Laughter.] It was as' much unlike
this as anything you cart possibly im
agine, and it adds no additional attme-
I tions to the contest, as far as' I am
concerned, that they should avow this
objecCin prosecuting the war. It is
now a contest forced upon the non-slave
' holding and loyal slaveholding States, by
those who are endeavoring to build up a
'republic based on slavery To prostrate
a rebellion that has that object in view, I
am willing to devote any means, any time,
any exertions Within in power, during
the rest of my life. [4pplaie anti
three cheers.]
Now let tts see whotlikw there is
any thing worth considering in what
is suggested by those who dissent from
us, and are unwilling to prosecute this
war. The measures that have been
recently adopted by Congress are so
lately adopted, that it becomes any
man who is careful in what ho says to
be guarded in speaking of them. The
President issued two proclamations_
both of them, as I have frnuently sta
ted, I disapproved. The issued both
before I spoke en the 13th of October,
and before Gov. Seymour spoke. Nei
ther of ud saw anything in them which
prevented us from favoring a vigorous
prosecution of the war. If there was
nothing then, it is certain there is
nothing now.• [Applause.] Tho bill
which has excited the sensibilities of
several gentlemen who have spoken in
Now Jersey, and at a certain hall in
this city, a bill which gives extraordi
nary powers over the purse and sword
to the President of the United States.
They are bills which seek to protect
by indemnity the President and those
connected with him from arrest. They
aro opposed to another bill, as I un
derstand, which has become the law,
which authorizes the President, in his
discretion, to suspend the writ of habe
as codpas. [Applause.] I will state
now, as briefly as I can, what are my
views in regard to this. In the first
place as to the bill which gives the
President the enormous power over
the sword and purse, I agree that it
makes him almost a dictator. I agree
that it is a very great stretch of power.
I argue that unless there may be a
necessity for it, it shotild"not be done.
Everybody knows that in prosecuting
a war under a Republican Government,
which consists of several States, the
great apprehension is that there may
not be unity on the part of the States
sufficient to impart energy to the ex
ecutive heads. That was predicted
as ono of the grounds upon which our
system of government would fail. I
call the attention of my Democratic
friends to this, because there seems to
be particular solicitude about them
now. [Laughter.] Tho President
was given the power of the purse and
the sword in 1839, when Groat Brit
ain had directed forcible possession to
be taken of a portion of the State of
Maine, and Sir 4"ohn Harvey had moved
troops of Great Britain into that torri-,
tory to hold it. The Governor of the
IStato of Maine met this action by mov
ing Maine troops on to the same terri
tory. Tho President of tho United
States called the attention of Congress
to it, and left it to their own wisdom
what ought to bo done. :Now I hold
in my hand a copy of the bill that they
passed upon that occasion, in 1839.
will state to you the substance of the
various seetiona, without (le,intrl you
, I
. ,
TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance.
at this late hour by reading the bill.—
The first section puts the whole naval
and military force of the United States,
and the militia, at the disposal of the
President. [Applause.] The second
declares that the militia,'when called
out, shall be compelled to serve six
months. • The third gives the Presi
dent power to call out 50,000 volun
teers. In those days when our army
had never reached 8,000 men, it was
a weighty matter to call oat 50,000
men, and was regarded ail an enormous
authority. [Laughter.] The fourth
section gives the President power to
complete and employ all the armed
vessels of the United States—thus put
ting the whole army and navy of the
United States at his disposal. [Ap.
plause.] The fifth section appropri
ates 810,000,000 to carry into effect
the provisions of this act. In those
days ten millions of dollars was a great
deal of money. [Laughter.] The sixth
section appropriates $lB,OOO to send a
special minister to Great Britain. The
seventh section authorizes him to ex
pend a million of dollars in finishing
the fortifications upon our seaboard,
and building them. The eighth sec
tion directs that the militia and vol
unteers, When called out, shall be por
tions of the army of the United States.
;Vote, how do you suppose that bill
I passed 1t put the whole purse and
,:cord into the absolute power of the Pres
ident of the United States. Clay, Web
ster, and Calhoun—men perhaps inferior
to the )3olons of our day [laug'iter
were members of the Senate. The bill
passed the Senate, and these three states
men—although all violently opposed per
eonally and politically to the then Presi
dent of the United States-:--voted for the
bill, and it passed the Senate unanimous
ly. [Applause.] It passed the house
of Representatives, after a full discus
sion, by a vote 201 to 6, and the Ida
! der of that six was Henry A. Wise
I [hisses], the bold brigadier who dis
tinggished himself so greatly at Nag's
Head [laugliter], while his brigade
was fighting and his son dying. [Ap
Now, let us see whether the Demo
cracy of our day was alarmed at this
union of the purse and the sword, and
in the first place, let us see how the po
litical opponents of the Administration
treated it. Governor Seward was then
Governor of' the State of New York,
having been elected in 1838, and a po
litical opponent of the President. Qn
the 7th of March be communicated this
net to the Legislature, with, a most
- praiseworthy message,concludinethus:
" I respectfully call your attention to
this subject, with the expectation that
an expression on our part of concur
rence in the policy of the General Ge
vernmerit will contribute to avert the
calamities of war, and cause a speedy
and honorable adjustment of the difil
oulties between this country and Great
Britain." Mr. Isaac L. Varian was
then chairman of the Democratic Gen
eral Committee, and Mr. Elijah P.
Purdy was ono of the, seeretaries.—
They called a meeting of the democrats
of this city, and over that meeting'Mr.
Holmes presided, and for vice presi
dents were men whose names, when
read to any Democrat, will bring back
associations of great interest, and per
haps of some sadness, unless ho suppo
ses that-tho prominent Democrats in
the city now are more'respectable than
those whose names I will read. The
vice presidents were Henry Yates.
Walter Bowno, Samuel Tappan. Myn
dolt Van Schaiek,' Gideon Tucker,
AlMtham Van Nest; and they resolved,
not that there was danger in the union
of the parse and the sword—not that
it was a usurpation,—but that it was a
prompt and patriotic measure on the
part of the House of Representatives.
(Loud cheers.) Let us see how it was
received by the electors. It was on
the 2d and 3d days of as I have
stated to you. *Rio election in New
Hampshire came on then, as it will
now within a few days, after the ad
journment of Congress; and New
Hampshire, which had been somewhat
equally divided, gave, 7,000 majority.
for the Democratic ticket. I shall be
pleased if my Democratic friends find
it gives a largo majority now. (Cheers
and laughter.) The city of New York,
by a defection in the conservative por
tion of the democracy, had been thrown
into the hands of what was then called
the Whigs. The city election almost
immediately followed, and the city was
recovered. Isaac L. Varian was elect
ed Maym' by a thousand majority, and
twelve out of seventeen wards gave
Democratic majorities immediately
after this extraordinary usurpation.
from near Vicksburg to the New York
TVorld says, in speaking of the canal
Three thousand contrabands aro to
be placed to work to-morrow, besides
the soldiers now digging. On this
subject I am reminded that, while
there is some talk through the camp
of disaffection among certain portions
of our army, at the employment of
Degrees in military duty, we discover
nothing of that sort hero. On •the
contrary, our men seem quite conten
ted to leave the whole of the labor,
honor, and privilege of excavating to
the darkies, who, on their part spent
by their actions to say that 'they had
as lief leave the glorious work and its
emohtments,to their whiter "brothreu."
The malaria, the fevers, the food, and
the languor of a sultry, moist climate,
have taken all such notions on of their
heads, and unless there should be some
great change in the system ore long,
we shall fipd ourselves loft with little
else but blacks with which to Wife
Vicksburg. The Ethiopians do less,
but they can stand it much better than
the Caucasians.
Small herbs have grace, great weeds
fil) grow apace, • ~„
M ' •
p•r- Lo
JOB. f EttfTilitr; OFFICE.
• _ _
TELE -" GLOB.E J 913. - pFF,ICIV! is
tie. moat complete of oily lo the country, ed pur
senses the most ample facilltree for promptly executing la
the tot stile, every variety of Job FA:ALIAS, 1 . 1 )} 4, t1 •
SAND BILLS,I' , •' - •'•
L.' . .•
CIRC(444S, --
BILL /rEaDo,
_ ,
NO. 40.
A. Splendid Letter from Burnside.
WASHINGTON, Friday, March 0.
To George Opdyke, Jonathan Sturges,
and others, Committee: -
GENtLEMEN :-I regret that my pub
lie duties will prevent my liceeptance
ofyour Jcind:invitetige to be present
at a meeting of loyal citizens of , k r eltr
York at the Cooper Institute, this eye
ni ng: The resolutions which i
posed to introduce are in exact' aceor.
dance with my, sentimentl.
clearly the, duty of everylr•Citizen4ail
or and soldier!! to'*ive to the Govern
ment his unconditional and most effee
ti7e Support. A: conditiOnid suPPort
is full of discord, danger, - and disaster,
and, at a time like tha:pre:sent,.lllo,l*
to disloyalty. In view of all the re
sources with which God has blessed us,
it would be ignominious to be,lieve that
we hare not the
.physical • Itbility to
maintain the GovernMent; when v!lo
re mem lair.that 'we are figh tingle Main
tain a Government that 2oliginet64 In
truth, justice; honor, Mid patriotistif,
against a rebellion that originated, in
deceit, fraud, ambition, and ignorance.
*would be distrusting God'osjustico to
believe that final success .will not • at
tend our offorto.
If we see, evils .before ne, let us do
all in our power to correct them M
temperate way. Our legislators
'should be made to feel that they mis
represent us when they attemptfto
clog the wheels of Government, or u
duroe in party legislation.
'Politics and party lines should, be
ignored the - present. Fraudulent
contractors and dbilmiti3st disbursing
officers should be punished. Officers
and soldiers should be subordinate, pa
triotic, energetic, •and free, from all
personal ambition. The law of Con
gress making every man a soldier who
is' capable of bearing arme,'sho'uld tie
enforced and submitted to. Tho old
regiments should be kept full, and pro
motions made 'from soldiers and offi
cers in the field, for merit.
The President and Governors should
be always surroundqd by honest, loy
al, and patriotic men, capable of giv-'
ing advice in their several depart
ments. The press should be temper
ate and independent; and, finally, our
whole people, men, women and chil
dren, should be loyal, patriotie, and
honest, trusting in the -righteousness
of our cause, and phoei:fully submitting
to all the privations which the Provi
dence of God may visit upon us. Who
will believe' that this -1.61161116 W could
last another year if we:were all resolv
ed tq fulfill these cqm4itiono ••, ;
Thanking you, gentleinen,_ for,. the
high honer done me by this invitation,
I remain, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
A. E. BURNSIDE, Maj.-Gonl.
The• Operations. Against 'Vicksburg.
The following description of engi
neering- operations against Vicksburg
will be found of interest :
Yazoo PASS.— The Yazoo 'Pass is a
strait twenty miles in length, connec
ting the Mississippi with the Cold Wa
ter river, of Northern Mississippi riv
or, seven miles below 1.1.61eaa: ' It is it
very narrow and crooked pasS, thoiigh
quite deep. In former years trading
'boats were scuts-tented to push thnou"h„,
here in the ; winter -season, When tho
water teas high, and ply their vocation
through the summer on the System - of
rivers with which-the pass connects.
But,in 1856, an act was passed bi- the
Legislature of Mississippi- ,clysing
the pass, on account of tbe, annual in
tindation it caused thrthighout the lovi% :
lands of the northern pat t•of the State,
and a heavy levee: was •constructod
across it, parallel with the Mississippi.
This levee has now been put_by our
troops, and, as the water in the Missis
sippi' is very high, it flows throifgh the
pass in a perfect, torrent. Back of the
levee, and to the lower end of the pass,
the enemy, on learning our intentions,
attempted to obstruct the stream by
filling it With logs, trees, arid all man
ner of obstacles. - Our. troops have
been employed in removing these ob
stacles, and have succeeded in getting
to the end of the pass, but some
pediments still exist, in the upper end
-of the Goldwater river.
The ” Coldwater - is quite a' Small
stream, scarcely navigable for- steam
boats. From the mouth of' the -Pass
down to the Coldwater, or its junction
with the Little Tallahatchie, is thirty
Tho Coldwater and the Little
Tallahatchie rivers, joining, form - the
Big Tallahatchie. •' This is a naviga
ble river, ono hundred and fifty. Milos
in longtb. In them unites with the
waters of the Yallabusha river, forming
tho Yaz'oe'river; The Yazoo river is
two hundred and. twenty miles long
to its junction with the Mississippi.—
Thus the total distance,to be traversed
in going by this route from the bead
of the Pass to Vicksburg is four bun
deed and sixty miles;
In this distance the'enemy - has for
tifications at the junctions of the Big
Tallahatchie and the Yallabusha riv
ers, at Yazoo city, onedmmired miles
above the mouth of the Yazoo river,
and at Haines' Bluff's, near' Vicksburg.
It is probable that the solo object of
the expedition is to got a force into
the rear of Haines' Bluffs, to accom :
plish which wo have only to fight by
the fortifications at the mouth of the
Yallabusha and at Yaioo city. Our
iron clad gunboats—those - of' them do ;
tailed for this expedition—will hardly
find any "trouble in_ reducing any
works the, enemy may have at thc§o
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