The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 16, 1862, Image 2
61obc. HUNTINGDON, PA. Tuesday afternoon, July 15 1 1862, Our Flag Forever " /knoto (f no mode in which a loyal eiti gen may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by sustaining the Flag, the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances, and UNDER EVERT ADMINISTRATION, REGARDLESS OT PARTY POLITICS, AGAINST ALL .ASSAILANTS, AT GONE AND ADROAD."—STEPIIEN A. DOUG LA THE LATEST NEWS. General McClellan still occupies his strong position and is daily receiving reinforcements. The Rebels are fall ing back on Richmond. I3urnsides has landed two or three Regiments at Newport News. We have a rumor, and it has been confirmed, that a Rebel cavalry force surrounded and took prisoners a Mich igan Regiment at Murfreesboro, Tenn.. on Sunday morning. Mr. Wm. Airoy, who escaped from Richmond on Tuesday of last week, furnishes the Baltimore American with the following statement : " Tie says that rebel troops in and around the city prior to the recent battles, were estimated at from 217,- 000 to 220,000. Large reinforcements from the direction of Petersburg had been arriving for the previous ten days and nights, which were said to be from the coast, but he could not ascertain whether any portion of them were of Beauregard's army. General Beauregard had been in Richmond sev eral weeks, suffering from a severe at tack of fever, and was still at the Spottswood House, confined to his room when be left. Generals McCall and Reynolds are neither of them wounded. After re maining a day at the Spottswood House they were taken to the officer's prison. The greatest confidence was felt at Richmond among the rebels in their ability to destroy Gen. McClellan's - army, and those who had previously sent their families away were bringing them back again. The Union men, were, however, confident of the final capture of the city. Fort Darling has been strengthened, and the batteries are iron clad. A whole division of the army had also crossed the James river on a pontoon •brid , re, to assist in its defence against any land force. :Not a single gun bad been captured, I I I li - snrpriscr - w-an - McClellan had succeeded in getting them all off. The falling back of the rebel army towards Richmond had caused consid erable dissatisfitction, as it was given out that McClellan would be attacked in his present position." The Richmond DicTatch gives the number of Federal prisoners at 4,600. They are confined in the tobacco ware louse. A CHANGE or POLICY.—WO SCO it 'stated that a new policy' of war • will soon be adopted. It is full time for a change_ of programme and a more vig <irons prosecution of the war against the conspirators. Wo aro tired hear ing of our brave soldiers sickening and dying for the want of comforts they could have sf the Rebels were treated .as an enemy siteh as they are and as they 'deserve. Wo must give up the idea that the Rebels can be coaxed in to submission. They must he con quered, and conquered too by the strong arm of our army. Our Govern ment must not hesitate to use tho wealth of the Rebels to crush out the :rebellion. The " niggers," the mova ble wealth of the conspirators, should be compelled to do the heavy work of our army, wherever their labor can be :secured, that the health and strength of our men may be preserved to meet the enemy in the open field. Our kindness and forbearance has failed to win the traitors back to the Union.— The Union must be preserved, and any and every means necessary must be resorted to, to save it. Neither the Rebels nor their sympathizing friends in the North can justly complain if the Administration adopts more vigor ous measures to conquer their treason. 'They brought the trouble upon the :countri, and they should not escape the heavy punishment they deserve for the great loss of life iu the Union army and tho great destruction of' property of loyal citizens. VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR.—It is understood in Washington that an or der is about being issued reducing the term of enlistment for the three hund red thousand volunteers from three years to one. The object of this is to -Becure a large number of men who would not enlist for the longer but would readily do so for the shorter pe riod. Besides, the calculation is that the rebellion will be crushed in less than ono year. To Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, this change is great ly due. THE Charleston _Mercury states that for summer wear, a "Beauregard hat" is all the rage in that city. The same General will also furnish a model for ry " neck-tye," which will be extern:lye ly used in that latitude shortly,. Congress will probably adjourn at the unmet:eon - lent of next week "DO - COLAs DEMOCRA.T , i."—The liar ri:iburg Patriot maul linioa thinks, or would like to make the people believe, that because a few men who professed to be Douglas Democrats in the cam paign of '6O, took part in the late State. Convention and endorsed its proceed ings, that as a matter of course the whole opposition in the Democratic party to traitors and secession sympa thizers in its ranks has been swallow ed up. We happen to know the po litical character of some of the " Doug las Democrats" who held seats in the Convention, and we know that their love for Douglas principles died out as soon as it was evident Douglas could not be elected President. Such "Doug las Democrats" can have no influence with the honest friends of Douglas.— Douglas is dead, but his principles still live with his friends. Only the office seeking friends of the "Little Giant" could stoop to kiss the hand that crush ed him and the Democratic party in 1800. The Convention was controlled by men who were delegates in the Charleston and Baltimore Conventions, and who refused to support the Demo cratic nominee. Such leaders can nev er persuade the Democratic masses to follow them. Welsh is no longer Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, but his place is oc cupied by F. W. Hughes, of Schuylkill county, a man most prominent in Charleston and Baltimore, acting throughout with Yancey, Breckinridge, & Co., and even now, showing by his actions, a warmer friendship for the rebels than he does for our President who is exerting his utmost power to save our Union from destruction.— Away with such a Democrat and such Democracy. RECRUITIN6.—Three hundred thou sand more men are called for by the President. Can this number be raised without drafting ? We think it can, if every home-guard will but put his hand in his pocket and provide for tho support of the families of those who would go if they could be assured that their families would not suffer during their absence. We should avoid the necessity of drafting if possible, at any expense to those remaining at home out of danger and enjoying the com forts our soldiers cannot have. We hope Huntingdon county will not be last in offering new companies, or men to fill up old companies now in the field. We hope to hear of every bor ough, village and township in the county being fully represented in the new demand of the Presidont. Rally for the Union. One month's pay and e,25 bounty will be paid each recruit in advance as soon as he is mustered into the service. This in addition to the glory — or - frgliting - Ter — olif — gOigr — old Union, is an inducement which should be promptly responded to by all our able bodied young men. GENERAL NEWS. WASHINGTON, July 11--Governor Curtin reached Washington yesterday, and had an interview with the Presi dent and Secretary of War this morn ing. Ho takes ground in favor of lim iting the term of enlistment to ono year, believing that if the war is vig orously proseenta the rebellion will be over at the end of that time. His most anxious care is to fill up the deci mated regiments of the immortal Penn sylvania Reserves. These regiments should not be disbanded. They are called skeletons, but what is left of them is composed of the blood, brains, and bravery. There is not a man of them that does not deserve honor and eternal remembrance, and the youth of the State should desire no prouder position than to be enrolled among the Reserves. Governor Curtin is deter mined to put no untried officers at the head of the now regiment. Reliable intelligence has been receiv ed here to the effect that the rebels in a not very largo force, probably three thousand strong, have appeared in the Shenandoah Valley again, at Lu ray, where, it is reported, a small fight took place on Thursday. It was not believed to be a demonstration of any material significance. Both Houses this week unanimously passed an army retrenchment bill, which will save about $10,000,000 per annum. The President returned last night from a visit to the army of General McClellan, where he spent some time, and gives to his friends a highly grati fying state of facts, all of which it would be improper to publish. lie found the army, however, in the most effective condition, and in much larger force than public rumor generally ac corded. While the President was there a review of the entire army took place in his presence and of all of the generals and their staffs. The sight was imposing in the extreme, the lat ter part of the review being by moon light. The enthusiasm of the troops at seeing the President, knew no bounds, and the most deafening cheers were given wherever he appeared.— The President reports that the loss in killed, wounded, and missing will not exceed fifteen thousand for all of the late battles. Itis understood that, previous to the late battles before Richmond, General McClellan arranged for a general ex change of prisoners, and that Gen. Dix has been instructed to consummate the same under a flag °I truce. NEW YORK, July 11 StC11111(T Baltic has sailed with all the rebel prix. oilers recently confined iu our forts, fbr the purpose of removing them to Fort Delaware. The steamer Cahaw ba conveyed three or four hundred thither a few days since and has just returned. TUE NINTH PI:N A. CAVALRY. This Regimen t was organized at Harrisburg, and has been in Kentucky for some months. One company from this county, principally from Warriors mark and adjoining townships, now or lately under the command of Capt. James Bell, of Tyrone, are attached to this Regiment. Pour companies of this regiment, including Capt. Bell's, were lately attacked by a force of twelve hundred rebels, and a number were killed, wounded, and taken pris oners. The following despatch has been received at Harrisburg: NASHVILLE, July 12.—T0 A. L. Rus sell, Adjutant General, Pennsylvania : As near as we can ascertain, - Maj. Jor don was taken prisoner with forty seven of his men. Four were killed and seven wounded. Colonel Williams and Major Brown were not in the fight. The guerillas have since been twice defeated with great loss at other points, and are now almost surrounded. The entire band, it is believed, will be cap tured. ANDREW JOHNSON. THE 84TII AND 110TH, The 8-th and 110th Pennsylvania Regiments have been ordered to Washington to recruit, and are now lying at Alexandria.— With hard fighting, bard marching, and hard fare generally, their ranks have been sadly decimated. No regi ments in the service have reflected more honor upon themselves or the State. The 4th in Nashville, Tennessee Speech of Gov, Andy Johnson. The 4th was celebrated in Nashville by the firing of cannon, processions, and speeches during the day. In the evening a largo concourse of people of both sexes met in front of the Capitol to hear Andy Johnson. Gov. Johnson, being long and loudly called for appeared amid deafening and enthusiastic cheering. le said it had been his fixed deter mination not to speak again in Nash ville without preparation. Ile bad spoken so often in this place that he feared his remarks would grow stale. But, as no one else appeared to be willing to speak, be would contribute his mite to the entertainment, and in formation, if possible, to this vast, or derly, intelligent audience. From the first of this wicked rebellion he bad made up his mind as to his duty, and, survive or perish, sink or swim, ho was determined to fight it through to the end. He was a soldier for the war. Ho had been denounced, calumniated, and traduced as a traitor for his devo- tio.u_ta ocaua Ery, laulpt , 0 tan g aiLany one to point to an act where he had violated his duty or his oath of office. In fighting under the old flag for the Government, he was but conforming to the principles he had avowed from his earliest inanhood. He had always stood before the people as the advocate of popular g overnment , against the government of property, as a Demo crat in the true and primary sense of that word. And to-night he appeared to defend the great principles of civil and religious liberty. In our old con tests, political parties contended whose policy was best adapted to promote the good and prosperity of the Gov ernment, and of the Union, but now the groat question was, shall this Gov. ernment and this Union exist, or shall they perish ? There were only two parties now, one composed of the friends, the other of the foes of the Union. And although demagogues attempted to raise the cry of Slavery and Abolition, the real question to be decided was, shall free government live on the Western Continent ? Be as sured that this is the question which underlies the rubbish and rant of cor rupt and reckless office-hunters. Ne groes! Slavery! Southern Rights! Coercion ! What terrible bugbears, to frighten timid people and blind them to the real point at issue ! He asked the vast multitude before him what Southern right any one of them had lost in the Union ? Did it ever de fraud or oppress you ? Then, if you have lost no right, why all these vast armies ? Why these bayonets, and cannon, and fleets, and tented fields ? Why all these new made graves and oceans of blood? Why are hundreds of you coming to the capital, praying for the release of 3-our deluded boys? Ho could tell why. It was because some corrupt and reckless politicians wanted place and power. They were determined to ruin the country if they could not govern the whole of the Union —they were determined to govern a part. He knew these Southern politicians, Yancey, Toombs, Davis, Idason,Benja main, and others, well, for be had served with them for years in Congress. He was familiar with their views and feelings, and, havin g watched their course closely, hollered that ho under stood their motives dearly. Ho sat side by side with them when they pro fessed that they wanted a compromise with the North. Bat the journals of Congress proved that these traitors bad an opportunity to get the compromise they professed to desire, and yet they allowed it to be defeated when their vote would have obtained it. They talked hypocritically. A settlement of difficulties was the very last thing that iese rebel Senators wanted. I am a slave owner myself, not b 3 inheritance, but by hard labor, and they not only robbed the of my ne groes, but turned my wife and little boy into the streets, and converted my dwelling into a hospital and barracks. The Southern chivalry have been the greatest robbers and enemies of the rights of the people that the country has ever seen. And if this war goes on through the folly and lvickedttess of Southern rebels, slavery is at an end, for iL has no protection and no guarantee outsido of the Union. With the death of the li'eleral Union (lies I,lavery. The Abolitionist, and fiCUC3- SiOtliSt, on this point, ()mull) , the Saint! stand: there is ito dirrOlTlll . o between them. The Abolitionists, such as Wendell Philips, Garrison, and others, denounce J'resident liineoln as worse than Jolt Davis. From the hands of these incendiaries of both sides the people must rescue the Union. There is a great middle party between these two extremes who must maintain the Government. Are you, intelligent freemen : depen dent on the arm of a leader ? Are you incapable of acting for yourselves ? If so, then you concede the very thing for which the Tories of the South are - contending, and admit that you are unfit for selfgovernment. Cast off this unmanly and degrading feeling. This is the people's Government. They received it as a legacy from Heaven, and they must defend and preserve it, if it is to be preserved at all. I am for this Government above all earthly possessions, and if it perish, I do not wish to survive it. I am for it, though slavery should be struck from exis tence, and Africa be swept from the balance of the world. I believe, in deed, that the Union is the only pro tection of slavery—its sole guarantee ; but if you persist in forcing the issue of slavery against the Government, I say in the face of Heaven, " Give me my Government, and let the Degrees tro ?" • This rebellion is animated and con trolled by the worst spirit that ever filled the bosom of man. With singu lar audacity or ignorance, some per sons pretend to compare the rebellion of 1861 with that of 1776. How pre posterous and absurd l There is not the remotest analogy between them. They were on the contrary, the very antipodes of each other. The old Rev olution was to establish and perpetu ate freedom, but this one was to sub vert and destroy it, and make us the vassals of France or Great Britain. The modern revolution would, if pos sible, reduce us to the very servitude from which the former delivered us. The spirit of rebellion was fiendish, proud, cruel, and lawless. It was so from the day when the Devil raised the standard of revolt in heaven, and warred with Michael, the Archangel, for the supremacy of the skies. We are told that the Devil was conquered, and chained in the infernal pit, but that lie was to be let loose for a season. If ever the Devil was let loose in the world, I believe that now is the tune, and that he is actuating this Southern rebellion. Yet men who had aided this diabolical rebellion now pretend to talk of tyranny and oppression ! How long has it been since you had your. Minute Men, your Vigilance Com mittees, and your Passport Commit tees? How long has it been since men were driven from their homes for the crime of loyalty? I was driven from my own home, and for what ? What crime, what offence had I done ? None, save my devotion to the Government, and my attachment to the Stars and Stripes. I hold that this Government is of divine birth; that it is a gift of God himself; and that neither Parson Elli ott, nor Parson Schou, nor Parson Howell, nor Armageddon, have a right to break it up. I punish these men, not because they arc priests, but be cause they are traitors and enemies of society, law, and order. They have pursued and corrnpted- boys and silly women, apd inculcated rebellion, and now let them suffer the penalty. I re ceived the other day a request to allow some ham, sweet pickle, and other del icacies, to be carried to these persons. I told the applicant to send his luxu ries to me, and I would find persons a good deal More worthy to receive them than these rebels. I would give them to the suffering widows and orphans among us, Whose husband and fathers were deluded by these men into the rebel army, and now fill a rebel's grave, or lie in prison. [Shouts of " Good ! good ! that's'right !"] If delicacies aro to be distributed, I think that these in nocent sufferers, the victims of' these corrupt rebel priests, are a good deal more worthy objects of charity and compassion than the deceivers them selves. Why should they be feasted and lionized, and their wretched vic tims be left to perish? [A whistle in the rear of the crowd.] I hear a whis tle. I believe it is Goldsmith, who says, in his Natural History, that there are only two animals which hiss, the viper, by reason of its venom, and the goose, for its simplicity. I think the present instance is an exception, and that whistler is a gosling. Some professed to entertain a holy horror of coercion. Why, force and error have coerced the South into her present position, and nothing but force and power will bring her back. You wore coerced by the violence and force of Secession, and the spirit of Seces- Sion must be subdued and controlled by force. The strong arm of the Gov ernment must be bared, and justice must do her work. We may as well understand the fact first as last, and go to work rationally. Without force and power to coerce, we have no Gov ernment. How have matters gone on heretofore ? Why, when the Union army came, the first to run to it for protection and privileges wore Seces sionists, who got promises of protec tion if they would remain neutral. On the other hand, the poor Union men were terrified with threats of ven geance if the rebel army should return. The Secessionist was protected by the Union army, and was equally confi dent of protection should the rebel ar my return, so he felt perfectly easy. The Union man dreaded utter ruin, should a reverse occur, and was filled with perpetual alarm. So, under this strange policy, the rebel had two guar antees, and the Union man but one, It is time this was stopped. The time has arrived when treason must bo made odious and traitors impoverished ; These men have used their property to destroy the Government, and fill the land with bankruptcy and distress, they have given their wealth to aid rebellion and treason, and drench the land in fraternal blood, and crush out the last vestige of liberty, and their property should be taken front them to defray the expenses of the war. And what was the motive of many of these men in Nashville, for bringing on and aiding rebellion? Why, many of these elegant gentlemen rebelled to get rid of paying their Northern debts ! If a miserable crippled negro, worth five hundred dollars, was stolen, the Government Must be overthrown if the negro could not be recovered, but your polite ; Emtidions, and chivalrous iner chant, call 'go among what calls " blue bellied Yankees," buy their goods on croelit, and then. y. - ben pay day comes, tell his creditors in the North : " Oh, I have seceded !" It is •w outrageous crime to steal a negro, but it is gentlemanly financiering to defraud a Northern creditor of $50,000 or $lOO,OOO. Hundreds of instances could be related showing how far the rebellion was impelled and advan ced by this swindling spirit. Yet these very men who had disgraced them selves by these frauds would talk gravely of the sin of slave-stealing. Now, take the value of all the negroes that have been stolen from the South, and then take the sum of all the North ern debts that have been repudiated by Southern men, and the latter will surpass the former at least ten to one. Who own many of your public build ings, railroad stocks, bank stocks, and other property ?. Northern men. Yet you who clamor about your Southern rights can cooly defraud your North ern friend of millions of dollars. Governor Johnson paid an eloquent tribute to the loyalty and fidelity of the East Tennesseans, who, under the crushing weight of oppression, still remained faithful to the Union. The conduct of many of the rebel women, he remarked, was astonishing. How dare you breathe treason and insult the flag of your country? Hold up your hands in the light of 'Heaven— gaze steadfastly on them, and see if they are not red with blood! Yes, the blood of your own husbands, broth ers, and sons, whom your wretched in fhtuation drove to treason and a rebel's grave. I have enlisted for the war, and will not go back. I expect to receive in the future, as I have received already, much obloquy and abuse. I know that I am assailed with fiendish malignity. Even to-day, I received a despatch from one high in authority, warning me that a band of assassins arc on my track. How or where they mean to strike, I know not. They are a cra ven, dastardly set, who Gannet look you in the eye, and who do their work from behind your back, or in the dark, or by poison. Some wretch, even now, may be skulking in this crowd awaiting a chance to do the deed to which his master had bribed him. I defy all this venom and malignity.— Suppose the assassin succeeds, what then ? What have they obtained ? What signifies one life, when the life of ft nation is at stake? Even from the blood of the patriot, armies of pa triots will arise, and the blood of the martyrs will become the seed of the church. In vain the threat of the as sassin's dagger or the poisoned bowl, for patriots, uniutimidated , will press forward to freedom and victory, or filling, will be blessed by posterity.— Awake to your duty, Tennesseans ! Come up to the glorious work of sav ing your country. Let us take along pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogeth er, and our country shall stand forth regenenerated and redeemed, and peace and prosperity again shall bless our borders. Rebel View of McClellan's Position ITS IMPREGNABILITY ADMITTED The Rebel Press Growling for News IYASIIINOTON, July 11.—The Rich mond Braminer of the 7th has been received here. Discoursing upon Gen. McClellan's present position it says:— " We believe all that was known in this city yesterday, outside of the Bu reaucracy, was that the enemy had taken a strong position, with one of his flanks resting on the river about Berkeley, completely under cover of his gunboats, and his extreme right reaching to Herring creek, where his position is defended by an almost im passable morass. It was supposed that the enemy would have been at tacked yesterday, but there had been no fighting up to the last accounts we have from the lines. It is not to be supposed that the enemy has selected these plantations a 3 the scene of his last great stand without good reasons. The first and mo'st, apparent of these is that the western landing is perhaps the very best on the James river, and the scene for miles up and down being broad and deep, affords both excellent sea room and anchorage for his gun boats and transports. But this is by no means the only advantage of the position. On the west of Berkely are innumerable impassable ravines, run ning from near the Charles City roach on the north to James river, snaking a successful attack from that quarter next to impossible. Within a quarter of a mile of where these ravines begin, Herring Bun creek crosses the Charles city road, and running in a southeast erly direction, skirts on the north and east the plantations of Berkely and Westover, and empties into James riv er at the extreme eastern boundary of the latter. The whole course of' this creek is one impassable morass, while along its northern and eastern banks extend the heights of Evolington, long range of hills that overlook the Westover and Berkely estates, and which offer an eligible position for hea vy gnus. " It will be seen that, protected on the south by the river and his gun. boats, on tho west by impenetrable ra vines, and on the north and east by llerring crock and the heights of Eve lington, the enemy's position presents but ono pregnable point, the. piece of level country northwest of Westover, from a quarter to a half mile in width, lying between the head of the ravines and the point where Herring creek crosses the Charles City road. But it, is certain that the enemy, with his im mense resources of men and machine ry, will, in a very brief period, obstruct by art this only natural entrance to his stronghold. Already it is within range of his gunboats, and of his siege guns planted on the Evelington hills.— Another day may seo it strewn with felled timber, and bristling with field batteries. In enumerating the adyau tages secured to the onetnyin his pres ent position, his superior facilities of transportation .must not he omitted.— Whilst oar ammunition and stores mut be wagoned a distance of nearly thirty miles, his steamers and trans ports are running up to the very doors of his tent. For the benefit of the dis tant readers, we may hero properly say something of the character of the country to which, suddenly and unex pectedly, the scone of war has been shifted. Ten days rLgo, when beleagured Iliehmond, with the ex ception of about five miles of the Chick ahominy low ground, he occupied the most barren, and at the same time, the WOrSt, watered and mo:A, lillbellitby PO pion of Eastern Virginia. Agues, hooppoles, and whortleberries have been always the only sure crops of the country within t radius of ten miles about the Seven Pines, taking that point as a centre, and but two living, streams cross the Nine-mile, or Wil liamsburg roads, between Richmond and Bottom Bridge. On these two roads, with the Seven Pines as their headquarters, the very pick and flower of the Northern Army was concentra ted, and here, for weeks, their vigor and numbers melted away, under the influence of miasma, bad water, and a Southern sun, but by this hasty trip through IVldte Oak Swamp, McClel lan has emerged with thinned ranks into a more genial 'land. A broad, fresh river flows before him, while his tired and hungry hordes will find boundless supplies in as fidr and rich a valley as the sun shines en. The eoun try of the lower James river is the gar den spot of Virginia. Nowhere does soil better repay the toil and skill of the husbandman." The Examiner says to its own Gov ernment: " There has already been enough trifling and abuse of the public mind by the suppression or reserve of facts on the part of the Government. If the Commanding General could write a dozen lines, giving the result of the fight at Gaines' Mills, why on each succeeding day might we not have had a bulletin of equal length simply stating the results. It would have cost but a trifle of time, and would have conferred an incalculable benefit upon the whole country in com posing the public anxiety. if the first official display of our success has not been fully sustained by subsequent events, and if the public expectations, which were then raised to such a height, are to be reduced, we believe that our people can bear the disap pointment, without waiting for the facts to drop out through the slow and forced confessions of those in authori ty. If McClellan has effected a com munication with the river, why was not this fact boldly and sincerely an nounced, instead of trifling with the public mind by reports of surrounding portions of his army in triangular swamps and in the neighborhood of mill-ponds, and other false and vague stories, intended to break the fall of public expectations ? The public is loft under the impression of general facts. We know that the valor of our troops has so far prevailed, and that the enemy has been pushed from his lines of investment of this city, but what may be the strength of the cohe rent remnant of his army, whether that remnant is yet involved by our lines, or has escaped from our grasp, or has been reinforced for another grand battle, are questions which everybody has been asking for the last week, and which the Government plainly refuses to answer by withholding from the people all information whatever of the battle of Richmond." Upou the strait to which the rebels arc now reduced, the Examiner says : " The scene of active operations has been removed to such a distance from Richmond, that it is difficult to obtain any news of the incidents of each day, but from what is generally understood of the situation, it appears to admit only of the severe alternative of an immediate assault upon the enemy, or the falling back of our lines." With reference to the continued dan ger of Richmond, the Examine?. says : " It is sincerely to be hoped that the ability of our generals and the daunt less courage of the Southern armies will soon relieve this portion of the State front the presence of the invader. In them under Heaven is our only hope. So long as the enemy holds undispu ted possession of the lower James riv er, so long is the capital of the Con federacy menaced." The Losses In Pryor's Brigade " Out of about 1,500 men carried in to action by Gen. Pryor, 814 were kil led and wounded." The Examiner thus heads its account of General McClellan having secured his desirable new position : '• The Richmond Lines—The Enemy on a New Line of Defence—it Critical Situation." A Pestilence Dreaded In Richmond. That a pestilence is dreaded in Rich mond just now will be comprehended from the following brief extract : " The health of the city we fear will suffer if some means are not employed to neutralize the unhealthful effect which so many hospitals in the city and their surroundings must natural ly produce. The spreading broadcast around the hospitals and in the gut ters of such disinfectants as lime, pot ash, and plaster-of-Paris, would go a great way to relieve us of even the ap prehension of an epidemic. We be lieve large quantities of lime are avail able for such purposes. The early ap plication of the hint may save us from a pestilence more deadly than the bul lets of the Yankees." The Richmond Dispatch of Monday says : " The effective force of some of the brigades now operating on the enemy below this city is represented by those who profess to be conversant with the subject, as much curtailed, in conse quence of the reprehensible practice indulged by thoughtless soldiers stray ing from their camps. A majority of the men thus neglectful of their duty, having no other place to go, come in crowds to the city, where their imagi nations are put in play to fill up col umns of bloody battles which it is more than probable that two-thirds of the relators never saw. In this hour of our destiny it behooves every sol dier of the Republic to stand by his colors, and not to do so is showing both want of patriotism and a deficient knowledge of the issues involFed the present war. ,tt is to be hoped that our generals will take such meas. nues as will effectually- prevent our no ble army from being demoralized by the ia; ! ;iness of sprue of tbe. men .com posing it. There is, just now, too much at stake to permit this to be thought of." RETURNING CONSCIOUSNESS.—The for mer editor of the Shelbyville (Torn.) Expositor, a strong Secession nowspn, per, publisbesa card in which hp f)v}lt ly acknowledgps thaA Ike cgs bepn mis taken, and that the best thing for 'ail Tennessenns to dg Is to render the Fed pral "Union allegiunce, not only from the lips, but from the heart. lie says : " Like hundreds and thousands of eth ers residing in Tennessee, I was led to bcdieve the pulling out of troops by 114. I iueglu was tut evidence of his de tervdM;Aign to ovorthrDw the institU- umb a slavery. And thus thinking, I thought i•t my duty as a Tentictsean, as a man born here, as a man whose interests were all identified with the Southern people to re.hiht him. In this I now see that I was mistaken. I see also that the attempt to form a South ern Confederacy has proved a complete failure." A BILLIARD TABLE, FOR SALE. Apply C., E. C. SUMIICItFc. pnr. OUPITANS' COURT SALT;, [l:Voie fascist Confer. fire d:1 It y - virtue Man order of the Orr halle' Coact of nuts , tingslon county, the under signed toil offer at public safe, on tire protnisiss, on SATURDAY, tire 21111 day of AUG WY, A. D. 1862, the following describes! real estate, to wit All that certain piece of,, lot of ground, situate in trar borough of Onntingdon. bang the southern and of lot No. 11, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on Smith street, three feet sls incises north of the north eastern corner of the Mirk Minding thereon creo ted thence neros.s said lot by line of lot now owned by Join, P. Anderson's heirs, and paiallel rlftft AllegbenY. street, forty-three feet to line of lot treiish,ging to David Snyder's estate, thence along same to Allegheny street ;- thence by Allegheny street to Smith street ; thesscis along Smith street to tiro place of beginning; tracing thereon' erected a one story and ba.sensesst brick bultsling. TRIMS Of SALT.—One ball the purchase Monet to IhY paid on confirmation of sale, and the residue ht. Milt year' kith interest to be secured by bond ur mortgage. GRAF VMS MILLER, July 9, MC. Admillitfrutor.- T IST of uncalled-i .311_,/ In Lindley Met Office,. Drmlley, Oporge Bureldll, Morn, Muffin], William Barron, M. P. Pwns, Patrick Item, James Ihther, Samuel Collins, John Carney, Andrew Curry, Samuel Campbell, Addle Coals, Michael Dougherty, Ilugh floney, Terrenco Doneran, John Donahoe, Michael 1)" 10, A whey; Eagan. TllOlll3l Fat 1, Cntlieritio -for letters remaining," July 1,1862. nanunontlA, William Jonett,John E. Lang, Anton 10114. Edward Illti.tnliongit, !inhere Mount, Michael McGreevy, John McCaffrey, Catherine Mr,. Mirronge, Julia Mrs. MeGibottcy, Thnmai MeKeenna. Daniel 113 ere, Leek 041 ea, Annie 311-4, Ramon, Da.l4 l'nrsonel, Patrick IVilliant rSobin., William atn..nn. Ale:nutter Sweeney, ;Wien ler, John EEM Hontiogdon Normal School. The Fnfl Tenn of tidy School will commence September lot, 11162, and continue mentpone weeks, including ono wink of Vocal ion, A demand for competent teachers has induced the Principal to organize a NORMAL SCIRNM, mhos° memo- hers will receive special instruction in the Tll[ol2, and Pusan% of teaching. The members, on graduating, wilt be entitled to a certificate commending them to the coon. dente of those who desire to etnploy teachers. A sufficient number of ',structure will be employed, to make a proper division of labor, and give to each class tittle for drilling—an important clement in successful teaching. The government of the school shall he such as wilt beat promote the progress of each pupil, and the general Inter est of the elude school. Tlio Principal will elulemor to rnriiisli his pupils wills facilitleolor acquiring a thorough education. Common English Branches higher it linsignages rind pure Mathematics..., Incidentals LUTHER r. 111111.11,E, Huntingdon, July 9,1962-2 m. Illuriprtl 103 NORT H EIGHTH STREET, ,seco.d dour nlnne Arch street, (Ur 6TAIRS4 LADELPIIIA. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, &c. The colortnerahip heretofore existing between KAUF MAN k I,ONNEHSTADTFIIt iming been dissolyrd by tuntli.d consent, the undersigned tespeetfully informs the patrons 81111 frlends of the old firm. and the trade in gem eral, that ho has token all the op-stairs rooms of No. iO3 North Eighth at., ab. Arcb, Phila. To continuo the manufacturing of nil kinds of EtiS, CLOA AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, BUTTONS. TASSEL CORD, IIEAD-SIiTS, of +di deoliptione. &c. And will offer itolticemonts in price null quality. es Welt nv prompt attendance to orlein, in ctury article upper.. foisting to his line. WM. LONNEBSTADTKIt. No. In.l North Eighth Street, :time Ara, Philo Ain it i 9. 1gr.24110. DISTRICT ATTORNEY I announce myself nn candidate for District Attorney snhket ty the decision of ti n l'eophos Union Nomina ting convention. J. IL 0. COHDIN. Huntingdon, July Ist, 11020 . CASSVILLE SEMINARY : FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN The Fall Seesion of the Institution will begin July 31, 1802. Tho expetiva per quarter, or 11 weeks, in Common English, aro ST.I, washing, light and fuel not Included_ Forlnformation, address 7.15. 1111'011E8. Crtstsillo, Iluutingdon CO., Poimn July 2,1802-It A FARM AT PRIVATE SALE e sold at private W IL In E ]j do i rr S c l n ti n e n ' ty a tft'ileres tate of Jacob It. Miller, deceased. containing 300 auras, 780 or which ore cleared and in a good state of culti c/W(IH, and well watered. The improsensents area two-story femur house, It log barn. and other outbuildings, N, Ith a good spring neer the hon.', a large apple orchard and a great variety of other kindf4 of fruit of the best .puti fly. Telma 0111 he male reason Able. Possession 0111 be given on the Ist of April next. For further information apply to MARY MILLER, Ms. lug on the premises. (July 2, 1862-if. WAR FOR THE UNION. NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, SIEMPiIIe, NORFOLK, Re" TAKEN.—ASHBY SLAIN, AND THE RACK DONE OF " SECESII" BROKEN t it But while you rejoice at tho success of oar pliant troops, and the prospect of the speedy downfall of the Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, before purchasing elsewhere, and see our new stock of goods. conalßting of Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots and Moses, Queensware, Crockery ware, .Tobacco Seipp!, Hata& Flitch, nour, Salt, and a general Wii. t men t of notions. 4.0 pf sticxr aFe o; fend on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Huntingdon, July 1,1802. BANK NOTICE, IN pursuance of the 25th Section, Fir m Article of the ntperojeti COnstitutr of ;he State's, Pennsylvania, iyud the riot Stctim lie 'Act ttio (Wu: oral Assembly, passed the first darn,' unli:lB39, the un dersigned Citisess: ot thecaanames.ont of Penneylvatiti hereby aro notice that they iocnei to"ninke applicat to the Legisittturo of selnlnto, at its next session, cent: mooring the first Tuesday of January,lB63, for the char. ter of a Bank, to be located in the borough of Huntingdon; in the minty of Huntingdon, nod State aforesaid, to be called Nie BROAD TOP BANK:" the capital stock there of to be One Hundred Thousand Donors, and the specific: - object for videb the proposed corporatka ?a ,tobe char tered is to toynct the usual acid pgitt,inate business of a - Beak .of 155 ye, ti/scount, elejjosit and exchange. I .1. GEORGE MILES, WILLIAM LEWIS, ALEXANDER PORT, JOHN IL HUNTER, GEORGE EBY, A. It. STEWART, INGHAM. 1 ).0.1p PhAnt, Jon?, J. ' L AWRENCE, R. 11, W 1 TON, DORT. AARE DOWELL, JAMS MAGUIRE, DAVID DUNN, R. M. (TN Juue 3,1862-Gm A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— _Ea_ The undetsigned, Auditor m,pointvil by the Or- CADA gy ihifiti.gdon cqunty, to ditttlete the linfatecp zorainiog in the Movie br Jot tiovl , tent& of ilthpit Fagan, (tumefied, antougk • those entitled ttl receive the banjo, hereby gives notice to all persons 114: tereeteY that tie's ill atiend for the portuNui hf hearing thud parties, oil SATURDAY, the do? of JUjiy, at hie orrice, in the borough tif Runkingliciii;itt re:dock RI the artertown, when null where nll heraohe 'ocelot ChlialS upon mitt luau h ould present them before thu Aitiltror or be thereafter burled flout receiving any shari tliereet JOIN REP:D, Iluntingdon, 1562-it.‘ Auditor. WRAPPING PAPER! good ni tick for nnto nt LEWIS' BOOK STORE I= $ 6 00 . 10 00 . 209 Shou:iler . Fish,