The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 19, 1862, Image 2

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Fra.nlilin Passed through the Gap, ad
vancing about a mile, and finding the
enemy drawn up in line of battle in
Ids‘filont; drew- his own 'forces -up in
line of, battle:, While thus situated,
the cannonading in the direction of
Harper's Ferry, which had been beard
very distinctly all the morning—Har
per's Ferry being, about seven miles
distent—suddenly ceased, whereupon
General Franklin sent word to Genl.
McClellan of the probable surrender of
Harper's Ferry by Col. Miles, end did
not deem it necessary to proceed fur
ther in-that direction.
The battle of South Mountain was
fought on Sunday, the 14th.
On the same day, Sunday, during
the afternoon, the enemy at Harper's
Ferry 'attacked the extreme left of the
line on Bolivar Heights, but after some
timoiwere repulsed 'by the troops un
der command of General White.
,Sunday night the cavalry at Har
per's Ferrymade their escape under
Colonel Davis, of the 12th Illinois cav
alry, by permission of Col. Miles, and
reached Greencastle, Penna., the next
morning, capturing an ammunition
train belonging to General Longstreet,
conSistiog of some 50 or GO wagons.
The Commission regard this escape of
cavalry, Sc.
:...Several of the infantry officers de
sired permission to cut their way out,
atJ the same time the cavalry made
their escape, but Colonel Miles refused
upon the -ground that 'he had never
been ordered to hold Harper's Ferry
to, the last extremity.
;I.:On the morning of the 15th, the en
emy opened their batteries from soya
ralfpointe-soven to nine as estimated
by...different witnesses—directing their
attack principally ,upon our batteries
onlbe ; left of Bolivar Heights. The
attack com men ced at daybreak. About
Colonel. Miles represented to
General White that it would he neces
sary to surrender.
:.,General White suggested that the
brigade, commanders be called togeth
er, which was done. Colonel Miles
stated that the ammunition for the
batteries was exhauSted, and he had
about made up his mind to surrender.
Whet wasagreed to by all present, and
General White was sent by Col. Miles
to arrange terms. The white flag was
raised by order of Col. Miles, but the
enemy did not cease fire for some half
ofthree-quarters of an hour after.—
Coionel Miles was mortally wounded
after the white flag was raised. The
surrender was agreed upon about 8
ob Monday, the 15th of Septem
- The following was the testimony re
iipeetively of the officers commanding
batteries: At the time of the surren
der,' Captain Van Selllen had some am
munition, could not toll what amount,
but mostly shrapnel; had lost about
100 rounds on Saturday, the 13th, by
the explosion of a limber caused by
ohe of the enemy's shells. Capt. Rig
-by had expended, during 'the siege of
Haiper's Ferry, about 600 rounds with
the exception of canister; had nothing
but canister left. Captain Potts had
expended about 1,000 rounds; with
-the, exception of canister, had noth
ing:hut canister left. Capt. Graham
lad but tWo guns of his battery under
his•finmediate, command on the morn
3ng:46m surrender; had probably, 00
- TOMAS of all kinds, but: no long-time
fused. • Captain Phillips had expended
Millis ammunition, except some forty
rounds of canister and some long range
- khelltoo large for his guns. Captain
‘McGrath's battery had been spiked and
deft on Maryland Heights on Saturday.
' It'appears that during the siege and
-'shortly previous, Col. Miles paroled
•scveral Confederate prisoners, permit
ting them to pass through our lines.-
11uring the week previous to the evac
uationof Maryland Heights, a Lieuten
lant Rouse of the 12th Virginia Cavalry,
who had been engaged in .a raid upon
Harper's Yerr'y to Winchester a short
time before, was captured and'brought
into Harper's 'F • eriT. He escaped
While on the way, to the hospital to
have his' ounds dressed, but was re
.talieri. 'He was paroled, but returned
'lb-emit - MU& of some rebel cavalry on
'the 'Morning of the surrender.'
The attention of General A. P. Hill
- teas called to the fact that Lieutenant
'Muse' was
,a paroled prisoner, but no
attention was ,paid to it. Lieutenant
Rouse, himself, on being spoken to
about it, laughed at the idea of observ
ing las"parole. On Saturday, the day
-of the attack upon and evacuation of
'MarYland'Heights, Colonel Miles di
recied that sixteen Confederate prise
4riets' be permitted to pass through our
lines to rejoin the rebel army at Win
cheSter. ' Other eases,arb testified to,
- biet t th,ose are the niost important.
"Of the siibordinate. officers referred
in this' ciao the commission finds,
"with the exception of Colonel Thomas
`II. Ford, nothing in their conduct that
. dalls for censure. 'Gehl. Julius White
'meets its approbation. Ho appears,
'from'the evidence, to have acted with
abided capability and courage.
- 'ln this connection the commission
calls attention to the disgraceful beha
'v.ioi' of the Ono Hundred and TWenty-
Sixth New York regiment of Infantry,
' and - reconii4nd,s that' Major Baird
his bad conduct as shown
' . `hy . Oils evidence, he dismissed the ser
'vic'e;' Some of the officers, after; the
n iiMinding of the gallant Colonel, such
- as Lieut. Bail.* and others not known
to the, commission, behaved with gal-
Aantry and should ho commended.
' In the case of Colonel Ford, charged
:With Improper conduct in:abandoning
:the lltitryland Heigh ts,th e emia i ssi on,
'after a careful hearing of the evidence
'produced by the Government and that
•relied'on by, the defence, mid a due
'cOnsideration of the arguments offered
by counsel; find : '
-..;,"That'on the sth of September, Col.
placed in command of Mau-
Alerg4l43 by, Colonel:Miles. ,
Colonel Ford, Anding the positiOn uti
fpr.4o4red fortifications, earnestly
r urgedCol. Miles to furnish him-meaus
1 ?) r h -yillia4,tha coUld 1)o made
I :tunable,fOr the: small feree under.-,his
dotiireairidshiF;uld aheavy one be brou , ;dit
. t n him. That . these , reaeonale
emands were. forsonui canse unknow n
•i47ihe Commiision; not responded to
by the officer in command of limper's
Perry. That subsequently when the
enemy appeared in heavy force, Col.
nerd frepiently and earnestly called
:upon Colonel Miles for, more troops,
_representing that he could not hold
.the Heights unless reinforced. That
:these demands were feebly, or not at
o.lFCgmplied with. That as late as the
morning of the 13th, Col. Ford sent
two Written demands to Col. Miles for
reinforcements, and saying that with
the troops then under his command he
could not hold the Heights, and unless
relieved orotherwise ordered, he would
have to abandon them. That as late,
as 11 o'clock, on tbe'l3th,.a few
hours previous to the abandonment of
this position, Col. Miles said to Colonel
Ford that he (Colonel Ford) could not
have another man,,' and must do the
best ho could, and if unable Co defend
the place, ho must spike the guns,
throw them down the hill, and with
draw to Harper's Ferry in good order.
The Court is then satisfied that Col.
Ford was given a discretionary power
to abandon the Heights as his better
,judgment - might dictate; and it is be
lieved from the evidence, circumstan
tial add direct, that the result did not,
to any great extent, surprise or in any
way displease the officer in command
at Harper's Ferry. -
But this conclusion, so much relied
upon by the defence, forces the com
mission to a consideration of the filet
—did Col. Ford, under the discretion
ary power thus invested in him, make
a proper defence of the Heights, and
hold them, as he should have done,
until driven off by the enemy ?
'The evidence shows conclusively
that the force upon the Heights was
not well managed; that the points
most pressed were weakly defended
as to numbers, and, after the wound
ing of the Colonel of the Ono Hund
red and Twenty-Sixth Regiment; New
York Infantry; it was left without a
competent officer in command, Colonel
Ford not himself appearing,nor desig
nating any one who might have re
stored order and encouraged the men;
that the abandonment of the Heights
was premature, is clearly proved.—
Our forces were not driven from the
hill, as full time was given to spike the
guns and throw the heavier ones clown
the cliff, and retreat in good order to
Harper's Ferry. The next day a force
returning to the Heights, found them
unoccupied, and brought away unmo
lested four abandoned guns and a
quantity of ammunition.
In so grave a case as this, with such
disgraceful consequences, the court
cannot permit an officer to shield him
self behind the fltet that he did as
well as 100 ceuld, if in so doing ho ex
hibits a lack of military capacity. It
is clear to the Commission that Col.
Ford should not have beat placed in
command of Maryland Heights; that
ho conducted the defence without abil
ity, and abandoned his position with
out sufficient cause; and has, shown
throughout such a lack of military ca
pacity as to disqualify him in the
opinion of the Commission, for a com
mand in the service.
The Commission has approached a
consideration of this officer's conduct
in connection with the surrender of
Harper's Ferry with extreme reluct
ance. An officer who cannot appear
before an earthly tribunal to answer
pr explain charges gravely affecting
his character, who has met his death
at the hands of the enemy, even upon
the spot he disgracefully surrendered,
is entitled to the tenderest care and
most careful investigation. This the
Commission has accorded Col. Miles,
and in giving a decision, only repeats
what runs through our 900 pages of
on the filet that Col. Miles' incapacity,
amounting almost to imbecility, led
to the shameful surrender of this im-
portant post.
Early on the 15th of August ho dis
obeys the orders of Major Gen. 'Wool
to fortify- Maryland heights. When
it is surrounded and attacked by the
enemy, its naturally strong positions
are unimproved, and from this criminal
neglect, to use the mildest term, the
large force of the enemy is almost up
on an equality with the small fbrce tin
der his command.
He seems to have understood and
admitted to his officers, that Maryland
Heights is the key to the position, and
yet he places Col., Ford in command,
with a feeble force—makes no effort
to strengthen them by fortifications,'
although between the sth And the 14th
of September there was ample time, to
do so—and to Col. Ford's repeated de
mands for means to intronch,.and ad
ditional reinforcemenTs, he makes ei
ther an inadequate return, or no re
sponse at all. He gives Col. Ford a
discretionary power as to when he
shall abandon the Heights—the fact
of abandonment having, it seems, been
concluded on in his own mind. For,
when this unhappy event really oc-
•urs, his only exclamation was to the
effect that he feared Col. Ford had
given up , too soon—although ho must
have known that the abandonment of
Maryland Heights was the surrender
of Harper's, Ferry. This leaving the
key of the posit.ion to . the keeping of
Col. Ford, with discretionary powor,
after the arrival of that capable and
courageous officer who had Waived his
rank to servo wherever ordered, is one
of the more striking facts illustrating
the incapacity of Col. Miles.
Immediately previous to and pend
ing the siege of Harper's Ferry, he
paroles 'rebel prisoners and permits,
indeed .sends them to the enemy's
headquarters. This, too, when he
should have known that the lack of
ammunition, the bad conduct of some
of our troops, the entire absence of
fortifications, and the abandonment of
Maryland ights, were important
facts they could, and undoubtedly did,
communicate to the enemy. Sixteen
of these prisoners were paroled on the
13th, and a pass given them in the
hand writing ,of Colonel Miles, while
a rebel, officer by the name' of Rouse,
after an escape, is retaken, and subse
quently has a private interview with
Colonel Miles, is paroled, and after the
surrender, appears at the head of his
men anriong,the first to enter Harper's
It is not necessary to accumulate
eViddnde from the Mass that through.
out scarcely affords one fact in contra
diction ,to' what each one establishes,
that Colonel 'Miles was incapable of
conducting a defence so , important as
; was this ofgarper's Ferry. • -The,eonf
'iniSsion would not- have dwelt - upon
this painful Subject w i
ere' t, not for the
fact that the officer who placed this in
,capable in command, should Bliiiro
responsibility, and in the opinion - of
the Commission,' Major General" Wool
is guilty to this extent of a grave dis
aster, and should be censured for his
The Commission has remarked'freo
ly on Colonel Miles, an old officer who
has been killed in the service of his
:cotintry, and it cannot, from any mo
tives of delicacy, refrain from consur-
ing those in high command, when it
thinks such censure deserved. The
General-in-Cliief has testified that Gen.
McClelltin i after having received or
ders to repel the, enemy invading the
State of :Maryland, marched only six
miles per day, on an average, when
pursuing this invading enemy. The
General-in-Chief also testifies, that in
his opinion General McClellan could
and should have relieved and protect
ed Harper's Ferry, and in this opinion
the Commission fully concur.
The evidence thus introduced con
firms the Commission in the opinion
that Harper's Ferry, as well as Mary
land Heights, was prematurely surren
dered. The garrison should have been
satisfied that relief, however long de
layed, would come at last, and that a
thousand men killed in Harper's Fer
ry would have made a small loss had
the post. been saved, and probably
saved two thousand at Antietam.—
How important was this defence we
can now appreciate.
Of the 97,000 men composing at
that time, the whole of. Lee's army,
more than one-third were attacking
Harper's Ferry. And of this, the
main body was in Virginia. By refer
once to the evidence, it will be seen
that at the very moment Col. Ford
abandoned Maryland Heights, his lit
tle army was in reality relieved by
General Franklin and Sumner's corps,
at Crampton's Gap, within seven miles
of his position; and that after the sur
render of Harper's Ferry, no time was
given to parole prisoners, before 20,-
000 troops were hurried from Virginia,
and the entire force went oil' on the
double quick to relieve Lee, who was
being attacked at Antietam. Had the
garrison been slower to surrender, or
the Army of the Potomac swifter to
march, the enemy would have been
forced to raise the siege, or would
have been taken in detail, with the
Potomac dividing his forces.
Archbishop Hughes Fears a Foreign
Under date of November Ist, Arch
bishop Hughes has written it letter to
Secretary Seward. Ife . reiterates the
stern views be has always held of the
necessities of the times, and' in the
course of his letter speaks with n.warn
ing voice of the dangers of foreign in
tervention, cautioning the Government
to be prepared for startling emergen
cies. lle says:
IL is just. one year and eight days
since it was desired, by a telegraphic
communication, that I should visit the
City of Washington on public business.
I obeyed the summons. I spoke my
mind freely. It was thought that, in
the perils of the nation, at that time, I
could be useful in promoting the inte
rests of the commonwealth and of hu
manity if I would consent to go to
Europe and exercise whatever little
influence I might possess in preventing
France and England from intermetr
dling, in our sad quarrel.
It has, no doubt, escaped your mem
ory that during the fourteen or fifteen
hours which I spent in Washington, I
declined the acceptance of what would be
to w - • njTvi ; " f it honer
Td nd r.r>foidaTach - if . de
ciding, but T wished to consat one or
two persons very near and dear to me
in :Now York. Finally, and. at the
very last hour, there was a Word ut
tered to me, not by any special mem
ber of the Cabinet to which ym be
long, but by the authority which it pos
sesses, to the effect that my acting as
had been suggested, vas' a persoal re
quest, and would be considered as a
personal favor. In three minutes I
decided that, without consulting any
body, t bhould embark as a volunteer
to accomplish what might be possible
on the Other side of the Atlantic in fa
vor of the country to which I belong.
What occurred on the other side I
think it would he, at present, improper
for in to make public. lam not cer
tain that any word, or act, or influence
of mine has had the slightest effect in
preventing • either England or Prance
from plunging into the unhappy divi
sions that have threatened the Union
of these once prosperous States. On
the other blind, I may say that no clay
—no hour even—was spent in Europe
in which - I
did•not, according to oppor
tunity, labor for peace bet Ween Europe
and America. So far that peace has
not been disturbed. But let America
be prepared. There is no love for 4he
United States onthe other side of the wa
ter. Generally •speakins., on the other
side of the Atlantic the United States are
ignored, if notalespised ; treated in COD
v,ersa thou in l 'the same contemptuous
language as we miight employ towards
the inhabitantS of the Sandwich Isl
ands, or Washington :Territory, or
Vancouver's island, or the settlement
of the Red River, or of the Hudson's
Bay territory.
This may be considered very unpol
ished, 'almost unchristian language
proceeding from the pen of a Catholic
Archbishop. But, my.dear Governor,
it is unquestionably true, and I am
sorry that it is, so If you, in Wash
ington, ara not able to defend your
selves in taro of need, I do not see
whore, or from what source, you can
expect friendship or protection. Since
my return I made a kind of familiar
address to my people, but not for them
exclusively, in St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Some have called it not a sermon, but
&discourse, and even a war blast, in
favor of blood-spilling, Nothing of
that kind could be warranted by a
knowledge of my natural temperament
or of' my eeclesiastical training. :From
the slight correspondence between us,
you can bear me witness that I plead
ed in every direction for the preserva
tion of peace, so long as the slightest
hope of its preservation remained.—
When, all hope of this kind had passed
away I was for a vigorous prosecution of
our melancholy war, so that one side or
the other should find itself in the ascend
ancy. „ ,
The Bishop ehises his letter by urg
ing:a, vigorous proseehtion of the war,
considerhig — the most humane battle to
be, that which *Os tiro strife-
le- The . National Tax-Law em
bodying the organic sections; the.gen
eral and specific p"rovisions; provisions
for the appointment and governance
of collectors, assessors and their assis
tants; alphabetical schedule•list of ar
ticles taxed, with rates, etc., etc.
For sale at Lewis' Book Store
fiCije globe.
Wednesday morning, Nov. 19, 1962,
W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor
e i ?
# - . N e 'l
. '-' ' '4§4 :4 ;lit ; i' d
4 .- f -4- 4TL1 . .... , ,,
Our Flag Forever
"I know of no mode in which a loyal citi
zen may so well demonstrate his decotion to
his country as by sustaining the Flag, the
Constitution and the Union, wilder all circum
No Important War News.
Up to this (Tuesday) morning, there
has not been any important news re
ceived from the Army of the Potpmac.
The army has been re-organized—four
columns arc to advance under Sumner,
Hooker, Franklin and Sigel. Large
Rebel forces arc in front of our army.
The Next Democratic Candidate for
- Governor.
The Democratic voters of Hunting
don county will no doubt be surprised
to learn that they are already relieved
of the trouble of assisting in making a
choice of candidate for Governor. The
Monitor faction are now the Democrat
ic party. To dispute their right to con
trol the party of the county would be
certain annihilation of the refractory
members. They have been successful
to some extent in reading out of_ the
party some of its best material—and
their next, movement is to deprive the
masses of the party of a choice of men
to fill our highest and most important
A Democratic candidate for Gover
nor will be nominated next summer,
to be voted 'for in the fall. Who has
been named for that honor? The par
ty has not yet urged the claims of any
individual. There will be several
prominent Democrats named.and when
named, every Democratic voter in the
county should have a choice, and an
opportunity, to give force to his pre
ference by, the election of delegates to
a County Convention to select a Rep
resentative and Senatorial Delegate to
attend a State -Convention to put in
nomination the choice oftho Democrats
of the county ts might be declared by
the action of the delegates in Conven
tion. But the Monitor speculators
have spoken. They have declared by
their action in the County Committee
which assembled at the public house
of Johti S. Miller in this place last
week, that the Democratic voters of the
county shall have no voice in the choice
of a candidate for Governor. The
Committee, controlled by two or three
men whose purpose is to sell the De
mocracy to the highest bidder, appoin
ted the Delegates the party has a right
to elect in a Convention called for the
purpose. Never since we have been
in the county has such a high-handed
measure been attempted by any set ,of
leaders. And why select the delegates
at this early day ? Why select them
before January Court, at which time
the party could have held a Con
vention and saved the Committeb the
responsibility of misrepresenting the
party by the selection of two - men as
Delegates who possibly could not have
been chosen by a Convention of regu
larly elected delegates. The appoint
ment of John S. Miller as Representa
tive Delegate, and B. Bruce Petrilcin
aS Senatorial Delegate, has opened the
door to the lowest political huckster
ing. Will the DemocracY of the coun
ty submit to such a high-handed at
tempt Co deprive them of the right to
name.their choice for Gove•uor? Or
will they be freemen, and demand that
a County Convention he held in
January to elect the two delegates.—
If the County Committee refuses to call
the Convention, the party should rise up
and issue a call, hold the Convention,
elect the Delegates and send them to
Harrisburg, and the State Convention
will not dare to reject them.
Our columns shall bo open to all
Democrats who aro not willing that
their rights shall be crushed out by a
few huckstering politicians, who would
stoop to any means to secure position
and power.
Will the Monitor dare defend the
action of the County Committee?
Journal editors deny that they
were influenced by money to favor the
repeal of the tonnage tax—and they
deny having received $350 as a con
sideration for Supporting Steel Blair
for Congress. We made the charges
for the purpose of ascertaining wheth
er it was possible the editors would
dare deny 'them in the face of the -evi
dence in town to prove them. They
have dared to face .the music, and we
leave them with their friends to '° sweat
it out."
COME.—Tho time for making sour
crout has come and many of our citi
zens arc laying in a good stock. We
shall post hear the familiar squeal of
the " porker," from the effect of the
butcher's knife, reverberating among
the hills.
THE editor of the Huntingdon Globe,
by opposing the Democratic ticket,
came very near making a strong Abo
lition county, Democratic.—Pottsvffic
We find the above in the last .Ifoni-'
tor, leaded. and of course endorsed
the editors of that paper. We came
very near making a strong " Aboli=-
tion " county Democratic ? How near?
We remember when the county was
nearer being Domocratic than it was
this fall. It was when th-e honest
Democracy had a voice in county or
ganizations—when the corrupt politi
cians were required to take a back
seat—then the- Democracy succeeded
in electing some of their friends to fill
county offices. But how was it this
fill? The county organization was
under the control of men of doubtful
Democracy, and not a man on the
Democratic ticket was elected. Worse
still, the Union candidates, most bit
terly assailed by the Humbug Monitor,
had the largest majorities. Had the
Monitor not been in existence, 'and the
horse contractors been compelled "to
keep out of decent company,Democrat
le candidates' might have stood some
chance of being elected this fall. But
the election resulted, as it ever will, in
the defeat of any ticket put up by the
thieving, unprincipled horse specula
tors and their immediate political
friends, the rebel sympathizers. The
masses of the Democratic party aro
honest and loyal to the Union, but
they aro being misrepresented and
swindled by the rascals who now hold
control of the State and county organi
zations of the party: The results of
the elections prove nothing to the con
trary of what we say. A short time,
and the masses of the Democratic par
ty will discover that they have been
badly sold to advance the deep-laid
schemes of the enemies of their inter
ests, their happiness and the prosperi
ty of the country. Wo have no more
confidence in the honesty of the politi
cal tricksters of the Democratic party,
than we have of the same kind of men
in the Republican party. They are a
curse to ' our country, and unless
watched closely by' the honest masses,
no matter what party May be in power, (
the whole people must be the suffer,
ors, an evil brought upon themselves
by a neglect to perform thdir duty afl
independent American citizens. gt,
matters nothing to us whether wo ar
classed with the Democrats or Repub--
lieans. Wo claim the right to spealc
our sentiments freely, and shall do so,
and if Democrats are displeased with
us one day and Republicans the next,
we shall be the more strongly inclined
to believe that our course is the right
one to receive the good will of the
THE Monitor wirrThave it that Mr.
Benedict is one of the editors of the
Globe. Neither Mr. Benedict nor any
other man than ourself has written an
editorial line for the • Globe for many
months. We don't wish any man to
be blicined for what we alone are re
sponsible for. But supposing we are
receiving the assistance of Mr. Bene
dict? Is he not honest—is ho not in
telligent—is he not a good citizen ?
Is he not in every respect a head and
shoulders above the best man connect
ed with the editorial department of
the Humbug Monitor? Dave Cald
well is about the smartest political ed
itor connected with Oat,'paper. Hew
does his popularity stand in this com
munity beside that of, Mr. Benedict?
At the late election, in this borough
Mr. Benedict had 158 majority—and
Dave Caldwellwas beaten by; a stran
ger to many of our voters, at the same
box, by 78 majority. And all this too,
after• weeks of hard labor by the -Mon
itor' crew to defeat Benedict—and to
elect have no objec
tionsto the Monitor associating us with
such men as Mr. Benedict.
Woo is" es " ANT) " "IN TILE
MONITOR ?-" Albert Owen, editor .and
publisher" is- the finger-board in the
.1/7. , »Litor to direct attention to the man
supposed to be - responsible for any
thing appearing in that sheQt as edi to
'rial, yet it' would be ungenerous to
hold him responsible for all its edito
rials, for, like the Irishman's flea,
when you put your finger 'upon him
be aint there. If he is called to an
account fur publishing libelousartieles,
he escapes responsibility by saying
somebody else meaner than himself
Nvioto the editorial. It-is very'eonve
nient for the oWneis of that paper to
have an editor as pliable as Owen.--
Ho will, stand good for any article
they write, if not forced to divulge
the name of the author. " Us" and
" we " in the Monitor is Owen until he
gets into aAight place, then " us" and
" wo " is some one of the heavy stock
holders of the establislunent.. Who
worth:ll)e suck an editor? '
BILLY Lewis has not yet informed
us bow much he got for supporting the
Democratic candidate .for Treastuler
last fall, in opposition, to', the." Union "
ticket.---Journal.' .;.
if we had supported the "Democrat
ic candidate,7' ., •we ; ha'Ve,
,no he
would have' paidus for our services,
but as we did, not support,. him,, we
could not expect pay•from Mm. Wo
did'not puff the ." Vemoeratre candi
date "---=noither did we print a ticket
Tor him, or vote for him.. But if we
bad known the " Uulon " •candidate
would have turned-out the ungrateful
man ho has, we_ Certainly would not
have helped to place him in :the - re
sponsible position otTounty•Treasur
or. We are getting ivell paid for our
kindness to a political enemy.
iff Johnston will take charge of his of
fice on nexOaturday. Sheriff Watson
will .retiro,:,having dischtirged the du
ties‘hopestly and to the entire satisfac
tion ofthopeoplo!of the county.
iPeterentered upon the dis
charge of his duties as County Com
missioner last• week, M. F. Campbell
retiring, having discharged his duties
honestly and well.
S. J. Hackedorn, Director of the
'Poor elect, has entered upnii„the_ dis
charge of his duties, .I.l.njor William
Moore retiring, having made a faithful
and vigilant officer.
The Board of Commissioners now
stands, John Cummins, John S. Isett,
and Peter M. Bare. The Board of
Directors of the Poor, Samuel Peigh
talofames' Henderson and Samuel J.
—The Richmond Whig, of the 30th of
October, after noticing speeches of
Messrs. SeYmour and Van Buren, in
which the people of New York are
told that, if they would only vote the
Democratic ticket the rebellion would
be quietly. yielded, seoutt and spurns
the idea in the following language :
" No, the people of all shades of opin
ion, in the United States, had better
make up their minds that the separa
tion that has taken place was necessa
ry, and is final. - We are as Avidc apart
as the zenith and nadir. We are as
different as white from black—as an
tagonistic as fire and water. They can
never conquer, nor coax, nor cheat us
into reunion. The sooner they stir
render that hope nod abandon that; ef
fort the, better flit: them. We think
no' better of the proposition when com
ing from " conservatives" thap when
coming from "-radicals."
THE Democratic County Committee
met at the Exchange hotel in this place
last week, and after appointing John
S. Miller Representative Delegate,
and R. Bruce Petrikin Senatorial Del
egate to the next Democratic State
Convention, appointed a committee
to report at the next meeting "a plan
of thorough organization for the Dein
°optic party of Huntingdon county:2
Ours is the only office in town with
out hands able to perform military du
ty. There is one a little further down
town that employs seven,- as editors
and workmen. They stay at home to
vote and fight the Government.
Thomas H.' Ford, of the 32d Ohio Vol
unteers, in command of Maryland
Heights at the time of the surrender
of Hauer's Ferry, and Major William
11. Baird, of the 12Gth - I\7ew York Vol
unteers, for bad conduct at the same
time, have been dismissed from the ser
vice by order of the President.
A TREATISE ON 11 . 10K•1 KEVING,. embracing' an ana
lytical callipat i.on between tho Single and !Amide Kat ry
53 stems; showing at Itemin they agree and wherein
they differ, and wherein t h e latter is superior to the
forinor, by a plain, practical clocitlation of both systems
to which is added a variety Of Imeditess calculations of
In terc”, Lniconnt, Equations, As emge o r Accounts, Sr.
Aloe, liwthie•ti forms of Oi dr, a. LruM, NOreq, fills or
Exchange, .t.c. Ey T. IL POLLOCK, Flinched of the
•' Lanca,ter Melcanlito College."
This book will not be out of place in
the hands of any man. It has just
been given to the public by our friend
Mr. Pollock, who is well known to
the citizens of this county. The book
is for sale at Lewis' Book Store. •
RETURNED.—Captain Seth Benner,
of the 110th llegt., P. IT., who has
been engaged recruiting here for some
time pan, left for his regiment do
Thursday last.
NEW WLIAIIP.-A now wharf has
.been constructed on the Penna. Rail
Road near 31ill Creek, to which the
Broad Top coal is.being shipped.
PROMINENT gentlemen who have n vis
ited the Army of the Potomac, repOrt
the best state of feeling anfi great con
fidence in (Ten. Bnrnside.
T4E trains on the Penna. and Broad
Top roads have changed their run
ning time. See changes in time table.
The National Finances.
We find the subjoined stt.ternclit in
a conspicuous editorial article in the
New York EconomiSt. It is so -stri
king that we need hardly asli atten
tion to it:
"Last' week we stated, on what
then appeared to be good authority,
that the income from the internal tax
law would reach two hundred and .fif
ty millions per annum, instead of one
hundred and fifty millions, the amount
intended by the framers of the turns out on authority that ad
mits of no question that this increased
estimate is very , . much - below the
:truth. •
" Commissioner Boutwell givos'it as
his opinion that the revenue coming
through his department will average
thirty millions per month, or, at the
rate of three hundred and 'sixty mil
lions per year. We have been, from
the first discussions of. the bill, persua
ded that the, actual income from this
stupendous revenue measure would
vastly exceed the amount contemplat
ed- by the authors - of the bill, and .we
ventured a prediction that,the.,total
,taxation would not fitll at all short of
two hundred and fifty inilliongpbut
we must confess:the announeernent.of
the commissioner exceeds all that,' we
had anticipated, and will awaken gen
oral surprise, and we may also say sat
isfaction. The rowan() from,' the-tax
law alone. will exceed the
come of the British Ctivernment, , and
'will. exceed the revenue derived from
:the •corresponding taxes in' •England
by ono hundred and. sixty Millions. ,
" If' to thisinoome from internal tax
es we add the sixty Millions anticipat
ed from customs' duties, wershall -then
WIN-ea total revenue of hundred
and twenty million dollars, an amount
exceeding the revenue of any other na
tion in the world. So long as this rate
of income can be sustained, there aced
be no doubt of our entire ability ‘to
prosecute the war to an almost unlim.
ited extent. During the last twenty
one months we have been expending
at the average rate of thirty-one mil
lions per month. During that period
we have been paying large bounties to
volunteers, equipping soldiers literally
by the million, and building an im
mense navy.
"It is not to be presumed that
when all this war material has been
procured, and the chief expenditure
will consist in the , pay, clothing and
Provisioning of the.troops, the national
expenditure will exceed four hundred
millions a year, although our army
does at present exceed by fur late
dimensions. At..this rate, therofore,,
we have already seen the end 'of her
rowing, and tho national , debt , lms
reached ' its maximum. The income of
the Government will about equal its
expenditures, and-we shall belible to
do what althea no country in_modern
times has attempted, viz: carry on a
war with a military force in the. ffeTd
and a first class navy on the sea, with
out borrowing of either foreign coun
tries or our own citizens.' - ' -
From Harper's Ferry.
Jackson Iteported'to be 'Between'
•cliester and the Ferry.
BALTIMORE, Nov. 14.-!—The special
correspondence• of the Baltimore Amer
ican, datell Ha rper's Ferry, p, -day,
contains the following important intel
ligence :
It is believed that JackEpp is, be
tween Winchester and ilarper's Per
Parties from Winchester, as well as
our scouts, report that Jackson passed
through Winchester on Monday, and
that Gen - . llill followed him on Tues
day. _ -•-
'Skirmishing between - : our. pickets
and those of the rebels has been resum
ed during the last few days, and three
of the First Maryland Cavalry, have
been captured.
Gen. Slocum, who is hi command at
llarpePs Ferry, is fully awake to the
position of affairs, and has a sufficient
fdrce to enable him to resist them.
PROM GE N. BURNSIDE'S ur..kncf.ktyrnas.
Headquartersof the Army of the-Pot9-
mac, fVurrenton ' Nov. 14.-A rebel
brigade, which has for several days
_ s heen reconnoitering our position on —
The - Rappahannock, left Jefferson this
morning for Culpepper.
General Pleasanton's Cavalry drove .
their rear guard 'from Jefferson.
There are indications .that the reb
els are about evacuating Culpepper.
Jack-ion is said 'to be still hovering
about Chester Gap, with not over 40,-
000 men under nis command. We
have a force in his front which pre
vents his coming down on this side.,
All is quiet to-night.
Active Movenzents Foreshadowed: .•'
, Sr. Lours, Nov: 14.—1 t, is rumored
that, (NDeral tlcicp-itie-Mittr
trra-fevrchipritt-tho'lAaa-of his :brig
General Carr, has been ordered to
assume Command in this district, in
place of General 'Davidson, who :will
immediately take the field at the head
of the:troops in the southeastern por
tion of the State.
A dykes received from headquarte,r:4,
state that General Schofield, is rapidly
recovering from his recent illness,
and it is probable that ho will imme
diately assume command in person of
his troops.
Active movements are indicated.
Improve Your Sight and Preserve
Your Eyes.- I A. BIRNBAUM, Practi
cal and Mannflicturing Optician, takes
pleasure in, infimming the Ladies .and
Gentlemen of Huntingdon and -vicini
ty, that he has opened a Store 'one
door west of Dr. Dorsey's, with a largo
and variety stock of Spectacles, com
prising Convex and Concave Glasses,
such as Crystal - and Scotch Pc&
• ble, and particularly desires tarecera
mend thc , Superiority4 the last-'fianaed
Glasses., His theoretical its well as his
practical knowledge of Optics, and hiirw , '
long practice in the•Occutistie science,
enables him to adapt, aft6i an exain
ination of the eyes, those glasses which
correspond with the defect of near, far
or weak sight.. Glasses can be fitted
to any frame; of any 'shape' or color:,4—
please' Call ainlcxamine the Speetadlef.
Aumbrotypes . and Photographs -taken -
at all times on ,reasonable terms.. •
Also, Segars, Tobacco - '•and Meer
schaum Pipes constantly On
ro c .FitiO Cigars, and Toixteeo„for
sale at;Lewis' Btiok Store: • .
117.'37'11'A RD. . I - EASTWARD
, g .5 - 1
~., gF . I , . .
,4 - vi - , 4 ~ ~, .. .. 1. .. 1 -- >o n
~, ,t . -• 4 "
. ti - , w i •,. ;..
a STATIONS.r ci, - r" . ...: . -_,
" • . ,=4 V, g gi , '''' h., CI z
P. 74.1 P.M.I A. M I A. sr.i I P. XI A. M.l A. 00.5 17 N. Hamilton, ...... ...... -1 33
5 25 5 31 Mt. Union,— 11 31 1 3.0.
5 35 Mapleton, 1 21
5 43..... ...... * Mill Creek,... ..... .1 14
559 71 4 6GO 002 Huntingdon, 11 07 521 1. 0 2.
6 15 !Petersburg,— 10 53 12%41
6 23• llium 12 .T.l
631 ' ' ' ''''6 3l SpruceCree'a, 10 40 ' 12 43.
649 . • Biralingliam; 12 2 18
653 , 055 Tyroue,. 10 38 ~, 12' /0
7' 00 ' Tiphily • " i,.
12 00
7 14"
:, ' , - Fos toxin, o, , 11,84
730 17 15 Bell's 51111 s,:. 10 On - 11 51
.7 40 18.30 5 201.7 35 Alteenti,'.'..... .0.15 '4'os 11'36
r, p.l n.. 8.1 A. 11.1, A. M. . , 1" P. M.l A. M.. Pr M.
On and after Wednesday, November 1015, 1862, Posen
ger Trains urn arrive and depart as follows:
Evon? - g Morn*g '• ' • .. Meru); Eveln'g
, P.M. A., 31. • , I.M. I'.ol.
• ' •- • SIDINGS. ' -' I
AM 3 40133 7 20111untiugdon, 1 eta 12 3016 a, 9 14
400 7 40161eConnellstown ...... 12 /01' -8 49
408 - 7 4841 1 1eneant- Greve I
12 02j ~, 8 41
4 24 8 0413larklesburg
- 11 48 825
440 8 201054700 Bun, 11 30 -8 13
448 8 231llough .1 heady , ' 1 11 22 8 o'u ..' 503 • 8 401Cova,•• • ;I 11 10 •• 750
5 04 8 44 'Bober's Sulu:pHll 06 7 43
5'201A8: 000 ~1-1 : • : . - ,i ,
Le 730
D aoks 010 —°"' - All 720
5 4 - 11 35 Iliddlesburg, . ' .10 251.1'41150
AR 5
. 55 tik 0 45 H 0
Hopewell, L 0 151i3 640
- LE ti fiiili:iton - - AR 1.0 0
0 321 Coalniout,
' 10 30
• 9 40 Crawford, 10 25
oslO 06 Dudley. - LE 10 15
I 'Bread Top City, I 1*