Soldiers' Aid Society. MCCONNELSTOWN, August 25, 1862. —The following articles have been re ceived at McConnelstown during the last two weeks. They have been gratefully received and will be forwar ded for the use of the sick and wound ed 31cCosNELsTowN Mrs Daniel Protzmon, 3 dozen bal doges, lint and hops. Mrs Israel Bomgardener, bandages, dried fruit. Mrs Joseph Douglass, crackers and bandages. Mrs George Lang, 1 sheet. " Bttsy . Lang, 2 shirts s and banda ges. Mrs Mary Ward, 2 shirts and banda ges. " Andrew Heffner, rusk. " John Heffner, dried fruit and bandages Mrs Matilda Leabheart, dried fruit, bandages. Mrs John Vandevander, dried fruit, bandages. Mrs Wilson Watson, dried fruit, bandages. Mrs John Gordon, dried berries. " Samuel Moore, 1 sheet, dried fruit- - - Mrs Eliza Simpson, bandages, dried fruit, papers and jelly Mr James Moore, 1 dollar Mrs Joseph McCoy, rusk 11ARTSLOG VALLEY. Mrs Mahe D Colder, onions, band ages and jelly - Mrs Simon Coulter, dried fruit, ban dages Drys John Grove, dried fruit, rusk and bandages Mrs Michael Shriner, rusk and dried fruit Mrs John Robb, jam and dried fruit Mrs Polly Hoover, dried fruit, ap ple-butter, rusk, candles, soap, towels, bandages Mrs James Black,• rusk and apple butter Mrs - Benjamin Isenberg, dried fruit, rusk and soap • Mrs Forrest, dried fruit, rusk and soap Rachel Loyd, dried fruit and rusk WOODCOCK VALLEY. Mrs Henry Peightal, dried fruit, and bandages Mrs Isaac Yocum, dried fruit and bandages Mrs John Nail, jr., dried fruit and soap Mrs Abraham Snare, dried fruit, bandages - Mrs-Margaret Morgan, 1 dollar " John Lee, 1 sheet " Jainds Lee, dried apples ." Ladwiek Hoover, dried apples, 1 Sheet' Mrs Jacob Mover, jr., dried apples Catharine 'Hoover, table-eloth " Joseph Norris, • 1 sheet, dried fruit • Mrs George Lyinger, bandages, one sheet Mrs Sarah Moyers, apple-butter, dried fruit, bandages Mr Alex. Moore, 1 dollar " Henry Grub, 25 cents BRANCH AND RIVER. Mr Andrew Grove, dried fruit, tow els, 1 dollar ---- Dirs - lacob Grove, lowdis, bandages, dried fruit, 21 cents Mrs Andrew Grubb, sr., bandages, sheet Mr Isaac Grove. 1 dollar ." Benjamin Brumbaugh, apple butter;dried fruit; bandages Mrs Rachel States, dried fruit •• Andrew Peightal, bandages and dried fruit. Mrs Thomas Norris, 1 pillow, band ages, dried fruit, onions. - Mrs George Brumbaugh, sheet, dried fruit, 12 cents. Mrs Andrew Fink, dried fruit. " Andie,w Grubb, jr., bandages, ap ple-butter, onions. Rev. George Brumbaugh, 30 cts. Mrs John Brumbaugh, bandages, ' dried fruit, onions. 25 cts. PINEY RIDGE. Mrs Robert Anderson-, dried cher ries. Mrs Jacob Heffner, dried apples. " William. Speck, dried fruit, ban dages. Mrs Martin Speck, .sil eta. Hannah Norris, dried cherries. Emily Lyinger, dried apples, LITTLE VALLEY. 'Widow Norris, bandages and rags. • Mrs John Peightal, apple-butter, dried apples bandages. Mrs John Hoover, sheet and towels. -" Zahn Heffner , sr., dried fruit, rusk, crackers and eandages. -Mrs Benjamin Heffner, bandages, dried fruit. Mrs Thomas limner, - bandages, dried fruit, onions. The articles contained in above list arc forwarded.for the ladies of McColl. nelslown and vicinity, by Soldiers' Aid of Huntingdon, August 29th, to the Christian Commission, who reed. and acknowledged them soon after. The Recent Raid into Pennsylvania. Governor Curtin Deinande an Investi 'gatiOn into the 'Conduct of U. S. offi cers: ))r...OuiNorti, Oct. 15 A 14korimstwil rceeired front Gov. Curtin, of 114timg-311.74t0A, in which it is stated that he has been informed, on good authority, that the generals in Tommand of the troops at llagerstown knew that the rebels had crossed to the border at 10 o'clock on FridAy ptorning.. Twenty miles by rail from Chambersburg mere in our possession; and u- like distance by good grades, and the rebels did stet leave Chambers burg until 0 o'clock on Saturday morn ing, so that the whole force could have been captured, and the people of Penn sylvania saved froip the disgrace cast upon them. The Governor desires a thorough investigation, and the military author ities have already ordered it. ' In the meanwhile, Gov: Curtin Is taking tic live measures to protect the border froM any fuither rebel raid. The National Tax-Law - em bodying the organic,sections ; the gen eral and, specific provisions; provisions for the.appointment and governance pf collectors, assessoFs and their assis tants;,alpha.hetical eh (Id glelist of ar ticles taxed,' with rates, etc., etc. For sale at Lewis' Book Store SOUTHERN NEWS. A Capt. Brush, says a Wisconsin pa per, a federal officer who was prisoner at Richmond, relates some of his griev ances as a prisoner. He says : Some of the rebels admit that they (our sick) arc literally starved, or rot to death by the scurvy, liar want of proper medical attendance and vege tables. The; mortality amongNt this class is great, and deserves the imme diate attention of the Federal govern ment. Many of our wounded left at Culpepper died by starvation through the neglect of their captors. The guards around the prisons at Richmond are over-zealous in the dis charge of their duties. They seize ev ery opportunity to fire at unfortunate Union prisoners who dare look out of the prison windows. On the 22d of September one of the guards fired at a Union officer who was thus situated; the ball missed hint, but passed through the ceiling to an upper story and killed an innocent man. Lieutenant Camp bell, ono of the Twelfth United States infantry was also wounded slightly by one of their guards. The rebels admit that their losses in front of Richmond and near Manassas were very great and had decimated their ranks. MARRIED, On September 20, by Rev. G. W. Zahnizer, Mr. SAMUEL PORTER, to Miss PENINA M. ARMSTRONG, both of West township, Huntingdon county, Pa. PIIILADEira SPUTA 111.4111i1OTS. = Oct. 20, 1862. Farley and Extra Family Flour.. $7,2.169.00 Common and Superfine t $0 7 2.5®0, 50 Bye Flour 44,25 • Corn Meal . • $5,26 Extra {Vita Wheat.-»-• $1,55@1,75 Pair a n d Prima Red $1,43@1,50 Bye 78e Corn, prima Yellow 75 Oats VI Cluvrrgreti, V 64 IDa $5,500.5,87% Timothy ... ..... 51,62 g," 3.25 Wool 60€167e Hides 7%3' EITINTINGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLY. Extra Fatuity Flour bbl Extra do t ivlau Wheat Bed Wheat Eye Corn Oatos Cloverseed Flaxoteed Dried Apples 'hitter ...... .............. ........ Egg. Lard Ham. L 4 lioulder Shied TalloW STRAY STEER.- kj Canto to the residence of the subscriber in West township, about the middle tlJuly last, a red and white spotted STET tt, about 2 rears old. The owner to required to come and prove property, pay charges, and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed of neverdip g tft Cottage, Oct, 21, 1562, A UDITOR'S NOTICE.- (Estate of Nary Raymond, dad.] the undersign, d, appointed Auditor by the Orphans' court of Hunt ingdon county to hoar exception.. to the as count ofJohn Frott, Log. /chain'Orator of tho estate of Mary Itaynnunt, Into at tho botough of Huntingdon, deed, and to distribute the balance found In his hands, will at tract for that porn's.. at his office in Huntingdon, on Fri. day, the ith day of November neat, at 10 o'clock, 1. 31., et hen anti there all persons intereceted aro required to present their claims, or bo debarred from conning in for a ulcers of tho (nod. J. SEIVELE. STFAVAIt'f, Oct. 22, 166:7* Auditor. ROB ERTS' INDEPENDENT ARTILLERY , TO BE STATIONED PERMANENTLY AT FORTIIESS AIONROII organization offers, to the active and ambitions young men of thin country, advantages unequalled by any regiment during the war. It Ilan Independent Battalion of Artillery, or ganized for the express and sole purpose of gar rimming Fortress Monroe. The Battalion will not be ordered elsealtere during Its enli-totent. It, commander, Major Joseph, Roberts, of the Regular Army, Fourth United Staten Artil• iery. and author of the principal Text-Book on • 't At tillery. In au officer of gteat experience and ability ; home hl-authority front the Ferretti- i ry of {Tar and Governor Curtin to mine Gm I..‘tt.diets, and pleas in a proper Mato of de fence the key to our National Capital. The hardy and patriotic sons of Pennsylvania have been se lected for thin itniseant and responsible ditty. Will they not be equal to the confidence reposed in them by our Got eminent RIM Governor 1. It in a pet imment post, has comfortable quarters, in in a healthy locnth s. thus avoid big all the cm:stamen and hardships of fleld service, t utu men ore commanded by oßicem of experience and ability, and being well Instructed In nil the ditties of infantry and artillery soldiers, will be fitted to n.•rve as eflicera in any arm of Site service. They draw pay and ratiolla front tho day of mu.tering in. are Bent immediately to cannp, and receive their clothes made expressly to fit them. Picked men, only, taken. Bounty is !add an follows.: Government bounty, 525 00 o premium, 2,00 advance pay, 13,00 and $l5 at the expiration of enlistment. A few more good men wanted for COMPANY A, now recruiting at the LAW OFFICE of MILES .k DORRIS, Huntingdon ' Pa." Lieut., E. 11. Recruiting °Meer (or Hunting don and adjoining cuttuties. Oct. 22. 1b62. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING 1:c1 MACHINE. g r 4 R. A. 0. KERR, a ALTOONA, PA., cn 2.4 0 g AGENT FOR BLAIR COUNTY. 4 S,KOSUIAI. llarlaarist THESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT ted to be the beet ever offered to the public, and mem poperiority Ie satiAf.kctorl , y eatabliehed by the fact that he tho last eight year., OVER 1,400 MORE, • of thee. machines have been sold then army other man ufactured, and worn medals hare boon awarded the pro prietors by different Pairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The, Machines are warranted to do all that Is claimed for them. They are now in urn In central families to Al toona, and in every case they give entire, eatisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring Information as to the superiority of the Machines, to A. W. Benedict, Joseph Wolcott,l. It. Turner and B. E. lit:Wyman. The Inclines can be soon and examined at the store of the Agent. at Altoonn. Price of No. 1 'lucidly , . silver plated, glass foot and new hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze. glass foot endue.- style lienunor—sss. No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmer—Pl' . lOct. 21, 1562-Iy. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In pursuazree of au eider of the Orphan,' Court of Iluntlogdon county, the Real list.tto hereinafter deleilb• ed, will be exposed to Public. Sale on 11,0 premface, On Friday the 3lat day of October, 1862, as the property of William Reel, tato of Went township, ip and county, deceased, to wit: .4 tract of land situate in said township, containing our hundred and eight acres and seventy-eight perches, adjoining lands of Dr. 11. Orlatly, the heirs of William Ftetcort, deceased, John owl 31ichael Meyer, Joseph Pow ell, and the heirs of Joseph Reed, deocased; about eighty acres of this tract pro etearent and it: goad istato of culti vation,. with a dwelling burfse, bank barn. nod orchard iliereou. A small tract of about one acre taken up by said deceased in hi. life time adjoins this tract, and will aps geld molts it. This tract installed "The Caner Farm," id has, for tone years past, beet, noted fat inn produc tiveness. - Also, a tract of land eituate on the Globs Run in said tOwothM, Contain Mg two hundred and thirtpuine Acres and Slaty-ono perches, arulpg the Milage of yairgeld, land of Mordecai and Jo ta Pp I'4'l ;Win Mist, tins heirs of George foist nu Whcn, l a ig6 theocl 7 2 t wo dwellipg houses, a bank barn; ono hundred and eighty or oh:ety acres aro cleared upup tllia Ole; about twenty of which aro meadow. Those who ain't tq see these lands before the day of ante, will Wane min ou Mr. Conrad residing ripen the Con ner Farm, or Mr. Foster residing upon the Globe lion Farm, also will :show these fnrms to strangers and otheta. Fusecalon will be given to purchasers on the Prat clay of April next, w hen the first payment of ono-third of the purchase money Is to be mode. Unpaid purchase money to bear interest Fuel be seemed by the bonds and meet . gag e of the purrhasen Further terms to bo made knotru on the day of sale. silo to commence et If o'cbek, A. M., ofsaid day, at the Conner Farm, where Mien:lance will be given. by JOII?I It EEO. and °FORGE WILSON. October 16,1902. Trusttef. rIALL at D. y - c wry 4; if you want Gco , HERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of L sundry wilts of Vend. Eop. and Ni. Fa: to me til t:x[od, I trill expolie to public sale or outcry, at the Court Ifonso, In the borough of lloutingdon, ON MONDAY the 10xii DAY of NOVEMBER, Edo2, at twoo'clock, the Woe log described property to alt : Defendant's right, title and interest, in and to leo acres of land, more or loss. situate ha Boric° town. ship. Ifuntingdon county, bounded on the west by Inlet of %Vllkon Crownover, on the east by Inn] of Jtne4 It. Clow:lover, on the north by land of John L. Walker, on rho smith by lands of John C. Crownovor and John Silk. :titter, out mu the oast by land of Israel S:nlley's heirs, nlsott 41 as es of which aro cleared, and tins thereon erew tit ono two-story log house, ono double log born, one op ple melml.l of graded fruit. Seized, taken is execution nut to be sold as the property of John 1,. Hoffer. Also—The defendant's interest in and to no following real estate, viz: 318 acres of land, more or less; situate in 'rod township, litunlngdon county, sur veyed in the name of Henry Houck, bounded on the north west by land of It. Bare Powoll, north-east by land sur veyed to Anderson & Horton, oonih•wost by hunt of Philip flornet, now Orbison, Dorris & Co. Also-107 acres, :nolo or lest. situate on the north side of Shoup's Sou in Tod township, so: veyed In the mono of ftenfamin Perm. Also-13T ncres of land, more or less, in Post township, servo, ed in the name of G. Miller on the nortkenat by lands of Andrew Donaldson. nod on the smith-east by Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad Co. land. Also-157 acres of land, mere or less. /Oblate in same township, sum.) ed In the name of Neal Clark, and boun ded on the north,west by Troaler's !wire and Benjamin Houck, south-wear by Thonms Andersen, soutibenet by IYRRllington Baker and widow Zimmerman. Also-22 acres, more or less, situate in saute township, curve) ed la the Sarno of Simnel Snaro, bounded on the South-east by ‘Vo,al. Bacon lc Co.. south•wett by Christian Barnet and %Mot, Broaditono and L. T. Watson R Co. . - . Also—t 7 acrea t more or less, situato in IlopoWell town. hip, annoyed in tho name of A. D. Crewlt, bounded on ho north-coot by land of Philip Common, smith-east by and of Wield Mountain's heirs. south•wost and west by and of Patton A Petrek In. Also—Defendant's right, title end interest in and to a tract of lend situate in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, surveyed on warrants in the name of Peter Her ring, David limiter, Sarah :Levi, blargaret Levi, Adatn Les i, Ilanr.ah Herring, Frederick Herring and Conrad Herring, the division line to ho run according to article of agreements hetweeen the Trustee, of John Sewage de ceased, and Dr. Peter Shoneberger, who was the owner of the other half of said tract, dated the 14th day of Novem ber, A. D , 1443, and another agreement explaining the prior ono between the said parties end dated the 1311, Feb nary, ISII, both of which said articles ore intended to ha recorded. Also—A email part of a tract of land surveyed to Jacob Ilildegroe which has not been previously sold by the true. tees of John Savage. the fleet of that Immo, nor by tho present grantee, and all the land not thus previously sold which was convoyed to the said John Savage, decd., by Ndward Levingston and wife by deed dated tho 224 day of April, 1833, owl recorded in Huntingdon. county In Deed Book X, page 402. Also—All tho defendant's right, title and Interest in all that certain messuage or Duet of land, situate in Hunting don county, Cast township. containing 120 acres. more or Less, adjoining hunts formerly of Robert Speer, deceased, and others, being tho Sarno tract of land, witch by Deed dated 15th December, 1855, was conveyed by David Chat kson, Trustee, to Jacob Cresswell and Horace I. Drown. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Creswell. Also—The defendant's right, title and in terest In and to 01 nem of land, mere or late, situnto in Shirley township, ttwntingd•n county, bounded on the uortiPonst by land of Andrew Spanogle, on the south by land of-- • Dell's, on tho west by land of ([abort Ing ham, and on Om north by laud of John Lutz. having thereon erected two dwelling houses, one bank barn 30 feet square, and other ontbuthlinge, about 40 acme of the land are cleared. Seized, taboo in evocation and to bo sold AB the property of Simon Mellarvoy. ALso—All the defendant's right, title and Interest, to and to the following real estate, viz: Ono tnict of land situate in Clay township, Huntingdon cowl; ty, containing 579 acres, more or lees, bounded by lands of Harriet N. Glasgow on this west, lands of George D. llndson on the south and east, and lends of Lens and She. Vity and David Stoner on the north; having thereon eree. tod four dwelling houses, one frame bank barn, ono fraino grist mill, ono saw mill and other oubbnildings. For fun titer description see Record Hook K k 1., No. 2, pages 343 of Hook K. and 302 of Book b. *0,20@0,75 ..........3,00 1,20 15 00 60 ..... . 30 ..... ,06 ..........1,30 • ..... ••• "5 Also—One lot of ground eitunto in tho village of Scotts• ville, Clay township, Huntingdon county, fronting on Main street 60 feet, and extending back 100 feet, baring thereon erected one framo store home.—ono lot of ground altuato In the same village bounded by lota of Wm. P. Taylor awl Mathias Swoop ; Intring thereon erected one frame amble. Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as the property of Richard Ashman. . Also—All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to fifty-three acres of laud, more or less, situate in Union township, Huntingdon county, Bs., adjoining lands of )1. F. Campbell on the east, land of .1. A. J. Fostiewalt or James Donaldson on the west, and loud of Andrew Wise on the south, about thirty acres of which are cleared, end being the same tract of laud con. veyed to 31ary A. Wise by Deed dated Sept. 2:31, 1850, by J. A. J. Postiewalt. Seised, taken In execution and to be eohl as the property of Mary M. Wise. Also—All the defendant's right and to and to the following tract orparcel of land situate in Shirley tou nellip, Huntingdon county, bounded by the Joule a River on the east, west by Henry Shaffer, south by Hobert Andrews, containing one hundred and seven acres,• more or less, with about 84 acres cleared, with a smell log bongo WO 107, barn thoreota erected Seized, taken 111 execution and to be sold as the property of Wll - Joints. = Also—Defendant's right, title and interest In nod to all that port of n tract of land situate in Tod township, au rvoycol on a warrant granted to. Joseph High lands dated January 1795, commencing at or near the ChoSenna corner, at or near - which the part of the same tract convoyed to James Steel corners, the nee south 41 dog. wont perches to a locust, thence south 50 degrees rag 30 perches to a maple, thence south 41 deg. west ; GO perches to a chestnut, thence south 81 dog, cast along the Francis Moan Surrey to the point whore a part of the tract in tho name of Joseph Highlands convoyed to Ben. Jona., Trueman, corners, thence along the Hue dividing the parts of tho said tract convoyed heretofore to Ilonja. ruin Truman. Jacob Mateer, (now J. It. Flanlgen.) and James Steel, Kul , from the remainder of said tract to the place of beginning, containing 100 RCPes more or legs. Also—A certain let or parcel of laud Minato in the said township of Tod being part of n tract of land surveyed to the name ofJosepla Highland., adjoining land of Israel Raker, James :Beet, Benjamin Trumann and others, be, ginning at a gum, corner, adjoining land of Israel Baker, thence south 75 deg. east, 200 perches to a stone, thence north 35% deg. west, 63 porches ton stone, thence north 15 deg. east, 200 porches to n post, thence south 3534 deg. cost, 03 perches to a gnu), the place of beginning, Contain. fug 80 acres. Poland, token io esocinien and to bo sold as the proper- ty of Joseph It Flanigen. Notice In Purcicosere.—Blthlors at Sheriff's sales will take notice that immediately upon the property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bids tinder $lOO, and twenty. fire per cont. of all bids over that sum, must be paid to the Slim in; or the preporty rill ho set up again and sold to other bidders alto will comply with the above terms. Sheriff's Sales nil! hereafter bo made Oa Wednesday, of the first week of Court, and the Deeds acknowledged on the following Wednesday. JOIN C. WATSON, Sheriff. Susrares Omer., Huntingdon, Oct. 20862. ATTENTION ! Companies of 3d Regt., Pa. Militia! Ceptains of 3d Regiment, P. M., n ill please return im mediately to too or to R. C. Male, quarter Master General at Harrisburg. any of the following at Helm in their pos session : Knapsacks, Haversacks, Canteens, Camp-Kettles, Blankets and Shelter Tents. WILLIAM DORRIS, Sn., Huntingdon, Oct. 15, 1802. Colonel, 3d Regt., P. M. TRAYED AWAY. A dear old last spring SOHTIIDOWN RAM, pith tong tail and torn on right side of hotel. A reasonnble reward will ho given fur any information of the It berm. bouts of said Ram WM. BRICKER, Oct. 7, 16131 Taylor's Farm, near Huntingdon. VOTICE.- All persons indebted to mo for Goods purchased at my store in McConnellstown, are requested to call on mo nt Huntingdon and make set t iClllOllt without delay and Bare coats. Any settlements made wills any other person than myself will not be recognized by me. Huntingdon, Oct. lb, 18G•A 11E NJ. JACOB:. Attention !" Co. F, 3d Regt., P. M. All members will please return to me the following ar ticles in their poaseenlon :—l{napsacks. Haversack', Can teens Wad blankets. 11 order of Colonel Dorris. GEO. W. GARRET:NON, Oat. 15,1861 Captain, Comp. F. New Furniture Establishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture. Reepectfully invites the attention of the Public to his !Wand on 11111 at, llnntingdon, between Cunningbanea fitere and Dcan's National House, where ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture nt reduced prices. Per eons wiehlng to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Hop:dying of ail kinds attended to promptly and charges 1T1V1.11111.10. 44- Also, Undo taking mule.] on, and Coffins m ado to any stylo desired, nt stunt notice. 43- Fune ra I s ntlendetl at any plane In town or coun try, by J. M. WISH. Huntingdon, dept. 24, 1862-0. F OR SALE. VALITADIAI COAL AND TIMBER LAND The subscriber now offers for wile the interest of Gee. 11. Steiner, being the ono undivided half of all that vain, blo property immediately adjoining elm town of Philips burg, Centro county, known ns tßviner's hulls!' 9ha lands are composed of fire contiguous tracts, containing in all 1099 Acres and 2.9 Perches, more or less. A suffl. dent portion of the land is denied to mako unite a good farm, and the remainder is timbered with pine, hemlock, oak, ash, ke. The buildings are composed an large wa ter-power saw-mill, with circular sawn for lathing, siding end cross-cutting attached; a large double dwelling-house and store-room, bank born, tenant house, and nil necessa ry outbuildings. The Tyrone & Clearfield Railroad, now finislie4 almost to Philipsburg, traverses the lands (or about P t ', miles, and passes through the board yard of the' Large quantities of logs can ho obteined from tho limits nbovo and floated to the mill. Bituminous coal is found in :Ostend/moo Cropping out on the Imediate lino of the Railroad. A good title, will he made,' and' if it Is desired, Jacob F. Steiner, the °miter of Gm other undivided half. will sell And ,convoy ilia interest If not previously told at private , hale, tho property %111 bp evposeel 1,9 public sale at the TYRONE CITY . IIOTEL, On Tuesday, tilts , 25th of November, 1862 1 at 2 o'clock, P. ief. For further Onrtlenlars, and terms of sale, apply to the subscriber at Huntingdon. or George 11. Steiner nt Philips, lerg, - Pa. t §.VslllEis T. BROWN, - Oct. 7, 1662. : , Truiteis, pHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AT LEWIS . RUUh /op bi4TioNE,fty STORE idARCIE AND SMALL, A VINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE - IP N• 0 I ;.. 1 I g CANDIDATES AUDIToII OESEIt tr. Thos. E. Coelitlin, . lenne Slenker, . . . SURVEYOR GENERAL William S. Ross, . . James P. Barr, . MORESS. Samuel S. Blair, A. McAllister, . SENATE. Alex. Stutzman, . . . Joseph B. Noble, . . . ASSEMBLY. Adin W. Benedict, Samuel H. Bell, . John Williamson, SHERIFF. 000. W. Johnston, . . David Caldwell, . . . COUNTY COMMISSIONER Peter M. Bare, . . . . John Geminill DIRECTOR OF THE POOR Samuel flitekedorn, . .11lieltael Stair DISTRICT ATTORNEY J. IL 0. Corbin, .. R. Milton Speer.. . COUNTY SURVEYOR John A. Pollock, .. George Noss COUNTY AUDITOR. IL L. ril'Carthy. . . . JOMOS B. Carothers. .. GOODS-REDUCED TO OLD PRICES ! FISHER &. SON Have just Opened and offer to the P«blie, A SPLENDID STOCK OF WELL SELECTED NEW GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. TILE PUBLIC Will please call and examine our Goods. FISHER & SON. Oct. 21, 1862. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY r IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY OF ' HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN AND I , OR S A.LYB Y JAS. A. IfIROWN, lIUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK oct. 21, 1862. HEAD QUARTERS .• FOR • NEW GOODS.. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED - A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GVTIN. Oct. 21,1862. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. fr.:;/..te of Hiram William ton, deed.) by virtue of 1111 order of the Orphans' Court of Hunting. don county, will be ovposed to public sole, on the prenit- RfS, at the house of James Shively, at 10 o'clock, A.M., On Saturday, the lot of November, 1862, the Cottoning deacribcd farms and tracts of land, to nit, One tract of land, situate in West township, In said county, on which said Hiram Williamson lived at the time of his death, adjoining lands at George and David Wilson on the north, Abraham Ambrose on the east, Ja cob 'triflers on the south, and Soloman Hamer on the West, containing 99 acres and 90 perches awl allowance, rnoro or toss, according to draft attached to Ingnieition. having thereon a large brick house, barn, sawmill, and other buildinga, known an tha "Mansion Tract." Also—One other Farm. adjoining the one above de scribed on the south, Jonathan Wilson on the east, Adam Lightner on the north. and David Wilson on the west, containing 111 acres and allowance, morn or less, accords ing to draft attached to Inquisition, and filed In the Or phans' Court of said county, known no (lie "Dorris Tract," having thereon a good brick house, frame lawn and neces• awry outbuildings. Also—One tract or wcolland, In Jack .on township, con taining about four hundred acres, purchased at tax sale. TEHMS OF SALC.—One.third of the purchase money to be paid on continuation of sale, and the residue in two equal ntinunt payments, with interest, to be scouted by the buds and wurtgago of the purchaser. JOHN C. WATSON, Oct. 7, 1662. Trustee. UDITOR'S NOTICE.— The undersigned Auditor appointed by ilia Or p nub' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the bal. cove to the howls of Simeon Wright, Esq., Administrator of Abraham Shaw, dee'd, Nv I I attend to the duties of his appointmetit ut Ills Oleo In the borough of Huntingdon. on Saturday, the 25th of October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when all persons interested will present their claims, or be debarred from coming in for amber° or the same. J. 11. O. cognis, ,• Sept. 24,1862-41. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— 'Mb undersigned Aud itor appointed to diet' 'Lute among the hcfre the balance in the hands of Jacob Weaver and Jacob B. llorkstres ter, Exocntora of John W. Berntreseer. deed., UM attend to his duties at the Iteglster'n °deo to the borough of Huntingdon, on MONDAY, the.3d day of NOVEMBER next, nt 7 o'clock, P. M., uhen nll persona htterested qro required torment their claims before 11141, or ho doliarred front coming In for a gime of the fund. DANIEL WOMELSDOIttt, Oct. 7, 1.802-40 Auditor. POITATH ST, CARPET STORE, r s ro. 47, above Chestnut Street, 11)1,Sada. I solicit 1111 eXitinination of the prices and rlunlity of 013 Inrge and well selected STOCK OF CARPET/DIGS, or the - neweet Myles end tnantirectured gar the fret ma tallith+. BRUSSELS, 3-ply—l NGRAIM nod VENETIAN CARPN.TINGS, DRUOGETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS in en °Ey width. RAG, LIST AND COTTAGE CARFETINOS. Together with w largo stock or. • WINDOW SIM PEA Of tbo newest end Inunlsonwst pattern., which aiII be sold 20,e, J.ll. DY.LACROV, Ser. 3, BoYltb Nat ept. THE SHIRLEYSBI7IIG FEMALE SEMINARY• Wlll reopen for the wintor session on Monday, Nov $l, and continuo to April Ist, 1863. Instruction wilt ho given in tho usual bran chea of a use ful and finished education. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS, For board, with furnished rooms, heat, light, Ac., $42.00 Tuition in English branches, $f to $12,00 Music, with use of piano for practice, $20.00 French, $O. OO Washing, per dozen, 40 A Mesa of young men will receive Instruction In the Languages, Mathematics. (took-keeping, Ac. Particular attention will bo paid to the Eormal elms preparing themselves to tabs charge of common schools. Apply to J. D. KIDDER, Principal. Eh irombnrg, Iltintingdon Co., Pa. Oct. 15,1502.-4 t. iftEGISTEIL'S NOTICE.-, Notice is horohy given, to all pentims interested, i tat tho following named persona have settled their cc. counts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and that tho said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowanco, at an Orphans' Court, to be !whin! Huntingdon, in end for the county of Huntingdon, on Monday tho 10th day of November next, (1802,) to wit: The administration account of John W. Colder and Thomas N.Colder, administrators of John Colder, into of Porter township, deceased. The administration account of George Russell, 10M11113. trator of Elizobotli Shirk, late of Hopewell township, de ceased. Dina! administration account of William C. Hight and Asahet H. blight, administrators of James late of Huntingdon borough. Administration account of (Dorms Wilson and John Deed, Ent. administrator/ of Margaret Reed, late of West township, Huntingdon county, decd. Trust account of John Honsoholder, Trustee, appointed by the Orphans'. court of Huntingdon county to make solo of cubit', Rao! Estate of Isaac Vandoreuder, Esq., late of Walker township, deed. Final administration account ofJomes Ker, Administra tor of James 3leDonabl, late of Brady township, decd. - DANIEL W. WOMELSDURF, Register. Bantam's OFTIO6, Huntingdon, 0ct.13,1862. 600,000 MALE or FEMALE ARENTS TO SELL LLOYD'S, NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COLORED MAP OF TUE UNITED STATES, CANADAS, AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Prom recent surveys, ennt..leted August 10, 1362; cost $20,000 to and One year's time. Superior to any $lO map evot made by: Coultun or 311teliell, RIO sells at the ht' price of fifty outs; 370,000 names are ongravidOlk thin map. It Is not only a County Mop, but it la also a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of the United States and Cauadas combined in One, giving, - Every Railroad statiOn, and distances between. • (Morality° any woman or man $3 to $5 per day, and will tako hack alt imps that cannot ho sold and Wand the money. Send for jt worth 'a try. Printed Instruction: how to canvass welt, furnished all oar ogonto. Winfed—Wholesalo ngLuts for our Mope in every State, California, Canada., Franco and Cuba. A fortune may ho made with a few hundred dollars capitol. No compelilion. J. T. LLOYD, No. 104 Broadway, N.Y. Tho War Mine, tment IlsCo our Map of Virginia, Mary land. and Pennaybrania, coat $lOO.OOO, on u Melt Is mark ed Antietam Creek, Sharpsiirg, Maryland Ite'glib+, Wil liamsport Ferry, Bhorersvillo, Noland's Fort, and all orb era on the Potomac, and every other place In Mary land, Virginia, and Penneylmnia, or, money refunded, EMI Topographical Map of IKentucky, Ohio, Xndiana, and Illinois. is the only Authority for Gen. Drell oil the War Depart. moot. Money refunded to any ono finding on error in it Pike 50 cents. [From the Tribune, Aug. 2.] "LLOYD'S MAP OF YIROINT A, MARYLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA.—ThititAIap is very large; its coot is bat 25 cents, mut it is the bat which can be purchased." Lloyd's Great Map of the Mississippi River, Front Actual Surveys by Capts. Dart and Wm. Bowen, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis, Mo.. shown ovary man's plantation and owner's name, from St. Louis to the Gulf of sfesico-1,250m11e5--nvery sand-bar, island, town, landing, and all places 20 miles back front the river—col ored in counties and States. Price, $1 in sheets. $2, pocket form. and $2,50 on linen, with rollers. Steady September 20. NAVY Der tRTMENT, WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 1882. J. T. Ltorn—Sir:—Send me your Map of the Inver, with price per hundred copies. Near-Admiral Charles 11. Davis, commanding the Mississippi squadron, is authorized to purchase as many as aro required for 100 of that squadron. GIDEO:kI MIILLES, Secretary of the Navy. Oct. 15, 11362-3 t. FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &C., &C. E!IMI FARMERS' NURSERIES, It EAR lIIINTINGDQN, PA. Wo invite farmers and all who may bo In want of TRIMS and PLANTS 10 examine our stock of THRIFT! WELL GROWN TREES, At grently reduced prices to snit tits times, consisting of APIII.ES-nA fill!) stock of tho most approved ♦ariettos for general cultivation—good size and thrifty growth Paco 10 cts. each. . . . PEARS—Choice kinds, Stand rd etc, Dwarf 40 cts. each, CLIERWIES—A One assortment, 40 cts. each. PhIACMES—Oun stock or peaches Is fins, comprising a collection of choice varieties of superior excellence, furn ishing a succession of ripe fruit from the Ist of August to the tat of October. Price teu eta. each ;$9 per 100 PLUMS—A list of the most desirable and popular kinds. Price, grafted on plum stocks, 50 ctn.; on poach stocks, 20 cis. each. . , . . ApIIIOOTS-04 cta. each; NECTAIIINEB-20 coots SELECT ORATES q RAPE VINES of the but varieties, sold at the very lowest Tutee, varying in price &owl 15 cents to ta each. Any of the netv and tare gropes, native or foreign, If not on hand, will bo ordered and furnished at the very low• est rates. eunn.typ, goggEpEnntEs, sTruly.p.e!uuEu, P: Early orders are earnestly solicited. Packages of trees pill bo delivered in Huntingdon free of expense to tip, puiVhaser, and duly forwarded by the railroad to any place he may de,ligtlMO. Any inguirie,9 iv letter respecting Stock, prices, ,te. will receive prompt attention. The Intraeries are located 5 npos N. E. from Minting den, on the rowneadiag frdet Itunilagdo'n to Crownover Mill, and ono nnie S.E. front the Warta Springs. Address JESSE (1011SUCII, Sept li z itn. box 1, Iluntineon Pa. • , WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, 7.4E3IPIIIS,NORFOLIi, Pc., TAKEN.—ASIIDY SLAIN, AND VIE DICK BONE OF "SECBSIIP lIIIOIIVI Dot chile you rejoice at the esteem of onr gallon' traOps, and the prospect dam speedy downfall of the Rebel Artny, do not forget to 'Call at the atoro of . WALLACE 4 CLEMENT, before nurchasbig aleToWLere, aud see our 'new atoplc goods, contacting of Dry Goals, C roceitee, Roots and Shoec, Queens ware, Clocliefywaro, , yobiccri, &gate, WPM phouldors, Flour,olt, and a general assortment of notion°, all of which are of Iva on reaconable terms Inc cash or produce. !Nut:FF/on, July I ; Ipit. Ly Oh tue of on order of tho Orphan's Court of Hun tingdon county we willpffor at public sato on the promises ut Mapleton, Ifuntlngdon county, on Saturday, the 25th October, 1820, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. the Interest of Joseph Konigtnacher deceased, in the following real estate, viz : The undivided half of a lot of ground situate In the idl ing:: of Mapleton, fronting fifty feet on 'the Penna. Rail road, extending back in depth ono hundred and eighty feet, being 'Lot No. 3 In the plan of said village, bounded on the north by the Jurilida river, month by the Penna. Railroad, on the west by lot of John Copenhaver, and on the east by let No. 4, baring thereon a two atoned frame house, with warehouse attached and other improvement. thereon. ALSO—The undivided half of 1191 acres and 122 perch es of land situate in Union township, Huntingdon county, composed of the whole of a tract or land surveyed in the mune of Samuel {Volker. and parts of surveys in names of Robert Smith, James Stewart, John Stewart, James Milker, and Hugh McAllister", as described in the deed for the same from John Brewster and wife to said Joseph Konimnacher,Mol Jeremiah Bauman, recorded in Hun tingdon county in Book 0, So. 2, ,page 208, Sc., habiog thereon three one storied log dwelling houses, a log ate. bio, smith shop. a saw mill and other. improvements.— There is also a good young orchard, and about forty acres are cleared and in cultivation; the 'minuet, timber land. TEII3IB 'OF BALK.—One•tldrd 't f purchase money on confirmation of solo; the balance In two equal arimull payments with interest, to bo secured by bonds and mort gage of purchaser. ADAM KONIUMACHER, W. CARPENTER, Executors of Joseph KoniAnutcher, deed. Attest: W. WOMEI.SDOIKV, Clerk 0. C. ALSO—At the suns tints and place the undersigned, surviving partner of tho late firm lof Kt:nig:each. or k 11:1 1111 l an will sell the fotlonlog real estate belonging to the said late firm. viz : A lot of ground situate In the aforesaid village of Ma pleton, adjoining land of -- Anderson and the above described lot, containing 3,1 of an Isere with a two storied plonk dwelling house, and plank kiteben istt4ched, there on. Terms made known on cloy of solo. JEREMIAH BAUMAN. September 30, 1802, CHOICE FAIUt I'Olt SALE,- The old "MEANS FAII3I” in Canfro galley, Hunt ingdon county, Pn., ono and a half miles north from Spruce Creek Station. of P. C. It. It. It boo about 100 acres In culture nod 40 acre, timber. not excellent timber; the belt of water; good build - Inge; variety of fruit; very productive soil. In fine condi tion; thrifty, intelligent neighborhood, and good home market. The owner being resident abroad. will sell on terms most nationally easy, If so desired. Pay $2,000 before Ist of April neat, and on the balance have as many years lime as you wish; so That crops will ntahe the payments. A rare chance for young beginners to obtain one of the best Arias is the county. Or pop the greater part In gond stocks or bonds. For particulars apply to John Owens, Esq., Birpning• Jinni, Huntingdon co., Pa., Attorneydwfact (or the owner. Sept. HO, 3 M. F ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS. . JOHN FAREIRA, MS ARCH Street, :low Eighth, sonth side, PHILADELPOIA- Imparter& 'Manufacture •of and DralmAn all kind. r FANCY FURS, tor M ies' and Children's wear. I desire to nay to my lends of nut In gdon and to surrounding Counties lot I have now in gore, to of alio largest awl test beautiful assortment nil kinds and qualities 'FANCY FURS. for La i& and CAiklrsn's %war, ]at wlll be worn during My Funs were purchased In En74po, previous to the rico lq Sterling Exchange: and the Now Duty imposed on all Ines, Imported since the yrat of Angust. I would also state, that as loqg now stock lasts, I will of it nt wires proportionate to uhat the goods cost me; but, it will he impossible for me to Import and Mannino• tore any mere Furs, awl sell them at the mune, prices, owing tothe unsettled state of the affair:lot the Country. 4 Itemeruher the name, number and street: John Foreira, (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1882.-sni. PATRIOTS ! TO THE RESVII.E!I Men Wanted to fill up one of the best Regiments In the Field. 1111 undersigned, in accordance with General Orders, !read Quarters of Cm Army, and um or the direction of Capt. R. I. Dodge, ileueral Superin tendent of Recruiting Service for the State of Pennsylva nia, has opened a Recruiting Mice at IdARKLESIJURG, Iluntingdon county, Pa. I am authorized to enlist men for any renneyliania Regiment now in the field that Is not already MIL Subsistence and pay to commence from date of enlist ment. BeT4t. SOITN.MoLAUGFILIN, 5d #§ s l.p l ent; P. V. Sept. 20, 1813.2, 01: Recrultlng Service. - :RECRUITS WANTED - FoiI.PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENTS NOW IN THE FIELD. • rIFIE undersigned, in accprdatice with General Orders, llertd-Qoal tors nf Op Army, no um grer the direction of Capt. It. I. Paige, general Superin tendent of Recruiting Service for the State pf Pennsylva nia, hp, opened a Recrillting Mace in tho building for mpriy occupied en Haad•Quarters pf Camp Croaman, em• pqsito the Exchange Hotel, Railroad atieut, Himiingdon, Patina. I am authorized to cutlet men fpr any Penbaylvania Regiment now in the Sold flint is not already NIL fhtbo l etence and pay, to commence from date of enlist ment. ' Cipt. SETH RENNER, 110th Regiment, P. V. Huntingdon, 5ep.10,1862. On Recruiting Service. PHOTOGRAPH ALRHIVIS AND SMALL PORTRAITS ALD PitIVNOI49IIItP 0111 C Ylls A4D CIVILIINLI, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' DOQK AND STATION - sTortn. A EZI 33 128 Juno 3, 1862 -em BANK NOTICE.; N()TICE is htl i reb7 giveu thei the mks. dersignedcitizens and residents . Pennsylvania avoclnted 4 theniselves together i.eln paztuarship, and prepared a•Certitlcate for the ymtpone of establishing a Bank of discount, deposit and circulation or-isrue, under and in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the Gott, eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 31st day of Mav, A. D. 1861, entitled a "Supplement to an Act to establish a system of Free Bank... - lug In Permsylvrinfn,'and to secure thelmblic optima lesoi from Insolvent Blinks, approved March 81st, 1880," ant{ any otheriaw or laws - of; said Commonwealth applicable to and bearing on the subject. The mid proposed Emit to bo called "THE HUNTINGDON COUNTY 8AN16, - "•tii be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, in the Comity of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, with a capital . stock of one hundred and sixty thousand dot t er., in shares, of fifty dollars each, with the , right ruid logkrdege.7 of increasing thesame to any amount not e;ceederg thoa' hundred thousand dolOWs. . .. ~ WILLIAM P. OP:BISON, ~ ;1 4AMPIa 1 4. BS4k_ JOON SCOTT, 4A 4 E olvvi, • WILLIAM DORRIS, JR., pio,Nits gistuiri t CISOIME W. CAIIRESTEOA,, . , July 2; 3862-654. ' _ Triomphe do? Gaud Strawberry; Our stock of Plaids atlas unrivalled Strandmg, Is tist• • equalled anywhere:. GRAPE MEM. "- We have 75,000 cfrape•lnaee-14-00,44—, Of superior qn(ll4, of tba DELAWARE, • • ' ' 'HARTFORD TVOL37IO, CONCO ELSINGBI7RG, CREVELING. And also other now and valuable kinds., As we have ev ery facility for keeping up our aupply..wo offer groat In ducements to Nall purchasers. Bend for ourefrcularZ - - ' Stn-gm Box 155, Plttzilagrolti i rat , ,A 7 nr,it; PENNSYLVANIA RAIL R04130,-• • TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS --rz. IMSTIVAND. I BABTinfaki g 1 .4 • H H .2 .2 Pli 7. 15 ~i E g STATIONS. 4 P = el, F . .: .-. , c, L o n Ell Z ' .- • V i 2 ".. 0. . - 1 ; 0 ' 4 31 .{ p. x.I A. x I " P. M. A.M.! 439 601 : 1013 I 461 ' 5 08 636 829 . 93i1 2 12 524 . it 37. . . 5 32 ... 539 6504 928 ..., 5 55 131 rm•• 604 715 T . .. 300,0,.., 1 471 • 615 ' .... -"ton ~ 9 591 0 20 ' ~. 6 20 6 45 II 03 'Newton Hamilton, g 43 Mt. Unton, - fi 44 11111 Creek, Huntingdon, 19 Petersburg, Sarre°, Spruce Creek, - „ 21 TSVC 9 OS 18 Tipton • 08 Fostoria • 7, 3. Dell'ir3Hlle,.;,@:' 1 1 1 1 862 69. 760 AltoFinti„ ..... 840 100 43 ' 514191 0 . 0 ) t OYM IP9 ltpd ttelves 81 T:INGDGN 87 - 13RGAIA:01. 1 OXSCHEMHLE.. niter. Nondey, Sept . 22d, 1862, Pnsgenger. itp-rixe ang depart as ollotrat ri? . O.IIN TRAINS. Aceomm 1:20 P. 31. LT S 11.1 On and. Trains w ill THAI; 1 i Eve.w.4lt4ii ::,f!A4i-, P. 44;: ' ' ' )4l % ,"snai G. s 201liunt(agdon 40 3.lnCon,nellatuuu;„ . „. 40 P4eaaanA Ce,oeo,. 04 Maikleiburg '' 20 Coffee Run, - rittvghlc Ready, 44 . 10 hheliS9gnoff,•••• T o l Saxton ) 35 Riddleaborg„ ' „ ~,,, 45 Hopticrell, La 15 LE 35 59 16 23 35 39 La U 55 A', ~~ 9 40 Anlo 06 301,1* READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANcrpMENA:' CiREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and NorthiPtif 'fay Pnrcannerru, Nsw- Yo" , Itz4.kaibrdfigtz; L tniiKlV , 4ff":Tqfx , EAtrnaNi Trafris lenya llototononp for Pifit.kprcriirt, ,ts-Yost, Et Imo, Porrsviux, and all Intermetliqtg Muttons, fit' 8 A. M., and 1.40 P. I'law-PUNK Express leaves 11.91900tra0 ut 'l,llB 4. Di, ely: Hying at Now-Yonx at 8.25 la sam aim ng,e m Pares from IlOnalatiuntf: q Nts;;; 0 43, .f,O 00; to Plitt, ittiEtent.l, $3 25 'and $2 7d.' linage cheeked through, Raturning. ladytt Now-Peat at 6A. 31., 12 'Noon and 6' P. 31., (Prrrseitriar liOritsB;) Leave Panatmult4 at IV A. M., and 0.15 P.M.. - Sleeping ears In the NroOfortx Romig.; PITS, thrOnol4 to nod from Piritsaunop urithont change, • ' I jj• Paviongers by tbo Casowtssi. Pall Road leave' ti?' Cusrox at 4.46 A. 31., for PITUATT.LPIIIa and all Tubs:mew diate;Statiqns; awl at 3.q0 I'. 111.„'for,P011ADE110114, tin; Yoliiti'mlf all Way PolatO. ) • balm, leer° POTTSVILLER t 0.00 4. 3E, and 2.15 P. SI, fey - PLIILIDELPiIf/ and Non-YORE; and At i4io; l t Arnica RD.!' PORT ammo only. ,conniletigg . .,:op .. • Claoye and with the CATIITIS9S WWI. • :An Accommodation POSORIViT Train foam Rimizote4 OA. ?if., and returns from 1 1 1111.ADELP111/. at 1", 25, AV - All the aldive trains rim tially,Pondays atkrefitSB4 • A Sunday train leaves porfspn+s at 4e. *R . 2NILADELPIII.IO4 3.15 P. 31. POMUUT4TION, 5111,EA0R,131115054 EXCIIRSIOR ULU§ at reduced rifles taagd from all points. Q. 4. NIOO4LS, - Gonerql SuPerinteeldeent! June 3, 1882 „ . WINDOW STIADE t S, • coatis, TASSE : LS,f ' • ,• • , and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, handsome assortment just received and for oats al LLICIS' sonic, arAtionity mursroarogr. N Ell 2,486 t 1,828 . 2,4€11" 140 47 141 46 2 . /g 4 t, I.(9ga 2,476' 1,838 I 25R 1,,7461' 2„5,00 11,822 1, 5 346. 2,429, r/,949! 2,380 '2,958, 2,47,6 - 1 11,174 2,439' 1,810 • ••,.. First At Stele of . of the Gen- IWO, the un nwaleogifia applkattoo, anoh; coin. or the cher itontlngdon, resold, to bo stock them. the spetitla to be char: rheas of t PORT,, NRR. It. 31. CUNINGIIABI DIANA, CTIYAITOGA, Morn'g I E 114. 'P., X. P. U. laa 12 301 an 900 s 12 10 8 10 12 02 8 49 8O II 22 T 07 11 10 T 45 11 06 7 41 10 50 is : 7 2#, 1 0. 10 zaxton, .... 4s3D"i C°40 1 .42 .....: Crawfor " CI *A .....: Dudley, - 10 15 1110 1 lOoP WY, .