II TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per nnntim in advance Six month- • Tlirrn cgfnt6e LO t.ihire to notify a disconti tttt mice at the expiration at the term aubecritexl fur trill be considered a nun engage ipent., E=l 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Vour lines or less $25 . $ 37 1 4 $5O Ono square, (12 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00 Three squares 1 50 2 25 3 00 Oyer three nook and less than three months, 25 costs per square for each insertion. 3 months. 8 months. 12 months. Six lines or less, $1 60 $3 00 .$5 00 flue Square 3 00 5 00 7 00 Two squares, 5 00 3 00 10 00 Three squares 7 on 10 00 10 op Four squares :'' , rt 00 13 CO on 00 Milt a column , 12 GO 16 00 ...... ....2.1 00 lino column '0 00 10 00.... ..... .59 00 Professional and Caine-s Colds not exceoding four lines, one ytmr $3 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices $1 75 Advertisements not marked with the number of itisor. lions argil 0d..14 ill ho continued till forbid nod charged se. carding to these tents. 1r)11001; A3LATION.--18' HE REAS, by _a_ a precept to me dire,ted, dated at 1 1 Uotingdmi• the loth day of August. A. D. 1102. under the hands and moat tho Hon. George Taylor. President of the Lburt o Common Pleas, Oyer and Tern:fuer, and goner al jail dull, rryof the 21t1: J11(11001.1 Merrier of Penusylvama, comps. sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the lions. Benjamin Pottou mid William B. Lees his IL3OOOI - Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as. signed, appointed to hevr, try and dotermine all and every indictments made or taken for or colneetoing all crimes, a, hick by the laws of the State are made capital, or felon ies of death, aud 04 offences, crimes and misdemeanors, athich e been Or Sl,lollllolollftoo ft° committed or.perpe. ;rated, for eritnes aforesaid—l :km commanded to make plbliCKWlauatio limn:ghoul my whole bail!. irk, that C 441.11 of Oyer and Tern:incr. of Common Pleas and Quarter Sloloioo-0, 'l‘ ill he held at the Court House in the porough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and lOth t hty) hr November twat, and those who will prosecute mho ;odd prisoners, he then and there to pnisecuto them as it shall 110 jibt. and that ell Justices of the Peace, Coroner 0414 Constables within said county, ho then and there is their proper persona. at 10 o'clewk, a. m. of said day, with their records. inquisition's. examinations and reruembrau ,cea, to do those things o Melt to their Wilco. respectively appertain. pitted at If nuthigdnn, the nth of October, in the your of our bird' 0110 ti wad eight hundred and sixty-two, and the nth year of American Independence. JOltS C. WATSON, Sheriff _ IL ROCLA3IATION.--WHEREAS, by n mucent to me direct.d by the judger of the Com pton Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, boating test the 16th day of August, 1862, I am commended to make Public Proclamation throughout my N hole bailie irk, that a Court of Common Pleas till be hold at the Court House In the borough of Huntingdon, on the and Monday (and Pah day) of Sot etuber. A. 0, 18614 for the trial of all is sues in said Court ehich remain undetermined before the said Judges, alien and eherealljurora, witnesses, and anitote, In thr trials of all lames are required. paled at Huntingdon the lath of October, in the year of our Lord one thotoutud eight hundred and sixty-two, and the 86th year of American Independence. JOHN C. WATSON, Star{((. COURT AFFAIRS. rIiRIAL LI S T-N olr EMBE It .1_ TERM, 1862. IMEIME33 Adolphus Patterson . vs Isaac Zimmerman. Insagow & Taylor to James Entrakln. Morris, Tasker & Co. to Harrison & Matterzt. Kull(gin/teller & Bauman to It. 3lcCarl & wire. J. 11. Butts to J. A. Cunningham*" maims Keene, adinr Lukene vs Philip B. Weaver. Dvidainin Rinker vs therge Swarte. henry (Dimlyvs Daniel Houtz. . . SECOND WEEK. glllllam 31cDiritt vs Sarah McDivitt. Ilentge l'alin's adult . rt Wk. X. Blair. James Clllant lc wife vs William ttothroAc. N. Kelley's cam vs Alex. Waggoner. Same vs George Waggoner. James Kelly vs Aleg, Waggoner. E. C. Magill vs J A Cunniughan,t's 'Awe y.yi I I a Hummall vs John Milliken. ;lamb Cauffutan :a B. F. Ibuslett. Elias Simpson ken. , es fame McMurtrle, for Linn . . '' ' et A. Itus,,ell k others Samuel W. Thompson re Kelly 4/,,lscnisou. Dogs. k Kit k r s 44. 11 , DEVre John Snyder vs John C. Watson, Bus A3roweter's executors vs Bauman. Same es Same Wit. C. WAtIONSE, kpot'y. Huntingdon, Oct. 21, ISC2. GRAM? 11.711011 i. Richard Ashman, Merchant, Clay. Robert Anderson, farmer, Penn. Geo. M. Cresswall, merchant, West. Jonathan Cree, farmer, Dublin. James G. Doyle, farmer, Shirley. fiamuel Douglass, farmer, Shirley. James Dever, farmer, Crom'rell. Nicholas C. Decker, farmer, Huntingdon bemuol Green, tanner, Casavillo. Prederick Reeler, farmer, Tod, George Keith, farmer, Tod. Caleb Kelley, laborer, Cromwell. ,Scla Lock. farmer, Springfield. Jesse McClain, farmer, Tod. . . . . . iibe'rit.ittiman, farmer, 'Union, Geo. W. Patterson, farmer, Warriorsmark. Joseph Rhodes, farmer, Cromwell. David Stewart, farmer, Morris. Samuel Silknitter, farmer, Barree. John Shaver, farmer, Shirley. 'George Stever, farmer, Union. William Widney, farmer, Tell. 7ichariult Venter, mason, Huntingdon. TRAVERSE JURORS —FIRST WEER. ,Andrew Anderson, farmer, Porter. William Armstrong, fanner, West. Robert Bighatn, farmer, Shirley. Jacob Booker, jr., farmer, Springfield. David Barrack, farmer, West. John Bare, farmer, Shirley. Lewis Carothers, carpenter, Cromwell. Jacob Cresswell, surveyor, Cassville. William Chilcoto, farmer, Cromwell, Andrew Decker, farmer, Oneida. James Gifford, farmer, Tell. Amos Griffith, farmer, Tod. Samuel Gregory, farmer, West, Philip Garner, farmer, Juniata. Joseph Harvey, chairmaker, Shirleysburg . George Hawn, farmer, Brady. William Irughes, farmer, Oneida. M. W. Heaton, merchant, Carbon. Valentine Hoover, farmer, Porter. John Hirst, farmer, Berme. Collins Hamer, farmer, Porter,. James Hamilton, farmer, Henderson. Isaac Heffner, farmer, Juniata. Nicholas Isenberg, brewer, Alexandria. John Jackson, femur, , Ito*r.ota, Robert B. Jones, farmer,Tell. Michael Kyper, farmer, Porter. Isaac Long, farmer, Juniata. Joel Louder, farmer, Franklin. John McGrath, manager, Carbon. James Magill, farmer, Jackson. Jacob Miller, farmer, Oneida. Joseph Mingle, farmer, Warriorsmark. Archibald' McNeal. farmer, Clay. Joseph Norwitz, forgeman, Franklin. Daniel G Neff, farmer, Porter. Alexander Oaks, farmer, Barree. James Oliver, farmer, Franklin. Henry Putt, farmer, Hopewell. Samuel Pheasant, farmer, Case, Wm L Parsons, farmer, Tell. Lewis Stever, farmer, Casa, William Wryc, farmer, Warriorsmark. Weras:r,'farmer, Hopewell. ''Ohn Wm-field, farmer, 4endersen. ithiet'Whittaker, carpenter,'Huntingdon hristian Hernial), farmer, Porter. ',William Long, blacksmith, Huntingdon. .TR.iVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. Alex. Armitage, carpenter, Huntingdon. Jacob Booker, farmer, Springfield. 'TIRO Bowers, farmer; j'enn. flames Bell, farmer, Jackson. Morris Cutahall, farmer, Springfield. kater Clritelluel,-labbier, Clay. Benjamin Cross, carpenter, Alexandria. Hugh Cunningham, farmer, Porter. James Dean, plasterer, Alexandria. Jacob Dopp, blacksmith, West. I)avid Etnier, merchant, Cromwell. John Enyeart, farmer, Shirley. Benjamin F Foos°, merchant, .shir/9!. NObTeHrepry, Farmer, Barred . . Robert Given, farmer, Walker. Robert Graffitis, farmer, Porter. Jacob Ileffner, farmer, Penn. Ezra Heeter, farmer, Tod. • George Hetrick, mason, Henderson. James Hileman, farmer, Cromwell. Daniel, Y Logan, farmer, Cromwell. Benjamin Long, clerk, Shirlmburg. S Millerl'farnser, Henderson. deorge McAlevy, farmer, Jackson. Jacob Nearhoof, fanner, Warriorsmark. John II Neff, farmer, West. Wm 4. Oaks, farmer, Jackson : , JameitScott. farmer, West. James Sloan, farmer, Henderson. George W Sltontz, feneemaker, Hopewell. Henry Steel, farmer, Henderson. Joseph Showalter, farmer, Penn. John Smith, of George, farrnerl•Parree. Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin. Elijah Weston, farmer, Warriorsmark. B Wallace, merchant, Huntingdon. / WILLIAM T LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XVIII, 61.0bt. HUNTINGDON, PA Friday, October 31, 1862. 00;VH NOTICE. We have not the fillip nor the incli nation, to dun personally, a large num ber of persons who have unsettled ac counts upon our books of several years standing. We shall, therefore, from day to day, without respect to persons, place into the hands of a Justice for collection, all accounts of over two years standing. All those who wish to save expense, tit•ill do well to give us a call, §§ § § [For the "Globe."] I,pNELY. It ie lu the Cilia November, mid I at benlilo the embcre slowly fading on the hearthstone of my home, Loot/ without the ssiti.d4 are alit,' for flow ers ding, saslly,sylpg, 'peatb the vongoenco of the storm. The soft twilight mantle o'cr me, there come, thin up before me, Forms, that /..t.tag shire have departed from the dangers of Life's way, Some, whose lure on, to loud air.und um, nod in gout!. chains had bound use, Chains html seep.el but mad,. of blossoms front the bright and sunny May. Ilia, the Lade and true hearted boy, who *flly front use parted, •ud had gone to Join the petriotein their holy cause of right, Ile has fallen In the A ushiug of hie youth, to bottle reek ing, Ile baa fallen, atruggllng bravely, in the thickeet ut the fight. And I sit here, sad and lonely, ha, lug., u conatnudouat only 'Mournful thoughts of future sorrow, loneliness and Thinking till ray heart it Itching. Bee ;M to be elrnqtt breoklug, Of the jay a Lida bad been notue, hod ho returned to 1110 again. Ile, all thought of danger scorning, you, &unite a com rade's warning, Nobly, nobly, carried out lain bravo conunandet's will, And 'tit coo/fort in Iqy w °cuing, that toy boy iv calmly sleeping. Calmly steeping in tho little village graveyard on the Not 'there thousands halo b:en slaughtered, and their blood the earth has watered, Lying, In their nal less grayes uphouored and unwept, B.Vt uhelesq 1 blossom, o'er his dear, ay w,lnna ALIXANDIZIA, PA Thanksgiving Day in Pennsylvania, Itutuisnuno, Oct. 21.,,-The Governor has issued the following proclamation : In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, AnOrew Cgrtin, Governor of the said Commonwealth, A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, it }s a good thing to ren der thanks unto God for all his mercy and loving kindness; therefore, I, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do recommend that Thursday, the 27th day of November next, be set apart by the people of this Commonwealth as a day of solemn Prayer and Thanks giving to the Almighty—giving Him humble thanks that he has been gra ciously pleased to ptoteat:our free in stitutions and Government, and to keep us from sickness and pesti,lence— and to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are choked wjtb the harvest—and to look so favorably on the toil of his child ren, that industry has thriven among us, and labor has its reward; and also that He has delivered us from the hands of our enemies, and filled our officers and men in the field with a loyal and intrepid spirit, and given them victory—and that he has poured out upon us (albeit unworthy) other great and manifold blessings. Beseeching Him to help and govern us in his steadfast fear and love, and to put into our minds good desires, so that by his continual help we Lay have a right judgment in all - things; qud especially, praying him to give to Christian Churches grads to hate the thing which is evil, and 1,0 utter the teachings of truth and righteousness, declaring openly the whole counsel of God; and most heartily entreating Him to bestow upon our civil rulers wisdom, and earnestness, and counsel, and upon our military', leaders zeal and vigor in action, that 'the fires of rebel lion may be quenched—that we, being armed with His defence, may be pre served fi•om all perils, and that Ip aftei• our people, living in peace 'and qnietnegi, njay, from generation to generation, reap the abundant fruits of His mercy, and with joy and thank fulness praise and magnify His holy name. Giyen under my hand and the great sell f the State, at Harrisburg, this W*6116001 day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth, the eighty-seventh. 41vbasw G. CURTIN. By the Governor. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Si The _population of the Russian empire in 11'42 was 14;000,000; in 1803, 36,000,000; and at Vresent it amounts to 65,000,000. cg te e. Ohio citizens aro raising a fund of $100,000,•lo Bo deyoted to perchas ing artificial limbs for such Ohio sol diers as may need them. This is right. Hear Three Democratic Soldiers Talk. At a late grand Union rally at Chi cago, General Prentiss, Colonel Lynch and Captain Gregg, all of whom have been prisoners since the battle of Shi loh until within a few days, addressed the immense audience. Gen. Prentiss gave a long and deeply -interesting narrative of the sufferings of himself' and companions in captivity, and the meanness and barbarism of the rebels —more fully stated, but substantially the same as that he gayp in his speech at Washington. General Prentiss gave his sentiments on political matters, as follows: Lest I may he misunderstood, let me toll you Republicans, I am no Itepab lican ; Democrats, I run no Democrat. lam a soldier of my country. [Pro digious cheering.] 1 hold in my hand an Augusta paper, ono of some thirty or forty others J have in my posses sion, with articles similar to this one. [Cries ,of "Read it," "Read it."] This is the Augusta Daily Constitutional, published in Augusta, Georgia. It is the oldest paper i n the southern States, the one which has the greatest cireula gon, and is looked upon, next to the Richmond Enquirer, as the organ of the Confederacy. It is a studied ef fort of these people to divide us here in the North, to have the West separ ate from the East. They continually talk about this. They say, "We like you Western men, for you fight better than them cussed Yanaces; we know we can't whip you, but we can whip the Yankees two to one." This article is headed " The Great West," and if it hurts any of you, don't blame, me, for you voted that I should read it. "There is, however, evidently in the West, and particularly in Ohio, India na and Illinois, a strong opposition in the present war upon the South. The tone of the press m those States, the public meetings, and the Democratic conventions, all prove this goal:elusively. This feeling does not display itself as boldly opposed to the war per se, but assumes the form of opposition to abol itionism, coercion and sabjugation. It would not be safe to exhibit it othoP wise, for in that event tee individuals giving expression to it would soon find themselves incarcerated within the walls ofsomo Yankee Pasille, and their opposition thus speedily and effectual ly crushed out. But by professing de votion to the Union, the Constitution, and the Administration of Abraham Lincoln, they call organize thoroughly for work, and thus secure a way to triumph in the approaching fall elec tions." That article proceels to the length of a column in the same strain, allu ding—furl will - mention the 'names— to Carlisle of Western Virginia, Vor hees of Indiana, Richardson of Illinois, and Vallandigham of Ohio. [Sensa tion.] Their papers aro full of it.— They look upon you tender-footed souls as traitors to your country. Do you want to help these men to murder your brothers and break up this Goy ernmeut ? If so, in the name of lieu. yen, lot us know it, and the Shiloh pri soners will send you down South where you belong. We came home hilly de termined to take all men by the'hand who think and feel as we do, that this rebellion should be crushed. * * * a =k * * hie wit resting-0.0 le kopt We are going to 044 homes in this State, and we will tell the Government, the candidates, and the voters, how we have been treated. It may be de nied in some quarters. J. care not.= We are determined to tell the fru* Hero around me aro ninny of these men, my comrades, Republicans and Democrats, some of whom went south as apologists for these men. Some Missourians and slaveholders were with me in prison. We all came home.— Well, call us abolitionists if you please, or anything else. [Applause.] I tell you the slaves in the South are better posted than the "butternut" gentry.— Every little act of kindness that these men received were from slaves.— [Cheers.] We have come home ready to use every power that God hath giv en us, to put down this rebellion.— [Cheers.] To take their property, to take their negro9s,trikc everything. [great and longcontinued applausb.] , ' Lynch spoke v.ith great earnest ness. We give a' sh'ort extract; I hardly need tell you that:l have always been a strong, uncompromising Democrat. ' I hnave been an apologist for the soatherri people. I pronounced the 'stories of their erg cities to he grosg fabrications. I Considered the Aboli tionists and Republicans the enemies of the Union. / will not say so now. While I was confined in the Madison prison the officers were allowed but two rations poi; day, those rations con sist;ing• of four Ounces of pork fiSid h certain intintity of corn'or flour bread. This bread was made of mdal*t}nd wit- ter mixed and roasted. I6S , as first roasted on one side and thdn ou the other. It was very hard on the out side, (laughter,) and very soft on the inside. We used to pitch quoits with these cakes. [Renewed laughter.]— They pronounced that gentlemanly treatment? These were the mon I apologized for, the men I treated in a gentlemanly manner at Donelson. never suffered so much, however, dur ing my whole imprisonment, as I did when I arrived at Washington' and found that there wet() 'men in the North h'yiklathising with the rehels..L-- Th 6 rebels arc our open enemies. • We' know where to find them. 'These northern enemies are vipers. They sting us and'we cannot find:them to crush them. My platfornt is; I love thy coutitry." I, ~aa you all' know, have never been an AbolitiquiSt'.' I have turned uegroes who. came into my camp over to their rebel niiisters: I cannot say that I like a negro now; but if it should be necessary, to save HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1862, -PERSEVERE. this glorious Union, would take a regi iiient of niggcrs, and march into Dixie. [lmmense applause.] Every party should ho merged jut° one. There should be no Republicans, no Demo crats. Every man should sacrifice Ws personal fbelings. I was opposed to 414rahatn Lincoln ; I am now opposed to every ipan who opposes Abraham Lincoln. Captain Gregg was equally emphat ic. We give a single paragraph : This war must be carried on differ ently. This Union must and shall be preserved whether the, "nigger" is preserved or not. [lmmense applause.] Why, the rebels spit upon your Con stitution. I hear it said hp here, " you musp stand by the Constitution." Why, the rebels won't take that Constitution. If you should hang Wendell Phillips and all other Abolitionists to-morrow, Jeff Davis wouldn't thank you for it.— Why, we are all Abolitionists. [Pro longed cheering.] I tell you, I've been through the mill, and I wish that eve ry sympathizer in the North had to go, through the same mill. I wish they were compelled to go over the tour I have. You may take my head for a foot-ball if they didn't change their notions. If it were necessary to free every negro in the Sout4 to save the Union, I would do it. A Judicial View of the Emancipation Effl Theophilus Parsons, in a letter to the Boston Advertiser, says: There are three (*notion& e9neern ing the President's e r mancipation proc lamation. One, has he a constitution al power to issue it, as a civil, political or administrative act ? - The second, Wai it expedient ? The third, Has he constitutional power as Commander-in- Chief to issue it, at this time, as a mil itary act ? These (potions are per fectly distinct. One of the most com mon and most fruitful pauses of error upon all subjects is the mingling of questions which are distinct in them selves, but so near each other that they confuse °spit other. Let us separate these questions. I am sure that the President has no power to emancipate a single slave, as a civil, political or administrative net. Was it expedient? I Icavo this question to the President, for he is honest, lie is capable; he has considered the question long, carefully and painfully, and in all the relations in which it can present itself. How ever wise I may be, or Judge Curtis may be, on this subject, the President must be wiser, or all rules of probabil ity fail. As to the remaining ques tions, I have not the slightest dqubt of hie constitutional power as Clomman der in Chief, tr, i this proclamation as a military_net. 'lf lAalleelc, when before Corhlth, haw() sept a force a Lemke(' miles to catch and bring into his lines a hundred negroes with the wagons, horses, and provisions they were bringing to Beauregard, the Pres ident and Commander in Chief; sitting in the center, with wider views, wider necessities, and wider rights to meet those uccessities, may, if he can, pre vent the whole mass of Slaves from laboring to feed the rebellion. 13.0 may, if he can, by the danger of insurreetiOn, or of starvation, or of loss of property, dis4earten the rebels and drive their armies home. To say otherwise, would he to say that he might 4tyil. - e at re bellion, but must be careful riot to strike away its corner-stone. Can he do it in fact? This question touches the expediency of the measure, and this I leat-e to him. But it does not touch his inilitary right, to threaten it, and to do it if he can. A Rebel' General Abandoning the Cause. [Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette. Sr. Louis, Oct. 23.—The Republican of yesterday morning contains a brief announcement that Brig. Gen. Edwin Price, son of Major General Sterling , Price, has resigned his commission in the Confederate service. He was at the headquarters of Gen. Curtis night before last, and stated that ho consid ered the cause of the rebels hopeless, and the speedy crushing of the instil-- 'roc Lion a certainty. lie said tinif, his father went into the \kat . reluctantly, was' new enlisted heart and soul to fight until the independence of the Confederacy was acknowledged, and its suctiOses a6hieied. Theyqung Man resigned his commission, and in trusted it to Gen. Curtis tQ send thro' the lines, to be forwarded to Richmond. He announces his intention to go to his home in Chariton, Mo., and take no further part in the war. With an ap pearance of full shiCerity, he tools the oath of allegiance to the United States in its strongest form. Those who best know him are confident that he will respect and observe if.' Like his I father, he is said to possess ninny high qualities of liencl heart, a'n ato held inviolate his'soromn pledge. ' He assures us that we are greatly underestimating the strength of the rebels in Arkansas. He feels certain that there are not less than 60,000 en rolled west of the Mississippi, half fif whom are supplied with arms and am munition. A considerable quantity of French and Engli"Sh muskets have re cently run the blockade, and many of them :have been sent west to Hindman and 'Holmes. Of the large force in Arkansas, the main strength is under Hindman and Holmes, and is station otl Duvall's Bluff and' Little, and between these points, as I informed you in my letters several clays ago.— As I previously Stilted,' •Mb4iNS' Par sons is moving in the direction' aeSalena, with from to twelve 'thousand men. 116 w -this fiirCe is to be 4ubsisted in Arkansas is no less a puzzle to the ex-rebnl than it is to all of us who have been studying the situation in the:South west." That it mist take a dash into Missouri, or starve and fall to pieces where' it is, is a fact that cannot be doubted. 4•;..1. 0....i.H.,--t. 4. AFFAIRS IN GEORGIA. Letter from a Loyal Lady in Savan nah) Wife of a High Rebel Officer. [From Elio Now York Timoi.] [For the authenticity of the follow ing letter we can vouch. The lady writes regularly and her emespon deuce issealed. She invariably speaks without reatraiu t hou views of affairs in the South; and her letters, on being received by her friends, all bear the Baltimore post mark.—Ea. Times.] Savannah, Ga., United States of 1 America, October 11, 1862. DEAREST MOTHER :—Your kind let ter reached me, and would have given mo an unmingled pleasure but for the announcement of poor Oapt —'s death. How terrible for his sisters, and for poor Miss —, who, when I last saw her, sbowed me his carte de visit, and half confessed they were en gaged, although 'neiiher the Commo dore nor her aunt knew or suspected anything or the matter. Every per son here, is in mourning, except my self, and I only not so because.l can not find materials, and hope soon to be allowed to go North, as Gen. has half promised mo passage under the next'flag, of truce to some vessel cf the Admiral Dupont's squadron.— Our'little'diir/Vng is sadly in noel of shoes, her only present foot covering being little carpet slippers, with car pet soles, made by myself. They do very well while it is quite dry; but the least shower keeps her within doors, and she wears out nearly two pairs each week, so that I a(n Con stantly busy. Of tea and all other comforts, we preserve only vague re membrances; but food, thank God, is becoming plentiful again, such as it is —wheat, chickens, corn and pigs; and, although it is admitted hero by all that the rebellion has yet a sharp struggle before it, t,lr.re is no longer any hope (as I siuoeroly wish there was) of its being starved into submis sion. (Here follow some purely fami : ly details.) • * * * You cannot think how bitterly the North is ridiculed here, and all my ef forts to defend it only end in mot:lift cation and consciousness that those who think otherwise have the best of the argument. It is now the regular habit to send so-called "deserters " in to the Union lines along the Potomac, whenever we want to get a mail car ried North, These ." Oserters," who are generally the bravest, sharpest, 9.nd most unscrupulous enfants perdus In the yebq army, enter McClellan's lines, tell liini"j4l fluelisitorlesthe • have been tqld tq, take the {{ Bath and ure .1 - qmcdiately dismisSe." 1 1%03; then go to Baltimore, post t eic o - ters there, get a return mail, and are back in Richmond within three or four days from the time of leaving the managers of the mail line at Balti more. It is thus that the and —, [Two papers are mentioned here, one published in New York and ono in Baltimore,] get their "late Southern news," and I can assure you that this mail runs regularly—the car riers many times getting across the Potomac and into Maryland without being once challenged; if they aro challenged, they announce Wein selves as deserters," take the oath— though even this is net always asked of them—qnd then hurry on to flal more, which is our Chief Post Office. They have here la private circula tion—though it may be a forgery—a phrenological chart of General McClel lan's character, made by Fowler & Wells, of Now York, and which was given, they say, by McClellan to his friend, Major General G. W. Smith, whose health is now quite recovered, though at the expense of his mind, which will never be again what it was. This written chart—such, dearest mother, as you had made of me when I came back, last summer, five years ago, from Miss achaelniakes Gen. MeClelhin's blimp of "caution" outbalanco all the other qualities of his head, and they are making fun of it all the'time, and of course moSt ac tively, those who wish to annoy me, when lam present. They have had this chart printed for private circula tion, and while the papers hero all seem a conspirapy tO praise General MeCrihian, he is the most bitterly ridi culed man I ever knew, in private.— The was of the Savannah ilepub4. can was at cousin Mary's last Tues day evening, and had the "greatest fun," as he called it, (horrid old crea ture, that lie ig,) trying to make me angry. But cousin Mary stopped him, aml-oVen Senator said that as was an avowed " enemy of thh South," (though, Heaven kruiWs; I am not,) and had enly Chine hero to nurse (her husband,) was entitled to be treatecfat least With the courtesy due to" a prisoner of war I" aisd not vex ed and ridiculed. But I' assure you, you can have no idea what confidence the people herb have that this " chart" is pqrrect; and so whenever Leo or Sacksen want to make McClellan stop anywhere, or avoid a battle, they send off some " deserters," first to toll him they are in immense force, and any other odious lies they please; and then they got significant hints to, the sable effect published in the Richmond—pa pers; and these papers are actually carried tp McClellan, and oven sold to him at a: high price, the two ram pas sing themsolvcS ofr as Unipfl farmers, who gave him the %formation which stopped' hiM ton dayk after the battle of Sharpsburg, when "h'e'ivas thinking of advancing, and quite ready, haVing received $6O between them for their trouble and expenses for bringing the information. George says they are nthi-commissioned officers—sergeants or Corporals, I forget which—and 'are to be commissioned as second Houten nets when they get hack from Balti- TER] S, $1 1 59 g. year in 4dya,nce: more. Yov may fancy how these things annoy me: But I have noth ing but annoyances now, though peo ple hero say there is no chance of an other battle on the Potomac before next spring' * * [Tile remain der is merely personal, and of no, pub lic interest.] *** The Horrible Persecution of Union Men in Kentu'oky. A Plain Statement of the Case n of a Ken 7 • tnolv SAnator. " CINCINNATI, Oct. B.—L. W. Hall, Ravena, Portage county, Ohio :----Dear §i: 7.7 - 14 great distress of mind, I will endeavor to recount to you the misfor tunes and troubles I have recently had to encounter in liltintucky. lam now a refugee. The torch of' the incendia ry rebel has been rat to my mills, my store and my dwelling. All' is con sumed; the labor of twenty years is destroyed. • e (In last "Wednesday night, Ole Kobel cavalry of John Morgan, to alp num ber of eight hundred, encamped with in two miles of my place. Through the whole night they were momentari ly expected to come upon us. livery person loft the road and hid in the woods. I could net do so; my wife vas near her congnernent, and my anxiety for her kept me near my dwelling, but to allay her fears for my safety, I had to appear to be ab sent: Nothing oteurred during the night. As the morning dawned, I went further from my house, and took a yiew og the premises and the roads leading to them. T. ponld see no reb els, and I determined to gee nly wife; let the consequences be what they might. As I was near my door, eight rebels suddenly 1111Pefire4 before me, with their gun presented to my breast and took me prisoner. Soon the, whole rebel band was upon me. Morgan cursed the men for taking me prison er; saying that he had ordered them t.C? 51109 t me 49W11 upon sight. lie fillet] (Tend my steer (leer' and told it men to rifle it of everything' they desired, and then set fire to it. I im plored him not to do so, as it was so near my dwelling that it also would be consumed. '1 'ilifot'mea Oethe eqndifion of my wife—for mytell" l asked nothing, but I begged of him, in common humanity, not to destroy my wife and little children. He answered with q. fiendish oath, that he intended-to burn everything I had— he would put fire to my house and burn my wife and children up in it—he would wipe out the whole Abo lition concern. This threat was 411 7 Ilaa~Tcif L} inaiw of his men, who soul the - word iii for hihulg men, : lyomen • •it aarcin7 - 1 was then iilaccit up on a horse, without a saddle, and' con ducted to the front of their column, and orders were given to shoot me down if fired upon by bushwhackers, as they styled them. I assured them they would be fired upon if the people had any spirit, and I believed they had. When they saw the conflagra tion of their homes, they would way lay and fire upon them, even if their number was ten times greater. After firing my 'property, ho (Morgan) rode past 'me and sald,pointing to the fianjes, yo u fiild your loyalty to your 4boli tion Clovermieto pretty e•spensive, don't you." Before we reached the woods, the captain of the men that took me pris oner, removed me from my position in front, and placed me in his company, near the rear. immediately upon en tering the woods they were fired up on. I was surprised I was not shot. Morgan rode past and demanded the reason I was not shot as he ordered.— They said they had not heard the or der. He told them if fired upon again, to shoot tire prisoner. They then amused thomselves by, pointing their guns at me and saying they wished they could hear a gun, that they might have thdPeastire of shooting me. Af ter some time we were ordered lo ad vance, and wore soon again fired upon. I heard the guns - click'behind me, and felt stile 1,144 rp end was right then t•, at hand. Their Captain, John T. Williams. or dered them'not to fire, that it was a cold blooded murder. Ile said that his men had taken no prisoner—that lie' was not yet mustered into the ser vice, and did not:belong to Gen. Mor gan's command, and would not obey him in this, but would take me to West Liberty, and put me in jail till further orders. This was some relief to me, you may be assured.' Tints we proceeded for nearly twelve miles, my friendObe be itipitqckers,- emptying a saddle every few minutes, and my cap tors setting fire to every Union man's house as they went. At last they commenced fitlling close around me. My guardian friend, the Captain, said he could not save me any longer. I soon took advantage of the excitement prevailing, and jumped from my horse and fled to the woods, unobserved, and made my Cseapri-- I reached where 414 been my home at dark. I found my wife had been car- tied by some kind ladies to an unoc cupied house, and a physician was with her. It was not, more than twen ty minutes till 'MOrgan's guerillas were again upon me. I escaped through the fields to the woods, mak ing my way to Portsmouth, liirty-fiva, miles,*;my 'nearest 'peitiU of comPle.to safety, where f drribllneXt morning, wiPtout: food; Sl c dp or rest. I IMme diatery cattle to `this city, wheto there WtiS'it man '6 W ing"me about seventy fiVe with which I will pur chase a Ballard rifle arid return' to the vicinity of my family', ''hide in the Woods and caves, 'arid pick oft' every ButterdutTgee, until I can get my fitiiily away to some place of security, and then I will not make peace with them. :C -LOBE • JOB PRINTING OFFICE. . • THE GLOBE JOB OFFICE is the most complete of any In Oafpsniitit, and pair- • aussea the most maple foci Mire for promptly enteitttinchtt tho test style, every variety of Job Printthy„ lIAND BILLS, • • • • • PROGRAMMES, - • " " BLANKS, POSTERS, CARDS, • CIRCULARS, _ • BALL TICKETS, ITEAD4, I.4.p.ELs, ix., - cAtt AND EX.I3IINE aPECIIIESS OP BORE, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. NO, 22, Why is all this persecution of me ? Is it because I condemped this,Wiclted rebellion, urged a vigorous prosecution of this War, and in my place in :the ena.tp cif Kentucky opposed the tons-por . Wigi klicy of my own party For tins I aM htirnea out and hunted Out of ii.'entakY, T ar4nex. unequiv ocally- for confiscation, subjugation l lo4 : terrnipafion t and hell and damnation: I houlcl . llkna to hear from My ',:a4 friend s Port4gq c'ounty; .none of Iyhorhkke T forgott'4, 'AitclietY4 Will'be for sonic time to came, Ports mouth, Ohio. Yours respectfully, W. C. GRIER. The Silver Lake " Sulk " Mystery Solvect- [F: ow the Rochester (N. V.) llemeer4, _ ' A few years since, the whole of Wes : tern New York was intense]Y ekaited , over reports that were circulated about an enormous" sea serpent thq had bed} discoVerOd 'disporting Himself in the. qpiet'wateri of Silver Lake, a modest ? ' little pond, on the border• of which stands the pillage pf rfirirk, Wyo m ing county. . . This Leviathan of the deep had been . repeatedly seen moving hid undulating form through the placid waters of the lake. "OngesiVtdas "Wrought up tO WO highest point s oFe#ltment. Th 4 lake was watched' clay find night, by hundreds of eyes, to gain 'a.' view of his snakeship, and many were favorpi with a glimpse of the enormousraptile.• Several farmers—respectable men—, (i f persons whose character for veracit was beyond suspiciOn, and whose rii -. stations were above rdproaeh—ma . ti afildavit that they hair secin"the huge monster iv ith their ow 6 40. - Editors" Mid reporters camp frem .far apd pear to behold•litlo s ,l . line: diWs!' #otider, It. and the newspaper' world also grew excited over thesubject. The" snaik" question became the order of the day. But, alas ! for human credulity, ,the humbug has boon exploded—the mys tepy solved. ! - The solathtn oceured in tLe'fbilowing nia`nnOl• - ? '''''" ' ' .'Not long since, the hotel at Silver • Labe, whose halls, corridors, and'ileep ing aptirtrOrits i liad pride Veen so dense ly crowded with visitors, att'raeted to that loeality to catch a glitnge'of the, sea-serpent, took fire, and'-'ilitriug the, removal of some rubbish from th e gar-• ret, the neighhors 'WO 'neT'Os4'.3yhtft. they at first supposed to he a quant:iir of large sized India rubber hose. t ; was Carried out, dud upon bein,,o stretched along the ground revealed itself to the astonished gaze of the be lioldersin thafortu of a sorwmt, semi) fifty feet in length. ;The bystanders .. F0 ,... • an. ..... and in• a very, .brief. lisleßlnCO . tir tll 0311 yStery was upper "ent.--THe—SilVer Lake' " Snnik " lay before' them. The History of-trio` $- gqiipp limp bag is said to be cis felrOW4: , 4 specta q ui , f'qe the last •iii•ta, in the vicinity of Silver Lake;and attract ed by the 'quiet beautY 'of *the locality and its surroundings, ho coueelvedthe idea of purchasing the hotel 'dud fitting it up for a watering place. 'llo'carriod his plan into execution, Pare l 4, l .so(ttiu, betel, and inaugurated an extensive System 0 repairs V Vilijil lig Ileep,inp involved, antl ,-rts ohllged .c.:inii.tgitgo Um promises. After *remtaini ag i n'pos- SesOpn a couple of years, and Meeting with ix:limited amount r patronage, he saw no way to meet his abilities.— In this dilemma, ho 'corresponded with a brothel'-in-Jaw in Boston, and -laid the case before him. His relative was, by the way, a shrewd Yankee, and he suggested the spa serpent dodge. • An India riibber snake was manufactured to order, and painted to imitate the. natural reptile, and in due'timo it was • forwarded to astonish the " natives." - The appearance of this artificial mon ster bad all the effect deSired'ithe gal was coon denSely crowded; hundreds and thousands of people visited' the place, and the shrewd landlord reaped a golden harvest. ' .h.fier making' a snug fortune, and paying up Millis li abiliti, the lucky proprietor allowed the excitement to wane, sold - out the premNes Alia 'mot-,eil`liway; lea7ing'iili snap)" in the garretto the 'tender mercies of the now proprietor. And thus ended one of the greatest humbugs of the last decade—as we are told. An Awkward Mistake. 4 passenger trafalling in a third class carriage, afew_days ago, on th 9 excursion train from Limerick to Wa terford, was mistaken for the hang; man, and got so roughly haildled that he was obliged to claim'the Protection of the police at the Ctonimel station,' where he remained., 'lsle feared worst; consequences if he proceeded on to Ma: . terford. It is said the idea was • origl: nated by a '"wag;' wlio nodded to some o f the strangers in the carriage; , and then-to the unhappy victim Of the joke, piaciiig his 'hands do • his neck; and making facial contortions, which left u 4 doubt'on the'ininiis of those present of his meanin: "Then coin; menced the"woes of the stlliposed pro: • fessional. Even after heldt the 'car= riage at Olorarael hQ loSiielted With coals, ke. The victiin is an operatiq. eraployed in a respectable establish.: merit in Limerick; 'and lie noW'propos: es to take logar proceedirigs ageing, ' the 'joker wholiiionated the (to him) very napleasant proceedings.----Liner ; ick Peporter. 1 The National Tax-Law . bodying the organic ; heon oral.and ‘specifiC provisions; provisionS for 'the appointment, and governance of collectors, assessors and their assis: taitts; alphabetical selied**C (!) , t di: tides taxed, with rtd,i;de:;ele. For sale at LeWis ll itoOk StOre;„ 4 IL'S: soldier lamed Johnson, was hurig by rebels, lately, at Winchester.