The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 11, 1863, Image 3

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    Cie Oilphe.
Wednesday Imorning, Feb. 11, 1863.
ITEMS.—Major Miles is authorized
to enlist men for the unexpired term
of the regiment.
had another fall of snow on
Thursday. The horses, sleds, and
sleighs were again brought.into use.
An assortment of Card Photo
graphs at Lewis' Book Store.
—The number a stragglers who
have been encamped in town for some
time past are becoming considerably
decimated under the strict manage
ment of the Government authorities.
Good use was made of the recent
snow by the boys, who were coasting
down the hill-side on their sleds and
enjoying themselves highly.
The Methodist quarterly confer
ence meeting will commence on Sat
urday next, the 14th:
A revival has been ih progress in
the Baptist Church in this place for
several days past.
The 125th Regiment, P. en
camped near Stafford Court 'Rouse,
some ten miles from Fredericksburg.
—lB inches of snow fell on the Rap
pahannock in the last storm.
—A large sleighing party visited
the Warm Springs last Friday night.
From all accounts we judge they had
a good time generally.
COMPLETED—The engine house and
tarn-table on the • Penna. Railroad,
above town.
Oita esteemed friend Bob Stewart
has returned home from the army with
an honorable 'discharge. Robt. has
seen some rough service and acted the
part of n crave soldier. lie is truly
loyal, unconditionally for the preser
vation of the Union. We have no
doubt he will be willing to enter the
service again as soon as his health will
lira' We learn that the Hotel near
Dudley Station on the'Broad Top rail
road, now kept by Mr. Mentigh, has
been purchased by Mr. Wattson, Pres
ident of the IL B. T. 12. P. Ile in
tends enlarging it and making it an
attractive spot. and we also learn that
it is to be kept by Mrs. Nankin, the
present proprietress of the Warm
Springs. We need nothing mope to
reeommeml b. <
yy.ii?„,l4. great error is committed by
some writers with respect to the Capi
tal letters I and J of our language.—
Planters often make mistakes and arc
as often criticised awl censured, when
the blame does not rest, upon them at
all. This difficulty can be remedied,
however, by continuing the down
stoke of the J below the line, while the
same efi•oke of the f is brought only
down to the line.
IN `lows.—Our jovial friend, Wni.
Y. Geisinger. Ile not only honored
'our .(ancLum with his smiling thee, but
he left with ns u bottle of genuine Ger-
Tnan whie, an article not hard to take,
especially - as we I.lre fond of sour-erout
and speck.
Wm. Ginter, freidit conductor on
the Broad Top R. R., who was hurt in
the smash-up near IntConnelstown on
the 10th of last mouth, is able to be
about'again : lie narrowly escaped
with his life.
. A religious excitement has been
going on at Broad Top City-for the
last three weeks in the Baptist Church.
Quite a number were ithmersed in
Shoup's Bun, in a dam built for the
purpose, above Union Collie'ry, and
about one mile from the Church.
FINE nellSES,—Thos. and Ed. Col
der, on Friday last, took to the city
by car, a dozen of the best horses we
have ever seen in these parts. We
have no doubt they brought a good
3363—"1is a pity among so many cap
italists as we have in our town, that
no one will build some neat dwellings
for rent. Demand great, houses scarce,
and rents—when I
ERS.-A fine new stock just received
at Lewis' Book Store.
Improve Your Sight and Preserve
Your Eyes.—A. BIRNBAUM, Practi
cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes
pleasure in informing the Ladies and
Gentlemen of _Huntingdon and vicini
tY, that he has opened a Store one
door west of Dorsey's, with a large
and variety stock - of Spectacles, com
prising Convex and Concave Glasses,
such as Flint, Crystal and Scotch Peb
ble, and particularly desires to recom
mend the superiority of the last-named
Glasses. His theoretical as well as his
practical knowledge of Optics, and his
long practice in the Occulistic science,
enables him to adapt, after an exam
ination of the eyes; those glasses which
correspond with the defect of near, far
or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted
to apy frame, of any shape or color.—
Please call and exanuino the Spectacles.
Anibrotypes and Photographs taken
at all times on reasonable terms.
Also, &gars, Tobacco and Moor
sebatn Pipor constantly on baud.
Ont. 28.6 m
1803, fqr sale at Lewis' Rook Store—
rice 12 pepts,
The Soldiers' Right to the Fran-
This subject is still exciting the at
tention of the sdldiei• and the people.
We give below the substantial parts of
one of the petitions which officers of
Pennsylvania regiments have forwar
ded to the Governor of this State, and
which states in a few words what we
may suppose to be the feelings of the
officers and soldiers in the. regiments
of every State which are now serving
in the Army of the National Union.—
This petition is dated "Headquarters
151st Regiment Pennsylvania Volun
teers," and is addressed to the Govern
or of this State :
"The undersigned citizens of Penn
sylvania, now officers of the 151st Re
giment Pennsylvania Volunteers, re
spectfully submit to your Excellency
the following memorial. It touches a
grievance which is deeply felt by ma
ny who love their country, and who,
prompted by that love, have taken up
arms in defence of its National Consti
" Wu find that in addition to the so
cial and pecuniary sacrifices which are
involved in a separation from our
homes, our families and our business,
we are held to have forfeited the free
man's great political right of the elec
tive franchise.
'• We feel convinced, your Excellen
cy, that it could never have been the
deliberate intention of the framers of
our State Constitution to thus impose
a penalty upon patriotism. And yet,
it not only does impose a penalty up
on patriotism, but it offers a wemium
to disaffection. The practical effect is
just as if the State of Pennsylvania
were to announce to her sons as fol
lows :
"‘ You who go to fight for your po
litical rights shall be deprived of your
political rights. You who do not go to
tiglit for your political rights, shall
have your political influence increased
through the absence of those who do
go. Those of you who make any sac
rifice—who offer even life itself, in
support of the Government, shall, for
that reason, he deprived of your form
er share in the Government. Those
of you who make no sacrifices in sup
port, of the Government, shall have a
greater share in the Government than
ever, by reason of the absence of its
defenders in arms.'
" Such, may it please your Excellen
cy, we arc persuaded, was not the in
tent of the framers of our State Con
stitution. And vet, such, practically,
is the direct effect of disfranaisims
the citizen who volunteers to serve his
country as a soldier. It leads every
citizen in the field to inquire as fol
lows :
Is if possible that we love our
country less, and are we less worthy
to be intrusted by it than before we
took up arms to defend it? Is it pos
nii le we, who have offered to
fight for the Government, deserve less
of it than those who have stayed at
'• of us know men in our rebpee
tive counties, who so far front enlist
ing themselves ; have dissauded others
from enlisting. How hard it is for the
soldier to think that the disaffected cit
izens at home retain a power against
the government, which is taken from
those who have gone forth to battle to
uphold it!
" In short ; may it please your Ex
cellency, we submit that, for the Gov
ernment to deprive one citizen of the
right of voting because he has drawn
the sword to defend it, is to punish pa
triotism: to foster treason, and to prac
tice suicide.
"If it were only the undersigned
who were disfranchised it would be
little more than a personal matter to
ourselves. But it is probable that not
less than one hundred thousand voters
in the single State of Pennsylvania
were prevented from voting at the late
eleetion. And they were deprived of
voting for no other crime than that
they had bared their bosoms to the
bayonets of the common enemy of all.
" To traitors, or those who sympa
thize with.treason, we make no appeal
for redress, or even for a hearing.—
Bat can it be doubted that every pa
triot at home, every patriot member
of the Legislature, every patriot mem
ber of Congress, who wishes that leg
islation should have reference to the
public opinion of the State, will desire
to know something of the public opin
ion of that great multitude of patriots
who are now in the army?
" As a friend both of the soldier and
the eitizen,..may it please your Excel
lency, and as a friend of our republican
system of government, we respectfully
petition your Excellency that you/
will submit the facts to the
Le g islature, to see if some way cannot
be devised by which to correct the
great political anomaly of depriving
those patriots of the right of voting,
who, in defence of that very right,
brave hardships, dangers, and even
death itself" -
TROOPS.—The bill before the louse
for the employment' o' colored troops,
passed that body on the 2d ihst., by a
vote of 83 to 55.
The following is the bill :
Be it enacted, That the President
be, and he is hereby, authorized to en
roll, arm, equip and receive into the
land and naval service of the United
States, such number or volunteers, of
African descent, as he mat- deem use
ful to suppress the present rebellion :
for such term of service as ho may
prescribe, not exceeding five years;
the said volunteers to be organized ac
cording to the regulations of the
branch of service in which they may
be enlisted ; to receive the same ra
tions, clothing and equipments as oth
er volunteers, and a monthly pay not
to exceed that of the volunteers; to be
officered by white Or black persons ap
pointed and commissioned by the
President, and to be governed by the
rules and articles of war, and such
other rules and regulations as may be
prescribed by the President.
Provided. Tha t. notlliug herein eon
, tamed, or in the rules and articles of
I war, shall be so construed as to author
ize or permit any officer of African de
scent to be appointed to rank, or to
exercise military o 1 naval authority
over white officers, soldiers or men, in
the military or naval rirviee of the,
United States. Nor shall any greater
nay than SlO per piputh;nith ti4e 144
al allowance of clothing and rations,
be allowed or paid to laborers or pri
vates of African descent, which are or
may bo in the military or naval ser
vice of the United States. Provided,
further, That the slaves of loyal citi
zens in the States, exempt by the Pros
idea's proclamation of January Ist,
1863, shall not be received into the
armed - service of the United States,
nor shall there be recruiting offices
opened in either of, the States of Dela
ware, Maryland, W'est - Virginia, Ken
tucky, Tennessee, or Missouri, without
We consent of the Governors of the
said States having been first obtained.
How Southern Unity is Attained,
The disloyal press and leaders of the
North are constantly pointing to the
South as an example of unity and con
cord, and protesting that such people
can never be conquered According
to these veracious authorities, the
South is a modern arcadia, and the
North, by contrast, a despotism.—
Perhaps these worthy exponents of
the blessings of Secession role would
like to try the pleasure of a life in
Dixie for themselves; but, before they
do, let ns commend to them thd follow
ing picture of its beauties in Tennes
see, from the Nashville Union of last
week :
"The doughty Forrest in his recent
visit to Franklin, the County seat of
Williamson, had a lively time in enfor
cing the Conscription Law. On arri
ving there with his cavalry, he selec
ted a spot, placed guards around it,
and ordered all the male citizens in the
town to repair thither without a mo
ment's delay. The order was promul
gated by dirty rntlians, who galloped
up and down the streets with menac
ing sabres. The citizens obeyed, and
hurried to the rendezvous indicated
with great trepidation, not knowing
what dreadful event was about to hap
pen. Veil melt they rushed along, sin
gly and in squads, until they arrived
at the place, where the terrible ogre
Forrest, the " raWhead and bloody
bones" of guerilla warfifre, was stand
ing with his brigands. He ordered all
who were within the limits of the Con
scription Law—except those who
owned twenty negrocs—to come along
with him as soldiers in the Confederate
army, and threatened to blow- every
traitor to the devil who hesitated one
mament. One of the unfortunate gen
tlemen thus summarily mustered into
service, the Cleric of the Court, named
Pobison, approached Forrest and asked
to be allowed to make some necessary
arrangements for this unexpected cam
paign. Forrest replied by drawing
his pistol and clubbing it, beat the
poor fellow several times over the
head, gashing it frightfully. .After
this exhibition of chivalry, the crowd
walked off after Forrest as meekly as
the a egro gangs which lie tiSed to lead
to auction when lie plied his vocation
as slave-trader at Memphis."
On the sth inst., by Rex. S. 11. Reid,
Stroyrz, of Penn township.
On the 20th ult., at the M. E. Par
sOnage, by Rev. James Brads, Mr.
3.‘mus Rict(EY and Miss RonEccA C.
EntLAnY, both of Barree township.
Mtn tingd on coon Cy.
On Tuesday morning, February 3d,
LAWRENCE SMITH, son of Harry and
Tillie Williams, aged 3 months and 1
'• We shall all g o lionte to our Father x home;
Our Father's 1.111, in the shies,
'Where the hopes of out hOlll4 shall feel no blight,
Out lose no broken ties.
11 - 0 bledl roan, on thy banks of the liver of peace ;
And buthoin its bli.ful tide;
And one of thejo 3 a of our 110.011 shall be
At Petersburg, on the 3d inst., ADA
PlusTrat, daughter of Joseph and Ara
hella Johnston, aged 1 year, 7 months
and 27 days.
Foley. 9.1863.
Fanry :01:1 Extra I'mlly Flour.. ~ , 7.500:0 0.1
Com vlon awl Superllun $6,00010.30
113 e Flour 41 75
Cot 0 Meal... • •
Fair mid Prime Ited
Ity o
Cot n, prime Yellow..
Clowersced, V 6.1
Timothy .
Extta Family Floilr 1,111
Ihtla doTec,t
Willie Wheat
lied Illivat
Ity e
I),lid Apples
I kit]
That the Court of Huntim.Mon county at January tel in,
1803, directed to be paid to clod, tom one and nine•tenths
ber cent on their claims on a Islets fortis, dsvidends hare
een deelai rd, n Islets I Is lit n•ty on the preimitatioil of
their net thicates of deposit, by tlamselves us their agents.
Spruce Cu reit, Feb. 5, 1813. bequests atur.
The Desnocr.itic Standaid, Hollidaysburg, Democrat &
Sontinel, Ebtinibilig, and Recuid, Binh will°, nil' insert
[ince times and clung,/ Huntingdon Globe.
[Estate of Mrs. Anna Hoffman, dre*d.]
Letters of Administi lawn upon the estate of Ma s. Anurt
Hoffman, Into of the belong]) of Huntingdon, Rec'd. hav
ing been granted to the undersigned. all per,onv having
claims against the estate are legnrSted to pi e3ent them to
the mele,igned, and all pus SOns indebted Null make im
mediate pa) ment.
All the personal effects of the deceased nlll be sold on
the 23th inst. .
Ilitutir,grlon,D I. 11, 1563. -Gt..
SALE.—By virtue of a
i s 3 al it of Los. Ft. Facto., to me dirtcted, I a ill expoto
to public tale at the Com t Itou e,
On Thursdays 12th March, 1863,
at 10 o'clock, the fallowing ploperty, to ‘5, it
Defendant', tight, title and interest of in and to the
((Atoning ti act of land situate in Carbon lownship.lluu
lingdon county, containing twenty 41110 anti es and ono
hundied and ford-lit ptTelies and allowance, wilh tho
binldings and immovemonts thereon tunl more folly do
ecl in a-deed for the n.une fiom Andrea A inlet eon and
William Andinam and their wit no to Joh!, MtCatdes da
ted the 22d day of May, 18, - ,5, recorded 111 tilt tint Oi del 's
Office in Ituntmgdon in Boca.] Book Q, No. 2, tinge
The same being tau wonder] on nil dd, by a lioc,or Vont
of land containing hair bundled and !hit ty antes MU cep
en! on a umlaut In the name of tlexand, Ibmt y dated
the loth day of it. - `,:eized, taken In exteution,
and to Liu bold as the property of John MLCanle,
_ _
LOCUSP I LOcusr! ! LOCUST! ! !
LOCUST PINS Com 14 inches to 30 inches long, and
LOOOOO TIIIIIEI4 oil dimensions, will be bought dr re•
coiled on commiseion.
It reminded promptly and lamely, permanent arrange.
inent .1 fill continued supplies will to made.
. Addi 0,3, W. A. LEVERING,
Cullov,lllll Street Wien f,
Fob. 4,1613.-3 t. Philadelphia.
riOAL. 13UOIKETS and Shovels,
V.l for sale by J.plEs A.
EOEIPTS and expenditures of Hun
tingdon county from Mc 7th day of January, 1862,
to tho nth day 01 Juntint y,1g13121, including both days:
Cliarh.B GI ern, West,
185', Solomon tinnier, ancliion,
1957. ;Vlllinin Johns, CI 0100 ell.
1.534. Corn°
" Samtml
" Thomas Ily.kill, Wars ico sinerk, 130&3 ,
1559. John Heti,o, 5, Henn, ell. 521 01
‘• d.:. Hat i hon. I luntni6tlon, 22 61
P• 11 Moore, Mot i 14, 407
John llon,eltobler, Penn, 65 80
MO. 9 W. My ton Bat ree, 121 26
" ar - , ,, e Cook, Cat Lon, 50 10
Henry 1, , e, Jack , ,, GO 10
John P. Stewart, Oneida, 15 12
• It. A. Laird, Porter, 744 31
" John Stlyerthern, Tell, 20 00
• Jonas Buck, alter, Walker, 100
• licitly Nell; West, 952 45 2 _30491
1261.300 n Install. Alexandria, . 180 34
" john Logan, Barree, 650 05
• ,Throb 31tmser, Brady, 255 00
• Cht Winn Millet, Coos, 13149
• John 1). Cat bet ry, Carbon, 995 .16
• Late Ashton, Cits . sville, 40 33
" David Heck. Clay, 337 89
J:111 - 09 ilober, Ciontwell, 679 11
'Wm. ClyiLatts, Duhltn, 550 30
'• John Q. Adam, Ft anklin, 1018 90
• Henry S. Miller, Henderson, 232 88
" Da., id Dunn, Huntingdon, 974 55
Solon on Lynn, Hopewell, 73 72
" John °aka, Jansen, , 032 50
• Win. B. White, Juniata. 110 00
• AS, Munn Ilitrithli, Mort 14, 092 54
Daniel 114.. per, (lucid., 122 37
" William Dean, Penn, 330 62 •
1) ,rid F. 'l'o'ser, Pot ter, 73:, 58
Mot, is Cutsball, 9pringoolJ, 217 33
• John Sumer, Shirley. 609 90
‘• Hew geLeas, Shirleyslang, 117 IS
" .MA[lllll , l Shoup, Tell, 826 92
• Abraham 03,as, Tod, 283 82
Benjmnin Refiner. Walker, 86000
Day.] latidee3, Went, 1184 84
• A. Hutchison, Wm I lei mark, 551 14
Mani, I W. F,,,1,, Union, 64 09 12737 01
1562. Alexander Stitt, Alexandria, 151 OS
• John Logan, Bailee, 390 00
" Jesse Yernln. Brady, 752 13
" Cli t Ist inn Miller. CilS , l, 290 11
• Isaac Ashton, Cassvilld, 40 30
• Saiiiiiel 'Brooks, Cat boo, 530 011
maid st;:eeel. Clay, 43 27
" Samuel Moller, Croiria ell, 118 21
• INillittin Clyniat , ., Dulinit, .- 50 Ur
• Ilmrl, Seeds, Ft anklin, 1857 00
" W.ll. Flenner, Henderson. 280 00
Clem go W. Shout', Hendren. 501 32
:knit, port, Huntingdon. 8156 27
" Jacition Hain - inn, Jackson, 715 00
Ilitdolnit Brownian, aturata, 10109
Benj unin P. Drown, }Torrid, 460 28
" John C. Davie, Oneida, 352 Si
" William L. States, I'enn, 700 00
• Ben). Self, Potter. 1030 63
. Montag Ashton, Springfield, 100 00
IL S. I.lmben.euv, 81.1rley, 515 00
, 0 cov,;e Lena. Shale) shat g, 01 00
".., Thoina4 Vann, Tell. 230 00
Ain aluint Elias, Tod, 300 60
Daniel W. Fink, Union, 213 27
Edmund Yocum, Walker, 95801
" John Copley, Wet riot smack, 1175 00
John Hender , on, West, 1165 80 16991 95
!tactic.' on unbolted 1,01,14, , 430 11
S, hoot tax 011 ‘. 275 81
' "
1t0.111.12 4S 94040
Proceeds on eStrays:—W. 11. 315 ton, 15 75
R. Rolston. I 30
Adaln Wm fel, 2 no
Pine+ collected by P. Snore, IS 49 as 51
Redemption in 0.6. 3. leovired 26 07
Amount boa lots al 1,3 0.00113 :
Prom Ittll, 011.1 et 1,01 ,t Co , f,'ooo 00
.1. o.3lilea, F. , 61., 1000 03
D,: D. It. MeMinttln, 1000 00
H T. White, 1:1.1., 600 00
0 11'01.11. Limo, Eat , 000 00
Enoch Doan, 025 00
" Bridget )leCtuiliti, .252 70
‘• 1 , .11.•1, Ca. raga,,, 252 76
‘• 11 111 ermenni., 1000 00 7800 52
A 0,01101 of Militia lines ree'sll-, Ttexir. 008 71
l'ot I attg of Com t 110 u ,., 6,00
Attornay General, Ps othonotary, Shinlff
and Nvitin , sos fees on Connuomvenlth
Pro.,eentionß, 792 13
Constables for making rotor ns null else
tidn fees, 1341 42
Judgag, Inspector;. &Clerks of Election;, 335 00
Oland and TI AY ere Jurors, Constables.
Court Cr kr and Tijodnii, 2/ 7 3 75
Inqui4itiOlN nn dead bodi•O, 10053
Mie9 , olll orders, 070 00
Wold Cat and Fe' Senli,.,, 401 90
Ward and In iilgo , ,len s, 1.5..0 0')
" Damagt ~—.31, Donaldson, 11 20
Joules 1.0, 197 70
George Jarl,on, 45 .In
Si. Wa1,41,1.1, 10101)
I:li:abeth 7,10 h, 27 50
W. D. `'with, 97 03
- ,Trdall Cunningham, 75 00
;Nathaniel 13owtruln, 170 00 725 "1
111., id: I,,rat.. ,i st.nimlral for nubile 0111a.3. 137 72
Dodge at Mill Cr eel:, 1110 • 12
1 uel for fount ]fuse and Jail. part f..r
llt.pall'l 101 • 'l l llO,
11.1,0 Cons 111011 0.•telinn,li, lot on! t 11011 E,,
1 I.lllllllr rOllllllOll l , l .
‘31,11111 Pii 0n..1q 1 .1 Oh
Flll tut %V. 11,011 oneis,
l'tairing tor wanly— fi 11 liittakcy
.1 1.1117,
11111. I,lli+.
Slate I•1111PtIC IfQ l l , lllll- 2 . \ alley
11 1 4 11011 . .. r.
P. Brothel line,
11. C. Wognuar, fo •., o
Cloth 01 ro 3,31,, oe •
CUIIIIIII4,IUII,I+I, I.) —.I Helmer, 09 00
M F. Coupb3ll, 184 00
J. Cunnuttlq, 07 2.3
.1. 6. I9ett, 1.3. (J.) 4'31 13
Cie; h of Courni,-ionc,, :375 09
Allot nay for Commr,sioneri:
. head, Doi., in full, 22 80
A. 11. Ileurtlia, 13 tol 37 111
Comity A natio,. 43 00
J. S. Ste,. r, auditing - arrottuts of Pm
thottotory, neakter and ((roidal, 300 44 no
11,pen•eg of 000101'1 , in holdmg appeals, 43 at
Bonds pa td of —S. In °oh , . 114. 25
J. R. tlo , nell, 200 00 311 25
1110,04 on bonds—Mrs M. P. head, 20 00
1). Mcal to tt ie, 6850
11'111. Steottrt, - /5 00
71. YcH 11111, 42 on
Thomas Fidler. 80 00
110. I'. Ul hibon, 100 00
U. Colds ell, 20 43 410 30
School tax phial on unseated lands;
IL My ton. Jackson tt,3nslttp, 12 no
11" aboblen, Opt ingll,ld n . 5 $ 1
John Love, Barter, " 10711
11. S. Isettl.Pog. Juniata " 17 80
Sol Lyon, Hopewell " 31 38
3. A. Campbell, In atly " 736
U. p. 53,1,,,y, Porter " 31 85 120 27
Iliad tax paid on unseated bawls:
Let i Ittdettour, Juniata to, whip, 15 RO •
JOllll Apgar. Union ' • 1 4) 00
Danl. Iltumbaugh, Hopewell " 27 00
Peter brazier, 'Wor t: lots :not 10 •'9 72 00 52
Ilefutolin a ''l dors pan] 31 48
II T. 11111(0, Esti., autonnt duo 111131 at
Auditor's battlement, January 1862. 1973 27
11:f. White. 13 , q.. amount 011:U1111116S/0n
on Stote '1'..1 for 1601. 2.35 64
Paid for the I elief of 6011111os dependant
on volunteet a .in the set vies of the
United Stoles, 6313 30
Bounty poll to Volunteer% 12508 23
Redemption money paid out, 26 57
Tretmuer 01 Iluntingiton County rode
1101)00, 4745 25
Treasures Controt,sions on 559411 p at
13/ . 3Tel . cont., . 091 16
llolance due the count 2 by tbeTteagurer, 3_2300
S 7
00( t '23
, 3k)2.70
GSL 73c
... 1 45
We. the undersigned Auditor; of Mtn tingdou county,
, fleeted and snot n :teem ding to lain, repel t that We
met, did audit, settle and adjust, according to law, the a,
counts of John A. Nash, Esq., Treasurer of the county,
and the 'et dors of the Cenunissionets ands eceipts for the
same for and doting the past year and find a balance re
maining in the hands of J. A. Nash, treasurer, of Ones
thousand too hundred rind tomb-line dollars.
en under our hands at the Commissioners' Office in
the borough of flout toraleu the sth January, Iso3.
11. 1,. )kCAIIIIIY,
Febt nary 4, 1563.
at Ike settlement of January,l9s3. for the year 1E63.
TIN P. MONTY. ST 41E. 3111.1'A
1152. John Coulter, Walker, j v $52 50
1553. Joshua Greenland, Coo, - 6 60
4 • 1,111.0 Vuoiliees,ilenderson 10 74 77 OS 75 05
1054. Wm. 13. Pilaw, Pot tel, 'lOOO
1055. John Smith, liarree, 125 69 6 00
1050. solonion Hamer, Jackson, 58 35 lOU 52 33 73
. IL F. Wallace, 6loiris, 23 23
• 34 irh. Coi bin, CaSil ills, 700
o IL Ciaili r, riormatk, 107 22
1857. Win. Johns, 0 omwell, 17 02
1858. Sanil.Steffey, Jack=on, 106 40 141 11
" Danl. Knode, Porter, 11 81
1639. A S Hai risou, Huntingdon Sal 94 734 10
" David Patsons, Tell, 600
" Isaac Co. Imam. Tod, 101
1860. Isaac Wol, et ton,iltady, 831 56 224 00
" hose Cook, Carhop, 827 '25 130 03
" John B. er, Hopewell 525 41 258 91
4 W. K. Rohm, Huntingdon 711 05 351 22
1001. John Bisbin. Alexandria, 24 69 12 35 800
, Jacob Musser, 13ratly, 135 70 89 17 060
• Cluistian Miller, Cass, 610
• 3.13 Cotheny, Cnthon, 6311 11 67 3050
4 David Heck, Clay, 43 47 25 26 20 00
James Baker, Cram', ell, 200 62 79 04 450
' Wm. Cly mans, Dublin, 463 955
• 11. S. Miller, Hendei son, 20 20 20 00
3010. Oaks, Jolson,o o 75 7310 4G 00
" Win. B. White, Juato, 18 81 31 55 11 00
Alm. Varnish, Mini is, 4 16
4, Benj. Heffner, Walker, 35 28 3802 20 00
44 David Lindsey, West, 054 63 101 01 40 30
" A. Hutchison, Wm iloi nil:, 171 81 60 79 15 05
1802. SPECIAL.
Alex. Stitt, Alexandria, 12 00 200 58 05 00 14 50
John Logan, Burro, 68 69 001 11 369 87 42 50
limo Yocum, lhady, 14 72 325 82 71 20 23 00
Chi ibtlan MM.) Coss 815 177 69 29 43 660
Demo Ashton, Carr, Jae, 03 64 78 23 LI 400
;salami Broolis. Carhop, 52 69 1391 52 - 370 54 • 227 00
David Stevens, Clay, 35 12 'llO9 206 72 41 00
Sand. Bonner, Cromwell, 64 65 936 27 31031 47 60
Win. Cl 3 mans. Dublin, 44 41 001 99 220 01 3150
Hugh Seeds, 11 ankli n, 623 850 97 101 80 21 50
IS II 01ennrr, lieudelson 10 76 183 25 31 44 11 00
U. W. Shantz, 110110,011; 20 57 217 02 41 12 25 00
Jas. l'ort, Huntingdon, 2000 76749 88 70 36 37
J. Harmon, Jaclsdn, 40 11 775 48 2 21 08 30 00
It. 'Heileman, Juniata, 7'45 133 10 37 20 12 00
11. F. Blown, Morns, 38 65 753 36 291 45 18 60
John C. Davis, Oneida, 369 51 40 24 81 700
Wm. L. States, Penn, 22 77 373 21 2
79 31 17 60
Benj. Nefl.Porter, 26 5,3 212 1 110 47 25 60
A.4lltod,Bpi ing geld 22 10 229 21 50 37 27 50
D S Unilienour, Sim ley, 63 20 725114 451 38 64 00
Grm go 7.ons,ahu Icy sburg L 22 163 51 61 93 11 34
Thomas 'Vann, Tell, 009 102 36 35 56 28 00
Abram Elias. Tod, 12 01 1118 81 420 3508
I) IV. Fink, Union, 11 26 236 31 40 86 2 1 00
YoCluu, Walker, 25 03 457 80 172 00 700
Jno Copley, Wan larm.
k7l 14 855 83 321 37 30 80
Jim. Henderson, West, 513 1500 00 648 PO 57 00
AdatinisD at or
$ : dOO
'207 00
vO.l ,
00 00 49.1 19
2.q 25
, • 11
1175 IZ 1 0 .0 S? 1S 7;24 it 1357 77
Of the Huntingdon County Alms House, from Dec.
i6l, to December 2, 1862, inclusive.
To amount drawn on County Treasury, 6,187 02
13. G. Tate, Storm d, for sundries, In his account,
exclusive of orders, 193 09
II) Sundry Expenditures for Provisions. File I'.
Fy eund. persons for 7.960 lbs pork, No. Ito 13, 439 26
2.500 ." beef. 14 to 20 103 41
1,515 lb pork 2,862 lb beef, 21 to 26, 204 96
177 bus. corn, 27 to 31, 81 2U
30 bus. potatoes, 32 to 34, 24 95
" " Sundries, 35 to 37, 3333
fly sunilry expenditures for me of Farm. RN F.
By Furadry rersonn for stnithing, Nu. Ito 4, 63 03
tails and fencing, 3to 8, 21 23
(` labor on farm, oto 11, 274 70
ndric9, - 12 to 17, 48 01
Seidl°, Eberly & Co., 1 horse rake, IS, 29 00
$436 84
By expenditures for Merchandise. File 51.
/33 Shurowny, Hart & Co., for an order, sill to
00 lost, No. 1, 16 60
R. S. Janney & Co., groceries, 2, 30 25
T. M. Dot tete, tobacco, 3, 50 34
Bolter & fire , boots and shoes,. 4& 5, 42 50
Wet. A. Ember,
smithy merchandise, 6& 7, 18 70
Leas A. flavor, 8& 9, 67 18
Shively and Elliott, do 10 to 13 70 02
.7. N. Su ope, do 14 & 15, 2601
Wm. H. Ilrew , ter, do 16 & 17, 65 39
Gee. Sipes, lierj., do 18, 23 46
David Etnier, do 19, 15 06
Smithy persons, do 20 to 23, 27 33
Out Door Expenses. filo 0. D.
By relief afforded in 11 cases, continuous and per
manent throughout the year, Ito 12, 578 49
Belief adonis.' in 11 roses, *sine less than a year;
averaging 23 woeks to end, case, 13 to 23, 216 78
Relief athirded to sundry cased, immediate, with
out regal d totime, 24 to 47 inclusive, 102 5G
SULltiry poisons for coffins and funeial expens
es, 48 to 53, 45 50
Strad, pll3 sicians for set vices for out door pau.
pers, 58 to 70, 171 66
Directors for sundry out door services, 71 to 81, 71 34
J. Morrison, for " " 82 to 83, 50 35
Also for Winging in pan. & sund. furnished,
Removal and Delivery. File D. $1320135•
By smithy constables and others, for bringing
panel ato house, Ito 0, 30 00
Sundry Justices of the Peace, fir writing orders,
10 to 18, .1905
Mi, arid llncidental. File I.
$57 85
By , and. persons, for shoemaking. Nn .1 to 8, nn 70
stone coal, 56j' t tons, oto I', Its 30
31. S. Ihirlison, tin-wore, .Ic, 13 & 14, at, 97
11.'1', White, commioslono, 15, 87 11
L. A. 313 ars. bal. on contract, Av., 10 Si 17, 83 69
Eplim. Doyle, coffins, (balance) 18, 40 72
Smithy persons, tor house labor, 19 & 20, 73 00
Ilv.itrouco fees, 21 0 22, 40 00
Nook and Whittaker, pub. annual lop., Ac., 23, 27 00
Wm. Lewis, 24, 30 00
John Late, " 25, 30 00
O. 0, Tato, for compensation to Mrs. Tate, as mat
ron, . 20, 23 00
Fnildry poisons, for sundi lea, 27 to 45, 133 48
Q} Wet. MOttle,.for hi, s% vices ne dit voter, 124 00
Sarni. Peightul, 134 40
Jas. liemlerson, lc 100 20
P. Hacked°, n, a , ‘• 18 80
Dr. ltobt. Ilaird;fer his services as attend. pll),i
-clan, (including board) 151 03
IT. Thewvier, for his services no deeb, 00 00
A. W. Benetllct, " counsel, 20 00
$6ll. 43
By G. O. Title for .unilriel, detailed in Lie acct, 07 71
I . loflacts of tlio Form
412 bushels %%beat ; 120 bushel-oats: 1,000 bustele corn
On earl); 275 I,ollnds potatoes; 6 bushels cloverbeed; 25
bushels onion , ' 4 bushels soup beans: 19 tons hay; 10
load, cot n fodder; 4 000 hcads cabba,„-e. (out of which in
pat t nos matte 1 ton cool-clout); 10 bushels tut nips ; 10
bushels beets; 15 bushels Rnips: 1,40 D ISO pot S.; 050
lb. low f; In - 0 , 80,01 n suillelent to make 150 brow.; 200
},74. , 11: L. 51 00 polio pantaloons, 213
pats drawers, 51 pail; 31/1.1i6 or stockings, 24 rests, ti bed
tick+, 55 pll lee f.,1;p,. 7 hol=ier slips, 51 aprons, 3 towels,
shoels, 1; onlforta. 150 basket., (t al ions kinds and 012-
c.,), 72 corn 1,10,n5,:i0 a:..0 han•lles, 200 plck bundles for
no , of the coal region..
3 1101 sec, 7 mile]. row 23 clock hogs, 1 breeding sour,
375 bin het.. sheet, COO busliols coin, (in ear), 230 bushsls
potatoes, 0 luhlicts clove, 'sod. 13 bushels unions, 4 bush.
etc ^olip beans, 10 loistwls tornips.lo bushels beets, 15
pars ups, 14 torn hen, 10 inalli coin fatter, about
2,3110 hoists Cabbaj... I ton snot-cront, about 3.000 lbs
bi cf 5,090 lbs pork. fit won corn brooms, 150 lockets, SO
axe handles, 200 pirk handles, 2 plantation wagons, and
harness.,l spring 5, nr.on nod lunness, 5) plows. 2 double
alto} el plows, 1 aingh. shovel plow. 1 hay rako, 1 thine
lie... cult it'ator, 1 cut. 1 hand cart, 139 chickens, 1 tot
;!{, ton Loge' la; d.
of , ain . :lty articles B°l4 out of ilia Juni,. and off the farm,
1111.1 exchanged for met chandi4o, &c.. for mni of house,
amounts n 4 tullou , , VI,: Dotter, $.7,72.; eggs, 71.2.2 ; ha
con. 524,55 ; liadtets, 51,20: Al so furnished
to P. Hari Ia (fan mot . ) out of tho hone, to amount of 580,41.
Staloloolll of 1,e11,1 oToidod ant of the boast) to sundry
out door pauper en , ionally. and which does not other
is, appar in the len. t. ev : To the Whitesell family,
extra, F 1,111.11111 I toelienberry, Nitta. 510.42; to
the Gamble tamdc, extt a. 51,21; to the Batiks family - ,
an..; to the 11,11 bin Lundy. $4,00; to Samuel W'hi't)
nod family, ;7,00: Apo:, 0,10 given unity during the
200 eery , to 4 1111ir) 0 edam tug and wayfaring pat,
? .-' "4:` fiC i : L r k. 14 g' -,' V V
..;..7,• .... 7,-.,..,.?..
...: ~~
We, the undersigned, Audit.. .I . s of The county of Hunt.
ingdon, do heich certify that we hero examined the or
dm s, vouchers, account., Lc., of the Directors of tho l'oor
of said county, and find the sumo to be correct as above
stated : And we do farther find, that, ou examining the
Treasurer's account, he has paid ore Poor House coders
since last statement the stint of $4145,25, of which amt.,
the sum of 0.211,21 was expended on accounts of the year
1061, numing total expenditures of 10611 (so far as paid)
amount to the hum of $1004,01. Leaving balance out
standing forycar 1062. to tnt., 8603,01.
HORATIO €l. FISHER, Auditors.
Huntingdon, Feb. 4, 1863.
TATE. Stewm d, to account with Duntingdon County
Altos Home, Dom Dcc. 4, 1261, to Dec. 2, 1862, inclusive:
To balonco in his hands at last settloment,
Amt. (hewn from trens'y at various times,
Cash received Irons various sources, viz;
Ft nin Wm. Moore, so the Walls case,
Podlar, for toilmys and chickens,
P. Bucket, for 2 pigs sold to him,
Mitton, for his bill.
Bedford Co., a boom,
J. Ilendemoo. Esq.
Judge Patton, in leumbarger case,
Mifflin County Alms House, for Roping and Camp.
bell, 6 00
Samuel Peightal, Esq., 01
Blair County Alms House, 9 60
Bergstryser, for buffalo v hbles, 87
Various sources, 610
Monthly Statement No. 1: December.
By cash paid i etnoving, banners, traveling expels.
es, &c , $
I, 9 27
Cash paid for roller sun r ayfal ipg pauper„ 53
do mundt y Rol 0-1,0 tcherius, Sc., 512
do Freight on P. 11.fload, 157
do postage, 1 11
do miscellaneous, - 2 75
Monthly Statement. No.:. January
Ily cash paid removing paupers, traveling expeus
es, tc • 6 35
Cain paid relief suntywayflo log paupers, 331
do Wm. Plum, for making brooms, 500
do Peter Myers, for postage stamps, le., 186
do sundries, 100
Monthly Statement 2 , 70. a. February
By cash paid traveling, expenses, removing pau•
pets, Sc., 3 75
By moil paid relief mind. woyfering pit:pure, 1 25
do freight on P. It. goad, 14 19
do Peter Mfors for pobtaga stamps, 300
do Inkcellanaous, 60
Monthly Statomont No. 4. March
By cash pall B. S. Jenny, Jr., for Order Book, 7 76
do suhdry pea SOUS for ashes, 3 81
do 031101909 gOin after the Quarry family, 550
dd do td Ilhntlligdon for paupers, 342
do do going to 611111 in comity,' , 225
da trol'elln4 dstpuoSet, retutAiing Pan
pers, he. 4 55
Cush pald thlief to trayfailng {tappers, 2 88
do miecollaneons expenses, 3 61
Mouthly statepicht No. p. April
. ,
Ely cog' paid G. Forteluo, of Pitteborg, 35 25
do Johu 13Wall for pototooo r •2. .1 00
do curpoopeg goitg to 'Carbon auJ 2.",x.1
f0T10.h11,4 3 50
Cash for expenses going to MeConnelstosen, 3 55
do to Grafthis Miller at sand. times, . - 250
do traveling expensefl, remcning paupers, ic., 205
do relief to ,vayfaring paupers, 260
do fur postage stamps, . 167
do fur freight on P. R. toad, . ' 350
du miscellaneous, 4 42
Jlontlily Statement No. 6. May.
By cash paid expenses going to Petersburg and
abieu bele, 400
Cash paid removing paupers, traveling expenses
de., 0 65
Cash paid relief to wayfaring paupers,
do freight en P. R 18. Road, 76
do postage stamps, 120
do miscellaneous, . 170
$5 380 11
$l5 91
Monthly statement ico. 7. June. •
By cash paid expenses Mining 51. Campbell from
Warrlca smark, 7 10
Cash, going to Huntingdon and tickets for pm.,
pore, 25
Cash expenses aeeing after the Gray's family, 2 25
dofternoving paupers, traveling expenses, &c., 285
Cash expenses P. Myers for postage stumps, 1 20
do miscellaneous, 200
$lB 65
Monthly Statement No. 8: July.
By cash paid P. R. Road freight on coat. &c., 12 67
do Wm. Nickels for keeping Estep family, 4OD
do 1 moving paupers, traveling expens
es, &c, 7 35
Cash paid for postage stamps, 1 05
do - miscellaneous, , 162
$26 69
Monthly Statement, No. 9: Augiist.
Ily .0h paid expenses going' atter Ter. Murry, 9 50
do removing paupers, traveling expens
es, de,. '{os
Cash paid for postage, l3B
do miscellaneous, . 300
$ll 81
Monthly Statement No. 10. September.
By cash paid removing paupers, flooding expens
es, &c., - 6 47
Cash paid for relief wayfaring paupers, 215
do P. Myers forpostago, 191
do miscellaneous, 75
Monthly Statement 11. OCtObur. $lO 31
By cash paid fur boots and shoos for paupers,. 3 75
do expenses going to Bedfm d, 562
do Grains Miller nt sand. times, 250
do tnis chug expenses, I enlacing paupers,
5c.,12 20
Monthly Statement N. 12. - NoiTnt;er: 04 07
Ey cash paid expenses to Waterstreet after pauper, 385
do I'. It, Road Co. freight on coal, 600
do tririeling espouses, relnlAl3ll, putt
pal, 236
Cash paid relief to wayfaring pauper, 50
Dy salary as Steward of the fiat.,
In testimony of the correctness of the above account
And statement, we do hereunto set our bonds this second
day of Detember, A. 11, 1862. .
1 1 1
A benevolent Instdution estaWshed by special Eudounnent,
for the Relief of the Sick and DisimSsd. afflicted with
rule n t and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the
Owe of Diseases elf the Sexual Organs.
Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon.
Valuable Reports on Spot tuatorrbsea,and other Disetuses
of the Sexual Organs, and on the now Remedies employed
in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter en
velopes, free of charge. Two or three Stomps for postage
will be acceptable.
Addres.l, Dlt. J. SKILLEN IIOL•013TON, Acting Sqr
goon, Iron ard Asloclation, No. 2 South Ninth Street,Phil
addible, Pa. By order of the Directors.
, EZRA D. HARTWELL, President
GEO. FAIRCHILD, ketretary.
Dec. 31, 1862.-13..
k o The Subscriber, trustee appointed by lion Orphans'
Com t of Huntingdon county to sell the unaccepted por
tion of the real estnto of Thomm Lloyd. Into of the town-
Ship of Walker, deed., will'offer fob sole on the premises.
On Thursday, the 19th of Febniary,lB63,
All that certain pot lion (being purport A as marked on
tha inquisition) of the m eat estate of the said Thome,
Lloyd. deceased. situate in the township of Walker, ad
joining tondo of John MeCtilion's heirs. John Item's heirs'
William Orbison's hein., Tames 31. Lloyd, Benjamin Gra
fins, and time other purport (being it:part D) of the real
rotate oral° said deceased, now on nod by Henry Lloyd.—
Containing One Bundled and thirty-two Acres and Five
TI:ItMS OF SALE.—One-third of the purchase money
to be paid upon the confirmations of tine sale, and the resi
due In two elnal:minial payments with interest, to be se
cured by the Mot titge or judgmcn t of the purchaser.
bicCounelistow•n, LIVINGSTON 110 DB,
.7iinuary 27, 1513. Trustee.
J The cubieiber . will sell a PUBMC SAI6 4bl res
Wen. in Juniata Lown,hip, Huntingdon county, ' -
On Tuesday, 10th February, 1863,
the following Personal ' , innerly, to Wit :
Vise head of tot eel, one fresh cow, on' good large breed
ing cow. one Il orb away Buggy and harne4s for either
double or single, 1 four-horso wagon, 1 two-horse wagon.
1 sled, 1 large copper kettle, 1 lion kettle, 1 Set 1.11.“1 1 ‘.
smith tools. I grind-stone. 1 saw-mill saw. 1 four foot ten
ant saw. 1 n Ole gun, 1 gold match, 1 threshing machine,
1 patent fodder cuttm, I winnowing mill.l rolling screen,
1 apple mill, 1 side - saddle, plows, harasses.. hay by the
ton, corn fodder by the lot, and a great many other anti
ele.i too liumerons to mention.
. .
Salo to commence at 0 o'clock, A. NI. A reasonable
eledit. nil I be gn en.
. .
Jofls 31E,Litus, Anctiolincir.
Juniata township, Jan. 28, 1803.0
(Estate of Worth) Gnaws, dee'd.l
In pnrsuanco of an order of the Ot Court gilun
timidun comity, I %Nil! otter at pupil,: rplo on the promises
On Friday, the 20th of February , next,
all that etrtairi far m nod tract of land, info the estate of
Martin Gran us: deceased, situated in Henderson township,
about three miles east of the borough of Huntingdon acid
u Rhin one mill° of the Fenno. Railroad and Canal, boun
ded on the north by lam! of David Rupert, on 'the cant
by laud of John Grafiui, on the south-east by land of
Adam Rupert. Junior, and the heirs of Frederick Schnei
der, dee'd.. and on the .13 th-wes t by land of said Sane!.
der'a helve, containing shout 210 Acres, more or less. of
which about TO acing nt e cleared and under fence, and the
residue well tintbered, having thereon tWo log dwelling
houses a log stable, o u ell of gporl .4 ter, qp 'prepaid' o
young thriving apple trees and - other improvements.
THRMS SALE.—One-third of the puftlucee money
to be paid on the confirunitzdtt of the said; tine-third in
one year and the re tl pticcirig one-third in IWO years there
alter with inteieit, tO ho secured by the judgment bonds
of the purchaser.
will commence it 10 o'clocl:. P. M., on said day.
Jan. 07,1963 Executor.
ualpittip 55.
1,0 Hama to the Premises of the undersigned In Clay
ton whip, 5 stray white SHEEP, about 3 months ago.—
The owher is requAted to come forward, provo property,
pay aloe gas and take then, away, dthevivien dtoy will be
divosed of accw cling to law. .
rl9! tod
Jan. 21,1823*
[Estate of George Householder, deed.]
Lett°ts of administration having been granted to the
undersigned. on the estate of George Householder, late of
fod township. deed. All persons knowing themselves
indebted to Feld estate are requested to make immediate
payment. and these' having claims, to present them prop.
erly authenticated, for settlement.
olio. Run, Huntingdon County,
January 21, .1863. 7 6 t... Penna.
QIIERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of a
1.3 writ of Tend. Exp. to pie dime ed, T will 0'41 , .0 fo
publib sole, on the p . tengses In Tod township, Hun ttngdon
Ori Tuesday, the 24t11 rebivary next,
at '2 o'clock, P. M., the following teal estate, to wit:
All the defendant's right, title and interest in end to
ono lot of ground situate In Tod ton nship, Huntingdon
county, Poona, adjoining land of John W. Scott and'Jas.
Wilson, having, thereon erected one two i.toly frame
house, painted white, ono flame stablo end other out
buildings. Sehied, taken'in execution and to be Bold as
Lim property of A. J. Dunlap.
$ 75 00
401 02
26 00
2 50
0 35
31 53
0 50
Iluntlngdon, .1:m. 21, 1803.
QIIERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
mi it of Lev Facies to me direeted;l will expose to pat..
lie sale or outcry, at the Court House, to the borough of
On Thursday, the 26th February next
at 2 o'clock, P. 51., the following property, to wit:
All that certain messuage or tract of land situate in
Cass township. Illuitingdon comity and State of Pennsyl
vania, containing one hundred and twenty acres and al,
lowance of sheper cent. for toads, Dc., adjoining lands
formerly dr Robert Speer. decd, and others (being the
same tract of land which by deed dated 15th Dec. 1155,
was sold and conveyed by David Clan kson,trostee,to make
sale of the tcal estate of the said Robert Specr. dec7.• to
the sant Jacob thesswell and librace L. Brown.) Tiigetlier
With all and singular, the Landings, impithements
woods, ways. *atoms, Water courses, Dc. Seized, taken in
mention. and to be sold as the propel ty of Jacob Cress
,ell and lion ace L. Drown.
5°2 30
The undersigned, In accordance with General Orders,
Headquarters of the Army, and under the direction of
Capt. Wnt. B. Lane, Genet al Superintendent of Recruit
ing Sort ice for the State of Pennsylvinia. ban opened
Recruiting 011 ice in the Mick budding opposite tiro
-cltnnge Hotel on Railroad Sti cot, in the borengh of Hun
tingdon. wined o he will enlist men for the 40th Regiment,
I'. V., new in the field.
$22 89
. . -
kre . s23 LouuU, aha i,ipreinitn. in addition to all otir
et-bounties offered by tire flovernment, -
I aril authorized to enlist mon for the unexpired tor.•
of the Regiment.
For further tuferuultion, call at tine lieurpiting Office.
J. BLANCII. 3111 ,ES,
Major and Recruiting Officer, 4pth Riat., P. V.
Iluntingdon, Jan, 21,1861
}OOPS ! HOOPS !! ,
• (3 4 0.4 12 and 14 feet Mope wanted, for yiniell t!.l
tilg not prl6 'vill tie paid." CaOton'delieery.
W. 31. P. afclalAN a CO.,
Na. 119 In/ma &root;
Dec. 3i. 1662.-Im. . . , Valladelphla; ,
$33 67
$l2 70
400 00
„ .
- - - -
once is hereby gim that. the firm of- @bively &
ott bas been' =Ada) cdtetnt. and the books
of wild film are In the bands of W. F. Witoon for kWf
went. in tin. now store of Shively izßoduer. All pereofie
knowing themsalves indebted will plc* call and settle s
their accounts. .• • .• •- •
Also. ',tamed Ny
.the stew firm, 10,000 bushels wheat,
for which the *best mice will be paid ; also, apples 004
alb kind of produce taken is exchange by
SlllYbaX k )3/I.IINER.
Petersburg, Jan. 27, 1653-.0
ROFIT. lame,
Hill SIT, one door west .of Cornions,' Store,.
Me assortment Consists of
the ticet,at and beet that could be found in the city, an of
ahicli ho }till take pleaaure . in exhibiting, and making
up to eider. It wilt boot nothing to call and examine hhii
geode., h all soon.
lluutingslop 001.7.-3 m,
Dave Just opened a large, new, and unsurpassed stock
Foreign and Domestic Dry-floods, of 'all kinds and TAU ;
ties. embracing everything in that line.- Also, a complete
assortment of
remarkably cheap, with good weight and Year tneaaure,
together with
& SHOES, &C., SC., SC.;
and all the 'miens other matters 'Nuttily kept in a coun
try store,' so that the inquiry ie not " What bas March
Brother got," but " What hare they not ?". •
Being satisfied that their hirge and complete - stock OZ
the above named goods cannot be excelled in quality;
quantity or cheapness in thi eection nf country, we re
speettally ask a trial, feblirig eatisfis:d that a liberal pa
tronage will •be extended towards us, by all who are In
need of good articles nt low &tee's: Our motto tS "qnlck
sales and small profile."
We repectfully request the patronage of all„and,es
pedal ly oar Trough Creek Valley friends.
Everything taken in exchange for goods exceptpromi
A Cash paid for'ili kinds of grain, for which the
highest market prices will be given.
31arklesburg, Nov.lB, 1862.
AT .p,Ripzs
TO PLEASE Ev..4.piQDlr.
Taken at Par in Exchange for 9004
Tho highest prices Pahl In Goods for all hinds of
Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1862.
.q ) •
al R. A. O. KERB,
c 4 .1
.4 ALTOONA, PA., 1."
ted to he the pest eve': alieyed to the public, and
teeir aupellority satißfac'toKily qtabllghtut by the fact
that in the last eight Yeats, •
Obi }7R 1400 MORE;
of these machines have been sold than 'of any othor man
ufactured, and more medals have been awardathe'pro- •
prietere by different Fairs and Institutes than to,any oth
ers. Tito Machines no warranted to do ell that Is defiled
for them. They are non iftlise in tleXeri}l.rniniiieltritl•
Wen, every once limy etitch tuitlakstio •
The Agent refers those desiring lOormation ae to'thi
superiority of We Alachines, to A. W. Benedict, Joseph
Watson, B. If. Tatter and E. E. Beitleman.
The 31achlueicen be . seen and examinod at tho atom of
Um Agent, at Altobiin., ,
l'rice of No. 1 %chine, silver plalid, gloss foot and new
style Hemmer-263. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass
foot and new atylo Hammer-255. -No. 3. plain, with old
style Hemmer-24f. .7 'fOct, 21, 1862-Iy.
1863. 1863.
IL 11011.1AN'S
For Gen item en'g Clothing of the beat miter's!, and mad*ln the best workmanlike manner, call nt • '
• - lI.IIO3IANrS,
opposite the Franhlin House in 3.larket &pap, linntbie
don, Pe.
Iluntiugdon, Oet1• 28,18
Havo just Opeped and o f fei• to the Public;
, •
WELL "S ; ElEiC..7'_4'l) . Goopsi
Will please call and examine our Goode
Oct. 21. 1862.
suamt and Inti S Sfr i k oraT z l A
SALT and Vl`Nit
Fthint; SALT and
tittayery other at tido windily foupd In a Grocery Storit
• -
ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuff.,
• Pninte„Yernishea. Oils and Spti. Turpentine,'
Pink!, Alcohol, Glass and Iltty . ,
ngsr sin nod BRABTY qualqat .
BOOTS AND 511055, •
and a large number of article. too numerous to menthes •
Thkipubllc generally will plemui call and examine ifof
ihernscleks and learn my prices.
8. p.
Ifuntlngdon, Oct. 29, fRS3.