FALL AND WINTER FASHIOI►'S ! ROBT. KING, MERCHANT TALON, Had St , one door weal of Carmon's !Fore, ELLI A roil A 570 1 ,3111111 Of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. His assortment constEte et CLOTIIq, PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINGS, the neat•st and best that could be found in the city, all of uhich he will take pleasure in exhibiting, and making up to order. It Null cost nothing to call and examine his goods. Call soon. Iluntlagdon, Oct. 7,1562.-3 m. NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M..CUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Which he of f ers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. His Stock consists of Ready-mado Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, LC., LC. Should gentlemen desire any pat ticular kind or cut of clothing not found in the stock on Laud, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntiugdon, Oct. 2',18103. PATRIUI I S TO THE RESCUE!! Men Wanted to fill up one of the best Regiments in the Field. THE undersigned, in accordance vs ith General Orders, Head Quarters of the Army, and r the direction of Capt. R. I. Dodge, Geueial Superin tendent of Recruiting Service for the State of Ihunisyh a tria, has opened a Reel lilting Office at MAKKLESBUIiG, Huntingdon county, Pa, I am authorized to enlist men for nay Pennsylvania Regiment nosy in the field that is not silently Oil. Subsistence and pay to commence Rom date of enlist ment. Sergt. JOHN McLAUGHLIN, 53d Regiment, P. V. Oct. 20, 1862. Ou Recruiting Service. FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &C., &C. AT THE FARMERS' NURSERIES, NEAR HUNTINGDON, PA We invite farmers and all mho may be in want of TREES and Pa vers to examine our block of , TURIFTY WELL GROWN TREES, At greatly reduced prices to unit the times, consisting of APPLES—A fine stock of the most approved varieties for general cultivation—good sizo and thrifty growth Price 10 cts. each. PEAR?.'—Choice kinds, Standard 30 eta., Dwarf 40 etc. each. CHERRIES—A fine assortment, 40 cis. each. PEACHES—Our stock of peaches is fine, comprising a collection of choice varieties of superior excellence, furn ishing a succession of rum fruit front the Ist of August to the lot of October. Price ten cts. each ;$9 per 100 PLUMS—A list of the most desirable and popular kinds. Price, grafted on plum stocks, 50 cts.; ou poach fltocks, 20 ,ct.s. each. APRICOTS-50 cis. each; XECTARINES-2.0 cents seach. SELECT GRAPES. GRAPE VISES of the Leal varieties, sold at the very rawest rates, t aryl og lu price from 15 cents to $1 each. day of the new and rate grapes, native or foreign, if not on hand, will ha ordered and furnished at the very low est rates. CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, &C. Early orders aro earnestly solicited. Packages of trees Hill be dohs eyed in Huntingdon free of expense to the purchaser, and duly forwarded by we railroad _ to anyplace lie luny designee_ - Any inquiries by-triter respecting stock, prices, .4c. vein-receive jirenyt etre ion. The nurseries are located 5 miles N. I:. from Hunting on the road leading from Huntingdon to Crownovor ARIL and ono mile S. E. from the \Perin Springs. Septirldress 'JESSE GORSUCH. Z 174 m. Pox 1, Ilmitingdop, Pa. BANK NOTICE TN pursuance of the 25th Section, First JL ticle of the amended Constitution of the State of Venusylvania, and the First Section of tho Act of the Gen eral Assembly, passed the fir,t day of June, 1539, the un dersigued citizens of the Commonb °Alai of Pennsylvania hereby give notice that they intend to make application to the Legislature of said State, at its next session, com mencing the first Tuesday of January, ISG3, for the char ter of a Bank, to helmeted In the borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, nod State of to be called the "BROAD TOP BANK;' fhe capital stuck there of to be Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars, and the specific oldect for which the proposed commotion is to be char tered is to transact the usual nud legitimate business of a Bank of issue, discount, deposit and exchange. DAVID BLAIR, . J. GEORGE MILES, JOHN J. LAWRENCE. WILLIAM LEWIS. R. B. WIGTON, ALEXANDER PORT, BORT. HARE POW.ELL, JOHN It. HUNTER, JAMES MAGUIRE, GEORGE EBY, DAYJD DUNN, A. R. STEWART, R. M. CUNINGHAM. Juno 3,1862-6 m BANK NOTICE 1 OTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned citizens and iesidonts of Pennsylvania nva associated themselves together iu paitucrship, and prepared a Certificate for the purpose of establishing a Bank of discount, deposit and circulation or issue, under and in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the Gen eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pomsylvania, approved the 31st day of Slav, A. IX IS6I, entitled a '.Supplement lo an Act to establish a system of Free Bank ing in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from Insolvent Banks, approt ed March 31st, 1560," and any other law or laws of said Commonwealth applicable to and bearing on the subject. The said prop-sed Bank to be called ' . TIIK HUNTINGDON COUN'fl! BANK," to be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, in the County of Huntingdon. and State of Penns) lvania, vs all a capital stock of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each, with the right and pH, liege of increasing the sense to any amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. WILLIAM P. ORBISON, I JAMES M. BELL, JOHN SCOTT, JAMES GRIN, WILLIAM DORRIS, JU., THOMAS FISHER, - GEORGE W. GARRETTSON. July 22,1562-.6w. WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, ST. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, &e., TAKEN.—ASIIBY SLAIN, AND TIIE BACK BONE OF " SECESLI" BROKEN But whilo you rejoice at the success of our gallant troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to cull at the store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewlacro, and sae our now stook goods, consisting of Dry Goods, • Groceries, Boots and Shoes, QUeI`IISW6rO, Crockery ware, Tobacco, Sews, Hams, Illtcb, Shoulders, Fish. Flour, Solt, and a general assortment of notions, all of which Sr. of !beg on reasonable terms for cast, or produce. tingdon, July 1, 1662. FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS this Poll Clad Winter. My Furs wet °purchased in Europe, pre% ioua to the rise In &erring Exchange, awl the New Doty intpo4o en all Fore, Imported Elmo the thst of August. NN ottld aloe state, that as long as my stock lasts, I will offer it nt prices proportionate to m hat the goods cost me; but, it will be impossible for me to Impel t and Mannfac tore any more Fors, end sell them nt the same prices, owing to the unsettled state of the offal ra of the Country. frii—Remember the name, number and street: John rateira. (Nee. Fur, itAler, 718 Ascii Street, Philadelphia. /d..62.-Zdo 1862. THE 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, CASSIMERES, and Is now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &e. Call at the "Globe" Building and examine our stock and prices. TO ARMS ! RUM TO THE STORE OF SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, and sea ilia new and elegant assortment of Goods he ha. just recoived, consisting In put of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware. Hardware, Clothing, Bonnets, Shawls. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shots, and nll other articles kept in country stores. which he is offering at his Mammoth Stores, at Coffee Itun Station, at unusually loss prices. The public aro invited to call and examine his Goods. liming nt rangements with large firms In Philadelphia and other eastern cities. Ito is able to buy his goods cheap• er than other country merchants, and can consequently, undersell them! In exchange for goods, he takes all kinds of comary produce at the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the Mauls of cuntomers, he hopes to reecho a con timmtion of the liberal pout onage M ith M hick he bas been heretofore favored. Mr. Colin is Agent of the Broad Top R. It. Co, at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Crain to the Enstern markets. Having a largo Ware Room, far mots can store Milli him until toady to ship. Ever) con venience n ill be afforded them. Sept, 10, 1 2-tf J. 11. 0• CORBIN , • ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1117STINOIDON, rA. Office on Hill Street. Huntingdon, Jan, 14, H62-tf. * ALLISON MILLER, DE YTIST, Hos removed to the Brick Bow opposite the Court nous Apitl 13,1159. JE. GREENE, . DENTIST. Office on Railroad sheet. opposite the Jacks son Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. March 25, 1512. 11 T. WHITE, • ITTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 2, 1661-0. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! James A. Bross n sells the genuine" PORTLAND RM. SEICE,” on COAL OIL clear as water. This is the only kind of oil that gis es entire satisfaction as an agent fur fight. Bessare of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an ofleneive swell and amuko. A largo variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, - Chimneys, Globes, Wicks. Dueness, Shades, 6c.., dc., sold at the very lowest prices, at the !Lards, are .`.tote, IluLtusg dun, Pa. pAPER ! PAPER ! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, Flat, Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Lem r Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Noto Papa., White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheet! For solo nt LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retai 50.000, BEST QUALITY WIIITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPE' Jost received and for role et LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OS At& 'ME AUTINOLISIIED OPTIMA AND CM:WM - FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOB SALE AT LEWIS' DOOR AND STATIONERY STORE JOHN FAREIRA, PlB ARCH Street, low Eighth, south side, . , PIIIIADELPIII%. I Importer k Mannfacturs rotund Dealerinall kind. FANCY FURS, for M ies' nud Children's Wear. I debit.° to say to my lends of Huntingdon and ro surrounding Counties rat I have now in store, 10 of the largest and toot beautiful 03007 intent f all kinds and qualities 'FANCY FURS, for Lu isa' and Children's wear, MOM during WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A haddsome assortinent just received and for sale at LEWIS' ROOK. STATIONERY& MUSIC STORE CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE of OUTMAN .4 CO., if you aunt a good article o' Clothing. Store room in Long'B now building, in the Dia mond, Iluntingdrii Sept. 9, 1857 THE largest stock of De Laines in tow by FISHER & SON. CALL at D. P. (4 WIN'S if you want Faslaionalalo Goods WR APPING PAPER! A. good article for silo at Lr.wm , nooK micy DB LEWIS' leig FOR 11UNTINGDON, PA 1-(I...OLLOCK'S DANDELION COE rum TL s preparation, made front the best Java Coffee. is recommended by physicians as a impeller NUTRITIOUS BEVERMIE for (leneval Debility, II) spepsin, and all bilious dismilets. Thousands aho bare been compelled to abandon the use of collie a ill use this effects. One can contains the strength of tww pounds of ordinary coffee. Price f.'s cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, 'The purcat and brat DAMN° POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutritious Plead and elikos. Price 16 cents. lIANUFACITACC BY M. IL KOLLOCK, COI nor of Mood and Chestnut .Streets, PHIL t, And sold 1.,) all Ea uggists nod Orocer9 Fob. 2,1,18G2-Iy. THE ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Street. between Third and Vourth, Philadelphia. Ale undetbigned, lowed, for a teint of pats. tint popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and the traveling community, that it is now open fur the reception of guests. The house since Om first of Match last, has been entitely tens voted and refit ted in a super ins manner; the apia tment., ale huge, hell ventilated and farnitdned in model n nt) to. It r. centrally located, null orient to all the depot and steamboat land ings, and m the imme,hate vicitnt,) ot the Contest lluu c, Lost Olive and the Corn Es change. Connected such the ILuttl is a Restaurant for the a , eanillitattion of throne preferring the Ent opran plan.— Pricea of Itnonn. ft out Till elf to :oven Dollat s per in eel:, neeording to location. feint $1 10 per day. Table d'ilote for met chants and business men hum 1 to 3 I'. M. April 8, ISC2-1y ) - el Z: 1 r) )-3 UPAION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. A1.,t1. , 1 ; !;31 - re .., , E ve l t "J ,l l l3 l . l , p il . the ' a r t l t i e e nt - i un on o dcrsigucd the citizen' nt Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful nimble now on hand. lie is prepm cd to 1 urn kb at the shortent notice, Monumental Marble. and Stones of 04.3 desired sire and for 111 of Italian Cl Eastern Matta, highly flnklied, and calved with apple pi iota del ices, or plain, as may unit. Building Mai ble, Door and Window Sills, Sc., will to furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and no,. manship rip.' to any in thin country, at a fair mice. Cull and see, before }nn purchase elsewhere. Shop 011 WE street, litmting&m, l'a. Huntingdon, May 16, 1955. MTILLIAM AFRICA HAS AGAIN COMMENCED THE I.IOOT AXI) SHOE-MAIO - NG, ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STOR Ills old customers and the public genet ally, ill gi him a Call. [Hunt logdon, Oct 21), 1556.] ALEXAL , TDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIR 11! The undersigned tespertfully Went the public In bey have purchased the ALEXANDRIA. BREWERY an ill continue the business, and endeavor to give goner: ntisfactiou. All orders will be promptly attended to. WM. rtOTHROCK, WM. N. KIRBY. Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1800 rfIIIE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN 1 BLAST AGAIN !—The nnlisci fibers take this Method of infinining their fiumds and the public genmolly, [Ur ... Q .7 . 9 . 7 the) hove rebuilt the Huntingdon folio ~. ..,....,.. dry, nod ale Loa in succe,,Ml opriation . ' • ":llg, and are mepated to furnish Ca•tings of rt „ 4 „, o,ery ~.„,;„„, of hest quality and Nsorkniniodop. on Kinn t notice, and on ieasonarcle terms. l'ai Met ,me in, ited to call and exam ine our PlOlighd. Wit me inomilictining the limiter Plough. This plough took the !list premium at the Hun tingdon eminty Aglicultinal Fair he,t fall. Also, IlunteCi• celetnated Cutter Ploughs. which t alit be bent—togethei nith the lieystone, Ifilleade and na,hear ploughs. M",, hove on hand and me manufactining ,totes—such n. Cook, railm, and Oniee %Imes tor wood or cool. Iloilo, warn, consi.ting of Ketttee, 11011.,,, Skillets, ,t.e., all of \Omit tie u ill tell cheap for cash or in exchange for cowl sty pioduce. Old metal talon Mt castings. liv a strict attention to Ingdue,.• and a desire to please, , 0 hullo tote eeiSC it lii?flal !...liato of public pationage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM ,I. BRO. Huntingdon. Alan 30, NH. 1 - 3 EADY RECKONER. 11, A complete rocket Beady Roticoner. in ilollarn and cents, to m hit h ate added tot Ins of Notes, little. Re cetpte, &co, together a Rh a set of useful tables containing rate of interest fuOln one dollar to tsNeler thous and, by the single day, smith a tablv of singe-, and boaid by the creek and du), published in WM. For sale at LEWLV BOOK STORE. o v v . IILANKS BLANKS ! BLANKS ! CONSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPOENAS. MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, IJUDOMIEs;T NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, DOM EN 'f BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with n waiver of tho $3lO Law, JUDGMENT NOTES, m sth n staler of the POO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, m Oh Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justnes of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT. WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in ease of Assault and Bat tery, and Affray. SCI ERE FACIAS. to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Pinned on superior paper. and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS. of ea cry dem iption. piutect to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, Yo. 1, The Dime Union Song Book, The Dime Military Song Book, The American Dime Sony Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for• the Union, The Sears and Stripes Songster, Dixey's Essence of Lurid Cork Songster, Gus Sham's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Fan, Dime Book of _Etiquette, New Dime American Joker, The Dime and other NOM:, The Dnnc Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialoolu2s, Kos. 1 cf.- 2, The Dime Speaker, Nos. 1 & 2 The Dime Cool• Book, The Dime Recipe Book. For rob nt LEWIS' ➢oox, STATN, FRY kNO Music . STORY IF you want Cavinito and Oil Cloths, call at D. P (MIN'S mlnno you will find ti, largest as sortment in town. THE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. G WIN'S LADIES' FURS, a tTlendid variety Clasp Icy FISIIER SON. MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. The hook is nn Oda 0 of WA page, In elegantly printed on line paper. oth new hold Opt, and has an or/nitro/4e exhoushre index, for Mllieh °Neu °nicer is ill be gi Mani, the Ulf/MOM hie es e rests Open it, WI no 101111E3 eittiou has °ler had an index, and the taut of coo tins been long felt in the Arin. The Appendix embraces the Ai tides of War. contain many inipot tont cut. cal.+ ; also, selections from the Military Acta of Congress, intlnding the-0 passed at the last session. 'RICE $2, 00, FOR SAM. AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, [At' MORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilham, U. S. A, Just 11111,114. A mia for sae la LEWIS' 130[ K STORE.— Complete an um, lolume. Pike $l.OO. UNITED STATES c .I . N FANT It Y Vol the inqtrnetinn, exeiche,and manni.nvrel or tLc United State, IntlintrS, lit inffing A tautly of the l,ioe. Light Infantry. atol 111(ii, prepatcd intact the (Ington of the IVar Deli( Wot, tool antilottized nod atloptctl by the St intently ot War, Mat 1.1, ISt.l. contain- r log the school of [lnc ; One H.llOOl of tho company; no.ti notion lor shit Jobb( rs, nod the gents ( ill,; ilia call, fit 11.11tokbers, and this school of the battalion ; lot tithing tins tutu:les of lint and n the! 11111111 y 01 tulittat) Cowl& to in ono %ohmic.. l'rieu For tale at Lew is' Book Stole. HENRY NEIL, ISAAC L. DEvOII, ga) ((a()) UXITED ,S TA TERS' SOLDIER, lo cooling into heft ice: Containing a complete ti) stem of initruction in the Fehoof of the Soldteros itli a prelimina y explanation of the fra oration at a Battalion on Pat aile, he Position of the lino era, beim; it hrst book or ntroileGtion to nuthori/eil U.S. Infantry 'Tactics, just pub fshrd. Pace 23 cents. For solo at Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete in 2 volt, nice $1.50. For sole at MAVIS' BOOK STOKE. trh — The Rooks sent by mail to any 10411065 on the re ript of the II lin tolgtlen3lay '23, ISM SCIIOOI, BOOKS, AT LEWIS' ROOK, STATIONERY S. MUSIC STOAE, OSGOOD'S Speller. Ist, Ad. 3d, 4th and sth Ittadet s. 31 0 U FFEICS Speller and Readmit. SAN MATS do do do Too n's Speller wad Definer, (old and now editions.) Smith's, Inallion's and DI mot's Gl4lllllllara. Fitch's Ph) sical Geogiaphy. Watt ell'S Ph) cleat Geopaphy. Mltchoro. Monteith and 3teXoily's Goon nphios A: A times Camp's Geogi midi Hey to Mitchell's Outline Maps. Webitel's and Ilsorcester's Dictionaries. Quackenlio4' First Lessons iu Composition. Quackenbo'h Compoiltion and Rhetoric. Meanie:Ws. Stoddattl's and 'hooks' Authmotics. PetetSOICN Familia! Science. Gleenleat's and Stoddard's Kays to Arithmetic& Gt eenleaf and Dm les' Algebi as. Greenlears Hey to Algelna. Pat keel, .111 Tell de Philosophy. Talker's Pict lessons in Mama' Philosophy. • Packer's Thilo,ophy. of the United States. Mid's Gooch lob's a a l'ay son, bunion and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven nnntber s. Potter A. Hammond's Penmanship in Lenten numbers. Academical, Conti Alms' and other Copy Books. Da' Elemental y Geometry and nigonometry. Da' ice' Logendre's Geometry. GI( Gcometiy. Fulton .1. Ell,(111:111% Book4teeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by Ifanafoid A Topton Math Keeping by Single and Double, Entry, by Montfort Payson. Other book, 0 111 be added and fin nithed to alder. A fall stock of School Stational) always on hand. Huntingdon, Pa. =I WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS SPLENDID A SSORTMENT PENS ! PENS ,1 THE BEST IS TILE CHEAPEST C. BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens PRICES-25 cts. per dozen or $2 per gross rr HE " CORRUGATED METAL" _t PENS. made by C. BARNARD, at e the best Com met clot tool School Pens, without exception to Any. They are used b) all the prinrmal Banks and Clown omen Depot !talents, Public and Pi it ate Schools; also, by the most montinent Commercial [louses throughout the Poi led State, and Canada. But a Slott time has (Awed since hale been inhoduccd Into the United States, still a mark .1 preference in given them over all others ler the follow lug temonn : The '• Cm roanted " PENS do not tot rode; they will not •platter of cut through the thinueg, paper; they hove all easy gliding motion, a col Minty equally diffusing the ink, softness of point, and gi cat du The follow in; testimonials, ettlected !tom Immo o uthet 4, arc respectfully submitted: I have used the Metallic Pens of Mr. C. Barnard at. highly app ove of them. C. BARSTOW, 17 rsidolt f St. Nacho?. Bun!, Nee, reek. I.nve used thu Pore of Mr. Doi mild, and Lind them to be as he tem etiollig, nod tube plumunre in recommend ing fluent to the public. WELLS. FARGO & Co , A MULI,RIAN, Cashier. C. 'Barnard's Pens havo burn tried, and nre highly ap proved in t h is dike. S. 0. OUI)EN, .Audttor U. S. Custom House, New link. Having It ied the corrugated Pens undo by Mr. liarnar I Cllll I Ot1)1111111,10 theft Rs eXCellent. FOR RFRRYBODY We add oura to abovo teconsmendations. H. B. CROMWELL, E CO., Now York I have no hesitation in saying llamaid's Pens are d. cniedly the best i li:inn ever aged. S. C. HAY, Alen! Unded Slates Express Co., New York. We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Barnard's An Corrosive Pens as the best ever brought under our notic without exception. WILKINSON', smsos At CO., lied rice,, Neu, Rd*. T. 11. HUGHES, Chshicr. We him, been using the Pens of Mr. C. liornaid. mu take gloat plemine in recommending them to the public flu they atO on excellent and all he r,piesant • ' tl cm to Le Upon trial no have found 31r Ear /lard's Lens to Lo e °dicta. FRED, PROUST S. CO., .Yen Yolk. I weal! recommend Mr. Paruard's Pens as a surcri article to any I hare used. (lOUVIt. KIMBLE, Now York. We add ours to the above leconwneudations. UNDERHILL, HAYILAND A CD, New York Of all Pena I have ever used, Mr. Ilarnm Ws have giv. me more satislitetiou, and I can teconmend them to t public as being elan ely anti-cormms e. E. POIREII, Now Yolk. After Kit months' constant use of. C. Berm is Anti- Cot nosier reit, NlO can confidently recommLnd it as the best metallic pen MO 111,0 eler used, finding from the abuse experience that it does not 11,,tuoll!, cot redo. ,Sc CU, Now York, C. BARNARD. Manufacturel of Corrugated Metal Pon, John 6 , ti Let, Cltli,,llNlrdi, London. June 18,1662. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets a GW N'S. COAL, BUCKETS and Shovels, for oak by JAMES A. BRPWN rxrD u 0.3, INCNTUNS, WASHING DNIILS, A:11) Mb, FOR SALE AT Lk.lll6' 1390 K AND .t'TATIONERY MILE ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK EIIIM LEWIS' BOOK STOIII EMI FOR SALE lIUNTINOOON, r. A LARGE STOOK FEE Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK. STORE GET THE BEST ! I= AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county. C. BARNARD'S PENS SAMUEL r,. LIIt rigsll, Commandant .NOry rard, lb oodryn EMEMEII2I Secretary Eagle Insurance Co, Yew BIRD CAGES, PROFESSIONAL S. BUSINESS CARDS 1)11. JOIIN McCULLOCII, offers his profes,ional ifoo to the citizeng of Huntingdon and vicinity. ()lime on Hill ntteet, uau dour east of Reed's Ding Store. Aug. 28, 'LZI. Q S. S.MITII, Dealer in Drugs, 'Medi einos, Purfumery, Dl e Stuffs, Oils, Bc. Also—Gro corks, Confectioneries, bc., Huntingdon, Pa. "VV -M. LEWIS, Dealer in Books; Stationary and Musical lustru pietas, Huntingdon. Pa. 1 M. CUNNINGHAM &BRO. • TAMES A. BROWN, ty DeBler in 1181,N:tie, Cutlery, Paints, 01le, &e., hunt ine,Bloll. Pa. _T ROMAN, Dealer in Realy Made Clothing, Mk and Cap, Joiits and Sino,A, _LY G ni AN & CO., Dealers in Ready made Clothlng. Huntingdon, Po. TA P. G Dealei in Do Goods, Gt oceriov, Ifuldware, Queens , are. Hats and Cups, Boots and Sllocs, &, SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, G, al 11, dc., Huntingdon, -N,Tm. WILLIAMS, / Plain anti 01u:uncut:a Mat Lie Manufacturer COUNTRY DEALERS can P . 41.W buy CLOTHING from me In Huntin g don at • WHOLESALE ue clwa r cc they can in the cities, as 1 lode n es holosalo qtore lu Plidudolphist. Huntingdon, Aril 14, 1851. 11. HOMAN. 4,;, 1 . TONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other placo in VIOLINS, C UITARS, SYMPHONIANS, ACCODDEONS AND PIPES, For sale cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONEEY Sc MUSIC STORE ROCKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK ON RAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE T)OOK BINDING. Old 'look, nigariner, or publications of any hind, bound to older, if left at LEWIS' BOOK & STA TIONERY STORE. DUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! jup It you Mont your card neatly punted upon card oyes, call at LE iris' BOOK AND STA 770NERY STORK FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Nato Paper and Envelopes suitable.for confidential col icspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK t STATIONERY STORE. DAPER ! PAPER !! 'Note, Not, Commercial, Foolmenp and Flatcap—a good o.ortment for sole by the ream, half ream, quire or abeet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK L STATIONERY STORE ..I.E ( I NVELOPES By the box, pack. or leo, clantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND 5111 noxEle r STORE. 1)ARCII MENT DEED PAPER ruled, for solo at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. ToNTILLy TIME BOOKS, 1T -L For male at 1.E31R BOOK -4KD STATIONERY STORR 11001? SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 Lunpa, pt pticeu horn 25 eta. to $2,00 at the cheap etore D. P. (MIN. LADIES Collars, very cheap and beau tiful, at D. P. OIVINT. ASplendid variety of Carpets, only 25 ate. par yard. FISHER 8 BON. lARRISB ORO STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, :logs, esPrro Jaru dc., dc., of superior qualay. Sold only by JAMES A. BROWN. P. GWIN keeps the .largest, best assortment and cheapest shoe% in toun. Call nod examme them.: IJOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be sold for $1 25 at the cheap stab of SMILER S: SON.. F you want handsou e Goods, good Goods, cheap Goods, nud nil kit i of Goods, got, D. P. U W.I! 'S. CIALL at D. P. UWIN'S if you want v./ 00013 GOODS. 1 300 TS & S ITOES, Hats & Caps, the tatgek aisortnmt and clioayetit to by found at 1). P. (MIN'S 1 UN BARBELS AND LOCKS.-A k !mg° aAsut talent at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. k 1 UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. - jithnn can be had in town. Call and Iwo them. [JAItK Colored Palm Hoods, host goal ity, only 50 its. ench. FISHER & SON. NI T e J Just t the e I I I! 1 :1tc 1 1 'e py P. G WIN'S is the place to buy Rood and cheap Carpote. T IQUORS, of the best, for Medicine JUI rupose3 At S. S. SMITH'S. F RANKLIN HOUSE, IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor Tho citizerni of llso county, and strangers and traveler. generally, ail' find comfortable accommodations at thi. house. Give us a Ural. [April 4, 1860.4 B and SHOES, the largest and 11 cheaput awn tmont in town, at LCHOOL BOOKS, Li Generally in use in the Schools of filo County, not o hand, will be furniehed to olden. on application at LL' WIS' BOOK, ND STA TIONEIC.4"STORE. QALT ! SALT!! . SALT!!! LI Just received front the Otiontino Suit Company Syracnse, N, Y., to bo gold on connmegion, oltbo• vthrlt stile or retail. 200 BARE,SLS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, It6o. FISHER & SON. JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA GRAFFUS 3111.LER, Proprietor. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAPIR White and Colored Card Paper, IMINZI LEWIS' BOOK & STATIONERY STORK BLANK BOOKS, OF 0001008 01808, fur salo nt LEWIS' BOOK A-VD STATIONER YSTO ' pisToLs ! PISTOLS!! Colt's, Sharps', Smith .5: Weston's, Bud all improved patterns of Revolve, x. Pistol,. Cacti idges, Bowie Knives, Sr. Sc., for sale at thu Ilarchiare Store of JAMES A, May 21, 1801. Huntingdon, Pa. you will find the Largost and Bes assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods at THE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can aln . a)s Us found at the chear store of EISIIER S SON. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE. ()BD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exchange for goode at the Hardnare Stele Sept. 3, 186.2. JAS, A. DROWN WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS I= It Tells Yiou How to dross lip PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general forms for An Keene:US of all kinds, BARS of SALE. LE ISM and PETITIONS. It Tells You Ilow to draw rip 110xna and Mutat) AGES, AT , E/DAVITS, Pow nes of ATToIINEY. NOTES and Blots of ExcIIANGE, Itrcisprs And ELLE (SOS. It Tells You Tho larva for the Cou.Lertoff of llt 'ITS, Milli the STATUTES of LIMITATIoN, and ainOtilit and kind of property EXEMPT from ENACIT- TioN m es cry :tato. It Tells You slow to maim an AssIONMENT properly, with forms for COMPosiTioN Ulf)/ CREDITORS, and tire INbOIXENT I,ArlB of of cry State. It Tells You The legal relations existing beta eon Corn- Dit• rind WARD, :fltssr.n. and APPRENTICE, and LANDLoilli and TENANT. II Tells You What coriqdrites loan. and Si tootle, and the Law as to 31Ar.RIAGE 1)e100. the IriFE's Mora ro Poops aTr, his otter. and Ai frost. Il Tells You The Laff forfr.c.ii.ixica' 1.11 ]Olll ery State, and the NATURALS/.Alto). LANN s of this coun try, and lioff to comply pith the 81000. It Tens You The has concerning PrNsioNs and how to ob tain one, and the PRE-ESIPTIoN L tee to rustle !do's's. It Tells You Tho Lae for P.frrsrs, loth mode of proce dure in oblainingone, With INTERFEr.P.Nek.d, A SSION:Iirs.TS and TAIII.II OF Fore. It Tells You How 10 11A.11. )our Win L, and how to ADMIN- Inrrn nil As Es, ATE, is ith the law and the reqinionients thereof in eN ery Slate. II Tells You The meaning of JAW TLCws ili general use, and eX plains to you the LEGISLATIVE, EXE CUTIVE and JUDICIAL Pon PIS of both the (Si:lmnd and State GOvEro.SIENTS. It Tells You lieu To REM , OUT OP Low. by shouing how to do your business legally, tiros oaring a Nast amemit of property, and vexatious litigation, by i 6 timely consultation. 4T, — EN aryboll3 's Law) or is for sale at Lea is' Book Storo "QUICK SALES Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYED BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT OTIIIIR VALVADLL AND ISTERCBTINO DOOR, CIIURCII MUSIC AKD INSTRUCTION BOOKS, MEET 3IUSIC for the Piano, Guitar, kc., POCKET DOORS, PORT DONKAIEW AND PERM, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS . OF ALL KINDS TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, &C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, CHECKER. li9AltD, DOMINOES, LC., WILL TEI.I, YOU Ur ltaiQ 's Method of taming Iforsos; how to Approach, Halter, or Stahl. n Colt; how to accustom a Wise to assuage som!. and eights, and how to aaddle, Ride. mid isealc him to Zhu Debi; 010 the torsu and law of %%AItPANTY. The whole being the so 811it. Oh la yeas a' easeful study of the habita,lll,lollllliles. Mut, and weak- Bosses of tins noble and useful animal. For sale at Lewis' Book Stole. /h awing and Blotting roper, Bristol and Cal d Boards. I Memorandum Books of - Furious Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, INDRLIBLS, CAMIIIINE, RED, MOE AND BLACK INKS, Arnold's Ilodgson's and Harrison's IMIEI= WI tipping Paper Of Different Sizes and Qua Mice, &a. &e. &e. hc. &e. to. Sc CHEAP BOOK, STATIONERY AND Music STORE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, go to muke their purchases 133= NEW BOOKS ! FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STOKE TILE HOUSE: A New POCKET MANUAL or Rural A rch Rec. tore; or, How to Blind Due Dings, Barns, Stables, and Out Duelling.; of all kinds. With a Chapter on Chinches and School-Homes. Price, 50 cents. Ti!!: GARDEN r A NEW Pecacr Manly. of Practical Hor ticulture; or. lion to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chaptet on Ornamental Trees and Sin ohs. Pt ice, 50 cents. THE FARM A New POCKET MANUAL of Practical Agri culture; or, How to Culth ate all the Field Crops. With an Essay on Farts Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New POCKET MANUAL of Cattle ! H0t..., and Sheep Ilusbanthy ; or, llow to Breed and Rear the Vision, Tenants of the Barn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO TALK: A Now l'ocitnr MANUAL. of Conversation and Debate. URI. Dit ectione for Acquit ing n GrAmmati cal St) le, and onto than Eke hundred Common Mis. takes Corrected. Puce, 50 cents. 110 W TO BEHAVE: A New Pocurr ManAtn. of Republi can Etiquette, and Guide to Collect, Personal Habits; with Rules for Debating S.cietisa nod Deliberative A. ectublies, etc. Pt ice, be cents. 110 W TO DO BUSINESS: A New POCKET MANUAL (11 Practical Anita rind Guido to success in Life; with a Collection of Business Volum and a Dictionary of Corn metcial Terms, etc. Price, 50 cents. Aq%O, TH E CYTITAItA—The Prost, y terian Psalmodist—The Shan n—The Jubilee-11mi ten'a and Bertini's enlarged and improved instruetors—Weiland's New and Improved Method for the 0 id tor—Leland's Accor deon, Violin and Mute Dist, netors—Winner's and Howes Violin Instructors—MlA's Melodeon Instiactor—Bur rows,' Piano-For to Painet—do. Thorough-Bane liner— Nom o's C oo Cooing Boom Ponces—The Chums Wee Book— Tara's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. - eg 0 Ee, kr Z / igx tik. 7 %WM' 41111 -130 0K S AND STATIONERY.- .4 good assortment of miscellaneous and School Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and -Note Paper-- Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of 1111111er0118 Si/CS—PCIV , , Pencils. Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and e‘ury other article usually found in a Book and Station°, y :s.tolo, can be had at fait oleos at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY Si MUSIC STORE. ...,...... I= OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, ILIILEY'As' FIA - TURF,S, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, I== By FRANK CROSBY, SMALL PROFITS!' Fancy and Sohool STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, For Ladies and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, Proper for nnyß and AMUSING GAMES For Young "Folks MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CONVERSATION CARDS, SOSO BOOKS, From G to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, =EI WHITE BONNET BOARD, WRITING FLUID I= LEWIS' where all who went to SAVE MONEY, AT bEWIS' BOOK STORE ROIIREWS ROHRER'S ROI I R ER'S ROHRER'S RO I I R ER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRRACTICAI, CALCULATOR. I'RACTICA L CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. WIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, A Book of Plain Roles and Calculations fur Business Ope rations, by An tin Al. Ruiner, Prochcca 151crveyor and Cont•eybncer. New I.ilition, published by J. B. Lippist• colt ife Co., Philadelphia. This work contains bOl pages. and fluent do of 500 Rule/ and Examples, entirely and thin ough ly practical "cit us leis° every day in the common pursuits of Rusin., 'it has 'diced . ). paved tin ough It c umber of editions in rapid succession, and is pi °flounced by all classes of business men to be the handlost book of reference, pet raining to color lotions, that has ever been published. Every example hi the book is worked out in full and stated to n plain manner, so that alien a parallel ease ar ses, those r uteri ing to the not li Mil tied no difficulty in wohing it; in a cord. the general ariongetnent of the CALCULATOR is simple. that any one ells knows how to add, subtract multiply and dts ide, can easily solve Any or dinary eNample that arises in business, or arrive at the title result of any estimate required. The chief non of the amino hits been to eschew theory 11.1 pin In-amity in figut es, aiming only nt facts and simpli city, behoving tits. bllttirte. Ilf CII lure little abont spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures. deenung it sediment for their purpose to be able at it 1110111 ell I. Ity. inlce, to an inc at the true result. Thu CALCULATOR differs in this respect Rom all other A Itloneties of the day mid kindred moths—it Is a be) to practical business calculations—it is, in the bands of the bm,illeS4 man. valet the key to mathematical works I in the hands of the teacher in the school mom—it facili tates time nod inset es eon eetness. TILE WORK. TREATS OF TIIE Measurement of Lend, of Lumber. of thick and Brick mune and Stone not h, of grain and grain bins, of coal and cool bins, of mood, of solids, of liquirla, of cir cular, square or in eglllol I,esNels, of cisiet HY mut vats, of routing, of plasterm's, paintet's. glazier's, paters, er's, paper banger's and liphylsteters' work. it heats oh' elm ency and of fin eign and domestic exchange, of the• decimat system, °cream:Von and its extended application, to business, of simple and C0111P01111(1 intotest• rind their entire application to business hausactions, WI MU laws. and usages got el Mug the same. together sibs iminsrous corn tnet clot Rains—of legal tender, of podia] payment Otk notes, of banking, and bank discount, of equation of pay, meet and of partite' ship accounts, of amessinent of IItTOS,. of weights and meitsm es, of equate and cubic measure, of the scone o rout and its application to business of surfaces, of excavittion, and of many other impel tout practical, :natters nut isithin the scope of au mires tieinueut to Men tion. IT IS JUST TILE 11001( FOR THE Fainter. the merchant, the inedienie, the at tizen, or the professional mall. It lan proven n minable auxiliary to the lawyer, the justice of the pence, 111.: convey linear, and real estate brokei, to tile n news r, the banker, the elerk, to the chill engineer and the sin vvyor, to the Cal pontor and 1,1 icklayer, to the StatlettlaStal Rad (110 plasterer, to the raper hanger and upholsterer, to the paver cud the tiler, ,to., dc.; each and all will fiti.Lit adapted to their va rious wants better thou any hook published. C Niue. 30 coots. For sale at Len Book Store. Ituntingilea, Dec. 20, MO. GREAT WORK ON : THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY ROBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., Professor of lidlidogy and Operatre Survey in Me rderinary College qf I'ledudelphia, etc., de. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History Units of the v. 111.1 hr reds of European, Airrean and Amer lean [tunes, ith the physical for oration nod pe euiiarit:e, of tire anima!, and how to ascertain his age by the number and coodition of Lis teeth; illustrated with numerous explanatory engravings. TILE 1101:SE AND lI'S DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Weal:big, Stabling, reed- Grooming.nhoeing, and the goner. ill management of the horse, nit!i the boot modes of administering medicine, alto, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Bearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bit• trig, Restlessness, and other vices to which he is subject; with numerous ex planatory engiut THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU or the catimes,symptoms,und Treatment of Strangles, Solo Tin oat, Distemper, Catitith, Intliteima, Bronchitis, 1 . 111.1. monia, lholcon (Thrott le Cough, Roartug and IYlnetling.Lem pas, Selo Mouth nod Ulcers, and De r.tycd Teuth, “ith other diseases of the Motall uud liespnutoty Organs. THE HORSE AND ILLS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, sympiums,and Treatruent of hot i.s , Buts, Sri augulution, Lquuy Culim duos, Rimturee, Paley, Mail Ilea. Jaundice, liepatirt ben,i3leudy Ut ine, Stollen in the Kidneys and blad der, luthimation and other diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Uri nal) Organs. Tlfli ZIORSI: AND LIES DISEASES %TILL TELL SOU Of the ,town, 82. Illptollll3, and Treat uwitt ot Dung, Blood and Bog, Spayin, lug Jste.miu. 64alna, laukoa litters, I% Crltil4, Ft.:lllldgC, Cracked Hoorn, bolo Itntiau and Otnt tt, Cagloir .c1at.1.110.,, and Corns; also, o iliugt one, Valigo, Eilapsy, btriggera will oiler cltNcoscl. of 1110 Feat, Lags awl Head. Tlll HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL T 21.1. YOU Of the causes, e. Inptoina, .d Treat ment of Fistula, Pull Cs il;Ulttuders, Furey, Seat let Serer, Mango, Surftolt. Lucked Ihsettat.b ut the life nu 5 tic and hen to /1111111Ige Castiatlutt, Bluud-_ tug, Tiettluttutg, Rout:ling. String, 141 silo. Autputatton, Topping,aud oth er sot gleal uttei TILE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALI, ITS BRANCHES MISS ELIZA ACTON Carefully Revised by Mi.. J. S. Hale IT TELLS You how to choose all Hods of lieut., Poo and (i.one, with all the various and most approved modes or Messing mud cooking Beet - and Pot k; also the Lest and simplest way of salting, pickling nod coring the same, IT Tuts You .111 Ilio vat ions and moat approved modes of dicssing. cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, anal game at nll ki n ds with the dinetent Dressings, Grooms, and Stutliage approp:mte to each. It TELLS Toe How to choose, clean, nod preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all Cho Nati.a and most approved modes of cooking. with the different Drew ingx, Sauces, and Fins wings appropriate to each, IT Tema You All tho •m loon mad most approved modes of pa elan ing m et 50 kitida of Moat, s ish,Fowl, (lame, and Vegetable Soaps, Broths, and Soon 14, a ith the Relishes and Seasonings approptinte to each. Pt TELLS You All tho various and most approved 'nodes of cooking Vegetables of es ury desei lotion, also how to prepare Pickles. Catsup and Cuiries of all kinds, Potted Manta, Fish, Game, 31fishroonisy IT Tnts tot All the various and mutt approved modes of plepat lug and cooking all kinds of Plain nod Fancy Pastry, Puddmge, Omelettes, 'Titters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves, Jellies, nod Stveet Dishes of every duserip• IT TELLS You All the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Busks, Mullins, and Bhp. suit, and the beats ethod of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make S.,)rups, Cordials, and Wines of vs nous -kinds. Ix Yells You Iron to set out and on 111111101 a a Table, hew Came ntl kunde of Fish, Flesh or FON I, and in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest !mnioc of the table within the evel)botbla reach. For Sale at Lewis' Book Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK For solo at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOOK, For i , rtle at LEWIS' 800 Store. LONGSTRETII ON‘ViE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON TITE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK, For 3ale at LEWIS' Book Storo.