- THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STITIONERY, FOR _LADIES AXD GE2 TLE:7IEiV; EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, , CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEO/S.' BOOK, STATIONERY AND :lUSIC STORE. NEW ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! C. ASH. MILLER lIAS JUST OPENED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS , A FRESH STOCK OF TIIE BEST GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &C., &C. AND ARTICLES TOO L'IDLEROUS TO MENTION. MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, ARS REQUESTED TO CALL AND EXAMINE M meg O' .ATE TV .A.:ArD CHEAP GOODS. G. ASS. DULLER. Huntingdon, April 11. 1562. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY ! AN IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN A2 7 D FOR & LE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK April 15, 1862. NEW STOCK OE GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON lIILL STREET, TRTNTINODON, PENNA VIE BEST SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE BEST, AND ALL and every other article usually round In a Grocery Store ALSO— Drugs, Chemicals, Dyo Stuns, Paints, Varnishes, Gila and SO& Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Glass and Putty, BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purposes, ALL TILE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, BOMB AND BILGES, and a largo number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will please call and examine for themselves and learn my prices. Huntingdon, April 8, 1862 GOODS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES ! FISHER & SON Have just Opened and offer to the Public, A SPLENDID STOCK OF WELL SELECTED NEW GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. THE PUBLIC Will please call and examine our Goods. FISHER & SON. April 8, 1862. KS! BLANKS!! PLANKS 1 . BLAIN STATILE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACII3LENTS, I EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBNENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LRAMS FOR ROUSES, NATURALIZATION WES, COMMON DONOR JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of tho $lOO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peon and Minister s of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE LAMAS to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taves. Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Offico of tho HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of el ery description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and ou good Paper. SONGS AND BALLADS, &C., The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, Tho Dime Union Song Book, The Dime Nllitary Song Book, The American Dime Song Boole, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Songster, Dixey's Es,Fenee of Fund Cork Songstei Gus Shaw's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiquette,. New Dime American Joker, The Dime and other Eberle, The Dime Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, Kos. 2 & The Dime Speaker, Kos.l d 2 The Dime Cook root•, The Dime Recipe Book. For salo at Lms , Boos, STATIONERY AND MUBIO STORZ au4EADY RECKONED. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, in dollars cents, to which aro added forms of Norm Bate, Re ceipts, Petitions, die., together with a set of useful tables, contatntog rate of Interest from ono dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the week and day, published In 1859. For sale at LEWIS' 1100 K STORE. Am, at D. P. GAVIN'S if you want C Fstshionnble Good R. 1862. T I-I E 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES LOWER PRICES Than the same article eau be bought iu Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dating Room, Bed Room, Hall, • Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &c. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. 1862. CLOTHING, H. ROMAN. W CLOTHING FOR SPRTYG AND SUMIER,, JUST RECEIVED AT 11. RONAN'S CHEAP CLOTHIAVG STORE. For Gentlemen'. Clothing of the best material, awl mmle In the best workmanlike manner, call at 11. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin Rouse in Market :glum, hunting. don, Po. Huntingdon, April 8,186^_. SPRING GOODS, JEST OPENED AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S. S S. 4VITII FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON GOOD BANKS A INDIVIDUALS, Taken at Par in Exchange for Goods. Ther highest prices poi.] in Goods for nil kinds or COUNTRY PRODUCE. A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S STORE Huntingdon, March 25, 1562. HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. GWIN. April 8, ISG2. FOR EVERYBODY SOON SCOTT. SAMUEL T. DnOIVX. SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill street, in the building formerly occupied as tho "Journal" Printing orneo. Huntingdon, Jan. 14,1002. J. 11. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill Street. Huntingdon, Jay. 14,1662-tr. . ALLISON MILLER, DE NTTIST, Has removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court House April 13, 1859. JE. GREENE, • DENTIST. Miro on Railroad street, opposito the Jack- ' son Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa, March 25, 1002. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL) A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE er LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A. handsome meortmentjust received and for Bahl at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE II T. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 211.7NTINGDON, Jan. 2, 1861-tl. El LEWIS' ISI Fon THE FIRST A LARGE STOCK EMI FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FINE. STOCK OF NEW SPRING CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. HIA Stock coi.ista of Ready-made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPE, SC., SC. Should gentlemen desire any particular hind or cot n clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their meavure they can be accommodated at she t notice. Call at the cast cornier of tIIV llmmmni , 0,00 LougN Grocery. MANUAL GUTIVIAN. April P,1862. IWASHINGTON NOT TAKEN!! OUR FLAG STILL WAVES. NEW GOODS!! NL•'\V GOODS!!! At (1e.,: Run Station, and ,Vetoburg SI3IOS COHN has Jest recehed from the Eastern a largo absoittneut of Dry arrxD, Gtocertao, garenewa re. Hardware, Clothiag, Dunne's, Shawls, Hate, (Alps, ideate, Shoes, and all other articles kept in country stores. which he is offer lag at his Mammoth Store.. at Coffee line Station and SolA burg, at nauqually low price,. The lathes especially, are invited to call and examine his Fancy (lends. Having arrangements u till large firms Phlholelphla and other eastern cities. he is able to buy his good, cheap• er than other county mot chants, and eant con,equently. undersell them l In exchanzo for gouda, he takes all kinds of country produce at the highest camp prices. fly strict attention to the wools of customer+, lie hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage n Mr m rich ho ham been heretofore favored. . . Air. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co, nt Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all hinds of Chain to the Eastern markets. Having n large {Vero noon', far• nuns can store with him annuli ready to ship. Every con venience will be entailed them. Angust 29,1591. I(OLLOCIcI'S DANDELION COF FER. This preparation. made from the best Jaya Coffer. is recommended by phy..iclans as a capon for NUTRITIOUS lIEVEILAUFI for Genet al Debility, It)spep,i. nint all bilious diHoiderq. 'Monson& soli., hose 1 / 1 .1.11 compelled to abandon the use of coffee mdl Ilse this m ithunt him, ions effects. One can contains the ettength of too pounds of ordinary coffee. Price L l 5 cells. KaLLOCK'S LEVALN, The Inmost and bat 1121NIZ , ;(1 POWDInt known, 11w making light, meet and nutritious BlTad and calms. rrico S 6 colds. JRNCFACITISCO np N. U. riOLLOCK, CREMIT, Owner elf Broad and C/ 'loud Stark, PM/AI/ELM t, And sold by all Druggi!ln nod Olocorß Pelt, 24, 18b2-Iy. r ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Sheet, between Third and fourth, Philadelphia. unden,igned, het nig irir , d, for a to in or youß, this popular lions°, base the pleasure of announcing, to their friends and the tinseling community, that it in lion open for the leception of guests. The house since the filet of Match last, has lieen entirely ienosated and elit tea in it superior manner; the aunt t moms are bilge, melt selltdated alni furnished in modem bolo. It is centrally located. con‘enient to all the depot and steaninoat land ings, and in the immediate vicinity of the Custom House, Vest (Mice and the Cot n Exchange. Connected s, ith the hotel is a Ituitam ant for the ac coritnied lion of those preferring the European plan.— rrices of Booms fl ern Tine° to :con Dollars per week, according to McMinn. Board $1 50 per dap. Tani° d'lfute fur merchant., and bII3IIICP9 MCII Irons I to 3 P. M. Aprll S, 1862-1 y "THE UNHON," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada, UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. 4 vita lintel is central, convenient by Passenger Cars to all parts of the City, and in eve, p ins ticidar adap ted to the comfort and nnnts of the bnailie s public. Terms, Sl.fitt per digs..a Sept. 10, 38131.—1 y. Y, - --- 7 4 = P.' -i .c 1 1 1 . r 7 14 . 1-4 rl\\ " = .=, ~ ~ .r., . ..0 =I I 151 UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SA.LF, AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respertfnlly call the attention of the C 1670115 of /tun titigdon and the adjoining connties to the stock of beautiful mafble nosy on hand. lie is pi epated to lm nisli at the shot test notice, Monumental Mat ble, Tomb, Table. , and Stones of every de,ired nice and fonts of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with apple paints defiers, or plain, ns may snit. Thudding Mtuble, Dour and Window , Sills, &c., trill he flit nislied to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and nods. mansliip equal to any in the country, at a lair price. Call and FM. before you purchase eleoulime. Shop on I ill street, Hunting,'tau, ra. Hun t ingdon, 31ny 16, 1855 WILLIAM AFRICA lIAS AGAIN COMMENCED TIIE BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING, ONE DOOR EAST OS' IF. ROMAN'S CLOTIIINO STORE. His old customers and Ills public generally, will give Lim a call. (Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 18.55.] A LEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! The undersigned respectfully inform the public hat they have put chased the ALEXANDRIA IIIIEWERY end will continuo the b1191110:19, not endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders sill he promptly attended to. WM. 110T111t0Oli, (PM. N. KIPAW. Alexandria, Fcb. 42, 1860 TIIE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN MAST AGAIN I—The subscribers take this method rot ming their ft lends and the public; generally, that they hero rebuilt the Ilunting.lon Vona dry, nod are now In successful , and ate propel to famish Castings of fir* t i „;;;;;;; ei cry description, of Lest quality and orlaannship, oil short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers aro ins lied to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manefactuting the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tlngdon county Agricult mat Fair last 0,11. Also, hunter's celebtoted Cutter Ploughs, slick can't be bent—together with the Keystone, JIIIIEIIII3 mid Bar-shear ploughs. have on baud and are manufacturing Slot es—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stores for nom? or coal, Willow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, Ss., all of which ue %sill sell cheap Tor cash or in exchange for coon. try produce. Ohl metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, 110 Lope to re ceive a liberal share of pnblic patronage. J. NI. CUNNINONAM & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30, ISM COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! cIIIIC9 A. Brown sells the genuine "PORTLAND KERG. SENE," OR COAL OIL, clear as teeter. This is the only kind of oil that gives entire satisfaction as tut agent for light. Beware of eoltuteiteits and colored carbon oils. 'They emit an otlo n sito smell and smoke. A largo variety oleo of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks. Burners, Shades, &e., lie., sold at the very lowest prices, fit the Ilardum e tore, limiting. don, OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY FIXTURES, CORD AND TA SS'.eILS., =1 IT LEWIS' BOOK STORE; MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS By AUTHORITY OF 1111: WAN Dr.p.IIITMEN T. The book is on octavo of 500 page% iv elegantly printed on line paper. unit Itou bold t}pa. alle) tide on trrL+rir elite ezhattalire under, fora Lich ou cry onkel , will be gl Maul, lino moment tine eye recta upon it. OS no fin inner edition has et or had an uulez, atrl the want of oine hue boor long felt in the Mirky. The Appendix. en17.111,e9 the Article; of War. contain ing many Important cot tectionv ateo,eltrtionv C. - 4n the Military Acts of Catigre, , , iuchtdtng {home pasiril at the tall heenlon. PH ICI: $2, 00. rpit SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK. STOIII CAVALRY TACTICS, rynoitizro EDITIOX.] By Major William Gilham, U. S. A, Jost published and fur s:Lb , of BOOK STORE.— Comph. te in one vOllllll, VII. , UO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the instruction, exercisronal manoeuvree of the (Jolted States IllfantrY, hsrlsallay in- , I fardry of the Line, light Insfaats y, anti Mlle. men, prepared nuttier the tlis cellos, of the War Veva:Uncut, and authorized nod tuloptrd by the Secretany of War, May lit, 1561. coo tail, lug the et:hoot of the rublier: till seism' of the company ; instruction fm ski, illiilieni, Mid mho geneltii • ails; the calls for skis osh,hers, and mho nelson' of the battalions; including the RI tides eras of • an n al a diet laai y of Ins limn y terns, Complete in one Nohnne. Price $1.23. For rule at Lea' rook State. . . ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK FOR FUR UNITED AST:I TES SOLDIER, On coining into nen ice: containing' 0 complete nyeteni of inbtrnetion in the School of the Soltlirr, with a in elitinna ry explanation of the tot mation of tt Battalion on Pm .ttle, the Volition of the olticeri. being a first 111,111 of introduction to anti... tee.IIJ.S. Int lolly Vactie,,Jo,t poi, Imbed. Itrice Si cents. For sale at Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Complete In 2 vols. pi icc $l.O. For sale nt LEWIS' 31001 i STOIIII. .070.• The flanks sent by mail to any nada esi on the re elpt of thu price. IltintingtlunMay 23, 1801. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOON, STATION/MT LI: MUSIC STO4E, OSGOOD'S Speller. bit, 2.1,0.1,4111 and lilt Readers. UFFEI'S Speller and Iteatict s. SANDRIt'S do do do TOM ti s Spotter and Definer, (old anti iloW editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Brom tie GUMMI:WS. Fitch's Physical Geography. Won ren's Fins steal Geography. Mitchell's. 'Monteith and McNally's Geopapbies R AtIOSOS. COMIN Geography, n Ith Key to 3litcliell's Outline Maps. Webstet's anal Woicestet's Dlctiouat tee. Quad:mhos' Fit at I.e.:mns I n c on , po sw,,,, Qoarkenbo's Cooltoo,ition and 1010 tot no. Grenntrot Stoddat 111001is' At ithioutif9. Peter..,ou'd Fangitior Scient 0. GlevoleAt'otOla Stod.l,lao 11050 to Arithatetics. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Palk. en dorroile Shitee td y. Pat her's Fit at I.e,ons in Natal al Philosophy. Parker's l'hilir.ophy. IViOnitrs Illitto 3 01'1110 United States. " UlllOl iCieS < Pay ,onn Denton and Scribner's Penmanship, In eleven imumm Potter Ilturnond's PenntanOtip in twelve Academical, Coott s' nod other Cop) Ittwks. Davion' Elementary Geometi y and Tilgotioinutry. Davies' Legends ifs Geometry. Greenlea I 'e 04,01110 ry. Fulton di Eastman's Book-keeping. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by 11am:fold .4. Payson Book Keeping by Single anti Doable Ent r 3 , by littnaford Pa 3 SOT!. Other books will lie nakkd and fin nt'hed to order. A fall stock of S, hoot Stationety always on hand. fluntingdon, Pa. HENRY NEM. L'LkAC L. DV.VOII, PENS ! PENS ! ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C. BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Peps ) 41 sv) IiCES-25 cts. per dozen or $2 per gross. CORRUGATED METAL" I'}NS. mile by C. 11AIINACD, ma the beet Com meteial and School Pena, ldtliallt Vaeclaloll nay.— They ale n,olliyall the principal hanky and U OS epunent Depot Ituenhi, Palle and hivate Schoolv; el , u. by the 111091 mominent Commercial flumes thtoughoot the Uni toil State:, and Canada. Put a allot t time has cl•tp~ed :loco lime been introduced into the United States, still is mark ed pielerenee Is gisen them ores all others for the follow lug reitwita: The '• Corrugated 311 , 111" PENS do 1101 cot rode; they will not =plotter of cut through the thinnest paper: they lime an easy gliding notion• n certainty of ennall3 dinitzlug tho iuly soltne, of point, and great . . Tho follow lug testimonials, selected from muneroud °them, ore immeetfully submitted: 1 Aire w=ed the Metallic rens of :qr. 0. tlnt noril mtII highly nimi ore of them. C. BARSTOW, of St. -Viekolas hoot, Sew dial.•. IVo Lave nand tho Polo of Mr. 'lemma, mid find them to he Os Ire represent., mid take ntemurc in recommend ing them to the public. WELLS, FARGO & CO., A. 31 ULLICLIN, Cashier. C. Bernard's Pees have been tried, nail nro highly ap proved in this ollice. S. 0. OfiLMS, Amid.)). S. Custom House, .Yew York. llax iug tt icd the corrugated Pons made by Mr. Earnat d, I ran recommend thrm its excellent. SA 111.11.1 L L nnnusx, Cootatundunt Erunttun, We add outs to above recommendation,. 31.13. CROMWELL& CO., See• York I have no hesitation in saying Ilarnard'_s C P . er t a y s: Dealer in Dry 0 oral% Croce, lea, Hardware, Queens ', aro, Hats and Cava, Boot, and Shone, La. FISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clain, Lc., Huntingdon, Pa. TOSEPII RET.GGER, e w mci.,tirer and I/./L'i . it{ Il"atelie4. Citickg, awl Jeer eln• vir M. Plain and Oinaroontal Mot Ile Manufactul or. J OHN F. BAMEY, County Surveyor, e B »Wins:don, ISM. Otllee on Hill stl eet o one dor mil of the Iltiattntical 3lanl,h; IZEFLILENCLS—L. 'Watson, Philadelphia; 3. P. tkologh3, Philadelphia; Chadet Mi, Bey, Rough mot Heady I.nrnaee, I ton. Jon:all:1n XVlVillinois. COUNTRY DELVLERS can buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at WHOLEPALH av cheap al they can in thu cities, as I Noe a Hbole4nle gtore in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, Apia 14, 1833. It. HOMAN. STONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gm cern 20 per cent. cliensicr tintit any other Once in VIOLINS, GUITARS, SYMPIIONIANS, ACCORDIONS AND FIFES, For sole cheap at LEIVIS'IIOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. pOCKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK 0.2 r HAAT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE BOOK BINDING-. Old Ilookv. 11IngazuteR, or publientiong of noy kind, bound to old,. if left at I,E1115" 11001: & STATIONERY STORE. TusriNEss - NEN - , TAKE NOTICE! II you cant yinle catil neatly priutetl upon elm]. oyes, o it t.c I, W 19' BOOK AND STA TIO\'E7;T STORE. FOR THE I, &DIES. A superior nrtielo of Note Paler and Envelap,t, mutable far coVidrilliof col retpantlence. far tale at' LEWLS' BOOK P STATIONERY STORE. PAPER! PAT.'ER !! Note, Post, Commercial, Pool=cap nod good 11S401 tment for onto by the team, half ream, quite or sheet, at LIIWIS' NEW BOON S. STATIONER STORE. ENVELOPES- By the box. pooh, or lo , 9 quantity. for onto nt LEWIS" MOE" AND .STA MARRY SWILL 13 ARGUMENT DEED PAPER-- 3_ MO, for oak at LEaris , ROOK STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For ,rile LEWIS' BOOK AND STJTIONIII?1" STORE'. 11001' SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 lumps, at l akes from 23 ct.i. to $2.00 at the cheap store of D. o'. ODIN. TADZES Collars, very cbc;ln_lipil beau .l UM, nt D. CONIN'B, _ A Splendid variety of Carpets, only _CA_ . 23 ets, RI pull. EON. HARRISBUI{G STONE-WARE!!! Crack}, Jug 4, Pieberve Jai &C., Fe., of Millet for quality. Sold only by JAMES A. MOWN, TA P. GWIN keeps the largest, best „ /14q011111 eat and cheapest shoes in toss n. Conand exammu llobol:ll4._:rDsiSoKitlllTScl enp wco;itliol.o or 2 50 will PISltl It S: SON. Tryou want handsou e Goods, good Goods, cheap Goods, and all kind of Good, got', D. P. G WIrS. CULL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want V,./ GOOD GOODS. "DOM tt SHOES, Hats' s & Caps, the _LI hugest assortment and cheapest to be found nt U. P. owiN'S ("I UN BARRELS AND LOCKS. —A 1,3 c largo wmot Linen t at DROWN'S HARDWARE STORM (ZUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gain's ‘_A than can be taut in teen. Call and see them. TA IRK Colored Palm :floods, best goal _Ly ity, only 30 cts. each. SON. CIO AL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, J for 75 could and up”.(1.. , , at the lfardl,nrc Store of J. A. 111 :OWN. MICA LAMP CHIMNEYS— Just received at the ltardwaro store of .1,10. A. BROWN. TA P. GWIN'S is the piece to buy Lf. gum] and cheap Carpets. T 4 IQTJOILS, of the best, for Medieina puipo,mat S. S. SMITH'S. lIRANKLIN HOUSE, IX TEE DL.1.1/OXD, 11UNTIN0DON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The eititens of the county, and strangers and travclmg generally, mill find comfortable accommodations at this house. (live us a trial. [4lll -1, 1860.] DRY GOODS, of the Yery best, at MILLER'S. MITE best display and largest variety of 1 all kinds of Goods, can always bo annl at the claw store of FISIIER S ttlON. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and ch. r est iw.OI twat n‘ tow., nt D. P. GIV IN'S. QCHOOL BOOKS, LI Generally in we in the Se hools of tho County, not Cl banal, will he tarnished to order, on application at LEIVIS' BOOK, AND S2'A TIDNEfir STORE. 5! SALT!! SALT !!! Just received from Oto Onontlago Salt Company, S) rarnse, N. V., to he nold on commission, cithor nl¢le sale or retail, 200 BARRELS luta 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, 1100. FISHER 4: SON. JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA 011AFFUS MILLE% rfoprielor. rritACING MUSLIN, Dr,Arrixa AND DRANTINB PAM White and Colored Curd Paper, For sato at LEWIS' BOOK d STATIONE'RY STORE. BLANK BOOKS, OF V MOUS SIZES, fur sale nt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STO A beautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets fo ja_ Fate cheap, at 1). r. OWLS'S. pisToLs! PISTOLS !! Sbnrps', Smith nod nll improsod pattern, of Itorohottl, fistula, Cartridges, Bum it, Knives, &c., fur solo at tho 11.11,1 n art, Stu, u of JAMES A. 1311011 - N. May ^_1,1561. l'a. (`BELL at the new CLOTHING STORE of GUTMAN A; CO., If you aaut a good article of Clothing. Store room in Lung'o note lallldiog, iq tltu Pia mond, Itentingdc I • Sep[. 01,1957. 10AL BUCKETS and' Shovels, JANIES A BROWN IXIIA 'l' FIVE Y WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSEL LUIZ IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, I= It Tells You !low to di aw up PilirNreStlfe PAPFES and genei al !aim, for i irinnEMI.NTS of all thiagz ul S it 0, lin tsls and PLTITIONS. II Tills Tots flow to draw lip Linos and MOILTO FEES, Ar /mu ITS. Pon tiny of A TToIINAT, NoTFS and DILLS of I:xerii3Gll, lIELE II Tells Tint Tho laws Out the Conrcrios of DEBTS, AS nth the SrArtrres of Lion ATIOX, and moonlit and hind or prnrei ty EXi.itpT nom ExLcu sag: in clay State. It Tells You Ilow to make an Al,TOS:l100T properly, with forms for CO9lliO9Tluit pith CM TUTORS, and the Ixsot.vt NT loins of every State. Il Tills Tot. The legal I elatin»s existing between Guidt- DlOO and WARD, 31.1sTIli a n ti AFFILENTICE, and I. SNOLonD and nysxr. It Tills You constitutes bran, and Sus - mm. unit the Law Its to 31 tmu.toe DOWER, the ]timer IN IinoPLUTT, DsvOllcE ttol 2Lunavy. IC Title You The Law for )IFOIIANICS' LILNS in every State, and the ICATtmat.iz trios 1 . ,,as of this coun try, and how to comply with the sane. II Tells Yon The law concerning, Pr.Naroxs and how to ob tain one, niol tile PEE-EMFTION LAWS to PODLIC LANDS. It Tells rim Thu Low for P nab mode or prone ut p in obtaining one, with Tann FI:r.ENCES, Asstosizr-Nrs and t Me or FEES. It Tells YOU How to wake your mud hOW to ADNIN. ISTI.r. ON ON ESTATE, n ith the low Roil the requirellientS thet eel in users State. It Tells You The meaning of Lidr tarots in general use. and explains to you, the LEOISLATIVE, V.3E -001100 and JUDICIII. Powers of both the General nod State GOVAI:NiffitiTS. It Tells You Ilow so OEI OUT oF L tw, ny shun ing how to do )oar business legally, thus saving vin.t amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by it, timely consultation. fre 11%er.) boil) Law) Cr is fur sate at Lea is' Book Store . • i,; ) '...--- -='- '... . 7 -1 ',..- 0 , ,; .L' __ - • .1 03. • -I , ' t :'?' , i' ;' • ,4, ‘ 11,.. 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