The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 07, 1863, Image 2

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    l El),e Cob e.
Wednesday morning, Jan. 7, 1863.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Our Flag Forever
" I know of no mode in which a loyal citi
zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to
his country ac by sustaining the Flay, tha
Constitution and the U ion, nods all eireum
Capture of Vicksburg ! The Missis
sippi opened ! Great victory over the
Rebels at Murfreesboro ! Read the
news. A few more such victories and
the Rebels North and South will be
-very sick.
have no news of importance from
Burnside's army. The enemy have
dug new rifle-pits along the river to
provide against our crossing again.
uia Legislature met to-day, (Tues
day.) The Democratic members of
the House met in caucus on Monday
evenino, and made the following nom
inations: For Speaker, John Cessna of
Bedford; for Clerk, Jacob Ziegler of
Butler; for Assistant Clerk, B. Milton
Speer of Huntingdon. The Democrats
having ty majority in the House, these
caucus nominees will be elected.
The Republicans will elect the offi
cers in the Senate and have agreed up
on the following: For Speaker, Gco.
V. Lawrence of Washington; for Clerk,
George W. llamersly of Germantown;
Asst. Clerk, Gurdon S. Berry.
'Strous will commence on Tuesday,
Jan. 13th, selling off his entire stock
of store goods and household furniture
by public auction. One Piano will al
so be sold. Everybody should attend
to get bargains. All persons holding
scrip issued by Air. Strolls, are request
ed to return them as soon as possible.
ON Thursday last, Peter Yandevan
der of Petersburg, in company with
another man, went to the woods to
hunt. Arriving in the woods they
met two others. After some conver
sation, the men scattered. In the
evening Mr. Yandevander was repor
ted missing. Search was made, but
he was not found until Sunday.—
When found he was dead. A bullet
bad entered the back part of his head
and lodged near the left eye. When
found ho had both hands in the pock
ets of his pantaloons, and his gun was
lying beside him, loaded. No doubt
the ball that struck him was a spent
'ball from the rifle of one of the three
other gunners in the woods at the
ILINTINcawoN, Jan. 5, 1803
Mr. EDITOR :—You will allow my
self and family to acknowledge this in
your columns: The reception of a
handsome donation from a number of
our friends in this place.
This was made on New Year Eve,
and consisted of a variety of articles
well suited to our wants, and for
which we would thus extend our sin
cere thanks. We at the same time
hope that the kind donors may be
richly rewarded for their kind remem
brance of us.
Yours, respectfully,
List of Pilled, Wounded and _Hiss
ing in Company G, sth Regt.—Lienten
ant C. M. Hildebrand, in a letter dated
Dec. 23, gives the following informa
Killed Privates Luther,
Walter Everett and Geo. Edwards.
Wounded—Capt. Wolfe, Sergt. It
Meredith, Augustus Hawn, Sohn Da
vis, Wm. Gilliland and Fred. Fouse.
Missing—Lieut. S. A. Willoughby,
Corp. Wm. Corbin, and private Jas.
"A reliable rebel officer told me
that they had got sonic five or six of
our lieutenants, slightly wounded. and
a Major belonging to the sth P. R. C.,
who gave his name as Zentmyer. llc
could not remember the names of the
lieutenants. We got the body of Lt.
David Zentmyer. We have all come
to the conclusion that J. A. Willough
by,is slightly wounded and a prison-
of the guides of Stuart, in his late raid,
were arrested on Friday-, near Burke's
Station, Virginia. These men were
but recently rote:l4od from the Old
Capitol. This is but another proof of
.ho disastrous effects of the leniency
, xercised by the Government toward
g-!-Z-- The public schools of this place
:ere opened on Monday last, after
,aving been closed for two weeks.
COURT.--Court commences on Mon
'ay next, the 12th.
DIARIES for 1863, are for tale SG W
Lewis' Book Store.
The Condition of the South.
A fugitive Louisiana planter has
lately published a letter. on the condi
tion of the South, in which he corrobo
rates all that others have testified on
the delusion and ignorance of the Inm,s
of the people in the slaveholding
States, tho inveterate hatred of the
"Yankees" which their wicked lead
ers have so carefully trained then up
in, and the present destitution which
the desolating effects of the war have
brought on all classes. Ho closes will:
the following remarks, which bear the
impress of good sense, and may he
read with profit by many at the pres
ent ti ne :
"Still ; any attempt at conciliation of
the South would be utterly thrown
away. The only argument N\ hich
they understand or respect now is su
perior and overwhelming force. Pros
trate and break to pieces, this winter,
(as you can,) their 0111(01i:eel GO 0711-
;111a, and the whole resistance will
fall utterly exhausted and helpless.—
The talk of its being impossible to sub
jugate the South seems to me very
foolish. 1 believe iL the duty of the
nation to God and the loyal people,
and to the unhappy South itself, in
whose welfare I am very deeply inter
" A year ago I had myself given up
to the dreadful fact, as I supposed,
that the nation was torn asunder.--
But since the events (Whist spring, and
what I have seen myself of the pros
perity and tremendous power of the
Northern States, I have entirely chan
ged my mind. It is plain that so far
as human prudence can foresee, noth
ing can prevent the speedy fall of the
Richmond Government but a sudden
blindness and cowardice seizing upon
our loyal people
• just as complete vic
tory is within their reach."
The Emancipation Proclamation of
By the Piesident of the, United States of
Wherw.3, on the 22d day of Septem
ber, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-two,
a proclamation was issued by the
President of the United States, con
taining, among other things, the fol
lowing, to wit : That on the Ist day
of January, in the year of our . Lord
one thousand eight hundred and six
ty-three, all persons held as slaves
within any State or designated part
of a State, the people whereof shall
then be in rebellion against the Uni
ted States, shall be thenceforward and
forever free. And the Executive Gov
ernment of tile• United States, includ
ing the military and naval authority
thereof, will recognize and' maintain
the freedom of such persons, and will
do no net or acts to repress such per
sons, or any of them, in any effort
they may make fin• their active free
dom. : That the Executive will, on the
first day of January aforesaid, by
proclamation, designate the States and
parts of States, if any, in which the
people therein res...petiveiy, shall then
be in rebellion against the United
States, and the fact that any State
and the people thereof shall, on that
day, be in good faith represented in
the Congress of the •United States by
members chosen thereto at elections,
wherein a majority of the qualified vo
ters of such States shall have partici
pated, shall, in the absence of strong
countervailing testimony, be deemed
conclusive evidence that such State
and the people thereof are not then in
rebellion against the United States.
NOW, therefore, T, A bralmm Lincoln,
President of the United States, by vir
tue of the power in me vested, as
Commander-in-Chief of the army and
navy of the,United States, in time of
actual armed rebellion against the au
thority and Government of the United
States, and as a fit and necessary war
measure for suppressing the said re
bellion, do on this, the - first day of Jan
unilly, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty
three, and in accordance with my pur
pose so to do, publicly proclaim, for
the full period of one hundred clays
from the day linst above mentioned or
der, and designate as the States and
parts of States wherein the -people
thereof respectively, are this day in re
bellion against the United States, the
following, to wit :—Arkansas, Texas,
Louisiana, (except the parishes of St.
Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St.
James, A sconsion, Assumption, Terre
bone, Lafourehe, Saint Martin and
Orleans,) including the city of New
Orleans, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, South Carolina, North Caro
lina and Virginia, (except the forty
eight counties designated as West
Virginia, and also the counties of Berk
ley, Accomae, Northampton, Eliza
beth city, York, Princess Anne and
Norfolk,) including the citiestpf Nor
folk and Portsmouth ; and which ex
cepted parts are for the present left
precisely as if the proclamation were
not issued ; and by virtue of the power
and for the purpose aforesaid, I (to or
der and declare that all persons held
as slaves, within the said designated
States and parts of said States, aro
and henceforward shall be free, and
that the Executive Government of the
United States, including the military
and naval authorities thereof, will re
cognize and maintain the freedom of
said persons. And I hereby enjoin
upon the people so declared to be free,
to abstain from all violence, unless in
necessary self-defence; and I recom
mend to them that in all cases, when
allowed, they labor faithfully for reas
onable wages. and I further declare
and make known that such persons of
suitable condition will be received into
the armed service of the United States
to garrison forts, positions, stations
and other places, and to man vessels of
all sorts in the said service; and upon
this act, sincerely believed to be an act
of justice, warranted by Constitu
tion upon military necessity, I invoke
the considerate judgment, of mankind
and the gracious ihvo• of Almighty
In witness whereof, I have herewith
set my hand and cauhcd the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington . ,
this, the First Day of January, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-three, and of the
Independence of the United States of
America the eighty-seventh.
By the President, ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
Will1;1111 IJ. -iew.vard, S,')/ of Sfitte.
the President,
A Dillict(lt awl Daring Rrtirl Made by
the Foiers—raidure , :l* Van
Buren, Arl,.-021iebi1 Repert ( y' ac i d.
PAyETTEvi ',La, Ark., Dec. Llfl.—One
of the most difieult and daring raids
of the war ha; just been made by a
part of the Army of the frontier.
On Saturday General Herron start
ed with a portion of his cavalry and
infantry forces for the other side of
the Boston Mountains. Gent. Blunt
loft Cane 11111 at the same time by an
other route, the two columns being
about six thousand strong. They
started in light, marching ordei, with
six days' cooked rations, and marched
forty-two mites without stop page.
General Merton took v,ith hi o tAvo
batteric-3 without eah,f,ons. The artil
lory and baggage, wagons were arawil
acres; the mountains by twelvo-horsi)
At daylight yesterday morning the
two command.; joined at Lee's Creek,
three miles south of the mountains,
from whence the cavalry and artillery,
no abering 1000 men, started lbr Van
Buren, leaving the infantry to follow
as Cast as possible.
Two rebelegi men 1-I of cavalry wore
encountered at Dripping Spring. Af
ter a short skirmish, they were pat to
flight, leaving seven killed and a num
ber wounded. Our Threes in
followed the rebels fleeing to Van
Buren, when a splendid charge was
made, led by Generals Blunt and Iler
ron in person, resulting in a complete
victory over the enemy. The rebel
cavalry rushed aboard some steamers
which NVCI'V lying at the wharf, and
escaped to the other side of the river.
Two of the steamers, with over a hun
dred prisoners among them, were cap
tured. A third boat was run ashore,
which, with the others, will be de
stroyed. A large quantity of corn,
camp equipage. transportation, and a
number of mules and horses, were also
seized. The Cull extent of the captures
is not yet known.
When the messenger left, the infan
try and artillery were about eight
miles in the rear, hastening Thrward
as fast as the nearly impassable roads
would allow.
The people of that section were ta
ken entirely by sarprial and terribly
General Hindman is on the other
side of the river with his whole force,
unable and unwilling to engago us.
The pathway to the Arkansas river
has now been opened, and if tho gun
boats will open the lower end of it, the.
winter's work of the army of the Fron
tier is clearly marked out.
lir..veguAßTmts, Sr. touts, Dee. 2(.1.
Gerwiat Oenl.
in Chitlf:—The Army of the Frontier
under Generals hunt and Herron,
moved over the Lorton tnountains on
Saturday, and ti4vallet.d, ithoni halt
ing, to Van Boron. They drove the
enemy- across the A rkam,n,i, 1:U1.2(111nd
wounded a few, took three :tea inhoatp.,
camp equipinenL.,and I_oo pri.ionera.
The march of with arias of
service over the umuntains and 'Caro'
the deep mud of the valley was a most
arduous and "galltdtt afrAir.
Great Batt a' at 12,1alphreos!)oro'.
~ißJi.ll' T 0 !
[Spieia/ neapOtelt to 17„; Pru3s.]
13.1.12LE-FIELI) N1:.11: - 1V1 1 :11r , " , :tir,OIZO,
IDOCellther :J1 P. M.
The great battle of the war in the
Southwest is now being fought here.
It is raging furiously as I write. Thu
entire lino has suifored terribly this
morning, and the loss on both sides
has been heavy. The rebels held an
advantage in position this morning,
but are now suilhring terribly under
the galling tire of our destructive ar
tillery, which was got into good posi
tion about noon to-day.
The forlorn hope of this army, com
prising four regiments of regular in
fantry (including the 16th regulars,
2,200 strong,)'and two batteries, lost
all of their field officers, two-thirds of
their line officers, and half of the en
listed men killed and wounded,
The Anderson troop (a Philadelphia
regiment,) of Colonel Wyncoop's light
cavalry brigade, also suffered severely.
Majors Itosengarten and Ward were
both killed during a charge. The cav
alry behaved and math.euvred under
fire with the steadiness of veteran reg
ular dragoons, and much of our success
is due to this.
Can. flou , Aeau was wounded at the
head of his splendid division, after
making two bayonet charges, and
fighting for nearly five hours.
Gen. Stanley is seriously wounded
in the low. General Palmer is danger
ously wounded.
31-22.30 P. 31:—
I have just returned from the front
again, where Gen. Rosecrans is direct
ing the gigantic field operations of the
day in person. Gen. Joseph Johnston
directs the movements of the enemy
in person.
About one o'clock General Thomas
threw his entire corps d'armee against
the centre of the enemy's forces, and
breaking it, drove it back over a mile
in great confusion. Rebels, killed and
wounded,lay in heaps upon this ground.
Gen. Rosecrans then ordered an ad
vance of the entire line of his army in
support of Gen. Thomas, and we soon
engaged the enemy at close quarters
for the first time in the history of the
rebellion. At one time Gen. Rosecrans
observed his troops wavering, when he
dashed rapidly to the front, followed
by his stain This coup created a tre
mendous enthusiasm amongst the sol
diers, who rallied at every point, and
drove the enemy for some distance
with excellent results. Two of Cenl.
Rosecrans' aids were killed at the time
by the explosion of a shell.
Gen..Negley's division, with its ex
cellent artillery, is causing great de
struction among the rebels on the left
of the centre. Gen. Crittenden, with
his corps d'armee, forming the left
wing of our army, has gained the ene
my's entrenchments,. and is driving
the rebels through the town, which is
now in plain view before us.
The logs on either side has been very
heavy We have Ilthen nearly Ihreo
..x - :ae- .. -.- - - - _
thousand prisoners, and our loss is not
near so heavy as that of the rebels.—
We are following the enemy 11p, and
will drive him into Alabama before wo
give him any rest.
- Gen. Cheatham, the greatest blow
er, and General liains, of Arkansas,
the hanikomest man in the rebel army,
are both killed, and their bodies are in
We have takc , i over "My guns and
even shook of state colors.
rT) the A•sl;')Cia/C , /
R r a•Shid9loii, Jan. 2.—The SeerOary
or War was to-day advised as follows:
Cierctroci, Jan. :2.—The lb'lowing
has jln,t, been received by telegraph
from Cincinnati. dated :
,lhoficeosburo Jan. terrible
battle was fought ye:,terday. The la
test from the lid(' is up to noon.
The rebel centre had been broken,
and things looked Ili7orable.
The loses are reported to have been
en oxllloll9.
Stanley, .flon , - , eau, and Palmer are
wounded, and the rebels Cheatham
and Rains are killed.
l'.. , TAnnvir.LE, Jan, 2.—A terrible bat
tle has been fought at - Murfreesboro.
involvin the teverest carnage of thi.
The United States forces encounter
ed the rebels on the 8011: ult.. Hear
Stewart's Creek. After heavy iddr
mishing on both sides the rebel were
driven back. We captured a hundred
prisoners, anil killed and wounded a
larg. - : number. Our lo ;s on this occa
sion was 70 killed and wounded.
At daybreak on the :list the light
was renewed with great fury. General
McCook's corps being opposed to Har
..\fter desperate fighting. with heavy
to s on both sides, General McCook
retreated two miles. Ile soon rallied
his men, but was again driven hack.
and at nighi WaS cUIII'ICS this Side
of the gnallifi occupied in the
The'ilght continued until ten o'clock;
at night, at time we hal main
tained our position.
The Federal loss was very heavy.—
inong the billed are :
'Brigadier General Sill.
Lieut. Col. Garesche, chief of Gen.
Rosecrans Staff.
Brig. ((en. Minch, of Indiana.
Col. Kell. of the 20th Ohio
Shaffor, acting brigadier gen.
Col. Farmer, of the 15th Kentucky
Col. Jones, of the 2-ilh Ohio Regt.
Lieut. Col. Cotton, of the Gth Ken
tucky Regiment.
Lieut. Col. Jones, of the 30th In:H
aim Regiment.
Maj. 'Carpenter, the 10th Regulars.
Major llikengarten, of Philadelphia,
(Anderson Troop.)
Capt. Garrett, of the 10th Illinois
Col. Carpenter, of (lie 15th Wiscon-
sin fluttery.
Lieut. Co] McKee, of the 15ii Wis
con il'.
1.00 -. .1.}1
Drig. (;en. E. M. Kirk, of I ;
Gen. Wood, of 1 ndi.tna ; Brig.
Van Clove, of Minnesota;
Ca: , , , nle, of Ohio; Maj. (l en. Rout,sean,
of ja.nttn ; Lieu!. Col. Berrv,
; F,:entiner;l , ;lll - 1 - 11Argn:
late; Ma . j. 1 510 ain!
many (Alleys.
The 21. .251.11 and .',sth I ilinoi, Rog
iments lo hvo-thirdsoftheir number.,
and the 15th iinrl 4 one-halt.
The 101,t 01110 121 men; the
Indiana lo .1 about the same nuim
The total number orkined and woun
ded is cl:•timated at, '2,500. The rubel
e::co.ed:3 our:;.
(ion. J. E. Rain , ' was killed. Gen.
elloatlam was Violl.lldA and talcou
The tight was reliewed at 3 o'clock
on the morning of J:wuary 7r 41.. Can
nonading was heard at _Nashville at
10 o'cloelz
Wood's and Van Clove's division
were in Murfreesboro driving the tine
.oly, who were in full retreat.
The followiN rebel eon mk,iioned
officers have been captured : Jiaj 3..1.
Franklin, 20th Arkan , ,a , ;; Captain W.
E. Johnson, 2.d Arkansas; Captain .1.
P. Eagle, 2d Arkansas, and Captain S.
C. Stone, bit Tennessee Cavalry.
Many buildings have been taken in
this city for liospitnl purpo...e.i. Great,
numbers of the wounded are now be
ing brought, in.
[Speciitt DeTatch to The Pics,;.]
.13xrrun-rt ELI)
Jan. 3, P. M.—. Our army bivouacked
on the same ground I a:A 012;itt, that
occupied by our forces on the night of
the 31st ultimo. Our army gained
some advantage in the battle of yes
terday, but not without terrible car
nage. The loss on both sides can only
be described as absolutely tremendous.
Gen. Negley fought his division all
day yesterday splendidly. and lost
very heavily in men, but saved his ar
tillery. Con. IZousseau immortalized
himself long Letbre he fell severely
wounded. lie is set down as ono of
the great heroes of the battle.
The enemy was heavily reinforced
from some direction last.
Maj. General McCook had his horse
blown to atoms by a shell yesterday
afternoon, and, although severely
bruised, soon remounted and rode to
the front of his gallant division. Gen.
Ilosccrans, everywhere, and at all
times, exhibited great coolness ai.d
moral courage, exposing himself con
tinually at critical periods. Ito gave
orders incessantly, in a firm manner.
The fight was renewed this morn
ing with great ferocity. Gen. Rose
erans collected his scattered troops and
reorganised them last night. To-day
we have driven the enemy nearly two
miles. The reserve brigades are get
ting into line as I write. Reinfbree
ments are arriving, and Genei'al I?ose
erans is determined to destroy the reb
els at any cost.
All the houses in ..\.[urcreusboro a n d
the neighboring. villages are occupied
as hospitals. We are sending many
- wounded men to Nashville by rail.—
Our arrangements for the care of the
Wounded are being completed, and
every effort is made to make the suG
fcrers as comfortable as pos3ible.
Philadelphia may «•ell be proud of
the Anderson Cavalry. The men and
officers have covered themselves with
The following is a list of the killed
in the Anderson Cavalry : Sergeant
Kimber, Alexander Drake, F. Herring,
A. H. Kendrick, A. W. Chase. I will
Rend more names as 1 obtain them.
Louisrit/P, January 3.—Telegraphic
communication has been restored be
tween here and Nashville, and the fol
lowing important dispatches have been
il'ashville, January 3.—lt is reported
that Gen. Bragg wit , ' killed in the fight
to-day. There has been fighting all
day, but no particulars are received.—
nut' forces are advancing, and the
relic's arc fhlling back. across Stone
river. A heavy rain has fallen all
day. The following ollicen; are amon , 4
the slightly wounded : Col. hiller, Col.
Blake, of the Indiana; Lieuten
ant Colonel Neff, Col Ilull. Capt. Pate.
il'a4trille, Jan..;.—heavy eannona
ding has been heard to-day up till
noon. The relic's attacked our left,
but wore terribly repulsed. There
was very little fighting yesterday.—
Our forces do nut yet occupy Murfrees
boro the rebek, attacked and destroy
ed the hospital buildings on Thursday.
The rebel army at Hichniond are fur
nishing :strong reinforcements LO the
0110111 y.
[TI, 1):-1..1TC11-.4
.1 a ntutry , pirited en
gagoideni took plave at Lavergne, be
tVieell a party of ineelianie-, and engi
neer.: ill the United C lee, un
der the command of Colonel _Raines,
and tleneral Wheaten's rebel cavalry.
The latter wt:Te routed, with the lo,s
of thirty-three killed.
All the contrabands captured by the,
yneiny on the United Btates wagon
trains, are shot. Twenty of their dead
hodie-; are lying on the Murfreesboro
pike. ::dajor Hindman and Captain
king. \yin, were wounded, wero cap
hired by the rebels elude in aii ambu
lance. 'flue y\\ ere talien• lour mile,
away and lien and th , owo
out on the road ;)! ;,,
killed, but xvoul.d ind
nor, yesterday.
General Ito, ~,;;
of the, -I th U. S. Ht.\ 1,
attacked t ;en. ‘Vhccn•,...,
who Were cut to piect
routed. Captain Mack. CM ac;
tiller}' on Cki. Thomm; staff. is
tally wounded. Colonel Anderson has
sent a dispatch to the Head Quarters.
saying, "we have whipped the rebels
decidedly and are at Christiana, nine
miles south of Murfreesboro, on the
lino of the railroad."
a'itshville, Jan. 3.—Col.,lichee is
reported killed. Our loss of °likens is
heart-rending. There was fighting
from daylight yesterday till this morn
ing. At live o'clock last evening, the
enemy were being terribly slaughtered.
In the first day's light, we had it all
our own way, but Ihe right wing fought
iL,elfinto a hat pmition. On the third
day, we reptik..,d the enemy with ter
rible slaughter, *rt , laining but slight
loss ourselves.
[To the As,:ocia Per:,;.]
Nnw VorK. Jan. 4. A special dis
patch from Murfreesboro, dated. Friday
eveniPg, states that, the rebel; were
tv, - ice repulsed On Thursday, in fierce
attack, on our centr,! and
on Thursday night Gen. IZosecraos
onlered I.2atty's briga4e aoross Stone
river on our 10ft, hich Nva-4
plished. On afternoon the
le'neis made a tremendous attack on
our center, lint were handotnely re
pul .00. At the same time they threw
an imme,lo mass of inlimtry against
Beatty's brigade. (hiving it across the
river, when Negley's aml Davis' divi
smm; went to their aid. A most des
perate struggle emmed, and all the ar
tillery of both armies was brought to
bear. Oar men sufired terribly, but
unflinchingly. At last Uencral Xtigley
ordered a Charge, WllOll the rebels gave
way. The!)tith Pennsylvania charged
home on the2Gth Tennessee capturing
its color;. Huffier regiment charted,
11111 seized a whole rebel b a ttery.
A grand shout, ni vioory ai (He, along
the « hole whim 6,111. Uftt;ecirans
advanced his wll,llo line. the left estab
lishing it 'elf on the cast bank 01 the
river, the centre holding the enemy's
former position, and the right holding
its original position of Wednesday.—
The iolvantage i•-; with us.
Tho, battle is to be renewed on Sat
urday, and all feel confident of victory.
Full Details of the Battle.
In l'rwa t .
v i a Xe
YL (107 ,a( 11.
On the 2fith or 14, ',-
ed from Nmshviile
General MeCook's corps 1,11
villa pike.
Gen. Thomas, from its eneammnent
on the Franklin pike, via the Wilson
pike, and Gen. Crittenden's on the
main Murfreesboro pike. The left
and centre net with a strong resist
ance, such as the nature of the coun
try, rolling or hilly routes skirted by
cedar thickets and thrills, and inter
sected by small streams with rocky
bluff' banks, forming serious obsta
Gen. McCook drove llardee's corps
a mile and a half from Nolinsville, and
occupied the place.
Gen. Crittenden reached within one
mile and a half of Lavergne. General
Thomas reached the Wilson pike.
meeting with no serious opposition.
On the 27th ult. Gen. McCook drove
liardee from Nolinsville, and pushed
a reconnoitering division six miles to
wards Shelbyville, and found ilardee
had retreated towards Mumfroesboro.
Gen. Crittenden fought and drove
the enemy bchn'e him, occupying the
line of Steward's Creek, capturing
some prisoners with slight loss.
General Thomas occupied the vicin
ity of Nolinsville. where he was parti
ally surprised, thrown into contusion,
and driven bank.
Genet Sheridan's division repulsed
the enemy fbur times, protected the
flank of the centre, which not only
held its own, but advanced. This un
toward event compelled me to retain
the left wing to support the right, un
til it should be rallied and assume a
new position.
First, The rebels opened by an at
tack on us, and were again 'repulsed.
Second, Skirmishing along the front
with threats of attack until about
three in the afternoon, when the ene
my advanced in a small division
11 0. T
thrown across Stone river to occupy
commanding ground. While recon
noitering the ground occupied by this
division which had no artillery, I saw
a heavy force emerging from the
woods and advancing in line of battle
three lines deep. They drove our lit
tle division hetore them after a sharp
contest, in which we lost 7U or so kill
ed, and :;75 wounded, but they were
repulsed by Gen'. Negley s and
the remaining troops of the left `i iug.
headed by Morton's pioneer brigade,
and fled far t,eer the field and b e y o nd
their entrenchments. The officers ral
lying them with great difficulty they
lost heavily. We occupied the grou n d
with the left wing last night. The
lines were completed at four in the
morning. This occupied my time un
til four o'clock ; and fatigued the troops.
The commencement of the retreat was
known to me at seven o'clock this
morning Oar ammunition train
rived during the night.
To-day Was engaged in distributing
the ammunition. burying the dead, and
collecting at ins from the field of battle.
The pur. , ,uit was commenced by the
centre, the two leading brigades arri
ving at the we:4 side of Stone river
this morning. The railroad bridge
was saved, but in what condition is
not known. We shall occupy the
town, and push . the pursuit to-morrow.
Our medical director estimates the
wounded in the hospital at 5,500, and
our dead at 1,000.
We have to deplore the loss of lit.
Col. Garsche, whOse capacity and gen
tlemanly deportment had already en
deared {Ain to all the, officers of this
command. and who , e gallantry in the
field had c::cited their admiration.
(Signed) W. S. IlozlcaANB,
Maj. Ckn. Commanding
Farther Details.
a 1 "Mica: :
" p ifra ITurficestwo, Jan. 4.
:0 cal—Following my despatch of
i,t- vt•ning I have to announce that
twiny are in full retreat. They
let't List night. The rain having raised
he river, and the bridge across it be
t wee') the left and centre, being incom
plete, I deemed it prudent to withdraw
that wing during the night.
[We arc unable to procure the bal
ance of this despatch. The operator
here informs us that the line is occu
pied by government despatches.—&/i
-tor HarriBbarg Telegraph.]
61licial Despatch from Tennessee,
To 'lib.; Ifon. .Etwia 31. Stanton, AS:Tre
tary of Mu':
Skirmi:-,hing commenced on the even
ing of the '2oth, our forces following
the enemy cht,.ely and driving them,
to the evening of the 10th.
On the morning of the 31,t, the ene
my altacked oar forces at daylight.—
Ever :,lnee that time the 11 . 2,111, has been
progre,,ing—this is the fifth day—in
If the whole Richmond army doe,
not get here o,u success i, certaim—
The fightin fighting ha , , been terrible.
Our atnly has the advantage and
- win hold it, God
eilllllol give Our Oili
eevs have snared ftrrihly
I have heard nothing of im::ortance
since 10 o'clock la , L evening. that
time every thing wai ihr
lion r.
General Commanding.
Official News from Mississippi,
AYAsuix6rON, Jan. 3.—The, Ibl:ow
ing has been received at headquar
ters :
SPRING:;, HiSi., San 2, 1803.
To illajor- General IL tllcek, Cl.Jaeral
711 -oth f.
"Gen. Sullivan has succeeded in
getting a fight out of Forest, and
whipped him badly. Ile captured six
pieces of artillery and a great many
horses and prisoners.
" Van Dorn was repulsed at every
point, except this, and with heavy loss.
" ll,ijor General Commanding."
" o.tuto, Jan. 2.
" To CU ,Stager :
"Oar telegraph line to Thlly
Springs and Corinth is working.
" Gen. Sullivan has whipped Forest
at Spring llill, and routed , his entire
force, capturing all his artillery and
stand of arms.
" The raid Colonel Napier was kill
eih.and the rebel Colonel De Shay is a
(Signed) " W. G. T UTTLE,
"Brigailier General."
Another Important Eqedition.
L.7 , peci,ll7)e-ratolt to tb rtes.]
jirarne, Jan. I.—There
have been stirring times here fbr some
days pant, among the troops and war
General iN;oglee's division was em
barked on transports at Yorktown
and Gloucester Point, yesterday, and
have , :pent their New Year's day rid
ing the billows in Hampton Beads.
Many other transports, loaded with
troops, stores, ik:7c., arrived, and have
joined the expedition.
The fleet is now putting to sea, and
comprises about enough men of all
arms to take and hold any point on the
Southern coast,
'rho destination of this expedition is
supposed to be North Carolina ; bitt,
as a Humber of iron-clads accompany
it, i presume it will go to some impor
tant Southern port—say Charleston,
Georgetown, Savannah or Mobile.
At any rate, it will soon he at it.,
destination, and, wherever it goe , 7 a
heavy blow will be 'track.
Great Battle at Vicksburg, Miss,
Pic Drirci+ wk. After ,1 oon
d;ct uj FWe' VW%i'rGrtPni
tiOn Ca/
CA 100, Jan. 3.-I)ispatelles front
Gen. Sherman, dated on the ba t tie
field. of Vicksburg, were received at
Ifele no on Saturday, the 27th. Gent.
Sherman debarked his force on the left
bank of the Yazoo river, ten miles
'above the mouth, and tbrming in line
of battle, advanced towards Vicksburg.
A fter passing beyond the range cif our
gunboats, our troops encountered the
enemy, who awaited them in force.—
A terrific contest ensued, which last
ed for live hours. The enemy was
driven hack by our shell beyond the
bayous that girt the rear of Vicks
burg. and from their entrenched works'
\Odell were stationed on a hill.
On Saturday•night, the two armies
lay on their arms, two bayous interve
ning between the hostile threes. Dur
ing the night pontoons Wore cons,truo-, f .:2
Led, notavitMomnling a territir firti 7
Wati poured lIIHM our men by th e e fie,.
my under the cover Orentlec4eowAb,
At daylight on Sunday, a contlaked
advance was made by Gen. Sherman's
entire three; Gen. Steele commanding
the left wing, (lens. Morgan and 13Iam
the centre. and Cent'. A. L. and M. L.
Smith the ritria.
Gen. Steele succeeded in turning the
enemy's right, so as to communicate
with organ's division, which had
been separated by the swamps run
ning at right angles to the main front.
sunset, the whole force was en
gaged, and up to 10 o'clock the musk
etry and artillery firing was very se
vere.. The rebel army, iu flout of
Morgan's and Smith's divisions, were
entrenched on high rh,ing ground.—
This position
.. was finally carried by .
Our gunboats did not co-operate
.with the land forces, but the gun-boat
Benton engaged the fortifications on
Haines' Bluff during the action. • Sev
eral of the crew of the Benton were
killed, and Captain Gwinne, her com
mander, was mortally wounded.
In the action on Saturday, the Fif
ty-eighth °Ilk"), Eighth Missouri' and
Second Kentucky regiments sustained
considerable loss.
Gen. Banks' forces with Farragut's
fleet were expected to co-operate with
Gen. Sherman in the attack, but they
had not arrived.
To -11ojor Gem Holleek, Gent.-in-chief ;
liomx Sraimai, Miss., Jan. 4, 1863,
—Despatches from Gem Sherman and
the Naval Commander were received
on the 31st.
The gun-boats were engaging the
enemy's battery, and Gen. Sherman
was inland three miles from Vicksburg
and hotly engaged.
From rebel sources we learn that
the Grenada Appeal of the 31st, says
that " the Yankees have got possession
of Vicksburg" U. S. GRANT,
Major General.
A Victory Over Morgan
Louisville, Jan. 2.—C01. Hoskins, of
the Twelfth Kentucky regiment, com
manding the forces at Lebanon, Ky.,
attacked the rebels under John Mor
gan, eight miles south of the Columbia,
road. yesterday, killing and wounding
several, and capturing sixty of the
rebels, together with their caissons,
amtnunition wagons, and provisions.
Colonel ifolliscy,, Sixth Kentucky
Cavalry, was killed"
Lieut. Col. Boyle. commanding the
filth F:entiteky Cavalry, with the Sixth
Ken t in pui.,nit of ;Morgan, the
int:miry under Col lio,kinstbliGwing.
Morgan i, retreating* rapidly in the di
rection of Colinnljia.
.1;01. .;.—The thllowhi4
ili.patuh ha- h ~•n received :IL the Na
cy• liop.trthi , i'Tt•nm .\lalirat
llon Gi,le(w Vt ilc, , S ti e'y o f N:Lv
V9rt, ,%•4, i/fmroe„l an. 3.—The en-M
-e tate of Go;;Tgi a reports that the
.fonitor Ibundered, on Tuesday night,
south of Cape Hatteras, with the loss
of two ollieers and thirty-eight men,
names not known; belonging- to th
Monitor or the lZhodo Island, or both-
New Furniture Equblislunent.
Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture,
Ite-peettallv fin I te-5 tla. attention of the Pnl,lte to MI
, tail on Hill mot., lloutanealon, la•Vaeen Canninghany'.
Stare and !jean', National !lowa., 111101 e lie inanticactutel
tint la, ps all Suit, of 1 . 0,1110110 nt reduced la ices. Per
wuy to ton, has, in ill do well to give him n call.
It pall tog of all Itnnis attended to pluniptly and chat gas
1,1.0,114 v.
I; inlet tatting Cal tied un, and Col Tins m ado in
any at 3 le dt,il ed. at shot t
FII/11 lid, attended nt ally place In torn or coun
try. by .1.11. Wlbll.
Hen t mstion. Sept. 21, 11112-tf.
1862. 1862.
For fientlemen's Clothing of tlie best material, and mado
in the boot n ork manlike manner, call at
11. ROMAN'S,
opposite the Franklin House in Market Erinare, 'Hunting
-11011, Pa.
Ilunling.lon, Oct. 23, 1S(12.
lil NTiNcd),IN.
t' '' I N't.:("l"U
will double in price by
spring•—all who intend to use the arti
cle then, would save money by buying
now. Several new styles have just
been received at LEwis' Book Store.
Ills stock is large---much of it was
purchased when prices were low, and,
he is able to sell it; now at Viiladelphitt
wholesale prices.