The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 16, 1862, Image 1

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Thursday, July 10, 1862,
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our hooka of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persona,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. All those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call.
- The Enlistment of State Troops--Im
portant General Order.
IlAnnisnuao, July 7th.—The follow
ing important general order has just
Leen issued:
Harrisburg, July 7, 1302.
In organizing the quota required
-from Pennsylvania under the late call
of the President of the United States,
it is ordered—
First. Troops will be accepted by
squads or companies as hereinafter in
dicated, and will as rapidly as possible
be organized into companies aud regi
Second. Persons proposing to organ
ize companies will be accepted under
the following provisions, and not oth
-erwise—viz: To be commissioned a
captain, the applicant must have fur
nished forty or more men who have
passed the surgeon's examination, and
been mustered into the United States
-service. To be commissioned a first
lieutenant, from twenty-five to forty
men must have been furnished, as
above. To be commissioned a second
lieutenant, from fifteen to twenty-five
men must have been furnished, as
Third. Transportation to the Cen
tral Depot, Camp Curtin, will be fur
nished on application in person, or by
mail to Captain It S. Dodge, U. S. A.,
Superintendent of the Yolunteer Re
cruiting Service for Pennsylvania, at
liarrishurg, to whom report must be
Fourth. The actual and necessary
expenses for boarding and lodging of
troops raised under this order will be
paid by the United States disbursing
offir:er at this post, for a period not ex
ceeding twenty days, at a rate not ex
ceeding forty cents per day for each
man mustered into the service of the
United States on the affidavit of the
.officer furnishing the men, supported
.by the . receipts of lie,party to whom
the•money was paid. • !
Fifth.. Squads will be organized in
:to companies at Camp Curtin as rapid
;ly as possible ; the companies formed
into regiments, and field officers ap
pointed andcoinniissioned by the Gov
ernor. and the regiments immediately
-placed at the disposal of the War De
partment. . . . .
Sixth. As a reward for Meritorious
.conduct, and also to' secure valuable
military experience, appointments of
- field officers will be made (except un
der peculiar, circumstances) from men
now in active service.
order of A. G. CURTIN,
Governor and Commander-in-chief.
A. L. RussEtr,,kdjutant General.
The War Department has issued the
.following orders:
, • ~. WAR. DE.r,t.R.Tmy,n,
IVashington, D. C., Juno 21;'02.
Pursuant to a joint resolution. of
•Congress to encourage enlistments in
the regular army and volunteer forces,
.it is ordered that a premium of two
•dollars shall be paid for each accepted
recruit tliat.volunteers fo'r three years
or during the war; and every soldier
who hereafter enlists, either in the
regular army or the volunteer force
for three years or during the war, may
jrec47,e, his first month's pay in ad
vance, upon the mustering of his com
pany into the service of the United
,States, or after he shall have been
;mustered into and joined a regiment
; already in the service. This order
sill be transmitted to the Governors
Cates and mustering,officers.
- Secretary of War.
'Washington, D. C., July 2, 1862.
.Ordered, That out of the appropria
llon for collecting, organizing, and'
*Ming volunteers, there shall be paid
in advance, tz each recruit for three
years oP daring the war, the sum of
. V 25, being one-fourth the amount of
bounty allowed by law, such payment
to be made upon the mustering of the
regiment "to which such recruit be
lon,,s into the service of the United
Secretary of War.
Each new recruit will thus receive
one month's pay in advanceim mediate
ly on his muster into the service of
the United States, and joining a rai
ment already in the field, or, if .enlia
cd for a new regiment, on the muster
ing of his company into the service of
the United States. Each new recruit
will also receive a bounty of 825 in
advance, to he paid in like manner as
ilf3 one month's advance pay.
Adjt. Genl. of Pennsylvania.
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WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
The New Position of the Army.
[Correspondence of the New York Timm]
James River, July 4, 1832..)
The position which we now occupy
is one which our engineers say we can
' defend against anything Jeff Davis or
any other monarch can bring
to bear
upon us. Our lino, instead of being
fifteen miles front, with twenty miles
of railway to defend, is scarcely fire
miles long. One of our flanks is the
James river, not a railroad to be torn
up, nor a highway that may be ob
structed, but a sure means of convey
ing supplies, and easily defended by
ourgunboats. Our other line is readily
held by the force we can bring. We
occupy the centre of a circle, which
greatly facilitates celerity of move
ment, and are so positioned that no
artillery can be brought to bear upon
us by the enemy within effective range.
If we could only have occupied ; this
same position six weeks ago, instead
of the difficult one we took, your cor
respondent would now be dating his
letters at Richmond, instead of twen
ty odd miles below there. Though
further from Richmond than we were
last Thursday, in miles and furlongs,
in effect wo are nearer that stubborn
capital, and surer of its capture. I
will not venture to name the exact
date when we shall exchange the
hardships of the camp for such luxu
ries as Richmond Will afford, but the
day cannot be far distant, if other co
operative movements are properly
conducted. The army is in excellent
spirits to-day, and disposed to let off a
deal of Fourth of July patriotism and
powder. The Galena, the Jacob Bell,
the Arostook, the Monitor and other
gun-boats, aro with us, and they are
welcome visitors. The river is al
ready full of craft, and is rapidly get
ting to look the same groat mart of
commerce which distinguished the Pa
munkoy at White House.
Worn as the soldiers are after their
long continuous marches and severe
fighting, they responded heartily to
the following order, issued from head
quarters early in the morning:
Camp near Harrivon's Landing, July 3.
.eirettlar—l. A National salute will
be fired at noon to-morrow, at the
headquarters of each Army Corps.—
Immediately thereafter, the bands will
play appropriate National airs.
The General Commanding will visit
all the troops during the afternoon,
when the troops will be paraded and
a Major General's salute fired in each
corps. The troops will be notified at
the hour of the visit.
Jr. Begimental commanders must
now see that the sick are taken care
of; within the limits of their respec
tive regiments, and not permitted to
he scut away, except by orders from
these headquarters.
111. The camp of General Head
quarters has been removed into the
woods, a short distance further up the
river, than this morning's camp.
- By command of Ma • j. Gen. M'Clellan.
[Signed] S.• 'WILLIAMS,
Asst. Adjutant General.
The storm Which yesterday drench
ed many a poor fellow's dusty uniform
and chilled his tired frame, and which
reduced the clayey soil to that pasty,
adhesive Condition, which offends the
patience of the 'pedestrian, and tries
the nerves of horse and rider alike,
passed over during the night, and In
dependened Day camb in with a glad
dening sun to cheer the hearts of the
army. During yesterday, in spite of
mad and rain, the mass of troops which
had been poured in here so hastily,
was reduced to order, and corps and
diVisions had their definite positions
;assigned to them, ' prepared camp
grounds, 'and the men spread conches
to enjoy the first real rest which had
'been permitted thorn for a week. The
long pull of sleep they got last night
told on 'the troops. It was a far hap
pier, brighter, stronger set of men who
stood' about the camp fires this morn
ing than that which the day before
shivered in the rain. At about noon
the bands, such of them as still have
musicians and instruments, wholly or
partially complete, played National
airs, which unusual sounds did much
to enliven the camps, for months de
barred the luxury of music by an int•
perative order, necessitated by the
near proximity of the rebels, who
could, from our music, discover, our
position. A' little after noon General
McClellan, with his staff, in costumes
cleaned of the mud and'rust of the long
journey, commenced the round of vis
its to the different corps. The Com
manding General looked in excellent
spirits; not discovering in the least any I
appearance of fatigue. He took the
different corps in order, reviewing the
men, his arrival welcomed in every di-
vision by the firing of a Major Getter
al's salute, and ho himself received by
the troops with hearty cheers, which
kept mingling along the whole line, as
he passed from brigade to brigade.—
It was a' touching sight to view the,
thinned ranks drawn up before their'
General, the war-worn veterans, no
longer the scholar-soldiers whom he
reviewed in Washington last Novem-'
ber, but heroes of six, eight and ten
battles, who had attested their cour
age and devotion, and won the right
to the name of soldiers. Gen. McClel
lan looked with particular interest on
brigades which had suffered very se
verely in the late battles, and express
ed his sorrow at the gaps in their lines,
but as Gen. Caldwell told in answer
to such an expression of regret in re
gard to his brigade, they died in doing
,their duty, and the rest were ready to
(IQ the same thing, The visit and re
view of the General occupied nearly
the whole of the afternoon, during all
which time, the hills resounded with
the salutes. The whole ceremony was
one of the most impressive and touch-
ing that could possibly be witnessed,
and cannot be without its good effects
upon commander and men. The sol
diers on their own part celebrated the
Fourth with the popping of guns—for
bidden sport—and best of all, by qui
etly resting and going over the story
of the last week's fights.
In the afternoon the enemy bad a
sharp skirmish with our pickets on the
edge of .lames river, in which we gave
them a few artillery reminders, which
stopped their demonstrations, but not
until they had killed and wounded
some twenty of our men. Otherwise,
everything is quiet along the lines.
The Tender of Troops by the Loyal
The following letter front Gov. Cur
tin puts to rest some misapprehension
in regard to the unanimity which ex
isted among the loyal governors of the
loyal states, in the tender of troops to
the President of the United States.
The letter is addressed to the Evening
Bulletin, on account of certain state
ments which appeared in that journal
on this subject:
RISBURG, July sth, 1862.
To the Editor of the Evening Bulletin:
In answer to the inquiry which ap
pears in the Evening Bulletin of this
evening, I deem it just to the Gover
nors of lowa and Delaware to make
an explanation as the memorial pre
sented to the President lest week, by
the Governors of loyal States offering
additional troops to suppress the re
At the time the memorial was pre
pared, we could not reach, by tele
graph, either Governor Kirkwood or
Burton, and it was sent to Washington
without replies from them. On my
return to Harrisburg, on the morning
of the 4th inst., I received a letter
from GOV. Burton, asking that his
name be signed to the memorial, and
expressing, for the people of Dela
ware, his cordial approval of the offer,
and his willingness to co-operate to
any extent, in all just measures for the
active prosecution of the war for the
suppression of the rebellion.
The letter of Gov. Burton was im
mediately transmitted to the War De
partment, and there is no doubt his
name has been appended to the me
morial, and that the public will be so
Failing to reach Gov. Kirkwood, I
united in a despatch with Gov. Mor
gan, of New York, to Messrs. Grimes
and Harlan, Senators from lowa ask
ing them to call at the War Depart
ment, and, if they were willing to as
sume the responsibility, to sign the
name of the Governor to the memorial.
I have a letter from them in which they
say they called at the Department to
sign the name of the Governor, as they
knew it would meet his entire appro
bation, but that the memorial had al
ready been published. There can be
no doubt the Governor of lowa. will
signify his approbation.
am,,vory resp'y, yours &c..
The Skiimishing of the Fourth of
[Correrpoutteuee of the New York TlPrune.]
a few skirmishes, in which our troops
gained the advantage, nothing has oc
curred in the neighborhood of Rich
mond since my last. The rebel army
appears to have fallen back towards
the city, and General McClellan now
has his position Well intrenehed. The
apprehension that the rebels would
stretch themselves down the peninsula,
and possibly attempt to blockade with
land batteries the James River,
not as yet been realized. Our force
at Yorktown is evacuating the place,
and most of the guns have been burst.
The siege-ghns and carriages from
that place are•now arriving here, and
in a few days the rebels, if they are
so disposed, will occupy Yorktown un
opposed—indeed nearly the whole of
the peninsula, with the exception of
the comparatively small patch on which
the Army of the Potomac is encamped,
and the circle commanded by its guns
and those of the gun-boats.
Rebel prisoners do not claim a vic
tory, but confess to have failed in the
object of their terrific attack, commen
cing on Thursday, last week, in which
their loss was confessedly much great
er than our own, including Jackson
and other officers of' high rank.
Transports leave continually for the
James River. A daily mail boat runs
between , this point and Harrison's
Landing, a,nd the two points will soon
be in telegraphic connection. Civil
ians are not permitted to visit the ar
my, except on military busineSS. The
rule was rigidly enforced yesterday.—
The order of Gen. Dix, requiring sut
lers and other stragglers to leave, caus
ed a largo number to take passage on
the Baltimore boat. Some of them
have lost heavily. •
A boat came throUgh from Newborn
via Norfolk and the canals, yesterday,
and returned this evening. It is ru
mored that Gen. Burnside with a con
siderable force, was preparing to co
operate with Gen. McClellan. Rumors
to the effect that he haS advanced from
Newborn were without foundation.—
Concerninm reinforcements for McClel
lan, I will this occasion to say
O the statement that he has recent
ly been roieforeed by 40,000 men is an
Ysterday small rebel gun-boat
was captured in the James river by
one of the flotilla, which sent a shot
through her stemn-chest. Where she
came from, or how she happened to
be there, I have not heard.
The Massachusetts, from the Gulf,
arrived hero last evening, having on
board the following persons, Five Lion-
tenants and two Sergeants belonging
to the lowa forces captured at Shiloh:
llenry W. Mayers, N. J. Camp, G. H.
Logan, George M. Brown, J. S. Agey,
J. N. Rhodes, Nilson Rhodes. While
in prison at Macon, Ga., they exchang
ed their own for Confederate unifbrms,
and walked to the river, where they
found a boat, in which they floated
down the river a considerable distance,
when they. exchanged it for another,
in which they navigated till they were
picked up by one of our gun-boats
500 miles from Macon. They proceed
by the Baltimore boat this evening.
Persons who have just left the Ar
my of the Potomac, bear testimony to
the cheerfulness and state of readiness
of the men. Many regiments are
greatly reduced, mere skeletons, in
fact, and will have to be amalgamated
with others, or speedily filled up.--
Stragglers are continually coining in
by the hundred, and the aggregate
will considerably reduce the figures
representing. our loss. It is understood
that the rebels feel much chagrined
that Gen. McClellan should succeed in
placing his army in a position to re
ceive the direct co-operation of the
The plans of Gcn. McClellan appear
ed to be known to no one but himself.
But it is easy to see that the reduction
of Fort Darling, the key to Richmond,
is likely to enter conspicuously into
the new campaign. Situated on the
opposite or west side of the river, it
will have to be approached by a laud
force from that direction. Tho navy
do not seem able to accomplish the
work, and if the fort is taken at all, it
must be by a land attack, the gunboats
A large number of negrocs of both
sexes and all ages have conic in from
the vicinity of Yorktown and Wil
liamsburg since the recent battles, to
escape the returning tide of rebellion.
Stalblk has also become the place of
refuge for large numbers, and the con
traband population of Old Point is re
ceiving large accessions from that
Among the prisoners brought in is
one man Who lately received a pass
from General Viele to proceed to Rich
mond fin• his family. lb went into
the rebel ranks.
Porn P. M.—The Warner, which
left Harrison's Landing, at 10 o'clock
this morning, has arrived. Yesterday
our pickets advanced from four to five
miles from the river, and saw no en
emy, who seem to have mysteriously
retired. It is suggested that, General
Pope see- 4.1.,m next. There - was
a brisk engagement on Thursday, in
which our troops drove the enemy and
captured a battery of six pieces, with
out losing a man.
Genera/ McClellan has advanced his
lines down to the Chiekahominy, and
no fears are now entertained of a flank
movement in thatdireetion. By noon
to-day, General McClellan expected to
have his position so fortified as to be
able to bid defiance to the enemy, in
any shape they might choose to come.
General Casey has arrived, on the
ivay for Washington.
The Bombardment of Vicksburg
Morn the Memphis Bulletin—late the Avalanche—of
July I]
The Federal ram Monarch, arrived
yesterday, from Commodore Davis'
fleet, above Vicksburg, brings us intel
ligence of the most startling character
from that point. The .particulars, as
we learn them from Captain George
E. Curry, who was a witness of the
whole anir from on board Commodore
Porter's ilag-ship Victoria, were as fol
Our readers are aware that some
vessels from Commodore Porter's fleet
have once or twice before visited
'Vicksburg and exchanged some shots
with the Confederate batteries at that
point. Up to Thursday last, however,
there has not been at any time any
thing like a real bombardment at that
About daylight on Thursday, how
ever, the signal for a general attack
was given. The fire was mainly di
rected against the fort on the. top of
the bluff below the town, with moun
ted eight guns. The firing continued
all day, the battery replying with
more or less rapidity most of the time.
As evening drew on, the firing ceased
on both sides.
On Friday morning, the attack was
resumed and continued mail afternoon,
when Commodore Porter signalled to
shell the town itself—which was done
for about two hours—with what effect
could not be definitely ascertained.—
The shells could be distinctly seen to
burst above the town, but the nearer
buildings concealed the exact effect
from view.
The batteries on shore replied light
ly and irregularly during most of the
time. About four o'clock the signal
was given to cease firing, and the fleet
drew off. About half un hour after
the cessation of the bombardment the
water batteries suddenly opened upon
the Federal mortars, which replied un
til the batteries ceased firing. No
damage was done to the mortars.
During the engagement, tho gun
boat Octorara fired a number of shots
from her 100-pound rifled gun, which
exhibited surprising accuracy until the
gun became heated and began to throw
Soon after the firing ceased, the sig
nal was given for all Captains of
Divisions to report on board the flag
ship. Mere they received orders to
open fire again with the entire number
of mortars at eight o'clock that night.
Accordingly, at the appointed hour,
the entire fleet of mortars, twenty in
number, con - monger) to hurl their fiery
missiles upon the devoted town.
The scene is described asgrand and
terrible in the extreme. The bellow
ing of the mortars was like a egn nued
peal of thunder; the glare of the ex
plosions illuminated the horizon like
incessant flashes of lightning. The
earth fairly shook with the repeated
concussions, and the huge shells seem
' ed to hover above the doomed city as
if pausing to select a place in which
to plant their deadly missiles. For
more than an hour this terrible Scene
continued, when the order was again
given to withdraw.
On Saturday Commodore Farragut,
whose fleet was then lying about five
miles below the city, got word to the
mortars to open fire upon the batter
ies at four o'clock in the morning,
and he would endeavor to run some
of his vessels past the batteries. Ac
cordingly the bombardment was re
commenced at the hour named, and
during its continuance, Farragut suc
ceeded in passing the entire Confeder
ate batteries with eight vessels, viz:—
three men-ofwar, two sloops of
and three gun-boats.
These vessels, it will be remembered,
are all wooden ones, being part of the
United States sea-going navy, and not
iron-clad gun-boats, like those belong
ing to Commodore Foote's fleet.
During the passage, the batteries
continued to pour a shower of shot and
shell upon the passing vessels, but
without inflicting any serious damage
and disabling none.
The fire of the batteries was gener
ally too high, and all the vessels had
their rigging considerably cut. The
llartfaml, Commodore Farragut's flag
ship, was struck in the hull twice, one
passing through her starboard bul
warks near the bow about ten feet
above her water line, the -other about
the same height near her stern. Oth
erwise she was but little damaged.—
All the vessels also kept up a sharp
fire during the entire passage.
Two of these vessels immediately
passed on to the mouth of the Yazoo
river, the rest, when cur informant
left, were still at anchor above the
The damage to the city in these dif
ferent attacks must have been im
mense. Toppling houes, tumbling
chimneys, cracking roofs, conflagra
tions bursting on every hand, trees
overthrown, and the ground torn up
by bursting shells, present a scene
which no pen can depict, and only the
most vivid imagination can conceive.
Such is the vengeance which has
fallen upon the city, which first, and
before even her own State had sece
ded from the Union attempted to as
sume, control of the navigation of the
It is asserted that a large force of
negrocs are being employed undea or
ders from Major-General Butler in cut
ting a canal across the bend of the
river on which Vicksburg is situated,
which will change the channel of the
river and leave Vicksburg an inland
Capt. Curry was informed by the
people living along the river that the
women and children had all been re
moved from the city previous to the fi
nal bombardment, and they are now
dwelling along the line of the Jackson
railroad, many of them in holes dug in
the sides of tho hilly. He represents
the distress existing not alone in the
neighborhood of Vicksburg, but
throughout that entire region to be
terrible. The disturbed state of the
country prevented the planters from
putting in the usual crops, and the
amount of provision taken ibr the use
of the army, has reduced the people
almost to the verge of starvation.
From Yazoo River
We are further informed that a roe
onnoissanee made by some of the Fed
eral rams up Yazoo river last week,
discovered strong batteries planted at
a point on the right bank, some sixty
miles from the mouth' of the river.
This battery mounts four guns. Just
below the battery a heavy raft was
moored across the stream to obstruct
the upward passage of boats, and be
low it lay three gun-boats and a trans
port, the old Mears. The gun-boats
were the Van Dorn, the Polk, and an
other, name unknown. As the Federal
rams approached, these boats wore set
on fire and turned adrift to act as fire
ships against the rams, but the latter
succeeded in avoiding them. Not hav
ing any guns, however, to cope with
the battery, the rams returned. They
learned, however, from the carpenter
of the Van Dorn, who was captured,
and also from persons living along the
shore, that the gun-boat Arkansas, and
some twenty transports, were lying at
a point about sixty miles above the
battery, and that it was for the pur
pose of enabling her to be completed
that the raft and battery were placed
there to impede the passage of the Fed
eral gun-boats.
An expedition, consisting of gun
boats, transports and rains, with suffi
cient force to remove the obstructions
and capture the battery, was prepar
ing to start up the Yazoo when our in
formant left.
Major General Sherman's Defence.
Letter From General W. T. Sherman to
Lieut. Governor Stanton, of Ohio---Se
Reviews the Criticisms of the Publib
Press, and Publishes Many Facts Con
nected With the Battle of Shiloh..
June 10, 1862.
Lieut. Om B. 'Stanton, Columbus, Ohio:
Sm. : I am notsurprised when anony
mous scribblers write and publish false
hoods, or make eritioisms on matters
of - which they know nothing or which
they are incapable of comprehending.
It is their trade. They live by it.
Slander gives point and piquancy to a
paragraph, And the writer, being irre
sponsible or beneath notice, escapes a
merited punishment. It is different
with men in high of) .cial station, who,
TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance
like you, descend to this dirty work.
You bad an opportunity to learn the
truth, for I saw you myself at Shiloh
soon after the battle, and I know that
hundreds would have aided you in your
work had you been in search of 'hots.
You never inquired of me concerning
the truth of events which you must
have known transpired in my sight
and hearing, but seemed to have -pre
ferred the "camp stories" to authen
tic data then within your reach.
A friend, by mere aceident,, has
shown me a slip of newspaper, dated
April 19th, 1862, styled "Extra," pub
lished at Bellefontaino, Ohio, and sign
ed B. Stanton. lam further told you
are the man. If so, and you be the
Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, I hold
that you are my peer, and that of
Generals Grant, Hurlbut, and Prentiss,
all of whom you directly charge with
conduct on the field of Shiloh which
deserves a court martial, whose sen
tence, if you have not borne false wit
ness, would be degradation or death.
The accusatory part of your state
ment is all false, false in general, false
in every particular, and, I repeat, you
could not have failed to know it false
when you published that statement.
To prove what I say, I now quote the
concluding part of your paper:
"Some complaints have been made
about the conduct of a few of the new
regiments in this battle, including the
54th and 57th. It must be remem
bered that these are new regiments—
that not only have they never been
any service, but that they never re
ceived their guns until they arrived on
the Tennessee river, two or three weeks
before the battle. So with dyer's bat
tery. It has not been more than six
weeks since they have had their hor
ses. And yet these regiments and this
battery were put on the extreme out
side of our camp, and were consequent
ly first exposed to the enemy's fire.
Add to this that ourlines were so care
lessly and negligently guarded that
the enemy were absolutely on us in
our very tents before the officers in
command were aware of their ap
proach. The wonder therefore is, not
that these regiments were finally bro
ken and routed, but that they made
any stand at all. But the losssustain
ed by those regiments, especially by
Capt. Starr's company in the 54th,
shows that they made a gallant and
noble stand, and that their ultimate re
treat was not the fault of the men,but
of the blunderinr , stupidity and negli
gence of the General in command.
There is an intense feeling of indigna,
tion_armi nst.Gen ercds Qnon +,
tiss, and the general feeling amongst
the most intelligent men with whom I
conversed, is that they ought to be
court-martialled and shot.
(Signed) Yours, .ke.,
With Myers's battery I have nothing
to do, as it was in Gon. Ilurlbut's di
vision, who has made hie official - re
port, which proves yours untrue; for
instead of being kept on the "extreme
outside of our camp," it was, at the
beginning of the battle, more than a
mile to the rear of mine and McCler
nand's and Prentiss' divisions. The
54th, 'Col. T. Kilby Smith, and 57th,
Col. William Mungen, did form a part
of my command. No one that I ever
heard has questioned the courage and
gallantry of the 54th, unless it bo in
ferred from your own apology for
them, and I know that I, speak, the
mind of the, officers of that regiment
when I say they scorn to have their
merits bolstered up by your lame and
impotent conclusions. As to their be
ing on the outer line, it was where
they wished to be, and, so far from
being surprised, they were, by, my or
ders, under arms at daylight, and it
was near ten o'clock A. M. before the
enemy assailed their position. This
position was so favorable that Colonel
Stuart, with his small brigade, ofwhieh
the 54th formed a part, held at bay for
hours Ilardee's division, composed of
infantry, artillery, and cavalry.
The 57th was posted on the left of
Shiloh, which, I say, 'and in which
Beauregard concurs with me, was the
key to the whole position. It was in
the very front, the place of honor, to
which Col. Mungen or his men could
not object. Their front was guarded
by themselves, and if negligence is
justly charged, it belongs to the regi
ment itself. So favorable was the
ground, that, although the regiment
lost but two officers and seven men,
Col. Mungen has more than °nee as
sured me that he counted fifty dead
secessionists on the ground over which
he was attacked. As to the enemy be
ing in their very camp before the offi
cers in command were aware of their
approach, it is the most wicked false
hood that was ever attempted to be
thrust upon a people sad and heartsore
at, the terrible but necessary casual
ties of war. That the cowards who
deserted their coin rados in that hour of
danger should, in their desperate strait
'to cover up their infamy, invent such
a story was to be expected, but' that
you should have lent yourself as a will-
ing instrument in perpetuating that
falsehood, is a shame from which you
can never hope to recover. The truth
'is not well understood. For days we
knew the enemy was in our front, but
the nature of the ground, and his su
perior strength in cavalry, prevented
us from breaking through the veil of
their approach to ascertain their true
strength' and purpose. But as soldiers
we were prepared at all times to ror
ceive an attack, and oven to make one
if circumstances warranted it. On
that morning our pickets had been
driven in. Our main !Nerds were for
ced hack to the small valley in our
front. All our regiments of infantry,
batteries of artillery, and squadrons of
oak-airy were prepared. I, myself,
their commander, was fully prepared,
rode along the line of this very regi
vent, and saw it in positiert in front
THE G-140a3M
the mast complete of ittty in the country, awl po.
somas the most ample facilities for pronititlY executing tit
the Pest style, every variety of Job Printing, sub no
RILL LYE 105 i;
LABELS, &C., &C., ILC.
NO, 6,
of their camp, and looking to a narrow
causeway across the small creek by
which the enemy was expected and did
approach. After passing this regi
ment, I rode on to Appler's position
and beyond some five hundred yards,
where I was fired on, and my Orderly,
Thos. D. Holliday, was killed. Even
after that I gave some directions about
Waterhouse's battery, and again re.,
turned to Shiloh in time to witness the
attack there, It is simply ridiculous
to talk about a surprise. To be sum
very many were astonished and BUN ,
prised, not so much at the enemy's
coming, but at the manner of his com
ing, and these sought safety at the riv
er, and could not - be prevailed to re
cover from their surprise till the ene
my had been driven' away by their
comrades after two days' hard fight-,
ing. I have never made question of
the individual bravery of this or any
other regiment, but merely state facts.
The regiment still belongs to my com
mand, and has elicited my praise for
its improvement and steadiness in the
many skirmishes and affairs during
our advance on Corinth. I doubt not
the people of Ohio will yet have roe.
son to feel the same pride in this regi
ment as they now do in many others
of the same State of deservedly high
repute. As to the intense feeling
against Generals Grant and Prentiss,
—could anything be more base than
that? Grant, just fresh from the vie.
tort' at Donelson, more rich in fruits
than was Saratoga and Yorktown, or
any othor one fought on this continent,
is yet held up to the people of Ohio.
his native State, as one who, in the
opinion of the intelligent coward, is
worthy to be shot; and Prentiss, now
absent and a prisoner, unable to meet
your wicked and malignant shafts, also
condemned to infamy and death,
Shame on you! and I know I toll you
an unpleasant truth when I assureyou
that neither he nor his men were sur
bprised, butchered in their tents, &e.,
ut, on the contrary, were prepared in
time to receive the shock of battle
more terrible than any the annals , of
American history have heretofore re
corded. lie met it manfully and well,
for hours bore up against the superior
host, fell back slowly and in order, till
ho met the reserves under Wallace and
Hurlbut, and fought till near 4P. IC
when he was completely enveloped and
made prisoner. Well do I remember
the line after line of steady troops die,
playing the bloody banner of the South,
and to me the more familiar Pelican
flag of Louisiana, bearing, down on
rt. - 7 - 7•"••••• • •
and how, though busy enough with
my own appropriate part, I felt for his
danger and despatched to him my Aid,
Major Sanger, to give him notice. My
Aid found him in advance of his camps
fighting well, but the shock was too
great, and he was borne back step by
step till made a prisoner, six hours
after your surprised informailts 'had
sought refuge under the steep bank%
of the Tennessee.
So much for the history of events
you did not behold and yet pretend to
comment on, You come to Shiloh on
a mission of niercy after danger and
befor'e a new one ,arose, You tarried
a few days, but I cannot learn ftom
Ohio Colonels how you dispeinsed your
charitable trust. That is none of my
business ; but I do know you abused
your opportunity and caught up
vague, foolish oamp rumors from the
region of the steamboat landing, in
stead of seeking for truth where alone
you did know ittould be found, among
the thousands of brave Ohio men who
were in my camp, and who can still
boast of never having seen the Tonnes.
see river since the day we disembark.
ed. You then return to your State
and in obscure printed slips circulate
libels and fhlschoods against men
whose vocation and distance made- it
highly improbable that you could ever
be held to an account. You knew that
wo were in the presence of a fierce,
bold, and determined enemy, with
hundreds.of miles of ambush before us,
from which a few- stray shots would
relieve you of your victims. You
knew that our men were raw' and un,
disciplined, and thatall our time wag
taken up in organization, drill, and dis
cipline, no time to meet
your malicious slanders and resent
your insults. The hour of reckoning
scorned, therefore, distant and uncer.
tarn. You have had your day, but the
retreat of the enemy and a day of
comparative rest has given me leisure
to write this for your benefit. ,Grant
and Hurlbut- and Prentiss still live,
and will in due season pay - their re
spects also.
If you have no respect for the , hon.
or and reputation of the Generals who
led the armies of your country, you
should have some regard to the honor
and welfare of the country itself. If
your paper could have had its,intend
ed effect of destroying the confidence
of'the ExeeutiVe, the army, and tho
people in thelr.Generals:it would have
produced absolute and utter disorgan
ization. It not only placed courage
and cowardice, stubborn and enduring
valor and ignominious flight, upon the
same base, but it holds up to nubile
favor those who deserted their colors,
and teaches them to add insubordina,
tion to cowardice. Such an army as
your military morale would produce
could not be commanded by any Gen
eral who hoped to win reputation or
who had reputation to , lose. Our
whole force, if imialled With your no
tions, would be driven across the Ohio
in less than i month, and even you
would be disturbed in your quiet study,
where you now, in perfect safety, write
1 libels against the Generals who organ,
ize our armies, and with them fight
and win battles for our country.
I am, &a., W. T. SHERMAN,
3lajor-General of Volunteera
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