The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 23, 1862, Image 2

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    - (he eittlye..
Tuesday afternoon, July 22,1862,
Our Flag Forever.
-" I know of no mode in toltic4 a loyal citi
zen may so .well demonstrate his devotion to
his country as by sustaining the Flag, the
Constitution and the Union; under all circum
A. Dount,A.s.
Proclamation. by Gov. Curtin:
HARRISBURG, July 21.—The follow
ing Proclamation.has just been receiv
Pennsylvania, as.
In the name of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, Andrew G. Curtin,
Governor of the said Commonwealth:,
To sustain the Government in times
of common peril, by all his energies,
his means, and his lifo if need be, lathe
first duty of every loyal citizen. The
President of the United States has
made a requisition on Pennsylitinia,
for twenty-one new regiments, and the
regiments already in thefield must .be
recruited. Enlistments will be made
for nine months in the now regiments
and for twelve months in the old. The
existence of the present.emergepeyis
well understood. ; 11 - 6 patriot Will pause
now to investigate its causes. We
must look to the future. Everything
that is dear to us is at stake. Under"
theSe circumstances I appeal with con
fidence to the freemen of Pennsylvania.
You' have to save your homes and
your firesides, your own liberties and
those of the whole country. I call on
the inhabitants of the counties, cities,
boroughs and township's throughout
our borders to meet: and take active
measures for the immediate furnishing
of the quota of the State. • Let those
who cannot go themselves, contribute
to provide. bounties equal at .least to
those offered by adjoining States. The
constitution prohibits me from draw
ing money from" the treasury. without .
authority of law, and I will not cast a
doubt on the patriotism of our citizens
by4Ssuming the neCessity of calling the
legislatures at this time. ' _This is no
time for legislative action and the ne
gotiation of loans. Delay might be
fatal. To put down this rebellion is
the business of every man in Pennsyl
vania, and her citizens will show on
this occasion that they do not wait for
the slow process of the legislation, and
do not desire to throw on the treasu
ry of the Comnaonwealth a burden
-which they are - individually ready to
beantheinselves. The conduct of our
znewalready in the•fiold has shed int;
moral lustre on Pennsylvania. Let
their brethren. fly . to arms to support
them and make victory speedy as"well
;Is certain.
I designate below the number of
companies which aro expected from
the several counties in the State, trust
ing. the support of her honor in this
crisis, as it may be safely trusted to
the loyalty, fidelity and valor of her
freemen: Whilst the quota of the sev
eral counties is fixed equitably, so as
to fill the requisition for twenty-one
regiments- let not the loyal people of
any county limit their exertions to the
enlistment of the companies named.
Our heroic sons of Pennsylvania have
moistened every battle-field with their
blood. Thousands have bravely died,
defending the unity of the Republic
and the sanctity of our flag, and other
thousands have fallen sick and wound
ed, and their places filled. Freemen
of Pennsylvania! Friends of govern
ment, of order, and of common na
tionality ! One earnest struggle, and
peace will again dawn upon us, as a
happy, prosperous and united people.
Given meter my hand and the great
seal of State, at Harrisburg, this twen
ty-first day of July, in the year of our
Lord, ono thousand eight hundred and
sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth
the eighty-seventh. _ _
_ .
By the Governor.
Em Stun, Secretary of the Com
Schedule of Apporl ionntents.—Adams,
two companies; Allegheny, fifteen com
panies; Artristrong, ono company;
Beaver, two companies; Bedford, two
companies; Berks, six companies;
Blair, two companies; Bradford, five
companies; Bucks, five companies;
Butler, three companies; Cambria,
two companies; Carbon, two compa
nies; Chester, six companies; Centre,
two companies; Clarion and Forest,
two companies; Clinton, one company;
Clearfield, ono company; Columbia,
one company ; Crawford, two compa
nies; Cumberland,'. two companies;
Dauphin, five *companies; Delaware,
two companies; Erie five companies;
Elk and M'Kean, one company; Fay
ette, ono company; Franklin and Ful
ton, five companies; Greene, ono com
pany ; Huntingdon, two companies;
Indiana, two companies; Jefferson,
ono company; 'Juniata, one company;
Lancaster, eight companies; Lawrence,
two companies; Lebanon, two compa
nies; Lehigh, two companies; Luzerne,
seven companies; Lycoming, three
companies; Mercer, two companies;
Mifflin, one company ; Monroe and
Pike, ono coany; Montgomery, five
companies; Montour, ono company;
Northampton, three companies; North
umberland, two companies; • Perry,
one company; Philadelphia, fifty com
panies; Pike, (see Monroe) ; Potter,
ono company; Schuylkill, five compa
nies; Snyder, ono company; Somerset,
two companies; Sullivan and 'Wyo
ming, ono company; Susquehanna,
two companies; Tioga, three compa
nies; Union, one company; Venango,
one company; Warren, two companies;
Westmoreland, three companies ; Wy
oming, (see Sullivan) ; York, three
'Huntingdon county is called on for
but t companies of 101 men each, and
to servo but for nine months. Who
will be first to answer the call ?
There has been but little war news
of interest for a week past.
McClellan's army is quiet on the
James river, recruiting in health and
Gen. Pope's command, sonic forty
or fifty thousand strong, is moving to
ward Richmond. Ile has issued or
ders to subsist upon the country in
which his operations may be carried
on, and .to punish more_ severely all
who aid in any manner, the rebel army.
The Grenada (late Memphis) Appeal
of the 16th, reports that the Rebel
'ram and_ iron -clad gunboat Arkansas,
ran down several of our war vessels at
Vicksburg. ,
A battle recently took Place in the
Indiaii nation, Kansas, in which we
took 125 prisoners, a large number- of
horses, 1500 head of cattle, 36 loaded
mule teams, &e. We also captured 400
mounted Cherokee'and Osage Indians,
who had "come into our camp with
white flags.
Morgan's guerilla band has created
great excitement in Kentucky and In
diana. They have . been doing much
mischief. They crossed into Indiana
-and:tOok Newburg—killing one of our
•men'and:taking;,2§o sick, prisoners.
A. freo colored Man, who was im
,prossed Into the-rebel service in Vir
ginia on the breaking out of the re
bellion, mid has been lately in the im
mediate employ of Genl. Longstreet,
has. reached Washington, having es
caped from Richmond' during the con
fusion there following upon the late
battles. He states that the rebel loss
in killed, wounded and missing, in the
seven-days battles, is admitted at Rich
mond to amount to thirty-two thous
and. The Confederate army number
ed in the neighborhood of two hundred
and fifty thousand. " The fact of the
close conscription accounts sufficiently
for their being able to gather so, large
a force. In fact, all the men liable to
military duty are, in the ranks, except
such as got substitutes from Maryland,
or from those over or under the legal
age. Numbers of the Confederate
wounded brought into Richmond were
the merest boys. The Confederates
are desperate in view of the fact that
their present army cannot be replaced,
having utterly exhausted the fighting
material of the South. ,
The cavalry under Gen. Pope, made
a forced march on the 19th, and a de
scent on the Virginia Central Railroad,
about 85 miles fromßichmond. They
destroyed the track for several miles,
together with the telegraph lino, burn
ed 'up tho railroad depot, which con
taincd. 49$100,routuk of musket ammu
nitioni,lo.9 barrels of flour, and much
other 'valuable property, and brought
in a Captain, who was in charge as a
Tho whole country was. thrown into
a great state ofalarra.
Gon. Twiggy died at Augusta, Geor
gia; on the 15th inst. his treason
was the blaekescof the whole war, and
it consigns his name to eternal infamy.
A. Washington despatch on Saturday
to the Associated:Pres' s, which, had
gone through the censorship and been
approved by it, in reference to military
affairs ill Virginia, says that " measures
are in the course of consummation to
everywhere secure unity of action, or
in other words, a specific plan of oper
ations, tho better to insure' success, and
to prevent all conflict of jurisdiction
or jealousies whatever." From the se
rious, and formal manner in which this
is announced, it might ho supposed
that " unity of action " and " a specific
plan of 'operations " were new ideas
that were about to be employed for the
first time in the prosecution of the war
against the rebels, Whether new or
not, let us rejoice that the necessity
for co-operation and a specific plan, is
at last distinctly and authoritatively
Major General Hallock is to bo the
agent through whom a reform in our
military administration is to bo effec
It is understood at Washington that
during the recent visit of the President
to the army on the James river ho
risked General McClellan if he desired
to resume the Oommand , of the whole
army of the !gated States, and that
the general. preferred to, retain his
comnfatid of the forces now under him.
It is . stated, 'also, thatthe chief com
mand has'f) Major Genl.
Pope and declined.
Thel'irashington correspondence of
the Press, under dato of July 20th,
Some important movements -are on
the tapis to give unity and force to the
military plans of the Government for
the speedy suppression of the rebel
lion. The city is full of rumors rela
tive to the expected arrival of Gener
al Halleck. Some put him in the war
office; some make him commander-in
chief of, the army ; ;some send him
down to the James river and recall
General McClellan. My information
is a little more positive. I have an
•thority for stating to you that Gener
al Halleck does not come here as com
mander-in-chief of no' armies of the
Union. Ho may be appointed Secre
tary of War, but it is believed in well
informed circles that Mr. Stanton will
retire to relieve the President of all
embarrassment, and that Mr. Lincoln
will make General Banks Secretary of
War, with General Halleck as milita
ry adviser.
noN.—We give to-day the important
part of the proceedings of the People's
Party Convention which assembled in
Harrisburg last week. We see noth
ing seriously objectionable in any of
the resolutions, with the exception of
one endorsing the radicalism of Wil
mot. The nominees for Auditor Gen
eral and Surveyor General, arc men of
ability andhonesty and are uncondition
ally for the preservation of the Union.
Wo expected to see more of a party
feeling in the proceedings of the Con
vention, but wo aro gratified that the,
ruling passion -of the party leaders had
to give way to the more conservative
feeling of the masses. If a few rotten
politicians had kept out of the Con
vention, the character of the body
would have been more respectable.
Wo hope the time will come when the
People will rise in their might and put
down every man aspiring to be a lead
er in any party who cannot show an
honest record.
People's State Convention.
Agreeably to the published call of the
State Central Committee, the delegates
to ,the People's State Convention met
in the Representative Chamber at Har
risburg on Thursday last, :till o'clock.
Thomas M. Marshall, of Allegheny
county, was chosen temporary chair
man. The credentials of delegates
Were presented and they took their
seats. The usual committees were ap
pointed on permanent organization and
In the afternoon the committees Te
• Hon. John C. Knox, of Philadel
phia, Attorney General during the ad
ministration of Gov. Packer, was se
lected as permanent President of the
Convention. On taking the chair ho
addressed the convention as follows:
The gentlemen of the convention
will please to accept my thanks for
.their kind partiality in selecting me to
preside over their deliberations. I re
joice to be here to-day, acting in con
cert with the true and loyal man of
Pennsylvania, regardless of former
political associations, and recognizing
at this eventful time as the only trite
tests of fellowship and communion,
love of country, devotion to the Amer
can Union, a fixed and unalterable de
termination to uphold and sustain the
Government of the United States, and
to resist to the death the enemies of
that Government whenever and wher
ever found. [Applause.]
I rejoice especially to be hero, be
cause I can in this way evince my de
sire to strengthen the hands of that
honest man and patriotic statesman,
the President of the United States, to
cheer him on, and to bid him and his
trustworthy counsellors God-speed in
their noble labors for the maintenance
of our Government and the preserva
tion of our 'country. [Applause.]
Yes gentlemen, it is to me a source
of' great pleasure to be able to declare
that., in my judgment, the men at the
head of our National and State admin
istrations • are, in this terrible crisis,
doing their whole duty, and aro con
sequently entitled to our entire confi
dence and our warmest support.
I envy not that man who cannot
now. look beyond the platform of his
party, to the standard of.his country.
The question is not now which po
litical party shall administer the gov
ernment, or what men shall fill its of
fices, but it is whether there shall be
offices to fill or a government to ad
minister, and until this momentous
question is settled, for one, I shall act
with the men who aro the most in earn
est in their efforts to dastrby this re
hellion, and the most determined, sig
nally to.punish the rebels, their alders
and abettors.
I repeat, gentlemen, that I have
great confidence in Abraham Lincoln,
and his chosen counsellors, and I must
be permitted to say, that especially do
I confide in the clear head, sound mind
and honest heart of the Secretary of
War, Edwin M. Stanton, our own im
mediate representative in the Cabinet.
I say this with a full knowledge that
of late a systematic' attempt has been
made to bring this officer into dis
repute, and to cause his removal from
•the high and responsible position which
he now so ably fills.
Every disappointed man, whether
for the opportunity of serving his
country with a title prefixed to his
name, or for furnishing the munitions
of war, at largo profits, visits his ven
geance upon the head of Mr. Stanton.
The friends of this officer cannot, of
course, complain of the most careful
scrutiny into his official conduct, and
do by no means deny that he may, like
othdrs, have committed mistakes; yet,
.when it is seen that the most amens
uredabuse is continually lavished upon
him and his acts; 'that ho is held re
sponsible for consequences, to prevent
which has been entirely beyond his
power, and charged with disasters ari
sing from movements, which he neither
counselled nor directed, it • becomes
necessary to look for the causes which
have induced, and the motives which
have prompted those attacks.
For myself, I believe ho has thus
been attacked,-
Ist, Because he is truly in earnest in
his determination to put down this
rebellion, and
2d, Because ho performs his official
duty without fear, favor or affection.
Those of us who are personally ac
quainted with Mr. Stanton, know that
his intellect is of the highest order;
that he is possessed of a character for
integrity, which even malice has nev
er dared to question, and that what he
undertakes to do, he does with all his
I do not say that all of his opponents
or those who counsel his removal from
the War Department, are either knaves
or secessionists; but I do say, that the
Northern sympathizers with this wick
ed rebellion, with great unanimity as
sort that Mr. Stanton ought not to be
the Secretary of War, and strange as
it may seem the very patriotic gentle
man who have no objections to con
tracts which yield very large profits,
have also discovered that the manner
in which lie conducts his departments
is highly prejudicial to the public
terests. Add to this the restiveness
of the press at the restrictions placed
upon the transmission of military
news, and a certain bluntness of man
ner which is the occasion of offence be
ing sometimes taken where none is in
tended to be given, and you have the
solution of his alleged unpopularity,
and the reasons why he has thus been
singled out for swift destruction.
To praise Gen. McClellan, whilst-de
nouncing Secretary Stanton, is a part
of the plan of the rebellion sympathi
zers; hoping thereby to create divi
sipns and .dissensions amongst the
friends of-the Union and the support
ers of the Government.
. I doubt that man's judgment who
denies to Gen. McClellan, great milita
ry skill, coupled with the most ardent
and enthusiastic devotion to that flag
under which he marshals his hosts for
battle, as I question the sincerity and
patriotism of him, who whilst exalting
Gen. McClellan, vilifies and abuse§ the
President and'his constitutional advi
The true friend of our glorious cause,
supports in their respective jurisdic
tions both Stanton and McClellan, for
they are alike engaged with all their
great powers in sustaining and uphold
ing the best government that ever
floated on the tide of time, and in
crushing the most damnable rebellion
that ever men or devils were engaged
in, since the arch fiend himself made
his impioaS attempt to supplant the
master of Heaven, and to dethrone the
Creator of the universe. [Applause.]
Let us, my friends, beware of the de
vices of these hollow-hearted, pretend
ed friends, and let the true men of' the
nation, whether in the tented field, or
the council chamber, be uphold and
sustained, and let our denunciations
be reserved for thoSe who arc endeav
oring to destroy the Government, and
disunite the States. Our fathers con
structed this Government by long suf
fering, and under great and terrible
privations. They cemented the Union
of these States with their life's blood,
and thus raised and reared the mag
nificent edifice, so that it should re
main a monument to their wisdom and
patriotism forever and forever. Shall
their sons permit the destruction of
this fair temple, and pass to their chil
dren, not the glorious inheritance which'
They received from their fathers, but a
divided, mutilated and dissevered es
tate, without "form or comliness " to
be regarded only by the nations of the
earth,. as a fit subject for scorn and re
, Shall .the language of England's
great poet ever be applicable , to this
" America of ours ?"
"Land of the unforgotten brave,
" Whose clime, from plain to mountain's cave,
" Was Freedom's home or Glory's grave.
"Shrine of the Mighty, can it be
"That this is all remains of thee?"
No, no, Heaven forbid, rather let us
look forward to that day, when peace
shall again be restored to our common
country; when no government, or pre
tended government, shall be recognized
by any part of the American people,
except that government which was
presided over by Washington in its
infancy, strengthened and perfected by
Adams and Jefferson, Madison and
- Monroe, in .its youth, protected by the
iron will and unflinching courage of
Andrew Jackson in its early ago, and
now preserved from the attacks of' a
traitorous brood by the strong arms
and willing hearts of- more than five
hundred thousand true American sol
To this end, let us maintain our
country's cause, with our treasure, and
if needs be, with our blood. Let us
refuse all intercourse, politically and
personally, with such as are now false
to the old flag, and let us swear by our
Manhood, and our hopes of heaven,
never to yield to this rebellion, even
though, in resisting it, our hearthstones
should become a desolation and our
homes a dream. [Applause.]
Mr. McMichael, froin the Committee
on resolutions, reported the following:
Resolved, That the Convention rep
resenting as it does the loyal citizens
of Pennsylvania, without distinction of
party, re-affirms the sentiments em
bodied in the resolution adopted at a
meeting of the loyal members of Con
gress at the national capital, July 12th,
1802, viz:
" That we bold it to be the duty of
all loyal mon to stand by the Union
in this hour of its trial; to unite their
hearts and hands in earnest, patriotic
efforts for its maintenance against
those who are in arms against it; to
sustain with determined resolution our
patriotic President and his administra
tion in their energetic efforts for the
prosecution of the war and the preser
vation of the Union at home or abroad;
to punish traitors and treason with
fitting severity, and to crush the pres
ent wicked and causeless rebellion, so
that no flag of disunion shall everlagain
be raised over any portion of the Re.
public; that to this end we invite the
co-operation of all men who love their
country, in the endeavor to rekindle
throughout all the States such a patri
otic fire as shall utterly consume all
who strike at the Union of our litthers,
and all who sympathize with their
treason or palliate their guilt.'
Resolved, That we have continued
confidence in the honesty, capacity and
patriotism of President Lincoln and
his constitutional advisors; that we
approve the principles on which his
policy, both foreign and domestic, have
been conducted; that we sanction and
sustain all the measures which he has
found it necessary to adopt to guard
the government against the assaults
of traitors, their sympathizers and
abettors, and that we esteem it emi
nently fortunate that in this most try
ing crisis of our ,cherished Union, wo
have at the helm of public affairs ono
so upright, temperate, prudent and
firm as ho has proved himself to be.
Resolved, That wo cordially approve
of the administration of Andrew G.
Curtin, Governor of this Common
wealth, marked, as it has been, by ex
traordinary vigor in the discharge of
all public duties, by untiring zeal in
the cause of the Country, and especial
, ly in recruiting forces for the national
' army, by enlarged and liberal care for
the sick and wounded soldiers of the
State, by a wise and prudent economy
in tho expenditures of the funds coin
, 'flitted to his care, and by the unspa
' ring devotedness of all its members,
and in particular of the Govornorhim
self, to the constant, harrassing,
cated and novel labors which the exi
gencies of the great rebellion have ha
, posed.
/?c,s•olroi, That we iv:knowledge but
two divisions of the people of the Uni
ted States in this crisis; those who are
loyal to its constitution and every inch
of its soil, and are ready to make ev
ery sacrifice for the integrity of the
Union, and the maintenance of civil
liberty within it, and those who openly
or covertly endeavor to sever our
country, or to yield to the insolent de
mands of its enemies; that we fratern
ize with the former, and detest the lat
ter; and that, forgetting all former
party names and distinctions, we call
upon all patriotic citizens to rally for
ono undivided country, one flag, one
Resolved, That the government of the
United-States and its people, with an
occasional exception. among the reck
less inhabitants where this rebellion
was fostered, have wisely and studious
ly avoided all interference with the
concerns of other nations, asking, and
usually enjoying, alike, non-interfe
rence with their own, and that such is,
and should continue to be, its policy;
that the intimations of a contemplated
departure from this sound rule of con
duct on the part of some' orthe nations
of Europe, by an intervention in our
present struggle, is as unjust to them
as it would be to us and to the great
principles for which we are contend
ing; but we assure them, with, a solem
nity of conviction which admits of no
distrust or fear, and from a knowledge
of and a firm reliance upon the spirit
and fortitude of twenty millions of
freemen, that any attempt thus to in
tervene will meet a resistance unparal
leled in its force, unconquerable in its
persistenCe; and fatal to those whom
it is intended to aid; and that it will
tend only to strengthen and elevate
the republic.
Resolved, '44 the skill, bravery and
endurance exhibited by our army and
navy have elicited our admiration and
gratitude ; 'that we behold in these
qualities the assurances of sure and
speedy success to our arms, and of rout'
and discomfiture to the rebels; that
we urge the government to aid and
strengthen them by all the means in
its power, and carefully to provide for
sick, wounded and disabled soldiers
and their families ; to prosecute the
war with increased vigor and energy,
until the rebellion is utterly crushed,
the integrity of the Union in all its
borders restored, and every rebel re
duced to submission, or driven from
the land; and that to,accomplish those
ends we pledge to our rulers our faith,
our fortunes and our lives. • '
.7?esolved, That the course of the
Hon. David Wilmot, in the United
States Senate, is manly, consistent and
eminently patriotic, and we hereby en
dorse him as a true and faithful re
presentative of the loyal people of this
The resolutions were read amidst
great cheering and unanimously adop
Nomination for Auditor General.—
lion. Thos. E. Cochran, the present
Auditor General, was unanimously
nominated for re-election.
Nomination for Surveyor General.—
lion. Wm. S. Ross, of Luzorno county,
a Democratic Union member of the
last Legislature, was unanimously nom
inated for Surveyor General.
A State Central Committee was ap
pointed by the delegates, the chairman
of which, of county, was ap
pbinted by the President of the Con
The Army of Virginia.
Address of Gen, Pope to his Soldiers.
WAsnuroroN, July 14.—The follow
ing address has just been issued :
To the Officers and Soldiers of the Ar
my of Virginia:
By special assignment of the PreSi
dent of the United States,l have as
sented the command of this army. I
have spent two weeks in learningyour
whereabouts, your condition and your
wants, in preparing you for active op
erations, and in placing yon in posi
tions from which you can act prompt
ly and to the purpose:
These labors aro nearly completed,
and I am about to join you in the field.
Let us underst s and each other. I
have come from the West, where we
have always seen the backs of our on
emics—from an army whose business
it has been to seek the adversary, and
to beats him where ho was found—
whose policy has been attack and not
defence. In but one case has the ene
my been able to place our Western ar
my in a defensive attitude.
I presume that I have been called
here to pursue them, and to lead you
against the enemy. It is my purpose
to do so, and that speedily. lam sure
you long for an opportunity to win
the distinction you aro capable of
achieving; that opportunity I shall en
deavor to give you. •
In the meantime I desire you to dis
miss from your Minds certain phrases,
which I am sorry to find much in vogue
amongst you. I hear constantly of
taking strong positions, and holding
them, of lines of retreat, and of bases
of supplies. . Let us discard such ideas.
The strongest position a soldier
should desire to occupy is ono from
which he can most easily advance
against the enemy. Let us study the
probable lines of retreat of our oppo
nents, and leave our own to take care
ofthemsolves. Let us look before us
and not behind. Success and glory aro
in the advance. Disaster and shame
lurk in the rear.
Let us act on this understanding,
and it is safe to predict that your ban
ners shall be inscribed with many a
glorious deed, and that your names
will be dear to your countrymen for
ever. JOHN POPE,
Major-General Commanding.
Green Mountain Boys Coming,
[Special Despatch t o tho Bulletin,]
.16.—The Ninth
Regiment of Vermont Volunteers will
leave this city at six o'clock this eve
ning, and will pass south through Phil
adelphia. The regiment is one thous,
and strong, and has attracted much at
tention from the fact of its being the
first full one raised under the new levy.
All the other New-England States
made special efforts to send the first
regiment under the new call, but Ver
mont's star was in the ascendant.—
Their Colonel has received permission
from the War Department, to have the
movements of the regiment published.
Peoplo's Union County Convention.
All the people of Huntingdon county who desire to
mostain tlio National AthrliElifitriltioll in Its holy and pa
triotic efforts to preservo our glorious Union; to Ind forth
all constitutional potter to vindicate free government,
are requested to select their respective Delegates on Sat
urday, Otis Angnsq (l'ocvnalthet elect at 4 o'clock, P., AL,
llorough at 7 o'clock, P. 111,,) to meet in County Convert
lion TUESDAY ofternoon, 2 o'clock. AUGUST 1211,, nt
the Court Lions° in Huntingdon, for the purpose of pia
clog in nomination to county ticket, Sc, •
Chairnum People's CO. COO.
July 16, 1862 .
I have been asked if I will Len candidate 110 the Legie
Ware; and thus pULlictyl answer. I u ill accept that
trust should it be conneitted to sue by the people: and I
pledge them faithful and fearless service with my best
A. W. 111 , 114111/IC,T.
Huntingdon, T
I announce myself as a candidate fur District Attorney
suldect to the decision of the People's Union Nomina
ting Convention. ' J. 11. 0. CORBIN.
II untingdon, July let, 1862?
To sell goods for the Anots Sewma MACHINE COMPANY.
WO will give a conualselon on all pride sold by our
Agents or pay wages at front $4O to $115) per month, and
pay all necessary expenses. Our machine is perfect in its
mechanism. A child con learn to operate it by half an
hour's instraellou I It is emus% to any Family Sewing
Machine in use, and we bays reduced the price to Fifteen
Ends Machine is warranted for three years,
C. RUC° hS,
Gen. Agl., /Jet roil,' Mich
Juno 18, 1862-1 m
Came to tine property of tine subscriber, in Porter
too nship, Huntingdon county, on or
1 - 7727i,f,1 . unbent the 5111 inst.,- a red alai white
•Wirs t • speckled COW, 7or 8 years old. Tito
J. 140! • °niter id• requested to coins forward,
• • prole property, pay cLalges and lotto
tier away, otherwb,e she be sold according to law.
Juniata IrottWolle , , July ; 21, 18a2.
Blair County. Normal School and
For Young Ladies and Gentlemen.
, The First Quart, of the FN II Peamion of (hit laBtitutioo
A% 111 COIIIIIII.IICO A ugn4t 7 I, P• 0?..
All branches, rualul taun arnauantal, taught.
For information, addioa
GIMIONV, Peeretnry.
M.ll tinBbarg, Blair Co., Pa.
July 23, 1862-2!.
NOTICE is hereby given that the tin
()enigma citizens and residents of Pennsylvania
hove associnted themselves together in partnership, nod
prepared a Certidente for the purpose of establishing a
Bank of discount, deposit and ejaculation or 184116, Under
and in,pnrsuance of the provisions of an Act of tho Gen
eral Assembly of the Commonu math of Pennsylvania,
oppioved the 31st day of Mav, A. D. 1801, entitled ft
°Supplement loan Act to establish a system of Free Bank
ing in Pennsylvania, Will to secure the publicutgainst loon
from Insolvent Banks, approved March 81st, 1860," and
coy other law or laws of sold Commonwealth applicable
to and bearing on the siddect. The said prop 'sett Bank'
be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, in the County
of Huntingdon. and State of Pennsylvania, with a capitol
stock of ono hundred and sixty thonsond dollars. in
shares of fifty dollars cacti, attli the right and privilege,
of increasing tho cams to any meant not exceeding three
hundred thonsand dollars.
Jnly 22, 1512--Cm.
David Almonlt, et al.
Henry Robison. et al.
Isaac lAmmetmon.
.7ames Entrekin. et al.
.1. Brewster's Ex. Gar.
William McClure lt CO.
D. Ilrotherline with no.
Harrison & Mattern.
Matthew Truman rs
Andrew Itegia es
Adolphus Patterson vs
John Taylor, et al vs
Reidlmam & Haywood vs
John Watt for use vs
John Snyder for ma et
Timlcor .t Co. vs
'Robert )IcCarl & wife.
.T. A. Cunningham's All,
Michael Stour et al.
George Su urtz.
Daniel Houtz.
Sarah McDivitt.
Konignincher . Bauman v.v
.Toreiniali B. Butte r$
W. W.& D. C. Entrain (it rs
Benjamin Rinker rs
Henry Canty
IVilliam McDivitt rs
George Yawn's Adisir. rs 'Brice X. Blair.
J. Gillum & Miro forme re William ltethreck.
Nathan Kelly's Executor •vs Abraham Wagoner a
Same vs George NVegoner k
Jamison Kelly as Abraham IVng•ner.
James Kelly to G. Wagoner et al a
J. Browstei 's Executer vs Jeremiah Bauman hr.
Samuel 1'1101111,4011 . 8 Athe'r vs Win. 'Thompson :s Adner
Samuel IV. Thompsonvs James Kelly. a nl.•
John Snyder vs John C. Watson. Esq.
John Dress bier's Executor vs Jeremiah Isnumnn . &c.
G. WAGONER, Brot'y.
litintingden, July 23,1852.
ji a precept tome directed, dated at Huntingdon, the
iffith day of April, A. H. 181/2, under the bands and seals
of the lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of
Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer. and genend Jail deliv
ery of the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania. cond.*
sod of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; Mel the
Huns. Benjamin P. Patton end William, 11. Lens his associ
ates, Judges of the county . of Ifinitingd,itt; Justices as
signed. appointed to hear, try and determine all and eve: y
indictments made or inked rot or concerning all crimes,
which by who laws of fire State are male capital, or felon
ies of death, and other offences, ci lures and nikdemennors,
which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe
trated, for crimes aforesaid—l nm commanded to make
public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that
a Court of Oycr and Toothier, of Common Pleas and
Quarter SCSSIOPH, will 110 held at the Court noose in the
borough of Huntingdon, on tire second Monday (and I Ith
day) of August next, and Grose wino will prosecute Ore
said prisoners, be then awl there to prosecute thou as It
shall ha Just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner
and Constables within avid county, Do then and there in.
their proper persons, nt 10 o'clock, a, m. of said day, with
their records, inquisitions. examinations and remembran
ces, to do those things which to their offices rmieetively
Dated at Huntingdon,. the 15th of July, in the year of
our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-two,
and the Sfoth year of American Independence
' JOHN C. WATSON, &trig:
pacerit to mu directed by the .Intiges of the Com
mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the
20th day of April, 1862, 1 am commanded to malts
Public Proclamation throughout my Si hole bailiwick, that
a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court House
In tho borough of Huntingdon, on Um 3rd Monday (owl
18th day) of August. A. D., 1802 . , for the trial of all is
in said Court ;Odell remota undetermined before
the said Judges, when and where all jurors, wituessers,nnd
suitors, In the trials of all issues me requited.
Dated at Huntingdon the 15th of July, In tits year of
our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and Amy-two,
and the Seth year of American Independence.
JOHN C. WATSON, atrij:
QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
sundry writs of Void, Exp. and Fi. Fa. to me di
rected, I will expose to public solo or outcry, at the Com t
House, in the borough of Huntingdon, ON MONDAY
the Hen DAY OF AUGUST, 1862, at two o'clock, I'. M.,
the folic/sting described property to nit:
Defendant's right, title and interest, in and
to one hundred acres Of land, more or less, situated in
Tod Township, Ifontingdon County, in tho name of Goo.
W. Spear, adjoining lands of It. li. Petrikin null McLane,
unimproved. . .
ALso=loo noes of , hunt situniod in same ton oship, in
the name of John McLane, bought hum R. B. l'etzikin,
Arco—The ninli‘ided IA of 430 acres of land more or
less, situated In the same township, adjoining the Houck
Corsi Lanka i tract, John McLane and others, in the namo
of Speer and Dougherty.
.11:30-95 acres of land Moro or less, situated in the same
toe nohip, adjoining land of Ilartiles hobs on Um South
and West in the name of Speer and Maitin, unimproved.
atse---30.5 acres of lamt tooro or fess, situated in the
same township, adjoining the above on the South in 1110
moan of Samuel Coirnellus; boring about forty acres clear
ed and in it statouf.mllivation.
at—so—lso acres of land more or less, situated In the Arnie
township, niljoining the above ti.arranted in the Immo of
Eitel Smith; unimproved.
arso—fleorge W. Speet's interest in laud.] of Michael
and Joseph Mai tin, which Ito held ender certain articles
of agreement of Record In Ifuntinglion County. Seized.
taken in execution, and to bo sold as rho property of
Franklin If. Lane. '
Also—The following described messuage or
tract of land situate in Henderson township aforesaid, to
wit; Beginning at a white oak stump, on lino of Alexan
der Ci win, Esq., and corner of land of James and John
Simpson; thence by the latter, south, forty-seven degrees
and a half Most, ono hundred and fifty-two perches to a
post In the bottom of " Priscilla's" or “Cabin Hollow;"
thence by the residue of the tract of which this is a part,
north, forty-five degrees west, ono hundred and thirty
four torches and six -tenths, to a amen chestnut oak grab
on Colostock's lino;
thence by rho same, north. twenty
the degrees west, thirty-tivo perches to a post, where a
hickory is called for on Oa ids line; by it south, eighty
nino degrees east, One hundred and &et orgy perc hes to ft
post, where a pine is called for, and south, lot ty-seven de
grees east, thirty-ono perches to the place of beginning:
containing eighty.nino acres, one litindrod and nineteen
perches, nod the usual allowance. Being port eta survey
in the Frederick Ansbaugh, surveyed on the oth day of
August, A. 8., 1180, on n marmot dated January 31, 1185,
and part of a treot In the name of Hugh Brady, together
with alt and ;singular, the improvententß, righti,liherttes,
priylleges and heribtaments and appurtenances whatso
ever thereunto belonging or in any ruse appertaining, end
the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits
thereof. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Samuel Friedley.
Atso—Defendant's right, title and interest
in nail to 101 acres of land, more or less, situated In Shir
ley totruship, Huntingdon County, hounded an the South
by land of Speer, on else north by land of Henry
Slower and others, on the east by the Juniata River, hav
ing thereon erected a house and stable. Seized, taken in
cmcittion,and to bo sold as the ploleirty of IVllliant Johns.
ALSO—AII the defendant's right, title and
Inlets:o, in and to the folloa trig real estate, viz; One
elect of land situate in Clay township, litintingdon coon.
ty, containing 510 acres, mere or less, bounded by lands
of Mullet N. Glasgow on the west , of George D.
Hudson on the south nod east, and lands of Leas and Mc-
Vay and Hovel Stoner on tie north; having thcreon erec
ted four dwelling houses, one f; ame bank bans. one triune
grist mill, ono saw 1111// and Other out building. For fur
titer ;Uwe; iption see Record Book K L, No. 2, pages 848
of Book K. nod 308 of Book L.
ALSO—Ono lot of ground situnto in Om ‘illago of Scot
villa, Clay toonolup, Huntingdon county, trotall , On
Maki utteet, 00 tout, ,nul uxtmlingt,ok lutudtc4 " toot:
hn , lllO thereon elected nu, :tame hou,
Ame--One lot of ground situate in the same village,
hounded by lots of Wm. B. Taylor and Mathias Swoope ;
having the, eon erected one frame stable. Solved, token
11 exeention, and to he sold ins fine property of Richard.
No I—A tract of land in Cromwell, town
ship, consisting of parts of several honeys through which
Black Log creek runs, adjoining land of (sett,
and Co., and Black Log Memitain on the South and East,
land of defendant, occupied by Ittoj. Beck designated as
No. 4 in this May, and inlet of Wm. Orldseint helm on the
west, and hind of Defendant occupied by Benjamin Long
designated as No. 21111111 N levy, on tine north; ccintalning
2011 Ina es, to the sew, more or less, of which alma 100
acres are cleat ed ; having thereon ertuted n stone grist
mill, a blast foriniCo called " Winchester Furnace," is
huge stone do oiling house, a coal house, Ilene used as
barn, a frame lawn painted a Lilo, n carriage house, and
thintrolt log houses, with oilier Moldings umally connec
ted with a Finance, together with the water power con•
elected therms/Bit, the stone consisting of part of ahead
warz anted hf the 11111110 of William Chambers and part of
the Black Log tiact and part of the 'helms! Ashman
tract, 4,e.
No. 2—A tract of land in Cromwell township now . oceu.
pied by Benjamin Long, adjoining No. 1 in this levy on
the south, land of Win. Orbisou's Bohn on the west, heat,
Wigton & Co., on the north, and the Henrietta Orotund)
tract on the east, containing 120 twins, to the same, more
or less, oh which about (1.5 acres are cleared having a log
Loma+ and log Barn thereon, being a part of the Bedford
and Chanilsor's tracts, and having au ore hank thereon.
No. tract of bunion Black Log Mountain in Crom
well ton uship, adjoining No. 1.•& 2 in this levy, on the
west, containing 100' neresi more oldess, being the one.
half of n tract +nirvana on a warrant In the name of Hen
rietta Cromooll.
No. 4—A Octet of land in Cromwell township, adjoining
No. I in this levy, on the east, ltotter's-Intid on the mouth,
laiul of Belijiimiu Beers on the west, land of Thomas N. &
Sim. O. ortagon, and the heits of Win. Othison on the
north, containing ISO acres or thereabouts, of which
about 110 acres are cleared, haling two log bowies and to
log barn I,boreon, being note occupied by Benjamin ReClc
and others, and having an ore bank thereon.
No. 5—A parcel of !Mid in Oionmell tawnaldp, at they
bead of the mill dam, connected with the mill, and gw de ,
scribed in No. 1 in this levy, adjoining land of Samuel ,
Grove. Craven Chiggage's heirs and feed, Wigton &
containing 10 nova, more or less, of which about Surer , /
tiro cleared.
No. O—A tract of ridge loud unimPtoVed In CrOm weir
township, adjoining laud of Andrew McCort on thO north,.
Daniel Book on the west, Thos. 0. liaison on the south;
Mid Rodgers on the mat, containing about 00 norm, being
part of a tied surveyed iu the n a me of Thomas. Bond.
No. 7—A tract or, parcel of land in Cromwell township,
adjoining land °efface' Etniro on the north, hunt of emit t,
1% Igton hi Co., on the north end emit, and George shies on
the east; containing about 73 acres, being part of the Jo
seph Grubb survey.
No. B—A tract or parcel of land in Cromwell township,
alijoining Joshua Johns on the north, Frederick Harmers
on tlio east, Samuel Bolinger on the south, and Isett,
Wigton Jr CO. on tho nest, containing about 140 acres un
No. 0---A tract about on Jack's mountain in Cromviesll
toe nsh ip, adjoining land into of John Brewster nod °th
an, colitaduing about 300 acres, of .hich about 35 nem
ate cleared, with a house thereon, occupied by Andrew
No. 10.-3. tract of land in Cromwell township, now oc
cupied•by Andrew li.mks, adjoining lurid occupied by Wm.
Wallace on the east, Fleming on the south, Jacob [Com.
111,111 Olt the meat, and Bich:int Heck on the north, coil
tainingl3o acres, mere or less, of xhich about 40 acres
arc cleated, a ith n sat al Mouse thereon. •
No. 1-11 tract of land In Cromwell township, adjoin
ing No.lo in this levy, on the west, Thomas E. Orbison on
tho north, Simon (hat. on the east, Solomon Banks on
the south,contalning about7s acres, with about 40 cleared,
,with a Mateo thereon, in which William 3Vallacwrosides.
No. 12—A triter of land In Cromwell townshipv warran
ted in the namo of Josephus Ashman, adjoining lands of lure ou the west nod north,,Stlvester Garber on
the east, and John Long and Thos.: 11:Orbison on the
south, containing .50 acres, more or less, of which about
35 acres aro cleared, and having an ore monk thereon.
No. 13—A tinct or parcel of land In Shirley township.
warranted ill 1114 name of Hugh 1/051e, adjoining limit of
Thomas C. Ashman on the went and north, hinds of [matt,
Wigton Co. on the east and south, containing 30 acres"
mom or less. Seized, taken In execution, and to tin soldt
'as Ono property of Henry Irwin.
Also—Defendant's right,title and intere§r, 10 ono acre of land morn or less, situated in Jack
/UM township, Huntingdon County ' a d joining hunts of
Samuel Yocum, Timm Watson, Jolter Brooks, and this
waters- of Stone Creek, Inning thereon eructed, one lug
house and stable.
Avo—Four acres of Meadow Land situated in same
towimilip, adjoining lands of Samuel ',Austen, William
flays, and the irate!, of StorM Creek,
ALPO—Four acres of land, more or lea., situated in the
same township, adjoining lands of Samuel Mitchell hay
ing thereon elected ono duelling house, ono frooto grist
Mill, is WI tuna bore, plaster mill, smut machine and out
buildinr,+, With 0110 Aunts, pourer. Seized, taken in exo.
cotton, nod to be sold as the property of Elias Minder and
William Musser.
Also—Ono lot of ground situated in the
village of Scotts..lle, Huntingdon County, fronting on
Hudson street 58 feet, extending back 09 had, and haring
Glacial or rasa 1i two story frame bona 18 by 30 'fret.
Seized, taken in exeeirtion, rialto he dold us tho property
of William V. Taylor.
Also—Defendant's right, title and inter
est, in Nod to about mix acres of ground ho tho canto moro
or lons, situated In Cans township, Huntingdon Connty,
having thereon erected a tiro story log hormonal franro
chopping mill and saw mill , and other out buildings, nod
bon nd,sl by lands of John It. Gosnell on the North, Abra
lint. Shoo on the South and West. &mind, taken in exe
cution, rind to be sold as the property of Jonathan Hoover.—One lot of ground situated in the
Borough of Orbisonia, Horn ting.lon County, fronting on
Cromv.ull street and extending back to An alley haring
thereon erected a too story log hon.o shout 18 by 20 foot,
ono fume backsmith shop and one frame stable. Sofr.o4l.
taken in execution. nod to be sold Ad the property of Crth
m ine Cook and Hugh S. Cook.
ALso—All defendant's right, title and in.
toast in nal to about ono hundred arro4 of Nod, be the
same more or less, in Hopewell township, about tiftylof
which are cleared, Living thereon a nen log hon.°, to,,
stories high, and a saw null runt other outbuildings, with
a cabin bar n. and bounded by I Inds of A. Speck on the
nurth.west, &now! John Johnston on the eir,t; mulJaraes
kat ilk In on On south.east.ruld Joshua filet:, on the south
west. Seized and t Ikon in execution, rind to ho sold as
the property of Hobert
lblirrfn PurchrisPre.—Billele. nt Sheriff sales et 111 take
notice that immediately upon the property being konckal
down, fifty per cont. of all bids under $lOO, and twenty-
Ili, per cent. of all bids over that sum, must ho paid to
the blieriff. or the property will be set up :wain and sad
to other bidders Who Will comply with the above tern's.
Sheriff's Sales u,ii hereafter he tondo
the first week of Coin t, and the Deeds tick now 'edged on,
the following Wednesday.
. .
JOIM C. 'WATSON, Sheriff.
. 5117.11117 . 9 Orme;
Huntingdon, July 15, 1562.
a, Notice is hereby given, to nil persons intereste,t
that tho following named persons Imo settled their nc
counts in Us° nt Iluntingdon;and Out
the said accounts will be 'presented for contionntion and'
at an Orphans' Court, to be held at llttottoplon,
in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Monday the II tit
day of August next. (libel) to wit:
I. Account of John Long. Trustee appointed by tbo Or--
pinto's Court of Huntingdon county to nuke sale of the
real estate of JAIIIeS Clot k, deed.
. -
2. (Nal diansliip account of tleorgo Hallman, Guardian.
of 1. 'Taylor lieuthrion, a minor son of George Hender
son, Into of West township, deo'd„ said minor now also.
3. The ACCOIIIIk of Janicii Clark and Thomas B. Ilyhkel,.
Executots of the last u ill and testament of Hothers—
bang% Kato of Waftiorsinark township, : Huntingdon
comity, &c . d.
4. The account of:fainrit R. fame and Ft natant IL T.ano,
Executors of thu Ltst n ill itild [moment of James Lnite,,_
Late of Brady townidi in. elo6l.
5. iSo account of rsnbella Stttt and William Harper,
Administratoi 9 of James Stitt, Into of Dublin township,
decd, filed by Wm. Harper. surviving Administiator
of said deceased. Final account.
6. The account of Caleb Guyer, Albuinigtratnr of Georgo
Unser, sr., Into of W.irriormark township, Iluntiugdou
county, 'trod. Final account.
7.Tho account of Moses Swoop,. and Thonvaibenn, Ad
ministrators of Cala, Swoops, Into of Onion township,
8. The final account of John Merninger, AdniinDtrator
of Toiler B. law, lato of Clay township, dee'd.
O. Account of George W. Homo, Administrator of John
Rome, Into of Dublin toe nship, Huntingdon county,
to. The account of David Ifenderaon, Guardian of
Charles E. Conrail, and Lucinda Contath minor children
of John Conrad. Esq., into of Jackson township, deed.
11. The account of Jacob W. Shively, Administrator of
Mary Shively, late of Per ter township, dent.
12. Account of Samuel 31. Stewart, Executor of the
last will'anit testament of John Campbell, tato of Jackson
township. tiged.
13. First and final account of John Scott, Esq., Ail
ntinistrntor of Mary Raymond, into of the borough of
Huntingdon, deed., m ith a distribution account to ho
presented for confirtnntion mini the MIMIC.
14 Tho account of Sineam IVt ight, Esq., Administrator
of Abraham Shaw, deed.
15. The Account of Benjamin F. Drown, Administrator
of the estato of Philip Walter, late of Morris township,
The Final Administration account of Jacob Weaver
root John W. Berkstressur, Executors of Jacob S. Berk
streamer. deceased.
17. The accounts of William Steuart, Ntho in his life
Bum wan anardlati of aeorgo Calvin llorst and Meryl:.
Borst, minor children of George Borst, &CR., filed by
Junes A. Stewart, Administrator of said WIN. Stewart
18. Til 0 partial, and nisi> tho supplemental and fool
accounts of Joseph McCoy, one of the Administrators or
John Snyder, dec'd.
Huntingdon, July If, HO. S
To the School Directors and Teachers or
Iluntinydon County :
Tho Annual Examination of applicants for tho schnull
of tho several districts of this cpunky, will la hold as cols
Porter and Alexandrin, August 14, at Alexandria. '
Morris 0 15. at Waterotreot.
Franklin, 0 10, nt Franklinvillo.
Wnirriortimarlt, " lit, nt Birtnioppri.
Brady, " 19, at Mill Creek.
Union, 0 • 20, nt Mapleton, .
Cass and Orin!Ilo, 0 22, at Clissville.
West, " 26, at Shavers cek bridge,.
Barren, ii 2 "
u, at Manor 11111.
Jackson, " 28, at licAlevy's Fort.
Shirley, ° 30, nt Mount Union.
Slarleysburg borough, Sept. 1, nt Sbirleyebnrg.
Cromwell, " 2, nt Orbisonin. ,
Walker, " •0, nt 31cConneitstown.
Dublin," D, at Shade Gap. ,
Tell, ii 10, at Union schoolhouse.
Springfield, " 12, at Meador Gap. •
Clay. " 10, nt Scottsville.
Henderson, 0 10, at Union school honso.
Oneida, ii pi, st Centre Vain,, S. 11.,
Juniata, ii 18, at Bell Crown S. 11.
Penn, ii 39, nt itinrkiesburg. -
11oluiwell, ii 20, nt Coffee Run.
Carbon, 0 23, at Coalmont.
Tod, " 25, at 110 u -berg.
In making out ilio alum list wo have not been able to,
consult tin wishes of the directors and citizens of all 110
districts, n ut, it' the tint" a n d piney fixed for any of thn
az:min:Mons ho objectionable, they wilt to changed at
the suggestion of directors if will notify its iturnedi r ,
tally, Evint 'tuitions will COMMOIIC6 at 9 O'clock. Httecs.
tors are especially invited to be present.
Co. Supt.
Irontlngaon, Joly 16
Apply to E. Cr SU.3I3IERZ., Ilnutinglon. Pn. f,fo—%