The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 26, 1862, Image 4
PATRIOTS ! TO 'PUB RESCUE!.!- Men Wanted to fill up one of the best Regiments in the Field. FAME undersigned, in accordance ‘‘lth General Orders, fiend Qtlarters of the Army, and er the. direction of Capt. It. I. Dodge, General Superin tendent of Recruiting &nice for the State of Pertusylra. ula, has opened a Recruiting Office at AIAKKLESBURG, Iluntlugdon county, Pa. I am authorical to enlist men for auy Pennsylvania Regiment now in the field that is not already Subsistence and pay to commence Dom date of enlist ment. Sergt. JOHN McLAUGHLIN, 53d Regiment, P. V. Oct. _0,166' On Recruiting Sem Ice. FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &d., &C. Mall FARMERS' NURSERIES, ICEIR lIUNTINGDON, PA Wo Invite (armors and all who may ho In want of Tans and th-tars to examine our stock of THRIFTY WELL anows TREES, At greatly reduced prices to suit the times, consisting or APPLES—A fine stock of tho ntobt approved arioties for general cultivation—good nice and thrifty grom th Pace 10 etc. each. . . . DEARS—Choice hinds, Standaro 50 cts., Dwarf 40 cis each. • . CHER lIIES—A fine asset intent, 40 cts. each. PEACHES—Our stock of peaches is fine, comprising a collection of choice varieties of superior excellence, turn. i,hing a succession of tips fruit front the Ist of August to the let of October. Price ten eta. each; $8 per 100 PLUMS—A lief of the most desirable and popular kinds. Price, grafted ou plum stocks, 50 cts.; on peach stocks, 20 cis. each. APRICOTS-50 cts. each; tir.CTAItINES—'2O cents each. SELECT GItAPES GRAPE VISES of tha best larietins, sold at the very lowest rates, varying in price from 15 cents to $1 each. Any of the now and rare grapes, native or foreign, If not on hand, will bo ordered and furnished at the very low est rates. CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, &C. Early orders aro earnestly solicited. Packages of trees will be delivered in Huntingdon free of expense to the purchaser, and duly forwarded by the railroad to anyplace he may designate. Any inquiries by letter respecting stock, prices, &e. will receive prompt attention. The nurseries are located 5 miles N. E. from Hunting don on the road leaches from Huntingdon to Crownover 31,11, and ono mile S. E. from the Warm Springs. 'JESSE amtiucu, Box 1, lluntingdon, Pa Address Sept 17-7 m Triomphe de Gand Strawberry. Our stock of Plants of tltis unrivalled Strawberry, is nu equalled anywhere. GRAPE VINES. We have 75,000 Grape Vines for Sale, Of superior quality, of tho DELAWARE, HARTFORD PROLIFIC, CONCORD, DIANA, DLSINGBURG, CUYAHOGA, CHEVBLING. And also other new and valuable kinds. As We have ev ery facility for keeping up our supply. lie offer great in ducement(' to Full purchasers. Send for our Circular. J. KNOX, . 8t24-2m Box 155, Pittsburgh, Pa. BANK NOTICE, TN pursuance of the 25th Section, First Article of the amended Constitution of the State of i. imsylvania, and the First Section of the Act of the Gen eral Assembly, passed the first day of Jun 0,1835, the un dersigned ciasens of 010 COMMOIMeaIth of PeunsAvania boreby giro notice that they intend to make application to the Legislature of said State, at Oa Bent 6094011, com mencing the first Tuesday of January,lB63, for the char ter of a Bank, to be !opted In the borough of Huntingdon, In the county of Huntingdon ' and State aforesaid, to be called tho " BROAD TOP BANE;" the capital stock there of to be Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars, and the specific object for which the proposed corporation is to be char tered is to transact the wual and legitimate business of a Bank of issue, discount, deposit and exchange. DAVID BLAIR, l J. GEORGE MILES, JOHN J. LAWRENCE,WILLIAM LEWIS. I It. B. WIGTON, ALEXANDER PORT, ROBT. lIARE POWELL, JOHN It. HUNTER, JAMES MAGUIRE, (mono E EBY, PAID DUNN, 41, 11, WrtiITARTI CLININQUI SI . Juno 3, 1662-6iu BANK NOTICE OTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned citizens and residents of Pennsylvania taco associated themselves tegethev tu pat tnership, nod prepared a Certificate for the purpose of astablisbing a Bank of discount, deposit and circulation or issue, under and in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the Gen. unit Assembly ,of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 31st day of May, A. D. 1861, entitled a '•Supplement to an Act to establish a system of Free Bank ing in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from Insolvent Banks, approved 3larch Olst, 1860," and any other lace or lane of said Commonwealth applicable to and bearing on the subject. The said prorsed Bank to ho called "TILE HUNTINGDON COUNTY BANK," to be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, in the County of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, as ith a capital stock of ono hundred and aixty thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each, with the right and privilege of increasing the saute to any account not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. WILLIAM P. ORBISON, JAMES M. BELL, JOHN EcOrr, JAMES OWIN, WILLIA-M DORRIS, Ja., MOMS FISHER, GEORGE W. CIARRETTSON. July 22, 1562-6ru. WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, NORFOLK, dc., TAKEN.—ASIIIif SLAIN, AND THE BACK . BONE OF ." SECESII" BROKEN But while you rejoice at' the success of our gallant troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of tho Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of -,IVALLA:CE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and ace our new stock goods, consisting of Dry Goode, .Groceries; ; :I Boots and Shoes, . Queenaware, Crockeryware, Tobacco, Segars, • flame, Flour, Etat,• and a general assortment of notions, all of which am of fared on teasonablo terms for cash or produce. Iluntingdon, July 1,1882. ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS pc, precious to the rise In Sterling' Excliange, and the New Duty imposed on all Pure, Imported since the first of August. I would also state, that as long as my stock lasts, I will offer.l t at prices proportionate to what the goods cost me; but, it will be impossible for me to Import and Mannfac• tore any more Furs, and sell them at the same prices, owing to the unsettled state of the affairs of the Country. Sitiii-Renlember the name, number and street: John Fureira, (New Fur Stem) 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 15,1862.-sm. •!. • ~... READING RAIL . ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for Pmransasurs, New ; YORK, BEADEST, Porter - nix, 12115X03,AueirrOWN, &Brox, AO., an: Trains learn 11Anatenteto for PMEADELPIILL, Now-Tone, Runine, POrravate, and all Intermediate Stations, at S A. M., and 1.40 P. M. New-Yuan Express leaves Ilminisouna at 1.25 A. M., ar riving at NEw-Yong nt 8.25 the same morning. Fares from lIMMUMartel : To NEW-YORK, $5 00; to Pnlc amaxens, $3 25 and $2 70. Baggage checked through, Returning, leave Naw-Yonn at 6 A. 51., 12 Noon, and 8 (Prrrsemou Extmeas.) Leave Pia/memo. at 8 t. M., and 8.10 P. M. Sleeping cars in Om Now-Yens EXPRESS TRAINS, through and from Pirrsnunon without change. Past - angers by tho CATANTI9s6 Rail Road leave Poor LiKront at 4.45 A. 11., for PRILADF.LTRIA and all Interme into Stations; and at 3.00 P. M., for Pruesnetrma, New nan, and all Way Points. Trains leave Porrsvitee at 9.00 A. M., and 2.M P. 51., for enitAnztritra and New-Yortn; and at 5.30 P. 51. ' for Amu= and Pour Currog only, connecting for Phis GROVE and with the CATAWISSA Rail Road. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Rasmus at 6 A. M., and returns from ProIaDELPIWA at 5 P.M. .667- All the above trains nut daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train leaves Ponsvittr. at 7.30 A. M., and Pintuuntenta at 3.15 P. M. COMMUTATION, 3ILLEAGE, BEASON, and EXCURSION TICTXTS, at reduced rates to and from all points. O. A. NICOLLS. 6 , 11 , rel SuperintendPnl. Juue :1, ISe2 1862. THE 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES LOWER PRICES Than tho same article can be bought i❑ Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. TO ARMS! RUSH TO ruE STORE OF SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, and see tho now and elegant assortment of Goods he has Just received, consisting to part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queen:nacre, Hardware, Cloaing, Bonnets, Shamir. Hats, Cleyt, Boots, Shoes, and all other articles kept in country stores, whirl, lie is offering at his Mammoth Stores, at Coffee Run Station, at unusually low prices. The public are invited to call and examine his Goods.. ••••• • • • .. Having at mngetnents o ith largo firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities, ho Is able to bay his goods cheap er than other country merchants, and can consequently, undersell thou! In exchange for goods, ho takes all kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. lly strict attention to the pants of customers, ho hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with which he has been heretofore favored. . . . . . Mr. Cohn is Agent of thu Broad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Clmin to the Zooteru markets. flaring a large Ware Boom,. far mers can store with hiinsinid ready tq ship. Every , con venience will Le afforded them. Sept. 10. 11132-if J. H. 0. CORBIN , ATTORNEY AT LAW, IIIINTINODON, I'A. Office on Hill Street Iluntinvlan, Jan. 14, 1662-tf. P ALLISON MILLER, vi Whatm.• YTIS T, 11es removed to tho Thick Row opposite tho Court Muse April 19, 1859. T E. GREENE, el • DENTIST. Office on Railroad :drool, opposito tho Jach• aon Hotel, Huntingdon, Do. March 15, 18i,2. 1:1F T. WHITE, itTTORNEY AT LAW, UUVINGDON, PA An.; 1801-tf. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! Jamea A. Ih own send tha genuine " PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL, dear as moire. This is the onlylimil of oil that gives entire satkfaction as au agent for light. Beware of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an offensive smell and smolt°. A large-variety also of CO-.11. OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks. Burners, Shades, Ac., Ac., sold at the very lowest prices, at the Hardware Store,ll‘mting doo, Pa. IpAPER ! PAPER ! ! PAPER !! ! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper for Flower., Perforoted Paper, Bristol Board, Mat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Utter and Note Paper, Ladles' Plain and Fancy Nato Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sato at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. Moulders, Fish. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail, • 50.000 , BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUTT, OVANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Just rftoived And for sag at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. JON FAIIEIRA, 8 ARCS Street, lit , Eighth, south We, (mporterd Manufacture' eland Dealer in all kind. FANCY FURS, for lA le and Children's wear. desire to say to my :ads of Huntingdon and surrounding Counties a I have now in stole, ) of the largest and 0 beautqui assortment AI Itinda and qualities ?ANCY FORS..tbr La e and Chiletren's wear, will be worn during PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OF ALL MD DIBTINGIIISINED OF➢3CERS AND WILIAM, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. W.T.NDO)V SHADES,_ CORDS, 'TASSELS, cpC„ and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A lasadentne tissortjnontjuet received and (or sale at LEWIS' ROOK, STATIONERY& rail= STORE CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE lJ of OUTMAN & CO., If you wnnt a good article o' Clothing. Store room to Long's now building, in the Dia mond, linutingdcu Sept, 9, 1657 THE largest stock of De Dairies in town j_ by NISILER. & SON. CALL at D. P. G WIN'S if you want rasblotablo Goodr WRAPPING PAPRIT! A good article fur sale at LIMIT BOOK ETOltl. ED LEWIS' 10E1 Consists of upwards of FOR KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COF- Tbis preparattou, made from the best Java Coffee. Ia recommended by plisienins as a stiperier NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Gem erni Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee will we rids without injurious effects. Ono can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary collie. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and bat BAKING POWDEIt known, for making light, sweet and nutritious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. 2.IINUFACTISI:ED nr M. 11. KOLLOCJC, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets, NIII.ADELPIII And sold by all Druggists and Gloms Feb. 24, 1662-Iy. r 111 E ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Street, between Third and Fourth, Philadelphia. he undersigned, having leased, for a term of years, this popular house have the pleasure of announcing to their friends end tine traveling community, that it is now open for the tecoptlon of guests. The house since the first of Match last, has been entirely renovated and refit ted inn superior manner; the apartments ore large, w ell ventilated and furnished iir model n style. It is cent. ally located, convenient to all the depot and steamboat land ings, and in the immediate vicinity of the Custom house, Po.d Office tun! the Coen Exchange. Connected ulth the Dotal is a Restaurant for the ac commodation of Moho pleferting tine European plan.— Prices of Rooms from Three to Smell Dollars per week, according to location. Board $1 60 per day. Taldo dlloto (or mm clinnts and business men from 1 to 3 P. 31. April 8,1881-1 S 'z'. .0 r-, m = = en or_Tt C . " DJ PP' ril tri 0 NW. I O 41 446 - 60 6 ' ,•ts UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER CIIMMEEEI LEWIS' BOOK STORE. iNI A- Nro ll ul ß ll I re j g E pec Y ffilll3 lt r p all . tho l n: l t l e e nti l o l n il o d f e ti r : - Cr7e e n d o of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties tg the stock of being iful crackle now on baud. lie is prepared to tarnish at the shut test notice, Monumental Mar Me, Tomb, Tnhle• and Stories of every !Joshed size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved uith appro pi iota de ices, or plain, no luny snit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, Sc., will be furnished to older. W. pledges himself to famish material and n nutnallip equal to any In Ow country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase ulecallere. Shop en Pill Street, Huntingdon, Huntingdon, May 10, 1855 WILLIAM AFRICA !LAS AGAIN COMMENCED TILE BOOT AND SILOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OF ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE, Ills old customers au t the public generally, leaf give Lima call. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20, MB.] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! The undersigned respectfully inform the public hat they have purelin , ed tho ALEXANDRIA BREWERY nod will continuo the business, and endeairor to give general enticfaction. All orders will be promptly attended to. Wit. ROTIMOCK, WM. N. KIRBY. Alaandrin, Pub. 22, 1664 lIIE ITUNTINGDUN— IN BLAST AGAIN !—The subscribers take this method o nforming their friends nod the public generally, that gr. SLOW to successful operation• unit ore pi enema to Cornish Castings of , v ym n r, s ., == °wry description, of best quality and orkmanship. on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers me invited to cull and son, toe our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Rumex Plough. This plough took the first premium et the it,,,, tingdon county Agricultural ' , airiest fall. Also, 111131 tor's Mein aced Cutter Ploughs, which cant be beat—togother with the Keystone, Hillsido and liat.shenr ploughs. We have on bend and two 'lmmanent' lug Stoves—such ns Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. Hollow wars, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c:, all of which us will sell cheap for cash or in exchanga for eons. try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business. and a desire to pleaso, wo 1101,11 to re. eels a a liberal shorn of public pat, °mtge. J. Id. CUNKINGIIA3I A into. Huntingdon, April 80, 1650. EADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Heady Reckoner, in dollars am cents, to which aro added forms of Notes. hills, lie ceipts, Petitions, de., together with a set of no tables, containing rats of interest front 0130 dollar to twelve thong and, by the single day, with a table of usages, and board by tho week and day, published 1111859. For sato at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. LANKS I BLANKS ! BLANKS ! oNSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACHMENTS, SUMMONS, ATTACIFT EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS, DEEDS, SURPfENAS, MORTGAGES. SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR MOUSES, NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a Wah or of the ,p3O Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a canner of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teacher s. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, fur Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. CO:kIPLAINI", WARRANT, out COMMITMENT, In case of Assault and Battery, and AM ay. SMILE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough nud Tom whip Taxes. Printed on superior paper. nod for sale at the , Offtee of the BUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, In toted to order, neatly, at short notice, and on•good Paver. SONGS AND BALLADS, The Dime Mdotitsi, The Dime Song Book, 110. 1, The Thine Union Song Book, The Dime Military Song Book, The American Dime Song .Buo Yitnkee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Mimi, The Stars and Stripes Sangster, Dlsey's Essence of Burnt Cork Songster, Gus Sham's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Rook, Lover's Irish, Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiquette, Kew Dime American .Tuken The Dime and other A-oats, The Done Leiter Writer, The Dime Dream J3oof, The Pime Dialogues, Kos.l& The Dime Speaker, Kos.l & The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book For IRO at LEWIS' 8008, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STOLLE IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. P °WIN'S whop yon will find the larger vu eartalent in town. (ALI) BRASS AND COPPER take k.." in ett, honge for gootht nt the Hardware Stern riq t. 3, 7SU. JAS. A. BROWN MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OP THE WAR DEPARTMENT. The book Is an octavo of COL pages, 18 elegantly printed on lino paper, or Ith new bold Opt, and tine nn admirable, exhaustien index, for nide', mery officer will bo grateful, the moment trio eyo recta upon it. no no former edition has ever had an index, and the want of one lots been long felt In the Army. Tbo Appendix embraces the Articles of War, contain ing many important correction.; ; aloe, selections from the Military Acta of Congress, Including those tamed at the Met session. PRICE S 2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE . - CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTHORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilham, 11. S. A, Just published and fur sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Complete In one volume. Price $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the Instruction. exercise, and manoeuvres of the United States Infaary, including In fantry of the Line, Light intantry, and Rifle mon, prepared under the direction of the War Department, and authorized and adopted by the Sect etary of WM', May hat, 1501, contain- X Mg the school of the soldier; the school of the company; instruction for shirmishera, and the genet ul calls; the calls for bkirmishms, and tho velum! of the battalion; including the an ticks of wan and a dictionary of militai y terms. Complete in one lohnue. Price ;1.25. For • into at Louis' Book Store. HENRY NEIL, 16AAC L. DEvOE; aet6 )(a) U-VITED STATES SOLDIER, On conning into sea ice: containing it complete system of instruction in tho School of the Soldier, with n prelimina ry explanation of the lon ination of n Battalion on Parade, the Pobition of the tacos. being n first book or intneduction to authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics, just pub. flitted. Price 25 eolith. For sole at AL - 0, Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TAC'T'ICS, Complete in 2 vols. Pt ice $1.50. For sale at LEWIS' 1100 K STOKE. .0(1) - - The Books sent by mail to nny address on the re elpt of the price. Huntingdon May 20,1060. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC SWIM, OSGOOD'S Speller.lst, 2.1. 3d. 4th and sth Readers. 5113 LIFFEY'S Speller and headers, SANDER'S do do do Town's Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Sniffles, Bullion's and Brown's Grammars. litch's Phy cleat Geography. Warren's Phy Geogrephy. Mitchell's. Monteith and McNally's Geographies k. Atlases Camp's Geography, with Key to 3litchull's Outline Maps. Webster's mid Won coaler's Diction at lee. Qtmckenbos' First UMW, in Composition. Quackenlites Cutnposition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's. Stoddard't. and Brooks' An ithinotics. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Storldard's Key a to Arithinatlca. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. eenlears Boy to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons hr Natural Philosophy. Pm kerb Philenophy. Willard's history al the United Slates. Child's 14 114 Goodrich's Payson, Duuton and Scribner's Penmanship, In eleven numbers. Potter & Ilammond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Contt oilers' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Digonometry. Dm ire' Lsgenthe's Geometry. Greenleaf 's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book-keeping. Ihmk Keeping by Single Entry, by lianalord to Payson Book Keeping by Single and Double Etat y, by Ihumford & Payson. Other books will be nettled and furnished to order. A. full stock of School Stationery always on band. Iluntingdon, WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, PENS! PENS!! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C• BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens • PRICES-25 cts. per dozen or $2 per gross. THE " CORRUGATED METAL" PENS, modo by C. BARNARD, are tho best Com mercial and School Pens, mithout exception to any,— They are used by all the principal Banks and Government Dept intents, Public and Private Schools: also, by the moot prominent Commercial [louses throughout thu Uni ted State, and Cenadn. But a short time has elapsed since hate been introduced into the United States, still a mark ed preference is given them over all others fur the follow. leg reasons: The Co:regaled Metal " PENS du not cor rode; they will not splatter or cut through the thinnest paper; they have an easy gilding motion, a certainty of conall3 difhping the ink, softness of point, awl great du rability. no - following tekimonials, selected from. numerous (Ahern, are respectfully eubmitted : I have used the Metallic Pens of Mr. O. Barnard and highly approve of them. C. BARSTOW, esident of St. Nicholas Bank, New York. We IMO 119011 the Pens of Mr. Pm nard, and and theft to he as he repreeents, and tske t lensme in recommend- Ins them to the imtqh?, WELLS, FARGO A CO, A. 311.11.1.1 GAN, Cashier. P. Barnsas Pens have bean tried, and are Idedy ap proved In this office. S. G. 00liEN, aludator y. $. Custom 130145 e; New York. FOR EVBRYBODY Haring tried the corrugated Pens made by Mr. Barnard, I can recommend them as excellent. SAMUEL L. BERM, Clmmundani ey Yard, BrooAlyn. We add onra to lli/OVO recommondatioas. 11. B. CIIO3IIVJELL & CO.. New York. I hare no beeitntion in ening Ilarnard's Pens are do• cidedly the best I have es er used. B.C. HAY, Agent United Slates -Express Co., Niue York. We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Ilarnard's Anti- Corrosive Pens as the best ever brought under oar notice, without s4coptiOn• WILKINSON, STETSON & CO., Fork Place, New York. T. 11. HUGHES, Clt.shisr. We have been using the Pans of Mr. C. Barnard, and take great pleneuro in recommending them to the public, as they are en excellent article, and all ho represents timm to be Upon trial wo have found Mr Dullard's Pens to lie ex relleut. FRED, PItOIIST & CO., Sea• York. I would recommend Mr. Barnard's Pons as a superior articlo to any I have used. °OUST. KESIBLE, Now York. We add ours to the alum recommendations. HAVILAND d. CO., New York Of all Penn I have ever mod, Mr. Ilarnard's have gh en me more satisfaction, and Icon recommend them to tho nnhhe as being entirely anticorrosive. E. routEn, Now York. After six months' ftipstant wie qr O. Bernard's Anti, Corroelyp Pen, we can confidently recommend It as the best metallic pen wo haso ever used, finding from the above experience that it does not actually corrode. B.IIIcLEAN k CO., New yorh. C, BARNARD, Manufacturor of Corrugoted 31etal Pen, John Street, ClerltenweS, Londoq. Juno IS, 1562. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR AND GEATZLEATEN; EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AM/ MUSIC STOKE. ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK MEE = FOR SALE HUNTIXODON, PA A LARGE STOCK CEM JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE GET THE BEST! I=l AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county. C. BARNARD'S PENS MOMM &Tr(lary Eagle Insurance Ca., 4yew York CAN NOW BE HAD PROFESSIONAL dt, BUSINESS CARDS. TIM JOHN MeCULLOCII, offers his nroftnsional services to the citizens of Huntingdon nod vicinity. (Mice on Hill street, one door eton of Reed's Drug :Rote. Aug. 28, '25. Q S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, Medi cinee, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oiln, &c. Alto—Gto ceriee, Confectioneries, fhp,, Huntingdon, Pa. WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Stationury and 111.1ent Metro molts. Huntingdon, l'a. M. CUNNINGH AM & BRO. J. Founders, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, ty Dealer in Hardware, Cutlers, Paiute, 01IR, &a., Hunt ingdun, Pa. Ti ROMAN, Ready Made Clothing, hate and Caps, AL G a u z i c , ,m th A in N , fit C ti O ngd .,..De ln lers heady I)Y. GWIN, Dealer in Dry Goodg, Groceries. Hardware, Queens ware. Hate and Cariz, Boots and Shoes, Ac. rISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, Sc., Huntingdon, N. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain null Orunmentnl 3larblo Manufacturor • COUNTRY DEALERS calli r f . , buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, to T hat e a whole,ale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, ISSS. 11. ROMAN. QTONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Gro- Li rely, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place In town. VIOLINS, • GUITARS, SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDBONS AND MEP, For solo cheap at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE pOCKET TESTAMENTS, A LA RGE STOCK ON HAINTD AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE BOOK BINDING. Old Books. Ungoziner, or pnbliontlonn of nny klud, hound to ordor, if left nt LEWIS' BOOK d• STATIONERY STORE. BUSTINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! If you 000 t your card neatly printed upon envel opes, cull ut LElrrs , BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, suitable for coafidentiu/ correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' 1100 K , STATIONERY STORE. PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Pont, Commercial, Foolscap gad Flateap—a good assortment for sale by the realm, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. "LINVELOPES _ILA By the box, puck, or lees quantity, for gale at LEWIS' BOOK AX!) STATIU.SEI?I' STORE. DARC MENT DEED PAPER ." ruled, fur tufo at zElvis , BOOX STORE. ONTIILY TIME BOOKS, For rale nt LEIPIS' 1100 K AND STATIONERT STORE. HOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoop, at prima from 25 eta. to $2,00 at tho . chear. store of D. P. (tWIN. T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau L nrui, D. P. OWLS 'S. A Splendid variety of Carpets, only Li k _ 25 cts. per yard. FISHER & SON. HARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! Crocks, Jugs, Preserve Jar. &C, kr" of superior quality. Sold only luy JAMES A. BROWN. P. GWIN keeps the largest, best assortment and chenpea shoes In town. Calland , a ,vadue them; OOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be sold fur $l. 25 at the cheap store of FISHER 8 SON. IF F you want handson: e Goods, good Goode, cheap Goode, and all kin I of Goode, got, D. P. °WU 'S. rIALL at D. P. GR'IN'S if you want V/ GOOD GOODS. • BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to be found at D. P. ItiVIN'S ej_UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A kfi huge 11411.0 l talent at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. el UM SHOES, cheaper at D. I'. Gwin's kjitliau can be haul in town. Cull and see them. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual ity, only GO cte. each. MICA Just L e c ,i l , 11 f t 0 C tho !Ir1:131N, ore E t Y S u[ JAN. A. BROWN TA P. GWIN'S is thp place to buy • good and cheap Carpets. TIQUORS, of the best, for Medicine parpones at S. S. 83111711'5. FRANKLIN HOUSE, IN THE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, 1.41. VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, mid strangers and travelers generally, will find comfortable accousnusintions nt this house. Give us a trial. [April 4, 1660.1 BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest avorteneat In town, at D.P. ODIN'S. QCIIOOL BOOKS,. Generally in neo in the Schools of the County, not on hand, Wit be furnished to order, on application at LEWIS' BOOK, AND 8T4.270NE8Y S7'O-147. SALT ! SALT!! SALT!!! Just received from the °naming., Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y., to lee sold on commission, either what.. sale ur retail, 200 BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, IEGO. F:411E11 & SON. JACKSON HOTEL, LIUNTINGDON, PA. GRAFFUS MILLER, Propridor T RACING MUSLIN, pRATTINCI AND DRARINO PAPER While and Colored Cara raper, For sale at LEWIS' ROOK fk STATIONERY STORE. BLANK BOOKS, or viozoor slzrz, for tale at LEWIS' BOOK AND ST.ATIONERY STO 7 V A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for chw, ny D. P. (MIN'S. PISTOLS ! PISTOLS!! Colt's, Sharpe', Smith & Wesson% and all improved patterns of BerolTers, Pistols, Cartridge., Bottle Kai..., &r. &c., for sale at the Bardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN. May 21, 1861. irnntingdon, Pa. fIOAL BUCKETS and Shovels, ‘_i for onto by J4111E13 A. BROWN YOU will find the Largest and Best assortmeut of ladtqs' DIM Goods at D. P. G WINS'. THE best display and jargesp variety of I all Made of Goods, coo always be found at the cheap store of & SON. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SUADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASEALS, =I AT LEWIS' BOOK STAR; AVIIAT EVERYBODY WANTS I V Y EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAD II Tells You How to draw Op PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general lot line for AGREEMENTS Of all kinds, BILLS of SALE, LEINE/Eland PETITIONS. It Tells You now to thaw up HONES nod MORT° VIES, AF nem-Int, Pow Ens of ATTORNEY,NOTES and BILLS of EXCHANGE, BECEIrrsodRELEASES. It Tells Thu The lune for the COLLECTION of DEnrs, with tho STATUTES of LIMITATION, end amount and hind of property BXEMPT from Exxon- TION In every State. II Tells MU How to make on ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for COMPOSITION with CREDITORS, and the INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing between Goan- DIAN and WARD, DIAsTER nild APPRENTICE, and LANDIORD and TENANT. Il Tells You 11 lint constitutes [DEL and Staxuan, and the Law as to Marauxnr. Dawn, thell'irea MOOT IN PROPERTY, DivORCE and ALlatoNy. It Tells You The Lan fur MEELIANies' LIENS in evory State, nod the NATURALIEATioN LAWS of title coun try, and how to comply with the Same. II Tells You The law concerning PE:ono:is mid how to ob. loin one, nod the Pac-Eurriox laws to Punic Loses. It Ms You Tho LBW fur PATENTs, w lth male of proce dure in obtaining One, W ith INTERFERE:Icm, AssiGNMENTS and Tint: OP Pros. It Tells You /low to make your WILL nod how to ADMIN ISTER on AN ESTATE, with the law end tho requirements thereof its every State. It Tells Jon The menulng of Law TERMS in general mut, nod explains to you the LEDIVAT/VE, Bite cutlet and JUDICIAL Powers of both the General and State Oman,. titgirs. It Tails Thu IfoTT TO REM. OUT OF LAW, by allowing how to do your business legally, thus ens Jug a vast amount of property, and vexations litigation, by its timely consultation. .1)(Z-.ENery body's Lawyer is forst& at Lewis' Book Store -...—__ ~ ~..,-7..;--z,--, , , :hl ' il' ' :•••••': ' ;tt,:0;:". 4 , y„" ss l, i '.. , ,' p, ,',,:1 ~ ' - 4.1 , , 1 44:: ,Yi• -• ••••'" i , rcf-I.os. i!, ~..z ^ i ~,, ,...4 ; l' 4 • lq:•••!. ~/ , • , L,vVf:‘,..s - 1 lOli; , ~.- __ , ~,,4 1,t,..‘ • Z` E. 4.1),"••• 'IA ,4,,. s.,t''.;ii.:l , J , , ,x., ~.*A ke,,?!.', ... •• , 1 1 ..,gA: :v° - vs •t. 0.4): cct Y. ,1...r,4. i ; .•13 ".. 7, % c:C.P '§...;.- AV. P '? .i, l '' '? i-- ''''' ~- ' •P, s'.y. ,l i i it ~ t o - v : . A. ,„ 0 ~,,,, , ...1, .'..' G4 QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS !" Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND PRAYED NOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT OTHER VALUARGE AND INTERESTING /100 E, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, SIIEET MUSIC for the Piano, (Naar, &c., POCKET ROOKS, PORTNONNAIFB AND PUD9I9, For Lndies nod Clvdlonian, OOLT rim AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sontiny and Common Sch6o)s, SUNDAY SCHOOL 110010 OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOES, ALPHABET BLOCKS, AC, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for 'Hopi nod Girls. AMUSING GAMES Fur Young Folke WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGN CERTIFICATES, VISITING CARDS, CIIECICER BOARDS, DOMINOES, &C, CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, NOmorandum Books of Furious Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS ON ALL HINDS, EB=3 Drawing and Blotting Pltprr, Aleut and Card Boards, WHITE BONNET BOARD, INDELIDLE, CARMINE, RED, BLUE AND BLACK INKI, Arnold's Ilodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID Wrapping Paper or Different Sizes and Qualities, ao. &c. ke. kc. ke. kc. ac = LEWIS' Clair 13001 C, STATIoNEDT AND 311.79ic STont, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, where all who want to SAYE MONEY, g 9 to mr,lp their pilrebastes NEW BOOKS ! FOR SALE AT LEWIS' DOOR STORE TILE HOUSE: A New Pouts? Assort. of Rural Arthitee ture; or, How to Build Dwellings, Barns, Stables, and Out De ellb,gs of unkind.. With a Chan,tec oy, Churches and School-Rouses. Mica, 50 cents. TILE GARDEN: A NENT POCKY!. 51tatuAT, nt Practical Hor ticulture; or. How to Cultivate Vegetables, Fruits. and Mowers. With a Ch9pter on Ornamental Tree. and . Shrubs. Price, 511 mks. TILE FARM: A Now POCKET 7.11 NEAL of Practical Agri culture; or, How to Cultivate all the Meld Crops. With nn Essay un Farm Management, etc. Mice, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New Poem MAsust. of Cattle, Purse, ayd Steep Husbandry; or, How to Breed and Rear t h e Various TOMMIE, of the, Darn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO TALK: A Now POCKET MANUAL of Conversation and Debate, with Directions for Acquiring a Grammati cal Style, mid more than Vivo Hundred Common MU takes Corrrcted. Price, 60 cents. POW TO BEHAVE: A Now Pacgrr '3lAsrsot. of Rapubli. cau Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habit.; with Rules for Debating Societies and Deliberative As semblies, etc. Pt ice, 50 cents. 110 W TO DO DUSIIIIISS: A. POCEZT Maxon of Practical Affairs and Guido to. SUCCCIE in Life; with Collection orlittsiness Forum, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Tenns, etc. Price, 50 cents. jAneffA r THE CYTITARA—The D roe y t oriel) Pseirrlist—The Shawn—Thedubllee—lfunten's and Beetlnrs enlarged , and Improved lush actors—Weiland's `New and Improved Method for the 0 ultar—Loland's Accor deon Violin and Flute Instructors—Wiuncr's and Ifowe's Ylotlu Inatrurtors—Dellak's 3lolodeou Instructor—Bur row& Plano•Forto Delmer—do. Thorough-Ease Primer—, Ifowe's Drawing Room Dances—The Chorus Wee Book— Tara's Harp, for sale at • Lp'l.FS' DOOR, STATIONERY A MUSIC STORE. M*. , kItIFFV , A!!`, 00ICS AND STATIONERY.- A good astortmont of miecellaneone and School aoks—Foolecap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Rod, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of numerous sizes—Pena, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and el cry other articlo tumidly fonud in a Book and Stationery Store, can be had nt fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY k MUSIC STORE. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Bpskets at "cntlN,s. T" best Tol)accp in town ' at • -• p. r. BIRD CAGES, FEED DOZES, roUNTAINS, WASULIO DISILIFS, AND Mil, FOR SALE Al' LEWIS' DOOR AND STATTONEILy STDDE ROHRER'S ROIIIU ' . 1101111 Elt'S ROHRER'S - ROHRER'S PIPACTICA L CALCULATOR Plt ACTICAL CA LCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR 1) OHREIt'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, A Book ofl'lain Rules and Caleukfttnns for Business Ois. ralimur t ky Bastin At. Rohrer, Practicer/ Icurrryor car 4 Ai , Editeon, jubli4hed-6y Cblirevancer. colt te th., l'hitirdelphia Tills work contains 201 pages, and upwards 0400 Rut, and Examples, entirely anti thoroughly puset atehrss" arise every day in the common pursuits of Bneinetri. hoe already passed through a number of editions In rap • , succession, and is pronounced by all classes of bush:lei Men to be the handiest book of reference, pertaining , calm:lotions, that has ever been published. Every CX/111111.10 in the !wok is worked out In full rind slated inn plain manner, eo that alien is parallel coat art. : ses. those rem ring to the work will find no difficulty In solving it in NN ord, the general nrrangentent of did CALCULATOR is nimple, that any one who knew! how to, add, subtract, multiply nod divide, can easily solvu any or dinary example that nrisea in business, or arrive at the true remit of any estimate Icqulred. - The chief sin, of the author has been to eschew theory and philoiophy iu figure., aiming only at facts and alotplk city, belie, lug that business men are little about open- . ding time In diemawing the philosophy of rube, or the, science of figures, deeming it sufficient for their purpose, to be able ate moment. by reference, to arrive at the true result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all! other Arithinetirs of the day find kindred works—lt is a , key to practical husineas colentatlons—it is, inn the lattala: 3 of the business num. what the key to matimmatitul Works - in the bands of the teacher lit the school room—it farilh totes time and insures correctness. TOE WOIIII•FREATS OF Tug • • Measnremeut of Land. of Lumber, of Brick and Brick, t won k. cf Stone and Stone work, of grain and grain WON y. of coal and coal bins, of stood, of solids, of liguids', of ctn.. cuter, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and sets, of t rooting, of plasteter's, painter's. glazier's, paver's,plumb- ' CO. paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. it treats of , currency and of foreign and domestic exchauge, of this decimal system, of reduction and Its extended apps( pa y to business, of simple and compound iutvreqt, and limit:, entire application to business tlflUillaiingl, with the laws," and usages governing the same, together with numerous • commercial forma—o' toga' tender, of partial pay:lll°4 op, notes, of banking and bank discount, of eqiutiori of pays meat and of partnership acconitts, of assessment of tasks, . of weights and 111e1.111 , M, of square and cubic measure off, the square root and its application lo kindness of surlaXlegi of excavation, and of many other imPorteut.PPL.Voiri matters nut officio the scope of all advortisetuent to mous, lion. IT IS JUST TILE DOOR' FOR THIS, Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artizan, or the professional man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to' the leap., the Juane,' of the peace, thu coureyancur, and. real estate broker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk; to the cis il engineer stud the surveyor, to the carpeutet and bricklayer, to the etotieninson end the plasterer; to the paper hanger and uphol,terer, to the paver and the tiler, &c., &a.; each and all n 11l ths.! It adapted to their vas dons wane better thin, Only book published: CZ , - Prier. 10 cents. For aide at Lents' Book Store. tlmniugdon, Dec. 26, ISCO. GREAT WORK ON THE RORSK THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Profiwor it/ 11 J l gyam! Oikratiee Surgery the Veterinary Cultrfiegi L'llituttaphic, etc, etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin. Illstory and dialluctife.' traits of the various breed, of European, Asistie, Afticau and American horses, ' with tin, physical and ettliariGes of tho animal, and how to meet talc his ago by the another and coitilittuu of Lin teeth; illustrated with InltillerOWS explanatory ongrayluga. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Urilthing., Stablitig,',Fssk Jog, roming,Shoeing, sod the mot , al innongewent of the, horse, with the, best modes of adiuluistering toediclis, oho, how to treat Ditlug,'Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, tirib•litts, ing, Itestledsuess, awl other tides to which ho is subject; with uutuoique eL. ploostuiy eugroviugu. THE HORSE AND HIR DISEASED WILL TELL YOU Of the causes,symptunts,und Tlltlllotlt of Straugies k Sure Throat, Distelisper,. Catarrh. lulluenza, Ihutichitle; umni., Hominy, Broken Wind, Cl4iwi, is Cough, itoariug and Whlstimg,LlUn.; pas, Sore Mouth nut! Ulcers, 11114. Dv, rayed 'Peal), with other diseases 4.4 the Month and Itespirutuly Orgaiis. TIM HORSE AND 1115 DISBAiES WILL 'I'LL L YOU Orilla imate, symptond,aud Trrattilint:l of Worms, Buts, t Lulic , Stinugulatiorii Stony Omen tious, Inorr,lie. l ,Jou n ilice,lietaitirrilea,Blipotly • UllOO, Scones in the Kidneys and hood. der, bilLowttion awl utimr dtdrainiii of tlio stomach, .11.i%eir, Liror nod Uri- • • wit,' 'Org.., TII L' IfOIZSE AND MS DIAL:ADES . • . WILL TELL YOU flf the catureo, ir)iiiptoiroi and Treat- . went of Bone, Mood and llogi .nt0.'1.4. • Zing Bone, znenide, Strohm, Broken , lino, Wind ti.dle , Pounder, Cracked limits. bole Wlll.llllll UM{ I, Conker •` triatelieo, Thi inn and Corm; 0 . . lilegrinia, Vertigo, Bpileply, Stagguril nod other di rose of the beet, Lusa and Bead. 111111101{511 AND 1115 DISEASES WILL Thl,l. YOU Of tho unlace, s)toptonts, sull Treat. meat or Fi4tuht, 14 , 41, Wanders, Percy. Sent let Foner, notgo, Surfeit. Locked Jam Itemontion.l'ottp.thato, , Dootsos of the Eye tool linort, • tool too to manage Coßtnttiou, Ti ephitting, ferule, Atoputation,Tetpiling, and OttE et ongical THE HORSD AND HIS DISEASES TULL YOU Of Itorr) 's Method of bulling !Conies; bow to Approach, Holier, or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a limas to sti tinge .11{013 and sights, and how to 111 t, Saddle, hide. and freak him I. • Hai aeon; alvo the . ..form and law of 9111.ANTT. The whole being the r• T milt of 16 year? careful study of the habits, pecidiarities. wants and 'conk- I 11C.09 of this noble anal uscful aaiaiet f For sato at Lewis' Book Store. T HE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS inuscitEs MISS ELIZA ACTON.' Carefully Revised by Hr. J. S. Hale IT TscLa You flow to chooso kind.; of Monts; Pon and llama, isith all . the vations aWii coca' approved modes or dressing mid cookinq goof and Perk; also the 'best add simplest WO3 of salting, pickling mind curing the same. IT Tata You All the various end most approved modes or, droning, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lunt., Veal, Poultry, and gamo of all kinds with the different Dressings ' (hark* and Stuffings air °prime to each. ' It Tema Yoe How to choose, clean, and preserve Fish of ' all kinds, end how to sweeten it when taint- , ed ; also all the variety; end most approved„ modes or cooking, with the ditrerent•Drese.' . ;lip; Sauces, cud Flavorings appropriate)* , each. IT Taus You All the vat-tout ;111a roost appioTefl modes Id prejetring over klzele of Ment,Fieh,Fowl t , limo; and Vegetable Soups, Moths,' and Flows, with thu Relishes and Semoningd appropriate to each: IT Taus You All tho ration. and moat npyrored moil. at cooking Vogctoblui of evory description, al•io bog to prepare Pickles, Catsup; snit Curries of all hind,, Potted Monte, Fidh Game, 3.lnslaioolos, ' • „ • it TELLS Yoe All the various and most approved modes et preparing and cooking all klnds+or Plats!' - and Fancy Pastry, Pudding'', Omelette'', • Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary,' I•reterves, Jellies, and Sweet Diebee of. every &eerie-. lion. Taus You All tho rationsand moot npprored models qr making Mead, Iti.k.; 31Tathie;ind BUZ and 1110 best method of Inoparlui , ColTeo, Chocolate, and Ten, and hoir,tn melte Syrups, Cotillals, and Innis Of vit.! riot"; kinds. IT mans You How to set out and ornament aTable, hots: Carve all hinds of Fith, Flesh or Yowl, and, in short, how to to simplify tbdwbole Arr • of Cooking as to bring the chblosst Itigurlas{Q of tho table within the everybody's rests ,, . For Sale at Lewis' Wok Store:, , THE lIORSE AND HIS DISEASES; THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES; " THE lIORSE AND HIS DISEASES;'! A VALUABLE BOOM : Pot; oalo at LEWIS' Book Store' .• EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S 'LAWYER; EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A YALUAEL. WOK . For toile at LEWIS' Boob THE FAMILY HOPT'OR, ": THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE F.:I.3H.LY DOCTOR, - "- VALUABLE BOOK; For sale at LEWIS' Book Store..' LONGSTRETIf ON THE HONEY BEE; LONGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTENTH ON. TIII HONEY BEE, '"4 VALU4BLE BOOK, For aaIR at LEWIS' Book Store. , DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, A VALUABLE BOOK ' For ialu at LEWIS' Book Stpt'o. E II i®