OUR CORRESPONDENCE. WATEtn,TREET, Jan To the Editor of the '• Glohe :" DEAR sari accident, occur. red in our neighborhood on the even ing of the :;I , :t ult. Frank eldr , ,t min of 31 - rs. Keller, (widow), while throxviipr out kidder to the cattle Inuit the front door of the - barn, fill about eight or ten feet 00 (Me of the cow's horns.— The horn entere.l inert bible the causing death in :shout lutlfan hour.— After falling, he called to Mr. Shaffer, (with whom he livc:1) to come to him. When he got there. he Was just able to tell hint that he had fallen Out on one of the co‘x's horns and got one of his ribs broken, which were his last words. Mr. Shaffer carried hint to the house, but before medical aid arrived he had breathed his last. Fianl ,To.;eph ReHer NI - a-3 aged 11 vears,B months and 29 days. MMIIILMMI how truly We in death." Poor Frank, not an hour before bib death, had parted with his behool mates as joyous and happy as any of them. How full of joy and pleasure sounded his " good evening" as his pleasant countenance turned towards us while passing out amidst that hap py throng. now soon were the hopes of meet ing again to spend a " _Happy New 'Lear" turned to weeping and mourn ing. Ire was a remarkable youth—being noted for his kind and affectionate dis position, and was cited by parents to their children as a model of obedience and diligence. None knew thee but to love thee ; None spoke of thee but to praise thee How solemn the injunction," 'Watch and pray, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." - EMANCIPATION IN MISSOURI, President Lincoln's emancipation with. compensation policy hos just re ceiveel a signal approval in Missouri. The n - Qw legislature of the State, elec ted wittl that policy as the great issue before th.e people, met at Jefferson City yesterday-, and both houses were or ganized L - . - the election of emancipa tionists to the chief offices. In the Senate, a resolution teas unanimously adopted, declaring that " all emanci pationists are favorable to compensat ed emancipation, as enunciated by the President." 'Phis is, doubtless, pre liminary to the preparation and pass age of a bill to Drovido for the emanci pation of the ~ Itivcit according to the President's It is thus rei;tdered nearly certain that the great o f gill be the fir.t of Ole slave State, to got, - rid of slit'veryi GEN BUT. LETS FAREIT,TELL. We rgi..l.sfish below, in full, the part ing adt.,1Z•,,,,4 Ce•‘er:. 11:.t1 sr : Adartss to the People of Now Orleans. Citizen; may not be inappropriate, a, it i, not inoppnr tune in oeca , ..ion. trial, there shoul.11:1, addre , sed to you n himy word, at part ing, by one who , ,.e name i, to he here after indis:-olubly connected tritlt your city. I shall speak. in no I,itt,.rneq, lie cause lam not conz,ciou , , of a sin Ale personal animosity. Coin manding ;A l a .army or the Gulf, I ibund you captur ed, but not Surrendered; conquered. :but not orderly; relieved from the 'presence of an army, but incapable of making care of yourselves. 1 restored .order, punished crime, opened cola -2.llCree, brought provisions to your starving people, reformed your curren cy, and gave you quiet protection, such as you had not enjoyell for many years. While doing this my soldiers were subjected to obloquy, reproach and in sult. And now, speaking to you, who know the truth, I here declare, that whoever has quietly remained about his business, affording- neither aid nor comfort to the enemies of the United States, has never been interfered with by the soldiers of the United States. The men who had assumed to gov ern you and to defend your city in arms have fled, some of your women flouted at the presence of those who came to protect them. By a simple order, (No. 28,) I called upon every soldier of this ;truly to treat the women of NeW Orleans as a gentleman should deal with the sex with such effect that I now call upon the just-minded ladies of New Orleans to say whether they have enjoyed so complete protection ; and calm quiet for themselves and their families, as since the advent of ;the United States troops. The enemies of my country, unre pentant and implacable, I have treat ed with merited severity. I hold that rebellion is treason, and that treason persisted in is death, and any punish,- ment short of that due a traitor gives so much clear gain to him from the .clemency of the government. Upon -this thesis I have administered the authority of the United States, because of which I am not unconscious of com plaint. Ido not feel that I have erred in too much harshness, for that harsh ness has ever been exhibited to disloy al etn:mies to my country. and not to loyal friends. rr„ br ,arc, I !ni g ht have re2:aled you with the amenities of Britkli and vet been within th -nhit t. ,I rule nt' eiViliZcti warl,ol , . m' hAve in,en MED MI ll= IMO 1111,_!II! i t•t-H , t•zih 11.111.1 -u IVVO .1 It , \lt.' ;1111114 11\ - Britaill. ill ',lll' ONVIi rccuintinn property u,uld have Leer turmal over to i min ate -loot," like the palace of tl : ie peror of China ; works of art which adorned your builitin , s [night have .hc,-n ,ent away like the paint, :)f the 'Vatican ; your sons might Leon blown from the mouths of cannon like the Sepoys at Delhi ; and yet, all this would have boon within the rules of civilized warfare, as prac ticed by the most poli,hed and most hypocritical nation, of Europe. For such acts the record, of the doings of some of the inhabitants of your city towards the ft of the Union, be fore my coming. were a different pro vocative and Ju,titication. B u t I hav e not so conducted. On the contrary, (lie worst punishimmt inflicted, cxeept i;n. criminal 110.5 pun ishable by every law, lies been bani,h mont with labor to a bat run island where I encainpod my own soldiers before marching here. It is true I have levied upon the Wealthy rebel and paid out, nearly a half a million of dollars to feed forty thousand of the starving poor of all nations assembled here, made so by the war. I saw that this rebellion was a war of the aristocrata against the middling men; of the rich against the poor; :t war of the landowner against the la borer; that it was a struggle l'or the retention of power in the hands of the few against the many ; and I found DO conclo•-ion to it save the subjugation of the few and the dissenthralment of the many. I, therefore, felt no hesi tation in faking the substance of the wealthy, who had caused the war, to feed the innocent poor who had suffer ed by the war. And I shall now leave you with the proud consciousness that I carry with me the blessings of the humble and loyal under the roof of the cottage and in the cabin of the slave, and so am quite content to incur the sneers of the ealun or the curses of the rich. PESHO I found you trembling at the terrors of servile insurrection. All danger of this I have prevented by so treating the slave that he had no cause to rebel. 1 fbund the dungeon, the chain and the lash your only' means of enforcing obedience in your servants. I leave them peaceful, laborious, controled by the laws of kindness and justice. I have demonstrated that the pestilence can be kept from your borders. I have added a million of dollars to your wealth in the form of new land from the batture of the Mississippi. I have cleansed and improved your streets, canals and public squares, and opened new - avenues to unoccupied laud. I have given you freedom of elections, greater than you _have ever enjoyed before. I have caused justice to be administered so impartially that your own advocates have unanimously com plimented the judges of my appoint ment. You have seen, therefore, the benefit of the laws and justice, of the Government against which you have rebelled. Why, then, will you not all return to your allegiance to that Government—not with lip service, but with the heart ? I conjure you, if you desire ever to see roilc , .‘ed prosperity, giving busi- floss to your city, become again the mart of the western woi Id, fed by its rivers for more than direr thon,and del;illing the munoTee or a couiltry greater Cute the mind of a luau hath ever conceived—return to yoTir :dleLd:otee. II you do-ire to !ear° to your (-fill fircif the iffiforituffc: of your eon-4ff tifioffal I;ovcrunfeut— iryfut I hat thov -Afoulfl in Ill,' Caturo f” , al, ,1(111 Ql,l - the 511(1 ever :110w11 upon—return to your allo,;iance. There. is but 000 thing that stand, in the way. There is but one thing that at this hour Stand, between you and the Govern ment, fuld that is :Thivery. Tile iu,ti tution. cur,u , l of Goil. which has taken its last refuge hew, in His Providence, will be rooted out as the tares front the wheat. I have given much thought to tilt., suljact. I came among you. by teachings, by habit of mind, by political position, by social affinity, inclined to sustain your domo.stic laws, if by possibility they migla be with safety to the Union. .;:itlitt of ei:perienco and obsurva don have forced the conviction that , the existence of slavery is incompati ble with the safety either of yourselves or of the Union. As the system has gradually grown to its present huge dimensions, it were beet it' it could be gradually - removed ; but it, is better, far better, that it should be taken out at once, that it should no longer viti te the social, political and flunily re lations of your country. lam speak ing witkt i no philanthropic views as re gards the slave, but simply of the of of slavery upon the master. See for 3-ourselves. Look around you and say whether this saddening, deadening intlueneo has not all but destroyed the very framework of your society ? I am speaking the farewell words of one who has shown his devotion to his country at the peril of his life and for tune. who in these words can have neither hope or interest, save the good of those whom he addresses; and let \ me here repeat, with all the solemni ty of an appeal to Heaven to bear me witness, that such are the views forc ed upon me ,by -experience. Come, then, to the unconditional support of the Government. Take in to your own hands your own institu tions; re-model them according to the laws of nations and of God, and thus attain that great prosperity assured to you by geographical position, only a I portion of which was heretofore yours. (Signed) BENJ. E. BUTLER. England and the United Staltes—Pub- The National debt of this country is being Ltrgely inerease(l. very neces sarily. in the conduct of the war to put down the reheilion—hut the latent 1 .... , 0 rce ..; ()Nile nation f , ir it, ihtyment, which havo It )11,11t to light, nosy in the pith -11.• itthol .1- i.hl; a ihott, , ,tild "k• Hl. , r,• expori 0 prtNno(o. Wit is “I ,H 12,10 IMM =I h• .1 o f , burn prineipally upon. I.uxttrie:;. ni• artieh, can he NVit 11 . per11:11) , even a‘lvailla , eously lu the L , ...)11-tinier.---uelt a. liquor-, and 1011:0 en.. Irt;nt whiell It very large por tion of tin? r,rc,:lue front 1110 internal I ., , ec i ve d . --will he ample for rhe pa) a l ert 0' the pi, 'din (lelo. and the interest 1.10, two la , t yearn (18 0.1111 `I?;I t l .lO fcrcat ttnr or Europe, to put down NavAtani. land, \VII() 1111 , i i!) hear 111. por tion of I to I:unitto of 1110 pcvuniary e'punse of the war, Nvlilltt the 11;11': y,),1 lie Debt. furnished the men, added £520,000,000 sterling (equal to two thousand fire hundred and twenty eight millions el dol lars) to her national debt, and raised besides in the same two years..six hun dred mid eiyhtli utillimus cf dui/ors in taxes, although her population at that Lime was less by four pillions than that of our loyal States aL this moment, her wealth quite three thousand millions less, her paper circulation one hundred and fifty-five millions greater than ours, and gold ranged from fif...0 2 to 411 per cent premium upon the paper of the Bank - of England, for two years together' The reason why England has not decreased her national debt since, has been because she has been obliged to maintain such an immense standing army and navy, to watch the movements of her jealous neighbors, especially France. and to carry on the several wars in which she has since l,een engaged ; added to whieli, the enormous cost of her system of civil government, including therein her roy al liunily and the nobles and other ar istocritey, every scion of which is in some shape or Rum iaipported out of the public: trea , ,ury—Nvilikt the great mass of the people are ground down to the dust, with barely sufficient at the best of times to keep soul and body together, and are the mere hewers of wood and the carriers of water to their masters, with scarcely a vestige of power in the government, more than is possessed by our negroes ! The difference, however, between the condition of England and the Uni ted States, is, that we have an expanse of territory which enables us to em ploy all our people, who are not tied down to the vocation of their fathers, from generation to generation, as is the case in most of the countries of Europe, but are free to change their residence and professional pursuits at pleasure, with ever-varying opportuni ties in life, to the enterprising and in dustrious, to attain to opulence and distinction. The return of peace, if secured on a permanent basis, by the re-establishment of the Union, will give such an elasticity to the business of the country, as will citable us in a very little whole to brush away the puny obstacles to our prosperity which the rebellion has in some measure in terposed, and make our National bonds in demand throughout the world. Any other settlement of our nation al difficulties than the re-union of the States, would, however, throw a pall over every business operation in the border States, that would forever place us in an unsettled condition, and cause a continued depression in every de scription of property and business, and a general stampede would be the re sult. The North and \\rest, and per haps the far South, would not suffer in the same proportion with the border Staten., They will be farther removed from the thousand annoyance', which would be our portion, by the frequent raids, the smuggline:, the officious tax gatherers. which would he continually upon us by a condition cf border feuds to which all history proves we would be subject, if th4're were two or more nationalities on this continent—and if the lirineiple is onto established dud a State has a right to secede, tha til,2lY no ti fling what the filed results tadd s ; ucti kt I;:it[i w ,k 1 motht last for a few yems, but the end of it mould result in the nationality of the whole continent outlet some milt tar chieftain, whom the people would willingly accept, rather than submit to the continued wrangling and ware of the petty States, th.tt would cause the introduction of a system little bet ter than a state of anarchy and confo ion, than which aby government would be preferable, however despotic. —:1011 wore Clyper. MARRIED, At Shade (hip, by the Rev. C. Aran Artsrlalen, on Tuesday mornin, Doc. J. _00111,1:, DENNErrz, eldest daughter of James Harper, Esq., all of Dub11:1 township. On Twoslay afternoon, 20th ult., by Rev. G. ‘V. Zahnizer, Rev. G. W. JAcKsox and Miss ILENNIE F.. daugh ter of lion. James C win, of this place. The printers again liberally remem bered. A large delicious cake was oar share of the luxuries provided for the occasion. The happy couple have our earnest prayers for a long, pros perous and happy life. INEME DIED, At her residence, in McConnels. town, lice. 13th, 3lrs. IlimnecA. CAMP BELL, in the 47th year of her age. Mrs. C. was a sister of Judge Patton. She was a very estimable and worthy woman. Professing her faith in the Redeemer in early life, she united with the Ger. Ref. Church.— She continued thus united as long as she lived, and was always remarkable for her consistent deportment, and a regular attendance upon her Christian duties. She was likewise an affectionate mother, a kind neighbor, and a warm friend. She leaves behind her, besides her kindred, three orphan daughters to mourn their early bereavement.— May their mother's God be their God now and forever. .111J017;.\ - 1:11 P 05117172 SAL L: 14 1 0 It SALE. lii=l3 ul II :tont. I. 110 1.110 1111111 1111 II 1.111 ol all th kt ILI 1111- 1/10 111011 •1I 11111111 'll.lll .t , l;utnittu: ul I'lllll,- 1101 ' 0011 IN. 1,1011 L. • :L. ILL '1 11 11 h,• 1.11111 , .11 1' 0111110 , 1 11 01 •11 1 0 1,11 1.11 , 11, 1,01 , . 0011 I.lllllllg 11 111 1 1 .111 , ..111.1 11' , 11 11110 01 . 11. , .1. •1111111- ,10 11111 1011 01 111, 1,111 .5 01111 if 10111.11,' 101110 11 ;40, 1 111 111 11 , 1'1 I. 111111..1 I i 111111. 101111 11 11 1110' 11' 1111 ,1: it ,51. TII.• 1t1111 , 111, , ;to .1 4 a 1.1 .., 1 •111-0011 1,1 11 1 1 Clll.ll 1 11 1 0 1 I.lllllll_ '010 , 4 11101 I' o -0 Ill' 111-. 11, 11 II ..1 II '1 , 111 , 10 11011111 g 110100 .1101 100111 111111, IL, n 1. 11 mt. ..tl , l t -1.111-1mt1,11.1, 'I Ile 'IN Cl,lll I, 111 1 1,11 111 1 , 1 1101: 1110.111 , 1 "1 100 , 1 10 PllllllOl,ll 1 1 1 , k t 1 1,• 1.1114. 101 alllOlll 1 1 111110. 1.1111 1 L" , .2 the 110 Ill! 1.111 IA flit. titt milli, of (,e egn ho tibt (lied (tom the land, altoNt• hum OW 111111 Illtutoloo, coal t- Itottel to ttleutelattce etopplog out mull the loaned! tit hoc of the 1',1111 , 1111 'awls Ita‘e hri , tufo,' been hi LI \ IL alai .1 welt F. ett lOLI ,itat titet-Ittp pt opt, ts..nnl all the In lig t el of the -,tol Ileutga 11. 'Lent , I Itt pat tun-hip IL I -ton al plop, \\ill be 'aid Motto twit het ititett,t In the it it t -gat- -1119 et t, eNet. to -hale el their 17,1- slop It ht-. ItttaintlnatilViag.ll , t It. Stl 1.1 , 1. , 112/. 1%111 be ell. anti it it ettlinottetl Ilgtt the pat toe; pri,onal in put t) tttll Iteall3 ui touto Lo out , li, o ul to pat the pal Ito out to tab, place at the UtIUIIT IIOUSU iu IhtotiugLoa, al I &clod:. P. \I - On Thursday, January 15th, 1853 TPA; OF `tl.ll,—t ho •-thinl of the unt,elt, rt,m•r . to I) , 'tut on the I,t do) of lila not y. Prot, nut tint 1 , , duo In tho ognol annual htth Intorr , t, to IQ to 0111141 h) the nnatg.lgeat joilgtot ntot pmth.to•r. I'm [lather party ttlat, appl?'ta !Ile H 11,116.1 :It Ilya F•'..l?it ., ,A• T. 1110111'\, y 3.15C3, =I Jan 3 , 1 s r,?.. I'm.%) and r‘lla . ..... CL nn.non .......: ........ 1 10,1 1 /.12., 11.1 1 1 1,1; ...... I .0. 1 / 4 .1 .... ••• I=IIIIIiIIIIIIIMIR iu 1.• HUNTINGDON MARIinTEI CORE ITTED Y Extt a l'amil3 I lour 1,,(1.l \ Et (111 ‘_ , •l zi 1.. I 11111 IhIIII II . 1 1 oil 0()I'S ! HOOPS!! Li 13..01 12 ...41 1 I 1t• 4 14.11< a wfrd. for 111 ,t I. pa4d. Co,llllllll' 11N 13, M P. MO KAN 1 P7llunt Sh,t. Pk :n, (Htf('l"l/1171t.il.St)(11;',1'17. A 111,ttIlL! 0,111E:3 • .% _I It I/It trty odi LA. hell m the Cents it I: ittlite—t-tt. cxeollie; ti the e,t of PI, .1 tifil..l.e (Itlth plo•.) tis :ttO hotntli et the "ot lety. It. :EDI\ Ili', U~c:4, E4tltt:to. iTEMCAL NOTICE UN1)1:11 the full caulvictioa that c, a rialiv, 0.10 t.llvlllail 10 110 •e•,. ulial wog th,ir ‘,l,j,t, 16, t,711 , ,, of chaitvl.r—th, 1 ' . 1 . , Vll , 11101. - 1—ti11 . ,. .e.,,,ibrt ,of lho mi.?? , —tia fini.,t,•a °Jo , / m• ,, sa,e) 0/ / / I to, the / of Ihr or the ~ , , itntrll,l, / th, Slokiltl tir Int 1. tovnilitt 11111 L,ts COlllll3 5011 . 0113..11111 .11 1)11,i 11, Cq i ti t nttou at )112 , 1 it al .1 11011 01 i)1.1 lillllllll (1111 111,1 10 it 11101111101- 11111/. to ;lib na a tilt et nr,r. 14' ilia‘ protc,ian So Is la•hl at tlv• )10-000111,111/ it lIIIIIIIII,tIOII. (in .!,ontl.,,lnnum 1,.3,• 2 P.ll, for tho pot po, of tl.•..tt•-ot.t: Hoc plops rot IP•tttl,tl,4 awl 0, ganlinlg A :,1:1.)112.1L .1:17 of 11.1mting.'out count% . . B 7 , 1 - . D. lI.DDLADY, M. D. J. 11. D"l\ THODN. M. D. ..DIN IlLerm our. M. D. J. IFFI ill, M. D I),C 81. 1562 • T IST OF LETTEfIJ reimtinintr in the °Oleo Cwt I.lttu I.p to Dec. th , 32 ',1r.., 11,, Ito I, 6 tu. U. lit, i, John ( 1 .111..1:1,41). )(t y Pote. 1,1, an., Alin tl 11.3 n , JR ,k,, 1Z1.1.2, t ..I. ttor..lo.ialt Jlllll, Maly Atm 2 ..ittow. I'mtlite IC, leg , I, ilant,t 'Ti, 1: - ti "lir. dal y I,,Er . et, ‘llll.lm Pe inns tai ar.) 01 th, .o,Bv 101 ,, mill 1~1~•nx sal) (IR y axe svh tiwd. EIMON C)IIN, P. M. Coilee Ihny lh.. 31. _ - lOWARD ASSO CLA T lON, PHILADELPHIA: A .17, utrotent Institution estot.litkil by sp. tioit Eitilortehent, ,l.• Do; R.lit fof the Sol WO DI,/),,,td. , ghth , l vole l'isnlent and I.lnili nut Di erects. unit iypi,tally fur the Cure of D: , an., qr Doi Sexuiil OrgoECS. Mt•illt . :11 gt . , .rate.. by the Acting Suf.-teen. Vnloattio Itet.o.l, 01 tepolmattnanna 01111 ether 111,,,S of the Sovial lh gane.:11111011 the now Iteunalitel 4'111003 eti 111 t 110111 , pol, II to thu tittintteil in watt lett.n eu (4 , 11)1 . ... 114, of 1111150. Too or thuto ' btento tot po,tage lull Ito nccept.tble .A1.1,—. 11 11..1. Slti LI,IrS I I Acting Sin an, !loon.' —act 111,11. :•;o. 2 South Nit.th Siteet,Ent .ald Pa. 13 et 1101 of the It..A,tts. 1 Zit. n ILA WrIV ELL, PI zsalolt GEO. FAInC1111,1), y. loc 11,1KECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL t tto.l to Hal.lie ,11e at the Coat t lionse in the 11,4111, 1 11 111111t1I1,1011, On Wednesday, the 14th January, 1t363, at 11 1 ;1 611:. A AL. tht• Fdlnw ms 1(.1 c-tate, = at tho alit l.i hi. 110,t11, 110.1 111 awl to a act iit 1.11.1 -111•tt!` 111 , 011 31.11..1 . + 011011:1 (11,11- 1111:11 . 11, , 1t11 .111111%. , I t4lll , 4%; t t, j,llll ilodi a Cllll. 25.1 ai -1; peiLlii‘ii;nll alhn\ it of 0 i 'II" . a 1111 oath ,11/. I- Ohlla ill) II 11101 i -, 1. , 11. PIO ~, . 1 tit/ 01..,11 it. :Intl tilt to tt, okt, ot tiotttito4 t 1 "t-. .ittot it ,pool trit:t, to pol-otk• v.1,11w.g. :iod H01t... 1.11.1. _ll, , (l—At • I,i• awl }lire. A f tavt ": la id I. 11 - 11tItingI.nrom.tr. I.,tuno. ..1 , .1111 i. and Imini - Iv o a, to,. v at 1.11 , •mm ,, n; t(:.1 .1 1114 hill., .1 1111111 , 10 1, I,lli iqla 111,0 ti 'a'/'1 Li AP. 11 unit, the 'Anil . I• 11 fit r. ,lill , ll .1,11.1 h,,., 011 vt..l t 1,0 mtt.L e 1.11),. , t1t..11.1,-it AL.) 1 . ‘,44 4 th, W.ll P Pee. 31 CIN 4 EI.IiA 01'1/CLII' 1,1 - D 00:1,1,%7 Hi Fll , , \ 1 1•1111.11)1.1 - ,P111.1. '„fah* '11',11.1 . 1 C:(14 , :l, I LNTING DON 111U1 th rt Ito La , .Ipell,l a ROOM ;La Ja,..1,9 , 1 ti.l, ,a 1 ,S" P C =II p,11.10, 1,1 4:,1,1nt , 11% cr. ..1..1111 tot t,d•t- , 11011 flant—,:url it ta.w nit,l itopto,.l •It p.li%r, a all 1 p.a.kb Id Walt ot Il n 01.11 111 1111, 1011110. oil utu ii ~r t„ i„oln A 1,. .",111. 4 .1) aaa Lo lia‘c• !won it. a ipkm 1 , 1 the L„talact at t 1.2 to IL, i u 1.111,1 lot .)1 Ill'ltin of tho L,. t flint— -1.0.a ho 10w,.•11,113,., xat..t an.l it,.111% poll-lwa T1a. , ..,11,111t.9 ate to be tumid iu A lugh drone INIIII The vol' it;„111:Iji -0 nnivri sally lain a to ir far -iitiet lin to as, i.tliet IND (.11. 01 elele -A/0 air! kc,1111,.. no Ole 1. I (II s. din. I VIII pen s, I'll ti) 1.111.2t3' at al till,' In the Upticd line. unt 111. 7 11(10n...I. J;) Oetl. VI. mad otir r 10•11 unit at., pill filo rale fnih tep.uiel it bite. t unttee. Ile :dna), t ttla situ. Car - st.rat of [lir as lie s Ow tii 4 mal. it., 11, t, ill amain in flit, piaci. daring .Talutar Cmtet, FlitsT inn! I(o,'' lu mattt it the ithote gi‘e Imo a call. lie lull. if ...gulled, cn to may le-pet:titbit! license /1.10 lit, , el. I Iles 111.1 v hP 1, .1110.1. fur -ale. [t,,•c. 31. 15u..!.1 4 . 1)31INISTIIA.T011Si I\; . ()TICE. [Paato of Mat v +, dec Li Luttet of toloonuatatioo upon Ilia tt,tate of Mary My :. late of lloptut ton ot.hip,ltuatinplon county. deed, La dot; lice, satatt t [lto toolorattood, all pet song hay mg aloha, acainta the estate ate ctotot , ttol to toe attot thou to Ow undet•lttanal, tool all putttons tude'ated , ull make Immediate pc) Litqat. DANIF,I, P. Wt 1 1 1111.11.1011, E. P. EltU3lll.‘ EDIT, Dec, 28, Isl2-Gt." Actium tstratura. I - IAM, AND WINTER ARRIVAL ! With MARCH & BROTHER, lI lIKLESI3II.IiO, Pat., I lan e prit °putted a Logo. now, and nova na,,sil stock of I .1(4,11 awl Donlvsth. of all vt tp thing in that lute. Al,/, a complete to.,,lttuvnt of 0 It 00E CIE lomml.ahlr cheap, A, ail gO6i eight fair ❑icisore, togoVotl cith (.1111:11:N,IV1T.E, FA:GM:W.IPa% HAEDIVAIZE, BOOTS , &C, anti ell the Narent• other illattell n•nallo kept in a coun tty • kno, 111 that the nellllly i; not What tills 31.1,11 gt,t," but ‘• What hie They not t" tott2; •ati•ltetl Ili t thin large awl complete stock of the inane,' good., cannot he o‘eolletl in quality. 1111.111iit, tine ,etion at cetintiy, no le ,p4 :1•1: ti toolum; 311111.1,1 Pa" [II 5t1.1111 . 11 1,, b e •al 'ln , a , In of tit ton p tee, Out motto ot • quo.]: • t ie,,ol,l•lttall ' It t...tttegt the patien:lgn of all, Mel ei peetall Ti ouolt (heel: Talley Wend, than, tel,n au exLhango for good, oseept /11 <ma- • I, .11 ha , httplq of glm, for ,hick the 101,1w-4 n:01 het lain v rill In guru WILLIAM MARCH & BRO. sov.-v,r362. FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS ! ROOT. NOE-‘409 1111IRC II AN T . TAIL OR, ILII , one door west of Carmon's Store, Hts A I ISE A.,:OIITMEST OF G I;_VT LILLEW' S DRESS GOODS. ITN :;—,ontment co,i , t, of CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCY vi.:A.INGs the neat t.t and hu=t thAt be fuel in the ctt•, :CI of u loth Ito utll take pl,,tsure in e•Nlilkffing. 111,11,111 g up to oolor. It Aslllll,l nutlung (AI turd e:,,untne [toed., C 111 ,ton. rlet 7 -Ont, TOT [CE.— The Annual Meeting of the Stud:1101(1m of the luntinplou :ind 1110.1 d Top Mountain Rath oatt and Coil rotap.lay IN al he at thi4 Mlh e on Tue.lay, the 13th I,l.lantup,l‘ , l3, ut It tido, It, A. 11, when an °ICC. bon ulll 1,110.1 for a .Pletlk.nt and .I,it cctoi ; to cane for the C11 , 11111, , 4 t,ll 0111,7 ti Sr . 25S South Thiel J. P. A L'AITSON, Scr OEM A D.NIIN Etil'it.Y.FOlZ'S NOTICE. [0.4.1te t.f CdLm ine Claub.tugh, glee's] 1 JAW], la Adlilllll-41.01.111 upon the c,rnt.• 01 Catherine Cloth 11101. late of Ilutirtugdort Lorengh, dee'd., biasing to on granted to 019 tunietNigned, all perNorrs Ir.tt ing et mint 111/1011.11 , ` eStatt. ore 1,1110.40 d to la•eneut them to Ow nod. 1,1,11 ed, and all 110,011 s kllLMing thenl^elVed 111 , 1Clitld roll Make 111111.,11M, p. 13 ment. AlttiNA:stlll:lL PORT, Ilg e 16, 1.3.2.-6 t. Adruinkttator. - 41 , 0 cf7l r _VVE It N Ll C('ilS E. 'Pie fell II o o !tot on 11, filed petition ofifct.,.f the ‘ , I, 1k of the Cont of iluarter (it “1.1.1, I , I i tt eta I.te. n , e, to he in e-entttl tv o i l tout t to the ill 31oud ty ul Jonteny next, to nit:— ..14,11n Ze.zler, 'IV. C. IVACONEII, Clerk. ) j ' irate- to 11, p t cm,, or tit,. t t' -tat- ~ h ot ttt ttopomon tom tooo r , oto ha- •-•yr- 7 -71,r , r1 u 1 tot t .,tt t t,: 000 lot, olt .1 ,t,,, matt a : , i ,t , , .t.h: lilt oat Illoh I the It ft t at, -Alp- k 4,-7 1 , ' 11, , I to Ite a 3 car old I,,nt -,in tag. 1113 . ,, st.t. : ' ...We, ,tttv i 3 .4 1 .2,1,1 to cottv , Col ,rtltl. i.na e putpttrty. pay 1•11,1;-(..i and tat, luta t.IIQ, uthet It i,,e lie v ill Ito tit...lto-et! 01 net ttt t/i11.3: Pt law. 13 3 16, I i13t.1. Uri/1101i lIUSSELL. +fl AI" BULL.— to tm plOllll,, Of the On 111 lillllo. 1/t ht Indio , 0.01 v 1111.• Im.e, !111111",./ about tv.o p.m, old in the sin The / I k con, fort.arl pin p,operty. p no 1 talc: , 111111 at,ay, Whet tt.se lie 0111 bo of f. De.. 1.t., S 5111.71:1, S.VNKEY. t l':•:NN1 1 YM ANtS. I Ceunty f T a Corn t of Commou Pleas held at .. ./-a_ramt., l ,..u, In awl for the minty of Hnntum.lon. on the , e,ond Monday of Not ember, A. D., 13h2—The ',talon of Daoiel Ni if of Pot to foe telnp. in the county aThte,id, lead 1 tn 4 101 fh Ora leane Nen, of IVe-t toe tr.hip on the 14 .ley of Apr it, 1 , 37, excenlcd to Dadd IIN 1:,,11101 of .Tafed Boyd. deo'd , a Morl,crdso which let did in the Recorders Ono, of Ifunfingdon county, in 31 i t,age nook A. to 'acute the 103 meat ..r1 17900, ..col Mot (Lag.. 1,1.4 111 the 4nnt 2911.00. eon -410 hood tot ilia p. 13 oust 1,11111 of ...;1412.05. Tnat p ..3111( tit •Il tiLo money due th.o ean as made. That the 'aid Daud Irvine, Executor, as Mole-ma, the 10 , 01 hold. r of the 310 i gage. has loom., rd frOM the Pirate c. ilh"rat title tog , at,fartion upon the Itecinit of the 'ante. 11..11 i.ettitouer ry iii oa no of the plenuces molt. fac,, d, 1,33 log tehet in the plellll VS. ,110011,011 it is 0111,1ereil 1.,.; the Conn, and code: ol that the 61n ift 01 the , flud .0111113 410 ..ef 10: notice on thomid attlll,llle, 1 . ,,,11101 . , ai .111 , Ivialtl. 1111 , 1 Mel 47,1,,,,e. If he can be found in th^ eount3. ,cuing tin fact, aboio Oct froth, and lf I,v cutout Le 10111 Ia u. the sold "'may, then to gate pubire It qv, ,w afoloa.Ml in one or 010101011.11pe, narn. in tin t gutty once a ,eek. for four Weeks mai regno log the ,noi mertee;4“, to appear at a Court of Common Plea, to be held at Hun tnnalon ice and i the entutt3 of Merin, lon 'ant. cm t h e s. cowl Monday of mealy nest, 10 al`l,lol the petitloo nfofe.aid. .1;3 the Cecil:. lE= Ec.ord, Isc2. by W. C. WAGONER, Ppot <!. 1 , ), E.e,e 'dor :;1 Tarol Boyd, teccd You at, I,v 1.1111,1 to be and appeai at a Court of Conunon Ph a.. to ha held at Huntingdon. and toe the county at llnotingclon 011 tile accord :1101sday of Janualy next, to ,mice the fat:going petition of Daniel Nett.- IlLieol, fail not. 41. Gi7J. IV. JOIINELIN, Eltrrrn . , OH ter. Huntilunlon, Dee. P , 1862. f rNSOLVENT NOTICE. The enrdit , , of the nunder,il4ll,l :nn Inorelny notnfinal inct ti it yore.ntn nt hr ir.titionn to the Com t of Cann linen Plea; at Huntingdon county far the Incinelit of the t anunenntotl 31onalny. Han 19th nl.l v at ntannany, 1563, for the hearing or the ineti -11011121 and in , viedntons. 301 IN 11.11:BIN. an e. 2.i, etn.n.. • .A. 1) MIST A'l'o lI'S NOTICE.— 1:,6at0 or John INlontgumery, Letter; of uiti °thin alma the e,tatu of John Ntut g ,,,.l late ml ton Ilantingilim vomit.), di e'il. ti,,,a:, Lea ael an to the nuilel-aglicii. all lait.onv li it ma - m'llll'4 Hie eqate al requi , ti d to iireiquit to tia• uudrt iaanoil, and all put•oal 'oat, 1,1,111011. SAMUEL I‘lll.lalit, p.62_1;1.- Alba ini,tlator, FOR PRESENTS TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN, IME=I 1 . 13,1,\ s ( )I)Er t A (IA PR , :4 1 i Of Ow jlt-t c . .a - Ouly $1,23 a That in Clubs of Foun—Cr,a. ARTHUR'S 110 ME MAGAZINE FOR 1H(13. VOLS. XXI and XXII. EIUTED BY .1R1.11.17; unl 111101.17.1. F. TO lIIVSE-VD. Ct.attitte, Net ..14:14. It+ Pushy. ra-Ition4, Steel and eitt ratgattntLa.S. edit tsetlt I'att..lll4 in great set utt, ]hillier, Donal tm. nt, D. pal tment. Let Ir.,' .ttel Dealth 1), lintttnent., tt id] Ittetat,) icltetts, and all the ,IkV,rc u • 01 rl 3lngrvine. Ike 1,0 d.., rln4 tc,thtlony to the chmaLter hale (sit. n 6,11 , ...,1 , 1 it I,lolMit Colltro - V. ILr he t Ilag:tzine publi hod in the country; and th,• htloog'r n te.,tnnon) eNel!, NI lusty 150.1 11, lipov, of 110 pet,odnal that —nu the caht.o., set jne itt Om. hvaucd 1110101, tlt , :r ream,: it A{ P/ keot fully up to th, • 1.1,1. ~f thelr p 50211,:", i, rover (Mil, yet 11.1 , , 51,15 nution. 15,0 ol 1011 said, and te. 1,, I.: n ogatn, that it -{mold Inal,t, n pall . of the I rading e‘el 3 lion, :,old. Ilre Elliott of no butt, educator ut the p, uplo, y nun; and old. Of the ,htoll 110 need nut ,peal:; IL. n nwn,.ll, I hou,,Oluld word, ull o‘er the eountly In thou 1011,d, no 1)..,1iud5,a1 can tail to 10,511 th.• 11,,,nt of esevllenc,." A lie, 1.101. b' ,111 h. connut need in the Jaunt, y nunthot, entitled -OUT 1:i THE 1Voltl.11." Rare. and Illegant Premiums 11.• nt to all I‘ll,,also up Clubs r—t, A Lugo Photo gtapbn copy of that •:11.ald qpgiaving."Sittabp.,:lr: it.l, 11, Curs Poi 1111 E," . 2, A large PhotogLapl. enpy, .i.t oDgiaNlng 01 Pictule, —M , fis t 121ILvq:' 3. A , ) , Inlar copy of Iletting's • , C,11 , H.,i, or 55 EN,LI , II ![ , , , ,,T1' ID." Ti --2 nyrii 111 aikata..., and one pi enlium plate. - . 3 Three for I'ooo (or q.i, Eight, and r-up of flue of the In einhch plotoo c, is 1) ii it. -up oft club, iquall or h. go. Three led be cttd to pay the poitoge iin each pie milun. Addle:A, T. S. Airrituic s, CO.. 313 Walnut Etlect, '") P WA - 1, 7. e ) 'VT& S ttolen from the stable of the vs ut!..e, thin near Sin nee Creel:, Hunt ingdon county, Pa.. on the night of Tuostlay, Dee. 1011, aID 1 LOANMARI:, about 13 -t n... hand. lugh, bl,tolt le q, gkft, about the and g ith Iwt. 'rite abox o renard ba paid to any pet .o.n appt elle:1,1.1g the thief, and retracing the )late, gi, het notice whet, she may be found, or slu It ill he paid fur intact ttion chick m 111 enoble tho subsctiber to lug i Inn, and lot' the conYlet ton of the thief. GEORGE: HOFF. Sin "re Crook, 11ec..23, 1362-3 t." I_IEW STOCK O 1 GOODS. 1 EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORF ON HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PLENA. THE REST SUGAR. and MOLASSES, COFFEE, Tll3 and CHOCOLATE, LOUR. FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONY l'eT lON IMES, CIGARS nud TODACCO, SPICES. 01"T1lE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, and eiety other an tide usually found in a GI ocery Store ALSO— Drugg, Chemicals, Dyo Stuffs, Paints, Von Oils and Stitt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Was; nail Putty, BEST II INE and BRANDY for medical purposes. ALI. TILE LEST PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS AND SHOES, and it Nigr number ut :uticic, too numerous to mention, The public g , •neially in ill ple..e call and exammo for thenisely., nml loan n my pi iets. S. S. SMITH. Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1882 , • GOODS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES ! • FISHER & SAI , flare ja,q: Opened and offer to the Public, SPLENDID STOCK [VELE SELECTED _YEW GOODS, IZEDUCEI) Pi ICES C.l ~: Illl:lt i:~, .in~i Will please call mid examine our Goods 0 t.:l, 19J2 Eil= TUE PUl3lde FISHER &? SON t NOTICE, CERT! FIC&TH NO. na, of the Huntingdon & Out Top Mountain Railroad an I Coal Co, for sixty Ann, of the prefer red stoLlc of the sail Company, titled Oct 15th, 1861, hat int; horn lout or modaid by me notice is hoh.by it - it en that 1 li,ve appliettto the taid Company for a no, e, rtilicate in lieu of the ono Ithil, and any one fltullog said Cel tilieate is requested to ',tutu the sano• to the Trea,met of the Ilutilito,iloit Lt - Proust Top 'Mountain It. It. Coal Co, at Philadelphia. A. U. CURTIN. .1)t c 'i 1862—1 t SALES.—By virtue of smithy terns of Vend. Exp. and Ft. Fa to MC re died, 1 Ai ill exile, to public -ate or outcry, at the Court nerve, in the borough of lltudingdon, 1111 MONDAY thu taut DAY of 5.1111A11Y, at too tielock, P. M the following described in opt ty to wit: All defendant's right, title and interest of In and ton lot of mound situate in the borough of flute tuntdon, in the C 0111122, of liuutwgdon.lloliting err Wash ington stieet and extending back to Mtillin street, and I, ink Lit N 0.1311, in the plan of e rid too n hitting' thereon etieted one two -boy brick hole, Schell, taken to exe cution and to be sold ai the property of Ginn go A. 3hliet. Also—The defendant's right, title and in tercet in and to the !Idiom hog teal estate, NIA: 818 acre 4, Meter: less, situate in Tot to, 11511i10, Huntingdon coun ty. curtot ed to the name of Henry Dotted, bound.] on the not th west by laud of It. Date Port ell, not th-east by land soi‘et„eil to Anderson Boston, soutlowest Ly hind of Plaint Barnet, now Oahu!). Doi is A CO. Al,-107 lleleS, 1110, or 1e,3, Sitliate on the north side of bllOllll . , 115555 in Tea t0{1,11.,41111, ells veyed in the 'annul of Benjamin Penn. Al-u—ST am es of land, mote or less, in Toil township, rurse3ed in the name of (I. Miller on the not th o.st by I,Old, of ALolo,, non million, and on the bouth-east by Illiolloplon S lhoul Top IlniLond Co. land. .41-0-107 a, t+ of land, moue or le,. situate in s.tme F.lllll. the non, of Noal nod boon dcd nu not ilt-Auest 113 nesters lisir•ond Benjamin Ibmelc, tomb -t hp Than Motel- s o uth east by "It'ashington Balier and slnlov. Zimmerman. , . 91.0_, , nu ci, mote or situate in , aino tow uship, [1.1[1,,, Ccl in UV! I.Ole Of Fsamael En ate, Lomaki on the by Wood. Ilacnn & Co.. how eNt by Chri...tian Eat lilt nod a idou Ifloa,l , ,totie and 1,. T. Wat,on A: Co. acres, more or let,. situate in llopea ell town ship, sot teed in the nano• of A. B. CI CU It, hounded on the not th-[Aqt by land of Philip Cornman, southeast by land of Dal ol Mountani's hell, south-west and west by Lund of Patton d Petrelini. Also—PefeniLint', right, title awl interest in and to a tract 01 land situate in Hatton ell tau tallith Huntingdon county, •-ot rout on aart,int, in the mutat of Peter Her ring, Dar el iginfler, f.tarali Lori. Mingling Ler I, Adam Lori, thint.tili ILarurg. Fr edit i, lc 11,11111 g anil Conrail !lei ring, thedie,-inn line to It; inn (LLCM Iling to article ur to,iceini Ititirei en the 'Pi ii , t , e4 of John Seirage ile ce,eil, mid Dr, Peter hlionetairgik. mire the on tier of the utlog L.dl ol said tiai t, dan il the Ittli dal or Nevem her. A. D. 1,11, :meth,: :igloo...at explaining tiro prior ene betorein th, • rot p u ta...aut d tel theldth l'ata gal y, both •.tig.iitiLlo., :no intenibtil to be recto :mall part haet of 111.4 ....mortal to Jacob Ifildegrai nlitt not beet, 1.1...)1..11,13....1.1 by the tem. tee:, ot John t' . .l , aff."• the 111. st W that name, nor by the potent ;;t ante, and all the 1.11,.1 no; tho pre3 lonely ould 1.1.1 na, con,cyrd to filo ° by 11.1,1.11.1 1...3111:4,t0n Otte 1.3 deed dat e d the :120 day of 4111. lt , t3, and tetntticd iu Itantin,don (tautly ill Deed noon H. tango 4112 A1 , 0—.1 II the 101,danri light, title and interest in all thm te‘ t,,tn me.,n„ ge ol II art of land, situ:llV in Hooting. doll count. , " Ca.,s toomhip . containing 120 am,. more or Ica ndjdnnog . land, fottnerly ut Robert Spoor. doecalted, and ollient, In rig the 1.11110 tma of laud, nineh I, DOl . ll 15th December, 1 , 55. trio conveyed by 11.0, id uk,on Trmdee, to Jaeolt And Horace 'noun Mdzed. taken in execution and to Mt 'mitt as the mop i ty ut .1110011 CI con ell. Ako—Defendant's right, title arid interest in and to all that part or a ti net of land gituato in Toil too eshlp,enn e 3 c l on a nal i ant panted to Joseph High lands, dated Januaty 1205 commenting at ot neat the Chest lint COPtior, itt or near whieli the psi t of the Hanle tract rout 030.2 to .Lamas Steel coi thence 41 deg. 01 , 1 per cites to it lot ust, thence south 30 degree. , root 30 poi chei ton maple. thence south 41 dug. west, 60 pouter, to a diootnut, them, south 61 di g. clot along the )loan Flu tey to the point n tine a pant of the la 001 in the name of Jo , ctili Highlandh entire) et' 10 Bens janiin Ttuenian, cnructo, then,o along the lore dividing the part. of the cant hart conveyed livietlifoio to Beide- Toni neniati, Jacob Mateer, (now J. It. Filling.) and James Ste, I, flout the rcittaiiiilet of mid tract to the place of trigitining. containing 11)11 act, inure or los, A4,0—..4. Celt:int lot or petrel of land situate in the said to, ushlp of Tod being parrot a tract of land ton ve3od in the 001110 of ,ro , td: Llighlanil, adjoining land or I,itel Baker. Janus Steel, I fillellloll anti ethers. Lr ginning at a gun, tut ney, nolj9ilang late! of Irtilel BA. ; 11111110 0011 thu i 5 do g. t, .200 p, relic , to a etot.e, tell tit 3il', dog tte,t, (:pot eh, s t. ft MOW!, iilol,, 110101 7.5 lit a 1,,t. theme ,ontli 35 3 1 deg. east, 03 prithei, toe gout, the plll,o of I,Biiialag, contain ing SO eel,. S I/04, taken in ext outrun and to be sold as the propet• ty of Joseph H. Also—All the right, title and interest of the defendant's in nod to two 111111411,1 and eighty acre.. 01 land, met e ceo, situate to Tod toll, n,hip Hunting don county, :Opining land of thin. S. Entlelitn . , Jacob H :".1 Ile., and ,114‘ , 4 about 100 nerei u hrh ate cleated, awl h.. til,leoll C1,t1,11 two 10 , 411011,1, 0110 old ' hat n and one salt' will 111111 other out-bnthling=. Also-I'olo acres of land being the Stun ningstar tract, having tlietenn erected our too story 10Z, 11011,3 and od. joining the al vir e tract. Set, d, taken in execution. and to be sold on the inoveity of Jam- Et.ttelsin anal Michael Stone. Also—Two lots of ground situate in the ton,of Watrio,lnalk, equtaitung t!l / '; act°, ,one of alt cleated and and, fence, bonnthd by land, of .7,1111, Bock on the Not 11n. est, Will. Thon.plon on Ito Nottl, catt. and loan lot.; on the S.ottileast, ..11,0-4 lot of gi °1:11d in ....IA tom n 11.tIII lii on 13.thl 17. , ng1e 1,1, mole cm 0 11. Along th..l:-Ilt tonic 1tt..“1 to lot, of cb.ftqnlant, having V.,. b.l a 1.112.;e ;og mead/LT boarded. H :Wail, 1,.. Nil foga C. tan.s- “.• rau.sv. ul (IQ . halt acre of gtonn,l in cabl. vilta e. ftnittiii4 Bahl taslt• like, tuuuiuo hat 1: to lot., of ,aid dekndiint ; having thereon tel led a log we otter boarded, a st,tlrle, and otlit r taken in exvontlon and •uhl nt the loop,rt3 of Abetln"go ALso—All defendant's right, title and in tere,t in awl to about ore' hundred tune, of land, lit , the • ante 11101 e or h.qo too n•liip. about fifty of NI lie haste cleared, having hr-aeon at noro Lg 1101,, NO stenohigh. and a sat, null and dlior with a calm hat nt and. bounded Itt land, of A. Speck on the Col t ..7latilin I John John tna 011 the Cant, .v 1.1,1111,4 011 Ole tJ11(11-t 1'.4.111,11.1. , 1iria11iek4 ou tll, :1111t11- 111 , t. :Cl/0d a`lil 1.11,11 ill anal to be sold as tha pi op. ty 01 holier t. llauc 111. Also—One hundred stud forty acre; of land ,toady in enolto 011 t adjoining loud, ,WThontiac CI onto all on the north, mn•mon on th, booth, And,w lldldaud on the co-I and Black Log Mountain on the ton th. si,tv acrid of itlahla rre deal ed. and liar ing ilo.rcon oitutod a log Inoi, too and a half Slur It, high, 24 by f. 2 fort. log li,ut oath clone lountlallon,l,o by 40 beet. To o alylo or Jon noon. taken in exe cution and to I, • ,11/ .14 the Pi open ty of J.Jah tut Johns. Vt,tra to chararealll(loor at saki tr ill take rimier that 1111111, - 111a tely upon the property lacinu; knocked du, n, filly pet cent. of all la,k under $lOO, and to out, lave I, Li.o.or all Leah Over Ilea cam, audit be paid to tire sna,te, an am, pa opt, a) sa ta, rte 'et. op .1 , z.111, 1111t1 total It/ othel idiltler, who o ill comply with the above terms. nliet o t•,11, o ill lieleatlan• to , !mole on dne,ilay, of trio 11l ova; of Point, 11101 the DOC-is nel:nol.letl,ed on the foliar, rag \ ty. (11:0. W. JOHNSTON, Shea Hr. Sintrirt , ', 000100, Iluntingdon, b10c.10,1002. EGISTE it ' NOTICE.--Notice is .. hereby i.,l‘ en. to all pet sons inter - e,ted, that the fol io, 11,;.; nallietl .-one la.nu settlid their accounts in the 11,J-hi's Nice, at Iluntmmlon.and that the .111 accounts will be presented for conitrmation and allowance at an 01 pliaive Court. to be held at Ifuntmgdou. in and for the count) 01 ilontumdon. on Monday, thu 12th day of Jan- Italy net, (15.1.1 to wit : 1. 11 te Adminie tt :dam Accotmt of James Kelly, Adtuin• ictrator of 'low land Loom,. late of Dublin tow 11 , 111p,tlecd. 2. The Account ot llat ill Soar e, Executor of J oseph Nu,lLtw ine, late of the borough f 11 nut Ingdom deamied. 3. Adinmistration account of O rollins 111 Mer, Adminis fiat, of Paw el 31. Con fur, late of the borouz,ll of Hunting don, cheen.ed. 4. The tmeount of Scala Locke, Guardian of 13at bares Aun Knelt r, dec'd . ,aid minor being now in het inejot ity. 0. Final Adminiettation account of Jantei 111mphy, Atl mintstiator of Sonnet Thotimmu, deceased, and :Os° dro t-11201t1011 0,0002, 011112,0 , 1 to file mann-, to be presented tot confirmation. DANIEL IVOMLILSDORF, Register's Oilme, Itegister. 11 - tinting - don. Dec.l3, 1102. f ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. The best Mechanical Paper in the World. E'er VOLUME VILE.---NEW • SERIES .1 110 W \ °lump Of popular Jomnal commences on tine 01 January. It is 1111bilille‘i n bEKLY, and cNery numb. eontain, sixteen pages of useful into mat Lion, and from five to ten fit iginal engim ingi of neW in% entions and discoveries, all of U bleb ale mounted exple6-ly fur it. tulatona. TO TUI MECHANIC AND M INUEACTIIItEIt No prison ergo:;( d in any of the mechanical or manit factuilng plirrint, should think of tiumg about" the ENTIFIE AMERICAN. It cost, but six ri its per nook ; (net y number contains from six to ten engrallims of nu, Mali cannot be found in any other publication. I= The SCIENTIFIC AMEIIICA,N ts• u tdi.pensablo to every Till enter, 119 it not only contains Must! aced descimtions of nearly all the best tin entions as they come out, Lot each number contains an Official List of the Clntu.o of all the Patents issued (tom the United States Patent Office during the meet: pen clues: thus g ivn.g a correct history of the progl•e,d of u•t LOUlal y. Mime also revert mg, c, Cry meek, the best hell:Mille j011111:1i5 of Ger many, Gloat Ih Hain and t ell er : tlm. placing In our lOUs kie,loll all that istr Inspilintt ill Ille(1.111i,11 ecienee and art in theso old cumin ice. We shall continue to transfer to our COIOIIIII3 COpILIUY extends Goan these join nals of Enterer see may deem of illtOrrbt to our readers. A pamphlet of it,tt uction no to the belt mode of ob taining Late, Patent on now tut entiou3, is furnished fete ell Mes.os. lieNs St Co. have acted as Intent Solicihns for Mule than sr.vr.NTEEN 3 cats. In rollUCClitill tt ail the publi cation of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, and they refer to 20,000 Facilites for o Lem they Intl, done lap,inals. No charge is outdo for os•uainm;; kutelto and mod, Is of Ile, MN tilltiO11:1 and for ads icing !mentors as to their pa• ten tahility. CH E:v.l.l;_' ARCIIITECTS,MIL LIVRIG lITS AND roam The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Ito found a meet useful join nal to them. All the new discover es in the 6CICIICO Ulchemistly ate given in its columns, and the in- Lve,te of the at chnoct and carpentel 0113 nut en erlookrd ; all the 1.1. CW tmentions and diseovet lei appertaining tot these plusults being y 10,1.110,1 nom week to it eel:. Use• fnl ant paetical information per Mining to the interests of millutightl and mill ownets lull be round m the SCI-. ENVER.; .1311:RICAN, objet, 111101mation they can not po•.lhly obtain from any other enmee. Subjects in c.hich tat tom, are Intere.ted a 111 be found di,cuszed in the $Ol - AMERICAN; must of the itgrlUVOlllentS nl egi bath al implements being infiltrated in its column, TERMS To mail sub,. tibet.: Tl m •oe 11011,mi a, year, or One Donut tot Ctm• month, The ‘ol;nues commence on the tail of Jamul* and July. :11, Helen copies o ill be soot glans to 01..5 pat t of the counts y. Nce,tet n and. Canadtan money 01 Post OfUe'; stamps ta ken at par tot sub, tipt,on.l. C.lrsaclian sulo,lbets . still to I emit to ent).ns 0 cent, c'`•tra on each )cat's sub brl Iptioll to 11lCita3 011.1 g, MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 ?ARE 110 W, 'NEW YORE. ~~~ A II3IINISTItATOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of Nicholas Decker, deed ] Letters of Administlation upon the estate of Nicholas Decker, late ofJuninta towrighip, deed.. having been gran ted to the uwieraignnl, all pea .mals haring claims againqt the estate ace tequehted to plesent them to the under signed. and all pemons indebted will make Immediate 1414ov:tit. JAMES JOHNSTON, Dec. 2,1802-6 t. Administtator. T AMES ! ATTENTION !! 13ALMORALS, a handsome lot just 'Tuned direct flout New York, by FISIIEIt & SON. WITEELER & WILSON'S - - 'el SEWING tz/ m A rt.; al R. A. C. KERR <-4 .AI,TOONA, PA '7' AGENT o rn FOIL BLAIR AND 11I:NTINGDUN COUNTIES. S,KOS'IIAI THESE BIACIIIINES AllE ADMIT toiI to be the best ever onto.' to the pubile, and thew , upetiotity is sailifacturity c,tablished by the fact that in the last eight yeor4,. OVER 1,400 MORE, of these machin CS have been ,old than of any other nom. ufactut ed, and more medals have been :minded the pm pristot by diffetent Tails and Institutes than to any oth. et, The Machines are warranted to do all that to claimed for them. They ate now in use is sever al famihes in Al toona, and in every case they gist entice satisfaction. The Agent 'vertu a thrhe de,hing information as to the• cups, levity of the Machines, to A. IF. Benedict, Joseph, Wat-on. E. lf. Turner and E. E. Beitlennut. The Machines can be seen and examin6.l nt the store of,' the Agent. at Altoona. Pi ice of No.l Unclittio. Hiller plated. glass foot and now le Hottinter—slls. Nu. 2, et namental brotrie. glass fuot and Nose stylo tlouttnor—s)3. No. 2. pinin;witit old . ate le Ilennuor--2-le. Islet. 21,1862-Iy. TILE FIRST FALL GOODS, JUST OPENED AT A, 13. CUNNINGHAM'S. A LARGE STOCK AND FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR.YOURSELVES. SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER OS GOOD RANKS A INDIYIDIIALS, Taken at Par in Exchange for Goods. Thu highe,t paid in Comb fur nil kinAs of COUNTRI"PRODUCE, FOIL BARGAINS, CALL AT A. EL CUNNINGEAVIE STORE. Runt inoon : t. 1162. • - • • 1 READING RAIL ROAD. wiNTEII A.RRANGEMENT. fl REAM T111.1NE• LINE FROM TIIE T No, th an4l Nottll-IVest for EIOLADELTRIA, NEST READISO, EoTT.A ILLS, LLBANON, ALLENTOON, EASTON, Trains Imo If inIII3IIUPO fir PIIII , IDELPIII%. Now-tong, \&. POTTSVILLE, alld ull In ECI mediate Statkirld, nt 8 A. M., and 2 tiO P. M. NENC•YOHE 11sja .2, loaves Il thnisuurto at 3.15 A. M., or ris at 31rav-Volts at 10.:10 the same morning. l'areA from II iT1P.1,11111,1 : To Nr.v.-Yono. Si t 5; to PHIL ADELPHIA. $ . l aa (111:1 :=.2. SO. Baggage elwel.etl that ouch. Rolm ning. leave Nett-Yloot At 6 A. 31 , 12 Noon, and 7 P. .51, Skein tm . e.,re in the Nr.w-Yorm Ettettr.b, TRAINS, through to and front PITISDORGII tt lthOM change. Paa,engcri by the Ct . r 1,1111 ltnit Road leave Poor Ci INTL. at 5.15 A. for Pan..m,tqui .no an Interme diate Station.: and at 3:25 P. M., for I t urt-ineLetiM, NEW- Walt, and nit Way Pointe. Trains leave PerrsllLLE.tt 0.15 A. M., and 2 !SOP. M., for Putt VIII I and Nl.ll-Togo ; and at 5.30 P. 31., for A LAIURN Mid PURI' CLINTON only, connecting for PINE Grave and uith the CATAI% tha❑ thou!; and returning flu,, ,DLM; at 5.13 A. M., fur POTT,ViLLE. . . A n Aeeoenned.ttion Pa—new:et. 'Plain leaves READINO nt 630 A. 31 us 1 . 1 on, ' NfILAPFLPIIR at 4.30 P.M. All the elan a Wan., 1 au daily, Sundays excepted. A sunday 1F.,,,, leaves PuITSVILLE at 7.30 A. M., and L • 1111.11,1.1.PIII at 3.15 P. 31. OMNI, ITION, MII.IOE. Si:lb.:, and EXCURSION TICRLTS nt reduced wits to nud from till point, G. A. NICCLIB, Gnu, at Sverintendent. Nov. 23, 18162. I)ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD TIME OF LEAVINU OF TRAINS L<Ll' 11781'117.1RD. EA ST WA R D '-,A• ~ I 'l' tr7.l HI 'V g ;... . —, , 4 % t'l k: r- ff ~,••• ✓ t ., -.?„. •;.. ~., STATIONS., 2.. 4 . " P. 314 P. al.l A.. 11 j A M. P. M.I A.M.! A.M. 1 3 17 IN Hamilton, 1 38 5 25 5 31 Mt. Union,... 11 31 1 30 5 35 Mapleton, 1 21 5 43 Mill Creek,... 1 14 5 59 7 14 6 50 6 02,11ontinadon, 11 07 5 21 1 02 6 15 Iretmobrirg,... 10 53 12 47 6 23 Bailee,. 12 99, 0 31 6 31 SpineoCrect.. 10 40 12 dII: 0 49 Birmingham, 12 18 65S 655 T 3 rone, 10 11 „ 1.2 10, 7 63 Tipton I 3 00 7 11 - , Postolia 11 55 1 7 10 7 15 11,11's 31111 e,.. 10 00 11 51 7 40 8 30 8 201 7 35,A1t00na,...... 9 451 4 05 11 35 P.M] P. M.l A. :a.l A. M.I P. ILI A.. N.. 1 P. at. --.o:—, FTUNTINGDON&BROAD TOP ItAILROAD.—CII.IIIO E OF SCHEDULE. On and after Wednesday, November 10th, 1862, Passen ger Ti sins will active and depart as follows: UP TRAINS. IDOWN TRAINS, STATIONS _, _ . Eveu'g Mon meg oral% '2:1ell % AND P.ll. A. M. 1'..11. 1 P. IL 1 SIDINGS. I T LE. 3 40 LE 7 20 Huntingdon, 4 00 7 4013TeConne n, 4 OS 7 181Plea , nut Grove,.. 4 24 8 041 Mu kleshurg, 4 47 8 20 Centro lion, 1 48 8 2SI Rough & heady,- 5 03 8 401eme, 5 01 8 44 Ehher's Summit, 20100 9 001,, xton 5 30110 010 I`' 5 451 9 Milt uldlesbur , 10 5 51 to 0 45!11010,01. I in 10 - 50 10 30 0 10Ct.m ford, ......... 10 25 tr.1.0.0t, LE 10 15 1110.til Top Cay, Office of JAY COOKED, SUBSCRIPTION MP4NT. At JAY COOKER Co., Makers, 114 South Third Street, 'PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1, 1862 The andet.igned ho' lag been appointed SUBSCRIP TION AGENT ay the Secretary of the Treasury, is uow prepared to form,b, at onee, Ito New Twenty Year 6 per et. Bonds,• of the Crated States, designated as rive:Twenties," re deemable at the pleasure of the Goverment, after five 3 em,, and au Lion rzed by Act of Congress, approved Feb rimy 25th, 1502. The COUPON BONDS are issued its sums of $5O, $lOO, .;;sno, and 31000. Tile It 1101.,TER BONDS in stuus,of $6O, $lOO, $500: i,lOOO. and $5OOO. Interest at Six per centum p. r annum will Celumence from date of lamella.," and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, is equal at the present premium on cold, to abort 1.1011.17RER CENT. PER ANNUM. numers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to ins cat, should know and remember that these Bands are, in effect, a FIRST MORTOACIE up on all Railroads. Canals, Rink Stocks and Securities, and. the Mural... , ptoducts of 01l the Manufactd&s, Are., do., in the cannily : and tilt the full and ample provision made for the pa 3 meta of the interest and Imhidotion of panel tml, by Customs Dirties, i 0 wise Stamps and Internal Rev enue, set les to make these Bonds the Best, Most Available, and Most Popular Investment in the Market. Subic, iptions recriml at PAR in bog al Tender Notes, ,nte4 and ..hacks of hanks at lay in Philadelphia Mer-t by tam! a',ll teceivo prompt attentum, elm y facility and explau•ttien udl be afforded nn [lnn at this °nice A f nil supply of Bondi will be kept an hand for immo• diate deli, Qry JAY COOKS, Doe. 2, 1.8b2-3m Sobsct iptlon Agent. DLANI BOOKS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, for solo id - 17..FITUS' BOOK .1 YD STATIOSERY STOR =I An 12 30f An 0 14 1 12 161 849 12 021 8 41 II 461 8 25 11 301 8 13 11 22f 805 11 101 750 11 061 7 45 20 501 . t: F. i o ' : 10 251 0 50' LE 10 15 LE 6 46
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers