The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 03, 1862, Image 2
Ely Coln. HUNTINGDON, PA. Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 2, 1862. Our Flag Forever "I know of no mode in which a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by . sustaining the Flag, the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances, and UNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION, REGARDLESS OP PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL ASSAILANTS, AT HOME AND ABROAD."-STEPHEN A. Douai s A UNION CONVENTION No Political Parties in this time of National Perils TO THE PEOPLE OP HIINTLUGDON COUNTY Both political parties have met and made their party nominations. What ever may be said either by the resolu tions of the Conventions or by the ad vocates of the tickets nominated by them, the fact is too palpable that they are both strictly PARTY tickets. The wishes and the hopes of the people were disregarded and disappointed by this action. They want no party tick ets, and no political strife a; this time. They feel that whatever they may have called each other in the past, they can recognize all loyal men as patriots and brethren now, and feeling thus they do not wish t.) be arrayed in ap parent hostility. The Country needs the united strength of its people both in council and in the field, to put down Treason. Every man who now as sumes the duties of office, should do so untrammelled by obligations arising from party nomination and election.— He should feel that ho has been called by the whole people to act for them, and against their enemies; and not for a part of them, against the other part. To accomplish this, the people must act for themselves, and disregard the bidding of party leaders and partisans of every name. We think this is the desire of the people of this county. Every man who has a son or brother in the army thinks more of standing by him, strengthen ing his hands, than of the success of parties. We, therefOre, citizens .of the coun ty, (not because we are dissatisfied with the men. nominated by parties, but because we are against party strife at all,) in the exercise of our rights as citizens, and discarding all party dis tinctions, unite in a call for a CON VENTION to be held in Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 9th of September, 1862, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to nominate candi dates to be supported by all loyal citi zens, who wish to ignore party, and to unite in cordial earnest support of the Government and the War. We sug gest that the citizens in the various boroughs and townships select, from each, FOUR DELEGATES on the SATURDAY PREVIOUS to the day fixed for meeting of the Convention.— The election for delegates to be held at the usual places of holding township and general elections. The Union Convention. The call has been approved by voters of all parties in every district in the county, and ,as each district has au thorized the election of delegates by signing the call, we do not see that any strength wOuld be given the cause by publishing names in this paper. We have heard from most of the townships, and we are gratified to know that the voters of both - the old parties 'are strongly in All, of a Union War Ticket. All that is necessary to unite the Union vote of the county upon one ticket, is the election of good men as delegates to the Union Convention on the 9th. Let every township and bo rough be represented in the Conven tion. l'he good men should come and consult together, and determine what shall be done to defeat the partisan spirit that is not popular with the peo ple. We want the people to speak—to lead—and we will follow. Come then, Democrats, and Republican, and Peo ple's Party—all who aro opposed to partisan tickets—come, consult as a loyal people should consult, and you will have the proud satisfaction of knowing that you have made an effort to satisfy the demands of a large ma jority of the loyal voters of the county. "A party warfare now, for party pur poses, should not be encouraged—par tisan organization, to secure party suc cess, should be avoided. " By the counsels of the interested, two tickets have been nominated in this county. Each composed of its own partisans." We take the above truths from the editorial columns of the Journal American of this week., " WrlA.m is DUTY ?" 19 it not that the people should meet on Tuesday nest in a Union Convention, and make right what the Journal 4,nerican admits has been done wrong. The friends of a Union Ticket, whether they are selected as delegates or not, should . come to town on the 9th, and make an effort to undo the counsels ofthe interested partisans. "A party warfare now, for party purpo ses, should not be encouraged—P artisan organizations, to secure party success, SHOULD BE DISCOURAGED." Tin proceedings of the "Democrat ic" Convention is crowded out: this week. They will appear in our next LE= The War Near Waßhington. Once more the seat of the struggle against the rebellion is in front of Washington. The cannonading of the past few days is said, indeed, to have been heard in the streets of the city. The rebels have gathered all their strength, and are making a last and desperate' effort to take the Capital.— Taking advantage of the neglect or oversight of our Generals, their active and skillful leaders have turned our army and actually thrown a large force between its main body and its base at Alexandria and Washington. As a consequence of this, our troops have had to fight at a disadvantage, and the battles of last Friday and Saturday, fiercely contested on both sides, have caused us heavy losses.— The battle of Friday appears to have resulted iu our favor ; that of Satur day, owing to the arrival of rebel re inforcements, was in their favor. On Sunday, if the reports are to be credi ted, there was but little fighting, pro bably because neither army was in a condition to make an attack, after such terrible work as they bad gone through. While battles are raging and' their results aro still unascertained, it is not becoming to criticise Generals and and their plans. Indeed it is not pos sible to criticise them intelligently till they are over. Then it may be ascer tained whether proper precautions were observed, whether • all weak points on our front were carefully watched, whether our forces were pro perly posted, whether their move ments, when danger was upon them, were wisely ordered and skillfully ex ecuted. The credit for failure or suc cess may then be given properly.— But now all is confusion in regard to the battles near Bull Run. We only know that the armies that were to take Richmond. are now doing their best to defend Washington. That they will be able to make a successful de fence, and soon resume the aggressive, wo firmly believe. Although proba bly still outnumbered by the enemy, our reinforcements are going forward rapidly, and the fortifications about the city are very strong. Still, it is a mortifying and discouraging thing to find our army no nearer to Richmond than it was thirteen months ago, after the first repulse from Bull Run. Perhaps the fault finders, who have declared that the rebel army in Vir ginia was not so large as ours, will be gin to confess they were wrong, since they have been able to press Pope w!th an overpowering force in front, and at the same time throw another force in his rear. They will see why General McClellan, with an army of 80,000 or 90,000 men, asked for rein forcements and co-operation to enable him to take Richmond. This under rating the -force of the enemy has been the great mistake in the conduct of the war. Some of those who now estimate the rebel army in Virginia at 250,000 men, were among the critics who endeavored to demonstrate that it never exceeded 80,000 or 100,000. To convince us of the mistake, wo have bad to fight numerous battles and to make various retreats. Here after there will be no withholding of reinforcements from our generals.— The President's call for 300,000 new volunteers has enabled him to strength en our armies both in the East and the West. Then will come the draft, which will bring a fresh supply into the field. Believing that the rebel army can be but little increased, we are not likely to be outnumbered by them in future battles, as we have been on almost every occasion hereto fore.—Evening Bulletin, Sept. Ist. If the Government has not been as successful in the suppression of the re bellion as was expected, who is to blame ? Will any person pretend to say that the continued denunciation of the war as an " Abolition war "—a war to free the "niggers "—a war to put the "nigger" upon an equality with tho white man.of the North,— has been helping the Government to accomplish good results ? Every can did man must admit that the opposi tion this war and the Administration has met with from an organized oppo sition political party in the . North, has had much to do in keeping alive the struggle between the North and South. President Lincoln's party is the only thoroughly loyal party in the country. He is no political partisan now, and op posed to him, wo find all extremes— the Abolitionists and Vallandigham Democrats of the North, and the Se cessionists of the South. Until a more loyal party shall rise up, we shall sup port the loyal party that stands by the President, believing it the only proper course for all loyal men to pur sue. Merrimac Lewis.—A. °welt That's personal—but •we consider the source. We might say, somebody has stolen the livery of Heaven to serve the Devil in. " The Monitor"— the name won't deceive anybody. It is enough for the people to know that it is an organ of the — Hughes party— the same organization that bolted the Democratic nomination in '6O, and went over to the support of the rebel cause. W. A. WALLACE, Esq., of Clearfield, has been nominated as tho Democrat ic candidate in the district composed of the counties of Clearfield, Cambria and Blair. The Position of a True Democrat. The following are the remarks of Brigadier General Richard BUSTEED, at the great war meeting in New York, on Wednesday last : " I have the utmost contempt for him who by speechor act attempts to draw party lines now. This is the ap propriati3 office of home traitors; let them have a monopoly of the work.— lam certain no true Democrat will engage in it, at least no intelligent or reputable person who will do so.— There is a great fight on hand between democracy and aristocracy; between the privileges of the few and the rights of the multitude—between caste and republican equality—and be is the genuine democrat who loves Liberty more than Slavery. "The democracy that will not en dure this test is spurious. The man who delays or hazards victory to our arms, by talking kindly of rebels, or unkindly of lawful authority or neces sary instrumentalities, or by preven ting enlistments, or in any other way, is not only not a Democrat but he is a traitor; meaner than all his Southern compatriots ; a sneaking,sniveling, cow ardly traitor, scarcely worth the rope or time it would take to hang him. "My own position is easily declared. I was a Democrat. lam a loyal lover of my country, whose free institutions Ido not care to outlive. [Cheers.] I trill be what her necessities, the convic tions of my intelligence and the dictates of my conscience makes me. if this be treason to party, party can make the most of it." [Great applause.] Them is a class of home " h umbu gs," or traitors, or something else, who can seldom see the good qualities in the brave soldier. We do not think it will be very difficult for all loyal men to make a few proper comments after reading the folldwing wholesale denun ciation of brave officers, by that pure Democratic sheet, the Harrisburg Pa triot (CI Union, of Saturday last. The Patriot tf; Union says: " We are afraid we are very near to the truth when we pronounce General Pope to be, in our opinion, a humbug— almost as extensive an insect as Fre mont. Buell, we fancy, is asleep, try ing to dream out what the war's about, the problem that troubled him so at first. Ulysses has fallen into the power of the Cyclops, and instead of poking out his eye, as his great namesake did, has had both his own done for. We fervently pray that the next shower may bring us down a few live Generals instead of myriads of toads. We can dispense with the rep tiles, but the Generals we want," "If we were in favor of the war, we would not hesitate a moment to go."—Selinsgroce, Times. This Selinsgrove Times is the organ of the ITallandigham Democracy of Snyder county. It is opposed to the war because its sympathies aro with the rebels—and yet it claims to be a loyal Union paper. It is about as loyal to the Government as many oth er Vallandigham Democratic presses we could name. Will Bro. Owen con descend to give us his opinion of the Democracy and loyalty of the Selins grove Times? THE following sound remarks by iNfayor Henry, of Philadelphia, should command the attention of all loyal 1111E1 "There can be no partisan triumph over the National Administration that will not bo gladly hailed by foreign Governments as a popular denuncia tion of our war for the Union; there can be no factious opposition to the policy of that Administration that will not inspire fresh vigor throughout the -ranks of treason ; there can be no do. feat of the friends of the Administra tion that shall not speed rebel bullets with deadlier aim against our breth ren, whose lives aro perilled in the vindication of our country's honor." " MAT in this, our - Nation's trial, all party strife for place and power is here by renounced as UNWORTHY OF A FREE ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE." The above is a resolution unani mously adopted by the late " Demo cratic" County Convention. For ad hering to the sentiments of thisresolu tion we have been denounced by eve ry man connected with the Monitor.— If this resolution speaks the sentiments of the" Democratic" Convention, why did that body put up a party ticket?— Will Mr. D-a-ughert,y, or his man Fri day, explain? DE. IL 0. BRAMWELL, of Sehellsburg, has announced himself an independent candidate in Bedford county for the Legislature, in opposition to Sohn Ces na, Esq. An Earnest Appeal to the Women and Children SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, Aug. 30, 1802. J r To the Loyal Women and Children in the United Slates The supply of lint in the market is nearly exhausted; the brave men wounded in defence of their country will soon be in want of it. I appeal to you to come to our aid in supplying us with the necessary ar ticle. There is scarcely a woman or child who cannot serape up lint, and there is no way in which their assist ance can be more usefully given than in furnishing us the means to dress the wounds of those who fall in the defence of their rights and their homes. Contributions will be received at Boston by Surgeon A. N. McLaren. U. S. A.; at Now York, by Surgeon B. S. Satterly, U. S. A.; at Newark, by As sistant Surgeon .Taneway ; at Philadel phia, by Surgeon George E. Cooper, U. S. A.; at Baltimore, by Surgeon C. C. Cox, U. S. A.; at Washington, by Surgeon C. S. Lamb, U. S. A.; at Cin cinnati, by Surgeon Glover Penn, U. S. A.; at Louisville, by Surgeon J. P. Head ; at St. Louis, by C. L. Alexan der, U. S. A., or by any other medi cal officer of the army. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, Surgeon General U. S. AA. WAR NEWS. GLORIOUS NEWS FROM VIR GINIA. The Second Great Battle of Bull Ran.--r - The Union Troops Trictorious.—The _Union Loss ?n Kilted and Wounded at Least Eight Thousand.—The Reb el Loss Two to Our One.—lrcavy Cap tures from the Racing.--They Retreat to the -Manta ins. Official Despatch from Gen. Pope HEADQUARTERS, FIELD OF BATTLE, GROVETON, NEAR GAINESVILLE, Aug 30. To Major General Haneck, General-in- Chief, Washington, D. C. We fought a terrific: - battle here yesterday with the combined forces of the enemy, which lasted, with contin uous fury, from daylight till after dark, by which time the enemy was driven from the field, which we now occupy. Our troops are too much exhausted to push matters, but I shall do it in the course of the morning as soon as Fitz John Porter's _corps comes up from Mantissas. The enemy is still on our front, but they are badly used up. We have lost no less than 8,000 men killed and wounded, and from tho appearance of the field the enemy lost at least two to out one. He stood strictly on the defensive, and every assault was made by our selves. Our troops behaved splendidly. The battle was fought on the identi cal battle-field of Bull Bun, which fact greatly increased the enthusiasm of our men. The news just reaches us from the front that the enemy is retreating to wards the mountains. Igo forward at once to see. We have made great captures, but I am not able yet to form an idea of their extent. SOIIN POPE ; Major-General HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Official Despatch from General Pope. Tne Movements of the Past Pew Days PLANS AND COUNTER-PLANS Jackson's Ineffectual Attempt to Turn our Right. Severe Fight near Centreville, Between McDowell and Sigel, and Jackson. The Enemy Driven Back at ail Points Heintzleman Moving On the Enoiny, 1,000 PIIISONTES CAPTURED. WAsuiNoTos, Aug. 20.—The follow- ing despatch from Gen. Pope has been received: MANASSAS JUNCTION, Aug. 28. To .31c(jor General H. 11 7 . liitilerk, Gen- eratin- Chief . As soon as I discovered that a large force of the enemy was turning our right toward Manassas, and that the division I had ordered to take post there, two days before, had not yet arrived there from Alexandria, I im mediately broke up my camps at War renton Junction and Warrenton, and marched rapidly back in three columns. I directed McDowell, With his own and Sigel's corps, and Reno's division, to march upon Gainesville by the War renton and Alexandria pike ; Reno and one division of Heintzleman to march on Greenwich; and, with Porter's corps and Hooker's division, I marched back to Manassas Junction. Dowell was ordered to interpose between the for ces of the enemy, which had passed down to Mantissas through Gaines ville, and his main body, which was moving down from White Plains thro' Thoroughfare Gap. This was com pletely accomplished. Longstreet, who had passed through the gap, be ing driven back to the west side. The forces sent to Greenwich were design ed to support McDowell in case ho met too large a force of the enemy. The division of Hooker, marching towards Manassas, came upon the en emy near Kettle Run, on the afternoon of the 27th, and after a sharp action routed them completely, killing and wounding 300, and capturing their camps and baggage and many stands of arms. This morning the command pushed rapidly to Manassas Junction, which Jackson bad evacuated three hours in advance. Ire retreated by way of Centreville, and took the turnpike to wards Warrenton. He was net when six miles west of Centreville by McDowell and Sigel. Late this afternoon a severe fight took place, which has been terminated by the darkness. The enemy was driven back at all points; and thus the affair rests. Heintzleman's corps will move on him at daylight, from Centreville, and I do not see how he is to esonpe with out heavy loss. We'have captured a thousand priso ners, many arms, and one piece of ar tillery. JOHN - POPE, Major General. FROM ALEXANDRIA. Firing Heard in the Direction of Cen treville.— Telegraphic Communication Established with llanassas.—Large Numbers of Troops Awaiting Trans portation.—Gen. Burnsides in Pos session of Fredericksburg. ALEXANDRIA, Aug. 30.--There has been heavy firing hoard to day In the direction of Centreville, and the contest of yesterday was undoubted ]y renewed this morning. Telegraph io communication has been established to Manassas, and the ears are running as far Run. The bridge and railroad are being repaired with the greatest dispatch, and trains will prob ably extend their trips to-morrow.--- There are still a largo number of troops in Alexandria awaiting, transportation to the field of battle. A Pennsylvania Brigade, comprising the 128 d, 133 d, 134th and 136th regi ments, under General Cook, were to march to-day. Those who were able to bo moved from the Alexandria hospi tals have been takento Washington to make room for the wounded who are to arrive to-day. Adviocs from Fredericksburg as late as 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, give === contriAdiction to the current reports regarding burning of bridges &c. in that locality. There has been no such proceeding. Gen. Burnside had possession of that city certainly at 3 o'clock, P. M., yes terday. FROM WASHINGTON. NEWS FROM THE ARMY. The Excitement in the City Commanders of the different divisions. WAsituccroN, Aug. 30.—Gen. Pope's statement that .11eintzleman's corps would move on the enemy at daylight is confirmed by the heavy firing heard from that vicinity. Rumors of various successes have "leached here, but need confirmation. Yesterday rebel scouts were seen at Longlogs, in the vicinity of Chain Bridge. Every precaution has been taken to prevent a surprise in that di rection. The impression prevails that the rebels have been entrapped, and the result of the recent manoeuvring is looked for with intense eagerness. The command- of the armies opera ting in Virginia is as follows : General Burnside commands his own corps ex cept those that have been temporarily detached and assigned to Geni. Popo. Gen. M'Clellan commands that portion of the army of the Potomac that has been sent onward to General Pope's command. Gen. Pope commands -the army of Virginia and all forces tempo rarily attached to it. All the forces are under the command of Major Gen eral HaHeck, General in chief. (Signed) E D. TOWNSEND, Assjst. Adjt. General. FROM GEN, POPE'S ARMY, Another attack• by the Rebels.—General Pope Falls Back to Centreville.—lle is Strongly Entrcnched.—Reinforce ments Reported Arriving. WAsnrxGrox, Aug. 31.—The rebels were heavily reinforced yesterday and attacked Pope's army before the: arri val of Generals Franklin and Sumner. The attack was boldly met and a se vere battle followed; the advantage of the whole was on the side of the en emy, and Pope fell back to Centreville with the whole army in good order.— lie has now boon joined by General Franklin at Centreville, and Sumner was on the march' to him last, night.— Ile occupies the strongest position in the vicinity of Washington, and is ex pected promptly to renew the contest. After the successes of Friday every effort should be used to hasten the for warding of our troops. Private dispatches direct, from Washington of to-day, state that Gens. Franklin and Snippet• had arrived with heavy reinforcements to• Gen. Pope, and that everything was progressing favorably to-day. NO FIGHTING ON SUNDAY. TEE ARMY WELL CONCENTRATED WASIIINGTON, Ang. 31.—Information received here indicates that there has been but little if any fighting. today. Our army is well concentrated, and the men are in good condition and ;spirits. LATEST NEWS. _Year Centreville, August 31—G P. The Enemy's Strength The enemy, according to the reports of prisoners who have been taken, and who seem to be in telligen t, has recently been reinfbrced enormously, and now includes the entire rebel army in the State of Virginia ! The prisoners even go so fhr as to say that, according to what they have heard, the rebel Army of Virginia numbers about 250,000 men. The Enemy's Position They occupy the outer extremity of the old Bull Run battle-field at present, their front being at the fhrthest point of the old field. They hold their old which were dug on the mem orable 21st of July, 1861. They are bold and impudent. What their inten tion is cannot be known to any but themselves. Our Army Reinforced. I am gratified to announce that our army was reinforced at noon to-clay, by at least 60,000 of the most effective men we have in the field, including FRANK raN's corps, SumNE6'S corps, PORTER'S corps, RICHARDSON'S division, SEDOWICK'S division, CoxE's division of' Ohio veterans from Western Vir ginia, together with General STURGISS' new division of the Ibilowing Penn sylvania regiments of the new levies : 122 d, 123 d, 124th, 125th, 126th, 127th, 128th and 120th. The latter marched from the various camps near Washing ton, this morning, where they have been lately located, and whence they can he safely spared. Position of our Army Yesterday After. ECM This afternoon our whole army is massed ten miles south of Centreville, beyond Bull Run, and notwithstand ing that the enemy has received such great reinforcements, we are driving the enemy at every point, and victory, sooner or later, is considered certain. Jackson will certainly be driven to the mountains. lle cannot pass through Thoroughfare Gap again, fdr lleintzleman is guarding the road and he cannot break through that brave corps, especially with our grand armies at his heels. No Fighting After Noon Yesterday. WASHINGTON, September I.—Des patches received from Fairfax Court "louse about seven miles from Centre ville, state that no fighting had been heard from there up to noon tq-day.— General Banks' forces were beard from last night, in a favorable position for joining Gen. Pope's army RECRUITS WANTED FOR PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENTS NOW IN THE FIELD THE undersigned, in accordance with General Orders, Head Quarters of Army, and un , er the direction of Capt. R. 1. Dodge, Ocuotal Spperin [endow of Recruiting Service for tine State of-Pennsylva nia, has opened a Recruiting °lnce in the building fot merly occupied as IleanlQuan term of Camp Cresman, op. posite the Exchange Hotel, Rani oad street, Huntingdon, Penna. I ann authorized to enlist men for any Penn.ylvanla Iteglineut now in tho field that is not already full. Subsiateneo and pay to commenee from date of enlist ment. Capt. SETH lIENNBII, 110th Itegiment, P. V. Huntingdon, Aug. 16, 1562. On Recruiting &olio.: FOR SALE. fly virtue of an order Own the Orphan's Coort of Hun tingdon calmly to me directed St iO Le offered for sale at the late rehidence of Joseph Nights ine. deed ,—a Me mory log duelling houso and lot of gn ound situate on tho nor th side of Washington street In the borough of lfttu• tingdon on ' - Wednesday, the 24th of September, that., at ono o'clock, P. M., of the sonic day. Condition, of xolo—Osi. , -Imit The porcha'c money shall Its paid on the eolith motion of the said sale and the oth er half at the end of one year, ti lilt interest. ' A LSO—A t r tho sate time and place pill be sold all tho peisonal property belonging to the said time:m.ll'B estato. DAVID SNAIIII, llnntlngdon, Soot. 2, 1862." Executor. FOURTH ST, CARPET STORE, No. 47, above Chestnut Street, Philada solicit an exo mination of C4O in lc: 9 and quality ofthy lingo and well selected STOCK OF CARF,CTINGS, All of the newest et} le; and ninnnEtettne.l.of the lif , t ma- Biz u6si,Lo. RAIN and VENETIAN CARPLTINGE, DRUGGLTS, FLOOR OIL CLUTIIS in ev ery width It G. LIST AND C.)TTAC.II CARPETING& • Together AN it II n large stock of • 11r/Ar/5 OTV SHADES, Of the newest and Itandioinast patterns, whist, till be sold low. T. It tiI,AOROIX, Sept. 3 0 1.562-Bm. ' : Sonth Vont th Street. • Q . , TR AYED AWAY. k' A Mtge three ye. ri old BRINDLE BULL. 0 ith a a alto flee. Aoy pea son knowing. the v.hote.tbooti of sort boll 0111 send me word by !otter or other, lac. DAVID 3UPEItD, Sept. 3.1861 Huntingdon P. 0. P• COD DIVE THE r‘I3EVONIVE,TIT. R O C lON.-NOTICE OF tIbNIMAL ELECTlON.—Piti:otant to an act of tho Gen eral Assembly of the Commonwealth tie Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act rehtting to tho hloottutis of this Com ntorto ealth," atm101,...1 thii ~,oni day 01 July, 1830, I, JOHN C, AVATetiS, I it. 411 Shelift of the ',minty of Mut tingdon, in the Stott, at Penn.., iNat,t,t. du helehy 11100.1 known and gl, o !Odle nonce to the electors of the coun ty oftno,aitl, that a General IJ., tt m ,111 be held in the said count, of Iluttllgcluu, 00 th,lllnlTtivaday, (and 1401 day) of liehber, '1852. at n hick time District and County 0111-o,+ 10, elect, d. to wit . • . . Ono pm Sou to L'l tit • t• 311. 01 An litre tknoral or the Conmonm ea!llc or 'el D-N • One rerzon 01 ;tin oyor General of the Co:olmm% Penn: Ir., One 1,01,011 ff till 0f,,,,,11.t. of Congress, of tho aioniel oupred 01 the e. nurtms or Blair, Combria mol 311111. n, in thin Nati.m.ll of Rep -I,e4outatis..s. One poison !,‘ ^❑ the on, of Smnt•or. for do unoxpli ed folio of S. S. Whit ton, of the coon:!' 0 of Huntingdon Bedfoid and Soms •,rt. One peNOll to nil lhr onico of meloL, of the House of Iteprt,entatit not POOO- , 3iV.lllia. 011 C pertnn to hit the o'tice of County Continissionee,of !runt ingtlun County. One poison to flit the Wee of Slott iff of Iluntingtlon county. Ono pert on to fill the WU, of Placating Attorney for nuntittDlon county. One person to till the °Mee of Director of the Poor of Huntingdon county. One person to fill the often of County Surveyor of Hon- Hogan!) county. One porton to fill the Oleo of Auditor of Huntingdon county, In pursuance of said Set, T alto hereby motto knout n and give notice, that the places of holding tho nferegaid gen er.d clef [ion in the several election dhtrictg nithtn the said county 01 11,1011000 n, are as folluntr.ito wit : lot district, comp°, d of the ton lista!, of Hetnierzon, nt the Union Schwa honer. 2J Jodi lit, composed Of Dol.lin towm.hip, at Pleasant Hill School lloto,e, near :hoop!. Net ,ou'u, a :aid ton uship. 41L1 dl,tl ict composed of so nitwit of Ship, not included in the 111111 tlktiict, at the school lion,e adjoining the 101111 or Wor.iorhoinik. 4th dodi lot, composed of the township of Hopewell, at Iton , 4lt am: Ready lurnace. tio.ttict, compo=ed of the township of ltarree ' at the hon4u of James Lisingston, in tho tone of Sauliburg, ill bald ton mdiip. Ctli district, compmed of the bra wigh of Shirle2,slairg, and all that pat t of the tom whip ul ‘ziorloy nut included 11h111 the limit, of Dodrict No. 24. heientafter men tioned and dram ibad , at the 1101100 of Pt, Ift r, oked. in Shit leysburg. Pill dt.ebrict. ern' poled of Porter and pmt of Walker town ship, and 0,1 much of West tun ndiip is ill tile bi)lllidal leg. to wit: Beginning at the with-nest corner 01 Tobias Quinn :ties Pam on the bank of hu Little Juniata river, to the lower end of Jacit•otiv patrons, thence In a north webterly direction to the must southetly pot t of the farm on nod by .11 iLliael 31,iguii 0, thence north 40 de n .qees 11 int to the top of Tin,ey'd mountain to inter sect tile hue of Pianklin town , liip, thence along the said line to Little Juniata river, thence 1101111 the 001110 to the place of beginning,. at the public school honey oppo.ite the German Reformed Church. in the boionult of A la. Sth compos , ll of the too nship of Flanni.lia, at the home 01(300. V. matt,rn. to ,aid composed of Tell too 0-111 p, at the Colon school home. Ilea. the Union Meeting home, in r lid till,. 10th diqtrict. composed of Smningheld (0W11.41111. et the school Loose. Hear flogh Madden', on said to, nt,lnip. 11th distuet. coenipi,,.l of Union tiio nslup, nt the nchoul house. iiimr Corbiniq in bind ton tichlpi 12th ili•t ict, congro,. d of Ih ady tirivn.iiip, at the Centre school 11011,, in said town,lnp. 15th th,tuiet. conlin,is . d of Moll 6 t onnahip, at public school home No. 2, in 'a id ton ttQltp. 14th til•tt let. comportil of that. pmt of We t town.-hip not inelnded in 7th and 76th di - Alia, at II te public ..cheol house on tho tat m non On tnnl by Mite, Lenin, trot morly on net by dant., Ennii , ..) in 'aid towit,b,p. 15tI1 dist tint. conipo,tl Ul Wall:, too tv,hip, at the hot.° uC Bvto LIMO Magalty. in M'CotntelNton n. lrth district, coutunsed of the [ono:Alio of Toil, of thin Clem alo,ot hott , e, iu said It,, nship 17th district, composed Of Oneida township, nt the house of Win. 1). Rankin, Warm Springs. 18th district, composed of ClollllA ell township, at the honso now iiccupied by David I:tithe in 01 likonia. 111th disti lot, compared of the hot °ugh of Du mingham, ith the sexotal tint of land neat to mill attached to the same, now on Ilea cad OCCUIat d try Thoma 4 M. Owens John K. Andrew Robeson. Jelin fenei tin nod Win. tionchner, nod the tract of Moil non owned by Geroge and John I,lmenbet ger, 1.000 n :49 the boater tract. nitnate to the too whip of Warrior:4,l3lt, at the politic: school in said borough. •20th lttslr let, composed of the township of Cast, nt the pnhlic schnot Lowe to CA,Sille, in said ton fish iy. blot dish ict, composed of the ton n.hrp or JaCkSOTI, nt the politic hioun Edoned lattteb, Pint, In said ton nship. 22d district, composed of the township of Clay, at the public school house in Scutt, it le. 2.11 district, compo,ed of the fooM,llip of Penn, at the public school house in Markle.hin g. in said too wilily. 2lth dish iet. compn , ed and created as follaus to ss it.— That all that part of Shit ley too ri•hip. Iluntin,,ilon o ty, lying and being a 'thin the folloo ing deoct W;dl,•un durles, namely: beginning at the intmcction of Union and Shiite) township lines nit], the Juniata river, on the South side t eof ; thence along said Union loutishly lino fur the dist.•urco of three miles limn said riser; thence canny irdly, by a stlaight line, to the point oho° the main heal hby's mill to (lei many smile), 00.4 , 1 the summit of Sandy r idge : thence northaardly along the summit of Sandy ridge to the river Juniata, and flame° up said riser to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form a separate election ilkti lot; that the qualified votins of said election district shall hereafter hold their general and tesvnalliP elections in the public school house iu 310,1111 Union, in said district. 21th district. composed of the borough of Huntingdon, at the Coot t House in said Mumma, 'llanse pat to of Walk er and Pon ter tOwnships, beginning, at the Kit:thorn end of One bridge act°. tine Juniata riser at the foot of Mont gomery sheet. thence by the Juniata ton nt,liip line to the line of the IValker election district, thence by the same to the corner of Porter too °ship at the Woodcock Valley toad near hero school house, thence by the lino between Walker anal l'orter ton Install., to the summit of the 11ite riur a ialge, thence along said ridge to the Juniata river so as to include the duelling-house at Whittaker's, now Flash er's old mill, nand thence down said river to the place of beginning, be annexed to the Huntingdon Borough eke- Hon distinct, and that the inhabitants Him eol shall and easy rote at all general elections. tanth district, composed of the borough of Pctersburg and that pat t of West. township, woad and non tlt of a I line beta sea Meanies son and West ton nib fps, at or near the Wenn Sp, Ingo. to the Franklin townslup line on the top of TO , sey's mountain, so as to is the new district the hens. of 1), Waldsnalth. Jacob Lottganeeker, Tl3OO. Hamer, James Porter, and John Wall, at the school-house, in the borough of Petri.sborg. 2.lth district, composed of Juniata ton nship, ant the house of John Peigintal, on the lands of Homy Isenberg. 21411 all.da net, composed of Can bolt township. recently Loreto! out of a pan t of the tea adory of Tod ton no.lop. to nit: coin litonCing eta Chestnut Oak, ott the summit 'for- I me mountain. at thollopowell township flue Gpposite the dlaiding edge, inn the Little Valley; thence south litry-two degrees, wa i t Oil re Moulted and sixty pinches, ton stone leap on the IYeatern BrOnil Top nienattalo ; thellee non th sixty-seven degrees, east three hunched and twelve pet ellen, ton yellow pine; thence son It lifty-two ll:pees coat scion bundled and son enty-to o perches. too, Chestnut Oak : (hone° south font teen degree-, east three hundred and fifty one notches, to a Chestnut et the mat end of Henry S. liream's land; thence son Pa thin tA-one and a half ilegt ors, east to as hundi ed and ninety-flair - perches-, too Chestnut o.a: on the Sinn Int t of a spun of lts mut 'fop. on the ne,tern nide of John TerroPs fan en; south, s sty'. five dem cos, east nine hundred end thiity.four pen the a, to a stone heap on the Clay ton indiip line, of the Broad Top City Hotel. kept by Jos Idorni9oll, in you I township. 1 also Make lintna an anti give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid net I am (Mooted," that every per son, excepting justices of the Lance, oho shall hold any °nice or appointment of pa otit or trust under the gm - et Intent of the United States, or of this State, or of nanny city on corporated distract, whether n commissioned officer or agent, ulna is or shall be employed under the I-gislativr, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of :toy city or incorporated distn let. and aMoo, that every member of Cungtess, and of the StatO Legislature, find of the select m common council of any city, contntia.ionets of any Moorman:atoll alhtniet, is by law incapable of holding or exercising ant the same time. the office or appointment of judge, inspectot or clerk of any election of this Comm...till', and that no inspector or juilgo, or other officer of ninny such diction Alan be climble to any office to be then Noted for." Abu, that to tilt .Ith scetton of tho Act of Aasembly, en titled "An Act relating to executions nod for other put po ses,"npproved Apt it 16[11,1640, It is enacted that the afore- Snitll3th section •'shall not bo so construed as to prevent any militia or borough officer front serving ns Judge, or in speotor or cleric of nuy general or special election in this Connnonwealtb." Pursuant to the plot talons contained in the 67th section of the act ant c.und, the judges of the aforesaid districts shalt respectively take charge of the cm tificato or return of the election of their respective districts, and pi °duce them at a electing of one of the judges front each dist, ict at the Coin t I louse, in the borough of Huntingdon, on the third day after :be day of election, being for the prertent sear on Friday, the nth of October next, then and there to do and perform the duties required by Inc• of said judges. Also, that As hero a judge by sicknel , ...3 or unavoidable noel dent, is unable to Mimi said meeting of judges, then the certificate or return afitresaid shall be taken in charge by ono of the inspectors or clerks of the election of said dis trict, and shall do and pm form the duties requited of said judge unable to attend. Also, that in the blot section of said net it is enacted that "every general and special election shall be opened bet neon the bourn of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continuo without 'Welt option or adjournment until FOVCI o'clic. In the evening.o hen the polls shill he closed." Given sunder icy hood, at Huntingdon, the let day of Sep tember, A. D. ISO 2, end of the indopenderieo of the Uni ted States, the eighty-sixth. JOHN C. WATSON, Sheriff. SIM:UV.% OITICF. Huntingdon, Sept. 2,'02. 1 It. OLD BRASS AND COPPBR taken to exchange for geode at the Hardivaro Store of Sept. 3. 1562. -' JAS. A. BROWN. A T ALIJABLE_COAL AND TIMBER LANDS FOR SAGE AT 'AUCTION, The follouing Whets of unseated bonds, situate near BROAD Tot. MOUNTAIN, in Huntingdon county, Pa., will be POW nt Public Auction, on , the 2.5 th day of BSP TE3IItEIt. 1562, ut the Court House, in the borough of I[untingdon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day.— All the tracts here described ate well timbered. On some of them Coal has been discovered, and one or more mines hare been opened, and sill are In tho vicinity of the coat ,„1„,,, s o p ene d at the Bload Top Mountain, Most of Ono' it acts of land are near the Huntingdon nt: Broad Toplialb , road, Manny of the Beets are welled , pled to cultivation, the raising of all kinds of grain, grass, runt tine produce thins of the country. They may he bniefly described as folio. : A Ts act or Land near Cassrille, known- os- the NOR- Itla LOAI. BANK TRAM', surs eyed on a warrant for 400 t act es, in the name of Phillip lira f—or a, named on the' record, Philip Carp. The Cool Mines on this Thiet bare hi en opened a number of years; a considerable quantity of Coal Ilan bean taltos front the Mines, but there Is now belies ed to be an aim 3st ineslmustible quantity still re- Incising on this Tract. Also-1. Tract of Land in Hopewell township, snrsoyell ou a swarms t In the nettle of Peter Wilson, containing 410 noes, 121 rnches; Itenjansin Bush. 'Pod township, 438 acres, 53 pct elms; John Singer; Cal bon township, 520 pieties ; Benjamin Shoemaker, Hopewell township, 405 swres. 116 pesches; Lan Wanspele, Hopewell township, f.; t 3 acres, 00 perches; Leonard Bechemle. Hopewell town ship, 360 net el; Setsool Dari 3, Hopewell township, 451 nes., ; Com nil It.stes. Hopewell township, 418 wrest lion. ry Bates, Hope, all tonnship, 417 acres; Peter Benson Clay toss usisils, - 4-37,- ' 39 -..pesches; Thomas Banton, Tod township , 371 oases , 152 perches; Jonathan Josses, Tod too nhhip, 4;;3 acies, 53 pessisCs; Owen JelleS, Toib ton whip, 414 acres, 58 patches; Sheaff, Tod' too [Nisi p, pores• Robes Ern in, Tod township. 317' acres, 145 perches; Philip-Mager. 525 acres; Philip Stein, Tod township, 478 sores; and Joisss Musser, Tod, township, 4iB across. All the above tracts of land were surroyed on warrantq no early ne 1701-, and 1.116 ;nut Jer n regularly returned to the Laud Omen.. The title ha 1111 , 111eatIOIKA Ulla_ clearly vented in the prd,ent owner. — Any about the lands will — be given on ap plication to .fic .1) Croy,n ell, le; 3100010. 'Miles and Doi ii a. litintsug , lon, or by the Attorney of the owner, No. 2iitl tieutli Fifth Eticet, • JOHN-SAVAGE, Ity LIB A.tto, noy in fact, Sept. 3, 1562. A UDITOR'S NOTICE._ , [E.stqle of Jonathan Leslie.] Tho undersigned Auditor appointed to ilhdtibuto Ma , balance in the bands of Theo. It. Crerner, Req,. A9.,igneo of.lonathan Leslie, an" ent debtor, a ill attend to his duties at the 011 ice of Miles Dorris. on FRIDAY, tho 26th day of SEP ['EMBER. next. nt ten o'clock, A. 31.,. when all Perseus intere.decl nie required to 'p6;sent their etaimv het'ore hint, or be debarted from coning in for at share of the fund, WILLIAM DDltttil, 30.1 &pt. 3, 15,1.0 il nditOr. PAIRI()TS TO THE RESCUE!! Men Wanted to fill up one of the best Regiments in the Field. 9111 - undersigned, - in accordance. o ith General Orders, Head (lisarters of the Army. and an del the d a•rtion of Capt. It. I. Dodge. General Superhr. Vanden t of Bert oiling Sen ice for the Sato of Ponnsylva nia. hue 011011 e./ n itsetnitiug 011ie° at 11AR1LESBURO,. Huntingdon county. Pa. I um notion itod to enlist men for nny Pennsylvania, Regiment now in the field thAt is not alteady full. EilVsisteneo and pay to commence front date of gullet,- ment. • Sergt. JOHN McLAUGHLIN, 53d Regiment; P. v. August 21,1162. On Recruiting, Service, • $24 REWARD. HORSE stolen (Iran h fell near 3lcTeytown. sometime Jut ing FundaY nrght, the 21th init. A good sized lILAOIC HOR.S.II nloxtt It )gai old with uliito tarot on Car,,bend. and slight sore on left knee allow as large err a Ore cent piece. lld bath tints and rarlip and it eery genthi. Tiro finder mill recei,e the above rox,ind by detaining the Horse and thief, ,ind Addicts the owner. SAM ROX EL E., Ange.t. 27, 15;12 7 .1t. f• 31eVeytown, 11T 'I'E) A N ne) I.)I3.II , IDIATELY. MILLER iv.tutetl AdJiesa A.. 1. WM - . Spruce Creek, limit. co., La. • ' Allgtidt 2T, ISC22t BANK KIOTICE E N pursuance of the 25th Section, Fir tli, is of the A:1101111M noon of the State of 1R nusyh - nnin. land tht—Fiist tiection of filo Act of the Gen_ lot As, labia. the hist day of June. 1839. the un-. ileisigiusi citizens of tl o Commonwealth of l'onn..3lviiiiiit her oli.s give notice that they intend to make application to the Legisbiritre of said State. or its next ses.ibiii• com mencing the tirst ifie,lay of 1 , 0. for the chili tor of n Bank. to be hicateil lu the ion "ugh of Ifunlingdon, in th e unntp of Huntingdon. 211.11 Slate arm esribl. to be called tiro •• Itllo. l .llTol' the capitol stock there of to ho tine Howl; eil Thousand Delbus. awl the specific object for which the lit opietial, rorpolotion is to be char lured is to hulls. t the listed mol louit.inate linstiiesg urn hook of Issne, ableoinit, illy sit and tixoliange. "DAVID BLAIR, I J. fili9lift II IL 11% , JOHN .1. I. %WM:NCO, WILLIAM 1.1.1W15. R. wurroN, AI. EX. ;SUER POUT, 11011 T. 1114:11 P0WT.1,1.; It. HUNTER, .1 AM Es II At; UIR E, U EOP,O I: WIT, DATIII RUA N, A. R. ST InvAnT, R. M. CUNINUUAM. June 3,19024 w. BANK NOTICE NTOTICE is hereby eiven that the un ilet.igned citizens I..illents of Pennsyhania usboeilled themselves together in partnership aft? epared a Certificate for the morose of o.,lnhlillaing a Bank of di...mot,,and circulation or issue, under and in pm smote° of the provisions of an Act of the Gen mat As,fuldy of the i'onunonnealtio of Pennsylvania, approved the 31 , 4 day of tine, A. D. 1561, entitled a 'Supplement to an Act to establidt n system of Free Hank. illy m Penn...)lvatna, and to ball ro the public against loss flout Insolvent ltmlkn, nom oved 31arch 31st, Thtio.." not any other low or Ines of clod Cololoollneeltil nprliOnbio to and bearing no the qubject. The said prop sad Dank to be cat 'ail NUNM.(IIION COUNTY BANK," to be located in the taint& of Iluutingdon, in the County of It on! ingdon, and State of Penn43lVelint, with a capital steel: of One hundred and sixty thousand dullard. it, shores of fill) each, with the right Rua pro. ilept f increa4ing the same to any =omit not exc.:ding (Imo hunched thousand dollars. WILLIAM P. ORDISON, .7011 N SCOTT, JAMES M. nr.r.r„ .7AMES GIVIN, TUUMAS ItRETTSON. EM2EI= 01.:01:00 W. 0 July 22,1862-6 m. (JTRAY CATTLE.- • Came to tins prerni.., of the enh=criber in 'Barren town,ltip. about the lot of May hot, throe head of cattle --one bloelt-spotted Metier too years old past—ono black steer yearling, past, and one red Heifer with some - white mixed, ye:tiling pint. They all bare in slit in left ear and tails cropped. The owner is retweqted to come Pirward, prose property, pay charges and take Ahem awity, other . ise they ,till be disposed of according, to law. •• August 12, 1662-It. .1011 N SMILEY,. lAUTION.- IVJ caution all persons against putchnsing a noto drawn in furor of William Cough for the BUM of $ll OR, doted July 1901, 1862, as I am determined not to pay tho same, as I did not ieceive value. July 22, MI,. J. R. McCARTNET. r, - ,T - 0 TICE,- - All per,ori indebted to the firm of Holler tfi 'War fel. (in tho Blackginithing bminess at Mill drool,) me re (pivoted to hot tie their vecoini to immediately, 09 ono of tiro firm tine enle,ted in the many, find tho necomits must Lou setlh•d forthuith. HOLLER k IVAItFEL. AZ- The bo.lne, will be carried on on heretofore, by the undersigned (to ,holn all recounts a ill be preaentedl. At the old gland. FRANCIS HOLLER. Creek, Aug. 19, ISG2-3t NOTICE - All poisons knowing themselves indebted to me,,, us baying claims against mo will call and settle Immedi ately. or wilt be slbspostal of neeorillog tQ lass. The book s. will Ire left in the of J. F. Thompson of Mill Creek. Mill Creole, Jel,y 11,1562. D.r,ti. W. THOMPSON. IVAR ! WAR !! WAR!! GLORIOUS NETTS! HIGH PRICES REPEATED I Win, MARCH . & BROTHER, 31ARKLESBURC, Pd., Miro just opened n large, new, and unsurpassed stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry-Goods, of all kinds and quali ties. embracing everything in that line. Also, a complete assortment of GROCERIES, cheap, m ith good weight and fair measure, together with QUEUSWARE, STONEWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, &C., &C., AC., and all the various other clatters usually kept in a coun try store, so that the inquiry is not "What has March Brother got," but " What have they not?" Being satisfied that their large and complete stock of. the above named goods cannot be excelled in quantity or cheapness in this section of country, ue re spectfully ask n trial, feeling satisfied that a liberal pa.: fruitage will be extended towards us, by all who aro In • need of good articles at low prices. Our motto is "quick' odes and small profits." We respectfully request the patronage of all, and es pecially nor Trough Creek Talley friends. Everything taken in exchange for geode exceptpromi sea. A.r~ Cash Fad for nll kinds of groin, for which tho , highest musket prices will be given. WILLIAM MARCH & BRO Almrlalesburg, August 13,1163. - $4O ! WAGES PAID $199.1 To sell goods for the ADAMS Stevens id WHINE CO3IPANY. We will give a COMM49IIIII on all goods sold by our Agents or pay wages at from $4O to $lOO per month, ancl pay all necessary expenses. Onr machine Is perfect in its mechanism. A child can learn to operate it by holf an bourn iustrnetion I It is equal to any Family Sewing; Machine in use, and we have reduced the price to Fifteen Dollars. Each Machine is warranted for three years. Address C. ItIJC(II.E3. June 18,186241 n. Got. Agt., Detroit, .Vick 13212212 M