The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 11, 1863, Image 2

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ft U . N T I - N - G•D ON, PA,
morning, Mall. n, 1863.
W. Lentils, Editor and. Proprietor
Our Flag Forever
"/ know of no mode in which a loyal citi
zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to
hes country as by sustainitz.4 the Flag Me
Constitution add the Union, under all eireum
Political Parties.
'rub years ago wo took our stand
againSt old political organizations, and
determined to adhere to that position
'against all opposition, to the end of the
war. Wo have met with strong op
position from every quarter,
but wo have- persevered, and to
!liy, we find the people of all
parties rallying upon our plat
form. as the only true policy to save our
coubtry. - Maryland knows no parties
But " Union and loyal," and" disunion ;
and treasonable.". New York is fall
ing into line, some of the most promi
nent leaders of the Democratic and Re
publican parties have but lately put
the ball in motion, Good old Pennsyl
vania is also moving—the loyal.people
will soon, rise lu a blaze of glory and
sweep the dirty politicians overboard.
are, gratified that we have been
able' o hold out against the politicians
until the loyal people of the North feel
•7the,seales falling from their eyes. Our
:party iS bur 'country against all opposi
Union Leagues.
We care not by what name Union
organizations are known. Any or
ganization having for its object aid
and comfort to our brave " boys " in
the battle-field, and the preservation
of our Union, will receive our hearty
support. We are not particular as to
what party any man has heretofore
claimed to belong—all we ask now is
that he feels the importance of giving
his whole influence to the support of
a Government that protects his life,
his liberty and his property. A
true Union man cannot object to unit
ing with his fellow•citizens to crush
out open and secret enemies of the
best Government that ever existed on
the face of the globe. We are a Uni
on man; and so long as there aro Ifni
, on men enough in the county willing
to encourage us, the Globe shall live,—
the prayers of the secesh sympathizers
to the contrary notwithstanding.
THE rebel sheets, claiming to be De
mocratic, aro just now giving extracts
from speeches and letters of Stephen
A. Douglas to prove that bad his sen
timents been endorsed by the people
and Congress, the present troubles
could have been avoided. But these
same sheets fail to tell their readers
that because . Douglas was a "true man"
he was denounced as a "black.Reptib
liean,"and defeated for tho,Presideney
by the men who claim to be the lead
ers of theDemocratie party. Doug
las was tbo much a patriot,to receive
the support of the men who are now
the open friends of the Rebels. If
Douglas Was alivO he would not be
found denouncing every effort made
by the Government to defeat the reb
els in their attempts to destroy our
Payment of the State Militia.—ln the
House of. Representatives the follow
ing joint resolution from the Senate,
relative to the remuneration of the
Militia of the Commonwealth for serv
ices rendered during the raid of the
rebels into this State last fall, was tak
en up and concurred in :
Resolved,&c., That the Governor of
this Commonwealth be and is hereby
requested, immediately after the pas
sage of this jointresolution, to proceed
according to the provisions of the Act
of Assembll of the 2d day of April, A.
D., 1822, to pay the Militia called in
to j. , ,he , service of the United States,
by the order of the 11th day of Sept.,
A. D.,1862, out of the moneys of the
Treasury, leaving the question of the
liability of the United States for said
payment to be hereafter adjusted by
the proper authorities of the State and
United States. -
CaNTNO,DowN—Let her Rip.—
weeir• - • a great excitement - was
raised in . the cities by the downward
tendency of- gold.. What a tumble;
from seventy-two to forty-six. We are
truly glad of it, and-so is every other
true hearted, loyal man in the coun
try, and we sincerely hope it may con
tinue to fall until it arrives at its true
value. It is not so - difficult now for
some folks to determine whether the
great depreciation in our currency was
legitimate or speculative.
Ser-At tho 'election for directors of
the Ponnsyrvania Railroad .Company,
on Monday week, the following nam
ed persons... Were-chosen: J. Edgar
Thomson, Josiah Bacon, Thos. Melon,
Jobri'Efulme,,G. 13....Eosetigarten, Wis
tat' Morris, G. W.' Ckss,Pittsliarg, Wm.
H. Smith, Pittsburg, Samuel T. Bod.
Sae, and sopla B. Myers, , •
Grand .Demonstration of Union Men
at llarrisburq.—One of the largest and
most en thuslastiemeetings ever assem
bled at Harrisburg convened in the
spacious Court Room in that place on
Friday last. The following were the
officers of the meeting:
President—Gov. A. G. Curtin.
Vice Presidents—lion: George V.
Lawrence, Speaker of the Senate;
Hon. John Ceisna, Speaker of the
House of Representatives; Hon. John
P. Penney, Senator from Allegheny
county ; Hon. Kinsey, Senator
from Bucks county; Hon. Henry
White, Senator from Indiana coun
ty; Hon. Benjamin Champneys,
Representative from Lancaster
county ; Hon. J. P. Vincent,
Representative from Erie county; Hon.
P. Frazer Smith, Representative from
Chester county; Hon. Henry D. Moore,
State Treasurer; Hon. Win. F. John
ston, Es-Governor;. Hon. Simon Cam
eron, Hon. John J. Pearson.
Secretaries—John H. Briggs, Esq.,
David Fleming, Esq.
Gov. Andy Johnson of Tennessee,
and Ex-Governor Wright of Indiana,
addressed the crowd. Democrats and
Republicans vied with each other in
honoring these distinguished Demo
cratic patriots, and their loyal senti
ments. We want to hear of more
such meetings, where Democrats and
Republicans can conic) together as
brothers—all for the Union—all for
our country first! "United we stand,
divided we fall."
WttEN Andy Johnson was Governor
of Tennessee, ho had a warm personal
friend (whose name we cannot now
recall), who was also Governor of one
of the South-western States. Johnson
is a tailor by trade, as all the world
knows, and his friend was a shoemak
er, the two having joined in early life
as fellow-mechanics on a tramp. In
order to show his love of his old trade
as well as his old friend, Johnson,
while occupying the Gubernatorial
chair of his adopted State, made a full
suit of clothes with his own hands, and
presented them to his friend. Hot to be
outdone, the other made a pair of boots
with his own hands, and presented them
to Governor Johnson.
Governor JehriSollis now ono of the
most distinguished men of his age or
country. His patriotism and his abil
ity, his stern integrity and •enthusias
tie loyalty are alike the pride of his
friends and the glory of the govern
DISGRACEFUL--the conduct of Dem
ocratic members of both Houses of
our Legislature in tefusing the use of
either chamber to Gov, Andy John
son of Tennessee, and es-Governor
Wright of Indiana, for the purpose of
addressing the people on the great
questions now agitating the public
mind. These distinguished patriots
were handsomely received by the loy
al people of Harrisburg_son,Yriday,
and they addresied the people in the
Court House in the evening. When
will rebel Democrats cease disgracing
the honest and. loyal Democracy ?
Governors Johnson and Wright, are
both Democrats of the Jackson stock,
VALLANDIGHAM, the intensely cop
porbeaded member of Congress from
Ohio, had a serenade at the Girard
House in Philadelphia, on last Friday
evening. A large rirowd was present,
most of whom came there through
mere curiosity. There were Republi
cans, Democrats, and a few Copper
heads to do the cheering, which was
tame enough. When the Band arrived
at the Hotel the street in the vicinity
was brilliantly illuminated with fire
works. Mr. Carrigan introduced Mr.
Vallandigham, after which he tried to
speak, but, judging from his style, he
was evidently disappointed in not find
ing as enthusiastic a meeting as be ex
pected. He was interrupted several
times by groans and cries of "Copper
head." He said "he is, and always
was, for the Union;" perhaps he is,
but we think he has a very poor way
of showing it. Verily, the dray of re
tribution is coming.
IT is a very noticeable fact that the
Vallandigham organs alwaysfind room
in their editorial columns to announce
their party victorious, but never find
room in the same columns to announce
a victory by our brave "boys" over
the rebels. The people and our army
can come to no other conclusion than
that the rebel sympathizers think more
of their party than they do of their
TEIE " peace " party in Congress
were consistent up to the last hour of the
session in opposing everything designed
to aid in the vigorous prosecution of
the war. Vallandigham & Co. op
posed the protest against foreign in
tervention, thereby inviting foreign in
terference and a foreign war. Jeff.
Davis has no more devoted friends in
his own " Congress" than the " peace "
men in ours.
Tim Petersburg (Va.) Express prai
ses without stint one of Mr. Vallandig
ham's late speeches in behalf of the
rebel cause.
It tells of a late rally of Unionists in
Yadkin county, N. C., where a num
ber of them took refuge in a Quaker
church and defended themselves with
arms against rebel efforts to conscript
them, killing two and losing two, the
rest getting off safely to the mountains
under the lead of a "Nazarene," who
is denouneed'as a "bold, bad and'dar
ing man e. a staunch Union pa-,
A SOLDIER of the Potomac from this
place, writing home, under date of
14farch 6th, says :
"I see the people of the North think
the army of the'Potomac should move
on. I wish,we had those kind of peo
ple hero to go ahead through the mud,
and T assure you the soldier boys will
follow. ' It is all very nieo to sit in
your houses and say "go on," but•
when you start out and get into the
mud up to the knees with only three
clays rations and no possibility of the
wagons reaching you with more, you
don't feel much like , traveling very
fast or far. Such is the case here now,
and I think the army of the Potomac
will stay where it is for one month at
least if not more."
The Talk of a Patriot.
Governor Tod, of Ohio, suggests a
treatment for rebel traitors who put
on the flimsy disguise of loyalty to
party and claim for it a loyalty to the
government, which meets our own
views exactly. He made a rousing
speech at a recent Union meeting in
Cincinnati, in the course of which he
expressed the following views in re"-
gard to traitors :
" The speaker was not a revengeful
or vindictive man. The hanging of
one or• two hundred of the leaders of
this rebellion, was about all he would
ask. (Laughter.) That done, the
difficulty would be over. Get rid of
the leaders, break the armed power of
the rebellion, and there would be found
as hutch loyalty in the South as in the
North. That accomplished, we will
then attend to these fellows who want
office, the Vallandigham; and Olds,
and their like. Teach your children
their names, register them in the book
you read on Sundays, and send them
down to posterity to be execrated as
the men who, in the hour of tlfeir coun
try's peril, threw all possible obstacles
in the way of its preservation, and ad
vocate dishonorable peace at the cost
of national existence."
Cord. W. P. Lewis, of the 110th Reg.,
P. V., has resigned his commission, on
account of ill hbalth. Lieut. Colonel
Crowther being the next ran king offi
cer will no doubt soon wear the eagles,
and we will beglad of it,as we think him
a deserving man..
Foreign Interference,
Ou Nuesday of last week, the reso
lutions on foreign intervention report
ed by Mr. Sumner, from the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations, were
passed through both Houses of Con
gress. In the Senate the only men
that voted against them were CarMe,
Latham, Powell, Saulsbury and Wall.
In the House the vote was 102 to 28,
the minority consisting chiefly of Val
landigham "Democrats" and weak
backed Union men. These resolutions
constitute the most important mani
festo to foreign powers, on the subject
of the rebellion in this country, that
has yet appeared, and we rejoice that
the Thirty-Seventh Congress has sig
nalized the last day of its legal exist,
by thuriqi.ii,:,age."
The Philadelphia Bulletin remarks
that the President will, of course, lose
no time in transmitting to rill the Gov
ernments with whom we have diplo
matic relations, copies of this impor
tant State paper. It tells them in cour
teous but decided language,Ahat the
Congress of the 'United States will re-1
gard any future attempts at interfer e
once in our domestic affairs as an on- ('
couragement to the rebellion and an !
unfriendly act towards the government
of the United States. heretofore this
view has been expressed only in the
courtly forms of diplomatic correspon
dence, and foreigners have regarded it
as simply the opinion of the Secretary
of State. But now it is enunciated in
the most solemn and emphatic man
ner by the representatives oral(' States
and the people.
The nation speaks, not by way of
menace, but simply to warn fbreign
powers of the danger to which they
will expose the peace of the world, if
they offer any formal encouragement
to the infamous rebellion that is alrea
dy so terribly distracting one conti
If in the first months of the rebel
lion, some such protest against foreign
interference had been adopted by Con
gress, the effect would have been ex
cellent, and we believe the rebellion
would soon have been ended. As the
resolutions plainly and forcibly state,
it has only been sustained, and is only
now sustained, by the hope of inter
vention, either friendly or forcible.—
England and France, un warned by
such a protest, have repeatedly given
the rebels reason to hope that they
might obtain, by a sturdy resistance,
aid from them, direct or indirect. Ac
ting from such intimations, the mer
chants, ship-owners and capitalists of
England have sent supplies to the reb
els, and a navy has been built in En
glish ports for the rebel service, which
has already destroyed many millions
ofdollars worth of property. We have
been too patient under these provoca
tions offered by Governments who pro
fess friendship towards us. Civiliza
tion and humanity have been outraged
by these manifestations of sympathy
for a fillse, vile and barbarous Govern
ment, whose sole foundation is slavery
and whose sole hope is in traffic in
human flesh.
The Congress of the United States
at last tells the nations ofEurope that
instead of encouraging the chiefs of
the rebellion, they should have long
ago told them that " the work in
which they are engaged is hateful, and
that a new Government, such as they
seek to found, with slavery as its ac
knowledged corner-stone, and with no
other declared, object of separate exis
tence, is so flu• shocking to civilization
and the moral sense of mankind, that
it must not expect welcome or recog
nition in the commonwealth ofnations."
It is encouraging to observe that
the only opponents of this protest in
Congress were those who have op
posed every measure of the Govern
ment against the rebels, either from
motives of treason or fear. This alone
would satisfy us of the justness of the
measure, even if it had no common
sense and reason on, its nide.
Letter from President Lincoln to the
Workingmen of Manchester.
[From the Manchester anardian, Feb. 10.3
The following letter and enclosure
were received yesterday by the Mayor
of ManelicAer, Abel Bey-wood,
LOndOn, February 9, 1863.
SIR -I have the honor to transmit
to you, by the hands of Mr. Moran,
the Assistant Secretary of this Lega
tion, a letter of the President of the
United States, addressed to you as
Chairman of the meeting of worldng
men held at Manchester on the 31st of
December, and in acknowledgment of
the address which I had the pleasure
to forward from that meeting.
"1. am, sir, your obedient servant,
"Abel Heywood, Esq., Chairman, &e.,
"ExEcuTivE iMANsioN,
Washington, Jzthuary 19, 1863. • }
'To the 'Workingmen Qf litancheslo
"1 have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of the address'and resolu
tions which you sent me on the eve of
the new year.
" When I came on the 4th of March,
1801, through a free and constitutional
election, to preside in the Government
of the United States, the country was
found at the verge of civil war. What
ever might have been in the cause, or
whosoever the limit, the duty, para
mount to all others, was before me,
namely, to maintain and preserve at
once the Constitution and the integri
ty of the Federal Republic. A consci
entious purpose to perform this duty
is the key to all the measures of the
administration which have been, and
to all which will hereafter be pursued.
Under our frame of government and
my official oath, I could not depart
from this purpose if I would. It is not
always in the power of governments
to enlarge or restrict the scope of mor
al results which follow the policies that
they may deem it necessary, for the
public safety, from time to time to
adopt. •
"I have understood well that the
duty of self-preservation rests solely
with the American people. But I have
at the same time been aware that fit.
,vor or disfavor of foreign nations might
have a material influence in enlarging
and prolonging the struggle with dis
loyal men in which the country is en
gaged. A fitir examination of history
has seemed to authorize a belief that
the past action and influence of the
United States were generally reEarded
as having been beneficial toward man
kind, I have, therefore, reckoned upon
the forbearance of nations. Circum
stances—to some of which you kindly
allude—induced me especially to ex
pect that, if justice and good faith
should be practised by the United
States, they would encounter no hos
tile influened on the part of Great
Britain. It is now a pleasant duty to
acknowledge the demonstration you
have given of your desire that a spirit
of peace and amity toward the country
may prevail in the counsels of your
Queen, who is respected and esteemed
in your own country only more than
she is by the kindred nation which has
its home on this side of the Atlantic.
" I know and deeply deplore, the
Aufferin! , R which the workingmen at
. . - 7cranchestei&Tfil in all Europe,, are
called to CO Tom in this crisis. It has'
been often and studiously represented
that the attempt to overthrow this
government, which was built upon the
foundation of human rights, and to
substitute for it one which should rest
exclusively on the basis of human sla
very, was likely to obtain the fitvor of
Europe. Through the action of our
disloyal citizens the workingmen of
Europe have, been subjeeted to severe
trial, for the purposa of forcing their
sanction to that attempt. Under these
ciycn instances I cannot but regard your
decisive utterances upon the question
as an instance of sublime Christian he
roism which has not been surpassed in
any age or,in any country. It is in
deed an energetic and reinspiring as
surance of the inherent power of truth,
and of the ultimate and universal tri
umph of justice, humanity and free
dom. Ido not doubt that the senti
ments you have expressed will be sus
tained by your great nation ; and, on
the otherthand, I have no hesitation
in assuring you that they will excite
admiration, esteem, and the, most re
ciprocal feelings of friendship among
the American people. I hail this in
terchange of sentiment, therefore, as
an augury that, whatever else may
happen, whatever misfortune may be
fall your country or my own, the
peace and friendship which now exist
between the two nations will be, as it
shall be my desire to make them per
The Feeling in the Army.
The following is an extract from it
letter written to a brother of the wri
ter residing in this place :
February 27, 1863.
I have been reading the Cincinnati
"Commercial" and the Louisville
"Journal," and I have been very much
pleased to find such a strong Union
sentiment reviving in Ohio and Indi
ana, again, and lam particularly well
pleased with the proceedings of the
Union Mass Meeting held in Pike's
Opera House in Cincinnati on Monday
night, the 23d inst. The speeches of
Governor Morton and Hon. Joe
Wright were such as only could ema
nate from such groat and good men
as they are, and it is a thousand pities
that we have not a great many such
men as they are. But I am inclined
to believe that there are enough good
and loyal men left to attend to the
damnable traitors of the North and
North-west. Such meetings as they
have been holding in Cincinnati, and
Indianapolis, Terre Monte, I think
cannot fail to have a very beneficial
effect upon Northern traitors. I
would to God the people of the North
would become united upon the war
question; then we might look with
confidence for a speedy ending of it,—
for it is my candid opinion that the
dissensions in the North is now the
only hope of the Southern Confedera
cy, and the only tiling that gives them
the least hope. If the North was uni
ted, it would be but a very short time
until the rebels would lay down their
arms and submit to , peace on our own
terms. But traitomorthe North, and
all, we can conquer, but it will take us
so much longer to do it.
The Late Fight Near Bradyville,
(Corrosiwndente of the Cincinnati Govlite
MURFREESBORO', ga re h 2.—Yester
day the Third and Fourth Ohio Cav
alry net the enemy in the vicinity of
Bradyville, and routed them hip and
thigh. Our force was about two thou
sand five hundred strong, consisting of
part of the-Second Regiment I have
named; the 3d, commanded By
W. Paramore, who also was in com
mand of the whole force; and the 4th,
by Colonel Eli Long. Besides these,
a part of the Tennessee Cavalry, Maj.
Alorphy, participated in the early por
tion of the fight with much gallantry.
The action took place about one mile
beyond the town.
The rebels were the Second Ken
tucky Chivalry, Lieutenant Col. J. W.
Bowles, Fourteenth Alabama, Major
Malone. A part of their force dis
mounted and took position behind a
ledge of rocks. They fought bravely
for twenty minutes. Colonel Para
more had so skillfully disposed of his
forces that after the fight had contin
ued some time in front. he could assail
them upon both flanks. When the
flankers came up a charge was order
ed. Our men marched upon the reb
els with drawn sabres, utterly dispers
ed them, cut a number down as they
ran, and pursued them three miles.
The enemy's loss was 5 killed, 30
wounded and nearly 100 prisoners.—
Among the prisoners was the Adjutant
of Basil Duke's famous regiment, the
Second,Kentucky, and seven other
commissioned officers. Our loss was
1 killed and 6 wounded.
We captured from the enemy 100
horses and equipments, more than 100
saddles, an entirely new wagon-load of
picket ropes, and so on.
Gen. D. S. Stanley accompanied the
expedition, exhibiting his usual gallan
try. Generals Negley and Stanley,
who planned the expedition, deserve
much credit for it.
Some 1,000 men from Nog •'s divi
sion formed a portion of thW..;pedi
tionary force, and although not partic
ipating immediately in the fight, re
mained within supporting distance and
bagged some rebels who attempted to
get to the rear.
Anticipated Trouble in Kentucky,
LSpecial despatch to the DoHe[tn.]
CINCINNATI, March s—Trouble is
apprehended on the Kentucky border.
The malcontents over the river, in Co
vington and Newport, and the adja
cent countr3-, are believed to be in
communication with _Humphrey Mar
shall's vagabonds. Their plan is to
rise in arms while he malces a raid on
the Kentucky Central Railroad, seize
the fortifications, spike the guns, and
hold them until he comes up. A ren
dezvous is appointed, fifteen miles
from .Newport, for Saturday next, arid
they are busy procuring arms and pro
visions for the occasion.
I have this from a source entitled
to the utmost credit. The scheme can
be frustrated if any diligence is used.
Rebel Atrocities in East Tennessee,
Cr Netts:NATl, March 5.- 7 lleiugees
from East Tennessee relate the most
horrible - barbarities practiced there on
niun men. . Two companies of Cher
okee Indians are acting as a Provost
Guard in Knoxville. They accompa
ny the cavalry expeditions in search
of Loyalists. The Provost Marshal
offers a bounty of rive dollars for every
Union man they kill.
short time before the refugees
fled, they saw a party of these savages
come in with a .string of fourteen ears
eat from the bodies of dead Unionists,
for which theyireceived the promised
The Gunboat _lndianola Again in Uni
on Hands.-11ebel.,leomnt of the Bat
tle in Tennessee.—An :Attach• Upon
Port Iludson Daily .E.yeeted.
FORTRESS MoyabE, March S.—The
Richmond Dispatch of March 6th, says
that the Indianola, recently captured
from the Yankees, was blown up last
Tuesday night by the robots,' and her
guns fell into the hands of the federals.
The Queen of the West left in such a
hurry as to leave part of her crew on
The Foderals attacked Van Dorn on
March Ist, at Thompsons, near Frank
lin. Ile drove them back and cap
tured 2,200 officers and men. The
rebel loss is not yet ascertained.
An attack is daily expected on Port
Hudson by Banks' force.
A later dispatch says that the Indi
anola was not destroyed, and that they
are raising her. The Federal gun
boats arc making great destruction on
Lake Providence.
4 Federal Army Within Twelve Miles
of Port _Hudson, La.—Thirty Thous•
and Union Troops at Raton Rouge.—
The Iron•clads Attaching Fort _McAl
Momr,E, March 3.—A grand review
of the army took place to-clay by Maj.
Generals Withers and Buckner, and
Brigadier Generals Slaughter and
Cummings. After the review, four
pieces of artillery, captured at Mur
freesboro, were presented by General
Withers, on behalf of the Alabamians
and Tennesseeans in the Army of Mo
bile. Each piece is inscribed with the
names of Alabamians who fell in that
SAVANNAH, March 3.—The enemy
shelled Fort McAllister all last night,
till near day.
This morning, a despatch from the
Fort, dated (i P. M., says : The ene
my have not rcne'vod the attack this
morning. Their vessels are still in
the river. The Fort is in good condi
tion. The columbiad is remounted,
and no further casualties are reported
at the fort,
PORT HuosoN, La., Feb. 25, via Mg
mr,E, March 2.—A Yanltee force of 4,-
01)0 strong is marching towards Lor
gansa. The advance guard, one thou
sand strong, is at Amite river, twelve
miles front this place. This is deem
ed an important movement, and doubt
less prompt steps will bo taken to ar
rest it.
PORT HUDSON, Feb. 27.—C01. Mill's
Legion, the 4th Louisiana, Col. Hunt
er and Fennery's Battery, drove the
Yankees from Point Coupee. The en•
emy ingeniously retreated at the ap
pearance of our forces. - The reported"
force of the, enemy at Baton Bongo Is
thirty thousand.
SAVANNAH,'ArIreiI 3, 10 P. M.—The
enemy are attacking Port McAllister.
The attack commenced at thirty min
utes past eight o'clock this morning.
Three iron-dads and two mortar boats
are playing on the Port. Our 8-inch
columbia has just been dismounted—
two men slightly wounded. The fir
ing continues very heavy.
Savannah, March 3, 5-30 P. 31.—A
despatch from Fort McAllister, dated
3-4 G, says that one of the iron-clads
has withdrawn. Two iron-clads and
one mortar boat arc still playing on
the fort. The fort is uninjured, and
no one is hurt on our side except the
two slightly wounded this morning.—
The garrison is in good spirits. The
firing still continues.
Recent Erploits of AI Organ's Brigade.
Moutt,E, March 3—A special dis
patch to the Evening News, dated Mc-
Minnville, Tenn., 2d instant, says:—
Major Austin, of General Morgan's
Brigade, with fifteen hundred men,
passed around the Murfreesboro' and
Nashville railroad, tearing the track,
and running a train of soldiers over
an embankment. The Louisville Jon.-
nal reports that Generals LongstreeL,
Marshall and Forest are approb.ching
Lexington, K.
Rosecians Perplexing the Rebels.
The Richmond Dispatch, .Nlarch 4th,
contains the following in reference to
the situation in Middle Tennessee :
The elhattanooga of the 27th
ult., says: There are rumors front
the front to the effect that Rosecrans
has been massing large reinforcements,
jest through hem Kentucky, in the
counties of Sunther and Wilson.
If this be true, the intention is to ad
vance, when the roads permit, not di
rectly upon our forces at Shelbyville,
but upon Tullahoma by way of Man
chester and McMinnville. The troops
stationed at Nashville will probably
make a feint upon Shelbyville, but no
absolute assault is expected from that
side of the enemy's lines. The entire
strength of the arnty in Murfreesboro
is estimated at fifty thousand. Our
reliable reports from the northern por
tion of the State represent time rein.
foreements to consist of three divisions,
each not less than ten thousand
The division orJecf. C. Davis With
Johnson's cavalry, stationed in 'Wil
liams county., are put clown at twelve
thousand. The forces at aNtmhville do
not exceed ten thousand. Thus the
entire body of troops composing the
department of Ilosecrans reach nearly%
one hundred thousand. Of these, at
least a fourth are unable for duty.—
Setting apart twenty thousand more
for garrison duty, and the available
army to be brought against us will
not fall far short of sixty thousand,
less than were engaged and in reach
of the battle before Murfreesboro.
All the extra superfine flour at Po-
tersburg. in possession of the miners
and merchants, has been impressed by
the Confederate Government, mid the
price filed at nineteen dollars and fifty
cents per barrel, while the market
price is twenty-eight to t‘venLy-nine
dollars. Not long since, all the super
fineflOtir in that city MIS impressed.
_High Price of Gold
The Daspateh,, March sth_ says; in
its money article, " there has been an
extraordinary advance in the premi
um on gold since our last report. On
Saturday last it was sold at $2, 50 and
$2 60, advancing during the day, anti
yesterday it went up hke a rocket un
til it reached 53 00, being an advance
of •40 per cent. Silver was affected in
like manner today. The market was
inure quiet, but the advance was fuliy
maintained. Various causes fin• this
sudden advance in specie were assign
ed, but it is doubtless chiefly owing to
the demand from blockade runners,
and foreigncfs leaving the cotifederaey.--
Bank notes have also advanced, the
brokers selling at 50 per cent. premi
um. Sterling exchange is held at
52 GO."
Desperate Battle at Spring Hill, Tenn.
—A Federal _Brigade Defeated.-17s
,eape of our Cavalry and Artillery.—
Our Troops Overpowered after Fight
ing all Day.
_NASHVILLE, March B.—There was
fighting all day yesterday between
Van Dorn's rebel command and three
Federal regiments of infitntry, about
500 cavalry, and 1 battery, itt Spring
Dill, about thirteen miles south of
Franklin. Colonel Coburn's three re
giments of infantry were cut to pieces
or captured by the rebel #orecf They
fought desperately, but their ammuni
tion liecamo exhausted, and, being
overpowered by superior• numbers,
were either killed or captured. The
cavalry and artillery got off safely.—
No reinforcements from General Hurl
but-Cs command, at Franklin, reached
the - scene of action. Seven regiments
of infantry are at that place.
Van Dorn is reported to have 18,000
men in his command.
General Roseorans on Desertions.
Murfreesboro, March 1.---Our army,
if novas large as that arrayed against
it, is at least full of activity and ener
gy, already girt around with fortifica
tions of the most formidable character,
With its two avenues open to the heart
of the country, drawing its supplies
both by land and by water ; full, not
merely of confidence in its General,
but of that enthusiasm towards him
which forms an almost unfailing ele
ment of success and makes men honor
able on the battle-field. The General's
health is now fully restored. The fol
lowing is a letter sent by him to the
different Governors of States enumer
ated ;
.;llurfreesboro, Feb, 21, 1863,
To the Governors of Ohio. .21finnesOta,
Kansas, Pennsylvania. Indiana, Illi
nois, Missouri anti Michigan :
I thinlc it due to those who suffer•
in the field, as well as those who loot
the bills at home, and run the risk el
being ea.1V..1 no 'ln lrlbu l l!ome and
national life, that all deserters should
be returned to duty. All citizens aro
interested in this. Those who oppose
it favor perjury and rascality, because
a man who agrees to servo his country,
takes wages and even bounty money,
and violates his oath of service by de
serting, is a perjurer and a rascal, and,
probably, a coward. Why should not
the Legislature pass a law disfranchis
ing and disqualifying from giving evi.
deuce all deserters, as for other infa
mous crimes :e w. S. ItoSEmtAzis,
[Official.] Major General.
Lt. B.enry Stone, A. A. G.
It will be seen that the General
writes only to the Governors of those
States which furnish the soldiers to his
army, and, like a soldier; carefully ab
stains from meddling with anything
more than the concerns of his own
command. The mail is just going out
so I must close.
I'lirther Details of the Battle of Spring
Hilt.—Reheat of The Rebels.—General
Gilbert again Inactive.—lle is Severe
Nashville, March G.—The following
additional details have been received
of the fight near Franklin, yesterday.
Five regiments of infantry, one batte
ry (18th Ohio,) with - the 7th Pennsyl
vania and 2nd Michigan Cavalry, all
under command of Col. Coburn, of the
32d Indiana, advanced on Spring Hill,
iron the 4th inst. Several spirited skir
mishes occurred during the day, our
troops camping four miles distant."
On the sth a movement by the reb
els was apparent, causing some disor
der at Thompson's Station. The rob
' els suddenly opened on our men with
three batteries, on different points, and
at the same time they appeared on
each flank in greatly superior numbers.
An unequal conflict was maintained
with great determination, causing hea
vy loss on both sides, but finally re
sulted unfortunately to our troops, the
largest part of the .33d Indiana, 19th
Michigan, 22d Wisconsin, and the 85th
Indiana, with most of their commis
sioned officers, being captured. Our
artillery and cavalry were successfully
withdrawn. The 129th Ohio wits out,
but returned without loss. All is quiet
to day. The rebels have fallen back.
Their force was infantry, with heavier
artillery than we had,
Gen. Gilbert's non-action and failure
to reinforce Col. Unborn is severely
censured by officers and men.
How Easy it was to have Averted War
The following extracts from, the
speeches of our Southern brethren-de
livered in our Congress before the in
troduction of the Crittenden Compro
misc, in the winter of the ever memo
rable day of secession, shows how easy
it was to have "averted the war," as
`Gov. Seymour and his class declare,
by compromise and conciliation :
Dec. 4th, 0. R. Singleton, of is
sippi—" I was not here for the purpose
of making any compromise or to patch
up existing difficulties."
Mr. Jones, of Georgia, ditto on the
same day.
Mr. Hawkins, of Florida—" While I
am up, Mr. Speaker, I may as well say
in advance, that I 0111 opposed, and
beligye my State is opposed, to ail and
every compromise."
Mr. Pugh, of Alabama—" As my
State of Alabama intends following
South Carolina out of the Union by
the 10th of January next, I pay no at
tention to any action taken by this
Dee. 5, Senator Iveson, of Georgia 7.-
"Sir, the Southern Stated that are now
moving in this matter are not doing it
without due consideration. We be
lieve that the Only security for the in
stitutions to which we attach so much
importance is Secession and a South.:
ern Confederacy. You talk about
concessions. You talk about, repeal
ing the Personal Liberty bills, as a
concession to the South. Repeal them
all to-morrow, sir, and it would not
stop the progress of this revolution._
It is not your Personal Liberty bills
that we dread. Nor do we suppose
that there will be any - overt acts on
the part of Mr. Lincoln. For one, I
do not dread overt acts. Ido not pro
pose to wait for them. Wo intond to
g o out."
.Dec. 12, Wigfall of Texas—" So fur
as the - Union is concerned, the cold
sweat of death is upon it. Your Union
is now dead ; your Government is now
dead. There is now in the Gulf States
no excitement. There is a fied, de
termined will, that they will be free."
Dec. 21—After the introduction of
the Crittenden Compromise, Benjamin
of Louisiana, said : " The day fur the
adjustment has passed._ If you would
give it now you are too late."
Mason, of Va., said : "No matter
what compromise the North offers, the
South must find a way to defeat it."
Pryor, of Va., telegraphed—" We
can get the Crittenden Compromise,
but we don't want it."
PARTY.--A Kentuckian, an officer of
the 4th Kentucky cavalry, a promi
nent and influential citizen, and a
Douglas Democrat, has written a let
ter from - Lavergne, Tenn., to a friend,
in which he expresses his opinion freely,
of the "Peace Party" of the North.-
He says:
It seems that many of our former.
friends are becoming mit. encmiesona
getting up a fire in the rear. I hope,
however, that you aro not ono of that
class, but that you still look upon us,
as honest soldiers, engaged in a just,
war, trying to defend our country
against the efforts of the most bitter
and dishonest enemy that ever dis-,
graced any cause. Let the Rebels in
arms, and the traitors and tories at;
home, do their utmost now, for the
day will soon come when both will
share a like fate. This rebellion must
and will be crushed. When many
who arc now in the field return,
these home traitors may look
The army wants no compromise with
the Rebels in arms, nor will it consent
to a division of the Union. I can tell
the tories at home that the surest way
to save the institution of slavery-, or
any other institution or property in
the South,
is to advise their Rebel
friends to lay down their arms and
quit fighting against the Government:
Then,they will stand on the recordin
a better light to talk about rights and
wrongs- The army has greut; confi 7
( knee in General Rosecrans; and the
compromise or peace, party has, nq
friebrh in, it