The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 10, 1862, Image 3

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    (i),e 6tobt.
Wednesday morning, Sept. 10, 1862.
PENNSYLVANIA 73ucs•rAu.s.— The
first Regiment of the Bucktail Brigade
from Pennsylvania, arrived in Wash
ington on Sunday last. It is compos
ed of companies from different coun
ties of the State, viz :
co. A, Capt. &Acid, Tiogo Co.
" B, " Irvin, Clearfield "
C, " Bosslar, Lebanon, "
" " Glenn, Alleghany "
" " 31eCtillough, Clearfield co
" F, " Osborne, Luzerne co.
" Cr, " Dryden, Tioga co.
" 11, " Stratton, Clearfield co.
" I , " Blair, Huntingdon co.
" 11, " Johnston, Potter co.
The regiment is numbered the .I.4ilth
Pa. Volnnteers, and is officered as fol
lOws :
Colonel—Roy Stone, (of old Buck
tail Regiment); Libut. Col., Watton
Dwight, of Potter county; Major, G.
W. Speer, of Huntingdon County.
Lieut. Col. Dwight and Major Speer
were promoted from. Captains of
Companies "A" and "B" to their
present positions, which has chang
ed their companies to "I"and "li,"
;as their next captains will be the jun
ior captains of the regiment.
The 110th Regiment is encamped
ou Kalaramo Heights near Washing
ton, busily preparing for the field of
action, and is justly regarded the best
regiment of men furnished from Penn
sylvania for the war.
THE SoldiQrs' _lid Society of Hun
tingdon acknowledge the following
Mrs. Harriet G win, $l,OO.
Onions, dried fruit, lint, bandages
&c., from
Mrs. Mary Miller, (Branch.)
" .. - Viirtha Porter, Henderson tp
" Isabella Decker, do
" Christiana Decker, do
Samuel Good nun, Sturkonia.
" Sarah Hight, Oneida township
" A. P. White, do
" Lizzie Gorsuch, do
" John Anderson, Penn tp.
The old linen. rags : &c., sent to us
the last week. of August, by the ladies
of McConnel!stown, was prepared and
forwarded in our box of lint and ban
dages which was sent Sept. 2d to Sur
geon Lamb, U. S. A., Washington.
The articles sent by them Sept. 3d,
Of which we had been notified, did n o t
reach us, and we are therefore unable
to acknowledge them. Having read
a despatch from Hrs. Harris, Seely of
Ladies Aid, Philadelphia, stating that
it, would be better not to forward any
more hospital stores to Alexandria at
present, as they would probably he
needed nearer home, we have detained
the boxes packed Sept. Gth, until fur
ther intelligence is received. We are
still reeci•. ipg contributions, which we
will tinw;ard as soon Ili we learn When!
most needed.
-3:D.—1.11 the first place, the Stl l'12:(20 us
state that much of the hint sent is not
properly prepared, and, in most eases,
cannot be used. Most persons who
prepare lint go to the trouble orsenz
ping it, which is not only unneces-,ary
labor, but the lint thus prepared can
be used only in exceptionable cases.—
The proper way to prepare it is to take
old sheets, or any other article of pure
liace, old being rather - preferable to
new, and cut in pieces from three to
six and twelve inches in length.—
These pieces should then be simply no
rarclled, thread by thread, and laid to
gether in skeins or bundles, and tied
or rolled up in paper, different lengths
in separate packages. The surgeons
can then roll it up or put it in any
shape wanted in a moment. When
scraped lint is used in most wounds, it
closes up the wounds, and the blood or
pus uniting with it forms a hard mass,
-which not only irritates, but is difficult
to remove; while the unravelled lint
keeps the wound cool and in a healthy
condition. The reader will see also
that it is much more easify prepared
than the scraped lint.
THE first company in this place was
organized on Monday evening last.—
Wm. Dorris, jr., was elected Captain ;
Wm. Lewis, Ist Lieut.; and A. A. Ja
cobs, 2d Lieut. There is material
enough in the borough for two good
declares that we have done more to
,discourage enlistments than any other
inilueoce in the county. The truly
honest and loyal men know our course
too well to be altered in their opinions
by such hn assertion.
Tins place has been kept in a con
siderable state of excitement by the
character of the news that has reached
here for several days past ; as also by
the proclamation of the Governor in
reference to raising home volunteers.
Our friend Win. Hatch, at Marldes
burg, has just received a fine assort
ment of new goods which he desires to
have examined by liis numerous cus
THE County Commissioners will not
pay any bounty money to those who
volunteer after the 15th of this month.
ro- The - National Tax-Law em
bodying tho organic sections; the gen
eral and specific provisions; provisions
for the appointment and governance
of collectors, assessors and their assis
tants; alphabetical schedule-list of ar
ticles taxed, with rates, etc., etc.
For sale at Lewis' Book Store
People's Republican Convention,
The People's Republican Conference
of this Congressional District, met at
the National House, in Tyrone City,
on Tuesday - 2d. inst. The meetiiu was
organized by calling Col. Win. Cum
mings, of Mifflin county, to the chair
as President, and James M. Ilewit, of
Blair county, as Secretary.
Mr. Roberts, of Cambria, nominated
A. A. Barker.
11. T. White., of Huntingdon, nomi
noted David 131 air.
S. M. Morrow, of Blair, nominated S.
Steel Blair.
On the Ist ballot A. A. Barker re
ceived 3 votes, David Blair 3, S. S.
Blair 6. On the 6th ballot D. Blair
received 6 votes, and S. S. Blair 6
votes, at which it stood (6 to 6) until
the 21st ballot, when Perry Moore,
one of the Huntingdon county Confer
ees, vcnt over to S. S. Blair, nomina.
Ling S. S. Blair. Thos. Fisher and 11.
White then changed their votes, ma
king the 21st ballot stand 9 for S. S.
Blair, and 3 votes for David Blair.—
The Hon. Samuel S. Blair was then de
clared the nominee of the Conference.
IL T. White, C. S. 31.eCoy and XL
S. Morrow were appoinied by the
Chair to invite the candidate into the
Conference. Samuel S. Blair then en
tered the room and made quite a pat
riotiespeech ;after which, 11. T. White,
of Huntingdon, offered the following
resolutions which passed with much
enthusiasm :
Res9/ved. That this Conference en
dorses our present National Adminis
tration and that we have an abiding
confidence in our patriotic, energeticand faithful Executive Abraham Lin
coln, and that we believe that the
(3 0 \ 'CM meat should use every means
that God and Nature have placed at
its disposition, if necessary, to put
clown this unholy and wicked rebel
lion which is being waged against the
best Government the world ever saw.
Re.solred, That this Conference en
dorses the present State Administra
tion, and with mingled pride we claim
for his Excellency, Andrew G. Curtin,
the name of a Statesman, a patriot and
and a soldier, for-his untiring efforts
and indomitable energy in assisting the
Government to preserve and perpetu
ate our National Union.
Resolved, That we have implicit con
tidence in the ability, integrity and. pa
triotism of the lion. S. S. Blair, our
present Representative and nominee
for Congress, and pledge to him our
undivided support, and cordially invite
every loyal citizen of the district to
unite with mi. •
The Convention then adjourned
Senatorial Conference.
The Conference of the People's par
ty met et the home or Mrs. Filler, in
Bedhird. on the 19th inst.
The following Conferees appeared,
and took their seats :
Bet:I - 01%1—D. Over, Lemuel Evans
and John W. Sams.
liunting(ton—Tho , :. P. Campbell,
Peter M. _Bare and James Maguire.
Somer,et—Edward Scull,' It B.
)larAlan and dos Cummins.
Thos. P. Campbell, of Ihmtingdon,
was chosen PrUbid,til 1, and, Ed. Scull,
of Somerset : Secretary.
_Nfr. Maguire nominated J. S. Stew
3lr. Over nominated Cr. W. House
Mr. Marshall nominated .Alexandui
On motion, a committee of three,
consisting of Messrs. Evans, Maguire
and Cummins, were appointed to
draft resolutions. After a number of
baHottings the Coi&renee adjourned
to :fleet next morning at S o'clock.
On meeting of C'onti. , rence the Com
mittee returned the following resolu
tions which were unanimously adopt
ed :
_Resolved 3 That this Conference has
the fullest confidence in the wise, pa
triotic and able manner in which our
National Administration has conduct
ed the present war to put down the
most unholy rebellion ever waged
against a great, powerful and free peo
ple—that we have the greatest confi
dence in President Lincoln, his Con
stitutional advisers, and in the Con
s of the United States.
o •
Resoired, That our present Adminis
tration deserves the cordial support of
all loyal men for the able and energet
ic manner in which it has acquitted it
self in the present trying times.
Resolved , That we are in fhvor of us
ing every means which God and Na
ture has placed in our hands for the
purpose of crushing the present infa
mous rebellion against the best Gov
ernment ever instituted among men.
The more swift the means the sooner
the rebellion will be ended.
Conference again proceeded to bal
lot., and on the 52a ballot the result
was as follows:
Alexander Stutzman, - - 5 votes
J. S. Stewart, 3 "
G. - W. Householder, - - 1 "
On motion of Mr. Over, the nomina
tion was made unanimous.
ED. SCULL, Seey. ,
Congressional Conferee Meeting,
A meeting of the Democratic Confer
ees of the 16th Congressional District,
composed of the counties of Cambria,
Blair, Huntingdon, and Mifflin, was
held at the Altoona Ilouse,in Altoona,
on Friday, the 29th of August, 1862,
for the purpose of nominating a candi
date for Congress. •
The following named Conferees ap
peased for the respected Counties t
Blair—Saiffl.lsett, Jno. Woods, Wm.
Cambria—Jos. McDonald, Michael
J. Smith, Alex. Kennedy.
Huntingdon—Jno. Dougherty,
ward McHugh, John S. Miller.
Mifflin—James Turner, Geo. Bates.
On motion, the Conference was or
ganized by the selection of the Hon.
James Turner as President, Gen. Jos.
McDonald as Vice President, and E.
McHugh and Wm. Jack us Secretaries.
Mr. James Dull, one of the Confer
ees from Mifflin not'being present, the
Conference adjourned until the next
(Saturday) morning at nine o'clock.
Saturday Morning—The Conference
met—all the members' ~,•^scut.
On motion, the Conference proceed
ed to nominate candidates for Con
"'MS W1101 , 0111)011-
• •
Mr. Jack nominated Archibald Mc
21Tionald nominated I. L. John
v. Miller nominated it B. Petrikon
The Conference then proceeded to
vote, and on the eighteenth ballot, Co!.
ed a majority of all the votes, was de
clared the nominee of the Democratic
party for Congress for the 16th Col.-
gre:-sional District.
On motion of Con. McDonald the
nomination was made unanimous.
On motion of Mr. Bates the Confer
ence adjourned sine die.
Jos. INIcDoNALD, Vice
E. Mcllnun,./
NVILLIAm Lmvis, Esq.:—We have
fallen upon strange and troublous
times. It appears as though earth and
bell were combined to extinguish the
light of human liberty.
Perjured traitors and robbers in the
South, have, by conscription and force,
dragged into the battle-field hundreds
of thousands of the masses of their
poor uneducated and deluded subjects,
to fight against us, their on!y true
earthly friends ; who go to fight under
the deceptive cry of liberty, not know
ing that they fight for liberty to re
main in slavery to an unholy oligar
European despots who have been
trembling because of our growing pow
er, ale standing back in profbund anx
iety for the severance of our Union;
only standing back through fear and
in remembrance of the past, but still
sympathizing with southern rebels.—
Yes, they who forced slavery upon our
fathers; who planted that deadly spas,
the moral poison of which is so exten
ded as to threaten our very existence
as a nation ; who derided us because
- we were not abolitionists, are now_in
sidiously comfortfng the slaveocracy
of the South with their sympathy, if
not worse.
And last, though not least in turpi
tude and folly are those demagogues
amongst us in the North, who would
steal the loved epithet democracy and
prostitute it to vile and wicked purpo
ses; who would sell oar birthright for
a mess of pottage, though seasoned
with human blood; who labor to make
a false issue, to divert the public mind
from the all absorbing question, .Shall
our civil liberty be preserved ? Hence
you hear nothing from their pen or
their lips but a silly carping against
abolitionism. And thus they labor as
siduously and insidiously to bring odi
um upon our present administration in
its hard ;Ind di•fficult efforts to sup
press this bloody rebellion, and secure
to themselves that poison by which
they could negotiate cc disgraceful
peace with their southern allies by
whose grace they might again be per
mitted to hold some subordinate office
as formerly in an aristocratical govern
ment, with its soul and centre in the
South amongst the disciples of Calhoun
and lireekinridge.
Did ever Administration come into
power environed with such diffloulties
as the present ono ? Surrounded as it
was by traitors ; perjured villains and
rebels, and enemies abroad.
Nothing is left fin• us but to propiti
ate leaven and supply our llovern•
went with men and munitions of war;
compromise is at an end ; the South
must either be subdued or our lol:ed
institutions are at an end. Ask our
brave armies in the field of battle if
this shall be the case, and the response
from every tent will be, a shout of de
fiance to rebels, and the cry will roll
onward and upward to heaven. We
owe it to the memory of our patriotic
fathers; we owe it to everything dear
upon earth; we owe it to unborn mil
lions, and we will bequeath to them
the goodly inheritance of our fathers,
and we owe it to Clod, the sovereign
Ruler of Nations, that the sun of hu
man liberty, the last hope of the world,
shall not set unless it sets in our blood.
And now, dear sir, I have only to
say that as,an attempt is being made
to supersede your excellent paper by
one, the main object of which will be
to cripple the Administration and seek
offices at home, you will permit me
through the columns of the Globe, to
appeal to good patriots throughout the
county and eLiewhere, to give it (the
Globe) a greater• circulation than it has
ever had; let it find a place in every
family and let its patriotism burn in
every bosom. And would it not be
well for the editor to lay aside some of
his modesty in these times of trouble,
which are • trying men's souls, and
make more efforts to send the good
sheet where it has not yet been.
Our Army Correspondence.
CAMP PAROLE, Annapolis, 31d., 1
August 31, 1862. j
EDITOR OF 0 will: :—Thinking it may
be of some interest to your readers,
ant 4 having no other news of import
;thee to lay before you, I take the time
this wet morning to give as true an
account as possible of our surprise and
capture at Murfreesboro', Teun.
On Sunday morning, the 13th of
July, about three o'clock, as the boys
were all soundly sleeping, Col. Forrest
at the head of 3,000 rebel cavalry rode
in upon us expecting to kill us in our
beds. The plan of the attack was so
that - one half of tlai force was to ride
on by us and get back of us to the
camp of the Ninth Michigan Infantry,
the other half to charge on us; but as
it happened we bad our picket ropes
planted on the left, of our tents and
when they rode to the left of us they
came at full force against the ropes,
which CO,llsidornbly checked their
speed. P.y this time the Michigan
was drawn up in line of battle and
drove the rebels out of the camp three
times. The cavalry nut having time
to saddle their horsos had to light on
foot. At about 11 o'clock, A. M., Col.
Forrest sent a flag of trace into our
camp demanding a surrender. Genf.
Crittenden being a prisoner at that
time, and Gen. Duffield being mortally
wounded. and Lieut. Col. Parkhurst
seeing he could not join his command
with Col. Leester's, composed of the
3d Minnesota and four pieces of artil
lery of the Ist Kentucky battery that
were engaging a party of the rebels on
the other side of the town, he thought
it best to surrender. After the surren
der, the whole Rime of the rebels were
engaged with Col. Leester's command.
They (the robs) charged on Colonel
Lcester three times, and they were
driven back to the town by him every
time; the third time they were driven
back, they became disgusted and told
their leader they could not take the 3d
Minnesota and battery. Capt. Hewitt
at the same time was throwing shells
in the town, when about 2 o'clock, P.
M., he got orders to cease firing when
they (Leester's command) fell back
about the of a mile to the top of a
hill, planting the battery on the hill
and supporting it with sufficient infan
try. The boys all anxiously awaited
another charge from the rebs, when a
fi,i7 of truce was seen waving on the
top of :!nother hill. Adjt. Gent. Duf
field prociir(;l a white handkerchief,
placed it on a stick and he gal
loped of and met .!it't rebel bearer of
the flag of truce. Cci. Lecster and
Ailjt. Gent. Duffield proceeded to the
town ; there had a consultation
Col. Forrest and Gen. Crittenden, when
they agreed to surrender. The, Col.
came back and said : " Boys, I have
surrendered you." Our line officers
were all agreed to the surrender but
one, Capt. Mills of the 3d Minnesota,
who said, " For God's sake let me take
my company and retreat to Nashville,"
when Colonel Leester answered in a
rough tone, "No, just you do as I bid
you." So at four o'clock, P. M., they
marched us of to the Cumberland
mountains. The whole number en
,,awed on our side was about 1,500;
Onto of the rebels 3,000. The fight
lasted from 3A. M. fill 2 P. M. No
more at present.
lam respectfully yours, W. B.
The New Paper.
The first number of The .:Ibmitor, a
new paper started at Huntingdon, has',
lately come to hand, and in size and
appearance compares fitvorably with
the majority of country sheets. In
politics it is ultra partisan (Democrat
and is edited by Albert Owen,
well known to this community as a
School Teacher, and late County Su
Its real object, we understand, is to
destroy the patronage of The Globe, be
ing alleged too conservative, and es•
tablish on its ruins an organ on old
partisan bases, regardless of the timee,
the circumstances surrounding us, and
the difficulthis we arc placed in as a
Nation. _Believing as we do, and - have j
heretofore expressed, that partisan
politics ought to be eschewed while
our liberties are at stake, we cannot I
conceal our regret that efforts Will and
do continue to be put forth by part i`sllll
Presses, under the control of political
aspirants and emolument cravers, to
distract the harmony and unity of loy
al people of the free States, by intro
ducin,,, amongst them old party feuds,
thereby - lessen their devotion to their
Government, and weaken the effort to
suppress the most unholy rebellion ev
er originated on earth. Hence we do
not disguise that we award for the
new Paper, its intent being plainly- de
fined, the same success that we con
cede to all newspapers, We care not of
what party, who stand in the same cat
We hope, however, that its course,
and the course of others of its ilk, will
disappoint our candid and serious fore
bodings; that the rebellion may be
speedily and permanently suppressed,
and our brave fathers, husbands, sons
and brothers be safely restored to the
homes they have left to brave a dast
ard foe, and peace and happiness again
spread their hallowed wings over this
entire " Land of the Free and Home
of the brave;" yea, its liberties be en
larged by the ordeal 'of war, as a
fruit of reward for the many lives and
great treasure it cost our Nation.
What we have written we have
written in candor, impelled by a sense
of duty we are unable to resist, desir
ing to offend or do violence to the feel
ings of no one ; s fir our views
only an impartial considieration.—Shir
lcipburg Herald.
Sept. S, 15132.
Fanry and Estin ram il3 Flour e• 5.75
0111111101111 M! hoe 00
Ili r Flur 0 10211
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Mt' a White Wheat
l'air :Intl Pt into Red 5.1,2000 , 1,31.
Col u. pt ium Vellums . . 70
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cl,ml, to the pr,mi,i of the soli m Poet. in McCon
nell,lown, it horned 13T111,11, v iiL tcd and Islam spot•+,
html in ono log. The no net le lepoeded to come fon
\‘cuil, 111100 piopcify, t Y cleugc,tiel tahe it en;),
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}HEIM:1110i Lcsascrilt.
711tronnelbtom o. Sept. A. 1841
30,000 GOOD UNION I\lllN
The sule.ctiber 101104 ILis method of informing his
fi honk ut Pat ticulto, mid the public in geneial dint 110 has
ju,t tettttuhil hum thu castein cities, a full and va
rious 110-1 n [nicht of Mei chairhen Eadtable fur Won and
country, coniktnig•uf 0 Satiety of (hood' , to supply all
emits, hone tie most fa,hiounble in (110 Mall:et to these
of the strong awl thimble, 01 pi is mtenishly cheap. To
rite ft Muir 1 until oiler nip best regaulr for +ivaaining,
me twin tho la '
diming, :not mute them to cantunhi then
and the public Idiot an examination of m 3
tuck m ill hut it to thoit iolvantage to pm, lur-o at Cuff,
Run. I ehell het eerier gl, e pet ram ml intention to au,to
with the Mani: of my Well ZllllO3O out. .111
cork, BUD, Sept. 10, ram'.-It. 1 , 131.0 N 12011 N.
On the 3d inst., at the Franklin
House, by Rev. 7 i aliniser, J. 11. 0.
CORBIN, Esq., of this place, and hiss
Howl: A. SHAvrEn, of Chambers
It is seldom We receive a dollar With
a notice of this kind, but in this in
stance we did, perhaps in place of a
cake. All right—a dollar is just as
acceptable as a cake. May the happy
couple never permit secession treason
to disturb their union, and may they
enjoy a long life of health, happiness
and prosperity.
At Culpeper, Yn., August 11, 1862,
A. N. McDox.un, Ist Corporal Co. C,
Pa. - Reserve Cavalry, in the 20th year
of his age.
The deceased was a member of Capt.
John Taylor's Company of cavalry,
of 31.ifflin county, and son of Abner E.
McDonald, of Barree township. llis
Captain in speaking of him, says " he
was a noble fellow and fought manful
ly," but fell after fh;ing 22 rounds,
shot through the left arm, and entire
ly through the body. Ile murmured
not, nor complained of his lot, but
peacefully sank to rest, a patriot sac
rificed on the altar of Freedom.
Mr. A. E. McDonald has two more
sons in the army, and both in the bat
tle before Bull Run, and God only
knows whether thieve is one left to
comfort the bereaved parents, or to
sympathize with them in their afflic
tion. S.
I❑ the U. S. Hospital at liestonville,
!lent. Philadelphia, on the 21st ultimo,
F. MILLER, of Co. C, 81st
Mr. was Cfai;laid of the Stand
ing-Stone Guards from thlll place in
the three months service. After 11-
turning home be entered the service
again for the war in a company from
Easton, we believe. He was in the
battle of Williamsburg, and was woun
ded in the breast, and was taken to
the Hospital. He leaves a wife and
three or four children, now resident at
Alexandria, this county.
$4O WAGES PAID $100!
To ,11 g,nrols for the An Its I,I.IrING 31 WHIM: Colf PAM,
IV° OM hire n Colllllliodull 011 till goods sold by our
Agentg or pay Rages at from 910 to ;3;10 per month, told
Fly all necAgqary exp,olses. 0111 to.tchino 1> pei feet in its
mocha:lkm. A child can Icarn to optottto It by half on
born 'a iintroction I It is equal to not s• 4'.trlil_p vowing
ylncbinu in use s 11112 au havo /et/I/AY.? tn 2 Prim , to 10111011
Each 11A.lono m muted for till IP yr.. 1 1 .1.
Alb/1,9 C. It
Julie 18, 100.6-3111. 0. troll, Mich.
IlUell TO .I. I 11 51011 OF'
OEI 0011 N,
told mr Hh nem owl Alee,Ant 05101 tnieut of Goods lie has
114 roCi•IN3CI Cl/11 , i,'Ilig 10 p:ot of
CI .1:g lay, IP:11101 o . 81raw.7s,
11th,, Clop,ll,oot.t. Shoog,
an.l 0 1.1. , I 0111,1,5111.111 in coonti y 4tot es. 51111(111111 1
at ono 1001:;" low In ioA The polll (clue posited
to c.III iota examine big
11.1,1114 tt t u , c1.1011t4 O ilb I:og'f I . lllg 111 Phllalelphia
oil 0:111, 11 cities. Ito IS able to L't3' .'nods clie n ,P"
or than other c o unt•y
,:eon ..aroopt°lltiY,
toolelsoll them! Iu exchange Ice goody, Ito to.'" ,
kind, of rountiy plod:tee at the highest cash prlet
,tliCt. 1111.11 huh to the m ant- ut cu.tuinAt I, he 1101,1 to
ct,eoi 1.0 it 0011 11111111110 n of the libutal pall Duane with mhiclt
Ito has I wen her.•tofole f osutell.
Mt. Colin i 1 Agent of the 'howl Top It. It. it Pollen
Min I,l.ition, And is impaled to ship an kinai 01 6111111 to
the I::htern ma: kets 11.111110 a lag° IVare 1100111, for-
Lan sto: 116 biro Until lead) to ship. L's coy con
venience Si ill 1111 nllouled 111e111.
tiert. PA, 1.71.2-tt •
Huntingdon Normal School.
Tliv Pan 'rvrm af thi . School N% connurna• September
null continue Ment)-une ueelo, lotting win
u. , 1; of vocation.
A .1 mtand for competent tonebors has I n duced the
Pt inclpal to olganive 0 NititllAL tre:lnt
bet m ill 11.1,1‘, , 11,C1.11 the I (IRV 1111.1
Ph Idle,: of learliing. rite no-inbets, on g: ndu.dmg, gill
to 0 eel nhntte 120111111011dOIF lbcm to the cunt,
&nee. 01 those m he do-he to employ teoclict e.
A hutlident itmobet et initruLtois till h e empin)ell, to
notice a plopri di% i•ion el labor, and give to each claw
tone for dulling ant nupciloot element in bucccztiftil
to tti.tii.g.
Tic got el nini.ll t of the collool shall be such cc Will beg
pron ,, to the in ogt e , s of each papll, and the gullet into,
t lof tho o hole F.llOlll.
I't iiiuilot ofll etplea‘or to NI %NWh
factliti,s fur :lA:gulling a thorough ellucatiou.
tingll,ll Bt arches
111;.;hot `•
Lai ,m tge9 null pare Mathematic.
Hunt ingdon, July 9 ISC2-2m. Pi
To the ,S'ehool Directors and Teachers of
Huntingdon County :
The Annual Examination of applicant% for the schools
of this several tiktilcto of this county, nill So kid ni lol
iaglield, Sept. V, at Movinw• Clap.
Clay. Is, at Scott,
knalerion 10, at Unbolt school hour.
In making out the above list inc have not been able to
eon•ult the It ishes of the MI Orton not rations cloth the
but, if the time and place fist:a for any of the
exaniumtions be objectionable, they mill be changed at
the suggestion of ilheetin,i if thoy till! notify us immedi
ately. Es.tutinations ttihl Commence:ll9 o'clock. Diocc
tot s ale especially invited to be pt went.
It. 31cDIVI1T,
ltuntintolon, July 11 Co. Snot.
lint s,Ldo yon ',Jule° at the Bocce., of our gallant
110011,, and the prospect of the bpeedy do,nfoll of thu
14.1,1 Army, do not forget to call at tho store of
5' 02 37.1!c.
I,,fme, put clmng . elsowl;ere, and see our new Mock of
goods, consisting of
Ihy Good 4,
Bout, and Silo,.
C,nLke,yn are,
Taw.o licgat s,
Should. c,
and a general ascot t motif of notions. all of llhich are of
bolo] Oa 1,1,1110M1 its for cash or produce.
Ilutitingdon, .July I, 1862.
[E,tut. , of J. qopli gle f wine, , P.T . < 1.1
Lett, to te•lninental. 1111011 tho list aril and tegtement
of .Joseph Nightadne, into of the botonadl of Hunting
don, decoyed, has o boon granted to the undo signed, AIl
persono Indebted ale topiestol to audio immediate pay
neut. and time° Inn, tug dainty N, ill in e,ent them propel
l3 atithein heated to one. .
$ 9 5 REWARD.
- 1101t.SI: stolen hoar a fluld near McVeytoun, sometime
dnung&mtlsy night, the 2lth inst. A good , tied BLACK
about S yenta ohl nab as flute /TOE 1111 r 011.111,111,
111111 slight role an left knee about as largo as a line cent
puce'. Ito both hot., and racks and Ist cry gentle. The
111011'1 Nllll lu rite tine abate menu:o,l Iq detsining the and thud, aunt adds es; the as nur.
Angmt 27, 1862_31, toe n. Pa.
yin e‘t liati:;e fin 6t.1411 At the II n. 1,11 Stoic of
ti, ISo.. JAS. A. BROWN.
6 00
10 0
. 1. 00
T 4 l Oll. SALE.
virtue of an order Frain the Chnhan'a Conrt of. If un
finedon county to me dhected will he °flared for sale a t
the late roidenee of Joseph Nichtuine, dreil.,—a two
tca3 log dwelling house and lot of mound situate on the
not th side of Washington utteet in the borough of Hun
tingdon un
Wednesday, the 24th of September, inst.,
nt ene o',lo. 11. P. 51 . of the same day.
Comic kon of halt.--nue-halt (he polehaße money ehal I
Le paul 011 01U ceufn nation of the saeluale and the Oth
er half at the 01Id 010110 14,0, nigh Interest.
ALSO—At the "aloe tune and pla, pill be sold all the
Par s oDal Property beleugiun 1., the naid deeensal's estnto.
Huntingdon, Sept.; 1862. Executor.
No. 4‘7, above Chestnut Street, rhilada.
I 901 tau examination of the prices and quality of my
huge and e ell selected
All of the 11.4 est sty I.'S and manufactured of the best nut•
CA It P Dituculirs, FLOOD. OIL CLOTHS In or
et y
Together eith a large Mock of
Of the newest and Itand.mneit patterns, with It ern be
sold loin. J. T. DELACROIX,
Sept. 3,1302-3 m. 47 South Fourth Street.
A bug,: threo yearn 114 BRINDLE BULL w ill,
w Into file,.toy poi son know log the w hereabouts of
said bull will please soul me wool by letter or otherwise.
fl 1S C 2
ELECTION.—Pin strata to an act of the Gen
eral As:T.llll,ly of the Common, until] of PentP3kiPle,
entitled "An Act relating to the Eleetlons of thi4l Urdu
:non, ealth," approted the second day of J01y,1830,
JOHN C, WATSON, High Sheriff of the county of Hun
tingdon, in the State of Peunqyhanah do hereby of oho
luwrra and gke public notice to the electors of the coun
ty aforesaid, Hint a General Election sill) be held in the
said county of Huntingdon, on the 2.inl Tuesday, (and 14th
day) of o,totior, IS6I , at 11h:01i 111.0 Dottiet awl
County Othemi s as funo), , , will be eh•cled. to ert :
One inns.nt to fill the office of Au htor of the
C. nnnonnealth of l'entr.)l %man.
One innzon to 1111 the ~thce of Sul teyor Coconut of the
Connnonnealth of Penn') hant.t.
0110 person to till the olbet. of Inntuber i f Congro,, of
II e don tet enntpr,ed of the conntn, of iialltlll4.loll,
Cantln in tint 3.111111 n, w the No.twital liatoc of
I esentativen.
One pei.on to fill the office of Senator. for the unexpired
tenor of S. S. it Inn ton, of thin conatiei of Huntingdon,
Iledfoid and Sonic: et.
One persol to fill the oClen of member of filo Home of
licpre.umMtives of Penn-31110in.
One pm •un to fill the 01000 01 County COMOIi , 4OII , T of
Huntingdon Count.
One pei,on to MI the Mike of She.iff of Huntingdon
o.t . pri ,on toms the oilier of itt,ttt Toting At ho nry for
Ilonting.lon count V.
Ono pot to fill the on r of Dirrrtor of the Poor of
If unt,nplon county.
Ono jot am to 1111 the tithe of Cuohty Put or of limo
t wzdon county.
chic yer.cit to Olt the eflite of Molitor of linotinfkluo
111 lairs,: Ince of gaiii act, t lIISO known 0.11.1
give notice, that the places t,t holding the f rarcitahi goi% -
mal dectiott in the oral chot ion digtrit.P, o Rhin the .1.01:
county of fluid ingilon, me ag follows, to nit:
111441 of. composed of the too nship of Henderson, at
the &Mom School House.
.201 composed of Dublin tmn 1 ip. nt Pleasant
11111 &hoolllun,G Joseph :\ el‘ton's, io ~aid tov.
tkl t,ti ut,l.lllpo-t4I of t,o touch of W,trriorstoat k tot,
at i , not Intlntleil lit tholUth tlhtlict, at thu school
Imo_, adjoining the WI. of IVatritntontils.
4 th 1, ••t , t• cowl.ontl of t h e too ualtip of Ilopelt ell, at
PougL .0111 HI Ay Furnace.
i.thtlettt it t, eontro,ed 01 the tom 11-11ip of Barrer, at the
ho, of Jame:, Lk tug- ton, in the lutist at Saul:lnn g,
4al to, n-I,:p.
I,tl, ,h t,i, t, composed of the bra engh of Sltilley-lotrg.
and .Ili that pal t 01 the toate,litit at "'holey not Included
» 'thin the LnuH of Litt iet No. 21 to: luaeinufter men
tionea rtul th,,,i1,1, at the lion, of Lnlid Ifs,ther . ,
iu Fhti le:,
7 th t.l»,tlict connar,lof poltvand pail of Walker ton n
ship, am! eo intuit of NVe4 to,,n , hip on is included in the
following bontitlallot, to silt: 11,ginning at the sonth-treat
col are ot Caitlin:lll . h Fa.nt on the Iglu]: of the Little
Cuollt.l to lire tower 011 d of Jae , c•on'e narrows,
tht•neo iu a ne,!hwr.,tc» iv di tertion to the molt aolitherly
till the nuts no sort 13y :.:;;hitch Ma,gnite. theneo north
41) dew cos went to the top of To,e3 'a inuontani to inter
cut the l'ate el the nee along the , •.sid
line to t nth, .1 ton.tta tort. thence thorn the entitle to the
place of begintung. tit the pultlie taltoul houie oppo-ite the
lice man Relyt tied Chin cll. w the 11400,11 Of At,,,111/11
btll t tl i.t. Ll , tllllJ,tl of the tou lolup 01 1 , 1.011,11 p, at
the hop, ut th.e. AV. n,ttol 0. in top 1,1.ip.
9th tlha uh t, c0u.p0..e.1 et Toll t. , , sll , lJip, at the Union
.s.:11001 h , avw. near the Union 'Meeting huti,,, in *'pill twp.
10th th,ttiet, con ipo,l ut Spri °gilt id he, nsipp, pt the
~11001 11011 , 0. peal Hugh M phten'q. tep '1414.
Ilth dtat tit h compolorl 01 Onion tot, nship, nt the •ellool
hot,o. nolt 1:,2 10,1 o.ohitt'q - , aid tot, tolop.
12th di- it let, Coi llnpool 01 (11,ly tool thin nt the Centre
behool 11,210, in 0.1111 to, o,lllp.
19111 compo,ll of ;Molt!, townthip, ut public
1,111001 ipuP, No. li, In ,aiti
11th 11,4t1iLt, eniupo=cil of that pmt of We,t
not imbulo,l In 7th “orl 20th dl.t,icto at Ow public school
iIOII,C 00 OW t.OlO num muleil by 311 k, Lesdd, (luluserly.
41 la. Cla !VII , 44. ‘4 el ',hi 111,1: -
of Ileoptiiiir 'ring illy, in 3112ontrellstown.
1st!: dish hi t. composed of Om Oa nollip of Tod, at the
oen school house. in said tin, .hip.
17 t It dedt let. compo,o,l of Oneida toe iiship, at the .I,miso
Of Wet. D. li.inkm, Warm Springs.
:fstit thttuct, composed 61 Cram ell toe whip, at (lie
a nets osampeal l y Dot id 12tnit e, in °HA-once.
Inon 1' ti id, composed of the tiorotudnof Birmingham,
Bale's of land neat to nail attached to the
'Thomas 3f. Ott ems. John
K. 3 1c a h n ,,, i o „lieson. John Ilenoiner anal Wm.
ths fmner. and the Ii act of lam: now OU'Ue'l by George nod
John Sloienheager. known as the 0,,: to ti act. situate
the hi, whip of Wantorantatk, at the int:the school house
said Imo
20th di .met. composed of the toss nship of Cass, at the
public sohool house in Cassvillo, in said ton
gist district, compo•ed the toarolirp of Jackson, al
the public 116.2 of lids alit Lit tits, t,t 31g-Alea))'B host,
in mid toe uship.
3211 ilts"tiet, composed of the tom tidily of Clap, at the
mil lie house in Scott,. rile.
dish itt, composed 01 the tualiship of l'onti, at the
lodate house in Mar klesbui g. in 000 l ton
:24th disti ict, composed and created, follnk h. to a it:—
'flmt all that part of Shit ley roe riship. II untim,iton coun
ty. ingand being a ithin tiro following described bun
t u tea, moirly • beginning at the iiitei section 01 Union
and Shit 10 toe uship lines with the Jatilitta river, on the
south sole thoteof ; thence along cold Union ton iiship litre
for the distance ot dui° lodes hour said. rivet; thence
east,: al ill v, by it straight line, to the point where the marl
t 1 um 1.11)'43 111111 to (Imirmily a11ey,1,10, , S the Sllllllolt of
F4IIIIIY rouge; thence itorthe tidily along the nmunit of
Sandy ridge to the lire. Juni.rta, and the o ce up said rivet
to the filmic. of beginning, shall hetottter form a separate
election district; that the IIII.I11111•414 Note's or said election
ilistto t stint hmenftm hold thmr general and to, irship
elections in the prbille school house in 31ount Union, in
2.7t1 dlottii.t, ceinpo , ,ed of the lanough of Huntingdon,
at the Coot t lion, In 'aid borough. Those pat to of 11 oth
er and Poi ter too u,Llpo, beginning at the ,outhorn end
of the La itlgoticroi.l the Juniata 1 IN Cl' at the foot of Mon t
gonirm street. thence bp the Juniata too ndup line to the
tutu of the It alker clocaon district, thence by the gaino
to the corner of Pot ter ton whip at the 'Woodcock Valley
road neat her's school house, thence by the line between
alker and Pot ter ton te,litp6, to the sunuott of the War
riot ridge, thence abing 01int ridge to the Juniata 1 1 1 01 so
as to Include the dlvelhug house at IVlnttaketo, hole Frll
- old
In ii, and thence donut said liver to the place of
L.„ osnil.g. beinirxexe,l to the /linitingdon 110000011 elve
dun dish not. and that tin, inhabitants thereof Shall 0111
nun 100 at all gonetal elections.
26th ilinttlct, composcd of the Imrough of Pc ten:long
and that pal t of ) Ve,,t ton mini', ssc.,4 and north oft line
holm con Ifentl..ison anti fleet township , . at or Bear the
Wai a lipting.t. to the 1 iauklin ton in,hip true oil tho top
of I'u-srr's mountain, so re, to include 10 the new tlOO 1 ict
the Ravi I Waltknith, Jacob Longanceker, Mot,
Ilainet..loine, Poi ter. and John 11.111, at the
111 tile I,olollgll Of rot. I -bar,;.
27th distnnt, coaninced 01 J on iata tunrilJnip. ar the house
Peightal, on the 100,14 01 homy I-ente.rg.
20th distinct, COmpoie.l of Carbon too nvlnp, 'cannily
etected cot 01 in pant of the tettitory of 'l'od town:lap. to
sit: compieneing at a Clicqout Oak, on the summit Ter
race 11101111filin, at tile 11.11/VII ell toil nship lice opposite the
tit i ling a idge, iu the Little Vette); thence month fifty-too
degrees, root tin eu loon lied and sixty ponchos, ton stone
he tin on the \Vesta in Selland. ut 'hoot Top mountain;
then. non th spay -set en deglccs, coot Uinta bundled and
twelne pen dies. to a yellow pine; thence sou h
dog) cos, cash con en bundled nod sanctity-two perches, to a
Chastnut Oak ; thence south fourteen dew ees, east ti nee
hundred and fifty one perches to in Che•tinit at tine cast
end ut Ilenni3 S Green's land ; thence smith thin ty-one end
a half degrees, dl,l, tau Inn toll ed end ninety-fair punches,
ton Chet mot cm; on the .11111111 t nun alit, of Bland 'fop,
on the nectern Side Or Jl,llll Turn el's fan en; south, s Nay
tine dem coo, east nine 'lnimical and thin to-four 11,1(.110. to
a stone heap on the Clay township lune, at tine gro td Top
CO Hotel, kept by Joe. 'Mon niacin, inn said too nship.
I :d.° make known and gine notice, as inn nnil by the 13th
section of the afonesaid act I am duet:tot," that every per
son, excepting Justices of thin peace, oho shall hold any
oillee or appointment of profit ur trust under the govern
ment of the United States, or of this State, or of any city
or corponated diohict, nn healer IS couuuiseiuned OfliCel or
agent, ale is or shall be employed under the legislative,
cxecutine ur judici ny deportment of tints State. or et the
Muted States, or ut any city on lima 'notated district. and
that every member of Congo cm, and of the State
Legi-lature, and ul the select or common council of any
/ ity, L0111111i , ..i011,-1, of any Mem ',witted dodotat, is by law
incapable of loading, or exercising at the same time, the
office or appain Intent of Judge, insivetor or clerk .of any
election of this Coininonoeitlth. and that no inTeeter on
judge, or utlun oflicer of any such election shall bk,
to any office to be then voted for."
Ai-o, that in the dth section of the Act of Assembly, en
titled —An Act nelating to executions and for other pin po
ses," appn on al Apt it lltli,lB-10, it iv enacted that the atbre
said 12th seetion “shall not be so con itrued ins to lament
any mil itna or bolt - nigh sniper hum bens Mg as judge, or in
spector or clerk of any gannet or special elcation m tints
Complain Caltll."
. .
Pin.makut to the pros pions contained in the 67th section
of the act, aforesaid, the Judge, of the aforesaid districts
shall revectrkely take charge of the cm taln,kte or return
of the election of respective th.dricts, nail produce
them at a meeting of one of the judges tro u t each klistr tot
kit the Com t fio,k,,e, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the
third day utter the day of election, tieing for the present
year on Fr Way, tiro 11 tit at October neat, then mad there
to 110 an d per tin in the Mitres required by law of's.] jnklges.
Aloe, that where a Juke by sickness or 1111O.Nuillabla Red
dont, in unablo to attend said meeting of judges, then the
certificate or 1 eturn of nevoid shall be taken or ehargo
ono at the tors or clerks of the election of stud dis
t I ILL, and 8111111 do and perform the duties tnprired at said
judge unable to at tend.
Also. that in the filet section of said act it is enacted
that ',very general and special election shall he opened
between the floury of eight and ten 1111110 forenoon, kind
shall continuo without interruption or ilitiOltrillllo4t Until
seven o' elk. in the eNening,when the polls shall be closed."
GivEN under my band, nt Iftnitingkion, the lot day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1002, mid of the independence of the Crib
ted Started, the eighty-ei\tar.
JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff.
Sticnirr's Or Her, 1 .
Huntarukion, Sept. 3, '62.
.1 dt.
CALL at D. P. G WIN'S if yuu want
ra,biuMble Gook,,
The following Dads of unseated Lands, situate hoar
BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN. in Huntingdon county, Pa.,
will be sold nt Public Auction, on the 25th day of SEP
TEMBER, 1862, at the Court House, in the bosongh of
Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock in Hie fotenoon of said slay.—
All the tracts hero described ate weJ/ thriLeved. Op fOin,u
of theta Coal has been discovered, and one or more mitres
have been opened, and all are in the stolidly of the coal
mines opened at the Top Monntain. Most of the
tracts of land are near the Huntingdon A Broad Ton Bail,.
road. Many of the Ducts ate well ad tpted to cultivation,
the raising of all kinds of grain. grass, and the prelim,
lions of the country. They may be airily described as
follows :
A Trset of Loud near Cassville, known as the NOR
RIS COAL, BANK TRACT, surveyed on 0 ly arrant for 400
acres, in the name of Retf — or ns Pottiest on Om
record, ru g , c .„, 2 „ Th e C.,al Mines On tbis Tract hale
been opened a number of years; a cooshlerMde qunntttX
of Coal has been taken Dont the but there is now
believed to be an almost ineXhauSUble q:l'qlititY still li; 1 ,
maining on the 'fillet.
Also—A Tract of Land in Hopewell township, survey'ecl
nit a warrant in the name of Petet Wilson, Containing 440
stoles, 121 perches; Benjamin Bush, Tod township, 418
acres, 53 perches; John Singer. Carbon township, 520
pot cites; Benjamin Shoemaker, Hopewell township, 405
net es, 110 ranches; lease Wompole, Hopewell township,
248 soles, On pet cites; Leonard Keehemle, Honest ell town
ship, 350 asses; Samuel Davis, Hopewell township, 451
ass is ; Como ad Bates. Hope, ell township, 418 acres ; Hen
ry Bates, Hopes, ell toss uship , 417 notes; l'eter Benson,,
Clay tea uship. 435 acres, 50 perches; Thomas Denton,
Tod ton whip, 371 acres, 152 perches; Jonathan Junco,
Tod township, 435 neitel, 58 perches; Owen Jones, Tod
townatip, 488 acres, 58 ',etches; Witham Sheen, Tod
to, nship, 43034, amen: Hobe: t Liu in, Tod toe instlip, 347
no se, 145 perches; Philip Wager, 525 acres; Philm.Stein,
Tod tom nsbip, 475 acres; and John Musser, Tod toms:L.sl4,
478 acres.
All the above tracts of land were surveyed on warrants
no can ly as 1704, and tiro surveys regularly returned to
the Land Office. The title is unnuestloned, and clearly
toted in the present owner.
Any information about the lands in ill be given on ap
plication to .lacoh Cressw ell, Cassville; Messrs. Miles and
Dorris, liwrtiugdon, or by the Attorney of the ounce, No.
200 South Fifth Sheet, Philadelphia.
By his Attorney in fact,
Huntingdon P. 0
Sept. 3, 1562.
[Eabitc of Jonathon Los!kg
underidgmed Auditor appointed to distritinte
balance in the hands of Thou. 11, Cromer, Esq„ Assignee.
of Jonathan Leslie, an insolvent debtor, will attend to Into
duties at the Office of Miles 8: Donis, on FRIDAY, the
26111 day of SEPTEMBER next, nt ten o'clock, A. M.,
alum all pe.ons iuten v-toil ore required to present their
claims beim e Inn, or IN debarred from coining in for a
share of the land. WILLIA 3j DORRIS, JR.,
F.llt. 3, 1862.. Auditor.
Men Wanted to fill up one of the
best Regiments in the Field.
undersigned, in accordance
Reuel al Otders, Head gnat tem of the Army, and
tinder the dddiction of Capt. R. I. Dodge, (lettere! Superin
tetohnt of Recr.uting Set t ice for the State of Pctinsylva.
nia, has opened a Rem nit 11l g Unice lAKILLESBURG,
Huntingdon county. Pa.
I tun authoti,ed to enli.,t men for any Pennsylvania
Regiment now in the field that is not already fall.
Subetsttnco and pa 3 to commence Dom date of east.
men t.
53d Regiment, P. V.
August 20,1800. On Recruiting Service.
rrinp, undersigned, in accordance with
flimpral Orders, Dead Quarters of the Army, and mi
ller the direction of Capt. It. I. Dodge, Oenernl Seperin
tendent of Recruiting Set vies for the State of Pennsylva
nia, has opened n Recruiting Office in the building for
merly occupied as head Quarters of Camp Crosusan,
posite tins Exchange Hotel, Railroad area, Huntingdon,
Dun :la.
I 0111 1111t1101 1 17.011 to enli.t men for any Pentiqlynnia
Regiment now in the field that Is not already full.
Subsiztence and pay to commence front dale of enlist
ment. Capt. SETH BENNER.
110th ItegiTent, P. V.
llnntingzlon, Aug.lB, 1582, On Recruaing &•nice.
.Tourney raan MILLER a.inled Immediately.
Addis C.. 1 A. 3. McCOY,
Sjo ma Creek,
hoot. co., Pa.
August 27. 7.262-7 t.
TN pursuance of the 25th Section, First
Ai lido of the amended Constitution of the State of
Penns.) (rattle. and the Fit at Section of the Act of the Gen
eral Assembly, pasced the tit at day of June, 1830, the an—
del signed citizens of the Commonwealth of Penns) Is oat
hereby give notice that they Intend to make application.
to the Legislature of haat State, at its next session, corn.
ter 01 a Bank. to he located in t ttd
he borough of Huntingdon,
ut the county of Huntingdon. and State aforesaid, to be
called the " BROAD TUB BANK ;" the capital stock there
of to be Ono limult ed Thomand Dollars, and the specilic
object for a hich the proposed cot poration is to be char
tered in to transact the usual and legitimate business of a
Bank of Inoue, di,comit, deposit and exchango.
Juno 3, 1562-Gm
NTOTICE is hereby given that the int
den signed citizens nod residents of Pennsylvania
hose nssnciatcJ thentsch es together in partnership, and
prepared n Con Wield° for the purpose of establishing a
B ink of discount, and (Annul:Wiwi or issue, tinder
and in pun nuance of the provisions of an Act of tine Bell ,
map Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyhttnia,
approved tine Slst day of Mar, A. D: 1861,•enntitled n
, ‘dtipplennent lo an Act to establish a system of Free Bank
ing in Pennsylvania, and to Bemire the public against loss
flout Insolvent Banks, approved Mat cb 31st,
1860," and.
any oilier law or lasso of sand Cummentwealtlt applicable
to and bearing on the suldeet. 'duo acid won rod Bank
be located In the Borough of Huntingdon, in the County
of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, with n capital
stock of ono hundred and slaty thousand dolliins, iii
shut en of fifty Jolla:s each, with tine right and pets liege
of increasing the same to any amount nut csmmdlng Hiroo
hunched thumand donuts.
WILLIAM 1)0111IIS..Tn.,
omitein omutErrsos
July 22, ISE2-6,11.
Hasp Just opened it large, now, unit unsorpused stock of
Founign And .IJumevtic Ibpfloods, of nll kin.", one quahL
ties. embracing every thing in that line. Al. completce
o,oltmeut of '
renal kiddy cheap, with good weight and fair measure,
together a idt
and all the cartons other matters usually kept in a coun
try store, so that the inquiry is not What hits March A
Mother got," but " What have they not r
Being satisfied that the!, huge and complete stock n(
the above named goods cannot be excelled in quality),
quantity or cheapness in this section of country, lye re..
spectrally ask in trial, feeling satisfied that a liberal pa
tronage wall ho extended tow nuts us, by all who.are im
need of good articles at low prices. ur motto is “quick.
sales and small profits."
We tespcttfully request the patronage of all, and es.
pen ally our Trough Ct eek Valley friends.
Evelything taken in exchange for goods exceptpraMi
Cash paid for nil kinds of grain, for which the•
hight,t market pi ices will be ON en.
Marldedburg, August 13,1162.
Wholesale and Retail..
Ju.t ractiveil mid for tale at
rill-114] largest stock of De Luiucs in ton g
. p_lry 11qtlx,f 1 t f;
012.10 US _YE TVS !