0-51obe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Deo, 24, 1862, W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor VA , • 1 4, /1 • Our Flag Foi'aver /know of 00 vzo,lo in ?chick a loyal citi zen may so well demcnstrate his decothm fo his country as by snstaining the Ploy, the Cons6bilio a and the Union, miler ail stances, and UNDLI: EVE2I ADMINnTRATION, REGARDLESS or PAIZTY PJLITICS, AGAINST ALI ASSAILANTS, AT AND A GIMAD A. Dorci.Ns No new movement of Burnside's ar my at the latest dates. NO CABINET CHANGES, LY special dispatch from Washington to New York, dated Monday last, states that there will be no change in the Cabinet—that all who sent in their resignations will withdraw them. TIIE Montle; says the letter pub lished in the Globe, purporting to be written at Alexandria: and signed "Fair Play," is an maul( to the citi zens of that place. Why an insult?— Is it an insult to the citizens of Alex andria to contend for Oleic political rights ? " Fair Play " asks that Dem ocratic Delegates be dried according to Democratic usage, and we are told by the _Monitor that such a demand is an insult to Democratic voters. The Monitor goes upon the principle that the few must rule the many—that the Democratic party of the county has no right to dictate to a half-dozen would-be leaders. If anybody pays much for the would-be State Dele gates, somebody will be badly cheat ed, for it is as certain that the two del egates will be elated by a Democratic -County Convention before the meeting of the State Convention as that Frank Hughes wont be elected - United States Senator. WE daily hear reports of our brave boys from this county being amongst the killed and wounded at the late battle, but we aro not able to give names with any certainty of being correct in all of them. Calvin Luther Corbett is reported killed, and Luther Sangaree is reported to be badly woun ded. Tot:on. dark clouds nru hanging us, we still hopa—for-siCTOf. , a crushing victory over the enemies of a free government. The trial is severe, yet we have faith in the strong arm of the loyal people of the North. Tux. Rebels admit a lost of 3500 in killed and weneded at frederieks irg. Limmtr, Orr:;.—The publi•shers of the Sunday School Times are prepar ed to furnish specimen copies of their paper, with very liberal induceMents to Superintendents, Teachers and oth ers, who will aid them in extending its circulation during the coming year.— This opportunity should not pass un improved. Now is the time to act.— Address J. C. Garrigues & Co., 1-18 S 4th Street, Philadelphia, Penna. MI-WI: SOLDIER SLEEP, Iti DEATu. —Major Frank Zentmyer, of the sth Regiment, P. Y., fell in the battle at Frederieksburg. - We knew Frank personally,---a brp-er soldier never faced an enemy. Ills death is lament ed by a large circle of true friends. David Zeututycr, a younger brother of Frank's, was badly wounded in the 1.411110 battle. SEntots .Accfm.:Nr.—.llobt. Duncan, of Penn township, met with a serious accident at Saxton on Thursday last. When the passenger train stopped he stepped off in front of a train in mo tion, and was ran over. The right ankle was badly crushed, and the left leg was cut off below the knee. TuEsoAY, the 23d, was the time of the winter solaiee; whoa the sun in its annual revolution, arrived at thttt point in the ecliptic furthest south of the equator. The daS-s'n7lW commence to lengthen and the nights to shorten. FlRE.—Part of the roof of the resi dence of the family o Mr. Pope on Railroad street, near gas-house, was discovered to be on fire Thursday afternoon last. The flames were ex tinguished before any considerable damage was committed. The fire was supposed to have originated from the sparks of a locomotive. ME remains of - Nicholas Decker, of Juniata township, who died from a wound reeeiv;cl at Antietam, were brought home last week and interred in Yoeum's graveyard on Saturday, with the honors of war. WE are gratified to learn that John B. Miles, Captain of Co. C, -19th Regt., has been promoted to the position of Tull Pennsylvania Legislature will meet on the tlth of January. Co.. A happy Chrktfflas to all PuoTouttAm Pictures are now taken so neatly, and are so cheap, as to leave no excuse for a neglect to gratify a relation or friend by leaving ono's por trait in their hands. But photographs, singly or alone, will soon tarnish, warp, and lose their natural beauty.— Ilence, the necessity of a Photograph Album, which is the crowning feature of the whole. It constitutes a'• Reeord," for the display and prop er preservation of the Card Photo graphs of the family, or of friends and others, which for beauty of design and completene-s of' execution, has never yet been equalled. They are adapted to the pocket of the traveler, or the parlor and centre tattle of every home, and are so tu,efld as well as so pretty, that whore roe one is introduced, more are sure to toilow. They are. indeed, becoming a household necessity, as the Alban, in which a family group are all gathered together in this way, soon --Srmics i as-umes ine•Aintable Especial attention i 5 Called to the various ~ tyles whieh can be fonnd at Lewis' Book Store. They are unsur passed for durability and elegance of knish Nylkile the prices are such as to bring them within everybody's reach. Each ..11binn is furnished with a title page and a neat index in which to cu ter nam:s. lboranxv Pnt.sENT5.----.A. full stock of presents for the holidays, received at Lam,' Boole Srona. Old and ,yotmg can be accommodated. .I.arge and mail i'dble,ll - yynn Books, Misecllano ncom- Ro 11 Photograph and other ..11banis, a large stock' or inlere,ting books for (ho young folks. Games, Toy Book;. a heavy ;tmd: of Pocket - Books, Purses, Porte-moonaies and Wallet`, Jewelry and dime pocket Cut lery, Shawl Pins, Violins. Guitars, Au cordeons and file , ;, fino Toy Polo Domino and Checker Boards, and a great variety of other articles suitable for presents for the Holidays. linprove, You,. A.SIOI and Pre3erre You , ' .4%:/ns.—A. 1311LNBAUM, Practi cal and 3.lanufacturing Optician, takes pleasure in intbrming the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicini ty, that 11.3 has opened a Store one door west of Dr. Dorsey's, with a large and varicty stock of Sp: ca'aca',]!, cum prising Convex and Concave Glasses. such a, lief, Cy,fai. and &,delt. ble, and pnrticalarly de:dres to recom mend the superiority of the last-named Glasses. Ills theoretical as well as his practical knowledge of Optics, and his long practice in the Oeculistic sci e nce, enables him to adapt, after an exam ination of the eyes, those glasses which cor r e spond with the defect of near, far or weak sight. (Masses can be iittcd I to any frame, of any shape or color.— Please call and examino_tho Spccioclee. tin becayres and rh o to - yroyi,, , ,, t a k en I at all times on reasonable terms. Also, Segars, Tobacco and Meer ' schama Pipes constantly on hand. Oct. _'£ Cm. A SAD ROMANCE, [l , l um tit: I:oputli,an.] Ou S.tturday afternoon, a patient at the Thirteenth Street Baptist Cintreh hospital, named John G, ILilt, of Coin l i - patty K, First Michigan, became tem porarily insane, and in this state walked toward a wintiow apparently for the purpose of gazing out, (which is noth ing unusual for those patients who are able to move :trotted.) Suddenly how ever, a crash was heard and it was soon discovered that ho had leaped through the window to the ground below, a distance of about twenty feet, Those in ai'endance were soon by his side, and had him immediately con veyed within, wheite every attention was paid him. No serious injury is believed to have resulted from the fall, though his face was badly cut, by the The ciicutimtlances which are said to have led to this unfortunate c vent. are at the same, time melancholy and interesting. It being necossary some time since to amputate his arm in or der to preserve his life, he wrote to the young Lily to whom he was engaged, inlorming her of the fact, and statin, , that inasmuch as be was now maimed for life; and therefore, as he conceived, unworthy alter love, he would not insist upon her fulfilling the ongge- BEE She instantly replied, in feeling terms, that though dear to her before, lie was now more than ever, having so nobly and cheerfully suffered in country's cause, and added, that had both arms been lost in the patriotic cause, he would'even be the more en deared to her, if such a thing ware pos sible. ilex fidelity, after his sad misfortune, which he seemed to think rendered hint unworthy of her love, completely' unnerved him. lip to this time he had borne his sufferings with great eheerfalness and soldierly fortitude, but he has lately been very touch de pressed in spirits, and subject, occa sionally, to the loss of his reason. We are glad to learn that be was doing well yesterday. r a- While one of our chaplains of the army was repeating this line of the Lord's prayer, —" Give us this day our daily bread," a soldier added, with a loud voice,—" fresh." TOBACCO IN ILLINOIS.-TIIC Vincen nes iStot says that about fifteen thous and acres, in addition to the usual number, were planted in tobacco on the eastern border of Illinois during the last season, and that the yield is more than the average crop. One acre of this land, says the i.Syn, will often produce two thousand pounds of cured tobacco. TIIE Loss.— The Oil City Register states that the whole amount of oil lost by the late ice gorge, is not less than 80,000 barrels, valued at 4350,000. One hundred and fifty boats were lost. The whole amount awaiting shipment was COMA barrels, the half of which was FaVed. FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC The Battle or Fredericksburg Despatch from Gen. Burnside to Gen. Halleck, Particulars olf th Enagement 1,152 Killed, 9,000 Wounded and 900 Tahen _lTai,r (1,',?. , r 11.1 V. liallicLG,•P Ij , •Lf 1:. eit-wrol:—IIvo th,‘ honor to oti'ot the following ti tt• un-; to,r inoving flit .I.rmy et tin: l'otonnie ner,e, the It:tp palinnuoel: th:ln Ava's led Ihe Pro•:Plont, orlV,lr of• ytt;tr,ulf, cro- , ing ht a clitC•N'eut, I . rolll thu one indicated to you :It Inn' lai,t meeting at the Pre,ident':,: During my preparation t'or (ro,,ing at the place I had tir,t :.-el..‘eted, I dh, covered that the enemy had thrown a largo portion of Ids force down the river :ma ekewhcre, tit?, weahoning Ids defencc; io front; and I :11,0 thought 1 d: ,covered that It,; not anticipate theof our v, hole l'orce at Frederick.,burg, and hoped by rapi it throv,in2 - , the \vhole command over at that plac:s! :-; , parate, by a vigorom, atta':',. the 1'0,%• , .:, o the am:- my on tl:ela..'ara - from the forces behind and on e tii cre,t, and in the rear or the town, in v. Lich ea-be we could fight, him with great luivantage in our favor. To do thk we had to L ,:ain a hei , A lit uu tlae extr,2nm right or I the crc-I, w1,h2 1 ,1 commaluleil a road httelv made by tbe enemy I rm. 1 . 1, e purpo, 2 note commit hication :,Lang 1.15 11ne,,, 111(11 point. gaincd, I,h v.,:tiou aloug the t• and lie eoul,i li\eLi on Irmat I nti,n.i; Iron! iii nection a :au', eutcut ii I.llu re.tr or the erc-a. How near we came to aceompliAing our ohject native report , " will But for the fog and unexpected and unavoidable tklay 01 . building the held gc,, which gave the enemy twenty-four hours Moro to ColleelltMle his threes in his strong, positions, we would al most certainly have succeeded, in which case the luittle would have hem], in my opinion, far more decisive than if tyro had cro, , ed at the pine IS clr,l:*!- lerted ; as we came very near simcess, I.' ;i lli n gin ar:f-ompli:liog the :Drill olleet, Ave remained iu cw.lor battle two cla:ys, long enough to c1er..!;..1: that the enemy xvould not «nn oat ()VW', ~ A rongholds to fight us with his influi try, after v.hieh recro—,evl to do side of the rivet unmole: , ted, without the loss ofmen : n ut property. ,Vs the day broke our long lines of troop"; w,ro 10011 marching to tl:eir dillerent po , itions as if going on purr ado. Not the lea (10:r.orall::ation or (Ih-organization exi,ttiti. To the breve otileci-, who net , oinpli-died t! .• ft.::: at [hit-, r0er0.3,111L.,, ero.3,111 L ., , in the, cit.... 2 ti k , ellorh y, otve everythin,.;. ilia the allay!: I tint r.;!-rion,ible, the ex trettie led.:url huff it Urc'; 1 10 tho :.t - rapathy, lat tho v:onn.lo.i r:o. carnest pra) - cr, th... i co!n fort. and. roy The fact that ! to nlovc fun )Yarrumton on to this line r,:thop n!.:;ain,t thy oHnion or tho Pre-A,lont, So , _Tvtory :;11,1 vour,ell and that von hands is ithout giving 01'1 OM; rs nni 1110 the more re-ponsible. • 1 will visit you very moon and give you more dcrinite inrormation, and li ually will send von my detailed report, iu whieh a special iteknowledgment will be made of the services of the dif ferent grand divisions corps, and my general and personal staff departments of the Army of the Potomac, to whom I am much indebyd liar ti, it support and hearty eo-operation. 1 will add here that the movement was made earlier than you expected. and after the President, Secretary and your , elf requested me not to be in haste for the reason that we acre supplied mneh sooner by the different staff departments than was anticiptL cd wheo 1 last •-aw you. Our killed amount to 1.1:r2, our wounded about ti,),060, our prisoners about 1)00, trbioa It ive been paroled and exclian,. ; ed for ;Wont the same number taken lv TLC' \\ Minded \vcre nlI r, moved 10 ; thi, side ofithe river before the evaeu : ation, and are beinn; well cared 1 The 'I tad were all buried under a nag 01' 11111 e, The surgeons roport a much largei proportion than usual I igli t, Wolltitk 1,6:_l0 only being triutte(l in - the linspi tals: k . I am glad torepre,:ent the army at the pret,ent firtfc , in good condition, tit:lid:Aug the government for that en tire support and confidence which I have always received front theta. I romant, General. very resp'y, lour obedient. ervant, l.l:, BUR.N6IIE, Maj. Gen. Com'g Army of Potomac. TUE T 1 mE To SUP,L_;C' !? ME. GODLY'S _LA DIE - i' B)OK, nrol PETERSON — ti LA DII.'..S' MAGAZIN E For 1863. Tim January numberwwill be issued early in December, and it is import ant that all who wish to become sub scribers to either of these interesting and valuable monthlies, should sub scribe soon. Sta , -VriberS to the Cilobe can secure either of these monthlies at club rates. Godey's Book for 5'2,00 or Peterson's n - agazine for 5,',1,25. Xa The National Tax-Law cm bodying the organic section:; the gen eral and specific provkions; provisions for Elie appointment and governance of collectors, assessors and their assip tants ; alphabetic:A sehodule-list of ar ticles taxed, with rates, etc., etc. For sale at Lewis' Book Store PIIOTOGRAPII ALFA UM .4-1) U and hn proved styles—just received and rot sale at LT:wrf.' Book Ftore WAR KE W3o Department of North Carolina. The Battle of Kinston—Grneral Foster Til‘e.s. a 'iincn, Kee _Hundred Priso ners, (Ind PleoC3 of Artillery— Dtfivi.J (ic;?cit(l Eri n 6. Dee. 11).—ti, Fu lcra fon_e•-, liac L.Ll:en rsitl,l,oll. X . C .. ~,I pt u ri l ig pc*P-01:e's anti cicvuu riocc-; oi'artiflery. haler ut tlx e , ,Ht;tiii , tcl-ro.in antC(.l,i ,, ling cdptuly of liiu. , tzin 1r: (.;eneral clel:ealL•11.110 reb el Coney:ll Evnil, 1 ~ t 'Fite 1Z1c111n.,11,1 c(mi.lin..;: - 1 ):11r t .1 ~t;;Co n th• l t ro:w1-; con :21.t, 0.0 on I tyl)rcviou-. crolo 1h L,u•l: once, t;c,:k Evans nn, coolpell:11 to rclipo, t Iv s grovAly injurud by bomliar•lnient. Sr. fury recoiveJ a le patch from (;kineviii Iterron to the foltowime eff , Jet : II 11.1 v:• cro the ..Irl;aohit's ri with his il:iintry. tide I\lariiimiuke rvinains On the north with his cavalry. ‘if men from Hind:nit:C:3 lull joininu; that, of Ccinir:il of otn-i:tu.., 'no rcpt ;ii- n,L Vk tilt! 1'011•21 (-um in I in• \Ye-4it vow the con virtion Cunt it- curt!iiir THE WAR IN VIRGINIA. !: 't ) 2,11 v.;;!1 the ox c'ol:tion t \vo lirod fr,ol our liiil Htt,..rio , to di•por,e 11,11td , l't`LlL'r.', WI 111'3 plait' op te :=drongly piel;:et the riv er I dol 011 r iront, hut maintain it peac_ , fal condition with oar own 00 sidc. !evcral int inhor,-; of the Coininitteo on the Condua untie war in (In tien ate and lioti , e are hero to day. exam iidn,c into the (•:111 , 0 of the rocent re hnl 111111 evnt-A:ttiwo or the ; . • , ,tititerit of the Ihtnathannock. ttro of Sitinuc‘r (0-night. . - 'rile rcpcn•ts nr oar tho into batUa make t h e nunolLT than has ta_cu thin 1-1.tr.:1 an d r.)01) 1.11',t2y 1, , ,1'0011 Of \\ 110111 V, wort:W.ol. We 14)-4 Su:) in.h-nwn-i and took .out at; many. Despatches from the Rebel Gen, Leo contain l ', Jl 1 ill in 111 .1•AIZ 1.:1i11(4_1 11,i , 1110 0n. , - my 11. r., , 11 , ,ipp , ...tred in 01111111111,,Ii:Itt riont, the 1:•;!), , :, 1 , ' 1 1•.•.„1... -- i? H•vu:. ex-ei tIR iN MEM krcH.:•.• iz.; Iton. S;•(.i.(4:11.1 - :-0,1 thenig!it o! t!ic 1.11.!1 the t"tehtN - coniott. , N(.o ,l , te litootoidc 2 :Wove Frtd,'ri.. i •-huets• all. c•terdity ci,•t;ing the third :Moat a m la aiel a quarter trail arrived ovcr the • •tree road. with below, near the month 11611 . throe hundi,d, 0f . .., wound," tied a The plain on which Fretierie!:.hur:r , tra i n Ica , expect i l e,. t „h„,ht itio eTalikftlY the rentaital;T, a.;;! ::l-o all ic-titinietil by the hill; of St:taunt, urd the openly. that no offec.t„,tlopiio.tition The ceittrid taJin rune in could heat:erect to the constrat lion of ; trr, L n •.„ h d: AL„li t i u „ the bridge, ;o• the of the river pi , : ~„1 t h ey r „ . .p oc r, without expu‘ling nil tr,,,p , to the de- ; their (toter:ult.:oat, the .1 unction, Mak -,tritutive the oh tut Latitel'utai icatte- i„, 4 their way Otto t h is c i ty mi l er I i; earth e;:iiitt-ive of the wounded Con. . . were t () re.lerates who weve expeute.l and lia,l 0pp; , •40 1;1,; advaliee a ter ta'al--i11,‘2;; the ;lot a...rived up to 11 o'cloul: last night. aarrolvlie-s or the ! Abont, •'05;.; 01 oar w.nnalail have i2en cour-,..: and d ; !lave Irccn it ;;;,,,,,,rtuniiy :ow Ow (•.‘ : , 1 „1 beyond ...111 , re;nli , fhe would, our artillery. tf,y had \V ; ,;(I,:e ( . 011(1I t CM l'e(1,1 it'd the ad 1v.i.h..1;e;1 by Th • hit vieo nfa :rurgeon. 1,11; the lur,i, ;Ivo \R bind: ti a %vm.. 0 :",,,,v; partiv , eneinv ;it the th, - ; eit . ;;t pwlit ern-• . nn , w1n.:• , 2 lc, -holler c nill had. our '‘r rj'r llll 012 WO Of woro " driven olic nnd vonVotion ; , the In i•i„e:4 wle - .. co.....'eted :thou t icem on the 1I; h. : 5t,,, , ;,!. try of the /':e cipl. of iii,' ,c7•:,`(2 011 the aA,•r,mon or that. (Inv, the , '-i'Ay‘tti'g, from the tat Dqy vi' I)eeeni ,.ll:.loy.:, hat teri.'s opt,.. I hrm the h''il. 11:01, fit the 38th D , 1,/ , 61 _Yorem yit y. :Inuit y d„ r k 1 1 , t ,i . 0 4 a,olished I bet, -P - -";-!, Beth - 1 )( 1 , 1 1.5 b , (l ,l, ice• lion 11(111,0,( ' on 11(0 U1„01 1 1.,;(11. It,l. tO (10- ' - - pl ll lVe our :-kirmisher-: of .5 - hi'.er, and, : i•: , lk • • . .$ 5,239 61 under cover or 14-4 guns, he c-nete Ia ' Anclion C S onunis , sions • • 16.690 40 todgmeta in the town. The troops Auction duties . - . 23.:‘,77 50 , v h o h a d so g ,di aut h. 1,,!,1 the p „, i l on ; Tax on hank di x idends. . 1.•••;;;,516 59 in the city during the severe ciiiin..n_ Tax Go corporation sleek 42.3,403 74 ale ,tikrin.; tho' d ay. 1 .,...,1,,[ wg II ! , a d- : Tax on real - and per,,onal Vance or tTi«mulayat every step, were I c`l-atc, i"eindll'l'S halt .- withdra , ~- Nt n during the ni , dit. as were mill tax • • 1,762,049 OS (--, , 111:30 Ilio-0,.. who , wiLh signal t enac ity. 1 Tavern licenses - . . . 225,146 53 had maintained their post at the J o \v _ i Netailers' licenses . . •,..:71,355 3 et , l , hi'ill ,, e , ;. Under cover of darkne , s ' Sample licenses . . `2' , 15 00 .1-, and aof dense co,: on the Tali, it 1at...4e , s"o:a'• -, ' lie , lalses • . 1.317 51 force pas , ed the river and t0 0 k. 1 ,04_ I llrokerL,' licenses . , 7;. - 3 , -,7 83 (,nu on the ri..4„lit hank, pr,Lcte tel hy Thcalre, eimls and me"ag . theh• heavy gum; on the lett. i (Tie licenses • . (In the niot•nint or the 13111, hi, :tr. ! Distillery and hrev, cry li rangements tine attack beind, complet- 1 el'ilm's • • • ed, about, It o'clock—the movement 113illiard room, howlini , sa• veiled by a rog—he advanend boltlx in loon and ten pin alley li. large Force again-t our right, wing.-- I ceases • . General Jackon's corps occupied the i Ealing hnime, right or our lim -, , N\ Idyll rested on the t and re , tanrant licenses . IF , ,1:11 10 railroad. General Long , trceL's ;ell e.::- ' fattest Illedi , ' .lll e l'•.atilses • 1.511 65 tending along die heights to the rop- ' l'"Illl'hlet III."" • • 274 37 r. pahahock, a'., , ,ve Vre'det•iek.4burg, and ' Militia tax . . . 24.009 31 i General quart. with teen brigade:. of ' - 11 t 1 ( .1 '' , ' tax • . , 1,063 31 cavalry, Il as po-lied 111 the Exton,:ou ! PE,1V1,,!11 insurance agencies 33,328 '''•l plain on our extreme ri . ,,ht. A i ~ , mni ' Tax on writ - -', v. iih',(-1: , 2 , 4 4 , ias the advatic3 or the enemy wit , ill,- ! , ' , :v• • . . 61,070 37 coveted throe It the c,,,, , ,, den. stua L l.. Tax on certain ofiit el; . 12.567 00 IN ill his zieenqoffied proolpine, , , 0.. , :,%:- , Collateral inheritance tax . 1t , '.1,301 66 ed up his section of Lore artillery, ' ('surd toul, . . . 5.:1; 1 1 03 which opent , tl with eftect upon his . n ote "I'Public property • 1 . 020 17 liank and drew upon the gallant rel.: Tax ou enrollment 01 laws 5,4)55 01) 1 lulu a heavy lire, o:ltich he atc4itineil l Prolaillta'' on ellarlor , • 5. 5 55 75 1 tintlinchim s dy fot• about two hours. 'Military loan 01' May 15th, I In the, meantime the enemy wan: flit - • . 807.I:I50 00 fiercely encounterc,l by General A. I'. , Tax On loans . . 213.057 1!) Dill's divi , ion. forming General Jack- interest On loans . . 9.036 04 hOll ' S right, and alter au obstinate l'reininnci on loans • . 33,06'3 03 combat, repulsed. During this attack, I Tax on t•ynnage, " commu which teas prolr::eted and both , "on- I tallou of" 3,/bILL."..IIJ2ISLT.,LP`.C=I. to 1 l'. ; that, PROM AB,KANSKB, SOUTHERN NEWS, 1), ,z; ME tested. two of General Ilill's brigades Banks paying interest on were drawn back upon our second line. the public debt equiva- General Early, with part of his :lids- lent to currency . . ion, being ordered to his support, drove E,cheats the enemy back from the point, of Free banking system woods he had seized, and pursued hint Pennsylvania Railroad into the plain, until arrested by his :u•- Company bond No. 5, re-, tillory. The right of the enemy's col- deemed . 100.000 00 011111, extending beyond 11111's front, -Vccrucd interest 8,8;1,5 56 encountered the right of Gen. flood, of Refunded cash ordinary . 207 32 LonANtrcei.'s corps'. The enemy tool: Ilefunded cash military . 20,5013 42 of a small cup-e. in trout of Annuity for right.‘, of way 10,001) 00 but were quickly di , po- , sez , sed United Stales Government 605.710 52 and repulsed with lore. _During the i Pees of' the public offices . 2,639 511 attack 0,1 our ri , ,ht, the enemy was i Tax on brokers and pil -1 ere--,fug troop:: over his bridges at I vale bankers Fre.lerichsburg, and I11:1• them in The unknown, front of Long-Area', litie. conscience" :-'oon alter hi-, reitake on oar rie;111, :•witinonceil :t acrir, of at laolc, on (an. With a view of obtaining po- Balance in the State Treas cr inn of Ito' itninedinttely ury. November 3001, overlooking the town. The-e repeat- I.'llll, available . 72 attack., were reptil4ed in gallant nepreciated funds in the lr by the Washington ..Irtillery, treasury ; unavailable under Col. Walton. and a portion of .\icEaw's 111VI:,1011, which occupied ISM \Va:, att( . l dark, NVII( . 11 COL hattalilai b a d r e li e ved A rtiliery; ammunition had been and ended the conk...A F.n• the day. 'Fla:, enemy \va-,! -app , ,rt,"; ,tack, by the lire or , trong hatterie-; of artillery on the riltlit bank or tl,c t iccr , a. 'yell as by H; tunnerolvi heavy batterie.3 on the Stafford It our 1o:—, - daring the operations, ; t-ince the inovnitient, of the enemy an, amount:, to about eighteen Lund red killed and wounded. Among the f;,1111,1', I IT:2,l'Ot to rellOrt Oho death of ac p:ltrioti,i soldier nitd. Thot , no: (.'o1,1). t•tito lull itigmt ottrlort. Ainoi),g 1110 I.'tL t .: tI iL l.ttto :oltdier accom itiittitett gentlettittti, illrigailter-Getwr:ll :Itt.NAty wlto watt - very :et•orely, an d it i, mitrtally wQttit(lt..,l dtt- ring the'attayk on our right. The en emy, to day, Iht:, been apparently en •d iu ( . 10,- , lllg for 111,-, ccoanolc.l and hate Ili , : troops a re hie in ttieir la) .ition, in line of hattle, hut, n ills the eNeeption of some cannonading and firing be, twuen hc , has not attempt -0(1 to renew tho attack. About five liundred s and fifty prkonen, wore tak en during iho engagement, hut the lull extent of his unki,own. hare the honor to be very respect your obedient servant, (:tigntth) Gen. IL X LEE. 31aj. :mil A. I). C. (O(Ncial) ME Further Aocouutri from Richmond, iho Lod G .11a.tzey Gregg, arrit - ttcl in Rich t:lmA Into (ill . -, [olulzty night, and I\as 1/1::: - N 4 1 in the ()Nice oPthe Provo,t Nar ,hal. wa-, platto(l ill a oollin, ardl ro t: nt it 'Ctto , ,lay tatornoon, when the City II:tit:Ilion an l Pul,lie Guard, \vith full itrid, e•:corte , t it to the Po iler,kirg 41e1)01., Oil the Ivay to South ! o c • ti :it the ); , pert:l,e•le \va, ;O:.Li :I ct eAr kith 1V01111•LNI I= t c 1(; - :I L-, tri hit (.;11:2: r,pl to 'ilk. , ;,,i• hy lorr;!.1,. ;It el 1\ iltz, ;11),Ydi OE OMB CA , V . ill I.IIY, ME The rived at nip, o'cl.1c•I: 111111.11- 111 , z, dt)NVII tlV() :11111 tri (Mr W 01111.1 0 ,1. :111(1 fbr:2, - (if ;h... ,7 1NANCE3 OF THE COMHON WEALTH. Amount of revenue rutlanoe ill Trea , liry, available and unavaila ble OEM 1,- -- peticliture,fJ of the Coointouvr32.lth • - Sant Mae y v( the .I . ',lyiervit of the State from, the I,t /). t/ of Do:em br,l:q;i. f.r the e;i't 11.1 y (11 , qt ty.s cc. Expensesui Government 7 43,801 03 Jlilil:II expeip,e;, ordina l't.nn:-.ylvunia volunteer, in the Litetiro' with _Military expenses for de fence of the State and - Union per act of pod I'2, 1861 Military expenses for de fence of the State and Union peract of3lay 15, 1501 . 400.548 CO Hilitary expenses for de fence of the State and Union per net of April 11, 1802 Military expenses for de fence of the State and Union per act of 10, 1802, and paid out of the appropriation of May 15, 1801 . I Pensions and gratuities, ordinary . . Pew,ion.i paid under the acLuiJluyl3,liA . Charital.l. imlitutions Earn High School of Peniwylvania Ic . orth I ,Vestern State -Nor mal School in Erie Co. . Philadelphia School of De sign Cur woman . . Cu:ninon Schools . . . tly.2 pct. 1)111 12., ru(1 , ...2:11c I filicve—i vii 1.:;:;:5 ' I J , J . . oLt he . i \ \ c:, Il,nibs - o r 1.•.56 . Al)at,-.w.•1)(.., 0( :,lcru,nl c appra:,ers aud Commi6 ;,:;73 01 10.qi9 9-1 3,7.22 17 In or liot,e ..;ri - 1,090 1)0 ta , cs of 55.211.747 63 G 1,592,15:i7 72 LeANT I.TION $5,211,747 63 ~-,'(;,80-1,3S5 3 of Pennsylvania. \illo t 1. - Mst and -it, to L'ir I I:1-2:1, I;citi:-.4 - • .vitich it in. that • it 1 , ".1' • fiwn fr tit ver:,- par!: p i.ver has. propo-, , d ill L,l:tra:'lOe shivery forever in the State- , , South bat remain in th Union. Mr. Lincoln's tir-A me,--ilge to Congre-ts in .1 illy, IrOpO,n - 3 no Preedom to the slava but announces the subjection of hi:, owner to the will of the Union ; in other wonk.te the will of the north. Even after the battle of Ball Ran both branches of the Con4r,2.ss. at Washing ! ton re , ohitiiM.4 that the war is Only `X:lAnii to uphold the (pro slavery) Constitution, and to enf , tree. the laws, tniany of them pro-slavery,) and out, of one litin.lrtti and seventy-t'ar't votes, in the to they reeeived but two. tind in the ...i,mate all but ono vote. the army commenced its torch the Uominandiog General is tied an order that no :A.I.VCS should be received into or allotted to follow thq , i7;4,590,509 tio i •mnp.' j The statement inado by Yancey & a matter 01'1d-dory, aud embraces _ filets undeniable, and shows that the _ - I rebellion was not on account of the 0 'I:USES OF THE BE IUas of their el;;`, BELLION, The object then is to he determined by other limners of history--and the . . EMU tt.t t'~ i;if~.rii ;:ii7 t; . 'l, hanking Alnvilth)ww., to ttic.; Co:t ME= Uni States Govern tax . :~Ii~~~~l'•~"~u,a 13:tht/11."2, iu tile Stilt° Tre:l