N EW ARRIVAL or YEW 0 ODS! C ASH.. MILLER HAS JUST OPENED A SINE ASSORTMENT OF - DRY GOODS, - A FRESH STOCK OF THE BEST GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &C., &C. AND ARTICLES TOO IIIYMEROCS TO MENTION. MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, ARE LIVEKTED TO CALL AND EXAMINE MT STOCK OP NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. G. 11.511. MILLER. Huntingdon, April 22, 1562. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! AS IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY Or HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN AXD FOR SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK April 15, 1562. NEW STOCK OF GOODS EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL STREET, lIONTINGDON, FCNNA TUE BEST SLIGATt and MOLASSES. COFFEE. TEA mud CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH. SALT ouch VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, 0113ARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND Al,!. KINDS, nod every other at thlelly found is a Cowry Store Drugs, Cleemictsls, Dye Stud's, Paints, Varnishes. Oils nod Spts. Turpentine, Fluid. Alcohol. Gloss and Putty, BEST WINE rod DII.INDY for medical purposes. ALL THE .11.Etsi PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS AND 51101 C : ,, and a huge number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will please call and exmniuo for themselves and !emu my prices. Huntingdon, AN il 8,1551 MO GOODS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES! FISHER & SON ifare just Opened and offer to the Public, SPLENDID STOUR ELL SELECTED NEW GOODS, REDUCED PRICES THE PUBLIC Will please call and examine our Goods FISHER & SON April 8, 1862. WANKS ! BLANKS 1 WANKS ! iETSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIET EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPIENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION BUIS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES. with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES. with n waiver of the poo Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Paco and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School, Borough and Township Taves. Printed on superior pacer. and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description. printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. TO ARMS RUSIE TO run sTORE OF SIMON COHN, A.T. COFFEE RUN STATION, runt sou the new and elegant asses talent of Goods lie line just received, consisting in pas tof Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Clothing, Bounds, Shawls, Hats, Caps, Boole, and nil other as Bolos kept in country stores..hich lie is offering at bin Mammoth Stoics, at Coffee Russ Station, at unusually lose prices. Thu public are invited to call and examine his Goods. Raving arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities. ho is able to buy his goods cheap er than other country merchants, and can consequently, undersell them I In exchange for goods, ho takes all kinds of country produce nt the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the wants of customers, lie hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with N, hick he has been heretofore f,nored. lir. Cohn is agent of tho Broad Top R. R. Co.. at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Orate to tho. Eastern markets. Having n large Ware Room, far mer, can store nab him until ready to ship. Etery con venience so ill be afforded them. Sept. 10. 1502—tf WAR! WAR !! WAR!!! GLORIOUS _NEWS! HIGH PRICES DEFEATED! Wm. MARCH & BROTHER, MARKLESBURG, PA., Have just opened a large, new, and unsurpassed stock of Foreign and Domestic Diptloods, of all kinds and quali ties. embracing everything in that line. Also, a complete assortment of GROCERIES, remarkably cheap, with good weight and fair measure, together with O.IJEENSWARE, STONEWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, &C., &C., &C., and all the various other matters usually kept in tt coun try store, so that the inquiry is not "11, hat has March & Brother got," but " What have they not 7" Being satisfied that their largo and complete stock of the above named goods cannot be excelled in quality, quantity or cheapness in this section of country, eve re spectfully ask a trial, feeling satisfied that a libel al pa tronage will be extended towards us, by all olio ale In need of good articles at low prices. Our motto is "quick sales andel:nail profits." - - - - - - We repeetfully request the patronage of all, and es pecially our Trough Creek Valley friends. Everything taken In exchaugo far goods except promi- .07j. Cash paid for nll kinds of grain, for which the highest market prices alit be given. WILLIAM MARCH & BRO. Ilarklesburg, August 13, 1162. WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, (Ea, and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A handsome assortment just received and for gabs at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A: MUSIC STORE. 1862. Tll E 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to 'Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Ruing Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c,, Call at the "Globe" Building and examine our stock and prices. 1862. 1862. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. NNW CLOTHING lon SPRECG AIVD SUMTER, JUST RECEIVED er IL ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For fletlemen'e Clothing of the best material, and made In the boot wet lannuhke manner, call at IL ROMAN'S, oppoito the Ft auhlin Howse in Make liquare, Ilunting• dot, Inuttlogdon, Ain it 8,1862. =4 TILL FIRST SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S. A LARGE STOCK AND FULL ASSORTMENT, AT rams TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. CALL AND litiA3IINE FOR Younsar.vas SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON GOOD BANKS S: INDIVIDUALS, Taken at Par in Exchange for Goods. The hi g hest prices paid in Ciuoilm for nil kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. FOR BARG AINS, CALL AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S STORE. Huntingdon, Merck 23, 1502. HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. P. P. GWEN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT TIE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIIT. April 8, 18k1. roes TCOTT. 80417 EL T. BROWN. SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill street, in t Ito building formerly occupied as tic "Journal' Printing Mee. Huntingdon, Jan. 14, 1862. J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill Street Huntingdon, Jan.l4, 18G1-tf. T) ALLISON MILLER, _Lt• fiami••• DEATTIST, Iles removed to the Mick Row opposite the Court House Aprll 13, 1859. T E. GREENE, ItY • DENTIST. •l iiii Y' 0610 a on 11011 oad street, opposito tho JEtel son Hotel, Ihmtiugdon„ Pa. llnwL 25, 1862. - ll T. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT T I ATV", UUNTINGDON, PA. Jan. 2, 1861-tr. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! Janice A. Brown sells the genuine "PORTLAND 'CMO- S - BNB," on COAL OIL. clear as warm This is the ouly Ittrul of oil that gives entire talisfaction as an agent for light. Beware of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit an oflensive smell and smoke. A largo variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks, Burners, Shades, &c., &c., sold at the very lowest prices, at the Hardware Store, llttuting doe, Pn, (VAIL at the new CLOTHING STORE j of GUTMAN & CO., if yon Nynnt a good article Clothing. Store room in Loug'e new building, in the Di,e mond. finntingilen. Sept. 9,1957 NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES'. M . CUT, ,k , EI HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK. OF NEW SPRING CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ilia stork consiste3 oI heady-made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC., AC. Should gentlemen lesion any particular Lind or cut n i • clothing not tonal in the etock on Nutt!, by ledung their 111e1151110 they can be accommodated at ,port notice. Call nt the cot coiner of the Diamond, over Long'a Oremy. MANUAL GUTMAN. BB KOLLOOK ' S DA . NDELION COF- This perarallon, !awl° from the best, Java Coffer. is t0c0m,,,,,,,,1ed by physiciang as a anterior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE fot Genet al Debility, D 1 vepsia, owl all Whom, 11,0,1 et .1. Thu...tad, Nk ILO itavo becu compelled to abandon the us., of coffeo till use Ibis a Shout wjw was effects. One Call contains the ~ttength of two ponudi of ot,litialy votive. PI lie d 3 cents. FOR KOLLOCK'S I.EArAIN, The unrest and best It %JUNG POWDER known, fur making light, riss eet and nutl MOM Bread and cells. Nice 13 cent,. 1: NINACTIMED nr 31. 11, KOLLOCIC, CLILMIST, CG//0 f Broad and C l / 4 ,tnut PIM HIM And ,uld by nll Dluggi. , tb and Gtoccrs. Frb.ol, 1802-Iy. TIIL ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Street, between Third and Fourth, Phi'adelphia. The under•igned, tun MI ha-ea, for it (im of ytar , t, this popular hence, hae the plea.mie annu to nneg to then friends and the traveling community, that it It lion open for the I ecoption of gut,tg. The - home since the in 4 of Math tact, tae been entnelv renovated and retit led in a super for 111111111 Cr, the opal Iment4 are large, well ventilated and furniblied in modern nil le. life eentt ally located, cons enient to all the depot and edeamboat laud ing', and in the framed:ate vicinity of the Custom House, Po-t, Office cud the Corn Exchange, Connected a ith the lintel is a ließtam ant for the ac comntetl k lion of those In do ring tho Ern open!' plan.— ick, 01 1100010 ft (au ThICO tioo Qtt IttillOti per VA:Ott, melt tins to Board $1 50 prr day. Table dilute rot merchant, awl bto,lue., mom flow 1. to 3 I', M, Apul 8,16,12-1 y 4:; " Ei UNION ENVELOPES AID PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS ' BOOK STORE. i,'„ l -0, 1 ;1 1 ,1 3 tl. und ersigned ct:i,,. , 01 Huntingdon and the adjoining rountiev to tine Mock of beamieol saattaa 011 111111 d. Ile Ic 10,11111 Ni to 1111111 . 1 h nnt the silolte,t notice, Monumental :Nimble, Tomb, Tame , and Slum.; of elely dekired of te and lota ot Italian 01 l'illnntel 0 Matbh • , and mull hlth appto pt hlte der lees, or plain, 0, may Snit. !Wilding Marble, Duet and M dndun• 11111 hi rut 1. kited to older. W. W. pledges Ititucelf to flunisli =train! and 1101h tnaliqlup equal to tiny in t h e COnntly, tit It Mil In 100. Call and cop, berme yon putelmso ellenliale. Shop 011 Silent, Ilnuttng , lon, In. M . M. Huntingdon, May 15, 1635. WILL IA 31 AFRICA HAS AGAIN COMMENCED TIIII B 0 01' AND SllO E-21L1KING, ONE DOOR EAST OF IL ROMAN'S CLOTHING SToTtE Ills old en.tannela and the ruldia getmndly, odl git e him a call. [Hunt hocon, (Rt. 20, 1530.1 LEXAN MITA BREWERY.- NEW FIE3I ! Thc , undttnigned le , peetfully info, in the politic hat they have pm chased the ALIAANIMIA BREWERY and ri ill continue the businelq, nod endeavor to pit c genetal satisfaction. All in dern will be pot - 1101y attended to. lIPTIIItOCK, WM. N. KIR BY. Alt.:iamb la, Feb. 22, 1860 yr lIE II UNT ING DON FOUNDRY IN 1 BLAST AGAIN '—The subset ihei a t.tke this method of infoi acing their A icicle and the public geneially, that Vir;. P,ilrety_. they base rebuilt the Huntingdon Foun• ri ~..„0 dry i , and ale new in succeydnl °poi at ion . 4' . ~.. am are ptepaied to fortai-% Casttog, of , „,„,1 es cry description, of best quality and I '4,t , Is oiltinanship, on short notice, and on iea.,onahle to ius. Intl niers ate invited to call and exam ine our Plongliso We in o inanufactin icy the Hooter Plough. Tld. , plough took the Ina premium at the Hon. tiugdon equitty Agrirultinal Fair hist fall. Also, Hunter's colelnated Cotter Plooglis, 0 hint can't be beat—together with the lies ntone, Hillside and ltai,hear plough.s. We hare on hand and are nuntufactining Stoses---.lCh as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. Iltollon Ware. consi.ting of Kettles, Bullets. Skill,ts, .te , all of which lie 0 ill nell cheap for cash or in exchange for coat.. try viaduct,. Old metal taken fur castings. By a billet attention to business, and a de,ire to please, we hope to to CCiN c a Metal dna° of public patronage. _ . . J. M. CUNNINGHAM & 11110 Huntingdon, Al, it 30,1050. ONUS AND BALLADS, &C., The Dime ~Velodid, The Dime Song Book, IVo.I, The Dime Union Sony Boole, The Dime .211 War! Song The American Dime Song Buub•, ritiikee Doodle Songskr, Songs for the Union, The Stare and Stripes Songster, Dixey's Essence of Burnt Cork• Songster, Gus Shaw's Comic Souris, Berry's Conic Songs, The Shilling Song Boole, Lover's Irish, Songs, Dime Book of Fan, Dime Book of Etiquette, Kew Dime American Joker, The Dime and other Novels, 2'he Dtme Laic). In'i•iler, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, Wos. 1 & 2, The Dime Speaker, Nos. 1 d 2. The Dime Cook' hook, The Dime Recipe Book For Halo at, Tirwrs' 1300 N, ST.VrKtigRT AND Must° Soar QLD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exchange fur goods at the Hanle aro Store of pt. 3,1862. JAS. A, BROWN. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, POI! vr LEWIS' 111/01,: ANT, STATIONFoRF STORF. MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS AUTIIO BUY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT, The book in nn oche,, of WO pages, in elegantly printed on line piper, with nen bohl Is is , end has an iniontritat ful n high every °nicer Dill he giateful, the moment his ewe tests upon it, as no former edition liar ever had an index, and the cant of one has been loin; felt in the Army. The Appendix eranace4 the Attunes of IVni, contain ing Mally linnet taut emit eetiong; eke, selections twit the Military Acts of Congress, including those passed at the last pine); $2, 00. TOIL SALE AT LEWIS' LOOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, [A ITTHORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilham, U. S. A, Just publi4bed and for 9alo at LEWIS' BOOK STORE.— Complete in one volume. price 91 JO. UNITED STATES INFANTI TACTICS. Vol the imtrnetlon, exercise ' ancl thanoeuvree of the United States Infantry, ntelading In- 6, fatitr3 of lite Line, Light 1111intty. and bine melt, prepared flintier the ditootlllll of the War r Pepin Intent, anti tottliotized and adopt"' by the SPCletito ot iVar, ..11.1 ;Std. cont•tito tog the school of the sutdiat ; the 'tool of tha company; inch Itetiol, for 'Slat tabilters, and f flue gt moot call, the call, for bid: tni,lwl A antl the school of the batbdion : including the at tick's Of 111111 a dictionary of 'lnfinity t 1.11114. Cuttipiete In ono colonto. For Fab, at [Amid' Book Stole. THE HANDY BOOK SOLDIER, On coming into men ice: containing, a complete system of instt action iu the School of the Soldier. with It ptelintina -I.s explanation of the (monition of a 13.tttalion on Patmle, the Polii ton of tine ofilet,4_ Lenin; a fuel hook or introauttion to sultan U. S. Intantr)"raettcs,jttat pub tithed. Into 25 cents. ran sale at LEWIS' 1300 K STORE. Al," 0, Elardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Complete in 2 tins. nice $1.50. rm. nt LEWIS' ROOK STORE. elp The Books sont by moil to any Ittl.he.is on the re NO of rim o Pt oc. 1101011,3[10n May 28, BOOKS, A. 12 LEWIS' BOON, stvrioNEßY & ,S3O-1:11, O, 7 OOOD'S .Ist, 2:1. set, .4111 and sth IP:aders. MUIDFFIn.'S Speller and Itearlet s. SANDI:IPS do do do Tom it's Speller and Definci, (old and nett editions.) Smith's. Bulhon's and Ilium UIIIIIIIII,IIS. Grogt !why, Wat t eti s Plt.)sical Geography. 31 lichen's. Monteith nod 'McNally's Geogiaj,hies P Aliases Damp't Deogiaphy, mit it Key to Slit hell's Outline Matti. Nrchntet's and 'Wm cestm's Diettoinn les. Qo irlmniace Lint Lessons in Coniposition. Quachettlio'u Poinlarlitloll owl newt is. GI ...deaf's, Shablat.FB and Blind.' Anthill:Des. Peterson's Familiar Science. Oteenh•.O's anti Stolltlaid'... Keys to At itlinietic.s. GI mut and DAN All bias. eculeani 11os3 to Algebi l'ai ,lot coils Pllll.oolY. Pat I.: is Inst . I.e,ons in Natural Bliilosophy. Pail:el . ,' Philosophy. ot the United Staten, Chitd's" Uoodl Ells " Pay.mil, Minton and Smiluiet's Penmanship, in elos nunilaus. Potter A. Hammond's reninambip in hselve numbers. Academical, Con hullers' and other Cop) Books. Das 1. ti Elementary Geometry and Tligonconotry. ti It I, , gvlitilecGeollletly. GI, 0111v.1.1%.. (1.1111:11y, Folt. R Bilhilll,lllb hurl: Keeping I.) Single Dully. by Itanart.r.l P Pik3 iOll Bunk Keeping b) Single and Double Catty, b) llanatot d I\p too Olio, 'molts m ill he add, ,1 and fin nished to order. A full 'tier, of S, !tool Stationei,) alw.i3s on hand. /lout/um/on, Pa. 111:NItY Nutt. ISAAC L. DEVOE, clf\ ))%:) WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, PENS ! PENS ! ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST C. BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens PRIOES-25 ets, per dozen or $2 per gross, rIIIE t' CORRUGATED METAL" PUNS—made by C. 11.111 N ..lUI. ate the, be,t COlll. modal and Fein.' Pena, without exception to any.-- 'rbel ale o‘eLl IA all (lii pi inelpal awl liovelintient DepartmentA, Public and it i,kte SLIA.oI, al,. by the 11104 t ptoamirnt Connueleial 11011401 thloni;liont the Uni toil State.. and Canada. But a 11101 t (Doe has elapsed eineo [a\o been inttodne,,l into the United Status, still a man I, ell ptelenetn, is given them met' 1111 utters Inc the follow ing IC:l,ons Tic Com ngated Metal" PENS ilo not cor rode; In ill not :platter or Cat thiongh the thintne-t paper; they have ant ra-y gliding ntotinn, it eel tannty of the ink, softne,s of point, and great dn. The follim log selectoil 110111 1111111 , 21,113 othins, One reriireti hubluittNl: I ha , . e Ar,i4l the Stelallic POOO of Mr. C. liarnalit and highly RlllllO%O of them. C. ili11;:-ToW, Presicl of ‘ti St. Nicholas And:, Nccu York. We have instil the Peng of Mr lialtmrd, and find them to lie 114 he lepttsentv. and tusks, plef,nre In recommend ing them to the nubile. FARGO fc CO., A. A 1131.1.1 (lAN, C1:07,e,,e. I=2 C. Darnitiin Pen, have been tiled, and ode highly up pro, ed iu this S. H. 01d111.,N, Auditor C. S. Cutton, ]base, _Mu, York. tt 101 l the rot ritgatted Parts made by Mr. Ihtrnat I call recommend them as escelkoL SAMUEL L. BREESE, Can»tandani -Vary Yu; d, BrooAlyn. We told ours to abro c t eccommultrinus. H. 11, C/101111'13, f. .0 CO., Nor Yotl I hav e no ), e ,it o tipn in Baying Pam:u•d'3 Peps are de eidedly the best i have ever PM. S. C. IIAY, Agent Unieut shifts Express Co , Xceo York. lYe can confidently recommend Mr. C. Thu nateri Anti. rosivu fens as the bust our btought nailer oar notice, Without exception. MGM:MN, STETSON b CO., Parl. Place, Vcmo 1141, T. B. 'HUGHES, afthite. We ion o Leen using tho Pens of Mr. C. Mamma, awl take great pleasmo in recommending . Ilium to the public, rei they aro an excellent article, and all ho rep. esenta them to be. A. .1. CLINTO:sI, Upon ttial we have found Mr 11:Inlaid's Pens to be ex otnent. Pp ED, MUST & CO., Now Yell:. I world recononend Mr. Thu nartrs Pens as a Haim for at licit, to any I have wed. li OLIVE. KEMTILE, Now York. IVu add oma to the above recommendatione. UNDliltlll HAVILAND S CU., New Yell Of all Pens I have ever used, Mr. Rarnard's have gii,en me mole satbfaction, and I can tecommend them to the public as being entn ely ffilticorroAve. E. POIRER, New York. After sin mouths' constant use of C. llamald's Anti, Cot tosive Pen, no can confidently recornmrtal it as the best metallic pen eta taco cc er stunt, finding front the above, expel mace unit it does not actually cart ode. S. 31cL1.1.1N 8; CO., Neu• York. C. BARNARD, mmuracturer of Corrugated Metal Pen, Johnteet, Loudon. Juno 18, 1862. THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EVER RECEIVED IN' 11UNTINGD011, AT I,myls' BOOK, STATIONERY AND 3ICSIC @FORT ME MEI FOR SALE lIVV4:4C;Da n PA A LAIWE STOCK 11111 JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE GET THE BEST! =I AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent jbr the county C. BARNARD'S PENS Secretory Eirgte Insurance Cb., iTcw l'ork CAN NOW BE lIAD PROFESSIONAL et. BUSINESS CARDS ,r 1 A. MILLER, 'or Dealer in Du Goode, owl &c ly. JOHN 3IeCULLOCH, offers his professional service% to the citizen% of Huntingdon and malt} athLe on 11111 °Aleut, one door east of Rood's Ih ng Store. Aug, 28, '55. LI S. SMITH, Dealer in Drugs, 'Medi k). vine,. Vet :emery, Dye Stuffn, Ode, Sc. Also—Gan eveled, Conk ctionei le,i, Sc., Huntingdon, Pa. LEWIS, Dealer in Boola, Statioucry• and Musical Invtru moms, Huntingdon. Pa. J M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. • Founa , ,, Ilunting , lon. Pa UAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in Rant, ine, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, &e., Hunt ingdon, Pa. TT - ROMAN, lA. a Th,a , r Su liently Math, Clothing. Mai and Cape, Boot ,01.1 ,C4c. M 'Deniers in Ready rt WIN, Io Dealer in Dt y GI (fedi lei. dware, Queens- M ile, flats and Caps, Duutt and 5110,,5, Le. 1 -1 4 ISITEE & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, mmtmgdon, WILLIAMS, Plum awl Otnamental Mat Manuractin cr. TWIN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor, ey Ilunting.lon, Pa Office on Thll htteet, une dwt coat at the Iluntingdon Matt,lo Vat .1. Itt.vrithNet...--L. T. IVat,u, Philn.lelphio.; J. P. Le ficologi Chalk, Nickivy, 'tough null Iteati3 rut nace, lion. Jonathan 3111"illiami. COUNTRY DEALERS can huv cr.ovitsu noth no in lion tingdon nt WHOLESALE as cho;.p uc they can in the an 7 lime a uholt,ale :Ault, in Phil:it'd phut. Huntingdon, -kind 11,1838. H. ROMAN. ITONE-AVAltli at S. S. Smith's Gro cely, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place iu to‘,n. VIOLINS, GUITARS, SYMPHONTANS, ACCOItDEONS AND PIPES rot Pale Clump at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORT 1)00KIIT TESTAMENTS, A LANGE STOCK 011 r HAM) AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE T3OOK BINDING. 01,1 Book, 31,1g07ine , ,,, or publications of any kind, Wand to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK if 87'.1TIONE/LYSTOI?E. TiI2CSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! jlt you %sant our card matly printed vpou onyt.l - call 3lt . . LEWIS' 1300 K AXD STATIONERY S TOPE. OR TUE LADIF,S. 1-1 1' A supetior at tido of Nato Paper and Enl olopva, audablo Gar ,n;tll,lelitt,ll cm iestaaaleace. far ...do at • PANIiWtDAY!II¼WIIJ! 1 - )APER ! PAPEat!! Note, Post, Commercial, Fool,cap and Flatcap—a goo,l n,soltllloll t lot solo by the ram,, half team, pole or +beet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOK & STATIONERY STORE, E,NVELOPES— „, ,00 box. pack. or le , s quantity, for sale at * LEWIS' BOOK AND ..1'..1110_4\"El; STORE 1) A. lICIIMENT PEED PAPER inlet!, for solo LEir/8' BOOK STORE. • ONTII LY TIMM BOOKS, _LTA_ For hale at, LEWIS' BOOK .14VD STATIONERY STORE HOOT' SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 Lour,, at pi ices from 25 et, to $2,00 at the cheap stmt of D. P. II WIN. T !HIES Collars, very cheap and beau _a_J had, at D. P. °WIN'S. A Splendid variety of Carpets, only _47 25 cts. Per FISHER & SON. TT RISI3CJRU STONE-WARE !! ! Clock. 4, Jogs, Pt cher, o Jan 4.c., Ac., of sow] for quality. Sold 0013 by JAMES A.BROWN, P. GAVIN keeps the largest, best o :assortment and Llieaps,t bIIOCS ui town. Call and examine them.: ITOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will L be sold for $1 23 at the cheap store of FISHER& SON, TF Yon want handsaw e Goods, good Goody, cheap Uotls, and all hia - I of (Imall ant r D. P. 'S. (IMA_, at P. P. UWIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. TIOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the I.tre..e,t azhot tment and cheapest to be found at D. P. PWIN'S oI UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.—A f Raga abbol Illicit f at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. (1 UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. GlVill'S 13 - than can lie had in town. Call anti see them. TA ARK Colored Palm Hoods, best (pal ly 0 3 -, only 50 010. each. 01011511 ,h SON. ATIOA LAMP CHIMNEYS— _g_. Just Icceived at the hat ttnare slo, aof JAS. A. BROWN. - rh P. G WIN'S is the place to buy s Bond and cheap Cal polo LIQUORS, of the best, for Medieina purpo,es at S. S. SMITH'S. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Lv THE DIAMOND, 11UNTINUDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor MO Cif LONS of the county, and htlangera and ta generally, o ill find cannfoltabla aceotnnvalations nt this house. tii‘e ua tl trial. [April 4, 1860.1 D"'"GOODS, of the very best, at MILLER'S. ruin F. best display and largest variety of all I; tads of Goods, can always be found nt the claw stoic of BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cLcnyc=t ll9solfineut in town, at D. P. QCITOOL BOOKS, Generally in use in thels of the County, not on Lund, m 01 be form6lietl to older. on application at LEWIS' 1100 K, AM) 67.1770,17.7 e NTO R ALT ! SALT!! SALT!!! Just received from the Onondaga Salt Company, Si t Acuse, N. Y., to ho sold on comml , ish,o, e ither ml,cle, vale or retail. 200 BARI:ELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct 31, 18130. 1 , 1511E1t it SON. JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA GRAFFUS MILLER, Propridoi TRACING MUSLIN, Dit tF7)NO AND DRATTIND PAPER and Colored Card Paper, For snle at LEWIS' BOOK ce , STATIONERY STORE. BLANK BOOKS, or 0.001008 81009, for walo LEWIS' BOOK AND STA TIONERY MB! ebeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for 11_ sale cheap, at D. P. GIVWS. PISTOLS PISTOLS ! ! cow % Sgtrpe, Smith Sr, Wesson's, and alt improved patterns of Revolves, Pistols, Cartridges, Bowlo Knives, de. &c., Tot sale at tine Ilayilvci ! e Store of JAMI:g A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Pa. May 21 1561 COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for sale by JAMES A. Bll(lIVN YOU will fiud the Largest and Best vsortineut of Ladies' Diess Cloxl4 at EVERYI3ODY.WANTS. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS By FRANK CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIt 808 It Tell, You Bow to than up P IRTNERSI,IP PAPCII3 anti gis es general forma for AnnEttheN is ut all I.lnds, 1111 18 of S ICE, PSI ICES and PETITIONS. It Tills You flow to thaw op BONDS tool 310050 lots, AI% I ID SVEN. PO,F.PIi of mronms, sous and Bills or Exerimq,e, Rossi KS IIELE %SFS. II Tells Mu Thu tans for the Cow renou of DEIIOS, ts ith the ST VILTEH of LIMITETion, and amount and hind pt propel ty EXEMCT 100111 EXULT nod in el Pry State. It Tells I•ou Ilow to 11111110 Ito ASNIGNIIENT properly, with for ComPOSITIOX 11ltll CREDITOEF, and the thsoLve,t• LAws of every State. It Tells You The legal I elations exkling between GUAR- Dike tool WARD, 31A3T1:11 and APPRENTICE, slant Lll•WWenn and Tsx.thr. II Mt You What coto,titntes Liam and SWIM, and the taw as to Mundt. Dolton, the Wires Drain' ix PRoPPlar, awl AMMON V. 11 Tells Pm Thu Into fur Mrcti voles' LIENS in every State, awl Um Nal UR 11.1%1110X I.ttss of this Coon• lay. and huts to comply v. Ith the same. It Tells You The la, cameo tong PrNaIONS tool Ion• to Oh fain one, awl the 1 1 111.-ENIPTIen MISS to PUBLIC l.lstn. 11 Tits Ito The Lao for PATENT+, en Ph elude of proce ro to obtain rug one, , I th LNunnatoNen,, A,mo:oll.N.r, and 'l' %nu. OF Pare. It Tells Tim, How to alike yoto tl 11L. and how to ADMIN. INTI it ON AN viol ATE. n ith the law awl the equireinents thereof in emery State. Il Tells Tou The meaning of LAW Tnrots in general lime, and explarns to yon the Loor,tAt rye, EXE CUTIVE net JUDICIAL Pon•ers of both the Coiner al and State Gal - tit:omM. It Tells YOU Butt Te ra.ll. 011 T OF LIM. by Alowim; how to • do your lat+iness legally, little 005 tag a va,t amount of looprot ty, and vexatious litigatton, by lii timely consultation. ]:mol3 budy'., Lou yer is for iale at Le, is' Book Stole (VICK SALES AND Any-body in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, 1117117 AND PRAYED BOORS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANY OTHER %A 1 1.!11.1.1: 41D INTERESTING 110011, 3IUSICAI, INSTRUMENTS, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION ROOKS., SHEET 311.J;i1C fol the Plano, Guitar, =1 ror and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOONS, For Sunday nod Common Schooti, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOONS OF ALL KINDS TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, to., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Pi opal fur Buys and Girls• AMUSING GAMES WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, 31A1111rAcli: CEIITIFICA'CES, CHECK ER lIONIIDS, 'DOMINOES, 41.0., BLANK BOOKS, Afemorandunt Books of Various Sizes, SMOOT. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, Drawing and I;lotting Paper, llnstal and and Boards. IV/lITE BONNET BOABA INDrimar, c.unmisn, RED, DEER AND ELDER INKS, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's {Stnpping Paper of Different Sizev and Qualities, &IL Sc. Sc. &c. &C. &C. Sc CHEAP BOOR, S.SkTIMITY AND Musk STOVE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, where nil who want to go to make their purchases NEW BOOKS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOR STORE THE NOUSE: A NEW PncEET %Sll V. of ltmal Ardlitec tore; or, How to Build Duelling., Bunny, StsilolPi, and Out Duellings of all Itintl4. With a Chapter on Chinches sod School-110114123. Pll, o, cents. THE GARDEN: A NM POCKET :NTAND,II. of Practical llor ticultutet or. how to Cultivate Vvvtablvi, Ft mtO, and Flowers. With a Chapter on 01 n•uuvntal Tiers and Mani, Nice, CO ',outs. T/fE FA101: ANI Poexr.: Mrsott, of ['lactic:it Agn cultore; or, ltoo to Cultivate all Ow Held evoni. With An 1.:,,ny iee, 5u centi. DomEsTic AND' AI S: A NEW 1'0U:1:T of Cattle, Hors°, and :ih.•ep It tvphathli r. or. flow to Breed and Rear the Val LOIN Tenants of the Pm ir.3'eto, etc., etc Prier, 50 centg. HOW TO TALK: A New Peeser Mary v. Of Conves:l*o awl Debate, with Doectionv for Acquil in, n Hi 00 1 0 1 ,11- col Style, sttul mine then Five Mingled COIIIIIIOII Mis takes Curl cried. Puce, 50 cents. flow To BEHAVE: A Nt.w POCIMT :tl.tsAtu, of Republi• can Etiquette, and ( . 1 nide to Cot tect Pet ,oted !titbits; tt olt MO. for Debating Societies and lloliberatho Bentbliet, etc. Pt ieo, 50 cents. 11019 TO DO BUSINESS: A \tm• POPKET ll,.cet of Pi nil& Affairs and Guido to SUCCOSH in Life; Ns MI n Collection of liti.iness Forms, and a Dictionary of Coin. tactcial Tunis, etc. Price, 50 cents. rim u siGT TILE GYTHARA—The • Pros byte rian Psalmodist—The Short n—Titerlutrilee—Rau ten's and Bertinfs enlarged and improved irertructori—Wetland's New and Improved Method l'or the Guitar—lA:m(l's Accra • dean, Violin and Pluto Inst inner's nod noue's Violin Instructors—Bellak's 3160,m hpitruetra —Bur ron es' Piano-For to Pr truer—do. Thorough-Base Primer— Iforreg Drawing BOOM Dances —The Cholas Glen Book— Tar a's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' 1100 K, STATIONERY Sc MUSIC STORE. fist ...v git, pm _ ir. BOOKS AND STATIONERY.- A good assortment of nascollannons and School Looks—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial and Note Paper— Plain and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of 111111101 . 011 d b iTC9—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and peek Inkstands, and el el y other article usually found in is Book and Stationery Stoic, can Le had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY k 3IUSIC STORE. CARPET Sacks and Riney Baskets at ()WIN'S. T HE best Tobacco iu town, at D. 0. GRIN'S PEED DOXFS, FOUNT UNS, WASDINO DISHES, AND SEED, AT LEWIS' 11301: AND STATIONEDY sTODL El= SMA T,L PROFITS !" =9 STATIONERY, 'Col Young Folks VISITING CA lIDS, CONVERSATION CAEDS, SONG DOONS, From 6 to 75 cents ==! WRITING FLUID =9 LEWIS' SAVE MONEY, BIRD CAGES, FOR SALE ROHRER'S ROIL EICS • ROHRER'S • ROHR BR'S ROHRER'S Plt ACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR• PItACTICA.b CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. OIIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR. Book of Plain Pule, ond Culculotionl for Business. 01,4. rations, by Martin M. Bola er, ru.ruur and Conveyancer. Alto Edthwt,puLlisha by J. B.lLippin.. colt ,k Co., Iluludelphict. This nook coiltnios 204 lines. and iivisaills 01'1,00 /tidos and Examples. entirely and the' mighty practical, midi as at ise eves} day in the COIIIIIIOII pimultb of !Susim•ss. It h;m already p,, ied through a nmilher of edition.; in sapid succes,sion, and is pronounced by all classed of Inbiness DIM/ to Pc the handiest boot: of 'violence, pet Mining to. calculations. that has ever been publislietl. Beery example in the book is worked out in toll and stated in a plain manner. no that n•hen a parallel ease ali— nes, those ref( t ring to the work still find no dithcalty ire soh ing it; Ina word, the general arrangement of thca CALCULATOR to simple, that any one who I n tone how to. old, subtract, multiply mid di, Me, can easily 00110 any Or— dinary example that missr en business, or arrive at the true result orany °Anibal) required. The chief tutu of the author has been to egellew theory and philosophy in rigor CY, coning only at facts and simpli city, believing that business men care little about spen ding time in dim:w:mg the philosophy of toles, or the science of figures, deeming it ,uflicient for their purposo to he ablo nt n ;unmet, by reference, to art iso at the true, tesult. The CA I.Cl.ll,k'fOlt thifel sin this respect from all other At Mimetic, of the day and kindred %curio—ft is it bey to practical Lushness CACliiatiol,6—it is, in the build. or the bunne,lllllll.ishat the key to in.nlienintical in the hands of the teacher to the school roost—it facili tates (jute and iron es correctness. I= Measinement of Land. of Lumber, of ih ick and Brick Wutk. of Stone and Stone utak, of gtalu and glain of coal and coal bine, 01 stood, of solids, of liquids, of air cultu , square or ii legator Nenelh, of &AM Ile and Cats at" oiling, u f pl.t.et's, pain lei's. glacier's, pacer's, wt's, paper !nmet's until upholstetcrs' work, It treats of eurretioy and of loreign and domestic oxcliango, of the. decimal system, art duction and its extended upplicatton to lndim, of simple and compound inlet est. and their , emit e application to halloo. tt ansact ions, with the lams, and usages gown ning hue same, together with 111111121011., CUllllllOVeilli forms—of legal tender. of pat tint payment on, notes, of banking and bank diecount, of equation at pay ment and 01 partnership accounts, of assessment of luxes, of weights and measures, of square and cubic measure, of" the SWIM e root and it, application to business el surlaetti,, of cot avnttott, and of malty other - impel tam prattical, niatterd not Wallin tho scope of nit advin tisement to wen t lost. IT IS JUST THE MOIL 505 TIIII Rutter, the merchant, the mechanic. the arti7an. or the ptolession d man. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to. the tansy Cr. the Justice Of the peace, the conveyancer, and. rend vita to broker, to the mo,ea,or, tine banker, the clot k, to tine tint enginter and tine sum o)or, to the cat pouter and bt n.l, to the stonemason end the plasterer, to, the paper Imager anal nplaniquer, to the paver alltl the kr. &c.; each and all in in finZ d adapted to the:r va.. long wants better than .y hold: published. Pt ice. II colt, for solo at lann is' Book Store. Huntingdon, D , C. Di, 106 k. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY 0111111 T JENNINGS, V. S., /W ./I,m. Patliotogy a2id Opera.. St. yen( in the lifer <nal y Lulleye t Ph dudeiplg ‘a, do 'WILL TELL YOU Of the 0; gin, 'Rite; y anti distinctive batty of the, ...ions L,. cols of Ltiropeati, Asiatic, Aft lean antl American Ih riser, ntth the physital tut mantel and be, coital it:es of the 11111 . 111.1 i, and how to tme; l nut hts age by the number awl conditton of hie tooth; nitwit ated unit nomerotts explanatoty engravings. I= WILL TELL YOU Of /heeding, BreaLing, Stabling, Feed , lug, (It °owing. :sluicing, mid the feller al inituageutcut of the horse, with the beet 1111,1,4 Ot admiuietcuug tiled!ollie, oleo, boss to treat Biting, 1306wg, L•cwulg. r , hying. atuutblmg, tub-Bn. ing, ltestlene,s, and other vices to Ni Dish he is subject; atilt uunictutis ux pinu°tohy E HORSE AND Ins DISEASES Wll,l. T 1,1,1, lOU 01 the cathei,g3 miltems,and Tieatine It or ztiningles, pule 'imam, Dibtemper, L./11111h, /1111111,11/A, 111 ullehltlB, Pool!. 1.11itl : Pleurusy, Btokeu Wind, Clic.- ie Cough, itemiug and It Cute .1 oiyvil Teeth. , lit et Ler dia.:mei 01 the : 1 1,1ith uud liebpitatory 'IIIC DORSI: AND lIIS DISEASES WILL, TLLI., lOU 01 the eausei, ,, ytoptents,atol Tieattnent of IVoinis, Puts, Uralic. Steanguhttiou, Slimy Caucutioas, Ituptules, Palsy, L tine, Stones 111 the hoine3 4 and JHnd• der, Inflatnation and other diseases of the :At/111.11AI, 800 cis, Liver nud 114 null y THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL Tl 1.1. YOU Of the causes, b.) 1) Iptom s, mid Treat ment nt ISouc. Inumt and Bug, Strath., }Zing /tone, Summit., Strains, I.lroken Fact-, 0 nut oals, Founder, t..taLttrd, I I dlo. Sale ittumeand thatch Cankm, Fel:itches, Tht unit and Corns; alsu, ui Ih•gt it., Vet ztagger, alai other ttheao;s of al° Foul, Lev, ulia THE 11011 SE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the eate,es, ay o l tune, end T cat then tof lb Coln , Full 1:‘ il, bland, , ,, Fatty, Sent let Fever, Mango, Sut tett, LoehLti datr,Mtettut.,tt.n. Deienves of the Eye and Heat t, Ao..cc , and Lew to manage Castration, Bleed ing., rtephining, Rending. Firing, llellia, Amputation, Tapping,atta oth, et mu 6,,t1 °pet utione. TIIh 1101ISE AND MS DISEASES WILL TELL VOli tit Rarey's Method of taming 1101810; flow 61 A ppt oath, flake') or Stable a Colt; ttun• to accustom a Iroise to 1,1 range sounds and sights, nod holy to c;‘,l,lle, I:ide, 111111 IStenli him to IlariresJ; 111,0 the 101 111 and law of WARR %NTS. Tire Ithole hying the re, stilt of 1;., years' careful study of tho pccultaiities, mauls and weak -111,05 of this noble and useful animal . , For ...ale at Lewil' Book Store. THE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK, MODERN COOKERY B=E=! MSS ELIZA ACTOR. Carefully Revised by ~lfi•. J. S. Hale, 11. Tu.t.s You now to choose:in kinds of Meats, Poultry, and G.nne, ,ith all tho rations and most npproieti moth, or dt es.ing and cooking Hoof and Pork; also tho best and simplest ,ay of batting, pickling and cajins tit@ smite. • It TELLS You All the 0.1% loin and moitapproveil modus of (It es4ing. couluug , awl butting Mattoll.. lamb, I eat. Pool y. and goon of nil 4iusls iiith the diffel cot Dinh:ling; Gra', leg, Stnning , arvieprilito to each, IT TOLLS Toe how to choose. clean, rind parserso Fish of 1.11 kinds, and how to sweeten it n hen taint ed; also all the and most app; Geed males pf cooking, with. tho different Dress togs, Sauces, and Fla, tillage appropriate to each. IT Tuts You AU the \ ious nod most approved modes at propel ing over TM kinds of Meat, Ftsh.Folvt, Caine, and Vegetehlo Poops, Broths, and Stews, It ith the nolialles and Seasonings niinront bite to welt. 4r Toys You All Hue e Orions mud most apyrovcd modos of cooking Vegetables of every also how to prepare Pickles, Catsaps and CM I ie4 of all kinds, Potted Meats, Flak, Game, Mushrooms, &c. IT TELLS You All the various and most apprlvell modes of preparing and conking all kinds of ttlairl and Fancy Past] y, Puddings, Omelettes, Vrit tors, Cakes, Confectionary, Presorros, Jellies, and Slreet Dishes of eyer?. descriv lion. Ir Tms Yoy Ali the rntionsand most approved modes of ranking mead, Steaks, 31u/tins, end Ills. emt, and the best method of preparing Coflee, Chocolate, and Tea, and ham to. make Sp ups, Cordials, and Wines of ye , limn kinds. IT TELLS You How to set out awl us nnment it Table, how t 4; Carve nil hinds of Fish, Fle,ll or Fowl, ant} In short, lion to so simplify tho Wholo Ar; of Cooking as to bring the choicest Ilisazrie,a of tho tat* ithin the erxbotlfs reach.' Fur Sale at Lewis' Book Store. THE HOUSE AND MS DISEASES, TIIE HORSE AND Ills DISEASES, TIIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE 8001 1 For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK i For salo at LEWIS' Book Store. TILE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, A VALUABLE BOON, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. LONGSTRETII ON TILE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON TILE UONEY BEE; LONGSTRETII ON TUE . HONEY BEE; A VALUABLE 8008, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES, DOIVNING on FRUIT and FIWIT TREES; DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES; A VALUABLE 8004, For sale at LEWIS'"Book Slap,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers