The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 03, 1862, Image 2
61.0bt. HUN:TINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Deo. 3,'1862. W. Lewis; Editor and Proprietor wit --- 0-7 Our Flag Forev " Pcnoto of no mode in :chid:, a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by sustaining the Flag, the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances; and UNDER EYERY ADMINISTRATION, REGARDLESS OF PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALE ASSAILANTS, AT HOME AND ABROAD." A. DOUGLAS CONGRESS.—Both Houses of Congress met - on Monday last. The session will last until the 4th of March, when the term of the present Congress will ex pire. The President's Message was road on Monday, and we furnish it in an extra to our patrons. It will be read, with great interest. The President's Message. It favors African colonization. The opinion among the blacks regarding the project it says is gradually impro ving. Our foreign relations remain undis- turned. - The President knows of no mode Which promises such certain results es the organization of banking associa tions under a general act of Congress well guarded in its provisions. - The President encloses his emanci pation proclamation of September, and says there is no' line, straight or crook ed, suitable for a national boundary upon which to divide. lie recommends the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution, pro posing that every State in which sla very exists, shall ab6lish the same therein before the Ist of January 1900 —the owners to - be compensated by the United States. All slaves who shall have enjoyed actual freedom by the chances of the war, at any time before the end of the rebellion, shall be forever free; but all owners of such who have not been disloyal shall be com pensated for thorn. Congress may ap propriate money for the colonization of free colored persons, with their own consent, at any place or places without the United States. The.-President treats those measures at some length, maintaining that with out slavery the rebellion could never have existed, and without slavery it could not continuo. Who are Traitors to Democracy? Caldwell, Owen & Co. have underta ken to read out of the Democratic party all who would not support hon est Dave for Sheriff at the late elec tion. Hundreds of votes were given for Dave then that he • could not get to-day. Then the voters would not believe that Dave had taken money out of their pockets while he was Pro thonotary, he was not entitled to.— Hundreds who had not an opportuni ty to examine the record books, thought our exposure of his overchar goS was only " electioneering stuff," With no truth in it. But time has given, honest men an opportunity to examine the records for themselves, and if the election was to take place to 7 day, honest Dave would not get frve hundred votes in the county.— And because Col. Graff. Miller, and many other good Democrats, who knew our exposure of Dave Caldwell's dishonesty was true, and refused to vote for him, the Monitor clique have determined, as in their opinion the most effectual way of getting 'rid of troublesome customers to them, to denounce all such refractory Demo crats as traitors to the Democratic party. If all Democrats who will not subscribe to Caldwell, Owen & Co's. Democracy are to bo denied a voice in the party, in its organization and nom inations, it is plain to be seen that DemocratiO victories in this county will be few and far between. And the same may be said of the party of the State, if a class of politicians such as are attempting to rule the party in this county, are permitted to control State organizations and nominations. Traitors to Democracy are the men who can be influenced by the low hueksteiing politicians now at the head of the party organization in this county. Already they have usurped power belonging to the party, and with impudence such only as is in character with the whole political life of the . men, they refuse the party the right to protest against this usurpa tion. Slavery is not Democracy, and the Democrat in this county who will submit to the rule of Monitor fac tion, is not worthy to be called a Democrat. He is a slave to the will of corrupt political leaders, and a - traitor to Democracy. xm, D. P. Gwin has returned from the city with another stock of new goods. 11. ROMAN i 8 continually receiving new Clothing. Ilc has a very heavy ,Cork on hand. Delegates to the Democratic State Convention, Our readers have already been made aware of,the fact that the Dem ocratic County Committee of this coun ty has committed one of the most da ring acts of usurpation ever attempted by any number of 111011—the Rebel leaders of the South only excepted.— Contrary to all usage, the County Committee met in this place on the 12th of last month; and instead of is suing a call for a Convention at Janu ary Court to elect two delegates to a State Convention which may not be held until next summer, took the re sponsibility of appointing said Dele gates. Wo have said that Delegates to a State Convention to put in nom ination a Democratic candidate for Governor has never before been ap pointed by a County Committee, and the ilfoniter and its clique of miserable office-seekers, will not dare to dispute our assertion. We have looked over the names of the gentlemen on the Committee, and we cannot but believe they were most shamefully deceived by men in this town who would sell them and their party to gain a politi cal advantage. over more consistent and more worthy Democrats. We ask the question again—Why appoint the Delegates so long before the meeting of the Convention ? The State Convention is not yet called and it may not meet until the middle of next summer—if so, next April would be the proper time to elect Delegates.— But suppose the Convention should be called to assemble in March, the usual time, then January Court would be the proper time, and every election district in the county could find it con venient to send delegates to a County Convention to elect State,Delegates.— But Delegates must be appointed be fore the meeting of the Legislature— and why? Simply because the Moni tor clique have an axe to grind at the time of the organization of the House, and two men who are not very con scientious as to what means they re sort to, to carry a point, must be ap pointed the Delegates, men who possi bly could not be elected as Delegates. But whether they could, or could not, be elected, is not the question. Demo cratic usage has been trampled under foot by the action of the County Com mittee, and it is for that Committee to say whether they persist or not in their act of usurpation. -STEPHEN - As• there will be a future for the Democratic party, we will give the names of the County Committee that our Democratic friends may know who to hold responsible for a violation of Democratic usage, if the Committee neglect to call a Convention in Janua ry. COMMITTEE. G- Ashman Miller, Chairman Alexandria—John B. Porter. Barree—Thomas Recd. Birmingham—John Owens. Brady—M. §. Campbell. Cass—Lewis Stever. Cassville—John Noble. Clay—Robert McNeal. Carbon—Edward McHugh. Cromwell—Hugh Cook. Dublin—Jonathan P. Roody. Franklin—David C Gates. Henderson—Jackson J Fee. Hopewell—John B Weaver. Hun tingdon—J Simpson Africa, Goo A Miller, Jas Higgems, Jos. Riegger. Jackson—James S Oaks. Juniata—James Johnston. Morris—Samuel Donnelly. Mt. Union—Brice Shaver. Orbisonia—Robert Giffin. Oneida—Henry Wilson. Penn—William States. Porter—Samuel Wolk. Petersburg—John U. Herd. Shirleyshurg—William A Fraker. Shirley-11 A Wakefield. Springfield—Lewis D. Evans. Tell—James G.McCluro. Tod—lsaac Zimmerman. Union—Samuel B. Grove. Lower West—James A Stewart. Upper West—Mordecai Henry. Walker—Joseph McCoy. IVarriorsmark—David B. Mong. THE last Monitor wanted to be par ticularly sei ore on Col. Graffins Mil ler. And why ? Simply because Mr. Miller'is not afraid to oppose the low, - sneaking political rascality of the men who control the Monitor, and who as pire to be the leaders of the Democrat ic party. It would be well for the Democratic party if there were many more such Democrats as Col. Miller in the county. Other Democrats can do as they please, but we think we speak the sentiments of Mr. Miller when we assure the party that he cannot stoop to follow in the footsteps of such Dem ocrats as Caldwell, Owen & Co.— Such leaders will very soon give the party the belly-ache, or something worse. " SKEDADDLED" ON DOUBLE-QUIOK. —The night before the issue of tho last Monitor, the bravo Owen, fearing an attack of loather upon his rear works, suddenly changed his quarters from the Jackson House. Col. Graff. Miller is a kind-hearted, forbearing man—if ho was anything else he would have kicked the vile slanderer Owen out of his back door weeks ago. The sneaking dog is now with his master, David Caldwell, ESQ., where a closer watch can be kept over him to prevent him from making known the authors of slanderous articles which may ap pear in the editorial columns of the Monitor. Give the dog a bone, Dave. and keep him in, or he will expose you again. OvEn two thousand tons of coal were shipped over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Road on Priday last, A LITTLE SECRET OUT.—OLIC of the Monitor clique has let a little secret out. It is this : The two Delegates to the next State Convention to nomi i nate a candidate for Governor, were made early for the purpose of having them on hand at the meeting of the Legislature, to be traded off to any candidate for Governor who could in fluence enough votes of members of the House to elect Dave Caldwell to a Clerkship in the House. This is the game of the Monitor clique. A pretty trade, truly. Any man for Governor so that honest Dave can lie put into a position where '• seine things can be done as well as others." Are the Democrat ic voters of Huntingdon comity wil ling that two men shall be permitted to make such a sale of their rights and principles? We shall see of what kind of material the Democracy of the county is made. Cotton and the War. One very sit* nsoe for pushing on the war agaTilt the rebels with the utmost vigor, is the extraordinary advance in the price of cotton. Yes terday there were sales of the article in Philadelphia at seventy cents a pound, or about teatimes the price be fore the war. If the war continues a year longer the price may go up to double what it is now. But even sev enty cents is an amazing price for the raw material. Any ono, with such a basis to begin on, can make some sort of calculation as to what a yard of cotton cloth may cost by the time the material has gone through the proces es of spinning and weaving, and pass ed through the hands of the manufac turer, the wholesale dealer and the re tailer, into those of the consumer.— Everyone is beginning to feel the bur den of the increased cost, and none feel it more than newspaper publishers; for the price of printing paper has gone up even 1110r0 rapidly than that of cotton cloths. ARREST or DESERTERS.—The Harris burg Telegraph of Monday last, says: " The business of arresting deserters from the ranks of the drafted men, has of late become a profitable ;business with the Provost Guard. The plan of the drafted men who desire to escape the service, is to leave the city, seek some of the near stations on the Penn sylvania or Northern Central railroad, and there take the trains for whatever locality they desire to reach in order:to cheat the government out of the ser vice they owe. This has been carried on to-such an extent, and the service suffered so severely in men, that the most stringent measures have been adopted to frustrate the designs of the driifted men, and arrest all who are detected in the act of deserting. The stations of Dauphin and Rockville, on the Pennsylvania and Northcrrn Cen tral railroads, are favorite points for tho congregation of deserters. These deserters walk from-this city to these points, because the depot in Harris burg is patrolled by the Provost Guard, making it impossible for a sol dier to enter a ear without a pass.— Lately, however, the Provost Guard have been detailed for service beyond this city and put on duty at the differ ent stations alluded to, and the result has been the arrest of large numbers of the drafted men when deserting,— On Thanksgiving day sixty wore taken at Rockville and Dauphin. Yesterday fifty more were arrested in the same vicinity. The arrests at the stations east of this city are also numerous, so that the Provost Guard have been dri ving a very useful as well as profitable business." THE ADVANCE IN COAL OlL.—The sudden rise in coal oil has been so un expected, seemingly so unreasonable, the supply of petroleum being inex haustible, and the cost of production so trifling, that an inquiry into the cause possesses some interest. The Philadelphia Ledger gives the follow ing as a partial explanation of the re cent sudden rise in the price: " The cause is scarcity, but a scarcity arising from a suspension of the business of refining. In June the most of the re finers stopped work, under the fear that the Government tax would - ruin the business. After three months of suspension, work was resumed by some of the refiners, but bad roads to the oil wells have made the getting out of crude oil a slow process.— Meanwhile the stock in market has been greatly reduced by consumption and foreign shipments. Many of the most extensive refiners have orders on hand for all they can make in a month, and the prospect is that high prices will rule for a few weeks to come. The foreign demand is very large, as in Europe the oil is used di rectly for manufacturing gas. Some of the richest and most 6xponsive col ors - used for dyeing, aro obtained from the petroleum." With a supply so exhaustless, and the refineries once more in full operation, it will be next to impossible for either manufacturers or speculators to maintain the present advanced rates for any long period. DEA.TII Or GEN. JAMES Irvin died at Heckley Furnace on Wednesday the 26th ult., after a se vere illness of some months, aged 62 years. General Irvin held the position of store-keeper at the navy-yard, Phil adelphia, at the time of his death. PtIOTOGRAPII A LIM AIS—TICW Ilnd mill proved styles—just received and for sale. al LEtvis' Book Store PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. We are in receipt of this popular Lady's Magazine for December. It is a splendid number. The title page for 1863, containing portraits of the chief contributors, is very handsome. " Pe terson " will be greatly improved in 1863. It will contain 1000 pages of double column reading matter; 'l4 steel plates ; 12 colored steel fashion plates; 12 colored patterns in Berlin work, embroidery or crochet, and 900 wood engravings—proportionately more than any other periodical gives. Its sto ries and novelets are by the best wri ters. In 1863, Four Original Copy right Novelets will be given. Irs FA SHIONS ARE ALWAYS THE LATEST AND PRETTIEST ! Every neighborhood ought to make up a club. Its price is but Two DOLLARS a year, or a Dollar less than Magazines of its class. IT IS THE MAGAZINE FOR THE TI3IES ! To Clubs, it is cheaper still, viz :—three copies for $5, five for 67,50, or eight for $lO. To every person getting up a club, the Publisher will send an ex tra copy gratis, as a premium, or a large sized mezzotint for framing, " Bunyan Parting from his Blind Child in Prison." Specimens sent (if written for) to those wishing to get up clubs. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philada. " LEWIS always works for pay."— Monitor• . Not always, as some of your sub scribers will aver. We worked for them for promises to pay, for several years. When you print a paper in this county as long as we have, you will be able to tell wheat from chaff. TAX COLLECTORS.-S. J. Royer, U. S. Tax Collector for this Congression al District, has appointed the following deputies fur this county : For Warriorsmark, Franklin, Mor ris, Porter, West, Barree, Jackson, Oneida, Walker, Juniata, Penn, Hope well and - Carbon—James Clark, of Birmingham. For Huntingdon, Henderson, Brady and Union—John W. Mattern, of Huntingdon. For Todd, Cass, Clay, Springfield, Dublin, Tell, Cromwell, Shirley and Mount Union—John Brewster, of Clay township. Oral - En GIBBONY, of Barree town ship, member of Company C, 49th Re giment P. V., died at Columbia College Hospital, Washington, on Saturday, 22d ult., aged about 23 years. His re mains were brought home by Sergt. Robt. Stewart, and interred on Satur day last. TIIE DItAhED MEN.—The Harris burg Teleyraph of Monday says:—"The drafted men in Camp Curtin arc marching for the of war, as fast as regiments can be organized and des patched hence. On Friday one regi ment left for the south—on Saturday another—and in a few days Camp Cur tin will not contain a company of draf ted men. In rehition to the drafted men here, we must state in this connection, that the desertions have been very largo, indeed, to such an extent, that some of the companies are reduced one-third and even one-half." BY orders from Washington, all the political prisoners were released from Fort Warren on the 27th. Many of them loft for their homes, including Marshal Kane of Baltimore. SUPPLIES rot GEN. BURNSIDE'S AR- Mll%—lt is much to be regretted that during the inclement weather our brave soldiers are not even supplied with such food as exists in great• abun dance. But we are glad to know that large quantities of bread and coffee are being sent forward, and that there is now among the people of Huntingdon and adjoining counties a praise-worthy effort being made to send an abundant supply of fresh sausages. In order to hasten the good work they seem to be rushing en masse to BROWN'S Hardware Store, Huntingdon, for Meat-Cutters and Stuffers, where they find twelve different varieties at lowest cash pri ces. it. Improve Your Sight and Preserve Your Eyes.--. 1. BIRNBAUM, Practi cal and Manufacturing Optician, takes pleasure in informing.the Ladies and Gentlemen of Huntingdon and vicini ty, that he has opened a Store one door west of Dr. Dorsey's, with a large and variety stock of Spectacles, com prising, Convex and Concave Glasses, such as Flint, Crystal and Scotch Peb ble, and particularly desires to recom mend the superiority of the last-named Glasses. Ills theoretical as well as his practical knowledge of Optics, and his long practice in the Occulistic science, enables him to adapt, after an exam ination of the eyes, those glasses which correspond with the defect of near, far or weak sight. Glasses can be fitted to any frame, of any shape or color.— Please call and examine the Spectacles. Antbrotypes and Photographs taken at all times on reasonable terms. Also, Sugars, Tobacco and Meer sob:turn Pipes constantly on hand. Oct. 28, Gm. ter The National Tax-Law em bodying the organic sections; the gen eral and specific provisions; provisions for the appointment and governance of collectors, assessors and their assis tants; alphabetical schedule-list of ar ticles taxed, with rates, etc., etc. For sale at Lewis' Book Stow; [For t h Globe.] The 'Governorship and the County Committee. While our political brethren in other counties are discussing the question of who shall bo the next Democratic nominee for Governor, the Democracy of _Huntingdon county have been com pletely gagged, and their hands tied by the action of the County Commit tee in appointing at this time delegates to the next State Convention. The County Committee, by suffering the voice of the party in the Gubernatori al nomination to be bartered away, and consenting to be used for the per sonal aggrandizement of some partic ular individual, has undoubtedly as sumed authorities which by no course of reasoning whatever can be sustain ed. We have no word of censure for the majority•of that Committee, and we know that both Col. Miller and Maj. Petrikin are good Democrats (at least, we hope so.) It is evident that the majority of the Committee (inno cently, we hope) have been used by cunning, intriguing men for an unho ly purpose; and we believe if they were aware of the position in which they have placed the party of the county, they would at once render null and void the appointment of delegates at this time. Let us look for a moment at the position in which the party finds itself at this unauthorized as sumption of authority. In the.first place, the Committee ex ercised unwarranted authority. It was not chosen with a view to the Gubernatorial nomination, and never before in the history of the party has the county committee thus attempted to shut the mouth of the party against the making of so important an officer as the Governor of the great Common wealth of Pennsylvania; therefore, when the time for nomination collies around, the honest Democratic voters of the county will have no voice what ever in the action of. the Convention, and a nomination entirely distasteful to the Democracy, may be thrust up on them. Under these circumstances, can they expect us to support it like sheep, when we were refused a voice in making it ? In the next place, the time for nam ing these delegates has not yet arriv ed. The hasty and premature ap pointment of these delegates is anoth er evidence that there is " something rotten in Denmark." At least five long months must 3-et roll around be fore the assembling of the State Con vention. New issues may arise and other more worthy names may be pre sented in connection with the Govern orship, in which the people may feel an interest, but notwithstanding, Hun tingdon county stands committed and prevented from luwing any voice in the disposition of the issues or the se lection of the nominees, if they suffer this appointment to stand unrefuted. Fellow Democrats! It is not too late yet to bring some good out of Naza reth. Let there be a movement in the right direction. Let there be delegate elections held in every district, and men selected with an especial view to the meeting of a Convention during the January court to select delegates to the State Convention, with instruc tions to support that man for Govern or who may be the choice of the ma jority of the Democracy of the county. This is undoubtedly fair, and cannot be met with one reasonable objection. The time has come when the people, not the politicians, should make the Governor. If we as Democrats are expected to support the nominee of the Convention, then in the name of everything that is fair and honest, give us a voice in saying who shall be that nominee, and my word for it, Huntingdon county is ready to give a - majority for any conservative Demo crat in preference to a radical Repub lican. R.utous MeAlevy's Fort, Nov. 28, 1862. Letter from President Lincoln to the Tennesseeans, CINCINNATI, Nov. 28.—The Mem phis Bulletin of a Into date announces the arrival of Col. B. D. Nabers, and says that while in Washington he was favored by lion. Emerson Etheridge with a copy of the following letter giv en by President Lincoln to Thomas It. Smith, Esq., of Bolivar, in this State : EXECUTIVE KINSMAN, WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 13G2. Major-General Grant, Governor on son, and all having Military, Naval and civil authority under the Uni ted States within the State of Ten nessee : The bearer of this, Thomas B. Smith, a citizen of Tennessee, goes to that State, socking to have such of the people thereof as desire to avoid the unsatisfactory prospect before them, and to have peace again upon the old terms under the Constitution of the United States, to manifest such desire by elections of members to the Con gress of the United States particular ly, and perhaps a Legislature, State of ficers, and a U. S. Senator, friendly to their object. I shall be glad for you and each of you to aid him, and all others acting for this object, as much as possible. In all available ways give the people a chance to express their wishes at these elections. Fol low law and forms of law as far as convenient, but at all events get the expression of the largest number of the people possibie. All see bow much action will connect with and ef fect the proclamation of September 22d. Of course the men elected should be gentlemen or character, wil ling to swear support to the Constitu tion as of old, and known to be above reasonable suspicion of duplicity. Yours, very respectfully, (Signed) A. LINCOLN A Letter from Mr. Wm, Colon, We have :received from Mr. Colon the following lettor, which we take pleasure in laying before the public.— If the Report, to which Mr. Colon re fers, does .him injustice, it is proper that ho should ho heard in the same columns that gave publicity to the Re port. Mr. Colon " tells the story " little - different from what we have heard it from some of the party inter ested, and we may expect to hear fur ther explanations from sub-contractors. Our columns shall be open. TO EDITOR GLOBE :—Sir:—ln a lead ing editorial in the Globe of the 26th November, you say "the times demand an independent paper—a paper with open columns to the people, through which they can demand their rights." Now, as I am, and have been a sub scriber to the Globe for a long time, and have neither written nor dictated a line to be written assailing you per sonally, politically or otherwise in the Monitor, I. therefore, as one of the "people," respectfully ask the privilege to avail myself of your "open columns" in vindication of my rights as a citizen. On the first page of your issue of the above date, you publish a Report of R. Jones, Major Ti. S. A., detailed by Quartermaster General N.C. Meigs, to investigate the alleged abuses in the horse contract at Huntingdon. In this Report I find myself wantonly, maliciously, and without, a shadow of truth, assailed in the following kin gunge " I learned that ono of the sub-contractors, Mr.\l' m. Colon of Huntingdon, stated as a reason for withholding money due his partner or associate, Mr. John Porter of Alexan dria, which is a small village near Huntingdon; that he had kept it to I pay the inspector Shubaher (Slier baum) for passing his horses." I had hitherto purposed to refrain I from noticing this slanderous report, I and would not now, but for its publici ty in your paper—until I could make it convenient to see Mr. Jones to as certain who his low and cowardly au thor was, when I could give him the alternative of swallowing the lie or his teeth. This rebuke, I 'will have him remember, I still bold in reserve until a fitting time for its administra tion. But, perhaps, in no way can these charges be so successfully refuted as by a plain and simple statement of facts. Prior to this horse contract at Hun tingdon, given by Simon Cameron ex clusively to certain members of the Republican party to effect as it was rumored, a reconciliation of political differences between them, I made an engagement with a certain party to furnish an unlimited number of horses in a specified time, at Petersburg at $95 per head. In this engagement I told Mr. John Porter of Alexandria, if he chose he might join me—for I knew him to be a good judge of horses—and we would share the profits. Our suc cess in this transaction was complete. The horses were satisfactory to the contracting party, and also, I learned, to the Government at Witshington.— Thus ended the partnership business with Mr. Porter. I subsequently met Mr. Henry Soul her at Harrisburg with whom I entered into an article of agreement, rendering myself liable to any losses that might accrue, in the event of a Mitre of its fulfilment,—to deliver 200 horses at Huntingdon in 30 days at $lOO per head. To complete so large a contract in so short a time, I necessarily had to engage some half a dozen persons to assist. me. With these persons I had no uniform con tract—some I paid according- to the value of each horse, and some an ave rage price of the lot. With :111r. Por ter I had no agreement, but allowed him the full contract price, $lOO per head for all the horses he bought and furnished himself,' and one-half the profits on all those bought at his in stance, by Messrs. Newell & Gemmill, of Alexandria. These facts can be substantiated by these gentlemen. I therefore consider my settlement with Mr. Porter not only just, but generous. Many incidental expenses occurred, such as repairing fences broken down by the horses, '&c., which I with others contributed to defray, but not one cent was demanded by Mr. Sherbaum, or giv en by one or any one connected with my contract, for passing our horses. Thus you perceive Maj. Jones' report as fir as it applies to me, is a slicer fabrica tion. Ido not deny there were some horses unsuitable for the purpose, but these, every one will inform you who paid any attention to the subject, were brought here from Cliambersburg, with, perhaps, a tiny rare exceptions, and those were beyond my control.— In conclusion, I have but to say, I had no contract with the Government, but simply a business connection with the Republican contractors, and that obli gation I conscientiously discharged to the very letter. War. COLON Huntingdon, Nov. 28, 1862. Finance. [From the Phila. Bulletin, Nov. 2S.] The public are awakening to the fact that Government securities offer better inducements for investment than railroad bonds, that have been ruling at eight to twelve per centum above their par value.- Consequently, capitalists, and in fact the public gen erally, have been quietly changing these loans, &c., for those of the Gov ernment, and large orders for them have been received at the subscription agency of-Jay Cooke, in this city, from all parts of the country. The increas ed sales of the new Five-Twenty year 6 per cent., in the face of the late sub scription of thirteen millions of the 7.30'5, show how unabated is the feel ing of 'confidence which pervades the loyal portion of the North, and our able Secretary of the Treasury cannot but feel flattered at the hearty co-ope ration of the people with his efforts in establishinr , our Government finances on so secure and inviting a basis.— When we think of our own country fur nishing an the means to carry on this war to crush rebellion, it is certainly enough to fill us with a most justifiable and noble pride, and prompt a &she on our part to strengthen the financial arms of the Government with all our means. The fact of the Malted States 6's being exempt from the taxes except the income tax, and the interot being paid in gold acids still greater inducements to those haying invest ments to make. The Proposed Mediation. The London Times speaking of the proposal for mediation, in an article written previous to the publication of the official correspondence, says : The project of intervention is not nearly so fir advanced as the French press would have the world to believe, and that the state of the case is that, France is ardent in the matter,- RUB+ sia unwilling. but not, absolutelY averse, and England sanguine, but anxious for a real opportunity. But. has an opportunity ,arrived? An ar mistice would undoubtedly be very convenient to the South, to England, and to France. The South relieved from the blockade, England would bo able to set her wits to work. But what would the ~N orth get by it? It would be a rest'to allow her to tie up her right arm. Again, if we go into, this matter .as a European league and draW upon ourselves insult, we shall: be compelled to vindicate our honor. We cannot back out under_ such cir cumstances, and we cannot tell- how far events may carry us. The gener al conclusions Of .the Times are as fol lows : " At present we are quite free, qnd have done no harm; to-morrow we may be closely bound, and may do no good. Of course, no ono can tell:what private information our Government may have received, but we cannot, see any' public ground for great expecta tions of immediate results. If the North are ready to give up their blockade, they would undoubtedly rather,,give it up to France and Rus l sia, in conjunction with us, than us alone; bat if they are to be - forced to give up, we hope we shall not be ono of the party which is to compel them." Mr. Slidell is said to be very assidu ous in his attendance upon M. Drouyn de l'Huys. It would appear, from the "Journal of St. Petersburg, that the opinion of Russia is by no means in favor of any decided intervention. That journal says that foreign powers have no right to interfere in America, and that they cannot interfere except by offering such advice as Russia has offered throughout the contest. Wretched Condition of the Rebel Army. The Atlanta papers are filled with appeals to the people to come forward and assist in supplying the naked and bare-footed soldiery with clothing and shoes, and&the sick and disabled with proper attention and nourishment.— The latell igerwer of November 2, re ferring to this, says: There, isnow no doubt that the con dition of our army in Virginia and elsewhere is bad for the want of shoes and clothing; and there is also no doubt that, whatever wo; may expect of the government, it is now the-duty of all good citizens to do what they can to alleviate the sufferings, without delay . 2».ont Id( y —let it cost what it may ! From many quarters the evi-: deuce is presented daily to us of ex= trent° suffering on the part of our sol diers, for want of every description of clothing. We present here, trusting that the facts therein stated may reach the hearts and purses of our people, n short extract from a letter written by Captain E. M. Sea,go to his brother in this city, dated "At the Camp of the 20th Georgia Regiment, the 20th Oct., 1862." The writer says: - " In my little company, which is of average strength of the regiment, I have thirty-seven now in camp, and yesterday morning seven of the num ber had no blankets; - four or five were barefboted; half of them aro ragged, and have only one suit; and net over half have any socks; yet they aro as well clad in all respects as the balance of the, regiment. This want is not caused by a scarcity of money, but by a want of the needed articles, not to be had for love or money. If woolen clothing cannot be procured, I am fully persuaded that heavy cotton clothing Is almost as good for warmth. Any cloth that will turn water will also turn the cold; and I find, by trial, a coarse, heavy cotton shirt is equal to the best flannel fbr me. We have some clothing in Richmond, and plen ty of shoes - on the way; but blankets, quilts, comforts, or something of the sort, are most needed, as nearly every man sleeps cold every night; yet we still have good health, and we seldom hear a mnrmur." From the foregoing, our readers will sec what our soldiers most need, at least so far as one regiment is concern ed. Other regiments we know to be in a worse condition. GENERAL NEGLEY SOLD. An army letter from Gallatin, Ton_ nessee, to the Cincinnati Commercial,_ says: I heard a good story told of a joky played off by a secession wag, a short time since, upon General Negley. A whiskey drinking, facetious joker, residing iu the town of Gooletsvillo, strong secesh hole,__ in which there never was but one Union man, and he died. Well, this wag wagered a gal, into Nashville, of - Whiskey that he could go Nashville, and. go all over the city, notwithstanding the strictness of Gen. Negley's orders; further, that ho would see Negley personally, and talk with him. The bet was taken, and, this fellow, whose name , is Paul, and well known in Nashville as a violent secessionist, the nest day tqok a flag of truce, i'ado into the city, saw crowds of his friends, rode up to head quarters of General Negley and de manded the surrender of the city,"sta- Ong that be was Assistant .Adjutant, Paul, and that there were-an immensa quantity of troops ready to force the demand. General Negley refused to, entertain the thought of a surrender, and Paul returned to Gooletsvillo hav ing won his bet. Gen. Negley found it out when too late" it wouldn't do, to try that game again in-Nashville." Szr. NOW Is THE TIME TO BUY Lloyd'ti now Map of the State of Virginia.-- Only 25 cents. For sale at W. Lowis' Book Store. 4.4,. English 4nd German Alupanacti for 1863, aro for pale at Lewis' Book. Storo DIARIO for 1#363, arc_ for sqlp qt. 7, Lewis' Book Store.