STRAY BULL.— Came to the premises or the enbacriher in Porter township, the latter part of September last, a large black Dull, with Ebert horns, left ear cut off and silt ,e right one. The owner is requested to coma torn ard, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be diepoerd of :scolding to law. Oct. 28, 1882,• JAMES ALLEY. NEW CLOTHING AT LOTT' PRICES. M. OUTMAN PUS IIIST OPENED A PINE STOCK OP NEW NULL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Which he offers to, all who want to be CLOTECEID, AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES His stock conflate; cf Ittady-mcdo Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, MIII BOOTS AND sums, TEATS AND CAPS, i.e., 4C Should gentlemen desiro any particular hind or rut o r clothing not found in the stocV. on hand, by leaving their measure they can be acconumidated at short notice. Call at the cornet of the Diamond ; over Long's Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Guntiogdou, Oct. 2',1562. • CiROICE FARM FOR SALE.- Tbe old "MEANS:FARM" In Canoe valley, Hunt ingdon county, Pa., ono and a half miles nettle from Spruce (tech Station, of P. C. It. It. It has about 100 acres In culture and 40 acres timber. Has excellent timber; tho best: of water; good build ings; satiety of fruit; very productive coil, in Ono condi tion; thrifty, intelligont neighborhood, and good home market. The owner being resident abroad, will sell on terms most unusually easy, Hsi) desired. Pay $2,000 before let of April next, and on the balance have as many years isint as you wish; so that crops lON 73tulke the payments. A rare chance for young beginners to obtain one of the Gast farms in the county. Or pay the greater part In good stacks or bonds. For particulare apply to John Owens. Esq., Birming ham, Huntingdon eo., Pa., Attorney-In-fact for the owner. Sept. 15th, 8 m. PATRIOTS • TO T FIE RESCUE!! Men Wanted to fill up one of the best Regiments in the Field. riiTIFI undersigned, in accordance with beneral Orden, Hood Quarters of tho Arm), anti un er the direction of Capt. R. I. Dodge. Oeneral Superin tendent of Recruiting Seri Ice for the Stile of Pennsviva. nia, has opened a Recruiting Office at MAKKLESIJUIZO, Huntingdon county, Pa. I am authorized to outlet men for any Pennsylvania Regiment now in the geld that is not rth emir full. Subsistence and pay to commence from date of enlist ment. Sergt. JOHN MoLAUGHLIN, 53d 12egimeut, P. V. Oct. 20, 1562. On Recruiting Service. PRITIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &C., &C. ESTIM FARMERS' NURSERIES, NEAR HUNTINGDON, PA We invite farmers and all who may to in want of Duns and Plarrs to crumble our stot,tr of 'l.llnlY7l tiltOWi TRtr9, At crow. , :zauced prism; to salt the times, consisting of APPLES—A Lino stock of tho most approved varieties for general cultivation—Food size and thrifty growth Price 10 cts. each. Ce READS—Choice kinds, Standard 60 ets., Dwarf 40 els. each. CHERRIES—A fine assortment, 40 cts. each. ' PEACHES—Dor stock of peaches ts•fine, comprising a collection of choice varieties of superior excellence, fur, fishing a succession ofsipo fruit from tho lot of August to Use Ist of October. Price ten etc. each ;$8 per 100 PLUMS—A list of the most desirable and popular kinds. Price, grafted ou plum stoeks, 50 Os.; on peach stocks, eta. each. APRICOTS-6.0 eta. each; NrcrAlmits—to coots each. MP= ---nrrraTE of In? hat tarieties, sold at tho very lowest rates, varying in pike from 15 cents to .11 each. Any of tho now and era. n nei,a .• on band, be ordered and furnished hi tho very low est rates. CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES, STEAWBERRIES, do. Early elders are earne4tly solicited. Packages-of trees will be delivered imlfu ntin Oen free ofoxpenso'to the purchmer, and duly forwarded by the :Taroad to - any place Ito may dodge:de. Any,inguiries by letter respecting Mock, prices, ,le. oTlll.rociiti.Ye prompt attention. The morselled zero located 5 mile, N. E. from Hunting :don, on the road leading from Huntingdon to Cron never -Mill. and one mile S. E. from the Irani. Spring, - Address JESSE UORSUCII, Sept 17-7 m, Box. I, Huntingdon, Ea. BANK NOTICE IN pursuance of the 25th Section, First Article of the amended Conatitulion of the State of IN and the Post Section of the Act of the Gen eral Assembly, passed the that day of June, 1539, the un dersigned citizens of the Commonwealth of Peunaylvanin hereby give notico that they intend to make application to the Legislature of said State, at its nest session, corn. lancing the first Tuesday of January, 1803, for the char ter of a Bank, to be located in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, and State aforesaid, to be tattled the "BROAD TOP BANG ; ' the capital stock there of to be Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars, and the specific object for which the proposed corporation is to be char tered is to trap act the usual and legitimate business of a Bank of issue, 'discount, deposit and exchange. DAVID BLAIR, I J. GEORGE mitts, JOHN J. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM LEWIS, 71.11. WIGTON, A LEXANDF.It PORT, lIOBT. HARE POWELL, JOHN It. HUNTER, JAMES MAGUIRE, GEORGE EBY, DATIL , DUNN, A. R. STEWART, 'INGHAM. Juno 3, 1.562-Znl, MEM BANK NOTICE OTIOE is hereby given that the un dersigned citizens and residents of Pennsylvania are associated themselves together in partnership, and prepared a Certificate for the purpose of establishing a Bank of discount, deposit and circulation or issue, under and in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the Gen eral Assembly of the Colmnonwealth of Penns)lvania, approved tho 3lst day of hay, A. D. 1801, entitled a "Supplement lo an Ant to establish n systesh of Free Bank ing in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from Insolvent Banks, approved March 31st, 1000," and any other law or laws of said Commonwealth applicable to and bearing on Hid subject. Tho said prop sed Bank to bo called "TUB HUNTINGDON COUNTY BAN to be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, in the County of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, with a capital stock of out hundred and sixty thousand dollars, In shares of fifty dollars eachos ills the right and priiilege of increasing the same to any amount nut exceeding three hundred thousand dollar% WILLIAM P. OftBISOS, JOHN SCOTT, IfILLLik DORRIS, DI ;3EOI - Car:W. a July 22, 150-01 n. WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPLIIS, NORFOLK, Se., TAKEN.—ASIIIIF SLAIN, AND THE BACK BONE OF D SECESII” BROKEN BM while you rejoice at tho euccom of our gallant troop., and the mosy.ect of the ',needy downfall of the Babel Army, do not forget to call at the More of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and ace our new stalk goods, consisting of Ally Goods, :o,%"1 , Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Crockeryware, Mune°, Segall., llama, 81tooldere, Flab, Flour, Salt, and a generef assortment of notions, all of which or. of fared on reasonable terms for cash or produce. 1/uutingdon, July 1,1882. ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS this Fall aud Winter . . My Film were purchased in Europo, previous to the rice In Sterling Exchange, and the New Duty imposed on all Yore, Imported since the that of August. I would also state, that as long as my stock lasts, I offer It at prices proportionate to what the goods cost me; but, it will be imposible for me to Import and Manufac- ture any more Furs, and sell them at the same prices, owlng to the unsettled state of the affitits of the Country. Remember the name, mtrober and street: John Varefra, (New FurStor 718 Ali h Street, Philadslphla. it'ept. 15, /SOll.-Lin. 1862. THE 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF BALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES LOWER PraiOS'S Than the same article can bo bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOON. One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. TO ARMS! REM TO TILE STORE Or SIMON COHN, and see the new and elegant assortment of Goods ho has just received consisting in part of Dry Goods, Grocer fes Queensware. hardware, Clothing, &tam% Shareft, Hats, Caps, Bnols, Shots, and all other articles kept in cuoutry stores. which he is offering at his Mammoth SP,res, nt Coffee. Eon Station, at niiiPinidlY toff prices. The public are invited to call and examine his Goods, Having ei .anganients with large firms In Philadelphia and otleli easter a cities. he is able to tor - his goods cheap er '..nror other country merchants. and can consequent!), Undersell them I In exchango for goods, lie takes all lauds of country produce at the highest cash pr ices. By ',lna attention to the Masa, of ranitomers, he hopes to reeds e n continuation of the liberal patr image with uliich he has been heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of t h e Woad Top B. It. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepar ed to ship all hinds of Grain to the Eastern mar has tins ins a large Ware Hoorn, fat reels can store with htw troth toady to ship. Every con venience will be afforded them. Sept. 10, 1102-If J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIUNTISODON, PA. Office on Hill Street. • tavl:-tf. T 1 ALLISON M1LLER,7,7 , 7 - 4. BEYTIST,Q(.i. Ras t °monad to tho Brick Bow• opposite the Court House Aprti 13, 1833. T E. GREENE, DENTIST. JILT t/ Office en Railroad street, °pima° the Jack eon lintel. Iluntingdou, ra. Mar.h 25, H T. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. ISOI-If. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! . Yames A. Brown sells the [rumba "PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL clear as water. This is the only hunt of oil that ON es tofu e satisfaction as no agent fur light. •Deu are of conotet felts nod colored carbon oils. They emit an offensive smell nod smoke. A large variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes. Wicks. Earners. Shades. So., Be., sold at the very lowest prices,at the Ilardwale Store, 1.11.1..th1f,- don, Pa. TAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER !I ! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drarriug Paper, Deed Papo', Tissue Vapor, biltr..Papar for Flowers, Porforoted Paper, Bristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, .I.stter Paper. Commet clot Note Paper, Dube,' Out Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladles' Phan and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Shear For sal° et LEWIS' Book, Stationery nod Music Store. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail. 50.000, BEST QUALITY WHITE, DUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just received and for rola at LEWIS ' BOOK STORE. JAMES 3f. BELL JAMES ()WIN. TROMAS MILER, BRETTSO3I. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS ATZ MLR DISTINOCIFORD OFFICERS REP 419111174, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SILE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STIES. JOLIN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH Street. low Eighth, southside, 1 3 1111.1DELPIII., Importer& Manufacture rofuud De.ller in all kind. f FANCY Mild, for La fes' and Children's wear. I desire to my to my fends eflllintingdon and le surrounding Counties iat I hare new in store, 30 of the largest and lost beautiful assortment f all kinds and qualities f FANCY FURS, for Lni ma' and Child, en's wear, int Kill 130 morn during wiNDow sHADES, CORDS. 'T'ASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A li,sadoolno nEsorttnent just received and for sale nt LEWIS' 1100IC, STATIONERY& MUSIC STORE. CCALI F at the new CLOTHING- STORE of GUTMAN & CO., if you nont n good artfclo Clothing. Store roam in Long); now building, in do Dia mond, Runtingilt t. Sept. 8. 1857 fl 111 E largest stock of Dc Laines in town by FMINIt S SON. fl ALL at D. P. (7 WIN'S if you want Fashionable Good• WRAPPING PAPER ! A g..tlarl:ole AA Pule at LiOriK ETORP CB LEAVHS' EH Consists of upwards of Ellag Kitchen, 01lice, Store, Shop, &c., ckc AT COFFEE 11UN STATION, lIIINTINUDON, PA KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COF FEE. • Tins meparation, made front the best Java Coffee. Is recommended by pb3swiana ne n supetior NUTRITIOUS BEYERAGI: for tlepetal Debility, Dyt.pepsi.t, and all bilious diliolders. Thousands mho !MN e been compelled to abandon the use of coffeo will use this without injurious effects. One can contains tha strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price Yo cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, pnreet and licet BARING POIWIDIIII known, fo winking light, RA NA and lintinious Bread and cakes. Pi ice 15 cents tnrekCriltro Pr M. It. KO/JACK, enunsr, Corner of Broad and Chestnut .:reetz, P1111.111,1111t, And sold by all Di uggistsand Grocers Fel). `-'4. I.SG2-Iy. r iII E S 'l'. L 0 0I S, CIIESTNIJT Btre t, Leh, eon Third and Vourtlt. Philadelphia. Tile under,igned, having haqcd, for a term of ? - eat C, thie popular house, have the plc quo of announcing to their 10,41(111nm: thin traveling community, Era It 11 now ripen for the t eruption of gne , t, The Eats) since fins 1 . 11.1 t of Mal chi !act. Iv, been entilely renovated and refit ted Ina stip.rior manner: the apai tincittl are large, cell ventilated and Ism niched in model n 4t . ,‘ fa lt Pi centrally located, vonvonient to all the dopot nod bhamboat land- Ingi ' nod in the immedi to ',omit) of the Custom nonce, Pitt oit,e.• and the Corn l'Ac'n.nge Connected a ith the lintel is a M caul ant for the or connod.ttion of [host, inefertlng. tho I , :tn,w, an ploll. Prices of Itoonn, from Threo to 2even Dollar, per wool:, arm - tams to locatlen. 130011 $1 1,0 per dal. Table d'ilotc fel nwehants and busines, glen float 1 to 3 I'. 31, April S, Isa 2-13-• O , 1 i 2", *CI N'Nz,, eO9 = L, w'4•4, : O C' F.l in ' 646: ; • r^ , --1 = 11" En W' i k o. .-1 '> • (( (1' ) = ‘,` • / aIE c t'_ • / = W : g m ) , • ,aeo, B 3 -cf URISON ENVELOPES AND PAPER rOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. TVEAR131,14.3 l'Att r). undersig»ed ir incubi ~,v,,truily colt tine attention of the citizen , of Huntingdon and the adjoining et/linden to the stock 0 beautiful nimble no, on hand. Ile in plop:vett to fun Dinh at the shortest notice, Monumental Mat ble, Tomb, Table , and Stonen of every ibndicd vice and form of Italian of klantern Marble, highly did/died. and carved wind :vino print" devices, 01 phun. H 3 mat Hutt. Pudding Mint tile, Dour and Window Sill., , alit b. tomb/lied to older. W. W. pledgcn 11111.901 f to filrilish material and trod, manship equal to nay m the country, at a bur mite. Call and nee. bane you much.° elsea hoe. Snap on 14111 stied, Huntingdon, WM. 'WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 13,1955. WILLIAM AFRICA - - - - DAS AGAIN COMMENCED THE. BOOT AND sffor—vAxixo. ONE DOOR EAST OF 11. DOMAN • S CLOTHING STONE Hid old cuhtontots and On public generally, gill girt Mtn a call. [Huntingdon, Oct SO, ISSS.] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW I'IRM! The undersigned resueetf,lll3 inform the puldle. hat they hove pm chased the ALEXANDRIA lIRFAI crty and will continue the Widnes% arid endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will be promptly attended to, NV M. ROTITROCK, Alexandi la, Feb. 22, 1860. W 32. N. rrum TiuNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN 111..15T AGAIN eillywrihn, tqlr. I,;. 01 infolnung then' It icnnts and the publin gnlttnall,:., that ..••••• tc,,, _...„ • hey tune ichittlt the Huntingdon Pour Pour m r.,,‘,.... 1 thy. and Mc 1101% 11) :tierro:roloprtation ' y ~, and ale pig. ed 10 1111 . 11.11 ( AStlnghl Of ,ft• t r o ~,, et etc ih,cliption. of hest quality awl ~:.--.1 v.otltnnunhip. on short untko, and cu rotdon.'ble terms. Fro JUDO 1110 111111 , 11 to 01111 and ovine inn our Ploughs. We me unanulactut tog thin Hunter Plough. This plough took the hit pi ioniuni at tho Hun thigdon county Aglieultntal Fail loot Lill. Also. Hunter'.: colela ato.l Cutter Ploughs. Obiril can't be bent—togother with the Keystone, Hillelde and Pal-.,hear plough, Ir.+ have on hand and ate 111111111factuing Stucco—such as Cook, Pallor, aud Oilice 810%1, 101 Count or coal. Holton Ilan+, cotwoong of licttle, Bullet, Skilletx, .t.c., nil Cl which we 101 l sell cheap for at-0n or in ekeloinge tar mum try produce. Old metal taken tot cooinga. Ile 1-1 1111 ICI latoll 0011 to hostiles, and it de:iro to pli)LiC, 00 hl.lllO to re col: e a libel al 'hale of pain: patronage. ,1, M. CUNNINGHAM 3: CHO. Huntingdon, Apol CO, ISSO. EADY RECKONER. ft, A complete locket Beady Iteclionor, 1p donna awd cent., to mind, au, laird lonna of r otos, 11111 s, It, ceiptv. Petitions, de, toget het a Rh a ,t of awful tables containing rate el nrtslt el tu n s one dollat to to etre thous and. by the mtigle day, a tilt a table of target, and braid by the week and doY, pubh , b...l in 1030. Por oats at LE iris , • 1100 G STORE. . 0 ,•* . c1 : 3 R, BLANKQ , 1"8". BLANKS, ATTACIUT EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS, DEEDS. CONSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACILME:sIB, SUNIMONS, 31ORTG.kf; ES, JUIKIM ENT NOTV,S, NATURALIZATION WK S, JUIR:NIENT BONDS, SUbNENAS, 9CIIOOI, ORDERS. LEASES I , olt 1101JSE9 OM3ION WNW, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES. with a waiver of the Law. JUDGMENT sorEs. with n oats or of the 5300 Law. ARTICLES 01' AGREV.%IENT. aith Teachers. :MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES. for Ju>t lens of the Peace and Miniiters of the (impel. COI PLAINT, WAItRA NT. and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault end 11,dtery, and Antay. t..01E1111 FACIAS. to termer amount of Judgment. com o wTons , It ECEI I'TS, for State. County, School, Borough and Too nehip Taxes. Printed on sepet for paper mu, for aalo at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANES. of oven . ,ph e n. pt Riled to order, neatly, at shout notice, and on good l'epor, SONGS AND BALLADS, &C., The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, The Dime Union Song Book, The Dime Military Song Book, The American Dime Song 13oolc, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Sangster, Direy's Essence of Lund Cork Songater, Gus Shato's Come Songs, Berry's Comic Sons, The Shilling Song Book, Zover's Irish Songs,. Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiquette, New Dinic American Joker, The Dime and other Novel., The Dune Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Diane Dialogues, Kos. 1 rf• The Dime Speaker, Nos. 1 & 2 The Dimc Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book For Hale at 11,W18' BOOR, ST , ll7.o.7trai AND MIMIC STORM. Pi' you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call nt 0. ' nlielo you etll find tho largte eu bortment in town. QLD BRASS AND COPPER taken in excbgngo for goods at the hardware Etore l. 3, 1102. ,lAS. A. tinown MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTSIENT. Thu book is on octavo of 500 pages, is elegantly printed on line paper. utth non' bold t) pr. and has an admirable exilauslice index, for whiel, every• officer will be grateful, the Moment his (4)0 rest., upon it, us no former edition has eve) had an index, and the scant of one has been lung felt in the A) my. Thu Appendix embraces the Articles of War. contain ing man) inipoi tont 101 rect ions ; also. selections from the Zililltary Acts of Congtcas, including thoiie passed at the last sesiiiou. 'luck: $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEM& BOOK STORE CAVALRV TACTICS, [AI727IORMED ED1.770.V.) ByMajor William Gilliam, U. S. A Jost pnblithett and for anle nt LI:WIS' BOJ1( STORE Complete an one volume. Price $l.OO. - UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the instruction. exctri•+e, and manoeurteq of the United Slat, Infantly. including - In. Lamy of the Line. Light hdmrtly. and Rifle men, prepared under the dirrct ion of the War Delat tment, and authorized cord adopted by the Secretary of War. May lot. Mil. contain. t mg the bLheol Of lire ,nldier ; the of the I s cotttP , otY in 4 lt ttLtion for ~kit audio . , and rho genet al calls; the odic for skirtnidiet o. and rho reboot of the battalion ; including them tided of war and a dictiount y of military terns. Complete in one Nolame. Price $1.25. For sale at Lein.' Book Stone. 111:NRY NEIL, ISAAC L. DEVOE, THE HANDY BOOK NUR TIII ULVITED STATES SOLDIER, On coining into cornice: cnntnining a complete optem tit instinction in the echool ”t• the Soldier. with a Nen:nit:le :3 explanation of the Cot :nation ot a Battalinti nu Parade.. the Position of the oil!: 'to Ac . Are.. bring a 11101 hook on inticaludinn to at:llea:zed U.S. Inlanti.3 Tacti3c,jnot rule lilted. come. Fur into at Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete in 2 tole. P.lee $1.50. Fen solo At I.I:WIS' BOOK STORE. An-The Books b) mail to any relliess on,tha re eipt of the m ice. Ilnutingdon May 28.1861. cCIIOOL BOOKS, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY S 3IOSIC OSGOOD'S Spell. r,l3t, .2d. Bd. 4th nod Sth Mailers. MIG LIFFEY'S Speller and Readers. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller nod Definer, (old and now editions.) Swill's, Bllllloll'B nud Brun, lI'S Gi 1111111111 l a. Fitelt's Physical lleogiaphy. Was ims's I'll 3 dent Oeogiapliv. mstchelFs. Mouteith and McNally's Lleogiapides & Atlases Camp's Geogiaphy. 1,1111 Key to Mitchell's Outline Maps. AI rioter's and Wm cestes "8 Dictionaries. Osumi:adios' ku•st Lessons in Composition. Quaelsenho's Composition and Rhetoric. Oreenleat Is. Stoildisid's and Brooks' A rithmeties. Peterson's Fiumliar Science. Gl conkarx and Moddard'A Nays to ArlthsnetLeS. Cellie.lf mil Davie,' Algebras. Greenleaf's Rey to Algebra. Parker's Jurestile Philosophy. Parker's First Loyaiiis in Natural Philosophy. Pas ker's Philosophy. history of tins United States. • " nods ich's Payson, Dunton And Seribnor'a Penmanship, In sloven numLrr P. Potter A Ilassimond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Contrallera' and otli, Copy Books. Davieti Elementary Ocomstry and Tslgononietry. Oar Ire I,Agendres Lleonsetry. Or. enleat Ocomei r. liiiton & Eastman's llook-keeping. Book ILeeping L,• aingle Esau, by Banal - call & Payson Book Beeping b 3 Single and Duublo Entil, by llanaford Payson. Other hooki all' be added and furnNied to older. A full Atock of School Stallone] p always on Laud. Huntingdon, Pa. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID AsslnTrmumxm _ PENS ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C. BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens PRICES-25 ets. per dozen or $2 per gro,s rpHE "CO RIIIJ GAT ED METAL" rEss, mode by C. BARNARD, nro tho brat Com• met clot and Odom! POIN, Without exception to any.— They are uted by all the pi Mellott limits and Got eroment Departments. Public and Pile ate Fchools: also, by the most prominent Commercial houses throughout tint Qni• bed State. and Canaan. But u short time tine elnpsed elnco C. BARNARD'S PENS Irma been Introduced into the United States, atilt a mark ed pi olerence is gin en them 111 el all others (or the follow. lug remotis : The '• Cot 3 ligated all t l" PIC\ S do not nor. roar; they will not , platter of ent thlough One tloniomt paper; they hale an 0.59 gliding motion. a eel talnly of equal!) diffiving the ink, sortnesi of point, :toil gum: dn. The lotions lug te4timonmi9, aolt,eted front nmuuruuy (Abets, aro toiptctfolly ,ulnoitted: I have aced the 31ciallic Pens of Mr. C. Barnard and apptoeo of there C. BABSToW, Presubne 0/81, Nicholas RtnA, -Veto Fork. 1V o "are tied illn Peas of Mr Barnard, and find them to lie no Le repr,i,..lite., mid t•ko please,,' in recommend ing them to the pubhe. WELLS, NA Cl)., A. MULLILIAN, Cashier. C. Pm nard'a Pens have Wen triad, and are highly ap. proved in LIM office. 5. O. 001),N. Auditor U..S. Cd:lant -Yew Ybik. Haring h led the cm rogated Pens made by Mr. Barnard, reaommeud them ae excellent. SACtUEI. L. BREESE', Ciammandane -Nary rim; Broo FOR RY2F.YBODY. We add ours to abovo recolumpodationc IL It. CROMWELL 4: CO. Navy Tot k I have no hesitation in saying Barnard's Pens are de cidedly the best i have ever 11 4 eti. S. C. HAY. kient. Lialed Slates Er . press Co., New irk. We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Barnard's Anti- Corrosive Pen. as the best ever brought under our notice, Nrlthout exception, We halo been ening the Pene of Mr. C. Demand. and take grant pleasure in recommending theta to the public, as they are au excellent at title, and 111 Ito represents MEM Upon trial wo bore found Mr Bornard'a, Pena to be ex oellent. FEED, PROUST Sc CO., New York. I would recommend Mr. Barnard's Pone as a superior article to any I bare used. . - . . We add ours to the above recommendations. UNDEREIILL, lIAVILAND b CO., Now York Of ell tone I have over used, Mr. BornrirtPa have given me mole satientetion. and I eau termini - lend them to the public on being entirely anti.coriosive. E. POlitElt, Neu. York. After six months' constant trio of C. Barnard's Anti. Cot roei,o Pen. no can confidently imanniend it 11.4 the beet metallic pen me hal . ° ever u.ed. finding front dm above ezperiouce that it does not actually collude. E. McLEAN.S. CO., Now York. C. BARNARD, llnnufactorer of Corrugated hlutat Pen, John Street, Clerken well, London. .hmo 18, 1862. STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND GENTLEHEN, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, At LEWIS' 1100 K. I , TATIONERT AND STORE ME MAUS' 13001 c. STOIII3 AL 0, Ifuyroa DON, r. A LARGE STOCK EEO Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE PE ! 1 NS GET THE BEST! I= AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county WILKINSON, STETSON 3: CO, Park it'ace, ..New nrk T. B. HUGHES, Orrhier. MONE2I Secretary Eagle Insurance Co, New Yorl, GOUVR. KE3IBLE,ICorr York THE BEST CAN NOW BE HAD PROEESSIQNAL &. BUSINESS c.laws DR. JOHN McCULLOCI-I, offers his pt ofessional set . , ices to the citizenv of Huntingdon and tielnity. ORice on 11111 street, one door east of Heed's lirog Store. Aug. d 5, 'J6. Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Mali k,.cones. Purfunwry, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Ac. Also—Oru eel les, Coillectiosiel ice, AC., Ilnutingdou, Pa. WI. LEWIS, Dealer In Soulo, Stationery null Musical Justin rents, T N. CUNNINGHAM S.; BRO. Fouuderm, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, c Dealer in Ilurdwale, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e., Mutt l'a. lItO - M A N, Dealer in heady Made Clothns, Hata and Calm, Boots and A T GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in lyady jui_ e lnode Clothing, Huntingdon, In. DP. GWIN, . Dealer in My 000,14, Orwell°, (lm dm me, Queens m .110. lintd anti Caps, Boots and, Slioev, FISHER SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Chain, dr., IlmaiDgdon, Pa. WILLTAMS, y Plain and DI naniontal Mat ble Manufacturer. COUNTIIX I)I,ALERS can bo 3 curl:HIM - 7 float ell ill Huntingdon nt Its theatit nit they eau in the elites. RR I hale a wholt , ale rata in Ph Iltlatittg,luv., P. 01114. IS'A. IS KONIAN. c'± TON E-1V AREat S. S. Sltlith's p•r cent. cheaper thou ally uthor Out' Id town 4 1 z L