HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENE A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. Oct. 21, IFO2. PUNLANKS 1 BLANKS! BLANKS! P L SALES, ArrAor r 1:x EccrioNs. ATTACIIMENIS, EXECUTIONS, 'SUMMONS, DEEDS. SEBNENAS. MORTtt IG Es. SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NI irEs. LEASES FOR HOUSES, N ATER ktAzATION B KS, COMMON BONDS, JUN.:MI:NT BOND;', WARRANTS, FLE BILLS, NOTES, with a %salver of 11w ;105 I.on. JUDGMENT NOTES, pith a unit el of the i' '' 'eJ I'' , ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. n ttl. 'l', Ahe,. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, tot J.Det., al the Peace and Mimstera of the Go•pol. COMPLAINT. WARRANT. and COMMI rm ENT, to c,,, of Assault and battery, and Allia). tCIERE FACIA.. tor. cot - el annolnt of Judgment. COLLECTOR,' 111:C1111' I'S, fot Sltto, Count, School Borough and Toon-hip Tnsc-,. Punted on enneriol p.sper. and to, E dent the Caen of thoIIUNTINGDON GLOITF.• BLANKS. of et et y de.miption, to hit.' to order. neatly. at short notice, and on good Pavel. SONGS AND BALLADS, &C., The Dime Melodist, The Dime Sons Book, No. 1, The Dime Union Sung Book., The Dime Military Song Boole, The American Dime Sony Book, Tintkee Doudle Sovster, Songs for the { 7 ll h, )1 The Stars and Sto:p:s Font. Disey's Essence (f ,t twat Cork• Songster, Gus Show's Comic Songs, Bcrry's Comic Songs, The Slailiug Song Book, Lovcr's L ish Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime BOA' of Etiqi(Cik, IV'eto I)iinc _lineMan Joker, The Dime and other North, The Mine Leltcr ln•itcr, The Dime Dream Book, Z. 0 The Dime Speaker, Nos.l& 2 The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Boo!: For sale at LEWIS' Dour., ST T:ONLRY o s MuslC Stosu P APER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER !! ! Tracing Paper Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Filk Papei foi. Flowers, Peitoroted Paper, Bawd, • Flat Cap Popcr, Foolscap Vapor, Letter Paper, Connneteial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Lathe , ' Plain and Talley Not, Paper, White and Colored Catd Paper, in hid" :tad Fheets, For sale at LEWIS' Boot:, Stataonety and Motto :itoto. ENVELOPES 'Wholesale and Retail. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, AND FANCY Just received and for solo dt. LEWIS' BOOK STORE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS ALL TRH DISIINGLIEHLD OFFICERS AND ELTIrliNg, FOR SALE AT LEWIS.' BOOS AND arATIONERY STOItt PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LALGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' DOOR AND STATIONERY STORE WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, 7 .d SSELS, and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A latadsome assortment Just reeei‘ed awl for sale at LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY& MUSIC STOIC': TRACING MUSLIN, 1:111.11 . 217ia AND DR kViliC Pl.llll TP7tita and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' 1300 K ct STATIONERY STORE. BIRD CAGES, TEED DOSES, FuESTAINS, WASDING DISHES, LIED SEED, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE PISTOLS! PISTOLS !! 'olt's, Sharps', Smith S, Wesson's, and all IlnproN ad patterns of Revolvers, Pistols. Cartridges, I3oNrio KnIN Le. de., for sale at the Ilarda are Stoic of JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Pa. Mny 21,1861 B LANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS RILES, for gale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONER? SIO V 01.3 will find tha lon.g,rst and Best assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods at el ALL at the new CLOTHING STORE j of OUTMAN A CO. if yon maul n good article 0 , Clothing. Store room •n Long a new building, in the Dia mond, Hunting& Sept. 9, 1857 CALL at D. I'. ( WIN'S if you want tr. Good• PATRIOTS TO THE RESCUE!! Men Wanted to till up one of the best Regiments in the Field. ?Till undersigned, in accordance ,s.e,fletotrol Ottlto hood gnat let sof the Aura. and tinder the dilation of Copt. It. I. Dodge. General I ret otlent of Pm:tun:ll4 Si t WO for the MAO of 1 . 0110-O tt .1• set a Cut "Mg Office at MARKLE:3II[I:G, Iluntingaml county. Pa. I 11111 1111t11011,a to 01111-t 111,1 for ony Penn.:. Mania Itegonent not to the tic 1.1 that S not alre.olt toll. Folt-isleueo and lta3 to COllllllOllOO 11001 dote of entht• roent. Sergt. JOHN MeLAUGHLIN, 53d Regiment, P. V. Olt ttcctuning Serv ice, IMENIMEI FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &C., &C. FARMERS' NURSERIES, n,‘“to Lumrl, :Ind all %silo way I, in want or Toci a and PLAN,to 1•\ mune our mock of 1711 !I rr wELL lil N TRUES, At gteally f.difeol icei to -tfit Ilie tune. Lt. , ,ting of APPLE?—.I litte of tho m0..4 appicrto.l %al lotiey geomal colu,ition—gOtAl ^l7O 0.1.1 (lit klty gcoo (II 10 each. BE=llllll===l CIIIIIIIIIIIS—A tow a , -,too•ot, In et- 1.01. PE %CHI S-0111 k 1, tote. cumin iNiog eon.. ii , m or 0, n. tmo tLk t.f , oNo"llenee. Int o olong a -11,,.- , tori of 1 tr. In.t 110111 Ih^ 1-t of Antgar.ll In lii 1-1 of ilt.t,alt Pt to ton It , . on, : lil 1 0 0 11-t of 111 , 11,, Ode , 611111, Pt re graft, .1 MI 1/11111,1001, 0 . ; - 111 Cl' • 011 1,1011 .Inch+ l 2j et,. eaell. S-50 eV, each; NI crAi;lNl:s—n ante end, rrArii'VlSE , fth / v meta , ohl at tho vet:, 1 ttic,t lati • 1.1. till. ; ; It. .Alit' al the twit . - .•11. 01 It not mi Laud, ,fit l't 11111,1 , 1,1 at Ow lo} lo‘s t-t CURRANT ',MIL SYR 1\51111R11111.77,, 1 7.11 13 01,1a1, , 1 I , ,1, el It 1..1 1 . 1 .t,. o 1 in llonti , ll , loll flee of t to the 1,111, It ~,et ,11111 hg the trullo.l,l to Ills pl.,r it .1 , I_ll it, Al* illtillil ql.l tlin,z Mill :00 111 1.1101,1 ,:t. 1 1 ion. '1 he 111.r,o1.:- .:•• I, ,t u,l. . N 1:. hen, 1 untre, don, 1,11 tho lead 1 tom 1 1 11,11 111 31,1 1. and one tittle it. C. hunt the 11',r1 1.1. 17-71 n 1',,, 1 Ilnutingdon, NEW CLOTH] NG AT LOW Pla (TES. M. CUT MARI lIAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK Or Nmv FALL AND 'WINTER CLOTIIING, Which he offers to all who want to lie CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT TILE TIMES. IL, stud; t, R... 113 -ma is Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, A LEO, DOoTS. AND Brio c, ILITc AND CAPS, ,LC , Fhould gentlenwn th , ite on 3 iicular kind of cnt rf clothing not found in the "lock on howl, by inning that 1110.1,111 a they foil 1131K,011111ta tint ut 'llol'l . notice. Coil at thin es,t Cotner of the Dim/to:l, of et Long, Clucei). - MANUAL GUTMAN. llnnting.lon. Oct. ii , 1.552. run EVERYBODY = i 362 H E :1032. LARGEST AND BE'ST STOCK OF wito 1 1l pitro t _ ~...... bli _ Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale Book - , Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. UR CZT*OK One Hun(lrecl Different Styles YELLOW, ENVELOPES, W Xll & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Halt, Rachel), Office, Store, Shop, Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. TO ARMS! 111;,‘,11 TO nu: STORE OF S WI OE2 C 9 AT COFFEE RUN STATION, and coo the new and ele: - _ant scoot talent of Goocllthe has Just recoil"! consisting in part of Dry Goods. Gi unvd s, Quansiva, r. 11,mbro re, Clufht ay, 11,00. Slandr. Ude, Caps, Boots, Meer, and all other artich s kent in connti3 alerts. ,a hall he is oiletin, , at hi, Mainnaali :it Coffee Ron tt allot, at units, Illy lea p lee, lite publa..llo IMIL,I to call sod esdunlnebie Cowls. ]Laing at tang. meat, as ith lti g Cr ins in Philadelphia nail other ca,rein cal,. he is able to buy hie geode cheap er than other coo tiny nietel.ant, and can consennenth, mulct sell them! In exchango for &amt.', lie takes all kinds of 000511:, podia, at the highest cash pr.,. 115 strict attention to the Want, of co•tonte,, he hopes to accrue a continuation of the libcial putuouago t.ith tt blot he bits been heretofore fivoird.- Slt. Cohn is Agent of the lh nail Top 11. li. Co., at Coffee non Station, and to plevu I .hip all hinds of Guaira to the Ilf.stent inatkets ]taring a largo Ware Hoorn, fan -111,,-(all stare M mini until 11,1) to lop. Chary Coll- VLIIIOIICe Will bo alTut dad tin in. :Flit. 10, 1502-If F ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS. = w For, Ne ere pinch:wed in Europe. pree ions to the rho i n sic, i mg E,hanne. old tine Nose Duty imposed on all run, Imported -ince tine hunt of August. I nonta also slat, that a, lohg as my stork taste, 1 Mill offer it at pikes propel t inmate to what lino goods cost me; Put, it will Po innpoßsthle for me to Nitwit and Manilla. , tut e any mole thou at the , ante pikes, ow ring to the miLettled state of the +alining of the Umantiy. ey, Iteinember ltu• `.1:11110, number and street: John I'm elm. (Need Pm Moo. 715Ai ch Sheet, Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 180. -am 1:1=2 CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baslmts at IN'S. INIME NnAll 111:NTnlIDON, I= .i. r I~ric"9 r ..i trr'd 6' LOWER PFACES Consists of upwards of ME JOHN r.1111:111A, 718 ARCH Street, 1.1c10v6 Eighth, 50z01,,,t0, Plor.ov 11.1411 Importer& »:m:/.:r tut. crof•uui De.lll - 1 m or FANCY FLIES, fel dies' :mil Cluldu•u'v near I deole to 6.,t3 to ft ietale ef Huntingdon cud - 1 7 -, the .M.111,1111'4 COMItI,3 -- -" , ..tiott I hate foil in sfrae. the r..og, Odd "5 ,- ;=-1110St Lco lifal CUSSI;) 111 all hook:m.l qualinci FANUY for Lit and that rill he twin dozing BANK NOTICE yurstinnee of the 2:4 1 a Section, Fir,t Art. lo of tlLti 001,011,1 Corratltition of the r tat , Of l'etitt,i, It milli, out the 1n r i 0 the .let 01 the Got, eta! .I,entlilt, i ,t.,•••1 th • tit •t J II the tun iletbigtol of tl.ll of l'louy)haula hut 13 eiv uotire Out the) int •11.1 to h•aiie opplioatlon to tho ~: f-I.tivio 0I 5.1.4 Stah, iti iteNt COM' 1,1.3, for the chat tot ot,ri haul,. to ho ',at, 1 111 11111ilill-lloi ill the erionty of llootlo-1•01. aollitato itfolotaid, to ho celled the' 1110111/ ItANK: • thee:vital of to Le 1100 11.001to•I 'll,O. oil Donal -. 00,1 the -pecilte obterit for h tach the to op••••• d rot i,otation to to be ch 1.• to tl.Ol-act the ll •hOl tla tie buil 10_ let a Itanli of di , 0001, th,•• 0.01 ei.elhoh i re. DIVID 11L kill, I J 1 1 1 011011)11LI: 1 , .101 IN .1 I, bib 1111,1,11 M IA: Vl:t. It. NVIIITON, N17!:11 PORT, 110111.11A11111 . 01 , 1:.10 It. II ti cirri: rr.v. A. 11. SPI,SVART, DAVID DU NN, ll= Jono 3, 19c1.2-P.1,1 BANK NOTICE 7 [ NT 0 1 T I;; I ear , t ert-I) ,i y ‘ e t i f l „ 1. , 1 tic fl the.,olVe , t 0401111.1 Lt 1 , lim to at.t.l I.ml:wet!. :I. Cs•lttav•tt•• t t ti e tatty, t•• • of .t,tattl,lati;t. Paul: 01 cunt t it tolvtl, t•t unit, ;ma in pm-n.tlnc, t.t the 1.1/...1-1,11., 0l 1W ?ti 11 the Gt 1111•13 of tlw (~ 11E11 011.3 , ,1 thelttt , lattl •,1 • 6111.111ontent to tin Act tot .t 0 , 1, It .1. .4'1 1 ,2 t , :',•• 'c',- in,, et 1 t lItt• 1.111.1ie m - un,l to Gout 112,..1,11t 1.1., °nevi I.nt k e 110 01 ront111,•11,calllt applic.ll , lt, to unit I.eartlitt nn Ow • 111.11,1. 1 1110 111 ip In be TILL: trIVCIN W./ t. 1.: COUNTY BAN Lr lorattql in the 11.,11.,11 it/ th.• Cotthl:. t.l Ilitnttilvlott. and nn t. c.tillt•tl of 0110 1111111 h, d •th•l •tstr thou .111•1 11.,11 itt ••11ttlet of fifty doll,k, oech, ‘,1(11 ti;rilt cot pnule,e of ilat'llq-i11 . 4 the ,1111' (.1 :fly al 191.11 t ied txrtttfing thlet• Itttn.lt el 01,, n. 1,1011.113. WILLIAM P. ONBIEON, JOAN MM=SMI ul'olzklll , 111:111.ITSON 1-2 duly ^_?. Iv`• WAR FOR THE uNiorti Nr.SV LEAN , , Sr :)Lri)T.;i 1111: LONII 01: - 1:0 v•htl,3 3,1 1, , 11. , r , nr 01 na ana thy 1., • t Lit d0v.r1 ,, 11 c•i•tl 1:1,bel Al Illy di) not t to 4:11 at tln htol WALLACE & CLEMENT, Len', an.l E of anO. Hi =lllll2 T.A, a IL ul at,l a g,l - 1 .1-=4•11.11 at Of I' nnOr of aro of ca,ll ta 1,1, , 2. J. H. 0. COEBIN , A rr 011 NEV AT LAS,", =I 0:: we , on 11111 Ft:ed litintul..l..n,.lati 11.1 4a =MU= I)]J VTIS 'l' , IL., lento, ,1 to tic 11,m oil ootto I .4111 13, I't.;t7t. T E. JIEEN E C. 5 lEBEEI ON, on opp,ltt. =on I, llinaln„;.i ,, n I \lay.!::2s, 1,2. T. IVIIITE, ATTOREY. LAV,", I= MMMiI tri 0 0 1L!! C (,) 0 LL:!! A •( lt, (hal r t (.(t), •• 51:\C;'m.1:1/Al, ()II f'r (a a, a .1 tho. iltll 1:111,1 ol u.l that :111.111.01.t la, a if 0.., r (.1( a( r1111.(11•11-1,1' `0,1117 A ht.,, 1.111 al , / Of = at t 1 Nol3 loac-t tL, 11,a I)..\.NDELION 1,-t r,,,11,1,11.;.,11, 1,113 •te,n- .1 1;11:1 , 1 , 11' , 'fr 6,11..zal 141n1113, 1,11. WI Idt , , I vto , lp It , v.. 11 n, I=lllo.lll I CI-. Olt" in, vi 1,1,. I. ,1111.1-, 01.1111.113 kl:lt .` i ° lli• . 1:01,1,0;_"_('S LE VAIN, Th, toast uwl 1,,t 1;.tIIN(; 1'11111)1;11 nrthlog LgLt, tme•t ll u •a I I c,11., M H. arna of .11,,,, , f0nq (7,1,0 g ;Id rmi.)l,, Nut. And All 1), ,c)i I\4, 2.1,11,2-1 ripllL ST. OUI S, bet ,10.11 'I lan! all 1 I .."11;f, tuLLL.-Ltlail. fel a t, ,:,,,,t tb, lu In L hon.:. the ph a-ote at .tteontealg to lIL fi.c.:•.ttal th, t tat eltaa; eat:ain't!: thL; II 1+ tw. 01,11 let the It, ' ,ten tr,o. 'rho •11, the 111,1 uI hit c h t la-t. ha, It a eat it el, ugh tallit h.lin a sop, ho at.tuaet ; the .0.0 (111,11 , lie Loge. II and lot toshoil u, leo I slr Iti. root] all\ C011%,111, lit t 11.1 i OW 11 , put ..w1 ,leataLleat .11,1- 11,..0,11 111 111011111110 h lt.• ll.' Cil,t‘.lll h , t , d 11 1.• .111 n 1:-.ehane C , llll I d moll 111 Potcl , I:,tnn,ttlt Gar tlto a'...- C,11111,11 , 1 nl 11.0,, t ;11111 , 4 th, 1:111o1,111 Flom Thluo La 'R.11.11,1101 ceolc. ac0,1,11n27 10 I,,dion. 11 ~ 0.1 I ;0 1,0 Ttt tfllitte for m, t c1„-,0t , and 100,0 1000 11,0 Ito 3 P. )1. - 2.1,1 c, c, --1 . i- - ; rri ;a) ~- . ..,, ccl7 _ -., 4 .,,, ,..2\ P: -1 T' '. \ 1:1 EqL: 41.-1 )) .....- , pc - J tv c, c) ic,:A/ k 5 PB 1 0 VA ENVELOPES AND PAPER =9 LEWIS' BOOE: STORE WILLTA3I AFETCA 11 AS .. 1 .6.1 1N commL:scr.D alit BOOT AND ;..:110E-.11.1.1c1N0, 01ill DOOR ILl5l' OF 11. 11031 AN S Cho rm NO rord; D, .4.1 et,totneto and public genet am him a call. tlluultnplon, Oct. 20, 1151,1 i _VLEXANDIII.A. BREWERY.- NEW El ! 9:11r. 3l4thed I,,pe^t filly ihform tho pal,' hat Ile L teuelia ,, l the 11,1:11NDItIA 11l e., , tthate the anti tieb ;Li nt to gn 1. :4011..11 sati-Lietion. All eltlell will Itp: mnptlp ,tt[anlyd 10. \VM. lilltlll.. Alexamh:a, DA,. 22, ISCO. Fllllll 11 tl 0 DON 101JNI)1.1)7 IN AGAIN'—The tot 0111114 tal, flit ; In - thotl of 111ft/sluing thru lt tonC :cud the 1,141, genet:ally, Eliot the) hat, nil t tho llttntinzflon roan 191„fec,0111. 4 and aro HOW In anccr,lul nianatoot and ale pupated to fut Co.lito;, of cot y doqmptton. of bolt tinqloy and othinan•lttp, on , Inn t notlce, and on a,...nota, 191105. lame: too inNttcd to call And exam. i oul Pl oughs. We ale ntantalactining tlto !Intact Plo ne ugh. Tho, 00110 tools prendllnt Ai the non. tlngdon comity natlttual rah lav hill. .11 , 0 n limn, A CcinblAted Cott. r Plotvzhc, which c u rt lca L. at --togctloo 4th the I:c3 ,tour, llilhulo and Au-,lnat planglia 11 , Lute 011 hand And ale 111lildAchIng Sto,,—Stleh Ceolt, nod Other More , lot wood nr coal. llullme nale. 0010dt tllnt 0i Kettles. 'toilet a. l•kill,fg, ,Cc, all of a Hell n 0,111,01 clicap for ra , ll of W c‘clattizo lor nnun tug pt mince. Old nit Id tal,en for ca..tingm. Br a stliLt attention to lotstue..... and n &Ate to plea,, 0, log, to be cello a Illonal blau, of publie vat] 0na,4.,. cI:NN INGHAM .C. 11.mliugAnn. 1Vo; ' V11]). The itip'er:leneei , ,votll,l 11.s11. call the Hall ion of lhr 0;117en oi 1 1 1111 11, 7,1,1 Idol the c.intit I to 111 2 Ft..]: o' 11ealit.11111 owl.] • limo,, hand. lle 1. plop uol to lin tkilli It the , holle,t 11,1.11, )Ivlllnuent.ti T. 11.1.• nut :.t.one , of c‘t.ly (1.• , ...1 .1 anti fII I, 11c,1 11l 1.10. 111;21113 hoof .'I. cm. , ...t1 eliil on,. .1• 'll.l, F 111 1 ,111,4 .)1:11110, :1111 11.1(111, 71111. I f 11,1,1,11, 11. 11 lilt - 1.1.11-.lf to floni-h mat .i.. 1 no.l to ans hi the I.tii Call you MI., On 11l .LlOll. 51ny 10, IE:S EEO MILITARY Ficar,;„ REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS I= h. i; .11 - 1 octavo of :C91,1,1.. I, 11r;r.111t1y 1 , 11111.• d 111 1111 r 1,111.1. I.o\ l 1„111 ti p (,1 /1./.1 0/1 , .7 . , I.r ‘ , 1111. , r ‘.1:1 I.c gist. Int the 11101101,/ 111 1 1 10-to 111.11 It n. 110 1,111(.1 vaitl. I 1,1 et 11, of "111 111 and the ,‘ wt "f otto ha- tot C. it in the Arfit3. .11, Sip ud,x otulpt arr.; tlie Artitiv4 of 'Sir. r,q,C3jr, Itc.:l."thy t ;lit 0)11x111 0141 (1.01- 11,1.1 Ihl :,1111 tl\ ut IndittlEng th. ,- , at tic 1 , 0.11. PRICE ~co. 1:111: , .khz AT 1.1.1V1::: 01; OAVALBY TACTICS, [.li I I I YI:I/ED By iviajor William Gilliam, U, 2. A pllbti..l:o 1 :a..1 fot s'o.- .tt 1.1')21: (trttV.,:c in u 1 1 ,2 %oft. tr. T _\. N T Ii Y CI'ICS 101 thein , 1:1101.:11. ..1 , 1 Wilt, :111, /11- 1.1..11;. - 1.1;10.1,1;:lit 11;1.1111t. 11..;;;• e ue.1111;:il r the lit ;Thu 1% ar -1/ ) p ;I I nt• t/ fill , I'. , 1 1;/t1 111.• Ll.l u;..f 1 1 .1; 1 I I- I ;;;;- tilt ;1.1 Or 111-:1,1 -1,1.1.11• Iii I ' t'il *I \ C.l/1: tl; 4- 1 , ”1 • .1, 1-.,1 , 1.1 47 It 111, It.iti 'it 1., t • t d tit , itt t,t lu it-. .tile.:. J. JAME: , M. BELT, tME , (MIN. 111=1 TIIE 11,-\NDY 1100 K TED h"1"..1 TES' AS' 0L i) E Ott iL con.ol , •to hi i.; 1.1 the :...1,11,1.1%):11 ,1 lit I 11,11111. 11 LI t,• 01.1 lti 11,11 I.)) PO, It . , I, /1,1 i ' /Itl . 2. , / id Hardee's Rile and UghL Infantry in 2 ,01 - I 1.!.W1. I:9Jii. ST01:I 1::-Th • Po - acct by ina,l to oily Ulu e:pt sot Ho , pug y 11.1.1tht1,.; , its 311ty 2' 0011001, BOOBS, 0 A r 1.1.11 - -J.. , r.cp.d: ;.,... A 1:0:N1.11Y :c. Ml:,i(2 51'Oit 1, (1 , 11 F,..11. 1.1 t. .:%.1 f,tll 11,111119 n 11. 11111: 11111 1.A.N1/1/11%i 110 1111 111 If o lll,, ;` l lllll'.l. U. 10,1, (IAIIII/111 111, 1111A1011,) 1,1.1(11 1, 111111111 . . 011,1 rat 1,11 1 . 111,111110.111. liCll% . \ nl GI . .11/11, U -1,41G. 1 . Nib 1.011 -. )11. N. 111 3 1. 11011'1.10/111.0 A All 2.tp113. v..th M.,110 .111011 low. 0.. EMI atoi 1(1. yo. Al P.illst cltlio NN L.l th. Unitt.". •• `• 1'..3 - -, 11.1/untrm anl I'Lnolantlny, 1'. , ,t tm01,,. Lunt], 1),:x1,,' I IN aht 11% 1,11 1 11:13 111111'11141/1,111,113 1 . 1,10,1 • c, i,'t l'atat..l • t , tt:tt ; pi,: rr,„, s anti Dv11:0,1 1 1,13.1 , 3 11. 11111 1 1 .. A till MEI OM I,rl ,ic. ~..~~ :0.a., lin.. ~'~ ~- AYINDOWI CURTAIN PAPERS, S1!Iit1) .1.) ply: E.; ! .T _L )3 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST C , BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens lIFNICY NI IL. 1)1v011, Pr c FF 4 `lii; "CO _VT El) ,M " Tmd, C 11:1,. 11... i .., Com_ v r‘.• v.... , 'flwv 11- thk 0,,t1 •1(1 I •(—• 11(111,111 Doi.,11111011(•, P(11.1(1 . and I'm ;01,, I.• ,t 1 o. Ow p(olimi. ttlal 11((t:,-. tin tl_ir,tit III(' 11, •.I I . v. 111.1.• I •11,,,` lIIINCL,IIIIIII.4fIt into lhi 1711 . 11 , /Ii , L L, L LI s . 111(':01 , 11 , 2 1,L1 . 11 iiLL . IIII 01 , 1' lin °Lit. 1,101 iL, L. 11,1- 111,. Ica oil, • 11.1• C.llll,:itt .1 M. 'Pt c.q -r..1,2: tilt‘,lll t lit tit, Ilit• Ohm.:. I p.pch . t t• g 4 .11.1111'3 1.1 1 . 411L1113 ,11:1,111,4 the luk,ooftnn., .11, . 1 10 aii. .bitny to•lvi , ,onai+ h,lvete,l ai •111,nitit , 41: I ha, u•• 41 of 11r. C. 1111 n nn , l hi,;ltl; (' It Pdctid rl q/*.!,1. )I,tri'., 7, 11 - e' ay.. 1,01 the ro•,. of W I'm oal.l, .111(1 tint then) to be I, pit -mil , . awl 1 It I nd ng them to thu 11 I" ' , UN:, ,k, A •letti, C. Plrll.leire I',`n• 11.1, 1.1,11 (110.1 up plu,tllll tLtu 0111 t, .. 4:1), \ C. S. Cudobt Tim hi;; h ieJtho cou agate d P' . 11 , 1 , 1.1 , by NI I c tu rueolmoelvi thi w a 4 1,, lilt 1.1, We al I ' , as to ahoNr levoanaelel it IL It. CI:01111.1.1. CO. I ha% e Itectts.Poll m .11.1.111110 t Pot.- otc d. the bo-4 i . t r ro o d. igiitt Una' d Nub :Frincss CL., ..111P can rnufnlrntl3 t econitnowl Mr, C. Hai itard s q .lnlr Pot, an the Let eon Luought tuul,l our natio., NNItIIOUt eirepholl. WILICINSoN. STETSON 4. C. 1., u , T. It. ILColl 6a, C.t hi. r. IVe 11,1, hoot 1,11,7 111, l'uol of 11t. C. It:lin:11a mu' take plea ,111.• to let toutnt.ittlittt, 0,11 to tilt pulp, al till .1, uu ion Holt at tido. tottl Ite them t J lt... CI.IN I tN. (HA we L:vfmnul 111 II II 11.11)1's t)m 1.)1 )2,14_0. 1.1)01),),T A. 1)). N: T woffikl nfillowl a , 111 , e1101 isle is ill I WOO 11,M. We add nor; (0 II rz II ,c0mm,,,1 thong. I`,NDERIII 11AVI IA N 1) S. CO, Nut) Yot 01 all Pon, I Ivive evcr uscti, Mi. nat.l e Itaxe mt. :nl.ll t it coninn•inl Hum to Om public , belng entitel3 utttt-cotto~it i•. E. l'01111:1:, Yotk. Aft, v. mouth,' oal , tant m.o of C nads Anti- Pea, no cal Conllll , titly icemslo lid a a, tho h.-1 n1,1..11n, lien tie 11-1,1 11114iji, limn Iliu abut e e that IEIIO, i1,t11.111% COI IN C CO.. :,en lot C. iIAIIN-U11), ittuf.o.lut.t On 1„1111 :-tr. et C1,11,0‘,11, [wit I:. Vl': I=l 111=11111 'PACTIC6, ME F 01: B.t LI; IMETIMME •~, to :...: i~i~.ai~~ Fl.i". , q , hy 1 , 1 mn.11.11,11-11..1 to ootab , t,l 1/,11 , 1 0,11, 1 T, .1 R. G 1.,' STOCK EEO I'llhthlow Curtain I)apers, JUST 11:!:CE1 LEWIS' BOOK STOIIL GET THE BEST ! =I AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Ifynt fur the c(d,!y et , ;. per dozen or per gKo,r, C. IL‘,1:Y.11111'S PENS Se!, it() y Tali 11,201 f 1 fft 131= =l= _IALI, at D. I'. GIVIN'S if you want J non) coons. A spkialid variety of Carpets, only ry L . LS, p.l 3 1.15111.1 t SON. Ala Conan., very cheap and beau title at 1 , . P. UWIN'S. IlyoM-3, of the best, for Medieinzt at s. s. ouTirs. C()T r Yfr: 11E..1.LEIIS can I. • !Nti 1111 111 llllilt iii, il~iii .It 11 •.1/.1..1 , 1.11,111111 tIII• I .1 Vllolo,ll' •tole 111 i`tl , . .11-11 a :I 11. 11. ItO3IAN. be.tiroi lot of ;;Laker Bonnets for at D. P. GWIN'S. E he ,t, litrest variety of jl nil 1:001, 01 1 ;Odd, r.nl I,lttay, le , tomellit the, hear tsar of FISHER S. :ON. V I 0 Li N S, GUITARS, = I= 1.1.11 1;;;;;Ii. • ;' CI \AT y nt•nk, T - (11,71'1\1 () T- , ‘1.11:111/4 1• „ 11111t1:0,1"., LADIES' FURS, a :-.l,loa'rs.l r. 1.11 , 111.1. 4 ,ON El.ol'l.> 1• ro tp,. or o ) . for UMEtala==idiZM .I , !TTItAI'PINII PAPER! A g"oll Itrt I , I • fol itt 1,4' Imijß Ir - F you :viol Oil elollo4, cull o P (ill 11110 the liti).‘tt n, ntnont in 1,, ti. C110()L 1;0()I(S. Con, dir m 11.• to the hoot, of flip County, not ot 1.01111 0 .11 11 , 1 . 111 , 11.,1 1 i 02.1 , r ou appikattoo at LI IFLY , 51.1710. N/ 1 . SPORE. iIE CV 'l' 11 All -T (? ,1111 11'1:011,1i e tool Inqn•n, .1 Mt Illna Ito (;1111:11-.-Leland ot -4lnnit, a din :nni I /1111' I innal sr, and Matt t r. natn I ton in.—Pa Italoclaon Instliat4n—lnn. P.ano !Into l'Eanin —do. Innntill-Ita , e I Linn-r It.-ni . , In an mg Ituant Danta,-11n; etnn lis Uluu lat 11, 1,. i•ti nil, at Li 1;\%16 ' 1/O‘lK. :,TATION EltY C )1115IC STOItIL c 4 IONE-11'ARE at S. S. Smith's Gro r.,, 20 nor cent. (broker than ;thy other plan) in. tom, TILE bc.,t Tobacco in town, at P.Gwms ) ) IJD AND (' E O - DPR taken y r,cll , ngn fm go di ut ti Ilardn.ne Ftrne rpt 119,2 ~ A S A laa) N qy EA111" 11E('KCYNE11. - I), A eon 1;.1..10 lof it , t lit .11IV HeekOlter,t..fl ,, llars awl cf , nt-. to tt till t ate added Lam , 01 Nitiett. Bilk Ho eft] ft , . l't•tif togt thf•t ttitha .0.1 of 0-01111 toLlrs coittaf tiflut tato of It( te , t lunu one 11011 to to I tt mid. by Ito , tutu n tab!, "I %tat; ..... and loaf 11 1.:6 the ,1111 th3.11111,1: , //.1i lit it )'). Ito t, lf of = InN EIMPLS, win,l , :rale and retail, 191 LIM IS' Thit)l'S s'Et/It E. `,..„ , : --- i::• - '- / Q:..7-.., - . 1, ..LAY ~ .4,,L...Z:113..., . • 1 1 :1()(31S .1N1) S'i'..iTlON - EllY .- \ ~...1 a ...qt.. , it .PI iii,ll meow , and School Li...h.—1... I.E tp. !,, It,. L'iihantocial nod Nolo 1'.111..1 pi ~,, ~,,,i r,,,,, I rti.„•iiiit...--It.d Illoc and Mack 1111..- 1;1.111'. I; c 1.- of 11111:1. 1.111, -1/1,-1 . t.11.. :I . ull+. P1 , 1;141{11.1 1 , I. 1111,1.11,11 , . :111.1t i 11 , 1 i 01.'1 .111101 to, illy loontl ill il• 01. 111 i • t it ion, i. `t..... ...iii I i I..ti: at huh I.lls , at i•I ‘ 1 ...,. lil 1 r:. ,l.vii.)\ I Ill' .1. )11,s1" sTitlll: 1,1,4 II . Ili:, • , ~1 ,I 1 -11, , r 1 !wells .it)il': LEE S. s.',l 11 ii, kol,r iu Orin“ , , • c..t• 1..1. LNG 11 A:11 & 111:0. ej 3 o r nunpoa,loo. pa 1: ES, A. 1;11()WN, ittnaa u.i , rtakry, Paints, 011=, Ingdol, Pa. i t l'())1 A N "t!, o lhoiler in itea, , 31n.1, Clothing. lit , and Cap. (1 1 .1 7 1 ." —\ ' , Thu o. Qll,l, s. II It- ,t3lll oo ntoi O\, De.tle , .., in Dry (10,1, Ch.!). 111111(Ilig.h. 1%, - iicTi\ I. IV] 1,11 A)] S. Pima and Oin,tout.t: s; 111.1 'I p OCKET ESTA.II ILABOE OX .11AX D LEWIS' BOOK STORE 1/ . 1()()K. ) obi 16)01.. 31:1,1/111eq, , pultlteations of and kiwi, lattmd to tit It It at IL 117,5' POOR - d• .ST.ITIONERY STORE. 1)1: N ESS M EN, TAKE NOTICE! )11 yuu ,mt. tan qt LC IS' BOOK AND SLITIOXER STORP. d 03i Tl]l4, LA Di ES'. A , npolioi luti , I 0 ‘,l Note Pap, and tinelup,, fot eml, l oolllh 1.1:117.5 ' BOOK ci SP.I2IOXER STORE. I , Eit ! 1 poq, rommo,no. I•u,d,vm. utul nat,,p—a • tii.• 11,1:11.11.1n 1,1111. iputc of t IP)Mi A. ST vrtoNi:i:v A It C II .‘ , l lIVE .uit.l t• = OM' I I,Y i %IF; BOOKS, = Ur (1( )1' S llt TS Nrit II from 4 to 30 g. 1h ko r hot" 2, at to :; ;on,tt tltt , chow [too to D. D. DIN I 1 - 1: \ " .. 11)N1-"r A" E " Jog, •111,1 ~11.d113. 01113 JAME: 4 A. IHR/lIN, I'. GWIN kecpi the larle. , t. be-t gtnma in to ' , n. .111 \ .11111111' lit.lll 4 oo sK worth 50 will D...1b, qolii at Ow brolo I I , IIER .SON. TI yon want handson c Goods, ;,nod n,,,t, clip q; 1,1.01 kir i of t got 1). PUN 1"6. DOOTS &iII)ES, flats Caps, the hog,t 11,011111,t tlitopoq tot, ftouttl nt P. P. G 11 IN'S f, I UN BARN ELS AND LO(.1(8.-A olargo a,mt [meta .It ICON'S 11.1111 VA RE STORE. 11)1 SII() ES. cheaper nt. I). I'. GWill'6 b.. II IA ill i‘S II Ca:l illl.l the/11. ( Hoods. brat 113. h. ?": I('\ L . \ N y,-;- ; 4 .I.Tzt I ek, 1,11 Illt• 1.11 th,tl htolt. of n I'. (I\-lys is the place to buy t r y. p.oEl awl el, .nit Cal pet, I 4 I IIANKLIN HOUSE, IX THE DIAMOND. 11uvrim3DoN, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Prupi ietor The cdt7eno of the e , nmis. and ntinogets nod tinNehls ,•nelally, null hod con dot told° a.connoodatlons at this hno,e. trit e ny nlt inl. [Aptil 4, 1500.1 TACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA (41tAriCS 3101,t1i WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EvEitylionY , s LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS It .7ttb; You to dram up PUITNERFIIIP PAN 11l and gill general torus tar A0111 1 1.111t 1 1 , . , of all hind, BBn.tS of SALT, I.d 1505811,1 Pm 1101,). IE Tells Yon Ho, to dram up BOND, and Morro taco, AF FImmITY, Pomrdm, of ATTOONLY, NOTI.S and Bad S of CII, Ii 50 , 0.101 01 11:10 awl 1001.1' ',FS. Tells /lei The Lk, tot the C01.1.11;110', of 1)01.10, Mall tile SIVTUTFS of 1.1511 r wr,v, and ninortrit nod Kind of In operty Lolorr front EXidal. nix in o. ory Slate. /I Tolls You llow to nrako an A,.1113,111.311 In "per ly. forms for COMPO.SITION 1, 11. LIII.IOITOIII, omit the 1,013 For Loses of every St de. It Tells lien The legal lolatiOnn rli , ltu, beta eon Otrolt. DIAN and Vl' ono, '111,0.11 Had ' and I,sNut nom and 'OLsIO.T. 11 nits lint 1111. kt eoll , stitiltel 11111.1, and SIANDFR. Met tbe 1.110 as to MArtilt,cr. Irom 00. the Wit ifs I:mtre iv Pnourturr, Inl.olloo and ALIMONY. It Mils You The Lam for ME , lf,lli Luac in one]) State, and the N ITURALIZ 1110 N Isles Of tilts 00101- 110, and how to comply mall the same. It Telt You la. eaten iring and tom tool. tarn ono, and the Par-Ilurrtos 1.-tms to Prom,. LANDS. T,II> lint The t.o, for Vt.'ll".3:lSl, 1.31111 1,10 , 10 of proce dure in obtaining one, mith INTLIXERENCES, A,IGN3II NT, and TULL 01 FLES. /I lei!: It How to make Sour \Vila.. and ham to .10010- 1 r. 0,, IN EOllll. myth the 1.1,1 Ind the rt quri einent , thr tof in every State. Y.., 'lllO Menlo., of 1.010 Tr was II geiwtal use, and explonu, to yon the Id uisixrti I UM', tool ./1.1011,11. rotecrn 01 both the tit lierat .11.1 t: 1 1Ote. 11011 H 0311 2 ,01. f• ' .. 11oW 'lO 11, 00 0110 ar 1.110, tly -homing how to do your legally, thud saving a 1101 amount of propert, and vex:Omni litigation, by it, blot l 3 eolltlllt,ltloll. 1,013 btoll3 Lawo et is for sale at Book Store =MEM =MIMI "QUICK SALES AND o 3 6(ly in Avant of I= I= SHEET )11:S1e for Hie Plann, Old 4c., de., AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, = 11'M/0(11011M Doo;•s of ) ariou.s 001,.,ry /AWN/ Pop,r, Brastui und CEI Bonn!, I=l Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's • \flopping Paper of lldleunt Sizes nud Qualities, Et &o. Sc. Sc. de. In the "Glebe" building, Market Square, NTEIV BOOKS I 101; ix AT 1.1.:11 IS' 1:001i. , Toll , AN, 1 , 0,17 AT likNl I. r.uld t' art.! 111 t tttlaitt.•l tut t bill! Ii Tit' •• 1. 1••'• •• ••„, ••• ••••0•1 I 1,- •••• ••It•••••. ••• 1,11.1 tr• ,atailta, 1 trait: ,a I 1•• l••••••, 1 , 1, a t tip!, , Pll Ti..ty azi.l va, , etlt '1111: I AlOl • A NIA , 1'•••••K T '•I\\1 , 11. ~t ;•• •pt•c•l A 1,1) 0111111( • 1 , 1 In 11iC“.1.4. II 11, ni. ,••• 1•:11111 11111•, , •••••••• et, 1••••••• .-••,,••••t- 110111'....r11' AMAMI A MIA l'oev, AltALAI...lOllth, 11,1/..113 iioll to t!.•I It , Al 110. A.lllOOO of th, 6.1111-3.10, vte.. 111 ;A) Ltotl. mill To T.1.1.1i: A N V l'oeKt, vvt,‘T,..l Con, m•aunu and Debate. with toi top:bite; a Glanuunti utlBltle.mei mete than Dt,ti 1111.01 etl t 0111111011 Mli tabel COI I ottlii. PllO . , rg.) ItoW TO MAME!: : A NI, Poent r tut. of Ropubli. n Etiquette, and Guide to Cot ivet PeiNotittl u Ulf Holes tot Debating Societies and Delltuu.tti,u beinblies, etc. Nice, 50 cents. 110 A) TO DO BUSINESS: A NLAT POCKET 31tNutt, I'i ached Afidits awl Guide to succtr, in Lite; unit Collettion ul Ito.uness Vol ins. and n Diction,...) at , oto uoucl.ti ins, etc. rime, 30 cent, OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SIIADESr BAILEY'S FUTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, I=l THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, MEE= LADLES A 2VD GEXTI,E,NEAr, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE 001'S and SHOES, the largest and IL) ...wtment in town, at IL P. G QA ! SALT!! SA !! ! ki Just Iscriseil Kota the oluiiiilauu ;At Company Spnense, N. V., to In; sold 011 el,lll l / 1 1,011, dime" simile sale or retail. 500 IJARKEU. and loui SACKS of SALT. Oct 31. FISHER L SON. BY FICANK CROSBY, I= 1,Z. -----7- '. .'„ - --- 7 ,F= •••• 1-, ....__ ,i. ~ii.- , •ci :. ..p- .:..:,... ~..i.,.\\ is 5 4 , ::. -' , ~... ....\ , -4,.. , „ , -,1: ~,, f4.,....,Aj :, '-- ~ r . ~:, '.:2 . ,I.'1.):," - -:; t., ,Y:n c r,:. :',"•• • !'t":•:',:-,.1-,?.. = •'; ' .:'..4; . • , -. 1 ' . ',. V : i. l, '' J. ' ?., % ? b ''' " ••*!, '\,..") Pa' ~,,"' SMALL PROFITS!" I IX AND POCK LE DI TILES, lIYMN AND PRAYER ROOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS Fancy and SLltool STATIONERY, 31USIC.11. INSTIDIESTS, I=l I'm• Ladies and Gentlemen, COLD PENS AND PENCILS, For Saa,la ) Colllllloll St 11001.1, TOT BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS. RC., ALL KINDS .OP ROOMS Piopt.l Pa 1103. not) r,”14. AMUSING G.kMES For Yonnz Funs. win)DING ENVELOPES AND CALD9, MARRIAIIII CEI;2'IFICATIIZ., C.IU)S, CA EC7K IT 116 A RUB, TOM INOM, CONVERSATION C.IIIDS, SONG BOOKS, From u to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, Srllool. BOOKS 01'. ALL HINDS, =I IV WTI: BONNET WARP, WRITING FLUID =1 LEWIS' =1 where all who want to SAYE MONEY, go to mint° their purchases MUSLIN SHADES, AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE CAN NOW -BE lA.D ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROIIRER'S ROHRER'S PR ACT ICA L CALCULATOR I'll ACTICA I. CALCULATOR MITICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR IROIIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCIJ.• LATOIt, • A Ike nj.ll,lin rules and Caleulatibns for Business Ope rations, by Marlin M. 1;01,re,. Pt aclical nlll evor unit Conveyancer. Aim Edition, p trb I i died by J. B. Lupin colt IC This Belk COlitnitin 201 pages. anti upwards 0f.200 Miles and Examples, cola ely and t hot oughl y practical ^iii an mice every dot' in the Calli Moll pill suits of 't Las already pa•seil tin °ugh a somber of edition., in rapid succession, and is pronounced by all elasnes of bin,ine.sa men to be the handiest book of reference, pm taining.to that has ever been published. Every example in the book innoilied out in roll and stated in n plain mintier, so that when a parallel 00,0 ari scs, those t cf.:lring to the well: still find no difficulty lu solving it; in a word. the geinnal arrangement ol tho CALCULATOR is simple, that any ono who knows how to, add, subti act multiply .d diode, can rosily solve any or dinary example that mhis in business, or arrive at tt u true ...suit tit any eAnnate required. The chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy in figures Mining only at facfs and simpit eity, billeting that business men cale little about spew. ding tii»e in di,cris,ing the plidolophy of roles, Of Ili t.cience of fgmr., &outing it suilicient tar their purl to be uSle at n moment, by ief•imice, to ariile at the t. . 'I he CA. LCULATt dilfei sin this respect Dom • 1. other Ai Mimetic-, of the day :nal kindled worts—lt boy to pi actieal Inriness calculations—it is, in flit ha., i of the basilic.. man, what the boy to mathematical, NI. ' in the hands of the leach in rho seln.ul toom—it f tates time unit invu es corNetocss. TUC AvoRK TREATS OF TI IIi Memurerrorrot of Land. of Lumber. of Mick and I 7 n"C WOI cf Stone and Stone sloth, of main and go:li.. •, of coal and coal biol.', of Wood, of 5u10,14, of liquid s ; o molar, square or irregular ',easels, of allotc us and 5.. roofing, of plastelm's, glaziel `a. pivot's. pi., eed. paper hanger's and topholsto s' stork. ft to con relic)' loud 01 foreign awl domestic exchange, of ois do•ciinal 03,1001, of o educt ion awl Its VS[OllO.l 0111,11C.ItIOn to i/11,111.5. 01 maple and compound interest, and theft. °utile application to business tialltaelloll.9, nitlf the lane. and usages got co sling the same, together uith noon:room contonet dal forms—of legal tender, of pal tint If*lffent oil mutts, of banking cool batik 111,01111 t, of eqll.ltloll of pay ment and of p trt f.r.ship account% of as.e.o•lnent of hazes, of v. anol ontst,tool, of spume a miriade lowa:one, of the squat e out and its application to bllSlllen of surfaces, of excat .tt ton, awl of in.tny other lim - Mont practical ntatL is not atlhiu the scope of 00 whin tenement to men tion. IT IS JUST TIII: lIDOK FOR Funnier. the then chant. the mechanic. the nt limn, or the not man. It l o ts pi oven a valuable auxilialy Iq the lAA% t cr. tho justke ol the peace. the cum e3nocer. and teal rotate laulset, to the itooesNor. the batiker, the clerk, to the 0,11 engineer unit the min ueyor. to the earpenten mill t, to the etooetnnoon and the plasterer. to the paler hanger and tiphol.tet el, to the tuner ennui tho tilet . ...tilt awl all On tit 11114 it adapted to tile;r m. thus ‘saot, leg ter tloto sin) book 1011/bolted. rat- Pt tee. 5G cents. tar sale at I.ee. is' Book Store. naoltingdon, Irv. 9G, 156 J. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE/ THE HORSE & HIS DISEASOS BY ILDIAIRT dI•:\SINGS, V. S .Aalmloyy and Olin ut:IC *Surgery, in the Veterinary Celletie iy" Philadelphia, de , 1) ILL TEI.I, YOU Of the CU iglu. Ili.tory and / di 4 lllluthe [lair, 01 The Nat toils Itreedstbr European, A.,iatio, Alta an and Anion halt Horses, with rho 11113..11 tot 111 iit,ou and po- Cilhallrxt, 01 the StIMI.II, and hole to a.0.el Win 1111 ;age by treo tunulan. and ronditon of Ivy teeth; dlttshatcd 111a1 1111111elotin evlttituttA3- engtathlgi. THE H Hlsk; AND lIIS HIsHAS.ES WILL TELL YOU Of Ittvellnig, I;iLal,lng. :Stabling, Fced ❑ig. U, trotting. idoirmg, mud Lite goner :ll to.thagtotoott t tie Muter, oit It rite be,t mode, of nthnialqulims ittethuntt, oho. ho, to heat Pm Ism-, I(tching, 1".11 mg ? iNtlitottitt.h Crib l:ti• log. littstle,sto_ss, and other %tees to lie is idtiljetAi with utmost our er ttlathatio rughot tugs. TM'. 11uItSE AND It e.s . DI:SCASES 11 ILL'Ct.Lt. YOU Of the Cllll, mrt..m.,and Truntinent of rtiongle Thiodt, Inatemp., CaLoin, L d ym tvs , Diu:01110a, I'ien -1110111.1, i . 11.111 BlivisPll Wind, Chrutt i, 1:40I111.6 111111‘‘ Mwalt and Mew De d .1111 other thsa,en of Ow and Oigill“. TIII:WISE AND OAS DISEAZI:S 1i ILL TELL Of the cause, r.l inptittutatucl neatmortt of Ilmuty It .ttv, t 111,11e,tquiligulittiou . , ,ton 3 Conn,lll/114, i:11111.111ei, dice, Ilepotit • 6tm,bl.tiy 1. MP, ;,1011ve. itl the 6rtincjm and Mad dvr, 1,011.1notit.o:, 111111 the StirolllCll, 1.1,0 and thi- VII: AND 1V 11. L TELL YOU Of ct:c caw.. and Tramt inolt ot Bout., I:iootl Log, 1:1111.; Bon, e.titt, luokr-n H 0..., NI 11.,1 h, l'outtkl,6,L4JA.Lett (kn. Qt.l.ur ,katcht Th. wit and Cut no; nteq U Mt gums. I t•I :,'.Ligg;ol ut tho keel, Legs and Head. ILOIZSE AND Ills DISEASES I.L 1,1: LI. DA.) 111 the cau,o, symptoms. and Treat moot 0! bi,tule. Putt lst il , Claud. t:tat Irt 'Mango, Sui twit. JA. dust J011.,111.el n. 11,04111, lri, .s, of the 1. , e and lleart, .he c., anti lam tolimllagt: Cash ation, ephining, Itouelin e t. itui, 11, am, Amputation, Tapping,aud °Op at Sall giOlt THE II01:SE AND Ills DISEASES 11 11,1, T 1.1.1. lULT l'ai 31exhial of taittitig, natio.; boa to Applitich, Halter, 01 atable it Cult; 110,1 to 111.1.1110/111 IL 1101. 10 ail itoge ‘.1114 , i4 and •ights, and hov to tit, t: Idle, tide. and bun to lie,,; uho the twin and km of 11 can tarn. The xholo being Om le ',lilt 01 13 years' e u end study ti; Ilto habit, 1,11111,111 th,, 0.11110 and 011,11:- init.., of this noble dud itstful rut . tale at boo is' Book Otiae. THE PEOPLI7S COOK BOOK, MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully .lievieed by ..llr. T. S. Hale IT TELLS Vat! 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C.ttstip.s mot Col od nil 1.11.11. Potted }leafs, ri T.ed i.s Yat tun, and nm•t dtmt ;red modes ot he; and coaltilm all lauds or Plain ell I'dty Paatt). ,Puddings, Omelettes, p it liter.. Comeettondty, °genes, dailies dull S.acet Doll, el every tit:scrip t IV. f TLLL, 101.7 All 1110 I 1110111. ml) 10,1' approved modec 01 notlong 111e0,1, 11,11“, and ilia , ' colt. Hod the best method of prepaiing Coffee lllo,ol.tte. mill Tea, Ithd hone to. mole E.n ugil. CoWi.lle, and Ta, to TI.LLS You Una to , et slit nod m nament aTable, bow C.u•tr all land, of Fish, &gem!, or Fowl, and m ahm t, bout to simplify the' at hole Art 01 Coolong no to bring the choicestiuxari4 of the table within the 01013 body's reach.' Fur Sate at Lewis' %al: Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, 'I'IIE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND IHS DISEASES, A VALUABLE For sale at LEWIS Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK For sole at LEWIS' Book Stole. 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