Cobt. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Mob. 11,1863. LOCAL & PERSONAL UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED' WE FALL! An adjourned meeting of the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity will be held at the COURT HOUSE, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, for the purpose of organizing the Union League of Huntingdon." Declaration, Constitu tion and By-Laws will be adopted, and permanent officers elected. IL Bucher Swoope,Esq., and others, will address the meeting. The ladies are invited to be present. Huntingdon, March 10, 1803. UNION MEETING. A number of citizens met in the Court House on Thursday evening last for the purpose of making arrange ments for a permanent organization of a Union League. The meeting was orgimized by the appointment of Saml. T: Brown, Esq., Chairman, Pr. Jos. E. Wilson and Patrick Gcttvs of West, Levi We-Abrook, Smithfield, Andrew Andel son, Porter, Vice Presi dents; Theo. 11. Cromer and Win. Af rica, Secretaries. The Chairman, in a neat and brief speech, stated the object of the meet ing. John G. Miles, Esq., stated that he had delayed a trip to Pittsburg in or der to attend this meeting. He con tended that it is improper to say that this Government is prosecuting a war —that it is &fending itself against a most unreasonable and outrageous war. That this war was inaugurated by the South before the present Ad ministration came into power. This war is a defeneepade against the as saulting power. Mr. M. then gave a succinct and truthful account of the or igin of the war. He could understand the motives and actions of Southern men who want to °vellum this Gov ernment, but he could not understand or appreciate the motives and the con duct of Northern men who encourage, aid and abet this outrageous war. On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft a declaration of the principles, and rules. etc., for the government of a elub to be called the Union League of Hunt ingdon : J. Sewell Stewart, William Lewis, Dr. Jno. MeCalloch, Rev. S. 11. Reid and James Steel. The commit tee to report at the next meeting, on Tuesday evening, 10th inst. On motion, Grans Miller, Wm. Af rica, and,J. G. Miles were appointed a committee to procure speakers fur any future meetings when deemed necessa ry. - The meeting was further addressed by J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., who gave Lis impressions of the present move ment. Ile looked upon it as a mission ary- work, to counteract the movemeni: of rebel sympathizers. Ile alluded to the small faction in Congress whn op posed every measure and effort of the Administration to put down the rebel lion; as an lnsignilieant hand who are opposed to popular rights. Slavery is the cure and heart of the 'rebellion, commenced and carried on by the South in order to break up this Govern ment, so that at some future time it could be re-constructed with slavery as its chief corner-stone—so that the institution .which is now making so much trouble may be spread all over the country. Wm. P. Orbisoa, Esq., was also cal led upon to address the.meeting. He expressed fears that the rebel sympa thizers will, in their madness and blindness, produce such a state of feel ing in the North as will result in as much bloodshed and destruction of property here as in the South. He re ferred to the affected superiority of the Southern over Northern men. He al so spoke of the insolence of Great Brit ain as lately Manifested by her naval offleers near Fortress Monroe. The meeting then adjourned, to Inca at the same place on Tuesday evening,loth inst., for permanent or ganization. }YE can't Fetus° to publish an hot, est sentiment when it is offered by a lady. J. L. reads us like a book, and ate hope our course may continue to be such that she may never regret Laving penned the fAlowing lines TO TUE "GLOBE." Dear, patriotic people's sheet, With joy your columns oft I greet; You are so orthodox and just, {fro one can fail your word to trust. You have a heart for others' woes,' Forhearips even with your foes; Your.eountry's cause you advocate; The latest news you do relate. nerd's pot a spark of "se3l4" in you, You for the Union are so true; You have no false, and wicked scheme, Nor will you be a ,b,ritled machine. Stand firm, and onward, onward, go ! And kindly ppiv. to red or foe ; The lane is long, fur f 0 they say, That bee no turn in eithor way. _ The largest stock and greatest. variety of styles of Pocket Books and Carreuey Holders, outside of Philadel phia,estn ho seen at Lewis' 804 Store. POCIS.EX SEGAR CASES-a fine assort rdent for s , :+le at; T.e«•is' Book Store. ITEMS.—Mr. Chaney's school will close on Tuesday next—an examina tion will take place on that day. The other schools close on :Monday. —Our young friend Wni. McClure Davis, son of Henry Davis of West township, and member of Co. IL 125th Regiment, gave us a call on Monday. He was on his way back to his com pany after having been on a short vis it to his friends. Young Davis talks as a soldier should talk—ready to punish the enemy in the rear as we]) as the enemy in front. If all our sol diers were as loyal as young Davis, the rebel sympathisers of the North would have but little influence with our army. Lieut. Win. B. Ziegler, of Co. C, 125th negt., returned home on Satur day evening. For five weeks the Lt. had been in the hospital, suffering with the rheumatism, and having be come convinced that he could not be-of any good service in the field any lon ger, he. tendered his resignation and it was accepted and he was honorably discharged. We welcome Lt. Ziegler Lome, feeling confident that the rebels will receive no aid and comfort from liim as a civilian. Capt. George h McCabe gave us a call yesterday. ITe looks remarkably well. lie has resigned his old com mend for the purpose of taking com mand of a cavalry regiment which is already partly raised. The Captain has the right kind of documents from General Geary, and from many other officers, which is sufficient evidence that he has been u soldier of the right material. Ttiat he will make a live Col. of a cavalry- regiment no man will doubt. —On Monday some thirty colored men, roc - Tufts for the 57th 'Massachu setts colored Ilegt., passed through here on the Mail Train. They were enlisted in Hollidaysburg and Altoona. We would like to see something done here too. There are many lounging around town with nothing to do, and it would be much better for them if they would join such an organization, and be drawing good pay, clothing and rations, than to be loafing about the corners. If they have any spunk they will not allow other towns to get ahead of Huntingdon. Lieut. Oliver llorlon of the 138th Penna. Volunteers, passed through here on Monday morning on his way to Bedford county. lie had with him four men of the 138th and three men from the Ist Connecticut Cavalry.— They are in pursuit of deserters. The Lieutenant enlisted in this Regiment as a private. Many persons are speculating as to the mode of punishing deserters,— We heard from one of these men, that a large number were sentenced by a court martial to break stone on the Rip Raps until the close of the war, and have all pay stopped. According to the Articles of War the penalty for deserting before an enemy is death. We do not say ihat breaking stone on the Rip Raps is pe culiarly pleasant, but it is preferable to the latter. • llecoveriiiy.—The enginoer, W. Elder, who Was injured by the accident below Perryville, on Monday in or ni the 2nd instant. is recovering. It was feared he would lose his foot, which was badly scalded, hut we are glad to state that it will he saved. Netc Stzperintendent.—James L. Lew is, Esq., has been appointed Superin tendent of the 11. B. T. R. R. lie commenced with his duties - on Mon day, the inst. Ile is a gentleman of considerable railroad experience, and from the manner he transacts his business, we think he mill soon have the road in• good working order. Ile is a practical man, and well under stands making a road. Ile is a broth er of Enoch Lewis. Eq., Supt. Penna. Railroad. United tre Stand Divided we nil. --Come one, come all, and rally for your country. The Huntingdon Union League will organize to-night (Tuesday, March 10th.) —We are gratified to learn that Capt. James D. Campbell of this place, I has been appointed Provost Marshal' for this Congressional District. Capt. Campbell will make an excellent offi cer, having had con s iderable cxperi. enee in military duties. Hotel Clumges.-1 gentleman from Montgomery county takes the Franklin House on the Ist of April, llrs. Crouse retiring. Valentine Hoo ver takes the old Black Bear stand, .Mr. Westbrook retiring. We. have seen one letter sent to the army, written in this neighbor hood. We have heard of several others written by prominent secesh in this' town. These letters will come up in judgement against the authors at the proper time. Ist of April approaching. Alrea dy has the flitting commenced in town - , and we can expect to see wagons load ed with furniture and rubbish passing our doors daily for the next three weeks. Quart'ermaster.—Among a batch of Quartermasters confirmed lately by the Senate we observe the name of S. Roger Hamill, Esq., Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg. Col. Higgins was in town one day last week on his way to join his Regi ment, the 125th Pei:na. They aro still at Stafford Court House. —We had another soft snow on Saturday. Sleighing below par—mud lower. - . - J. L. Our Army Correspondence. From the 149th Rest, P. V C.m . P, Feb. 27, 1803 MAR GLODE:—Whon 1 last wrote to you, Co. T, 1-10th P. V., was lying near the federal capital, enjoying that ease, which, however inglorious it may be, has at least the advantage of real soldiering in point of comfort. But the order long looked for came at'last, and on Saturday, Feb. 14, our Regt. came together in the city preparatory to our departure to more stirring scenes. The, following day met both requirements, now considered by the most approved authorities, essential to a military movement. It was Sunday and the rain poured in torrents. We marched to the boat, but were not permitted to board it immediately, as it was thonght, desirable to allow us the full benefit of an unusually heavy shower. After becoming comfortably wet we boarded the Louisiana. The delay in starting was incredibly short. only a couple of hours, a fact which displays to advantage, the superior energy ofsomebody, au Individual who now figures largely on all great occa sions. Is there no earthly way of avoiding these horrid delays? It cer tainly would not be unprofitable for officers to reflect that when soldiers are unnecessarily kept standing in the rain, the remarks that pass along the column are not very decidedly compli mentary to said officers. But to pro seed :—Well, to proebed we of course got up the steam, and were finally off',' I for Dixie. After a pleasant trip and a night's rest on the boat we landed nexti day at Gray's Landing, on Potomac' creek and marched a few miles into the countso Our tents were left be hind, and after selecting a place for our camp, most of the men made shel ter-tents of their rubber blankets and all lay down to sleep under a pleasimt sky. About 3in the morning it began to rain and the rain soon changed to snow which partially melted as it fell. This process continued the whole of Tuesday, and a sadder-looking lot of patriots than the new Bucktails on that day is rarely seen. Wood was plentiful and all Who could procure tools were engaged in constructing huts partly by excavating and partly by building. "We are making history," §aid one sanguine fellow, whose lofty patriotism taught bins to esteem light ly his privations. "If I had known this," said another, of less heroic tem perament, I should have died at home." "I wish," growled another, utterly disgusted, and whose defective articulation gave an additional gusto to the sentiment, "I wish to God they would hurry and kill us all off." Lit tle sleeping was done that night or the next. On Wednesday a largo detachment from our regiment was detailed for picket duty. In a day or two we happened on a short spell of clear weather and were enabled to get our huts into tolerably coint - ortable shape. But clear weather is the exception here and storms the rule. We are now settled - in our camp. ordered to spend all our spare time in drilling, and to confine our exercises to what will be of most use to us in the active cam paign which the order said is soon to begin. We are within some six miles of Fredericksburg, which, with the im portant faot that we are now really in Dixie, is all most of us know of our present position. J. S. B. 125th Regimens, P. V. = VA.. February 27;1863 FRIEND LEWIS nee writing my last letter to you, an event has trans pired, which is something new in the proceedings of the 125th. Uncle Satintel had the generosity to send us the paymaster, with any quantity of greenbacks, to gladden the hearts of our boys; and I can assure you it was appreciated by them, for they were sadly in need of the " root of cril."— Green backs are a great institution, :tad the sight of Uncle Abe's handsome countenance on a " saw buck " will make many an eye sparkle at home, with pleasure, for the wives and little ones of the 125th seem pretty near out of heart at the tardiness of their com ing. Since pay-day the machine seems to run with increased velocity, and things are being put through in dou ble quick. We are still stuck in the mud, with no prospect of getting out, as it, is raining nearly every day. The clerk of the weather, 1 presume, has a leave of absence, and some of the boys are keeping the books. Last night, our regiment received orders to march to intercept it party of Johnny's, who, not having the fear of the Army of the Potomac before their eyes, -under took to give us a fire in the rear.— About 1 o'clock, A. M., it started, un der the command of Major J. J. Law rence, who is boss at present, and af ter wading a mile or so in the dark through the mud, took up a position in a defile, where they waited anx iously for the appearance of the robs. lint nary reb came to disturb them; so after waiting as long as they thought politeness would allow, returned to camp in time for late breaklitst. The boys were in fine spirits, and eager for a row, as they were beginning to get a little rusty lying around camp.— The Major keeps things moving when he is in command. lie does matters up on the Screw Jack principle. and is always' willing for a muss with any and every one who disputes the valor of the 125th. I see by the latc county papers that the mooted . and disputed question is still being agitated, about who bore off our colors at Antietam. It is easily settled here in the regiment, and for the satisfaction of your fair correspon dent from Alexandria, I will make a plain statement of the occurrence:— After the lamented Simpson fell, the colors were caught up by Eugene I3obblitz, a youth ofseventeen, belong ing to Captain Harry Gregg's Conip. IT, who bore them until he fell severe ly wounded, (he has since been dis charged on account of the wound); they were tiu-n taken and carried off the field by ticrgt. Greenland, Compa ny C, who dim-NI-a - As gave them to Capt. Wallace. This is truth, 39 my authority' is Captain Wallace; himself. "Honor to whom honor is due," is the motto of your correspondent, therefore it should be given to Mr. Bobblitz, without disparaging in the least Capt. Wallace or Sergt. Greenland, who are both brave and honorable men. The man who in the thickest of the fight caught up the colors from the hands of the dead bearer, and bore them until he fell himself, is the man in my esti mation who should have the honor. I suppose we will remain here, per , haps, until our time is up. Quid num-. The conscription act meets our hearty lapproval, and if it would only weed out those secession sympathizersabout Huntingdon, it would be a perfect suc cess. How those old fogies will bear it, time will show. I should like to have the monitorship of some of them. They would have to come down to hard tack and venerable oxen sudden ly. Give that piratical craft that runs in your town a shot occasionally be tween wind and water. That will make her follow her namesake; and the Union portion of our county will give three cheers and a tiger. The health of the regiment is pretty good considering the weather. ,lf there is anything, as McUa'vber says, " turns up," I will post you. Yours, hi the Union, Ttmultanoonitt. The Thunder of Loyal Troops ! Soldiers dale speak if they dare not vote ! IIEADQVARTERS SITU Rtf.l. PA.) Vor.. Isr., Winehester, Va.„- Feb. 27th, 1863. L an rutiourned meeting of the 0111- cers of the 87th Itegiment Pentts}•lt-a nia Yolunteer.3, .t..ceut. Colonel John W. Schaff in the chair. On motion, the committee, conc,ist ing of the following named officers :1 Captains Jacob Detweiler, _N. G. Raid, ' V. C. S. Eckert. James Adair,-andSur gef») D. F.,APKinney, previously op- I pointed to draw up resolutions expres sive of the feeling and sentiment of I the regiment in regard to the present condition of the country, reported the following : Wutar..\::, The nation is at present struggling for rights and privilegtes dear to every Ameriean citizen, calling Ibr the combined aid of tl i c i , e pure au d pairi9be, to insure its preservationand final triumph; Ate/ if hert'a, We have heard with feelin!;c of deep and un feigned sorrow and regret of violent, treasonable sympathy. Ny hieli has for some time been exhibiting itself in our State and country, and which, as was to be feared, has at length culminated in the unjust and shameful arrest and imprisonment of two of our brightly level fellow-citi,:ens; therefore. Resolred, That inasmuch as we have pledged our cheerful and hearty co operation' both in sc.intiments and by acts, the the preservation, and as we hopefully anticipate, the ultimate res : ' cue of oar Government from the den e'ers that surround its in this crisis of the Republic's threatened fortunes; therelbre, further Resolved, That we earnestly solicit, and at the same time respectfully de ' mend, an honest and encouraging in terest from those who are unwilling to ' take an active part in the great drama now being enacted for our national ex istence, that they should of right and are in duty bound to encourage and support the citizen soldiers in the ten ' ted field; that we expect and hope for the laying aside of all political animos- Wes, heretofore so prejudieial to the dearest and best interests of society, and that they at the same time render and afford ample support for the con tinued maintenance of the power, hon or and dignity of the Federal Govern ment, which has continued to foster, cherish and protect them for now near ly a century. Resolved, That the forces now in open armed rebellion are not so much despised, or so thoroughly detested, as the crafty traitors sympathizing with them at home ; Ler/riots, who have sold their birthrights for a sop of se cession pottage, and whose example, it is profoundly hoped, they may abun dantly follow ere their vile proclivi ties lead them into a more open con flict with the Government to which they owe life, liberty and citizenship. Pcsolccil, That, if the mighty war measures passed by Congress within the preceding fortnight have any weight; it' the patriotic resolves gush ing forth from the thousands of hearts, loyally pure, as the crystal waters struck from the rock of old, indicate anything, and if withering scorn, so overwhelmingly exhibited towards treason, avowed in the very Senate chamber itself, has any significance, then be it further Resolved, That the signs of the times grow encouragingly bright, ere long to shine towards the perfect day, and that the dirk dread hour preceding the dawn of our country's restoration must be rapidly passing, when this power and glory, though crushed and obscured for a Um% by gigantic com binations of political hypocrisy, will re-illumine with truth—that indestruo tiblo element of light—the old Union firmament, which is being oVershadow ed at present by this fratileidal in ternam/13 war. MfMIG=IREEl=illi come peace, honor and blessings, count• less as the sands, while the consumma tion of the principle of free Govern ment vindicated, indeed at an unpar alleled sacrifice, will tower majestical ly amid those peerless results, estab fished upon its sacred throne, beyond the most powerful influences of future human legislation. Resolved, That we most heartily ap prove and fully endorse, without ex ception or comment, all administration measures having a Miring upon the ultimate annihilation of traitors, north, south, east or west. And this to the entire sacrifice of all that we bold most sacred oven life itself; that without union there must be civil discord, so cial disturbances, domestic clamor and strife, with its train of evils; and to avoid these results, "ye believe it to be morally, socially and politically im perative upon us, as well as for our fellow citizens at home, to stand up gallantly for the old flag,,elosely ad hering to the noble ship of State, which will again, beyond the cavil of doubt, outride the storm, and bring the na tion to that glorious port, from which treason, most foul, for a time has be guiled us. Res9lved. That in tendering our thanks to Gov. Curtin, we say, " well done•good and faithful servant ;" his herculean .efforts in behalf of our strug -00 country need no comments; they speak for themselves and history has recorded them. Men of' Pennsyl vania ! heed our warning, ponder our appeal. act on the side of God, human ity and the yight. On motion, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. The foregoing. proceedings being read to each company and a vote ta ken upon than, were unanimously adopted as the sentiments of the reud )ment. The• Magnificent Loyal Meeting at New York---War Speeches By Democrats. We have no room fora report of the 'overwhelming war meeting held at the Cooper Institute, New York, last night, owing to the pressure on our Cole inns. New York has seen no meeting of such intensity of feeling since tho mem orable day in Union Square. Though earnest and telling speeches were made by Dr. Hitchcock and David Dudley Field, yet the most effective blows were struck by James T. Bra dy, Judge Daly and John 'Van Buren —men whose great popularity with the democratic party entitles their opinions to be taken as those of a very large mass of their fellow-democrats. Mr. Brady declared that he was ready to be called a Yankee if the rebels in sisted upon it, and, after quoting a re mark of General Shields, that wher ever the Yankee located a blacksmith shop, a tavern, or a school-house, he was never known to secede from it, he went on to advise his Southern brethren that if 'these Yankees, who had a theory about the war, once got down into the Southern territory and put arms into the hands of the negroes and put up their long feet on the ta bles of the estates of which they took possession, he did not want to be the lawyer employed in an action of eject ment. John Van 13nren expressed his hearty support of the President, and approved of the acts giving him full control of the purse and the sword.— There should he no outcry against " extraordinary powers," except from thaw who wanted to see the rebellion proaper. lie did not question the constitution ality of the Proclamation ; ho question ed merely its utility. Till the so-call ed Confederate Government was de stroyed, he held all propositions for peace to be entirely preposterous and absurd. Ile would sustain this war to the bitter end. and lie thought that, by united action that might be reached in ninety days. INSURE YOUR LIFE. It' you were to die to night, would you leave those dependent upon you as well provided tar as you would de sire ? Dr. Franklin said, " a policy of Life Insurance is the cheapest and safest mode of making a certain provision for one's family. lt is strange that men should be careful to Insure their hou ses, their furniture; &c., and yet aeg= beet to assure their lives, the most im portant of all to their familieg, and far more subject to loss." Ilc,`o one, upon a bed of sickness, ever regretted making suitable provision for his family : at suell a time, a life, policy can be fully appreciated. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia offers superior nclaccracnts: It has a capital of $1,151,780 50, securely invested. Has paidlosses amounting to $614,00G, and made dividends to the insured amount ing to over $500,000. The Trustees have declared a scrip dividend of 40 per cent. on the cash premiums of 1862, and have decided to receive the scrip dividends of 1853, 1851, 1855 and 1856 in payment of premiums. The undersigned is prepared to is sue scrip to those entitled to receive it, and give any information that may be desired on the subject of Life Insu• ranee. R. ALLISON MILLER, Mara 3, 1863. Agent. Improve Your Sight and Preserve Your Eyes.—A. BIRNBAUM, Practi cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes pleasure in informing the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicini ty, that he Las opened a Store one door wort of Pr, Dorsey's, with a largo and variety stock of Spectacles, com prising Convex and Concave Glasses, such as Alia, Crystal Rua Scotch Peb and particularly desires to recom mend the superiority of the last-named Glasses. His theoretical as well as his practical knowledgh of*Optics, and his long practice in the Occulistic science, enables Lim to adapt, after an exam ination of the eyes, those glee which correspond with the defect of near, far or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted to, any frame, 'of 'any shape or color.— Please call and examine - thQSpeddcies. Ambrotgpes and Photographs taken at all times on reasonable terms. Ala Segari, Tobacco and Meer; schaura Pipes constantly on hand. fitu MARRIED, At Shade Gap, by the Rev. G. Vnn Artsdalen, on Thursday, Alareh sth, THOMAS i4I. APPLEBY, of Compa ny I, 149th .Regt. P. V„ to 'Arks RA. CHET, ANN, youngest daughter of William harper, Esq., of Dublin town ship. DIED, On the evening of February 25th, ult., after a long and lingering illness, at the house of Mr. Abram Carothers, near Shirleysburg, Major JAMES TEM PLETON, in the 67th year of bit age. On the 13th ult., of Catarrh Fever. at Three Springs, Huntingdon county, Pa., UNION, daughter of S. L. and Har riet N. Glasgow, aged nearly 2 years. On March the 3d, at Shirleysburg, Captain JAMES W. GALBRAITH, in the 66th year of his age. On the 2d of March, at his residence at Greenwood Furnace Huntingdon county, Pa., Mr. DANIEL GREY, aged 4S years and 1 month. " Ile sleeps in peace." SARAH ANN, wife of Alexander D. Moore, departed this life February 17, 1563, aged 71 years, 9 months,lo days. This mother in Israel contended lawfully, for the faith once delivered to the saints, under the blood-stained banner of King Emanuel. For thirty years she lived a constant Christian, and the grace of Christ in a dying hour, made the dark waters of death luminous, so that she was able to cross safely. 'Tis finished—the conflict is past, The lleaven-horn spirit has fled, Her wish is accomplished at last, And she's entombed with the dead. The years of affliction are o'er; The days and nighti of distress; We Fee her in trouble no more, She has gained her happy release Her spirit has now taken its flight To mansions of glory above, To mingle with angels of light, - And dwell In the kingdom of lore. M. B. M In Huntingdon, March 6th, 1863, Mr. OWEN BOAT, aged 43 years. Mr. Boat joined the M. E. Church in 1849, under the labors of Charles McClay. Was appointed leader the same year, and continued in that of fice until his strength tailed, which. was not long before his death. lie fil led the offices of Steward, Tiustee and Sabbath School Superintendent, with fidelity. He was eminent for his love to the church of God, and his fidelity in the discharge of his - official and re ligious duties,—a valued friend to ma ny, During his last days, we heard him say, n I would not live allays; I not to stay Where atom after store, rises dark o'er tits way." He said he was going home, yes, "I engaged it in the early part of my sickness; it has been purchased for me. - Oh ! had I strength to talk of that beautiful land." He felt no ec static joy, but he had " peace like river." He crossed " the river of death," to be greeted by a mother and little daughter on the other shore. . TO OUR DEPARTED BROTHER. The buried friend, the present year Will meet us in our dreams, When in the holy hush of night The light of milers streams Athwart the darkness, that enshrouds Our poisoned Writs in, And make us long to quit this world Of darkness, and of sin. We miss him at the morning hear, When hymns of praise and prayer Ascend to liimivho maketh us The objects of his care. -- We miss the music of his voice, So soft, so sweet, so clear And long to hail him in that land Undimmed by sorrow's tear. We miss him at the cheerful board ; His smiles are no more soon; • • His little ones are with us Still, Like rays of light between This world of graves, 'and that bright sphere Tu which his soul has fled ; Or like those flowers that bud and bloom Around the youthful dead. , We miss him in the Sabbath School, Around God's altar, where With youthful hearts we e'er did meet, And found the Saviour them We miss hint in the class-room, " With kind instruction given; Be told us ofr, to persevere, And meet hint up in Heaven. PHILADELPHIA !MARKETS. March 2, 1863. Fancy and Extra Family Flour.. $7.5008.00 COMMon and Superfine Rye Fluur $lOO Corn Meal $4,00 }:stlu II !lite 1111ent Fair Lind Prime I;vd 1130 Cot it, prim Yellow Oats Cloversoed, 70164 lbs. Tunnthy Wool. 1111.1L4 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Estra Family FloOr • - 0 Rd $7,00@7,25 Est: a do rd. ea t 3,75 Whito Wilcox . ~..,., ...... 1.. ' 150 lted Wheat • ' 45 Co , , , • 1,00 Corn ' 05 Oats 40 Clorerseed 6 , 00 • Pi led Apples Putter ......... Eggs Haiti n. Shoulder Sides Tallow A ., HOUSE AND TWQ DOTS . . FOR -6.'ALE, . - The subscriber offers ilt private sale thn proporty Its Zitllow opeppies in North...A Huntlng•doii. 'The Irotisa is a two-story frame. There is a lot uf choicu fl ul t trees upon the prom lees. For.tertus cull upon the sultpcpbur, ,?tisrsh ff, li!ell. . A. 3. MITE.- • NVA TORE 8, JETV.N.f..3tIr.:, ANIF SILVER-WARE. The underelgnect Would riuMentfully lawito year add Goal to bla well selected stock of Fine Gold and . Silver WATCHES, Idnw - Qold JEWELRY; Ty kind and 'nudely of.etylen7amprfslng all the Imbed all( moat b trulifut ileitgns.` s ' :0 Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, era: 'to cofnreud the beet make of Silver Plated IThre. dtncL article I. war. canted to Loan represented, Dv. Watched rind Jewelry carefully repaired and ea' Gal: . Motion guaranteed. JACOB FE./IRLE'Z, • (.suooiqor to stoop,. & Harley.) , Is7o. 622 Market St., Phila, March D,1863-din eat . • . . • • 4 133IINISTRATO.It'S NOTICE., fEstnto of Bonarille Rock, deekt.] - - Were or Administration upon' the estate of gartit idlle Shock, late of West township,' Muntingdon county, dec'd, haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons , having doling agnMat the estate ark requested to present them to the undersigned, and oil persons indebted vr(11 make immediate payment. WILLIAM BROOK. , Warrior ridge, Sich.3, latl3-ot.* • . Administrator • • 4 DMINISTRATORS I . NOTICE. ' [plate of 4'l4tlip Piper, the c ote of itthalnNtration upon the etude or PIIME Piper, late or Pet ter toe nehip, deed., having been gran ted to the undersigned, all percent to claims evince the e4tite ateregoeNted to •present them to the trader; signed, and all percent indebted will nett .ionnedinto payment. VIONI kS DMALKNII, PLIILIP 11. PIPER, AOminletfotoll. Mauch 3,160.1-6 t ti [E..tato of Edward Co., Letter 9 of upon . gip Edward Ciao, Into of d'art. to.tritsititi, ituntingtion"rou n ty, decd,haring been gs a the - undersigried.llll, persons hat. tint claims ugainot the estate are requested to pro sent th, la to the tlinteisigned. - and all perilous ludel o tted trill make immediate payment. Feb. 24,1833-6 t ADMINISTR A TOWS'NOTICE.-1 [Estate of Mrs. Anna Hoffman, deekla IloßLettere of Administratlou_upon the ealgto tzf 344 4 0 ‘11 1, Inte of the borough of llnntingdon, deed. bey. ing been grniged to 110.1.10 , 10P112n 0 d. ell pereottei 01 .11119 against the estate aro reqtastsd to.present tiont to the mulerslgned, and all personr indebted will make mediate payment. All the pommel effects of the deceated will be cold on the 20th in9t. Huntingdon; Feb. 11;1863. -CL• MURSERY STOCK.- TREES, VINES, SITRUDTIEI.M.B9., At the loviat mill price. A. J 'WRITE, North-east Mh. 3 _ PAPER .H.ANGIN,GB . -. No. 10 Cattlatidt gireet; New *ork4 Direeffy opposite the Western The Croton Manufacturing Cu,, (Organized in 1840, under the General Manufacturing Law of the Stste"of New York) Offers at wholesale, in quantities to salt purchasers, at Manufactureis' Lowest ,Frices, _ PAPER lIANCINfanf every vaclel7 of sqle and pass, BORDERS to match, FIRE-BOARD PRINTS, TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES, • OIL: PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, „WIDE WINDOW CURTAIN PAPEBS,Aa4 " WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, • . t STORE.: SIIADES 31ADE TO ORDER AND LiETTERED, Of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manufacture and Importation. As their stook is largo and entirely new, they Invite Merchants, Booksellers an 4 Dealers to thoso'articles, to call had exatatne and prices, shenever they visit the city. Yob. 1ii,1863411. DISSOLUTION OF_ PA RTN Li 11z . - BEP. • • • Notice is hereby given that the firm of Shively & lath ott has been mutual consent. and the books of said firm are In the hands of W. F. Wilson for settle ment, in the uew store of Shively k Bruner. All persons knowing themsolYes Indebted will please call and settle their accounts. Also. unwed by the new firm, 10;000, bushels whmt, for which the higliett price ly111,1(e puig; also, apples(usd all 1:311(1 of pruauce taken in W3;(ipfe'oY" . • 811III.LY .p/2 ' l, l gslt; •-• Petersburg, Jan. 27, 180.1* ITOW ARD ASSOCIA7 II .I I 9 A N, D; Benevolent Institution establieheii specirit Eurietriment, far the Relief of the Bide and Distressed, ofilieteci Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especuity'far- the Cure of Disease" orthe &rad Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting. Surgeon. Talus blwiteports on Spermatorrhwa, and other Disease' or the Sexual Organs, and on the new Remedies ernbloyed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted lu sealed letter pn velopes, bee of charge. Two or three Srenifoilbt will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SICILI,EN ItODOtTTQV, Aging' Sra 4 goon, Howard Association, No. 2 South kintli gtreottni6 adelphia, Pa. 33y order or the Ditectors. EZRA D. IIASTIVELL, , CEO. FAIRCHILD, .secretary. •f- •t • Dec. 310862.-Iy. THE COMMERCIAL LIST LETTER SHEET "PRICE.CURRENT'L ARE PUBLISHED Ilvglty, OATURDAT. Stephen N. Winslow, ;- N 0,222 GOLD STREgt ; Philadelphia. • • , ;1" 13IgGrApIIICAT; SKAgifES The Merchatits and Manufacturers, OP . FLULATIELPIII4 I THE OPULENT ANUI THE irrDzaziorr; Secret of their success and adversity WILL-BL " Feb,. 31 , 1862-1 m F ALL AND , WINTEIU AUTUVAL • Wm, MARCIT4PROTfititr" 11 r- 4 R47 , ESRURG. P 4, flare pint opened a large, now, and tmeurpaaspd stock Foreign and Domestic Dry-Mode, of all hinds and quail. ,ties. embracing everlthiii& to that Pa. .Also, aco4o4e assortment of • 1( QROCERIEB, !emarkablY aloof, will, tOO , tetlAlt aqd 14{r Pleasure, together with QUBPNFSKAIIn 13 . 80 N EWA BA .. 11.111Dran rsz uotrrs tc SIIOBB, &C., 49., BC., and all the various other natters usually kepan A coun try store, so that the ingairy is not w What has March ifs Brother got," but " What have they not f" f.s i ' Being sattilled that their large and complete,d4k p yl.the alma named goods cannot be excelled'ln- gualit , 'watt tlty or cheapness In this section 'of: country, we 80. spectfully ask a Ishii, feeling sathilled that a liberal pa teenage will be extended .towards us, by all who are in need of good articles at lqw.prlges., Opr motto is "Ili:dolt bales and small prate." • Wo regretfully request" the gatronage t oi all, and cry% peeially cite Trough creek Valley friends. Evely thing inkon in exchange for goods except prOntf- WS. 81-Z - Cash paid 'tor all hinds Of grain, for which the highest market prices .111 be giVen. Win. March is agent for the Broad Top Railroad Com pany at Markleiburg Station. lie is pi spared to ship all km" , or gmin,:td - theSJ.Vticritlitrliets:•llarlng a large V/1101'00111, farmers can stole a nth him until ready to ship. Every convenience will be- afforded them. Gal amity flour by the barrel al is aye on hand at the cheapest rates. 1. 'WILLIAM MARCR & BRO. • Mathicaburg, Nev. 18, 1862.. r ,' - : NOTI6E: •" • -‘" Notice is heyeby given. to ,all petsopa,ltiabsring Himmel% es indebted oy buth!g Fuviettled oyelatillto.lYirns.l R. C. McGill,late of Ito 'Alexandria Foptidry. to call al his reeidenee in Aletcandrid, and settle their accounts at or hcfoto the April court; if not, their accounts will be o left in proper hands for collection; for, owing to the many outstanding debts, unsettled c ndition Olds books. and tho exceeding high price of stock. the undow4gimd has been compelled to suspend business nod make collections. All parties, interested will please - dill ,Immediately and settle their accounts. • R. 0. Mani& - Alexandria; Pt': NOTICE. Having leased to Mr. McNally my old stand of business known no tip Alexandria Fetundryi,lsake pleas, uro in returning thanks to the ptiblid for their past kind patronageond kindly solicit the eentlnuansa of the earns for my successor, knowing that ho will render satisfaction to all who may favor hint with a call. R. C. McGl4/ Feb. 24, 1bi.13-It. Alosaudlia, Pa. .$1,8o(71.,00 . - 1,71601 ia a 0.506,1,00 .$2. 75@3,00 63@i6c,1 , ,, ALEXAXDRIA The on 'elidgncil respectfully informs the pnblia that ho has leased from It. C. McGill hie old stand of bush. hers lcnown as tho Alexandria Foundry, and will continua the business awl endeavor to give general satle4Mtion to all persons tam Mg hint with a call.' All milers will be promptly attended to. M. McNALLY, Alexandria, Pa. Feb. 24, 186.1.-4 t r r ItAUING ' MUSLIN; '" ' " I- Da4rrimi f Dannits PAM White and adored Nett Paper, For.salo at 11100 X - dt sht 17aNER:7 ; ;MAX c i 4RP4T:'SA:okls ,arid Ea*syLlittglt NU BI Lic:S 0I 3 1: ks, d %ant. TA) 9f tite,aron, jusi operofiN bye • smut 4 Nor. 11, 18 . 64. • - -- V - 011 will find the jl egm t, 4ssorttnept 41,1:1(iiieF.Dreerq (1(2o0j " P. V: S3II7VAP' JOIIN COX 3ous coCimex, Exgcytors. DAVID SNARE, Administrator. FOR SALE =MI