The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 30, 1862, Image 4
BIRD CAGES, TEED BOXES, Totr.iTAINS, WASHING DALES, AND SEED, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEXEN MYER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND MUSIC STORE, J e t ' EADY RECKONER. A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner, In dollars! an cents, to which are added forme of Notei, Mlle Uh , Re celptit, Petition., &c., together with • set of useful ler, containing rate of interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and board by the woek and day, published LE in 1859. For sale at WIS' BOOK STORE. WASHINGTON NOT TAKEN !! (MR FLAG STILL WAVES. NEW GOODS It NEW GOODS!!! It Coffee Run Stefan, and Newburg. SIMON COHN has just received from the Enters! Cit ies, a large assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queen-ware, Irardware, aotlang, Bonnets, Shawls, Hats, Caps, Boas, Shoes, and all other articles kept in country stores, which he le offering at his Mammoth Stores, at Coffee Run Station and Newburg, at unusually - low pricos. The ladles especially, are Invited to call and examine his Fancy thsods. Having arrangements with large firma in Philadelphia and other eastern cities, ho is able to buy hie goods cheap er than other country merchants, and can consequently, undersell them! In exchange for goods, he takes all kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. By strict attention to the wants of customers, he hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with which he has been heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top It. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Grain to the Eastern markets. Having a large Ware Room, far mers can store with him until ready to ship. Every con venience will be afforded them. August 29,1961. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY I AN IMMENSE STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. NOW OPEN AHD FOB SALE BY JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK April 11,1862. NEW ARRIVAL OF W GOODS! C. ASH. MILLER HAS JUST OPENED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, A FRESH STOCK OF THE BEST GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &C., &C. AND ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, 1103 ELQUZEITZD TO CALI, AND =MINE WC MCI OF NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. G. ASH. MILLER. Huntingdon, April 22, 1862. BOOBS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES ! FISHER & SON Have just Opened and offei to the Public, A SPLENDID STOCK OF WELL SELECTED .NEW GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. THE PUBLIC Will please call and examine our Goods. FlS.Litilt SI, SON. April 9, 1862. KS ! BLANKS! fILANKS ! BLA: STABLE'S SALES, I ATTACWE EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPtENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR ROUSES, NATURALIZATION MIS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE DILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT with , a wa with Teachersiver of the $3O . 0 Law. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIFJIF. FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough end Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good Paper. JOll2l SCOTT. SAMUEL T. DROWN. SCOTT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, rA. Mee on Hill street, in the building formerly occupied en tho "Journal" Printing Oft en. Huntingdon, Jan. 14,1862. J. H. 0. CORBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill Street. Huntingdon, Jan. 14, 1862-tf. -pp ALLISON MILLER, fi r „ .m.& DE WRIST, Fine removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court House. April 13,1859. T E. GREENE, . DENTIST. &&&&& Office on Railroad street, opposite the Jack. pan Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. March 25, 1802. WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A handsome assortment jußt received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOR, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE ALL at D. P. GIVIN'S if you wan Faeltlonable Goode. 1862. THE 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, EH LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES AT LOWER PRICES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOCK Consists of upwards of One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, FOR The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Ilan, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &c. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. 1862. 1862. H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMTER, JUST RECEIVED AT IL ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen's Clothing of tho best material, and mad , In the best workmanlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin House in Ilerkot Square, Hunting don, Pa. Huntingdon, April 8, 1862. SPRING AND SUMMER "FASHIONS ROBT. KINC, BLERCHANT TAILOR, Ulll Steed, one door moot of Cannon's Store, MS A PINE ASSOIVIMENT OP GENTLEIIENS' DRESS GOODS. His assortmont consists of CLOTHS, CASSDLERES, and PLAIN AND FANCY TESTINGS, the uratest and best that could be found in the city, all of which ha Will take pleasure in exhibiting, and making up to order. It will cost nothing to call and examino Lis goods. Call soon. Huntingdon, April 8, 1862.—ara. UNION VARIETY CASES. COLEMAN & CO.'S Variety Envelopes are enperccded by their nose and beautiful UNION V RIETY CASES, much superior and much to he pre. !erred. They are certainly cheep and very desirable. Wo wish our friends to call at Lulus' Book and Stationery Store, and see them—to see is to buy. COLEMAN & CO. Philadelphia, Feb. 11, 1862. THE FIRST SPRING GOODS , JUST OPENED AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S. A LARGE STOCK AND FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON GOOD DANES & INDIVIDUALS Takon at Par in Exchange for Goode. The highest prices paid in Goods for all Mods of COUNTRY PRODUCE. FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S STORM Thnitingdon, 51arch 25,1862. HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. April 8,188?. The Insurance Company of Nortl America,. at Philadelphia, INCORPORATED 1794. Capital and assets, $1,254,719 81 ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. OFFICE, NO. 232 WALNUT STREET. THE undersigned, Agent for the above well known and reliable company, mill make in. smances against loss or damage by fire for periods from ono month to perpetual, on property in town or country, J. SIMPSON AFRICA. Huntingdon, Feb. 24, 1.162-em. NEW CLOTHING AT LO TV PRICES. M. OUTMAN DAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW SPRING CLOTIIT.NG, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. His Stock consists of Ready.made Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SLIOES, lIATS AND CAPS, &C., Should gentlemen desire, any particular kind or cut 0 clothing not found in the stock on hand, by leaving their measure they can be accommodated at shot t notice. Call at the east corner of tho Diamond, over Long's Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. April 5,1862. NEW STOCK 01? GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PENNA IEIE9 - - - - - SUGAR and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FISH, SALT and VINEGAR, CONFECTIONERIES, CIGARS and TOBACCO, SPICES OF THE REST, AND ALL KINDS, ad every other article usually found in a Grocery Store Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, m ants , Viirnislies, Oils mid opts, Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Obistnnil rutty, EMCE BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical purpoisce ALL VIE BEST PATENT MEDICINES, BOOTS AND SHOES, and a large number of articles too numerous to montion The public annually will please call and examine, for themselves and learn my prices. . Huntingdon, April 8,1862 KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COF FEE. Tide preparation, made from the beet Java Coffee. Is recommended by physicians as is impel for NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for Genets! Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands oho has a bean compelled to abandon the use of coffee suit use this 0 Mona ilium ions effects. Ono can contains the strength of too pounds of ordinary coffee, Price '25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and bat DAMN° POWDER known, for making light, Sweet and nutiitious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. MINCPACTURE.II By M. 11. KOLLOCK, entutsr, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets., And sold by all Druggists and Grocers Feb. 24, 1862-Iy. TII B ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Street. between Thirst and Fourth, Philadelphia. "he undersigned, having leased, for a term of years, this popular house hose the pleasure of announcing to their friends and ti, Raveling community, that It is now open for the inception of guests. The house Educe the first of March last, has been entirely renovated and refit ted in a superior nmuner; the opal tumults are large, nett ventilated and furnished In modern st) le. It is centrally located, comment to all the depot and steamboat land ings, and in the immediate vicinity of the Custom House, Post Office and the Corn Exchange. Connected pith the Hotel is n lieetaoant for the no eommod.dion of those worn ting the European plan.— l'rices of Dooms from Three to Seven Dollars per weelc, according to location. Board $1 50 per day. Table dilate for merchants and business men from 1 to 3 I'. N. April 8,1862-1 y "THE UNION," Arch Street, Above Third, Philada. UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. Arry. This Hotel is central, convenient by Passenger Care to alt parts of tho City, and in every particular adap ted to tho comfort and wants of the humus public. .M` Terms, $l5O per day...o Sept. 10, 1801.-Iy. : 11 'V KO c-) CC. M r 4 r-1 11'10 •,1 M C. co Is ixf Ell UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. ARBLE YARD. The undersigned J N‘ould respectfully call the attention of the citizens of luntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. lie is mewed to fat stish at the shortest notice, Monumental Mat tile, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with [woo. pi foto devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, Ac be furnished to order. . . W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and %vox.' manship equal to any in the country, at a fair pike. Ca and see, before you pmehaso elsewhere. Shop on Oh etreet, Huntingdon, ra. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855 WILLIAM AFRICA AGAIN COMMENCED THE SHOE-MAKING, BOOT AND ONE DOOE EAST OF H. Ilia old customers and him a call. ROMAN'S CLOTIIINO sronn the public generally, will giv. [Huntingdon, Oct. 20, 1858.] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.— NEW FIRM The undetsigned respectfully inform the public bat they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA 13RENVE1tY and will continue the business, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will be promptly attended to. ROTIIROCK, Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1800. MI. N. KIRBY. THE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAINI—Tho subscribers tako this method nforming their Blends and tho publio generally, that • they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Fenn. - • dry, and are now in successful operation, and aro prepared to furnish Castings of ~„;;;; every description, of hest quality and workmanship, on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufactuting the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium nt the Hun• tingdon mistily Agt icultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cotter Ploughs, which can't be bent—together with the Keystone, Hillside anti Bar-shear ploughs. Wo hove on hand and are manufacturing Stoves—such ns Cook, Parlor, and (Mice sins es for Mood or coal. Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, Ac., all of which MO will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce, Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, wo hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30, 3050. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! Tames A. Brown sells the genuine "PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL, clear as water. This is the only kind of oil that gives entire satisfaction as an agent for light. Bon aro of counterfeits and colored carbon oils. They emit all offensive smell and smoke. A lai go variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS, Chimneys, Globes, Wicks. Burners, Shades, do., de., sold at the very lowest prices, at the Hardwai o Store, Hunting don, Pa. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS, A FULL AF.SORTMENT yr LEWIS' BOOK STORE MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Tine hook is on octavo of 500 pages, is elegantly printed n fine paper, with new hold t3po, and has an admirable .rltatistive Index, for which every ()Dicer will be grateful, ho moment Ids e 3 e rests upon it. nn no former edition ins el or had an index, and the anent of 0110 has been long elt in tine Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of War. contain ing many lulled taint col rections ; also, selections from the Military Acts of Congress, Mc/titling thoni Pawed nt the ant seselon. 'BICE ;2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORI CAVALRY TACTICS, [AUTHORIZED EDITION.] By Major William Gilham, U. S• Al Just publithea and for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK STOLE.— Complete in one volume. Price - UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. For the instruction, exescise,and manoeuvres of the United States Infantry, Including In fantry of the Line, Light Infantry, and Bine- v.r. mon, prepared under the direction of the War z Department, and authorized and adopted by V the Secretary of War, May 15t,1861. contain ing the school of the soldier; the school of the y x company ; Wet' action for skit minters, and the 1 1 genet ul calls; tho calls for skinnkhers, and the school of the battalion; including the articles of war and a dictionary of 'unitary terms. Complete in one volume. Price $1.23. For sale at Louis' Doak Store. THE HANDY 1300 K UNITED STATES SOLDIER, On coming into aervice: containing n complete system of Instruction in the School of tim Soldier, smith a tdeliniina rs explanation of the formation of n linttnlion on Parade, the Poiiition of the officers, 4.c., to., being n fit st book or introduction to nuthorired U.S. Infantry Tactics, just pub lished. Price 25 cents. For saki at Ilardee's Rifle and Light Infantry TACTICS, Completo In 2 vols. nico $1.50. For solont. 13=1 LEWIS' 1100 K STORE. 4 Tho Books sent by mail to any address on the re eipt of Limo price. llnntingdon May 28, 1861. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY 3: MUSIC STCIitE, OSGOOD'S Speller. let, 24.31, 4th and Bth Readers. ,I'GUFFEY'S Speller and genders. SANDEIt'S do do do TON% n'a Speller and Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's, /billion's and Di own's Grammars. Fitch's Geography. Warren's Physical Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Gimp aphirs & Atlases. Camp's Geography, with Key to Mitchell's Outlino Mops. Webster's and Worcester's Dictionaries. Onackeubos' First Lessons in Composition. Quackeu Ws Composition and Rhetoric. Greenleaf's, Stoddard's and Brooks' Aritlimutica. Peterson's Familiar Science. Greenleaf's and Stoddard's Keys to Arithmetics. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. Greenleaf's Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Manse! Philosophy. Parker's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United States. Child's ‘f Goodrich's ff 44 44 Payson, Bunton and S.erlbuer's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Potter & Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Centreline' and other Copy Books. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. ' Davies' Legemire's Geometry. Greenleaf's Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Book•keeptng. Book Keeping by Single Entry, by [Lansford & Payson Book' Keeping by Single and Durable Entry, by Ilanalbril Payson. Other Magi's still he added and furnished to order. A fug sleek of School Stationmy always on hand. inllltillgtten, Pit. HENRY NEM. ISAAC L. DP.VOE, SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., FOR EVERYBODY The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, 110. 1, The Dime Union Song Book, The Dime Militaq Song Book, t 9 N c s (4) • The American Dime Song Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Songster, Dixcy's Essence of .turnt Cork Songsto Gas Shaw's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, Lover's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiquette, Kew Dime American Joker, The Dime and other Novels, The Dime Letter Writer, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, Nos.l ( 2, The Dime Speaker, lcos. 1 d 2 The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book. For Bale at LEWIS' Boos. STATIONERS AND Motto STORE WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS WM. WILLIAMS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Window Curtain Papers, ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retai 50.000 9 BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPE' Just received and for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK STORE. PAPER I PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tissue Paper, Bilk Paper for Flowery, Vol (mote/ Paper, istol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Fancy Note Paper, - White and Colored Card Paper, in Packs and Sheets, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Storo. NOTICE TO ALL 1! „qv the subsci Mer, mho has for more than one year, carried on business in company with Messrs. F. DRUID; 11. 010, P. WHISKET, mid Mr. LAGER BEER, has this day dissolved partnenhip with the above firm 1 All claims against the old firm soul be paid by the subscriber, and all those in. debled to the fills will pay him. CLOCKS,WATCHES and JEWELRY s, 4) always be tepahed. A good block of Cocas,pi WATCIIFS and 31.WELRY Will be kept on hand , for customets who may favor hint nal, a call. — Huntingdon, 3latch 2, 1532 ALSO, IMMO LEWIS' BOOK STORE AWO, FOR SALE HUZiTINCIDON, PA A LARGE STOCK DM JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE JOSEPH ItEIGOEIS IZ==l et A. MILLER, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c.. JOIIN MeCULLOCII, offers his eros:sBiouni set Vices to tho citizens of Huntingdon gold s lent/ ty. Dike on Dill street, one door tetst of Reed's Drug Stole. Aug. 28, '55. Q S. SMITII, Dealer in Drugs, Medi • eines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Oils, dc. Alsu—Gro cot ics, Colitis:1101101 II II Illlglloll, Pa. W1)1. LEWIS, Denier in Books, Stationery and Musical Instru Inuits, Huntingdon, T A M. CUNNINGHAM &BRO el . Founder% Mintlnggloa. Pa. JAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Se., Hunt ingdon, Pa. I - I ROMAN, Dealer In Ready Made Clothing, Hata and Caps, Boots and Shoed, Sic. _Ly GuTimAN & CO., Dealers in Ready made Clothing, Huntingdon, Pa. JP. GWJN, ~ Dealer in Dry Goods, Grocerieß, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoos, Le. FISH &ER SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grain, dc., Huntingdon, Pn. TOSEPH REIGGER, ep Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew elry, &c. WW "WILLIAMS, Plain and Otnamentallo Manufacturer TOLIN F. RAMEY, County Surveyor, eHuntingdon, Pa. Mica on Hill street, ono door oast of the Huntingdon :limbic Yuld. ltaranr.:lcas—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Lean°, Geologi.t, Philadelphia; Chalet Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, Hon. Jonathan MlVilliants. t. 4. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a NN holm& atm e in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 14, 1858. 11. ROMAN. ATONE -WARE at S. S. Smith's Gra eery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. ofts,*-T VIOLINS, „Al • '4l GUITARS, SYMPRONIANS, ACCORDEONS AND PIENS, For sole cheap nt LEWIS' LOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE pOCKET TESTAMENTS, A _LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE 1300 K BINDING. Old Books. Magazines, or publications of any kind bound to order, if left at LEWIS' BOOK rk STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE Il you uaut your card neatly printed upon cave apes, call at . _ . LEWIS' ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE. FOR TEE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes suitable for confidential con espondence, too sale at LEWIS' BOOK it 87',12701VERr STORE. TAPER,! PAPER!! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap nrd Platcap—n good meal talent for ante by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW BOOR .c STATIONERY STORE. rNIT LOPES- By the box, pack, or lesm quantity, for sale nt LE IVIS' DOW: AND STATIONERr STORE. -DAItCIIMENT DEED PAPER ruled, for Bala of LEWIS' BOOK STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, For ftalo at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. ITOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops, at prices from 25 cts. to $2,00 at tho cheap stole of D. P. ()WIN. T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau 1_,4 GAO, at D. P. (WIN'S. A Splendid variety of Carpets, only A 25 cts. per yard. FISHER & SON. HARRISBURG STONE.WARE !I ! Crocks, Jogs, henry° Jars Ac., tcc., of onporlor quality. Sold only by JAMES A. BROWN. n P. GWIN keeps the largest, best • assortment and cheapest shoes iu town. Calland examine them.: TTOORED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will JUL be sold for $1 25 at the cheap store of FISHER & SON. Iyou want handson e Goods, good Goods, choap Good; nod all kind of Goods. got, D. P. GNUS'S. CULL at D. P. GR'IN'S if you want Nj GOOD GOODS. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to ho found at D. UWIN'S UNI BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A V_A large assortment at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's _A than can Ito had in ton n. Call and sco them. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qua! ity, only 50 eta. each. FISHER & SON. COAL OIL & COAL OIL LAMPS, for 75 cents and upu Anil, at the Hardware Store of 3. A. BROWN. A!/FICA LAMP CHIMNEYS- Just received at the hatdu are store of JAS. A. BROWN. T 1 P. GWIN'S is the place to buy good and cheap Carpets. T4IQUORS, of the best, for Medicina purposes at S. S. FRANKLIN HOUSE, IN THE DIAMOND, II UNTINGDON, PA VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor The citizens of the county, and strangers and travelers generally, will find comfortable (=claim:stations at this house. Giro us a trial. [April 4, 1860.1 DRY GOODS, of the very best, at MILLER'S. THE best display and largest variety of all kinds of Goods, can always to found nt the cheat stuio of FISHER & SON. 'ROOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. Ci jCITOOL BOOKS, Generally ill use in the Schools of the County, not ou hand, will be furnished to order, on application at BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. QALT! SALT!! SALT!!! Li Just received from the Onondogo Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y., to ho sold on commission, either whcto• sale or retail, 200 BARRELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Oct. 31, MO. 'USHER & SON. JACKSON HOTEL, n ONTINGDON, PA GIRAFFES MILLER, Proprietor. T RACING MUSLIN, DRAINING AND DRAWING rAnn TVhite and Colored Card Paper, For sato at LElrlS' BOOK d• STATIONEIZY STORE BLANK BOOKS, OP VARIOUS SIZES, for wile nt LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STO':P Abeautiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for sale cheap, at D. P. 0 WIN'S. PISTOLS PISTOLS!! Colt's, Slisrps% Smith & Wesson's, and all humus patterns of Revolve; 0, Pistols, Cartridges, Bomb Kids. de. Sc., for solo at the Ihndware Steno of JAMES A. BROWN. May 21, 1661. Huntingdon, Pa CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE of GUTMAN & CC, if you *font a good articlo of Clothing. Stole room in Long's now building„ in tho Lin mond, Hun Ungft. - fa, Sept. 9, 1857. fIOAL BUCKETS and Shovels, for ale by S.MES A. BROWN WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS 1, 3 VERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY FRANK CROSBY, I=l It Tells You Stow to draw lip PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and gives general forms for AOREEMENTS of all BILLS Of SALE, LEASES and PETITIONS. It Tells Thu How to draw np Moans and MORT° VIES, AP EIDANITS. Pon Ms of AvronNET, NOTES and Bins or Noon nage, It EcrirrS mud RELEASES. jt Tells You The Lion for the COLLECTION of DEBTS, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount and hind of property ExEMPT front Lorcu -0100 In es ery State. 11 Tells You HOW to make on ASSIGNMENT properly, with forms for Costroarriox with CREIrI, DR; and the INSOLVENT LAWS of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing between GUAR. DIAN null WARD, MASTER and AppRENTIVE, and LANDLORD and TENANT. It Tells You What constitutes Lim and SLANDER, and the Lawns to MAnni tar DOWER, the Wtres RIGHT IN PROPERTY, DivORCE and ALIBIOZIL It Tells You The Law for If EMIANICS' LIENS in every State, and the NATURALIZATION L tws or this COUII. try, and how to comply with the same. It Tells You The law concerning I.Exstoss and how to ob tain one, nnd the PRE-EMPTION LAits to Venue Mims. Il Tdls You The Late for PATENTS, Stith mode of proce dure in obtaining one, with INTERTERENCES, ASSIONMLNIS and TABLE OF FEES. It Tells You Slow to make your WILL, and how to ADMIN ISTER ON AN ESTATE, It ith the law and the requirements thereof in every State. II Tells You The meaning of LAW TERMS In general use, nnd explains to you the LEGISLATITE ExE CUTIVE and Junictu, Powers of boll, the General and State GOVEIINMENTS. II Tells You Ilow TO Eon OUT OF LAT], by showing how to do your bmniness legally, thus sat ing a Snot amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely comet:tuition. .1)". Everybody's Lawyer is for sale at Lewis' Book Store 11,1, w r , : Jo .w i fW • ' ,"t>tz44' 7 ;4' ca o "4, o 11N, tt, ••,.? 1114 - I C f ; 6 1, `? "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS!" Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, ItYSIN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT OTHER VALUABLE AIM INTERESTING BOOK, Fancy and School STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CIIURCII MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION DOORS, SHEET MUSIC for the Piano, Guitar, &c., be., POCKET DOM, PORTAIONNEIES AND runsEs, For Ladico and Gentleman, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL HINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, S.C., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper fur Boym and Oilk AMUSING GAMES For Young Folks 'WEDDING DNVELOPES AND CARDS, BIARRIACIE CEICTIFICATIIS, VISITING CA80.% CIIECKER BOARDS, DOMINOES, !C., CONVERSATION CARDS, SONG BOOKS, From 6 to 75 cents BLANK BOOKS, liliatorandum, Books of 'Vitriol's Sizes, SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, DIARIES FOR MO Drawing and Blotting Paper, Brutal and Dud Boards. 0 IVIIITH BONNET BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, DM AND BRACE MEE, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's WRITING FLUID WIN - plug Paper of Different Sizes nail Qualities, 1!!!!!=1!1=212 I:=E3 LEWIS' CHEAP BOOK, STATIONLRY AND MUSIC STORN, in the "Globe" building, Market Square, whore all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases NEW BOOKS FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE THE HOUSE: A New POCKET MOIIIAL of Rural Alehitee• tore; or, Bow to Build Dwellings, 3nm,, Stahle9, and Out Dwellings of all kinds, With a Chapter on Churehes and Scbool-llonses. Price, BO cents. TILE GARDEN: A New Pocitex MANUAL. of Practical Dor ticulture; or, How to Cultivate Vegetables. Fruits, and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ornamental Trees end Sin aim. Pike, 50 cents. THE FARM: A NEW POCKET MANUAL of Practical Agri culture; or, Slow to Cultivate:lll the Field Ct elm. With an Essay on Farm Management, etc. Price, 50 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New POCKET MANUAL of Cattle, Horse, and Sheep Husbandry; or, How to Breed and Rear the Various Tenants of the Barn-yard, etc., etc Price, 50 cents. /lOW TO TALE: A New POCKET MANU VI. of Conversation and Debate, at ith Directions for Acquit ing a Grammati cal Style, and more than Ewe Iluudted Comuton takes Co:rooted. nice, 50 cents. 110 W TO BEHAVE: A Neu• Pomo= af kbIIIUL of Itepnbil can Etiquette, anti Guido to Correct Personal Habits with Rules for Debating. Societies and Deliberant. e As setublies, etc. Price, 50 conic. HOW TO DO BUSINESS: A New POCKbT ltherat. o Practical Affairs and Guide to success in Life; with Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Con mercial Terms, etc. nice, 60 cents. 'Musi , THsily E CYTHARA—Th o z e Pro t °Ha n mr" Shawn—Thelnbilee—llonten'a and 'tertian enlaiged and improved instructors--Weiland'a Now and Improved Method for tho Oultar—Leland's Accor dcon, Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and Howe's Violin Instructors—Bollaks Melodeon Insßuctor—Bur rowes' Piano-Forto Prlmet—do. Thorough-Baso Primer— Howe's Drawing . Room DAIICCd—The Cherub Glee Book-- Tories Harp, for onto at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY it. MUSIC STORE. 1. - 7 ,? i.let l 9.A.V VI MAW. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. - A good nom tment of miscellaneous and School Books—Foolscap, Letter, Commercial nod Note Paper— PIM n and Fancy Envelopes—Red, Blue and Black Inks— Blank Books of nmnerons sizes—Pens, Pencils, Pocket and Desk Inkstands, and mei y other article usually found In a Book sod Station. y Stele, can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY A MUSIC STORE. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at ()WIN'S. i.HE largest stock of De Laincs in town _j_ by drISITER dr SON. IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. P .GA'IN'S miler° you wilt find tho larva su not talent in than. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P. GIVIN'S VOU will find the Largest and Best atsuitment of Laolice' The. Goods at p, P. GWIN'S. ROIIRER'S PRACTICAL CALCU LATOR, A Book of Plain Rules and Calculationsf,:r BUSIIICAS Op,- ratianc,.by Marlin N. Rohrer, Practical S'eirveyor and conceyancer: - 11'ew Eititton,publishell by J. B. Lippin cott <L Co., Philadelphia. This work contains 204 pages, and upon, ds of 500 Rules. and Examples, entirely and thoroughly practical, each on trim every day ill the common pursuits - of Business. It has already passed through (I number of editions in rapid succession, ;thrills pronounced by all classes of business. men to be rho handiest book of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Every example in the book to worked oat In full anib stated inn plain manner, so that it hen a parallel case ari ses, those referring to t he work will find no difficulty in solving it; in a word, the general amazement of the CALCULATOR is simple, that any one who knows how to add, subtract. multiply and divide, can easily solve any or dffinry example that arises in business, or nrrive at the true result of nny estimate required. The chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and philosophy in figures, aiming only nt facts and simplk city, belies ing that business men care little nbont spot, ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, or the science of figures, deeming, it anllicient for their purpose to be able nt a moment. by reference, to arrive at the true result. The CALCULATOR differs in this respect from all other Arithmetic., of the day and kindred works--it is rs key to practical business calculations—it is, in the hands of the business mnn, what the key to mathematical uorksi to the hands of the teacher in the SCIIGOI room—lt talcs time and insures correctness. Measurement of - Laud, of Lumber, of Mick and Bricke. Work, of Stone and Stone work, of grain and gi of coal and coal bias, of wood, of Outfits, of liquids, of' ch.' color, square or irregular vessels, of cistei ns and vat% of ,. roofing, of plastmeee, paintm's, glazier's, paver's, plumtf , : er's, paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. It treats of currency sod of foreign and domestic exchange, of tiler decimal system, of reduction nod its extended application, to business, of simple and compound interest, and their • entire application to business transactions, with the laws z and usages governing the same, together with numeromrs commercial forms—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank diseottutl, of equation of par.- ment nod of partnership accounts, of assessment of furor of weights and measures, of square aud cubic measure, of the square root and its application to business of lamina's, of excavation, and of ninny other important practical matters not within the scope of au advertisement to men lion. • IT IS JUST Tilß BOOK FOR THE Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artizan, or the professional man. It ilfl9 proven a valuable auxiliary to. the lawyer, the justice of the peace, the conveyancer, and real estate banker, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the clvd engineer and the surveyor, to the carpenter aud bricklayer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper Imager and upholsterer, to the paver and the tiler, Lc., dc.; each and all u ill find it adapted to their ea-- riotrt wants hotter than any book published. 45-Price. 50 cents. For eule at Lemis' llook Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 26, 1860. GREAT tORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY ROBERT JENNINGS, T. S., reofmor of Pathology and Operative Surgery in the Veterinary Colleyc of Philadelphia, etc., etc. WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin, History and distinctive hafts of tho various breeds of Europium,. Asiatic. African and Ammmem lean Horses, with tho physical immolation rind pc— coital itica of the automat, and how to ascertain his age by tho number and condition of Its troth ; Mush :de,' with numerous explanntury engrmings. TEE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of 111 ceding, In raking, Stabling, Fest!. lug, Grooming, Shoeing, and the gener al management of the horse, with the best mmles of rultuittistpring medicine, ohm, how to treat Biting, Kicking, floating, Shying; Stumbling, Crib-lilt ing. 'teeth...neva, and other vices to which Ito is subject; a ith numerous ex planatory engtartngs. TUE HOIISE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the conse,.+3 . lnptnms,and Treatment of Sttangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Cntnuh, Infineran, 111 onchitis, r 11011• manta, Nem asy, Ilt ()ken Wind, Chron ic Cough, Boat log and itg.Lant— pits, Sore Mouth null Cluny mut Lo• rayed Teeth, with other diwooee of thu Mouth and ltespii otory Organs. IYILL TULL YOU Of the causes, aymptoma,and Tt eatment. or Worms, Buts. (Smile. St, angolation, Stony COIll,ll 110110, llnpturel, Diartbra.,honnlice,linpatinhea,Bloody- U 1 ine, SlolleB in tholiidneys and Blad der, Inllamation and other tliaeusea ur the Stomach, Boucle, Livor and Uri luny Organs. TIII rionsu AND lIIS DISEASUS WILL. TULL YOU Of t h o causes, 143 Inatome, and Treat ment of llone Mond and Bog, Snavia, Ring Itonr, gt, .11110. Straitly, Brokon Knees, 11 Ind Foamier, Clacked Ifoofy. Sole gritile and (trawl, Cankie, So:dela.% Tin ad. and Corttl ; 111.0, or 'Megrims, Vertigo, Fidleiriy, 4ta g g i irr, nail oilier dise.taes of thu Foot, Loge, and Head. THE 11011311 AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, mid Treat ment of Filthla, Poll Evil, Glandos, Furry, Scarlet Fever, Mango, hm felt. Locked Jaw.ltheumntiqmPlampAtalls, Diseases of the Eye null Heat t, etc , de., and how to manage Cavtiation, Illeed log, hooding. Firing, Ile, Ma, Amputation, Topping, and oth er nmgicat operations. WILL TELL YOU Of Itnroy's Method of towing Iforteir, Low to Approach, halter, or Stable n Colt; how to nCcuatOm n Mum to sttaugo snoo d s and sights, and hots to Bit, Saddle, fide, and :heal: him to Bonus; also the form and law of WARRINIT. The x bole hying the re sult of 15 yemze careful study of tho habits, prculiarities, amts and wvak neAses of this noble and useful animal. ror sale at Lewis' Book Stare. T HE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK MODERN COOKERY E!!=C{l=E Carefully Revised by Mi.. J. S. Ilule IT TELLS You How to choose all kinds of Menlo, Poultry, nod o•uito, with all the various and most: approved modes or dressing nod cooking Ileofand POI k ; also tho best and simplest way of soiling, pickling and curing tho IT TELLS YOU All the rations and mostapprored modes of• dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and gnino of all kinds. with the dill - Neat Dressings, Ovaries, and" Stuffings appropriate to euch. IT TELLS You How to choose, clean, and preserve Fish of nil kinds, and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all the various and moat approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress-. logs, Sauces, and Flavorings appropriate to each. IT Timi 4 You All the rarionsand mostopprovedmodesof prepating 01 ex 50 kinds of 51eat,Fish;Fowl, • (tame, end Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings appropriate to each. IT ToJLI You All the Intim and most npyroved modem of cooking' Vegetables of every description, also how to prepare Pickles, Catsup% and Conies of all kinds, Potted Meats, Nish, Game, Mushrooms, Le. TELI.B You AU the cartons and most approved modes of preparing and cooking nil kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, Preserves,. Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of every descrip tion. IT TELLS Ton All the various and most npproved modes of Junking Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and cult, nod the best method of preparing Coffee, Chocolate, and Ten, and hoar to make Syrups, Cordials, and Blues or vu-_ • rious kinds. IT TELLS You How to set out and ornament aTable, how to. Carve all kinds of Flub, Flesh or Fowl, in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries, of the table within the everybody's reach. For Sale at Lewis' Book Store, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, TILE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK. For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, A VALUABLE BOOK. For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, For vale at LEWIS' Book' Store.- LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE lIONEY BEE, LONGSTRETII ON THE HONEY BEE, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. -- DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES,. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES,. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES,, A VALUABLE BOOK,. For sale at LEWIS' Book Stms ROHRER'S ROHR ER 'S ROHRER'S ROHR ER'S ER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ,PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. THE WORK TREATS OF TIN THE HOUSE AND lIIS DISEASES THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MISS ELIZA ACTOR A VALUABLE BOOK,. 4., VALUABLE 8008,