Ely Ca4c. -- .i k WUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday Lao - ruing, Nov, 5, 1862, W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Our Flag Forever "I know of no mode in which a loyal citi zen mai so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by 'sustaining The Flag, the Constitution and the Lida'', under all circum stances, and UNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION, REOARDLESS OP PARTY POLITICS,' AGAINST ALL ASSAILANTS, AT AND ADROAD."—STEPTIEN A. Douai s. THE NEWS. The affairs on the Potomac are promising good results. The army continues in motion, but of course all its Movements are not made public.— There - will certainly be a heavy battle soon, and we predict a glorious 'Union victory. "Who spends the Sabbath Day in a certain bar-room in town, defaming his neighbors and damning himself by drinkin ,, bad whiskey ? Answer— Dill Lewis" If hell was raked for a liar more un scrupulous than the author of the above paragraph which we copy from the editorial columns of the last Moni tor, it would be impossible to find one. The hotel is no other than the Jackson House, kept by Ex-Sheriff Graffius Miller. A more quiet, orderly and respectable house never was kept in this town nor anywhere else, The people of the county know Colonel Miller, and they know that be could not be guilty of keeping a house such as is insinuated by the Menitpl , . Ow• en, the recognized editor of the Moni tor, boards at this house, and when called upon by Mr. Miller, and accused of publishing a falsehood, he stated in the preience of witnesses that he had been stopping at the house for two years, and never knew of Mr. Miller selling liquor on Sunday. lie gave gar DAVE CALDWELLOII as the wri ter of the editorial article, of which the above paragraph is but a part, but the whole article is of the same char acter, equally false from the beginning to 'the end. What must a community think of a man, an editor, who will publish a ma licious falsehood, knowing it to be such, that, if believed, would injure the rep utation not only of the house, but also of the proprietor 'who gives him shel ter under his roof. A midnight assas sin could not be guilty of a-11=o das tardly act: Owen is as guilty of the mean and cowardly business as is Dave Caldwell who wroto the article. Owen published it as editorial, and by so doing endorsed` it—he is the only man known to the public as editor of the Monitor. What a picture. But a few weeks, and the Monitor has exposed to the public as vile a wretch as ever stood upon two legs. Owen and Caldwell aro well met, and it is well for the peo ple of the county that the true char acters of two such vile scamps are no longer a secret. Owen and Caldwell will give a " Democratic" organ some character. Our readers may ask the question, "What had Sheriff Miller been guilty of to justify an attack so ungentleman ly upon his house and himself?" Mr. Miller would not give his influence nor his vote to make Dave Caldwell Sheriff of Huntingdon county. That's why Caldwell, Owen & Co. want to injure him and his house if they can.— The honest people of the county will thank Col. Miller for doing right—for helping to prevent the disgrace ofhav ing fastened upon the county in an important office, a man who has been guilty of taking more 'money out of the pockets of the people than he was entitled to. um, irons, CoNraAcrB."---llnder this head the last lfonitoT offers a col unin of editorial in defence of the horse speculations in this neighborhood last fall. The article is certainly written by one of the speculators, as no other man would have ever thought of de fending such rascality as was prac tised under the eyes of all our citizens and in broad day-light. We have not room this week to open up the smell of horse flesh. We have a document on band ,that will give our readers some light they have never had. The .21f-on itorwill please stand its ground and not back out. Stand by your friends Mr. Monitor, you are in good company. What a convenient thing it must be to havezn,editor willing to father all the dirty work of bad men. The horse contractors must have known Owen before they employed him. They hit upon the right•man: A linmim.yriNo RETIVEAT.—AIbert Owen, the brave soldier boy in the militia service, has been running against some members of Corepany F, and was compelled to " take the wa ter," rather than have his nose twisted. The lie he told to save his nose, only satisfied every member of tho Compa ny that be was a greater liar than they at first thought him to be, We have not bees Deceived. We predicted some weeks ago, that the Monitor would soon expose the true object for which it had been estab lished. Every week's issue since then has confirmed ourprediction. But the last issue goes ahead of any number yet issued for low scurrility. , Not satisfied witlr - its abuse of ne, it at tempts, by the basest falsehoods, to bring some of our best citizens down upon a level with its editor, the fool and poltroon, Albert Owen. Our shoulders are broad, and we ;:an stand up under any pressure the rotten fac tion that controls the Monitor can force upon us. Knowing this, the ;Volute/ editors would make the people believe that somebody else than our self writes the editorials for the Globe, and in true assassin style attacks pri vate citizens who are in no way con nected with, or responsible for what we write or publish. But to show the cowardice of the man Owen it is only necessary to expose his manner of dragging innocent people into other men's quarrels. lie insinuates as to the persons ho wishes to be pointed out by the readers of his filthy sheet, and then charges them with conduct he has been, or would not hesitate be ing guilty of himself. lie has not the manly courage to name the individuals 'he would slander, if he could. For it must be remembered by our distant readers, that here, where Albert Owen is know4i, his abuse of citizens and strangers would not be considered slander. It is not possible for him to injure any person here by his abuse— but be could seriously injure a respect able and good man by speaking well of' him. ALBEBT OWEN is known in this community, EIGHT Thons.t.Nt: WOMEN have sign ed a petition which is now before the President, praying for, the removal of all incompetent, negligent, kuavists or drunken men from positions: of com mend in army. Eight thousand wives, mothers and sisters of mon in the American Army, petitioning thus to the President of the 'United States, de mand the respect and the support of every true man in the country. The President dare not disregard this peti tion, and it is to bo hoped that he will immediately remove all such obstacles to the comfort and success of our army. We hear almost daily, of complaints against officers who neglect their men. Such officers have got positions, and will hold them until the friends of the privato.soldier are heard by the Presi dent. The drunkard will not make a fit officer to load our brave young men to victory. We hope to hear of the removal of every drunkard from our army. U. S. SENATOR.—The next Legisla ture will have an important duty to perform the election of a United States Senator to David Wilmot. The Leiahrtwro - 1, , said to stand one Democratic on joint ballot, and already we hero• names brought forward for the position. On the Democratic side is mentioned the following: James Buchanan, F. W. Hughes, William Bigler, Jeremiah S. Black, and Charles S. Buckalew. On the Republican side the following have been named : Simon Cameron, David Wilmot, and X. K. McClure. We are free to say we would not give either one of the men named, our vote.— There aro hundreds Of men in Penn sylvania who would fill the positiOn with equal ability, and with more gen eral satisfaction than either of the men named. WE cannot believe that, the President and his Cabinet seeks the ruin of our country. It would be unnatural to suppose such to bo the desire of Old Abe. We believe him to be honest, therefore we believe it to be the duty of every true Union man, of whatever party, to aid and assist the President in his efforts to crush out the rebellion Treason or loyalty must conquer. The North must submit to the rule of slave- drivers—or the South must be com pelled to respect the Constitution and the laws of the United States. MR. VALLANDIGUAM, by the " better way to end the war," of which ho boasts in the following paragraph, moans ignoble submission to the South. 110 means this, nothing but this.— What do you say, gentlemen ? Shall ;ve get down and humbly ask the hon or of being kicked? 191 r. Lincoln says that war is the right way to restore the Union. I think there is another, a better, the only way to do it. ' He has the power to try his. I have not. War is upon us; and from' the beginning, believing as I did and yet powerless for good, laid down the rule for myself, and have faithfully adhered to it, and will to the end, neither to vote fOr or against any pure ly war me a sure of t he administra tion. Wherever I have voted upon any question my course has been gov erned by other considerations than those having reference to my opinions on the war. Accordingly, I have not voted for any army bill, or navy bill, or army or navy appropriation bill, since the meeting of Congress on the 4th of July, 1861." WE notice that many of our exchan ges have been reduced in size, that ex penses hi paper and labor may be less. In ,many instances the terms of sub scription has been raised from $1,50 to $2,00. We hope to be able to keep the Globe at its present large size and the terms the same as heretofore, $1,50 per annum. Our suh t scription list is now larger and better' than it has ever been. Where is Democracy Drifting to ? The Hughes' Democracy of Phila delphia held a• jubilee meeting in In dependence; Square on Friday night last. Frank llugbes was one of the speakers., Charles Ingersoll, a plain out-spoken rebel sympathizer presided as President. -That our readers may have some idea of the• kind of Demo crats that now lead the party we will give a few lines of Ingeisoll's speech. Read : " This has been a wonderful election —wonderful that we should have cast, under the bars that were put up against us, over 310,000 ballots. It was sta ted, long before you and I were born, that great and noble men turned each occasion to their own advantage. To what advantage are we to turn our successes ? One of the first things is the putting down time Federal Government !" There, - Democrats of Huntingdon county, you who voted the Hughes' State Ticket, how do you fancy the company you have got in. Secession ists North and South count your votes as having been given to put down the Federal Government. Thank God, we voted to sustain the Government, and against the Hughes & Co. Democracy. GETTING BOLDEIt.---Sorno of the "Demeeratic;" papers and stump ora tors have taken courage since the election to speak their sentiments more boldly than they felt safe in do ing before the election. It was not policy before the election to let the people know their true sentiments.— But now that the vote of the State has given a Democratic majority, (not counting the army vote,) the leaders of the party, who" are rebels at heart, do not hesitate to claim the vote as condemning the war policy of Abra ham Lincoln and demanding his remo val. They even go further, and ask that the Federal Government be put down. We should like to know how many of the hundreds of the loyal Democrats in this country voted the Hughes State ticket, expecting that their votes would be claimed as do manding the removal of the President, and the putting down of our Govern ment. We cautioned loyal Democrats that their votes would be made use of to give the rebels " aid and comfort" if They voted the Hughes ticket, but they would not believe us then. We knew the political characters of the men at the head of the Democratic or ganization in this State, and were de termined they should not deceive us. DON'T Am, liAnnu !—The Journal editors say they "are armed so strong in honesty" that any charge to the con trary will pass by them as the idle wind. We don't say they arc dishon est—acts speak louder than words. It will be remembered that once up on a time they were opposed to the re peal of' the three-mill tax, and contin ue the and the next Journal canto out strong in favor of the repeal, At another time, Steel Blair was the candidate of the - Republican party for Congress. He finally received the support of the editors—but not until a few hundred dollars had changed hands. This fall Steel Blair was again the candidate of the party for Congress.— The Journal threatened him with their opposition—Samuel G. Whitta ker was appointed revenue assessor for the borough and three or four town ships, and the Journal supported Blair. It don't look well for persons living in glass houses to throw stones.— There is no one man in this county, district or State, who can, with truth upon his tongue, say we were ever guilty of levying " black mail" to se cure our support of either men or mea sures. It would be well for the char acter of the Journal if its editors could say as much. THE Journal says we are aspiring to the leadership of the Republican par ty. What a discovery. Why we wouldn't have supposed that any sane man would have thought of charging us with trying to get in with any po litical party just now. Thank God, we feel free of party harness—free to expose treason and rascality in what ever direction we see it—free to stand by the President, the Govern ment and the bravo soldiers in the field in whatever effort may be deem ed necessary to crush out the unholy rebellion forced upon the country by party scoundrels. When our country is safe—when we can say we have a country—then, and not till then, will we aspire to belong to any other party than the people of al,l parties, pledged to save our flag from disgrace. " On the opening of this campaign, wo made the issue PRINCIPLES not men!"--Journal. What kind of principles ? The kind you made the issue in the three-mill tax, the election of Blair, Caldwell, Speer, and others? Suppose you give us those interrogatories you sent your candidates before the election—they will save you the trouble of trying to make your party believe you were op posed to the election of Caldwell & Co. I. J. STEIN.—This gentleman, a min ister of the Lutheran chureb., and who was arrested a short time ago near Newport, Perry. co., Pa., on the sup posed charge of betraying Captain Palmer into the hands of the rebels, we understand preached three times iu this place, So3rEuoar IS lfuar.—The last Jour nal, in a column of rich, racy and sublime ideas, has let " the cat out of the bag." Somebody is hurt. "Bill Lewis" has been poking his nose into their political business, and has almost ruined the influence of their high-toned sheet. We don't expect to please our neighbors—we wouldn't if we coald— for if we did we certainly would be guilty of doing some mean act. If we had said "nothing to nobody" about the nice little arrangement entered in to between the Journal and Monitor by which the Globe was to be " cut out" of the share of the Sheriff's patronage it has always received, perhaps we might have escaped a reprimand from the editors of the Journal. But we couldn't help " speaking out in meetin' when we discovered that the two ex treme party organs had hitched to gether to deprive us of a patronage we might get should any other man than honest (?) Dave be elected. The Jour nal men were playing, smart in favor ing Dave's election. They were to re ceive their usual share of printing from him—all they could expect front John ston—and in addition they would have had the satisfhetion of seeing the Mon , ;tor receive under Dave what it is not likely it will get under Johnston—and our rations cut short. The Globe can exist without the Sheriff's printing— ! we do not ask for it, but will take it if offered, that the patrons of the Globe may know who are amongst the unfor tunates of the county. If we could so will it, the Sheriff's Sales would not amount to ten cents a year. Be they great or small, we arc satisfied there will bo no extra fees to pay by the people during Johnston's term, Are they (v - ra;,i, their friends will get hurt?—We learn by the last _Monitor that Mr. John Dougherty proposes " a public meeting to consider terms of set tlement with the South." It. must be remembered that Mr. Dougherty is one of the editors of the Monitor.— Owen or the "committee of safety," declines to publish the call. What's up? The "committee of safety " evi dently fear that "agitating John " is " to.o fast on the trigger "—that he will " blow " the whole "arrangement " before Ilughes Co., have the pro gramme fully understood by all his followers. "Agitating John " is a bold man—he speaks right out in meet in'—the " committee of safety " wont be able to keep his light under the bushel long. For the fun of the thing give timely notice of the meeting, if the committee will allow one to be called. SOME of the Hughes' organs are very much afraid that Simon Cameron will buy up some of their party to secure his election to the United States Sen ate. One organ in a neighboring eoun- cry uneasy and offers a word to its friends. aseertaip almost to a fraction of a dollar hoW much it would take to buy a Hughes Demberat by working the question by the same rule that gave the amount it took to buy him to support a Republican candidate for the State Senate. THE Journal and Monitor are work ing the question by every political rule to ascertain, if possible, bow ma ny votes we controlled at the last elec tion. The Monitor makes the number 41, but the Journal goes better and makes the number 77. That's just 76 more than we over claimed to control. We have never pretended to control more than our own. Wo look upon the voters of Huntingdon county as competent to control their own votes. They aro white freemen. They are not slaves to any man's will. SOME resistance has been offered to the draft in three or four counties. In Schuylkill county there was danger of serious trouble. We learn that before the election, Prank Hughes Co., to secure the votes in the mining districts for his ticket, promised that if success ful there should be no draft and no . payment of taxes. The election over, the draft was made, and Hughes is afraid to go home to meet his deceived friends. TUE war, very justly remarks the Lebanon Courier, does not affect the prosperity of the farming interests, as grain is probably twenty per cent. higher to-day than it would be if we had no war. The high premium on gold is an advantage to all the inter: gists which export, and as the farmers are in that list, they necessarily reap some of the harvest. If their taxes should ho somewhat heavier, the in creased prices the war has brought them would enable them to meet their taxes lvithout feeling them a burden. LIBERTY l—The liberty - which many men are deprived of by order of the War Department,is the liberty to curse the Government, to aid treason, and to destroy our homes. SENATOR, The following is the official vote for Senator: STUTZNIAN. NOBLE Huntingdon, 2470 1838 Somerset, 2408 1379 Bedfbrd, 1628 2393 6.506 SULU:mares mnj. 8,96 THE number of sick, wounded, eon valaseent and paroled soldiers in and about Washington is 34,440. WAR NE S. THE WAR IN MISSOURI Defeat of Another 'Band of Guerillas.— Capture of Prisoners, horses, etc. HEADQUARTERS, it ANSFIELLOIO.„ Oct. 22.--Irajor General Curtis :—I have the honor to report, that on the evening of the 20th, 1 received information of a party of rebels moving 'up Niagua creek, making towards a point eight miles east of this place, and en route to join the rebels in the southwest. I im mediately took ono hundred and five men of the 10th Illinois cavalry, and started about five P. AL, to intercept them. I camo on their pickets about 81 o'clock, drove them in, and attack ed the main force about two hundred strong, killing four and wounding a good many, as I afterwards understood, and capturing 27 prisoners, among them one captain, who informed me that Colonel Dorsey was in command. We also captured a number of 1101'608, saddles, shot guns, muskets and rifles. My loss was one killed and one wean ded. Extensive Movements of the WAsmxirrox, Oct. 31.—Information has reached here from Berryville, Clark county, Va., on the other side of the Blue Ridge, up to yesterday. There was no apparent extensive movement of rebel troops' going on in that vicinity. Some were proceeding on the Front Royal road, and others down toward Castleman Ferry and Shenandale Springs. General Jackson was then at Berryville. Ins troops there are - without baggage, and those moving on the Front Royal road also seemed to have no baggage trains with them, A small body of rebel troops were at Charlestown on the day before yes terday. ' FIIONI HEX DQUA RTEUS Stuart Again in Mot ion—The Pennsylva- II la _Regiments to be Filled by the Drat- WEE! Headquarters of the Army of the Pula nine, October 31, evening.—ln the mo ving of an army like this, too much caution cannot be exorcised by all lov ers of the Union in giving any infor mation, the knowledge of which Would be of service to the enemy. The loca tion of divisions or corps, by the fact of their having moved, though seem ingly of no importance to the people of the North, is of vast benefit to the enemy, and may be the means of un necessarily saerificingthousandsoflives and defeating the best disciplined ar my. Newspapers are the medium through which the rebels obtain many facts valuable to them, and those who have controlof the press cannot be too cautious at the present time. Infor mation as to the enemy's position and movements is not objectionable. Gen. Stuart, with from 1,500 to 2,- 000 men, came in to-night from Union to Montville, and attacked a small force of our cavalry, driving them to wards Aldic. The old Pennsylvania regiments are to be filled up at once with draft ed men. The order has been issued, and it is to be hoped that the other States will follow this excellent exam ple. It should be a matter of pride with,every State not to send the great est number of regiments into the field, but to keep those already in the ser vice in the most efficient condition,— This can only he - done by filling up the old regiments. The cditoi The _Richmond papers received to day, announce the arrival in that city of general Bragg and his staff. Destruction of the Salt Works in St, Joseph Bay, Ficrrida, 13E9.VY LOSS TO THE REBELS. WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.—Refugees who have reached the United States bark Kingfisher, on the coast of Flori da, report that the late destruction of the extensive stone salt works in St. Joseph Bay, Florida, on the Bth ult., by the Kingfisher, was a heavy blow to the rebels, and created great excite ment throughout Georgia and Florida. These works having been the main source on which these States relied for a supply of salt for their winter's provisions for their troops, and that it was a greater injury to the rebel cause than if we had captured twenty thousand of their troops. Another Success in General Curtis' WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—The follow ing despatch was received at headquar ters to-day. ST. LOUIS, OCt. 29. , To Major General H. TV. Halted - , General-in-Chief, U. S. A : The army of the Frontier is again successful. General Schofield, in a despatch from Fayetteville Ark., states that on yesterday, Brigadier General Herron, with the First lowa Cavalry and Sev enth Missouri •Cavalry, attacked a rebel camp four miles cast of that place. .Our force was about 1,000 strong, and the rebel force 3,000, commanded by Colonel Cravens. After a sharp engagement ofan hour, the enemy was completely routed, leav ing all his camp equipage and a few wagons. The loss of the enemy was 8 dead on the field. Our loss was five WOllll , ded, one mortally. Gen. Herron pr. sued the rebels for several miles into the Boston Mountain. S. IL CuaTu, Major Qeaeral The Merrimac No. 2. PORTit ESE? Moxiton, Oct. 28.—A man who says he was taken prisoner by the rebels several months ago and who fi nally succeeded in obtaining his release, publishes the following account of the rebel steamer Merrimae/No. 2 : "I have been at Richmond for some time. During my stay I went on board the Merrimac N 0.2. She is thorough ly and heavily dad with iron, and in every way a tough customer. She has yet but one gnu on board, but the other guns were ready when I left, and the rebels were about placing them on board. run They intended to have them al! mounted in three weeks. Bee ehincry works well, and she can cagily Rebel Troops Department. make eight miles an hour. The rebels have every confidence in her capabili ty and are certain that she will prove a success. 6 , . " When Vtiler-peopla of the North hear that tl e - Merrimac - No. 2 is a failure, andAhat the:rebels declare her *to be so, then they, rimy .expect her out to do all; the daniage she can.— Their intention is ,to delude and de ceive as much as_ possible so as to take tis " For this reason a rebel officer made the remark that the obstructions on the James River at Port Darling, had been removed, intending, evidently, to convey the -idea that tlie,obstrne tions bad been removed to let the Merrimac out." - LATEST NEWS. Late and Important from McClellan's Arniy. lICADQUATLTERS,I.A.AMY OF THE POTOMAC, NOV. 2, 10 P. M. To His Excellency the President : I have jut received a despatch from Gen. McClellan, dated at Snicker's Gap, 6 P. M., stating that he has full pos session of the Gap. When Gen: 'Hancock arrived there it was held by the enemy's cavalry, who were at once driven out. A column of from 5,000 to 0,000 reb el infantry advanced to retake it, but were dispersed by the fire of our rifle guns. - The position is a strong one from either side. It is said that, Jackson and A. P. Hill are in the valley, opposite. Gen. Pleasanton had driven the en emy's cavalry several miles beyond Union, at three o'clock, P. M., explo ding one of the caissons, and captur ing ten of their wounded. left behind. (Signed) B. B. Mmte?, Chief of Staff. Order of Maj. General Roseorans, Con gratulating his Army on the Victory of Corinth. Headquarters trmy of the Mississippi 3d .Division, District IVest TenneSSCO, Corinth, _Miss., Oct. 25, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 151. .2.trmy of the Third _Division of the District of West Tennessee: The preliminary announcement of the results of' the groat battle of Cor inth was given to you on the battle field by myself, in person. I then pro- 1 claimed to you that " they were badly beaten at all points, and had fled, leav ing their dead and wounded on the field." When I told you to replenish your cartridge boxes and liaversackii; snatch a sleep after your two days' fighting and two nights of watching and movements, and to be ready by the morning's dawn, to follow the-re treating foe, my heart beat high with pride and pleasure at the round and Joyful response from your toil-worn and battle-stained ranks. Such a re sponse was worthy such soldiers, and of the country and cause for Which they fought. I have now roeeived the reports of the various commanders. I have now to tell you that the mag nitude of the stake, the battle, and the results become more than ever appar ent. Upon the issue of this fight de pended the possession of West Ten 'lessee, and perhaps even the flute of operations in Kentucky.--The entire available force of the ret Missis sippi, save a few g.•-;'•• reserve, attacked you. They were commanded by Van Dorn, Price, Vil lipigue, Bust, Armstrong, Maury, and others, in person. They numbered, according to their own authorities, nearly: forty thousand men—almost doubleyour own numbers. YOu fought them into the position we desired on the third, punishing them terribly ; and on the fourth, in three hours after the infantry went into action, they were completely beaten. You kilted and buried 1,423 officers and men; some of their most distinguished officers falling —among whom was the gallant Col. Rogers, of the second Texas, who bore their colors, at the head of his storm ing column, to the edge of the ditch of "Battery Robinett," where he fell. Their wounded, at the usual rate, must exceed five thousand. You r took 2,268 prisoners—among whom are 137 field officers, captains, and subalterns, rep resenting 53 regiments of infantry, 16 regiments of cavalry, 13 batteries, 7 battalions, besides several companies. You captured 3,300 stands of small arms, 14 stands of colors, 2 pieces of artillery, and a large quantity of equip merits. You pursued his' retreating columns forty miles in force with in- fantry, and sixty nine miles with cav alry' and were ready to follow him to Mobile, if necessary, had you received orders. I congratulate you on those decisive results; in the name of the Government and the people, I thamt you. I beg you to unite with me in giving humble thanks to the Great Master of' all for our victories. It would be to me a great pleasure to signalize in this general order those whose gallant deeds are recorded in the various reports; but their number forbids., I would only say that to Gens. Hamilton, Stanley, McArthur, and Davies, to General Oglesby and Colonel Mizener, and the brigade and regimental commonders under them, I offer my thanks for the gallant•and able manner In Which they have' per formed their several duties: To the regimental commanders and chiefs of batteries and cavalry, and especially to Colonels Lee and Hatoh. I present my thanks for their galhintry on the battle-field and in the •pursnit, I desire, especially to offer my think to Gen, Davies and his division; 'whose, mag nificent fighting on the 3d more than atones for all that was fatAiing'on't the' 4th. To all the officers and soldiers of this army who bravely fought I offer my heartfelt thanks for their no ble behavior, and Pray that God and their country may add to the rewards which flow from the consciousness of. duty performed, and that the time' may speedily come when, under the' flag of a nation one and indivisible, benign peace may again' smile t ol . its amid the endearments of` hPIIIO :10 •' • But the victory has cost us the fires of three hundred and fifteen bravo offi cers and soldiers, besides the wounded. Words of' praise cannot roach those who died for their country in this bat tle, but they console and encourage the living.. The memory of the brave Hackelman, tho chivalrous Kirby Smith, the true and noble Colonels Thrush,. Baker, and' Miles; and Capt? Guy (.I,l l lnra,, with many others live witl.us and in memory ofn freo people while historywill inscribe their names among its heroes. • , • W. S. ROSECRANS,„ Major General Commapding The Position. [From tho Wail&won :attlomtl Tatelligcmccr.] There has been obvious to us for some time past, growing restlessness in the public mind at the apparent in action of' our armies in the vicinity of the capital; and wo confess to having' shared in some degree in the general feeling of impatience. " Bet, insuffici ently instructed as to facts important to a correct judgment on so delicate a subject, or of the opinions of_those to whom all the circumstances bearingon the case must be officially known, wo could not attempt to express an opin-r ion for ourselves or to elucidate-the matter for our readers. It is certainly not imnataral that our loyal country men tvho aro not fully informed of that relates to military matters, but who may be impressed with the opin ion that everything is in a complete state of preparation for active opera tions. should experience disappoint ment at the long pause which has ta ken place in those operation's ; there fore, we have thought it our duty to our readers to Seek from such well ad vised sources as we, could, sufficient in formation to authorize us to hazard a few observations on the subject. It seems to be undoubted that the Rebel army under General Lee is bold. ing a position near Winchester, appa rently waiting the advance of the er my of the Potomac under General Me. Clam). Gen. Lee's command embra.. ees nearly all the 461e0 Generals and oldest mkiatents of the Confederate army. The Southern authorities have not proved insensible to the import ance of omitting nothing which could place their army in a condition to re. sist successfully the army of General McClellan, to which end it has been supplied with their beSt mon and abun dance of the materials.of war. Rem tofore, when these two armies hays met, the' result hits proved desperate and bloody, and no easy victory has ever been, or can be expected to be, obtained over Lee's army by the'army of the Potomac, or any other of- equal number.. It would seem to us border. ing on folly, after the experience of the seven days' fighting on the Peninsula, and after the terrible battles in Mary. land, to attempt to make our people believe -that the rebels do not-fight well, while it ifiust,be apparent to: _all that troops never fought better. •"At the sanguinary battle of Antietam, the valor, discipline and prowess of the ar my of the Potomac were,taxed to lima., most extent, and it was only by the masterly handling of the reserves to wards the close of the battle that our General was able to win, the day.-- With an army confronting him, which has shown itself so nearly equal to his on many fields, ve fool quite sure that those having at heart the real interest of the country will not desire that Gem McClellan should'ineautiously and . without due preparation adviince to meet so powerfhl an enemy, when a few days' delay will enable him .to move tbrward in the confidence of vic tory. • A battle liko that at Antietam could not, result-in - anything- but heavy loss es, whiel+ tflust be blipped tovender pm. " ...c.lEr:.t.,r , :;ts as .before_. sufficiently clad for a summer's cam. paign on the Peninsula, was not pre. pared for an autumn and winter march in Virginia, and that many were sadly deficient in proper winter clothing and shoes. These deficiencies, notwith standing the enormous_ demands for the new levies, have, by the great ex ertions of the proper Bureaus, been supplied within a few days. Other, requisites equally important awe being furnished - with all possible despatch,. and soon our army will be not only, comfortably clad for a campaign; but, thoroughly equipped—circumstances no less agreeable to the army itself, ever restless in inaction, and the coun try at large, than adapted to the at tainment of what all desire. If men would for a . moment content- - ; plate the d isas t liditiequen'oes of a signal defeat to our arms at the pres ent juncture, we feel sure that no cOa siderate person would risk such a con. tingeney, when in tho opinion of those well—if not best—qitlified to judge, a few days, at 'fiwthest, will, as we are assured, witness the preparation of our army for a successful advance. If' we reflect upon the time that Itas been required to supply the•losses of the late battles, and consider the diffi culty of raising an army sufficient to resist a reberforco, untbrtunately for us proving superior to that we 'um now in the field, froM reaching Wash.'. ington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia;. we must concede the propriety of the fullest proparation,on the part , of the Government •bofero requiring an - ad vance, which, when commenced, must Know no pause. We feel justified in assuring our readers that the Government is übing every effort, and that successfully, to' place our army in a condition to pros, ecute the campaign triumphantly, and we think the public May rest eqtiseleci . that when, these arrangements , perfected, there will bo no dilatoriness on tho part of the Government or the Generals in the field, and that when our forces move, it will be, for a cam paign to end only ,in the suppression of armed rebellion. We believe that . there exists -perfectly harmonious co-operation bet Ween the civil and mil itary 601 i -tents of service; and the country may confidently expect that, each, in its proper sphere, vill exert every enci'gy.to'prosecute the wart tco an early and successful termination; JOHN bCOTI. 23AMUN!.• anowit: T ATV PA WINER SUM .tottx BAILEY itnris this th‘to, become n men) bet of the At•nt of BROWN, ATTO4INEyS 4T 1441.1 V, 11 . ,(3141n31,10N, re in .I,elt name the hirin!..si mill be eaudtteted nee tiegitork, Nee 4, 1663.-6 t ATT.ENTION I Oampanies of 3a Regt., Pa. Militia Coptitina of :+l llegtment, P. M., will plemo return Ira.' rortlishay tonic ar to It. C. halo, Quarter Master General at lint Howg. spy of the folloa log articles in their pot. Icionihacke, Ilaversacks , , Canteen% Comp./leltles t SShml.eta me Stielter 'fent% WILLI Atil DORMS, Jr.., Mut Cohowl,3 I Ittigt., P. Jr. =1