The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 30, 1862, Image 3

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    E),c 6loht.
Tuesday afternoon, July 29, 1862.
IrtrxrrNanoN, July 12, 1862
At a meeting held at the Court
Douse for the purpose of encouraging
the enlistment of volunteers in the de
fence of our country, David Snare,Esq.,
was called to the chair, and R. IV.
Miller and R. Turbit were elected Sec
The meeting was addressed in a
stirring manner by J. Scott, Esq., A.
AY. Benedict, Esq., D. Blair, Esq., and
'Semi. Brown, Rig.
On motion, A. W. Benedict, John
Scott, B. Blair, W. Africa and J. C.
Watson were appointed a committee
to consult with the gentlemen who are
'seeking to raise volunteer companies.
resolution was then offered to
raise a thousand dollars by subscription,
to be given to the first hundred who
would enlist in the borough of Hun
tingdon and vicinity. The chair ap
l'Painted S. Matter'', D. Blair, W. B.
Zeigler, A. Owen and Win. Bongs, jr.,
committee to carry out said resoht
When the meeting adjourned to
meet on Monday evening, the 14th, at
which time addresses were made by D.
Blair, Esq., A. W. Benedict, Esq., S. T.
Brown, Esq., J. Mattern, Esq., and J.
'Williamson, Esq.
TfuNTINGDoN, july 2S, .1862
Agreeably to previous notice, a large
, number of the citizens of the borough
of Huntingdon and vicinity, met in
the Court House on Saturday evening
.last, for the purpose of devising means
J y which to secure the immediate en
listment of volunteers for the army un
der the late call of the President. The
meeting was organized by calling A.
W. Benedict, Esq., to the Chair, as
President, and H. T. White, as Secre
tary. Saud. T. Brown, Esq . ., called
for the report of a committee appoint
ed at a. previous meeting to secure
subscriptions to be applied as bounties
to volunteers. T. W. Mattern, Esq.,
Chairman of said Committee reported
that about $3OO had been subscribed
by the citizens for that purpose.
A resolution was then offered by S.
W. Mattern, Esq., that_the County
Commissioners be requested to make
an appropriation for that purpose, as
other counties in the State have clone,
and, as it was agreed the County Com
missioners have no,legal authority for
so doing, the citizens give them an in
demnifying bond. The resolution was
discussed by Messrs. J. G. Miles, Ben
edict, Brown, Williamson, Blair and
others, with considerable enthusiasm.—
The resolution passed unanimously.
A Bond was then presented and signed
by a number present. The chair ap
pointed Messrs. Sand. T. Brown, Thos.
Fisher and Peter Swoope, as a commit
'tee, to secure additional names to the
;bond, and have the same presented to
;the board of Commissioners at their
,next meeting.
S. T. Brown, Esq., then offered the
11fflowing resolution which passed:
Resolved, That, the committee in
. of the subscription paper, be
requested to call in twenty per cent.
on the same; for the purpose of prompt
ly paying the bounties to such as en
list, and that the committee be autho
rized to apply part of said funds in
their hands to paying the necessary
expenses of recruiting, where in their
opinion, it will serve the cause. The
meeting adjourned to meet on Satur
day evening, the 2d of August.
.Attention! Attention 1 1
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by a
public meeting, held at the Court
House on Saturday evening last, twen
,ty per tent of the amount subscribed
to the Volunteer's Bounty Fund, by
the citizens of the borough of Minting
,don, is required to be paid for the pur
,pose of paying bounties and expenses
of those engaged in recruiting and
,enlisting men.
JOHN W. M.vrTEHN, Chairman
N. B.—Payment as above required
:will be immediately made to John W
•gattern, or George W. Garrettson
greasarPr of committee.
By order of Committee
- July 28,18132.
za- Read the advertisement of the
& Orvis " 525 yamily Sew
§ng Mach in o -in our paper to-day. This
Machine is a. PoPt.l4 l v AYorite in Phil
adelphia and other cities, and its repu
tation is rapidly extending. it is said
: to be equal in every respect, to any
.$5O Machine now in use.
AHEAD or ALL.—We have received
clover from John Warefel's farm on
the Ridges, measuring four feet eight
inches. This is what we weuld call
,living in " tall clover."
P. S.—Wo have received from Mr.
henry Cornprobst, of Barre() town
ship, a stalk of clover which measures
four feet nine inches. This is ahead
9f the Ridges.
.tom Rev. Dr. McLain, formerly of
his place, has been called to fill the
pulpit of the Vreshyterian church at
Lewistown, for a stipulated period of
hree monthq. and has accepted the call.
THE HAnvnsT.—The harvesting sea
son has now about closed, and a good
and abundant crop of grain has been
stored away in the barns of our hus
band men. Our young and able-bodied
men have, for some weeks past, been
aiding the farmers in this useful and
necessary work, and arc now being
We now call upon these men, and
all others, to reflect. Your country is
in pressing need of more troops, and a
proclamation has gone forth, entreat
ing you as true and loyal citizens to
arise and sustain your goverment.—
You, harvestmen, have aided in storing
away the productions of earth, which
Providence has given us, and now, will
you not as patriotic Union men, assist
in putting down this wicked rebellion
and avert the devastating hand of an
archy. Enlist, and preserve the honor
of Pennsylvania.
Social and Aligions Festival
grand gathering of the people will take
place at Mooresville, OD Friday the Sth
of August, next. Music and promi
nent speakers will be on hand. Tick
ets can be bad in Huntingdon from
James E. Greene; Petersburg, Joseph
Stevens ; Alexandria, William McPher
ren ; Mooresville, Mr. A. Stephens ;
Manor Hill, 0. M. Stewart. The pro
ceeds to be applied to cancelling the
debt on the Mooresville M. E. Church.
THE Ladies Aid Society will pack a
box on Friday afternoon next. Con
tributions can be sent to Mrs. Grans.
The box sent July 17th has been for
warded to Mrs. Harris, Harrison's
The Society acknowledge the receipt
of 21 cans of fruit prepared by Mrs.
Benedict and Mrs. Watson, from fruit
and sugar contributed by different per
IlEcaulll:in.—There will be difficul
ty raising two fall companies in this
county so long as efforts arc making
to raise more than the number requir
ed. There is but two companies called
for, and yet we see the:men willing to
go, divided into six or eight pieces of
companies. It is folly to suppose that
all the companies can be filled up.
THE Presbyterian church in Maple
ton will be dedicated to the worship of
God, on Saturday the IGth day of Au
n -
b • ust Divine service will commence
at 10i o'clock. Several minister 6 will
be in attendance. The community in
general are invited.
STIUMBER RIES. -WO i vite, atten
tion to advertisement of Taylor and
Our Army Correspondence.
110th REG., P. V., 4TII BRIGADE, 't
Alexandria, Va., July 21,1862. )
Mit. EDITOR :—SuppoBing you might
wish to hear from the 110th Regiment,
P. V., occasionally, I write you.—
Should you wish my correspondence
to continue, mark your approval by
sending to my address, your paper.
This Regiment left Harrisburg some
000 strong; we now number on the
ground, about 800 ! ! We have march
ed over 850 miles, pitched over 650
camps, been in six different engage
ments, two of which were regular
pitched battles. In the first, (Win
chester,) we stood the brunt at a charge
bayonet, and lost our much lamented
Lieutenant, Harry Kochersperger, of
the " Old Guard." In the lest, (L'ort
Republic,) though compelled to re
treat, the Brigade done it in order, as
veterans; our Regiment acting as the
rear guard, and from timo to time, re
sisting the impetuous charge of the
enemy's cavalry. The enemy, so far
as I have seen, while in a body, fight
with a determined and desperate cour
age. There is no use denying it; and
why should we? Though rebels, they
are still, or rather were, Americans.
Yon can hardly pass a distance of
five miles in the interior of Virginia,
without seeing from five to twenty la
dies, dressed in new black silk, and in
some villages almost every fluffily ap
pears to be in mourning !
We have been through both valleys,
and my opinion is, we will have to go
into the same again.
Some of our officers are out recruit
ing, and being so reduced in numbers,
we are now " out of the field" of active
service. I said out of the field of ac
tive service; I withdraw that assertion,
and correct it by saying out of the
fighting field,—for of active service in
the shape of drills, Heaven knows we
have enough. But I suppose it is
done for the purpose ofgiving us a
rest; anyhow, we are highly grateful
for it. Yesterday (Sunday) this Bri
gade only had two General Inspections
and Reviews, having to pass twice
through the Review each time, but
then we rather liked it, as it showed
our proficiency in drill, and now we ,
stand in that respect as a Regiment
second to none.
Col. Lewis has shown himself to be
one of the bravest of the brave; strict,
jug, honorable. No regiment has a
Colonel more beloved, more honored.
I need not speak to you of our Lieut.
Col. (Crother); you Huntingdon peo
ple know him, and so do we; And
knowing him, we honor him, and feel
proud of him. I think we also have
one of the best Chaplains in the army.
He is kind, condescending, and consid
To-day, at noon, we are ordered out
on "one Grand Review." It is sup
posed that the President is to inspect
all the troops around Washington.
These reviews aro a pleasant affair to
pass through but some.what fatiguing;
that is, to those en foot.
yesterday, a now Regiment arrived
in sight, composed, I should judge, of
nearly 1000 men from that good old
State of Connecticut.
To-day, it is said, there will be a
Court-martial in our Regiment, before
which some three or four, or more
will be brought, and justice, tempered
with mercy, meeted out to them. I
is but right that those that dame
should pay the fiddler. As a general
thing, our Regiment has behaved re
markably well. They have noted as
if they had always before them the fear
of God and man. I suppose constant
peril, together with the admonitions
of the Chaplain and other officers, have
produced this happy result.
Speaking of fiddlers reminds me that
our amateur artist, Sergeant R. Stew
art, better known in camp as "Big
Fatty," is here, as gay as ever. I,Toth
in,' but a march of 50 or 100 miles, I
think, will reduce him to his " fighting
Huntingdon and its vicinity has sent
out some brave fellows ; but what could
be otherwise expected of a neighbor
hood presenting such kind, good-heart
ed and charming women ? They done
everything that they could for this reg
iment, while stationed there; and what
remains of it, are grateful to them.
I will endeavor, should you approve,
to keep you posted in respect to our
Regiment and Company affairs. I
have some very rich matters to speak
of—anecdotes, (military), personal re
miniscences, &c., that might as well be
produced to the world now as hereaf
ter. It is my intention hereafter, to
resume my correspondence with the
Philadelphia papers, and I assure you,
I shall not hesitate in showing nature
up in a mirror, always, "of course,"
keeping strictly within military bounds.
But I must bring this hastily writ
ten letter to a close, remaining, as I do,
Yours, &c., Mallen.
Rumors About Stonewall Jackson.
'WASHINGTON, July- 25.—President
Lincoln has received letters from a
Union man in IVashington, stating
that the writer has information of an
intended advance on this city by
"Stonewall" Jackson. Therresident's
informant has just returned from Vir
ginia, and obtained his information of
Jackson's intention, from what he con
skiers a reliable and authoritative Se
cession source, and it was given him
under a misapprehension as to his real
Jackson declares that be was in
Baltimore a few days ago, and obtain
ed reliable and complete information
regarding the numbers and position of
fbrces and fortifications about that city
and in the District of Columbia.
The gentleman who considers it his
duty to furnish this information to the
President is at least a man of veracity
and intelligence, and believes that
there is reason to apprehend some
thing from Jackson's plans.
COUNTY, - VA., Jnly 23.—The report re
cently telegraphed from Warrenton
that Jackson was at or near Gordons
ville, is confirmed from other sources,
which state that he is at Louisa Court
House, with twenty-four thousand
men, and Ewell, with a corps of Jack
son's command, is at Gordonsville, ma
king a total of thirty thousand men.
His present intention is said to be to
assume the offensive, and break our
lines, and, if successful, to demonstrate
upon Washington, for the purpose of
drawing off our forces from Richmond.
As many statements have been pub
lished in regard to the expedition com
manded by Gen. Hatch, it may not be
inappropriate to make the following
statements, as given by a returned of
After reaching Culpepper, General I
Hatch pushed his whole force to the
-Rapidan river, where, in consequence
of the destruction of the bridges and
the high state of the water, he was
compelled to leave his infantry and
artillery. With his cavalry he pushed
on to Orange Court House, where he
learned that the enemy were in force
at Gordonsville. Ho sent thence a
company of the Virginia Cavalry to
wards Gordonsville, who approached
within six miles of the latter place and
confirmed the report of the enemy's
presence and strength.
On Friday, the 18th, two brigades,
supposed to be commanded by Ewell,
made their appearance at Orange, and
on Saturday, after severe skirmishing,
Gen. Hatch fell back, and crossed the
Rapidan, and arrived at Culpepper on
Sunday. During this time, :2S men of
Company A, New York Cavalry, were
captured by the enemy, owing it is
said, to the commanding officer, who
did not believe a statement that the
enemy were advancing a force upon
his station. Two or three men whose
horses were saddled made their escape.
After returning to Culpepper, Gen.
Hatch made another incursion into
Madison, and thence northward into
Sperryville, ascertaining that the ene
' my were not in force in that direction.
That Jackson is in great force at
Louisa and Gordonsville is beyond a
doubt, and that ho intends to attack
us at an early day is fully believed:
I Gen. Pope's forces here have no objec
tion, but rather desire that he will
I make the attempt.
Unionists Hung in Galveston.
[From the Charleston Courier.)
The conscript law is being fully en
forced in Texas, and the Government
had sutninoned every man between
thirty-five and forty-live to organize
for the defence of the State. An order
has been extended for every family to
leave Galveston, it having been deter
mined, as in the case of Vicksburg, to
defend it to the last. This order has
been complied with except by some
seven families. The parties being sus
pected, their homes were searched,
when the Stars and Stripes were dis
covered, intended to be hung out
should the Federals take the city. All
those guilty of this treason were taken
out immediately and hung.
People's Union -County Convention.
All the peoplo of Huntingdon county ttho desh o to
en , inito the National Admintshation in its holy and pas
tt Rohr Ohl a to preserve out glen toils Colon ; to put tot th
all Constikutional power to I indicate flea govet lenient,
are teuncst,d to reject their reepecttlo Delegates 00 hat
many, nth dtiguid, (Ton nehip, at .1 o'clock, I'. )1..
Borough at 7 (o'clock, P. 31..) to meet in County Conven
tion aiternoon, 2 o'clock. AUGUST ,12th, tit
the Clout Douse in Huntingdon, for the purpta of Oa
clog in nomination a comity ticket, Ac.
17. ft. FISHER,
July 10, 1262. Cloth man People's Co. Con.
I have been asked if I will he a candidate fin the,Legls-
Ware ; Sod thai publicly 1 answer. I will script that
trust Pbollid it be committed to me by the people; nail I
pledge them faithful and fiat less service with in; best
Iluntingd9n, July 23,186'3.
I twnounce myself non candlikto rot District Attorney
suldect to tho decision a tho People's Union Nontin.t-
Hog Convention. J. 11.0. CORIIII4.
Huntingdon, Only Ist, 156.1,
T Clllltinll nil pelgonS flg:11114 1111101011 g n note
diiinn tt cm, or WOlimit Cough for the HIM Ot ;0100,
tinted July Hith, 1.'7412, its I n o t &tot mined nut to pay the
1 did not t ecore ratite.
i id r Mi
In this place, on Tuesday, 221 inst.
by Rev. S. 11. Reid, All'. JOHN Pixel:,
of Mifflintown, and Miss KATE PIPER,
of this place.
The happy couple will please accept
our thanks fin• a share of the CAKI/, and
may they enjoy a long life of happiness,
health and prosperity.
o r gab', at (la it Ntivieric
F.i., do t llou ing rnt 'elks of Strau be
follo,ing pt is io i
Dal Hanle Scorlot,
Mutt.; F.trot Ito
Cutlet's Seedling,
I town *tt rooallog,
!auto R kite,
Largo Pat ly Scarlet,
I,ongtvol ties honk,
Peabody's :locating,
'hubbub° de (land.
Prollope's Victoria,
Wilson . % Albony,
If !limited lb August or Septe
the tioxt anue.
July CO, 2562-Bt.
has been in the market nearly four y can C, dining numb
time it has acquired a t rputation, mocond to that of 110
other in Ono nonl.l. Pen owonenceobnahnlnty and ele
gance of finish it is nnsuipas,cd ; wldle for chrome.,
eimplig ity. ease and 110i,111i511,,4 of :Edon, It lion newer
Lemon equalled.
IVe o all ant the " Only " to br Non 11 In ev
ery respect, end sullen for in many, to any 4 1 ,30 Machine
non ill use. It 111.11:e9 tllO 110111i10.1001, stitch and will t nu,
hem, gather. tuck, fell, nnel ennbrol kennel do all the work
that can be done 011 any Funnily Sem lug Machine, ccor
Go- Machines forwaided by FAN eon, with full direc
tions fun min , ' . payable on dallTry.
iro - EverS3lnellitte wanauted, awl kept in repair one
year, without charge
fra -, .. An Agent wanted in evet r town and county In
flue State. rat of the Alleglonny Mountains,
,t7.4-Enneln,o in Mang, for tenon and din:Wars.
' Addre.s (1. 11. JONES .t; Co.,
(Ilox SW) Na. LO, Non tin ttln et, brlow
,Tuly iD, 1::62-1t Philadelphi n, Pa.
NOTICE is hereby given that the un
dereigurd and residents of Penirs.)l,ania
haw tt r er,elves together In par tnership. and
prepared a Certificate for the porno..r of estaldidring a
Think of ilkeorint, deposit and eh ciliation Or i 4400. nod,
anti in !air:Alamo or the provisions of an Act of the Gen
eral Assembly or tire Common, ealth of I'enns3lvania,
mita. EA the 31st day of Mar, A. D. 1861, entitled a
"z , uppleinent loan Act to ritalilkli a system of Fr ee Bank
ing In l'erin,.)lvailia, and to memo tire public against luau
fr ern liploirent• Barks, arm overt March 31st, 1800." and
any oilier law or lams of faint emintionucaltli Applicable
to and healing on the .nthjeAt. tine. paid prop , soil Bank
to he called .• , fu 1111NTINI1DON COUNTY BANE.," to
be located in tire Doi °ugh of Ifirotingilon, in the County
of Ilinitimnlon, and State of I'erins3lvania, n ith a capital
4tocl: of one hundred and sixty thousand dollavi. in
shares of fifty noun's eneli, Mr the r iyirt and privilege
of irierea , ing the same to any amount not exceeding three
hundred thousand dollars.
w. a AionzrrsoN
July :22, ISO2—Gm.
DllO (ILA ATION.---W AS, by
JL it precept to me Mt rebid, dated at Huntingdon, tiro
. 2.101 day of Apt ii, A. D. 11,12, under the hands and seals
of the lion. LieOlgO Taylor, lbesident of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oys 1 and Teintineroiml goner al Jail tletiv
my of the 2.lth .Indiad Di,trict of Peniesslsania, compo
sed of Ituutingdon, Iltair und Conan ia counties: and the
lions. Benjamin F. Patton and Wlllllllll It. Levu his wsoci
ates, Judges of tiro county of I Inntingdon. justices as
signed, appointed to lieu . , try and sletot aline all and °rely
indietnients smile or token rut or Caere! ring nll crimes,
a hich by the hors of the State nre made capital, or felon
ies of death. and other ult•ucea, 0111000 and mbelemeanots,
a hieh hare been or shall hereafter be committed or pap,-
ti Med. for crimes aim inn commanded to maker
puidic moclaination thioughont my whole bailiw irk, that
a Conti of Oyer and Teroioer, of 01111111011 11,1t4 and
Quarter Sessions. a 11l ho held at the Com t Ilotrn in the
liniough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 1111 i
day) of August next, and those who will pro,eciite the
said prisonets, ho then and there to prosecute thorn as it
shall be pt,t. and that all .Tiattlee.i of the Vence, Coroner
and Constables 51ithlo said cunnts, he then and there in
their proper pet SIMS. at 10 o . CinCk, n. nt. of YAW day, With
their records, incovittimis. tweintilittiona mid einembran
cos, to do those things in /1101 to their,ollices lespectirely
Dated at Ilantingdou, the tfitli 1 f .Tuly, iu the year of
our Lout one thousand cyht litindred mot sixty-ta a,
and the Stith year of Aincritim independence.
JOHN C. IPSTSuN, Sheriff.
n pre,ept to mu directed leg the Judge, of the Cont.
loon - Pleas of the cututty of Ilttatingttott, ben , tog tot the
2 0th day of 401, 1802, I 3111 commanded to make
Public Proclamation tin oughtn't my %thole hailluich. that.
a Com t of Common I'loll3 will ho held at 11w Court llotvo
In the boroagn of Ittitillll 6 joa, vn the ors Monday (and
18th day) of August. A. D., 1862, for the trio! of ill
sues in :old Celia a Well remain undetermined bolero
the trid Judges, ohott mot nlterealljurors, nitnebsys,and
saitom, iu the trials or all ' , baton ate requited.
hated at Huntingdon the 11th of July, la tho year of
our 1.01.1 one thonzatul eight hundred awl 4inty.two,
and Ulu both year I>f American inkt.Tetblettee.
JOHN C. WA.D3ON, &cog'.
()1.11.).11i1 F N ( S t COURT',,II,
ar IrSAI3.F.n.
Ito VII trio of an ouder of the ID ploottos , Court of Iron
tiniflon county, the nnolersigneol nth offer at public 00110.
on the pi eni W.I. on SATUUDAY;the 2.111 day of A /301.DsT,
A. D. 1302, the folio, nog &sea Heal teal ethote. to wit:
All th.rt certain pieve of a lot of ground. ganef(' in the
lootough of lliontinxilen. being the notothein end of lot No.
11. boomoled and oleo...rallied as lolloe Commencing at a
point on Smith stieet, three feet six Nebo; north of the
noon Ili eastern nor ner of the la It It 11;11.1111K thereon tree
tol 1 ibenco acre.. sari lilt by lice of lot 11010 owned by
30111 AnuldlmAl . S 11011 , , and lomallet with Allegheny
oil met, fot ty-tluee feet to /me of loot belonging to Avoid
So:otter', estate, thence along MO, 10 • Allegheny greet;
thence by Allegheny sheet to Smith sheet; thence ;don;;
Smith street to the 111.100 of beginning; haring tlieteou
er eeted a one :Amy and basement ht kk
TEIrltS OF SALE.—thoto bell the loultlonse nioney to he
11.1101 nu con fit mation of tale, and lion residue in one year
with litterent to he secoreol by bend or 1110110
July 9,180:2.
011AFFIUS 3111.1,E1t,
Canto to tin Novelty of the uillscliber, to Porter
tom ledlip, llontlngdon Collllly, on or
t ......
. i abont the 3:11 lußt., a led mud obit°
llpe,klect COW, 7ot .S }eat, old. lrlse
k t.'
nutter 11 toque:quit to corn° forntit,
, , ..-...e1f.r....- KW, DlllllSlly, pay Ottng., aunt take
het au ly, Whet l, i3O ,Ile will be sold ;teem dont to law.
SAN Lllll. lIATII2I.D.
Juniata Lon Wolkl..lttly 2.1,181)2.
CIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
sundry P tuts of Vend. INp. nod Fl. Ft to no
recto], I o 01 ex no,,e to public , de Or outcry..‘t the e" , "
How,. in the bot eneh of Huntingdon, ON MONDAY
the Unit DAY OF A Fi111,`,17. 1002, at hoe oclock, 1'.21.,
the folio, ipg det,et the.] pellet tyro ult.:
Defendant's right, title and interest, in and
to one !malted acres of land, more or less, situated in
Tod Tunnship, Huntingdon County - , to the mune of Stest•
IV. Spoor, adjoining lands of 11. B. Petrikin and Alelanie,
unimproved. oars of laud situated li, son.. toss Ot ll / 1 1 1 r in
tho name of John McLane, bought from It. 11. Petriltin,
Acso—The undivided of 4:19 acres of land more or
less, situated in the same touttAjp, adjoining the Houck
Coal bank hart, John 3lcLane and other.,, Ili the name
of ',peer nod houghetty.
dli.eo-1)0 acres of lout) inClie or ICS.?, situated in th e Mille
toss iteltin , adjoining land of Means a lo•tte on the South
and West in the name of Speer mid Martin, stninipror“l. acres of land more or loss, situated in the
same township, adjoining the 4101'0 on the South la the
name of Samuel Cut noting, hosing about Catty notes clears
ed and in a state of cultisation. acres of land more or lons, situated in the same
township, adjoining the abuse nal t intuit in the molar of
Eliel Smith, unimproved.
ALSO—George Spoet's Intelett in lands of 31ichnel
and Joseph Olin tin, n hid, he held under certain articled
of egteennent of Record its lEuntingdon County. Se red.
taken in execution, and to lie sold as the pupal ty of
Ftaahlin IL Lane.
Also—The following described taessuage or
tract of land situate itt Reeder son ton 'lshii , itiOresaid, to
W it: lirgi ailing at a white °ale stump, si line of Alexan
der Own], , and cut nee of land of James and John
Simpson; thence by the latter. smith. fut t.) , eren degrees
and a half nest, one hundred and titty-tile porches to a
post in the bottom of - rriscillaV or t•Caltin hollow;'
thence by the t estat: of the pact of latch Ibis la a part,
north, fin ty-Ilve dog, roe nest, ono hundred arid thirty
four tett:hes and six-totttlts, to a entail chestnut Oak grub
on Colestalei line • thence by the sauce, not th, twenty
lit e dog - tees is rot. Ice;
ty-lise perches to a post, whole it
hickory is called for on rho itt's flue . ; by . It south ' eighty
nine degrees east, ono Initiated atPi sorority porc hes to a
post, -niter° a pine is called for, and south, forty-seven de
glees cast, thin ty•otte perches to the place of beginning;
containing eightjat hie tici ea, uue hunched :111,1 nineteen
po'clres, and the usual anon once. lit log lout oft ittrvey
in the l'rederielt Ausbaugh, 61111, eyed on the 11th day of
August, .1. It., 1700, ono nor tont dated Lomat.). it, 17b5,
and part of a tint in t h e 1111111(1 of Hugh Brady, ttvalter
with all nod singular, the improvemonts, i ights„libertiea,
tuirtleges and bet kittansents and splint tenanecs n liateo.
es ei thereunto helot gimp or to any n Igo appet 64:Aug./old
the revelatoros awl remainders, tents, issues and inotita
tliotoof. Seized, talsOn in execution, and to he sold as the
property of Samuel Friedley.'
Also—Defendant's right, title and interest
in and to 101 acres of latal, more or less, situated in Shi
ley too ushtp, Huntingdon County, bounded on the South
by land of Finer, on the north by land of Henr
Ohm or and other 15, on the met by the Juoiata River, ha,
ing thel eon elected a house nod stable. Seized, taken in
execution, and lobe sold in; the property of Wilthun Johns.
ALSO—AII the defendant's right, title and
interest, to nod to the following teal estate, vie: One
(tact of land situate to Clay township, Huntingdon coun
ty, contnining 570 acres, more or tees, bounded by lauds
of lfardet N. Ght , gow on the wool, land; of George 11.
limblon on the south and east, and lands of Lea, and Mc
ny and this id Stone. on the not ; tutu inq thetcon erec
ton tour IN eillog honer., one frame bank bat n, one hero
la i,t mill, one will and other out building 4 Fel for
titer ,1101011 tee Ikeerd nook N ‘t: to No. :2 pa,1,0:
111,ek It and :02 of Mid. 1,
ALSO-0. lot of pound ',Nate in the vilingo of Seutti
vino, Clay ton whip, Huntingdon county, fronting on
Main et, cwt . , GU feet, and extending hack ono hundred feet;
lot% lag thereon erected one frltral3 than house,
. .
Attu—One k 4 of mound situate In theßoma villege,
bounded by lots of 'Wm, P. Taylor and Mathias Su onpo ;
Laving' thereon erected one from stable. Seized. token
in execution, and to be boll as rho property of Richard
No 1-LA tract of land in Cromwell town
ship, COOSiAing of IMItS of xi3Vcrld Tan ego throng!, which
Black Log creek r uns, adjoining land of Pant, Wigton
and Co., and Black Log Slountahr on tho South and }:net,
land of defendant, occupied by Den,l. Heck designated on
No. 4 in this hwy. and land of Wm. 01bisolds heirs on the
west, rind land of Defendant peopled by Benjamin lung
designated as No, 2 in thin levy, on tho north; containing
200 acres, to the some, more or less, of m lath about 150
notes are cleared; hosing thereon emoted a stone grist
mill, n blast furnace called " Winchester Furnace," a
largo stone dwelling house, n coal house, now mid no R
Won, a frame barn painted white, a carriage house, anti
thirteen log houses, with other buildrugs usually connec
ted m ith a Furnace, together with the water posses con•
meted titer milli, the Sarno connoting of part of a tract
unlined in tho name of William Chambers 111111 part of
the Black Log tract anti part of the Richard Ashman
hoot, dc.
a eltElliat
.9, in Huntingdon,
lay Plants, tit Ilia
000 108 ern 1000.
$1 10 $lO 00
150 10 00
I 80 10 00
1 501 10 Oil
1 00 10 00
1 00 8 00
1 00 8 00
1 081 F. 00
/ 00 10 00
2 00 12 00
2 01 12 00
1 50 0 00
y rI D 1 yield a clop
No.2—A tract of land in Cromwell t r oWininin now etch--
Pied by Benjamin Long, adjoining No. 1 In this levy on
the south. land of Wm. Orbison's heirs on. the west, Nett,
Wigton & Co., on the north, nod the llomietta Cromwell
tract on the east, containing 120 Elmer, to the same, mono
or loss, of which about 6.5 acres are cleared; having Et log
house aunt log barn thereon, being, a part of the 'Bedford
and Chamber's tracts, and basing an one Lank thereon.
No tract of land on Black Log Mountain in Cr outs
well ton mhip, adjoining No. 1 & 2 inn this levy, on the
west, containing 150 acres, more or less, being rho one.
half of It tract surve3ed ou a warrant in the name of lieu.
vials Cnonincll.
tiact of land is Cromwell township. adjoining
No. 1 in this levy, on the cast, Ratter's land on tin, south,
land of Benjamin noels on the west, land of Thomas B. &
Wm. I'. Om bison, and tho helms of Wm. Orbison on the
north, containing 100 acres or thereabouts, of which
•bout 120 scion are cleared, haring two log bon=es and a
log barn thereon, Ming now occupied by Benjamin Heck
awl others, and haring an ore bank thereon.
No. 5—A parcel of land in Cronin ell township, at the
head of tho mill dam, connocted with the null), and so &l
am Med in No. 1 In this levy, adjoining laud of Samuel
Chore, Garen Cluggage's Mils and Isett, Wigton & Co.,
containing 10 noes, more or lees, of which about 0 acres
are cleamtd.
No. 6—A tract of ridge land unimproved in Cromwell
ton :Ishii,. adjoining land of Andrew McColl on the north,
Damel Book on the webt, Thug. E. th bison on the south,
end Rode, a on the rot, containing about 90 acres, being
part of a tract sm veyed m the name or 1 . 1101110.8 Bond.
. .
No. 7—A It not or pas eel of land In Cromwell toss whip,
adjoining land of David moire on the !Until, land of heft,
igton It Co., on the not tit and east, Mal Grange Sillo.l ou
the vast, containing about 76 [wow, being pat t of the Ju
t.oph °mid) survey.
No. S—A tract or parcel of land in Cs OIMN ell tostnsh fp,
ahjoining Jo,lum JOllll9 00 1111.1 1101 ill, FITIICHOIC lit,, man
on the east, L-amitel Bolinger 011 tLe 9011111, and leett,
Wigton S Co. on tho s, eat, caal,duing about 140 acres mw
No O—A tract of land on Jack's mountain In Crow, oil
towmlsip, adjoining land late of John Bi 011 star• am! oth.
0,5, coo Entitling about 300 acres, of ankh about 35 (terra
are cleated, with a Loos thereon, occupied toy Audios,
No. 10—. i trx t of land in Cromwell towniblp, now no.
copied by Andrew limda, adjoining NIA occupied by Win.
Wallace on the cart. Fleming on the moult, Jacob nom
man on the nest, and Millard heck on the north, con
taining 130 ntlei, MOLO le.“, uhith about 40 acres
ate cleated, nit h a small hen. thereon.
No. 17--,A [tact of land in r
...roinwell township, adjoin
ing No.lo In this levy, on tho ve,t. Thomas E. Odalon OH
tit, 11,11 th, L'IIIIOIIOIMA on the nit, Soluinon llmako on
the aoutivontaining ahnot 75 no] eq. with about 40 clearer!,
unit a lauuio tlancon in ankh Wiliam Wallace resides.
Nu. rd--A. inset of land in Clolll‘lol tat 1141 lip, wan ran
ted in tine nanno of Josoultus Minoan, adjoining lands of
Joint., Lune on the nest awl non tin. Stheiter lionl,er on
tine east, and John Long and Thos. ll.Orbison on the
south, containing 50 Hells, mole or loss, of niacin anoint
as acres nu cleaned, fund h,ning an ore hank thereon.
No. 13—A tract or parcel or Lind inn Shin ley ton insulin,
unnamed in the online of thigh Doyle, adjoining land of
Mounds C. Antonia!, on tine treat and north, lands of
'Wigton & Cu. on tine en•t and south, containing 30 acres,
mono or lea,. tamed, taken inn execution, and to lie cold
.1.3 tile ill open ly of floury In n in.
A lA:3o—DefendillltiS right,title and interest,
in and to one acre of land mole or km, situated in Josh
son township, Huntingdon County, adjoining lanai of
Samuel Yocum, Thomas Watson, John BMA A, and the
valets of Stone Creek, liming thereon erected one tog
bons° owl stable,
Also—test acres of 3L allow Land situated in sumo
touttaltip. adjoining lands of Samuel Johnston, William
11030, and rho status of Steno Creek.
Aut.—Sot:ramseo of land, mole or less, situated In tho
same tewnship, adjoining lands of Samuel 31itchell hav
ing thereon crested one duelling house, ono (lame grist
mill, mith two burs, plaster mill, stout machine and vaitti
buildingq, with one motor power. Seised, taken in exe
cotton, and to be sold as the property of Elias 31usen and
William Musser.
ALSO—One lot of ground situated in the
oillage of Scottsville, 'Huntingdon County, fronting On
Hudson street 59 loot, extending bark IS tilet, and haling
thereon elected a too story ham° liouso 19 by 30 feet.
taken in execution, ;aid h, be suld Its time ploper ty
of William P. Taylor.
Also—Defendant's right, title and inter
est. in and to nhout six notes of ground be the same more
or less, situated itt Cass township, Huntingdon 'County,
has tug thereon erected a WO story log house and frame
chopping mill and saw mill, and other out buildings, and
bounded by lands of John it, Ommell on the North,
lialn Short en the South and W.A. Seised, taken In exe
cution, null to behold as the property of Jonathan Hoover.
ALSO—One lot of ground situated in the
Borough of Orbisonid, Huntingdon County, fronting on
Cromwell sheet and extending bock to an alley having
thereon erected a two story log holm about 1.8 by 20 feet,
one frame blacksmith shop and ono fume Stable. SCIV./.14
falcon in execution, null to he sold as the propel ty of Llatlif
twine Cook and Hugh 1. Cook, and also to the property 0 1
James Hooper.
Ateo—All defendant's right, title and in ,
retest in and to about ono hundred acres of land, be the
same moro or less, in Itopett ell township, about fifty of
or filch are cleated, having thereon a new log house, No
stet ie9 high, mill a saw mill and other 'outbuildings, with
a cabin Lien. and bounded by lands of .1. Speck on the
not tli-west, &num:l.lom Johnston on the east. and James
Entrihin on the south-esst,and Joshua Hicks an the south
west. Seized mid taken in execution, and to be sold tot
the properly
X9hcelo Pte, dater!.-131 , 1d0L8 itt She iff's ales will t tisu
notice that immediately upon the propel ty being, knocked
lon n, fifty per cent. or all bids under $lOB, and twenty
live per cent. of all bids over that sum, Inuit be rad to
the C bona, or the pi operty will be set up again and sold
to ether bidders situ, will comply with the above tot ma.
Slim ill's Sides will hereafter be made 011 Wednesday, of
the first week of Court. and rho Deeds acknowledged on
the tollewing Wednesday.
3011. N C. WATSON, Shot 111.
Iluntinolon, July le, 1562.1
_Lk, Notice is herehy gfr 00, to all 11 , 1.90115 intereqted
that the folloning, named persons hare aLttl,,l their ire
comas in the lieglsttar's Unice, at Ito:Ail:M o m and that
the mad accounts it ill he presented for count !nation and
al lon dace. at an Or plians' Court, to he hem ia if untuiplori,
m and for the county of IIIIIIIit) 411011, 01l 31orolay the Mt
day of August lie‘t. (1862,) to Oil :
I. Account of Joins Long, Ttaitee appointed by the Or
phan's Court of Huntingdon county to unlike sale of the
real estate of bunco Clink, deed.
2. (tom diarrOlip account of tioorgo Ihtlintan, nimrdiati
of J. Taylor Ilen.krson, n minor son of George Header.
sou, late. at West township, deed., said minor now also
dr 0,0,0(1.
J. The account of .Tionet Chu lc and Thema:, U.
Executors of the lad will and teitament of J.OO Mother.
bangls, late of IVairiormnall: townslllp, Huntingdon
county, deed.
4. The account of James U. Lane and Franklin ff. Lute,
Executors of t h e loot ~ill and batament of arallle3 LlllO.,
lute 01 Brady town,,bip.
5. Tho account of hatalla Stitt and William Hal per,
Adminikratowt of James :Rift, late of Dublin township,
dee'd . filed by IVm. Harper. mil diving Administrator
of Faitl deceased. Final account.
6. Tito accoun tof Caleb CI nyer, Alludni..trator of Genr,v,e
(1113 or, or., lato of Wan lortunnrlt too nshin, Huntingdon
county, dee'd. Final account.
7. The account of 3loses Su oopo and Thomas Dean, Ad.
ministratms of Gulch Sc cope, Into of Union ton udinp,
S. Tho final account of John Momlnger, Ada, ink - Unbar
of Tamer 11. law, Into of Clay township. deed.
9. Account at• flew go W. Iton,o, Mininixtrntor of John
Rouse, Into of llublnt ton nAip, flnnlingdou county,
10. 'rho account of David Ileacletsoth Outudian of
Chatle4 J. Conrad nod Lucinda Coined. minor children
of John Conrad. Tq , Into of Jackson ton mbitt, don't!.
11. The account of Jacob W. Shively, Administrator of
Thug Sid s elf, late of Pot ter too mhip, decd.
12. At:coma of Ilanund M. Stewart, Executor of the
I. st Will Mid tmtament of John Campbell, Into of Jackson
ton Whip, deed.
13 Mt St and final account of John Scott, Esq.. Ad
ministt ator of Mary lta) mood, late of the borough of
Huntingdon, deed, ants a diet' Mutton account to be
presented for confirmAtion pith the some.
14. The account Of SIIIICOII Wright, Dsq , Administrator
et Alnaltam Shaw, deed.
lb. The Account of Ilen,jarnin F. Brown, Administrator
of tin, catato of rinlin Walter, tato of 3lorris townallin
10. The Final Ailtuni•tlntion account of Jacob Mayer
awl John \V. llerkstien,er, Executors of Jacob S. Berk
stresser. deceased.
17. The accounts of 'William Stewart, oho in his life
time woo Guardian of George Calvin hoist and Mary E.
Borst, Junior childieu of George Borst, dee'd., tiled by
James A. btowart, Administrator of said Win .Stinviiit
Is. Thu partial, mut also the unpplorncntal and final
accounts of Joseph McCoy, one of the Administrators of
John Snyder, deni.
REnisreit's OFFICE,
ITUI111”gdon, Ju1y3.0,1602.
To the School Directors and Teachers of
nuntingdon County :
Tho A noted Examination of applicants for the schools
of the scrotal districts of this county, w ill Le held as fol
lows :
Porte, and Alexandria, August 14, at Alexandria.
nui 03 " 15. at IVaretstreot.
Franklin, 0 16, at Franklint illo.
11 - arriotsinark, a IS, at Birmingham.
Brady, a 19. at Mill Creeltt
Union, a 20, at Mapleton.
Cass and Ca•ssille, 5 22, at Ca:mine.
West, 5 26. at Shavers celtbridge.
Bat ro, it 27, at Manor 11111.
Jackson, a IS, at slcAlevy's Fort.
Shinty'', a 20, at /blunt Union.
It irleysburg borough, Sept. 1, at Slti [ley sburg.
Quantal!, 2, at Orldsonia.
Walker, 6, at l'%leConnellstuwn.
Dublin, 9, at Shade Gap.
Tell. a 10, at Ualon school house.
hringfleld, , t 12, nt Meadow Gap.
Clay,' 5 13, at Scottsville.
flandersoia, a as, 0117111011 felloolllollBo.
Oneida, t 4 17, at Centro Union S. U.
Juniata, 1 , /3, at Bell GroMit S. it.
rot, a 39, at Matkleshurg,
liopewell, a IS, at Coffeo Bun.
Carboo, a 23, at Coalniont.
Tad, a 23, at Neu Lug.
In nuthing out the ahoy° list we Intl o not boon al,lo to
commit the It irks of Mb directotd and citizens of all the
dist, tots, but, if the blue and Waco fixed fur any of the
examinations he oldectionable, they will Ito changed at
the ..Itggestion al dit odors if thoy w ill notify us ironical
ately. Ittoandostions null commence at ll o'clock. Direa
tot s are cspettally into ilea to he present.
11 antitindett. ,Ittl:, 10 Co. Snot
But while you rdoico at the success of our gallant
troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of tan
Rebel Army, do not forget to CAI nt the store of
before poreba,lug olsawbere, awl seo otir now stook of
goods, conaistiog of
Dry Goods,
Roots and Shoos,
Crockery ware,
Tobacco, Sugars,
and a general assortment of notions, all of Ithich are of•
fered on reasonable terms for cash or produce.
Huntingdon, July 1,1802.
undersigned, in accordance - with
IL General Mere, Dead Quarters of the Army, and mi
d-, the direction of Copt. R. 1. Dodge, General Superin
tendent of Recruiting Service for the State of renneylva
hue opened a Recruiting Offlee in the building for
med, occupied Be Dend-Qoartere of Comp Croaman, op
podia the _Exchange Hotel, Railroad street, fluutingden,
Pa MM.
I am authorized to enlist mon for any Pennsylvania
Regiment now in the field that is not ali only full.
Sultsictence slid pay to 'commence from datd of enlist,-
wont. Copt. 9ETII BENNER,
. .
110th Regiment, P. V.
Huntingdon, July 10, 1002. On Recruiting-Service.
The Fall Session of this Institution mill bogie July 31,
The expenaea per qufirtor, or 11 treeko, in Common
English, aro $22, washing. light and fool not inelndud.
Tor information, address
.7. W. HUGHES,
CnAs7lllo, Iluntingdon,co.,
July 2, 126241
WILL be sold at private sale, a farm
in Union township, Iluutingdon county, the es
tate of Jacob deemed. containing 300 acres, 180
of widen ore cleared and In a good state of culti
vation. nod well watered. The improvements
are a two-stoty ft into house, a log barn, nod other
outbuildings, with a good spring near the house.
a largo applo Oldlflrd and a gloat variety of other kinds
of I riot of the hest quality.
Terms will 11010000 reasonable.
P035C914011 will be given on the lat of April next.
For fernier information apply to MARY JII LLEII, liv
log on the premhea. July 2, ISti2.--tf.
INTN pursuance of the 25th Section, First
A. title of the amended Constitution of the State of
Pennsylvania, and Om First Section of the Act of the Gen
eral a+semtily, passed tho first day of Juno, ISIS, the un
dersigned citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
hetoby give notice that they intend' to make application
to the Legislature of said State, at Its next session, com
mencing the first Tuesday of Jaunary, 1803, for the
ter of a Bank, to he located in the borough of Huntingdon,
in the county of Huntingdon; and State aforesaid, to be
called the '• BROAD TOP (BANK ;•" the capital stork there
of to be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, and tile specific
of Jett for which the proposed corporation Is to hu char
toted iv to linnsact the mmal and legitimate business of a
Bank of issue, disc coot, deposit and exchange.
June 3, 14362-Gm
" itAPVO 44I4 I - 1
.4 •-at :,: i.ll " X
> p- Ist = 5 .... ,?: a..
' STATIONS. k " tfi '-'
c.. " roc ss e: , ..r
t• = m t- ,
, . ci -
..4 t, : „ , S C IX
St fn '-'I i,"
P. M.l P.M. 1 i P.M. A. M.l A. M.
4 31 !New ton Munition, 9 48
4 39 6 01 Mt. Union 10 13 9 40
4 54 Mill Clerk, 9 25
5 08 650 629 Huntingdon, 9 50 2 12 9 13
5 24 -,,.. l'etelslnug, 0 37 8 58
5 32 ~..,. Bat roeB 50
6 11 9 ...., 650 Spruge Creelc, '9 20 ,
.t.., l 8 42
5 55 Birmingham, 8 27
6 01 7 18 Tyrone, 0 07 8 18
6 15 Tipton 8 59 8 08
6 20 WoAeria.
625 735 BeWs MAI.. 8 ' 52 .... 750
0 45 8 05 7 50 Altoona, 8 40 1 00 7 45
P. M. P. 3L A. M. t P. 31. A. 3f. A. M.
Accommodation Train arrives at 12:50 and leaves at
1:20 I'. 51.
On and after Tltnrsday, Juno 26th, 1862, Passenger
Trains sill arrive and depart as Callus a;
Even'g Morn',g
I'. 51. A. M. P. M. P. M.
Le 5 20 : on 7 20i II nn I ingdon on 12 301 an 9,23
5 35 7 401McConnellstown , 12 101 9 08
S 41 1 481 Pleasant Grove, 12 02 9 02
5 53 8 04151arklesburg, 11 40 8 50
0 05 8 20feetrea Hun, 11 30 8 28
6 II 8 2811tongli & Steady 11 :U. 8 22
0 20 8 401 Core, 11 10 8 20
6 23 8 44 Fisher's Summit,..... 11 00 8 17
re 6 40I L 'T g msuxton, lo 50 50 8 05
7 001 9 3511tiddiesburg, 10 25 7 40
An 7 101. on 9 45111opewell, t.r. 10 15 LE 7 30
Lc 6 46 IN 9 101.Saaffit ---- kit 10 50 taBos
7 00 9 32'Coalment, 10 30 7 45
7 10 940 Cranford, lb 25 ' 735
An 7 20 onlo 06 Dudley, to 10 15 LB 7 25
i {Broad Top City i
5U3131.0 .4.IZRANGZMENT.
k -jr North ntyl North-Weet for PitiLum.crus, Now-
Le., &C.
RE %DINO, POTTSVILLE, and all Interm_edlate Stations, at 8
A. IL, and 1.40 P. 51.
NEW-YORK Fame. leaves Ihmusolmo at 1.25 A. AL, Or
ris Mg at NEW-YORK at 8.25 the same morning,
Fares Gan 'Mammal° : To Nclv-YORE, $5 00; to Pint-
ADELPIIII, c:5 25 and $2 70. Ilnggage checked thtongh.
Returning, leave NOW-YORK at 0 A. 51, 12 Noon, and 8
I'. 51., (Prrrsramm; EXPRE63.) Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8
A. 51., and 3:t5 P. 01.
Sleeping cars in the NEW-YORE EXIMISS To RNS, through
to nod from PITTSBURGH without change.
Passengers by the CATAWISS A Rail Road leave POET
Cusoax at 4.45 A. 31., for Pirnsortenrt and all Interme
diate Stations; and at 8.00 P. 31, for PIILLADELPIN t, Nk.V.
YORK , and all Way Points.
Trains leave POTTSVILLE a t 9.00 A. M., and 2.15 P. lg., fur
PHILADELPHIA and Nuw-Yonn; and at 5.20 P. 51, for
Atmenx and PoRT CLINTON only, connecting for PINE
fifteen and with the C\Tee, ISSA Rail
An Accommodation Pa,,enger Train learns BEADING at
A. )1., nod Tomas from PaI,VAAAAM at 5 P.M.
gir All the above twine run daily, klundaye eNceptcd.
A Sunday train leaves POTTMULE at 7.40 4. M n qua
rims - Dr:Liana at 3.15 P. M. ' ' •
COMMUTATION, Mit,stoi:, SEASON. 01111 Exams - mit TICKETS,
gt reduced rates tumid irons all points.
General Sapsrinteustent.
Joao 3, 1.862
AL TID visivrs s usura Cy r/CP I / 4 3 rINP pITIGAFB,
A . 4 00 d article for sale at
Fancy and*Extta FamilyYlbur.
Common and llapertna .....
Rye Finer
Corn ?ilea! .
Fair and Primo Red
Corn, prima Yellow.
Cloveraeed, 1164 tbs.
Wont •
Extra Pamlly Flour 5 551. $1.60Ca3.23
Extra do 'it civt ....... ......... .„ ... ...... 3.00
White ...
' 140 ,
Red Wiaai " 1,00,
Dried Apples
. -
.. _
Matthew Truman rs David Aural" of all
Andrew Magic vs Ilenry Robison; eVali
Adolphus Patterson vs /Map pirinfermstv •
Jahn Taylor, of al vs James iliitichini °Vali.
Beidlorean a Ilayisouil rs J.. Brewster's Ex. gar.
Joßti Watt for use vs William McClure' & Co:
John Studer for use vs D. Brotherlino with mu
Morris, Tusher & Cu. rs Morrison & Matters:
Ronigrancher & Bauman vs Robert McCall .4 . Wife.'.
Jeremiah B. Butts rs J. A. Cunningham'. Ail,
W. W.ts D. O. Entrekin f u re Michael Stone et al.
Benjamin Rinker vs George Swartz,
!Teary Orlady ' Ts Daniel Routs,:
William 'McDivitt vs Sarah McDivitt.
George 'Pawn's Adm'r. rs Brice X. Blair.
3. Gillam a wire for use vs William Rothrock.
Nathan Kelly's Executer vs Abraham Wagoner a'
Same ' vs George . Wagoner a
Jamison Kelly rs Abraham Wagoneri
James Kelly rs C. Wagoner et al a
3. Browster's Executor vs :local:Mali Bauman O.
Samuel Thompson's Adm'r vs Wm. Thompson's Adm'r.
Samuel W. Thompson rs James Kelly, et al.
John Snyder vs John 0. Watson, Keq. ,
John Ilteweiter's Executor vs Jeremiah Bauman Ac:
Huntingdon, July A 1862.
J. Simpson Africa, surVeyer, 1100141gJon;
Anthony Beaver, carpenter, Penn,.
John G. Boyer, merchant, Penn.
Samuel Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn,
Joseph Gartman, farmer, Cass.
Solomon Chiloote, minor, Tod.
Nicholas Decker, fOmer, Juniata:
Michael Garner, ferrupr t Penn,. ,
James Green, farmer, Gneirlat.
Willi tm G. Harper, farmer,Slubliir,
John Heffner, farmer, Walker.
Frederick Hannorjormer, Cromwell,
Daniel .hyper, farmer • Oneiilat• 1 -
John R. 111cCarthey, farmer, Brady,.
Samuel McClain, farmer, Cass.
Wm. I. Steel, saddler, Huntingdom•
Amos Smith, farmer; Gass.
Alexander States, top:ln-maker, Walker,
Wm. A. Stefey, teacher, jacksom '
Robert Stitt, gentleman. Huntingdon;
David Shaver, farmer,, Shirley. • -
David Wallemith, farmer, Oneidh,
Jonathan 11. Wilson, farmer, We5t,..... -
Louis Yocum, laborer, Union.
Benjamin F. Bare, clerk, Shirley. •- -
Benjamin F. Brown, terichei,"Morris.
John Brown, farmer, Brady.
James Cpy, farmer, Barren.
Alva Ohilcote, tanner, Cromwell.
Edward Cox, farmer, Barren.
Sohn Carberry, filmier, Carbon. -
Amlretv oroteley, farmer, Penn.
Hobart Cummins, farmer, Jackson.
John W.Donaldson, farmer, Hopewell.
R. A. Dorsey, Merchant, Morris.
John Dougherty, gentleman, Shirley,
Allen Edwards, farmer, Tod.
Daniel Funk, farmer, llnien. -
John Gime, farmer, Penn.
,Wplieru Hoffman, parpenter, Huntingdon.
Jacob F. Hoover, farmer, Penni
Robert L. Henderson, farmer, Ftauklin.
'Henry Houpt, farmer, Carbon.
James llustor, farmer, Jackson.
Andrew Henderson, fernier ' Cass.:
William Jackson, farmer, Jackson.
Samuel Kiergor, mason, Carbon.
°cargo Ktnfitilrlin, blacksmith, Oneida.
Daniel Roods, farmer, Porter. •
Benjamin Rough, farmer, Dublin.
Samuel Keller, farmer, Morris,
Isaac Keith; farmer, Tod.
James Leo, farmer, Jackson,
Adam Lightner; farmer, West.
Jacob 11. Lutz, merchant, Shirley,
Daniel McClure, carpenter, Tell.
-Samuel McCord, farmer, Jackson, ' •
David Norris, farmer, Penn.
John Noble, pumpmaker, pa N s v ilk.
Jonathan Rhnle, carpenter, Morris.
James Smiley, farmer, Henderson,
John Slone, farmer, Juniata.
Jacob Schaffner, farmer, Brady,
Benjamin E. Stitt, farmer, Dnblin.
William 11. Simpson, farmer, Brady.
David F. Tummy, farmer, Porter.
John Yandeveuder, laborer, Brady.
John Walls, farmer, Cass.
John IVhitesides, clerk, Carbon.
Isaac Wolverton, pumpmaker, Henderson. ,
John Yocum, farmer, Tell.
Wm. Zentruire, fernier, IVarriorsinerk„
Charles Atherton, carpenter, Shirleysburg..
Washington Baker, farmer, nid.
Josiah Benn, founder, Franklin.
William Brewster, - M. D., Huntingdon... •
Wesley Crotsley, farmer, Cass,
John M. Clark, tailor, Shirleysburg..
Matthew Collins, farmer, Shirley..
Richard Chilcoat, farmer, Union,.
John Dysart, farmer, Porter,
Casper Fisher, farmer, Hopewell;
Isaac Gorsuch, farmer, Brady.
Moses Greenland, farmer, Cass.
George Glazier, carpenter, Huntingdon',
John Gifford, jr., farmer, Shirley.
Andrew Gilliland, farmer, Cromwell..
George Hamilton, farmer, Hopewell.
Adam Keith, manager, Franklin.
Frederick Kuhn, carpenter, Franklikr..
Nathaniel Lytle, saddler, Morris,
John A. McPlterren, farmer, Franklin.
James Morrow, farmer, Franklin. -
Jacob C. Miller, farmer, Barron.
Christian Miller, farmer, Cass.
Newton Mfidden, farmer, Springfield,
Henry G. Neff, -farmer, Porter.
William Obum, teacher, Jackson.
James Porter, Jr., farmer, West.'
Joseph Rodkey, farmer, Carbon..
William Roblvfarmor, Walk.l3T.
David Stevens, fanner, Clay,.
Joseph Shersi,farmer,
Lee Sample, farmer, .fa.cA50,17,,
Robert Vann, constable,
Samuel Wigton, farmer, Franklin;
David Wible, fanner, Springfield.
Richard Wills, cabinet-maker, Warrionnerli.
Huntingdon Norio] School.
The Fall Term orthis School will commence September
Sot, 1862, and continua ticenty-ono weeks , including ono
week of vacation.
A demand for competent teachers has Inducts' ther
Pi Melo' to organize a NOIRVIAL SCHOOL, whose mom--
bora will receive special instruction in the Tnconr and ,
rti.tertcz of teaching. Thu members, on graduating, will ,
be entitled to a certificato commending them to the coa t.
donee of these who desire to employ teachers.
A sufficient number of Instructors will ho empleyekto
make a propvc4i4sAoty of iphar, and give to each class
limo fur drilling—an important eleurAt in successful
Tho government of the school shall be snob as will .hee k t
promote the progress of each pupil, and Old general Inter
est of the vrfirilefichool.
Tho Princfpnl wilt endeavor to furnish his Ifvpita w itb
facilities for acqui.riugn thorough education.
Common English Mambos
Higher .
Languages and pure Mathematres.
Huntingdon, July 9, 1852-201. l'ripcfpni
AT 1.1:11 . pt)(lK AND .STATlo3.iiilly sToitt:
Silly 28, 1802:•
•••• $5,75
AZ 15 ,
$ 2 ,00
6045 U
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