I I xtra. KUNTINGDON, PA., OCTOBER 14, 1862. WHO IS THE LIAR ? IS DAVE CALDWELL AN HONEST MAN P We find in a "Monitor" extra, printed in that office on last Sunday, an article over Caldwelrs name, charging us with having assailed him in the columns of the " Globe," with hav ing taken ILLEGAL fees while Prothonotary. We have ex amined our columns and find that we have not charged Cald well with having taken ILLEGAL fees—but we have charged him with having taken LARGER FEES than any one of his predecessors, or his successor. We are not a law yer, owl therefore did not say, and will not say, that the EXTRA fees Caldwell charged during his term were illegal or not. The legality of his charges we leave with the law yers and Court to determine. Caldwell does not deny the important fact we have charged upon him—the fact of him having forced out of the pockets of the people, fees no other man has ever attempted to collect. Ex- amine the Record Books, all who doubt our statements. Suppose David Caldwell should be elected Sheriff! Have the people any assurances that the fees of that office would not be increased to a figure to suit Dave's idea of legal fees ? Forty and fifty cent EXTRA fees, on all business of that of fice, would make the office worth looking after. No wonder Dave wants to be elected. It would be fat picking for an honest and brave man like David. The records prove all we have charged against David—and we will agree that HE may appoint a committee of honest men to make an investigation, and to report who is the LIAR, David or ourself. P. S.—We also charge David Caldwell with having charged and collected more than he was entitled to, on road views, in more than one instance. See Quarter-Session Dockets.