EW -CLOTHING • AT LOW PRICES. M. CUTMAN ILAN JUST OPENED A PINE STOCK OF NBW FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHEID, LT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES hie Stock consist, cf Itcatiy-mate Clothing for 3MN AND BOYS, ♦L6O, BOOTS AND STIOES, HATS AND CAPS, AO., AC fthcmld gentlemen deafly any particular kind or cut of clothing not found In the stock on hand. by leaving thole measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at the cast collier of the Diamond, over Long's ttroeorT. " MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon, Oct. 2 .1e64. ' FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &C., &C. AT TUE FARMERS' NURSERIES, NEAR. HUNTINGDON, PA We Invite farmer. and all who may be la want of riots and runt% to examine our stock of THRIFTY WELL GROWN TREES, At greatly secluded prices to suit the timer, consisting of APPLES—A Site stock of the most approved varieties for general cultivation—good size and thrifty growth Trice 10 eta. each. PEARS—Choice kinds, Standard 50 cts., Dwarf 40 OM each. • CIIERTtIF.S—A file assortment, 40 rte. each. PNACIIES—Our stork of peaches is tine. comprielog a collection of choice Toth ties of superior excellence. furn ishing a succereion of ripe fruit front the let of August to the let of October. Pi ice ten ate. each ;$0 per 100 - PLUMS—A list of the moot desirable and popular kind.. Price. grafted on plum Stock., SU Vs.; on peach stocks, 00 au. each. APRICOTS-50 Its. ; NECTARINES-20 cents ouch. SELECT GILAPES CatAIPW 1fT27115 of the best varieties, said at the very fewest rates, varying in price front 15 cents to $1 each. Any of the new nod rare grapes. native or foreign. if not on band, AM be ordered and furnished at the very low est rates. CURRANTS, 000 S EBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, &C. Early ordm a are earnestly solicited. Packages of trees will bo delis ored in Huntingdon free er eipen No to the p irchaser, and dilly forwarded by the railroad to any place he may designate. Any twilit:l by letter iespecting stock, prises, As. will receive prompt attention. Ihe nurseries are located 5 milos N. E. from Hunting don, on the mid leading from Huntingdon to Crownoccr Mill. and one mils S. E. from tho Warm Springs. Address JESSE GORSUCH, Rept 17-7 M. Box l, Iluntingdon, Pa. TO ARMS 1 RUSH TO TILE STORE OF SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, sad See - the new end elegant assortment of geode he has pet received coneleting in patter Dry Goods, Groceries, catensioure. Ito rdware. Clothing, Bonnets, Hats, thy/3,51W, nett, sad all other articles kept In country stores. which he is offering at his 31ainmoth Stores, at Coffee Ilan Station. at unusually low prices. The public are incited to call and examinable Goods. !Living at nolgettlente with large firms In Philadelphia and other eastout CI ties, he is able to buy his goods cheap er than other country meichants. anti can consequently, undersell them! In exchange for goods, ho lakes all kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. By strict atteution to the a ants of customers, he hopes to receive a con titillation of the liberal patronage with a hich lie has been heretofore favored. Mr. Colts is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to fillip all kinds of Grain to the DAtern markets Having a biro Ware Boom, far mers can store with Mot until ready to ship. Every con venience trill ho afforded them. Sept. 10. 1862-tt F ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS MEC= . . . Z.ly Fore were purchased lu Europe. previous to the rise In Sterling Exchange. and the New Duty Imposed on all Furs, Imported ince the first of August. would also state. that as long as my stock Inst., I will Offer it at pi tees proportionate to Mimt the goods test me; but, it will be impowible for me to Import and hlanutsc- Ynre any more Furs. and sell them at the same prices, owing to the uneettled state of the affairs of the Country. Alcir Remember the •tame. number and street: John yareira, (New For Itre. 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. 6 ept. 15, 12,62.-5 m HEAD QUARTERS , . TOR NEW , GOODS. D■ P. CWIW INFORMS THE PUBLIO THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS TIIAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. Ost. 71,18152. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! IMMENSE STOCK CM ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN AND 108 SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, lIUNTINGDON, PENNA CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Wt. 21, 102 FOR PRESENTS TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN, CALL AT LEW/8' DOOR AND STATIONERY BTORE T HE largect stock of De Laines in town FIBIIER & BON. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at GWIN'S. . NtJBiAS & OPERA CAPS, 311 „am me 00l of 1, "°"°° ,- Pnt °P"'g b v „ man k 43077; 1101.1 DM 1863. THE 1863. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery and - Music Store, NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Than the same article can be bougbt in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, Call at• the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. 111-rAit; Nti P 1 3 ^l'4'l 'ANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! fSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACH''' . EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUSPIENAS, MORTG AG ES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOlt HOUSES, NATURALIZATION "FRS, t'OMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a NS raver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, n Rh a a aver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, m ith Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, owl Aflia3-. tCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of evei y description, printed to order, neatly, at shot t notice, and on good Paper. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS Att SET. DlBMatiesrr r o omegas ltrD FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. JOIIN FAREIRA, 716 ARCH Street slow Eighth, eolith side, FOILADELPIIIk- Importer Allanniattunt • °fatl Dealer in all kind. FANCY RMS. for La. tes' and Children's wear. I dc+iro to any to my lends of Iluntingdon and ie eno rounding Counties ,at I kayo now tit store, to of tho largest and tag beautiful assortment r ail kinds and qualities 'FANCY FURS.for la• in` and Children's wear, tot will be worn during TRACING MUSLIN, DRAYSING AND DRAWING PAPER White and Colored Card Paper, For .ale at LEIVIS" BOOK d STATIONER? STORK B LANK BOOKS, or VARIOUS arm, for .ale •t LEWIS' BOOK ASO STATIONER r KM , : r PISTOLS PISTOLS!! Colt's, Sharps', Smlth & Wesson's, and ail Improved pottorus of Revolvers, Pistols. Cartridges, Porte Knives, &c. dc., for solo at tire Northvale Store of JAMES A. BROWN. linutingdon, Pa. May 21,191 ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail, 50.000, WHITE, BUFF, AND FANC't Sad roirolfed and for Bala at LEWIS' BOOK STORE WI4DO)V SHADES, COEDS, vASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A headsoine assortment Just received and for sale at LEWIS' 11001 C. STATIONERY& MUSIC STORE YOU will find the Largest and Best assortment of Lathes' Drees Goods at VALL at the new CLOTHING STORE of OUTMAN & CO., If you want a good article a. C °thing. Store room in Long's new building, in the Dia mond, linntingd , ” Sept. 9,1857 New Furniture Establishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Rill et., Huntingdon, between Conninghem's Store and Dean's National Rouse, where lie manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to glee hlm a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. b 3• Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins rn ade in any etylo desired, at short notice. .PT Funerals attended at any place to town or coun try, by 3. M. WISE. Uuutiagdon, Sept. 2d, 11362-tf, sulk MAU, TOVICZAINI, WASHING DIBH/J, DM HEN FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE SAVE MONEY, BUY WALL PAPER NOW ! ! WALL PAPER will double in price by spring—all who intend to use the arti cle then, would save money by buying now. several now styles have just been received at .Lmvls' . Book Store. His stock is largo---much of it , was purchased when prices were. low, and ljo is able sell . it now Philadelphia wholesale prices. -• •—;- CB LEWIS' LOWER PRICES FOR BEST QUALITY ORANGE, YELLOW, ENVELOPES, BIRD CAGES, WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, Lc., TAKEN.—ASIIIHt SLAIN, AND THE BACK BONE OF " SECESII" BROKEN But while you rejoice at the success of our gallant troop., and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of IVALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and too our now stock good., consisting of Shy Goods, Grocer!, a, Boots and Shoal, Queens wate, Ct ochot y ware, Tobacco, Seger., Hume. Shoiddet Ysh, Floor, Salt, and a sonata wenn intent of notions, all of u Web are of for on iensonable terms for cash or produce. Huntingdon, July 1, 1862. J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • neNTtNanoN, rA. Office on Hill Street. Huntingdon, Jan. 14, 1802-11. ' It ALLISON MILLER, ,• n DE'N'TIST, Ms removed to the Briek Ron opposite the Coot t House 4111113, 1311. T E. GREENE, . DENTIST. "ctillgas Moe on Tteilroad greet, opposite the Judi. eon Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. March 25, 1862. T. WHITE, H _ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 2, 1601-tt COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! f l osoos A. Drown sells the genuine "PORTLAND Kt:RO UND," on COAL OIL. clear as water. This is the only html of oil that gives entire satisfaction as sn agent for light. ((some of counterfeits and colotod carbon oils. They omit an offensive smell and smolt°. A large wifely also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Olohm, Wicks, Burners, Shades, Ac., Ac., acid st do very lowest prices, at the Ilardwate More, IluLtiug dou, l'a. I(OLLOCK'S DANDELION COE rEm. This preparation, made from the bat Java Coffee. he recommended by physicians an a impel tor NUTITITIOU3 IiIiVEIIAUE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all btllmts disco des. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the coo of coffee will use this without inJut ions effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. ice .25 coots. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and beet BAKING POWDER known, (or making light, owed and nutritious Bread and cakes. Price 15 touts. VIANCFACTMED Ll' M. 11. KOLLOCK, Camsr, Corner of Broad and at/61W Streeter, rIIIIADELPIII.I., And sold by all Drug - Oats and Oroters Ftb. It, 186:1-1y. THE ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Street. beta cell Third and Fourth. Philadelphia. The undersigned, having leased, for a term of yearn, this popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and the travelling coinniimity, that It is now open for the reception of guests. The house billet, the Cast of March last, has been entirbly renovated and refit ted in a superior manner; the apartnienta nro laa go, a ell ventilated and futnislied In modern sty le. It is centrally located, COW, Olden t to all the depot and steamboat lend- Ings.and In the immediate vicinity of the Custom Rouse, Post Office and the Corn Emil-lenge. - . C. pouted with the Hotel is a itcstaurant for the ae columod akin of those ',retelling the European plan.— Prices of Rooms front Three to Seven Dollars per week, according to location. Boarid $1 10 per day. Table dllote for merchants and business men from 1 to 3 I'. M. April 8, 1862.-1,. In' =I x is t'] F _, I-. )--1 r-4 (/) ITI 2 0 s i mpv I. *seibigao SONGS AND BALLADS, M., The Dive Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, The Dime Union Song Book, The Dime Military Sony Book, The American Dime Song Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Songskr, Direy's Essence of linrni Cork 4rongater, Gus Shaw'l Comic Eons, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiquette, New Dime American Joker, The Dime and other nuela, The Dime Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, Nos. 1 cfs 2, The Dime Speaker, Kos.l (ft 2. The Dime Cook Book, D. P. a rrEls Tha Dime Recipe Book For nth at Lwrna' 8001, STATIONEtT IND /111110 BEM! UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WILLIAM AFRICA MO AGAIN COMMENCED TILE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OE If. ROMAN'S CLOTRINO STORE. 1110 old cuotomeal and tho public generally, will glue him a call. [Huntingdon, Ott. 20,1858.) ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- The undersigned respectfully Inform the public hat they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and will continue the business, and endeavor to give general setts fact lon. All orders will he promptly attended to. ROTIIROCK, WM. N. KIRBY. Alexandria, Yob, 22, 60 TIIE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN a n l f l o L rm AtT g A t ia 11 , 1— . T da h o a Lib t te a r ipbuelitake generally,tb 1 - i . • • t 1 , 1 1 3, have .. . r r e . b . it o i rebuilt the i ~,, Huntingdon e..fuope r =l: filkl ‘ lifillil and aro prepared to furnish Castings of •, , 5 1 .11:13.,,:a l every description, of best quality and '. • ' ---. u orkmanshlp, on shalt notice, and on reitionablo terms. Farmers aro Invited to call and exam. ins our Plough,. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. Title plough took the first premium at the Hun. tlngdon musty Agricultural Foie last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—fogether with the Keystone ' Ilillelde and 13ar-ehear ploughs, We have on hand and aro manufacturing gtovea—ouch as Oook, Parlor and O ffi ce stoves for wood or coal. Hollow ware, cznelattug of Kettles, Boilere, Skillets,, Sc., all of which w e will sett, cheap for cash or In exchange far coon. try produce. Old metal taken for castings. Joy a Strict attention to lineinese, and a desire to please, wit hope to re etlve a liberal ehre of public yotronage. ...m iii . , J. M. CUNNINOHAH - A BRO. Huntingdon, Apt it :10, MS. IfirSTINGDON, PA HENRY NEIL. ISAAC L. DEVOE, e-; qb\ ,p, , ror. EY.CRYBODY FOR BALE AT NEW FIRM ! 11ARBLE YARD. The undersigned 1 r i_ would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of luntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. 110 Is preptued to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental 51arble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of.ltallan or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and calved slat appto. prints devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Boor sud Window' Sills, Sc., sill he furnished to enter. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material a n d was It manehip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchaso elsewhere. Shop on UM street, Huntingdon, Da. . WM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 16, 1955. MILITARY BOOKS. REMISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF TUE WAR DEPARTMENT. The boo], is en octane of CO pages, in elegantly printed on fine paper, with new hold t> pi,, and lum an admirable exhaustive index, for which every officer will be ginteful, the moment Ids eye rests upon it, as no former edition has ever had fill index, and the want of ono has been long felt In the Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of War. contain ing many nupot tent cot rectlond ; also, eeleLtions born the Shhhu y Acts of Congress, including those pass,' at the Inst tiiiPiioll. MICR 00. FOR SA LE AT LEWIS' ROOK STORE C'AVALRV TACTICS', [AUTHORIZED EDITION.) By Major William Gilliam, U. S.l, Ju . st publielled and fur snl• nt LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Complete in one voluule. Privo $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANT P. IT TACTICS. For the instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of the United States Infantry, including In fantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Rine. • men, prepared under tho din eaten of tho War T, Depot tment, and authorized and adopted by the Secretary of War, May 15t,1861, contain. .k MXg the school of the soldier; tho school of the I' J.' company; instruction for skit mishcrs. nod the general calls: the calls fur Llsirminheis, and the ; 3 school of the battrthun ; Including the articles of oar end a thetionat y of minim y terms. Complete in one volutne. Price SL2S. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. MEI THE HANDY BOOK MEW U-Y.II'E.D STATES SOLDIER, Ou Caning into service: containing a complete *stem at Instruction In the school of the &ditto, with a pi elinilita ry oxplanation of the formation of a Battalion on Palacio, the P.a.liion of the cancels. Ac., .Yo., being n first book or introduction to militia iced U.S. Infantry 'Tactics, Just pub lished. Price 25 cents. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORK' AL' 0, Hardee's Rik and Light Int'mar TACTICS, Complete in 2 rola. Price $1.50. Fnr sale et LEWIS' BOOR STORE. no Books scot by mail to any ruldsCal an tlso re eipt of the price. Huntingdon May28;2861. SCLIOOL BOOKS; FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A MO 1C STO4B lICYZINCIDON, PA OSGOOD'S Speller. lot, 2d. 3d, 4th and sth 'Teodoro. 51'0UFFEI"S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and now editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. Fiteh's Physical Geography. Warresio Physical Geography. Bitchy 'Monteith and MeNally's Geographies k Atlases Camp's Geography, with Key to lulitchell's Outline Maps. Webster's and IVorcester's Inctioniti ion. Otmekenbos' First Lessons in Comp..ltion. tluackeoWs Composition nod Rhetoric. ("teenleers, Stoddard'e and Brooks' Arithmetic'. Petcrsou'iu Familiar Science. GI eenleal'a and Studdard's Kaye to Arithmetic'. Greenleaf's and "Moles' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algolna. Perkeen Juvenile Philosophy. Parker'il First LC111)115 in Natural Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. y of the United States. Child'. Goodt Ides " Payson, Bunton and Se:Rler's Penmanship, lo cloven numbers. Putter & Ilammoud's Penmanship to twelve numbers. Academical, Controller.' and other Copy Books. Belie? N.lrinentary Geoinsolynand Ti igonomotry. Davies' Lcurtedre'a Ocusibutom Greenleaf'' (4ollielr,c,CA) 41 Fulton & I.l4stiiitait's Bek-Irceping. Book Keeping'by Single Entry, by Han:ond & Paynon Book Keoping by bungle and Double Entry, by llnnrtford & Payee a. Other bunk. Will Lc added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationmy always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE SI'OCIC AND SPLEND3D ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE PENS! PENS!! GET THE BEST! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C• BARNARD'S Celebrated "Conugated Metal" Pens I= AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county Pnicas-25 eta. per dozen or $2 per gross rpu CORRUGATED METAL" PENS, mado by C. BARNARD, aro the best Com. nunclal and School Pens, tVititout exception to any.— They are need by all the principal Banks nod Government Departments, Public And Private Schools; also, by the most prominent Commercial nouns throughout the Uni ted States and Canada. But a short time has elapsed since C. BARNARD'S PENS have been Introduced into the Tinged States, still a mark ed preference la given them over all others, for the follow. fog reasons: Tho " Corrugated Metal " PENS do not cor rode; they will not splatter or cut through the thinnest paper; they have all easy gliding motion, a certainty of equall) diffusing the Ink, softness of point, and great du• rability. The following testimonials, selected from numerous others, are lenactfolly submitted: I have used the Metallic rens of Mr. C. Barnard and highly approve of them. - C. BARSTOW, Presant of 47. :Nicholas Lunt, New York. We have used the Pens of Mr. Barnard, and and them to be as he represents, and take pleasure in recommend ing them to the public. WELLS, 1?AltGO k CO., A. MULLIGAN, atelier. C. Barnard's Pens have been tried, and are highly ap preyed in this aim 6. O. OULItIN, Auditor C. S. Custom House, New Tork. Haring tried the corrugated Pens made by Mr. Barnard, I can recommend them as excellent. - SAMUEL L. BREESE, ammandald Navy Yard, Brooklyn. Wo adi ours to above recommendations. 11. D. CROMWELL & CO., Now York I hove no hesitation in saying liarnard's Pena are de cidedly the best I have ever used. ' S. C. ❑AY, Agent United States lipress Ca., Neat Ye,*. We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Bernard's Anti- Corrosive Pens as tho best ever brought under our notice, without exception. WILKINSON, STETSON & CO., Park Place, Niue York T. B. IIUOIIES, Cushier. We bare been using the Pons of Mr. C. Barnard, and take groat pleasure in recommending them to tho public, as they aro nu excellent article, and sit lie represents them to be. A. J. CLINTON,. Socrelary Engte Insurance Co., Veto Upon trial we have found Mr Barnard'. Pens to be ex cellent. FRED, PROBST & CO., New York. I would recommend Mr. Barnard's Pena as rt superior article to any I hare used. GOUVII, E EMMY, Now York We add 011111 to the above recommendation,. UNDERHILL, HAYMAN!) A CO., New York Of all Pens I hate ever used, Mr. Bernard's have given me facto satisfaction, and 1.11 tecomntoud them to the public as being entirely anti-corrosive. E. POIREIt, Note York. After six months' constant use of C. Barnard's Anti- Corrosive Pen, Ise can eonfidently recommend It as the best medallic pen wo have ever too4l,lindlng from the above experience that ft does not actually corrode. 8. MaliAN d CO : , New York. 0. BARNARD , Iltbutrai':tuter Cottuinteci Metal Pen,'" 7tobtfAtii4c - ClZeibinfal. Jim. P, 116'2. ' - ==l CULL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want V 000 D GOODS, ASplendid variety of Carpets, only 26 cts. per yard. FISIIEIt & SON. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tlftil, at D. P. °WIN'S. LIQUORS, of the best, for Medieina purposes at 5. S. SMITH'S. fi r er''' . COUNTRY DEALERS eau :77 buy CLOTHING Item me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE at cheap as they ran lu the cities, a., I bare a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 11,1858. IL ItOMAN. A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for anlo cheap, nt D. P. GIVIN'S. THE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can ala be found at the chesty , slurs of FISHER & SUN, ..-,, VIOLINS, 4 G unAns, SYMVIIONIANS, ACCORDIONS AND FIVES, For sale cheap at LEWIS' WOK, STATIONERY & AUSIC STORE WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Dooks, Stationory and Muiacal In3tru Manta, illlntitigiion, Pa. Ca d , De d alers in Ready Tla DIES' FURS, a splendid variety Cheap by }ISMER d SON. ENVELOPLS— Dy the box, peek. or tees geantlty, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STA T/OSAIRJ . s role E AXTRAPPING PAPER! Y A good otticlo for sole et I LEWIS' BOOK ?TORT, Tr you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call al D. P °WIN'S whale you will and tho lot gtot gorlinent in town. QCIIOOL BOOKS, Generally in mu In the Schools of One County, not OD hand, en ill ha fnroivhrd to order. mappliention ppt 1.P.117.5' BOOK, AXE 52',4 TIONERT STORE. TII E CY T Alt A—Th e - CM Pro al, yte rinn Paalntodist—The tilntu n—TheJultilee-1 I un ten's and Dattinra enlat ged and imp, oved hist: uctors—Weilaturs Tow and Improved Method for the oel —l.elttrent tkettot , Icon, Violin and Flute Imdttlettori—Winner's and llown't, Violin Irish neturs—Dellalt'a :tlelotleon Instructor—Bur. too es' Plano-Porto PH:net—do. Thorough-Dan Printer— llowe'n Drawing Room Dances—The I:limits Oleo Book— Tata'a Ilei p, rot pole at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE CTONE-\VAItI at S. S. Smith's Oro cery,42o per cent. cheaper thnn any other pl*co in town. THE beet Tobacco in town, at D. P. BWIN'S OLD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exchange for goods at the Hardware Store Sept. 3, 1862. JAd. A. BROWN )LADY RECKONER. A complete rocket Retitly Reckoner, In dollars and cent., to Ns hick are added, I,n on of Note., Bills, Ite. ceipte, Petition., (c., together n ith a net of u.eful tabba. containing rate of interest hem one dollar to Welts thou.- and, by the single day, 1, ith a table of a ages, and hoard by the week and day, published In MO. For .ale at LEWIS; BOOK STORE. ENVELOPES, wholesale and retail, for sale LEE IS' TIOOK STORE. , BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of miscellaneous and School Books—Foolscap, Letter. Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sires—Peas, Pencils. Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and every other article usually found In a Book and Stationery Stine. can he hod at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. Dli. JOAN MeCULLOCII, offers his profesdlonal ele,irols to Um citi.zen, of Hunting/lon and vicinity. Mice on 11111 street, one door east of Reed's Ding atoto. Aug. 2.5, Q S. 5311'.111, Dealer in Drugs, Medi c). eines, Purloiner.), Stuffs, Oils, .S.c. co lee. Cuillectiumnies, Sc.. Huntingdon, Pa. TM. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. • ' , minden, Huntingdon. Pa TAMES A. BROWN, Denkr in Itardunre, Cutlery, (Wilts, Oil., Hunt ingdon, Pa. TA - ROMAN, Mitdo Clothing, lintx Alld Cap, T 1 P. GIVIN, Dealer In Dry Gentili, Groceries, Tiartiwnro, Queens and e. hats mai Caps, Mots and Shows, &e. FisHmt& SON, - Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain. dc., Huntingdon, Pn. TM. WILLI AMS, W Pllllll Roil 0. Emmental Marble Manlancturer pocKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK OX ILLYD AT LEWIS' BOOK.ST6RE - ROOK BINDING. 01,1 Books. Magazines, or publications of nny kind, mmd to order. if kit at LEWIS" BOOK STATIONER.'" STORE. BUSINESS XI EN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want your cant uratly printed upon enrol op., call st LEWIS' BOW: AND srA TIOYERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article 'of Note Paper and Euvelopre, suitable for confidant/tit cm respoodunee. fur tale at LEWIS' BOOK Et- STATIONERY STORE. I)APER ! PAPER: Note, Yost , Commercial, niobium sod Flatcap—a good aeleuttment for sale by the ream, half ream, gain or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW ROOK k STATIONERY STORE 'DAItCIIMENT DEED PAPER-- ruled, for solo of Llmus. BOOK STORE. MONTHLY For haloat TIME BOOKS, LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. fl o O f OP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hone, at prim; from 25 cte. to $2,00 at the cheap 11. P. GIVIN. TjARRI,pIMIG STONCIVARE !!! j_ Crocks, JUgs, Preserve Jars &c., &c., of superior quality. Sold only by JAMES A. DROWN. Y. GWIN keeps the largest, best assortment and cheapest shoes In town. Call and examine them.. 1100PED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be sold for $1 25 of the cheap etoro of FISIIEIt & SON. Tr you want handsou e Goods, good Good; cheap Good; and all Ma I of Goods, got, D. P. 1.1111! 'B. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to he found at D. P. °WIN'S el . UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A k_A large assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. H3l SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's kjrthan can be had in town. Call and eee them. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best (pal ouly, 60 cta. each. FISHERk SON. mICA LAMP CHIMNEYS- Just ft:cared at the hardware store of JAS. A. BROWN - 11 - 1 P. GIVIN'S is the place to buy • good aud cheap CeU pet.. F RANKLIN HOUSE, IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor Tho cilizem of the comity, and etrangera end traytdere generally, will find comfortable occommodatl g gs fit tille home. (live no a trial. (APO 4 , 186011 TACK,SON lIOTE - • • hiniTuicikls, P. 4 OttAriTS 7,sltt,eit AVHAT EVERYBODY WANTS. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS =I I:37ZE=EI33TIMIIICI:I3 It Tells You llow to dram op PAarsenstit? PAPERS and ghee general forms fur AuREESIENTS of all BILIN of SALE, LEASES alai PETITIONS. It Tells Tuo Ilow to draw op BONDS and MORTII tore, AF FIDAVITS. POR ERR of ATTORNEY, Io MB 1111 d BILLS of EXcIIANGE. BEM PIR and RELEASES. it Teal You The Inas fur the COLLECTION of Doers, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION nod amount and kind of properly ENE3LITT from EXECID non in every State. It Tells nu How to mho an dem:deur properly, with forms for COMPOSITION wntir CREDITORS, nod the Issorstrer Lows of every State. IL Tells Yore The legal I Oath,. existing between G use, DIAN and WARD, 31.terta and APPRENTICE, and 'Asturian and TENANT. It Tells Too What constitntes LIBEL and SLANDER, and the Lau as to MARRIAGE Doreen, the WIFE'S Mout IN PRoPERTY, DIVORCE and Ilusioszr. IL Tells l'Ou The Law for Munro:des' ',less in every State, and the NATURALIzATION LAWS of this conn try, and how to comply with the some. it Tells Tou The law concerning Dr.NeroNs and how to oh tarn uric, and the ri.EmPILON Loos to Peruse Lsoos. It Tens lola The Law for PATENTS, With modo of proce [lore in obtaining one, a ith INTLIrrEItENeLS, ASSIGNMENTS turd TABLE Or FEES. It Tells You How to n o nce your Wil L. and how to ADMIN. LATER 01 AN ESTATE, sr rth the law and are regairements thereof in every State. It Tells You The Inearring of LAW Tr.nos iu general Use, and °splatter to you the Larder srivr, EXE CUTIVE and JUDICIAL Doom of both the lieneral and State MOVERAMLZ , TS. it Yells You Iluw TO KEEP OUT OP LAW, by showing how to do your InIMIreAS legally, tints saving a vast amullitt Of property, and TeXatloliS litigation, by its tintely consultation. 4 - e- Everybody's Lao yer is for sale at Leo IS' Book Store ,-- -- 7 -- - , .. ' ...1 • . - - A - _ AV •,' $' ~' '11 , 1-g• : ,,,,1 , 1 1(AP ~-° 4 .z. , ,0;,1,,. : Ilii,l 4 , „v.„,,0 ; , t ,..,. ~, ~,,..:,k,.., ..tt; , :s. -.... , Ni.,*,4.4 , „ ~ , ii t ,k, , '`' ''',.,,.t - f?. , ..‘' e...,e''...?: Lv .1-- , *zyi... ~ ,„ . ; de , ie. 4 1.'„,. • . 1 4,* 7 - . „4,17•:" ~,,, ' I, .V .,, V S , ''' , i z OMC , , 41 %;V, , , c b lc, '4, ; 2 4 .: - . 1 144,,.. 5.- , c.'<' c' . -.0, , ,: ' '`.k.,,'",` '"e. -,,,,, 1. ..,...„.;-::: ittO --' fn '.!P 'f l 1r \ ;1',„1=)„,„ ``. - v? •:. ''',' 0 %. ',.c.. :'''' ', ~.4."- --:,, "QUICK SALES AND SW I.L PROFITS!' knybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, I= ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, T mum TALVABLR AND INTSIZZJTIM COOIS, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTIIUMPINTS, CIIURCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOK;, sitERT 31021 C for 11. Piano, thiitikr, Ao., Ac., "POCKET 130089, PORTMOINNAIES AND PVRBE.9, For Ladies and llantlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS AWARD CARDS AND BOORS, For Sunday and Common Sclioola, SCEDAY SCHOOL BOONS OF ALL KINDS TOY BOOKS., ALPHABET BLOCKS, AC., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Noper for Boys and Girls. AMUSING GAMES For Young Folhn WEDDING EAVELOPES AND CARDS, hIARRIAUE TISITINU CARDS, CHECKER BOARDS, 110311N089, LO., CONTEINATION cAnDs, SONO BOOICS, From G to 75 cents BLANK BOOK 9, Memorandum &ores of Various Size.% SCHOOL BOOKS or ALL KINDS, DIARIES FOR 18C3 Lo dtVIII9 and Dlottiny roper, lined mid Capd Boards, WHITE: BONNET BOARD, IMILLIDLE, CARULTP, RED, RUT ADD BLACK IMES, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID ening Paper et Different tiizom and Quail tlem, do. Ae. de. de. he. de. &. I=l LEWIS' Cnzsr BOOK, STATIONEKI ♦ND MEMO Stmt, In the "Globe" building, Markot Square, where nll who wont to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases • NEW BOOKS ! FOlt SALE AT LEWIS' DOOR STORE THE HORSE: A Nr.vr Pootur MANUAL, of Rural Archltec• tore; or. flow to Build Dwellingn, Borne, Stables, and Out Dwellings of 01l kinds. With a Chapter on Churchen and School-Douses. nice, 50 crate, MP. GARDEN: A Now POCKET NIANTsv. of Practicel for. ticulture; or. Now to Cultivate Vegetable'', Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees and Phi übs. Pries, 50 cents. TILE FAIt3I: A NRIT Pocitrr MINuAt, of Practical Agri• culture; or, ilow to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With an Essay on Yarns 31anagernent, etc. l'rice, 4io cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New Poem' MANUAL of Cattle, horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, How to 'treed and Bear the Yellow., Tenants of the Darn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO TALK: A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Conrerantion and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Sty le, end more than FiTO Hundred Common NIP takes Corrected. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO BEHAVE: A Nzw Poceec newt of Aerial,H -UM Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits; vi int Rules for Debating Societies nod Deliberative As. zeinblies, etc. Price, 60 routs. 110 W TO DO BUSINESS: A Nsw Pecan 3lsmosf. of Practical Affairs and fluids to success in Life; with a Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of COM. mercial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY s FIXTURES, TAP', CORK .TA &PM, I=l AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOIL L..4.D/Ris OENTLEMEN, VER RECr.I YE D HUNTINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD la LEWIS' 11001 E, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. HOOTS and SHOES, the largest and JI clic:west amrtnient in ton, 0 D. P. °WIN'S. ALT ! SALT!! SALT !! ! Jut iev r he i l fro m ,tho Onondaga Salt Convouy, yrocore, N. Y., to be eohl on eanninietion, either µbrio. vale or retail, II NF.I..Y ;WO SACKS or SALT. Oct. at. Via) neArEit P. FON. ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S • ROHRER'S ROHRER'S - PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. r , OIIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, • A Boob of Plain Rules and Cittcalutionr,firr Busitten Op l • rationii, by Marlin Itohrer, Practical Surveyor and aniveyancer. Nem Editton,publisheti by J. B. Lippiet colt d Co., Pbauctelphict. This work contains 204 pages, and upvi arils 01500 Rldoi and Example 4, entirely and thoroughly practical •ieli a, arise every day In the common paisuits of Business. it Ins already passed through a moldier of editions In rapid succession, and is !Pronounced by all classes of hollnins men to ho tho handiest book of reference, pertainincto calculations, that has Wer been published. Er cry example in the book is corked out in full and stated in a plain manner, su that alien n parallel case ail sea. those ieferring to the work st ill find no difficulty in salting it; inn mold, the genera) arrangement 01 the CALCULATOR is siinplo, that any One n Ire knows how to mid, siadiacs multiply oral divide, can easily BOIVO filly et dinary example that arises in business, or arrive at II a tine result orally estimate leqiihol. The chief aim of the author has been to °schen theory and philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts and sinipli• city, belies log that lousiness men euro little abed open ding time in disowning tiro philosophy of rules, of filo science of civics, deeming it sufficient fur their port oe• to be able at a moment. by I eferenee, to al l ire at the 1 result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect floor all other Malmo:tics of the day and kindred mot lea—it is a key to practical business calculations—a ie. iu Ohl hand. of fire business man, mina the key to mathematical works in Olio hands of the teacher in• the sr Imol room—ll fault i totes time and kettle. Cot reettieSi. TIIE WORE TREATS OF TILE Measurement of Laud, of Lumber, of Brick ant Brick Work. of Stone and Stolle Mork, of glair. and Oath bin* of cunt and coal bins, of wood • of sonde, of liquids cf cir cular, equate or in egular sessets. of cisterns and vats, of roofing, ut plaster en's, panacea. glazier's, paver% plumb ees, paper hanger's and uplioletei ere' work. 41 tients of currency and of foreign and domestic exchange, of the decimal 53 stein, of l eduction and its extended application to business. ul simple and compound Intel ea*, antl theiKV: anti,. application to tontines tionsactions, sr ith the have . ' and usages governing the whine, together unit numarous commet chit forms—of legal tender• of partial payuntia on notes, of bank itg outl hank discount, of equation of Pay. inent and 01 parti ership accounts, of tleSeetnlent of taro., of It eights and measures, of Willer(' aid cubic 111011811te, of the equer , e root nod applicatlon to or surface,, eXearatiell, and of many other import - lint practical matins not 1N ithia the scope of nn adveitisoneut to mon . tiler,. IT IS JEST TILE BOOK . F01: TIM Fanner. the merchant, the mechanic, the itrilcan, or the. pr ofradonal man. It has proses a valuable auxiliary to 'o the Moyer. the justice of the peace, the cons eynncer. and reel estate broker, to the :noses.,or, tho banker, ara elerk,yj to the oh it engineer and the 81111 . 9 a; to Zinc carpenter : and bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper hanger and uplialhteior, to the paver and the tiler, Lc., de.; each and all will find it adapted to the:r ions svanta better than tiny book N11,11410[1. 4's" price. 50 cents. For sale at Loisio' Book Store. Huntingdon, Der. 26, 1960. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES/- BY nonEirr JENNINGS, V. S., Professor of Path,.lvy and Operatite Surgeryinfthe ' Veterinary Cotteye of Plniactelphia, rle., ere,' WILL TELL YOU Of the Oi igin, Ilktory and„ dlrilnati re unite Of the rat ions breed.dbr European, Asiatic, All kan and - American Iloree, Kith the physics'' formation and ixes ctlllarities of the ouinial, and how to ascertain Into stn by the number and condition of ha teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engraving, TITS HORSE AWIIIS DISEASES - - WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling ° Peed in. Grooming, nbeeing, and the gener al management of the horse, with the beet modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, hearing, Shying, Stritubling. Crib-Bits log. Restlessness, and other vices to which he le Sul jeCt; meth utawerous ex. plauutury engravings. TILE HORSE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the rauseg,eymptunes,and Treatment Of Strangles, Sara Throat, Distemper, Cantlele, Influenza, Bronchitis, Paan• amnia, Plenramy, itruken Wind, Chrun• is (Jungle, healing and Whistlmg,Lam• pas, Sure Montle and Ulm and Do g nyod Teeth, with other diseloca of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs, 4116 1101151; AND 1113 DISEAUS WILL TLLL YOU Of the .10101,133nat.toma,ancl Treatment of Wm nts, Buts, Cholic, Strangulation. Stony Coos. tiona, Itopturee, rainy, Ite.t, Jan II dice, liepatirrlidt,lneedy nomea in the Kidneys aml Bled der, latlnntation and other dudeame of the btlllll.ll, Doodle, Liver nod Us. auy (Agana. THE 110ItSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the cantos, nytuptonm, end Trost mom of Bung, Blood and flog, Fravin. • Eang Bono, Sutanie, 16tanine, Mania finuLo, Wind (Julio, Initudor, Crankod Guam. Solo liming anti Grant I, Canker • &Tata/en, Thopth nod Con,; 0.0, Nestling, tigo, Epilepsy, Singing and other direims of Otto loot, Logs nod liend. THE 110115 E AND NIS DIU-MS WILL TELL YOU Of the , 1111.,. nl inptom, and Treat• went of I. iitnla, roll Evil, (Madero, Ferey, Scai let Fever, Mange, Surfeit. Lucked Jaw,ltheuinallsm.Clantp,o.lle, biecnes of the l e and 'lnn, &a, ke., and how• to manage Catenation, Bind ing, Trephining, Roweling. Viling, Re, Amputation, 'l'npping, and oth er .11;k:a ope/ Attune. THE nortsn AND HIS DJSE.tSES WILL TELL YOU Of 'Wu's Method of taming Rom.; Low to Approach, !falter, or Btabl• a C'ult; bow to ntcuitons a horse to attango sounds and 2106, and how to Lit, S.l:flu, Shin, nod Itrealt hhn to 11,ttuess; also the fort. and law of 11AUIRNTY. The 41110:0 bong tho ra snit of to yenta' anoint study of the pcculiurttles, wants and weak. unsos of this stable sad maul satin). For solo at Lewis' Book Store. ►l3llll I'LOI•LL'S COOK BOOK. MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCIIE37 MISS ELJZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by ifr. J. S. hale 17 Taus Yoe How to eltootea!l kinds-0f Meats, Poultry, arid Game, with all tiliNariout and moat approved ;nodes or dfiebiug and cooking Ileof and Perk; alto the boat and shupleat nay of &tiling, pickling nud curing the IT Tine You AU the vat ions and most approved moths of dressing. cuuktfig, and honing Mutton, Lamb, Vest, Poultry, and game of all kinds with the different Dressings, Grail - so, and Stuilltigs siipiiiiirinto to each. Jr TALL! tot How to choose, clean, and preserve Fish et' all Muds, and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress ing., Baum, and Flavorings appropriate to each. Ii Tutu You All tho various and moat approved mode"! pi °paring o‘er SO kiwis of Meat,liah,Forrl, Game, and Vegetable Soo., Itroths, and Edema, with the Hellish. nod Seasonings appropriate to each, Ir TELLIS You All the Tarim) and most apyrored mods of cooking Vegetables of evoy description, also how to prepare Pickles, Ctteops and Curries of all kinds, Petted Meats, Fish, Game, Mushrooms, de. IT Timm You All the minas and most approved medal, et preparing and cooking all kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes. Confectionary, Preeerree, Jellies, and !wed Dishes of ovary &scrim lion. Trua You All the varione and most approved modes,. of making Bread, Rusks, Mullins, amt. Ale.' suit, and the best method of preparing; Coffee, Chocolate. agd Ten, and bow tcs` make Syrups, Cordials, and Whist of Mt ' risme kinds. It Taw You How to net out and ornament AYALA, how. Carve alt kinds of Fish, Flesh or lAnvY, iifd 111 short, how to ao simphfy the whole Art \ of Cooking as to bring the cholera lurnrlnd of the table within tlle everybody's reach. For Salo at Lowia' Book Store. , THE HORSE AND 'HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND ms. DISEASES; THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES; A VALUABLE BOLA, For sale at LEWIS' Book stove. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S, LAwyE4. A VALUABLE BEANE: For solo at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILI DCPTOX, TIIE FAMILY DOCTOR, VALTI4B,IiE BOOK, For eale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETU ON THE lIONEF BEE, LONGSMETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LONOSTRETII ON 'ME HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS'iBook Store. DOWNING on WIT and•FRUIT TREES DOWNING on FIWIT find FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT (Intl FRUIT TREES A y4LUABLE BOOK, Tor to at LEWIS' Alouk Stor.