The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 27, 1862, Image 2
Eke Cobc. HUNTINGDON, PA Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 26, 1862. Our Flag Forever " kno2o of no mode in which a loyal citi zen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by sustaining the Flag, the Constitution and the U 721021, under all circum stances, and UNDER EVERY ADMINISTRATION, REGARDLESS OF PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL ASSAILANTS, AT lIOSIE AND ABROAD," A. Doucdas THE WAR NEWS. The news has not been reliable for several days past. We have bad ru mor upon rumor, until we almost doubt what has been published as truth. It is certain though, that the armies of Pope, McClellan and Burnside have united, and are on the Rappahannock, where there has been some heavy skir mishing with small losses. Gen. Sigel is said to have taken near two thous and prisoners. One thing is very cer tain, there must be a heavy battle be fore a week, or a heavy retreat of the enemy. Our whole army is represent ed to be in fine fighting condition. Brigadier General Bohlen, of Phila delphia, and Col. Richard Coulter, of Westmoreland, have been killed in re cent skirmishes on the Rappahannock. A UNION CONVENTION No Politital Parties in this time of National Peril, TO TSB PEOPLE OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY. Both political parties have met and made their party nominations. What ever may be said either by the resolu tions of the Conventions or by the ad vocates of the tickets nominated by them, the fact is too palpable that they are both strictly PARTY tickets. The wishes and the hopes of the people were disregarded and disappointed by this action. They want no party tick ets, and no political strife at this time. They feel that whatever they may have called each other in the past, they can recognize all loyal men as patriots and brethren now, and feeling thus they do not wish t) be arrayed in ap parent hostility. The Country needs the united strength of its people both in council and in the field, to put down Treason. Every man who now as sumes the duties of office, should do so :untrammelled by obligations arising from party nomination and election.— He should feel that he has been called by the whole people to act for them, and against their enemies; and not for a part of them, against the other part. To accomplish this, the people must act for themselves, and disregard the bidding of party leaders and partisans of every name. We think this is the desire of the people of this county. Every man who has a son or brother in the army thinks more of standing by him, strengthen ing his hands, than of the success of parties. We, therefore; citizens of the coun ty, (not because we are dissatisfied with the men nominated by parties, but because we are against party strife at all,) in the exercise of our rights as citizens, and discarding all party dis tinctions, unite in a call for a CON VENTAIN to be held in Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 9th of September, 1862, at 2 o'clock, P.M., to nominate candi dates to be supported by all loyal citi zens, who wish to ignore party, and to unite in cordial earnest support of the Government and the War. We sug gest that the citizens in the various boroughs and townships select, from each, FOUR DELEGATES on the SATURDAY, PREVIOUS to the day fixed for meeting of the Convention.— The election for delegates to be held at the usual places of holding township and general elections. The above call is being signed by hundreds of true men in every borough and township in the county. At the time of going to press we have receiv ed a large number of names, but will defer publishing any until our next is sue, by which time we expect to hear from every district- It is the first grand movement made by the people, since we have been in the county, to crush out the partisan trickster and of- Ike seeker, and we have no doubt of the triumphant success of the patriot ic movement. Every man opposed to partisan nominations at this time, should take bold ground and resist as becomes a man the efforts of party mem to control the will of the majority. A strong pull, a long pull, and a pull al together, is all that will be necessary to elect a UNION WAR TICKET over all opposition by a crushing ma jority. A Platform upon which all Loya Men can stand. We think our platform is broad enough, long enough, high enough, and strong enough, for all loyal men to stand upon. President Lincoln is with us—Secretary Seward is with us—and Gen. Corcoran and every other high and low officer and private in ourgreat army is with us. Our platform is— " No political parties—No partisan con tests—No party tichets, until our enemies are defeated, peace restored, and we have country." Seward, Corcoran, and Dr, H, Orlady. We beg pardon of Mr. Seward and Geu. Corcoran, for the combination of names at the head of this article, and hope we will be excused when we shall have made the contrast for which we introduce them. Mr. Seward has been watching the course of our enemies at home and abroad from his position in the State Department, a position we suppose quite as favorable for acquiring knowledge, and for correct observa- tion as Petersburg on the duniata.— Gen. Corcoran took his 49th New York Regiment into battle, saw their blood flow, and fought like a hero against the Rebels, was captured, and has been seeing the inside of rebellion as a pris oner for more than a year. His know ledge is surely as reliable as any that could be obtained by blood-letting at home, and his counsel as good as any that could come from a partisan who was in one party two years ago, and was a candidate for office in the oppo site party this year. Mr. Seward is a leading Republican, Gen. Corcoran a leading Democrat, and an Irishman.— With this introduction, we propose leav ing the people to their own comments upon the following sentiments. Mr. Seward in his letter to F. W. Hughes, says : "I am not to dictate a course fur others to pursue in this crisis. But 1 must say for myself, that neither as a public officer nor as a citizen, can I know with favor or disfavor, parties among the supporters of the United States any more than I can make a distinction between factions which unites in aiding the Rebellion " General Corcoran is reported in his speech at Baltimore, thus : " He appealed to them as their sol emn duty to banish all thoughts of se cession, forsake all political parties, forget Democracy, Know Nothingistn, Republicanism, and every other parti sanism, and unite in one paramount purpose, with a determination to sus tain our Goverhment. This done, and feeling safe in the enjoyment of liber ty, they could take time to - find out the political party that would best per petuate the Union, and unite with that." According to the report of the pro ceedings of one of the late party Con ventions, Dr. 11. °rind . ) , controlled its proceedings, and their temper will be known by the following extract which we take from the Journal d: American's account of them : "At this stage of the proceedings Mr. T. W. Mattern moved to obtain the sense of the Convention on the question that the body adjourn with out making further nominations, in or der to give Democrats a share of the county offices. Theo. H. Cromer and others advocated such a course, and Dr. Henry Orlady opposed it in a pow erful, eloquent and convincing speech, which was frequently internpted by marks of applause, after which the question was taken, and the motion re jected by an overwhelming vote." We have no anxiety that Democrats shall have a share of the county offices, but we do wish to banish the names of every political party, past, present and future, from our elections, until the country is safe from its enemies. We aro with Seward and Corcoran, and against Dr. Orlady and his party tick et, or any other party ticket. Time will show whether the people will fall in with the Patriot Statesman, and the Patriot Soldier: or the Partisan Office Seeker. As to the other party Convention, we are waiting until its proceedings see the light, when we will attend to them. —STErires ---------- Party Conventions. On the opposite page we give the proceedings of what was intended to be a no-party Convention; but the reader will discover by the comments of the editors of the Journal cfl Ameri can, and by the ticket placed in nomi nation, that the action of the majority of the Convention was as violent parti san as could be desired by the most unscrupulous politicians. Admitting that there was a strong feeling in the Convention against party nominations, it must also be admitted that that feel ing, urged by the best men in the Con vention, was treated with contempt by a class of men who never look beyond their party and the spoils of office.— We verily believe that such men would rather our army should be defeated be fore Richmond than that their party should be defeated either in making nominations or at the elections.— Should such men, but few in number, be permitted to control the will of a large majority of the people ? Should they be permitted to fasten upon the Republican or People's party of this county a party elmracter, a vast ma jority will repudiate if left to their own honest convictions. The so-called, Democratic Conven tion was also controlled by mere par tisans to satisfy the demands of a few office-hunters and a few men who have publicly declared their sympathy for the Rebels. Such men, together with their ticket, will be repudiated by the true and loyal Democracy. The proceedings of the so-called De mocratic Convention, we will publish when received. THE Republican Senatorial Confer ence for this district met in Bedford on Tuesday of last week, and nomi nated Alex. Stutzman, of Somerset. J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., had received the nomination in this county, for the unexpired term of Col. Wharton, but the claims of this county had to be set aside to satisfy the demands of Som erset. Will Somebody Explain ? We find the following resolution pub lished with the procedings of the Re publican Convention: It was read by Mr. Cremer and adopted by the Con vention : " Resolved, That the election the ap proaching fall will not be a contest feu• the success of political partisan prin ciples, or for political party men ; but a demonstration of sentiment and feel ing in fitvor of the Union, and against Disunion and Treason." Why this resolution was adopted af ter the Convention by a vote denounc ed its sentiments and declared in,favo• of making the election a contest for partisan principles and for party men, is what ordinary men cannot under stand. The sentiments of the resolu tion, though in a different form, were introduced by Mr. Mattern of Frank lin, before a ticket was nominated, and after a " powerful, eloquent and con vincing speech" by Dr. 11. Orlady,the question was taken and the sentiments voted clown. The resolution was cer tainly drawn up by Mr. Cromer before the meeting of the Convention, believ ing, as he did, that the wishes of the party would be respected. But the leader spoke—those wanting office shouted amen ! and the delegates rep resenting the true feelings of nine tenths of their party were compelled to yield to the partisan majority in the the Convention, " that the election the approaching fall shall be a contest for the success of political partisan prin ciples, and for political party men."— We shall see whether the partisan lead ers can whip in men who ought to be freemen. We take pleasure in giving here, a resolution adopted unanimously at the delegate election held in Franklin township, Avhich sent two delegates to the "People's Union Convention."— The resolution is as follows : "Resolved, That the People's Union Party, regardless of former party dis tinctions, will cultivate fraternal asso ciation with all those who cordially sustain our Administration in its ardu ous labors to crush out this cruel re bellion, either by meeting our foe upon the battle-field, in the council chamber, by moral aid and comfort, or pecunia ry support ; and that all such shall be cordially invited to participate in our delegate meetings, and our conven tions—and that there shall be no lon ger any distinction of party in the dis tribution of offices of responsibility, honor or profit, either civil or military." This resolution speaks the honest sentiments of the people—the honest sentiments of nine-tenths of the voters of this county. Will the people speak out, and crush out tho partisan politi cians? Or will they have nothing to say—and do nothing—and pormitpar ty to continue its mad career until our Country is completely destroyed. ABOLTTIONISTS.—Wo do not know that there arc any very prominent Ab olitionists in this county. We have heard many of the Republicans de nounced as Abolitionists, but we have not seen the evidence to convict .thein as such. The nearest to Wendell Phil lips Abolitionism we have seen was the defence he received in the Journal (f: American some time ago. The next nearest step in that direction was ta ken in the so-called Democratic Con vention by Mr. John Dougherty in a speech of considerable length. His speech should be printed in the new paper, that the Democracy might know to what kind of a feast they are invi ted. It won't do for, that knot of Democrats to denounce conservative men as Abolitionists after swallowing the close JLr. Dougherty gave them in their Convention. Of course Mr. Doughtery is one of the select—one of the pure Democracy—and we have no objection. Tull editors of the Harrisburg Pa triot and Union were discharged from prison at Washington on Saturday.— Had a hearing before Gen. Wadsworth. They were avrested on the Gtl•. charged with publishing a handbill calculated to discourage enlistments, and on examination, they severally made oath, save Mr. Jones, of having no knowledge of the publication or in tended publication thereof, it having been printed by two apprentice boys in the office, and Mr. Jones, the local editor, made oath that he drafted the handbill for the boys simply as a joke, without any intention of discour aging enlistments, and having several ly given their parole of honor to do no act or deed hereafter disloyal to the Government, they were discharged from imprisonment. INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE.--We invite every reader of the Globe to read carefully the correspondence between Francis W. Thighs, Chairman of the so called Democratic State Central Com mittee, and Secretary Seward. Mr. Seward's reply cannot be read too of ten, and we hope it will have the effect to strengthen the heart and hands of every loyal man in the country who is honest and determined in his oppo sition to party distinctions in this time of national peril. Mr. ALBERT OWEN, editor of the new paper, has not yet volunteered to serve his country. We fear that his desire to remain at home to vote will completely crush out his patriotism. There are two or three other able-bodied young men associated with Mr. Owen in the editorial department of the 'lron Rake,' who are also more deeply interested in the number of votes a part of their ticket shall receive than in the success of our army. Probably they NvotOd condescend to go into the field as oei cers, or take a lilt horse or other con traut,rather than have their patriotism doubted. Important Letter from President Lincoln. lioraec Circe editor of the New York Tribune, has been writing a dic tatorial letter to the President, and the following is tho admirable Reply of the President to Greeley, EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, August 23, 1862. Hon. Horace Greeley : DEAR Silt —1 have just read yours of the 19th, addressed to myself, through the New York Tribllne. If there be in it any statements or assumptions of fact which I may know to be erroneous,l do not now and here controvert them. Ido not now and here argue against them. If there be perceptible in it an impatient and dic tatorial tone, I waive it in deference to an old friend whose heart I have al ways supposed to be right. As to tho policy I" seem to be pur suing," as you. say, I have not meant to leave any one in doubt. I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the National authority can be restored, the nearer the Union will be " the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destiny slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this strug gle is to save the Union, and it is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without free ing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if 1 could save it by freeing seine and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about slavery and the colored race I do because 1 believe it helps to save this Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not be lieve it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors, and I shall adopt new views as soon as they shall appear to be true views. 1 have here stated my purpose ac cording to my view of oUtcial duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that an men everywhere could be free. Yours, A. Thscor,:v (Signed) ----- Gen. Michael Corcoran. (ien. Corcoran, of New, York who had been a prisoner for over a year, and lately released, was handsomely received at Philadelphia on Thursday 21st. We give the following extracts from his speech delivered to an im mense crowd in front of the Continen tal Hotel : ' I believe, my friends in sustaining the country, remember there are feuds that seem to threaten it. My country men have been among the first victims of battle. They have fallen. Let no dissensions now divide us. Let us be one in sentiment, and respect the men who stand side by side in the defence of a Governmeiit so beneficent. Let us be held together by banded ties, which cannot be severed. [Cheers.] I was held and treated as a convicted felon, but the knowledge of the sa credness and righteousness of the cause gave me strength, and I assure you that at no time would I have exchan ged places with that arch-fiend, Jef ferson Davis. [Prolonged Applause.] I would be less than an American citi zen—less than a man who loves his flag—if I did not feel proud of this Administration. It is not for me to mark out a course of policy for the country of your adoption to pursue, but it is the duty of all to obey its precepts. You are anxious to hear my opinion. I will give it briefly. as a soldier ought to deliver himself.— Those traitors of the South have de termined to possess themselves of eve ry inch of ground in the United States both North and South. It is for you to determine that they shall possess themselves of neither except under the old flag. I have entered into the fight for the maintenance of the laws of the United States, and =going in to the battle again. I intend to sup port the duly constituted authorities in their formed determination to pros ecute this war with renewed energy and vigor to restore the laws under the Constitution. We will make no infringements upon the Constitution except those that aro necessarily es sential to the interests and welfare of the people of the whole nation.— [Cheers.] lam in favor of the Presi dent of these United States for time time being—he being invested with the fullest authority; and, if' he en croach a little, because he sees it is ne cessary, we, in proper time, can put the patch back. It would be an insult to you for me to presume to dictate the course he ought to pur sue in this matter. I do not believe that there is a loyal man in this city or State who believes that the glorious institutions which we have so long liv ed under should be destroyed by a set of fimatics. The President in his pa triotic course, will endeavor to hurl back the wide tide of fanaticism. I ought, perhaps, to explain myself iu or.c particular. That is, I have al ways been a lover of liberty. In this particular, I will now say that I would not give the Southerners the satisfac tion of bearing me upon the subject.— That is, being a lover of liberty, I was a hater of despotism and the infringe ment of man's rights. Rad our Gov ernment interfered with the institutions guaranteed the South under the Consti tution, I would have been one of the first to help them. But I found, and I know, that they have been plotting for the last fifty years the treason they have consummated. The luckiest thing that could have happened for the welfare of this country was the election of Hr. Lincoln. I will now address myself more es pecially to my countrymen. Allow no malice to enter your breast that will interfere with your obligations to the flag of your adopted country. Let those politicians who have been using us continue in their course. We will endeavor to manfully stand by our adoptoci country, and when we return from war we will have just the kind of politics we want. 1 have always been a Democrat, but the lime has come when every man should discoN and be known as a lover and support er of his country. lam still a _Demo crat,but I will not allow politics to in terfere with me in the discharge of my duty. [Cheer upon cheer.] When I find a man with a musket upon his shoulder, or sword in hand, battling alongside of me, I take him by the hand, no matter whether he is a Know 'Nothing, Republican, or Aboli tionist,. I know no man, except he who discharges the duty he owes to his flag. We have a great duty to perform, not only for our own sake, but for those poor, deluded, misguided white people of the South who are ground down by the blackest kind of despotism that ever controlled man. We must go to their rescue, and to posterity we must hand this country as we found it when we took the oath of allegiance--." the Uttion now and forever, ono and inseparable. " Important Correspondence The following important correspon dence between Francis W. Hughes, Esq., Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, and Secreta ry Seward, will be read with interest by the citizens of Pennsylvania: Letter_ of Mr. Hughes HEADQUAIITEIIS OP THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, OP PA. PHILADELPHIA, August 11, 1862. Hon. WILLIAM 11. SmrAnn, Secreta ry of State: Dear Sir :—With some hesitation I take the liberty of enclos ing to you three documents, viz : The Address of the Democratic State Cen tral Committee, of this State; an Ad ch•ess this day issued by myself, as Chairman, and the form of a call for a great Mass Meeting, about to be held in this city. Allow me to say that the address of the committee has been much assailed by leading and influential journals, conducted by those who claim to be your political friends. The denuncia tion has been so decided as to pro nounce it treasonable. Whether or not it is treasonable, you can best determ ine if you read it. It is lengthy and may take up ;too much of your time, but the address issued by myself this day, is comparatively short, and as it states positions sufficiently to determ ine the character of the former, it will relieve you of labor, Wyatt will read the latter. As the address of the Committee as well as that by myself; as Chairman, are both from my own pen, I should bear the greater part of whatever re proach should attach to their publica tion. Still, allow me to assure you that they contain the sentiments of no less than throe humlred thousand of the men of Pennsylvania, and I believe of over one million of mon in the cen tral States of New Jersey, Pennsylva nia, New York, Ohio, Indiana and Illi nois. I will add, too, that I believe there is no other million of men in the whole country of more devoted patriotism and loyalty. I will add too, that I believe this million of men will, amid political changes, remain patriotic and loyal.— If you will read one or both of the en closed addresses, and if in connection with the facts I have stated in regard to their supporters, it will stimulate you or serve you in any degree to pro mote a policy on the part of' the Ad ministration of President Lincoln to put down the demon of Abolitionism, my sole object in addressing you this (perhaps presumptuous) note, shall be more than abundantly obtained. At all events, rest assured that I address you with the profound respect due your high personal and official char. :cater. F. W. truoutls. Response of Secretary Seward DEPARTMENT O 1 STATE, WARRING- I TON, August 10th, 1862. To F. W. Hughes, Esq., Head-guar. tern of the Democratic State Central Committee of Pennsylvania, Philadel phia—Dear Sir :—I have had the hon or of' receiving your letter of the 14th instant, together with the three papers to which it refers, two of them being appeals and written by yourself, and addressed by the Democratic State Central Committee " to the Demo crats and an other friends of the Con stitution of Pennsylvania," and the other being a call for a mass meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia, the ob ject of which meeting will be "to ex press a firm purpose to stand by the maintainance of the 'National Consti tution with devotion to the American Union," and further, " to declare hos tility to the policy and measures of all who seek to prostitute the country to Lho purposes of abolitionism, and formally to express the intentions of the Democratic party to do as it has always hitherto done, namely to sup port the Federal Government in the exercise 'of its Constitutional power, and to defend it at whatever peril, against the insidnous and treasonable teachings of Abolitionists." You tell me that some influential journals conducted by political friends of mine, censure ono of these papers as treasonable, and that the others are conceived in the same spirit with the one which is so harshly judged You desire me to read them and weigh them for myself: You further inti mate a hope that the perusal of the pa pers will have the effect of producing exertions on my part to induce the President to fitvor a policy to put clown the demon of Abolitionism. I have read the documents thus sub mitted to me, With a high respect for the authority by which they were is sued, and with a full confidence in the sincerity of the devotion to the Union which, as their author, you have avow ed. You will allow me to say that this nation is now engaged, not in a politi cal canvass between opposing parties, about questions of civil ad ministration, but in a civil war, carried on by oppo sing armies onan issue of national life or death. If the resolution prevail there will be no questions of administration left to settle. if it fail there will be time enough to settle all such questions. I am not to dictate a course for oth ers to pursue in this crisis. But I must say for myself, that neither as a public officer, nor as a citizen, can know with fitvor or disfavor, parties among the supporters of the United States, any more than 1 can make a distinction between factions which unite in aiding the rebellion. A nation, like an individual, can do only one thing effectually at one time. It cannot wisely turn aside from the chase of the fearful demon of Disu nion, to pursue any inferior demon, whether imaginary or real. I think that the wrangles which oc curred among the Crusaders about their respective creeds, when they sat down to the siege of Jerusalem, were just as rational and just as wise as dis putes about Abolitionism weed now he in the army of the Potomac in front of Richmond. What is unwise in the camp at such a moment cannot be wise in the Cabinet or in the as, semblies of the people. I am occupied here either in medita ting between differing parties and jeal ous sects, or else in watching and coun teracting fhe intrigues of traitors in Europe. But I sometimes think that if, instead of being charged with these duties, I were at liberty, as you seem to be, to serve the country in my own way, I could make an appeal to Dem ocrats and Republicans, Abolitionists and slaveholders in behalf of our dis tracted country that would bring the whole people at once under arms, and send treason reeling back into the den of darkness from whence it sprung. I do not know how this would be, but I do know that if I were in your place I should try. I am, very respectfully, your obedi ent servant, WILLI - Am IT. SEWARD. The Right Talk—What is Needed, lion, Daniel S. Dickison recently addressed a letter to the citizens of Eric, which enunciates precisely the thought and desire of the people in this crisis of our history. As to the duty of the Government, Dickison says: "In the pursuit of its purpose the Government must rise to the dignity of the responsibility, and while it ex tends the protection of the constitution to those who acknowledge its obliga tion, should, in dealing with revolt, lay its hand with iron rigor upon every interest which will give it strength or weaken its lawless adversary, and should strike hardest where it will be felt most; should, for the purpose of conquering an earl • )- peace, in obe dience to the first instincts of self pres ervation and the holiest dictates of humanity, whenever it will contribute to these results, immediately or re motely, condemn and confiscate to its use every Species of property of every name and kind, whether animate or inanimate—on two logs or on four.— This will give an earnest of the reali ties of war. "We have not now, nor have we ever had, over about one half men enough in the field to conquer and hold so vast an area in rebellion ; and the - occasion is now presented fin' us to rectify the error, and to embody a force which can practically assert the strength and dignity of the Govern ment, can crush the venom out of this pestilent curse, and exhibit to the en vious, meddlesome monarchies of the old world the vindication of a free, self governed people, against the mach inations of conspiracy and sympathies of king craft. "In raising such a force the Presi dent should understand so fag• as taxa tion becomes necessary to a vigorous and successful prosecution of the war, and so long as its fruits arc faithfully applied to that purpose, the people will not hesitate at any amount, for they mean this rebellion shall be destroyed and the Constitution sustained, cost what it will or come what ic,ay, and in comparison with these results they will disregard the dangers and blood shed and expenses of the war. " Governments are constitutionally timid, and politiciani arc atways be hind the people, arid both should un derstand that the popular demand of to-day is not only for the raising of three hundred thousand men atready ordered, but for a further order for an equal number, with a recommendation that every able bodied man between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, should prepare to take the field in ease of necessity. Let this be recom mended, and so much of it may be ne essary carried into effect, even to the whole, and conspiracy will find its re ward, and rebellion go where it be longs. Let the people demand this, and our good President proclaim it, and little more will be wanted than an act of amnesty for the leaders, to restore law and order and peace." Three Hundred Thousand More. The news which reached the city yesterday through the Northern pa pers that the President has called for 300,000 militia, in addition to the 300, 000 volunteers just called out, is work ing marvelously on the minds of the people. The Union men are rejoiced at the determination of the Govern ment; and the most violent secession ists say, " If the people of the north stand that, the Confederacy is gone up—the South may as well yield."— The thing works like magic, and eve ry rebel in Memphis has dropped his lower jaw an inch and a half since yesterday. Four hundred men, forming one artillery and three intintry companies, have already been recruited in Mem phis, and have gone to Nashville to report to Gov. Johnson. Two other companies are recruiting here, and it would not be surprising if this depop ulated city sent out a full regiment to fight for the National Union, whose protection they have learned to appre ciate. Is not this proof positive that there is Union sentiment in the South ? There is not a city, town, village or hamlet in the entire South whore the love for the Union has become wholly extinct. The embers may be buried, but the first fitvorable breeze will bin them into living, burning flames.— Even the traitors know this, and " tis this they most do fear."—Memphis correspondence .21'. Y. Tribune. Tuii Journal and American of this week, says that in the formation of the ticket they support, " all the loyal people of the county, without distinction of political creed, were incited to aid, and DID SSIST. Will our neighbors name one Democrat who was permitted to occupy a seat in that Convention as a delegate. We know that Democrats did offer to assist in the election of delegates, and we Tenor= too, that they Were denied the right to participate in such elections, Frightful Indian Massacres in Min— nesota. S•r PALL, - MINN., Aug. 22.-1 - tellable information from Fort Ridgeley con firms, without a doubt, all the previ ous reports of the Indian outbreak. Mr. Wickoff, the Assistant Superin tendant, on his way to the Upper Agencies, met a messenger six miles from Fort Ridgeley, on Monday morn ing, announcing an outbreak at the Lower Sioux Agency, and the murder of all the whites, with a few exceptions. Captain Marsh set out immediately with 11)0.y-five men. At a ferry oppo site the Agency they encountered a large body of warriors, who opened fire on them, and after discharging a few volleys, a large body of Indians, who were lying In ambush in their rear, opened upon them, killing a num ber of the men. A retreat was attempted by crossing the river. While they were in the river, the Indians killed the Captain, three Sergeants and four Corporals, and bat seventeen of the band return ed to the fort. On Monday night the lights D•oin burning buildings and grain stacks was seen in all directions. Citizens who had escaped came into the fort during tho night, giving accounts of horrors tog terrible for the imagination to conk, ceive. Mothers came in in rags and bare-footed, telling of how their bus_ bandsand children had been sktugh-, tcred before their eyes, and of tho burning of their homes. The roads in all directions to New Ulm are lined with the bodies of nun dered men, women and children. J. P. Porter, of Markalo, a member of the, last Minnesota Legislature, ar-, rived here last evening fur arms. Ito was one of the committee sent to New I_3llll to learn the truth of the repor ted murders. Ile arrived at New Ulin on Tuesday morning, and found the people prepar ed to bury five persons who had been massacred. The bodies of other vic tims were being constantly found in a most horribly mutilated condition. Four persons were found wounded in a room, having had their heads and arms cut with hatchets. A little girl was cut across the face, breast and side, and a little boy dreadfully cut up. Ile saw a child with its head cut off, and 27 other bodies mutilated. The people of NOW Ulm are drilling with what arms they can get, and arc fully aware of their danger, and deter mined to defend the town. Mr. thin left NOW Ulm on Wednes day, and was overtaken by a man who reported that the Indians, two thousand strong, had attached the town and burned several buildings.— Several citizens were seen to fall.— The eitizeir4 had gathered together and barricaded the streets. Letters to Governor Ramsey say that hundreds are known to be killed, and it is believed thousands have suf fered the same Tito. lie yesterday ordered the militia, with horses, to ttAo scene, ----- Frain General Cuti,s' Army. Sr. Lours, Aug. 21.—A letter to dm Republican., d'utoti liclona, Aug, : 14th, says : " The la net forces here now, ex clusive or Steele's Division, at Claren, don ; can tot be less than 30,000. The forces NN:•hifAi. Gen. Curtis led through his harassing campaign are 'Tempera, ted to a great degree. That a move, meat of thlts army will soon take place seems to be the general opinion. " The fitet, that about twenty-five steamers arc here, and retained im gov ernment employ, indicates a movement down the river. "General Curtis lkas returned, and his return has iktereased th.e• expecta tion of active movements soon. 4, There are some ivealtky rebel pro, pert' holders about. Helena, not least of whoiu is General Gideon Pillow, He owned three plaat4ons in the vi cinity, all of which, including the chat tels, have been confiscated. He nk tempted to avoid the law by malting sham sales, but it did not avail. " Several yours ago, a Northern man s 11. P. Coolidge, went to Helena, com paratively poor. When the rebellion broke out his property was estimatO at one million of dollars. The rebels, burnt, 2,000 balesof cotton for him, and now he loses by confiscation, 300 ne groes. The fine mansion of General, Hindman is now occupied as head quarters by Ceti!. Curtis. The build-, ing, however, is covered with more mortgages than Hindman ever could pay. The sickness on the fleet is exceed ingly great. On the Cincinnati nine, ty-three were on the sick list, and take the fleet through, half their crew& down. Should this matter not mend, the gunboats will not be able to co-op, orate very energetically with the land forces in the contemplated movement upon Vicksburg. In the camps back of the bluffs much sickness prevails, which is attributed to the use of the spring water there abounding, said to, be impregnated with copperas." A COMMODOItE'S ammo:v.—One of the noblest of our Commodores is Prod-, crick Engle. A more loyal man and. devoted patriot the country does not, contain. In a private letter from him, dated Brooklyn, Aug. 15, is the follow, ing passage, which we take the liberty , of printing, on the ground that tho opinions of such men are the property, of the nation. lie says : " I shall be, happy to moot you when this war clo, scs, which must be soon. My opinion has been, since the ,first, blow on Sums ter, that the fight should be for victory : The means to gain it, the employment ofeverything within our grasp. What t choice of weapons with rebels ? White or black, green or yellow, they must be conquered ! Then make terms, and let them be liberal." Germantown Telegraph. VAnuiry ENvELorr.s.--Coleman Co's Union Variety Packages are for sale at Lewis' Book Store. They make a very handsome present for all ages. The jewelry is of a better qual- ity than can be secured in any other package or in any other way for the same money. The buyer of an envel ope can get any article of jewelry ho or she may select from specimens. C a ll and see for yourself: Price 50 eta, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS--new and int: proved §tyles—just received and fop 6410 at LI:N•Is' Bout: tstore