STRAY BULL.— k) Came to the premises of the subscriber in Porter township, the latter part of September last., a large black Bull, with short bores, left ear cut elf and slit in right one. The owner is requested to come foroard, prove property, pay charges nod take him away, otherwise ho will be dlepns•.d of according to law. Oct. 25, MU.. JAMES ALLEN. CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. GUTMAN lIAS JOST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who want to be • CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. UiB Stock consists of Ready-m.lO Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, AI4O, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC, LC. Should gentlemen device any particular kind or cot o f clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their Measure they eau be accommodated at short notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocery, MANUAL GUTMAN. Ifuntiogdon, Oct. 2 0.862. ('IIIOICE FARM FOR SALE.— 'no old "MEANS rAwm" in Cauoe valley, Hunt ingdon county, Pa., one nod a half miles north from Spruce Creek Station, of P. C. R. R. It has about 100 acres In culture and 40 acres timber. limo excellent timber; the best of eats; good build ings; variety of fruit; very productive soil, in fine condi tion; thrifty, intelligent neighborhood, and good home mnrket., The owner being reddent abroad, .111 sell on terms most unusually mop, if so desired. Pay $2,000 before Ist of April next, rani on the balance hare as many years time as you wish; so that crops will make Mc payments. A rare chance for young beginners to obtain our of the best farms in the county. Or pay the greater part in good stocks or bonds. For particulars npply to John O. ens, Esq., Birming ham, Huntingdon co., Pn, Attorney-in-fact for the owner. Sept. 15th, I DI. PATRIOTS TO TILE RESCUE!! Men Wanted to fill up one of the best Regiments in the Field. rpHE undersigned, in accordance J . with General Orders, Head Quarters of the Army, and under the direction of Capt. It. I. Dodge. General Superb], tendent of Item ailing Service for the State of Pennqyl• nia, has opened a Reel oiling Office at MAKKLESSURCI, Huntingdon county, Pa. I am authorized to enlist men for nay Pennsylvania Reginient now in the SAd that is not already full. Subsistence and pay to commence from date of enlist. meta. Sergt. JOHN McLAUGHLIN, 53d Regiment, P. V. Oct. 20,1062. On Recruiting Service. FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &C., &C. ITEM FARMERS' NURSERIES, NEAR HUNTINGDON, PA We int Ito Qa mers and all who may ho in want of Team and PLANTS to ONAIIIIOC OUT stock of THRIFTY WILL GROWN TREES, At greidly reduced prices to suit the times, consisting of APPLES—A fine stock of the most approved varieties for general coltitation—good sire and thrifty growth Price 10 eta. each. A' PEARS—Chore hinds, Standard 50 cis. : Dwarf 40 chi tack. . . CHERRIES—A fine assortment, 40 eta. ench. PEACHES—Our stock of peaches is fine, comprising a collection of choice varieties of superior excellence, furn ishing n succession of ripe fruit from the let of August Co the lot of October. Price ten cts. each; $d per 100 PLUMS—A list of the meet desirable and popular kinds. Price, grafted on plum stocks, 50 cts.; on peach stocks, 20 cts. each. APRICOTS-50 cts. each; NECTAIIINES.--20 cent. each. SELECT GRIPES GRAPE VINES of the best varieties, sold at the very lowest rates, varying in price from 15 cents to $1 each. Any of the new and rare grapes, native or foreign, if not on baud, mill be ordered and furnished at the %cry low- C3i, 111 ft, CURRANTS*, GOOSEBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, RID Early orders are earnestly soli( Red. Package§ of trees will be delivered in Huntingdon free of expense to the purchaaer, and duly forwarded by the railroad to any place ho may designate. Any infinities by letter respectto stock, prices, de. will receive prompt attention. The nurseries are located 5 miles N. E. from Hunting don, on the toaddeadlng from Huntingdon to Crowno et 111311, and one rude S. E. float the War to Springs. Address JI:S.S.E GORSUCH. Sept "I.T-Tut. Eos I, Huntingdon, Pa. BANK NOTICE N pursuance of the 25th Section, First Article of the amended Constitution of the State of tenusylvania, and the PRA Section of the Act of the Gen eral Assembly, passed the gist day of June. 1539, the un dersigned citizens of the Comnionuealth of Pennsylvania hereby give notice that they intend to make application to the Legislature of said State, at its nest session, com mencing the first 'Tuesday of January, 1853, for the char ter of a finale, to he located in the borough of Huntingdon, In the county of Huntingdon, nod State aforesaid, to be called the a BROAD TOP BANK ;" the capital stock there at to be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, and the specific object for uhich the proposed corpoiation is to be char tered is•to transact the usual and legitimate business of a Bank of issue, discount, deposit and exchange. DAVID BLAIR, J. GEORGE STILES, . . WILLIAM LEWIS, ALEXANDER PORT, JOIN J. LAWRENCE, R...11.111GT0N, JOHN R. HUNTER, GEORGE EBY. A. R. STEWART, ROBT. HARE POWELL, .TAMES MAGUIRE, DAVID DUNN, BEM E 33013 Juno 3,1332-0 m BANK NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned citizens and residents of Pennsylvania avo associated themselves together in partnership, and a prepared o i t i l l s.” t Certificate ie p o f s e i t r purpose and c o o n f o e r s l u t e s h a r and in pursuance of the pt °visions of an Act of the Uen• eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 31st day of Mar, A. D. IS6I, entitled a ...Supplement to an Act to establish a system of Free Bank ing in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss front Insolvent Banks, approved klarch 31st, 4860," and any other law or laws of said Commonwealth applicable to and bearing on the subject. The said prop-sed Dank to be called "TEIC HUNTINGDON COUNTY BANK," to be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, in the County of Huntingdon, and State of Penns) Ivania, with a capital stock of ono hundred and sixty thousand dullms. in shares of fifty dollars each, with the right and pris Dego of increasing the same to any amount net exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. JAMES M. DELL, JAMES GWIN, THOMAS FISHER 1111E17.90N. WILLIAM P. ORIMSON, EMEZIEBI ifILLIAiki DORRIS, ,Tn., GEORGE W. G July 22, 1862-om. WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, ST, LOUIS, ISIEMPIIIS, NORFOLK, Sc. TAKE.N.-ASIIRY SLAIN, AND THE BACIf -DONE OF "SECESII" BROKEN Tint n }on rejoice at the success of our gallon troops, and the prospect of the speedy don nfall of th Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, am! see our new stock goods, consisting of Pry Goods, rocelies, _Boots and Shoes, Queen ow a re, Crockeryware, Tobacco, Segars, flame, Shoulders, Fish, Flour, Salt, and a general assortment of not lona, all of which are of bred on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Huntingdon, July 1, 1102. FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS illy Furs were purchased to Europe, pre% ions to the rig. Irigerling rschange, and the New Duty imposed on all Furs, Imported since the first of. August. I would also btate, that ns long as my stock lasts, I Wit offer it at prices proportionate to what the goods coat me but,lt will ho impossible for me to Import and 3lauuf turn any more Furs, and sell them at the same prices 011iug to the unsettled state of the Weisser the Country JA7 , ,ltemember the name ' lumber and street: Job Pateiiii:(NeW Far at i•rd 7 E I Al eh Street. Philadelphia. ISt,: -In: 1862. THE 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OP WALL FAN Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery•and Ittusk Store. lEW AND ELEGANT STYLES LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, Tho Parlor, Sitting Room, D.ning Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &e., &e. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. TO ARMS RT:SII TO THE STORE OF SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, and see the new and elegant assortment of Gocls ho has just received, consisting in parlor Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware. Llilrdwarr. Clothing, Bonnets, Shalulx, ]foil, Caps, Boots. Short, and all other articles kept in country stores. which he is offering at his Maimuoth Stoics. at Coffee 1t,,,, :station, at unusually low prices. The public arc Invited to call and examine his Ooods. llaving a, rang. meats with large firms iu Philadelphia and other eastein cities. he is able to buy his goods cheap er than other country merchants. and can consequently, mulcted! them I In exchange for goods, ha takes all kinds of country produce at the highest cash pricer. Ey strict attention to the u ants of customers, lie hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal pall °nage with ninth lie has been heirtufore flo med. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the 11, cad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Ron Station, and is prepared to ship all hinds of Urain to the Er.stein maikets. haling a largo Ware Room, far mers can store with him until ready to ship. Every con venience will ha afforded them. - Sept. 10. 1102-If J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ATTCYRNEY AT LAW, 111.;NTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill Stroet. nuntin g don, J nn. 14, 166 f. R . ALLISON MILLER, DEVTIST, Bea removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court house April 13,1351 g E. GREEN.E, DESTIST. Office on Railroad strcrt, eppordte the Je.,11- son Hotel. Ilonttngdul,, Pa. ..11nrell 23, 1508. H T. WHITE, itTTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 2, 1561-tr. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! Janice A. Brown sells the genuine." PORTLAND NERO SBNE," on COAL OIL. el,nr ai water. This is the only kid of oil that gives entire salieadion as an agent for light. Beware of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They omit an °Bemire smell nail smoky. A large variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chlmne3 s. (blokes, Wicks. Burners, Shades, Ac.. Ste., sold at the •cry lox est prices, at the Hardware Gore, ila"t mg• don, Pa. pAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER ! I ! Tracing Papar, Impreaeloa Vapor, Drawing Paw, Peed Paper, Maya Paper, _ Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforoted Paper, Bristol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plata and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Papor, In Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store, ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail, 50.000 5 BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Jolt ',retired and for salt at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF PA us DIETIFOUSEIRD OYFICTIIS AS) Cllll/1.39, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' NOOK AND STATIONERY STORM. • PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LAROE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, . FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STO2I 301 IN FAIMIRA, 18 ARCH Street. dote Eighth, south lido, I'nILtDELPDIA- Importer& Manufacture, of and Dealertn all kind. f FANCY FURS, for La ke and Children's wear. I desire to say to my tends of Huntingdon and no surrounding Counties lat I have now ma store, to of the largest and ost beautiful assortment all kinds and quaint. 'FANCY FURS, for La ies' and Children's wear, tat ufil be worn during WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, 'TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A laualsomo assortroeut Just recolved and for sale at _ LEWIS' BOCK, STATIONERY& MUSIC STORE CULL at the new CLOTHING- STORE V.) of GUTMAN ,k CO., if you want a good article o. Clothing. Storo room I u Long's new building, in the Dia mond, lluntingdrii Sept. 9, 1851 THE largest stock of De !mines in town by FISHER & SON. CALL at D. P. (1 WIN'S if you want Faahionablo Goo& WRAPPING PAPER! A good article for sale at LEIVIB' 1100 K t..ior,r w s 9 BM Consists of upwards of EEO HUNTINGDON, PA I(OLLOCK'S DANDELION COF -IF.B. This preparation, made front the tint Java Coffee. ix recommended by ph3Sid.lllB IN a 411pClior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia. and all !idiom disorder, 'Mons:m.l. an 11011:11, been compelled to abandon tine use of entire Mill UV tints o ithout injurious effects. Our can COIIIMOS the strength of Onto pounds of ordinary cffee. Price 25 recta KOLLOCK'B LEVAIN, The poro•t end b,t BAKING POWDER known, for rlAking light, avert nod- nutrillo. Di earl uud eak. CI tee It rent, IS %NIT VTLT nt, nr N. IL KOLLOCK, C11,119T, ['oiler of Broad and Chatting &reds, All , l sold by all Di taggis la and Grocers Feb. Firll E ST. L 0 LT IS, cnEnNuT Strout, between Third and fourth, Philadelphia. The under,igncd. having lensed, for P term of years, this popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their hoods and the travelog community, that it is now open for the reception of gusts. The house since the first of Maid) last, has been entirely renovated and 'ela ted Inn superior manner; the at artmentl ore large, well ventiPited and famished in modem nt,lle. It is centially located, convenima to all the depot mid t.teambnat land ings, and ni the immeduito vicuna of the Custom House, Post tithes and the Corn Exchmige. - - - Connected with the Ilottl 1.1 n Itrgtaurant for tho ne. conuned 111011 of tll.O lill`ferllll3 the European plan.— Prices of Booms from Three to Seven Donau, per meek, °cradling to location. Beard $1 50 per day. Table dalote for merchants and business mien hew 1 to 3 P. M. Apia S, Ig2-ly ,Ai 0-d r , w = ;.. ~.. en , .-1 Ei U Vg 1 0 EM ENVELOPES AND PAPER YOlt SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. in IL AItiILE YAItD. The undersigned 11 ‘sould respectfully call the attontlou of the cif Imo of Huntingdon and the attiolning counties to the stock o f beauktol marble now on hand. lio to plOpaled to at the ninon trst notice, Monutnental Moi hie, Tooth, Table and Stones of Os cry llili10(1 F. 170 1111 d loins of I Enlists or Medan, Math)°, highly ibliglied, and correct mill, app., pi into dot ices, or plain, as nest suit. Building Marble, 1/our and Window Sills, &c., will be fin n blied to order. AV. AA'. pledged hinvielf to fin nialt material and work. mandiip equal to any in tiro country, at a lair pike. Call and too, heroin ynu purchase clown Leto. Situp on Hill street, Huntingdon, l'a. AVM. Huntingdon, 7.,Say IC,, 1955. WILLIAM AFRICA HAS AGAIN COMMENCED TILE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOlt EAST OF 11, ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ills old customers and the public generally, mill giro hint a call. [Hntingdon, Oct. 20, 1858.] A L EXANDRI A. BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! The undersigned terpertfully infolm the public hat they have pm chtt.ed the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and will continue the busiuore, and endeavor to give general eatbfachon, All Indere trill by promptly attended to. ItOTIIROOK, Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1820. W:11. N. KIRBY. TIIIE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY 1N ,AST AGAIN!—'f lie subsctibers take ON method of informing their fi lends and rho public generally, that 4.-- le they Imo rebuilt the Huntingdon Voint" htR: r ff t 1 , : u 3: 1 , n a u t , t , tl p i , it e e p, i , i , o e l i t t o i sfint,r,focis:llii,o,,i;tri Coalinga t o t i l ip i ,_ IJ„ „ , c , . ‘ v r ,: t re: nn , , lzr , i i I: . t ie . 1 , 1 • ~ ?, f , ,,l tt e ,t notice, quality unit and o n reasonaide let 013. 1,110013 MO 111Nited to call 0101 exam ine our Ploughs. We ate itiantifitcturing the Hunter Pletmh. This plonch took the ilia pentium o t the Hun tingdon county Agiltultinal Tairlast fall. Also, Hunter's Lelebt rued Cutlet Plouglui. which can't be bent—together with the Ke3stotto, IltlNtle and Ilai-cheer ploughs. IV,: hallo on hand mid ate inannfactuling Stoses—arch a• Cook, Pat lot, and Other edovt , for wood or coal. Hollow ,are. consisting of Kettles. Motels. Skillets, he., all of which ice will bell cheap for c , Pdi of hi exchange for coon try 100i111.. Old metal taken for eaßtniga. By a ott tot attention to Ineditos, and a desire to please, we hope to re coke a liberal .share of public patronage. ~1. 31. CUNNINGHAM .k HBO. Huntingdon, Apt II 30,1356. hEADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars and cents. to a bleb ate added tot ins of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts. Petitions, , together with a set of nsefnl bailee containing late of interest it inn one dollar to to else thous and, by the single day, with a table of v.age., Mid board by the week and di*, published in 1 559.. For sale tit LEIFLS' BOOK STORE. PLANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ) CON STABLI,'S SALES ATTACIIMENI 5, ATTACIII' 11XKUTIONS, PaEcIiTIONS, EMI! =I SUBNENAS. MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES POE (HOUSES, NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, FEE DILLS., NOTES, with a waivel of the VIJO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a n elver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, 0 Mt Tetaltete. ,MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Ponce and Minkters of the Gospel. COMPLAINT. WARRANT. and COMMITMENT, In case of Ashenlt and Batter), and AiTtay. FACIAS, to recur yr 0010001 of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Slate, County, School, Dolough nod TOW 114111) TRW, Primed on iMpOriir paper. and for sale nt the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANES. of every description, piloted to order, neatly, at short notice, nod on good Paper, SONGS AND BALLADS, &C., The Dime AfelodiA The Dims Song Book, Ko.l, The Dime" Union Song Book, The Dime ,Vilitary Song Book, The American Dime Song Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Songster, Dixey's Essence of Lurnt Cork Sovsler, Gus Shaw's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiquette, New Dime American Joker, The Dime and other Hovels, The Dune Letter The Dime Dreani Book, The Dime Dialoguss, Nos. I. & 2, Via Dime Speaker, Nos. 1 & 2 The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book. For ante at LEWIS' MOIL STAT:ONEIIY •so MUSIC STORE TFyou want Carpets and-Oil Cloths, call at D. It °WIN'S whero you null find the taro, au sottment to town. OLD BRASS AND COPPER taken ill exchange for good. at the Hardware Stole . 141. t. 1'?.02. JAR. A. BROWN MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AIITHORITYOF THE WAR DEPARTMENT The book to an octavo of :.60 page, in elegantly printed 01l fine paper, Stith tee. bell 11/1S an admirable exhailitive finh.r, for 1/1111.11 e/ et.) ,Slicer xill lie ginteful, the moment his nye refits upon it. a./ nO former edition ham over had fill ind OS, and OW It Ant of 0110 11118 been lung felt in the Army. Tito Appendix enibracoa the Articb•o of Wnr. contain ing many important coirections; 01St,. seleutionsnom the Military Acts of Cungres3, including thu•e 'wed at the last session. PRICE S 2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTHORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilliam, U. S• A, Just publielled and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Complete in one velum. Pi lee 51 00. UNITED STATES. INF ANTRY TACTICS. Per the (nett net ion, cv.ei rice, anildmanoenci es of the United States Infantry, including lu (entry of the Line, light Intently, and Itifle men, inepared unilin the direction of the IVar Department, and Mabel teed nod adopted by the Secretary of War, May Int. 1%1. contain ing the school of the nuttier; the nchool of the company ; innti nenon tor skim Inlier, and the genend C. 11 1 ,3; the calls for shinninhein, and the school of the lentidion ; including the articles of Neal and a dictinnaiy ol unlit:fly [Arms. Complete in one Sol nine. Price $1.25. For sale lit Len is' Book Store HENRY NEIL. ISAAC L. DEVOE, ,0, ) a, ) :) c 4.V .4 THE HANDY BOOK UXITED STATES SOLDIER, Ott coming Into Feu, rouutatuting x rotoPh . te in,ll or dims to the :chopl of the SAM. r. with a pi 011111111 - ! y tAplnuntion of the totumtiun ott talinll out l'ar.ole, the nratuout of blue alb. nu, &c.. Le.. In illg ut blast book or inttoductuun to auttra !fed 17.9 lithutli) Tactirl, : Dm pub lushed. Price 25 cents. For nude Hardee's Rifle and Light infantry Complete in '2 Tole. Price •l 50. For solo nt It IWlb' 1100 K STORK 4 The Book, sent by mall to any rulthe” on the re mpt of the in leo. I I unt 'nylon May 28,1561. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' LOOK, STATIONIM:Y A: MUSIC STOWS, OFGOGIeS Ppillrtilet. Si. 3d, 4th and sth Readers. IPOUFFI,I"S Spelb, and Iteadele. SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new °aglow') Smith's., Bullion's nod 'hordes , Walnut/us. Fitelt's Physical Geography. reles Physical Geography. Mitchell's. Monteith and McNall3's 0 eogropli iae k Atlases Camp's Geogiaphy. with Key to Mitchell's Outline Mope. Webstei's and Win cestet's Dictionai Quackciiliou' Pit at Les+ons in Composition. Quackenbo's Companion ainl Ithrtmic. Gieenleaf's. Sioddai Ws atm "hooks* Mitt:mace. Pete, son's Familiar Science, Gicenleat's and Stoildard's Keys to Arithmetics. Gt etnileaf 'a and Dan la A lgeln as. Greenleaf's Key to Algebi.t. Put het 'is Jul mule Philosophy. Parke. s First Lessuns in Natural Philosophy. Parities Philosophy, IA Mat Xs History• of the Uniteti States. Ouodrich's " fi.‘ Payson, Dunton and F.cribusr's Penmanship, in dere)? innbern. Potter to Ilnonnond's Penmanship in twelve nmnbera• Academical, Controllers' and other Copy Rooks. Davies' lileme•ntary Geometry and Tligenometry. Dash,' Logendre's Goontetry. On•enleaf's (Iconict to, Fulton S flastinan's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single rutty, by Ilanafoi d to Pityrat Book Keeping by Single and Durable EMI y, by ilanaford Payson. Other books w ill be added And furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationei3 b on hand. Huntingdon, ho. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, PENS ! PENS ! ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C• BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens Pftwes-25 eta. per dozen or $2 per gross. THE " CORRUGATED METAL " PENS, made by C. BAB NAM), are the best Calu met clot and School Pens, without osoeptlon to any.— They ai o used by all the principal Banks 411 ti Government Depot tments, Public and Pt irate Schools; also. by the most prominent CMomercial Houses throughout the Uni ted States and Canada. But a short time has tlapud since have been introduced into the United States, still a mark ed pretertnce is Fit en them over all others for the follow ing ter,,,us : The Cot rugated Metal" PIiNS do not cor rode; they will not .platter or cut tin ough thr thinnest paper; they Lilo an racy gliding motion, a certainty of equal!) diffusing the ink, softness of point, and great du• rabillty. The following trAtlmonkds, selected hem owucroua others, aro f °spectrally submitted: . 1 hare used tho Metallic reus of It. C. Barneril nod highly umnove of them. C. BARSTOW, , nt of St. NieWeis Bank, Nov Tbrk, We haNe nied OL , • Penn of Mr Barnatd, and find them to be as het epr,Bentn, and t41:0 Wilma in recommend ing to the public. WELLS, FARGO .I. CO., A. MULLIGAN, Cashier. C. Barnard's Pens hare boon tried, and are highly op proved in this office. 5. U. OGDEN, Auditor u: S. MO= Ileum, New To,k. Having hied the corrugated made by Mr. Barnard, I can leeommend them as excellent. SAIIUBT, 1.. DRY:ESP:, Cbmntandant Nary Yard, Brooldien, FOR MVIIIYBODY We add ours to above roronunandatlona. 11. IL CROMWELL & CO., :low York 1 bore no henitation in eaying Tinruard'n l'enn Are de eidedly the bent i have eCer n,ed. 8. C. HAY, CinLtd Stott..? Express Ce., Noe York. We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Barnard's A ntf- Corrosive Pens as the boat user brought under our notice, without exception, We hare been using the Pens of Mr. C. Barnard, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public, as they aroll excellent al ticle, and repiesuuts MOM Upon trial we have found Mr Barneld's lone tobo ec celltnt. FRC% PROBST & CO., New Yolk, I would recommend nr. Barnard's Pens as a superior article to any I tiara used. OOUVR. KEMBIIi, New York. We add ours to the above recommendations. UNDERITILL, IIAVILANI) & CO., New York Of all Penn I Imre ever used, Mr. Baruard's hare given me more satlefaction. and I can tecounneml them to the public as being entirely nutkorrolive. E. POIRER, Note York. After elx months' constont use of C Bartiard's Anti- Corrosive Pen, log CRII confidently recommend it as the beet metallic pen no halo ever used, finding flout the above experience that it does not actually col rode: S. MCLEAN & CO., New York. C. BARNARD, Manufacturer of Corrugated Metal Pen, John Street, Clerkenuell, Loudon. Juno 18, Ibo 2. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, EA DIES AND GEN =HMV, EVER RECEI YE D IN HUNTINGDON, AT LEITIB' DOOK. t , TATIONERY AND lIL C!TORE ME MEI LEWIS' 13001 i STORK AL O, TACTICS, FOR SALE 111= A LARGE STOCK EMI JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE GET THE BEST! = AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county C. BARNARD'S PENS "WILKINSON, STETSON & CO., Pork it'ace, .cur lork T. 13. nualiEs, cr.ver. A. J. CLINTON, acreeary Eagle rosurrozoo Co, New York CAN NOW BE HAD PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. DR. JOIIN 3IeCULLOCII, offers his profeesional set ViC4:l5 to the citizen, of Huntingdon and vicinity. (Mice ou Hill street, one door root of need's Dreg Stoic,. Aug. 2.5, '35. cl S. SMITH, Dealer ill Drugs, Medi tines, NI (musty, 030 Stuffs, Oils, Also—Oro. eyries, Cutlftettouelie.v, Sc., Iluntingq., Pa. ill. LEIS, IT Dealer in lintrke, Stationery anti Musical metro sll , llli. Huntingdon, Pa. JM. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. o Foundera, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, Dvaler iu llltrduare, Cutlery, Painti, Oiln , Sc., Ituut ;tigtlult, in. head} Made ClulLmg, Irate and Caps, Bootti and Slioes, r . G 1 1 .1Cilr i A , N 1 , 1 % , C l O. d , o lle i alers in Ready DY. . Dry floods, Groceries, lint dware, Queens %Sal 0. Hats mid Caps, Boots and Shoes, Sc. 'SHER SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, ju de., Huntingdon, Pn. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Mai Lie Manufacturer COUNTRY DEALERS can bay CI,UTII ING 'lulu me in llonting , lon at WHOLESALE nn cheap as le:, can in thu titian, an I Int‘e, n nholimle. stow iu Pinladolpina. Ilunnaplon, Ansa It, 11. ROMAN. c,,..;TONE-WAIIE at S. S. Smith's Gro cl,), 20 per cent cheaper thou any other place in I VIOLINS, • GUITARS, SYMPDONIANS, ACCORDHONS AND Fliflitt, For x tie cheap at I.I;WIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE poc KET TESTAMENTS, 1 LARGE STOCK OH HAND Al LEWIS' BOOK STORE 1)00K BINDING. .1) Old Books. Magazines, or pnblloations of any kind bound to order. if loft at LEWIS' 1100 K ct STS TIONE ILI' STORE. 13USINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! if ou want your card neatly printed upon. enrol open, cult gt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes sunable for confidmead cot revondenre. for anle at LEWIS' BOOK et STATIONERY STORE. - DARER ! PAPER!! Note. Post, Commercial, Foolscap mid Flatrap—a good astortmen t for solo by the ream, half roam, quite or shoot, at . . . . . LEWIS' NETT BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. FVELON PES- J By the boo, park, or lots quantity, for tale At LEIV IS . BOOK AND STATIONER Y STORE. 1) A 11 MENT DEED PAPER rulecl, for sale nt . . LEWIS' ROOK STORE. _ LY ONTIILY TIME BOOKS, Ji For no to at LEII7S' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. .1100 P SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 oto,o of D. ett 'mum frometa. to $-,00 At the cheap D. I'. (MIN. ADlES.Colhirs, very cheap and beau ttful, at D. P. GIVIN'S. Splendid variety of Carpets, only 6te. per yard. FISHER & SON. pARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! 1_ c. 0., Jugs, Preserve Jnrs 6e., &c., of superior quelay. Sold only by JAMES A. BROWN, GIVIN keeps the largest, best 11.‘01 tuiont and clwapent shoes In town. Call and ox..nnno J'OOI'EI) SKIRTS worth 2 50 wil be Edd rot 2.5 at HIP cheap /dole of FISHER & SON. 11? you want handson e Goods, goad Goodi, cheap Good?, and all kir. I of (loads. got., D. P. (I WI! '5. tiALL at 1). I'. if you want v) Gum) count. )OOTS & SHOPS, Hats & Caps, the 'must ozinot tuttot and chonpet to bo found at D. P. GNUS'S uv BARBELS AND LOCKS.-A k_A large +mot anent at BROVEVS HARDWARE STORK. ri UM SHOES, cheaper at D. I'. Gwic's than Call be had ta latent. Call and nee them. rt ARK Colored Palm Hoods, best (pal l./ icy, only 50 cts. encb. FISHER & SON. A,ricA. LAMP CHIMNEYS _LJ. Just receiTed at the hardwate, store of JAS. A. BROWN P. GWJN'S is the place to buy , good and cheap Carpote. IQUORS, of, the beet, for Medicina 4 i purposes at S. S. malt's, FRANKLIN IIOUSIC, IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, CA. VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county. and att angaz a and travelers gonerally, mill find comfortable accommodations at this house. Glee non trial. [April 4, 1860,1 - ROOTS and SHOES, the largest and ohropog mot ttnent in town, nt. QCHOOL BOOKS, ky Generally in use in the Schools of tho County, not 011 hand, N, ill be furnirheil to older, on application at LE 1175' BOOK, AND ST A MINER T . STORE. QALT ! SALT!! SALT!!! Jost recnised (lon, the Onondago Salt Compnny, byracnae, N. Y to ha mold on c011....i0n, eille• whrle salo or lotail. :WU BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, 1100. . FISHER & SON. JACKSON HOTEL, nustiNaDON, PA CPUPFUS BULLER, Propridor. TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING Perm. ite and Colorcd Curd Paper, For sale At Lewis , BOOK cE STATIONERY STORE. BLANK BOOKS, OF VARIOUS aurA, for solo at LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STO Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for wale cheap, at D. P. GIVIN'S. PISTOLS ! PISTOLS !! Colt's, Sharps, Smith & Ilreslon's, and all Improved patterns of Revolvers, Pistols. Cartridges, Bowls Knives, to. &c., for sale at thu llard ware Store of JAMES A. BROWN. May 21, 1101.' Huntingdon, Pa. riOAL BUCKETS and Shovels, k . ../ for ash, by JAMES A. BROWN VOU will find the Largest and -Best L aesortnient of Latßoo' Mesa Goode at THE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can al ways So found at the chatty store of FISHER & SON. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TrISSALS, I= AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER. AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, EINE= It Tells nu How hl dun, np PuttTNEnSllll , PAPERS and gm, gram al terms for A oftELMENTS of all bind, him, of S SLY. LE Am, and PETITIONS. It Tells You Iltm to thaw up Bum,. and Monrosors, PIDAPITS, COML. of ATPoRNEr, NOTES and HILLS 01 hearers and lII:LEASES. Il Tells You The caws fur the COLLECTION of BERTH, with the STAnrrEs of LIMITATION, and amount and kind of property Exeurr from FAxen- Tioui no en cry State. /1 Tolls You How to make an AsSIONMENA. properly, with forms for COMPOSITION M tth entlorrons, and the INSOLTLN't LAIN of every State. IC Telts You The legal z elations oxi.ting between Goan. DI4N and WARD, MASTER and APPRENTICE, alert LANDLORD and TENANT. 11 Tells This NS hat Conetitotee LISEL and BLINDER, and the Lull nv to MAIIIII SCE DOM IR, the WIPE'S BIGHT 10 l'itopLl:Ty, °ROE anti ALIMuNY. It Tells You The lan fur MECHANICS' LIENS I n every State, Mitt OW ATION L Maur this cum, tly, and Iron to comply nith the same. It Tells .11m The law concerning Pt.N.sto:, and how to ob tain one, and the 14:L-Emenox Lsws to Pma.te It Tells lid 4 The Law for PATENTS, collie Iliodu Of proca date in obtaining 001., NA ith FiTeRTSBENCES. ASSIGNMENTS and 'r kin R OP PEI S. IL flits You hirer to make 3 nor WILL, Alta 111.0 to ADA.- IspLa ON IN Careen, Milk the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells You TllO inenlinig .11 LAW Ti tats in general use. and etplainv to poi the LEOISLATIVE. ESE. runes and JUDICIAL Tenets of both the General and State ('imuers. It Tals You Ilow To Kr.l r ore or LAW, by alma tag hone to do y o ur 1.1,111 , 4,4 legally, tlins saving a Tact amount of property. and vexations litigation, by its timely eumultation. Rrybody'e, Lawyer is formic at Len is' Book Store c 'QUICK SALES AND Anybody in went of FAMILY AND POCH F,T BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, Alfa OTHER yAI.I7ABLIS AND INTIIIIIISTINO BOOK, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUUBCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION DOCKS, SHEET MUSIC for the Piano, Guitar, kr., de., TopKET noon Q, ronsmovtATE3 AND PUN,NSr For Ladles and Gentleman, COLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Behanle, SUNDAY scrioor. BOONS OF ALL KINDS TOY BOOKS, ALIOILISET BLOCKS, LC., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Prover for Boyg and Girls. AMUSING GAMES WI:DDT:CU RNVELDPES AND CARDS, NARItIACI II CERTIFICATES, CHECKER DOA lIDS, DOMINOES, AC., BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of - Various Sizes, ECOOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, Drawing and Blotting raper, B 1 utal and Card Eaards. WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARIIINII, RED. BLUE AND BLACK INES, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's 'Mapping Paper of Different Sizes and Qualities, to. tc. dc. tc. ac. Be. de CEI34P BOOS, 571210Ni= can ML SIC STORE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, where all who want to go to make their purchases D. P. GNVIN'S NEW BOONS! FOR SALE AT LEWIS' 13008 STORE THE HOUSE: A New Pont m tNuAL of Rural Arcisitea• tore; or, How to Build Do oiling. Barns, Stables, and Out Do elliego of all kinds. With it Chapter on Churches and School-Houma. Nice, 50 cents. THE GARDEN: A New Versa:. Mtsum. of Practical Ifni , ticaituro; or. How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fr nits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ot naraental Trees and Shrubs. Price, 50 cents. THE FARM: A . :cm Pocaar llt eu. of Practical Agri• culture; or, I lox to Cultivate all the Field Crops. With an Essay on faun Management, etc. Price, 50 rents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New PM= )lANuALnf Cattle, and Sheep Husbandry; or, Holy to liteed and Rear the Various Tenants of the Barn-) and, etc., ate Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO TALK: A Now Natter Al•Nntt. of Conversation and Debate, 1, ith Directions for Acquiring a Orkin:matt. cal Style, and mole than Five Hundred Continua Nis. takes Corrected. Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO BEHAVE: A Now room. 71,14xsta. of Republi can Etiquette, and Outdo to Correct Personal Habits; with Rules fur Debating Societies and Deliberative As semblies, etc. Price, 50 cents. HOW TO DO BUSINESS: A Now Poouoe MANUAL of Practical Affairs and Guido to success in Life; with a Collection of Business Form a , and a Dictionary of Com. ruercisl Tel ma, etc. Price, 50 cents. TE CYTAA—The U S H HRsP:: Isresby farina Psalmodist—The Shawn—TheJa biloe—Hun ten's and Barnes enlarged and inipioved inati actors—Wetland's New and Improved Method for the uilar—Leland's Aeeor deou, 'Violin and Flute MAI utters—Winner's and llowe's Violin Instructors—Bellak's Melodeon Instrurtor—Bur rowel,' Piano-Forte imer—do. Thorough-Base Primer— Howo's Drawing Room Banton—Tho Chorus Oleo Book— Tara'. Harp, for ante at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY dr MUSIC STORE. .: . .3:10, "OA ggi,e ; iw- , i t ..,,, / 'Lim .., BOOKS ANT) STATIONERY.- A good escort ment of miscellaneous and School Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Nolo Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Block Inks= Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, nod every other article usually found In a Book and Stational y Store, can ho had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY L MUSIC STORE. I= CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at ()WIN'S. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. 0 WIT YAZD BOIL; TOCHTAINS, WASHING DISIM, AXO IGGA, AT LElllif DOO.ti A.NP TATIO.NERY STOA.F. SMA LL PROFITS!" Fancy and School STATIONERY, Fm Ynung Fnika 'VISITING CARDS, CONVERSATION CARDS, SONO BOOKS, Mom G to 75 cents = WRITING FLUID SIIOULD CALL AT LEWIS' SAYE MONEY, BIRD CAGES, FOR SALE ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULAToIt. PRACTICAL CALCULATOft. PRACTICAL CALCULA.TOR. 1)1 OHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCUt LATOR, A Book of Plain Ruler and Calculations for Ruttiness Oixs• rations, by Marlin AL Rohrer, Practical Surveyor eine! Conveyancer. New , Edition, publialted by J. D. Lippin cott & Co, Philadelphia. This monk contains 204 pages, and upunrds of 500 Rules and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical -"eh a arise every day in the common lawsuits of Blllalleks. 't has already passed through a number of editions In rapid, succession, and is pronounced by all classes of business men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaleing_to„ calcolations, that has ever been published. lively example in the book is nottied out in full and stated In a plain manner, so that when a parallel cn.e art sea, those tefercing to the cork mill find no didicnlty in solving it; Ina cord, the genmul arrangement of the CA I.CULATOIt is simple. that tiny One oho knows bow to, add, subtract multiply and di, hie. can easily soh,' any or dinary example that arises ill business, or arrive at thu true result rd any estimate t conned. The chief aim of the author has linen to eschew theory end plilb,sophy in ligiwes.ainn ng only nt facts nod simpli city, belies ling 111.0 b1,9111r9tl men care little about spen•T ding time in discus-mu; the philosophy of rules, or the. science of 'tunics. deeming, it 'efficient fur their purpose to he aisle at a moment. by I °formic°, to al rive at the true result. CA I.CIII.ATo I t Milos in this respect from lac other Alithineties or the day and kuldied oaks—it is a, key to pi actiral business calenlations—it is, in the hands, of tine htiq floss man. ulna the lacy to mathematical nut hi in the hand; of the reader in the school room—it facill: totes time met Mentes emit:eines, TLI I: WORK TREATS OF TUN Moasorement of Land. of Lumber, of Ilt id: and Brick lint It. cf Stone and Stouts owl:. of grain slid grain hint of coal and coal bins, or• Wood, 01 solids. of liquids, of cir cular, moats or it regular vessels. of smut its nod vets, of, a noting. of libisteler s, pain tet's glamei 'O. novel's, plumb-.. et'io met banger's and upliobtei eta crock. It tints of cur r e n c y nod lit fin sign and domestic exchange. of the decimal system. of reiltiCilon sort its extended application: to business. 01 hnoplo and compound interest. and their oulire epnlicati o n to basilic.s tlitto , actioni, With the lawn, and usages governing the tattoo. together allh utun.irotte cuminet riot forms-01 h•g:d tender. of pat sal 1 1 ,110111 ou 11010, of banking and hank ill,comit, of equation of pap , meat and or part aelall ip illeollllt4, of assessment of taxes, of M eights and motion 09, of bgmato and cubic measure, of the equate. loot 111111 Its 111/111111116011 to business or sonittetr, of extavotion, and of many tabor impot tont practical :natters not within the soma, of an net mist:molt to toas t/MIL IT IS JUST BOOK FOR TIM Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic. the artiztin, or the professional man. It Inns pro, en a valimbla auxiliary to tho lawyer, the justice of lino peace, Ilia coot e)atacer. and real vet., to h, miner, to the steseesor, the banker, the clerk, to the cis engineer and thin eared) or, to the carpenter aunt In ieklayer, to the etonemason and the plasterer, to the paper manger and npholiteler, to the paver nod the tiler, ac.. de.; each Rind oil in ill find it adapted to their re. Hotta wants better than any hunk published. Sfe) -- files. 50 cent, Fur sale at Lexie' Book Store. Iluntingdoo, Dec. '26, 1660. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY ROBERT JENNINGS. V. S., Prof.•ssor J J'alkology and Operatirc Surgery in the Yeertptury Cillogo Phdactelphia, tic., etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, Iffitory and ainthiative traits of the vat JUIN In veils of European, Asiatic, African and Ametican Iterate, with the phystettl formation and pc,- collet Web of the automi, And how to ascertant hir Ago by the outlaw mad cooditton of hie teeth; Anent sled with numerous explanatory engravings. TILE DORSI: AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Ywi• ing Grooming, Shoeing, nud the putt. al management of the hum, with tie beet modes of administering medicine, aloe, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Retiring., Shying, Stumbling, I:distill. ing. itestleesnees, nod other vices to which he is subject; with numerous es . plautituay engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the eauses,symptonts,und Tronttnint of Str. u tgleo , Sore 71nua1, DWGltiper, Catarrh, 1111111.1., Bruuelsitia, Puea• moutn, Cleututy, Ittoken Wind, Chron• is Cough, hooting nod Wlnethug.Latn pn., bole Mouth nod Ulceta , and Le• tu)td Teeth, oath other digensaa of tho Mouth nod Itespantory Corinne. TILE NORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tho camosoympturns,rtud Treats.n t of Worms, Buts, lie, Strangulation, _Stony Collet, Rune. Ruptures, Palsy, Let hen, Jaundice, licpatirrhea, Weedy Orion, Stumm in the luduays and Illad tier, Intlenutfion end other duessasa of the Suanach, Bowels, Liver and Uri nary °roue. THE ❑OESE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the onuses, symptoms, and Treat; (cent of Itonv, Blood end Bug, Spatin, Ring Sone, ittranie, ntraine, Draken Knees, 11Ind Galls, Founder, Cracked lloorn. Solo linnet, and tirayel, Canker ictittchol, 'Shunk eel Cetus; also, v 3legritos, P, rtigo, tpllepsy, bteggets end other dISCILILS (11 the peer, Lege quvl THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YvU Uf the cause; uymptotes, and Treat ment ot kimtula, Poll IXvil, Olautivra, Furey, Scarlet lover, Mango, SulfuiS. Lucked Jaw,liheumatietu.etaulp,Uallo, Inseam, of the B 3 e and Heart, Sc, 4e., and how to manano Caettalluu, Bleed ing. Trephining, Jloa•elmg. Yalu& /lot Ma, Amputation, Tapping, stud Oil er stitvcal opetationa. rionst4 AND 1113 DI3EABE3 IYII,I, TELI, YOU Of Itoley's Method of laming lloisel; boo to Apptouch, flatter, or Stahl* a Cult; bow to acuteturn a /OM to bilonge 801111118 and sights, and how to, Lit, saddle, /tido, and 3104: him to Harness; olio tho tom and law at WAIMANTY. The whole bring the ro• milt of 15 yem edieful study of lb. habits, ra.culinitties, wools and weak. uessee of t h is nujtv nod useful animal. For sale nt Lewis' Ituok Store. 1114 I . Ii;OPLE , S COOTC. MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS I:RANCHES MISS ELIZA ACTOR. Carefully Revised by ,Yr. J. S. Hq IT TBLLII Tot' flair to cboosea`.l hods of Meat., Poultry, end (Jame, n ith all the various and most appro‘od modes or dressing uud cooking Prot nod Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, pleklmg- and curing Ike Immo. lr Tats You All the cordons and most approved mods. of diessing, cooking, and boning Mutts., Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and pm, of all kinds the different Dressings, (hams, sad Stuffings appropriate to each. Sr Tata Yoe now to choose. clene,_ and preserve Fish of all Elude, and how to sweeten it when taint ed ; Mao all the Barlow, and most approved modes of cooking, with the dilrerout Drees lugs, Sauces, oud Plavotinge appropriate fa each. Ix Tulle You AU the Nerions and most approved medemo. • preparing ON er 00 kinds of Aleat,Fleh,Nowl, Rome, and Vegotable Soups, Broths, and Stens, onh the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. Jr TM-u You All eke Carious and most npyroyed mods, If cooking Vegetables of every description, also bow to prepare Pickles, Catsups and Curios of all kind,, Potted Meats, Ifists, Came, Musbroome, Ir TSLUI You All the verlonq and most approved make et papering and making all kinds of FUN and Fancy Pastry, Pnildings, Omelettes• Fritters, Cakes, Confectionery, Preserves; Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every dined? : Lion. Is Taus You All the Yariousand most npproyedminfm of making Bread, Rusk., Muffin., and Bis cuit, and the best method of preparing Coffee, Cbonointe, rind 'fen, mid how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Winos of vs: rions kinds. IT TAM rOll flow to reboot end ornament a Table, how Carve ell kinds of Fish, - Flesh or Fowl, and, iu short, bow to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the shoieest luxurins of the table within the everybody's ranch, For Sale at Lewis' Book Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES,' THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, TILE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOIE , I For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER; A VALUABLE BOOX, For solo at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR; A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book &Ore: LONGSTRETIT ON THE lIONEY'BEE, LONGSTRETII ON TOE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON TIIE HONEY BEE, A 'VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and 'FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRIJIi"rREES, A B;II,CT . ABLE BOOK, For sale at Lrmus , Book Store.