The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 08, 1862, Image 1

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Perannum In advance
IX mull OH
. .
A faith,: to untir3 a doicialliatialice at the Inf.:I:Ilion of
the term Offal for mill be rott,itleivil 0 ragag
T MIMS OF ADvnivrisiNc
1 ~,tton. 2
25„. ......
do 3 ilo
Four lines or less, . ...7'.1 ...... $ 50
One squaro, (12 lines.) ....... .: 50 70 1 1,0
Two epouss 1 00 1 50 2 .0
Throe equines, 1 50 2 25 3 GO
Over Ms Li: , s, eels not 1.•-s than Onto 111,111tliS, 23 cit.s
per sinitte lor 00111 111EVI 0011.
:1 Ili Olillt G months. 12 months.
Six lines or less, 1 :0 01 00 0 5 00
0116 StllllllP 3 CO. 5 00.......... 7 03
Two •iqu.o, 5 03 5 00 10 00
Tiirec ,, iinue, 7 fio 10 00 15 00
Four sonar,. ', o! 13 0n... .....
.•20 00
'Lora colfinin, 12 03 Ini 00 0 4 00
One column ....... ........ ..... 21 00.... ... - , o 0n........ 53 00
Pioress:uuthaid 00 in.—, Gnus not eseieihm; four lines
One 5 15° $3 od
Admini..t.tol ,. nod Ilsi cllets Nolic • 51 73
.k.l,eltisonfi i ts not' m 01,1 , ith the iiiiinfiel of ill-el
tit3ll3 do-tied, a 11l 1111 COIIIIIIII,I till iii/11./..1 alai cli.ll.l;t-ii AC--
Z -1111111g to 110-, tuns.
"TrTh Unn SUE Ti ", C ,, ,DlONumtvr.
PENERU, I:I.I:CTION.—Thu 'tuna to an act of tho Hen.
oral Asttembly of the C. tit nounettalth of Penn') Mania,
entitled "An Act rcl.fling to thu Llectiont; ut flux Uont
inonwealth.' apprised line ii cond day of July, 1510. I,
,JOHN C. wAT,tys, the connt3 of Hun
tingdon. in the :Auto of rel,ll , 3l,affi, do hltchy make
toonn awl gine public untie' to th , elcottu, of t lot coun
t) afore.ond, that tt Gen.tral 1:1,ttlon mill be held to the
+aid count, of iltuttuttzdon. nn Ct.tfuti Turt,,lty, (a n d 1 Ith
(1939 of October. 1 , 0*2, at ;Lich tune Iti , trott
County Ofnce_o no flloot=. until be clouted, to nit:
Otte prison to till the ofli, of Audi for Genoral of the
ieconntonwertltli of n.1111;111;1111 1.
One ix Non to fill the ,thee of Sin r,yor Goner al of the
n="ononoon calth of Penn rls una.
,01,0 pet ton to fill the ;Aim of month, of Cotioe, of
the 111.,tt let c0nt1a ,, ...1 or the coour.s oh Ili:tampion.
Dalt , C.nnhi in and 311filin, in the Nation,tl Ilinne of Rep-
On, poison to fill the of Sewitoi, for thr. nncxpited
-tom of S. S. ITli it ton, of the ton:dies of Ilunting.lon,
lirdfo::1 nn.l
One gamut to fill the °Moo of menthol of the Home of
llopr4 ,ontuti,4 of Poun...
Our pot,uu to till the Lace of County Conuni , sioner of
'Hun County.
- Ono ver6an to till the °Elko of Sheriff of Ifuntingan
perzon to an klio uflica of Pro,cuting Att.,lney for
coved v.
One person to till the e of Dittctor of the Poor of
Huntingdon county.
One pi reon to fill the alto of County Surveyor of Hon.
tingdon county.
One person to fill the of Auditor of Huntingdon
In inn:uance of ',Minot, 7 al-o lnrehy make known and
give notice, that the place: of Ii I,lnkg the of ~,M1 go,
eml election in the seven al cluton di.o ict: nithm the mid
comity of Ifunlinmlon, ale ai follonis It:
I , t ;li•triLr. conli.,ol of the ton xi !up of I lendel eon, at
tho Union ;chard 11911..,
211 district. compo , od of Dul•lin to,,n,hip. at Ploaqant
li ii SLltool N01,n , ,:0 , 0i , 1 too o4op.
3,t distt let. composed itf .tt tom It of Wart ior, o ioik too it.
tltt as IQ not int hid, ,l in the lath 111.41. Ct, at the school
hotpot adjoining the too n \Pat ioiernark.
4th tie eOIIIIIOM it of the too whip of I lopen tit, at
Rough and Ready Yuma,
sth diets jet, t on t po.,ett of the ton n-Irp of Pan, v. at the
hole, or Jame, Lit mg-tun, in the toms at P.aul,but g, in
.8.61 ton
Gth M•tt ict, compo=etl of the 110101101 of Shit leythurg,
and all that pat t 01 the ton 1,11111 nt Slut toy n o t j oe t,,,h,d
Malkin the limit: of th,d tet So 21. te, Laota.tltet inure
tinned dr.,' ILA, at the hou,e of Loud Ft aunt, the 'd,
tin Shit ley shin g.
7th diitrirt,compoied of Pot ter and pat t of Wallter town
•thip, and so much of West ton odlip a, k ti p
f o ttosting boundaties. to 0 it • Beginning at the •outli.nebt
cot ter of Tobias Canfmatf, Palm on the bank of the Little
;Juniata riser. to the loner end of Jael“on's mu 1 . 01,1,
thence in a northmetJet ly diteetton to the tau=t southerly
part of the fit in owned by Mithael Maguite. thence north
40 degrees steel to the top of Tiv—es 'a mountain to inter
sect the line of Franklin ton nship, thence along the , aid
line to Little Juniata Beer, thence don n the same to the
'place of beginning. at the public taillocil hou, oppt•ito the
Gutman Perot d Plait alt, in the borough of Alex:mat ia.
thth diattiet. composed of the tun n-hip of nanl.llll, at
the Loin=r of Goo. W.M.attet n. in ton
111, diet, iLt, compostsl of Toll tom uship, at the Union
school hon. , . near the Union Meeting in Enid top.
lath disttict, composed of Springfield township, at the
school Iron-, near Ilugh Madden s. in said ton ,ship.
11th distrk.f. composed of Union townbirip, nt the school
house. near Ezekiel Corbin s. in
12th lii•iliet,Cl4lll l,, il of Dial.) tOWlltillip, nt the Centre
school lion-e, in tact tom n-hip.
1:3111 disti let, composed of Mori is tom nship, nt public
school house No. 2, in said too
14111 di , trtet. composed of that pmt d'r IV,: tom whip
not included in 701 :Ind 26th dnir icl at tire public school
house on the to 111 now owned by lilies Lon is, (fol firmly
owned by :hnes 1:11141.n.) in said bon 11-11ip.
13th thAiirt compo-ed of Walker too 11,1,1 p, nt the house
of lice) unin 31agally, ril 31 Connell-tom a.
16th district. Loaner-salof the Nn n-hrp of Toil, nt the
Green brined house. in -aid tom 'lshii,.
17tI, atonic t. compo-ed of Oneida ton nsirip, at the Ironic
of IVin. D. Wain, Slit logo.
ISt', distinct, composed of CIODINN Cll township, nit the
hence lint, occupied by Das 1,1 Etnil 0, 111 0114 , 0111 n.
19th illotl let, composed of this borough of Dirrningliant„
ssith the seysral tracts of land near to and attached to the
same, new On bed and occupied 1 4;n4 Thomas M. On. ens. John
li. Mt:Callan. Andre, Robeson. Join, (len-inner and - Wm.
(leih,lincr, and the tract of land now owned by George and
John Shoenberg , r. Isnomn as the ter tract, situate to
the tom n-hip of Warr ioi.,:narit, at the public ....hoof house
fir .said fan ou,sll.
20th diAi comp 1-ed of the towm hip of Casa, at the
,pablic hoe, on Ca,s - Ille, in town,l ip.
dist district, competed of the timn•lnp of Jael , on, at
tire put-lie trace of 1:41,s1.1 Litt!: nt )tcAh. is; 's Par t,
In said n 11,1,1141.
2,td d;-t,:. t. romp - es.l of the tom ash'', of Clay, at the
public school Irmrso in Fc oft- s ;Ile.
213,1 di-tact. eompo , eil of tic o him nship of nem, nt the
public ,howl house in Marldesbur g. is said tom whip.
24th dist, let. corn:no-4.d owl et 4,4t..410, Rhea; to nit:—
That all that part of Shirley tom uship. liantimalon coml.
lv.lung In lag within the felleni.rg 41 4 , ctibeni b urn.
,duties. nom. ly : b. ;,inning fit the nitersectiox of Union
HMI tillinley too in-hip line; w ith the Jetriata Inver. on the
south ante the, eof r thence along seal Eldon township line
for the tli-tarree of tine miles in. 7.1 aol riser ; thence
eaLtuai elf
Iry a bit :delft line, to the point 011.1 e the main
from labia All to (4.,n0in.) tails).the summit of
Sandy tiger thence n 011110.41 Illy along the summit of
Fandy ridge to the livf rJuida , a and ths.,ce op said tit et
to the l Ince of heginnin..7, sh dl losit after fon in, a -eparale
election Mstrist that the faalioed sot, of 'aid election
di-ti tel shall hoteafter hold thsir general raid tore nArip
elections in the public school house in 31ount Union, in
said distUf t.
25th dist, i. • cempossal of the hot on2h of limit inzden,
at the Court in said hot otig.h. 'lit , ton I- of IV.tlit
et and Porter to, whip,, liegaining at the southet .1 end
of the tillage act ess the Juni d.t liter at the foot of Mont.
;;outcry sheet, thew, by the Jeniata 1011ti-ltip line to the
line of the Walker el. el hat iet, thin., by the s.on
to the cot be, of Pot ter to, nship at the NV00.1.,,t1, - . \
toad n. ar Net's hen,, thence I, the line bet 0 een
Walker and Pelt , r bat 1,1111.5. to the ..anintit or the 'Wai
tier them, along said ridge to the 11111i.tta rite; to
as to h. Ica the dwelling-11,n, .it FlOl
- OM nail, and thence .10,0 said t net to the place of
beginning,. 1., annexed to the Ituntitib.lon borough elec
tion dislitcb ;end that the ittla,tent, them( shall an!
map t ole at all genetal elections.
2Ctli dish ict. composed of the borlugh of P . :ter:4)lllg
nod that pat t of West to, nslup, Sit -t and north of it line
behteen Ilende,on and We-4 ton nships. at in neat the
Warm Spt inc., to the Ft auldiu to, n•ltip line on the top
of Taste.) mountain, 10 ZIN to 1,11.111de 111 010 !KW di , ta let
the houses of 11.11 ill Wabbinith. Jacob Lottganecker, 'flies.
Ilarnet. Jolliet Pot ter, and John Wall. at the school-house.
in the liontogh of Pet...burg.
27th dish icr. composed ofJintiata ton tediip. at the house
of John reightal. on the lands of 'kitty Tsenla.rg.
.Sth di,tl iet. comp of Cobol, 101 l tediip, recently
elected out of a pat t of the tell itory of Tod to, °ship. to
wit commencing at a Clic,tinit Oak. on the :min t 'ret
race mountain. at the Hopewell ton wall ip title Opposite the
dividing iidgr. in the Little %alley; thence south tilt;,-too
oast till /le liundrei and Six ty pm dies, ton stone
1)0011 on the WeSttrii Summit of Bledl Top mountain;
thence not th sixty-Beampees, ea-t tilt ec hundred and
t, else poi 01105, to a yellow pine; thence soil h fifty-two
degrees, 010,1 Bet en hundred mid seventy-t.., perches, to a
Chestnut Oak ; thence buntli font teen deuce-, east Voce
hunched end fifty one pet ches s to a Chestnut at the ca,t
end of llenly S. (inn's land theme .-ontli thug-one and
a half ilegtee4. 00 , 111111 hunilre I and ninety-four pet cint,
ton Clie-hurt 0.1% on the suinnut of it spur of Bioad Top,
on the western rite of John Tel rel's fat ; 5011th, s xty-
five &glee, ea-t tone hundred nod this tj-foul pet die+. to I,
stone heap on the Clay township Imes at, the oad Top
City Hotel, kept by dos, 3101 rison. in ~..1141 ton n=lop.
I also snake lino, 11 and gil c notice, as in and by the 15th
section Of the aim e,lid net I aln tit eeted, •• (lint el el y
son, excepting jubticei of the. peace, lII°, shall hold tiny
°like or fommillment of pi ofit or L lilt under the go,el 11.
tarot of the United State, 01 of this State, or of any sty
or collimated cli,ti kg, 0 1101 10 r a elan toissionea officer or
'agent. 11 ho is or shall be employed under the legislatiie.
executive 01 judi,larj department of tin, State, or of the
United States, 00 of any city or ncorpoi nted 111,1 1 101, and
that every numbei of Coogi and of tile State
"Legi.,latinte. and of the select al common conned of any
city, comme- , ioners of any ineorpolated dish iet. I, by la,
'incapable of holding or exerci,ing at the ...nue time. the
office of appointment of judge, insp, clue or ch it: of any
'election of this COl,llllOll, can't, and that no in•pector or
judge, or other officer of any such eleLtion shall be cligiblo
to any office to be then °ha for."
that it, the 4th section of the Act of Assembly. en
fed “An Act relating to executions niiil for other pm 110..
.80s," approved April loth. 1840, it is enacted that the afore
said 13th section not be ea condi 11011 as to prevent
- any Militia or borough officer from eel)ing as judge, or in
ctor or clere of any genet:ll or special election to tWs
Common, ealth."
Porsuant to the Prot isione contained in the 011.11 section
of the act afort said, the judges of tho afine,ml districts
hall respectively take chat ge of the eel tificatte or reboil
at tho electior. of their respective distrit ts, and moduce
them at It meeting of ono of the judges riot, each diAtict
at the Court lion , c, in the borough lit Huntingdon, on the
third day after the day of election, l:ing for the 1110011
year on Friday. the llth of October nest, then and there
to do and pi, lot in the duties requited by hie of saal judges.
Also, that 11 here a judge by •nelateS, or unavoidable acci
dent, is unable to attend east fleeting of judgeq, then the
set tificate or return ,if.ore-aid shall be taken ill charge by
nits of tho inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis
trict, and shall do and perfoon the ditties required of said
judge unable to attend.
Also, that in the nibt section of sold act it is enacted
that "every genetal and special election shall be opened
bet , con the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and
shall continue without intertuption or adjoin nment until
seven &elk. in the eveiting.uhen the polls blittll tic closed."
1 / I vr.s under my band, at Huntingdon, the lot day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1562, and of the Independence of tho Uni
ted States, the eighty-sixth.
JOHN C. WATSON', Sheriff.
-ITunluigdon, Sept. 3, '132. 41.
go,l artwle f safe at
3 ‘N: ItooTi tvcoit
.;-""r7. 7,7 7 .7 >• / /
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WILLIAM LEWlS,lFllt_liter and Proprietor
(Cl)c 6toic.
Thursday, October 2, 1862.
~ J 1 0 0 \sij cj c?- 7 0 . (,1
We have not the time nor the ineli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call
a 8 a
j W rl '3
Ld .2v
Roll of Company G, 3d Regt. ) P. M.
Captain—Joseph Johnston.
Ist Lieut.—James Long.
2d Lient.—B M Elliott.
Ist Sereant—W II DeArmitt.
2d do James 11 McCauley.
3d do \V \V Striker.
4th do John Iragans.
sth do Joseph Iloup.
Ist Corporal—D Smith Elliot.
2d do John S 'Wright.
3d do Isaac Stevens.
4th do George M Cresswell.
sth do John Yocum.
GUI do James McCarty.
7th do Win Quin.
Sth do B L Neff.
James It Davis,
(James Whitesell,
J L Cenrley,
S Jackson,
Samuel 11 Myton,
George Worley,
Wm Conrad,
Thos. L Chilcote,
Nicholas Conroy,
Elias lluyett,
David Kuhn,
John G Decker,
Samuel 1) Davis,
W A Stevens,
Tames McCafferty
David 11 Harvey,
William Lewis,
Tins. Barnacle,
John Myton,
Miles Yocum,
George Walls,
Solomon Harmer,
Funanual 'Leek,
Sohn 1) Johnston,
J II Smith,
Jacob Roush,
E C - Wilson,
John Hagan,
Thco Renner,
W P Davis,
Sohn Forbes,
Jonathan Walls,
lI E eresswell 7
James Wilson,
Wesley Gregory,
lI F McCartney,
Jacob Sheeder,
John S Nelson.
K J i'Eyton, Daniel S Bryan,
Rudolph 7. , .Teff, William Benton,
Henry Davis, jr., 11 S Woods,
Samuel Conrad, 'William Chesney,
_Henry Wilson, Abe Stevens,
Albert Haftit, Jacob Long.
P. S.—Company left Petersburg,
Huntingdon Co., Pa.. Sept. 12, 11362,
and arrived at home September 25,
Order by the Governor of Maryland.
The Repulsion of the .Rebels.—Thanks
BALTESI0111:, Sept. 30.—The follow
ing has just, been issued by Governor
DEP'T, ANNAPOLIS, Sept. 29, 1862.
The cyindsion of the rebel army
from the soil of Maryland, should not
be v suffe,red to pass without the proper
acknowledgement, and cordial thanks
of her authorities, to those who were
chiefly instrumental in compelling that
evacuation. I would tender, therefore,
on behalf of the State of Maryland, to
Major General McClellan, and the gal
lant officers and men under his com
mand, my earnest and hearty thanks
for the distinguished courage, skill and
onllntry with which that achievement
o• •
was accomplished. It reflects a lus
tre upon the ability of the command
er-in-chief, and the heroism and endur
ance of his followers, that the country
everywhere recognizes, and that even
our enemies are constrained to ac
To Governor Curtin, of Pennsylva
nia, and the militia of his State, who
rallied with alacrity at the first symp
toms of an invasion, our warmest
thanks are also due. The readiness
with which they crossed the border
and took their stand beside the Mary
land brigade, Shows that the border is
in all respects • but an ideal line, and
that in such a cause as now unites us,
Pennsylvania and Maryland are but
I cannot forbear to notice in this
connection the conduct of our own re-
giments that took part in the recent
battles. All reports concur in repre
senting their gallantry as all their
State could desire. The numbers of
their killed and wounded, and their
torn and tattered standards, bear wit
ness to the position they occupied in
the field. To the Second, Third and
Fifth Maryland Regiments, the Purn
ell Home Brigade, and the First Ma
ryland Artillery,
who participated in
the recent battles, I would therefore
tender the thanks that are so justly
their due.
By the Governor:
Wm. B. HILL, Scet'y of State
Iti,7o_ Fine Cigars and Tobacco for
sale at I cwis' Book Store.
closed please find list of contributions
and donors names, of a box of " Hospi
tal Stores," forwarded by the citizens
of this vicinity, about the Ist of this
month, to it. G. Hale, Quartermaster
General, and receipted for by him, so
as to send to the hospitals in the vi
cinity of Fredericksburg. You will
confer a favor by publishing the same
in your-14114)er.
Mrs Susan Heller, 5 packages band
ages, 1 lot lint.
Miss I,ydia Killinger, bandages, lint,
and 2 pillows.
Mrs Adam Focht, 3 pillows and one
package lint.
Mrs Michael Gassman, 1 package
Mrs Margaret Sorrick. 1 package
lint, 1 bundle bandages, IS yds.
Mrs Marintha Purdy, 13 bftadages,
102 yards, 10 pillows.
Miss Mary Purdy, 1 lb castilo soap,
7,0 yards bandages, 1 box lint.
Miss Phebe Purdy, 1 lb castile soap.
Mrs John Keller, 89 yards bandag
es, 53 " "
0 3 cc
different widths, 1 lot lint.
Miss Lizzie Beck, 8 pillows, 1 box
M.r.s Samuel Beek, 4 pillows, 1 lot
Mrs Samuel Donnelly, •1 pillows, 13
rolls bandages, 1 lot lint.
Mrs Potter Woods, 10 bandages, 2
pillows, 1 box lint.
Mrs David Tussey, 10 cushions, one
package lint, 10 rolls bandages, 1 lot
dressing fur sores.
Mrs E. M Forney, S rolls bandages,
2 pillows, 1 lot lint.
Miss Nate Shaffer, 5 rolls bandages,
3 yards, 1, box lint.
Mrs Sarah Crawford, S pillows, one
package lint.
Miss Eve Shaffer, 3 pillows, 1 pack
age lint.
Miss Agnes Plympton, 1 dozen pil
lows, 1 box lint, 1 roll bandages.
Mrs Abram Varnish, 4 pillows, 42
yards bandages, lint, 3 pieces soap, 2
Mrs Benjamin Sprankle, 1 lot band
Mrs Amanda Shaffer, 1 lot bandag
es, lot of dressing cloths.
Miss Catharine Mytinger, 3 rolls
bandages, 1 lot lint.
Mrs M. J. Brown, 23 yards bandag
es, 11 bandages for dressing sores.
Mrs Amanda "..I.linnemire, 5 pillows,
0 bandages.
Mrs Peter Tippery, 74 yards banda
ges, 2 feather pillows, 3 straw pillows,
1 box lint.
Mrs Eliza Minneraire, 5 pillows, one
package lint.
Miss Rachel Varnish, lot of bandag
Pant II Dillinger,
II Ifeffright,
Thos. Johnston,.
John T Dopp,
Joseph I. Wilson,
Thomas Rogers,
Asbury Thompson
Samuel Steel,
Win Gilland,
Samuel Hammers,
Matluny (;illand,
Sohn A Myers,
Wm. Cooper,
Alexander Baker, 1 table cloth.
Mrs 13. Heller, bandages and lint;
iss Joanna Ginter, 8 straw pillows,
1 feather pillow.
Nes Perry Moore, 2 cushions, 1 lot
lint, 14 pillows.
ikirs llarriet Davis, 4 pillows, six
rolls bandages, 1 lot lint, muslin for
Mrs Mary Dean, 1 package linen
C Ir - , ii,,
Mrs Jane Brown, bandages and lint,
1 pillow.
Also forwarded about the 20th of
August to Mrs. Sot! :Tones, President
of the Soldiers' Aid Society, Philadel
phia, and forwarded by her to Chesa
peak lbospital, Fort Monroe, and
Washington, the following named con
tributions from nearly the same per
sons as before mentioned, viz : 14pack
ages bandages and lint, 2 tow-ells,
handkerehietk, 1 package paper and
envelopes, 32 pillows, 1 lot thread and
needles, 3 lots pins, 16 lots dried cher
ries, 1 lot elderberries, 6 lots raspber
ries, 2 bushels dried apples, 3 pints
dried currants, 4 lots dried whortle
berries, 4 lots dried and canned pears,
1 can tomatoes, 2 lots raspberry Jelly,
1 can cherries, 1 can plums, 1 can
chickens, 1 lot hops, 2 pieces soap, 1
lot tracts, 5 gallons applebutter, and
0 or 10 bushels of onions.
By request of citizens.
—A great Union meeting was held at
New Orleans on the 17th of Septem
ber, at which Col. A. J. Hamilton, of
Texas, made a stirring and patriotic
speech. Speaking of the wretched
condition of Texas since the rebellion,
he said :
" The first act of the confederate
mobocracy of Texas was to rob the
Union—its mother, who had picked it
up out of the wilderness a poor found
ling—of all the arms and munitions of
war in the State, helped by the treach
ery of a man who is now no more.—
This was done even before they had
joined the Confederacy. With the
help of the money they had stolen at
the same time, from the same source,
they purchased all the powder in the
State, and then when the people woke
up they found they had no arms, no
powder, nothing to resist with, and so
they were at the mercy of this unprin
cipled horde.
"The consequences of all this aro too
apparent to-day. in all the broad
limits of that State there was no man
who could say he was actually poor.—
Be might have but a humble home, a
little log cabin, but he had plenty.—
This was before the era of Secession.—
Go to that poor man's home now.—
You will find his wife clothed in rags,
and weeping for her husband, who, she
will tell you, three days ago was drag
ged off as a conscript to pour forth his
blood like water in furtherance of a
, ause whielt he detests"
J )
TWN T T N PPY 1 _PA3 1 \ \7 I' I DNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1862,
Soldiers' Aid Society.
WATERSTICI:Er ; Sept. 22, ISG2
Lis Tillie Fox, 7 peek - egos bancia
{"i't ''s'~'^ , -""~'-*'ttt"""'cY _ +"S'YES".4Y'3i"'il'['a~"""r'"a'~lC'L~.r"txe'i~a . ~ . "r" , ~• _-' _-- ~
Ths Tragedy al . Louisville
Latest Particulars--Origin of the Aril ay--
Sketch of Gensral I 5 on—Arrest of
General Davis.
Eoursvim,ii, Sept. 29.—There ore
many coellicting accounts of the shoot
ing of (ten. Nol6oll h) - General Davis.
About a week ago Nelson placed Da
vis in command of the Home forces of
this city. At night, Davis reported
to Nelson the number of men working
in the intrenchinenta and enrolled for
service. Nelson cursed him for not
having more. Davis replied that he
was a general officer, and demanded
the treatment of a gentleman. Nel
son, in an insulting manner, ordered
Lim to report at Cincinnati, and told
him he would order the Provost Mar
shall to eject him from the city.
Governor 3lortou and Gen. Nelson
were stamling near the desk of the
Galt 'Louse, when General Davis ap
proached and requested Gov. Morton
to Nvitnes , ; the conversation between
himself and Nelson. He demanded of
Nelson an apology fur the treatment
he had received last week. Nelson be
ing a little deaf, asked him to speak
louder. Davis again deinanded an
apology. Nelson denounced him and
slapped him in the face. Davis stepped
back, clenelpid his fist, and again de
manded an apology. Nelson slapped
him in the face and denounced him as
a coward. Davis then turned away,
procured a pistol from a friend, and
followed Nelson, who was going up
stairs. Davis told Nelson to defend
himself, and immediately fired, the ball
penetrating the left breast.
Nelson died in about twenty minutes.
Previous to expiring he expressed a
wish to see his old friend, the Rev. Mr.
Talbot., Rector of the Calvary Episco
pal Church, who was then at the Galt
House, and the latter administered the
Sacrament according to the forms of
his church, the Coneral repeating the
service after the Minister, and refused
to talk on any other saloject. He said
lie regretted that he had not long ago
turned his attention to religion.
Origin of the Affray.
The origin of the dispute is believed
to have been the following.:—Last
week General Davie- who had been as
signed to the command of the armed
citizens of Louisville, reported that his
brigade was nearly ready, and he
wished to know of General Nelson if
he could get arms for them. "How
many men have you ?" asked Nelson.
"A bout 2500." "A ht• •' 2500! "About
2500 !! " You a regular officer, and
report stout time number of men in your
command I Don't you know, sir, you
should get the exact number ?" "But.
General," rennet( Davis, " I didn't ex
pect to get the guns now; I ouiy wan
ted to learn if I. co old get thein, and
where, and, having learned that, I
would ascertain the numher needed,
and then draw them." "...Boat :1500 I"
persisted Nel,om F-IpCIICI you
from your e•:.minland, and order you
to report to General Y, right, and
I've a d--d mind to scud you out of
the city with a Provost Guard." Da
vis immediately left for Cincinnati to
report, as ordered to General Wright.
When lie arrived there he foolol that
the General had lops vied, that day,
for Louisville, and Davis returned
the next boat! to the latter city, whore
the fatal affray occurred.
Davis was arrested, and will be tried
to-morrow, at which time further par
ticulaN viii be made public.
Sketch f C-en. Nelson
Brigadier General William Nelson,
commanding a division under General
Buell, was a native of Mason co., Ky.l
Craving beerfeducated in the navy, and
having obtained the rank of lieutenant,
he was detailed in the spring of 1801
to command the Ohio river fleet of
gunboats. His extensive acquain lance
Sri lb the people of Kentucky, and his
large relationship in that State, point
ed to him as a proper person, during
the bad health of General Anderson, l
to be sent to Kentucky to sound the
loyal sentiment of that State; and to
strengthen it,. Accordingly, as early I
as April he, went thither, and began
the formation of a camp, and the re
cruiting troops at a point between
Garrardville, and Danville, since
known as "Camp Dick Robinson."—
Some time since Col. Geo. 11. Thomas, 'I
of the 2d Cavalry, proceeded thither, I
having received the appointment of,
brigadier general of volunteers, and ,
assumed the command. General Nel- 1
son was ordered to form a camp at
Washington, Mason county, Ky., for
the enlistment of troops. lie was full 1
forty years of age, with a massive phys
ique and commanding presence. To
fine natural abilities arid large experi
ence in arms he added great energy of
character and fine judgment of men.—
, He it was who ordered the arrest of
Stanton, Caste & Co., though they
were old friends and companions.-1
Ile did not recognize any relationships
in life when duty demands their pros
, tration or sacrifice. His brother, T.
Nelson, of Indiana, is our present Min
ister to Chile, and his brother-in-law,
J. Monroe Stockton, Postmaster at
Maysville. His naval services may
be ,
summed up in a few words. He l
lentered the navy as a citizen of Ken
tacky, the date of his original entry
into Llic services being January 20,
18-10. In 1855 he was promoted to a
lieutenancy after passing through the
various degrees of' rank. His sea ser
vice under that commission was about
two and a half years. His total sea
service was twelve years and six mos.
Ile was on shore and other duty for
nearly five years, and had been unem
ployed for nearly five years. Ile was
last at sea in May, 1800, on the sloop
St. Louis, in the Home Squadron. On
his return home he was appointed on
ordnance duty at the Washington na
vy yard, from which post lie was sent
to Kentnekv, as stated above, on spe.
-PE ; qtr 3TERE.-
cial duty for the War Department.—
Ile was made 0 brigadier general, with
a commission dating from Sept. 16,
Dlreteli of Clan. Davis
General Davi3, at the outbreak of
the rebellion, was a captain in the
First Ile ‘ rmlar Artillery, having been
appointed Seeond Lieutenant from the
Stake of Indiana, in June, IS IS. Du
ring the present war he has been al
most constantly in service in the West.
In the summer and fall of 1801 be
was ospecialy active and useful in Mis
souri, at which time he was acting Ad
jutant-General and Colonel of Volun
teers. Under Gen. Curtis he com
manded with distinguished success a
brigade. in the great and brilliant three
days' fighting which resulted in the sig
nal victory at Pea Ridge, in kl
over Van Doru, Price and Pike. It is
hearbsiekening to find so brave and so
serviceable a champion of the good
cause bring himself to the fate which
now seems. to stare him in the face.
stamp duties imposed by the 'act of
1862, to -provide Internal Revenue,
went into °potation on the Ist instant,
and as heavy penalties aro imposed for
any infringement of the law, it would
bo well for all persons to make, them
selves familiar with its provisions.—
Bonds, mortgages, legal writs, bank
checks, policies of insurance, custom
house papers, passage tickets to for
eign ports, and a variety of oilier in
struments, papers and documents
must have certain specified stamps af
fixed to them, or they are null and
The following are among the stamp
duties that will affect the generality of
persons doing business : For a bank check or sight draft for an amount ex
ceeding twenty dollars, a two cent
stamp will be required; for a promis
sory note, or draft, (other than sight,)
stamps of various amounts, from five
cents upwards, are needed ; a certifi
cate of' stock in an incorporated com
pany, must have a twenty-five cent
stamp affixed to it; a power of attorn
ey must be adorned with a twenty-five
cent sticker; a passage ticket to a for
eign port must be%imilarly ornament
ed at a cost from fifty cents to one dol
lar; merchants and shippers have to
pay stamp duties of from ten cents to
one dollar on bills ofladinc., manifests
for entry or clearance, certificates of
damage, entry of goods at custom
house, &.e.; for a protest of note, or
marine protest, the stamp, duty is 25
cents ; on a clued of grant there is a
sliding scale of stamp duties of' from
fifty cents upwards; a lease on a pro
test must be stamped at a cost offrom
fifty cents to one dollar; a policy of
insurance on life or property, will have
from twenty-live cents to One dollar
added to its cost in the way of a
stamp; telegraphic despatches are
taxed from one to three cents each;
bonds and mortgages have to be stam
ped according to their amount, the
lowest denomination of stamp for this
purpose being filty cents; probate of
will, or letter of administration, pays
a stamp duty of fifty cents upward,
proportionate to the amount involved ;
while an express company's or "com
mon earrier's " receipt is taxed from
one to five cents. There .are heavy
penalties for " making, signing or is
suing any instrument, document or pa
per of any kind whatsoever, without
the same being duly stamped," and
the instrument or paper becomes null
and void from the want of such a
The 'lnternal Revenue law is so im
portant to every adult member of the
community above the degree of a pau
per, that all should make themselves
familiar with its provisions.
Official Report of the Losses in the
Late Battles in Maryland.
WAsitiscyroN, September 30.—The
following report, of the victories of
South Mountain and Antietam has
been forwarded to the headquarters
of the army by General McClellan :
nun SHARvsnunu, 1
Supt. 29, 1.30 p. m.
To 31;j. Gen. Iralleek, Gen.-in-Chief
G ENERAL have the honor to re
port the following as some of the re
sults of the battles of South Mountain
and Antietam :
At South Mountain our loss was
Total -
At Antietam our loss was
Wounded -
Loss in the two battles - 14,794
The rebels in the two battles, as
near as can be ascertained from the
number of their dead found upon the
field and from other data, will nut ildl
short of the following estimate:
Major Davis, Assistant Inspector
General, who superintends the burial
of the dead, reports about 3,000 rebels
buried upon the field of Antietam, by
our troops. Previous tg, this, howev
er, the rebels had buried many of their
own dead, upon the distant portion of
the battle field, which they occupied
after the battle—probably, at least 500.
The loss of the rebels at South Moun
tain cannot be ascertained with accu
racy; but as our troops continually
drove them, from the commencement
of the action, and as a much greater
number of their dead were seen on the
field than of our own men, it is not
unreasonable to suppose that their
loss was greater than ours. Estima
ting their killed at 500, the total rebel
killed in the two battles would be
4000. Accordim , to the ratio of our
TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance
own killed and wounded, this would
make their loss in wounded, 13,742.
As nearly as can be ascertained at
this time, the number of prisoners ta
ken by our troops in the two battles,
will, at the lowest estimate, amount to
5.000. The full returns will no doubt
show a larger number. Of these about
1,200 are wounded.
This gives the rebel loss in killed,
wounded and prisoners, 25,542. It
will be observed that this does not in
clude their stragglers, the number of
whom is said by citizens hero to be
large. It may be safely concluded,
therefore, that the rebel army lost at
least 30,000 of their best troops during
their compaign in Maryland.
From the time our troops first en
countered the enemy in Maryland un
til he was driven back into Virginia
we captured 13 guns, 7 eitissmis, nine
limbers, 30 colors and 1 signal flag.
We have not lost a single gun or col
or. On the battle-field of Antietam
14,000 small arms were collected. be
sides the large number carried off by
citizens and those distributed on the
grounds to the recruits and other un
armed men arriving immediately after
the battle. At South Mountain no
collection of small arms was Made, ow
to the haste of the pursuit from
that point; 400 were taken on the op
posite side of the Potomac.
(Signed) GEO. 13 McCLELLAN,
Major General Commanding.
Sufferings of Union Prisoners in
Report of a Released Volunteer Nurse,
[From the IV.oliu:4tou Star.]
Mr. .Tames 11. Bell, of the Interior
Department, one of the volunteer nur
ses recently captured at Bull Run, was
among those released from the Rich
mond prisons on Wednesday: last and
arrived here on I , 'riday. From him
we get the following interesting par ,
ticulars of the adventures of the Wash
The citizen prisoners of Washing:
ton just released with Pope's officers
were captured about 12 o'clock on
Sunday, August 30, some three miles
southwest of Bull Run Bridge. Rely
ing on Pope's despatch, they pushed
on thinking the battle-field in our pos
session, till the first they knew- the
rebel cavalry lurking in the bushes
had them surrounded. They were
marched off through the battle-field
for five miles to Gainesville, where
they were quartered in a wheat field
adjacent to a crowd of some 1,500 U.
S. soldier prisoners. They were kept
at this place until Wednesday morn
ing when an order came to march for
Fairflix Court House, to be sent be
yond the rebel lines. They had noth
ing to eat front Sunday morning till
Wednesday at 3 o'clock, w hen th e y
marched into a cornfield vid told to
help themselves, raw or roasted.—
From this place they proceeded by the
Fairfax turnpike through the entire
secession army, resting on each side
of the turnpike, to a large farm house
some eight miles in the rear of Fair
fax Court House. At this place they
slept on the ground as usual, without
blanket or shawl, or anything to sus
tain nature, water being denied for
nearly the entire night. On the af
ternoon of Thursday they were order
ed to march in the direction of Big
Falls of Potomac, being promised safe
conduct across to Maryland.
The whole rebel army accompanied
them during the afternoon and night,
till towards morning, when they
were stopped within five miles of Great
Falls. here the rebel General Rip
ley made them a speech, saying that
they were enemies of the South, that
if they were not fin' the South they
were against it; that their object in
going to the battle-field was to gloat
over a supposed Confederate reverse;
land that he should send them to Rich
mond, &c. They were placed in six
teen wagons, and conveyed over the
rough and rocky road back to Gaines
ville. On the road the guards shot a
hog, which was cut up and divided
among the prisoners. They passed
through the battle-field, on the way
back to Gainesville, by a different route
to the two first, and saw a much lar
ger number of Union dead than on
either of the otheroccasions. It being
Saturday, the dead had been on the
field seven days unburied. In ono.
place the dead of Gen. Stahl's brigade
covered the ground SO, thick as to al
most touch each other. They saw
large piles of rails and wood, seem
ingly recently hauled for the intention
of burning the now black and putrid
bodies. On Saturday night they slept
at Warrenton, proceeding the next
day to White Sulphur, and sleeping
on Sunday
_night in the woods near the
Rappahannock. They werepermitted
to rest an hour at Culpeper, then took
the track of the Central Va. Railroad
for the Rapidan. When about five
miles on the way, met Jeff Davis and
J. P. Benjamin on a hand car on the
way for Culpepper. At Rapidan -sta
tion they got a ration of bacon, which,
with the hog shot several days befbre,
were the only two cooked rations da
ting their nine days tramp.
They were conveyed in the cars from
Rapidan to Gordonsville, where they
were told by Dr. Boyle that martial
law prevailed, and hence neither wa
ter or food was allowed them. The
treatment at this place was most bru
tal. For three mortal hours they, with
Pope's officers and some 200 soldier
prisoners were compelled to stand in
the hot sun and submit to the humil
iation of having their persons searched
for money, while all manner of coarse
and abusive epithets wore freely ap
plied from the haughty, pompons swag
gering mayor, down 1.0 the dirty, sav
ages, known as Confederate soldiers.
From Gordansville they reached Rich-
4- 1 3
- 2,323
- 2,010
- 1,043
NO. 18,
the mo6t complete of any in the country, and pee
-601109 the btolt ample fdclhtle4 for promptly executing to
the brut Etyle, et ery lonely of Job Po intns, ouch as
LABELS, &0., &C., iC
mond at nightfall at the end of the
ninth day, and during that time , eat
nothing but green corn when they
could get it, except the two rations
named, and slept without any covering
but their clothes, on the bare ground,
during the entire jaunt. They Were
confined in a room of the Libby prison,
which had been used only a week
before as a negro hospital. On the
floor the filth had collected nearly an
inch in thickness. The place was en:
tirely destitute of any articles of fur
niture whatever—nothing but the
floor, the bare walls and the furnace
like tin roof. They endured confine
ment in this place for seventeen day's.
The food furnished them was not only
insufficient but unfit for any animal
but a hog .to cat. The consequence
was that they were good customers of
the prison sutler, who condescended to .
sell them a few luxuries at the follow
ing- exorbitant prices, viz: Irish pota
toes, $8 per kushel ; tomatoes, $8; but
:;1,50 per pound; molasses, $6 pen
gallon; sugar , 85 cents per pound;
coffee, made of crushed crackers parch:
ed, 75 cents per pound; bacon, none
to be had although $1 per pound was
Mr. Lell furnishes a list of prisoners.
now confined in the Libby Prison.-- t
The prisoners are nearly naked and
eaten up by lice. Their case is truly
deplorable, demanding the earliest at
tention of the Government before their
desperation produces permanent insan,
ity or death. In fact many of them
have already become insane, owing to
the condition of the prison and their
harsh treatment.
Indians Still at their Bloody Work in
By the following•from the Daily
Wisconsin, of the 23d of September, it
Will be seen that the Indians still con- '
Urine their bloody work in Minnesota;
Last Tuesday night, an attack was
made upon the town of Paynesville,
in &clinics county, about twenty-five
miles distant from St. Cloud, Minna°.
ta. In one dwelling there were ten
men lodging, who had been engaged
during the day in threshing grain.--,
,The house was fired about 12 o'clock,
and in trying to escapo,one ma.n,named
Boyden, was shot through the thigh s .
but escaped to the bushes, and was
rescued the next day by a party from
the town of Richmond, who returned
to the scene. Five shots wore fired,.
and but one took effect. The Indiana
secured ten horses and twelve head of
Wo aro informed by men who have
come from Minnesota, that one-half of
the horrors of the Indian massacre in
that State have not been told. Deeds
have been performed by the rod devils
too indecent and horrid for publication
and the people in the outskirts of the
State, who Were saved and have es,
eaped, have become so perfectly alarm,
ed that it is doubtful if they ever re,
turn to their homes again. Minnesota
will suffer greatly by it, as a State; to
say nothing about the loss of so many
of her citizens.
Conductor Crippen, of the La Crosse,
road, says that a little boy came down
on the cars a few days since, who was
the last of his flunily. His filther,
mother, and brothers and sisters had
been killed, and he had only escaped
by being out in the bushes at the
spring, when the Indians came to their
house and murdered the family.
A gentleman came down on the cars
to bring his children to Middleton, ir ‘
this State, where he had friends. reav= .
rug left them, he said he was going,
back to devote the rest of his life to;
killing Indians,. his wife and daugh
ter were captives in the hands of the,
savages. All the border Minnesotians .
are handing together to kill the Indians,
whenever and wherever they find them,
being determined to exterminate them.
When one knows a half of the atroci
ties the wretches have been guilty of,
he will justify the border men in their
determination, and only say that or
dinary shooting is *too merciful a fate,
for the beastly, barbarous Sioux.
REVENUE law.—The following im-.
portant amendment to the Revenue,
Law was approved July 14, 1862 :
" &a. 25, And be it further enacted,
That the 94th section of the Act enti=,
tied an act to provide internal revenue
to support the government and pay in
terest on the public debt" approved
July Ist, 1862, be so amended that nd,
instrument, document or paper, made,
signed or issued prior to the Ist day of ,
January, 1863, without being duly
stamped or having thereon an adhe
sive stamp to denote the duty imposed
thereon, shall for that cause be invalid
and of no effect.
Provided, however, that no such in
strument, document or paper shall bq
admitted or used as evidence in any
Court until the same shall have been
duly stamped, nor until the holden
thereof shall have proved to the sati
faction of the Court, that he has paid
to the collector or deputy collector oP
the district within which such Court
may be held, the stun of fivii dollars
for the use of the United States."
Approved, July 14, 1862.
The National Tax-Law ent t
bodying the organic sections ; the gen :
eral and specific provisions; provisions
for the appointrnea and governance
of collectors, assessors and their assis
tants; alphabetical schedule-list of ar :
tides taxed, with rates, etc., etc.
For sale at Lewis' Book Storo
w.=,+, An assortment of Card Photß :
graphs at Lewis' Bogle Storo.
proved styles—just received and for
sale at I/Ewis' Book Store