The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 03, 1862, Image 1
TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per annum in advance Six months , , ...- • • • •ihroe months 50 A failure to notify a dlecontimmace at the expiration of the term subscribed for trill I, considoted a 110%, engage. grout. TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or les,,••••o ...... $ 25 $ 3 73.; $ : 0 Jae Square, (12 li •• nk) ...... . '0 75. 1 CO [ . .0 squares, ' 1 00 1 50 2 00 Illree squares, 1 50 2 25 3 00 Oyer threo neck and less than three months, 25 cents ?or square for each inset don. 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. ilx line, or less, 01 00 $3 00 C 5 l•O 'lee square, 3 00 6 00 7 00 rwo squares; 5 00. 8 00 10 00 hirer squares 7 00 10 00 15 00 Four squares, 0 00 11 00 oo 00 Half a. colnum .12 00 16 00.........24 OO One column '0 00 30 00.... 50 00 rioresstonal and linsine, Cards not exceeding (...ur lines one year $3 00 idministratats' and Executors' Notices, $1 70 "Athertisements not marked nab the number of inser tions desired. Intl he continued till folidd and clanged 'lC cording to these terms. Ely (loin. HUNTINGDON, PA Friday, November 28, 1862. ;..; NOTICE.' 'Woliave 'not the tiine'Uor the incli pation, to dun personally, a large num !bet*Of:persons who have unsettled ac counts upon our books of several years standing. We shall, therefore, from 4 day to day, without respect to persons, lase into ,the hands of a Justice for collection all' accounts of ovitr two years standing All those who wish to save expense, will do well to give us a call. Retribution. [From the Daltiurare Clipper.) blit few of the leading and most aC 'Live men of the South, who were in- strumental in getting up this rebel- I lion, will be likely to escape in their own persons and_ families, the direful consequences of their treachery and ingratitude to the Government from which so many of them had received almost illimitable favors and advanta ges. We are reminded of this fact, from reading a paragraph from a let ter dated Warrenton, Va., where is lo ated the residence of e . Z:Covernor Smith, (famous as 'Extra Billy, for the Additional charges he made to his bills against, old Uncle Sam, as a mail con tractor.) The premises of extra Billy were recently visited by some of our troops, and found to contain the rem nant of the family, his aged wife and Ilaughter, the latter represented by the letter l‘ri ter as not much calculated to Cause MIS- modern leader .to swim a river, to visit this fair specimen of x Virginia hero—old Billy himself had been sent away on time approach of our army being an invalid from fever, the results of a woupd received in the light at Antietam—one of his sons was killed in the battles near Richmond, and the other died from diseases in curred from exposure, serving the se acssion cause—it is probable that all his serVants availed of the opportuni ty- to make their escape from his (par lors at Warrenton, but few of whom :Will ever he likely to be gathered into bis fold again—so that all the extras ?ply made off poor old Uncle Samuel, but little will be left to him, and the Probabilities are, that no posterity will be left to rise up and call him'( blessed." The original Secretary of War of the rebels, who made the famous speech On the steps of their capitol at Mont gomery, Ala., when the new of the capture of Sumter was received, in - which he promised the excited =ki k-Ade that by the Ist of May, the rebel flag' would also "be unfurled on the capitol at , Washington, and soon in Philadelphia, Now York, and even on Fanieul Hall in Boston," is now repre sented to be a houseless wanderer at Ile South, his flintily having all been swept from him by disease, and his property by fire. Old Tyler's planta tion near Hampton, doubtless shared the fate of most of the others in that vicinity, the drnnken Magruder hav ing destroyed the town by fire, in mid summer, on the plea that the Union troops might occupy it, for winter quarters I—he fell into disgrace, and has been sent into exile amongst the wild Indian's in Arkansas, but between his ravages and the devastations which follow all large armies, poor old Tyler's property has been pretty thoroughly destroyed, and he himself has gone to `give an account to higher than earthly tribunal. Old Wise has lost in death ;his favorite son; he himself is held in contempt, and 'in his old Virginia, 'where he was ever accustomed to make a swell, and to command attention, either by his arrogance, his impudence, ;or his tergiversations, ho is now a mere cypher, despised by all his asso ciates, spurned by those who were formerly lick-spittles, given the cold shoulder by the cotton oligarchs who are now lording it over the F. F. V's., who have virtually placed him and the thief Floyd on the shelf, as of no further use to them—alas ! how art the mighty fallen. Old Mr. Ruffin, too, , the cynic, who obtained the honor of firing the first shot at the old flag on Sumter's heights, and visited Charles ton for the purpose, has seen tho pala tial residence of his family, on the James River, represented to have cost a million dollars in its erection and adornings, destroyed by McClellan as a military necessity, but a few days before the evacuation of our army from that vicinity, and the 'poor old man has probably been redu'ced to beggary. Thompson, the Se'craary Ell WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor VOL. X VIII. the Interior under the imbecile Bu chanan, and who with Cobb and Floyd, plotted all the mischief in their power against the Government they had sworn to support; ho too, has recently felt, even on his far off plantation in Mississippi, some of the horrors of war which he had done so much to bring upon the country—little did he think during his midnight plottings with the' other conspirators, that the hand of retribution would reach him, in his far off and beautiful home in the interior I of his State, but ho has had it shown to him, that the way of transgression is hard, and that there is an over-rul ing Power above, whose decree to fal len man is, that, whilst he is a God of mercy, he will in no wise clear the guilty. Thompson's plantation has been re gently visited in one of the excursions of the gunboats and military expedi tions into Mississippi, and by accident or design, his entire property was de stroyed, including all his crops, his slaves embracing the occasion to make their escape. Cobb is said to have gone home from his command in Vir ginia, wounded, and will probably be unfit for furiler service. Mason, now hi England, has had his estate subject to all the disasters of war, which have been so intensely felt in its vicinity near Winchester, and is probably a beggar upon the cold charities of the world. The catalogue could be' multi plied to an indefinite extent, embrac ing most of the leading men through out the entire South, such as Slidell, Soule, the :netts, and an innumerable host of other worthies of the same character, all of whom their own persons, their families or their proper ty, will have suffered all the direful calamities of the civil war, which , were so truthfully and clearly predict ed by the ablest statesman which our country has produced, as certainly to ensue in any attempt to sever this glorious Union. President Jackson, in his prlelama tion to South Carolina, during Cal houn's attempt at nullification, warned them of the Consegnences of listening to those leaders who had assured them that they - could peaceably put at naught the laws—he told them emphatically that Calhoun and his aids were " de ceiving them," that, these leaders " could not have been deceived them selves." They know (says 3aultson) that a forcible oppoSition could alone prevent the execution of the •laws, and they know that such opposition must be re pelled. Their object is disunion; but be not deceived; disunion by armed force is TREASON. Are you really rea dy' to incur its guijt ? If you are, on the heads of the instigators of the act be the dreadful consequences ; on their heads be the dishonor, but on yours may fail the punishment. On your unhappy State will inevitably fall all the evils of the conflict you force upon the Government of your country. It cannot accede to ' the mad project of disunion, of which you would be the first victims; its first magistrate can not, if he would, avoid the performance of his duty. The consequence must be fearful for you, distressing to your fel lOw-eitizens here, and to the friends of good government throughout the world. Its enemies . have beheld our prosperity with a vexation they could not conceal; it was a standing refuta tion of their slavish doctrines, and they will point to our discord with the triumph of malignant joy." Such was the warning voice of the patriot and hero Jackson, of the dire ful consequences of the attempt to dis rupt the Union—how truthfully has the words of his prophecy been fulfill ed, let the condition of the South now tell. Compare it with the condition in which it was before the parricidal hands of those ambitious demagogues and heartless traitors had been raised against the heart of their country.— Now, nearly every house is a house of mourning, throughout the length and breadth of their once happy country —the terror which overspreads thorn, is like that depicted of the Jews in some portions of their eventful histo ry, who, when the curtains of the night fell round and about them, prayed for the return of the day, and when the glorious orb of day was ris ing in his splendor, they prayed for the darkness of the night, to hide from the terrors with which they were sur rounded. Look on the picture of the condition of the South, as depicted by the Proclamation, and what was its condition before this rebellion com menced: " Contemplate (says Jackson) the condition of that country of whiith 'you stilt form an important part.— Consider its government uniting in 003 bond of common interest and general protection so many different States—giving to all their inhabitants the proud title of American citizens, protecting the commerce, securing their literature and arts, defending their frontiers, and making their names respected in the remotest parts of the earth. Consider the extent of this territory ; its increasing and han- .*: 4 / py population ; its advance in arts, which render life agreeable; and the sciences which elevate the mind!— See education spreading the lights of religion, morality, and general infor mation into every cottage in this wide extent of our Territories and States ! Behold it as an asylum where the wretched and oppressed find ;t refuge and suppbrt! Look on the picture of happiness and honor, and say, WE, TOO, ARE CITIZENS OP AMERICA I Caro lina, is one of these proud States ; her farms have defended, her best blood ce mented this happy Union ! And then add, if you can, without horror and re, morse, this happy Union we will dis solve; this picture of peace and pros perity wo will deface; this free inter course we will interrupt ; these fertile fields we will deluge with blood ; the protection of that glorious flag wo re nounce; the very name of Americans we discard. And for what, mistaken men; for what do you throw away these inestimable blessings ? For what would you exchange your share in the advantages and honor of the Union ? For the dream_ of separate independence—a dream interrupted by bloody conflicts with your neigh bors, and a vile dependence on a for eign power. If your leaders could succeed in establishing a separation, what would be your situation ? Are you united at home; are you free from the apprehension of civil discord, with all its fearful consequences? Do our neighbor republics, every day suf fering some new insurrection—do they excite your envy? But the dictates of a high duty obliges me solemnly to announce that you cannot succeed.— Tho laws of the United States must be executed. I have no discretionary power on the subject—my duty is em phatically pronounced in the Consti tution." Irroin Wilkes' Bpli It ct tho Times.) THE CAVALRY In troublesome times, when the life of the nation is at stake, it becomes all persons to unite heart and hand, to aet together for the public safety. • I entered my protest one year ago against the reduction of the cavalry from seventy to fifty thousand, by dis banding regiments nearly ready for the field, at the very time when the cavalry was too small, out of all pro portion, to the infantry. The experi ment was fatally executed, which left the loyal States a prey to the raids of rebel cavalry, without the probability of failure, or the possibility of punish meat. Fortunately, the Government have returned frOm the error of their ways, and resolved to strengthen the cavalry, and prosecute the .vttr with all the means that God and nature have put into their hands to crush out this rebellion. The State of Michigan is now raising her Ninth cavalry regiment. Under the first call she was permitted to raise two regiments'—one only was accepted—the other was disbanded when nearly ready for service. The increase of this arm of the public ser vice is an omen of success. The cav alry is an ancient arm of the military service. It has been handed clown to us from former generations—so in creased in numbers and efficiency, that it has become indispensable to the suc cess of modern armies. The general who has the best appointed cavalry, all other things being equal, will as suredly triumph. The example of other nations in marshalling hosts, and the practice and position of our enemy, becomes to us a military necessity.— The favorite division of Napoleon's ar my was five of infantry to one of cav alry. The great army of Hannibal that crossed the Alps to invade Italy, was one-fifth cavalry. He slew 40,000, the flower• of the Roman army at the bat tle of Canna:. The great Carthagene an had been master of cavalry from his youth up. Tho superiority of his Numidian Barb over• the Roman char ger, enabled hint to keep possession of the beautiful plains of Italy for nearly a quarter of a century, and to riot upon the spoils •of victory. He destroyed 400 towns and cities, and slew 300,000 of the Roman legions. Cresar commanded a powerful army, supported by the choicest cavalry.— He was all over a horseman, and se lected his horses from the surrounding nations, because they were superior to the Roman steed. He conquered three hundred independent states or nation alities, and eight hundred cities, with an estimated loss of three millions killed in battle. The siege of Jerusa lem by Titus, cost ono million of lives. Alexander the Great always charged at the head of his cavalry. He met Darius at the battle of Issas, where the fortunes of war frvored•the great conqueror. Tho Persian King com manded four hundred thousand infan try and one hundred thousand cavaley. The feeble Persians were unable to stand the mounted chargers of the Macedonian Phalanx. The Persian monarch was defeated with a loss of sixty thousand infantry and 'ten thou sand cavalry, with forty thousand pris oners. Darius, undaunted at this dis aster, assembled a burger army to meet Alexander at Arbela, where, in his de feat, was extinguished the Persian Empire. Cyrus, after subduing Asia, conquer ing Crcesus, and taking Babylon, in vaded Scythia with an army of six hundred thousand infanty and one hundred and twenty thousand cavalry, with two thousand chariots armed with scythes. Ninus, the King of Assyria, had an army of ono million seven hundred thousand foot and two hundred thous and cavalry, and sixteen thousand armed chariots. Xerxes, when stopped by the daring Spartans a,t Thermopylir, bad an army HUNTINGDON, sPA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1862. -PERSEVERE.- of two millions five hundred thousand soldiers, with es many more camp fol.- ' lowers. The Persian General, aston ished at the beldneii-; of tho Spar tens, ordered them to be brought to him alive. This proved a formidable undertaking, for the proud Greek had sworn upon the altar of his country to defend the heritage of his fathers, or perish, fighting upon his knees, in the attempt. One, and one only, lived to grace the triumph of the conqueror.— The determined - , :tlor of a people, fighting to the leA't, and solemnly pledged never to survive the subver sion of their Government, carried' ter ror to the hearte of the effeminate Persians, and caused the future defeat and final overthrow of that great army It has been estimated that the ambition of seine of the most illustrious exam ples of ancient heroes, cost the human family six millions of lives. The armies of modern times have %eldom equalled one million• of men.— The Army of, Napoleon that invaded Russia, numbered four hundred and fifty thousand soldiers. The force of the remaining European Powers em ployed in modern times, would hardly exceed in the aggregate, the great ar my of the United States. Spain has never excelled one hundred and fifty thousand, Great Britain three hundred and ten thousand, Russia five hundred thousand, Prussia three hundred and fitty thousand, Turkey four hundred and fifty thousand, Austria five hun ch•ect thousand. The United States have raised in two years about one million two hundred thousand, exclu sive of the rebel forces, which may bo estimated from seven to eight hundred thousand, which, taken in the aggre gate or concrete, far txceeds the force of any European nation. Our army has been composed of one-twelfth cav alry—a proportion far less than the quota used by other• Powers in either ancient or modern armies. We may congratule le the army that this noble servant of man—thc horse— is about to be brought• to their relief. The call has come from high plAces.— The Government has fell back upon this time-honored warrior to rescue the army from defeat, and the nation' r. dishonor. IL is a noble mission. The charger :goes forth to nerve the arm of the patriot, and give 'eaiciency to eve ry division of tie ar ny, that it may save freedom in its last gasp. Loyalty to a free Government is the birthright of heroes. This Government was formed by our fathers, and ordained to posterity.. Those who come after us have an indefeaFine right to the inheritance. We are bound by all that is sacred in religion or humanity to transmit it, unimpaired, to posteri ty. Patriotism invokes to the rescue -it appeals to the intutyn; to its cause —it urges us in the names of the liv ing and the dead, Lo stand by the Con stitution. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our country and to posterity, to make the la , L sacrifice to maintain the Union, even amidst the smoke of the reverberating cannon, and the clash of the charging cavalry-. . Filly thousand cavalry for one of the hugest armies ever raised in mod ern times. What a farce ! It snuffs defeat in the breeze. But, thanks to the lessons of dear-bought experience, the error will soon be corrected.— Where have our defeats been accom plished, except by the enemy's caval ry ; "whenever the enemy wanted to advance, their cavalry opened the way for them. Whenever they wanted to escape, they did escape; because we hied no cavalry to follow them. It , was cavalry that completed our route at Bull Run. It was the want of cav alry that prevented our destroying the defeated confederates at Shiloh.— It was cavalry that first upset 'lan in the Peninsula, and Pope on the Rappahannock. It was the enemy's cavalry that first put Pennsylvania in a tremor, and finally succeeded in ef fecting an invasion of the "fate." It is humiliating to adinit that a band of mounted' desperadoes should be able to make forced marches of 60 or 70 miles per day, and surprise the loyal soldier and plunder the loyal cit izen without the possibility of being intercepted or cut off, for the want of cavalry. Such has been the fortunes of war. They have reconnoitred with their cavalry and attacked our defence less positions without the risk of de feat. They have intercepted our sup plies with their guerilla raids and cut off our communications. They have joined together, unauthorized by the custom of belligerents, into mercenary bands of marauders to violate the rules of war and the usages of civil ized nations. Let the fleet horse in winged armor fly to the assistance of the soldier td vindicate the majesty of the law. Let him stalk forth in bat tle array to break the ranks of the in vader and crush him to the wall in ig nominious defeat. Though ho may fall where heroes bleed, another and another will close in till victory shall perch from the standard of loyalty borne in triumph by the hold cavalier upon the, swift heels of the gallant charger. The soldier who achieves triumph mounted upon the proud champion of the saddle, is more fbrtu nate than he who acquires it by forced marches on foot, over wasted frames or dead men's bones. It is as unjust to peril the health and strength of the soldier, as it is inhuman to wantonly sacrifice his life. In peace the horse has ever been used to save human la bor; in war let him be used to save human life. We must waive all ob jections to the expense, of this aria of' the serVice in a con test, for nationalex istence. Wealth is of no consideration in a crisis big with the fate of the na tion. lie, who falters in this hour of peril seals by volition the fate of this u n i o i i _the • last hope of freedom throughout the world. l-itatesmen may marshal their hosts =EMEMMM i ' e 't-gi A ... •,;:iit,..., I ... . •• , ; . • 6 la 4 -..: $., . - . . i=. , Wtik . ` '4" \.. 'it. ti . 4 . ‘ X and wrriors predict, but time alone can defelope the consequence of their measures. Military genius does not exist in theory alone ; it is founded upon superior practical abilities; it rests upon deduction. Practical re sults alone can confirm the wisdom of the military design. The genius to devise and the bravery to execute is the genuine , of the military chieftain. Aricti ' ',the touchstone of success; affectet,,f'' antry or bogus heroism should nev esupplant genuine bravery, the insignia of the soldier.— The civilian must cling to the pillars of the Constitution and the soldier must cling to the wheels of the cannon; though it speak its iron language in tones of thunder ho must stand in the ' wake to save the people from despot ism and the Stato from being swallow ed up in the great conflagration. Junius. Coal Tar Destructive to Vermin. Since the discovery of the antiseptic properties of coal-tar, numerous ex periments have been made with this substance, in order to ascertain wheth er it possesses any deleterious qualities in relation to the insect world, or to those lower quadrupeds which are con sidered as pests by the farmer and housekeeper. Some of these trials have led to satisfactory results. The Journal de la Societe d'Hortieulture in forms us that an agriculturist, M. The nard, having lately caused certain frames to be coated with coal-tar, was surprised to find the cabbages growing near the place where the frames were standing, quite free from the unwel come visits of the Hallica, or flee-bee tle, so destructive to cruciferous plants. The observation was not lost upon him; he immediately caused 1,500 kil ogrammes of saw-dust to be mixed up with two kilogrammes of coal tar, and then to be strewed over several acres sown with rape-seed. The consequence was, that nd flea-beetles ever infested the plant from the moment of their appearance to - tile ti 'they were got in. He has been repeating this pro cess for the last five years, and always with the same success, while his neigh bors' fields suffer more than ever from the invasion of the obnoxious insect.— Instead of saw dust, sand or even earth may be advantageously used, but care must he taken not' to use coal titr in an excessive quantity; for since its virtue resides in the strong empy reumatie odor it emits, a very small dose will be sufficient; whereas a large quantity would kill the plants them selves. The efficacy of coal tar driv ing away moles has also been tested with success. If wooden spikes coated with the substance be thrusted into the 'ground at moderate intervals, the moles there may be in the field are sure to decamp. A piece of ground may be protected from them by encircling it tt ith a rope previously- dipped in coal tar.. It is highly probable that rats and mice may be driven away by sim ilar processes. We have had personal experience of the efficacy of strong resinous smells in removing insects; for several years ago we succeeded in ridding a garden of vast colonies of ants, which had literally taken posses sion of it, by pouring spirit of turpen tine upon the ant-hills. In 24 hours not an ant was to be seen. How, it Some of our exchanges have revived the following old but good story : A number of old politicians, all of whom were seeking office under the government, were seated at a tavern porch talking, when a toper named John D., a person who is very loqua cious when corned, but exactly the op posite when sober, said if the•eompany had no objection, he would tell them a story. They told him to 'fire away,' whereupon he spoke as follows A certain King —I don't recollect his name—bad a philosopher upon whose judgment he always depended. Now, it so happened that one day the king took it into his head to go hunt ing; and after summoning his nobles and making the necessary prepara tions, he summoned the philosopher and asked him if it would rain. The philosopher told him it would not and he and his nobles departed. While journeying along, they met a countryman on a jackass. Ile advised them to return, for; said he, 'it will certainly rain' They smiled contemp tuously upon him and passed on. Be fore they had gone many miles how ever, they had reason to regret not having taken the rustic's advice, as a heavy shower coming up, they were drenched to the skin. When they had returned to the pal ace the King reprimanded the philos opher severely. 'I met a countryman,' said he,' and he knows a great deal more than you, for he told mo it would rain, whereas you told me it would not.' The King then gave him his walk ing papers, and sent for the country man, who made his appearance. Tell me,' said the King, how you knew it would rain 'I . didn't know,' said the rustic, my Jackass told me.' 'And how, pray, did he toll you ? ' asked the King. By pricking up his oars, your maj esty,' returned the rustic. The King ' soot' the countryman away, and procuring thO jackass of him, hc'placed him the jackass, in the office the philosopher had filled. ' And here,' observed John, looking very wise, is where the King made a great mistake.' ' flow so?' inquired his auditors ea geily. Why, ever since that time,' said John, with a grin, every jackass wants an oiliee Hu that i~, proud eats upHimself. MM:ME!EMM • A TERMS, $1,50 a 'Year in advance. The Picket's Ruse. Private Joel &napes, of a hard working, tough-sinewed regiment of Vermont volunteers, was a good shot and a smart soldier. Ile found great satisfaction in picket duty, and hard ly came in after a day's exorcise in that branch of military without hav ing a report to make to his superior officer of some new work discovered, some conversation overheard, some little chance circumstance perceived, that might be of use in gaining an ad vantage over the enemy. Joel was a long, lank, yellow-haired fellow, not very soldierly in speech or bearing, but of infinitely more service than many a one of our snug, dapper, well-looking city soldiers. He was frightfully, .sunburned, and his face, coarse-featured and demure, suggest ed good humor and endurance, more than courage and ,discipline. But there was a twinkle about his small, grey eyes, which enlivened them . ' de spite their scanty and characterless white lashes, and impressed the closer sort of observer with a' whOlesome re spect for his courage and intelligence. His nasal voice and drawl, his round shoulders and flat build, could not shako this respect so lone one kept those clear, cool, flir-seenig 'e G's iii sight; and Joel's comrades prophesied that he had only to behave himself, and keep on his oivn way, to gain a pair of epaulettes one fine day.' - ' lle openly .'declared that manual la bor'on the earthworks wit's distasteful to him; and his officers, knowing his value at picket duty, ,evinced enough consideration for him to keep him at that service. The position that he liked best was on the slope of a bill, opposite a simi lar slope, occupied by a sentinel of the Confederates. This last was quite a high bit of ground' . whence one might see a great deal that was going on about the batteries further down. Jo el believed that the sentinel there sta tioned learned more than was well for Mir' side. He accordingly harrasded and annoyed every one that showed his head on the hill-side opposite, and left several adventurous fellows stretched on the turf, one after anoth er, as a reward for their temerity. It was nearly a quarter of a mile off, but, as I have said, the long Vermont er was a good shot, and it became re ally dangerous for'the enemy's pickets to show themselves at all near the dangerous hill-side. They soon learn ed their lesson, and very soon acted upon it. Joel, sauntering down his path ono fine afternoon, heard a sharp report, and felt the wind of a rifle ball that came wonderfully near his bead.— Turning quickly, he saw rthe smoke floating up from a little pile of fresh earth on the hill opposite. The ene my had dug a pit wherein the sentinel could sit at ease, and expose his head and arms only when ho fired. Pri vate Smapes hastened with praisewor thy prudence to get out of sight, among some cedars, and watched some time before quite fixing the location of the focman again. Finally discover ing the fresh earth once more, and im agining that he saw a hat just above it, he took a shot in the direction.— Up pegged a tall sentinel, bare-head ed, and returned the fire instantly.— He had only been trying the old trick of putting his hat on a ramrod. • " This'll never dew," soliloquized Joel. " That cuss has got tow good a berth over yonder. I'll just have ter rouse him out." The other sentinel's death-warrant wasin some sort signed from that moment. Tho crafty Ver monter's brain was at work on the problem of dislodging his man thence forth. So long as Joel kept quiet, so did his antagonist but it 'Wag 'ptestintablo that he could see the batteries in pro cess of construction, without exposing himself, for the earth taken from the pit was carefully piled upon the side toward Joel. From a thicket at the foot of the two hills however, a shot could be got lengthways of the trench, and behind this trifling breastwork. To gain the thicket, then, without beim -, too visible on the barren slope, was Joel's idea. The next day, private Smapes took with him a long piece of stout twine and a revolver when ho went out on I picket duty. t was not yet daylight, but the gray and indistinct light of dawn had begun to pale in the east. The sentinel, as soon as the guard passed along, hastened to drive a smooth stake in the ground, and to rest his musket over a fork in a cedar tree in front of the stake, the muzzle of the weapon pointing in the direc tion of the pit on the further slope. He then cocked the piece and fas tened one end of his cord to the trig ger, began stealthily crawling down the hill on his hands and knees, play ing:Out the line as he went. It was a hazardous experiment, for the thicket, when ho gained it, was very sparse and so near to the point that the Confederate sentry, had he suspected Joel's presence there.,' could have hardly failed to hit him. Lying down, however, the Vermon ter awaited sunrise, and as the shad ows faded away in the mist of morn ing, he saw the light gleam upon a .bayonet peering from the' trench on the hillside. "low for to make him show his plant. 1" said Joel to himself. Ho pulled the string carefully at first, till it was drawn tight, and then a slight extra tug fired the musket from among the cedars above. He had not calculated wrongly.— As'soon as the rifleman in the pit hoard this matinal salutation from the enemy over opposite, as he supposed, ho raised himself up to return fire, and brought his head and shoulders plainly into sh , ht • • THE GLOBE JOB PRINTING OFFICE. r HE "GLOBE _JOB OFFICE" ie IL the most Complete of any 'the kitehtry, Eitti4 aoSees the most ample facilities for.promptly exemthtlepiii ILO belt atylg, eygry variety of Job Visaing, emit Ai .0 HAND DlttS; - • '"'" ' • • , PROGRAMMES, . . BLANKS, " POSTERS CARD,% CIRCULARS, . BALL TICKETS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C NO, 26. CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OP WORE, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE The next instant he went heels over head into the trench againovith' a bull: let from the unerring Colt straight through the side of his head. • —4 3 " The darned fool 1" said private Smapes, " didn't he know a felloW might shoot off a gun without having hold of it ?" The Confederate pickets decided thereafter that this position was tot; exposed to be profitably occupied. •‘• General AS'teednian Challenged by a Woman.— General James B. Pte'ecll man, of the Northwestern Ohio is bravo fn battle and . up to adV6iii. tures in seeeshdom. A' letter • frogi " Camp'N'ear the Tennessee Line,""t6 the Commeieitil, relates the follo*! f , • • ing : Riding along to-day, I car gjA 413 with General Steedman, who; first province as commander of this brigade,' had called at a dwelling on the roll+ side to see about sick soldiers left' in the hduses. " The General knocked at the door, and a voice within yelled out, .'"'Come in.f' Obeying the inc junction, he opened the door and in=- quired how many men wore thei'e,' and also if they had the requisite atten tion showa , theini After's. few min utes' talk with the soldiers, General S. entered into ocinvertintidu 'Vjth Reynolds, the owner of the property, who, among other things, asked- the General when he thought the wet Wonld end—to which ' , tile General' re filled, • ' "Not - until the rebels lay down their arros,'''or 'the secessionists gdt, perfectly' tired of havink their countri thoroughly devastated." ••, This reply brought in a third party. Old Mrs. Reynolds—a regular spit-fire —a'she secessionist of the most rabid, rantankerous speeies=a tiger cat in petticoats. This she specimen" of.the " Spirit of the South," of the derami Of desolation, had bottled up her venom during the conversation of her epre, but could hold in ne longer; 'hdt' Vad of wrath'' birgted,'.the - cork flew dug and the way she came at the/Genera{ was a Caution to the wayfarers °vet , this road at any rate. • " 011 yes ! and that's all you nasty Yankees come here for, iS to. destroy our property, invade our silo; desei•la: tin our homes. This 'ere whole war is nothing but a Yankee speculation, gotten up by the North; so that they can steal niggers, and drive us • ,froni our homes.' 44 Well madam, it is not my province to quarrel .with a woman; I shall vu talk to you. You get excited, ttha don't know what you're talking about." • " Oh ! but I'll talk to you as much as I please ; you're all a sneakini'sst of thieves; you can just take yourself out of my _house, you dirty pup.— You're drunk." The General very placidly listened to the old termagant, and merely ~re. • marked it was too cold to go out of . the house just then, he guessed he'd warm himself first. . •• • "Get out quick," said she, opening the door, "I'll let you know I'm -a Barney; yes, I'm a grand daughter of Gen. Harney, of revolutionary faine.S, " Well, I have before told yoU, I don't want to quarrel with a woman but if you have any of the male Hum us about the house who will give me the tenth part of the insolence I have listened to from the lips of ono old enough to know better, I will seed show him of what metal I am made:s ll ".Teems, gife trio 'your six shooter;" fitirly shrieked the old woman; " soon show !lira. ill fight you at ten paces, sir." • The General laughed at her last re mark; seeing which, she -becalm) per fectly furious, her sons and daughters begging her to desist fre* ~qeh- tulle, but the More . they cried don't,lhe'l4l3 she " don'ted." The family by this time had beeti made aware that it was a real General at whom this insolence of tongue was being hurled, and' the: tribulatton of the son was great. z , ; ;,1 The Gen'e'rat, after thoroughly warming himself, qufdtly Walked out with his staff, the son•follciv'ea' to the door, Making all sorts of apoldgies fot his mother — that she had been 4i1d14 was peevish, and at times out of her head. I suggested to him th'at 1 did'nt think she would be so hpt to go out of her head if John Morgan had come along, instead of a Union man. Lucky for that house and its inmates that the 9th Ohio, or any of General Stebd! man's cOmMand,' were not :apprized of their proceedings. The General, iti the kindness of his heart, and for thti sake of the soldiers quartered there: placed a guard around her house to prevent her being troubled in the least, while the rug:int - eras were pAs - sing. _ IT is a question anxiously asked by some if California is safe from the de signs of the secessionists ?'"Oup of It population ofl2s,loo"able-boaltid :none 40,0,00 arc estimated to be secess6fitlat?f, The plait obtain possession - W . 6'e government property last year having been defeated, the secessionists are establishing a colony in , Sonora, from which they can'effect a surprise of California. Danger is supposed to exist from the belief that France ear= neatly desires to aCquire a foot-hold in the Pacific ocean, and, if possible, some. where on the coast of America, where the precious metals are found in abunz dance. Of the five reginients .of ins fantry, and one and a half of ciii7alry raised in California, but a very few of them are in striking distinice 'of, San- . Praneisco and the other thickly point lated portions of California; they are mainly distributed • over the outire frontier of the State from Humboldt to Tucson. Fear va'akes devils ofchordTr= BILL HEADS)