The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 25, 1863, Image 3

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    - ,lr}pc Cobe.
- ,
`Wednesday morning, Feb. 25,1863.
Frnms—For information to the tra
veling public we would state that, un
der the present arrangement, on the
Penna. Railroad, on Monday morning
there is no tnst line eag, no BaltiMore
Express west, and 110 Emigrant train
west. And on Sunday there is no
Fast Line west, no mail train east or
west. The EmigTaut train runs west
ward only, and is used only as an ac
commodation train, and stops at all
the stations; its time here is 12.30. It
is a great convenience to Ilia local
The Coal deposit, erected by the
Penna. Railroad Company at the up
per• end of town is almost completed.
At Otis point all the locomotives on
the Middle Division between Altoona
and linfrishurg,tre to take their coal.
This does away with the deposit now
in use at Mifflin. This point is chosen
on account of its being so convenient
to the IL & B. T. R. R. We have
heard that the probable consumption
at this place will be 150 tons per day.
The deposit is built large enough to
store several thoasand tons of coal at
one time.
Lamhurn, Esq , Inspector
of iron and coal for the Penna. Rail-
Road, paid the dderent *coal mines on
Broad Top a visit recently ; he enjoys
the reputation of being a scientific
gentleman, and we know he well un-
derstands his Iluinesg. Jle intetl>
firing the yarions coals a thorough
And as the Penna. Railroad Cu.
are Oesirous of purchasing the best
quality, .w..) presume they will be
governed in future by his report.
In a letter received retehtly from
our fellow-towntman, Illaj. Lawrence,
of the 125th IZegt., P. V., we arc glad
to t.ay the Major is enjo)ing
health as could be expected under the
eircums.tauees. The Rogt. has under-
gOtie SCrins; severe service. It, wits at
Stafford Court House. They muster
now salve 3,5!) nicn,—the hal:ince of:
the men are discharged, sick and (in ;
detached duty'.—
A bad practice.--We would caa ,
the attention of parents to the fact,!
that the boys of this place ate in the
habit of hanging on and jumping off
of freight trains while passing Ilirou L !.li:
town. This is a damigutoas praeilee,
and should be stopped; if it is not yon'
may look out tOr broken buttes, atid
perhaps have a ptouti-lug suit brutigia
Lome a wangled corpse.
—Large sale ot laud.—The Juniata
Forge property at Petersburg, with
eight, thousand acres of land. was sold
on Monday last, die Wilt nit,c., for the
sow W . thousand doliar6, to Mr.'
John R. Hunter of that place. It be
longed to the estate of Peter Shoot
bcrger. Theme is an evideiit desire
fbr capitalists to their Money ltl
real estate.
Our young friend, ..‘djt. S. T. Da
vis of lto,(craus' army, paid us a pup
visit on Wednesday last. lie looked
remarkably \veil, and 'eels and talks
like a man should feel and talk who
has the success of our arias at. (legit
lie expects to be in the next grand
battle. Our best wishes arc with him.
journeyman printer working
at the ilionitur office for sonic
was arrested on Monday, charged with
insulting several females on the street:,
during the evenings of last week.—
lie was taken before Esquire Swoope,
who, lifter hearing evidence, bent Mr.
printer to board with Mr. Sheriff J oh n
—Capt. _Reed, of Broad Top, who is
extensively - engaged in erecting build
ings at the various mining operations,
has recently purchased the half inter
est in du, Planing Mill, formerly oWn
ed by Thomas 11cCauley of Altoona.
This will facilitate his business very
much, and enable him to rush his work
The Capt. is it working man.
r: piu I:,
The string band at Duniey, is
improving with rapidity under the in
struction of Prat. Eder; they play some
soul stirring airs. The professor re
sides in Blair county., but his classes
are scattered all through this sectum
Qf the country.
We had a snow-squall again last
Tuesuay. The buis amused thew
solves as usual in front of our office.—
They gave us a ride on one of their
jUropers to the upper corner and back.
l"leduing was good, and we thought,
i " \Yount I were a boy again."
:Sew Store.-11' M. Urhisun,
of this pitteu has commenced the erec
tion ta a new store house at Dudley.—
It i s situated immediately opposde
Mr. R. B. Wigton's stoi'c j he has our
best wishes i'ot• his r , uccer,n.
A party of yUttng Indies and gen-
denten of this place had a (lancing
party ttL sjtt uce ()reek on the uVening
Of the 1 i th, at the Railroad llow,e,
Avere hantkotnely entertained by their
"host Mr. liablett. They returned bat
istied with their trip.
circulation—Counterfeit three:,
on the Bank of Penn towliblup,
They ate well executed. Look out
for them.
Sharp-shouters shotild give atten
tion, and be . att McAlevy's fort on
,Saturday, March it h. - A double, barrel
gun and a gold watch will be. shot fin%
Enquire of S. Yocum.
—'On Sunday, %N•o had another
snow, sufficient to make pretty good
sleighing up to this time, Tuesday, P.
M.; what it will be to-morrow we will
not venture .10 guess. Tallow and
beeswax may he in demand.
—Out o r s i g ht— g old and silver and
our street crosidngs.
Going up—tlie bonnets of the ht
dies and.the price of wool.
—Spunky—the ladies %rho wanted
to tar and feather the " nice young
Sound—the people of Old Hunt
ingdon on the war question.
. Getting- sick —the •• peace " party
of - Hun tingdon county.
—A new stock of Photograph
Frames at Lewis' Book Store.
—Still on the increase—loyal sub
scribers to the Globe \vitt' the ready
—Senator St utzman and Represen
tative Benedict will accept our thanks
for Records, etc,
Congressman Wright will accept
our thanks for valuable pub. doe.
—All the talk—lhe speech of the
brave old patriot Funk in the Illinois
—Will be finished this week—the
new Skylight Photograph Gallery a
few doors west of the " Globe " office.
FIRE.—On last Saturday morning
about one o'clock, Eagle Foundry, the
property of Mr. J. W. Scott, about 3
miles from Broad Top City, was dis
covered to be on fire. The flames
spread with rapidity, and,-notwith
standing the efforts made to extin
guish it. was soon entirely consumed.
The property was a good one, and the
loss is heavy, as there was no insur
ance. It was supposed to be the work
of an incendiary.
•' writing under date of
Feb. Lith
Perhaps not in the memory or the
oldest inhal)itatif, has F• 0 much been
done in one season in the Lumber bus
iness, as has been done this Winter.--
We It not rof).)r our manysaw mills,
preparing boards and scantling for
warket, for the amount sawed is not
!tlenter- than ti-tai. But we allude to
the thousands and Letts of I.llolls
nods oh' 11011)1)010S Z\11(1 straps that
have, Loon manuractured and carted
to the Railroad for thirty dollars per
thousand. We ruler to the Locust Pin
'This has given profit:title
ovetpation to many families during
the stormy days of Winter. Perhaps
one-third of our population have been
ef,taged in getting. out these plus at
ten dollars luir thousand. We know
onv its it ideal , whin have taken 011 1
as many as twenty-five and thirty
By the Lumber business we allude
to the gettin,2: ota ut to my thowttand
Httiirttail 'rtes. `Phis may be consider
ed a 11, , w teat flre in the iituilter busi
ness here. Iliereitilitre very few ties
have heel , furitishei.i, the distance to
cart them to the Railroad being so
groat. It would not pzly to h:1111
!wary kit Now the carting is
almost etitirel3- dispett-ed with. E.telt
mail is to ileposit the ties on the b a nks
)it the Tuscarora Creek and ut lii t h
water he is to assist in pilinuing them
in. The price received is thirty dol
lars per hundred.. Company con
tracting for thy same superintend the
floating of them down to the Juniata,
where it machine is constructed to lift
them oat o f the wale!. as they arrive.
They may be tieptrsited On the banks
of the creek as high as Nossy . ille. Tell
township, and thencc to the mouth of
the creek. a. distance of thirty miles,
as it best suits the convenience of each
individual. This brings into market
a large amount of barked oak and other
timber which would otherwise lie on
the mountains and rot, whilst it fills
the pockets of our citizens with Green
Backs. This, Messrs, Editors, is an
other. and one of the ellierreasons why
money Is so Plenty in the lower end of
_Huntingdon County."
Laprct•e Pero: Sight and Preserve
roue BIRNBAUM, Practi
cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes
pleasure in infohning the Ladies and
Ceqtlemon of Huntingdon and vicini
ty, that he has opened a Store one
door west of' Dr. Dorsey's, with a large
and variety stock of Speer ides, com
prising Convex and Concave Glasses,
such as Flint. Crydal and Seoteh Pet
tic, and particularly desires to recom
mend the superiority of the last:na ed
Glasses. His theoretical as well as his
practical knowledge of Optics, and his
lolig practice in the Occulistie science,
enables him to adapt, after an exam
ination of' the eyes, those glasses which
correspond with the defect of neat'. far
or weak sight. Classes can be fitted
to any frame. of any shape or color.—
Please call and examine the Spectacles.
Ambrotypes and Phorogrophs taken
at all times on reasonable terms.
Also, Segars, Tobacco and Meer
schaum Pipes constantly on hand.
C4.t. .)::, Bin
PI 111,1 A UNIAPZIA A DI Alt KW 11`.%
FaTic yand Extx Fitolr.
till •11p,1:11.
Fl..ltt ........
I la 31 i11i(!33 • .....
Fair .11 , 1 1 . 1 nlll
If p•
1'„1 1. pi Into I',l in
Clotele.g.4.ll. .....
II ill, •••
----,,,,•,----- -
Fs, ta I amity I I.lllr 6131
litte Liar
14,111/.lm ........
rail •• •
& OPERA. CAPS, 3d strii
ral cf the Ewei&V, Joet cDenlng by
N•t• .”`.13E1.1 !ON
On Thur, , ,day by Rev. S.
Miss KATE HoovEE, both of Penn
By Rev. W. B. Purdy, Dee. 7. 1802,
Mr. THADEusJAcEsoN to Mks MARGA-
Itra E. ECIILEY, all of LlllB comity.
January 15th, by the same, at tho
residence ofthe bride's father. MI.. JNO,
E. SIRDLE to Mi,4.1 S.tia a 110liCli., all
or Broad Top City.
On IVedne•alay, February 11th. at
the Exchange llotol, Altoona. by Rev.
A. LI. Sembower. \V, 11. 3IcI)oNALD to
31. h, ARA MI NTA \\rout , Lturox, all of
Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa.
'ear Ilantington. Feb.
Et.r.m. daughter or Joh!! A. anti A man
ila, Miller, formerly of M ill Cretdc,
'Huntingdon, Penna., aged 1 year and
23 days.
"Dearest Ellie, thou halt left
Hole thy hiss tie deeply feel,
Butt 'tis GA that has bereft its,
He in all uuur sorrews heal."
M. A. :NI
In Alexandria, February 6, 1863, of
inilninnalis, Lieut. Wm. F.
:11CPIVEIMAN, Corn. C, I•2sth Refit., P.
V., aged 2-1 years. 3 months, LS days.
.1 a,411 do .e bear the e et muffled , 111.1113.
A:1001, 10 Illy 110111 e;
Ile hrx fought lux lest bat t'e. the coullict ix o'er,
Ile hearxillf the hence, of cnrnago no 10010.
Of flee:lnas bras,' in their Ingot* :ma bloom
Il' thousautl, have goon to the cold Lil.•nt tomb,
And In nneg (1,,01at0l qonow do na.nn n.
Th-in dear p u 1,1 v ho nt'er can rant:,
Tinat olecp, youthful eoldier , the lit Cry's oldnined,
We fur th it th) lo„ 14 thy admit , . gain.
Thou brat gonv n hot in thv eie rasung secure,
In a land fur theitnit alai a IDnnofa O: pinto.
J. I. A.
In ° this borough, nu Non ddy, 16th
February, of brain rover. CA N
aged 19 years, 9. monibs acid
2-1 day:.
I- The deeea•sed about two months ago,
entered as an apprentice the Compa
ny's shop at Altoona. and shortly ar
torwards contracted a sece're cold, hut
till insisted upon working, although
repeatedly urged to return home and
recruit his health. About, three weeks
ago he returned and a few days after
wards took his bed, and after a week
i of Ihe most excruciating torture death
kindly '' loosed the silver cord," and
gave Lii poor afflicted one rest. ..I.nd
n o w, we know, ids spirit, mingles with
those whose robes have been made
white in the Hood of the Lamb, that,
he is now enjoying Ihe companionship
or these who ring the now song in
those realms of eternal bliss, where
•• sickness and sorrow, pain and death
are felt and feared no more." Cut
don•n in the blown or youth, with the
Hush of health upon his cheek. and all
the high hopes or the future Odell he
so fondly cherished rudely dashed to
the eau•th. hi, loath soltoutdy appeal,
to all to be ready. As a run be Was
dutiful and allectionate, as a brother
, 4‘nterous and true, and as. a
tl•ienil faithful and kind, ever
to ~ 1111. 0 r pain himself rather than see
another, with a kind word and a
int smile for all. Host. weau one,
Nay the tell ahoy(' thee be ever
green anti may atfeetion's tears ever
betleiv the spot where sleeps all that.
was mortal or thee. Brave sull,rer
true frieml. gen:al companion, fare,
%veil, a long. bat wo pray not final
iarc eli
Stephen N. Winslow,
The Merchants and Manufacturers,
Secret of their success and adversity
Ivb 44, ISG2-In,
[E4,tto of I:4oaitt Co'. det'd
I,ttots of o.hoini.4 ralloo Iltl , lll Ihr o,t.tte. of EA,...1
co,, late of Limn, tawi.llip. Iloottog•lon Loooty.
till grouted to ti n loolt 1-ogned all a•rsoon
ing chows agaol,t the ry I.uv ore ttylot,ted to too sont
them to the and all poison, indt Wed mill
tulle oomodlote
. p.t3 moot
Note , is L, t,13 gistoi to all Iletl o lt , lntntt It.'t
Memo t0dt.14 ,,, ..1 ol 11,1,14: on , ettle.l greounti 111th
li. C. ticcilll. IMP OW Ales 111.1114 liondry. to e 111 at
i., , ce Aloxandint Irani sold° Oleo ,n count, lit
or Ibi., e the Ayl / it Init. yollltl X 111 I It
lo'n in groper 1r indt ; 101, oss nog to the at,
trantanfling debt nmetttetl o ndition of hit h and
the exotoAllog 4401 stool:. the 111.
Itttoi compelle I to ~i n•pon I lanasio.oi .toil 11111.0 I olive/A./It,
All pal 1A.,: 15111 ..0,41„,t,i,
3,1.t1 , 3 to It C•4ch it LL
, ICN.III‘. Illy Ohl Slall,l 11l
lananes , inot the Alexandria I [al:I:1,11a..
we in 1-no soot; tloolk+ to the I.lllaul Ily•jr (slat hind
pail , Lon) o•oitilinant , of the -limo
foitat r, 1, not nag that la. sk tetitlor ~.allsl.lllloll
10311 ta ho Inv (.1101 111111 111111 t I
Feb, 41, LN.L 11. Alt,..ttol.ia, Pa.
t., I.EX A NI)111.-i. Fl)1 7 N1)111`.
i .ublic
It I'. Ile hi; 111 , .1c1 of
1111 . Al , ‘lll/111:14 v,nvol .111 c"ntiline
ti,. 1111,11,4 .111 , 1 1'11110.15..1 r.. ean.laction ro
11i111 111111.1 ran.
All ot.l , att1 , 114 , 1 to
1•.• b •_1 1S Ii;
ov JI
...... I 00
•••SI SIII2 111
.... 1.7
b 21, 1h6.3.-tt
AI) IN IST It \ U'S Nt IC E.—
j ot Nit pt Anna ma° rlec 'tl.l
ttet• of A , lnoto•tottrou Nem the 4,ode of %Ifs on
nOlllllllll. hie 01 tooroogh of limmog , leo. kiee.l
tog ht nteo to Ow tII p 11." JINX
414111, agatitst the 1.0-,tell 10 ple , 4•elt tlwo/ 1..
thr 1111.11,141 u tl .1,0 101 yet ones unlit lard still ntalto 1111-
the nod eflett, of the decent v./ Bill 410 `Oki 0.4
lLu 10111111t.t.
."5 7. t!_
2 I I, .2
1 , 03 41.11:43 -61
A 1).)1IN I S'111.1T(111.'S At)
1.-tfi q 4.• 1.'1,9. , a 11. Clllll t,tlt
1.1 .111110;0 WI the ..rtt tie If Jam. Eutt tietedsra.
11.tve..4 11e1 n gt.otittel 11l the uu Irl .4.11 1..1ii 410 •.kll 4 111.
t , 1.1 IP I, lii 111.11, p tent I'll 11111 i tilll,l, 11.1 , ;111r,
li4ll lIIS 0111 tut nettle:welt.
Feb. 4. A.llllllllrif I to r.
7.00( z TO
. 7.1
I t) I )ps! fl out's!!
nold 11 feet Ituopi wint.l.l, for %%Well dm
highest ICe NVlii hn INtlti.
• ,Yo. 110 111thmE Sheet.
Dec. 31. 1,62....1r0.
_Just retallved horn the (Mowing° Salt Company,
tyincnte, N. Y , to be sold on nommleslon, he It
sole or retail. 11:111.11T.1,3 and W SACKE.OI SALT.
1 4 !Val:
.1111 IX COX,
Exec. lots
Ale 'mar.,
DA VI!) tit E.
I) I , ;(3EIPTS and expen , itnres of Linn
id [hip!. comity from tin. ith of Januat y, 1862,
to Limo oil, clo3 ut Jonmu y,1063. Including both Jule:
1 , 51. Chatlc; Gl...en. W... , it. S 10 00 '
Isso. SOl,llllOll Ilalner..llo•l.son ' 207 00
1'4 , 7. N 5 01 1 •,0 .1,11101. Connl,ol. 73:14
15.51 , ..1.....1.11 0.11,e11114, Clolll,oi, 8 . 01
.6 5..10.1 i , 1 , 11..., - . .1:01,..... • 70 00
'• T11.0:1.“ 1i...2111. 10 ,I I lei.ou.iik, 1::032
P.,".. , . .1. ao. 11.'11110,k. MIA., ell 521 Cl
A. . Mal !Sill) 111:0111,g.lon, 72 CI
1.., E, ..1...a... Volt,. 4 67
'• .1 , 1, 14...,11..11.1 { , tor., 155 ty.. - F
154). , t%. N!.‘ too. Han ee, 19120
•• .1.... e c 001: 001,00, :4110
11.10 v L. , . A t.l, 5010
'• ,101„A P. 5r..,,,it I. 1 1 11e1.1 - 1, 15 12
.• li. A, 1,11114 1.. n le, 744 31
,1. Ito olli...ithoz u,'1'••1!, 24 00
" Arm,. I.locl. v‘ illr, 1, Walker, 100
•' 11,0 y \e;l, 11,At, 402 45 2514 01
U 361. A 1,,,. 111.1,10 A I.,:tmlita, 150 31
.. Join, L..,,,t) 11,11,...,- 0501:1
:Jacob II it-vel . IS, ,Illy, 275 CA/
4. C 51)01)111 liiiiel I'llls. I'3 43
" .10111 11. ruslA I iy, (10 1 661, 69A 30
" I,t te .I , llron 4'..,;(1110, 4933
IS ...1.1 11. th.1'1 , ,, 3.17 40
jaw, 8d.,. C2..,,m.11. 1,7015
" 15111 I'ls In t ,,... p0d,,,. :“'io 30
" .1..1111Q Ad tIII4 I , l.inklin, 1)11502
Ili 111 v , ‘llllk t. 11. 51,1.4un, 52542
• DI, 51 Dwin, Iluntingll3n, V 74 93
" : 4 510 I.n Lynn, 110p,,,11, 72 7 . 2
.131111 ail, .1.1c1,..m. (252 50
• V, it, 11 V. lutt,•, .1",11.,t,, 110 02
'• A, 113151-11. 1105 ris, 992 31
" 1/ trn. 1 IC, ''s, III,!. , 1 . 23 27
•• 11.111,0 u Doan Venn. :1.0 52
• atii.l t. T3.....r.y. l't,rt••:. 7.:3 :A
31..1,14 CII1•111111. :T1111051.4 217 2:5
• 25105 ,155,..1, slllllsy. 699 96
• (41,1, - ',.1..23.1 % 91Li1 loriburg, 117 16
• Math] ti 55,515, 'l5ll. 226 12
• A10t.11,351 I lin, r. 9. 25.5 82
" 11,,j tiittu 11,•510,. 5VA11:',.., •.'At5 0t)
• 11,,,.1 1.15.1.,.). 55 . ~t. 11,491
" A Ilta 111 , 011 IS 3.1 iolo.z.rlc, :'3114
1.1.9w4 W. Fml . 1119191, 134 (•9 12737 91
1‘3132 5 Ivx.tnil. r :91(t, 11LN.99tria, 151 65 ,
•• j.. 1”, 1,..4.n9. 119rrt , .`, WO U 0
• J.,, 1%4111 Ituuh•, 752 43
'• I lii F.tiAn stiller. Ca•=, 290 11
/Fit le 4-111011. 12,00,1110, • 4000
" Samuel 11,0014., eat bun, 1210 00
110,01 cenvett4, (Inv. 45 07
• Samuel Boolit I . Cr:Ault ell, 319 21
11'ilit.30 (1311.014. Dublin, ' 30 00
• 110,511 Snick, l'initlin. 1027 04)
•, 11'. 11. Flounce. Ileinier4on, 1.3' 0)
• 11011.1.1 e IV. , 110111 Z. 111111)11.41. 681 32
• Janie; Pin t 11 tintininlcn• 111118 27
.1,1,221+,u 11 1111,.111. Jne14,311, 713 011
Rudolph l'iciictiniii..lnt, 913, 101 00 •
~ 12t•10 01011 1% Itons 0. Nl•nril, 31,3 23
.1010, C IMI in, 0001.1.1, .132 51
" IVillinin I. Mitlo, Penn, 700 00
• lionj Noll, Poo too. 1,80 93
21,011,10 .1-4,10 ii, Springfield, 1,1000
I/ 0. liiiibt ninn • Fin'lo3 . 74500
• (14...r2c 1.c.i4.1.4,ir1ei31.utg, ill 00
Thom.. l'aun 'Fell, "39 01
• AI, allion 12,13, Toil. 2110 133
Iminci IV. Fmk. llni,ni, '.212. 27
• I:d1111111i1 Ytre.lllll, IV•111, r. 0,8 04-
" •10.01 Copli
. r. NViii i icihinutle, .1173 00
• tin 11111.1t.,..1t, IVelt, 1192 thl 16001 3.1
Re ricioeil on unn. inc.l 1:01'14, 411:5 11
*hood 1.05 101 " 27 • ,1 .1
1t0.t.1 tut3. l 2 43 940 40
riec•n..l 4 on Litrays:--11'. 11. I,y ton. 117)
9. 1:01 .t... 1:30
.B.lml 11",1.11, 300
Fun nc 11 clii•l 1, D. Su ne, 13 40 38 34
lic.l , o.l.icoi Leon 3 1.., 0,4 I 26 37
A nioniit 1 , 0 i t , ,,qt 1,. , ~.....:: .
L loin 11. 11. (1.0 i et toon.t, l'l,.,l'litlil 110
.• .1, ti Mil", 1,1 , ItOr) 0 , 1
' Di il I . V,,liiltstlie, 1.,1d3 00
~ 16 'l', ~ V1,.‘.. 1.-q. Vll l. ki
1.1 ... 1 , 1 ...4 1.9 b. , - - ,01) CU
" Fil..i I. 1/ , in. :$2,1 110
Itulgt 1 Mtl'o..lin, 0 0 0
1.11,1 Ctltagill, $ 202 713
" It irr,tll,ll.ll, 100003 7q30 12
Ilnolliit .4 \llllll 1110 a 1 cc'cl by '17.,tg7. 9.471
101 It ill, ur Coll I 11.,u,e, 0 CIO
i:xrt:NTA rui: Es.
0, no G, nonl. Pnothoont•try. Slini
nil nuvesvu, lots on evinninnuLitith
I, mil jug r&•I ill ❑I nud,(C
1,1100:11: (1. Ilf Elerll,li,
rtit.t.l I'l.o , .Ikll iii 3, Couslablc,
if 1 ar).l
111%1i - 1141,111 Jc.ld )10(111,,
.1 Car 1
is 11140
ii‘1111.1g.., -- . 1 1,0111114,A/
Jew e
11 I:. :malt,
011,11/ 01111111,0111111,
NIIii11111i1•1 D•A
111. i3Ohe 111 I) /1.1
.II Mill l i It.
t,il I'i/111 I .1111. 11,11 t Esc
11, tot
, iol,lI li.oin I`.
I` to
list %% Intl
I'3lll. flout,.
1). 1:lotlitq Imc
intiv,motte , , nellll,
iol” 11,
J. 101111
„I S, 1,,,r
111 1...) 10i C0t1i11111.1 1 11,./ . : .
.1. It. 01. It. Lill.
.1 IV.
lON 111 'it ..-..
J s s:. ••:.t.:• t.f . No.
(110,1.1•il A. I 1.•41-,1•.111) to:Jrt.
- tit C•. 1•1.1 1 •- II .1•1111.11111A . .A1.,
Bow: • L.. 1,1
11. It.
It. \lc \ lilt (He,
\\ •:‘ t,
1%111 I' 14ohu1y
U. r. 11115%
Stisoo.i I.` p. 114 Lt 11.1•.:
11. \lt ton. ,;:
W ;14.14t.11•1.1
II S. 1.‘,11.01,:, - ,inmate •
t... 1 I.llm. t•
J. a. t "
D. F. 121:4•-••3, l'ort•T '•
tas 1.:11.1 uu 111,.e.trt 4i
1.1.14.n0ta. tottl:••1:1p,
Join: Awl:.
l'etert.t.i/let. AI Ortiol4tttBllc "
nerl/1111illg pud•
II 'F 11111:.• I •,,.•.1.110:11:t. 11111 . 1,m1 at
l' of e01111111,,10•1
tail 1,
1'.t1.1 lur the I.ilei Oi
+ 01 the W 2111,0 1.1611.
1 - Dittl
llontsty I) lid to Volititicel , ,
holeitiptiou unnup p tid cot.
'flea-iitel ut Ililtilinz4luti Count} Pun.
'Premiers Cotannidons ou $59.111 at
1! : Ism cqttt , 991
Atlallea due the omit:, 113 2225 Cu
{Vt., the • o itlorsi,:ric.l of comity,
i'a, 0 101 :own II II(C0111111g (0 low. terqt dint i 4
nruq .1.4 nettle .001 I 0 1 0 ' -
utiontd of /folio , Tioatiov , of thec o . ll ),
ono the coders of tile 0_11111,4101101Y itniirt•ciopt , 1;0 ill,
,ito to. and dm iii„ the ptot 3111! nod find a b.slitrico le
moonlit, in the 100014 of 4 A.:S.O4i. 01 allet.
01011,11/A tl,ll 11011111,111114 iMel/t$ -1,00
tiller/ node! too hawk at the °Mee in
hut 01101 of 1101000. the y, 18113.
r,ll FISII El:.
31 1 I.liiN 11. SA REF:,
11 1., AkcAttrtiy..
Your vat y 4, 11,3.
01j'I'ST AN DING 13.X.LANINS due
,Lc the .3.21 !It meat of .14103,try-.11103. fot the yew 1 , •63
NV , II, SISP. COUNTI. SI CIL. Y. 11.1 4
14.12. RAM 0111 WT, '41%,1k3.3., $ $ $ 5250
1b:31..1 , 4mA (31,1130•1 C.t44, 6 r . ,,
imko V whet, 11.43 , 330 n 10 74 77 OR 7 50.:
1`•• - •1.1, 1 . m. R. 61 4,,3•,51! t, 10 00
,137•5. John 3 3 030 h. Mt rec. I"_9 10 3300
I . ..A,..,'ol.ittitia ii.llllir,.l,hlbon, 56 56 130151 333 75
'• 13 F. 11:tilute, 010,115. 2340
7'lch. 1130300 3'4333•111 ,- .. 7 00
•• 11 lhazi r. ICO t ttal mall:, 107 12
1357. 11 ni..lolins.Ct 17 03
1834 890,1 Plolto), .1.“9.•o0, 198 49 141 11
•• 1/.0.1 liittodo, 1181
1439. A 8 110•11,..n.11ont'ng.1on 191 04 734 10
DIJoI 13. u. "u.% 1011. 5 00
Clo Imam. 78.1. 1 81
1560. 1119,1 t on. 10 ady, 381:o ::24
•• ('01„0. 327 25 160 04
John 11. Ito„ ,9. 11..1,1,191525 41 4,00 1
•• 11. li, Lintn. 741 65 331 .12
ISO. John 11100. Ao,ontlt to, 24 69 1135 S
•• 'Loon 119-0•0. I4adp, 135 70 83 17 650
(10 83801 )11110. (59.6, 1 10
C." Lea y, lal 9.41, 63 14 11 6,7 36 50
910 al lleek. Clay, 43 47 252 1 ' 20 00
1 •
,811,± II 00010 ell, 203 92 74 114 430 I
41 ni. • 1411111,1104111. 411 9:.5
.• tt. )1311, Hem lereon, 2020 4.112 20 Ou
31201 6184-1.1.2•00 SU 75 73 50 40 00
4110. II 11 - 108.. 51,00:181, 59 81 al 55 14 011
•• .11011 11.1 1„1, 110165, 416
1910 111110.2 1l olker, .3220 39 02. 26 00
• 1 1135,0138,1509. U e5l. 951 83 421 01 40
.• 1111181.10, 11 al e 101112;, 17114 60 79 1553
1962. %L.
(ley. `tilt .110;3101113, 12 toU Bt,o 58 95 60 12 50
J o hn Llegall Millet, 00 03 05111 3'9 9 7 42 50
1. e". 11,811 tel, 11 72 329 92 71 24 23 00
, 11 1111,,, t 054, 645 1771.2 22 43 550
1903 e 391201,1 35,1110, US 6475 73 51 400
~.601111.1 1110628, 1..900, 5209 1.16152 370 .56227 89
I 113,161986). 05. Clay. 33 12 011 92 Zit; 72 41 UU
9.911. 11.1141.. 0 101110 011, 01 04 939 21 514 31. 47 31
ut C124010e, 90 1 / 1 10, 41 11 1/11 166 222 91 34 50
11036 55.335. 61e,1,101, U 23 86.) 97 181 34 71 1 5U
IS II 116 nuei, Iltolkl4ollo7tl 103 25 31.1 11 60
li 5\ .141 022. 1104, 0 ell, 20 57 21744 42 12 34 31
114.11tegduel, 2115 1 4 18740 00 70 38 31
J. Ileu ml'4,. 33610500. 41011 172 41 221 08 32 UU
11.112,101111 3081.09, 745 131 14 31 22 121111
11. F. 18101. 3186 8. 38 (.1 753 32 281 45 18 SU
3,338 C eves leue9d3, 309 31 IU 21 51 703
Wen. 1.. 613/9, 15,0, 22 77 333 21 79 311 17 50
Ilenj. Nt•11.4',9 Tel', 29113 212 12 110 47 25 50
1 h.,. 101900 lolngliel.l 22 10 '229 21 59 37 27 50
11 6 Ut15e.01.68, 610110.5, 63 2U 1254 14 451 30 8100
'66001 - go L 0 °burg 522 103 II II 93 11 34
Thoiteas VlOlO. 141, 500 192 38 35 566 28 0.1
1103111 6.11.81•3 2 025 12 01 155 85' 128 150$
D. W. lick, UnlOn, 11 28 216 31 42 85 31 00
y l vu l , W. 016.69-; 23 05 457 80 17/ 1 0 700
4110,9.0 y, 51 art i..rm'k 71 14 855 88 311 37 36 80
Jpo. NV at, 18519 1590 09 51800 57 00
V'En 1.v3t:'.8 i"r2,l 1, .7.45 Y 71
(Jr the Itontingllon County Mine House, from Dec.
1, 1:MI, to December 1b1:2, moSuaieo. .
To amount drawn on County Tievotry. . - 5,167 02
G. 'lute. S,mturd fur suudries, in Lie account,
tactnuice of ordez t, 15$ 00
Ily Sundry r,cperDlittireq for Pr...6RM]. FRe P
lly Bond. pt room for 7.960 IN pork, No. Ito 1, 429 26
" 16ret. 14 to 110 103 41
,• 3,51.1 lb pot k 2.062 lb Loot, SI to 26. 204 'A
177 too COlll, 27 to 31, bl
35 but putstve.; 32 to 34. 24 95
' 1 booth 35 to .17, 3353
Gy sundry expenditures for me of Flu in. File F.
Ily 000lr,lli, Cot smitlnng, No.l to 4, t3OO
tails and fencing, .5 to 8. 21 23
" In hot on ratan, oto 11, 274 itt
6 sundtivt, 12 to 17, 40 01
en., 1 Lotsc. nat., 19, 29 00
By cxpenditureq for Mercbandiso. rile M.
By Sillll stray, Hort & Co., fur on older, 5 id-to
tie 1,).t. No /, 46 GO
11. S...Luin , y &Co , grecoriea, 2, 30 25
'1 :q. nott,w, t0b,,,,,, 3, 50 31
B a.,.:1 A. Mu , i„,,,t 9 and shoc., 4 .I . ' 5, 42 20
11 m.. 0 Fr.. 1,,, =.12 , 1ty merclutudvio, 6 .S: 7, 18 70"
loon ,l li., or, 0& 2, 67 10
,Itivuly mid Elliott, do 10 to 13 72 22
.T. N ,4,%01,,, do 14 A. 15, 2 , 411
Win. 11. 131ev. , ter, do 16 & 17, 65 09
Unu. Nips, 8....1., do lA, 2746
10v43 1200.). do 19, 15 06
:oundro }Knurls, du 20 to 23, 27 33
Out Poor Exptalsea. File 0. D
By rel 'of of fled in it rases. continuous and per
manent tlitotnOontt the year, 1 to 12, 778 49
Helier alThrded In II c191.+, .1111 , 1e , 3 than n year;
a‘••ragillir 20 Woekx to tacit cave, 13 to 23. 210 73
!MIN altotiltd ill sundry Ca,t 9, Immediate. v.ith.
out r. gala to to n, 24 to 47 inehr4ve, 192 50
Stonily p.. 0 SOUS Wl' COMI/ 4 and illtlerat eXpell4-
el. 48 to 33, 45 50
Sund phy.deians for serllcel for mit door pad.
p,,„ 58 to 70, 171 63
01101 tors for sundry out door service 7, 71 to SI, 71 34
.1, )1,411,011, f , r II 82 to b 3, LU 35
Alsu lot bran.put; In p,,u. ,t sand. fut ulrbed,
$13.33 uri
Removal mei Dell% en'. /Ile R.
Dv etiodry con.,taltles tufa °that+, for bringing
I..toNt 10 iloWin, 1 t
Rovitity J tat es of thee Peace, fur ws itiug rtdnr tt ,
/0 to 10. 17 95
4,57 bo
311. CA Inneoni I nc id en t e a . L
111 mind pervom.. for Aocotaking.. No. Ito Fl, 30 79
stone coal. 50, 1 4: Woo, P. 101 . 110 30
:q. 0. Hai ii.,un. titt.o ate, .tc , 13 & 14, 35 07
11. T. V, lore, commi , sions. 15, 07 II
L. A. !Ilyerq, hat nn contract. 4c., 16 & 17, h 3 ia
I:phtn. 11.3 Iv. Cldrlll4. (6:01111Ce) 10, 40 72
Slllltiry 11,40115. 1.11. hotlet , 1,11,1 p 79 .520. 73 09
niNutnom f..,, 21 & 22. 40 00
Nosh and Whittaker, pub. annual rep., de, 28, 37 00
IMO. 1.121‘1.1, •. 24, 30 00
.101 in I.ntz, " 25. 31) 00
(1. (1, Tate, for compensation to .11rs. Tate,. Inv-
Sunday pea Sons, fur 51=11103,
iip w.. 11001 a, for JIL RE i , ite aal diloctor, 72900
So.inl. l', ):31 40
.)11. 0(.11511.1.9°n
o n ~ 1 “.,14,,,,. 4. 1$ :-.A.)
Pr. litoti. II tOl. for 11;‘ , 9riiioes 19 otlella. 1/11y.11-
CI.LII 61. :$1.13,1L: ~,t , • , ) Ifil , Y. - :
11. 111,,,i1t.r. for 11/A let, .0o 10 c!, II:, 6100
A. W. lienedoA, ". Connie!, 1:0 '2.1
pill 4 i
113 13., for qln.irleg, act tiled in his +lca , 7i
Cil 12
6.5 00
112 1.11.11. Is plp.ti ; 120 10,1”;Issars: 1 eon I.lnslp , ls COI 17
(111 f ;(,); 10pthos p ; 6 60,6,641; 25
16,46 b (6664.; J 16141,e4i hOllO 1 / 1 2011S; 10 toll, ti.:); 10
1..04 111 t wide:; J 0 )lu.ti ca l / 1 , t20. ("of of witch
putts..l 6.64 , I ton lo 10 1 / 1 1,i0.1. (.11111pg ; 16
1.646•6. 45 66,66, ;,. 1,1.6.6 (64 161,1 f 5.0
t ; hi 1111111 00111 010)../t ut to ntalie 1;10 bl 00111 . 1; V;00
1•;d ./.3
21 IIU
1J 20
lo u
74 41,1(4. 54 riu.n,e. do -Ft 65 p.q,s pintalortn, Sr
lutu..4t,lit et 1 1 .4 M 1 1, • 1:4 or vult4,
5 p. 1 1 0%, .1 4 ,4, 7 bokter 4'4, 51 op . tol,
35 ur t uet bt rt. t+,(.l iiuu , kilt& And
I.) 7: cm loroott r.,11 t o, ha lt lll,to, pick IhttulleJ fur
r, of the Coat it gtoll.
•;3 lIU
17.; .!..) 711, - ;
L tlijlnin nm •I.l' •
37 - • 1.1,11..14 x IP , it i'/I/ 1 , 0..111 I 01:4 'III n .
`I •I'. I. 1, - . 1,11•ip 4.1111,.4
/4. bean, 11/ 1/1-hr jr.n nil La , heir b„.l, 1 , 1
I no , •In • I cm. t. , Ilt •
' IP a ,101, to%
t it t, pod,. 6 brow.. 1, 1..1,k1 , 5./
II • lonad:t 2 pl,ip ago., nwl
wog 111 until 11 trae•-
r.11.;‘,.1 1 , 1. , ".4. 1 •hloiel 140,1. I / 1.11, I e
emilto atm .Icm r, bond C,tl t, Lluolten, , ,, 1 1,11.-
1. , ), 1.01 Inn
J 3 bU 4..2 19
'2,1 23
of quildly t ill nut .4 tho boo; • ,TE.I faro,
toa.ltauta t lo; 'm40111,111,1, tc.r, t 11
rote .1. . Itmn.r, $771; $1.22; 1511.1.5
$11.1.5 ; la lo; $1 '261
to. I'. Itairt.Ell,4t nu; P out ;Et thi it'd,. in it.0,1111,t of 6,,,/,4t.
St:110111,1i 1 11 , 1 Itif,l , :t` , l out of the ',nu., to sololt y
iiot 41.01 ',ton. loot Mild. not .0,1-
: 11. r ll'Iott•at11 tataity,
pan.; E 7,1: to I to .11 11.., loollnory. ;to
111 ,1 1.1..0.1v 1.11;111. i totho 13 , 111101 1,116.
to iii, 11,0 lan to tt,tto.tet
1.00; Ar. i't;rvwr .;;„ty dorm,: the
E; , Ea, Eu 1t .11P: 11114 lug I..zu-
210 04 502 51;
1:4 ,`,.)
07 11
b{ uo 4:1111
,t 73 ir,
1 l ) „
4, )
1 -
!%ttr:c I if. EX
" . ?-., - . - t.• - r.. , i
:f• 1:2 -.;- 7 - -'," ::- ; . .7 ----' - ...4-- - ... i - g 1
,- ' '-• 'F - 7_ , . • - 7' : :•• ' 2 , .• . 5 ..
a 7 ~,..
q" c'' '-i - ''' '='• -: : '..., .- '` ' 74 ,
1 ri
. . . . .
I" , U
00 0)
ISc) )0)
_)4S 1)G:)
If 7J
17 1
44 )1
~, Ul '
CI I • • • ,_.,• i , • • ' • ' ..... ••• . I.llllllllll,TillitO
- - -
41 V :-
!±. ~ '....' r'2 `4".,i ':,;:::: D 3121
- ,------- ...i 7
'2iii'.; tiw.
1 I 2
,toutoq ,•,-
.., ~...
I:1" '-' '" - "'"7:2=l----. ,
~- . Z. ,2 • ' :•::•;::7::',:r:', . ;:•:2 : 1- 1 - 4 j...i. ..•• 1 , 1°,1; ''
1-14 s L,
We. theunder-igne.l...luditori of the county of llnnt•
ingtlon. do 11,1 el. errnf3 that v.e hoveexnn:medthror
voodoo-. arronnh , , , of the Oneeto:q of the Pont
of call coon:v.llnd find the come to be correct as 1111 , e
qtatt .1 : And ne do earther fu 1. th it. on I.V.llllllllflg tiio
eveonnt, to• has put nn your Ilia,: onto.-
,:::... I Ht •tateno hit the corn 0f34715.25, of v loch emit..
tho ono of $211.21 ne.rmilto Of the
,) col
181,1.toolsine; espondltuten of 1,12 (4.. far paid)
onfoont to d. 4J; $450111i. bolo:Ice out
standlng fit 3 ear 106 . 2 to int. $5O
IN11.5:1 1 10 tl, I , lollllt,
3( wills It. SANfIREE,
1in0ti3.3k33, Pcb. I, Ise3.
srEilrAnrys sTATEm ENT.—G. G.
r i crn. 5 t ,•,.,;41i, onnt IA 0011ra
Dun: el, 1,51.1, to De, 2, Ibb2, t
To I. hunts $ 75 On
An, tha „ n Irmo (Was . , :It thue3,
Cot.ll tiont 1.11 ion-
V tho NV.tll4 c. 2 I ho
Pc.llitv. bit. 11;11.1 ar.l • Itirlso;,,
P. ittlylit t to„,1"oltt to It Lia,
)lit too 100 11
11011, d . x !Louie.
.1.11, wit I, ,n. 1'..,.1...1 tiCi
.ludgo Pal., in Iltnnbarg, ca-e, 9 &I) c'onnty Alini llon-o, for Roping and Camp.
1,1.11. 6 00
Fantod I'eight.‘l. Ell.. 04
Blair Count% Alin4 llonqe, 9 1.1)
bull. lo hided,
AS ECIt Z,NTIII,I" SeATEMENTS, Numb, 1 - tu 12
:Sloothiy State. aN. 1. Dt.comlier.
lly cri-li paid I CIIION jug paopi.ra, traveling expen,
- ,Ac. $ 027
Cash paid for :Idyl' smillry wovforirig pnurdo 8, 2 23
do Fondly M.,ll(—h drawling. dc, 5 12
do l'iriglit.on V. It. Iliad, 1 57
do po.iiii.,.. 111
do rillheUilillloo l lY, 7 75
Ft.iteniont No 2. Jll).l3ry
By crtull paid routp.i OS 1 . 1&111/01,, tlavellog CII/Cll3-
, &C.. Ii 35
Ca•li o ad ielaf sa fah , rl , l:l"ind 11 1 10Per 4 , 3 31
‘l , l 111 a. Playa. ',or MAI cg brooao, 'OO
(1. , l'et.o• 11.% CI a, fill 1/OA.IIN stamps, &c., 'I Si)
do numb log, 130
31”nifily ;taten,nt N. 3. rchnutry
By el-1) food trot cling exuelisto , ,4orouving plu
it,o 1. 4.0., 73
By ea:i ',tot roll , : Fllllll votylarit paupers, 133
do freight on l', It. Bond;
- 14 19
do Pato; '.lyero faritouttignetAmpn, •3 0 1
do nlz,coUnnuou4. 10
Monthly Statemont No 4. Maki'
By cast paid IL $. Jeut.Y. Jr. for Or.D.r Houk, 7 75
do stmt. y for entire, 581
di, expeusm going niter the Quarry family, 6 .50
do do to It ttralugdan 5.5. paupera, 342
do do gully to Minn t•uttlity, '42 5
d. traveling, retrieving lulu
per., 5a , 4 55
C.I.A. rata roller to ..11, faring paurera. 2 58
do pgeollmirous eipepaes, a,51
DlCin ' thly ; iialemant No.'s. April
By c pato O. Fortino. of Pittsburg, 25 25
do JohnB for potatoes, 1 . 0 00
do tspentea gokyir CotbeeP *el rod
ss,a. t
$971 61
~ 23, 00
27 to 45, 153 48
104 lug ,•ta
• 14110 1111 j.l
Cash for exputt - 4e* going.Lo:McCoittoisto-wni- - '•3 fu
du to (halloo, Miller of solid time,. - 9.50
ilo - trovellitg 1.. - xf. n 4.8 rent°, rug pituperti, Ac., 2CO
do relief' to 'A nytkting oup.i, 250
' do for po(011gt. stomp, 1 07
do fur freight tat P. Lt. Road, .
do - tniKellatteolto, . dl2
$7l al
51..nthly n tement No. 0 , Mar.
By cosh paid ex.p.nhns g Ang hi Pelii6burg and
Ca.h paid /outlying paupers, tniveling expenaes
6 65
Ca.b paid eel of to wayroring p”upars, 75
do freight P. H.R.:A, Is.f
do imstagp stamp% /20
do now:allow:Dui, /75
$l5 01
Monthly statement No. 7. June.
By Mil paid expenses bringing M. Campbell from
Wax not smack,
001. going to Ilunlingelon nod tickets for pat,
Cash expenses seeing after the Gray's family,
du' :mos mg ' , wipe,. traveling expenses, &c., 2F5
Cush expen9oB P. Myery for pustago stomps, 1 20
du Inisc,ll.ineuus, 200
Monthly Statement No.B. July
By cash pni.l P. It. Hond freight on cool. 12 57
du Win. Nickels for keeping i:otep nunily, 400
do letutAing paupura, Wort:ling 005H:us
es, &A: 7 :35
Cush paid for postage Qtrlmps, 1 05
da tuf6c..ll,Lucoul, 162
$26 59
Monthly &situ - 1011i No. 9'. August.
By cash paid expenses going. alter Ter. Me ry, 2 10
du removing paupers, tlateag expens
e., ttrc. 4 tts
Built paid for postage, 1 34
do miscellaneous, 3CU
$ll 01
Monthly Statement ICo.IO. September.
By edvii paid removing pauper a, 0 avehng expel/s
-o. 6.c. 5 47
allil pout for relief a ayfaring paupers, 215
do P. Ma et s for pi smgc, 194
do miscellaneous, , . 70
$lO 31
Monthly Statement No. 11. October.
By easli paid for boots and Rho., For patfpera, ..?. 75
do expfnises going to Bedford. 5n2
do litafflut Miller at snot. tonne. 2 60
do truv6ing expenses, runcolng paupers,
V. 4 Ili
StMemPnt No. 12. November.
R; .I:perm; to IYaloi,trePt after pauper, 3 f , 5
do P. It. road Co. f,”i g ht on cool, 000
do traleling capen.,,,, renturn4 pan.
irri. Sc , 2 35
Coll paid Lelia to wayfaring pauper, 00
By sulaly as Ettiv,;:r,l of the 1.(1330,
Tli tPOllllOlly Of the reel ectnesa of the above nrconnt
and St:ItP111.11t. NO do he; emit° set our bands this sem.'
day 01 Dectaubtr, A. I). 1802.
JA lIES Idtectora.
5. J. .11.11;li.L DORN,
Lo:IOI2S.T PI N . .= bon 14 inchw to II in bps long. no.l
1,11431..:41 . T 131111.11 All thop4nonon..,, n.ll b. 140.141./ ,o te•
cttott ti tot cttontiettion.
r f d ./ And larePly. porn/ lirronizo•
input, fp. C mapped 1% 111 be 111101,
4.11114,, 11, A. I. 1'4.117 , 1G,
C 411.1411111 Ali ppt Wharf,
41.1. A. lr.:11-14.
[i tateat (I,r/Ige 11 , 11,9eh01110r. d •c'd.)
I:•tcere of ad1i11111231.1110.1 i1,1 , /111.; hen gl Anted to the
rintivr/dyred, nn the e/date of Geroge lirrespieddr, titre or
Tod to, rdrip rPe'd. All prrcarr lerere.rre: ile/n,/e1,04
irpler.rted n, ma errldte are re/pre .1/ el to iiptlio MU. dere.
p/tylieTt .nnd the, I:riflery/ CLI i ri to 11,1eili then pi/T
-elly anthem let for
C.AVIIii,NL If ;11 4 1 MILD• It,
C , ,fr r I:ryn. /11:11 , 111g,t1,111C0111Ify,
January. 21, I ? 0 1:1,- , renna
13 EA I, EsTATE olt SALE.
'rho cnpp , uuhd Ut tho ni . 1111.9'
t.lO u stillto,plint emuttr • , •Il tit.•
thol of thr real o, ‘t.• 01 Thom t• the tmvn
shly r4' II .111.1 ra. th.
On Thursday, tlit 1.9:11 of February, IEIG-3,
111 /3,,v p.lepart is 119 alerts. in • imilliNltlolo til 1111, 1e:11 entsate ot the
to the \llll.O.
J.,Frn,7, Jaw:. ,1 dtn 1 1cCal. 11, • L.. n ...
11 . To. 'I I I I;.q.j.tnifrk
trt (.7•M; 111111.411 101.1 111. I cal
/. • I t" 1,11..11-S II ..ity !Am,'
or flan li t I a%.1 61: .11 . 1.26 ,uid tiro
'1 -t , tiol of ti,o I,lllcl rlco 1001,
11• j 111/ 111 010 1.0111111111'11 4 01 01100 1 .,
glOO rt r 111,111111111 d 11 •011411 , 111 101. , -rot, to 1,0 111
41/10,11 , 11,( 1010 1.11.1;4001 jat'gioen Ow plochaner.
LI VING.,To.N 1101111,
.r. 11111.11 27, l', LlPtce.
1)U1.I.1(1 'ALE OF itI,AL E: ? • , TAT
14;state of Ifarlin falltflno. dyed.)
In e igillrl ol of the orpi, Court ,r [11:n
-1.1Hr:don cantos:l sgll I otter at pightic nab- on the p, enures
On Friday, the 20th of February, neat,
tarn Long amt t,,mt or land. late the tonal- of
?La un Guldal. decrlke , (:. sit mated in ficndorFon tor, nolip,
al it Ogre, :nth.; I ,Igt amt
the Prnnn. Kndnn ul and canal. I gem
th, ua tit lilt 1 rid rib Paid Rupert. mi the 0,11.1
Iry land of John atoning, on the tonal-..oat by land of
Ad tot Ignia rt J ninon, and t to, heir, ofFredelirkfellma
dl I. in e'd . nag/ en tlog south-0 , 4 lg., I god of nun
d dlt tiolOg abut 210 A tt .,. mo le or lass of
old , ll apunt iv eet,s al ete.ered and angle. fence, and the
leaning. well tonhored, having alto eon two log dwelling
I 1 .nses. n to g arable. a dell of 41 ad alltqr. an o,, , baril of
young agg none,. apple tires a nd other hi n ge., enieting
all 11l II,I; --tlingliird of ale porcine, money
ta Int plll on the 1..10-grouting. of the 'tie; oneghlid In
nut. lI ;LI idol 4 1,111 Bala ; ;t Ile 3 , 1 ,5 there
alb.; v int,: t, to Ito 1,00,101 D, th e judgmen t . b on d s
of flag pitt.h.tsor.
tLtl, 70,1 celonemice at 10 P. Sr., en raid day.
Jan.'27 EXt.e:itor.
SALE.—By virtue of a
it tt.l Ett i t to she Mr..° eti. 1 vvill osi.n, to
pu on the pl,llJo,el in lod ton tethir, Hun tt Dollen
On Tuesday, the 24th February next, ,
ot 0%10,o; ' P. 31 real estate, to nit:
All the H...dull's rtAitt, title toad interest in and to
owl !VI of ground Ritunt.e in l'Od lion! igloo
county. Penna. tolj,ining land of Join It'. :icon and .103.
wthom, having thereon otert, d 1.111 , 3 two story (wine
11.0110, painh.d nlnte. one it.vno stable mid oillet 001-
Inuldingq. i:,ed. tutten in execution and to lie sold as
the property ut .0. J. Dtitilltp.
1:1.0. 301INSTON, Sheriff.'s 011 wr.
Ilitnting.lott, Jan. 21, 1/..C3.,1
gFT E RIFFS S A LE.—By virtue of a
m tit cf Lev gulag to toe ths ected, 1 I, ill expose ttipub
lic cur or outcry, at [llO Corot HoU,C, IU OW borough of
On Thursday, the 26th February next,
at 2 o'cleelt, P. It, the follovong property, to
All that certain ine..•totgar or tract of land rituate in
toil coon', and St to of r••nrrisS
armor entraining one turrets it arta twenty it. les alpd
lounrn•eot Six per rent. for niphilOg
101114,11 y of ihthort tiec'tl, cot oilier, (being; the
sane tract of land uhielt by (teed datid lath Dee. 18;0,
,k ,ohl and con-a . ..yeti by 1; 1vi , 1 , Nai1....0,..tr05te...t0 nothe
tude 0,1 the real I....taae of the Rola, t Speer. del tl.. to
the ....u.1.1.te01. C,l and Home , ' L. Ilion 11.) Togethei
trill; oil and ,Ingillar. the lanlthito. Ifni. ~ , ,unt•nts
motet -I, sextets rooter cOUntei. t then it,
xeentlon and to I.e sold as the property vi Jacob
~u,l Rumen L. Bloat,
1:011GE W. JOHNSTON, kheriff.
Sittrairi , ,Orricc. 1 •
IJm taigilon. Jars al, 1 d y ,
R E C It U - I S AY A N 'l' E D
TO FII,T, UP Tlirl
Ihr under-ig[o , l in ntcout ace runt !!metal O.d. re,
Ileadiplartept of the A mu. ...•1 t; de; th • thret tato of
Capt. Wm. It, Lan... WHO .11 , a; pot in blh:ont of Itecroit
nig Serv;Ca fin the St..te Penns; ; opened
Hee; [Orin,: 011ieo in the hurls boil ling opposite the Its.
eh Inge 11..t..1..11 Rath,.ul ,direct in the !tonal:at of llnit
tingdon whet e Ile will enilat ( , echo Htth Regiment
I'. V . ;too hr Ole tiehl
honnt • . and St pretniato, in addition to all oth
er bountir, otTercil 1.3 lb. Hove; notent
I too ;Iloilo; tz d to iothot mot fur the nnt.xpired torn;
of the ltt gaient.
For tat thet infoonitir,n, call at the Pert tilting Office.
J. BLANCH. 11 . 11,Ec.,
..' l 4 , •to•t l net, 401:i t
Hantingthal, Jan. 21,
jolt nprnol :t 111 ,, , :00 ii•lcily.,so:l ^tncic of
ko,igo o 11 ones.. ut,-ttotat., of all ktott: gott at
tPti. otol:t ,, olrf ot.,l3:fltiog iiho,,ronliqute
Intent of
reniarknblv ellonp, with good we.sht rind fair mamma,
toirethei a itl,
AC. E. HA ItDIVA RE, 1330 TS
, AC.,
$l7 IV
and ell the 111,10,19 other matters usually kept In a coun
try state, uU that the nunitlry is not •• What has March dt
Mother got," bait " What have they nbt
Being aatistierl that their large and completo stock of
incl shine named geode cannot be excelled in quality,
quantity or cheapness in this section of camdry. the re
„peet telly italt it Inlet, feeling 'satisti:d Mint a libel al pa
t, wings will he extended towards as. by all who are In
need of good nor lit low 'wk.a. Our motto to - quick
Solos and nomll pn•lits.”
repectrully request the patronage of all, and ca
peeia ly but Ti engin Crook Valley friends, , -
Everything taken in exchange for goods excoptpranti•
nr Cash old for ail kinds of grain, for whiph tine
highest market prices trill bo given.
Woo. Match Is agent for the Bn sad Top Railroad Com
pany at ilarkleshurg station:- Ito is pr epared to ship ell•
kind. of wain to ,the Eastern markets. Haring a large
VerereOni, farmers can stole with him until ready to
ship. Every woven ellen unit lie afforded thorn. Good
family ; flour hey the bane] alNy Are on band at the cheapest
• eeCC:O • , av 1 , M 1.42 •
533 a
The firstenerter et' the Seminal' Session of Ibis Instito
hewn A prll 19. ISe3
I'r.penPu4, pet Quit.rter, fur COIIIIIIOII English, 110451diug
nod 7:00m lent. $25.00.
ror turtfier iu:ornandlon, Addlegs „
. _
No. 10 Cottlandt Street, - New York,
Directly opposite the Western Ilbtel.:.
The Croton Manufacturing Cu,
( in 18.16, under the General Muni hatirkig
Lire of the Stnte of Nese Yolk)
01Tisre nt ulialeQuie, in quantities to suit purchasers, at
lslfinufectui Lux e=t Prices,
P 4 .1 4 1:14 1 i AS 01 SGS of every variety of atyie and price,
Xis/lOW* to snatch,
I. llt 1.-1341 A it D Pill T 5
wirn: WIC DOW CURT PIN P 4PIStiS, and
ITo it Sil D M 11 'lO 01111E11 AND LETTERED,
Of the latest etyle4 not enpertne flni-h. all of their emu
orsilliarture and importstinal. Ai mint stook in largo
mid until ely new, they invite Merdlllnit. Boulteellerarand
Dtal6re in Os* articlea, to call and examine their styles
and prices, e lienever'they rift the ally:
18, 1363-11 J, • .
$l6, C
Q H MUFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
rit of Lay. EL Faring , , to me direetecli.lmlll expose
to public sale at the Court House, • • •
On Thursday, 12th March, 1863,
at 10 o'clock, the folio. tug property, to wit: -
Defendant's right, title and interest of in and to ittp
folioning Sleet of land titillate in Carbon tottnalltp Ilan
tingdnn county, containing twenty:b . ne acres nod one
hundred and forts•fire perches and allonance, With the
buildings ana Improvements thereon and mars fully de
se; thed in a deed for the saute front Ainicone Anderson and
William Anderson and their wises to John McCordas do
ted the 222 of May. 1b35. reCOrtiCet in tti,. Retarder's
t , flice In Huntingdon in Record 800 k .% No. 2 , Page
The same being sat rounded on all aid , a by a linger tract
at burl contain log four Itundled and thirty nears snooty..
eil nil a will rant In the tnnue of Alexander Henry dated
the 10th day of April, list
Also—Ali that certain tract of land situate
in Tel township, Huntingdon county. on Shoup's line,
adjoining , lands of Horatio Trexlet ndollar A
Co.. and Leese Cook, COntailling ninety-two wren ant a-ev
ents-tut, perches and announce, nini oor les, more pars
de,c111.,01 in .4 do .1 11,m Jo.. Code and 'filo, to
lohu N/COnilak, lit:no - hill in liecutd nook 1., No. 2. page
141, having !het eon 13 miner's houses. sash one and a h ~If
Stories high. one , Ghoul Iwo-e oil final.
:ieized taken In ex , cimon, and to bo cold gs theVropurs
ty of John McCanlev
400 00
SiferrePa Other,
Monti gimp Feb. 1, ISfs.}
___ .._
Ii it Dll,l,l'l'on esqabliAberi by .petrol Eucbaerneele,
ter the Ref 1,f,;1" and o s eltdeff
Virelent etna end e 1.,c4,•11,y fer the
Core the :o.rettl Orf
.I.l‘ite trtccii viiitn, by the Acting Surgenn,
tibinl,lo imam Chinn Ulla other FikaPiatt
1,1 lii: rgaila..tati lan the one
_P 1.
111 ,1 03 , alit I ia nu
cnbno-t. Tien at a.11,;e. la" , a [lure lor.Poniun.
wtil nc, cptaitio
A•ld, Cnkr.t
—ornali,ll..No. 2 Finitti Ninth Stirebiltil
adelpian.. Pa. lip auk rnt tl,e 11,,,tars.
I,7.iiA D. fl ARTIVELL. Pre:Went: -
1113). £ lIiCIII Lib ~ e creleu.
Dec 31. 1863.-Iy. •
r) issoLuT, ON 01 YAItT.\EJj.
19 heiebv girnn that. the Et m 1:111.1
oft I", !Ye mute tl c.),vot. awl the books
of •.lid to ii, 1i.111 , 10.1 W. F . La - settle.
,444.41 t. in :Le' IWO. , tor, , hivvly & Hr:op•r. 8.'13 .11.4
tVolitli‘ey iltdAted plirwq, coil /11)d sniffy
14 11111 ',Mal
fl , nrw film. 10,00.1 1.1,41e1+
to -4 .4.' 1 Ni , will
n it kind of In , elt4l, tab-•u m , xrlian;,r L.
.`.lil V1..Ll li°l3l:.L - S ER,
.T.tu. 27. 2503 e
‘7 0710 E.
cAvßniA ANI) IYI/1 NA 'Mi.:* HEE KOAD CO,
",:hat the Court of n on r 01.143 Ot .I:nninry tea
19)3. du.rtel to be v•id me , no t ntue-truths
put' coot t•II Choir 0.410, on Oin h forile.r divideu.l4 horn'
horn dee , d vii art, 1 Till) 14, on Mr• otraintation of
tiltu eel tifl:lite4 depo=tt. J,Jit t !irk ogrti la.,
VI, two Crock. F• 4, r, 1001. Sequ, , At; nt, ir.
la. Int nto •r die f.tundatd. &
r.. , tind• I br ord. I,llrir,llle, imert
duce times and Oral &nut..
Taken nt Par in Exchange for Goods
ale LlE;Lest prices pail In Goods for all kinds of
Iluntinplon, Oct. 28:15117. -
( •
Fot nen t heteit's Clothing fir the lest material • am! route
itt Ile beet 'cut Cltti Rt
H. H (01 A N . ' S.
nr,ro-an tlir rHokun Ilanw iu 31.1kket Zalllllll.\ ltuntloB
I Imo t. go, 10,12.
Have just Opened and offer to the-Public,
Will plc:lse call a;,O csxminc our.Gpods
Ott. 21, 7362. r• , -
N 41 17 §T,OOIC,4PF ,GOQDS. , ,
ON nthi.,lll:4T, 111.1;CT1N?AQ,Isi,.ppliA,
and ovary - other anfela Muhl lifa-OkTc!ify-Siore
ALGA— Druße, EltentlAnia, JD P Stuff.,
P 91111.11, YurnislinA. Oils and Sptn. Turpertilite r.. :
• - Aleohol.•Giwn. apd - PntYst -4-
I .Im= tIVINE and BRANDY' for modfoll'lrhuututid
itna 6 -large ngunbor of Articles too- riirmerciautermrintiffi,
Thirpubl,ic gf.gerally will Ovums coin rigazufge tot
iitrwisclri?s awl /urn my prices. •
Par,l - 4. '
Aft.l.V.filk°4ll ItO .
Iluotingdon Co., Pa,
, '