The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 31, 1862, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Dec. 31, 1862.
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
Ow' Flag Forayer
"I know of no inode in whiniz o layal 'Wi
zen may so well demonstrah: his d, - roic'on 1.0
his country as by su,!aining the Flay, Mc
Constitution and the Union, under nil
THE NEWS.—The rebels attacked
Sigel at Dumfries on the 27th, and af
ter several hours' fighting, the rebels
were defeated. Nothing new from
have issued even a ban beet this week
if wo were not compelled to do so that
several advertisements should have
their required publication. "The -Hol
idays over. all bands will go to work
again, and the (1 1 olio will be is , ,ued in
its full size.
MAsoNic, 81 - PrEit —Rome thirty of
the brethren, r,l , presenting the LoCges,
at Altoona, Bedford and Huntingdon,
enjoyed a fine supper at Broad Top
City, on Friday night last, prepared
Uy " Brother Morrison," of the City
Hotel. The "feed" was just what
the brethren had a right to expect, as
the City Hotel has rtlwoyS had a rep
utation for feeding well. _Appropriate
addresses were delive-rod hr Brother:4
E. H. Turner and John Scott. ..1s
usual on such . an occasion, everything
passed off pleasantly.
HOLIDAY PRESENTS.—A full sto , At: of
presents for the holiday :3, received at
LEWIS' BOOK. Stun*• Old and yohng
can he accommodated. Large and
small Bibles, Hymn Books, .!liscellane
neous Books, Photograph and other
Albums, a large stock of inicrosting
books for the young folks, Games,
Toy Books, a heavy stock of Pocket
Books, Purses, Pqrtc-monnaies and
Wallets, Jewelry and fine pocket Cut
lery, Shawl Pins, Violins, Guitars, Ac
cordeonsand fifes, flue Toy Paints,
Dominoes, and Checker Boards, and a
great variety of . - „tl , ._-
for presents fur the Holidays.
CllRlSTMAS.—Everything wont off
quietly in this place. Dinners were
given, presents were received; while
over and anon the report a a torpedo
or Sq could be heard, giving as-,nr
once that the reminiscences of the glo
rious Fourth of July were still hold in
remembrance by " Young America."
An exhibition was given in the
evening by the scholars of Whip
ple's Normal School iii the basement
of the Baptist Church. All who wore
in attendance seemed to be well pleased
with the conduct and performance of
the pupils.
have received from our friend Simon
Cohn, of Coffee Run Station, a turkey
for our dinner on New Year's day.—
Mr. Cohn has our thanks, and may
his fortune and happiness be ahundant
ly increased during . the year '(33.
KEW POST Orrin..-1 new Po::4-
office has been established at •• Orbi
son's llopewell to\\ at,ip, and
Orbh,Ain has been appointed
The Stonerstown Postmliee Las
been removed to Saxton. Davkl S.
Berkstresser appointed Po-,Lmaster.
Cal. George Dare, wounded in
the leg at Fredericksburg, has rirrived
at home and is doing well. No bone
were broken
David Zentmyre, 'wounded at
Fredericksburg, is reported to have
died on the field.
NOTHING satisfactory has been heard
of Major Zentmyre. Ile was wounded
at Fredericksburg and left on the field.
16 33 Robert Duncan ; injured at Sa::
ton some clays ago, has since died.
Improve Your Sight and Preserve
Your Eycs.—A. BIRNBAUM, Practi
cal and :Handhe:taring Optician, takes
pleasure in informing the Ladies and
Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicini
ty, that he has opened a Store one
door west of Dr. Dorsey's, with a large
and variety stock of Spectacles, com
prising Convex and Concave Glasses,
such as Flint, Crystal and Scotch Peb
ble, and particularly desires to recom
mend the superiority of the last-named
Glasses. his theoretical as well as his
practical knowledge of Optics, and his
long practice in the Occulistie science,
enables him to adapt, after an exam
ination of the eyes, those glasses which
correspond with the defect of near, far
or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted
to any frame, of any shape or color.—
Please call and examine the Spectacles.
Ambrotypes and Pliotogrqphs taken
at all times on reasonable terms.
Also, Segar.s, Tobacco nail Mee
FeLaura Pipes consiantly on lianb.
_ter:-.- - ~=a _, rr-_ xar~.~r
Arrival of Gene Banks' Expedition,
Gen. Banks Supersedes Gen, Butler,
Gen. Butler's Farewell Address
Important Proclamation by Gen. Banira
NEW YOUK, Dee. 2s.—The s team,hip
Roanoke has arrived from New °c
leans, with dates to the 'MI inst. via
Havanna on the 22a, with 11'.'1V•, Of 1111-
The steamship North Star, with
Gen. Banks and star; arrived at New
Orleans on the evening of the Utth.—
The news transpired on the fbllowing
day that (;curial Ruder had been -u
-pereeded, and occasioned the utma
surprise ninoQg all classes, °veil the.c
on the register lists. as enemies (To,
United States. _til were sorry to part
with an officer who at least had hroutt
order and security to the city.
On the 10th Cons. Butler and Think:,
• met at headquarter:;. General Butler
welcomed Gen. Banks to the Depart
ment, of the Gulf, and tr..nretl
that he would find hero troops who
would yield a cheerful obedience to his
every order. General Bank-; in re
sponding said the only pleasarc he had
in taking command was in ebeyim; the
order of the government of tho United
The meetim:; wa; I,y the
moat cordial interchange ol',entilnelll.
that Whi'Al Mark:3 the 6 - oming together
of old friends. _After the introductions.
Gen. ilanics and staff withdrew: Gen.
Batley then addre, , ,e(l officer:, re
rpieqing each member to take pains
to enlighten and aq - ,h,t, hi, succes - -or.
lie :poke iit the mo,t generous man
ner el' Gun. Banks and stall.
On tin' 1:101 Goner:ll hank- ; it ued
a general order, 00 ;0-s, , umint; the com
mand of the Oepartment of the (init . ,
and the - -3t.a . te of TO.NTIF, and naminir
his ,t a fi ofiker,4, who , . e names are al
ready known 01 1_11.: :Nodh. Another
order directs the military and civil
0111N•r ,, , in the nopartnnmt to report to
him, and still another ~,, , r.pending the
sales of property - 00 account of the
United States tiii farther or.,lerzz.
Gun.ler's parting ,Ii -s to the
troop.; bear:, date of the 15th in-A.—
lie allude, in clo-Luont terms to their
i-I(2Q in the tit?lil, aril iu re:toring
order anal quiet to New Ofleans. to the
tootling of starving Wive ; and children
of their enemies, and state. that I he ex
pedition had cost the government. le. - -;
try four-filths than any other. Speak
ing the word farewell was the only
sofrowfal thought he had, and Ito cola
mentls them to their new eurnmander
as worthy of his love.
Gen. Ca;tier, accompanied I , y Colo
nel. Siaul'er. Col Turkel'', tltcong.
Maj. Bell, Capt. Davis Capt.
and other members of liii Stan, \Va. ,
to sail on the 22d, for New York.—
Capt. Clark was to remain on duty at
New Orleans.
Gen. Banks is pushing things with
characteristic energy. Five thousand
troops accompanied him, and had lan
ded at 'Baton Itouge, 011,1 the rein:,in
tier of the expediti , at NVOnld FOlt
fory, - ,trtl a , ; faA., fri it arrival. Th.:
wetather at :New Orleans is line, a!, , 1
the troop -, are in good health.
On the 151.11 Gcu. 13anlc , , l-,•mc,l a
proclamation al
In obedience, to an ceder from du ,
Pfe.ldent, f 05.,111110 C0111111:1N , 1 0f tie
PLTartment of the Gulf, to whitit
addod. Lt- his -)celal (inlet., the ate
of Texas. The duty with whit h I :101l
charged, let l lllle3 nte t 0 a.--tut,t 1:1 their
restoration to the ttue,•erioncnt Cl the
- United tttates. It is my de,ire to I,o_
cure to the people nt every Oa , .4 all
privilcges of po.,,est‘ion and enjoyment
whieh is con Intent with the public
safety or which is pot:11110 11. tr a ben
elleient or ju,t Government to confer.
In exemition of the high truQt with
which 1 tun charged, L rely upon the
co-operation and coamwl of all loyal
;I nd w e n di•tposed people, and upon the
manife,t into:I...DA of those depecdent
upon the pursuits of Peace 110 well as
upon the 1,11 pporl 01 the mt. ai and land
inE:tructions require me 10
treat, as enemies tho, - -e who aid ene
mies.; but 1 shalt glatlly regard as
friend; tho-c who arc friends. -
will be placed upon the free
(l,,in of individuak. which are not im
per,itively deumnded by c.Pn.idera
tion-3 ofpui liu>.alety. But \\ldle 111, it
claim;'` ill be liberally con :idercd it
i, due al,o to thcm to state, that all
ri,!lit.3 of (overnment will be onllinch
ingly maintained. Respectful con
t,idcration and prompt r:-partition will
Ue t.ccorded all pelanna \\Tonged in
body or cstate tl , ryte und , r Illy com
The Government does not profit by
the prolongation a civil contest, or
privf,te or public suiforings which at
tend it. Its fruits are not equally dis
tributel in dkloyal LStates. Dosola
has its empire both on sea and lan"
In the North, war is unahlding sorrow.
but it is not yet a calamity. iis cities
and towns arc increasing their popula
tions, wealth, and power. Refugees
from the South alone compensate in a
groat part, for the terrible decimation
of ha , Lie. The people of this depart
ment disposed to stake their -onuses
and lives upon resistance, to the vv
ernment, may wisely reflect upon the
immutable conditions w hick surround
them. The of the :Mississippi
is the chosen Scat of population, pro
duct and power, on this continent.—
In a few years twenty-five millions of
people, unsurpassed in material, re
sources and capacity for war, tvill
swarm upon its fertile rivers. Those
who assume to set conditions upon this
exodus to the Gulf, count on a power
not given to man. The country wash
ed by the waters of the Ohio, Missouri
and 111ississippi, can never he perma
nently severed. If one generation
basely barters away its rights, immor
tal honors will rest upon another that
reclaims them. Lot it never ho said
that either the East, and the W r est may
be separated. Thirty days' distance
from the markets of Europe may E ti s
fy the wants of Louisiana and Arkan
sas, but it will not answer the demands
of Illinois and Ohio. The - Valley of
Mississippi v. - ill have its delta upon the
Atlantic; the physical fo - ree of the
West, will devouch upon ifs shores with
a power as resistless as the torrent, of
its giant rivers. This country cannot,
be pc rmanently (lividod; ceaseless wars
may drain ifs hl )o.] Ir-;::ire:
mestic tyrants or foreign foes may
grasp the sceptre of its power; but its
de,tiny will remain unchanged ; it will
6611 be onitrd ; God has ordained it.—
What avails, then, the destruction of
the best government ever devised
men, the self-regulating correcting
Constitution' of the United States?—
People of the Southweht, why not ac
cept is imposed Ire the imperi
ous neool',itici , c of geographical config
uration and commercial supremacy,
and re-cetablish our ancient proTerity
auil l'ollolvll ? Why 110 t become foun
ders of : - ltatc;t which, a 5 cutnTots and
depots of your own central and upper
valleys, may stand in aliitutini e of their
resources without a sliperior and in
privileges of people - without a
among the nations of the earth.
[Signed] N. P. 11ANTh::l,
Major fieneral Commanding.
Q. the day of Xov. 7. 1 {32, at
the residence of her father at Sandy
Lake in Grant County, Wi,,
...\11s; P. A. .1. BAut.ow, Coneort of
W:e-hin , ;ton Barlow, late of Montgom
ery County. Pa., and daughter of Col.
W. Pollock, formerly of Huntingdon
County, Pa., in the `2.9111 von of her
1 , E .
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$25 REWARD !
rVAQ, aolen from the rtahle of the
N 1111,11 1 ,1 rO ttFprule C‘ 'Lunt.
(entity. ei, the 111,1,1 of Th,011113,
11,e 10 , 11. it DARK N 31,111;. moue c ir f et r: A "' N
Unite. high, 1111' 11 feet. 111, r•l‘2 , ,
111.1 11 1 I Ile ill raid to
,iii lieteligg the thief, itiel Lein' mug the Mat r,
1114 114J1 11.1 lOU 1' .111 1 10 lr 1,1, 10111111. 01 111 1 1 1 1
111 LIIN
I n 1 1 1111 1 11 11111 enal.le the wL.nib,a to
tithl 1,1, .111 , 1 $lll foi the 10111 i,llOll of the thief.
(.11,011(.111 Pll fT Ell HOFF.
:tie gee Ci, th, The.
c.FL , ( irt y 11,f2.5 l'Z'ar ix Clubi of Fan.'
FOR V 06:3. ;ill ;Ind
A:.11711; r 1", , ,V71.11.1 I,J;FXSI'XD.
'11• 1 - 11. 0, 1 1-Ii 111 , 4.14:4 t 441411.14 IO
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141 4 ,4 list 141 al. ialllll-10 a 111 count
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•' 1 1}
kr.'''2,l l b;' "'' 7 .l"'
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Raro and Elegant: Prelllilllll3
-ont I'l
VI 1.1 •JI
A : A ,p 3:
.• 11110, 0, •so
tul,ll , On" pl.:111111M
TNII. Cop] - Til, 101 :! I nor for - I,rtht .to•
.• tt o ,ft 1 ; 0 1 0. L• Clo fuoulitutt plolt
knE T\ I, , Ig C.llb, , • 01 ,11 t a Lugo, Thu'
t •L,lno. t 1 ,, oto 1 is tllO uou u.o It 1.14
nun,. I'l 0 Ai:1111'1: tt. CO.
Pi olLut 10tit , 'l. 1.1t11,1,11,11Lt.
. • .• \
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.01.1 , 0111%11 Iio.14 , 1;
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iLr o 1 - att , a v. t u „ 'b ato pi,
aiot till p -,,,, Ht , 1 , 1 , ”1
t•.i.11L1:1” MILLI
V. o'_ i ::: T AF::Ai ii S.
rR I IIIX - 1, LIST-
11 - 1;1,1i.
S.. C. v;lVonver.
.1 C111.1:111, ll.' L,:Willi `lil 111k1111,k
I, IZ•oi-o, et al
z lt.
:;;11 11.cli al Bhatr.
.1. I:I,
farrAc• Cr , Lr,7211.
',','ad it , : - ;(,11 I illmtingd‘m
C trlpm.
1:111apu , 1 13,:re !vbor,r,
- 1.1i1r;!o,
Cul fin: .1. Inrme...
C 1 1 ..1\ mei', 01 - 2.1.11.
11d11 . ,
1 - Sumnol
I; L
,?$ (',3I•!P •11.
t I
1 , , 11
llenvec, f.1f1.1,r.
fan r, Ciam‘rell.
Jameß 111,t,1;., f.m.ler. I t!cr.
1).1%i farm ,
In; •,•
;1,11.1v.r, lir nln-,on.
farimn., t aims.
Je3epli 1/u;;la,.,
Jainpq Ir.e!'ay, farmer, liarrop. •
:-:a1111.10 f:•111;er r , (21.01111‘ 0.
•! 1,11 •• f.ainrr.
.3 .. .n r.;:art, farmer,
6oclunm, iner,- - llendei . son,
6 Illn-aith, former, Shirley
11" , 6,1111ill nnumfm'torer,J,lel;,
It 1) lleek, farmer, Crannvell.
x 6 II a•tam fanner, T., I.
:‘I S I larri,m, Coiner, Sliirl.)v- , lmr_:.
..!in Pi ilartar, C 1 le !!‘prinL;',lol.l.
unn% CH.
I him - T. Oneida.
.pnrt, Franklin.
ll , m,j.trnin
„Indren- r,
‘%'illiam 7,1o01,!, farmer, IVe.t.
frnler, l'rom
J.l3t.o,'S,w:e. LAI r.
lL,tt - Im rn , r,
n'.l•llr. -
,tann!l !* nye, ('as,.
1..;” i'r'e!, ('rum cell.
RI: .
I • i ,
r,"1 . 1
f...tul , r, \\TH.
t. 4 :unu fdrn,ol,
A P, We. thn.ok.
II S a_,•r:t, 1 ro.trzigdwi.
J. P., Calbotl.
Julia N'and.nentkr, •J. P., Walker.
Jl-70/I:4— , r,coND w EEK .
11.0 , 0 rt Darr, farmer, Jael: ,, m.
Or. en I: , utt, ii1111t;11;:d.M.
ev;rwers, miller.
1i illium Crot,lt,y, e 11 , 0, C.v.:.
or.v,, Crow, ,1 1,:ino , ,Lr,
11 t Con•lnTgltain, Pa,:t obant,
I)avini Itongla , , , , farmer, Shirley.
.I,lm jr., fat incr. IVaerior,taark.
liiel, el Fle,her, farmer, Jael;son.
Ste , a-irt (;alliber, farmer, Carbon.
Thoma, Uleaion, cor. tractor. Carbon.
Henry Glazier, gentleman, fluntinittlon.
Flarman, feneelnaker, Porter.
Ilenry II itrapple, miller, IVest.
John Hall, (desk, I'm ter.
IVilliam 11. John , „t,m, farmer,
.lama fanner, ILemlerson.
eli • I;, Sbirleyslairg.
inuelmnt, Spring(icl 1.
Jame, cannel, OM id t.
Ii ht - al , l farmer, IVarriorsmark.
riot 1',1 : ,11tal, farmer, Barree.
unntal Poi:,htal, farmer, Ilemlerson.
Samuel IL Pnea- , ant, farmer, - Union.
Jolni l'orter, krmer, flewlerson.
Phil:p Pm , maul - . farmer, (1,1,5.
; kitty,
Jame, Teery, carponter, linntinotlon.
ltttid S I;ffillemmr, teavhcr, Shirley.
Indr: is AVi c, farmcr,
1,0,11-an, 711 , ;
J. P., 0,,,nk1a.
(110 U, BUCKETS and Shovels,
J.l`l 1. linPll
- T) , ,Tculci E.—
L' , l Tin, Allllll.ll 1 1.,1i1,-; or ',,lthobi“, Il,,' itonhopt"n lb Top mom‘t:th, E.ohosot moi Coal
Compat ill at on Too,' :lie
day 4.1.1,11. 11l 1H 11 II A. 11
11011 gllt Igt• 111•1t1 itil DIILHuI, to le
14/l tiro I'lolllllg 3ell.
01lit, South t.
J. I'.
A lIMINI;TiLyi•()Irs NOT[CE,
1 c.uthmii, CI LiOp:nigh.
I.etter, of Tatioll 111 , 111 Ow •-I :to. Catlwi in.
late of 111111t111,0011 h ioIII deed, 1,11114
Ipaen giant,' to the inelL,,ned, all 1.21,0.. 1 1 ,1,11.;
11,11114 1,11011 the 1.11, telue-t, Ito ia. tlt thea to
not ill ,11., In 4 thenz , ol , ,,
ill,lolqcll a . 'l lie I,,yuumt
1)10 POUT.
.2-:t. .l,1111;1)1-tiatoi.
FRl_ll' 1.: I'S
up, 1.,- c1..1
1 „ c,„• , • I/t ( • 1 ly ilt .11 0,1 - I , L tl
W. C Clvn
Loa I. u! •c f
5, , IT It \ I ,:t
)Cattl, t 17.7 22 ,1
, t, •-1. • I `..,
~ 1,01 .1, 1 It, I I I.- •
ki Irt t . It 4 , H 1.1-4 I,lll_
;1. t Ittoitt it,
mill I Ow !ilia • • It, v.III lA, Iri
I t 2,
U 1 .111,111, tiP I I
too 1.4 :,f • loi • • . lo•l:
tat •, vlsi, • to 1,0 •I.i —••
o: I lit Ili 1•1:1.•:.
pl • t t
•-cL 4 11,1,t t
I‘,l v.:11 I,
Ell I,
Del, 16.
s ~r ii„.
c 0..!
01 11, • • „;
, • I/1 It, 1111111 1 I/1 Ili,. ///tlltl 1 ' ....11/.1113
11. I t . 1 , 1:1. tht 11/ 11/ 41 It] ti/ . ./I. Ihth 111/I .11, one
t ...•• I It -h 1 Itt I /I`.l /t/ I/.1/ It„II,
I. //tlll I //I 11/ 11 4
11111/ . _ I/111 'I . , 'q
/ r./11,1.1111
I: 1 . . t
CI II f: T. ES.-13y irtll , 3 of
ti, 1!I 111 , •• , ,,11
Lllll l I Or %\.
1) IX of .11,1".1111'. 1-)1 Cat tc u Wel, .1, I% Ir.,
1,11 , ),:n.; AA 11 r, tu
I ilefen,lnnt's right, title and irifri•eqt
is • , ii lot 0. h i.nnni ao in tin• Ippoop_clp of IT,u,-
t u,Pkti. up Is ppt Ilan Lu>ipal.tiPf.ttiog on Wo-lp
/II ..,1011 , 1 .41 1 . ;I.l^t, 1.111
- .,Ppito VIP et. op a bt
u,. Ipt N0.1';,. t':•tp` op of P. I,PI tot, knit, deal oft
clp Cod on to pp :p, loop,. ,P.,,P , PPI. laitt•lt 111 tsc
ettltopt .111 , 1 Ipp 110 pt tlm pt op It.• .1.1 1 1
:11,1 tit!rarid iii•
.nni in ,1 aci..s.
15 -pt. cpittutte l' , ll tot, I,lllp, 5
11. c , PtcPtp...l to tlic ttattpo P 1 111,111 Dow 1).111 , 1 pi. pp, flo ,
tug 11,111 pt hy 1.11111 I/1 11 ILI., poll,. n 11-p, t Ipy 111,7
Pon 11 t PI, 11 It Atoll, sp 111 Ppt. 141,1 (Si
p It II Cl,o loot tptt 11,411 11,1(1,7. Ct
1 a-1.17 :IC/ 11101, Or - Of II I .11 on 110 nl, 111 410
1.1 :-.111.111..- 11111: 11111.•. l 101.11,11111. 'llll 11'31.'1 ill 111 11.1111.`
11..11 'llllll 1,11.1
Al-a--' 7 not, -of I me , . 1101.1.: I'--, 111 P. r.,
• 111 ..; ..” tio• n ti• 1
Att it., It .• .1••.-. 01 oto• .01 It, -..tltt!l-•a-i: ity
Ilu ~ • 01 It.••••• 1 I,a l'at•l
ot t• ol Il^ld .I'l .01 It , 11 11 Ito irs ,
(Ott 11 , 11,/. ,nit Olt .1 111 1 110 11110 1.1 -Nl.ll Cl.Oll. 111111 ho,llll
- 011 110' 1101 111 Pl,•,101 /1' 11 ..:111 (1 11,1 , 11 111
1 ion, I 1 nlOl -t 11l 'l'i: ,111, ',,l 01..1111ajj. 0 ,,j,
11 . ...11111•,:••1 It t'.•
Al-o—'2 1,, or . 11,11. 111 911110 1011 11,11 111,
Vl` . l •11 01 •1, 'll • 1-, 1111 , i :11,1 1 11,1.11 'I t: Out
ttruth.oo o N. , • rl. :1,1 Ity t I t , , 1.01
it ttit• and 10., it:. t O .-1•tti•• 0,1 I, 'I. \
Al 0-47.4,, •. 1•00. I•, 11 t • J 11 t
-url • i.. 1 1.1 IL • 11 1111 •,f 1 011 .
It r,
It 01:1 t• 11
lii,' It t•I :•• I 0..1 11••1":i /011,111 11-..1 1, 1
1.1.1 t5 l . 1..,,. 1 1 1,1
71,i 01 1 .111 t l'ot:'
our- a It lola ;rod nil•:-.t in ant In
1 . , In is rr
V, ,tit I.
3111,,t Ad on
I. I, rt. Tit 11 , 1. ll' 1,11. on , " eamaa
1100 to I, 11.11,
F ut r.t tt t j.
.140 rtl , 1•1.4. tt /I MU'
'III •
111 , I I lll tilll-
t 0 ri • . - d:d d 'Ol
1 '"
I '.I
Is , , l
r. ur,.l
1,1.11 p In,
ILA 11 .1.1-1 It li•.'il
'll,', 1.1.1,
1-t to•I. :I s
t . ) .0 .1... 1.
-Ail tie ri , it , title and it..tore-t
.1 t. , o..oltittylt t 1 t 1,11 t,) .t
.tt ,
11... I , -tllt tt • 11l 10.1 t. ,l 11•1111. litlllt
.11 Wilt,. :111 , 11111U, lmll S. i. 1.1101.111,
1.4 1,1111 .1111 011" 1, 111 11 11 .1111 1 .'1' 1 11111.1.111'1,
'41311111 I, k33_ -•t-1111,,:-%„ Lac(. lll 'IP', 31 , LI, 1 IV,' i Ittl .11-
J,111 1 .4 lln Ill' 'l'. it LI( S It' ' l . Lilo 11 111 4, ct.t llll
(.) b,;• 4.1, r: I,L I.!, u, .".t.ltt 3 1:Ilk:LIU all I .‘lll9lll
, zr0.1.11 in thc
It -.llk. C 'II( 1 1 1,, :0(10,101111.
•111 LiCall , ll , l'll 11111'1 / m e 1, 1 1,i. I 1., 11101, of .11in •
v. , ,t1t, , .1. IV:II. 'I I/II
c.c.', tlit• ll
I.` LI c.I ht•
./4/ /IL 10. /05- ”i ,11 , 11 , 11. h 1,1,4
Olt PIII :111, A.. 101 I
‘..11 / I `I. It 11,', I I 11 1 iII IAll
A1 , 11—.1 heft: f,:1 , 11111 in 1, 1 % 11l 'OO fl 011 lII'
11,1 1 1 •`. 1 111111111.:, kid: 10 hi . , of •
t,t , 1,. 110 t. 1.1 •11,1(
11,SCLIZZI II 'llO ty :10
.%).1 :it, titl(•
Ai ) -
I 1 11 , ti
t col,Pl I.,tit ,111111,i1.11 I , n,k, 0.1 A .pit
r .1 .1111 , 11 i th
I :Ludo 011
f y perff,
II oi, 11.. 11 , 11 th. tlto
t',111:41,.1 on 111 • I I; 1. '4 .1.1 on
11. , •11.1 .11.
11011 , IL 1.1: !WI, • lII'. i' I • 11,1,
1211,3 2! C. Sil;!1 .11 1,, 1.1
nppl , •12(11.11.1 , till 1.,.1 t e,c-
L 10.1111.1. 1 , 1 ~, /I • e; In .1 , :ma John.,
2% . Id, • -.1.1,, •.11t NN t
11(41, WI, I t 1,1,.
P., 1 1: hl.ll ,
•:10.1 era it
do, lilt, pt . t ttl. tti .til lti tut, t It•1
. .1 61 t• tt. t.l t • -1111 t i, it tttl t.t
:tot tn 110 eittt v !It I .I:P P iti .tll , l `, I I
EL, • {II t` 1 . / t c•
th uk 0 , 1.1 t ~tl.l .1)1,‘ , 1-•
1111,21,1-1- ~ 11,. 1 , , j
11.ultio ~
P. 'i a G.urt I'lt 1. 11:1(1 at
ttlitittl.. t Itti tt NMI 1 , 1 If tis
It t. ”14 4.11 , 1 IN 01 111 , 1,1 k. I.
IIL1 , 11": 1 1 ,1 I N.ll Poll' I
• 1i1,.111 V I, nlll. 1 , 1111 01.1 t Is I.ll' \la ofv.,.
t• Ali I , 1 , 47. t to 1111 111
1 1 ..tor 01,1 m od .1. oi. 11oltg 11111111
in Ii- 1; ,, •1:11 111.11111,1 .11 r 1 n 111;
II A it t_t• I ',I
I, ' , CPI , ' tilt . I, ,I. ,• 111 ,PI
-117_ 1.. .11 I, r —1172.0. '1;1;
.11 OW 1111111, QV, 114 111 , Ti.l
.01.1 1 1 NIII .0' li, N Eli' L_l
11..11.1 01 thr :qtr. , 111. I ,11“,41 11.111 th •
011 II• a 1001 1112; 'll , ll Ip. 11 • I Ul' 1.1 HI.
11'1 11 It jl , l l 1011. .- .., 1I 1 ii l 11. 1.11 L- 11. at
•I, .111.1 11.3 in', ' Ott :11 I 1 p I' . 1. 1.,1.1 It
1 , 1 , 11 11 II) Ow C. 5,1 .1 , t.. 1 11... t
OW , 11 1 1 1 .:1 II 1 1 ,111“
I .1..1 if Ivo, I
1.111.. t,lo,.i.sits , tilts'' I, II ...
11 It • 1, 1 , 1,1 In ro,..tinf IL. 11 11 , His.
-11 111 .10110, I,
:II lii mw..11. , 1.1
;,, LI tit .1 C t
Pt., to 1 ,, old at onto , nlvot 111 .111 oot
1111,111 1/1111ti11','11..1 4 .1f t. I I M 4.11111, o
.1.1,11, nI 111 z tln p , tot.
n, 4. „,.t.
:I CI 1 ,, h 1 lii •t i1,101:1, •11 ttt
ill, IC -
of th , zo,ony just op:Ling by
Nov. 31, IST;'. FISHER S: SON.
01 Ablnham lltgie. deed.]
un , 14,, , rn0d nipnint4ql by the Otpllans'
mtut itontint,lon county. to d,atilioto the fond in
Buy hand.ot 1.11 Heat.. and 15 - 111t.on Doyle. I:xe, nto,
of Aloall late of 'l' , it to, n.dop.lil2l,l,l,eti. to and
ano.•.y Ih , o. I, dly th nnl atte;nl fat that
num. ..nt ein, iiont,gdon, on I.lala.
tin tl, dttof I. e miner, in ;tan!, at lo o'clo,1:. A It.,
win •uand Vh.,...111 alc i. inired to pt,-rut thoi;
chant, Auda, n 1, ‘l,l.tted i(11111 Cant
ing w ot t`o•
5 , nu 5;01'1r, E.—Notice
b% .01th,
ihinsed 0. 111 lint
'II 11 , 1111. I.: I tll 1,1
Itt . Itln • `III"' int tntll n Zit 111
i•t 111 ;Intl In; iii.
of hi t 1.11 i 3
J of an
-11.1,11,,t ; ;10 tlit
lil' . 1 , 1,1 !1,1 , 1..11 Pllllt Or ih. Al'llllll
- It ~I IA I I.)
't IL "11,1, • I tl t.-t rli
1;!;;;;;;;-.1: it ,;;; ..,;;;;; ;.; `;;;;;;;;;
I; HI II ;.1„t.• ..; ;L01,10;1.0; ;;; Ilanto.;
5. I trial All.llllll-0 It,. 1,1 ”11'.'I In • %I/II .110 1/-
.11,11,-t CO, ‘4l :4414111 '44 ;I; 4 , 1 414 L 4-4 41 .1;1 , 1.11-4 41,
1t1:411'14411 4t4 . a1,i44 , 41 Itt 1.. t. titt.l
11 , 1 Lot.ll. 1:‘ , 1.1, Vb. V,-,.7,11:1.,1‘.1;1'.
, )
11°110117,1.n, !),. 12, i'o2.
T ( I N.---11'11 \S, l'y
to w, d ', 1, ,tt upnliii n. tit,.
1 ~r , 1 11.11.1 LIP' 11,1111 i, .1111 i nonli'n
111 lilt' 1 1 .131 t. 1 , 11.12 'al l 1. I'l' - 1 11.111- 1/111.1 C,lll 1 1 1
Cl/111111k 11 i'a .1 , l 1 .11111 Tl,llllllll'l. gnintlaljall Ill'ill
- 11111_ I h •Iwin of 1.11 , tr; t of comp,
I oi 11,11011 nwl l';11.11•1 I t ennui“ nntl flit
lino tua , •11:1 I . P iUt , tt mid
ol the cotton ot ,jlt , lnto ,
ain, nit , .1 to I, It. 1.3 nwl 11,k, nono all awl et y
wit. Inwnts In • lo ;Awn tot oi .111,4 all el
'Mitch l.t the I Its ot tt,• tie t•I, tpaal. ,tlnln
s 11 1 1 11110.11 '1 1,1' 1 111'... 11. 1 1' 11 Id Dll,lOlll
,Itnh 11,tt,; ~ It 111 It ,• tft., 111 . 111111 , 0-
tt at -I 'l. 1111 I.llll' nl' , lL 1 11.1--1 t.•nt,11.11;11, , 1 to malw
1,111,1“ Lou rn awl •,ll,ll,,ht 1113 It ltol- flint
( 1,1;1 t /.. 1. •n, n••„ f 'ommn nwl
Qmu t•• 1 v;II I , •• I•n1,1 ..t thin Court !lon , in ill,
IP•nounll ni ll'intin,don. ou Ili , 4, on I Ilnwlat. (awl 12111
•t; •,:a
awnd th., • ts
at tal ; I , • thou lt I ott• thou, a-, it
•,1,,111 In. ,• I II .In I k• • , ow,
11/ li•lot ,0•1 I, • 111, n nwl their 111
ti. I n 111"i 1 1• 1 .11 iln 9. It .1.111 '.16111.1N 111111
till 11 1111,11 1 , 1 '1 1 A1 ' 11111,1101 1 1' , .111.1 It'ltl,l,tintnntt.
1 . • 1,1.11, , 11'1,11! nll to thin ~01•,
.11 .1
11)P,Cier,A:,1_ ---11r1TE 11 E A S, by
a pit t.. pt to ta, du cutott by the Jut 0 a of the Can.
I'l.ll a , ofthe e• 411113 of Irunthltrilon. beat tut; test the
1:Ith •,f •r, 1,2, I ant nntu tt, 1.4 to mike
Public Ploulantation t tal;thout lw 1,1,10 it I:. that
a Coot t con... 13,as tollthe Co•t, t I(m,.
in rho 1, •altrit of Intltt ,a, the Jni Mond.,, taind
I"th ,lay - ) A. D., ISt 3 far tlo ft:33l3a all if
sll3 :in • till (33 mt t, hint; I ell,lll 1:11 , 1a,1111111( I/0 TO
the hat.luil,;( Mica ruel ,hut c tilt jarot.
dut tIll• uc
at Illnihn;,l I'. in the 3rar or
I.llr id od [1;04,1.0 tight and bixi
/ 1 1/ I !IX, n3l 11. of 111 Inili , pond , n , r.
JIJ iti' ItEL!LF
11 , tint, the I% , hr.tiog Comm,th, tipp ,inted for
It, I.‘l;tov.” dnl. tart Lutuhgh, to tep,n t apphooiga,
lan 1:t ltd •
t. ter I:: , ,,ethed-IVto. 31. 1 1 11111:p9,
J. 11. I.entet , lt
I' ttit.t.-3 , ,:eplt •y, :I , lm Loco.
t , 14e. Lie,. /1 1.. 31,_(' it thy.
Ca —it Pa. h.
C4otttmell—T. I:. 011,1,:n. IL, el !Atli,.
r.t:1: ,, t1-I.t.x. Lt a Jo. , ph Ihn;:ite,
1 1 te , he --11: e t 1 V. tp
I 1,t,t1,1 , len 31.1ttern.
, I.:I..It:It—W. P. ,I 1 ',VIM' IT. BIU, 11.
ill, 1 , 1- , P.ptt r.
.11,•,.11t—i.,t• :ht: 1 ..1 , 1111 11e1 toe.
1 1 :: 'teti II ittp-11.
0:: , ..-- •,1 , t, 'll i 1 :pit on.
1:: t: A If ',IL
II t. V. Mar...
it: tn.,l , Cla-h.lit.
Jolt, eity,..l.ltotn.
3'...1—.1 , 0111 tit N 11. 11, ton.
Um I,l—'l I'. t ,ttepltt:ll !Pitt.
CIS te, hit:1.1 1 :1111,1:n
l'.titon, Wet, Ile.ft john 11.
1' .
: ' t nt•
tit .; NI:II 1, 1/Lplti
. 2 , _ 3 _ ,
VOL-72,1..]i Var.-NEW f3:EIRIIIS
1..".‘ ; ;;: popil t; a.,11l ti.ti 0 di.
111 • II I 1 . .1..,11 , t
1111,0. I 0 , 1:t1,11 , •, ,t ti ;t1 r,d
t“..!,,• E., t. 1.1,11 , al.•1
10 TM!. 7.F. , 11 , ...,T0 AX!) MA:\
irr ; orn on: 1;,..1 in ,Inc or the inr rhanic,rl Inann-
Ir.r.trir pr.;-11:1, 4,11111 tlork ;01,0 ' the
r'i'v IC A 0: 1;1,`.1".ri Ir •ort- bat unit, lint, o
r,nr. roonlr krtt.rot , (rot" r
or nr, Irr arol til 11.111- (.11111 t to. toned
iii an) rn:Thr
Thc .11111.1, IC.IN 0n11 , 1,. 1,11,1 e f every,
Iu qsfo., ft, it not 01 1j tont it, 111,1 , t: tied ft ,
01 to all Ow 1, , -t in‘ ,, ,,•,ottc a, they canto out. but
I, 11,1u14 1 ,11: 11, /1111 1 111‘ 1.0 , t of tho 1_1.6 sof ail
th o oonts 1--n"1 trio :tate, Patont
11111111 111. k 111,1,1, ; (11:1, ,11.1.g.1. l•
of 111•.,1 111,1111,1. 011, Conntly.
11k 111 1 :1,h ',Wilt ICC J011111:11, 01
nz., (to it 11, ttaht .01 , 1 Ilane': thch;que.uft 111 t/111
1 01 ti fl 1 11 14111 1 .4 tu noun trot II noo oft , l
ot -, 01 cfuout t—. 11, •hall continue I: r
t nu, t ahuuns cop nu- 0% , 111,,a , fon, o th, of
m Ilan, 01 de, nt hoot, toa
.1 atuffill• Itt-11., to to the tooth , f 01,-
, atottot !att.,- lon ut 011 11 - 111,C111 Otto, is 111111,111 A
A Co. halo act., d a, Patent Fol:eitor, f'or
th.ill (.•:1;,111 C,llll, ti 01 in 14 k trio
CAII,II 1111.11, r r ,(;11:VIH an(' 11,3
. 2.ty . rrtr przturlco , (iii lirrirr ihr 3 h !lc II 11 • 1.11,11,,
1.1 c'..l), I 11121:e 101 t 111,0.!,0.
I, 111,1.11 , 11 , .01.11,1 ..1111.-.11 it) 11,11 11,1
i IC 1.7: ‘,111.'1,11/ a t.,t
to bran A ll 01. 11,,, tit...Am.:Om 111 tll I
. -0 , 11 :.. :old the in
t., • t t... 1 1.01 11,j1.1 , 4,(1:
ii:_ n u HiNi`llll. 111,, .114 , 01(.11.114 it,
1 , 11 , 1,1 I' , ',I
nn.l pr.:, t. , 1..1,nm tti.,.l I I I inn,C 1.. the um, ...,
oil .101 11111 11.. tiillll.i in IL • : C'l-
1: \'l' 11 It' A. 1 1 1.1, 1.111,11 1t.1,, , 1ati01 lii i O.:1 not
1) I , 11h1 /01110:11 nni Mt' • t'll , .1"1:• 1,1 . kil
I,IM, 010 .1 , 11% :I • I MIA th..
I.N 1O All Mt ICA : 11,4 /if diei 1101 in
t.Ln n„ 111,41.M.1 I w
ii• Cultllllll,.
m1:1 , dl,lll. , 1 3,, 0 ,• f it fon: 1.111(1i-. clatilo,not• on the
ht ot Ja , nln) and ,1:11"lietIlt., tutu' Ito .rut
pitt of the .ttatty.
t , •1,111.111 ( .111.1 it 111 , 1.%) Mir, ..41111114 O
h 1.. q pit It •-I'l , -(111J111,1, C.l Lie:Wl `lll,,lliwl, 1,111
IA • til C,lll, tvt.t UZI •1111-
4 , 1.11 t 11 , 1 , 1 , 11
MUNI'T ez CO., Publishers,
Doc. lr a. Li P.11:1:. Ni.ll Y
Office of JAY COOKS,
-11 JAY COOKE 52,. Co., Bankers,
I . IIII,ADt 1,1 , 111 A Nol 1.15 , 12
'the• t 1 it tt, et.; het, apt , thit6 , l 1 , 4111,5('1nt - P-
Tl , ts. .1 , 1:.`. I h, ,6 it Idly ul IIOW
1 , 101111.,i 1t111.1., , t. 6,616, . the
New 'Flvelity fear ii per et. Bond,
1t , ' , 1.1• • IV`
611, t Alt 1.1 C .1111110, ed leb
Th, 1: , .ol-11.11 MINDS, in -.llm, 01 ,50.
11.1.Alitmt Nth.. \ 'll , l .1111, I/1 t p.1111:11111 .41
,:„1,1 . I 1,1 t I• jll,ll \t II
1.11111 ,pit,illl , til 101.1
11 1\ •. t , . 11 .4 • h,11.1 1111,1 1..111,111
111,1[ I , ' 114• t a i:‘ I 11itI 1 l 111.
.1 P. 1111: ,Ir ,1.11111 ,
Iha ,aai 1 Itt , ail a .11111. 1 -..`1
111, lit PI •• .nl , l 1,1:m 1-
CI , -1..- t't Hop. .tild 1111.11,1
I_ •• I%o'. t • CI 1.
r . do , ut
inve - ,tinent iu the reictika-.
1,11 ti kl -
101 l - t
tl. C
sub.cliptlon dgrm t.
1111'1). Cill:'11:11.
Ott., t, fit 1 1,'t D•, the yo 1, or
hut .1 f ~fiXt:.-tilo.
, f Alel lif 111 flf f• 11 ,, 11 , .
(if ,9 . f”ja2,lo.N,
t"l. - 0,11. in 1,6 , 1, , ,n
I fn vadi n• 1.1
tz • t:
S ~:~
. - "a per in the V.Torhl
• I tll
114 South Third Eitrzot,
of Nicholas, deed]
Lune, of Athinnistiat inn upon the estate of Nieholal .
Dicker, late of Jan iata ton dec'd.. having been gran
till to the mak' -igned, nil pel.r.onq hat ing claims against
the oplatt arc I 0111,tCti to mesent them to tho under
signed. and all pu,ons indebted will make immediate
Dee. ti, ISIV2-6t. Administrator.
Wlll :Ma festo
on It of 3heildi I :luck. late tit ['tun fonnyhip. Hunting
don county. beau grantul to the sulfsetts
bets. All pvl •011 a iwlebb¢l ate t uguested to make flume
na)niont and tti q• h,u nig claims will pfeeent them
loop. ontiontifeatod to It
(...,“111.1 11111J1,.
C 17
-fr cone to tiro ierorri.o, of the selt.eriller in Porte!
t 1,111'!111, 1110 1 lit, pmt 01 Stlt. Iltitltt trt+t et large Marie
Ituil nub .1,11 lire ler I. It lit en , off .red slit in tight
tor,. 'the o,ller I, te.tire , tell t' c o rn,. t er , Ar .,t, p t ro
terry tic p end t the bile itha3, other I‘l, Ire
atLer 11. w.: to la,.
y .1 AI)1 ES ! ATTENTION !!
I )1:, A LS. n hamhzum.• lot just
by 1 - 1,111:ll & :ON.
of iho 501..41,1,0r in IVo , t
Im o , lop.aout the noollt °I .loly II unite
•1) orol oboot ?t, ot , oid. Tito °Avner i , lequired
1 , 0.11 awl p 1 010 loi p. rt. pat dingo, and tale it Lit a),
nilotb•ltti it ndl tie 01 aLeot din,: to law.
Cottage, 11et.'2,1, I SC2
k E.-
IN All pot ...on, link blo Ito no. 1:n H 00.14 purtlnteed
at It, .tot 30.('ttiott 11-town toe rcque.tod to call on
meat Huntingdon tind make Fcttlentent a itinott delay and
Aar settlement- made n 1 tit any othet ptrsou
than Itt•t•lf 11 ill not be recogntzed by me.
Huntingdon, Oct 15, lbtd. BENJ. 3ACOV.S.
1,) C•inici to the to C:11i.,03 of the 9111,elitior in Union
to, in Aupp.t laq. ~ toil and a late spotted STlillt,
soppo-eit to br a )..or o p ting. The owner ii re
qur.frd to to, nit pi tit e pt opert3. pit 3 chat gIS
and tat, him ay, tithe, oleo he otil be disposed o r or .
to lam. ANDREW S.:Urn!.
NOS 11. 1.1.C1..
-71 ja 51Zi F
§ ± ll n
c.:-4 P. A. 0. .KERR,
j_ toil to Le the brut ever offeted to the public, and
Urea snprq hrity i 5 sati,faetorily establi4bed by the fae
that in the last Li , ; ht pat
OVER 1,400 MORE,
of three mach ille9 have been sold than of any other man
itfarttn ed. and 10010 medals have been ay.arded the pro
111 bV litiletent Rod Institutes titan to any oat
s. The Il.nit'dtes are 11.1 t IMltell to do all that is chanted
for than. They mu now In use in vet el families in Al
toona. ;Ind m t trey me they give entire sat ' , faction.
the Agent micro tho , te de,uing Info matton as to th&
millet away of the Machinc,. to A. IV. Benedict, Joseph
IV It-on. L. it. Tun, and E. 11 liodletuan.
.1 he 31.101111., cin he 'aeon and examined at the store or
tho :kt. Altoona.
nt No. I \ litchi... •liver plated Glasi foot and nr,
-4310 Ifeinan.e•—, , il.. Nii. 1. oumnm.tnl bronze
h got nod rrn tayle Hammel —2 - . 5. No. 3. plain. sl ilh OM
•t3ln Ilellllllvl—W. [Oct. 21, 151.2-Iy.
i l AI ,i, C 4-00 )S.
ti. B. OEI NINO A ]6l' S
IS Elit AY!) GOLD,
P.l) tl.l, p2tl , - - .:: ON ("LH!) INDTVIDUALS,
l'al:oa at. Par f”r Goods
flood, fo, hm t l. of
A. B G 141 it M S SA STORE
t IZEAT TIZITNK. T,TNE 1 0 11.,(DI TIIE met 'Not th:We-I for Pun mr.rrrn, NEW
1-01.1i. I t PoTT,N ILLL, I,IIItNoN, A N, nAbToN,
1 tam. Irmo 11lrnr:1;1m•, for 1'1114“.£1.P11 , 4. NEW-YORK,
ria,Vll.l,:, and all lotetinaillato Slatioto, at S
.1. N. all t ou kI
,r-Vol II tnnr , nrnfi nt 8.15 A. 31., ar-
I II iug at NI at 11 , :i0 lii" ,inlelllollllllq,
1,01,1 11 : T 9 N:,-1,701:1:, •Vi 15; to Prim-
Alll rill', 11aggage elwelled 1111041.
1111111115 0-Yorat . at 0 .1. SI , 12 No.ln. and 7
P 31. I PaiLtm.i.pitr.t at S
15 .1. 31.. and 3.:`,U P. 11,
c.t, in the NE, -11 - .;n1: Tr. %INS. through
to Mill Ito. VET it I,ma change.
by the C'ArtAu , ,C Hail 003,1 leave PORT
CLINToN nt 313 A. M.. fir Puu ,I.Lyin't and all Interme
diate Flatiens; and at 11.3. i P. 31., tot 1'1111.0E1.11111, SEv;-
los haat,
Ti Icave tt 013 A. If , angl 2.10 P. 31., for
Nut vr4 rots and N1.,-YouN; nod at 5.30 P. 31., for
In.; in; and PORT Ci.r,Tos only. COMieeting for IiNE
aml Eo. , a : andseturuinz,
tOING at S 1", tor ,LLE.
An AoLolan,l.,l",n P..- r nun 1 qivei ilrAnixo at
(1.1,r .1. Ili Fiona fair VOLLP:II at .1.:30 P. M.
:„ • .111 the above tlainq min dads, t,untla e cepted.
A Sand.ty train heaves Voirt,VILLI. at LAO A. M., and
4.111 t at 'll3 P. M.
:tit, to awl it 0,21 all point,
"I 1.111.1
ir.., , ) rs - ARD. 1 tisnyAnD
•-, 4 ...•.: i - .I ...-:! /-?. ,-..: ,
1...• I
~.. I r; = I ,e.' :...I .' I.
1...: —I rn r-1
- ;:i
. ..„, ... i ... :,..„! ii • te: STATION`, r a a r .
%', 'i Y; I. ^ %
I. "1 r
P. 111 I P. M. I A. M ! A. M.! I P. 31.1 k.)1.1 3.31.
3 17 1 IN.llailton.; 135
32. 1 3 81131 t. Union,..lll 31 130
3 5 : , 1,iph•tn.....1 1 21
7 43
VIII Creel - I 1 1-1
3 59 7 11 1 6 301 6 0211111tingdon. 11 07 5 21 I 02
6 15 1 ; I PetelBburg,...llo 33 12 47
6 23 ..... .13alice 12 39
0 31 1 6 31 1 8 in neeenel.. 10 40 12 J 3
6 49 II:0°0112109n. 12 15
6 7' r, 6 33 'f I one, 10 18 12 10
7 o'3 Twton 12 00
Fo.tmia. 11 55
i 71 3119.11', 31111 s, .10 Ott 11 51
7 40j 8 .391 8 211 7 331.31t90n8,. 9 431 4 05 11 35
0.31.1 P. m.l %. N F A 31.1 I P. M.I A. 31. E P. al.
- ET ii N T I IN G 1) 0 N ,S; T 3 RO AD TOl'
R_ It A 1 LIZOA D.—CHANGE OP sciltpur.E.
On and after 11"481no.sda3, Not ember 10711, 1862, Pasgen
go TI a.::, o ill al llt e and llei.lll t al fuI109 . 8:
El Nig 13101.11'g. 'Honig I Even 'g
P. 31. A. 31. P. 31. P. M.
3 41:1.P. 7 201 Iluntmgdon.
4 001 7 4013letonnell,t0,
4 0 , 1 7 4c Plea,nt Grove,.
4 21; S 0101.10.1,...bmg .
401 s .2011 oth • Sun
4 4SI S S: 14,1413
S S roNe•
011 8 41 Fi•ltern Suninnt,
5 20 ‘n 9 OW
5 V.') I 19,
5 151 9 ;5 g
tr. 5 55! %It 4 , : lopett ul
II 10 Fast°, ..
it% told
tlltit Iti 'llO •11., , .tti ”,titt
t• 111 , It I-1 Itt% ttt .1,11111.111 II Nt au I
.• rit ttlt,
It' i It I,l' • , 111: it 1,1,, it ttt
111 /kW:VI:0.1 cAnitalimig
O. A. NICqT.T.S.
Cenci at Superintendent.
I,\a 12 301 AR 0 14
12 101 6 40
12 021 841
11 461 S 25
11 301 S 13
11 221 805
11 101 7 50
11 061 7 45
10 501 1 ; E ,, 7 7 ro
10 251 5O
Le 6 40
1P II dU
1, In