The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 09, 1862, Image 1

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Per annum In advance
a,. months
Three months 50
A failure to notify a diaeon ti nuance at the expiration of
the term suluicribell fur will be considered a new engage
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Pour lines or tele, s 25 , 1 37;4 $A°
One square, (12 lines,) 50 7 1 no
Two inheres, 1 00 1 60 2 , 0
Three equaree 1 60 2 25 3 10
Oyer three week nod less than three months. 25 Cents
per squire for each funertion. .
3 months. 6 month, 12 month..
Ni lines or less, it 60 $3 00 $5 00
One square, 3 00 5 00 7 00
Toro squares 5 00 S 00 10 00
Three squares, 7 00 10 00 16 00
Your squares 9 00. 13 00 20 00
Haifa column 12 00 16 00 ...... ....24 00
One coltunn . 20 00 10 00.... ..... .00 OD
Professional and Baud nee* Cat ds not exceeding four lines,
one year, $3 00
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Administrators' and Execotora • Notices $1 75
Advertisements not marked pith the nomber of inger
florin &aired, will be continued till forbid wild charged ac
ceding to these terms.
Ely 61obt.
Thursday; July 3, 1862.
0 0000 It 0 0
We have not the time nor the incli
nation, to dun personally, a large num
ber of persons who have unsettled ac
counts upon our books of several years
standing. We shall, therefore, from
day to day, without respect to persons,
place into the hands of a Justice for
collection, all accounts of over two
years standing. Ali those who wish
to save expense, will do well to give
us a call.
Imp rlant Strategic Movement.
The Union Army on James River
The Evacuation and Destruction of
the White House,
Full and Graphic Account of the Three
Days' righting.
teotTeapondance of the Baltimore American.]
MUTE HOUSE, Saturday, JUDO 28.
The events transpiring at this point,
"ri in the army before Richmond, dur
,—ie past four days, have been of
At varied character and thrilling in
&crest that I scarcely know where to
cOmmence or end the record, in order
to make it all understandable to the
general reader. Many who were eye
witnesses to these movements have
- fled off panic-stricken, fully convinced
that the whole army before Richmond
has been destroyed, and that General
McClellan has been out-witted, out
;generated, out-flanked and " driven to
the wall," where he promised to place
the enemy. The evacuation of White
House was to them an inexplicable
mystery under any other condition of
iaets but had they kept their eyes open
early in the week, they would have
discovered that the work of evacua
tion was silently and surely progress
ing before any of the fighting on the
right wing, as early as Tuesday, and
that large numbers of vessels had left
the York and Pamunky rivers and
were moving rapidly around to a new
basis of operations on the James river.
They might also have observed that
all civilians were forbidden 4,0 approach
the front as early as Tuesday, under
any pretence whatever, and that the
immense stores of supplies at Dispatch
Station had been steadily reduced for
a week, until the last box of crackers,
barrel of beef, and bale of bay had dis
appeared, before the great contest on
Friday, which left the way open for
the enemy to approach that point,
which I have every reason to believe
was designedly intended by Gen. Mc-
Clellan to be the mouth of the empty
trap into which they were being led,
and, as I hope and believe, to their en
tire rout and discomfiture.
Before proceeding to the narrative
of events as they had occurred in the
Ticinity of White House during the
past few days, I will briefly state that
the whole movement of Gen. McClel
lan, so far as the changing of his lines
is concerned, and in reality the making
,of his left wing his right wing, and
withdrawing his right wing to rest
near Savage Station, at the railroad
bridge across the Chickahominy, has
been accomplished, throwing the way
open for the enemy to rush to his cov
eted feast at the White House, where
be found nothing but an empty plat
Whether this movement is good or
bad, or what may be intended by Gen.
Keefellan to be accomplished by it
further than throwing his left on the
James river, and supporting Fort Dar
ling, it is impossible at present to say.
A day or an hour may decide this
point. I will merely proceed to a nar
rative of events as they occurred at
White House up to Saturday at noon,
embracing such statements as reached
us from the battle-field on Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Wednesday at the White House
At the White House, on Wednesday,
matters were progressing as usual,
with the exception that there had been
,Cheek in the landing of stores of all
descriptions, whilst those on the land
ings were being rapidly loaded in wag
-otts and moved off towards the left
flank. Several steamers, with large
strings of vessels laden with forage
and subsistence, had also been started
down the river, with orders to proceed
to City Point, on the James river.
This reversal in the course of trans
portation occasioned considerable com
ment and speculation, but was ascer
tained to be the fulfilment of an order
direct from Gen. McClellan. Some sup
posed it to be intended for the supply
of Gen. Burnside's army, which rumor
suld had reached the James river to
co-operate with him. An order was
also received front headquarters early
on Wednesday to prohibit any ono
from coming forward to the lines on
any considerations whatever, unless the
parties belonging to the army. The
order was so peremptory that even
those connected with the press, some
of whom had come down to forward
their report by the mail-boats, were
prevented from returning, and others,
who had smuggled themselves through,
wore promptly sent back.
On the same day Gen. Casey came
down and took command of the small
)and force, aot exceeding GOO men, and
if'''''__ '-['..• l::-,_!-.r
WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor.
in the evening was notified to prepare
at any moment for the entire evacua
tion of the post, and the preservation,
as far as practicable, of the public
property. Similar orders were also
sent to Col. Ingalls. He immediately
communicated with the fleet, and a
division of men, armed with ax:,s, pro
ceeded during the night to cut down
the trees around White House, and
subsequently all the way along, above
and below the Pamunky bridge, so as
to give them free play for the use of
their guns. On the same evening we
had a report from headquarters that a
division of the rebels, the forces of
Stonewall Jackson and Gen. Ewell,were
approaching and threatening to open
the way by the right flank for a raid
on the White House. In the mean
time the trains on the railroad were
kept running night and day, carrying
forward nothing but ammunition and
munitions of war, with siege and rock
et trains and field pieces.
The down train of cars due at 7 o'-
clock on Wednesday evening bad not
arrived which added to the excitement
among the sutlers and camp followers.
At half-past 10 o'clock in the evening
however, the train arrived, bringing
down about ninety wounded men, it
having been delayed for their accommo
dation. They were nearly all of Gen.
Hooker's division, and had participa
ted in the gallant advance on the left
of the centre on Wednesday morning,
driving the enemy from their rifle pits,
and reporting that they had secured
and held what is known as Tavern
Hill, an important position, command
ing the city of Richmond. This is the
"important point" alluded to in the
despatches of Gen. McClellan, detail
ing the affair. The entire loss on our
side was reported to be about two
hundred and twenty wounded and six
ty killed. A large number of those
wounded were however very slight
many of them being able to walk from
the cars to the hospital boat.. Thus en
ded the events of Wednesday.
Doings on Thursday
The fact that the gunboats had ta
ken position in front of the landing
with their guns out and shotted, and
the sweeping away of the trees, which
was still progressing, gave renewed
activity to the rush of camp followers
for passes by the mail boat to Fortress
Monroe, and our population commen
ced to be rapidly depleted.
The down train from the front re
ported all quiet with the exception of
certain mysterious movements within
our lines that were not understanda
ble to civilians. The immense stock
of stores and forage at Dispatch Sta
tion, eleven miles from White House,
were being carried off with great ra
pidity, and subsequently we learned
that an immense train of wagons had
been running from that point all day,
with forage and stores, and that the
greatest activity in their removal was
being observed. In the evening it was
announced that not a bale of hay, a
bushel of oats, a barrel of beef, or a
box of crackers was left.
Throughout the day, at White House,
the greatest vigilance was observed in
and around the headquarters of Gen.
Casey, who had pitched his tents on
the beautiful lawn in front of the White
House, the building itself being occu
pied as the private quarters of the Sis
ters of Charity—and here let me add
that it is quite a small building, hav
ing not more than six small rooms in
it; the outbuildings and servants'
quarters being separate from the resi
dence. Gen. Washington himselfcould
not complain of the use of it by these
ministering angels of the sick and
wounded soldier. An immense train
of wagons was also moving forward
from the subsistence and commissary
departments throughout the day, and
the immense stocks on shore were be
ing rapidly diminished. The trains on
the railroad wore still steadily moving
forward with ammunition, and con
tinued throughout the night. Cavalry
scouts had also been sent out in vari
ous directions during the day, and
preparations were made for obstruc
ting the roads.
At dusk a new panic was occasioned
by the discovery that bales of hay
had been piled over and about all the
large masses of subsistence stores on
the landings, indicating the probabil
ity that it might become necessary dur
ing the night to apply the torch to
them, to prevent their falling into the
hands of the enemy.
Whilst all these preparations were
going on, indicating the probable in
tention f evacuating the landing on
shore,tho numerous steamers, and tugs,
probably fifty in number, had been
busy towing down the river to West
Point, a distance of fifty miles, through
its tortuous windings, long lites of
brigs and barks laden with stores. The
vessels that were scattered about in
the vicinity were also collected together
in separate groups, and anchored in
the stream where they could be easily
and rapidly taken in tow by the steam
ers when the time for their removal
arrived. -And in order that the reader
may imagine the scene here presented
it may be proper for him to understand
that not less than seven hundred sail
of vessels were, two days previous, at
anchor at the White House and land
ing, and stream along for eight or ten
miles down the river.
In the meantime the work on the
construction of the railroad bridge
over the Pamunky, just above the land
ing, was steadily progressing, a large
force of workmen being constantly at
work. This fact, in conjunction with
the evident movements towards a
speedy evacuation, bewildered the
speculations of the uninitiated, but
Col. Ingalls, under whose directions
the evacuation was progressing, moved
about as coolly as a summer's morning.
The morning train brought down
the gratifying news that the forward
movements of General Hooker had
been entirely successful, and that ho
held the enemy's camp and rifle pits.
About one hundred more of the woun
ded arrived, and were removed, with
the others, to the hospital steamers,
where the military committee, with
their large corps of, surgeons, and the
numerous Sisters of Charity in attend
ance, did all in their power to render
the poor fellows comfortable. There
are also, a large number of volunteer
female nurses in attendance, who are
unremitting in their attention and
kindness to the sick and wounded.
The reports from the front on Thurs
day evening continued favorable, hea
vy skirmishing having taken place on
the right, resulting in the repulse of
the enemy, and a few more of the
wounded arrived, who reported every
thing progressing most satisfactorily,
whilst all the indications were that it
general battle along the whole line
would take place next day, (Friday.)
The trains were kept in motion all
night, carrying forward munitions of
war, whilst the wagon trains were still
lining the roadswith commissary stores.
The Gloat Alarm
On Friday morning the first item of
news from the front, received by tele
graph, was a gratifying announcement
that Stonewall Jackson and Ewell, in
attempting to turn the right flank,
were repulsed by General McCall with
his Pennsylvania Reserves, and driven
back with great slaughter. This at
tempt of Jackson was made at three
o'clock in the morning, and had closed
at six o'clock, with a signal victory.—
This repulse is said to have been one
of the most decisive and destructive of
the war, the enemy being put to a
complete rout, with very little loss to
our forces. Although at night, and
indeed for a surprise, the gallant Penn
sylvanians werefound to be wideawake.
There was, however, every indication
of a general battle along the whole
line. and General McClellan, in order
to be ready for all emergencies, gave
directions to General Casey and Col.
Ingalls to make every preparation for
the instant removal or destruction of
all the supplies at White House, should
the result of the impending battle ren
der such a course necessary, his force
being deemed too small to render the
successful defence of his position a cer
tainty against such a movement of the
enemy as might ensue.
The steamers and tugs were all in
early requisition, and were moving
down the river with long trains of
transports in tow. The vessels near
est the landing were also stored full of
commissary stores and munitions, and
moved out in the stream. The im
mense piles of boxes of crackers, bar
rels of pork, and other stores along the
landing, were again covered over with
piles of bay, so as to be ready at a mo
ment's notice, to apply the torch for
their destruction if it should become
There was also great commotion
among the crowds of contrabands, who
have been found most efficient labor
ers, and who have been used to great
advantage in the commissary and mu
nition departments. They soon under
stood that danger was apprehended,
and, on being assured by Col. Ingalls
that they would not be left behind to
meet the s-engennee of their masters,
went to work with renewed energy.—
Stores and munitions everywhere dis
appeared from the landing with great
rapidity, and were being packed on
the wharf boats and vessels contigu
ous. The wives and children of the
contrabands also soon made heir ap
pearance, and with bundles a'd babies
took position on the canal boats as they
were floated out in the stream.
The mail steamer, which should have
left for Fortress Monroe at 7 o'clock
in the morning, was ordered to be de
tained, and at nine o'clock a despatch
was received that a general battle was
progressing along the whole line, the
enemy having renewed the attempt to
flank General Porter's position on the
right wing. At 11 o'clock a second
despatch announced that General Por
ter had driven the enemy* before him,
and repulsed them three times with
terrific slaughter, and was then order
ed by General McClellan to fall back.
This despatch was a signal for re
newed energy in the work of evacua
tion, and all the quartermaster's pa
pers and valuables, and the chests of
the paymasters, were brought on beard
the mail boat. The family of Quarter
master Engle was also brought on
board, with his horses and carriage,
and the horses of Assistant Quarter
master Sawtell. The household furni
ture and the servants of these officials
also soon followed, which increased
the excitement among the sutlers and
army followers. Some of the sutlers
became so panie.striken as to sell out
their stocks at half price and hastened
on board the boat, whilst some deter
mined to hold on and take their chan
ces. That there was an intention on
the part of General McClellan to evac
uate the White House as soon as his
movements in front should be perfec
ted there was no doubt, but whether
as a necessary or a strategic movement
could not at that time be foreseen.
The Panic Checked
During the afternoon, the panic in
creased until half past three o'clock,
and the steamers and tugs were busily
engaged in towing down the transports.
At three o'clock a despatch was re
ceived from headquarters, in substance
as follows :
" We have been driving the enemy
before us on the left wing for the past
half hour. Cheers aro heard all along
the lines."
This was the signal for anew change
in the programme. All the Govern
ment valuables and the property of
the officers was taken off of the mail
boat and placed on board the steamer
Camonico, and the order given for•tho
departure of the ruail'boat, which left
at three o'clock for Fortress Monroe,
taking with' her in tow two heavily
laden steamers, with directions for
them to be dropped at West Point.
Two of the large hospital steamers,
filled with sick and wounded, also left
about the same time, and moved ma
jestically down the river. The steam
er Commodore was still left at the
wharf to receive any new arrivals from
the battle-field, and the Daniel Web
ster and the Elm City, devoted to the
same. service, soon after arrived. It
was also announced that Gen. Stone
man, with six thousand cavalry and
artillery, was within six miles of the
White House, to protect the work of
evacuation, if a dash should be made
by the enemy in that direction.
Scenes on the River
The scene presented ou the river
was a most interesting one. Ten miles
below the White Rouse about two hun
dred brigs, barks and schooners, were
at anchor, with any quantity of canal
boats loaded with implements of war,
commissary and subsistence stores.—
On the whole route down steamers
and tugs were passed, having large.
numbers of vessels in tow, and at West
Point, forty miles below the White
House, not less than three hundred
vessels were at anchor, whilst the nu
merous steamers and tugs which bad
brought them down were preparing to
start up for the several hundred still
up the river.
Statements of the Wounded
About 7 o'clock on Friday evening
numbers of the wounded commenced
to arrive from the front-of the lines,
with a few of the most intelligent of
whom I had an opportunity of conver
sing. hose engaged in the repulse of
Stoney, all Jackson represented his rout
to be most quick and disastrous. He
came down on them expecting a sur
prise, but found them all momentarily
expecting his approach, having been
informed by General McClellan two
days previous that he was coming up
on them. Instead of a surprise, the
enemy received the first shot, and, af
ter two hours' fight, retreated in con
The wounded from the fight which
immediately ensued, represented it to
have been a most terrific encounter,
the enemy coining out from Richmond
upon them in such dense masses that
the shell and grape poured into them
as they advanced, made great gaps in
their lines, which were immediately
filled up and they moved forward most
determinedly. Their artillery was so
poorly served that the damage to our
ranks was light in proportion. They
still moved on and exchanged showers
of Millie balls, which were destructive
on both sides, but when Genl. Porter
ordered a bayonet charge they retreat
ed in double-quick, though Gen. Por
ter pursued them but a short distance.
' The enemy again rallied and ap
proached our lines a second time, when
the same terrible slaughter ensued ;
this time their artillery being better
served was more effective in the ranks
of our men. On coming to close quar
ters they were again repulsed and
driven back a still greater distance,
this twice fought battle ground being
literally strewn with the dead and dy
ing. Gen. Porter then a second time
fell back to his position and awaited
nearly an hour for the enemy to renew
the assault. They, however, finally
Caine on in increased numbers, having
been largely reinforced, and were again
received with shell and grape, causing
great chasms in their ranks, and one
poor fellow, who hail lost his arm, as
sured me that he saw the loose arms
and portions of the bodies of the ene
my making gyrations through the air.
A third time the enemy bore down
most bravely and determinedly on our
lines, and this conflict was the most
severely contested of the whole, but
when the bayonet was brought to bear
he fell back, and was pressed towards
Richmond fully a mile beyond our
original lines.
Again, for the fourth time, General
Porter fell back to his first position,
when an order was received from Gen.
McClellan to continue his retrogade
movement slowly and in order. So
soon as it became apparent to the ene
my that it was the purpose of Gen.
Porter to retire, the enemy again push
ed forward most boldly and bravely,
when their advance was checked by
the entire reserve force, consisting of
the New York sth, Lieutenant Colonel
Duryea, the New York 10th, Colonel
13enedix, and two other regiments, un
der command of Colonel Warren, act
ing brigadier general, and the entire
force of regulars under Major General
Sykes. This fresh force held the ene
my in check while the force which had
previously bore the brunt of the bat
tle moved steadily back and in good
order, carrying with them their woun
ded and dead.
The enemy made a fierce attack on
the reserve, but cannon were posted
at various points of the route by
which they were retiring towards the
Chickahominy, which occasionally
poured in shot and shell upon them,
and checked their movements, and en
abled the troops to move back in the
most admirable order. At one time
in this retrogade movement the re
serve force of General Sykes charged
on the enemy with the bayonet, and
drove him back nearly a mile. In
this charge the gallant New York sth
and Colonel Benedix's New York 10th
drew forth the plaudits of the army
by their steadiness and bravery, in
which they, however, lost about a
hundred of their numbers, whose bod
ies it was necessary to leave on the
field. Cheers wont up along our whole
lines at this gallant repulse, which was
at three o'clock in the afternoon, and
the enemy did not again renew the at
tack during the balance of the evening,
but turned his columns down toward
the White House; which seemed to be
the haven of all his hopes. The divi-
f. - =:y 1 --_. .:, .:.=,*-.: -
: 1 4oi-1 , ',O-'::i/lel.
sion of the enemy despatched in this
direction was estimated at from twen
ty to thirty thousand, cavalry, artil
tory and infantry. They started
down at three o'clock on Friday after
Statemont or a Paymaster
In conversation with a paymaster,
who was with Gen. Porter's Division
when the battle commenced, I have a
very full confirmation of the statement
of this gallant soldier. lie says that
being anxious for the safety of the
large amount of treasure he had in his
possession, he asked instructions, and
was told to proceed on towards Sav
age Station, on the Richmond side of
the Chickahominy, in company with
the wagon train then moving in that
direction with the knapsacks of the
men and all the valuables from the va
rious camps of the division. He joined
the train and moved on, and describes
the artillery reserves stationed along
the road to protect the retiring of the
right wing of the army across the
Chiekahominy. He says it was a most
orderly movement, conducted slowly
and steadily, and that the only evi
dence of panic was among some team
sters, who threatened to break their
lines, but were instantly checked by a
company of cavalry who drew on them,
and were ordered to blow out the
brains of the first man who deserted
his post or disobeyed the orders of the
- This gentleman left the Savage Sta
tion, south of the Chickahominy, at 7
o'clock on Saturday morning, and
states that during the night the entire
right wing of the army passed over
the river in perfect order, not losing a
wagon of the train, and only leaving
such portions of their camps as was
not doomed worth moving as they re
tired to their new lines. There had
been no fighting during the night,
though at five o'clock on Saturday
morning some heavy cannonading was
in progress on the extreme left, to
wards the James river, which soon
ceased, however, and at 7 o'clock all
was again quiet. The railroad was in
operation all night on Friday after the
battle, and the last train that left for
the White Ifousa took its departure at
7 o clock, and met no interruption on
the way down.
Last of tho White noose
On Saturday morning the work of
evacuation at the White House had
been nearly completed, and although
there was still it number of vessels at
the landing, there was an abundance
of steamers in readiness to move off
with them at any moment.
At nine o'clock a train of cars start
ed out for headquarters, but had not
been gone more than an hour before
it returned, reporting the enemy to be
approaching Dispatch Station, which
is eleven miles from the Whitehouse.
This, however is supposod to be a mis
take, as a telegraphic communication
through to General McClellan was
continued up to eleven o'clock, at
which time the mail boat started for
Fortress Monroe.
My Conclusions.
From the foregoing I think I have
conclusively proved that the object of
Gen. McClellan, long before the battle
on Friday, was to abandon the White
House, and also draw in his right
wing across the Chickahominy.—
That he has accomplished this most
masterly movement with but little loss
in comparison with his punishment of
the enemy there can be no doubt, and
that he has strengthened his position
by constructing his lines, and changing
the base of his operations to the James
river, is equally self-evident. There
he will have the co-operation of the
gunboats, and if the enemy attempt to
interrupt his supply vessels by making
a dash on the James river, they will
meet with prompt punishment from
the gunboats, and so weaken their for
ces in front that the city will fiat into
his possession with but a slight strug
gle. Although "hope may be father
to the thought," I would wager a big
apple that Gen. McClellan is in posses
sion of Richmond by Sunday next.
C. C. F.
WASHINGTON, Juno 29, 1802
Since closing my letter from the
White House, I find myself very un
expectedly in Washington city, and in
possession of most reliable informa
tion from the White House and other
points on the Peninsula, nearly a day
later than are contained in my letter.
End of the White House
It appears that the telegraphic com
munication between the White House
and Gen. McClellan was not broken
until near one o'clock on Saturday,
and then the wire was cut at Dispatch
Station, eleven miles out. Tunstall's
Station, four miles out, was in our pos
session until four o'clock in the after
noon, at which hour the operator at
the White House heard a strange sig
nal coming over the wire. On going
to the instrument he was heralded
with what the Federal soldiers call
the rebel national salute: "I say, 0
you Yankee —of —." This was
the signal given for the final evacua
tion, when a portion of the infantry
forces immediately embarked on
steamboats in waiting for them, the
last of the transports was moved off
by the steamtugs, and the few articles
scattered about on shore, even some
damaged hay, was fired. The whole
was of very small value, and thus of
the many millions of property here a
few days ago, perhaps not 85,000 was
In the midst of this closing scone of
the beautiful Chiekahominy region, I
regret to have to state that some van
dal set,fire to the White House, and it
was entirely consumed. This, doubt
less, arose from the ridiculous teach
ings of a recent grave Senatorial de
bate on this little cottage.
TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance.
The enemy made his appearance in
considerable force at tbo White House
about seven o'clock on Saturday even
ing, and although ho found neither
bread for man, nor hay for beasts, was
welcomed with heavy showers of
grape-shot from the three gunboats
which were ranged along in front of
the landing. They wore supposed to
be thirty thousand strong, and, unless
they brought their haversacks well
supplied, must have gone supperless to
bed. In the best 'f times, I found
starvation to stare me in the face at
White House, and I hope the rebels
found no better fare.
Retirement of the Troops.
The cavalry at the White House
,guarded the departure of the last of
the wagons and horses which moved
off at the final evacuation, and joined
the force under General Stoneman who
were hovering around the vicinity all
day. After passing these trains off,
and securing their safety, Gen. Stone
man with his entire force moved off in
a direction that I am not at liberty at
present to state.
Gen. Casey reports that he lost not
a man, nor did he leave a soul behind,
not even a contraband.
The Transports.
At ten o'clock on Sunday morning,
Col. Ingalls and Capt. Sautelle were
before Yorktown with an immense
convoy of vessels and steamers, on
their way to the new base of opera
tions on the James river. They would
doubtless move down immediately to
Fortress Monroe and await tha in
structions of Gen. McClellan. A large
number are, however, already up the
James river, under the protection of
the gunboats.
Telegraphic Communication
Since a very early hour on Satur
day morning, Gen. McClellan has been
deprived of his telegraphic communi
cation with Washington. Ile aban
doned its use several hours before the
wires were cut, doubtless being fear
ful that the enemy might, by placing
a magnet on the wires, read his orders.
Direct communication is now being
opened with him, however, by gun
boats up the mouth of the Chickahom
iny, and all will soon be right in this
Important from North Carolina.
A Telling Speech Delivered by Governor
Stanly at Washington.---A Gathering
of Citizens from Seventeen Counties.
[Front the Neul , ern Progress.]
The speech of Governor Stanly,
which was delivered at Washington,
N. C., on the 17th inst., before the
great Union mass meeting, was full of
moderation. and eloquence, and it may
be pronounced one of the finest pro
ductions of the day. It was received
with the utmost satisfaction by both
the Federal troops and the citizens of
the Oid North .State, who were pres
ent from seventeen counties.
Notice was given some two weeks
since to the people in the interior that
one and all, loyal and disloyal, might
come into our lines and bear Gover
nor Stanly. Seventeen counties were
represented in this gathering, which
was the largest ever assembled in this
section of the State. This great speech
will revolutionize the Old North State,
and be the means of bringing her back
into the Union at once.
We understand that Capt. Walker's
rebel cavalry, in the vicinity of Wash
ington, N. C., is completely demoral
ized and partially disbanded, but a
very few remaining. Many of its
members came to hear Governor Stan
ly at Washington, and remained.
here to-day calls to mind many scones
of the past. I thank God that we are
permitted to meet in council once
more. Ever since this infernal war,
brought on by wicked politicians who
desired power, I have had no comfort.
My thoughts have been directed to
wards these battle fields. Night and
day have I been watching events.—
I could not hear a word from my na
tive state, consequently I was unable
to learn anything definite in regard to
you. However bad I may have been,
no man can say I ever deceived him
in any particular, or intentionally led
him astray. I come to you with a
bleeding heart, honest and sincere mo
tives, desiring to give you sonic plain
thoughts. lam pleased to see so ma
ny of my old friends, who have been
so true to me, some of whom gave me
a start in the world. It is to them I
come to talk. Five thousand miles
have I come to reason with you. I
desire no promotion; I came for no
love of gain ; I ask nothing for myself.
I did not support Mr. Lincoln. Bell
and Everett were my choice. I un
derstood the wicked intention of these
Southern leaders. I have known them
long and well. I looked forward to
this outbreak. I saw it was inevita
ble, and under the circumstances, I
considered Bell and Everett the most
acceptable men.
I do not desire to discuss, or enter
into all the features of' this war, nor
talk about politics. You all know
what my politics have been for the
past twenty-five years.
How came North Carolina out of
the Union? You say that President
Lincoln's proclamation drew you into
this war. How so ? What was his
duty when he took the oath of office,
when he was sworn to maintain the
Union and enforce the laws? Has he
not done right in doing what the Con
stitution required him to do? How
could he do differently ? Was he to
act the part of a political trickster and
gambler, and wink at this unlawful at=
tempt at Secession? What would
have been his fate had ho attempted
thus to trifle with the sacred rights of
the people, and allowed a Government
the most complete of any in the country, and pos.
2E1660 the most ample Ihellitiea for momptly executing In
the best style, every variety of Job P'sfuting, such sta
. ..
LABELS, ic.C„ &C., Ice
NO. 5.
to be broken up which be had sworn
to preserve? Would he not have been
impeached, and justly hung for thus
violating his oath of office? I again
ask, how could he do differently?
What are the duties of a sheriff?—
Is he not expected to enforce the law?
Should a mob attempt to resist him, is
it not his duty to call upon the people
for assistance to enable him to enforce
the law? This is what the President
has done; he could do nothing else;
he could pursue no other course. Sup
pose New Jersey should attempt to
secede, and New York and the neigh
boring States should refuse to assist
in obliging her to respect the Consti
tution and laws of the country.—
Would it not be the duty of North
Carolina to furnish the President with
troops to enable him to execute the
If Secession is to bo recognized,
what would it lead to? Let Louisiana
secede, and then after it is accomplish
ed, what hinders her from handing
that State over to England, or - any
other Power, commanding, as it' does,
the mouth of the great father of wa
ters? This she would most assuredly
have the right to do, if she has a right
to secede, thus damming up the great
river, and excluding all the States on
its orders from a market. Would
the great Northwest submit to this?
Could not any seceded State hand ft . -
self over to any Power it might chooso,'
thus giving us monarchial govern:.
ments of every kind?
What has North Carolina to cont.
plain of? What rights of hers have
been violated ? Wherein has the gov
ernment of the United States distress
ed her, or any other citizens? Was
she burdened by taxation? Were her
citizens called upon to pay a direct
tax to support the Government?—
Were not all her rights and institution*
under the protecting flag of the Uni
ted States ?
My doctrines aro those of Washing
ton, Marshall, Badger, Graham, Gil
mer, and Donnell ; doctrines on which
the Government was founded.
Secession is treason. It must be put
down, otherwise the Republic is gone,
and we are involved in an eternal war.
The Government must be maintained.
We aro one people, one we will remain,
one we will die. Secession is eternal
war. If it succeeds, republican .liber
ties are lost forever.
What do the rebels say? What did
they tell you ? First, they said seces
sion would be peaceable ; that •the
Northerners would not fight, and that
foreign Powers would recognize the
" Southern Confederacy;" that the
Democrats in the North would assist
the south in securing herindependence.
Have any of these predictions been
realized ? After secession took place,
you were told that the northern troops
were coming South to free ail your
slaves, confiscate all your property,
devastate the land, slaughter your wo
men and children, outrage your daugh
ters, and so on. Has this been real
ized Have not your rights and pro
perty been respected?
Outrages will, to a certain extent,
be committed by the best disciplined
armies in the world. It must be ex
pected ; such are the results of war.—
The property and rights of no people
have been respected so well in times
of war as your property and rights.—
And what is more, the Government
holds itself in readiness to remunerate
all loyal citizens for all the losses they
have sustained. Could there be any
thing more fair ? Will the Confedera
cy do this ? What is their money
worth a bushel Not a cent.
You say your slaves are all to - be
emancipated. What course has the
Federal Government pursued thus far
in regard to your slaves? When Fre
mont, Hunter, and Phelps issued their
proclamation of emancipation, did not
the President revoke them all ? Has
he not said, over and over again, that
he had no constitutional right to eman
cipate the slaves? Has he not adhered
strictly to the Constitution and lawS of
the country? Does he not insist that
all the States shall be protected in all
their rights ? What more can be asked
of him, who is the President of all the
States? Why, then, are we involved
in war?
Much is said about the slaves coming
into the Federal lines, and many com
plaints made because they are not
promptly given up. Are they not in
the Confederate lines and are they not
used to build fortifications and do the
work of rebels, and in many instances
used to man rebel guns, and fight
galinst the Union ? TheFederalarmy
can't make a business of catching no
groes and delivering them up. They
have come here to put down treason,
and a war which the rebels inatigura
ted. Sufferings must be expected,
losses will be incurred, you must abide
by events. The South is to blame for
all of the disasters which may occur.
If this war continues, look at the
consequences; see what has already
taken place, see what nitist fbllow. In
Newborn there are nearly 5,000 slaves;
they aro here—more continue to come.
Should the war continue, and the Fed
eral army be obliged to advance into
the interior, then will the consequences
be upon your own heads Then your
institutions, and everything you have
and own, will necessarily be in peril.
The people must move. Call your
meetings in every county. Let your
convention know your wishes. -Let
trade be open ; let the blockade be
withdrawn. Como and be restored
to the inestimable privileges of Amer
can citizens.
Any man who will take up arms
against such a -Government as this
ought to lose his property. lam in
dignant at such men, and cannot re
frain from expressing my feelings. '
Much has been said about the negro
schools in Newborn, When I came I
found them there established by Mr.