The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 10, 1862, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Sept. 10, 1862.
The Unioli Convention.
We have delayed our paper to give
a brief abstraCt of the proceedings of
the Union Convention which assem
bled at the Court House yesterday.
It organized by electing Samuel Ral
ston, Esq., of Warriorsmark, President,
Alex. G. Ewing, of Franklin, and B. F.
Brown, of Morris, Secretaries.
A large majority of the townships
and boroughs were represented, and
the delegates were of the most respec
table character. Great harmony char
acterized the proceedings, and the Con
vention adjourned with three cheers
for the ticket nominated, which is as
follows :
A. W. BENEDICT, of Iluutingdon
DAVID BLACK, of Huntingdon
PETER M. BARE, of Shirley.
J. H. 0. CORBIN, of Huntingdon
HE 'WILSON, of Oneida.
The following correspondence was
read before the Convention :
HUNTINGDON, ( Sept. 8, 1862
Dear Sir :—Until the
recent party Conventions met, it was
our belief you were opposed to making
party nominations in this crisis of our
affairs. One of those Conventions
placed you in nomination for Assem
bly. We have been elected del
egates to a convention called to
make nominations without respect
to party, and if you deem it
advisable to give them to us, we would
request definite answers to the follow
inginquiries :
First. Were you and are you yet op
posed to making party nominations at
this time ?
Second. have you accepted the nom
ination for Assembly made by one of
the recent Conventions ?
Third. If elected would :you doom it
your duty to avoid the introduction of
all mere partisan issues, to hold your
selfindependent of party organizations,
and to endeavor to unite men of all
parties in a cordial and earnest sup
port of the Government in its efforts to
suppress the rebellion?
Yours, truly
Wm.,Dortnrs, jr.,
HuNlasonoN, Sept. 9, 1862.
John Scott, Henry Glazier, Wm. Dorris,
and Alexander Port, Esqs.
GENTLEMEN —Yours containing three
. • .
inquiries, is before me. Usually, ques
tions to candidates are from friends to
aid, or from enemies to entangle. I
believe your purpose a nobler one, and
I cheerfully answer.
• - " First, Were you, and are you yet,
opposed to the policy of making party
nominations ?"
I did, and I do still believe, that the
policy of making strictly party nomi
nations was a mistaken one. Loyal
men, now, should have but one pur
pose. I would not by any act of mine,
even by implication, aid a foe who
seeks my country's life. I would sink
every other issue in the higher ono of
saving this Government from ruin.
" Second, have you accepted the
nomination for Assembly made by one
of the recent Conventions ?"
I have not accepted ; nor declined,
as no formal notice of that nomination
has been given me. fly name had
been presented to the people, not to a
party. I presume my name was used
with a knowledge of my views. I
would not dictate the peculiar organi
zation the friendship of the people
should assume. Friends with whom
I have long acted and whose patriot
ism I do not doubt, corpposed that
Convention. They invited all loyal
men to co-operate with them—they
disavowed party considerations. lam
not justified in doubting their profes
sions, or their actions. 1 urged all
with whom I talked to disregard all
claims but their country's, and present
such a ticket as would have secured
harmony amongst all earnestly loyal
"Third, If elected would you deem it
your duty to avoid the introduction of
all mere partisan issues, to hold your
self independent of party organizations,
and to endeavor to unite men of all
parties in a cordial and earnest sup
port of the Government in its efforts
to suppress this rebellion ?"
If elected, I would prove that I had
other ends than mere party success.—
Mere partisan issues shall not com
mand my service. I would labor to
unite in one efficient organization, ev
ery loyal man, the object of which
should be a speedy annihilation of this
wicked rebellion. The foes of this re
bellion are my friends—its friends are
my foes. Till it is destroyed I will
join hands with every man of every
party and creed to make one party
against rebellion in arms—or rebellion
in secret. This is now my party.
My country demands my service,
and there is no sacrifice I will not
make. 11'1 am not needed in the balls
of Legislation, I will cheerfully work
at home. Doubtful of my own abili
ties to render her that aid, which the
great necessities of the time demand I
shall make no promises which I shall
not fulfil, lest I produce the mischief I
would avoid. Yours truly,
A County Committee was appoint
ed with Alex. Port, Esq., as Chairman,
who was directed to address a letter
to the Senatorial and Congressional
candidate's, containing inquiries simi
lar to those answered by Mr. Benedict.
We will give the resolutions and
proceedings in full in our next number,
and in the mean time bespeak for this
ticket what we feel assured it will re
ceive, the united support of the loyal
people of the county.
In the Name and by the Authority
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Governor of the said Commonwealth
WHEREA.s, in the present position of
affairs, it is expedient that measures
should be taken to arm and prepare
our people for defence :
Now, therefore, I do earnestly rec
ommend the immediate formation
throughout the Commonwealth, of
volunteer companies and regiments, in
conformity with the militia act oflBsB.
Arms will be distributed to the organ
izations so to be fbrmed, agreeably to
the provisions of that act.
It is further recommended, that, in
order to give due opportunities for
drill and instruction, all places of busi
ness be closed daily at three o'clock,
P. M., so that persons employed .there
in may, after that hour, be at liberty
to attend to their military duties.
The cheerful alacrity with which the
men of Pennsylvania have hitherto
given themselves to the service of the
country, has pressed heavily on her
military resources. lam reluctant to
ask her: people to assume further bur
dens, but as their safety requires that
they should do so, it is in their behalf
that I put forth the recommendations
herein contained, and urge a prompt
compliance with them.
Given under my hand and the great
seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this
Fourth day of September, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-two, and of the
Commonwealth the eighty-seventh.
By the Governor.
Sec'y of the Commonwealth.
IMPORT-INT.—Persons forming them
selves into volunteer companies under
the call of the proclamation of the
Governor printed above, will not be
required to uniform or to be inspected,
before they receive arms. As soon as
any number of men over thirty-two
elect their captain, they will be furn
ished arms on the I..eghisition of their
captain, ho giving bonds for the safe
keeping of the same.
lion. Jos. Holt has been appointee
by the President, Judge Advocate Gon
oral of the army, with the rank of Col
be has entered upon his duties.
From careful calculations it is believ
ed the entire number wounded in the
late battles will not exceed six thous
and; killed, one thousand, 4nd 2,000
prisoners, principally picked up by the
enemy- while straggling, and who, with
the exception of officers, have been pa
Benj. Champneys, Esq., one of the
ablest Democrats in the State, has ac
cepted a Union nomination in Lancas
ter county, for the Legislature.
Major Joel A. Wanner, (now in the
army, and late Democratic Mayer of
Reading), has accepted a Union nomi
nation for Congress in the Berks Dis
trict, in opposition to Ancona, the Val
landigbam candidate. Iu his letter of
acceptance, Major Wanner says.:
" A Democrat, heart and soul my
self, I am deeply impressed by the fact
that the compliment you pay me comes
from men with whom I have co-opera
ted when the name of Democrat was
not used as a cloak for sympathizing
with treason. I have enlisted under
the Flag of my beloved country, and
in this, her darkest hoar, she is so dear
to me that I cannotleavc here to enter
upon a canvass for a civil office, but if
my name can be of any service to de
feat a candidate whose success might
be claimed by the enemies of my coun
try as their victory, you arc at liberty
to use it."
IT is not true that Col. Coulter, of
the 11th P. V. was killed. He is well
and with his regiment.
The Hon. John C. Knox, of Phila
delphia, has been appointed by the
President, Judge Advocate General of
the army corps commanded by Major
Con. Wool. General Wool's military
jurisdiction includes Philadelphia and
the eastern part of Pennsylvania.
Major General "Reno has been assign
ed to the 3d Army Corps, Major Gen!.
McDowell having been granted leave
of absence for fifteen days.
It is understood that Gen. McClellan
has, with the approval of the President,
placed Major General Banks in com
mand of the forces retained in this vi
cinity for the defence of this city.—
The judiciousness of this appointment
will be appreciated not only by the
people of Washington, but by the
country. •
Ex-Gov. D. R. Porter.
The friends of the Ex-Governor in
this county may feel anxious to know
where he stands in the present contest.
A large meeting assembled in Harris
burg bn Friday last in response to
Ciov..Curtin's Proclamation. Ex-Gov.
Porter was one of the speakers. From
a report of his speech as published in
the Harrisburg papers wo make the
following eztraOt
"He was glad to see so many of his
old friends before him—he was glad to
witness this demonstration on the part
of a people in whose loyalty he had
the most implicit confidence. Gover
nor Porter remarked that all political
wrangling should and must give way
to the common danger and imperative
necessity of defending the government
and restoring peace to the country.—
He had been called a politician—a par
tisan—but he renounced all party ties
and gave up all political preferences,
that he might the 'better servo his
country in the hour of its danger. He
recognized no distinction but that
which distinguished between loyalty
and treason."
THE Governor's proclamation is be
ing promptly answered by the people.
NEVER in the history of this country
did the administration of the Govern
ment stand in need of more earnest,
cordial and hearty support from its
loyal people than it does at present.—
Not even in the Revolutionary war
was it more essential for the success of
our arms, to stand by and support
those into whose hands the destinies of
the country was committed, than it is
now. To oppose the administration
at this crisis is to aid the Rebels, and
give them conntenance and support in
their traitorous schemes. If those
who arrayed themselves in opposition
to Washington and the Continental
Congress in the old times that " tried
men's souls," were justly stigmatized
as tories, and regarded as the worst
enemies of the infant Republic, are
not those who now oppose the powers
that be, deserving of equal reprobation
at the hands of all true and loyal men
Surely it is no time ibr splitting hairs
upon questions of mere secondary in
terest, or keeping up old political pre
judices while a powerful and inveter
ate enemy is at the gates of the capi
tal. If we would save the Union, loy
al people everywhere must act as ir
unit.—Without it all will be lost.
Opposition parties at proper times
are eminently proper. But when a
great nation is struggling to pi:eserve
its liberties, as happens to be the case
just now, they are sadly out . of place.
The opposition party in the first war
of Independence reaped an immortali
ty of infamy. The Opposition party
in the present \ - ar will be in - en more
execrated by all true patriots, in all
coming time
The Aggregate Quota of Troops to
be Raised by Each County.
The following table shows the num
ber of troops to be furnished by the
several counties. The quotas embrace
all the troops called for since the com
mencement of the war, excepting the
three months' men. The number as
signed to each county will be appor
tioned among the several townships,
and boroughs and precincts by the
Commissioner ; in accordance with the
enrollment; and he will credit each
township, precinct, &c., with the men
already furnished, as shown by the
enrollment, and make a draft for the
number necessary to fill the quota, un
less volunteers are furnished on or be
fore the clay fixed for the draft. Cred
it cannot be allowed for teamsters, me
chanics in the army, men enlisted in
regular army or marines, or for volun
teers -enlisted in regiments of other
States. Several counties have already
raised their full quotas, and there will
be no draft in such counties. The
troops to be raised for the old regi
ments aro not embraced in this table.
There will probably be a special draft
for those.
Adams, 1,616; Alleghany, 10,593;
Armstrong, 2,124; Beaver, 1,725 ; Bed
ford, 1,577; Berks, 5,532; Blair, 1,634;
Bradford, 2,941; Bucks, 3,733 ; Butler,
1,986; Cambria, 1,7225; Cameron, 278;
Carbon, 1,230; Chester, 4,397; Centre,
1,593; Clarion, 1,504; Clinton, 1,015;
Clearfield, 1,113 ; Columbia, 1,117 ;
Crawford, 2,883; Cumberland, 2,377;
Dauphin, 2,861 ; Delaware,l,Bol ; Erie,
2,923; Elk, 344; Fayette, 2,863; Frank
fin, 2,485; Fulton, 538; Forest, 52;
Greene, 1,436; Huntingdon, 1,659;
Indiana, 1,992; Selferson, 1,083 ; Juni
ata, 959 ; Lancaster, 6,860 ; Lawrence,
1.366 , Leba n non , 1,766 ; Lehigh, 2,878;
Luzerne, 5,358; Lycoming, 2,209; Mer
cer, 2,186; McKean, 529; Mifflin; 963;
Monroe, 987; Montgomery, 4,147;
'Montour, 771 ; Northampton, '2,810;
Northumberland, 1.709, Perry, 1,3-13;
Philadelphia, 33,414; Pike, 433 ; Pot
ter, 674; Schuylkill, 5,304 ; Snyder,
890; Somerset, 1,583; Sullivan, 24-1;
Susquehanna, 2,157 ; Tioga, 1,837 ;
Union, 837; Yenango, 1,482 • Warren,
1,135: Washington, 2,753; Westmore
land, 3,178 ; Wayne, 1,892 ; Wyoming,
744; York, 4,005.
U f NITED WE STAND.—Says the Pitts
burg Chronicle: "It is high time that
the line of demarkation should be dis
tinctly drawnbetween the warm friends
and the open foes of the Union.—
Those who are the secret or avowed
abettors of the rebellion should mani
festly either remain neutral and quiet,
or else leavd the loyal North and go
Southward. While here, they have
no option but, to render a lawful obe
dience to the "powers that be." The
only obstacle to our complete and tri
umphant success in the present strug
gle obviously lies in the schemes and
dissensions which are sought to be in
troduced in order to divide our people
and paralyze their efforts to put down
this hell-born rebellion. So long as
we remain united and in effective har
mony, so long must we prosper against
foreign and domestic foes. But' as
soon as the demon of discord enters in
to our councils and efforts, then comes
trouble and weakness and despair.—
The man, therefore, of whatever party
he be, wrio at this time essays to fo
ment discontent and bad feeling; who
endeavors to stir up old political pre
judices; to divide those who be insep
arably united and to obstruct the ne
cessary measures of government, is as
much the foe of his country as if lie
were in the ranks of her open and
armed foes, and he should be treated as
such. The political passions, animosi
ties and prejudices which, under the
direction of artful and interested wire
pullers from both parties, are now
sought to be revived, should be avoid
ed at the present time as fraught with
exceeding peril to our common coun
THE secession citizens of Frederick
fed the rebel forces of Gen. If ill,
WAsumrrox, Sept. 5, 1862.
In these times, frankness is the best
policy. There is no use of concealing
from the public that which we con
stantly communicate, with each other.
It is possible to be an alarmist, and it
is likewise possible to be disingenuous
and unfair. The frank man will be
neither the one nor the other. I might
say that Washington is in danger, and
the remark might he so misunderstood
as to create a general panic among all
who do me the honor to read these
letters. I might say that Washington
is not in danger, and, in doing so, mis
represent the events that are seen
around us, the opinions that are every
where expressed, and the contingen
cies that are crowding upon us with
the force and truth of history. It will
lie difficult to find here, in Washington,
two men of similar opinions. They
differ as to the extent, of our danger,
the perils of our nation, the possible
movements of the Confederates, and
the probable means of defence now be
ing undertaken by Major Gen. APClel
lan; but every one agrees that we are
passing through a period that demands
(guidon, courage, calmness and candor.
Every one admits that this .August
month has witnessed what has been
the peril, and what might have been
the downfall of the capital. We know
that the enemy are stilt in front of us;
we hear their guns at Alexandria and
Bladensburg ; the sound of artillery is
as familiar to us as the ticking of the
time-piece. I see that in Pennsylva
nia you appreciate this danger, and
that your excellent Governor is calling
upon the people to use every energy
to meet and overcome it, and I am
glad to see the alacrity with which
your patriotic people respond to his
1 endeavored to describe in my let
ter of yesterday the exact position of
the Confederate army, as it is known,
and their probable movements in the
future. It is generally conceded that
they desire to invade Maryland. They
have not done so yet. The interve
ning clays have been well spent; de
fences have been erected ; the necessa
ry preparations have been consumma
ted, and it is now the general opinion
among men competent to judge, that
the attempt to invade has been virtu
ally abandoned, or, if it is carried into
effect, must meet with I,n inglorious
discomfiture. The danger of Pennsyl
vania, however, is generally discussed,
and I am told by citizens of your
State, that in the lower range of coun
ties every preparation is being made
to anticipate a probable raid on the
part of Jackson, or, at all events,
make any victory lie may obtain bar
ren and unprofitable. 11 Jackson at
tempts to enter Pennsylvania, it will
probably be by crossing the Potomac
at Williamsport, taking possession of
Hagerstown, cutting the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad, and advancing in force
upon Chambersburg. The effect of
this would be to concentrate in Frank
lin or-Adams county every available
able-bodied man in the Middle Slates,
and to make the beautiful valley of
the Cumbeiland as memorable in his
tory as the romantic valley of the She
nandoah. Jackson might not take
Chamhersburg. Ile certainly could
not hold it; but ?It! could, ifsuccessful,
transfer the seat (Allynr from treache
rous Virginia to loyal Pennsylvania.
Hagerstown would be a strong milita
ry position, and, in the hands of an en
emy, might seriously embarrass Wash
ington, Baltimore and Philadelphia.—
The railroad from Baltimore to York,
the Baltimore and Ohio road, and even
our' own Baltimore, Wilmington, and
Philadelphia road, would become val
ueless as means of communication. It
would be the nucleus fur the Secession
sentiment of Maryland to rally around,
and would have the effect of prolong
ing the war far beyond its natural limits.
It is, as I have said before, a matter.
for congratulation to every patriot
that the free soil of the North has thus
far been spared the terrors of an inva
ding army; but we should not allow
the immunity which we have enjoyed
in this respect to prevent 11S fl'olll fully
appreciating the danger that may be
in btore for us, and taking every means
to meet it. When I see the apathy
that is sometimes manifested in the
North, I am often tempted to wish
that the guns of the rebel army might
be heard in the North, for i am sure it
would occasion such an awakening of
the Northern heart, such a manifesta
tion of Northerii prowess, and such an
exhibition of Northern strength, that
the rebellion would be swept before
our resistless power into the hell from
whence it came. If our people would
only think of this, and remember that
during the greater part of the rebel
lion its armies have never been more
than three days' march from the capi
tal of your State, they would concen
trate every energy, give every dollar,
and sharpen every pruning hook for
the mighty struggle that is to come.—
I am in hopes that the Northern peo
ple are beginning to entertain this
feeling now, and I welcome it as a
sign in these sad times.
Major General McClellan is making
every preparation for a speedy resump
tion of hostilities. Ile has issued or
ders to the troops to prepare them
selves for an instant advance upon the
enemy, and, if,we may judge by the
signs and preparation around us, the
few weeks to come will be as fruitful
of as great, and trust, more happy
events than those just passed. We
have a great army—an army of veter
ans—disciplined, experienced, and ea
ger to avenge the recent discomfiture
to their arms. We.have another great
army in reserve, now coming from the
north, and although not yet acquain
ted with - the duties of the camp and
the field, as brave and earnest as their
brothers who have fought On the Chick
ahominy, the Rapidan, and the Rappa
hannock. At all events, whatever the
policy may be, rest assured that there
will be no delay, n 4 tardiness, no unne
cessary waiting, uq trilling with our en
emy, or with the spirit of the people.
Whatever McClellan may have done,
even admitting that all the criticisms
made upon him aro - just, he is again at
the head of our• arinies. lie has been
placed there by the .:Idministration
and the chosen general of the Admin
istration. Ile possesses the confidence
of the soldiers. IL) is anxious to do
his duty and retrieve his fame. Let us
be silent and confiding. Let us hope
and pray that he may redeem the past
by making the future a bright and
glorious page in the history of a regen
erated and victorious iiol/111,110.
Gem McClellan Again in Command.
llEADQuAnrims, WAsm.Nwros, Sept. 4,
First, Pursuant to General Orders
No. 122 from the War Department,
Adjutant General's Office, of 2d inst.,
the undersigned hereby assumes the
command of the fortifications of-Wash
ington and of all the troops for the de
fence of the Capital.
Stroud, The heads of the Staff De
partments of the Army of the Potomac
will be in charge of their respective De
partments at these Headquarters.
Third, In addition to the consolidat
ed morning reports, required by circu
lar of this date, from these headquar
ters, reports will be made by corps
commanders as to their conqilianee
with assignment to positions heretofore
given them, stating definitely the
ground occupied and covered by their
command, as to what progress has
been made in obedience to orders td
ready issued to place their commands
in condition for immediate service.
[Signed] G. B. MeCLEGIJNN,
Major General.
Official—S. WftmAms, Asst. Adj. Gen
w R
L z , t p j
Capture of Rebel Recruits from forth
Xew iferriinite" Re
ported Dozen Joined Ricer.
is it report here this evening that the
" New INCerrimac " has conic down the
James river from Richmond, and is
now insight of our flotilla near Newport
News. Two other armed vessels are
also reported to have come down with
A party of Dodge's MOunted Rifles
captured one hundred and fifty rebel
reoruits from North Carolina, on their
way to Petersburg, yesterday.
Maj. Stetson, in command of a scout
ing party of the Eleventh Pennsylva
nia Cavalry, had a brash with the guer
rillas recently, and captured fifteen
prisoners without incurring any loss.
Out of seven hundred rebel priso
ners brought here from the Potomac
last Wednesday, over one hundred of
them have taken the oath of allegiance
and have been discharged. They are
northern men and foreigners who have
been coned into the rebel army. The
remainder were sent to-day to Aiken's
Landing by a flag of truce.
The steamers Ericsson, John Brooks
and Vanderbilt left here this morning
for Newport News, to take on board
the balance of army baggage wagons
and ambulances for the Army of the
Potomac.. Major General Keyes ar
rived)lere this ramming.
The Richmond Iritig of the Ist inst.,
contains a lengthy and spicy editorial,
censuring Jett Davis and his Cabinet
for the indiscreet appointments of
1 1 clerks in all the departments of state
—calling them Jews and Yankees, and
accusing them of being spies.
Refills at Qinthiana, Ky.—Raid upon
Ji'acine, Ohio.—:L Battle Baininent.—
The ilfate Population of Ohio Organ-
L - ed for Defence.
CINCINATI, Sept. 6—Conductor -Wood
all made a reconnoissance yesterday
with an engine on the Kentucky Cen
tral railroad, and proceeded to a point
ten miles north of Cynthiana, where
he discovered three men who, upon
being hailed, said they belonged to a
Georgia regiment. Ile afterwards dis
covered their camp, but CO much hid
den by hushes he could not make out
their number 3.
A despatch from Falmouth at one
o'clock this morning says that scouts
report the rebels within that place
with artillery.
A despatch from Pomeroy, Ohio,
says that Spencer, Mane county, Va.,
surrendered to Jenkins. Col. Bath
bone's command was taken prisoners
on Wednesday.
Jenkins entered Raven's Wood, Va.,
and on Wednesday evening crossed
the Ohio at Buffington Isla ml, and
came down to Racine, Ohio, and killed
one man and wounded two, and steal
ing twelve horses, and then recrossed
the river at Wolf's Bar and encamped
for the night. The people were rising
to resist further attempts.
Later reports say they arc eros,ing
at - Racine and aro coming down on
both sides.
A despatch from Point Pleasant to
the Military Committee at Galliapolis
says that the contending forces are
now in sight of each other. The ene
my is said to be nine hundred strong
and a battle imminent.
Gov. Morton has ordered all the male
citizens between eighteen and forty-five
residing in the bonier counties to or
ganize themselves into military com
panies to repel invasion.
The Rebels lava le Marylam!.
The Potomac Crossed at Three Points.
The Telegraph nes Cat,
Azrival of Union RefaZe23 at Hagen.,
12nc»ly ILtimated tit Rice Thousand.—
They 13sue a Pruclaination.—A Pro Guard Appointed.—They Pur
chase Cattle and Ihrscs with U. 8.
Treasury iVotes.
BALTIMORE, Sept. 7.—Frederick,
was undoubtedly occupied yesterday
morning, between 10 and IL o'clock,
by the rebels. Part of the force turn
ed off at Bucheytown road on the Bal
timore pike. The crossing of the Po
tomac was effected rtt three points.
Oecond Dispatch
11rA.:4HEcuTos, Sept. 7--It; appears
flora private accounts, that the rebels
cros:sed the Potomac river on Friday
night and early yesterday morning,
and thence marched for White Oak
Springs within three miles of Freder
ick. They crossed both above and
below the Point of Rocks, and did it
in as speedy and quiet a manner as
Oue of their first acts was to send a
force to cut the telegraph wires and
66::0 the bridge over the Monecacy.
The regiment guarding this point
evacuated their position on Friday.—
Great numbers orpersons were leaving
Frederick all day yesterday and pro
ceeding towards Pennsylvania.
Accounts from Hagerstown say
that many Union refugees from -Vir
ginia had arrived there.
BALTIMORE, Sept. 7.—Fugitives who
left Fredericksburg last night, report
the city occupied by about five thous
and rebels, under Gen. Hill, consisting
of cavalry, infantry and artillery.—
The rebels issued a proclamation prom
ising protection to private property.
A provost guard has been appointed.
Purchases were being made in IL S.
Treasury notes, of cattle and horses,
which were being scut back toward
the river.
[Frederick city, stated in the above
despatch to be occupied by a force of
the rebels, is the capital of Frederick
county, Maryland. It is situated two
miles west from the Mot:re:ley river,
forty-four miles northwest from Wash
ington. and sixty miles west from Bal
timore. A branch railroad, three miles
long, connects it with the Baltimore
and Ohiorailroad. It is considered as
the second city in the State in wealth
and commercial importance; and is
the third in population. The houses
are generally built of brick and stone;
the streets are wide and straight,
crossing each other at right angles.—
The city cohtains a handsome court
house, about fourteen churches, three
or four banks. several seminaries, and
live or six nev.-spaper offices. It has
also manubletories of iron, wool, pa
per, ropes and earthenware. Popula
tion about 10,000.]
Evaeaatin of Nashville.
15,000 Rebels at Boyd's Station.
York, Sept. special de
spatch to the Mild says important
news is expected from Nashville.—
Gen. Buell has ordered that city to be
Private despatches received here
from Boyd's Station, Ky., say that 15,-
000 rebels entered that place to-day.--
The telegraph operator left at noon,
just as the advance guard came in
CAIRO, Sept. 2.--The guns captured
up the Yazoo, on the rebel steamer
Fair Play, were yesterday turned
over to the military, and will he used
to arm the new regiments. The fol
lowing despatches, written in cypher,
were received by General Tuttle to
J ACKSON, Teen., August 23, P. M.
—To (1-e n. Tuttle : Bolivar is reported
invested by a heavy force under Gen.
Price. There is a largely superior
force of the enemy within several
miles threatening all attack.
" Villepinge is reported to have
I crossed the llatellie river at Browns
ville, night betbre last, probably mak
ing this way. We have whipped the
enemy so far in every skirmish.
L. P. BOSS, Brigadier General."
" Bripaticr General Tuttle :
44 JACKSON, Sept. 2, 2 P. M.—Thank
the Lord, two regiments of my com
mand, under Col. .Dennis, of the 20th
and 30th Illinois 'Volunteers, from Es
telo, whom I ordered up to attack the
rear of the rebel three threatening this
place, met the enemy in overwhelming
numbers last evening, and completely
routed them.
" One hundred and ten rebels were
left dead on the field, by actual count,
and their wounded are estimated at
two hundred and fifty to three hund
red.. Our loss was only five killed and
forty wounded.
L. F. BOSS, Brigadier General."
Immense, Bodies of Troops in Motions
Intentions of the Enemy
Northern Central R. R. to be Destroyed
Violation of the Flag of Tince.
WAsnixuToN, Sept_ S.—The intelli
gence received last night, and addition
ally confirmed this morning, of the oc
cupation of Frederick City, Maryland,
by rebel threes, naturally excited much
surprise mingled with indignation and
Frederick is about sixty miles from
Baltimore by the railroad line, and 40
overland from Washington by way of
Rockville ' Barnesville and Poolesville,
Mete are but limited opportunities
of obtaining information from that
point, almost all the intelligence corn
ing by way of Baltimore.
The Government authorities receiv
ed the news early yesterday evening
in a written or do;:umentory form.—
During last night immense bodies of
troops were in motion for the Upper
Potomac and elsewhere, and to-day the
military operations continuo. - Nearly
all the rebel troops have apparently
been withdrawn from oar front; cer
tainly none in large force remain.
Their next movement is a matter of
conjecture, but. precautions have been
taken to guard in certain quarters
against possible damage by them.—
There is no doubt that large reinforce
me:As of rebels were yesterday passing
from Ashby's Gap smith of Leesburg,
as if intending to cross at Snicker's
Perry, which is between Point of Rocks
and Edward's Ferry. The rebels move
in solid column, first cavalry, next ar
tillery, then infantry, With the baggage
in the rear. These again are fbllowed
in the same order by similar descrip
tions of troops.
Tho peoplo of the valley have, con
tributed to than. sustenance, and doubt
less furnished thorn with all needful
information. Nothing Ilas been hoard
from our troops at Harper's Uerry and
Martinsburg, who are cut off for rein
fbroements by the movement of the
enemy toward Frederick.
A gentleman who arrived here to
day, having left Frederick between 9
and 10 o'cloul; last night on horseback,
says that the rebel Mice there is esti
mated at 10,000 men under Sacksou.—
From his conversation with the rebel
soldiers, he derived the impression that
one of their objects is to destroy tho
Northern Central Pennsylvania Rail
road, and otherwise operate in that
State, and that they have ulterior de
signs on Washington and Baltimore.
Our info' mant was glad to leave the
neighborhood of Frederick without ca
ring to remain long to verify his data.
Gen. Pope Relieved from his
Re is ASSigllt'd to the Command of the
Department of the .21Torthwest, .111inne
WASHINGTON, Sept. S.—Major Gen.
Pope has, at his own request, been re
lieved from the command of the army
of Virginia, and has been assigned to
the command of the army of the
Horses and Arms Captured.
Mmurfxsnuan, Vu., Sept ‘ 7.—To Ma
jor-General John E. Wool, Baltimore:
—I have the honor to report that the
enemy, four hundred cavalry, who at
tacked my outposts, have been defeat
ed, with the loss of about fiftyprison
ers and arms, which aro now- in our
possession. Our loss was two killed
and ten woumled, including Captain
Grosvenor and Lieutenant Logan, of
the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry. The loss
of the enemy greatly exceeds ours,
but is not accurrtely known. The
T.welfil Illinois, Col., Vess, behaved in
a mariner to maintain the honor of the
State from which they hail..
Brigadier General.
Wednesday morning, Sept. 10.—
Ther , 3 is no reliable news of the inva
sion of Maryland or Pennsylvania by
the Rebels. Gov. Curtin is doing eve
rything in his power to induce loyal
men to take up arms to prevent an
invasion of the State.
• ._______._ . -- pENNsyLv ANIA RA - IL ROAD.
I ~ ..
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sl A L ILIN b. 1 j
2 -, -,i -
9 .... - ._
ro ..,
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p.m , p.M.I A.:4 I I P. a 1 A.M.I 4.10.
4 31 'Nen , . liatuiltun, 9 IS
-1 30 0 0) 111. Union 10 13 9 40
4Mill Civek 9 25
3 0. 6 .51. 0 23 Huntingdon, 0 1 , 11 2 12 3 13
521 ...... IPetvi;ilirg, 337 BOS
5 2. natio, S5O
530 ti 301,911m3 ("p ee p 31 261 R 42
5 57 lin alitighain, S 27
ti 01 7 IB.T, 1 one. 9 07 8 1S
6 17 0 1'110011' S 59 8 93
6 IN 1.0.t0t la 8 07
6 25 7 35 Dell's Mill. h 72. 7 59
6 15 0 (0 7 50 Altoona, 8 10 1 60 7 45
P. - 4. P 0. 0. 11.1
5ec0:6..1.103a Tiain aril, es at 12:7,0 and leaves at
1:20 P. 31.
.....L. 11311,110 A 3.—CHANGE 011 SCHEDULE.
On and after, Jam 51311, 1562, Pai,scligiT
Tian no n 01 aril,: and depot as Balton:
E‘eurg . I 51or'g 51orn'g I Evetiz.
I'. 71. I A. 51. P. M. P. 31,
I I Sll/1 N 0 S. 1
LE 3 2011. E 7 29 Ilitotiii, :an 12 3J:on 9 23
• 3 35 1 7 4001.1;0111101,10,,,i 12 10i 00.8
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5511 5 011'.1 n 1.1.,1ang 1 11 ISI 8 3))
6 (151 0 20Conevlitni, I 11 301 S 336
611 S 21,1000211 5 Deady, 11 22) 8 :L . !
0 2 0 S 10,Cale. I 11 II) 82)
6 2.1 S 41 1 limo,'. I_ 4 luninit 11 66 8 15
Li: 6 40 IL -ta , , o ifi .. „
axton, lO 50 Le S 05
7 001 ti 35; Iltddle-,lam , lO 25 7 44
AR 7 10, an 9 47,11orenell, . in 10 15 Li: 7 30
ii: - 6 401,1: - 9 10 Failon, ..... .......... ..'ou 10 50 an 0 05
700 9 :32:0,1115010. 10 80 743
7 10 9 10,l'i tki find, 10 27 7 33
on 7 20 onlo 0011.11...
1.0 10 15 10 7 15
1 115 oa,l Top City 1 I
- ji - North nod Nottlt-Wo,t for PIIITACELPIIII, NEW
YOVN. rorro, tux, AUX:VD:MN, EASTOX,
HE MM. POTI,A n.l.n. and all Intel mediAte Etationl, at 3
A. M., and IAo I'. M.
rte-1 \VI e o terkvem It kallitalt:aa A. 11., an
tit at Nave-101;n at 8.25 the Prune tuoroin4.
1:1:e ftortl II litllisnullo : To Nksv-Yin,K. $5 00; to Pota
tor I.cola, it.l 25 all I ' 5 32. 70. II IgOO:4e clucked through.
Prtat lung. leave Nr.u.YleAK at 0 A. II . 12 Noon. and 8
P. M., (Pirrhuttoo 1.5. eat.,.) Leave Ihnr..tum.ent.i. at 8
A. 51., and 3.15
et.. 11,5 - eau, in lie Now-Y..eri 1:•:rm Tit.uNs . , through
tO :MO . twat Iv Montt Outage.
s by Ills Cvrtwr, I Roil Road leave Pont.
CLINTON at 1.43 3, M., f.l. PHIL %PLUM and all 'Worm,
dtate Stationo•, and at 3.00 P. 31, fur Pnuanclaitirt, NEW
YORK, and all Way Points.
lame 0.00 .0. 31., and 2.13 P. M., for
Cult tot rvm.l 010 and nt 0.30 P. 31.,_ for
AL'ItUILS and Polle ettioroy only. connecting for PINE
r/ VI. and ei tlt the Cirrtmiss3 Rad Road.
Aceonnn clation PA,onger Train leave 3 P.a IDING at
6 A. 31., and I elan.; from PHIL IDELD/11 I at 5 P. N.
All the aboxe trainv Inn daily, bundays excepted.
A Sunday train It RN CY POTTSVILLE at 7.30 A. 3.1 9 and
Pan., D. I at 3.15 31.
at.; educed rates to and n inn tell points.
General Sap,rintendent.
June 3, 1832.
ILL be sold at private sale, a farm
in Union town,hip, Huntingdon county, the es ;
Late of daunt, 11. Maier, deceased, containing 300 acres, 1,80
01 wl.ich me cleared and In a good state of colt,
Ntinfl. mid well watei ed. The improvements
are a two..stoly flame house, a log La n, and other
outbuilding, WWI a good spring near the house.
a large flute orchard and at great eat ioty of other kind
of fin 3 of the hest quality.
Terms will be nettle t Nl•Orlabie.
P 05.31,61011 n ill bo giVell on tho let of April next.
For fat they in fat citation apply to 31ARY 31mr,NR, liv
ing on the plumb:es. r.Tolv 2,10024 f.
Taseing Paper,
Lain eszion Paper,
Maw iug hippy,
ryod Paper,
Tisqte Paper,
FPO: Paper for Flo weri,
Perf”roted Paper,
Bristol Board,
Flat Cap Paper,
rool.eap Paper,.
I,4ter Poet . ,
Connneref,xl Note Paper,
Ladiei` Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper,
Ladies' Ilium and Fancy Note Paper,
White end Colwell Cal d l'apo, in Packs and tilece.tx,
For rule at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Minnie Store.
A handsome neea meat Jot !seen ed and for sale at
- 11 L, A complete locket Ready Reckoner, in dollars
and Lents. to eldLit are tabled of Notes., Bills, Ito,
Petinote., , together mill], a bet of ocelot tables,
containing late of luterebt front one dollar to twelve thous
and, by the :11Kie day, loth a table of wages, and burl
by the week and day, puldielted in 1859 For sale at